Skema Trial SBP Physics 2007
Skema Trial SBP Physics 2007
Skema Trial SBP Physics 2007
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Skema FIZIK kertas2 PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2007 SOALAN SELARAS SBP NO ANSWER 1(a)(i) State the name of liquid correctly - mercury (a)(ii) State the correct physical change - Expansion / increase in volume (b)(i) State the choice of instrument correctly -thermometer X (b)(ii) Give one correct reason. - The smallest division is smaller // able to detect the smaller /smallest change TOTAL 2(a)(i) Total internal reflection
Pantulan dalam penuh
MARK 1 1
4 1 1 1
(a)(ii) The refractive index of Y is higher than the refractive index of X// Vice versa
Ketumpatan optik Y lebih besar daripada ketumpatan optik X
Sin c =
1 1 = = 0.4762 n 2 .1
1 2
c = 28.44o // 280 26 (c) Prism periscope // prism binoculars // camera// endoscope and etc.
Periskop berprisma/binokular berprisma/kamera/endoskop dll
1 5 1 1 1 1
(a)(ii) Constant acceleration // increasing velocity uniformly followed by zero acceleration // constant velocity
Pecutan seragam / halaju bertambah seragam diikuti dengan pecutan sifar / halaju seragam
(b)(ii) constant / uniform velocity // acceleration is zero halaju seragam / pecutan sifar (c) 1- a curve with the increasing gradient (from 2.00 pm 2.01 pm) 2- Straight line (> 2.01pm)
TOTAL NO 4 (a) Reflection of wave (b) 1- The incident ultrasonic waves is reflected by the big rock to form reflected ultrasonic waves. 2- The incident angle is equal to reflected angle (c)(i) d=
vt 1560 1.5 = 2 2
6 MARK 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
TOTAL 5(a)(i) The wall of a dam in Figure 4.2 is much thicker at the bottom than at the top and withstand the higher pressure at the bottom of the lake.
7 1
(a)(ii) Pressure at B is higher than at A // vice versa (b)(i) Dam in Diagram 5.2 (b)(ii) 1- When depth increases, pressure increases. 2- Thicker at the base can withstand high pressure. (c)(i) Siphon system (c)(ii) Diffrence in water level will cause different in pressure (c)(iii)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
NO ANSWER 6(a) Induced current (b)(i) 1- Number of turns in Diagram 6.1 is greater. 2- Angle of deflection for galvanometer in diagram 6.1 is bigger. (ii) 1- as the number of turns increases, the rate of change of magnetic flux increases 2- hence, induced more current (c) Lenzs law (d) 1- The current induced produces north pole on the left side 2- so as to oppose the oncoming magnet TOTAL 7(a) n-p-n transistor (b)(i) 12 V (b)(ii) 27 + 3 = 30 k (b)(iii) 3 V YZ = x 12 3 27 = 1.2 V (c) 1- Lamp L will not glow 2- because the voltage across YZ (i.e 1.2 V) is less than the base-emitter potential difference of 2V (d) Resistor R1 and R2 are swapped places (e) 1-Resistor R1 is replaced by a thermistor. 2- Lamp L is replaced by an electric bell. TOTAL 4
MARK 1 1 1 1 1
8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
8(a) Atoms of elements which have same proton number, but different nucleon number
Isotop ialah atom satu unsure yang mempunyai nombor proton yang sama, tetapi nombor nucleon yang berlainan
1 1
Shape of graph
One point is correct Two or more point Geiger- Muller tube Back ground reading 562 20/19/21 = 542/ 543/ 541 counts/min 5 cm 1- At 5 cm, the reading form detector increase rapidly 2- In large scale/ number, shows the existing of -particles TOTAL
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 12
Number 9 (a)
Answer Heat is the quantity of energy that is transformed from one hot object to a cold object. 1-Figure 9.1 shows a situation where a solid changes into liquid / Figure 9.2 shows a situation where a liquid change into gas 2-Both processes have a change in the state of matter. 3-Both processes require heat. 4-The heat absorbed is not to raise the temperature, to overcome the force between the molecule particles during the physical change. 5-Concept involved is Latent Heat 1-Water evaporates from the skin when we sweat. 2-for water to evaporate it use heat from the body 1-Steam condenses to form water so, 2-latent heat of vaporization of steam is let out more steam.
