Durban Commodity Chain

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Which link, in which chain?

Inserting Durban into global

automotive supply chains

Peter V Hall and Glen Robbins

Working Paper No 46


ISBN : 1-86840-607-5

Peter Hall [email protected] is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography at

the University of Waterloo, where he also is Director of the Local Economic Development
Program. His research addresses the economic development role of seaports, airports, and other
public institutions, as well as employment and local wage policies. Before commencing his
doctoral studies at the University of California at Berkeley, he worked in the Economic
Development Unit of the Durban Metropolitan Council.

Glen Robbins [email protected] is a part-time Research Fellow at the School of

Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Durban), and is a graduate of the Institute of
Development Studies at the University of Sussex. He also works as a consultant specializing in
regional and local economic development with a focus on city strategies, infrastructure planning
and financing and industrial policy. Until recently he headed up the Economic Development and
City Enterprises functions in the eThekwini Municipality (Durban).

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 1


In the closing sentence of his call for a new paradigm in port studies,
Robinson issues the following challenge: “the role of ports and the way in
which ports position themselves in the new business environments beyond
2001 must be defined within a paradigm of ports as elements in value-driven
chain systems, not simply as places with particular, if complex, functions”
(2002: 252). Recent research on the maritime shipping industry has focused
upon the emergence of more integrated logistics chains, both within the
maritime industry itself and between maritime- and land-based
transportation modes (Slack at al, 2002; Notteboom, 2002). Greater
integration of logistics chains raises difficult questions for ports and port-
cities seeking to secure or maintain dominant positions within global trade
flows (Notteboom & Winklemans, 2001; Heaver et al, 2001). The attention
to integration along logistics chains parallels and indeed draws upon the
wider literature on global commodity chains (Gereffi, 1994; Gereffi et al,
2005) and supply chains (Cox et al, 2002).

The logistics chain perspective indicates that ports should seek to insert
themselves as privileged nodes within particular logistics chains. While we
do not disagree with this general policy conclusion, in this paper we show
that the potential for conflict and uncertainty over goals, roles and actions
with respect to supply chain insertion increases significantly when we
rescale the analysis in two dimensions; namely, when move from the port to
the port-city and the nation, and from the logistics to the whole supply chain.
While recognising the close connections between them, for clarity we
distinguish between logistics chains which deal with the distribution of
goods in physical space, and value chains which deal with inter-firm
relationships in economic space. We use the term supply chain to encompass
both. However, with some exceptions, few attempts have been made to nest
the analysis of logistics chains within the larger supply chains in which they
are located. We argue that this analytical bracketing may potentially lead to
incorrect policy advice.

Using a case study of the attempts since 1994 to insert Durban into global
automotive supply chains, we trace the debate and conflict over what
logistics functions to serve in which value chain. We show that this conflict
results not only from the tensions within or between competing value and
logistics chains, but also from the tensions between parallel local and
national decision-making arenas. At the local level, port planning and day-
to-day port management are not coordinated with city planning and
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 2
economic development functions (Hall & Robbins, 2002). At the national
level, port policy is caught up in the privatisation and transformation of the
national transport agency, while automotive sector policies reflect national
industrial goals. This decision-making environment seriously complicates
the goal of rapid agreement and alignment around supply chain insertion.

The paper consists of a short section which presents the conceptual

framework and key concepts used in the paper, highlighting the policy
challenges raised for ports and port-cities by introducing scale into the
supply chain perspective. The bulk of the paper is devoted to the second
section which contains the case study. Here we nest the analysis of
automobile imports and exports moving through the port of Durban within
the wider port-city and national development context. The paper concludes
with a brief conclusion.



The goals of actors operating within supply chains, if not the precise
strategies they may employ or the nature of the regimes governing specific
chains, are relatively clear. First, actors seek to insert themselves into supply
chains. Supply chains provide actors with access to technology, capital,
supplies, expertise, and markets, and most importantly, to knowledge about
these critical resources (Gereffi, 1994). For ports, the goal of logistic chain
insertion has been pursued through improved landside connections,
incentives, leases and concessions to attract more port callers, and port
networking (see Heaver, 1995; Notteboom & Winklemans, 2001). National
and local economies seek to insert themselves into what are, at least in the
automobile sector, value chains that dominated by a decreasing number of
global players (Sturgeon & Florida, 2000). With respect to the case study
that follows, Morris at al wrote that “(i)f Toyota SA is to compete in the
long term, it needs better access to Toyota Japan’s global networks, and it
similarly needs to help facilitate significant export contracts for its domestic
component suppliers” (2002: 125).

