• I
CtJIiftmtill 1l'lJltitute of Tee_log,
'" "'DO'
Reading, Massachusetts
A complete and unabridged reprint of the original American textbook, this World
Student Series edition may be sold only in thoae CountIiC3 to which it ill tonldgned
by Addison-Werley or its ll\l.thorized trade distrlbutors.1t may not be re..exported
from the country to which it has been consigned. and it may not be aold in the
United States of America or ita poMlll1Sions.
19/ I -
A glance at the table of contents will reveal that this textbook treats topics in
analysis at the ••Advanced Calculus" level. The aim has been to provide a develop-
ment of the subject which is honest, rigorous, up to date, and, at the same time,
not too pedantic. The book provides a transition from elementary calculus to
advan<:ed courses in real and complex function thootY, and it introduces the reader
to some of the abstract thinking that pervades modern analysis.
The second edition di.lfen from the first in many respects. Point set topology
is developed in the setting of general metric spaces as well as in Euclidean n-space,
and two new chaptenl have been added on Lebesgue integration, The material on
line integmls. vector analysis, and surface integrals has been deleted. The order of
some chapters has been rearranged, many teCtiOdS have been completely rewritten,
and several new exercises have been added.
The development of Lebesgue integnttion follows the Riesz-Nagy approach
which focuse& directly on functions and their integrali and does not depend on
measure theory. The treatment here is simplified. spread out, and somewhat
rearranged for presentation at the undergraduate level.
The first edition has been used in mathematics courses at a variety of levels,
from first-year undergraduate to first-year graduate, both as a text and as supple-
mentary reference. The seoond edition preserves this tlexibility. For example,
Chapters I through.5, 12, and 13 provide a course in dilferential calculus of func-
tions of one or more variables. Chapters 6 through 11, 14, and I S provide a course
in integration theory. Many other combinations are possible; individoal iostrucloJ'l
can choose topics to suit their needs by consulting the diagram on the next page,
which displays the logical interdependence of the chapters.
I would like to exprellS my gratitude to the many people who have taken the
trouble to write me about the fint edition. Their comments and suggestions
influenced the preparation of the second edition. Special thanks are due Dr.
Charatambos Aliprantis who caret\dly read the entin: m8nUllCript and made
numerous helpful suggestions. He also provided some of the new exercises.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge my debt to the undergraduate students of
CaIteeh whose enthusiasm for matbcmatics provided the original ineentive for this
Pasadena T.MA.
September }tJ73
9.22 Abel's limit theorem 244 11.12 sllfficient conditions for conversence of a Fourier series at a partiCUlar
9.23 Tauber"s theorem 246 point . 3J9
Exercitcs • 247 11.13 Cesaro summability of Fourier series. 319
IU4 Consequences of Fejer's theorem . 321
t 1.1 S The Weierstrass approximation theorem 322
a.pter'10 The ........ I'IIteRnd 11.16 Other forms of Fourier series . 322
UU lotroduetion. 252 11.17 The Fourier integral theorem . 323
10.2 The integral of a step fllDClioD 253 11.18 The exponential fonn ortbe FQllrier integral theorem 325
10.3 Monotonic lleqUl:llCeS of step functions 2S4 11.19 Integral transforms. 326
10.4 Upper functioBll and their integrals • 2S6 11.20 Convolutions 327
105 Riemann-integrable functions as elUImples of upper functions 2S9 11.21 The convolution theorem for Fourier transforms 329
10.6 The class of Lebesgue-integrable functions on a general interval 260 11.22 The Poisson summation fonuula 332
10.7 Basic properties of the Lebesgue integral. 261 Exercises 335
10.8 Lebc:sSUC iot:egration and sets of measure zero . 264-
10.9 The Levi monotone coovergeuce t~ . 265
Chaplet' 11 MpltivariabJe Differential Calculus
10.10 The Lebesgue dominated (;Qnva:geIlQCl theorem . 1:10
10.11 Applications of Lebesgue"s dominatr:d convergence tboomn 272 12.1 Introduction. 344
10.12 Lebesgue integrals on unbounded intervals as limits of iDt:egraIs on 12.2 The directional derivative . 344
bounded intervals . 274 12.3 Directional derivatives and continuity 345
10.13 Improper Riemann integrals . 216 12.4 The (otal derivative. 346
10.14 Measurable functions . 279 12.5 The lotal derivative expressed in tenus of partial derivatives 347
H).l5 Continoity of functions defined by LebesJUC il'ltqra.ts 281 12.6 An application to complex-valued functions. 348
10.16 Ditrereotiation under the integral sign 283 12.7 The matrix of a linear function 349
10.17 InterchaogiDg the order of integration 287 12.8 The Jacobian matrix 351
10.18 Measurable i'.iCts on !:be ~ line . 289 12.9 The chain rule 352
10.19 The Lebesgue intesraJ over arbitrary subsets of R 291 12.10 Matrix form of the chain rule. 353
10.20 Lebesgue intesra)s of complex-valued. functions • 292 12.11 The Mean-Value Theorem for differentiable functions 355
10.21 In11ef products and nonns. . 293 12.12 A sufficient condition for differentiability 351
10.22 The set L 2 (1) of SQuare-integrable functions • 294 J2.J 3 A sufficient condition for equality of mixed partial derivatives 358
10.23 'The set L 2 (I) as a semimctric space • • 2~ 12.14 Taylor"s fonnula for functions from R ff to R1 361
10.24 A ~ thcomn for series of functions iD L %(l) m E~rdses . 362
10.25 The Riesz-F'lSCher theorem 297
Exercises . 298
Cbapler J3 Implicif FWK1ioos and Extremum ProbIeJM
13.1 Introduction. 367
Qapter 11 FOlIlie£ SerielIll'Ill F_ _ ~ 3611
13.2 Functions with nonzero Jacobian determinant
n.l Introduction. 306 13.3 The inverse function theorem . 372
11.2 Orthogonal systems of functions . 306 13.4 The. implicit function theorem . ':\73
11.3 The theorem on best approximation 3f11 13.5 Extrema of real-valued functions of one vanable 375
1•.4 Thc Fourier serill$ ofa fUllction.relative to an orthonormal system . 309 13.6 Extrema of real-valued functions of several variables 376
115 Properties of the Fourier coefficients . 309 13.7 Extremum problems with side conditions 380
1l.6 The Riesz-Fi5cller theorem 311 Exercises. 384
11.1 The convergence and representation problems for trIgonometric series 312
1U The Riemann-Lebe$Sue lemma 313
C1Iaptl.'T 14 Multiple Riemann Integrals
11.9 The Dirichlet iDtclJ[llls • 314
11.10 An integral representation for the partial sums of a Fourier series 317 14.1 Introduction. 388
lUI Riemann's localization theorem . 318 14.2 The measure of a bounded interval in R" 38S
Mathematical analysis studies concepts related in some way to real numbers, so
we begin our study of analysis with a discussion of the real-number system.
Several methods are used to introduce real numb&lrs. One method starts with
the positive integers I, 2, 3, • .. as undefined concepts and uses them to boild a
larger system. the positive ralionalnumbers (quotients of positive integers), their
negatives, and zero. The rational numbers. in tum, are then used to construct the
• i"u.,icmal munbers. real numbers like ..fi and ~-,Nhich are not rational. The rational
and irrational. numbers together constitute the real-number system.
Although these matters are an important part of the foundations of math-
ematics, they will not be described in detail here. As a matter of fact, in most
pbases of analysis it is only the properties of real numbers that concern us, rather
than the methods used to construct them. Therefore, we lhall take the real numbers
themselves as undefined objects satis(ying certain axioms from which further
properties will be derived. Since the reader is probably familiar with most of the
properties of real numbers discussed in the next few pages. the presentation will
be rather brief. Its purpose is to review the important features and pcnlouade the
reader that, if it were necessary to do so, aD the properties could be traced back
to the axioms. More detailed treatments can be found in the references at the end
of this chapter.
For convenience we use some elementary set notation and terminology. Let
, I
S denote a set (a collection ofobjects). The notation xeS means that the object x
is in the set S. and we write x ¢ S to indicate that x is not in S.
A set S is said to be a subset of T, and we write S !: T, if every object in S is
. also in T. A set is called 1ItJIU!mpty if it contains at least one object.
We assume there exists a nonempty set R of objects, called real numbers.
which satisfy the teo axioms listed below. The axioms fall in a natural way into
three groups which we refer to aa the field axioms. the order axioma, and the
completeness axiom (also call~ the least-upper-hound axiom or the axiom of
the sum x + y and the product xy are real numbers uniquely determined by x Thus we have 2 s: 3 since 2 < 3; and 2 5 2 since 2 "" 2. The symbol ~ is
and y satisfying the following axioms. (In the axioms that appear below, x, y, similarly used. A real number x is called nonnegotive if x ~ O. A pair of ,imul-
z represent arbitrary real numbers unle$ii something is said to the contrary.) taneous inequalities such as x < y, Y < Z is usually written more bril liy as
AriDm 1. x + y == Y + x, xy yx (commutative laws). x < y < z.
Axiom ,. x + (y + z) (x + y) + z, x(yz) = (xy)z (Q$30ciQtit'€ laws), The following theorem, wbich is a simple consequence of the foregoing axioms,
il> often used in proofs in a.nalysis.
Axiom J. x(y + z) = xy + xz (distributive law).
Theorem 1,1. Given real numbers a and b such tMt
Axiom 4. Given any two real numbers x and y, there exists a real number z such that
for every t > 0. (1)
x + z = y. This z is denoted by y -'x; the number x - x is denoted by O. (It
can he proved that 0 ;$ independent of x.) We write - x for 0 - x and ClJIl -x the
Then a .s: b.
negative of x. Proof. If b < a, then inequality (I) is violated for 8 == (a b)/2 because
AriD_ 5. There exists at least one real number x # O. If x and y are two real a-b a b a+a
numbers witn x :# 0, then tnere exists a real number z such that xz = y. This z is
b +B ... b + - - "" < = Q.
2 2
denoted by ylx .. the number xIx is denoted by 1 and can be sMwn to be independent of
x. We write X-I for l/x ifx " 0 and call X-I the reciprocal ofx. Therefore, by Axiom 6 we must ha,,'C a 5 b,
From these axioms all the usual Jaws of arithmetic can be derived; for example, Axiom 10, the completeness axiom, will be described in Section 1.11.
(-x) 1
X, (X- )-1 x, - YI = y - x. x y x + (-y), eti:. (For
a more detailed explanation, see Reference 1.1.) l.4 GEOMETRIC REPRESENTATION OF REAL NUMBERS
The real numbers are often represented geometrically as points on a line (called
1.3 'JHE ORDER AXIOMS the real line or the real axis). A point is selected to represent 0 and another to
We also asSume the existence of a relation < which establishes an ordering among represent I, as shown in Fig. Ll. This choice determines the scale. Under an
the real numbers and which satisfies the following axioms: appropriate set of axioms for Euclidean geometry, each point on the real line
corresponds to one and only one Teal nnmber and, conversely, each real number
Axiom 6. Exactly one (If the rekltiom x .v, x < y, x > Y holds. is represented by one and only one point on the line. It is customary to refer to
the pein! x rather than the point representing the real number x.
NOTE. x > Y means the same as y < x.
Axiom 7. If x < y. then for every z we have x + z < y + z. Figure U
Axiom fl. If x > 0 and y > 0, then xy > O.
Axiom 9. If x > y and Y > z, then x > z. The order relation has a simple geometric interpretation. If x < Y. the point
x lies to the left of the point y, as shown in Fig. I.L Positive numbers lie to the
NOTE. A real number x is called positive if x > 0, and negative if x < O. We right of 0, and negative numbers to the left oro. If a < b, a point x satisfies the
denote by R + the set of all positive real numbers, and by R - the set of all negative inequalities a < x < b if and only if x is between a and b,
real numbers.
From these axioms we can derive the usual rules for operating with inequalities. 1.5 INTERVAlS
For example, if we have x < y. then xz < yz if z is positive. whereas Xli: > yz if
z is negative. Also, if x > y and z > w where both y and ware positive. then The set of aU points between a and b is called an interval. Sometimes it is important
XI > yw. (For a complete discussion of these rules see Reference 1. t.)
to distinguish between intervws which include their endpoints and intervals which
do not.
NOTE. The symbolism x 5 y is bsed as. an abbreviation for the statement:
NOTATION. The notation {x: x satisfies P} will be used to designate the set of
"x < Y or x = y." aU real numbers x which satisfy property P.
Del.l.2 Tb.l.7
lJtJ,/iIIititm 1.2. Assume a < b. The open interooJ (a, b} is th!fintd to be the 8eI a prime if n > 1 and if the only positive divisors of /I are 1 and n. If 11 > 1 and n
is not prime, then n is called composite. The integer 1 is neither prime norcomposite.
(a, b) = {x: a < x < b}.
This section derives some elementary results on factorization of integers,
The closed inteftJl1l [a.b] is tlu! set {x:Q.~ x s; b}. The half-open intel'VQ/s culminating in the uniquefactorization theorem. also called the fundamental theorem
(a, b] and [a, b) art! similarly tkjined, using the inequalities a < x s; b and ofarithmetic.
a :$; x < b, respectively. Infinite intervals are defined tIS follows; The fundamental theorem states that (I) every integer n > 1 can be represented
as a product of prime factors. and (2) this factorization can be done in only one
(a, +(0) = {x;x > al, [a. 1-00) {x:x ~ a},
way. apart from the order of the factors. It is easy to prove part (I).
(-00,12) = {x:x < a}, (-00. a] {x:x ~ a}.
T#teonm IS. Every i/lteger n > 1 is either a prime or a product of primes.
The real line R is. sometimes referred to as tbe open interval (-00, +00). A
Proof. We use induction on n. The theorem holds trivially for II = 2. Assume
single point is. considered as a "degenerate" closed interval.
it is true for every integer k with I <: k <: n. If n is not prime it has a POMtive
NOTE. The symbols + 00 and 00 are used here purely for convenience in notati.on divisor d with 1 < d < n. Hence n = cd, where 1 <: e < n. Since both c and
and are Dot to be coDllidered as being real numbers. Later we shall extend the dare <n, each is a prime or a product of primes; hence n is a product of primes.
real-number system to include these two symbols, but until this is. done, the reader
Before proving part (2). uniqueness of the factorization. we introduce some
should understand that all real numbers are "finite."
further concevts.
If dla and dlb we say d is a common divism' of Q and b. The next theorem
1.6 INTEG:I!:IlS shows that every pair of integers a and b has a common divisor which is a linear
This section describes the integers, a special subset of R. Before we define the combil.'!ation of a and b.
integers it is convenient to introduce first the notion of an iIuJuctWe set. 1'M.,,. 1.6. Every pair of integers a and b has a common dioi.sor d of tlu! form
De../iIIititM 1.3. A set ofreal numbers is called Q1J inductive set if it Jw the following d=ax+b1
two properties;
a) The number 1 is in the set. where x and 1 are integers. Moreover, every common divisor of « and b dipider
t this d. . .
b) For every x in tile set. the number x + 1 is also in tire set.
Proof. First assume that a ~ O. b ~ 0 and use induction on n a + b. If
For example, R is an inductive set. So is the set R"'. Now we shall define the
positive integers to be those real numbers which belong to every inductive set. /I= 0 then a b O , and we can tate d 0 with x = y = O. Assume, then,
that the theorem has been proved for O. 1,2, •.• , n - 1. By symmetry, we can
De,/iltitioIl1.4. If real number is called a positive integer if it he/ongl to every assume a ~ b. If b 0 take d = a, x = I, y O. If b ~ 1 we can apply the
inductive let. Tile set ofpositive integers is denoted by Z +. induction hypothesis to a - b and b, llince their sum is a n - b ~ ft - 1.
Hence there isa common divisor d of Q - band b ofthe form d = (a - b)x + by.
The set Z + is itself an inductive set. U contains the number I. the number
This d also divides (0 - b) + b = a, so d is a common divisor of a and band
1 +
1 (denoted by 2), the number 2 + 1 (denoted by 3), and so on. Since Z+ is a
subset of every inductive set, we refer to Z+ as the smallest inductive set. This.
we have d = ax + (y x)b, a linear combination of
a and b. To complete the
proof we need to 'show that every common divisor divides d. Since a common
property of Z+ is sometimes called the principle of induction. We assume the
divisor divides a and b, it also divides the linear combination ax + (1 - x)b ". d.
reader is familiar with proofs by induction which are based on this principle.
This completes the proof jf a ~ 0 and b ~ O. If one or both of a and h is negative,
(See Reference 1.1.) Examples of such proofs are given in the next section.
apply the result just proved to lal and Ibl.
The negatives of the positive integers are called the negatire integers. The
positive integers" together with the negative integers and 0 (zero), form a set Z NOT£.. If d is II common divisor of a and b of the form d ax + by, then -d is
which we call simply the set of integers. all>o a divisor of the same fonn, -d a( -x} + b( - y). Of these two common
divisors, the nonnegative one is called the greatest common divisor of a and b,
1.7 THE UNIQUE FACTORIZATION THEOREM FOR INTEGERS and is denoted by gcd(a, b) or, simply by (a, b). If (a. b) :;: 1 then a and b are
said to be relatively prime.
If nand d are integers and if n cd for some integer c, we say d is a divisor of n,
or n is a multiple of d, and we write din (read: d divides n). An integer 11 is called Tlu!orem 1.7(EllClld', Umntll). If albc arsd (a. b) = I, Ihen a!e.
Ii Th.U
Th.Ul 7
o <: (2~ 2~ ~,
We assume that the reader is familiar with certain elementary properties of I
- I)! (e- - SU-l) < :os; (3)
rational numbers. For example, if a and b are rational, their average (u + b)/2 is
also rational" and lies between a and b. Therefore between any two rational num bers
there are infinitely many rational numbers, which implies that if we are given a for any integer k 2: 1. Now (lk - O! S2i-1 is always an integer. If e- t were
certain rational number we cannol speak of the unexllargest" rational number. Tatiomd. then we could·choose k so large that (2k I)! e- I would also be an
I 1'Ia. 1.14
integer. Because of (3) the diJference of these two integers would be a number For sem like the one in fu.amplc 3, which are bounded above but have no
between 0 and i. which is impossible. Thus e- 1 cannot be rational. and hence e maximum element, there is a concept which takes the place of the maximum ele-
amnot be rational. ment. It is called the least upper bound or supremum of the set and is defined as
:NOrll. For a proof that n. is irrational. sec &ercllle 1.33. follows:
D~ 1.13. Let S be (l set ofreal numbers bounded ahorJe. A real number b is
The ancient Greeks were aware oftbe existence of irrational numbers as early
called a least upper bound for S if it It4r the fo/rowing two properties:
as 500 D.C. However, a satisfactory theory of such numbers was not developed
until late in the nineteenth century. at which time three dilf'erent theories were a) b is an upper boundfor S.
introduced by Cantor. Dedekind. and Weierstrus. For an lK:COUDt of the theories b) No 1flImber less than b is 1m upper bound for S.
of Dedekind and Cantor and their equivalence. see R.eference 1.6.
Esp...... If S [0, 1] the maximum element 1 is also a least upper bound for S. If
S [0.1) the number 1 is a least upper bound for S, eve.o though S has no maximum
(SUPREMUM) It is an. easy exercise to prove that a set amnot have two different least upper
Irrational numbers arise in algebra when we try to solve certain quadratic equa- bounds. Therefore, if there is a least upper bound for S, there is only one and we
tions. For example, it is desirable to have a md number x such that x2 == 2. From can speak of the least upper bound.
the nine axioms listed above we aumot prove that such an x exists in .. because It is common practice to Illfer to the least upper bound of a set by the more
these nine axioms are also satisfied by Q and we have shown that there is no concise tenn supremum. abbreviated sup. We shall adopt this convention and write
rational number whose square is 2. The completeness axiom allows us to introduce b == supS
irrational numbers in the reaJ..number system. and it gives the real-number system
a property of continuity that is f\mdamental to .many theorems in analysis. to indicate that b is the supremum of S. If S has a maximum element, then
Before we desaibe the completeness axiom. it is convenient to introduce maxS = supS.
additional terminology and notation. The greatest lower bound. or irrjimum of S. denoted by inC S, is defined tn an
analogous fashion.
De./UlitlM.l.J1. Let S be " set of real numbers. If there is IJ real1Ulmber b such
t1u:It x S b for every x in S, the" b is called an upper botmdfor S and we say that
S is bounded aborJe by b.
Our final axiom for the real number system involves the notion of supremum.
We say an upper bound because every number greater than b will also be an.
upper bound. H an upper bound b is also a member of S, then b is called the A.xiom 10. Every rwnempty set S of real numbers which i8 bounded above 1v.Is IJ
largest member or the maximum element of S. There can be at most one such b. supremum.. that is, there is a real1fllmbel' b such that b = sup S.
H it exists. we write As a consequence of this axiom it follows that every nonempty set of real
b =muS. numbel'll which is bounded below has an infimum.
A set with no upper bound is said to be unbounded above.
Definitions of the terms lower bound, bofl1ldel1 below, smallest member (or 1.12 SOME PROPERl1ES' OF THE SUPREMUM
minimum element) can be similarly formulated. If S has a minimum element we
denote it by min S. This section discusses some fundamental properties of the supremum that will be
useful in this text. There is a corresponding set of properties of the infimum that
Enmples the reader should fonnuJate for himself.
I. 1be set R + .. (0, + 00) is unbowtded aOOve. It has no upper bounds and no 1:I:lU. The first property shows that a set with a supremum contains numbers arbi--
imIIm elemenr. It is oounded below by 0 but has no minimum elemeot. trarily close to its supremum.
2. The dosed iJ:Ik:rval S = [0. 1] is bounded above by I and is bounded below by O.
In faet, I:I:lU S = 1 and min S ",. O. Tn-rem 1.14 (ApproximalitntproptJrt}'). Let S be a nonempty set of rea/ numbers
3. The half-open interval S [0, 1) is bounded above by 1 but it has DO maximum
= sup S. Then for every a < b there is some x in S such
with a supremum, say b
element. Its minimum element ill O. that
IJ < X s: b.
10 Th. US :II
Proof. First of aU. x s; h for all x in S. If we had x S; a for every x in S, then a covered by a finite number of line segments of a given positive length" no matter
would be an upper bound for S smaller than the least upper bound. Therefore how small.
x > a for at Jea.st one x in S.
Theorem 1.19. If x > 0 ll1/d if Y is an arbitrary teal number, there Is a positive
TlManm IJS (Atl4itilff1l'roperty). Given nonempty subsets A and B of a, let C integer If such that nx > y.
deMte the set
Proof Apply Theorem 1.1.8 with: x replaced by yfx.
c= {x+y:xeA. YEB}.
If each of A tmd B has a supremum, then C has a supremum and
sup C = sup A + sup B. A real number of the form
Proof Let a = sup A, b = sup B. If Z E C then z x + y, where x E A, a
+ ... +-'!.
Y E IJ, so z: = x + Y S; Q + b. Hence a + b is an upper hQund for C. so C has a. 10 1(f 10" '
supremum, say t: sup C, and t: S; a + b. We show next that a + b s; c.
Choose any II > O. By Theorem 1.14 there is an x in A and a y in B such that where all is a nonnegative integer and at> ... , tl" are integers satisfying 0 S; ill S; 9,
is USUll.Uy written mote bridy as follows:
a-e<x and b a < y.
Adding these inequalities we find
This is said to be ajinite decimal representation of r. For example,
a +b - 2s < x +y S; c.
! == 5 = 0.5, 1 2 29 2 5
Thus, a +b< c + :La for every e > 0 so, by Theorem ].1, a + b ;s; c.
= -
.. 0.02, = 7 + + - 2 = 7.25.
2 10 4 10 10
The proof of the next theorem is left as an exercise for the reader.
Real numbers like these are necessarily rational and, in fact, they all have the fonn
T1Jeorem 1.16 (COIIIJNU- prffFrty). Given nQnempty subsets Sand T of R such r = ajlfi", where Q is an integer, However, not all rational numbers can be ex-
that 8 S; 1 for every II v, Sand t in T. if T has a supremum then S has a supremum pressed with finite decimal representations. For clmmple, jf i could be so expressed,
and then we would have i a{IO" or 3" = 10" for some integer Q. But this is im-
sup S S; sup T. possible since 3 does not divide any power of 10.
This section uses the completeness axiom to show that real numbers can be
rltefll'flm IJ7. The set z+ ofpositive integers 1,2,3, ... is unbounded above. approximated to any desired degree of accuracy by rational numbers with finite
Proof. If Z+ were bounded above then Z+ would have a supremum. say a =" decimal representations.
sup Z+. By Theorem 1.14 we would have a - I < n for some n'in Z+. Then neorem 1.10. Assume x ~ O. Then fM every iIIleger n ;,:;>: I there is a finite
n + 1 > a for this n. Since n + 1 € Z + this contradicts the fact that a sup Z +. decimal'" = 00' a l a2 ••• a" such that
1'IIItoum 1.18. For ever)' reQI x there is fl positive integer II such that n > x. 1
Proof. If this were not true, some x would be an upper bound for Z +, contra- F" S X < r lO + 10'"
dicting Theorem 1.17.
Proof Let S be the set of all nonnegative integers :S;;x. Then Sis nonempty,
since 0 E S, and S is bounded above by x. Therefore S has a supremum,. say
1.14 THE AR.CHlMEDEAN PROPERlY OF THE REAL NUMBER SYSTEM au == sup S. Ii is easily verified that aQ e S, so ao is a nonnegative integer. We
The ned theorem describes the Archimedean property ofthe real number system. call 00 the greatest integer in x, and we write ao [x]. Clearly, we have
Geometrically, it tells us that any line segment, no matter how long, can be 00 S; x < ao + I.
n..l.12 J3
dO + "1
- :S x < Go + 01 +1
-~- . Tlu!tJf'eIllI.21. If a <::: 0, thelt we have Ihe inequality Ixl s a if. and o'lly if,
10 10 - 0 S; x S; a.
More generally. haYing chosen a l , •••• a.. _1 with 0 ::S a/ :S 9, let a" be the
Proof From the definition or lxi, we have the inequality -Ixl :::; x S; lxi, since
largest integer satisfying the inequalities
x = Ixl or x -Ixl. If we assume that Ixl S; 0. then we can write ..• a S; -lxl S;
+ + ... + a.. :s < a + + ... + an + 1 x s Ixl :::; a and thus half of the theorem is proved. Conversely, let us assume
Go (fl x al (4)
10 to'" \) 10' 10'" _Q S; X S; Q. Then if x ~ 0, we have Ixl = x :s;; a, whereas if x < O. we have
Ixl = -x s; a. In either case we have Ixl S; a and the theorem is proved.
Then 0 S; a" :s;; 9 and we have
I We can use this theorem to prove the triangle inequality.
r "" :S x < "" + -10" ,
T1reoJ'em 1.21. For arbitrary real x and 1 we have
where,,, = a o .ala2. ••• 0.... This completes the proof. It is easy to verify that x is
actually tbe supremum of me
set of rational numbers f " 1'2••••• Ix + yl S; Ixl + 111 (the triangle inequality).
T/u(),~m 1.23 (CIUlCAy-Sehwtln; inequRlity). If a l , ...• a" and bl>"" h" ari! b) Ifx > 0, then. we ho.ve
arbitrary real numbers, we nar;e
x(+oo) "" +00, x(-oo) = 00.
UkX + bl< O/or each k 1,2, ...• n. d) {+oo) + (+00) = (+ 00)(+ 1Xi) = (-co)(-oo) +00,
00) + (-00) = (+00)(-00) = -00.
Proof A sum of squares can never be negative. Hence we have
e) if x e R, then we ho.ve - 00 < x < +00.
and only if, XI = Yl and X2 = Yz. We define the sum X + Y and the product xY by convenient to think oftbe real number system as being a special ca.se ofthe complex
the equations number system, and we agree to identify the complex number (x, 0) and the real
x +Y = (XI + Y., X2 + Y2)' xy = (XIYI - X l Y2. X I Y2 + XlYt)· numberx. Therefore, we write X = (x, 0). In particular, 0 = (O, 0) and I = 0,0).