Mark 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(d) Suggestion Use insulator behind the absorber panel Use an absorber panel which is painted black. The pipe inside the plate must be made of metal Pipe embedded in plate must be long A storage tank must be place at a higher level Use glass cover on the top of the panel Explanation To prevent the loss of heat energy A black surface is a good absorber of radiation so it will absorb heat faster Metal is a good heat conductor, so it will transmit heat to water easily Longer pipe will enlarge surface area will absorbs heat faster To give higher pressure
2 2
To trap heat energy. (energy is radiated in, but cannot radiate out again). Any five suggestions and explanation[ 10 marks ] Total Answer 20 Mark 1 1
State the energy transformations correctly Chemical energy electrical energy Compare the arrangement of dry cells correctly 1 Figure 10.1(a): The dry cells connected in parallel, Figure 10.1(b): The dry cells connected in series Compare the voltage supplied correctly 2 The voltage supplied in Figure 10.1(a) is smaller Compare the ammeter reading correctly 3 The ammeter reading in Figure 10.2(a) is smaller State correctly the relationship between the voltage supplied and the energy transferred 4 The greater the voltage supplied, the greater the energy transferred to flow the electric charges around the circuit State correctly the relationship between the current flowing and the energy transferred 5 The greater the current flowing around the circuit, the faster that the energy is transferred
State the situation when touching the live wire correctly 1 Our bodies are at earth potential (0V) 2 If we touch the live wire, there will be a large potential
difference (p.d) the live wire and our body. A large current flow through it, probably fatal. State the situation when touching the neutral wire correctly 3 The neutral wire stays at earth potential (0V), roughly at the same potential as our bodies. 4 If we touch the neutral wire, there is no p.d. across us and so no current flows. State the method to make the cabin wiring more effective The electric appliances are connected in parallel//diagram State the correct reason Allow each electric appliances to be switched on and off independently State the method to protect electric appliances from damage Fit fuse at the live wire in the fuse box //diagram// Use miniature circuit breakers (mcbs) State the correct reason To stop the flow of current by melting when a high voltage of electric current flows through the circuit // switches itself off very quickly if the current exceeds e.g. 15A (for 15A mcb) State the method to prevent electric shock Earth connection to the metal case of electrical appliances State the correct reason Earth wire connected to earth, so that when a fault occurs and a current flows through the live wire and the earth wire, the fuse in the live wire will blow and cut off the supply. It will protect a person who may touch a faulty or live appliance State the method to increase energy efficiency Use low power lamps / install fluorescent lamp Regularly cleaning and removing dust from the air filters of air conditioners Do not put more water in a kettle than needed for hot drinks State the correct reason To save the energy
Total 11 (a) When an object is immersed in a fluid, the buoyang force on the object is equal in size to the weight of fluid displaced by the object. 2
1 1 1
1 20 1
Apabila objek terendam didalam bendalir, daya tujah ke atas yang dikenakan keatas objek itu adalah sama dengan berat bendalir yang disesarkan. - B is denser than A.
B lebih tumpat dari A.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The weight of water displaced is the same of the weight of the rod.
Berat air disesarkan sama dengan berat rod.
Choose N
Pilih N
N is made from glass, has small diameter of capillary tube, high density of shots and a big diameter of bottom bulb.
N diperbuat dari kaca, mempunyai diameter kapilari yang kecil, bebuli berketumpatan tinggi dan bebuli kaca berdiameter besar.