Second, actors seek appropriate integration within supply chains in order to

reduce overall transactions costs and provide services more efficiently. This
implies that actors, including ports, within a given supply chain should
cooperate in order to out-compete other chains. This perspective is the raison
d'être of supply chain management as a field of practice. Transaction costs
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 3
reasoning has been applied to explain vertical integration in the maritime
sector (Panayides, 2002) and has informed much of the World Bank and
UNCTAD work on port reform (Bichou and Gray, 2004). Another form of
greater integration within supply chains is the upgrading of productive
capacity through a variety of (often collective and local) learning, innovating
and harmonising processes (Humphrey and Schmitz, 2002; Coe et al, 2004).

Third, however, while the heightened integration predicted by the

transactions cost approach may be applicable to some parts of the logistics
industry, it does not accurately account for the observed diversity in the
governance of supply chains (Cox, et al, 2002; Gereffi et al, 2005). What the
‘power perspective’ highlights is that supply chain actors will also seek to
secure advantage over each other by developing critical assets / supply chain
capacities. This is because each actor in a supply chain is in some sense in
competition with every other actor over the value that may be extracted from
what are essentially uncompetitive economic systems (Cox et al 2002).
Supply chains are thus inherently unstable, and subject to competition from
within as well as from without. Hence, Robinson (2002) asks which critical
assets a port must secure in order to enjoy some power when negotiating
with steamship lines and other users of port services, while local (and
national) economies seek benefits when bargaining with inward investors
(Yeung & Li, 1999).

We summarise the three goals of actors with respect to supply chains as

insertion, integration and dominance, recognising the tensions that exist
between these goals as well as the competition between the actors. In order
to understand how these goals play out in ports and the city-regions that host
them, it seems to us that there are two further challenges. First, we need to
re-scale the port, and second, we need to pay close attention to the nature of
particular supply chains and the specific character of the actors which
populate them.

By recognising that ports are elements in supply chains, we are implicitly

recognising that they exist in relation to actors and processes that operate
within, across and between multiple spatial scales. In this sense, the
challenge facing us is the same challenge which economic globalisation
presents to all contemporary spatial-economic analysis and policy (Dicken,
2003). Economic geographers may reduce such multi-scalar analyses to the
tension between the local and the global scales (Lipietz, 1993), although the
definition of the ‘local’ and the ‘global’ may vary from one context to
another. For example, global trading regions and the sub-port terminal scale
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 4
intersect in Olivier and Slack’s (forthcoming) argument that the global
terminal operating firm is currently a prime agent of port change. Likewise,
in studies more directly concerned with global production chains, Humphrey
and Schmitz (2002) ask whether insertion into global value chains leads to
upgrading of local industrial clusters, while Coe et al (2004) ask whether
regional institutions allow favourable ‘strategic coupling’ between local
firms and global production networks.

It is also important to recognise that we have been using the term supply
chain to apply to what are in fact a diverse group of historically contingent
and unique formations (Hall, 2004). As indicated above, we have reduced
this diversity in supply chains to two ideal types; the logistic chain and the
value chain. In part, we do this is because of the historic functional
separation between production / manufacturing and distribution /
transportation, although this is an epistemological divide that has been
superceded by economic globalisation (Hall et al, forthcoming). The
question for ports, and the city-regions that host them, is which chain or
chains might they seek to insert themselves into, recognising that there may
be trade-offs between different chains. For example, greater port throughput
(in a logistics chain) need not necessarily translate into greater local
economic activity (in a value chain); indeed, modern ports may impose
negative externalities on their host cities without providing commensurate
local employment and other economic benefits (Campbell, 1993).

The over-arching point is that recognising that ports are elements in global
supply chains severely complicates the scalar and bounding dimensions of
the analytical and policy task. To begin answering the question, which link
in which chain, we propose an ideal-typical framework that cuts across three
spatial scales (port, port-city and nation), and identifies various actors
seeking to insert themselves into, integrate activities along, and secure
dominance within two types of value chain (logistic and value chains). The
framework is summarised in Table 1; we have included a series of examples
of the strategies that might be employed with respect to each. The case study
that follows will illustrate how a variety of actors acting at different scales
have used these strategies to insert Durban into global automobile supply
chains. We show that conflict results not only from the tensions within or
between competing value and logistics chains, but particularly from the
tensions between parallel local and national decision-making arenas.