Proof The proofs here are immediate from the definition, as are the proofs of The idea of expressing complex numbers geometrically as points on a plane
Theorems 1.29, 1.30, 1.32, and 1.33. was fonnulated by Gauss in his dissertation in 1799 and, independently, by Argand
in 1806. Gauss later coined the somewhat unfortunate phrase "compJex number."
1'IIeonm 1.19. Given two complex numbers X = (x I' Xl) and Y = (y h Y2), there Other geometric interpretations of complex numbers are possible. Instead of
exists a complex number z such that X + I = y. Infact, Z = (Yt XI> Y2 Xl)' using points on a plane, we can use points on other surfaces. Riemann found the
This Z is denoted by y - x. The complex number (-XI' -Xl) is denoted by -x. sphere particularly convenient for this purpose. Points ofthe sphere are projected
TllloulIIlJO. For allY two complex numbers X and y, we Juwe from the North Pole onto the tangent plane at the South Pole and thus there
corresponds to each point of the plane a definite point of the sphere. With the
(-x)y = x(-y) = -(xy) = {-I, OXxy}. exception of the North Pole itself. each point of the sphere corresponds to exactly
/JejiIIitiolI.l.Jl. If x = (Xl> Xl) ¢ (0,0) and Y are complex numbers, we define one point of the plane. This correspondence is called a stereographic projectwn.
X-I = [xl/(~ + xi), -X2/(X; + xi)]. and Ylx = yx-I. (See Fig. 1.3.)
TIteoUllt IJ1. If X ond y are complex numbers with X ¢ (0,0), there exists a
complex number z :ruch that xz y, namely, z = yx- I .
Of special interest are operations with complex numbers whose imaginary
part is O.
Tluwum 1J3. (XI' 0) + (YI> 0) = (Xl + Yl> 0),
(XI' OXy\> 0) = (XIYI' 0),
(x t , O)!(Yl, 0) = (Xt/YI, A}, if Yt f O.
NOTE. It is evident from Theorem J.33 that we can perfonn arithmc.\ic operations
on complex numbers with zero imaginary part by performing the u~iial real-num-
ber operations on the real parts alone. Hence the complex numbers of the form
(x, 0) have the same arithmetic properties as the real numbers. For this reason it is
Figure 1.3
1& lit
1.23 THE IMAGINARY UNIT TlVortJ", 1.39. If x and J! are complex numbers, then we have
It is onen convenient to think of the complex number (Xl' X;I) as a two-dimensional Ix + yj ::;; lxl + lyl (triangle inequality).
vector with components XI and X2' Adding two complex numbers by means of
Definition 1.26 is then the same as adding two vectors component by component. The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.
The complex number I = (1,0) pJays the same role as a unit vectOr in the hori-
zontal direetiOl'l. The aoalog of a unit vector in the vertical direction will DOW be us IMPOSSIBILITY OF ORDERING THE COMPLEX NUMBERS
As yet we bave not defined a relation of the form x < ,V if oX and y are arbitrary
lkJblitilm 1.34. The complex number (0, I) is deffated by i and is called the imag- complex numbers, for the reason that it is impossible to give a definition of < for
inary writ. complex numbers which will have aU the properties in Axioms 6 through 8. To
71Ieortllf 1.35. Every complex number x = (XI' x~) can be represented in theform illustrate, suppose we were able to define an order relation < satisfying Axioms
X = XI + lx2 • 6. 7. and 8. Then, since j '" 0, we mU5l have either i :> 0 or i < 0, by Axiom 6.
Let us assume i > O. Then taking, X "" Y = i in Axiom 8, we get j2 :> 0, or
Proof. XI = (Xl' 0), iX2 == (0, IXx2 ,0) == (0, X 2), - I > O. Adding 1 to both sides (Axiom 7), we get 0 :> L On the other hand,
XI + Ix: = (Xl< 0) + (0. X2) = (XI> X2)" applying Axiom 8 to -1 :> 0 we find I > O. Thus we have both 0 :> 1 ,and
The next theorem teUs us that the complex Dumber i provides us with a solution I > 0, which, by Axiom 6, is impossible. Hence !.he assumption i > 0 leads us
to the equation x3 = -1. to a contradiction. [Why was the inequality - 1 :> 0 not already a contradiction7]
A similar argument shows that we cannot have j < O. Hence the complex numbers
1'1Ii!4H", 1.36. 12 = - I. cannot be ordered in llUCh a way that Altioms 6, 7, and 8 win be satisfied.
Proof. 1" == (0, 1)(0, I) == (-1,0) == -I.
The exponential (x real) was mentioned earlier. We now wish to define when r
We DOW extend the conoept of absolute value to the complex number system. z is a complex number in such a way that the principal properties of the real
exponential function will be preserved. The main properties of If' for x real are
.,r absolute value. of
~ 1.37.. II x := (x.. X2), we define lite modulus, X to the law of exponents, r1e'":l = e'"1+;<1,'and the equation e& == I. We shall give a
be the 1U1lIlfegative real number Ixl g/ve1f by definition of e' for complex z which preserves these properties and reduces to the
ordinary exponential when z is real.
Ixi = Jxi + .G. If we write z = X + iy (x, y real), then for the law of exponents to hold we
Ihornlf 1.31, , want.e'"+il = e"tiy • It remains, therefore, to define what we shall mean bye".
i) 1(0,0)1 = 0, and Ixl :> 0 i[x '" O. ii) IxYI Ixlly!· DeJUUtio.l.40. If z x + /y, we dtdine e' = cfX+b to be the complex number
jii) Ix;yl = IxlllYl, if y '" O. iv) l(xl> 0)1 Ixll. r (cos y + i sin y).
i' ==
PrDof. Statements (i) and (iv) are immediate. To prove (n), we write x = X I + lx2 , This definition· agrees with the real exponential function when z is real (that
Y == J'l + i)'z, so that x,V = XIYI XIYl + i(X'Yl + XlYI)' Statement (ii) is, Y == 0). We prove next that the Jaw of exponents still holds.
(ollows from the relation
.. Sewra.l arguments can be given to motivate the equation e'l' = cos Y + i sin y. For
IxylZ = xry~ + x~Yi + xiJ1 + xiYt = (xi + x,iXYf + J1) = Ix1 2 1y12. example, let us write ell' = /(y) + ig(y) anatry to detennine the real-valued functions/
Equation (iii) can be derived from (ii) by writing it in the form Ixl := lyllx/YI. andg so tbat the usual rules of operating with real exponentials will also apply to complex
ex.PQ1'HlJltials. Formal differentiation yields e = g'(y) - i/'(y), if we aS5\l.fllC that
Geometrically. Ixl represents the length of the segment joining the origin to (e '')' = ie , Comparing the tw<l expressions for e '', we see thatf and g must satisfy the
equations "
fey) g'{y),/'(y) = -g(y). Elimination ' of g yields f(y) -r(y). Si.I1ce
the point x. More generally, Ix - YI is the distanoe between the points x and J.
we want eO I, we muM have/CO) ,., I andl'(O) O. It follows that/(y) ... cos y and
Using this geometric interpretation. the following theorem states that one side of g(y) - /,(y) ... sin y. Of oot.I.l'5C. this argument proves nothing. but it strongly suggests
a triangJe is less than the sum of the other two sides. that the definition e'Y ... cos}' + i·sin y is reasonable.
1'IL 1.41 DeLUIJ :n
Tlleorml1.ll1. If %1 Xl + iYl and %2 X2 + iY2 are two complex number8. The two numbers rand 8 uniquely determine z. Conversely, the positive number
then we have r is uniquely determined by z; in fact, r Izl. However, z detennlUes the angle (}
only up to multiples of 21l'.. There: are infinitely many values of (J which satisfy the
equations x = Izi cos 0, Y Izl sin 0 but, of coune, any two of tbem differ by
some multiple of 21£. Each such (} is called an argument of z but ooe of these values
rf' = .t1(cos Y1 + i sin .11). if' ... r~oos .12 + i sin Y1l, is singled out and is called the principol argument of z.
e'Jt!1. = e'"'c'[cos Yl cos Y2 sin .11 sin 12 DejUritiqIf 1.46. Let % = X + iy be a nonzero complex number. The unique real
number (} which satisfies the condition!l
+ ;(oos Yl sin Y2 + sin Yl cos Y2)].
x = Izi cos 9, y = Izi sin 6, -11: < 8 :s; +II:
since Xl and Xz are both reaL Also.
is called the principal argument of z, denoted by (} ... arg (2).
cos YI cos Y.z - sin YI sin Y1 ... (:01$ (..vI -+ '2)
and The above discussion immediately yields the following theorem:
COS .11 sin Y2 + sin Yt cos .12 = sin (.11 + Yz). T~ort!,., 1.47. Every complex number z #: 0 can be represented in the form
and hence z = re iB , where l'... Izj and 8 ... arg (z) + 211:n, n being any integer.
Tko... 1.51. If z "" O. and if n is a positive integer, then there ore exactly n log Iz I + i arg(z),
distinct complex numbers Zo. %1•... , %.-1 (called the nth roots of z), $liei that and OTIy other such w must hovf.' the lorm
z: z, for each k "" 0, I, 2, ...• It - 1.
log Izi + i arg (z) + 2m,;,
Furthermore, these roots are given. by the formulas where n is an integer.
Zt = Rei""', where R = Izi ll., Proof. Since e!"'lzl+'~"'(') = et... I.1el·... <z),., Izlth ""'} = Z, we see that w =
log Izl + i arg (z) is a solution of the equa.tion eW z. But if WI is any other
.p. "" all (z) + 2xk (k O,I,2, ••• ,n-l). soJution, then e = e"" and hence w - WI "" 2nxi.
iii 11
lk/itJitiott l.5J. Let z +- 0 be a gillen complex number. JI w is a complex number
NOTE, The n nth roots of z are equally spaced on the circle ofradius R == !Z!I/., such that e'" "" z, then W 18 called a logarithm ofz. The particular oolue uf)ll given
center at the origin, by
w "" Jog Iz1 + i arg (z)
Proof. The n comple~ numbers R ei+l\ 0 S k 5 n I, are distinct and each is
an nth root of z, since is called the prindpallogarithm of z. and fet this )II we write
(Rei+"r == R"J"'" "" Iz 1e'l"'I{.o)+:Zwk] = z. w = Logz.
We must now show that there are no other nth roots of z. Suppose w "" Ae,q is Eu.qIes
a complex number such that w" z. Then Iwl ft " " Izl, and hence A" "" Izl, 1. Since :1 I = I and iIl8 (i) = 11;/2, Log (;) fif f2.
A = Izl lI", Therefore, w" == Z can be written e f- = ei(ar:clm, which implies
2. Si:m:e 1- il 1 and aq (-i) = -n/2. Log (~i) = m12.
1II.X - arg (z) 2nk for some integer k. 3. Si:m:e 1-11 1 and arg (-I) = n, Log (-1) == rci.
Hence « = [arg (z) + 2l1'k]ln. But when k runs through all integral values, w .... If x > 0, Log (x) "" log x. since Ixl = x and arg (x) O.
takes only the distinct values %0' •••• Z,,_I' (See Fig. 1.4.) 5. Si.nce II + II Ji and arg (I + i) = 1f/4. Log (I + i) "" log Ji + i1C/4.
T~ 1.54. 11z1z2 "I- 0, then
Log (z I Z2,) = Log Zl + Log %2. + 21tin(zl' %2),
= 00 and z/O =
E:umpIeII b) lfz E C, but z :;f:. 0, the" z(oo) 00.
1. it = .. 'Loa' = rU.,:l:l = e-J<j2.
c) 00 + 00 == (oo}(oo) = 00.
2. (-1)' ,,11.... /-1) = e'(IM. = 1:- 1t•
DejilritiotJ 1.61. Every set in C of the form {z: IzJ > , ~ O} is called a neighbor-
::.\. If n is an in1tlliP=f. then zl<+l ell!" I)Lo!I .. = e-Lot"e!-"*'" = z"z, so Dc:finition l.SS does hood of <Xl, or a ball with center at 00.
not conflict with Definition 1.49. I
'The next two theorems give rules for calculating with complex powers: The reader may wonder why two symbols, +«J and -00, are adjoined to R.
but only one symbol, 00, is adjoined to C. The answer lies in the fact that there is
TIIemw",1.56. Z'" z"~ == z"'''''' if z :;f:. O. an ordering relation < among the real numbers, but no such relation occurs
Proof. 'zW'+'" = t!...,-> ....lx..,.. = e... ·x..,. ..e... IA>I" == z..'z....
among the complex. numbers. In order that certain properties of real numbers
involving the relation < hold without exception, we need two symbols, + 00 and
- 00, as defined above. We have already mentioned that in R* every nonempty
set has a sup, for ex.ample.
k In C it turns out to be more convenient to have just one ideaJ point. By way
$ of illustration, let us recall the stereographic projection which establishes a one-
to-one correspondence between the points of the complex plane and those points
on the surface of the sphere distinct from the North Pole. 'The apparent exception
at the North Pole can be removed by regarding it as the geometric representative
1.32 COMPLEX SINES AND COSINFS •, of the ideal point 00. We then get a one-to-one correspondence between the
~ 1.58. Given a complex number z, we define
extended complex plane C· and the total surface of the sphere:. It is geometrically
tI" + e- k evident that if the South Pole is placed on the origin of the complex plane, the
cos z = ---2--'
exterior ofa "large" circle in the plane will correspond. by stereogrnphic projection,
NOTE. Whenz is real, these equations agree with Definition 1.40. to a "small" spherical cap about the North Pole. This illWitrates vividly why we
have defined a neighborhood of 00 by an inequality of the form Iz I > r,
TIIuJ,cm 1.59, If z == x + Iy. then we Iwve
coo z ;= cos x cosh" i siD x sinh y.
sin z = sin x cosh y + / cos x sinh y.
2 cos z == el.. + e- iz Ia'tegers
= e-"(cos x + i sin x) + e"(cos x - i sin x) 1.1 Prove tbat there is no laI'/:C!>t prime. (A proof was kDown to Euclid.)
== cos x(e" + e-J') - i sin x(eJ' - e-7) 1..2. If It is a positive integer, prove the algebraic identity
== 2 cos x cosh y 2/ sin x sinh y.
'The proof for sin z is similar.
Further properties of sines and cosines are given in the ex.ercises.
'.3 If 2" I is prime, prove that It is prime. A prime of the form 21> - I, where p is
prime, is called a Mersellne prime.
1.4 If 2" + 1 is prime, prove that
is a power of 2. A prime of the form 2 2m
It + I i5
Next we extend tbe complex number system by adjoining an ideal point denoted by called a Femwl prime. Him. Use Exercise 1.2.
the symbol 00. 1.5 The FioolfQcci numbers I, 1, 2, 3, 5,8, 13, ... are defined by the recursion formula
X.+l X lt + Xli-I' with Xl = Xl = I. Prove that (x•• X"+1) = I and that x" =
/kJUIitiJJlf l.tiO. By Ille extended complex number system c* we shall mean the (a" blf)/(a b), where Q and b are the roots of the quadmtic equation Xl x I = O.
complex plane C aloll{l with a 8)'mbol 00 which $(Jtisjies Ihe following properties: J.6 Prove that every nonempty sec of positive integers i;on!ai1lS a smallest member,
a) If z e C, then we Ira/)(! z + (Q = .. 00 == «J, zjoo == Q. This is called the welf-ordeling principle.
Ratioml and. irraticmaJ IllIDdM:ll 1.22 Given x :> 0 and an integer Ie ~ 2, Let ao denote the largest integer SA" and,
assuming tlult ao, til • ... , 0._ t lulve been defined, let 0" denote the largest integer such
1.7 Find tM rational number whose decimal expansion is O,3~44444 ...
1.8 Prove that the decimal llXJ:)linsioo of x will end in zeros (or in nines) if, and only if,
x is a rational number whose denominator is of the form 2"5"', where m and If ~ noo- ao + al k' +
_. + tlz ... + _Rnn ,,;; x.
k ~ k
negative integers.
L' Prove that .../2 + is irrational. a) Prove tbat 0 5 Qj S k - I for each i = 1,2, ...
1.11 If 0, b. c. d are rational and jf x is irrational, prove that (ax + /)/(cx + d) is usually b) Let '0.
= 00 + ojk- I + ll2k-2 + ... + a,.k-n and show that x is the sup of the
irrational. When do exceptions occur? set of rational llumbers 'I' ':20'"
1.11 Given any real x > O. prove that tiiere is an irrational number between 0 and x. NOTB. When k 10 the intc:gers au. a" U 2 • ••• are the digits in a decimal representation
••U If alb <: cld with b :> O. d :> O. prove that (a + .:)/(h + d) lies between alb of x. For general k they provide a representation in the s(<l:le of k.
1.13 Let Rand b be IJ(lsltive integers. Prove that ·,Ii
always lies between the two fractions lDequalit:les
alb and (41 + 2b)!(a + b). W'bieb fraction is closer to ../21 1.23 Prove Lagrange's identity for real numbers:
1••4 Prove that - I + J n + 1 is irrational for every integer n 2: 1.
1.t5 Given a real x and an integer N:> I. prove that there eltist integers h and k with
(t; akb·f = (~ Q~)(~ b~) L
(a,b j - aib,,)".
o <: k S N such tlult Ikx - hi <: lIN. Hint. Consider the N + I numbers Ix [Ix] Note that this identity implies the Cauchy--8chwarz inequality.
for t 0, 1,2, •.. , N and show that some pair differs by at mm! liN.
l.t6 If x is irrational prove that there are infinitely many rational numbers hlk with
1.24 Prove that for arbitrary real 01.. b., c. we have
k :> 0 such that Ix hlk1 <: Ilk 2 • Hint. Assume there are only a mute number
fltlk l' •
H • h~fkr and obtain a contradiction by applying Exercise 1.15 with N > Va,
where (j is the smaUest of the numbers Ix - kdk11.
1.25 Prove Mlnkowllki's inequality:
1.11 Let x be a positive rational number of the form
." )112 (" )112 I,. )112
(~ (a" + bl.)2 ::;; b; oi + \of; bi .
t=l k! ' This is the triangle inequality Iia + hll :'> Iiall + I]bll for n·dimensional vectors. where
where each at is a nonnegativ'C integer with ali. 5 k I for k 2: 2 and all > O. Let [x] a = (at> ..• an)' b (Ill'" _, b,,) and
denotethegreatestintegerinx. Provethata. "" [xl.thlltll" = [k!x] k[(k H!x] i-o 2)112.
for k = 2••.• , n. and that n is tbe smallest integer such that n! .x is an integer. Con- 1Ia11 (L. a. .
versely, show that every IJ(lSitive rational number x can be expressed in this form in one
and only one way. 1.:z6 If a I 2:. 02 2:. ••• 2: an and b l 2:. b" 2:. •• - 2: hm prove that
Upp« bounds
1.1IS Show that the sup and inf of a set are uniquely determined whenever they exist.
1.1' Find the sup and inf of each of the following sets of real numbers:
a) All numbers of the form 2 -/1 + 3 -q + .5 -', where p, q, Bnd r take on all posith'e Complex nlUDbers
integer values.
1.27 Express the following complex numbers in the form Q + bi.
b) S {.I:: 3x2 lOx + 3 < 01.
a) (I + OJ. b) (2 + 3i)/(3 - 41),
e) S = Ix: (.x - a)(x bXx - 'Xx where a < b
d) < OJ, <; C < d.
c) i 5 + i Hi , d) HI + n(l +
1.20 Prove the comparison property for suprema (Theorem 1.16).
1.28 In each case, determine all real .x and)' which satisfy the given relation..
1.21 Let A and B be two sets of positive numbers bounded above, and let a = sup A, 100
D = sup B. Let C be the set of all products of the fprm xy, where x E A and y B
Prove that ab sup C.
a) x + iy "" Ix i.JI!, b) x + iy (x - iy)2, c) L: i"
x + iy.
I.~ If z x + iy. x and y real, the complex conjugate of z is the complex number 1.36 Define the followinl "pseudo-ordcringn of the complex numbers: we say %1 < z~
i = x - ip. Prove that: if we have either
a) it + i 2 • b) "'1%2 iii:!> c) I2 Iz1 2 ,
i) IZII < IZ21 or il) IZll = IZ21 andarg(zl) < arg(z:2).
d) z + z = twice the reat part of .z,
e) (z ~ i)/f twice the imaginary part of z. Which of Axioms 6, 7, 8, I) are mtimed by this Allation?
1..3D Describe geometrically the M:t of complex numbers z which satisfies each of the
1.37 Which of Axioms 6, 7, 8, 9 are satisfied if the pse:udo-ordering is defined as follows"!
following conditions: We my (Xl> J'I) < (xz. J':2) if we have either
a) !zl = I, b) Izi < 1. c) Izi s: I, i) XI <: )(2 or ii) Xl X2 and)/1 < J''l'
d) I + I "". t, e) 2 - i = i, f) I +I Iz1 2 • 1.38 State and prove a theon:m analogous to Theorem 1.48, expressing arg (zllz2) in
1.31 Given three complex numbeni Zt, Z2, Z3 such that IZII = IZ21 II31 '= I and terms of arg (tl) and ar! (Z2)'
Zl + Il + z! O. Show that these numbers llrc vertices of an equilateral triangle 1.39 State aDd prove a theorem analogous to 'Theorem 1.54, expressing Log (Zl/ZZ) in
inscribed ill the unit circle with center at the origin, terms of Log (It) and Log (Z:2)'
1.31 If (l and b are complex numbers. prove that: 1.40 Prove that tbe nth roots of 1 (also called the nth roots of unity) are given by a,
a) la - W s; (I + IW).
+ lal 2 )(1 IX~•••• , ri', where ell = eZ«I/", and show that the roots ,t; 1 satisfY the equation
b) If 0 ~ O. then 10 + hi = lal + Ibl if, and only if, bIll is real and nonnegative. 1 + ;II; + x2 + ... + x"'-1 0.
1.33 If a and b are complex numbers. prove that
1.41 a) Prove tbat Iz'l <: c« for all complex Z ¢ O.
jo. - bl = II - abl b) Prove that there is no constant M > 0 such that lcos z I <; M ior all complex z.
if,andonlyif,lal = lorlbl '" L Forwhichuandbistheinequalityia- bl < 11 libl 1.42 If W = II + iv (u, II real), show that
valid? zW "'.<.lel[......
e"lutr,lII-.. '.,+..... U)].
1.34 If a and c are real constants, b complex, show that the equlltion
1.43 a) Prove that Log (z'") .... w Log z + 2:Jti." whe~ 11 is an integer.
azz + bZ + liz + c 0 (a #: 0, Z "" x + iy) b) Prove tlmt (z"')'" - z-e 2 «i"', where II is an integer.
represents a circle in the ~plane. 1.44 i) If 8 and a a~ real numbers, ~:Ir < 8 s: + It, prove that
1.35 Recall the definition of the inverse tangent: given a realoumber t, tan- 1 (t) is the (cos (I + i sin (If "" 005 (aU) + j sin (aU).
unique reat number 0 which satisfies the two conditions
ji) Show that,in gene.ral, the restriction -n < 0;$ +n is nt:eeSsaty in (i) by taking
(J = -Jr, a !,
tan (I t.
iii) If a is art integer, show thai the formula in (i) holds without any restriction on (J.
In this case it is known as DeMoivre's theorem.
Hz"'" x + iy, show that 1.45 Use DeMolvre's theorem (Exercise 1.44) to derive the trigonometric identities
sin 2x + j sinh
e) arg (z) tan-I (~) ll', ifx<O,y<G,
tan I =
cos 2x + cosh 2y
1.47 Let w be a given complex number. If w ~ ±], show that there exist two values of
d} arg (z) = ;It if x = 0, y > 0; arg (z) = - 'J! if ;r 0, y <; o. ;: = x + iy mtisfying the conditions cos z = II' and - If <: x S + tr. Find these values
2 2 when II' i and when w "" 2.
1.41 Prove Lacranp's identity for oomplex numbers: ].6 Hobson, E. W., The Theor;poj FIIlletibm ofa ba! Variable and the T'he(Jry ofFourier's
t .t
Series, Vol. I, 3rd ed. cambridp University Press, 1927.
It D,tb,r "" lDtl :! IhAI:! - H6t"'D Ia.oj - Qj DxI
2. 1.1 Landau, E., FOImaQtitJns of Analysis, 2nd cd. Chelsea. New York, 1960.
1.8 Robinson, A.• NCll'Hllantlard AlUllysis. North-Holland. Amsterdam, 1966.
Use this to deduce a cauclly-scl1wan inequality for complex numbers.
1.9 ThUI'Ston. H. A., The Number S)lSll'm1. Blndie, London, 1956.
J.49 a) By equating imaginary parts in DeMotvre's formula prove that 1.10 Wilder, R. L., Introduction to flul FOUl/dation:> ojMaf1semoliC3, 2nd cd. Wiley, New
1.1 Apostol, T. M., Calcullls, Vol. J, 2nd ed. Xerox, Waltl1am, 1961.
1.2 Birkhoff, G., and MacLane, S., A Sf/rvey of Modem Algelml, 3rd cd. Macmillan,
New York, 1965.
1.3 Cohen, L., and Ehrlich, G., The Structure of the Rlwl·Numhl!r System. Van Nos-
Irand,.Princeton, 1963.
1.4 Gleason, A., Funaumen/ilfs 0/ .4bstI'act A 1/0/)'515. Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1966.
LS Hardy, G. H., A Course <if Pure Mathematics, 10th ed. Cambridge University Press,
CHAPTER 2 by 4, namely, {4, 8}. is-a subset of the set of even integers less than 10. In general,
we say that a set A is a subset of H, and we write.t l;;; H whenever every clement
of A also belongs to B. The statement A. l;;; B does not rule out the possibility
thatB 6 A. In faet, we have both A. S; BandB S Aif,andonlyif,AandBhave
SOME BASIC NOTIONS the same elements. In this case we shall call the sets A and H equal and we write
OF SET THEORY A B. If A and B are not equal, we write A '" B. If A S B but A. '" H. then
we say tbat A is a proper subset of B.
It is convenient to consider the possibility of a set which contains no elemcnts
whatever; this set is called the empty set and we agree to call it a subset of every
11 INTRODUCTION set. The reader may find it helpful to picture a set as a box containing certain
objects. its elements. The empty set is then an empty box. We denote the empty
In discussing any branCh of mathemati<:ll it is helpful to uae the notation and set by the symbol ,.
terminology of set theory. This subject. which WBSdeveioped by Doole an<1 Cantor
in the latter part of the 19th century. has had a profound inftuence on the develop-
ment of mathematics in the 20th century. It has unified many seemingly discon- 1.3 ORDI!1I.ED PAlll.S
nected ideas and bas helped reduce many mathematical concepts to their logical
foundations in an elepnt and systematic way. Suppose we have a set Consisting of two elements a and b; that is. the set {a. b}.
We shall not attempt a systematic treatment of the theory of sets but shall By our definition of equality this set is the same as the set {b, aI, since no question
confine ounelves to a discussion of some of the more basic concepts. The reader of order is involved. However, it is also necessary to consider sets of two elements
who wishes to explore the subject further can consult the references at tbe end of in which order is important. For example. in analytic geometry of the plane, the
this chapter. coordinates (x, y) ofa point represent an Qrderedpair of numbers. The point (3, 4)
A collection of objects viewed as a single entity will be referred to as a set. is different from the point (4, 1), whereas the set {3. 4} :is the same as the set {4. 3}.
The objects in the collection will be called elements or members of the set. and they When we wish to consider a set of two elements a and h as being ordered. we shall
will be said to belong to or to be contained in the set. The set, in turn, will be said enclose the elements in parentheses: (a, b). Then a is called the first element and
to contain or to be composed of its elements. For the most part we shall be inter- b the second. It is possible to give a purely set·theomic definition of the concept
ested in sets of mathematical objects; that is, sets of numbers, points, functions, of an ordered pair of objects (a, b). One such definition is tbe following:
curves, etc. However. since much of the theory of sets does not depend on the
nature of the individual objects in the collection, we gain a great economy of DqUrititm 2.1. (a, b) = Ha}, {a, bH.
thought by discussing sets whose elements may be objects ofany kind. It is because This definition states that (a. b) is a set containing two elements, {a} and
of this quality of generality that the theory of sets has had such a strong effect in {a, b}. Using this definition, we can prove the following theorem:
furthering the development of mathematics.
