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Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb

I. M(essage) and C(ode) are vehicles of communication; both may be utilized and referred to. Four duplex types: 1) circularity M/M and C/C 2) overlapping M/C. C/M. 1.2. M/M reported speech, a message about a message. quoted and quasi-quoted, oblique discourse. Bulgarian has a device marking events known only from the testimony of others. Kwakuitl and Hopi. Quotative postfix -ani. 1.3 C/C proper names. The name means anyone to whom the name is assigned. Pup, mongrel, dog have significant meaning, but Fido has no property of Fidoness. Indefinite pronoun whats his name, how-do-ye-call- it. 1.4 M/C. Autonymous mode of speech. Pupis a monosyllable. Metaspeech.

1.5 C/M. Shifters (Jespersen). Reference to the message. Deixis. Peirce: symbols are conventional, indices (pointing) are in existential relationship to the objec t, icons reproduce some of the simple qualities of the referent. Shifters are indexical symbols. Ego, ich, ja, I = the person uttering the word. Every shifter has its own general meaning. Bertrand Russell: they never apply to more than one thing at a time. All syncategoremic terms: but expresses an adversative relationship but not the notion of contrariety. A complex category. Pronouns are late in the child. Child who knows his own name may not easily become used to alienable terms. dont call yourself I, only I am I. Or he may use I so stubbornly that he cannot pronounce his own name it has only a vocative function. Samoyede: name is taboo for its carrier. .1.6 Jim told me flicks means movies. M/M, C/C, M/C, C/M (pronoun and past tense). Cf. Abbott and Costello routine Whos on First. 2. Verbal categories. Narrated event En,, speech event, Es, participant in narrated event Pn, Participant of speech event Ps. Designators: one narrated item, either event En or its participants Pn only. Connectors: characterize it with respect to another. En En or Pn Pn ,, Designators focus on either quantity or quality of the item. Qualifiers and quantifiers. If reference to the speech event or its participants: shifters. / Es or Ps 2.2 Pn Gender, number. Gender qualifies, number quantifies. 2.21 Pn/ Ps Person, a shifter. 2.3 En Status and Aspect. Status defines logical quality of event, affirmative, presumptive, negative, interrogative. English do. Aspect as in Slavic. Non-shifter.

2.31 En / Es Tense. Narrated event ~ the speech event. Past tense (marked) = precedes speech event. Shifter. 2.4 Pn En Voice. Relation between narr. event and its participants without relation to speech event. 2.41 Pn En / Ps Mood. Narr. event and its participants with reference to the speech event. Subjunctive, optative, imperative, conjunctive. 2.42 En En Taxis. Narrated event ~ another narr. event. Cf. Russian gerunds (having entered the room, he began to speak) 2.51 En En s /Es Evidential takes into account narrated event, speech event, and a narrated speech event , En s namely the source of information about the narrated event. Hearsay evidence, dream, guess. Bulgarian has two forms, direct narration where En s = Es ~ indirect narration, where they are not equivalent. zaminala it is claimed to have sailed vs. zamina I bear witness; it sailed . see scheme p. 47. Shifters: person,mood, tense, evidential. Mood and tense are connectors. Nonshifters: gender, number, voice (connector), status, aspect, taxis (connector). 3. Russian verb. Markedness. Can mean statement of A vs. no statement of A or, equipollent, statement of A vs. statement of non-A. He discusses categories in the order marked, then unmarked. 3.3 Person. personal (m) signals Pn = Ps vs. impersonal. Within person, 1st person (m) vs. 2nd person (= any imaginable person, narrowly, the addressee). Within 2nd, inclusive vs. exclusive. otdoxnem, otdoxni. 3.21 Gender. Subjective (m) vs. neuter. Within subjective: feminine (m) = Pn is not male. vs. masculine (no specification). Number: plural (m) (plurality of Pn) vs. singular. 3.4 Tense. Past (m). 3.31 Status. Syntactical not morphological. Pojdet-li? Ne ja eto sdelal. Aspect. Perf(ective) (m) vs. Imperf(ective). Absolute boundary reached, change of state, new state of affairs. Past Perf is not iterative unless it is a summing up: on ponagovoril o reformax he did a quantity of talking about reforms. Perf past signals temporal antecedence of En and its completion or reaching of new state before Es. Perf present does not say whether the narr. event precedes speech event, or in its narrowed meaning intimates it does not, hence points to future. Within Imperf, determinate,signaling integrity and unbrokenness of En vs. indeterminate.