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 5

Table 1: Typology of supply chain strategies at different scales, with examples

Logistics chains Value chains

Port (ie. on- or Insertion Attract lines through On- or near-dock value-
near-dock and concessions, leases added activity
terminal Integration Improved on-dock Integrate on-dock with
facility) information systems overall supply chain
information systems
Dominance Specialised and Unique on- or near-dock
dedicated terminal processing facilities
Port-city (ie. Insertion Local road Export promotion
immediate port connections
hinterland) Integration Backhaul cooperation Local cluster strategy
Dominance Transport industry Develop immobile
cluster strategy capacities
Nation (ie. Insertion Long-distance (rail) Inward investment
beyond port- service and attraction
city) infrastructure
Integration Regional corridor National cluster strategy
Dominance Transshipment hub Strategic trade policy


We use the conceptual framework to understand the dynamic relationship

between the Port of Durban, city and national governments, and the
automotive sector in the Durban region and elsewhere in South Africa. Three
crucial features of the case study should be noted at the outset. First, the case
is one of a port that enjoys an effective monopoly over the majority of
containerised cargo movements through southern Africa. Second, the port
forms part of a national parastatal organisation which remains relatively
centralised despite the overall trend towards devolution in post-Apartheid
South Africa. And third, the South African state at both national and local
levels maintains a developmental stance with respect to the automotive

The section begins with a brief introduction to the automobile sector in

Durban and the development of the port in the City. This is then followed
with a discussion of changes in the national economy with an emphasis on
trends in the automotive sector. The case study then looks specifically at
automotive logistics chain and value chain issues that have arisen in Durban
in the past decade.

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 6

Background to the auto sector and the Port of Durban
The Port of Durban has been South Africa’s premier maritime trade facility
since relatively early in the twentieth century. However, it was through the
country’s post World War II industrialisation that the Port of Durban secured
substantial and ongoing state investment, aimed initially at cultivating it as
the primary port serving the country’s economic mining and industrial
heartland (in what is today the Gauteng Province). While South Africa’s
mining-dominated economy and state import-substitution related policies
encouraged economic development in the interior of the country, the
development of large-scale industrial districts in proximity to the Port of
Durban did attract significant industrial investment to the coastal city.
Whilst Durban had a limited presence in automobile components and
assembly in this early post-war period, it was with substantial commitments
in investments from the firm that was ultimately to become Toyota South
Africa (during the late 1960s and early 1970s) that it could be said that
Durban was developing a cluster of automotive production activities. These
were almost entirely connected with production for the domestic market. In
fact the license conditions under which Toyota South Africa (TSA) operated
specifically excluded them from exporting other than to handful of very
limited consumption markets in southern and eastern Africa.

By 1981, TSA had established its dominance in the domestic market as the
primary producer of passenger and light commercial vehicles, dominance in
total new vehicle sales and total production volume that it maintains to this
day. Both Toyota’s scale of output (in relative South African terms) and the
considerable range in vehicle platforms that it produced further encouraged
development of a component supplier base, primarily in Durban, but also in
other regions of the country. However, despite the steady growth of
localised components suppliers during the period of the 1970s and 1980s,
TSA’s growing production volumes remained very closely linked to its
ability to import the bulk of its components through the nearby Port of
Durban. These inputs supported Toyota’s scale and range of production that
was central to the company’s ability to maintain its domestic dominance in a
variety of product sub-markets.

What then were the logistic and value chain issues in this “pre-global”
context? In the first instance the highly protected production environment,
including various forms of transport and production subsidies, allowed for
considerable protection for producers from the price, quality and delivery
pressures that are de rigueur in today’s globalised production and market
environments. This orientation towards relatively uncompetitive domestic
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 7
markets reduced the attention paid to logistics and supply chain management
within firms. For the most part, the transport infrastructure at the Port of
Durban, provided sufficient capacity and acceptable service. Of course, the
trend towards containerisation, and attendant increases in the size of vessels,
was beginning to signal the need for new investment and new approaches to
port management. Nevertheless, for much of this period there was limited
pressure from port users and low responsiveness from port decision making
structures with regard to performance. A similar lack of responsiveness in
rail and falling performance standards led many businesses to shift long-haul
land transport from rail to road (MSA, 1998).

The inward-looking, centralised orientation of the South African economy,

especially under apartheid, exacerbated in Durban what might otherwise
have been regarded as the normal tensions between port and city:
“(t)here has been little attempt at harmonisation of local and national
interests, of city and port policy and practice. Indeed this has often
resulted in direct conflict between the economic policy
implementation plans of the city authorities and the views of the port
authorities. It results in crucially absent institutional linkages
between the port, city and local industrial sectors. This fundamental
fault line governs and fractures the ability of the city to locate and
take advantage of itself as a dynamic port city. The city is only half a
port city, and the port only half related to the city” (Morris et al,
2002: 110).

The combined effect of domestic recession during the late 1980s and the
process of economic reform initiated by the Apartheid government in this
period, in a desperate attempt at securing its survival, thrust South African
businesses into an environment of rapidly escalating competition and
reduced government protection. Even in sectors which were not directly
affected by rapid tariff reductions, the extended domestic recession required
that they seek opportunities in export markets. This soon led to a much
greater appreciation, at least in the private sector, of the importance for firms
of inserting themselves into, achieving integration efficiencies along, and
securing dominance within global supply chains.

