CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute: Advertisement No. - 02/2013

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CSIRCentral Mechanical Engineering Research Institute

(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)

M.G. Avenue, Durgapur- 713 209
Phone No. 0343-6452182, website : www.cmeri.res.in

Advertisement No. - 02/2013

[ Last date of receipt of application - 06.05.2013 ] CSIRCentral Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CMERI), established in 1958, is the apex R&D institute for mechanical engineering under the aegis of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) which is an Autonomous Body under the Government of India. The Institute is engaged in Research and Technology Development for more than fifty years with the mandate of serving the nation to acquire self-reliance. CSIR-CMERI has always responded to the demand of the nation in most agile manner by transitioning itself to a position of strength through induction of contemporary technologies and a turnaround in its overall strategies. The Institute is equipped with the latest facilities like computer controlled machines at manufacturing units and computer assisted tools for simulation and design, supported by well equipped laboratories. The main strength of the Institute is its excellent scientific community consisting of Scientists, Technologists, Research Fellows and Project Staff supported by Administrative and other staff, working in a harmonious manner encouraging innovations and inventions for the development of new products and processes. The deserving scientists are encouraged to pursue advanced study / training / research work in India and abroad. The Institute has started a two-year Post Graduate Research Programme in Engineering (Integrated M.Tech-Ph.D) under the auspices of AcSIR. The Institute is also conducting two-year M.Tech (Mechatronics) programme in collaboration with Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, CSIR-CEERI, Pilani and CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh. The present priority areas of research of the Institute are: Robotics and Mechatronics, Microsystem Technology, Rapid Prototyping and Modeling, Clean Energy, Farm Machineries, Residual Life Enhancement, Condition Monitoring, Advanced Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, Thermal Engineering, Simulation & Modeling, Drives and Control, Surface Engineering & Tribology, Foundry, Chemistry & Biomimetics and Cybernetics. A number of challenging projects in these areas have been planned to be undertaken during the 12th Five Year Plan of the country. CSIR-CMERI is looking for dynamic and creative people to do research in the above broad areas of activities under different categories. Candidates fulfilling the educational qualification, age etc. may apply in the prescribed proforma to the Administrative Officer. Category : I :: Sr. Scientist / Sr. Principal Scientist
Designation No. of Posts
09 [UR-06,OBC-02(1Backlog), SC-01, PWD(VH)-1] 03 [UR]

Pay Band
Rs.1560039100 (PB3) Rs.3740067000 (PB4)

Grade Pay

*Total Emoluments

**Upper Age Limit not exceeding (as on 06.05.2013)

37 years

Senior Scientist Senior Principal Scientist




50 years

*TotalEmolumentmeansapproximatetotalemolumentonminimumofscaleincludingHouseRent Allowanceat DurgapurCity. **PleaseseeagerelaxationunderRelaxationcolumn. Page 1 of 7

Sl. No.

Post Code


Essential Qualification & Experience Ph.D in Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation Engg. OR ME/MTech in Electrical/Electronics /Instrumentation Engg. with three years of relevant research experience. Ph.D in Electrical / Electronics Engg.

Desirable Qualification / Experience

No. of posts

Upper Age Limit


Expertise in Electrical or Electronic Control Theory / Power Electronics.

03 [OBC-1, PWD(VH*)-1]

2 3 4

130202 130203 130204 Sr. Scientist (PB-3) Rs.15,60039,100 with Grade Pay of Rs.7,600/-

Expertise in Advanced Communications Systems. Expertise in Instrumentation. Expertise in Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Gas dynamics, Experimental High Speed Flows and Heat Transfer. Expertise in Production of graphene and related composites. Expertise in Science of Nano particles connected to different applications in Mechanical and Biological Systems / Membrane Separation. Expertise in Image Processing / Computer Vision/ Computer Network. Expertise in Power Electronics and Motor Control. Expertise in Molecular Beam Epitaxy and SEM/TEM. Expertise in Simulation and Modeling pertaining to Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Material Processing.