p. 49 on Imperf this discussion is unduly complicated. Forget about this here. Remember only that the Perf future budu is used, as with other phasals, like stanu, with Imperf infinitives only and expresses future. 3.4 Mood. il by na vole, ne znal by peali or itby emu na vole, ne znatby peali. if he lived in freedom he would know no sorrow if he could live itemu na vole! may he live in freedom! Injunctive signals En imposed upon the P. Hortative (addressee himself participates) (m) vs. imperative. Perf and determinate use univerbal forms, the others, periphrasis. Addresser: napiu-ka, budu-ka pisat, addressee: napii-ka, pii-ka, addresser and addressee: napiem-ka, budem-ka pisat, attenuated appeal: davaj-ka pisat, addresser and addressees: napiemte-ka, budemte-ka pisat, attenuated: davajte-ka pisat . The ka here adds a coaxing note and belongs today to older speech; it may simply be dropped. The imperative has the same paradigm, without ka and without the exclusive 1st sg. The declarative form of the injunctive has no grammatical markings and may be used for any person or number. In a conditional clause it is counterfactual. Pobegi on, emu ne sdobrovat if he had run it would have turned out badly. In independent clauses this can mean an action imposed on the P, or a surprise for the narrator: vse otdyxajut, a on begi everyone is resting and he has to run. Vse otdyxajut, a on, ni s togo, ni s sego, pobegi or, Imperf, a on davaj beateveryone is resting and he suddenly starts off running. The counterfactual use is very productive. Make up some examples: proitaj ja vse knigi, mne bylo by ploxo if I had read all the books I would feel bad. 3.41 Voice. Reflexive (m) restricts participation in the EN.. It excludes direct object. Sonja myla posudu, Sonja mylas, posuda mylas Sonja washed the dishes, Sonja washed up, the dishes were being washed. Nom subject is only allowed P. Reflexivization may exclude the subject as Nom, but it may reappear as dative: ja tjaelo dyu I breathe heavily vs. mne tjaelo dyitsja I am having trouble breathing. Semantic restriction: zvonju I ringvs. zvonjus I ring at the door. Note that reflexive can be used for passive in Imperf only: kniga pisalasvo vremja vojny the book was written during the war. 3.51 Taxis. These are the gerunds in Russian. Imperf: itaja Vasmera while reading Vasmer, Jakobson zapisyval idei J. noted his ideas. Perf: proitav knigi, on zadumalsja having read the book through, he fell into thought. Dont worry so much about the Perf present gerund. In Jakobsons speech, the Perf past with i indicates a causal connection: snjavi palto, ja pouvstvoval xolod taking off my coat I felt a chill. 3.6 Infinitive carries minimal information in Russian. No person, number, gender, tense, or taxis. It has only voice and aspect (all verbal categories express these). Restrictions: gender and marked number are mutually exclusive. (No gender in pl. ) person and gender are mutually exclusive. (ja itala is fem, no grammatical person, vs. ja itaju) person implies number (ja, ty, on are sg, my, vy, oni are pl)

person and marked tense are mutually exclusive (past tense marks number and gender only) 4.1 Any Russian inflected form comprehends a stem and a desinence. /v+rv-al-a-s/. Prefix, stem, suffix, past tense morpheme, gender, reflexive postfix. The initial suffix, eg. the past tense l, or the nonterminal vowel, always has another suffix coming. Final suffix, eg. l-a, or rv,o-m. There may be a postfix added to a final suffix, e.g. reflexive particle. If there is only one suffix it is both initial and final, e.g. rvu. C and V desinences. Person, gender and number use final desinences. In 3rd person, the final suffix expresses third, the initial expresses number, vs. 1st and 2nd. there is only one suffix it is both initial and final, e.g. rvu. C and V desinences. Person, gender and number use final desinences. In 3rd person, the final suffix expresses third, the initial expresses number, vs. 1st and 2nd. This is the only exception to the use of final suffixes by designators of Pn. Cf. ja my , ty, vy, but on ona oni. Tense: V for pres, C for past. Inf. has a C desinence ending in zero alternating with a V. Aspects are signaled by modifications in the stem (suffix or prefix) and by periphrastic means. D vs. ND open full stem v. closed or unsuffixed vs. suffixed. . Iterative has ivaj or vaj. Add a prefix to iterative or determinate pair, then it turns into P vs. I opposition. Perf is often prefixed or Imperf has a closed stem. , , , . If both are open, signals Perf.

See maximal accumulation in -. (= ) po-vidj#-i-m-ti-s-ka hey, come on, lets all of us see each other (!! not a usual locution, I believe)

P designators make use of the final desinential suffixes. E designators deal with parts before the final suffix. Shifters (tense) work with initial suffixes, while non-shifters (e.g. aspect) go back to the stem. Connectors widely use posterior units. Voice and taxis deal with postfixes, while shifters (mood) tend to reduce desinence to zero and use autonomous annexes and particles.

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