The context of national economic restructuring: 1994 and beyond

In the years since the ending of Apartheid, South Africa’s economic
structure has undergone substantial change. Economic restructuring was
encouraged by government through the adoption of an export oriented policy
framework in the context of conservative macro-economic management –
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 8
presented in the Growth, Employment and Redistribution strategy (GEAR,
1996). Figure 1 illustrates that during the mid 1990s through to 2003,
services-related sectors and those activities connected with transport showed
the most rapid annual average growth in Gross Value Added. Conversely,
the mining sector’s contribution to Gross Value Added declined during this
period. The growth performance of manufacturing, whilst positive was
limited to less than two percent. In an important structural shift, the share of
gross value added by the transportation sector increased from 9 percent to 12
percent in just 7 years.

Figure 1: South African Gross Value Added (GVA) annual average growth, 1996-03

9 Community services

8 Finance

7 Transport

6 Trade

5 Construction

4 Electricity

3 Manufacturing

2 Mining

1 Agriculture

-1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% 8.0%

Source: Economic Development Unit, eThekwini Municipality, 2004.

South Africa’s export performance is reflected in this restructuring process

and there has been steady growth in the proportion of exports to Gross
Domestic Product in the past decade (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: South African exports as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)



Percen tage





1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Y ears

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 9

Source: Economic Development Unit, eThekwini Municipality, 2004.

In relation to export performance the main driver has been manufacturing

(although exports of services are also beginning to be of some significance).
The automotive sector in particular has been a key element of South Africa’s
export growth performance (Barnes at al, 2003).

South Africa’s economic restructuring process in the early 1990s was

heavily influenced by dominant global policy trends at the time, often
referred to as the Washington Consensus. Countries of the developing world
were encouraged to withdraw state interventions in terms of subsidies, tariffs
and exchange controls in exchange for open trade and reciprocal access to
the European and North American markets. The automotive sector in South
Africa was not immune to these changes. In fact, “duty levels on completely
built up vehicles (CBUs) fell from 115 per cent in 1995 to 40 per cent in
2002 and are scheduled to reach 25 per cent by 2012. Tariffs on completely
knocked down (CKD) components are lower still” (Lorentzen et al, 2004: 7).
However, despite the commitment to trade liberalisation there was also a
commitment by the Department of Trade and Industry to avoid potential
pitfalls of de-industrialisation from rapid tariff adjustments (Barnes et al,
2003). One of the manifestations of that commitment was the Motor
Industry Development Programme (MIDP), formulated by the government
together with key industry role players and launched in 1995. The MIDP is
planned to expire in 2012, although it may end in 2010 depending on trade

The MIDP sought to encourage consolidation of domestic production around

the output of a reduced range of vehicles (for each Own Equipment
Manufacturer or OEM), thus allowing firms to harness export-level
economies of scale in production. Through exporting these vehicles the
OEMs would then be entitled to earn duty credits to import a considerably
greater range of models from production sites in other parts of the globe. In
other words, domestic assemblers were encouraged to insert into global
supply chains.

These policy adjustments were deemed favourable by the OEMs and they
began, one-by-one, to take advantage of the opportunity to build South
Africa into their global operations. According to Barnes et al (2003), the
automobile sector grew rapidly between 1994 and 2002, doubling its export
to output ratio and accounting for an increasing share of output value, gross
value added and manufacturing employment. As a result of the combined
effects of the MIDP and the depreciation of the Rand, the share of the
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 10
automobile sector of total manufacturing sales grew from 9.7 percent in
1994 to 12.8 percent in 2003.” (Lorentzen et al, 2004: 8) Growth in
automobile sector exports and imports was accompanied by rapid growth in
automobile logistics. While vehicle production overall increased after 1998,
production for the domestic market has continued to fall: a greater portion of
local demand is being met by imports, at the same time that exports have
grown (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: SA passenger vehicle production, exports and imports








1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Prodn for local Prodn for export Total Prodn Imports

Source: Reproduced from Barnes J, Kaplinksy R and Morris, 2003: p 9 – originally from NAAMSA.

