An Inaugural Effort by District Coaches To Provide Fundamental Sports Skills Instruction To The Youth of Our Community

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Summer Sports Camps 2013

An inaugural effort by district coaches to provide fundamental sports skills instruction to the youth of our community
Swimming Girls June 29-30, 8:00-11:00 Location: Olympic View Pool Entering Grades 9-12 Cost: $10 or $20 Late Basketball June 15, 10:00-1:00 Location: Mount Rainier High School Entering Grades 1-12 Cost: $45 or $55 Late June 17-21, 9:00-3:00 & *3:00-5:00 Optional Boys July 6-7, 8:00-11:00 Location: Marvista Elementary Location: Olympic View Pool Entering Grades 4-7 Entering Grades 9-12 Cost: $175 or $185 Late Cost: $10 or $20 Late *$75: optional extended care w/snack, 3-5 July 8-31, M/W 10:45-12:15 Cheer Location: Evergreen Community Aquatic Center Session One: June 17-20, 9:00-10:30 Entering Grades 7-12 Location: Evergreen Campus Cost: $60 or $70 Late Entering Grades 2-4 Tennis Cost: $75 or $85 Late Session One: July 22-26, 1:00-2:30 Session Two: June 17-20, 11:00-12:30 Location: Evergreen Campus Location: Evergreen Campus Rookie to Intermediate (Grades 7-12) Entering Grades 5-8 Cost: $65 or $75 Late Cost: $75 or $85 Late Session Two: July 22-26, 3:00-4:30 Cross Country Location: Evergreen Campus July 15-19, 9:00-3:00 Intermediate and Up (Grades 7-12) Location: North SeaTac Park Cost: $65 or $75 Late Entering Grades 9-12 Session Three: July 29-31, 10:00-12:30 Cost: FREE Location: Evergreen Campus Dance/Drill Rookie to Intermediate (Grades 7-12) August 26-28, 12:00-3:00 Cost: $65 or $75 Location: Highline High School Session Four: July 29-31, 1:00-3:30 Entering Grades 1-7 Location: Evergreen Campus Cost: $75 or $85 Late Intermediate and Up (Grades 7-12) Football Cost: $65 or $75 Late June 4-6, 6:00-8:00 Volleyball Location: Highline Memorial Stadium July 8-11, 9:00-12:00 Entering Grades 1-8 Location: Evergreen Campus Cost: $25 or $35 Late Entering Grades 6-9 July 9-11, 5:00-7:00 Cost: $40 or $50 Late Location: Evergreen Campus Wrestling Entering Grades 1-8 June 3-5, 3:00-5:00 Cost: $25 or $35 Late Location: Tyee Complex Soccer Entering Grades 7-8 August 12-16, 9:00-12:00 Cost: FREE Location: Highline Memorial Stadium June 10-12, 3:00-5:00 Entering Grades 1-6 Location: Evergreen Campus Cost: $50 or $60 Late Entering Grades 7-8 Cost: FREE June 17-21, 3:00-5:00 Location: Evergreen Campus Entering Grades 7-12 Cost: $50 or $60 Late

Please Enclose Registration and Risk Form with Payment First Name __________________________ Last Name ______________________________ School __________________________ Entering Grade_________ Home Phone/Cell Phone _______________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________ Address/City/Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact ___________________________________________ Emergency Contact Phone(s) _____________________________________________ Please Check All Boxes That Apply June 15 Cost: $45

q Basketball q Dance/Drill
August 26-28 Cost: $75

q Basketball June 17-21 Cost: $175 q Football

June 4-6 Cost: $25

q Optional Care for BB June 17-21 Cost: $75 q Football

July 9-11 Cost: $25

q Cheer Session 1: June 17-20 Cost: $75 q Soccer

August 12-16 Cost: $50

q Cheer Session 2: June 17-20 Cost: $75 q Swimming

Girls June 29-30 Cost: $10

q Cross Country July 15-19 Cost: FREE q Swimming

Boys July 6-7 Cost: $10

q Swimming July 8-31 M/W Cost: $60 q Wrestling June 3-5 Cost: FREE

q Tennis Session 1: July 22-26 Cost: $65 q Wrestling June 10-12 Cost: FREE

q Tennis Session 2: July 22-26 Cost: $65 q Wrestling June 17-21 Cost: $50

q Tennis Session 3: July 29-31 Cost: $65

q Tennis Session 4: July 29-31 Cost: $65

q Volleyball July 8-11 Cost: $40

Please make check payable to: HPS Athletics 15675 Ambaum Blvd. S.W. Total Payment: $__________________________ Burien, WA 98166 Questions? Contact Debbi Mathews at [email protected]. (206) 433-2418

Please Circle Shirt Size: Child T-Shirt Size: S M L Adult T-Shirt Size: S M L XL XXL XXXL

Participants with form and payment received one week before a June Camp, June 28 for a July camp or August 2 for an August camp will receive a t-shirt at the camp. T-shirts will be available at a later date for those submitting registrations beyond the deadline. Please return the registration and risk form with registration fee to Highline Public Schools Athletics. Please add $10 for late registration or registration at the door. Those paying at the door will receive a t-shirt at a later date and will be contacted when the shirt is available for pick-up.

Assumption of Risk/Permission to Participate

As a parent or guardian of a student requesting to register for participation in Summer Camps 2013 sponsored by Highline Public Schools, I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to the following:

I acknowledge that camps entail many risks of injury, even when played in an instructional clinic environment. These risks of injury include, but are not limited to, death, serious neck and spinal injuries (which may result in complete or partial paralysis), brain damage, serious injury to virtually all internal organs, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other aspects of the muscular skeletal system and serious injury or impairment to other aspects of the body, general health, and well-being. _________Parent initial I further certify that my child has no medical or physical conditions which could interfere with his/her safety in this activity, or else I am willing to assume and bear the costs of all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. _________Parent initial Medical Information The following special health problems should be noted: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the event of an emergency, I wish the following person to be notified in case I cannot be contacted: Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Release In the event of an accident or illness, I understand that reasonable effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian immediately. However, if I am not available, I authorize Highline Public Schools to secure emergency medical care as needed. Name of Preferred Doctor _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________ Medical Insurance I understand that I am assuming financial responsibility for medical expenses that may arise from my childs participation and that Highline Public Schools requires but does not provide medical insurance for my child. I certify that my child has current medical coverage under the following plan: Health Insurance Carrier:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Plan Number (required):________________________________________________ All participants are required to have medical or student accident insurance. Student accident insurance is available through Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc. Contact your schools main office for information. Although I understand that Highline Public Schools will make reasonable effort to provide a safe environment, I am fully aware of the special dangers and risks inherent in participating in this activity, including physical injury and/or death. Being fully aware of the risks, I hereby give permission for: _______________________________________________________________________________who attends______________________________________________________________________________________ (Student) (School) To participate in Summer Camps 2013 sponsored by Highline Public Schools, for the purpose of practicing fundamental sports skills in order to enhance skill and performance level. Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address/City/Zip _________________________________________________________________________________ Home/Cell/Work Phone(s) _______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________________________________________

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