TIte~'l!m 1.1. (a, b) = (I:, d) if, and only if, a = c and b == d.
2.2 NOTATIONS This theorem shows that Definition 2.1 is a "reasonable" definition of an
Sets will usually be denoted by capital .letters: ordered pair, in the sense that the object a has been distinguished from the object
b. The proof of Theorem 2.2 wiD be an instructive exercise for the reader. (See
A. D, C•.•. , X, Y, Exercise 2. L)
and elements by lower-case letters: a, b. c, . .. , x, y, z, We write xeS to mean
"x is an element of S," or "x belongs to S." If x does not belong to S, we write
.x, S. We sometimes designate sets by displaying the elements. in braces; for
example, the set of positive even integers. less than 10 is denoted by {2, 4, 6, 8}.
If S is the collection of all x which satisfy a property P, we indicate this briefly by Ihjillitioll.l.3. Given two sets A and B, the set of all ordered pair, (a. b) such that
writing S "" {x: x satisfies Pl. a e A and b e B is called the cartesian product of A (OJd a, and is denoted OFAx B.
From a given set we can form new sets, called subsets of the given set. For Eumple. If R denotes. the set of aU real numbers, then It x R is the set of all complex
example, the set consisting of all positive integers less than 10 whicb are divisible numbers.
Let x and y deMte real 1lwrnbm,
as the rec1taDjgullir
We rre(lneJ:1tly
Each of these defines a certain set of ordered of real
numbers, the set of all for which the eXI'reiISic,n
set of ordered is caned a rdatioo. The COITtSPOlldillg a
c01l1pi.,x variable.
in the is caned the of the n::l~ltllJn,
the relati()ns described in are shown in 2. I , if subset of a cnl'tesian is called a fu~u:tll,n
two variables, In Ihis case we denote fUllletioll nlues h) i,nstead of
A function of two rcal variable" is whose domain is a subset of
If S is It subset of we say that F is
stich, that XES is caned tbe
any eret which contains then F
This is often denoted
= T, the mapping is said to be onto T. A of S into itself is some~
a m:msjofirll11'/Oll,
Consll:ier, for the function of a variable defined the equa~
The of relation can be formulated generally so that the This function maps every erector S of the form 0 :::;; arg :::;;
x and y in the pairs y) need not number::i may he objects of any a sector described the i!l~qUllllities
lkjinition 1.4. An:" set
If S is a the set of all eJemenu x that occur members
in S is called the domain Tbe set of second members
y is called the range denoted
Theil",! exalup!e
1..7 ONE-TO-ONE FUNCTIONS AND INVERSJi1!t Tllunm 1.10. Ifthe jimction F is one-to-one on its oomain, then F is also afunction.
Ik}iliitiot; 2.1. Let F be a function dejined on S. We m)' F is ~to-one 011 $ if, Proof. To sbowthat Fisa function, we must show that if (x, y) E Fand (x, z) E F,
and only if, jor every x and Y in $, then y z. But (x, y) E F means that (y, x) E F; that is, x = F(p). Similarly,
F(x) = FCy) implies x = y. (x, z) e F means that x = F(z). Thus F(y) = F{z) and. since we are assuming
that F is one-to-one. this implies 1 z. Hence, Fis a function.
This is the same as saying tha.t a function whieh is one-to-one on $ assigns
distinct function values to distinct members of S. Such functions llRi also called NOTE. The same argument shows that if F is one-to-one on a subset S of gJ{F),
injective. They are important because. as we shall presently see. they possess then the restriction of Fto S bas an inverse.
mrJersea. However. before stating the definition of the inverse of a function. it is
convement to introduce a more general Dotion, that of the converse of a relation.
lk;/iItitimr 2.8. GbJen a relation S, the new relation S defined by
lkjiaitioll 2.11. Given two functions F and G such that M(£) s;; ~(G), we canform
S= {(a, b) ; (6, a) E S} a n.ew function, the composite G " F of G and F, defined QS follows: fOT erJer1 x in
i8 called the COlWerse of S. the domain of F. (6" F)(x) = G[F(x)].
Thus an ordered pair (a, Ii) belongs to S if.. and only if, the pair (b, 0). with Since !.I(E) s;; !j(G), the element F(x) is in the domain of G. and therefore it
elements intercbanged. belongs to S. When S is a plane relatiun, this simply means makes sense to consider G[F(x)]. In general. it is not true that G" F = F <> G.
that the graph of S is the reHection of the graph of S with respect to the line In fact. F " G may be meaningless unless the range of G is contained in the domain
y x. In the relation defined by x < " the converse relation is defined by)' < x. of F. However. the associative law,
lh/ilrltitm 2.9. Suppose that the relation F is II fimctiolL Consider the converse
relation F. which ma1 or may not be a .function. If F iN also II .function. then F is
called tlla inver,e of F and is denoted by F- 1. always holds whenever each side of the equation has a meaning. (Verification will
be an interesting exercise for the reader. See Exeroise 2.4.)
Figure 2. 3(a) illustrates an example ofa function Ffoc which i is not a function.
In Fig. 2.3(b) both F and its converse are functiODll.
The Dext theorem tells us that a function which is one-to-one on its domain :2.9 SEQUENCES
always has an inverse. Among the important examples of functions are those defined on subsets of the
,• ,
Ih./illition 2.12. By a finite lIequence 0/ 11 terms we shall understand a function F
F whose domain is the set afnumbers {I, 2. ... , tI} •
The range of F is the set {FO), F(2), F(3), .,. , F(n}}. customarily written
,•I {Fi , F 2 , ••• , F~J. The elements of the range are called terms of the sequence
• and, of course, they may be arbitrary objects of any kind.
lkJiltitiDlI. 2.1.3. By an infinite sequence we shall mean (J !unetiofr F whose domain
is the set {I, 2, 3, } 0101/ positive integers. The ronge of F, that is, thi! set
(F(t), F(2), F(3), J, is also writtf7t {FH Fl , F3 , .•. }, and the function value F"
is called the nth term of the sequence.
For brevity, we &hall occasionally usc the notation {F,,} to denote the infinite
sequence whose nth term is F,,_
Let , = {s,,} be an infinite sequence, and Jet k be a function whose domain is
the set of positive integers and whose range is a subset of the positive integers.
Del. 114
A5&Wlle that k is ··order-pI1lservina:' that is. assume that 2.12 COVNl'ABLE AND UNCOUNTAlJLE SETS
A set S is said to be cormtably infinite if it is equinumerous with the set of aU
k(m) < k(lI). ifm<lI.
positive integers; that is, if
'fhen the composite function 8" k is defined for all integers n ;:e: 1, and for every S,.., {I. 2. 3, ... }.
$uch n we have
In this case thCRl is a function f which establishes a one-tQ.one correspondence
(8" k)(n) = ""(JI)' between the positive integers and the elements of S; hence the set S can be dis-
Such a composite function is said to be a subsequence of s. Apin, for brevity, played as follows:
we often use the notation {SI;C..)} or {3k,,} to denote the subsequetWe of {s..} whose S = {f(1),j(2),j(3), ... }.
1Jth term is 't(It). Often we use subscripts and denote f(lt) by £II; (or by a similar notation) and we
ED.,.... Let & = {lin} and let k be def:imld by ken) = 2". Then s. k ==; {l/2"}. write S = {a., «2..43•••• J. The important thing here is that the correspondence
enables us to use the positive integers as "labels" for the elements of S. A count-
ably infinite set is said to have cardinal number No (read: aleph nought).
2••8 SIMILAR (EQUINUMEROUS) SETS ~ 1.15. A set S is cal/ed countable if it is either finite or countably infinite.
A set which is not countable is called uncountable.
Ih/iltititm 1.14. Two seta A and Bare called similar, or equinumerous, and we write
A ~ D, if and only if there exista a one-tQ-Qne./Unction F whose domDin is tire set A The words denumerable and nondemuneroble are sometimes u.sed in place of
and whose rtmge is tire .ret B. cOUlltable and uncountable.
l1rItWrem 2.16. Every subset ofa countable set is countable.
We also say that F establishes a one-to-one correspondence between the sets
A and B. Oearly, every set A is similar to itse1f(take Fto be the "identity" function Proof. Let S be the given countable set and assume A s;; S. If A is finite, there i,
for which F(x) x for all x in A). Furthermore. if A ..., B then B "" A, because nothing to prove, so we can assume that .If is infinite (which means S is also in-
if F is a one-to-one function which makes A similar to B. then F- 1 will make D finite). Let!J = {s,,} be an infinite sequence of distinct t:erms such that
similar to A. Also. if A '"'" B and if B "" C. then A-C. (The proof is left to
the reader.) S= {Sb 92•••• }.
Proof It s.uffices to show that the set of x: satisfyin,g 0 < x: < 1 is uncountable. The definition of union <:In be extended to any finite or infinite collection of
H the rea! numbers in this interval were countable, there would be a sequence sets:
8 = {sIll whose terms would constitute the whole interval. We shall show that this
is impossible by constructing, in the interval, a Iea1 number which is DOt a term
DejillltkJII 2.10. If F is an arbitrary collection of sets, then the union of all the sets
of this sequence. Write each 8. as an infinite decimal:
in F is defined to be the set of those elements which belong to at least one of the seta,
in F, Qnd is denoted by
where each U...i is O. I•...• or 9. Consider the real number y whicll bas the decimal If F is a finite collection of sets, F = {Ai, •.. , A,,}, we write
expansion It
= {I.2. ifu".. .p I,
ifu"... L
If Fis a countable collection, F = {AI> Ai, ... }, we write
Then DO term of the sequence {B,,} can be equal to )1, since y differs from 11 1 in the
fint decimal place. differs from S2 in the second decimal place, ... , from 6" in DejUlitkJ" 1.21. If F is on arbitrary collection of sets, the intersection of all sets in
the nth decimal place. (A situation lite $. = 0.1999 ... and y = 0.2000 ...
F i, defined to be the set ofthose elements which belong to ever)' one oflhe sets in F,
cannot occur here because of the way the v. are chosen.) Since 0 < y < I, the
and is denoted by
theorem is proved.
~t'm 2.18. Let Z+ denote the Stt of all positioe integers. Then the carteslmi
PI'Oduct z+ x Z + is coll1ttable. The intersection of two sets. A 1 and A z is denoted by At II A,1. and consists
of thox elements common to both sets. If A t and A2 have no elements in common.
PI'(J()f. Define a functionfon z+ x z+ as follows: then Al n A] is the empty set and At and A 2 are said to be disjoint. If F is a
finite collection (as above), we write
f(m, n) 2""3", ir(m. n) e z+ x Z+.
n.. Al
This ill the same as saying that At u A] consists of those elements which belong Dejildiimll.n. The complement of A relative to B, denoted by B - A, is defined
to at least one oBhe sets AI' A,1.. Since there is no question of order involved in to be the set
this definition. the union At u A;lI is the same as A 2 U AI; that is. set addition is B A = {x:; x EO B, but x ~ A}.
commutative. The definition is also phrased in such a way that set addition is Note that B - (B - A) = A whenever A ~ B. Also note that B - A = B if
B n A is empty.
The notion& of union, intersection, and complement are illustrated in Fig. 2.4.
we jmim~jlal!cly
(l coife:c,tioll any set T1uuwem 2.17. if F coumable coUectio!! o!ctJu11l'able H:!S,
cmllm~bfe set.
€JJ then x€
least therefore
in F% xe B ~ A. But this
B - S ;;; T. steps, we obtain T JJ this
To prove the second use similar argument.
least one of the
The 11) is ul1ii~uelly
sets, Hence the functi<mj
domain S. T h e i s ; I i subset
integ,:rs) and hence is countable.
which means that S is also countable.
Then G is a collectiGfl
e) For all subsets A and B of S with B ~ A, we have
Find F{x) if G(x) and G[F(x)] are given as follows:
el) G(x) =x 3
, O[F(x)] ... ,%3 - 3x2 + 3x - I. I(A - B) = f(A) feB).
e) O(x) 3 + x + x2, O[F(x)) xl 3x + 5. 2.10 Prove that if A .... B and B "" C, then A "" C.
2.4 Given three functions F, G. H. what n:strictiom must be placed on their domains 2.U If {t, 2, ... , II} "" {t, 2, ... , m}, pll;YV(l that m If.
so that the foJlowing four composite functions <:an be defined?
:U1 IfS is an infinite set, prove that 9 contains a countably infinite subset. Hi"t. Choose
G F, HQG. Ha(OoF), (H . . G)" F. an element "I
in S lind consider S - {Q I },
2,13 Pro\le that every infinite set S contains a proper subset similar to S.
Assuming that H 0 (0 Q F) and (H d G)" F <:an be defined, prove the associative law:
2.14 if A is Ii countable set and B an uncountable set, ProVe that B - A is similar to B.
2.15 A real number is called algebraic if it is a root of an algebIl/.ic equation f(.>;) 0,
2.5 Prove the following set·theoretic identities for union and intersection: where I(x) ~ Qo + aj.!( + ... + a"x!' is a polynomial with integer coefficients. Prove
a) A v (B u C) => (A u B) U C, A n (B n C) (A Il B) n C. that the set of all poJ)'ltomials with intep:l' coefficients is countable and deduce that the
set of algebraic numben; is also countable..
b) A n (B U C) (A n B) V (A n C).
:U«i Let S be a fin ite ret consisting of n elcments and lei T be tho wllection of all subsets
c) (A v B) (\ (A U C) .~ A v (B n C).
of S. Show that Tis <l finite set and find the number of clements in T.
dl (A v B) (\ (B v C) n (C V A) "" (A n!J) v (A n C) v (B n C).
2.17 leI R denote the set of real numben; and let S denote the set of all reaJ..valued funCl-
e) A n (B - C) "'" (A n B) - (A n C). tions whose domain is R. Show that S and R are not equinumerous. Hint. Assume
f) (A C) n (8 C) ~ (A n B) C. S - R and let 1 be II: one-to-one function such that f(R) S. Ir 4l E R, let g~ ,. I(Q) be
g) (A B) v B A if, and only if, B ~ A. the real-valued function in S which corresponds to the real number 4l. Now define h by
the equation h(~) 1 + Dx(x) if ~ E R, and show that h f 9.
2.6 Let I: S -to T be a function. If A and B are arbitrary subsets of S, prove that
:1.l8 Let 9 be the collection of all sequences whose tenns are the illtegen 0 and I. Show
f(A U B) = 1(14) v I(B} and I(A n B) ~ I(A) n /(B). that S is uncountable.
GeneraUu; (0 arbitrary unions and intersections. 2.1' Show that the following sets are countable:
2.7 Let I: S ... T be a function. If Y T, we denote by I- (Y) the largest subset of S
l a) the set (If circles in the oomp!ex plane having rational radii and centers with
which J maps into Y. That is. . rational coordinates,
\1II:Ien\! A' = T - A, B' =T- B. Prove that these relations detennlrre/(n. and com-
pule the value of len. 3.1 INTRODUCTION
A large part of the previous chapter dealt with "abstract" sets, that is, sets of
SUGGESTED RUERENCFS FOR FURTHER STUDY arbitrary objects. In this chapter we specialize our sets to be sets of rem numbers,
sets of complex numbers. and more generally, sets in higher-dimensional spaces.
:U Boas, R. P., A Primsr of Real FUJlCtiDns. Carus Monograph No. 13. Wiley, New In this area of study it is convenient and helpful to use geometric terminology.
York:, 1%0. Thus, we speak about sets of points on the real line, sets of points in the plane, Or
2.2 FramIreI, A.• AbstrQct Set 'l'Iumry, 3m ed. North-Holland, Amsterdam., 1%5. sets of points in some higber-dimensi6nal space. Later in this book we will study
2.3 Gleason, A., Fumhmentah of AbstrQ(:t AnoI,m. Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1966. functions defined on point sets, and it is desirable to become acquainted with
certain fundamental types ofpoinf sets, such as open sets, closed sets, and compact
2.4 HaImos, P. R., Na;ue Set 7"hNry. Van Nostnmd, New York, 1960.
sets. before beginning the study of functions. The study of these sets is called
2.S Kamke, E" 71Ieory of Sets. F. 8agcmihJ, traosliltor. Dover, New York, 1950. point set topology.
2.6 Kaplansky, 1., Set 'l'Iumry and M~/l'ic Spaces. Allyn and Baron,. Boston, 1912.
2.7 Rotman, B., and Kneebone, G. T., The 11Ieory 0/ sets and TrQJlSjilfite Numbers 3.1 EUCLIDEAN SPACE R"
Elsevier, New York. 1 9 6 8 . . .
A point in two-dimensi6nal space is an ordered pair of real numbers (x" x~).
Similarly, a point in three-dim<:nsional space ill an ordered triple of real numbers
(x 1o Xz, x 3). It is just as easy to consider an ordered ,,·tuple of real numbers
(x" Xz, ... , x.) and to refer to .this as a point in n-Jimensional space.
DejiRition 3.1_ Let 11 > 0 be an integer. An ordered set of 11 1'l!(l1 numbers
(Xl' X z,_. _, X.) is called an n-dimensionol point or a vector with n components.
Points tH' vectors will usually be denoted by sin,t}le bo'd:face letter's: for example,
The number Xi i.• called the kth coordinate of the paint x or the kth component of
the veetQr x. The set of all n-dimensional points is called n-dimensional Euclidean
space or simply n-space, and is deno'ed by R •
The reader may wonder whether there is any advantage in discussing spaces of
dimension greater than three. Actually, the language of n-space makes many
complicated situations much easier to comprehend. The reader is probably familiar
enough with three-dimensional vector analysis to realize the advantage of writing
the equations of motion of a system having three degrees of freedom as a single
vector equation rather than as three scalar equations. There is a similar advantage
if the system has n degrees of freedom.
me.e.a of Point Set T~ DeC.]'2
Def.3.6 49
EDmples. In HI the simplest type of nonempty open set i:i au open interval. The union :1.9Dejilllti81f of COIfIJH1lIeIlt illterMi. Let S be an open subset QI R I . An open
of two or more open intervals is also open. A closed interval [0, b 1 is not an open set interval I (which may be finite or infinite) is called a component ;"tenal of S if
because the endpoints a and b are not interior poinli of the interval.
J s; S and if there is no open iTtferoal I .;. 1 such that I 5:::: ISS.
Examples of open sets in the plane are: the interior of a disk; the cartesian product of
two one-dimensional open intervals. The reader should be cautioned thllt an open interval In other words, a component interval or S is not a proper subset of any other
in RI is no tongeT an open set when it is considered as a subset of the plane. In fact, no open interval contained in S.
subset of R 1 (except the empty set) can be open in R 2 , because such a set cannot contain
a 2"0011. Tluwrem 3.10. Every point of a nonempty open set S belongs 10 one and only one
component interval of S.
In R" the empty set is open (Wby?) as is the whole spaceR". open n-ball Proof. Assume XES. Then x is contained in some open interval I with I s: S.
is an open set in RII. The cartesian product
There 8re many such intervals but the "largest" of these will be the desired com-
(a h b I ) x . .. x (a", h,,) ponent interval. We leave it to the reader to verify that this largest interval is
Ix = (a(x), b(x», where
ofn one-dimensional open intervais (a h ha, . .. , (a", b,,) is an open set in R" called
an n-dimensio11J11 open interval. We denote it by (ll, It), where a =- (al>' .. , a,J and
a(x) = inf {a: (a, x) S S}, b(x} = sup {b ; (x, b) s S}.
b = (bl> ... , h,,). Here a(x) migbt be 00 and b(x) might be + 00. Oearty, there is no open interval
The next two theorems show how additional open sets in R n can be constructed J such that Ix r;; J s S, so I", is a component interval of S containing x. If J"
from given open sets. is another component interval of S CODtaining x, then the union I" u J", is an
open interval contained in Sand conlaining both I", and J". Hence, by the defi·
T~rem 3.7. The union ofany collection ofopen sets is an open. .set. nition of component interval, it follows that I", u J", = I" and I" u J", I", so
PrbOf. Let Fbe a collection of open sets and let Sdenote their union, S = UA~" A. I" J",.
Assume xeS. Then x mllst beJong 10 at least one of the sets in F, say x EA. Theorem 3.1J (RepraentfftiOIl theQrem for open setll 0" (/Ie retflliM). Every nOll-
Since A is open, there exists an open n-ball B(x) A. But A s;; S, so B(x) s;; S empty open set S in III is the unioll of a countable collection of disjQint c()mponent
and hence x is an interior point of S. Since every point of S is an interior point, intervals of S.
Sis open.
Proof If xeS, let i" denote the eomponent interval of S containing x. The unioIl
Theorem 3.11. The ifilusection ofajinite collection ofopen Sf!'IS is open. of all such intervals Ix is clearly S. If two of tbem, I.. and I" have a point in
common, Ihen their union f", u I., is an open Intervaf contained in S and containing
PrbOf. Let S (1:=1 A,k where each A,t is open. Assume XES. (rf S is empty, both I", and i,. Hence 1" u J., I" and I" u l, "" I,. so I" "" I y • Therefore the
there is nothing to prove.) Then x E A,t for every k = I, 2, ... , m, and hence intervals 1" form a disjoint collection.
there is an open n-ball B(x; l'k) S A,t. Let r be the smallest of the positive numbers It remains to show that they form a countable collection. For this purpose,
r l • r2 , ••• , '",- Then x'" B(x; r) s S. That is, x is an interior point, so S is let {XI> X2, X;h ..• } denote the countable set of rational numbers. In each com-
open. ponent interval J.. there will be infinitely many x., but among these there will be
exactly one with smallest index 1I. We then define a function F by means of the
Thus we see that from given open sets, new open sets can be formed by taking
equation £(1,,) FI, if x. is the rational number in I, with smallest index 1t. This
arbitrary unions Of finite intersections. Arbitrary intersections, on the other nand,
function F is one-tn-one since £(l,) £(1.,) = n implies that I", and I., have x" in
will not always lead to open sets. For example, the intersection ofall open intervals
common and this implies /" I.,. Therefore £ establishes a one-to-one corre-
of the form (-l/n, lin), where n 1,2,3, ... , is the set. consisting of 0 alone.
spondence between the intervals I" and a subset of the positive integers. This
completes the proof.
3A THE STRUCTURE OF OPEN SETS IN R I NOTE. This representation of S is unique. In fact, if S is a union of disjoint open
1 intervals, then these intervals must be the component intervals of S. This is an
In R the union of a countable collection of disjoint open intervals is an open set
and, remarkably enough, every nonempty open set in R.1 can be obtained in this immediate consequence of TheQrem 3.10.
way. This section is devoted to a proof of this statement. If S is an open interval, then the ~presenlation contains only one component
First we introduce the concept of a component interval. interval, namely S itself. Therefore an open interval in R 1 cann;;>t be expressed as
DeI'.3.l9 53
For any set we have S S since every point of S adheres to S. Theorem 3.18
shows that the opposite indusion S S holds if and only if S is closed. Therefore
we have:
Theorem 3.10. A set Sis e!osed if and only if S = S.
J.21 DqiRitio" fI/ derifJed set.
The set of all accumulatioll pointJ of a ret S is
called the derived set of S and is denoted by S'. ' 0 -
Clearly, we have S = SuS' for any set S. Hence Theorem 3.20 implies that
S is dosed if and only if S' s S. In other woros, we have:
Tlreorem 3.12. A set S in R" is closed if, and only if, it contains all its accumulation
Assume II e A. Then there is an open set Sin F such that xeS. By Theorem 3.11 COMPACfNESS IN a-
3.27 there is an n-ball Ai in G such that x E A" s;;; 8. There are, of course, infinitely
We have just seen that if a set S in R" is closed and bounded, then any open
many such Ai corresponding to each S, but we choose only 6ne of these, for ex-
ample, the one of smallest index, say m = m(x). Then we haVe x E A"(1) <,;;; S. covering of $ can be reduced to a finite covering. It ill natural to inquire whether
there might be sets other than dosed and bounded sets which also have this
The set of all n-balJs A..(Il) obtained as x varies over all elements of A js a countable
property. Such sets will be called compact.
collection of open sets which covers A, To get a countable subcollectiol1 of F"
which covers A, we simply conelate to each set At("j one of the sets 8 of Fwhich 3.30 lkjimtWlI nf G COmPm;t lIet. A set Sin R" fs said to be compact if, and only if,
contained At(>lj' This completes the proof, every open covering of $ contains (J finite subcover, thai is, a finite 9ubcollection wlrieil
oJ$(} cevers S.
3.11 THE tmlNE-BOREL COVERING lHEOREM The Heine-Borel theorem states that every closed and bounded set in Rn is
compact. Now we prove the converse result.
The Lindelof covering theorem states that from any open covering of an arbitrary
set A in R~ we can extract a countable covering. The Heine-Borel theorem tells T1Jeorem 1.11. Let S be a subset of Rn • Then the fcffowing three stalements are
us that if, in addition, we know that A is closed and bounded, we can reduce the equivalent:
covering to a finite covering. "The proof makes usc of the Cantor intersection a) S is compact.
b) 8 is closed and boundt>d.
~ J.29 (Heine-/lorel). Let F be an open covering of a closea and bounded c) EvelY infinite subset of S has an accumulation point in S.
set A ill R". Then a finite suhcollection of F also covers A.
Proof. As noted above, (b) implies (a). If we prove that (a) implies (b). that (b)
Proof. A countable subcollection of F, say {I.. 12 , •• }, covers A, by Theorem implies (c) and that (e) implies (b), this will establish the equivalence of all three
3.28. Consider. for In 2:: I. the finite union statements.
Assume (a) holds. We shall prove first that S is bounded. Choose a point p
in S. The collection of ,,-balls Bep; k), k = I, 2, ... , is an open covering of S.
By compactness ;II finite subcollectiOcn also covers S and hence S is bounded.
This is open. since it is the union of open sets. We shall show that for some value Next we prove that $ is closed. Suppose S is not closed. Then there is an
of In the union SlIt covers A. accumulation point y of S such that y 'Ii 8. If x EO S, let 1'" = IIx - YII/2. Each r"
For this purpose we consider the complement RIO 8..., which is closed. is positive since y t S and the collection {B(x; r J : XES} is an open covering of
Define a countable collection of sets {Q .. Q"• ••• } lIS follows: Ql "" A, and for S. By compactness, a finite number of these neighborhoods cover S, say
m > I, It
Q... = A r. (R~ - SOl)' S U B(x,; ri)'
l= I
That is, Q... consists ofthose points of A which lie outside of S"" If we can show that Lee r denote the smallest of the radii r I' r h ... , rp' Then it is easy to prove that
for some "..'(lac of In the set Q... is empty, then we will have shown that for thism the ball B(y; r) has no points in common with any or the balls B(x,.; 1'1t;). In fact,
no point of A lies outside Sill; in other words, we will have shown that some $ if x EO B(y; r), then Ilx - 111 < r ::; ri • and by the triangle inequality we have
covers A. ..
!l1 - x.1I ~ IIY - xU + Ux - Xlii, $0
Observe the following properties of the sets Q... : Each set Q... is cloSlXl, since
it is the intersection of the closed set A and the closed set R" 8.... The sets Q.. tlx - x,11 ;:: IIY - Xlii - IIx - yll = IIx - YII >
are decreasinlJ, since the $", are increasing; that is, Q.. + 1 <,;;; Q.... The sets Q"" Hence B(x.; r.). Therefore B(y; r) n S is empty, contradicting the fact that
being subsets of A, are all bounded. Therefore, irno set Q. is empty, we can apply
the Cantor inten;ection theorem to conclude that the intersection n::..
also not empty. This means that there is some point in A which is in all the sets
Qk is
y is an accumulation point ofS. This contradiction shows that S is closed and hence
(a) implies (b).