As intended by the designers of the MIDP, the growth trend in vehicle

production, imports and exports, also carried through into components
production as can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4: SA Automotive component output by value
S A a u to m o tiv e c o m p o n e n ts p r o d u c tio n b y v a lu e : 1 9 9 4 to 2 0 0 3


2 1 ,8 8 9 2 2 ,1 5 0


1 7 ,5 6 6

1 4 ,8 9 3
Rand (Million)

1 0 ,7 7 0
8 ,8 5 7 9 ,3 3 9
8 ,6 4 5
7 ,8 9 2
6 ,0 6 7


1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Ye a r

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 11

Source: Reproduced from Barnes and Johnson (2004: 8)

One notable early MIDP beneficiary was VWSA, which had been exporting
Jetta’s to China since 1991, but perhaps the most prominent MIDP success
was BMW, the German luxury-car manufacturer. BMW were first
assembled in South Africa from CKD ‘kits’ from 1968; in 1973 BMW South
Africa established the first BMW assembly plant outside Germany in
Rosslyn, north-west of Pretoria. In 1994, the first exports were sent to
Australia, and in 1996, with a R1bn investment, the plant became “BMW
World Plant, Rosslyn”, an integrated part of the global production system. In
1999, a new vehicle distribution center opened at the plant, and in 2002,
approximately 80 percent of output was being exported. Whilst both VW
and Daimler-Chrysler export through Eastern Cape ports, the Port of Durban
focuses on serving a role as the main import channel and the primary export
channel for BMW and Toyota. Ford also now exports the Focus to Europe
through Durban.

The Durban automotive sector

The automotive sector in the greater Durban region was heavily influenced
by these changes. Local component producers did enjoy some growth in
demand for output from domestic OEMs, and in some cases orders to supply
into global production operations. While these benefits were significant, the
largest single buyer of components produced in Durban – Toyota – at first
did not seek to participate in the MIDP. Instead Toyota purchased export
credits from components producers and in turn used these to increase its
imports of a greater range of vehicles for sale on the domestic market.
However, for much of the period under consideration, domestic demand
remained very flat, and Toyota found that importing competitors were
cutting into its historic premium in South African small and mid-range
passenger car markets.

Hence, by 2000 Toyota South Africa (TSA) had announced that a majority
of the local business had been acquired by Toyota Manufacturing
Corporation of Japan (TMC) and that the Durban plant would begin to
feature in Toyota’s global production system.1 This insertion of the local
Toyota operation in the firms’ global supply chain – achieved by adjusting
the licensing and ownership arrangements - was accompanied by a series of
actions to integrate, secure and upgrade both value and logistics chains. To
take full advantage of the MIDP restructuring, TSA had to export. To export
they had to renegotiate license agreements with TMC of Japan.2 In turn,

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 12

TMC chose to increase its shareholding in TSA and invest in new assembly
lines, all geared towards export.

In preparation for these changes, TSA made it clear to various levels of

government that TMC required certain policy signals to convince it to move
beyond adjusting the license agreement and taking ownership, into actually
investing. First, national-level endorsement was required; this came in the
form of a series of Japanese and South African government ministerial
exchanges and visits from 1998 to 2000. Second, a commitment from local
government to be responsive to local infrastructure and land acquisition
requests; this came in the form of direct contact with the executive of the
metropolitan government, expedited planning and building approval for a
catalytic converter plant, a private road/bridge link to the rail head in
Prospecton, and better signage and street lighting. Third, TSA indicated that
they needed a plan for resolving delays in container handling in the port, and
more information about plans for the newly opened automobile terminal. For
both of these, the firm looked to the city government to put pressure on the
public port authority.

TSA and TMC also began working together to integrate the supply chain by
improving quality and delivery standards on all sorts of levels – in plant
design, in the feasibility study for the catalytic converter plant (which
opened in 2000 as the majority TMC-owned Catalyer), and in background
work with component suppliers. The work with suppliers was helped
significantly by the formation by local components firms of the
Benchmarking Club, and subsequently, the Durban Auto Cluster. This
initiative was the result of proactive intervention by local actors, including
suppliers, the local university, and municipal government (see Lorentzen at
al, 2004; and Morris and Robbins, 2004).

In 1997, in response to the slowdown in the South African economy and in

anticipation of further rationalisation at Toyota, local suppliers began
working together to improve their competitiveness and use their collective
expertise to deal with various challenges relating to skills, logistics and
supplier development. In 1998 they formed a Benchmarking Club, with
financial support from the Department of Trade and Industry3, British
government (ODA/DFID), and in 1999, from the Durban Metropolitan
Council. Between 1998 and 2001, firms participating in the processes
around the cluster and related benchmarking activities saw average
improvements in the inventory days of 32.8 percent, of the lead times by 9.9

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 13

percent and an average improvement in reducing customer return rates by 62
percent (Barnes et al, 2003: p 11).4

In 1999, in response to additional pressure from Toyota to further upgrade

the supply chain and recognising that the existing membership (of just 12
first-tier suppliers) was too limited, the Club initiated a study to determine
whether there was wider interest in a collaborative upgrading effort, without
tampering with the existing benchmarking exercise. Durban city government
sponsored a workshop in 2000 to present results of study, where it was
revealed that a number of firms in Durban and other parts of KwaZulu-Natal
province were eager to be part of such a process. In December 2000, the
Durban Auto Cluster was launched, with layers of membership
arrangements with varying membership fees. The City sponsored a handful
of irregular / peripheral / family-owned suppliers, since membership fees
were substantial. At formation, the Durban Auto Cluster adopted four
programs: to the Benchmarking Club for highest level members was added a
supplier development working group, a human resource development group,
and a logistics working group. Later, a specific program for black-owned
peripheral firms was added.

