When Will Marriage Happen

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When will marriage happen?

| Vedic Astrology Lessons

Marriage Add comments Aug 152012 Apropos to my previous article about marriage and relationships; I am trying to share and explain my understandings and observations regarding timing of marriage. In Brihat Parashara Hora Shashtra (Chapter 20), some planetary combinations (Yogas) are mentioned about the marital age. However, exact identification of the marriage giving Dasa is not mentioned in BPHS. In tenth chapter of Phaladeepika though, Sage Mantreshawara has given some hints regarding the marriage time. In this article, I will try to explore and explain these Yogas for the benefit of the reader. First, I will be taking a few verses mentioned in Chapter 20 of Brihat Parashara Hora Shashtra. The Venus is considered as general significator for wife and marriage in female horoscopes; while for female Horoscope, this role is assigned to Jupiter. Therefore, wherever the Sage mentioned the role of Venus as significator for wife and marriage it is to be taken as Jupiter for female horoscope. The Verse 22 says that if the seventh lord is in zodiac sign of auspicious planet and Venus is in its own zodiac sign or exalted in a vedic astrology horoscope it will confer early marriage to the native. Sage Parashara specifically mentioned the age of marriage as 5th or 9th year. During earlier times, marriage is usually pre-scheduled and fixed by the parents during the early childhood and getting married before the age of 15 years was quite common. Therefore, for todays culture and system, this should be taken as early and/or timely marriage for the native and in accordance with the customs being followed by the family. Both seventh lord and karaka for wife i.e. Venus are placed in good and favorable zodiac signs are said to giver of early and/or timely marriage. The houses occupied by these planets viz. the seventh lord and Venus will also have a say and the results will be modified accordingly. Similarly, the disposition of these planets in Navamsha Chart should also be analyzed. As per Verse 22 If the Sun, in a vedic astrology horoscope, is placed in seventh house and the seventh lord is united with Venus it will generate marriage in 7th or 11th year of age. The placement of the Sun in seventh house is not considered much auspicious for marriage; and thus, the sign occupied by the Sun in seventh house should be given due consideration. The union of seventh lord with Venus (significator for wife and marriage) is mentioned as capable of generating marriage for the native within marriageable age. And, and mentioned above, for female horoscopes, the role of Venus is replaced by Jupiter. That is if the seventh lord is united with Jupiter in a female horoscope it will generate the similar results as Venus for male horoscope. Verse 24 states that if the Venus is placed in second house and the seventh lord is in eleventh house marriage takes place in 10th or 16th year. This verse is related with the placement of Venus (significator for wife and marriage) in the house of family (second house); and if at the

same time the lord of seventh house has gone to the house of gains (eleventh house), the early and/or timely marriage is conferred upon by such placement of planets. Verse 25 is related to the disposition of lagna lord and Venus in the Lagna Chart. If Venus is placed in Kendra and Lagna (Ascendant) lord in the sign of Saturn the marriage will take place in the 11th year. The first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses are called Kendra Bhavas. The occupation of the zodiac sign of Saturn by the Ascendant lord is considered to be causing some delay in the marriage due to which the marriage is said to be taking place in 11th year. As per Verse 26 , if Venus is placed in Kendra Bhavas of a vedic astrology horoscope and such Venus is also having seventh aspect of Saturn, marriage is in 12th or 19th year. If Moon also joins the Saturn, then the marriage is in 18th year. This verse is very important and containing good clues for ascertaining the marriage time. The disposition of the Venus in Kendra Bhavas (1, 4, 7, 10 houses) is supportive for marriage to take place. However, the aspect of Saturn on Venus is said to be delaying the marriage. And, if Moon also comes under the direct influence of Saturn via union; it will further delay the marriage. Thus, the Honble Sage Parashara has given a very potent and additional clue, which will be helpful in deciding the timing of marital prospects in a vedic astrology horoscope. The nature of Saturn for specific Ascendant as well as the zodiac sign occupied by it will also have a say in determining the exact nature of influence being exerted by Saturn. And, if Saturn happens to be an auspicious planet and occupy auspicious zodiac signs; in that case, the delay may not be significant or even may not take place at all depending upon the nature and strength of seventh lord in the vedic astrology horoscope. Verse 28 suggests that if, in a vedic astrology horoscope, the lord of second house is placed in eleventh house; and at the same time the Lagna lord is occupying the tenth house it will generate marriage in the 15th year. This verse indicates the connection and potency of Lagna Lord to generate marriage. A strong and well placed Lagna lord; and the support of second (family) house is capable of generating marriage. Now a day, the age of 15 years will be too early; thus, it can be taken as marriage during prime youth i.e. between 25 to 30 years of age. And, if the disposition of Venus and seventh lord is also good and supportive; the marriage may take place even during initial phase of young age. As per Verse 29; if there is an exchange taking place between second and eleventh houses of a vedic astrology horoscope; the native will be blessed with marriage during 13th year. This verse appears to be based upon the sole strength of second (family) house; which can also generate timely marriage. And, the disposition of second lord in Navamsha Chart should also be analyzed for concluding the fruitfulness of this Yoga. Verse 30 is related with identifying major delays in the marriage. It says that if Venus placed in second house of a vedic astrology horoscope; and at the same time second lord is making union with Mars this will generate marriage in 22nd or 27th years of age. For current scenario, this can be taken as marriage around 40 years of age. This verse deals with contradictory placements of planets for marital prospects as well as the role of dispositor in deciding the fruitfulness of a planet. The disposition of Venus in second house is good and potent for promoting marital prospects. However, the union of second lord with Mars is not considered to be auspicious for