Assume (b) holds. In this case the proof of (e) is immediate, because if Tis
Q.... or. what is the same thing, outside all the sets S",• .B ut this is impossible, since an infinite sobset of S then T is bounded (since $ is bounded), and hence by the
A £; U:'= 1 St- Therefore some Q... must be empty, and this completes the proof. Bolzano-Wcierstrass theorem T has an accumulation point x, say. Now x is also
called open in M if all its points are interior points; it is called closed in M if M- S The following theorems are valid in every metric space (M, d) and are proved
is open in M. exactly as they were for Euclidean spac.e R". In the proofs. the Euclidean distance
Ilx - YII need only be replaced by the metric d(x, y).
1. Every ball BM(II; r) in II. metric apw::e M is open in M. Deorem 3.35. a) The union of any collection of open sets is open, and the inter-
1. In a discrete metric spa.a: M ~ry subset S ill open. In fact, if xeS, the ball R(x; !) section ()f a finite collection olopen sets is open.
coosists entirely of points of S (since it oontains only x), 50 S is open. Therefore every b) The union ofafinite collection 01 cmsed sets is dosed, and the intersection ofany
subset of M is also c.kBI:d t
collection of dosed sets is closed.
3. In the metric subspao:: S = [0. 1] of Euclidean space R 1 , every Interval of the form
[0, x) or (x, 1 J. where 0 < x <: I, is an open set in S. Tbese sets are not open in Rl. Theorem J36. If A is open and B is closed, then A - B is open and B - A is
Example 3 shows that if S is a metric subspace of M the open sets in S need
not be open in M. The next theorem describes tbe relation between open sets in 1'1Ieorem 3.31. For any subset S Qf M the following statements are equivalent;
M and those in S.
a) S is closed in M.
TIIeoI'e", 3.33. Let (S, d) be a metric subspace o/(M, d), and let X be a subset of b) S contains all its adherent points.
S. Then X is open in S if, and only if,
c) S containa afl its accumulation points.
X=Af"lS d) S .. S.
lor SQme set A which is open in M. EumpJe. lei. M
Q. the set of rational number'll., with the Euclidean metric of R .
Proof. Assume If is open in M and let X = If n S. If x E X, then x EO A so lei. S consist of all rational numbers in the open interval (u, b), where both a and bare
B,Ax; r) .;;; A for some r > O. Hence Bs(x; r) ;;;; Bjl(x; r) f"l S .;;; A f"l S = X irratiOllaI. Then S is a closed subset of Q.
so X is open in S. Our proofs of the Bol7.ano-Weierstrass theorem, the Cantor intersection
Conversely, assume X is open in S. We will show that X = If f"l S for some
theorem. and the covering theorems of Lindelof and Heine-Bore! used not only the
open set If in M. For every x in X there is a ball Bs(x; r,,) contained in X. Now metric properties of Euclidean space Rft but also special proper :ies of R" not gen-
Bs(x; r,J = BIll(x; rJ f"l S, SO if We let
erally valid in an arbitrary metric space (M, d). Further restrictions on Mare
If = U B",{x; rJ,
required to extend these theorems to metric spaces. One of these extensions is
outlined in Exercise 3.34.
then A is open in M and it is easy to verify tha.t A f"l S = X. The next section describes compactness in an arbitrary metric space.
Deorem 3.34. Let (S, d) be a metric subspace of (M, d) and let Y be a subset 01
S. Then Y is closed in S if, aird only if, Y B n SIQr some St!l B which is closed 3.15 COMPACT St.rBSETS OF A METRIC SPACE
Let (M. d) he a metric space and let S be a subset of M. A collection F of open
Proof. If Y= B n S, where B is closed in M, then B... M - If where A is open subsets of M is said to be an open covering of S if S f,; U
.~d' A.
in M so Y S n B = S f"l (M - A) == S - A; hence Y is closed in S. A suooet S of M is called compact if every open covering of S contains a finite
Conversely, if Y is closed in S, let X S - Y. Then X is open in S so X = !iuocover. S is called lwunded if S ,; B(a; r) for some r > 0 and some a in M,
If f"\ 5, where A is open in M and
Tlleorem 3.38. Let S be a compact subset 01 a metric space M. The".-
Y =: S X = S - (A n S) S A = S n (M - A) .. S f"l B,
where B "" M - A is closed in M, TIlis completes the proof. i) S is closed and lwunded.
il) Every infinite subset 01 S hos an accumulation point in S.
If S f,; M, a point x in M is called an adherenl point of S if every ball BM(x; r)
contains at least one point of S. If x adheres to S - {x} then X is called an Proof .To prove (i) we refer to the proof of Theorem 3.31 and use that part of the
oCi:Umulation point of S, The closure S of S is the set of all adherent points of S. argu:m.ent which showed that (a) implies (b). The only change is that the Euclidean
and the derived set S' is the set ofall accumulation points of S. TIlus, S =: SuS'. distance IIx - yl is to be replaced throughout by the metric d(x, y).
To prove [Ii) \\ie argue by contradiction. Let T be an infinite subset of Sand
assume that no point of S is an accumulation point of T. Then for each p<lint x in
S there is a ball B(x) which contains no point of T (if x; T) or exactly one point o,en .... do!leIl sets in a l llIIlI a 2
of T (x itself, if x e T). As x runs through S, the union of these balls B(x) is an 3.1 Prove that an open interval in R I is an open set and that a dosed interval is a closed.
open covering of S. Since S is compact, a finite subcollection covers S and hence sel.
also covers T. But this is a contradiction because T is an infinite set and each ban 3.2 Determine all the ft((;UmuJation points of the following sets in R I and decide whether
contains at most one p<lint of T. the sets are open or closed (or oeitber).
NOTB. In Euclidean space Xli, each of properties (i) and (ii) is equivalent to com- a) All integers.
pactness (Theorem 3.31). In a general metric space, property (0) is equivalent to b) The interval (a, b].
compactness (for 1I. proof see Reference 3;4), but property (i) is not. Exercise 3.42 c) All numbers of the fonn lIn, (n = I. 2. 3, .•. ).
gives an example of a metric space M in wbich certain closed and bounded subsets d) All rational numbers.
are not compact. e) All numbers of tile fonn r" + S-... (m, 11 = I, 2. ).
T1f«wmt 3.3'. Let X be a closed subsel of a compact metric space M. Then X is f) All numbers of the form (-Ir + (lim). (m, " ... I. 2, ).
compact. g) All numbers of the form (1/n) + Olm), (., n =
1,2., ).
h) All numbers of the form (-lrHI + (l/n) l, (n ... J, 2., ..• ).
Proot Let Fbe an open covering of X, say X S;; VA"" A. We will show that a
finite number of the sets A cover X. Since X is closed its complement M - X is 3.3 The same as Exercise 3.2 for the fQUowmg sets in a 2 :
open. so F u {(M X)} is an open covering of M. But M is compact, so this a) AI! complex z such that Izi > L
covering contains a finite subcQvet which we can assume includes M - X. There- b} All complex z such that Izl ~ I.
fore c) All complex nlDDbers of the fonn (lIn) + (ilm), (m. n I, 2., ••• ).
M SAl u··· u A p u (M - X). d} All points (x, y) such that x 2 y2 < I.
This subcover also covers X and. since· M - X contains no points of X. we can e) All points (x, y) such that X > 0-
delete the set M - X from the subcover and stillcover X. Thus X £; A I u· .. u A II f) All points (x. y) such that x ~ O.
so X is compact. 3.4 Prove that every nooempty open set Sin RI contains both rational and irrational
3.16 BOUNDARY OP A SET 1 3.5 Prove that the only sets in ItI which are both open and closed are the empty set and
Rl itself. III a similar lItatemeot true for R 21
3.11 Let S' denote the derived set and S the closure of a set S in R". Prove that: 333 Assume that S s t ft • A point x in R" is said to be a oont1enslltigll point of S .if every
a) S' is dosed in It"; that 1$, (S')' s; S'. n-ban B(x) has the property that B(x) n S is not countable. Prove that if S is nc t count-
able, then there exists a point x in S such that x is a condensation point ot' S.
b) If S s; T, tben S' s; r. ee) (S un''''' S'v r.
As.~ome that S s R" and assume that S is not coUDtabie. Let T denote the set of
d) (5)' S', e) S is closed in R·.
condensation points of S. Prove thaC;
f) Sis tbe intersection of all dosed subsets ot'R" containing S. That is, S is the
smallest dosed set containing S. a) S T is countable, b) S nTis nol countable,
3.13 Let Sand Tbe subsets ofR", Prove that S n T s; S n T and that S n T Sn T c) T is a closed l1ll't, d) T contains no isolated points.
if S is open. . Note that Exercise 3.23 is a special case of (b).
NOTE. The statements in Exercise$ 3.9 through 3.13 are true in any metric space. 3.15 A set in R n is called perfect if S = S', that is, if S is a closed set which contains no
3.14 A set S in It.. is called convex if, for every pair of points I and y in S and every real isolated points. Prove that every uncountable closed set F in Kif can be expressed in the
(Jsatisfying 0 <: 0 <: I, we have ex + (1 - fJ)y EO S. Interpret this statement geometric- fonn F = A V B, where A is perfect and B is countable (Crmtol'-lJendixQIl theorem).
ally (in 1t2 and R 3 ) and prove that: HiRt. Use Exercise 3.24.
a) Every n-ball in It" is convex.
b) Every n-dimensional open interval is OOllvell.. Metric spKeS
e) 11le interior of a convex set is oonvex. 3.26 In any metric space (M, d), prove that the empty set 0 and the whole space M are
d) 11le closure of a convcx set is convex. both open and closed,
3.15 Let F be a collection of sets in R~, and let S - UA..,.
A and T = n""F A. For 3.27 Consider the following two metries in R";
each of the following statements, either give II. proof or exbibit a counterexample.
a) If x is an accumulation point of T, then x is an accumulation point of each l1ll't
dt(x, y) max
.I ;st~JI
lx, - YII, d 2(x, y) E IXI -
In each of the following metric spaces prove that the ball .8(8; r) hllJI the geometric
b) If x is an ag;;umulation point of S, then I is an accumulation point of at least one appearance indicated:
set A in F.
a) In (R 2 , d t ), a S()Ull.re with sides paralleJ to the coordinate axes.
3,16 Prove tbat the set S gf rational numbenl in the interval (0, I) cannot be C1l.pre!!Kd
as the intcn;ection of a OOl.IIItable collection of open sets. Hint. Write S={xI> X2' ••• }, b) In (R'\ dz ), a square with diagonals parallel to the axes.
assume S = n:,~ t where each Sit is open, and construct a sequence {Q.} of closed c} A cube in (R", d 1),
intervals such that Q u 1 ~ Qn ~ S" and such that x" ¢ Q... Then use the cantor inter- d) An octahedron in (R3 , d~).
section theorem to- obtain a contradiction.
3.28 Let d j and d z be the met.1'ics of Exercise 3.27 and let Ilx 111 denote the usual
Euclidean metric. Prove the following inequalities for aU x and y in Rft:
COVCI'lRg tIIeorems In R W
d1b:, Y) ~ Ilx - yl :5; az(x, y) and dz(x, y) ~ ,,1;llx - )'11 :5; Rd.!x, Yl.
3.17 If S sR', prove that the collection of isolated points of S is countable.
3.11 Prove that the set of open disks in the xy-plane with center at (x, x) and radius 3.29 If (M, d) is a metric space, define
x > 0, ,x.: rational, is Ii countable covering of tM ~ {(x, Y) : x > 0, J' > OJ. a'{x, y) = d(x. y)
3.19 The collC(;tion F of open intervals of the form (lIn, lJn), where IE = 2, 3, •. ,is an 1 + d(x, y)
open covering of the open interval (0, 1). Prove (without using Theorem 3.31) that no
Prove that d' is also a metric for M. Note that 0 ~ d'(x, y) <: I for all x, Y in M.
finite subcollection of F covers (0, I).
3.20 Give an example of a set S which is closed but not bounded and exhibit ll. countable .3.30 Prove that every finite subset of a metric space is closed.
open covering F such that no finite subset of F covers S. 3.31 In a metric space (M, tI) the closed ball of radius r > 0 about a point a in M is the
3.21 Given a set S in R W with the property that for every x in S there is an ,,·ball B(x) set B(a t r) Ix : d(x, 0) S r},
such chat B(x) n S is countable. Prove that S is countable~ a) Prove that B(a; r) is a closed set.
3.n Prove that a collection of disjoint open sets in R" is neCessarily countable. Give an b) Give an example of a metric space in which 8(0; T) is not the closure of the open
example of a collection of disjoint closed sets which is not oountable. .t. ball B(a; rl.
3.32 In a metric llpe.<:e M, if subsets satisfy A s;; 8 5 A, where.if is the closure of A. then
A issaid to be kn.w in $. Forexample, the set Q of rational numbers is dense in R. If
3." [f int A = int B = 8: and if A ill closed in M, then int (.4 U B) = 0.
A is dense in $ and if $ is dense in T, prove that A is dense in T. 3.50 Give an example in whidl int A int B , but int (A U B) = M.
3.33 Refer to Exercise 3.32. A metric llpaQl M is said to be separable if there is a countable 3.51 aA = A (", M - A and aA = iJ{M - A).
subset A which is dense in M. For example, R is separable because the set Q of rational 3.52 If A (i.B = •• then iJ(A U B) - vA v aBo
numbers i& a countltble ~nse subset Prove that every Euclidean space R~ is separable.
3.34 Refer to ExeIcise 3.33. Prove that the Li*IOf covering theorem (Theorem 3.28)
is wJid in any scparable metric space.
J.3S Refer to Exercise 3.32. If A is dense in $ and if Bisopenin S, prove that B 5 An B.
Hint. Exercise :,.,3; 3.1 ~ R. P., A Primer t1/ 1lIal FImffion.r. Caru8 Monograph No. 13. Wiley, New
Yod:,. 1960.
3.36 Refer to Exm:ise 3.32. If cadi of A and B is dense in 5 and if B is open in $, prove
3.2 GIelri.llor1, A., ~ o f~ A1tIIlyAr. Addison-Wesley, Readiog, 1966.
that A f'\ B is dense in 8.
3.3 Xaplansky, I., &6t 1"IItJor)' . . Metric s,r,..:a. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1972.
3..37 Given two metric spaces (81 , d,) and (82 , d'].), a metric p for tile Cartesian product
8, x 8 2 can be constructed from <11 and d 1 in many ways. For example, if X"" (Xl' X:\) :3.4 Simmons. O. F.. l~1o T~_ Modem Antdym. McGraw-HiD, New
and y = (Yr. Y1) are in S. x 8". Jet p(x, y) = d1(Xh Yt) + d 2 (X2' y:). Pro1Ie that pis York,I%].
a metric for 51 x 8']. and construct furtbel:: examples.
CHAPTER 4 We also say that {x.} converges to p mul we write x• ..... p as n ...... <», Of simpl,
x• ..... p. If there is no mch pinS, tlte 3elJUence {x.} is said to diverge.
NOTE. The definition of convergence implies that
LIMITS AND x. -+ p if and only if d(x... p) ..... o.
The convergence of the sequence (d(x", p)} to 0 takes place in the Euclidean metric
space R I •
The reader is already familiar with the limit concept as introduced in elementary 1. In Euclidean space aI, a sequence {x.} is cal1ed increasing if x~ S; X.+l for all n. If
calculus where, in fact, several kinds of limits are usually presented. For example, an increasing sequence is bounded above (that is, if x. :s; M for some M > 0 and
alln), them {x.} converges to the supremum of its range. sup {xt> X2' .•• }. Similarly,
the limit of a sequence of real numbers {x.}, denoted symbolically by writing
{x.} is called dureusing if x.+ 1 s; x. for all n. Every decreasing sequence which is
... ""
lim x" = A. bounded below converges to the infimum of its range. For example. {tIn} converges
means that for every number s > 0 there is an integer N such that 2. If {a,.} and {b.} are real. sequences converging to 0, then {a,. + b.} also converges to O.
If 0 ;0;; c. ,..;; a" for all If and if {a.} conveJBeS, to O. then {coO} also converges to O.
Ix. - AI < Il whenever n ~ N. These elementary properties of sequences in R I can be used to simplif"y some of the
This limit process conveys the intuitive idea that x. can be made arbitrarily close proofs conceming limits in a generaJ. metric space.
to A provided that n is sufficiently large. There is also the limit of Q function, 3. In the complex plane C. let z. = 1 + 11- 2 + (2 - Iln)i. Then {z.} converges to
indicated by notation such as I + 2i because
lim lex} = A,
d(z.. I + 2i)2 = 11'" - (I + 2iW = !.. + _1_,,2 ... 0 as n ...
which means that for every 8 > 0 there is another number {j > 0 such that so d(z", 1 + 2i) ..... O.
I/(x) - A I < Ii: whenever 0 < Ix - pi < a. TMormr4.2. A sequence {x.} in a metric space (S, d) can co1tlJerge to at most one
point in S.
This conveys the idea that f(x) can be made arbitrarily close to A by taking x
sufficiently close to p. Proof Assume that x • ..... p and x • ..... q. We will prove that p = q. By the
Applications of calculus to geometrical and physical problems in 3-space triangle inequality we have
and to functions of scveml. variables make it necessary to extend these concepts o s; d(p, q) ~ d(p, x,,) + d(x". q).
to a·. It is just as easy to go one step further and introduce limits in the more
general setting of metric spaces. This achieves a simplification in the theory by Since dept xJ ..... 0 and d(x.t q) .-;. 0 this implies that d(p, q} = 0, so p = q.
stripping it of unnecessary restrictions and at the same time covers nearly all the If a sequence {x.} converges, the unique point to which it converges is called
important aspects needed in analysis. the limit of the sequence and is denoted by lim x.. or by lim.... "" x".
First we discuss limits of sequences of points in a metric space, then we diSCWlS
limits of functions and the concept of continuity. Example. In Euclidean space RI we have Iirn,.... ", lin = O. The same sequence in the
metric subspace T = {O, 1] does not converge because the only candidate for the limit is
EDmPiel. Every Euclidean llPaal Jt~ is complete (Theorem 4.8). In particular. III Ii
complete, the T = (0. 1) is not complete.
Eump1eZ. Thn.pace It" with the metric d(x. y) maXI "'t"" is oomp.lete.
Tlteurem 1.1f). in any metrie .'pace Ilpery compact subset Tis cOlnpl,ete.
Let be a sequeui:e in T and let A xi., . . denote the
range of If A is then c{)uverges to one elements hence
converges in T.
If it Theorem teUs us that A hal> an accumulation p in The definition can formulated in terms of balls. holds
T since T is compact, We show next that x" - p. Given 0, choo:re N 00 that and if, for baH is a such that A is
12 :2: Nand '2: N The hall contains empty lind such that
m Therefore if n '2: N the Ull
. e
<:: +
s, When this way, the definition is when
2 2 th:eextended real number system R* or in the extended cOlnp!ex
sequence in Thas limit in However, in what it t<)
is stated that can be infinite.
4.5 LIMIT OF A F1JNCflON The limits of functions limits
In this :rection we consider two metric spaces and where and T~em 4.11:. A!i$ume p on (ICcliInu!ation Then
denote the metrics.Let A be ill subset of $ lind let f ; A -+ be a
function from A to T
D.4.14 77
Clearly, this sequence {x.J converges to p but the sequence {f(x.,)} does not con- Again, let (S, d) be a metric space and let A be a subset of S. Consider two vector·
verge to b. contradicting (3). valued functions f and ; defined on A. each with values in Rio,
NOTE. Theorems 4.12 and 4.2 together show that a function caDnot have two
f: II. -+ at. ; : A .... at.
ditrerent limits as x ..... p. Quotients of vector-valued functions are Dol defined (if k > 2), but we can define
the sum f + .. the product lf (if J. is real) and the inner product r· g by the respec-
tive fannulas
(f + 1I)(x) = ((x) + g(x), (..tf)(x) = Af(X), (r· g)(x) = f(x)·g(x)
Let (S, d) be a metric space, let A be a subset of S. and consider two complex-
valued functions f and g defined on A. for each x in A. We then have the following rules for calculating with limits of
vector-valued functions.
f: A .... C, 9 : A -. C.
Tkorttlfl 4.11. Let P be an (lCCl/mulation point of A and QSsume that
The sum I + 9 is defined to be the function who&<: value at each point x of A is
the complex number f(x) + g(x). The different:#: ! - g, the product I· ii, and the lim f(x) - a, lim g(x) b.·
quotie:ntflg are similarly defined. It is understood that tbe quotient is defined only
~ ..... , ~ ....
ds) to another
every sequence
the components of f, f , , ,
• in Jyr'/'Utllii:,
NOTE. p called a
immediate vicinity of p. A property of
ruclltle<;l a global property.
continuous ami
Let Given 0, there is a that
<: f, whenever b) <
For this there
o whenever lO.l1:aritWnk: fWlction:s, are all continuoWi wberever
e!e'nK:fiuUY rUj}k:tionl$i~tshtjes the common
Cc~ml)ining these two statements and y
n,,:',,~~~l!'; wlue
whenever <: 3',
so IS continuous p.
tri~;Ol1omet'ric ftlUC'lkll}S is it
4.1& COl\Th"lUOtlS COMPLEX.VALUED AND \'ECTOR.·VALUED FVNCllONS corresjpor!dir!g reltl·valuoo fUlldi'(1l111 and'
cOI'l'lp,fes:-vafu{!u f:imctim'~ continuous a pin
are each c(miUtUfJUS p. The
is an accumulation 'The c>[ inverse
of continuous functions.
COirrel,pcrnd,lllg theorem for vector-valued futl,ct/()m, which
Theorem 4.14.
TlwonlJI4.19. Let rand g contlnuou.f at a
und assume that r and lit /ltwe r,u!ues inR",
C£Jntfnuous a t · sum f + g, the the ",,1me
and norm notation
TlwOl'flm T.
then have:
= 00 + ajz +
the cornpli~x numbers.
Note that the stalements in Theorem 4.22 can also be expressed as follows; Proof. Let Fbe an open covering of/CX), so thatf(X) S;; VA""
A. We will show
/U- 1
(y)] !,;;; y, X S;FI~X)]. that a :finite number of the sets A cover I(X). Since I is continuous on the metric
subspace eX, ds) we caD apply Theorem 4.23 to conclude that each &et..(-l(A) ~s
Note also that/-I(A u B) = f-I(A) u /-1(B) for all subsets A and B of T. open in (X. ds)' The sets f-I(A) form an open covering of X and, smce X IS
contpaet. a finite number of them cover X, say X S;; f- 1CA I ) u ... u 1-1CA,,).
1JKorem 4.1J. 1£'1: S - T be afimctionfrom one metric S]1Qce (S, d s ) to QlWIIrer Hence
(T, dT)' Then f is contiltU0U3 on S if. and only if./or et-el'y open set Y in T. tire
inrerse imoge f-I( y) is open in S. f(X) s;;;IU- 1 (A 1)v..-vj-l(A,,)] =fU-!(A I )] u"'ufU- 1(A,)]
sA 1 u"·vA".
Proof. Let f be continuous on S, let Y be open in T, and let p be any point of sof(X) is compact. As a corollary of Theorem 3.38. we see thatf(X} is closed and
I-l(y). We will prove thatp is an interior point of/-l(y). Let Y = f(p). Since
Y is open we have BrlYi a;) S; Yfouome 8 > O. Since I is continuous at P. there
is a 6 > 0 such that/(B,s(p; .5» !,;;; BrlY; &}. Hence,. De./i1ritUJ. 4.26. A Iunt:tion f: S -+ Ilk is called bounded on S if there is (J positive
numbe, M such that ~f(.r)11 ~ M for all x in S.
8M; 6) !,;;; /-l[f(Bs(p; oJ)] S; 1-I[BrlY; E)] !,;;; f-I(Y),
Since r is bounded on S if and only if f(S) is a bounded subset of Ri , we have
so p is an interior point off-I(y). the following corollary of Theorem 4.25.
Conversely. assume that f-I( Y) is open in S for every open subset Y in T.
T!lltJre", 4.27. Let f: 8 -+ Ri be a function from a metric space S to Euclidean
Choose pinS and let Y = f([1). We will prove tbatlis continuous at p. For every
space". If 1 is contimwua on a compact subset X of S, then f is bounded on X.
6 > 0, the ball BrtY; &) is open in T, so F'(BrlY; e» is open in S. Now.
p ef-l(B.,.(y; I» so there is a 6 > 0 such that Bs(p; 5J !,;;; 1-'(BrlY; e». There- This theorem has important implications for real-valued functions. If f is
foreJ(Bs(p; 5» S;; B.,.{y; 8) so f is continuousat p. , real-valued and bounded on X, then I(X) is a bounded subset (If R. so it has a
supremum, supf(X), and an infimum, inff(X). Moreover,
TltaJ'BII 4.14. Let j: S -+ T be a fimction /rom one metric space (S, d~ to wrother
(T, d T ). Then I is COlftinUQUS on S if. and only if, for every closed set Y in T, the inf f(X) ~ f(x) s sup f(X) for every x in X.
inverse inuJge r'
1( Y) is dosed ill S.
The next Iheorem shows that a continuous I actually takes on the values sup f(X)
Proof. If Y is dosed in T> then T - Y is open in Tand and inf/(X) if X is compacL
Theon", 4.28. Let I : S ...... It be a real-volued function Irom a metric space S to
f-l(T - y) = S - f-I(Y).
EudiJean space R. Assume that f is continuous on a compact mbset X of 8. Then
Now apply Theorem 4.23. there exist points p and q in X such that
Elwoples. The image of an open set under a continu<lUS mapping ill not necessarily open. I(p) inff(X) and f(q) = supf(X).
A simple counterexample is. a constant function which I1lapS all of S ooto a single pOint
1 NOTE. Since I(p) S I(x) s f(q) for all .r in X, the numbers f{p) and I(q) are
in R . Similarly> the image ofa closed set under a continuous mapping Deed not be clOll'ed.
called, respectively, the absolute or global minimum and maximum values of
For elWllple. the real-valUed funi.:lion f(x) = arct.an x maps R 1 onto the open intc:rvaJ
(- r./2. 1lf2). lonX.
Proof Theorem 4.25 shows that I(X) is a closed and bounded subset of R. Let
m = inf/(X). Then m is adherent to I(X) and, sinee f(X) is closed, m e/(X).
Therefore m = f(p) for some pin X. SimiJarly,j(q) sup f(X) for some q in X.
The next theorem shows that the continuous image of a compact set is compact.
T1Ietlf'em 4.29. Letf: S -+ T be ofunctianfrom one metric space (S, dzJ to another
This is another global property of continuous functions.
(T. d T ). Assume Ihat I is one-Io-one on S, so that the inverse jUnctiQn f- 1 exists.
TkOr«lJl 4.25. uti; S ..... T be a.fimeIJonjrom (Jlle metric Sptl£f! (8, diJ to tlJ10ther II S is compact and ifI is continuous un So' then f- 1 is continuous on 1(8).
(T, dT). il[is rontiltUOus 011 a compact subset X 01 S, then the image I(X) is a Proof. By Theorem 4.24 (applied to f- I) we need only show that for every closed
compact subset of T; in particulOT, f(X) is closed and bormded in T. set X in S the image f(X) is closed in T. (Note that I(X) is the inverse image of
x under/-1.) Since X is dosed and S is compact. X is compact (by Theorem 3.39). TMot'mt 4.31. Let/be defined 011 an interval S in R. Assume that / is continuous
sof(X} is compact (by Theorem 4.25) and hencef(X) is closed (by Theorem 3.38). point c in S tMd tMt fCc) ?' O. Then there is a I-ball B(c; 6) such that I(x)
lit fl
This completes the proof. btu the same sign asf(c) in B(c~ 8) ('I S.
EquqIIe. This example shoWli that compaetness of S is an essential part of TheoRlm Proof. Assume f(c) > O. For every e > 0 there is a ij > 0 such that
4.29. Let S =
[0. 1) with the usual metricofRl and COl1lider thecomplex-valued function
/defined by f(c) - 6 < I(x) < I(c) + e whenever x E B(c; ~) n S.
/(x) Irl!""'" for 0 :s; x < 1.