01[SC] 01
[OBC (Backlog)]

Ph.D in Electrical / Electronics Engg. Ph.D in Mechanical / Aerospace Engg. Ph.D in Chemistry with two years of relevant experience in Material Chemistry. Ph.D in Chemical Engg./ Material Sc. & Engg. Ph.D in Computer Science / Computer Science and Engg. Ph.D in Electrical Engg. with six years of relevant experience. Ph.D in Physics or Material Science with six years of relevant experience in advanced materials. Ph.D in Mechanical / Aerospace Engg. with six years of relevant experience.


37 Years





7 8 9

130207 130208 130209 Sr. Principal Scientist (PB-4) Rs.37,40067,000 with Grade Pay of Rs.8,900/-

01[UR] 01[UR] 01[UR] 50 Years




Abbreviations: [UR:Unreserved;SC:ScheduledCaste;ST:ScheduledTribe;OBC:OtherBackwardClass;PWD:Persons With Disabilities.] * PWD(OH) candidates may also apply for the post kept reserved for PWD(VH). However, they will be considered only if PWD (VH) candidates are not found suitable.

Category : II :: Sr. Technical Officer (1) Pay Band PB-3 Rs.15,600-39,100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- (Gross Emoluments at the minimum of the pay stationed at Durgapur including HRA will be Rs. 43,222/- p.m. approximately.) (Age limit : 35 years ) POST CODE : 130211 (1 Post) [UR] Essential qualification: BE/BTech in Computer Science / Information Technology or equivalent with 55% marks with two years of relevant experience as given below. Desirable qualification: 1st Class (70% or more marks) BE/BTech in Computer Science / Information Technology or equivalent with three years of relevant experience as given below. Area of Expertise / Job requirement : Experience in campus Network Management & maintenance with more than 500 nodes. Proven capability of installation, management and daily administration of Linux/windows based web server, mail server and database server. Proven Skill in designing & development, maintaining Web Portal and Web based activities using various web design tools & multiple vendor management. Knowledge and experience in programming using Perl, PHP, MySQL, SQL, JAVA & Core Java, AJAX, JavaScript, C++ & dot net framework. Category : III :: Technical Officer Pay Band PB-2 Rs.9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/- (Gross Emoluments at the minimum of the pay stationed at Durgapur including HRA will be Rs. 34,285/- p.m. approximately.) (Age limit : 30 years ) Page 2 of 7

POST CODE : 130212 (1 Post) [UR] Essential qualification:. BE/BTech in Computer Science / Information Technology or equivalent with 55% marks OR MCA with 55% marks after 1st Class B.Sc. Desirable qualification:. 1st Class BE/BTech in Computer Science / Information Technology OR MCA with 70% marks after 1st Class B.Sc or equivalent with one year of relevant experience as given below. Area of Expertise / Job requirement : Experience in campus Network Management & maintenance with more than 500 nodes. Proven capability of installation, management and daily administration of Linux/windows based web server, mail server and database server. Proven Skill in designing & development, maintaining Web Portal and Web based activities using various web design tools & multiple vendor management. Knowledge and experience in programming using Perl, PHP, MySQL, SQL, JAVA & Core Java, AJAX, JavaScript, C++ & dot net framework. Generalinformationandconditions: 1. a. BenefitsunderCouncilservice: These posts carry usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance(TA)etc. asadmissibleto thecentralgovernmentemployees and as made applicabletoCSIR.Council employees are also eligible for accommodation of their entitledtypeasper CSIRallotmentrulesdependingonavailabilityinwhichcaseHRAwillnot be admissible. Scientists in Pay Band3 are also eligible for 2 additional increments (without DA) and Professional updateallowanceofRs. 10000/perannum. ScientistsinPayBand4andabovearealsoeligiblefor2additionalincrements(withoutDA) and ProfessionalupdateallowanceofRs. 20000/perannum. In addition to the emoluments indicated against each category of posts, benefits such as reimbursementsofMedicalExpenses, Leave Travel Concession, ConveyanceadvanceandHouse BuildingAdvanceareavailableasper rules of CSIR. All new entrants will be governed by the "New Pension Scheme" on defined Contributions for new entrants recruited in Central Government Services on or after 01-01-2004, as adopted by CSIR for its employees. However, persons selected from other Government Departments / Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings / Central Universities having Pension Scheme on GOI pattern will continue to be governed by the existing Pension Scheme i.e. CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. Scientists in CSIR are also permitted to undertakeconsultancyandsponsoredR&Dproject activity.These activities give them scopetoearnconsultancyfeeandhonorariumasper guidelines governing these activities. Opportunities also arise for foreign deputations for training / presentationofpapers/specificassignmentsetc.. CSIR provides excellent opportunities to deserving candidates for career advancement under AssessmentPromotionschemeforScientists. Candidatesonappointment will have the opportunity to pursuePh.Dworkwithanexternal registration. 2. a. Generalconditions/information: TheapplicantmustbeacitizenofIndia. Page 3 of 7