The agenda of the logistics working group revolved around both maritime
and landside issues. The landside concerns are an example of logistics chain
integration, and entailed greater coordination between Toyota and the
suppliers on road haulage for parts delivery. Toyota was sending trucks to
Port Elizabeth to collect parts, while Durban-based suppliers were sending
parts to Eastern Cape OEMs (VW and Mercedes). Collaboration resulted in
significant back-haul cost savings.

On the maritime side, while some concerns did revolve around eliminating
inefficiencies through greater logistics chain integration, they also concerned
the uncompetitive local port services industry; in other words, they also
revolved around issues of logistics chain dominance. Both Toyota and its
suppliers felt they were getting poor service and highly variable pricing. The
logistics working group put some collective pressure on the South African
Revenue Service (customs), and local clearing and forwarding agents to
simplify documentation and make transactions cheaper. However, many
smaller shippers also felt that they were paying a premium on containers,
and so they established a consortium (shippers association) to improve
prices for small shippers. The group negotiated improved and consistent
rates, in turn, for the European, North American, Asian, and Latin American
routes. Finally, the group tried, without much success to pressure the port
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 14
management to improve container terminal operations overall in terms of
productivity, lost boxes, damage, delays, and so on.

The group was supported by lots of media attention on the port’s problems,
and even succeeded in having City government pass a resolution in 2000
calling on the port to improve its operations, and to work with city. This
pressure did not result in much improvement.

Auto shipments and the Port of Durban

It would be unfair to blame local port operations management for all the
problems at the Port of Durban during this period. The parastatal
corporation managing all South African ports, Portnet, was being split into
the National Ports Authority (NPA, the landlord, and portside and maritime
services provider) and the South African Port Operations (SAPO, the
terminal operator) units. However, growth in container volumes through the
late 1990s in excess of 10 percent per year soon exposed inadequate
investment plans and weak management at the Port. Delays in loading and
offloading containers were aggravated by landside congestion problems and
the service shortcomings in the rail network operated by Spoornet. In some
cases this resulted in very public disagreements between the main parties, in
particular over the handling delays at the main container terminal.

The late 1990s witnessed a number of short-term investment projects by

Portnet and its successors, the NPA and SAPO. These mainly involved the
expansion of handling facilities at the main container terminal to increase
capacity to just over one million TEUs, and the construction of a dedicated
car terminal. The latter resulted from interactions between major vehicle
importers, Pretoria-based BMW, the Department of Trade and Industry and
the National Port Authority. The terminal which opened in 1998 with 3 500
bays, was initially designed to handle 90 000 units annually (Arkin, 2005:
56). It was deemed feasible based on projections of growing imports and
further supported by BMW plans to export the 3-series car to north America,
Australasia, Europe and Japan (Barnes at al, 2003: p 8).

The new automobile terminal in Durban reflected the ability of BMW, a

shipper with its main production activities located outside the port-city, to
secure preferential access to port planning and investment. As one of the
first automobile firms to explicitly adopt the MIDP, BMW had cultivated
close ties with the national government and was able to secure substantial
cabinet-level support. In many ways, the BMW expansions, including the
Durban auto port, became symbolic of the newly invigorated
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 15
‘developmental’ state.5 Apparently the automobile terminal was funded
without explicit approval from the Portnet Board.

The planning, location, design and scale of the initial automobile terminal
reflected BMWs needs, but certainly not those of the soon to be exporting
Durban-based Toyota. The decision to build the automobile terminal was
taken at exactly the same time as two joint port-city planning processes were
under way. The Port-City forum, begun erratically in 1997, and this was
followed by the associated South Industrial Basin6 (SIB) planning process
which was actively developing a grander vision for an automotive logistics
park with supply chain value adding activities (ie. customisation,
accessorisation and associated space for parts suppliers). The SIB process
was funded in part by the national government Department of Trade and
Industry, yet Portnet bypassed this process to go ahead with the new
automobile terminal. The case for locating an auto terminal at the SIB end of
the port is strong, since the SIB accounts for 29.2 percent of all the
automotive components employment in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, and
half of all the firms with turnover of more than R300m per annum (Barnes
and Johnson, 2004).