Take the 6 corresponding to tl = /(cli2 (this £ is positive). Then we have
Thill ill 11 one-to-one continU()l.1ll mapping of the blllf-opeo interval (0. 1) onto the unit
eircle 12j = 1 in the OOfIlplex plane. However, /-1 is not continuous at the point f(O}. Vee) <: J(x) <: !/(e) whenever x E B(c; is) 1"'1 s.
For example, if XIf -= 1 - lin. the sequence f/(xlf) } converges to 1(0) but {xlf } 00cs not
convcqe in S. 5KJ!{x) has the 1lame sign, as/(c) in B(e; 6) t"I S. The proof is similar if/(e) <: O.
except that we take e = -Vee).
4.14 TOPOLOGICAL MAPPINGS (HOMEOMORPHISMS) ."...,.. . 4.32 (BoI7,11.M). Let I be reaJ.valued and cQntinuofJ8 on a compact interoal
De./iltitio- -1.10.
Let f; 8 -+ T he a function from one metric space (8, tis) to [a, b] in R, and suppose that I(a) tMd J(b) hDve opposite signs; that iI. assume
tuWther (T, dT)' Asswne also tilat f is one--ltNme on S, $0 that the inverse junctioll j(a)f(b) < O. Theil there ;s at Jellst {lIft: poirrl c in the open interval (a. b) such that
f- 1 exists. II I is contlmimlS on S and if j-l is ContimloU8 on f(S), then J is called fCc) = O.
II: topalogicQ/ mapping OF Q homeomorphism, and the metric spaces (8, d s ) and Proof. For definiteness, ll.Sllumef(a) .> 0 and/(b) <: O. Let
(f(S), dT) me said to be Iwmeomorphic.
A = {x:xe[a.b] and l(x)~O}.
If J is a homeomorphism. then IiO is 1- 1 • Theorem 4.23 shows that a homeo-
morphism mapa open subsets of 8 onto open subsets of/(8). It also maps dosed Then A. is nonempty since a e A, and A. is bounded above by h. Let e "" sup A.
subsets of S onto closed subsets of /(S). Then a <: c <: b. We will prove that/eel = o.
A property of a set which remains invariant under every topological. mapping It/(e) '" 0, there is a i-ball B(e; I) in whichjhas the same sign as/(e). If
is caJIed a ropologieQ/ property. Thus the properties of bei!l8 open. closed, Or I(c) > O. tbereare points x > c at which j(x) .> 0, contIadicting the definition
compact are topological properties. of c. IfJ(e) <: 0, then C ~/2 is an upper boond for A., again contradicting the
An important example of a homeomorphism is an isometry. This is a function definition of c. Therefore we must ha;ve/(c) O.
I: S -+ T which is one-to-one on 8 and which preserves the metric; that is,.
From Bolzano's theorem we can easily deduce the intermediate oalue theorem
ah'(x).!(y)} dg(x, y) for continuous functions.
for all points x and yin S. Iftbere is an isometry (wm (8, ds) to (I(S), dT} the
TIte«~lIf -1.33. Assume J is real-valued ond continuous on a compact interval S in
two metric spaces are called isometric.
R. Suppase there are two paints IX < JJ in S such that J(a.) ?' f(J!). Then J takes
Topological mappings are particularly important in the theoey of space curves.
ef:Iery value between.J(a.) and/(JJ} in the interool (a./J).
For example, a simple arc is (be topological image of an interval. aud a simple
closed curve is the topological image of a circle. Proof. Let k be a number between J(<<) and JOO and apply Bolzano's theorem to
the function 9 defined on [0;. P] by the equation g(x) j(x) - k.
4,15 BOLZANO'S THEOREM The intermediate value theorem, together with Theorem 4.28, implies that the
This section is devoted to a famous theorem of Bolzano which concerns a global coptinoous image of a compact interval S under a real-valued function is another
property of real-valued functions continuous on compact intel'vals [a, bJ in R. compact interval, namely,
If the graph of J lies above the x-axis at a and below the x-axis at b, Balzano's [infJ(S), sup/(S)).
theorem asserts that the graph most cross the axis lIOmewhere in between. Our
proof will be based on a local property of continuous functions known as the (IfI is constant on S. this will be a degenerate intervaL) The next section extends
sign-preserving property. this property to the more general setting of metric spaces.
Sin<:e A and Bare nonempty, I takes both values 0 and I, so lis not constant.
This section describes the concept of connectedness and its relation to continuity. Also./ig continuous on S beeau$C the inverse image of every open subset of {O. I}
Dt./ilfitURt 1.34_ A metric space S is called t:Ilm:mMcteJ if S "" A V B where.A. is open in S.
and B are disjoint 1I<IMmptp open sets in S. We call S connected if it not tJia.. i.r Next we show that the continuous image of a connected set is connected.
Tllettrem 4.37. Let I: S -l' M be a function from a metric space S to another
NOI'B;- A lIUbset X of ~ ~etric space S is called connected if, when ~d as a metric space M. Let X be a connected subset of S. III is continuous on X, then
metric subspace of S. It IS a connected metric space. I{X) is a connected subset of M.
Eu...... Proof. Let 9 be a two-valued function on I(X). We willsoow that 9 is constant.
1. ~metric:!lpaceS = R - {O}withthe-usualEuclideanmetr:icisdiscoo.Dccted.siooe Consider the composite function 11 defined on X by the equation h(x) = g(f(x)}.
It IS the UnIon of two disjoint nonempty open sets. the positive Jeal numbers aDd the Then h is continuous on X and can only take the values 0 and ). so h is two-valued
lVlf.Illtive real numbers. on X. Sin<:e X is conneeted, h is constant on X and this implies that 9 is constant
2. Eftll'Y open mten'al in R is 0llIU1tlCted. This was :Pn'M:d in Scidion 3.4 as a Cl.l11IlC- on I(x). Therefore f(X) is connected.
q1.lClll;C of 1"heorem 3.1l.
Example. Since an interval X in R1 is oonnected. every continuous :image /(X) is con·
3. !,-.set Q of rational nwi1bers, ~ as a metric IUbspaQ of Euclidean 1Ipac:c R I, nected. If j has. real values, the image j(X) is another interval Iffhas. values in R", the
disconoected. In fact, 0 - A V B, where A c:onsists. of aU rational numbers
IS image j(X) is ailled a curve in R". Tbus, every CIJl""A:\ in a" is COOOJ:Cted.
< J2 and B of aU raticmal nUl11l:ler8 >..fi Similarly. every ball in Q is discoonccted. As a corollary of Theorem 4.37 we have the following extension of BoIzano's
4. Every metric llj'lllCe S contaios nonempty 00fU:IIeiCt4ld~. In fad for each .. in S theorem.
the set (P} is ooonected. ' T
2. The set in Fig. 4.4 (a union of two tangent dosed disb) is arcwise connected.
line segment in .8(.» and tben using r'. But since b ¢ A, no point of B(b) can be
in A. That is, B(b) s;; B, so B is open.
Theref()re we have a decomposition S A v D, where A and B are disjoint
open sets in R". Moreover, A is not empty since x E A. Since S is connected, it
follows tbat S must be empty, SO S = A. Now A is clearly al"CWise connected,
because any two of its points can be suitably joined by "lirst joining ea.ch of them to
x. Therefore, S is arowise connected and the proof is complete.
NOTE. A path f: [0, 1] -10 S is said to be polygonal if the image of [0, 1J under f
is the union of a finite number arline segments. The same argument used to prove
Theorem 4.43 also shows that every open connected set in gil is polygonally con-
nected. That is, every pair of points in the set can be joined by a polygonal arc
3. The set in Fig. 4.5 C?mists. of.those points on the curve described by y sin (Ijx). lying in the set.
? < x ::;; I, along wIth the pamts on the borizontal segment -I :s x :s G. This set
IS connected but nol arewise conne'Cted (Exercise 4.46). . Tiulorelll #.N. Every open .set Sin R" can be expressed in one and rJnly one way as a
countable disjoint union ofopen connected sets.
Proof. By Theorem 4.40, the components of S form a collection of disjoint sets
whose union is S. Each component T of S is open, because if x € T then there is
an n-ball 8(x) contained in S. Since B(x) is connected. B{x) T, sO T is open.
By the LindelOf theorem (Theorem 3.2&), the components of S form a countable
collection, and by Theorem 4.40 the decomposition into components is unique.
1hrjiIritimt #.45. A set in R~ is called (J region if it 18 the union of on open connected
Figare4.S set with some, norte, Of all its boundary twints. If none of tire boundary twinls are
1'b. 4,47
NOTE:. Some authors use the tenn domain instead of open region, especially in the
Uniform continuity on a set A implies continuity on A. (The reader should verify
this.) The converse is also true if A is compact.
Suppose/is defined on a metric space (S, ds), with values·in another metric space Tkorern 4.47 (Heine), Let f : S ..... T be a junction from Qnf metric space (S, d s)
(T, d T ), and assume thatfis continuous on a subset A of S. Then, given any point tooRother (T, dT ). Let A be 0 compact subset 0/ S and aS3Ume that / is continuous
p in A and any t > 0, there is a /j :> 0 (depending on p and on 6) such that. if on A. Then f is uniformly continuous on A.
x E A, then Proof Let l; > 0 be given. Then each point a in .4 bas associated with it a bali
drt!(x), rep»~ < e whenever dix, p) < O. BS<a; r), with 7 depending on (1, such that
In general we cannot expect that for a fixed /; the same value of 0 will serve equaHy whenever x E Bsl.,a; 1") f"'l A.
drl!(x),/(o» < ;
well for every point p in A. This: might happen, however. When it does, the
function is called uniformly continuous on A.
Consider the collection of balls Bs<.a; 7/2) each with radius r12. These cover A
lJejildfJDll 4.46. Letf : S ..... T be afunction/rom one metric space (S, d~) to another and, since II is compact, a finite number of them also cover A, say
(T, d1:)' Then/is said to be uniformly continuous on a subset A 0/ S if the /ollowing
condition holds:
For every E: > 0 there exists Q 6 :> 0 (depending only on s) such that if x E A
andp e A then In any ball of twice the radiUS, B(at; 71), we have
drl/(x),f(p» < II whenever dix, p) <: O. (6)
d.,{/(x),/(aJ) < ;
To emphasize the difference between continuity on A and unifarm continuity
on A we consider the following examples real-valued functions. Let a be the smallest of the nwnbers rd2, ... ,r",/2. We shall show that this .;
EumpJes works in tbe definition of uniform continuity.
For this purpose, consider two points of A, say x and p with ds(x, p) < 6.
1. Let !(x) l/x fOI" x :> 0 Iilnd take A '" (0, 1]. nus function is continuous on A
By the above discussion there is some ball BJ.all ; r,J2) containing x, so
but not uniformly continuous on A. To prove this, let l! = 10, and suppose we could
find a 0, 0 < 0 <: 1, to satisfy the condition ofthedefinition. Tllkingx '" d, P "" 0/11, t
we obtain Ix - pi < ~ and drl!(x), /(0;,.) <: 2.
l/(:x) - l(p)1 = 11 _ 1 = 10 ;:. 10. By the triangle inequality we have
o ~ I)
Hence, for these two points we would alWllYs have If(x) - l(p)1 > lO,l:Olltradieting
ds{p, Q~) ::::; ds<.p, x) + ds(X' Ill) < lJ + 2~.~ ~
50 -i + 2" r/!;.
the definition or uniform CQntiooity.
2. Let I(x) "" x2 if x e R 1 and take A "" (0, 1] as above. This function is uniformly Hence, p ~ Bsi.p,; rll )
(1 S, so we also have d.,{f(p),f(a.» < £12. Using the
OOIltinuous on A. To prove this. observe that triangle inequality once more we find
I/(x) /(p)j = Ix1 - p~l = I(x - pXx + p)1 < 2jx pl.
If Ix pi < 0, then I/(x) - 1(P)1 < U. Hence, if £ is given, we need only take
" = £/2 to guarantee that I/(x) - 1(P)j < 11 for every pair x, p with Ix - pI < J.
This sbows thatfis uniformly continuous on A. This completes the proof.
4.11 FlXED-I'OINT THEOREM FOR CONTRAcrIONS Let f be defined on an interval (a, b). Assume C E [a, b). If /(x) -+ A as
x -+ c through values greater than c, we say that A is the righthalld limit off at c
Let f : S .... S be a function from a metric space (8, d) into itself. A point p in
and we indicate this by writing
S is called a fixed point off if f(p) p. The function I is called a clmtractlon of
S if there is a positive number (J; <: I (called a contraction constant), Sl1ch that lim f(x) = A.
d(/(x)J(y» ~ «d(x, y) for all x, y in S. (7) The righthand limit A is also denoted by f(t:+). In the s, <5 terminology this means
Clearly, a contraction or any metric space is uniformly continuous on S. that for every & >- 0 there is Ii 0 :> 0 such that
I!(x) ~ f{c+)1 < £ whenever c < x < c + {j < b.
TlIHnem 4.411 (Fued-Jy.litlt tMorem). A contractioll f ofa complete m£tric space 8
has a lOIique fixed point p' Note that f need not be defined at the point c itself. If! is defined at c and if
Proof. If p and p' are two fixed points, (7) implies d(p, p') S r:td(p, p'), so f(c+) == fCc), we say that/is conti"uousfrom theright ate. ..
Lefthand limits and continuity from the left at care sl1mlarly defined if
so d(p,]I) = 0 and p = p'. Hence I has at most one fixed point.
To prove it has one, take any point x in S and consider the sequence of iterates: c E (a, b]. .
If II < C < b, thenfis continuous at c if, and only if,
x, I(x). f(f(x»), ...
/(c) ;;= f(c+) = f(c~).
That is, define a sequence {P.} inductively as follows:
We say c is a discQlItinuity (If f if f is not continuous at e. In this case one of
PI}. x, p,,+ 1 f(p;.), n = 0, 1,2, ... the following conditions is satisfied:
We will prove that {PIll CQnverKes to a fixed point off. First we show that {p,,} is a) Either f(c+) or f(c-) does not exist,
a Cauchy sequence. From (7) we have b) Both f(c + ) and f(c-) exist but have different values.
d(p.,+I,PrJ = d{J(P.).!(P,,-I» S «d(p."p,,_I)' c) Bothf(c+) andf(c-) existandf(c+) == ftc-) #. f(c).
so, by induction, we find In case (c), the point c is called a removable discontinuity, since the discontinuity
could be removed by mkfining! at c to have the value /(c +) = f(c-). In cases
d(p.+I, prJ ~ a," d(p!> Po) = Cf1,.,
(a) and (b), we call c an irremovable discontinuity because the discontinuity cannot
where c = d(pl> Po)' Using the triangle inequality we find, for m >- n, be removed by redefining f at c.
• -1 C _ ~ .,..-1 c lkJilritWlf 4.49. Let f be defint!d on a dosed intmxzf (0. b]. Jfl(c+) amif(c-)
d(p"" p,,) :E d(PHI' Pt):S c L: a: c - - < -fl!'.
.It"'. .It-" 1 - « 1 - /J: both exist at some In,"lor point c, tlum;
Since rL' -+ 0 as n .... ro, this ineqoality shows that {P.} is a cauchy sequence. But a) fCc) - f(c-) is called tie le/thandjump ofI at c,
8 is complete so there is Ii point p in S such that P. -+ p. By continuity off, b) f(c+) - I(c> is called the rlghthand jump off a.t c,
c) f(c+) - f(c- ) is called the jump of! at c.
I(p) = f(lirn P..) = lim f(p,,) lim P..... 1 = p,
"-'GO .-+'X.l' It....,_
/f anyone of these three numbers is different from 0, then c u caJJed a jfmtp dis-
so P is a fixed point off. This completes the proof. continuity off
Many important existence theorems in analysis are easy consequences bf the For the endpoints a and b, only one-sided. jumps are considered, the rigbthand
fixed point theorem. Examples are given in Exercises 7.36 and 7.37. Reference jump at a, f(a+) f(o), and the lefthand jump at bJ(h) I(b-).
4.4 gives app.l.ications to numericaJ analysis.
1, The function f defined by I(x) = xlix! if x "# 0, /(0) A, has a jump discontinuity
4.]2 DISCONTlNUffiES OF REAL-VALUED FliNCJ10NS at G, regardless ohbe value of A. Heref(O+) t IlIldf(O-) L (See Fig. 4.6.)
The rest of this chapter is devoted to special properties of real-valued functions 1. The function I defined by I(x) ... I if x #- 0, f(f/j = O. has a removable jump dis.
defined on subintervals of R. continuity at O. In this case /(0+ ) 1(0-) = 1.
Def.4.50 Mooolooic FIlIIctioos
Proof Let A - {f(x): Q < X < d. Since / is increasing, this set is bounded
J. The function I defined by I{x) = l/x if x #; 0, /(0) = fI, hlllj an irremovable dis-
continuity at O. In this case neither 1(0 +) nor I{O - ) exists. (see Fig. 4.7.) above by fIe). Let a. = sup A. Then IX :S fCc} and we shall prove that/(c-)
exists and equals IX.
4. The functionl defined by I(x) =. sin (ljx) if x ::fi 0./(0) = A hann irremovable dis-
To do this we must show that for every I; > 0 tbere is a i) > 0 such that
<:ontinuity at 0 sioce neither 1(0+) nor 1(0-) exists. (See F~. 4.8.)
5. !hefu~ction I defined by I(x) ... x sin (J/x) if x ~ 0, 1(0) I. has a removable c-6<x<c implies I/(x) - ttl < II.
Jump dIscontinuity at 0, since 1(0+) 1(0- ) O. (See Fig. 4.9.)
Jlut sina: cc' "" sup A, there is an e1ementf(x l ) of A such that a - t < /(x t ) ::;; a.
Since f is increasing, for every x in (x I' c) we also have I:t - I;; < /(x) S (l, and
hence I/(x) IXI < e. Therefore the number Jj ... c - XI has the required
property. (The proof that f(c+) exists and is ';:;,/(c) is similar, and only trivial
modifications are needed for the endpoints.)
There is, of course, a corresponding theorem for decreasing functions which
the reader can formulate for himself.
Theorem 4.52. Let / be strictly increasing on t1 set Sin R. Then /-1 exists and is
strictly increasing 011 I(S).
FiKUte4.' Proof Since / is strictly increasing it is one-to-one on S, so f-·I exists. To see
tbatf-! is strictly incR:8Sing, letYI < yz be two points inj(S) and let XI = f-I(y,),
Xl = f- 1(Yl)' We cannot have XI 2:: xz, for then we would also have YI :'<!!:. Fl-
4.23 MONOTONIC FUNCTIONS The only alternative is
1Je.!i1fit~IJlI 4.50•. h!t I be a real-Mlued lunction defined on a subset Sol R. Then
!mS,saul to be Increasing (or l'tondecreosing) on S if
IS frJf every pair ofpoints x and y
and this means thatj-t is strictly increasing.
x <y implies I(x) :s; fry). Theorem 4.52, together with Theorem 4.29, now gives us:
11x :: Y impln:s.«x) < f~ y), thenf is said to be strictly increasing on S. (Decreasing Theonm 4.53. Let I be SJrictl,v increasing and continuous on (1. compact interval
functiOns are Sltmlarly defined.) A funcr;on is rolled monotonic on S if it is increasing [a, b]. Thenf-l is continuous and strictly increasing on the interval [f(a),f(b)].
on S or decreasing on S.
NOTE. Theorem 4.53 tells us that a continuous, strictly increasing function is a
. If/is an increasing function, then is a decreasing function. Because of this
topological mapping. Conversely, every topological mapping of an interval [a, h]
sImple fact, in many situations involving monotonic functions it suffices to consider
only the case Qf increasing functions. onto an interval [c, d] must be a strictly monotonic function. The verification of'
this fad will be an instructive exercise for the reader (hercise 4.62).
Now consider the functions f defined on R as follo~:
X2 y2 if (x, y) '# (0, 0),[(0. 0) "'" (I.
a ) !x,y) +Yi
Limits or sequences
. (Xy)z if (x, Yl ". (0, 0), fCO, 0) = O.
4.1 Prove each or the following statements about sequences in C. b) f (x, Y ) .. (x;)2':; ex - y)2
a) z" -> 0 if Izi <. 1; {r-} diverges if 1<1 > L
b) rr z. 0 and if k ..} is bounded, then {c.z..} -> o. c) I(x, y} - !- sin (xy) If x c# 0,[(0, y) = y.
c) z·jll! ... 0 for every complex z.
_ {(X + y) sin (I/x) sin O/y) if x ~ 0 and y ". 0,
d) If «If = + 2 II. then 0lr -+ O. d) f(·>:, y) - 0 if x = 0 or y '" O.
4.2 If a.+ 2 = (a,,+ I + (1.'/2 for alll1 ~ I, show that b • .... (al + 202 )/3. Hint. QIH 2 -
jf Ian x ". tan Y.
4.+1 :l(a" - a" + a· Sin:x sin y
4.3 If 0 <. Xl <. 1 and if X.+l 1- for all 11 ;c:; 1, prove that {x.} is a e) I(x, y) = tan x - tan y
decreasing sequence with Jimit O. Prove also that x~+tlx• .... !. cos'! x if tan x tan y.
4.4 Two sequences of positive integers {a,,} and {h.} are defined R!l;ll!'Sively by taking In each of the preceding examples, determine whether the following limits exist and
al hi = 1 and equatin, rational and irrational parts in the equation evaluate those limits that do exr.;t:
o. + on ,/2 ::. (0,,_ 1 + D,,_ I Jirz for n ?: 2; lim [lim f(x, y)] ;
g ..... O )'-0
Jim [lim [(x. )i}l ;
' .....0
lim f(x, y).
x-O {x.s)--(O.O,
Prove that a; -
U{ I for If ;c:; 2. De~uce that «,,/ft. -+ '../2 through values > .../i, 4.1% If X e [0, 1] prove that tbe following limit exists.
and that 'lb.la• .... ,,2 through values <. .../2.
lim [lim cos 2ft (m! 1fx)] ,
45 A real sequence {x,,} satisfies 7x"+1 x~ + 6 for n ;c:; L If '~l = t. prove that the ,"~J;:O « .... <0
sequence increases and find its limit. What happens if '''1 = t or if Xl = !? and tll\l.t its value IS 0 or I, according to whether x is mtional or rational.
4.6 J f I«.J <. 2 and la.. +2 - O"+II ~ il«;+ I - a=l for all It <!: 1, prove that {a.}
converges. or
COIItinuity real-valued 'lIDCdOllll
4.7 In a metric space (S, d), assume that x• ..... x and Y. -> y. Prove that d(xp Y.) .... 4.13 Let f be continuous on [0, b] and let f(x) '" 0 wben x r.; rational. Prove that
d(x, y). f(x) = 0 for every x in {o, h].
4.8 Prove that in a compact metric space (S, d), every sequence in S has a subsequence 4.14 Let f be oontinuous at the point a (01) Q2 • ••. , u,,) in R".. Keep «2' 113' ••• , 6.
which converges in S. This property also implies that Sis compacl but you are·not re- fll(ed and define a new function 9 of one reat variable by the equation
quired to prove this. (For a proof see either Reference 4.2 or 4.3.) g(x) '" I(x, Q], ••• , a,,).
4.' Let A be a subset of a JnCtric space $. If A is complete, prove that A is closed. Prove Prove that 9 r.; continuous at the point x (I._ (This is ~metimes ~tated as follo~:
that the converse also holds if S is complete.
A continl/ous fUllction of 11 variables is c()lt;tinuous in each vtJrlabfe sCfparately.)
4.15 Show by an example that the converse of the statement in Exercise 4.14 r.; not true
Limits vf flDldioos
in general.
NOli. In Exerci'!le!i 4.10 through 4.28, all functions. are real-valued.
4..16 Letf, U, and h be defined on [0, I] as follows:
4..10 Let [be defined on an open interval (a, b) and assume x E (a, b). Consider the two f.(x) g(x) h(x) O. whenever x is irrational;
f(x) = 1 and g(x) = x, whenever x isrational;
a) lim I/(x + h) - lex)! "" 0; b) lim I/(x + h) - f(x ';)1 o. h(x) = lIn. if x r.; the rational number mIn <in lowest terms);
"-0 It-O
Prove that (a) always implies (b), and give an example in which (b) bolds but (a) does not. 11(0) "" J.
4.11 Let I be defined on R2. If Prove that I is not c:ontinuous anywhere in [0, 1]. that 9 is continuous only at ,\ 0, and
lim I(x, y) L that h is continuoull only at the irrational points in [0, I].
4.17 For each x in [0. I}. let !(x) = x if x is rational, and let lex) = I x if x is
and if the one-dimensi.onallimits limN. lex, y) and limy_ofex, y) both exist, prove that
irrational. Pro,"-e (hat:
lim [Iimf(x, .I'l] = lim [Iimf(x, y)l = L. a) f(!(x» x for all x in [0. 1). b) f(x) + f(l - x) = I for all x in [0, 1).
A_d Y-t'b y_b X_lit
c) I is continuous only at the point x = !. 11) Prove tlult I cannot be eontinlJOUll on [0, 1 ~
d) I assumes every value between 0 and 1. b) Construct a function Iwhich has the above property, . , ..
e) I(x. .J. y) I{x) I(y) is rational for all oX and y in [0, 1]. c) Prove that any function with this property has infinitely many dlscontlnult1eS on
4.18 Let lbe defined on R and assume that there ~ists at least one point Xo in R at which [0, )].
I is continuous. Suppose also that, for every x and y in R, f satisfies the equation 431 In each case, give an example of a function f. continuous on S and such that
{(8)" T, or ebe explain wby there can be no such {:
[(x + y) I(x) + fey).
a) S = (0, 1), T (O, 1].
Prove that there exists a constant a such that I(x) = ax for all x. b) S = (0, I), T (0.1) v O. 2).
4.19 Letfbecontinuous on [a, b] and ddinegas follows:g(a) = I(a) and, fora < .x :$ b. c) S at, T = the $et of rational numbers.
let g(x) be the maximum value oflin the subinterval [0. x]. Show that 9 is continuous on
d)S={O,t]u{2,3J, T={O.l}.
(0, b]. 2
e) S = {OJ 1] )( (0, I], T = R •
4.2G Lctl1 , ••• ,I... be m real-valued functions defined on a set S in a". Assume that each
Ji. is continuous at the point II of S. Define a new (unction I as follows; For each x in S. n S "'" [0, 1] x [0, 1 I. T = (0, 1) x (0, I).
I(x) is the largest of the m numbers 11 (x)•... ,j,..(x). Discuss tile continuity of/at a. g) S = (0, 1) x (0, I), T = R •
4.21 Let f; S -> R be continuous on an open set Sin R", assume that PES. and assume
that[(p) > O. Prove that there isan /l.ball.B(p; r}such that/ex) > 0 for every x in the
Cocdnuit;r in rneml; spaces .
In Exercises 4.29 through 4.33, we a.<\Sume that I: S -> T is a function from one metric
4.n Let I be defined and continuous 00 a dosed set Sin R. Let
space (S, tis) to another (T, d r )·
A {x: xeS and I(x) OJ. 4.29 prove thal I is continuous on S if. and only if.
Prove that A is a closed subset of R. 1-'I(lnt B) S intf-1(B) for every subset B of T.
4.23 Given a function I: R ....,. R, define two sets A and Bin R 1
all follows: 4.30 Prove that I is continuous on S if, and only if,
A = {(x, y); y < (x)}. B {(x, y) : y > j(x)}. {(;I) s J't!ij for every subset A of S.
4.31 Prove that I is continuous on S if, and ooly if, f is ~ontinuoUli on every compact
Prove that lis continuous on R if. arid only if. both A and B are open subsets of R •
4.24 Let fbe defined and bounded on a compact interval S in R, If T s S, the number subset of S. Hint. If X,. .... P in S, the set {p, x I' XZ, ••• } IS compact:.. '
O,(T) = sup ([(x) ~ I(y) : x e T, y € T} ....31 A fun(;tion f: S -+ Tis called a cJt:ned nUJpping on S if the Image/(A) IS. closed in T
for every closed subset A of S. Prove that f is continuous and closed on S If. and only
is called the osciHarion (or span) ofIon T, If XES, the oscillation off at x is defined to if./(;t) M for every subset A of S. . '
be tile number .