matters related to family and marriage. Therefore, under such situation; the results of auspicious planet (i.e. Venus ) will come after delay and obstructions. Verse 31 states that if the Lagna lord in the Navamsha of 7th house of a vedic astrology horoscope i.e. the Lagna or Ascendant lord is in the zodiac sign which falls in the seventh house of Navamsha Chart; and the seventh house lord is placed in twelfth house the marriage will be conferred in 23rd or 26th years of age. In modern times, this can be understood for marriage around/after 40 years of age. This verse is also of great importance as such it indicates the importance of planetary placement in Navamsha Chart. As per Verse 32 if the lord of eighth house is placed in seventh house and the Navamsha Lagna is occupied by Venus in a vedic astrology horoscope the marriage will take place in 25th or 33rd years of age. In modern times, this can be taken as delayed marriage taking place around 45th years of age. This verse also suggests the importance of Navamsha Chart as well as the role of Venus (significator for marriage in male horoscope; and for female horoscope this role is played by Jupiter) in blessing the native with marital happiness. Verse 34 is related to the disposition of Venus in a vedic astrology horoscope. It says that if Venus is positioned in fifth house; and Rahu is also placed in fifth or ninth houses the marriage is said to be taking place in 31st or 33rd year. This verse indicates the importance of Venus as significator for marriage (for female horoscope, Jupiter should be considered) and the inauspiciousness of Rahu in creating delay/obstructions in marriage. In addition to above, the last section of tenth chapter of Phaladeepika ( by Honble Sage Mantreshwara) also contains some good clues to ascertain the marriage time in a vedic astrology horoscope. It says: 1. Identify the sign occupied by the lord of Ascendant in Lagna and Navamsha Chart. And, when Venus or the seventh lord transits through the zodiac signs falling in Trikona house from either of these zodiac signs this will generate marriage. For example, if one is born in Cancer Ascendant, wherein the first house is ruled by the Moon. And, if the Moon occupies Taurus zodiac sign in Lagna Chart and Aquarius zodiac sign in Navamsha Chart. In that case, the transit of Saturn or Venus from trikona bhavas from these two zodiac signs (i.e. from Gemini, Virgo, Libra or Capricorn) can generate marriage. 2.

Identify the planet(s) which are: Placed in seventh house of Lagna Chart Casting their aspect on seventh house of Lagna Chart Lord of seventh house.

When the dasa of any of these above planets is operational; and the Ascendant lord is transiting through seventh house, it can generate marriage. 3. Another method of identifying the time of marriage in a vedic astrology horoscope is mentioned below.

First identify the following:

Which is stronger among Venus and Moon? And, which planet is stronger among the lord of the sign, which is occupied by seventh house lord in Lagna Chart and the lord of the sign occupied by the seventh lord in Navamsha.

Marriage may take place during the dasa/Antardasa of such strong planets (identified as above), when the transit Jupiter passes through the zodiac signs falling in Trikona from the zodiac signs occupied by seventh lord in Lagna and Navamsha Chart. For deriving appropriate conclusion, during practical applications of these yogas (combinations), the following points should be kept into consideration: The strength of first house and its lord: The whole horoscope revolves around the first house of natal birth chart as such all the positive or negative results (indicated by the planetary disposition) are to be felt and experienced by the person concerned. A strong and well placed lord of first house; and auspicious planetary influences on the first house ensures good protection against the inauspicious influences taking place in a horoscope. Therefore, if the Lagna lord is strong, it will help in smooth and steady rise in overall aspect of life including marriage; On the contrary, weak and troubled first house/lord may generate negative results even with minor afflictions/weaknesses in the horoscope. The strength of second house and its lord: Inter alia other things, the second house of a vedic astrology horoscope also represents family. And, the strength and disposition of second house and its lord is always observed to be very prominently supportive for fruitfulness of marriage and post marital relationships. Many times, when the second house and its lord are under severe afflictions; there may be troubles in getting married or problems in post marital relationships. The strength of seventh house and its lord: In vedic astrology horoscope, the seventh house and its lord directly represents the other half i.e. spouse. And, therefore, the malefic planetary influences on second house or on seventh lord may also deteriorate the fruitfulness of the horoscope in terms of marriage. The strength and disposition of marriage Karaka: Venus is considered as prime significator for wife and marriage in male horoscope. And, for female horoscope, this role is assigned to Jupiter. Quite a time, the disposition of Venus or Jupiter may act as independent factor for deciding the marital significations. And, even in the yogas/combinations mentioned by Sage Parashara; very reasonable preference is observed to be given to the disposition of Venus in a horoscope. Transit: The transit also have its space and value in blessing the native with marriage. However, it has to be seen in the light of overall planetary disposition and the operating dasa. Like, if the relevant planets are fairly disposed and operating dasa is also favoring marriage; even minor transit support may generate the marriage. On the contrary, if there is weakness on the

part of above mentioned houses/planets; and inauspicious or irrelevant dasa is operational even the strong transit influence may go fruitless.

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