Instead Portnet chose for the automobile terminal a location on the northern
side of the port, adjacent to the Central Business District. Cars for export
from Toyota have to go to far side of port, through downtown and on public
roads, facing insurance concerns, congestion and delays. While the terminal
is served by rail, this involves shunting from the rail head adjacent to the
SIB. Yet BMW is the only auto terminal shipper that makes use of rail
(Arikin, 2004: 57). Finally, the auto terminal soon ran into capacity
constraints, necessitating some very expensive additional investments. These
involved doubling the number of parking spaces to 7 000 by building a
multi-storey parking garage, and the building of a dedicated bridge over the
rail lines. These were completed in 2004.

Notwithstanding these problems with the planning of Durban’s car terminal,

it has witnessed an increase in unit throughput from just over 40,000 units in
1998 to over 200,000 units in 2004 (or by 79 percent in seven short years;
see Table 2). Today, there are over 20 car carrier calls per month, with all
major global car carrier lines calling (Hall&Olivier, 2005); HUAL calls most
frequently, but the terminal is also visited by WWL/Eukor, NYK, MOL and
K-Line. In general it appears that there has been satisfaction with the
performance of the facility (Arkin, 2005) although there remains
considerable uncertainty as to the way forward in terms of expansion to meet
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 16
future demand. Land use and congestion-based conflicts between downtown
business interests and local government, and the port, remain unresolved.

Table 2: Durban Car Terminal Through Traffic

Year Imports Exports Total

1998 37,076 5227 42303
1999 31,797 6904 38701
2000 60,621 19666 80287
2001 66,394 41800 108194
2002 68,371 48723 117094
2003 83,880 53477 139189
2004 152,580 46193 201827
Source: SAPO, via Arkin (2004).

Toyota and the future of auto operations in the Port of Durban

Although its intentions were not made public at the time, Toyota began to
engage the NPA in discussions in 2000 in an effort to gauge responses to
projected increased export volumes from its Durban plant. Toyota was not
impressed with the initial response, and as was the case with container
terminal operations, the firm looked to City government to put pressure on
the port to be more responsive. Indeed, Toyota felt compelled to explore a
variety of highly unattractive alternatives, such as using a private terminal
on Maydon Wharf in amongst bulk and breakbulk cargo, or even placing
export cars in boxes. Toyota made their disquiet known through informal
channels as they do not like to engage on issues publicly. At this stage
Toyota was still only committing to an export figure in 2002 of 30 000
Corollas to Autralasia by 2004.

However, it has become clear that Toyota was simply testing the waters and
ensuring the robustness of its systems as during the course of 2004 the
company announced that it intended to introduce two other export-focused
assembly lines. According to an industry expert, the decision has been made
to increase Toyota production in Durban to the order of world status, or
approximately 250,000 units per year by 2010 (Barnes, 2005). Of these,
between 120,000 and 140,000 units will be exported, with most going to
Europe. It is highly unlikely that the existing automobile terminal port
facility will be able to accommodate this growth.

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 17

More recently, the NPA acceded to a request from Toyota and the City of
Durban (eThekwini Municipality) to set up a joint task team to assess future
development options. This was deemed necessary by both Toyota and the
Municipality due the fact that the location of the present facility close to the
commercial centre of Durban’s inner city has resulted in congestion
problems that would only get worse as Toyota increased its export volume.
The findings of the investigation have not yet been made public, but
according to an eThekwini Municipal official (Thaver, 2005) it is understood
that consensus was not achieved and that the NPA is considering going
ahead with its preferred in situ expansion option despite reservations from
the City and Toyota.

Sadly, this is hardly out of character for the NPA. While the NPA has spent
the better part of the last four years developing a Port Masterplan for
Durban, it has only been during the course of 2005 that external stakeholders
have had access to the plan details. The fact that it was developed in
isolation from other key stakeholders is reflective of ongoing governance
challenges of a parastatal system which still carries the baggage of
hierarchically imposed solutions that were the order of the day under
Apartheid. At the same time the intransigence of the Durban port authorities
reflects, in no small measure, the ports’ dominance within the supply chains
that are routed through it. The distances between ports in South Africa are so
great and the capacity of the entire system is so constrained, that the Port of
Durban enjoys an effective monopoly that remains unchallenged. For now,
and for the foreseeable future, there is no alternative to Durban for the
shipment of either parts or vehicles with an origin or destination from
Durban to Gauteng.



We began this paper by embracing the notion that ports and port-cities
should seek to insert themselves into supply chains. However, what our case
study of inserting Durban in global automobile supply chains has shown is
that this is a complex process, involving multiple actors and chains. For this
reason we asked which link, in which chain? We have argued for an
approach to supply chain insertion which recognises that actors in chains
face both internal and external competitive / dominance and cooperative /
integrative pressures. We have also argued that supply chain insertion plays
out across multiple scales. Hence our conceptual framework differentiates

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 18

between logistics and value chains, and between port, local and national
scale actors and their (often divergent) goals.

