Self Appraisal For Academic Performance Index (Api) Objectives: 1) To Be Aware of Self Appraisal

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SELF APPRAISAL FOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDEX (API) Objectives: 1) To be aware of Self Appraisal 2) To learn filling up Self-Appraisal forms

3) To evaluate and document one's own performance 4) To facilitate Career advancement of teachers Concept: Teachers are well familiar with assessment and evaluation of students. Self appraisal helps to figure out what teacher's strengths and weaknesses are. It allows one to take at an honest look at oneself. It is a process of self evaluation to determine the level of selfefficiency .It is a part of continuing professional development or career advancement. It has been suggested as an indicator of CAS. As per UGC regulations 2010 on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges it is mandatory for all universities and colleges to prepare Performance Based Appraisal in the prescribed format for applying to any teaching post or career advancement. The individual Performance Based Appraisal System (PABS) PART A: - General Information & Academic background 1. Name(in block letters) :-_____________________________________________ 2. Father's/Mother's Name:- ____________________________________________ 3. Department:- _________________________________________ 4. Name of the College:- ______________________________________________ 5. Current Designation:- _______________________________ 6. Current Pay band & Grade pay:- _______________________________________ 7. Date of last promotion:- ______________________________________________ 8. Position to which to be promoted:- _____________________________________ 9. Pay band expected & Grade pay:- ______________________________________ 10. Date of eligibility for promotion:- _____________________________________ 11. Date & place of birth:- ______________________________________________ 12. Sex:- __________________________ 13. Marital Status:- ____________________________________________________ 14. Nationality:- ________________________ 15. Category to which belongs:- Open/SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged 16. Address for the correspondence:- ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 17. Permanent Address:______________________________________ ______________________________________ 18. Contact Numbers:- (O)__________________(R)____________________ (M)_______________________ 19. E mail id:- ___________________________________________________

20. Academic Qualifications (SSC to Post Graduation) :Examination Name of Board/ University Year of passing % of Marks obtained Division/ Class/ Grade Subjects

21. Research Degrees:Name of the Degree M.phil Ph.D. D.Sc./D.Litt. Any other 22. Appointments held prior to joining this institution :Designation Name of the employer Date of Joining Date of leaving Pay band Reason for with Grade leaving pay Title of the Thesis Date of Award as per University notification Name of the University

23. Posts held after appointment to this institution:-





Pay band with Grade pay

24. Total teaching experience( in years) :At Undergraduate level (at previous institution): -____________ years At Undergraduate level (at present institution): - ____________ years Total: - ____________ years At Postgraduate level (at previous institution):- _____________years At Postgraduate level (at present institution):- ______________ years Total: - ____________ years 25. Research experience excluding years spent for M.phil/Ph.D.:- _________ years 26. Field of specialization under the subject/discipline if any:- ________________ 27. Academic Staff College Orientation/Refresher courses attended:Name of the Course Name of the Academic Staff College Name of the University Duration Sponsoring agency if any

28. Training & Capacity building workshops attended:-

Name of the Training programme

Place where held

Name of the Organizing body


PART B: - Academic Performance Indicators

Category I Teaching, Learning & Evaluation related Strategies (Maximum Total Score 125, Minimum API required 75)

1. Lectures, Practical, Contact hours( Semester wise/Annual detail):(Maximum Score 50) Sr. Name of the Credit Mode of Number Course/Paper weight age teaching* taught of the course Hours/week allotted % of Class taken as per documented record

*L= Lecture P= Practical S= Seminar AS= Assignments

ALM= Active learning methodology GD= Group discussions FD= Field visits AO= Any other

2. Lectures or other teaching duties in excess of the UGC norms (Maximum Score 10) 3. Reading/Instructional material provided ,Use of additional Knowledge resources for subject enrichment (Maximum Score 20) 4. Use of participatory and innovative teaching learning methodologies(use of ICT, Sandhan , E Library, Remedial courses & Skill modules) (Maximum Score 20) 5. Examination duties (Invigilation, Paper setting, evaluation of students at theory/practical examination) (Maximum Score 25) Sr.Number Maximum API Score 1 50 2 10 3 20 4 20 5 25 Total 125 API Score obtained

Category II Co-Curricular, Extension and Professional Development Activities (Maximum Score 50, Minimum API required 15) Sr.Number 1 2 Name of the activity NSS/NCC/Yoga,Cultural( Saptdhara, Youth festival),Counseling etc Member of Academic/Administrative committees, Member of NGOs. ,Chamber of Commerce, On Deputation to Various Educational Institutes, On Deputation to Education Department Professional development activities such as participation/organization of Seminars/Workshops, Job fairs, Talks, Field visits, Study tours. Zonal/State/District level Coordination of Higher Education initiatives Maximum Score 20 15


Sr.Number 1 2 3 Total

Maximum API Score 20 15 15 50

API Score obtained

Category III Research and Academic Contribution 1. Published Papers in Journals (International Journals, National Journals, Regional Journals) Sr.No. Title with page no. Journal ISSN/ ISBN No. Impact No. of factor/ CoPeer author reviewed if any Whether you are main author API Score (Max.15)

2. A) Articles/Chapters published in Books (International publications, National publications, Regional publications, State publications) Sr. No Title with page no. Book, title, editor & publisher ISSN/ Whether ISBN peer No. reviewed No. of Coauthors Whether you are main author API * Score Max 10

*(API Score for International 10, National 5, Regional 3 and State 3) B) Full Papers in Conference Proceedings (International, National, State level Conference) Sr.No. Title with page no. Details of ISSN/ Conference ISBN publication No. No. of Coauthors Whether you are main author API Score Max.10

C) Books published as single author or as editor (International publications, National publications, Regional publications) Sr. No. Title with page no. Type of book & authorship Publisher & ISSN/ISBN Whether peer reviewed No. of Coauth ors Whether you are main author API** Score Max. 90

**(API Score for international author 50, editor 10; National Author 25, Editor 5 and Regional Author 15, Editor 3)

3. Ongoing & Completed Research Projects Consultancies (Including State Research Projects) Category Title Agency Period


Grant Mobilized (in Rs)

API Score Max. 10 per project

Ongoing Completed

4. Research Guidance Sr.No. To college students M.Phil or equivalent Ph.D. or equivalent Number Enrolled Thesis Submitted Degree/Certificates API Awarded Score 2 for each student 3 for each candidate
10 for each candidate, 7 for thesis submitted

5. Faculty Development Programmes (Not less than one week duration) Sr.No. Programme Duration Organized by API Score

6. Papers presented in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposia Sr.No. Title of the Paper Title of Seminar/ Conference Organized by International/ National/State/ Regional/College or University level API Score *** Max.10

***(API Score for International 10, National 7.5, Regional 5 and State 3

7. Invited Lectures & Chairmanships at National/International/State level Conference/Seminar/Workshops/Training programmes Sr.No. Title of Title of the Academic Conference/ session Seminar Organized by National/ API International/ Score Regional Max 10

PART C: -Other Relevant Information/Awards, Recognition received Sr.No. Details( Year, Type, Value etc)

SUMMARY OF API SCORE Category Criteria Last Academic year Total API Score for the Assessment Period Annual average API Score for the Assessment Period

I II Total of I+II III

Teaching, Learning & Evaluation Co-Curricular, Extension. Professional development

Research & Academic Contribution 4. 5. 6.

List of Enclosures: - 1 . 2. 3.

Signature of the Faculty with designation, place and date

Signature of the Principal of the institution with place and date

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