b. c. d.



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All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulatedintheadvertisement.Theyareadvisedtosatisfythemselvesbeforeapplyingthat they possess at least the essentialqualifications laiddown forvariousposts.No enquiryasking for adviceastoeligibilitywillbeentertained.Theprescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitlecandidatestobecalled forinterview. IN THE EVENT OF NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS BEING LARGE, CSIR-CMERI WILL ADOPT SHORT LISTING CRITERIA TO RESTRICT THE NUMBER OF CANDIDATESTOBECALLEDFOR INTERVIEWTOAREASONABLENUMBERBYANYORMOREOFTHEFOLLOWING METHODS: I. On the basis of higher educational qualifications thantheminimumprescribedinthe advertisement. II. Onthebasisofhigherexperience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in theadvertisement. III. ByholdingawrittenTest. IV. AnyothermethodologyasdeemedfitbyScreeningCommittee. The application should be accompanied by self attested copies of certificataes of the relevant educational qualification,experience. The prescribed qualifications should have been obtainedthrough recognized Universities/Institutionsetc.. Incompleteapplications/applications receivednot accompaniedwiththerequiredcertificates/documents areliableto berejected. In respectof equivalent clause in Essential Qualifications,ifacandidateisclaiming a particular qualification asequivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produceorder/letter in thisregard,indicating the Authority (with numberanddate)underwhichithasbeensotreatedotherwisetheApplication isliabletobe rejected. Theperiodofexperiencerenderedbyacandidateonparttimebasis, dailywages, visiting / guest faculty will not becounted while calculatingthevalidexperienceforshortlistingthe candidates forinterview. Ifanydocument/certificatefurnishedisinalanguageotherthanHindiorEnglish,atranscript of thesamedulyattestedbyaGazettedOfficerorNotaryistobesubmitted. The date for determining the upper age limit,qualificationsand/orexperienceshall be the closingdateprescribedforreceiptofapplications. The periodofexperienceinadiscipline/areaofwork,whereverprescribed,shallbecounted afterthedateofacquiringtheminimumprescribededucationalqualificationsprescribed forthat Grade. Candidate must ensure that he/she possesses educational qualification/experience in the relevantareaasrequiredinthecategory/post,forwhichhe/sheisapplying,onthelastdate of receiptofapplication. Applications from candidates working in Government Departments, Autonomous Bodies, Public SectorUndertakings and Government Funded Research Agencies will be considered when forwarded through proper channel within the prescribed timelimit along with requisite NOC. Personswithdisabilities(PWD)fulfillingtheeligibilityconditionsprescribedunderGOI instructions areencouragedtoapply. Page 4 of 7




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r. s.

t. u. 3. a. b.