In the case of Durban, there has been some success in inserting the port into
the logistics chain of one exporter, while improving facilities for automobile
importers. However, this supply chain insertion was driven by a non-local
shipper taking advantage of a successful national industrial strategy, and was
implemented on the docks by a centrally-controlled port authority. In other
words, the port authority did not make it happen, and could not have made it
happen, alone. And it has come at a significant local cost, most notably in
the lost opportunities to accelerate the insertion of Durban into Toyota’s
global value chain.

In a general sense, we may conclude that there are two forms of conflict
here. First, we have supply chains in competition with each other to
dominate particular (critical) supply chain resource, in this instance the
attention and facilities of the national port authority. Second, we have a port
seeking to insert itself into particular extra-local logistics chains, and a port-
city seeking prominence for value chains embedded in the local economy.
The shift to a world dominated by supply chains will not eliminate the
problems of highly localised tensions between port and city; indeed in some
cases it may exacerbate them.

Further, it makes a difference which supply chains are at play in a particular

context. Luckily for Durban, Toyota, is a patient, persistent and growing
player in the global automobile industry. Toyota and its suppliers arguably
have far more interest in logistics chain insertion and integration because of
the way in which Toyota (throughout the world) organises its production.
TSA already sources a greater share of it parts locally than any other South
African OEM, and as it expands production for export, it is committed to
further increasing the share of content sourced locally. In order to improve
component quality and quantity the firm has taken an interest in some of its
major suppliers, and encouraged others to do so themselves. Furthermore,
unlike most other South African OEMs, Toyota does not do preassembly,
relying on a more complex ‘just-in-time’ system that requires close attention
to logistics integration. All this provides some grounds for optimism that
supply chain problems in Durban will eventually be resolved.

The situation we have described might have been very different if we were
dealing with a port authority more responsive to local economic actors. For
this reason we conclude by noting that the thorny issues of port governance
Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 19
and of improved city-port coordination remain unresolved. In large part, the
scalar tensions playing out on the Durban waterfront are a consequence of
the flip-flopping of national ports policy. The post-Apartheid government’s
first attempt to address transport infrastructure investment backlogs, Moving
South Africa (1998), failed to take root. Similarly, government has now
backed away from the National Commercial Ports Bill which contained an
initial commitment to separate the ports from the national transportation
parastatal, Transnet, as well as to allow terminal concessions. Instead, since
the early 2000s, government has endorsed what is today the status quo,
namely the NPA and SAPO operating as two separate divisions under
Transnet. Most recently government unveiled a National Logistics Strategy,
which recommends reconfiguring and harmonising institutions and
regulations, and allowing more competition in transport sector. However,
this national policy has very little to say about effective action at the local
level to address logistic and value chain integration. From our perspective,
this strategy is unlikely to do enough to allow the port and the city of Durban
to answer, in a timely fashion, the next time they are asked, which link, in
which chain.


1. TMC might have considered two alternative strategies, both

presenting major problems. First, TMC could have left TSA’s
licensing arrangement unaltered, hence effectively denying it the
option of participating in the MIDP. This would likely have resulted
in TSA’s decline in the small, but significant domestic market.
Second, it could have allowed TSA to export more vehicles
(especially low-volume / non-global standard models) to an expanded
number of markets, but this option would run counter to TMC’s
global strategy. This option would have had important logistics
consequences, implying many smaller loads with diverse overland
(i.e. southern African) and maritime (i.e. west and east coast African)

2. TSA stopped producing the Camry, which was now imported from
Australia. It also began importing the RAV4 and Prado, and began
components exports with MIDP tariff benefits. TSA still has the
greatest model range of all South African OEMs, producing
commercial trucks, a low-end hatch-back (Tazz), mid-sized sedan
(Corrola), higher end hatch-back (RunX), minvan / taxi (HiAce), and

Inserting Durban into global automotive supply chains 20

light truck (the Hilux). It is now starting to produce a new hybrid
vehicle (MPV), but may soon halt HiAce production.

3. The DTI and various national industry associations were involved in

discussions about a national industrial and cluster strategies at
approximately the same time. While these discussions did lead to
adjustments in the MIDP that were instrumental in BMW’s expansion,
local suppliers set up their own forum in part because they did not find
the national discussions particularly useful.

4. These figures apply for firms participating in the initiative from both
KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape.

5. This is not to say that BMW was spared the efficiency concerns faced
by other Transnet users. The firm still uses road rather than rail to
bring containerised parts from Durban to bypass the City Deep inland
port, and even use Port Elizabeth and Cape Town to avoid the delays
at the Durban container terminal.

6. The Southern Industrial Basin extends from the south end of the port
to south of the Durban International Airport, and includes Prospecton,
Jacobs, Mobeni and Seaview. Prospecton is home to Toyota SA.


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