....33 Give llnexamp Ie 0 f a conll'l\ooUS [and a CauchY sequence {x.} In some metm;
w,,(x) = lim Cl.,(B(x;h) t"I $). space S for which {{(x.)} is not a cauchY sequence in T.
.....0+ • • .. t • 110 orphic to a' This shows that
4.34 Prove tbat the interval (-I, I} In... IS ~m '
Prove that this limit alwuys exists and that m,(x) = 0 if, and only if. lis continuous at x. neither ooundedne.ss nor completeness is a topologtcal property.
4.15 Let/be continoous on a compact interval (u, oj. Suppose that fhas a local max- 4.35 Section 9.7 contains an example of a function f, continuous 011 [0, I]. with
imum at XI and a local maximum at Xl' Show that there must be a third point between I( [0. J 1) "" [0, 1] x [0. I]. Prove that no such I can be one-to-one on [0, I).
Xl and X2 where fhas a local minimum.
NOTE. To say that fhas a local maximum at .rl means tlmt there is a I-ball B(x 1 ) such
that [(x) oS If¥:1) for all x. in B(x,) r. [a, b]. Local minimum is similarly defined. O)llneeteelDeSS
4.36 Prove that a metric space S is discmlnected.if, and only if, there is a nonempty subset:
4.26 Let fbe a real-valued function, continuous on [0, 1), with the following property:
For every real y, either tbere is no x in [0. I] fOl" which I(x) = )' or there is ex.actly one A of SA". S which is both open and dosed In S.
such x. Prollc that l ill strictly monotonic on 1]. to. 4.37 P~o...-e tba~ a metric space S is connected if, and o~IY if, the only subsets of S which
4.17 Let j be 11 function defined on [0, I] with the following property: For every rea! are both open and closed in S are the empty set and S Itself. . .
number y, either there is no x in [0. I] for which/(x) '" y or there are exactly two values 4.38 Prove that the only connected subsets of R are (a) the em~y ~t, (b) $ets cOl1$lshng
of X in [0, 1) for which/(x) = y. of Ii single point, and (e) inte",-als (open, closed, half-open, or mfinlte).
4.39 Let X be a conlledcd subset of a metrk space S. Let Y be a subset of S such that 4.55 Let [ : S... T be a funetlon from a metric space S to another metric space T.
X!,';; y ~ X, where X is the c10l1W'e of X. Prove tha,t Y is also connected. In particular, Assume j is unifonnly continuous on a subset A of S and that T ill com~ete. prove that
this shows that X is connected. there is. a unique extension ofIto A which is uniformly continuoU$ on A.
4.S6 In a metric space (S, d), let A be a nonempty subset of S. Define a function
4.40 If x is a point in a metric space S, let U(x) be the component of S contaiuing x.
Prove that U(x) ill c1l.1!!led in S. [A : S -+ R by the equation
4.41 Let S be an open subset of a. By Theorem :U I, S is the union of a countable dis-- 1.(x) = inf {d(x.y): yeA}
joint collection of open intervals in R. Prove that each of these open intervals is a com- for each x in S. The number lA(x) is call«I the distance from x to A.
ponent of the metric subspace S. Explain why this does not contradict Exercise 4.40.
a) Prove that fA is uniformly continuous on S.
4."1 Given a compact set S in ROO with the following property: For every pair of points
b) Prove that..i = Ix; XES and {.l(x) O}.
a and II in S and for every II > () tbcre exists 11 finite set of points {Xl!. It. •.•• x,,} in S
with %0 = a and '!I" b s\lCh that 4..57 In a I:l"IIrtric space (S, d).ld A aod B be disjoint dooed subse:ts of S. Prove t~at then:
exist disjoint open subsets U and Y of S such that A ~ U and B V. Hmt. Let
Ilx. - x._ll <: e fork = 1,2. .. . ,11. g(x) / ...h:) - fJ..x), in the notation of Exercise 456, and consider 9 -I{ - 00. 0) and
Prove or disprove; S is connected. g-l(O, -t (0).
4.43 Prove tbat a metric space S is connected if, and only if. eve()' nonempty proper
wbset of S has a nonempty boundary. ~..tift
451 Locate and c1aiSify the discontinuities of the functions I defined on R by the follow-
4M Prove that every COOVllJ( subset of R" is connected.
ing equations:
4.45 Given a function f: R" .... R" which is one-to-one and amtinuODS on R". IT A is
a) I(x) '" (sin x)fx if x '" 0.1(0) = o.
open aDd disconoeeted in R". prove that rCA) is open ll.lld disconnected in f(R").
b) [(x) et/" if x ~ 0.1(0) "" O.
4.46 Let A - {(x, y) : 0 <: x s 1, y sin Ilx}, B =- {(x, y) ; y 0, -I:s. x sO},
and let S = A v B. Prove that S is connected but not arcwise oonnected. (See Fig.
section 4.18.)
".S. c) [(x) = eli:'
d) I(x) = 1/(1
+ sin (l/x)
jf x ~ 0, 1(0) '"
if x ~ o,[(O} o.
4.47 Let F {Fl' F2• .• , } be a countable colleQion of conftected compact sets in a" 4.59 Locate the points in R Z at wbidt each of the fUJletions in ExerciJe 4.1 1 is Jlot con-
such that Fl 1"1 5: Pi. for each Ie ;;; 1. Prove that the in~jon ni"a
t Fk; is connected tinuous.
and closed.
4.48 Let S be an open conncaed set in .A·. IAt Tile Ii component of R it S. Prove tbat MonGCGBie ftl8dicJm
R" - T is connected. 4AO Let/be defined in the open inten-al (0, b) and assume that for each interior point x-
4"" Let (S, 4) be a connected metric lIpa<;e: which is nOl bounded. Prove that for ewry of ea, b) there exists a I-bait Bex) in which I is increasing. Prove that [is an increasing
a in S and every r > 0, the set {x-: d(I. 0) r} is nonempty. fu~ionthrou~out~,~.
4.61 Let/be continuous on a compact interval la. b] and. assume that {does not hav~ a
lOCllI rntIxirnum or a local minimum lit my interior point. (See the NOTE followmg
UAif_ CUltinulty
Exercise 4.25.) Prove that! must be monotonic on [a. b].
4.50 Prove lbat a function which is uniformly continuous on S is also continuous on S. 4.61 If[is one-to-one and continuous on la, b], prove that I must be stric!ly monotonic
4.51 Ir [(x) = x~ for x in R, prove thai f is Dot unifonnly continuous on R. on [a. bJ. That is, prove that every topological mapping of [0, b] onto an mterval {e, d]
4.S1 A$ume that f is uniformly continuous on II bounded set S in JIM. Prove that f ml.ISt must be strictly monotonic.
be bounded on S. 4..63 Let f be an increasing function defined on [a, bland Jet XI" •. , X 6 be If points in
4.53 Let t be: a function donned on a sct S in R" and assume lhat reS) 5: a", Let g be the interior such that a -< Xl .( Xz <: ••• < XM <: b.
defined on f(S) with value in R ll, and let II den04e the composite function defined by a) Show that 2:%=1 [f(x.+) - f(x,.-)] :s. I(b-) - !(a+).
h(x) g[f(x» if Jt e S. Iff is uniformly continuous on Sand ifg is uniformly continuous b) Deduce from part (al that the set of di5(:ontinuities of[is countable.
on r(5), show that b is uniformly continuous on S.
c) Prove that [has point$ of continuity in every open subinterval of [a. b].
434 Assume f: S..... T is uniformly continuous on S, where S and T are metric spaces.
4.64 Give an example of a function J, defined and strictly increasing on a set Sin R, such
If {x.} is any Cauchy sequence in S. prove that {f{x,,)} is a Cauchy sequence in T. (Com-
that I-I is not continuous onj(S).
pare with Exercise 4.33.)
4.11 Assume that / satisfies the condition in Exercise 4.71. If xeS, let Po x.
4.65 Let/be stIi<:t1y increasing on a subset S of II. As&uJ:ne that the image/(S) has OM PH I = /(p,J, and t'" ~ d(p". P,,+t) for" ~ O.
of the following properhes: (a)/(S) is opeD; (b)/(S) is connected; (e)/(S) is closed. Prove a) Prow that {e.} is II decreasing sequen«, and let c lim c".
that / must be continuow 00 5.
b) Assume there is a subsequence {Pltal} which converges to a point q in S. Prove
Metric spaa::s .... bal poiItls c "" d(q,{(q» = d(l(q),j[/(q)l).
4.66 Let B(S) denote the set of all real-valued functions which are defined and bolllfded
on a nonempty set S. U f e B(S}. let Deduce that q is a fixed point of / and that P. -> q.
CHAPTER 5 derivative off Similarly, the nth derivative of J. denoted by fl·', is defined to be
the first derivative of fl,,-i), for n = 2, 3, . . .. (By our definition, we do nol
consider p.) unless fIn-i) is defined on an open intervaL) Other notations with
which tbe reader may be familiar are
or similar notations. The function I itself is sometimes written pOl, The process
which produces f' from f is called differrmtialion.
This chapter treats the derivative, the central concept of differential calculus. Two 5.3 DERIVATIVES AND CONTINUITY
different types of problem-the physical problem of finding the instantaneous
'Velocity or a moving particle, and the geometrical problem of finding the tangent The next theorem makes it possible to reduce some ofthe theorems on derivatives
line to a curve at Ii given point-both lead quite natura.Uy to the notion of deriva- to theorems on continuity.
tive.. Here, w~ shall not be concerned with applications to mechanics and geometry, TlwoRlft 5.1. If/is defined on (a, b) Q1Id differentiable at a point c in (0, b), then
but Instead will confine our study to general properties of derivatives.
there is a/unction f* (depending onf and on c) which is continuous at c and which
This chapter deals primarily with derivati'l'e:$ of functions of one real variable
specifically, real-valued functions defined on intervals in R. It also discuS$e~ sati#es the equation
f(x) fCc) = (x - c)!*(x), (l)
brj~fly .deriv~tives of vect?,,-~alued functions of 0n.e
real variable, and partial
denvatrves, smce these tOPICS Involve DO new ideas. Much ofthis material 'Should lor all :x in (a, b), with I*(c) = r(e). Corwersely, if there is a fUnction!,*, CQn-
be familiar to the reader from elementary calculus. A more detailed treatment of tinuolls at c, which satisfies (I), then f is differentiable at c and I'(e) = f*(c}.
derivative theory for functions or several \fariables involves significant changes
and is dealt with in Chapter 12. Pmof If!,(e) e~ists, letf'" be defined on «(1, b) as follows:
The last part of the cbapter discusses derivatives of complex-valued runctions - J(c)
of a complex variable. rex) x c
if x #; c, rCe) "'" FCc).
lOG Th.S.4 107
Theorem 5.5 (CluUIJ rJ#i). Let/he defined on an open interval 8, let 9 be defined 011
Tangent line
/(8), and consider the composite [unction 9 " f defined on S by the ,e"qualion
with ~lope !'(~) ----._",,,,_ ~..,_.
(g f)(x)
Q oU(x)].
Assume there is a point c in S such that fCc) is an interior point of /(S). 1/1 is
differentiable at c and if 9 is dtl!erentiable at /(c) then gel is differentiDblr: at c
and we have
(9" f)'(c) = gT[(c»)J'(c).
Proof Using Theorem 5.2 we can write
5.4 ALGEBRA OF DERlVATlVES [(x) - ftc) = (x c)f*(x) for aU x in S,
The next theorem describes the usual formulas for differentiating the sum, differ- where /* is continuous at c and [*(e) I'(e). Similarly,
ence, product and quotient of two functions.
g(y) - g[f(c)] "" [y - l(c)]g*(y),
T1t«Jrem 5,4. Assume f and g are defined on (a, b) and differentiable al c. Then for all y in some open subinterval T of/(S) containing/eel. Here g* is continuous
f + g,f - g, andf' garealsoaEjfefenlitlb/eat c. ThisisalsoJl'Ueo/ffgifg(c) #- O. at/(e) and g*U(c)] = g'[f(c)].
The derivatives at c are given by the lollowing formulDS:
Choosing x in S lID that y = f(x) E T, we then have
a) (f ± g)'(c) ; /,(e) ± g'(c),
g[j(x)] - O[/(c)] = [lex) [(c)]g*[J(x)] = (x c)f*(x)g*[f(x»). (2)
b) (/'9)'(c) = f{c)g'(c) + /,(c)g(c), By the continuity theorem for composite fundions,
c) <flg)'(c) g(c)f'(c) - f(c)g'(c) g*[f(x)] ..... g*U(e)] = g'[/{e») as x
g(e):! .. provided g(c) #: O. -I- C.
[(x)g(x) - f(c)g(c) (x - c)[f(c)g'i'(x) + !*(x)g(C)] + (x - C)2/*(X}g*(x). 5.6 ONE-SIDED DERIVATIVES AND INFlNlTE DERIVAl1VES
Dividing by x - c and letting x _ c we obtain (b). Proofs of the other statements Up to this point, the statement that / has a derivative at c has meant that c was
are similar. iltferior to an interval in which / was defined and that the limit definingl'(c) was
From the definition we see at once that iff is constant on (a, b) then f' = 0 finite. It is convenient to extend the scope ofour ideas somewhat in order to discuss
On (a, b). Also; if I(x) x, then /'(x) = I for all x. Repeated application or derivatives at endpoints or intervals. It is also desirable to introduce infinite
Theorem 5.4 tells us that jf /(x) "" x" (n a positive integer), then nx"-I rex) derivatives, lID that the usual geometric interpretation of a derivative as the slope
of a tangent line will still be valid in case the tangent line happens to be vertical.
for all x. Applying Theorem 5.4 again, we see that every polynomial has a deriva-
tive everywhere in R and every rational function has a derivative wherever it is In such a case we cannot prove tbat/is continuous at c. Therefore, we explicitly
defined. require it to be so.
Definiti6J1 5.6. ut/ be defined on a closed interval S ana assume that f is continuous
5.5 THE CHAIN RLJI,E fit the point c in S. Then f is said to have a righthand derivative at c if the rigbthand
A much deeper result is the so-called chain ruJe for differentiating composite func- lim f(x) - fCc)
X-+f+ x -- C
108 lot
f' xisls as a finite value. or if the limit is + co or - 00. This limit will be defWled by If /,(e) + 0::>, there is a I-ball B{e) in which
I:"(c). Lefl#lQ/ld dl'riMUves, denoted by I:.. (c), Qfe similarly defined. In addition
if c is an interior point 01 S, then we say t1uJ:t I has the derivative /,(e) = + ao if Ax) - fCc) > 1 whenever oX "" c.
both the right~ and leftJumd derivatives at care + 00. (The derivative /,(c) = _ 00 x-c
is similarly defined.)
In this ball the quotient is again positive and the conclusion followlI as before.
J~ is c.lear thatfhas. a derivative (finite or infinite) at an interior point c if. and
only IfJ+(c) = I -'-(c), m which case/~{c) = I'-(c) '-= f'(e). A result similar to Theorem S.7 holds, of course. jf/,(c) < 0 or ifr(e) =- co
at some interior point c of (Q, b).
NOTE. A IQCld maximum at a is the absolute maximum of/on the subset B(a) n S.
If I has an absolute maximum at a, then a is also a local maximum. However, I
can have local maxima at several points in S without having an absolute maximum
on the whole set S.
YIgUft 5.Z The next theorem shows a connection between zero derivatives and local
extrema (ma~ma or minima) at interior points.
Figure 5.2 illustrates some ofthese concepts. At the point Xl we havef~(xI) =
00.At Xz the lefthand derivative is 0 and the righthand derivative is L Also TltaUllf 5". Let / be defined on an open interval (a, 0) and assume that I has a
f'(x J } ~ -00, !,-(~4} '= -1: f~(X4) == +1, f'(x 6) = +co, and P.. (X7)-=2.' local maximum or a local minimum .at (pf interior point co/(a. h). III has 0. deriVtlUve
There IS no denvaHve (one-SIded or otherwise) at xs. since I is not continuous (finite or infinite) at e, then I'(e) must be O.
Proof. If /,(c) is positive or +00, then J caIlnot have II. local extremum at c
because of Theorem 5.1. Similady,f'(c) cannot be negative or -a:J. However,
5.7 FUNCTIONS WITH NONZERO DERlVATIVE .because there is a derivative at c, the only ot.her possibility is/,(t::) = o.
T':o~m 5.7. Let I e defined (JfI an open interval (a, b) and aSSUme tlmt lor SOme
: lit ,~, b) We have I (e) > 0 or 1'(e) = + co. Then there is Q I-ball B(c} £= (a, b)
The convene of Theorem 5.9 is not true. [n general, knowing that/,(c) = 0
In which is not enough to determine whether Ihll1> an extremum at c. [n fact, it may have
neither, as can be "'entied by the example I(x) = x 3 and c = O. [n this case,
lex) > f(c) if X > C, and I(x) < I(e) if x < c.
/,(0) = 0 but I is increasing in every neighborhood of O.
Proof If/,(e) is finite and positive we can write Furthermore. it should be emphasized that I can have a local extremum at c
witoout f'(c) being zero. The example I(x) = Ixl has a minimum at x 0 but.
fCc) (x c)!*(x),
of course. there is no derivative at o. Theorem 5.9 assumes that I bas II. derivative
where 1.* is continu~us at c andf*(c)
/'(c) > O. By the sign preserving property (finite or infinite) at c. The theorem also assumes that c is an interior point of
o.f Colltmuous functions there J:5 a I-ball B(c) r;;
(a, b) in which/*(x) bas the same (a, b). In the example fix) = x, where a S x 5,; b, I takes on its maximum and
SIgn as/*(c), and this means that/ex) f(c) has the same sign as x-c. minimum at the endpoints but/'ex) is never zero in [0., b).
110 Th.5.10 Cor. 5.15 111
Geometrically, this states that a sufficiently smooth curve joining two points a) Iff' takes only positive values (finite or infinite) in (a. b), then f is strictly
A and .B has a tangent line with the same slope as the chord AB. We will deduce increasing on [a, h].
Theorem 5.11 from a more general version whil;h involves two functions f and 9 in b) If/' takes only negative values (finite or infinite) in (a, b). then f is strictly
a symmetric fashion. decTetlJlng on [a, b].
c) Iff' is zero f!Vf!rywhe-re in (a, b) then f is constant on [a, b].
Tltevrem 5.12 (GeneraIivd Mean- Value Theorem). Let f and 9 be two functions,
each having a derivative: (finite or infinite) at each point of an open interval (a, b) Proof Choose x < y and apply the Mean-Value Theorem to the subinterval
and each continuous at the endpoints a and b. Assume also that there is no interior [x, y] of [a. b] to obtain
point x at which bothp(x) and g'(x) are infinill'. Then for some interior pcint c we
fey) - f(x) = j'(c){y - x) where c € (x, y).
f'(c}[g(b) - g(a)] = g'(c)[f(b) - /Ca)]. All the statements of the theorem follow at once from this equation.
the interval. In particular.!assumes every value between f(a) and feb). A similar discontinuity (by Theorem 4.51). Hence f' omits some value between /'«(1.) and
result will now be proved for functions which are derivatives. /'({f), contradicting the intermediate-value theorem,
lMor;un 5.16 (lrIt.rllltnlitl.te-vll1lHJ tlturttmfttr dniMtitle$). Assume that I is de-
fined on a C017lpucl interval [a. b] and that I has a derilJQtive (finite or inJittih!) at each 5.12 TAYWR"S FORMULA WnH REMAINDER
interior point. Assume also that I hasfinite one~sided derivatives f~ (a) andf:-(6) at
As noted earlier, iff is differentiable at c, tbenl is approximately a linear function
the endfUJints, with Ii-(a) '" p . (b). Then, if cis 0. real mJmber between I~(a) and
/:_(b), there exists at least one interior point x such that /,(x) c. near c. That is. the equation
NOTE. Theorem 5.16 is still valid if one or both of the one-sided derivatives
Tlleurem 5.20, uf I and 9 be two functions hOrJing finite nth derilJQlives n ' and r
gin) in an Ope1l intervtll (a, b) and continuous (n - l)st deril'lltives in the dosed
f!r(a), I~(b), is infinite. The proof in this case can be given by considering the interval [a, b]. Assume that c e [a. b]. Then. for every x in [0, b], x '# C, there
auxiliary function 9 defined by the equation g(x) .. I(x) - ex, if x €' [a, bJ. exists a fUJint Xl interior to the intfrMI joining,;;c and c such that
Details are left to the reader.
The intermediate-value theorem shows that a derivative cannot change sign j{x) - L: ~ (x -
o-} j(lI) ) ]
e)" ,(n)(XI) = jlIO}(X I) [0-1L: Y--!..
g(x) -
{i l ( )
in an interval without taking the value O. Therefore, we have tbe following [
11.=0 k! 11=0 k!
strengthening of Theorem 5.14(a) and (b). NOTE. For the special ~e in which g(x) = (x - we have gUil(C)cr, 0 for =
Theorem 5.17. Assume f has a aeriMtive (finitl! or infinite) on (a, b) and is con- o :s; k :s: 1'1 -
I and gl")(X) = I'll. This theorem then reduces to Taylor's theorem.
tinuous 01 the endpoints a and D. If rex) '# 0 for all x in (a, b) then f is strictly Proo! For simplicity, assume that c < b and that x > c. Keep x fixed and define
monotonic on [a, b]. new functions F and G as follows:
The intermediate-\lall.le theorem also shows that monotonic derivatives are ,,-I /(")(1)
necessarily continuous. F(t) = jet) + L: - k!
(x ~ tl.
r'eQ"f!m 5.1&, Assume f' exists and is monotonic 011. on open interval (6, h). Then
.-1 (l)(t)
f' is continuous OIl (a, b). G(t) = g(t) + L:-g~ (x - It',
1;=1 k!'
PrQOf. We assume/, has a discontinuity at some point c in (0, b) and arrive at a
contradiction. Choose a closed subinterval [tI, PJ
of (0, h) which contains c in its for each t in [c, x]. Then F and G are continuous on the dosed interval xJ
interior. Since /' is monotonic on /1] the discontinuity at c must be a jump and bave finite derivatives in the open interval (c, x). Therefore, Theorem 5.12 is
114 us
applicable and we can write 'The Mean-Value TheoIml, as stated in Theorem 5.11, does not hold for vector-
F'(x.)[G(x) - GCe)] = G'(xl)[F(x) - F(c)], valued functions. For example, iff(l) (cos t, sin I) fOT all real t, then
where XI E (e, x).
This reduces to the equation f(21f) - f(O} = 0,
but f'(I) is never zero. In fact, Ilf'(t)U = 1 for all t. A modified version of the
F'(xI)[g(x) G(e)] = G'(x1 )[f(x) - pte)], (a)
Mean-Value Theorem for vector-valued functions is given in Chapter 12 (Theorem
sioc::e G(x) = g(x) and F{x) = I(x). If, now, we compute the derivative of the sum 12.8).
defining F(t), keeping in mind that each term of the sum is a product, we find that
all terms cancel but one, and we are left with
F'(t) = ----~ I.et S be an open set in Euclidean space .", and tet I : S ...... R be a real-valued
SimiJarly, we obtain function defined on $. If" = (xx, ... , xJ and e = (c., ...• cJ are two points
of S having corresponding coordinates equal except for the kth, that is, if Xi = c.
- I
G'(t) g(lI)(t). for i F- k and if Xt F- c1> then we can consider the limit
(n - 1)!
, f(x) - f(c)
If we put 1 = XI and substitute into (a), we obta.in the fonnulaofthe theorem. I1m •
" .... <l; Xl' - clJ;
5.13 DERIVATIVES OF VECTOR-VALUED FUNcrIONS When this limit exists, it is called the piUtio.l derilJQtive off with respect to the kth
coordinate and is denoted by
Let f: (a, b) ..... R" be a vector-valued function defined on an open interval (a, b)
in R. Then r = (fJ., ... ,/J where each componenth is a real-valued function D,J(e), I'f, )
Jt"C ,
of (C),
defined on (a, b). We say that r is differentiable at a point c in (a, b) if each com- vXe
ponentJ. is differentiable at c and we define or by a similar expression. We shall adhere to the notation Dd(c}.
f'Ce) = (fi{e), ... ,f~(C}). This process produces 11 further functions Dt!, DtJ, ..•• Dnf defined at those
points in S where the corresponding limits exist. .
In other words, the derivative f'(c) is obtained by ditferentiating each component Partial differentiation is not really a new concept We are merely treatmg
of f at e. In view of this definition, it is not surprising to find that many of the l(x 1 , ••• , xJ as a function of one variable at a time, holding tbe others fixed.
theorems on differentiation a.e also valid for vector-valued functions. For example, That is, if we introduce a function 9 defined by
if f and g are vector-valued functions differentiable at c and if A is a r.eal-valued
function differentiable at c, then the sum f + g, the product ).r, and the dot product g(Xt) = f(ch ... , £'1-1> Xl' ('Hi' ••.• c.,).,
f· g are differentiable at c and we have
then the partial derivative DJ(c) is exa.ct1y the same as the ordinary derivative
(f + g)'(r) f'(c) + g'(c), g'(cl ). This is usually described by saying that we differentiate I with respect 10
(..1.1)'(<.') }.'(e)l(e) + ).(c)f'(c), the kth variable. holding the others fixed.
In generalizing a concept from R 1 to R", we seek to preserve the important
(f· g)'(c) f'(c)'g(c) + f(c)·g'(e). properties in the one-dimensional case. For example. in the one-dimensional c.ase,
the existence of the derivative at c implies continuity at c. Therefore it seems
The proofs follow easily by considering <:omponents. There is also a chain rule for desirable to have a concept of derivative for functions of several variables which
differentiating composite functions which is proved in the same way. If f is vector-
will imply continuity. Partial derivatives do not do this. A function of 11. variables
valued and if Ii is real-valued, then the composite function g given by g(x) =
ean have partial derivatives at a point with respect to each oftbe variables and yet
f[ u(x)] is vector-valued. The cbain rule states that
not be wntinuous at the point. We illustrate with the following example of a
g'(e) = f'(u(c)]u'(t·), function of two variables:
if the domain of f contains a neighborhood of ute) and if u'(e) and f'[u(e)] bott! X + Y. ifx=Oory=O,
exist. j(x, y) "'" { I,
116 117
The partial derivatives DJ(O. 0) and D:lf(O, 0) Ixlth exist. In fact, become a fieldt which includes C. Since division is possible in C, bo~ever, we can
form the fundamental difference quotient [fez) - I(c)]/(z - c).wh~ch was used
Dd(O.O) = lim f(x, 0) - f(O, 0) = Jim x = 1, to define the derivative in H, and it now becomes clear how the denvatlve should be
",-0 X - 0 ,,-ox defined in C.
and, similarly. D,1(O, 0) = I. On the other hand, it is clear that this function is lJejildtio.5.11. Let I be a complex-valued lunc~i(jn dejine.d on ~ ~pen set S in C,
not continuous at (0.0). Qnd assume C E S. Then f is said to be differenllable at e if the limtt
The existence of the partial derivatives with respect to each variable separately
implies continuity in each variable separately; but, as we have just seen, this does . f(z) ftc)
Itm f'(e)
not necessarily imply continuity in all the variables simultaneously. The difficulty r-C' Z e
with partial derivatives is that by their very definition we are forced to consider exists.
only one variable at a time. Partial derivatives give us the rate of change of a By means of this limit process, a new complex-valued ~unc!ion f~ is:efined at
function in the direction of each coordinate axis. Thete is a more general conceptof those. points z of S wherel'(z) exists. Higher-order denvatlves[ ,f , ... are,
derivative which does not restrict our considerations to the special directions of
of cou~, similatly d e f i n e d . .
the coordinate axes. This will be studied in detail in Chapter 12. The following slalements can now be proved for complex-valued functions
The purpose of this section is merely to introduce the notation for partial defined on an open set S by exactly the same proofs used in the real case:
derivatives, since we shall use them OIXaSionaUy before we reach Chapter 12.