Weight of boat = weight of water displaced 2500 N = 1000 x V x 10 V = 0.25 m3 Maximum weight = maximum water displaced = 1000 x 4 x 10 = 40000 N maximum mass = 4000 kg maximum load = 4000 250 = 3750 kg. Total
1 1
1 1 1
20 1 1 1 1
A transformer is a device that steps up or steps down the voltage of an alternating current. [1] Transformer Q Ns>Np Vs = Ns Vp = 500 x 240
2000 1 1 1 1 1 1
= 60V Vs = 1000 x 110 500 = 220 V Heating effect in the coils Eddy currents in the coils Leakage of magnetic flux The magnetisation and demagnetisation of the core Characteristic Low resistivity Low density Low cost Low rate of thermal expansion Cable Q Low resistivity, low density, expansion Maximum 3 Explanation To reduce heat loss in the cables The cables will be lighter Cost of project will be lower The cables will not expand under hot weather medium cost, low rate of thermal Total
2 2 2 2 1 1 20
Tabulate ,l, V, I and R correctly in the table. A B C D E F Shows a table which have l, V, I and R State the correct unit of l /cm, V/V, I /A and R / All values of V are correct Values of I are correct Values of R are correct All values of are consistent
l /cm 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 V/V 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
1 1 1 1 1 1
Draw the graph of R against l. A - Label y-axis and x-axis correctly B - States the unit at the axis correctly C - Both axes with the even and uniform scale: D -5 points correctly plotted: E - a smooth best straight line F - minimum size of the graph is 5 x 4 Squares of 2 x 2 cm: Number of 6 5 3-4 2 1 Score 5 4 3 2 1
(d) (e)
State the correct relationship based on the candidates graph R is directly propotional to l. State ONE correct precaution so as to produce an accurate result of the experiment The position of the eye perpendicular to the scale when taking the reading to avoid errors due to parallax/systematic error TOTAL
1 16
2 (a)
1 1 1 1
(b) (i)
(ii) .a increased
(c) (i) Shows on the graph appropriate right triangle ( > 5 x 4)
Gradient , m
35 10 91 = 3.125 N m-1s2
1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1. Make sure elastic strings are stretched at constant length. 2. The position of the eye perpendicular to the scale of the metre rule when measuring the ticker tape to avoid errors due to parallax/systematic error TOTAL
3 (a)
The depth of the boat in water is affected by the weight/mass of the load
Kedalaman bahagian bot di dalam air dipengaruhi oleh berat/jisim beban
When the weight (of load) increases, the volume of liquid/water displaced increases. or When the number of slotted masses increases, the volume of liquid/ water displaced increases Apabila berat muatan bertambah, isipadu cecair/air yang tersesar bertambah. atau Apabila bilangan pemberat berslot bertambah, isipadu ceacir/air yang tersesar bertambah. To study the relationship between weight/number of slotted masses and the volume of liquid/water displaced. Untuk mengkaji perhubungan antara berat/bilangan pemberat berslot dan isipadu cecair/air yang tersesar. Manipulated variable : weight, W / number of slotted masses pembolehubah manipulasi : berat, W / bilangan pemberat berslot Responding variable: volume of liquid/water displaced, V Pembolehubah bergerak balas isipadu cecair/air yang tersesar, V
List of apparatus/material: slotted masses, wooden block, water, beaker, measuring cylinder/ruler
pemberat berslot, bongkah kayu, bikar, silinder penyukat/ pembaris
Arrangement of apparatus
Susunan radas
1 1
Experiment is repeated by placing 2, 3, 4 and 5 slotted masses on the wooden block and the corresponding volume is recorded.
Weight, W /mass,m/
number of slotted masses
Inference : The Crane (b) had attracted more load of scrapped irons than the crane because of its larger no. of coils/turns of the solenoid // the strength of the magnetic field depends on the no. of turns/coils of the solenoid. Hypothesis : Bigger number of turns in the solenoid , the stronger will be its electromagnetic field strength Aim : To investigate the relationship between the number of turns and the electromagnetic field strength Variables : Manipulated : number of turns in the solenoid Responding :electromagnetic field strength / no. of pins attracted Constant Variable : Current ; soft iron core . List of apparatus : Solenoid, PVC tube / large iron nail , iron nails/ pins/paper clips, ammeter , rheostat and power supply. Arrangement of apparatus:
(b) (c)
1 1 1 1 1
Control of Manipulated Variable : Wind the insulated wire around the large iron nail/PVC tube , starting with 50 coils . Measurement of Responding Vble : Lower the solenoild until it touches the iron nails . Record the number of iron nails attracted by it. Repeat the experiment & procedure 4 more times with no. of coils at 100 , 150 , 200 and 250. Tabulation of data No. of turns No of nails attracted 50 100 150 200 250 Analysis of data. Sketch the graph of no. of coils against no. of nails attracted TOTAL
1 1 1
1 12