Thepostscarry usualallowancesasadmissibletoCentralGovernmentemployeesashavebeen madeapplicabletoCSIRemployees. Deservingcandidatesmaybeconsideredforhigherstartofpay. ThepostwillbegovernedbytheNewPensionSchemeapplicablew.e.f. 01.01.2004asnotified by the Government of Indiaand adopted by CSIR vide their letter No.17/68/2001E.II dated 23.12.2003andotherinstructionsissuedonthesubject. Only outstation candidates called and found eligible forinterviewwillbepaidtoand fro single second classrailfarefromtheactualplaceofundertakingthejourneyorfromthe normal place oftheirresidencewhicheverisnearertoDurgapurRailwayStationonproductionof Rail Tickets/RailTicketNumbersoranyotherproofofjourney. Anydiscrepancy found between the information given in application and asevidentin original documents will make the candidate ineligible forappearingininterview.Such candidatewill not be paidanyfare. Thenumberofvacanciesindicatedagainsteachcategoryisprovisionalandmayvaryatthe time ofselection. ThedecisionoftheCSIR-CMERI/CSIRinallmattersrelatingtoeligibility,acceptanceor rejection of applications,modeofselection,conduct ofexamination/interview will befinaland binding on thecandidates. Canvassing inany form and/orbringinganyinfluencepoliticalorotherwisewillbetreated as adisqualificationforthepost. NOINTERIMENQUIRYORCORRESPONDENCEWILLBEENTERTAINED. Relaxations: The date for determining the age limit/experience/qualifications shall be the closing date prescribedforreceiptofapplicationsi.e. 06.05.2013. Theupper agelimitishowever,relaxableupto5yearsforSC/STand03yearsforOBCasper Governmentordersinforce only in those cases where the post are reserved for respective categories, onproductionofrelevantcertificateintheprescribedformatsignedbythe specified authorityatthetimeofinterview. Upper age limit is relaxable upto five years for the regular employees working in CSIR laboratories/institutes,GovernmentDepartments,autonomousbodiesandpublicsector undertakings. As per GOI provisions, age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separatedfromHusbands:Theupperagelimitisrelaxableuptotheageof35years(upto 40 years for members of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes andupto38yearsformembers belongingtotheOtherBackwardClassesinrespectofthepostsreservedforthem)for Widows, divorced WomenandWomenJudiciallyseparatedfromtheirHusbandswhoarenotremarried. Thepersonsclaimingagerelaxationunderthissubparawouldberequiredtoproduce followingdocumentaryevidence: I. IncaseofWidow,DeathCertificateofherhusbandtogetherwiththeAffidavitthat she hasnotremarriedsince. II. In case of divorcedWomen andWomenjudiciallyseparatedfromtheirhusbands, a certifiedcopyofthejudgment/decreeofthe appropriate Court to prove thefactof divorceorthejudicialseparation,asthecasemaybe,withanAffidavitinrespectof divorcedWomenandtheyhave notremarriedsince. Page 5 of 7







Age relaxation to person with Disabilities (PWD) : Agerelaxation of5 yearsis allowed(total 10 yearsforSCs/STsand8 years for OBCs inrespect oftheposts reservedforthem) toblind, deafmuteandorthopedically handicapped persons for appointment to Group A and Group B posts/services. The persons claiming age relaxation under this subpara would be requiredtoproduceacertificate in prescribed proformain supportoftheir claimsclearly indicatingthatthedegreeofphysical disabilityis40%ormore. Inanycase,theappointment of these candidates will be subject totheirbeingfound medically fit in accordance with the standardsofmedicalfitnessasprescribedbytheGovernmentfor eachindividualGroupA and GroupBpoststobefilledbyDirect RecruitmentbySelection. SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates arerequiredtoproduceacopyofthecertificateintheprescribed formatsignedbythespecified authority at the time of interview. The OBC candidate should produce the certificate valid forappointmentofpostsundertheCentralGovernment. Relaxation in age, over and above the stipulated limit, educational qualification and / or experience may be consideredincaseofexceptionallymeritoriouscandidatesandifsufficient numberofcandidatespossessingtherequisitequalificationand/orexperiencearenotlikelyto be availabletofilluptheposts. Relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years applicable for persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of J&K during the period 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989 subject to production of a certificate from the District Magistrate in the Kashmir Division within whose jurisdiction he/she had ordinarily resided or from any other authority designated in this behalf by the Government of J&K to the effect that he/she had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of J&K during the period from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989. Modeofselection: Mere fulfilment ofeducational qualificationsand experience doesnotentitleacandidateto be calledforinterview.Theduly constitutedScreeningCommitteewilladoptitsowncriteriafor shortlistingthecandidates. The candidate should,therefore,mention in theapplication all the qualifications andexperiencesintherelevantareaoverandabove the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents. Completion of Ph.D. degree willbereckonedfrom thedateofissueofprovisionalcertificate/notification. a. In case a candidate is staying abroad, his/her candidature may be considered in absentia by the SelectionCommitteeonhis/herwrittenrequest. b. The Selection Committee may choose to place the candidate in any of the Grade Pay within the Pay Banddepending upon the performance of the candidate and subject to meeting the minimum eligibility criterionspecified.


