Application For Faculty Position: A: Post Applied For

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Application for Faculty Position

Affix Photograph

Advertisement Date: ____________________ A: POST APPLIED FOR: Name of post (s). (Please list in order of Area of specialization: preference): *(Fill in at lease 1 position) 1. What is your expected salary Per Annum? *Rs. 2. What is your current salary Per Annum? *Rs. 3.

A-1: Choice of Campus: 1. MUMBAI 2. SHIRPUR 3. BENGALURU CAMPUS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS Please fill in the preference (1to 4) B: PERSONAL PARTICULARS: Full Name Surname Middle Name (Prefix Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.) Maiden Name (if applicable) Marital Status Married / Unmarried Passport No. Nationality Date of Birth Gender Address for Communication Permanent Address Contact Numbers: Office No. Indian / NRI Male / Female


First Name

Residential No.

Mobile No. E-mail id Place of Birth with State Blood Group PAN/ GIR No. C: FAMILY PARTICULARS Name of Spouse Citizenship Is your Spouse employed Yes / No If yes Give Details Name of Employer: Designation: Place of work: Contact Details:


Telephone Number with STD code Mobile Number E-mail E: LANGUAGE SKILLS (Tick as appropriate) Name of the Language English Hindi Speaking Writing Reading


Any other

F: EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Chronological) Please attach photocopies Sr. From To(dd/mm/yy) Institution/ University No. (dd/mm/yy)

Degree/ Diploma*

Grade/ Marks

* Please provide details starting with the highest qualification G: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Please state in Chronological Order) Sr. From To Company No. (dd/mm/ (dd/mm/y Name yy) y)

Brief Position Salary Reason Description Held Last for of Duties Drawn leaving the job

*Please provide details starting with the earliest experience. *Please attach additional sheets if required. G- 1 FURNISH DETAILS OF DOCTORAL THESIS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H: OTHER FORMAL STUDIES/ Qualifications/ Workshops/ Membership Description From (dd/mm/yy)

To (dd/mm/yy)

I: LIST OF PUBLICATIONS: Please attach a separate sheet if applicable Name (Author/ s) Title Journal/ Magazine



J: PAPERS PRESENTATION/ SESSIONS Chaired/ SEMINARS/ Symposia/ Conference Description From To National (dd/mm/yy) (dd/mm/yy)



K: PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION INDIAN AND FOREIGN (Membership of Societies, etc.) Organization Year of Election/ Grade of Membership Remarks Nomination

L: VISITS ABROAD (For Professional Work or Training only) Country Period of Visit


M: PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE (Reference must not be related to you by blood or marriage) Name of 1st Referee No. of Years Known Occupation Address Contact No. with STD Code E-Mail Name of 2nd Referee No. of Years Known Occupation Address Contact No. with STD Code E-Mail

N: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Have you ever suffered or are you suffering from any physical impairment, disease or mental illness? If Yes Give Details 2. Have you ever been convicted in a court of law? If yes Give Details 3. Have you been charged with any offence in a court of law anywhere for which the outcome is not yet known? If Yes Give Details 4. Have your any relative or friend working in the NMIMS or SVKM Group institutions

Declaration by the applicant (to be completed by all applicants)

I hereby declare that the information furnishes by me is correct and complete and that I shall immediately inform the SVKMs NMIMS University of any changes in my current status. I hereby agree that any false statement I make in this application shall result in cancellation of my candidature. I have attached Xerox of proof of qualification and work experience.

Name of Candidate :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DATA SHEET Post Applied for Dept :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A-1: Choice of Campus: 1. MUMBAI 2. SHIRPUR CAMPUS OPERATIONS Please fill in the preference (1 to 4) 1 Name and Address



Nationality / Age/ Date of Birth UG/ PG Degrees Year/ University Ph.D. Year/ University/ Specialization Present Position, with salary details Number of years experience as Asst. Prof. Number of years experience as Assoc. Prof. Experience (in Years) Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience UG: Pre-Ph.D. PG: Post-Ph.D.

Research Guidance (give Completed numbers) Ph.D. MS

Ongoing M.Tech. Ph.D. MS



Publication details (give numbers) Journal Papers Conference Publications



11 12 13

Books Patents Sponsored Project details Project title Amount involved Sponsorship Agency Duration

Please attach separate sheet for additional projects 14 Consultancy 15 Any other relevant information:

For Department Use only Remarks:

Signature of Deans of School/ Head of Department with date:

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