If f has partial derivatives Dt!, ... , DJ on an open set S, then we can also a) fis dijJerl'Jttiable at c if. and only if, there is a [Ul1ction!*, colltinuous at c, such
consider their partial derivatives. These are called second-order partial derivatives. that
We write Dr.'! for the partial derivative of Dd with respect to the rth variable. f(z) fCc) = (z ~ c)!*(z),
for all z in S, with/*(c) = I'ee).
Dr.'! DI"»i/).
NOTE. If we let g(z) = !*(z) - r(e) the equation in (a) can be put in the form
Higher-otder partial derivatives are similarly defined. Other notations are
fez) = I(c) + I'(c)(z c) + g(z)(z - c),
Dp.'l,rf.= ~iJ-"".:1l-=--- where g(z) -+ 0 as z .... c. This is called ajirst-order TaylQr Iqrmula for f.
ax. ox, xl' uX'I
b) IfI is differentiable at c, then f is continuous at c.
c) II (We) functions I and 9 have .rivafives at c, then their sum, difference. produc:,
5.15 DIFFERENTIATION OF FUNCTIONS OF A COMPLEX VARIABLE ond quotient alsq have derivatives at t~ and are given by ti,e usual formulas (as In
In this section we shall discuss briefly derivatives of complex-valued functions Theortm 5.4). In the case 01fig, we must assume g(c) .;. O.
defined on subsets of the complex plane. Such functions are, of course, vector- d) The chain rule is valid; thaI is to say, ».£ !lave
valued functions whose domain and range are subsets of R 2 • All the considerations (g" f)'{e) = g'[J(c)!f'(c),
of Chapter 4 concerning limits and continuity of vector-valued functions apply,
in particular, to functions of a complex variable. There is, however, one essential iflh£ domain 01 9 contains Q neighborhood 01 ftc) and ifI'(c) and g'[j(c)] botl,
difference between the set of complex numbers C and the set of n-dimensional exist.
vectors H" (when 11 > 2) that plays an important role here. In the complex number Whenf(;:) = z, we findl'(z) = I for all z. i~ C: Using (c) r:peatedly, we find
system we have the four algebraic operations of addition, subtraction. multiplica- thatl'(z) = nz"-l whenf(z) = z" (n is a positive Integer). ThiS also holds when
tion. and division, and these operations satisfy most of the "usual" laws of algebra
that hold for the real number system. [n particular, they satisfy the first five t For example, if it -..vere possible to define multiplicationJin RJ so as to mal:.; R~ a field
axioms for real numbers listed in Chapter I. (Axioms 6 through 10 involve the including C. we could argucas follows: For every x m It the vector~ J, :1:;:1: ,:11: ~ould
ordering relation <, whicb cannot exist among the (;omplex numbers.) Any be linearly dependent (see Reference SJ, p. SS8). Hence for each x In R • a relatlon of
the fi m II + a x + Q Xl + Q3X3 = 4) would hold, where all> Qt. 0':., aJ are real
aJgebraic system whk:h satisfies Axioms I through 5 is called a field. (For a
thQrough discussion of fields, sec Reference 1.4.) Multiplication and division. it nl·um
.:..s But ~ pol;nomial of degree three with real coefticients is a product of a
'lynomial and a quadratic polynomial with real._coefficients. The only roots such
lnellr p o , '-_
turns out, cannot be introduced in Kit (for n > 2) in such a way tbat a" will polynomials can have are either real numbers or cornp""x num"",rs.
111 ..... 5.11 Th..5.~
n is a negative integer. provided z .,. O. Therefore, we may compute derivatives wheref* is continuous at c and/"(,,) = /,(,,). Write
of complex polynomials and complex rational functions by the same tcchniques z =0 x + iy, " a + lb, and /*(z) = A(z) + iB(z),
used in elementary differential ca.lculus.
where A(z) and B(t) are real. Note that A(z) -> A(e) and B(z) -+ B(c) as z -> c.
By cOl1llidering only those z in S with y = b and taking real and imaginary parts
of (5), we find
Iff is a complex.valued function of a complex variable. we can write each function u(x, b) uta, b) = (x a)A(x + ib), vex, b) !J(a, b) = (x - a)B(x + ib).
value in the form
f(Z) = u(z} + il'l(z), Dividing by x - a and letting x .... a we find
where u and v are real-valued functions of a complex variable. We can, of course, Dlu(,,) = A(c) and Dlv(,,) = B(c).
also consider II and v to be real-valued functions of two real variables and then
Since!'(,,) ".. A(c) + is(e). this proves (3).
we write
Similarly, by considering only those z in S with x "" a we find
f(z) = u(x, y) + W(X. y), if z = x + iy.
D 2 v(c) A(e) and D 2u(c) - B(e),
fn either case, we write f u + iv and we refer to u and v as the real and ;mag-
ilUlry parts off. For example, in the case of the complex exponential function f, whIch proves (4).
defined by Applications urthe Cauchy-Riemann equations are giv~n in the next theorem.
fez) = e< = e" cos y + ie" sin Y.
The81'em 5.13. Let f Ii + iv be a function with a derivative everywhere in an
the real and imaginary parts are given by
open disk D untered at (0, b). 11 anyone of Ii, II, or III is cOJlstantt on D, then
u(x, Y) = tI' COli ". v(x. y) e" sin y. I is constant on D. Also,f is constant if/,(z) = 0 for ail z in D.
Similarly, when!(z) = Z2 =: (x + iy)2, we find Proof Suppose u is constant on D. The Cauchy-Riemann equations show that
u(x, y) =r - y2, v(x, y) = hy. D'lv = nit! = 0 an D. Applying the one-dimensional Mean-Value Theorem twice
we find, for some :l between band y,
In the next theorem we shall tee that the existence of the derivative1' places a
vex, j) - v{x. b) - (y - b)Dzv(x, Jl) O.
rather severe restriction on the real and imaginary parts u and v.
TlMtlWlm 5.2'i.Let f = u + Iv be defim!d on an open set S ill C. If1'(e) exists fM and, for some x"between fl and x,
some c in S, then the partial derivative3 Dlu(,,). D 2 u(c). Dlv(e} and D1v(c) olSfJ vex, b) v(a, b) (x D)Dlv(x', b) = O.
exist and we hQfJe
Therefore v(x, y) = v(o, b} for all (x, y) in D, so v is constant on D. A similar
/,(c) = D1u{c) + I D 1*), (3)
argument sho~s that ir v is constant then u is l..--onst8n1.
and Z
Now suppose If I is constant on D. Then ifl 2 U + {,2 is constant on D.
/,(e) O2*) - i D1 u«(;). (4)
Taking partial derivatives we find
This implies, in particular. that
uDlu + rDll' = 0, uD.u + FDlv = O.
Dlu(e) = D 2v(c) and Dlv(,,) = -D 2u(c).
By the Cauchy-Riemann equations the second equation can be written as
NOTE. These last two equations are known as the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
{"DIU uDIl' = O.
They are usually seen in the form
au QI) iJu OU
Combining this with the first to eliminale DII! we find (,,2 + 1!1)D1fJ = O. if
1/ + C;l O. then u = I! =: 0, so I'" 0, If ul + [,1 :I' 0 then DIU 0; hence
ax = OJ" iJx =- iJy
u is consta.nt, so f is constant.
Proof Since1'(c) exists there is a functionf" defined on S such that
fez) ~ fCc) =: (z - c)f*(z), (5)
t Here iff denotes the function whose value at z is If(::)[·
121 12t
Finally. iff' = 0 on D. both partial derivatives. Dlv and Dzv are zero on D. EXERCISES
Again. as in the first part of the proof. we find! is constant on D. ._-- - - - - - - - - - -
Theorem 5.22 tells WI that a necessary condition for the function! = u + iv to Real-valued fUllcti_
have a derivative at c is that the four partials DIu, Dlll, DIv, D 1v, ell;ist at c and In the following cl<ercises assume, whet!: necessary, a knowledge. of ~he for~ulas for
satisfY the Cauchy-Riemann equations. This condition, however. is. not sufficient, differentiating the elementary trigonometric, eXpOnential. and logarithmIC functlofl.s.
as we see by considering the foUowing example. 5.1 A function f is said to satisfy a Lipschitz condition of order II at <: if there exists a
positive number M (which may depend on c) and a 1-0011 B(c) such that
Enmple. Let It and v be defined as follows:
!1(x) I(c)! < Mix - clc
if (X, y) :J;. (0, 0), 11(0, 0) 0, whenever x E B(c). x -.F c.
a) Show that a function which satisfies a Lipschitz condition of order II is continuous
at c if Q! > O. and has a derivative at c if II :> 1.
if (x, Y) :J;. (0, 0), ((0, 0) = o. b) Give an example of a function satisfying a Lipschitz condition of order I at c for
which !'(c) does not exist.
Itiseasily~nthaIDlll(O.O)'" D11(0,O) I and that Dlu(O, 0) == l)zv(O,O) -1, s.Z In eaetl of the following cases. determine the intervals in which the function f is
110that the ca\lchy~Riemann equations hold at (0, 0). Nevertheless, the fUllCtion / .. increasing or decreasing and find the maxima and minima (if any) in the set where each I
Ii+ tv cannot have a derivative at z It In faci. for x == 0, the diffcrenre quotient
is defined.
.a) I(x) "" x 3 + ax + 0, x E R.
I(z) /(0) = _--=-y_+_l..::...·y =t + i,
z () iy b) !(.•) log (x:t - 9), lxl :> 3.
c) f(x) = x 213(x - 1)4, 0 ~ X ~ L
whereas for x Y. it berot'l1eS
d) I(x) = (sin xl/x if x '" 0,/(0) = t, I} s x S n:/2.
/(z) - 1(0) xi =1+1 5.3 Find a polynomial I of lowest possible de;,ree such that
z-O x + Ix 2 I(xl) =" (II> f(X2) = {fl. !'(XI) hI> I'(Xl! = hz,
and hencel'(O) cannot exist.
where Xi ;J; Xl and ai' Clz , bI> bt are given real numbers..
In Chapter 12 we shall prove that the Cauchy-Riemann equations do suffice to 5.4 Define I as follows: I(xl = e-1/"" if x -.F 0,/(0) = 0, Show that
establish existence of tbe derivative of! = u + iv at c if the partial derivatives of a) f is continuous for all x.
u and v are <:ontinuous in &Orne neighborhood of c. To illustrate how this result is b) Pit) is continuous for all x, and that 1(0)(0) = 0, (n = 1,2, ... ).
used in practice, we shall obtain the derivative of the exponential function. Let
5.5 Dj:fine/.ti,andhasfollows:!(O) g(O) = h(O)" Oand,ih -.F OJ/x) sin (1/_l'),
fez) == tf = u + ill. Then 2
p(x) = x sin (l/x), hex)= x sin (1/x). Show that
u(x, y) = r cos y, v(x, y) = i' sin y, a) rex) = l/r ros (1/x), if x oF 0; 1'(0) does not exist.
and hence b) g'(x) sin (1/x) l/x cos (I/x), if x oF 0; g'{O) does not exisl.
and (d) hold at those points where the denominators are not zero: Mean-Value11leorem
al f (x)l/(x) + g'(;\:)fg(x) "" O. 5.10 Given a function {defined and having a finite derivative in (a, b) and such that
b) /"(x)/f'(x) - 2f'(x)//(x} - g"{x)!g'(x) = o. lirnx~lt_ I(x) = + 00. Prove that limx-+b_ f'(x) either fails to exist or is infinite.
s.n Show that the formula in the Mean-Value Theorem can be wriUen as follows:
c) rex) 3f'(x>.u"(x) _ 3r{x) _ ~(x) ... O.
!'(x) f(x)g'(x) I{x) g'(x) [(x + h) - [(x) = f'(x + (lit),
d) rex) _ 3 (r(X»)Z = g"'(~) _ ~ (g"(~»):I.
where 0 < 0 < I. Detennine (J as a function of x and h when
f'(x) 2 ('{x) g'(x) 2 g'(x)
a) /<x) == x 2 , b) I(x) = x 3 •
NOTE. The expression which appears 011 the left side of (d) is called the Schwarz/an
deritlQ~ (If/at x.
c) {(x) eX, d) I(.r:) == log .~. x > 0,
Keep x¢O fixed. and find lim,,_Q (J in each cue.
e) Show thatfand 9 have the same Schwarzian derivative if
5,11 Take {(x) 3x· - 2x 3 x 2 + 1 and g(x) ~ 4.~a - 3x 2 - 2.", in Theorem 5.20.
g(x) ... [II/(X) + b ]f{e/(x) + dl, where ad - be: ¢ O. Sbow that f'(x)/u'(x) is never equal to the quotient [1(1) I(O)]/[u(l) - 0(0)] ir
o < x ~ I. How do you reconcile this with the equation
Hint. If e: ¢ 0. wrile (€if + b)l(cf + d) (a/c) + (be: ad)j[c.(t;{ + d)], and apply
part (d). - [(a) f'(x i )
g(b) - yea) == g'(x1 ) '
5.8 Letjj'/2, 91' 91 be four functions having derivatives in (a. 0). Define Fby means of
the determilUl1lt obtainable from Theorem 5.20 when n '" 11
F(x) ... I fl(x) f1('X)I. if x (a, 0).
S.13 In each of the following special cases of Theorem 5.20. take II I, C Q, X ... b,
IUl(.X-) 91(X)
and show that Xl (4 + b)!2.
Can yon find Ii general class ofsuch pairs offunctionsfandg for which x, will always be
F'(x) ... IIIJx) li(x)J + J/l(X) 12(x)/. (a+ b)/2 and such that both examples (a) and (b) are in this c111llS?
01(X) gix)j gi(x) ui(x) 5.14 Given 11 function 1 defined and having a finite derivative I' in the .half-open interval
b) State and prove a more general result for mh otder determinanl:$. o< x ~ I and such that 1f'(x)1 < 1. Deline a" == {(lfn) for n - I, 2, 3, ...• and show
that lim,,_«> OJ! exists. Hint. cauchy condition.
5.9 Given If functioll!lli., •..• [", each having nth order derivalives in (a, b). A function
5.15 Assume that/bas a finite derivative at each point of the open interval (a, b). Assume
W. called tbe Wronskian of ft.· ..• fit" is defined IIll follows: For each x in (a, b), W(x) is
also that lim,,_c!'(x) exists and is finite for some interior point c. Prove that the value
the value of the determinant of order n whose ~I~ment in the ktn row and mlh column is
of this limit must be ['(c).
r,:-l)(x), where k '" 1,2, .•. , It. and m = 1,2, . . ,Il. [The expressiol1r",o)(x) is written
for I.,(x). ] 5.16 Let I be continuous on (a. b) with a finile derivative f' everywhere in (a, b). except
possibly at c. If IimH .J'(x) exists and has the value A. silo,.... that f'(e) must also exist
11) Show that W'(x) can be obtained by replacing the last row of the deletminanl and have the value A.
defining W(x) by the nth derivativestr)(x), ,n"l{x).
5.17 Let [be continuous on [0, I]. /(0) ... o. pix) finite for each x in (0, I). Prove that
b) Assuming the existence of n constants (;"
CJ!I(X) + ... + c,,[,,(x)
, c., not all zero. such that
0 for every x in (a, b). show that W(..) 0 for each
if is an increasing function on (0, I), then so too is the function g defined by the equa-
tion g(x) "" /(x)/x.
x in (a, b).
5.18 Assume I has a. finite deriva.tive in (a, bJ and is continuous on la, b] with l(a) ."
NOTE, A sel of functions satisfying such a relation is said to be a linearly dependent Jet /(b) O. Prove that for every real ,t there is some c in (0, b) such that f'(c) J/(c).
oo~~ .
Hint. Apply RoUe's theorem to g(:.;)/(x) for a suitable g depending On 1.
1;) The vanishing of the Wronskian throughout (a, b) is necessary. but not sufficient, S.l!' Assume I is continuous on [a, bland has a finite second derivatiVl / ' in the open
for linear dependen;;:e of h •... ,/". Show that in the case of two functions, if the interval (a. 0). Assume that the line segment joining the points A (o,[(a» and
Wronskian vanishes throughout (a. b) and if one of the funcl/oos does not vanish B ... (b.f(b» intersects the graph of {in a third point P different from A and B. Prove
in (a, b), then they form a linearly dependent set in (ii, b). that/,(c) == 0 for some c in (a, IiJ.
124 12S
5.2D IfI bas a finite third derivative r in [a. b) and if 5.28 Prove the. foUawing theorem:
1(4) = rca) I(b) reb) = 0, Let land g be twO lunctiom having finite nth derivatives in (a, b). Fo,. some interior point c
prove that !'(c) = 0 for some c in (a. b).
in (a, b), assume that I(c) =r(e) = ... = Plf-I)(C) ... 0, and thor g(c) g'(e) =
= g(a- I)(e) = 0, but that gllfl(x) is never zero in (a, 0). S!fflw that
5.11 Assumc I is nonnegative and bas a finite third derivative / ' in the optn interval
lim I(x) r'(c)
(0, I). IfI(x) = 0 for at least two values of x in (0, I), prove that ["(e) = 0 for some e
in (0. I). .x...." g(x) flat< c)
5.12 Assume Ibu 11 finite derivative in liDJDe interval (a, + 00). NOTE. 1(·) and g~.} are not assumed to be continuous at c. Hint. Let
a) Iflex) 1 and rex) -tc as x... + 00, prove that c = O. F(x) = [(x) (
_ x - c r -l/llI-U(c) •
b) If rex) 1 as x + 00, prove that f(x)/x J as x + 00. (n - 1)1
c) Ifrex) 0 as x + ro, prove that l(x)lx 0 as x + 00. define G similarly, and apply Theorem 5.20 to tile functions Fand G.
5.29 Show that the formula in Taylor's theorem can also be written as foRows:
5.13 Let II be a fixed positive num,ber. ShQw that there is no function / sati!!lying the
(aUowing three conditions: rex)
exists for x ~ 0./'(0) = 0, ~ II for x > O. rex) f(x) = ~r,c) (x _ ct + (x ;:~ ~):lr-lr")(Xl)'
5.Z4 If If > 0 and if rex) ellbts (and is finite) for every x in (fl - h. a + h). and if I is t::!J kl
continuous on [0 h, a + h), show that we bave: .
where Xl is interior to the interval joining x aooe. Let 1 - = (x xl)/(x - c). Show e
I(a + It) - I(a h), , that 0 < 8 <: 1 and deduce the followil'l8 form of tbe remainder term (due to Cauchy):
a) _ . If ....- = I (a + 9h) + I (a - eh), 0 < {J <:: I;
(1 - fJ).-l{X - c)"r"}[8x + (I 8)c).
(n - I)!
b) led + If) - 2/(0) + fell - II} f'(a + Ah) _ f'(a _ Ah), l} <: A< L
h Hint. Take Oft) ~ g(t) = t in the proof of Theorem 5.20.
c) If rea) exists, show that
.r(a) "" lim 1,-,(_6_+_h..;..>_2...;;!::-;;(:-'a)_+--::-/(.;....Q_----:.h)
.~O liZ 5.38 If a vector-valued fuuction f is differentiable at c. prove that
d) Give an example where the limit of the quotient in (e) exists but where rea} does fcc) '" lim.!. [f(c + II)
~ ...ll h
not exist.
5.25 Let f have a finite derivative in (a, b) and assume that C E (a, b). Consider the Conversely. if this limit exists, prove that f ill differentiable at c.
fOllowinscondition: For every I: > 0 thereexiSls a I-balI 11(1:; 4), Whose radil.l$" depends 5.31 A vector-valued function r is differentiable al each point of (a, b) and has constant
only on t and not on c, suclt that if x s B(e; <J), and x ¢: C, then norm IiI I. Prove that f(t) • I'(t) 0 on (0, b).
lex) -/(c) 5.32 A vector-valued fLlt\clion f is never zero and has a derivative f' which exists and is
continuous on R. IF there is a real funclion 1 such that f'(1) "" l(/)f(l) (or all t, prove
that tbere is il. positive real function u and a constant vector e such that f(t) '" u(t)c
Show that/' is continuous on (a. b) if this condition holds throughout (a, b). for all t.
5.26 Assume f has a finite deIjvative in (a, b) and is continuous on la. b J, with a :s
PaI1ilIl derivatbes
I(x) :>; b for aU oX in [a, b I and Ir(x)1 $ ex < 1 for all x in (a, h). Prove that I has a
unique fixed point in [a, b]. 5.33 Consider the function I defined on R 1 by the followins formulas;
5.2.7 Give an example of a pair of functions I and fJ having finite derivati~ in (0, I),
I(x, y) = -.9..- if(x, y) (0,0) 1(0,0) = O.
such lhat
Xl + r ¢:
lim/(x) = 0, Prove that the partial derivati~ Dtf(x, Y) lind Dd(x., y) exist for every (x, yl in R 2 and
h(l g(x)
evaluate these derivatives explicitly in terms of x and y. Also, show that f is not con-
but such that lim.x_o/,(x)/g'(x) does not exist, choosing 9 so that g'(x) is never zero. tinuol.l$ at (0, 0).
1. Der.U Total V. .tJoB
This means that S". must be a finite set. But the set of discontinuities ofI in (a, b) Proof. Assume that x e (a, b). Usiog the special partition P = {a, x. b}, we find
is a subset of the union U:=l S., and hence is countable. (Iffis decreasing, the
argument can be applied to -f.)
i/(x) f(a)1 + If(b) - f(x)1 $ M.
This implies If(x) - [(a)1 $ M, l.f(x)l s If(a)) + M. The same inequality holds
lHjiIIititm 6.1. If [a, b] is a compact interval, a set of points
P = {x o, xI> ' .•• x..}, I. It is eascy to construct a continuous function which is not of bounded variation. For
sat;$fyi1lf1 'he inequalities example, 'letf(x) = x cos {x/(2xH ifx #' O,f(O) = O. Then [is continuous on [0. tl.
0 = Xo < Xl •• , < X,,-t < Xa = h, but if we consider the partition ioto 2JI subiotervals
is called a partition of [a. ill. Tire ikti!l'Vtll [X.-l' x.] is called the ktb subinterval p 0, ~ • 1 ..... I • !, I) ,
( 2" 2n-l 32
of P and we write Ax.. "" x.. - x,,_ I> so tJwt n~ i 6.x" = h a. The collection
ofall possible partitions of [a, b] will be denoted by 9'[a. b].
an easy calculation shaws thai we have
/JtIjiIIitio" 6.1. Let f be defined 011 [a, b1 If P =
{XII> Xl' . . . . x,,} is a partition
2~ 1 1 I J 1 1 I 1
01 [a, b], write Aft = f(x,,) ~ f(xi-l), for k .. 1.2, ...• n. If tlrere exists (J ~ IAlll = 2n + 2n + 2" 2 + 2n 2 + ... + 2. + 2 1 + i + ... + n
positive number M such that
This is not bounded for all n, since the series ~~1 (lIn) diverges. In this example
the derivativeI' exists in (0, I) butl' is not bounded on (0. I). However.1' is bounded
on any compact interval not cootaining the origin and hence f will be of bounded
lor all parJitions of [a. b]. then f is ~id to be of bounded l'arialion on [0. b]. variation on such an intecval.
Exa.mples of functions of bounded variation llre provided by the next two Z. An example similar to the fint is given by f(x) = x:l. eos (1lx) if x ". 0, [CO) = O.
theorems. This f is of bounded variation on [0, I}. since f' is bounded on [0, 1]. In fact.
/,(0) ... 0 and. for x ~ O. f'(x) sin (1/x) + 2.\' COS (l/x), so that If'(.:c)1 s 3 for
TltetJrem 6.5. Iff i.f monotonic on [Q. bJ, thenfis afbounded variation on [a. b]. all .:cin (0. 1].
Proof. Let I be increasing. Then for every partition of [a. b] we have Aft ~ 0 3. Boundedness off' is no! necessary for fto be of bounded variation. For example, let
and hence f(x) = x t /!, This function is monotonic (md hence of bounded variation) on every
ft • ft
finite interval. However, r(x}.... + 00 as x -> O.
L IAftl = "'at
1: Alk .. k=l
L [l(x",) - /(Xt-,)] = feb) I(a).
neor,. 6.6. Iff is cmrtinuoul on [a, b] and iff' exists and is bounded in the
interior, say If'(x) I S A for all x in (a, b), then f is of bounded mriation on [a. b J. Defillithm 6.8. Let f be of bounded variation on [a, bJ, and let E (P) denote the sum
n~l IAftl corresponding to the partititln p .. {Xo, Xl' , . , . x.} of [a. b]. The
PrrHJf. Applying the Mean-Value Theorem. we have
AI". .. I(x",) - f(X"'-l) = f'(tt)(~ - Xi_I), where It e (xt - h x",). VJa,b} = sup{:E(p):Pe:1[a,b]l,
This implies is called the total variation off on the interval [a, b1
t= I
IAft I = t
1<= 1
If'(t.}l Ax.. ~ A tAx",
= A(b - a).
NOTE. When there is no danger of misunderstanding, we will write VI instead of
Vf(a, b).
neorem 6.7. Iff is cf bounded variation on [a, bJ, say L 14ftI s M for all par- Sincefis ofb<Junded variation on [a, b], the number Vf is finite. Also. VI 2: 0,
titions of [0. bJ, then I is bound(!d on [a, b]. in fact, since each sum E (P) 2: O. Moreover, Vf(a. b) = 0 if, and only if, fis conStant
If(x)1 .s Iffa)1 + M lor all x in [a, b). on [0, b].
I 131
Toad Vt.rIItiod ClII. I.. xl •• Flmdion of x
Xlwtm!m 6.9. Assume that I ami 9 are each 0/ bounded PQTiotiun on [a, bJ. Thelt z)
This shows that each sum 1: (Pi) and 1: (P is bounded by V t<a.
b} and tbis means
so are their sum, difference, and product. Also, we have that/is of bounded variation on [a. e] and on [e, b]. From (I) we also ob-.ain tbe
and Via. C') + V,,(c, b) :S: Via, b).
A = sup {1g(x)1 ; x e (a, b]}, B = sup {I/(x)1 : x E [a, b]}. bec:ause of Theorem J. JS.
To obtain the reverse inequality, let P = {xo> xu' .. , x"l E £:ll'[a. b] and let
Proof. Let h(x) = f(x)g(x). For every partition P of [a, b], we have Po ... P v {e} be the (pos!>ibly new) partition obtained by a.djoining the point c.
IMal =: 1/(xJg(x1 ) I(xi:-,)g(xa-,)l If C E [XI:_ t, x.]. then we have
Theorem 6.10. Let f be of bounded PQrmJion on [a, b] and usume tilat I is bounded
away lrom zero; that is, suppose that there exists 0 positive number m such that
0<: m s 1/(x)llor all x in [a, b]. Then g = Ilf is also of bounded variation on Now we keep the function / and the left endpoint of the interval fixed and study
(a, h], and V, :s: VJ}m 1 • the total variation as a function of the right endpoint. The additive property
implies important consequences for this function.
TltMrem 6.12. Lei/ be 0/ bounded variation Dn [a, b]' Lei V be defined un [a, b]
aslo/lows: Vex) = V,,(a, x) ifo. <: x :::;; b, V(a) "'" O. Then:
i) V is an increasing/unction on [0, b].
6.5 ADDITIVE PROPERTY OF TOTAL VARIATION ii) V - / is an increasing lunction on [a, b]. •
In the last two theorems the interval [1'7,11] was kept fixed and Vr(a, b) was con- Proof. If a <: x <: y s; b, we can write V,(a, y) = V/(a, x) + V/(x, y). This
sidered as a function off. If we keep I fixed and study the total variation as a implies V(y) - V(x) "" V,,(x, y) ~ O. Hence V{x) :s: V(y), and (i) holds.
function of tbe interval [a, b], we can prove_the following atlditilJe property. To prove (ii), let D(x) Vex) - I(x) if x E (a, h]. Then, if a ::;; x < y :s: b,
Theonm 6.11. Let f be of bounded vaTiation on [a, b). and assume that c e (0, b). we bave
Thl'nf is of hounded f'ariation on [a, c] and on [e, b] lUtd we have ~-~=~-~-~ ~=*~-W-R~
VJa, h) "" V,(a, c) + VJCc, b). But from the definition of VAx, y) it follows that we have
Proof. We first prove that/is of bounded variation on [a, c] and on [c, b]. Let fly) - I(;x) :s: Vf(x, y).