5. a. b.

Howtoapply: Eligiblecandidatesarerequiredtoapply in the prescribed proforma to the Administrative Officer. A non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) is payable separately for each post in the form of Demand Draft valid for a period of at least 3 months. Demand Draft should be in favour of CENTRAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE and payable at SBI, Durgapur (Code No. 00074). Thefollowingdetailsmustbefilled uponbackside of Demand Draft (i) Candidate's Name, (ii)Candidate's Category, (iii) Post Code appliedfor and (iv) Date of Birth. SC/ST/PWD/Women/CSIR Employees / Candidates otherwise eligible but residing abroad are exemptedfrom submissionof applicationfee. Page 6 of 7


Incaseofuniversities/instituteawardingCGPA/SGPA/OGPAgradesetc.,candidatesarerequested toconvertthesameintopercentagebasedontheformulaaspertheiruniversity/institute. The application, duly accompanied by attested copies of thecertificates,marksheets, testimonials in support ofage,educationqualifications,experience,reprints of publications and caste certificate, if applicable, along with onerecentpassportsize selfsigned photograph affixed, together with Demand Draft (ifapplicable) should besentinanenvelope superscribed "APPLICATIONFORTHEPOSTOF____________(PostCode________) bypost so as toreach theaboveaddressby 06.05.2013. The Administrative Officer CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Mahatma Gandhi Avenue Durgapur 713 209 (West Bengal)







Candidatesapplyingfor more than one post must submit separate Application for each post indicatingthe CodeNo. ofthe post. The each application must be accompanied by separate DemandDraft(s). Application once made will notbeallowed to bewithdrawnand feesoncepaidwill neither be refundedonany count norcan itbeheld inreserveforanyotherrecruitment orselection process. Applications from employees ofGovernmentDepartmentswillbeconsideredonlyifforwarded throughproperchannel,certifiedbytheemployerthattheapplicant,ifselected,willbe relieved within onemonth ofthereceiptof the appointment orders. Vigilance Clearance should also berecorded. However,advancecopyof the application may be submitted before the closing date. Applications routed through proper channel should reachCSIRCentral Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur at the earliest. Candidatesshouldspecificallynote that the applicationsreceived after the closingdatefor any reasonwhatsoever (such as envelopes wrongly addressed, delivered elsewhere, postal delay etc.) will not be entertained bythe Institute. Application not accompanied by (i) prescribed application fee; (ii) requisite information asked for in the Application Form; (iii) Photo copies of Marks Card / Certificates of all the semesters/years from Matriculation level onwards; (iv) Proof regarding date of birth & age; (v) SC/ST/OBC/PWD certificates in the case of reserved posts; and applications received after the closing date will not be considered. Incomplete applications will be outrightly rejected. Followingdocumentsmustbeattachedalongwithapplicationform: DemandDraftofRs.100/asapplicationfee,whereapplicable. Colouredphotographpastedontheformandsignedacrossinfull. SelfAttestedphotocopyof certificate provingDateofBirth. SelfAttestedphotocopiesofeducationalqualifications (Certificates & Marks Sheets). SelfAttestedphotocopyofcastecertificate,ifapplicable. SelfAttestedphotocopiesofexperiencecertificates,wherever required.

6. a. b. c. d. e. f.


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