PI be a partition of [a, c] and let P, be a partition of [c, b]. Then Po = PI V P1
is a partition of [a, b]. If L (P) denotes the stirn L l.6h! corresponding to the This means that D(y) - D(x) ~ 0, and (ii) holds.
partition P (of the appropriate interval), we can write NOTe. For some functioos f, the total variation V t<a, xl can be expressed as an
(1) integral. (See Exercise 7.20.)
"'., FUNCI10NS OF BOVNDm VARIATION EXPRESSED AS TIlE Adding more points to P can only increase the sum 2: JAlll and bence weca.n assume
DlF'FERENCE OF INCREASING FVNCIlONS that 0 < Xl XII < O. This means that
The following simple and elegant characterization of functions of bounded varia- IAf.! If(x.} - f(c)1 < 2'
tion is a consequence of Theorem 6.12.
and the foregoing inequality now becomes
T1Ieo,em 6.13. Let f he defined on [0, 0]. Then f is ofhounded variation on [a. b]
if. and only if.f can. be expressed as the di/lerence 01 two increasing functions. It
VIc, b) - e < ~
2 2
+ :E jA1i1 ::; ~2 + Y.,{Xl' b),
Proof. If f is of bounded variation on [a, b], we can write f = V - D, where ''''-2
V is the function of Theorem 6.12 and D = V - f. Both V and D are increasing since {Xl> x2' ••• , .t,,} is a partition of [Xl> b]. We therefore have
functions on [a, b].
The converse follows at once from Theorems 6.5 and 6.9. Vt<c, b) V,(x 1 , b) < t:.
The representation of a function of bounded variation as a difference of two 0::; V(x 1) - V(c) = Y,(a. Xl) - V.,{a, c)
increasing functions is by no means unique. Iff = f. - f2' where f. and /2 are
increasing, we also have I = (f. + g) -, (h. + g), where 9 is an arbitrary in- = Y/(e, Xl) == V.,{,", b} - V/(Xh b) < ~.
creasing function, and we get a new representation off. If 9 is strictly increasing.
the.same will be true offl + 9 andfz: + g. Therefore, Theorem 6.13 also holds
I Hence we have shown that
if "increasing" is replaced by "strictly increasing." o< Xl - C < 8 implies O::s; V(x j ) - Vee) < (I.
This proves that V(c+) = V(c). A similar argument yields V(c-) = V{c). The
6.8 CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS OF BOUNDED VARIATION theorem is thernfore proved for all interior points of [a, 0]. (Trivial modifications
are needed for the endpoints.)
T1u!orem 6.14. Let f be 01 bounded variation on [a, bJ. // x E (a, h], let Vex) =
VAa, x) and put V(a) = O. Then every point of continuity off is also a point of Combining Theorem 6.14 with 6.13, we can state
continuUy of V. The converse is also l1'ue.
1JIeqre1ll 6.15. Let / be continuous on [a. b]. Tlten f is of bounded ooriation on
Proof. Since V is munotonic, the right- and lefthand limits V(x+) and V(x-) La. b] if, and only if,f can be expressed as the di/ll"rence af two inereasing continuous
exist for each point x in (a,o). Because of Theorem 6.13, the same is true of functioftS.
f(;t;+) andf(x-).
Nom. The theorem also holds if "increasing" is replaced by "strictly increasing."
If., < x < Y s b. then we have [by definition of Vf(x, y)]
Of course, discontinuities (if any) of a function of bounded variation must
os I/(Y) - f(x}] s V(y) ~ Vex). be jump discontinuities because of TIu~orem 6.13. Moreover, Theorem 6.2 tells us
Letting y ..... x, we find that they fonn a countable set.
O·s I/(x+) - l(x)1 s V(x+) - Vex).
Similarly,O s If(x) - f(i-)I s Vex) - V(x-). These inequalities imply that
II point of continuity of V is also a point of continuity off.
Let f : [a, b] -+ RIO be a vector-valued function, continuous on a compact interval
To prove the converse, letfbe continuous at HIe point c in (a, b). Then, given [a, b] in R. As 1 runs through [a, b], the function values f(t) trace out a set of
~ > 0, there exists a 6 > 0 such that 0 < Ix ci < (j implies lfix) f(c)! < e/2. points in a" called the graph of f or the curve described by f. A curve is a compact
For this same Il, there also exists a partition P of [c, b], say and connected subset of R" since it is the continuous image of a compact interval.
The function r itself is called a path.
Xo c, x. = b, It is often helpful to imagine a curve as being traeal out by a moving particle.
such that The interval [a, b] is thought oras a time interval and the vector f(t) specifies the
position of the particle at time t. In tbis interpretation, the function f itself is
called a motion.
DEf.6.16 135
Dill'erent paths can trace out the same curve. For example. tbe two complex- defined by the equation
valued funcUons Ada, h) sup {t\r('P): P E !P[a, b]}.
J(t} o :s; t :s; I,
If the set ofnumbers Al,.P) is unbounded, r is CDlled ncnrectifiable.
eaeh trace out the unit cirele r+ y2 I, but the pojnts are visited in opposite It is an easy matter to cbllracteriu all rectifiable curves.
directions. The same circle is traced out five times by the function h(t) = e1 o.. fr ,
O:s;.tS;1. T'lreorem 6.17. Consider a path f: [a, b] -+ Kit with COfflpllnents f (/1> •••• fit)'
Then f is rectifiable if, and only if, each COfflpqnent h is of bounded variation on
[a, b]. If f is rectifiable, we have the inequalities
V.(a, b) ~ Al..a, b) s: V (a. b) + ... + V,,(a, b),
1 (k 1,2•... ,n), (2)
Next we introduce the concept of are leI18th of a curve. The idea is to approximate
the curve by inscribed polygofl$, a technique learned from ancient geometers. Our where V.(a, b) denotes the tOlal variation off. on [a. b].
intuition tells us that the length of any inscribed polygon should not exceed that .'i
pfQOf If P {to, t 1• •••• I",} is a partition of [a, 11] we have
of the curve (since a straight line is the shortest path between two points). so the
length of a curve should be an upper bound to the lengtlm of all inscribed polygons.
Therefore, it seems natural to define the length of a curve to be the least upper
i- I )I. (3)
bound of the lengths of all possible inscribed polygons. for each k. All assertions of the theorem follow easily from (3).
For most curves that arise in practice, this gives a useful definition of arc
length. However, as we will see presently, there are curves for which there is no Examples
upper bound to the lengths of tbe inscribed polygons. Therefore. it becomes I. As noted earlier, the function given by j(x) x COS {l't/(2x)} for x ;I: 0, f{O) = 0,
necessary to classify curves into two categories: those which have a length, and I is rontinuOU'lI but not of bounded variation on {O, Il 1l1erefore its graph is a non·
rectifiable curve.
those which do not. The former are called rectijiable, the Jatler lWn,ectijiahle.
We now tum to a formal description of these ideas. ~ It can be shown (Exercise 7.21) that iff' is continuous on [a, b l, then f is rectifiable
Let f: [0, b) -+ R" 1;:lc a path in R". For any partition of [0, b] given by and its arc length can be expressed as an integral,
• •
AlP} s: A/..P1) + AlP;) s: At(a. c) + At(c, b).
This implies Ala. b) s: Ma, c) + Ac(c. b). To obtain the reverse inequality. let
PI and P z 1;:lc arbitrary partitions of [a, c] and [c. bJ, respectively. Then
P == P, U P1.'
is a partition of [a, b] for which we have the compact set [a, b], Theorem 4.29 teIb us: that ,-1
exists and is continuous on
its graph. Define U(/) = ,-1[g(l)] if te [c, d]. Then f.l is continuous 011 [c, d]
At<P 1) + At<Pz) = At<P) s; Ma, b). and get) = f[u(/)]. The reader can verify that u is strictly monotonic. and hence
, and g are equivalent paths_
Since the supremum of all sums A/..P1) + A,{P:z) is the sum A,(a. c) + Al(c. b)
(see Theorem 1.1 S), the theorem follows.
TIuIonm 6.19. Consider a rectifiable path f defined on [a, b]. If x E (0, b], let
sex) = A,(o, x) and let s(o) = O. Then we have:
Functions 01 boouded VlII'iation
i) The function 880 defined is increasing and continuouJ on [0, b].
ii) 1/ there is 1'10 subinterval of [a, 11] on which f is conJtant, then sis Jtrictiy in- 6.1 Determine which of the following functions are of bounded variation on [0, 1].
creasing on [a, b]. 11) lex) x 2 sin (l/x) if x l' 0,/(0) = O.
b) I(x) sin (l/x) if x #- 0./(0) = o.
Proof If a S; x < y S; b, Theorem 6.1 g implies .~(y) - sex) = A/..x, y) ~ O.
This proves that s is increasing on [a, b]. Furthermore, we have s(y) sex) > 0 6.'Z A function f. defined On [a, b], is said to satisfy a uniform Lipschitz condition of
order « :> 0 on [a, b I if then! exists a constant M :> 0 lSuch that I/(x) -/(y)J <
unless At<x. y) = O. But, by inequality (2), Mx, y) =
0 implies Vk.(x, y) = 0 fOt'
Mix yr
for all x and)' in [ll, b). (Compare with Exercise 5.1.)
each k and this, in turn, implies that f is constant on [x, y]. Hence (ii) holds.
To prove that s is continuous, we use inequality (2) again to write a) If/is such a functiQIl, show that IX > 1 implies / Is wnstant on [a, b], whereas
IX "" 1 implies f is of bounded variation [II, b].
o :s s(y) - sex) = A,(x, y) :s :E v.,(x, y).
b) Give an example of a function/satisfying a unlfonn Lipschitz condition of order
IX < 1 on [a. b] such that / is not of bounded variation on (a, b].
Hwelet.v"" x,wefindeachtenn Ji;.(x.y) -P Oandhences(x) = s(x+). Similarly, c) Give an example of a function / which is of bounded variation on [ll, b J but
sex) = s{x-) and the proof is comp1ete~ which satisfies no uniform Lipschitz roodition on [a, b].
6.3 Show that a polynomial lis of bounded variation on every compact interval [a, b J
Describe a method for finding the total variation off on [a, b] if the zeros of the derivatiw
r are known.
This section describes a class of paths having the same graph. Let f: [a,b] ..... R" 6.... A oonempty set S of real-valued functions defined on an interval [a, b] ill called a
be a path in R". Let II: (c, d] -. [0, b] be a reaI,valued function, continuous and linft(U spaceaf/u7Iction$ ifit has the following two properties:
strictly monotonic on [c, d] with range [0, bJ. Then the composite function a) Iff € 5., then if e S for every realllumber c.
g = fougivenby
b) !fIE S andgE S. then/ + 9 E S.
g(t) = 1(lI(t}] for (; ,$ t S; d, Theorem 6.9 shows that the set Vofallfunetions of bounded variation on [a, b] in linear
is a path having the same graph as f. Two paths f and g so related are called space. If S is any linear space "rtlich contains all monotonic functions on la, b J, prove
equivalent. They are said to provide different parametric representations of the that V s; S. Thili can be described by $aying that the fUDCtions of bounded variation
same curve. The function 11 is said to de.fine a change of parameter. form the smallest linear space containing aU monotonic fllm;:tiolll>. .
Let C denote the common graph of two equivalent paths f and g. If u is 6.5 Let roo
a Ral-valued function defined on [0. I] such that /(0) :> 0, f(x) ¢ x for
strictly increasing, we say that 1 and g trace out C in the same direction. If u is all x. and/(x) :S I(y) whenever x :S y. Let A = {x :/(x) :> xl. Prove that sup A e A
strictly dlX:reasmg, we say that f and g trace out C in 0PPoliite directions. In the and that/{l) :> L
first case, Ii is said to be orientatIOlI-preserving; in the second case, Qrientatlon- 6..6 If / is defined everywhere in R I , then / is said to be of bounded variation on
reversing. ( - 00, + a?) if/is of bounded variation on every finite interval and if there exists a positive
number M such that V;(a, b) < M for all compact intervals la. b]. 1be total variation of
Tlleort!m 6.20, Let r: [a, b] ....;. R" and g: [c, d] ..... R" be two paths in R", each / on (- a?, + 00) is then defined to be the sup of all numbers V;(u, b), - 00 < a < b <
ofwhich is one-({H)m! on its domain. Then f and g are equivalent if, and only if, they + 00, and is denoted by VA: - 00. + (0). Similar definitions llDply to half-open infinite
hove the same graph. intervals [a, + and ( ~ w, b].
Proof Equivalent paths necessarily have the 5anle graph. To prove the converse, a) State and prove theorems for the infinite interval (- 00, + analogous to
Theorems 6.7,6.9,6.10,6.11, and 6.12.
assume that f and g have the same graph. Since f js one-to-one and continuous on
b) Show that Theorem 6..5 is true for (- 00, + co) if "monotonic" is replaced by a) Show that h describes a rectifiable curve r.
"bounded and monotonic." State and prove a similar modfficatioo of Theorem
6.13. . b) Explain. by means of a sketch, the geometric relatiooship between/. D, and h.
c) Show that the set of points
6.7 Assume that f is of bounded variation on [0. II J and let
P {.ra, x" ... , x,,} e 9'[a, ill S'" {(x,y);o:S: x $ b, I(x) $ y:s; g(x)}
As usual, write Aft "" f(xJ - f(Xt.-1)' k = 1, 2•••. ,n. Define is a resion in R.2 whose boundlUY is the curve r.
d} Let H be the complex-valued function defined on [el,2b - .a] liS follows:
A{P) .. {k: Af" :> OJ, B(P) = {k: Aft <: O}.
The num1::lerl H(t) = 1 - ti [g(t) - f(t)]. if a $ I b.
Show that H describes a rectifiable curve r o which is the boundary oftbe region
CHAPTER 7 become special cases of this more general pro<:ess. Problems in physics whicb
involve mass distributions that are partly discrete and partly continuous can also
be treated by using Stieltjes integrals. In the mathematical theory of probability
this integral is a very useful tool that mak.es possible the simultaneous treatment
of continuous and discrete random variables.
THE RIEMANN-8TIELTJES INTEGRAL In Chapter 10 we discuss another generalization of the Riemann integral
known as the LebellflUe integral.
For brevity we make certain stipulations concerning notation and terminology to
Calc:ulus deals principally with two geometric problems: "finding the tangent line be used in this chapter. We shall be working with a compact inlen1!l [a, b] and,
to a curve, and finding the area of a. region under a curve. The first is studied by a unless otherwise stated, all functions denoted by f, g, (I, fl, etc., will be assumed to
limit process known as d!fferenti4tio1J; the second by another limit pro.;:ess- be real-valued functions defined and bounded on [a, b]. .Complex.valued functions
integration-to which we tum now. are dealt with in Section 7.27, and extensions to unbounded functions and infinite
The reader win recall from elementary calculus that to find the area of the intervals will be discussed in Chapter 10.
region under the graph of a positive function f defined on [a, b]. we subdivide As in Chaptet' 6, a partition P of [a, b] is a finite set of points, say
the interval [a, b] into a finite number of subintervals, say n, the kth subinterval
having length .t1xa, and we consider sums of the form :E:=1 f(tJ 4.:4;. . where tl: is P = (xo. Xl> ••• , x..},
some point in the kth subinterval. Such a sum is an approximation to the area by such that a: = Xo < Xl < ... < X._I < X,,.= b. A partition P' of [a, b] is said
means of rectangles. Iff is sufficiently well behaved in [a, bJ-rontinuous, for to be finer than P (or a r'e.finement of P) if P ~ P', which we also write P' ;2 P.
example-then there is some hope that these sums will tend to a limit as we let The symbol ~ denotes the difference ~1X1o = a(xJ - «(Xt-I). so that
If -I> 00, making the sua:essive subdivisions finer and finer. This, roughly speaking.
is what is involved in Riemann's definition of the definite integral J:f(x) dx. (A 'E" b,a:. - Q(b) '7 ~(l).
predse definition is given below.) .*1
The two concepts, derivative and integral, arise in entirely different ways and The set of aU possible partitions of [a. b] is denoted by 9'[a, b].
it is a remarkable fact indeed that the two are intimately connected. If we consider The norm of a partition P is the length of the largest subinterval of P and is
the definite integral of a continuous function f as a function of its upper limit, denoted by IIPII. Note that
say we write P';2 P implies IIP'II s IIPIi.
F(x) = IX f(1) dt. That is, refinement of a partition decreases its norm, but the converse does not
necessarily hold.
then F has a derivative and F'(x) - f{x). This important result shows that
diffcl"CI1tiation and integration are, in a sense, inverse operations.
In this chapter we study the process of integration in some detaiL Actually
we consider a more general concept than that of Riemann: this is the Riemann- DejinltitJlJ 7.1. Let P = {Xp. Xl' •.. ,x,,} be a partition of [a, b] and let ta be a
Stieltjea integral, Wllich involves two functions / and a. The symbol for such an point iii lhe subinterval [Xk-" Xl]' A sum of the form
integral is J:f(x) da(x), ot' something similar, and the usual Riemann integral ..
occurs as the special case in which a(x) = x. When a has a continuous derivative, S(P./. (I) = Ef(tJ 1\14
is I
the definition is such that the Stieltjes integral J:f(x) rh(x) becomes the Riemann
integral J:f(x) a'(x) dx. However. the Stieltjes integral still mak.es sense when a is called a Ritmlann-Stieltjes sum of/with respect to ce. We say / i6 Riemann-
is not differentiable or even when a is discontinuous. In fact, it is in dealing '*ith integrable with respect to C( (m [a. ill, Qlfd we write "fE R(a) on [a, b)" if there
discontimlous ()( tbat the importan<:e of the Stieltjes integral becomes apparent. By exists a number A hauing the following property: For every £ > O. there exists a
a suitable choice of a discontinuous a, any finite or infinite sum can be e)l;pressed partition p. of [0, b) such IMt for every partition P finer than p. and fQr every
as a Sticltjes integral, and summation and ordinary Riemann integration then clwice of the points tl: in [Xk-l, xJ, we have IS(P,J. a) - A) < £.
n.7.1 Del. 1.5 143
When such a number A exists, it is uniquely determined and is denoted b)' Tllunm 7..4. Assume that c e (a, b). [ftwo ofthe three integrals in (I) exist, then
raf dt.t. or by J':/(x) d«(x). We also say that the Riemann-Stiehjes integral. J~f da. the third also exists and we Jume
exists. The functions f and ct are referred to as the integrand and the int~mt01',
respectively. In the special case when lX(x) = x, we write S(P,/) instead of
S(P, f, Of), and fER instead off E R(a:). The integral is then called a Riemann
integral and is denoted by 1:1
dx or by J:/(x) dx. The nume:rical value of Proof. If P is a partition of [a, h] such that cEO P,le!
J:f(x) dt.t.(x) depends only on/. IX, a, and b, and does not depend on the symbol x.
The letter x is a "dummy variable" and may be replaced by any other convenient P' Pn[a,c] and P"=Pn[c,b],
denote the corresponding partitions of [a, c] and [c, It], respectively. The Rie-
M011!. This is one of several accepted definitions of the RiemanJHitiel1jes integral. mann-Stieltjes sums for these partitions are connected 'by the equation
An alternative (but not equivalent) definition is stated in Exercise 7.3.
S(P,f, 1%) S(P',f, IX) + S(P",/, a).
1'04 LINl?AR PROPER11llS Assume that J~I arK. and J~I dtt. exist. Then, given .& > 0, there is a partition
P; of [a, ('] such that
It is an easy matter to prove that the integral operates in a linear fashion on both
the integrand and the integrator. This is the context of the next two theorems.
IS(P'>.r. ([) - s: I dill <: i whenever P' is finer than p~.
11Ietw_ 7.1. If Ie R(a.) and if 9 e R(<<) 011 [a, b], then cd + c2tl e R(<<) on
[4, b1(for lilly two COlUUlnts Cl and (2) and we have and a partition P: of [c, b] such that
f (cd + C2SJ) da. = Cl r r f d« + Cz 9 da.. lS(p",f, ex) - f f dal <: i whenever P" is finer than P~.
Proof. Let h = cd + c:r.g. Given a partition P of [a, b], we can write Then p. P; v P: is a partition of [a, b] such tbat P finer than p. implies
• It n P' ;l P; and P'" ;2 P:. Hence, if P is finer t.I:wt p., we can combine the foregoing
S(P, h, IX) "" L h{t1) All:!: = (:1 'Ef(tJ AlX1 + (:2. L g(t,J AI.lJ: results to obtain the inequality
+ C2S(P, y, Il).
Given £ > O. choose P; so tImt P P; implies IS{P, f, a) J:I I'kl<: tl, and J: J: S:
This proVes that I da. exists and equals I da. + Ida.. The reader can easily
choose P: so that P 2 P: implies IS(P, g, ll) - J: g drxl <: t. If we take verify that a similar argument proves the theorem in the remaining cases.
P~ P~ v.p;, then, for P finer than P., we have
NOTE. The preceding type of argument cannot be used to prove that the integral
and this proves the theorem.
J:I da. exists whenever J:I drx exists.The conclusion is correet, however. For
Theorem 7.3. IIIe R(a) andle ROO on [a, bJ, then IE R(c1tJ. + C2f1J on [a, b] integrators« of bounded variation, this fact will later be proved in Theorem 1.25.
r r
(for any two constants (:1 and cz) andwe have
DejilliliolJ7.5. I/o < b, we define ,:Ida: = -S:fdCl )'"hetlever J:/dt.t. exists.
f d(cla + elfJ) (:1 I au. + c:r. f f dll
We also define I:I
drx. = O.
The equation in Theorem 7.4 can now be written as follows:
The proof is similar to that of Theorem 7.2 and is left as an exercise.
A result samewhat analogous to the previous two theorems telIs us that the
integral is also additive with respect to the interval of integration.
s: f + f
dll fda. + r Ida. O.
144 Th.7.7 145
7.5 INIEGJtAnON BY PARTS b = g(d). Let hand Pbe the composite functions defined as follows:
A remarkable connection exists between the integrand and the integrator in a hex) = ![g(x)], p(x) = a(g(x)], eS.
Riemann-Stielijes integral. The existence of $: fda. implies the existence of
J:a dJ. and the converse is also true. Moreover, a very simple relation holds Then h E R(fJJ on S md we have J~f dt:t: = J~ h dp. That is,
between the two integrals.
ll<d J
= fd f(g(x)]
T1Ieorem 7.6. Iff e R(a) OR [a, b], then IX e Rif) on [a, b] rmd we have
Form a Riemann-8tieltjes sum
= f(b)a.(b)
where P is finer than Pt. Writing A
- !(a)a(a), we have the identity
S(P, h. fJ) = L" h(uJ APIi-'
A = ~f(xJl.l(xJ - ;;;f(Xi-1)x(Xk-1)'
where III e [Y1-1> Yk] and APl = {J(Yl,) {1(Yl-I)' If we put I. g(lll} and
Subtraeting the last two displayed equations, we find xli- = g(y.), then P' = {xu, u. • isa partition of [a, 0] finer than P;. Moreover,
.. . we then have
A - SCPo a;,f) = :Ef(xJ[a(x~) - aCt,,)] + :Ej(Xk-l)[o:(t.) - a(x l _ 1 )]. o
1-1, i=1 S(P. ii, fJ) = L ![g(Ut)] {«[g(Y1)] -
The two sums on the right can be combined into a single sum ofthe form S(P' ,f. IX),
where P' is that partition of [a, b] obtained by taking the points x. and lit. together. "
Then P' is finer than P and henGe finer than p •. Therefore the inequality (2) is = L!{tt){cx(Xt) - «(Xt-I» = S(P',f, IX),
NOTE. This theorem applies, in particular, to Riemann integrals, that is, when
whenever P is finer than p.. But this is exactly the statement that S: IX df exists (X(x) x. Another theorem of tbis type, in which 9 is nol requiTed to be mono-
and equals A - J:f da. tonic, will later be proved for Riemann integrals. (see Theorem 7.36.)
Theorem 7.8. Assume R(a) 011 (a, oj and assume that a. has a contm1J(}U$ 7.8 STJj'.p FUNcrlONS AS INTEGRATORS
derivative (1: on [a, bJ. Then the Riemann integral I:f(x)a:'(x) dx exists and we have If « is constant throughout [a, bJ, the integral J:f
Uf;, exists and has the value 0,
since each sum S(P,J. ex) O. However, if II is constant except for a jump dis-
f I(x) d«(x) = f·/(X):r'(X) dx_ continuity at one point, the integral r:1
dct need not exist and, if it does exist, its
value need not be zero. The situation is described more fully in the following
Proof. Let g(x) f(x)r:t'(x) and ~onsider a Riemann sum theorem:
Theorem 7.9. Given a <: c <: b. Define on [a, b] us follows: The values Cl(a),
= L" = L"
S(P, g) g(/1) Ax!: f(tJa'(rJ Ax!:. !X(c), a:(b) are arbitrar,V"
I:~I .~I
The same partition P and the same choice of the I" >:an be med to form the a(x) = a(o) if a :s; x <: .c,
Riemann-Stielues sum and
a(x) = a(b) if c <: x ~ b.
S(P,f, a) = L: I(t~) 6a•.
Let f be defined on [a, b] in mch 0 WQY that at least one of the lunctions lor IX. is
continuous from the left at c and at [east one is continuous from the right at c. Then
Applying the Mean-Value Theorem, we can write Ie R(a} on [0, bJ and we haIJe
and hence
~ = a'(vJ Ax.b f Id(/. = f(c)[«(c+) - a{c-)].
NOTE. The result also holds if c = a, provided that we write .x(e) for a(c-), and
S(P,f. a.) - S(P.9) = :E I(t~)[~t(vi)
- a'(t':>] Ax". it holds for e = b if we write ate) for a:(e+). We will prove later (Theorem 7.29)
that the integral does not exist if both / and IX are discontinuous from the right or
Since/is bounded, we have If(x)1 . .,; M for an x in [a, b], where M > O. Con- from the left at c.
tinuity of tr on [a, b] implies uniform continuity on [a, bJ. Hence, if B > 0 is Proof. If C E P, every term in the sum S(P,f. (X) is zero except the two tenus arising
given, there exists a ~ > 0 (depending only on e) such that from the subinterval separated by c, say
os Ix - yl <: (j implies 1!I'(x) - a'(y)1 <: e S(P,j, «) fVt-t)[oc(e) - a(c-)J + /(t.l:)[a(c+) «(c)],
2M(b -
where 11;-1 ~ c :s;; ti • This equation can also be written as fonows:
If we take a partition P; with norm I P;II <: D, then for any finer partition P we
will have !tr(v,,) ~ (l'(t.) I <: a/[2M(b - a)] in tbe preceding equation. For such A = [f(I"-I) - !(c)] [a(c) - «(c-)] + [f(tJ f(c)][a,(c+) - a(e)],
P we therefore have where 6 = S(P,f, .x) - f(e)[«(c+) - a(c-)]. HeDce we have
Combining the Iast two inequalities. we see that when P is finer than p. = P~ u P;, But this inequality holds whether or not f is continuous at c. For example, ifI is
we will have IS(P, g) J~/actl <: ~. and this proves the theorem. discontinuous both from the right and from the left at c, then IX(C) = a(e-) and
aCe) = a(c+) and we get 6 = O. On the other hand, if/is continuous from tbe
NOTl'!. A stronger result not requiring continuity of (1,' is proved in Theorem 7.35. left and discontinuous from tbe right at e, we must have aCe) = a(c+) and we get
148 ner. '''0 149
IAI ~ eIOl(c) - IX(C- )1. Similarly, if 1 is continuous from the right and discon- discontlnU()U$ frqm the rigbt or from the left at each X,t- Then J: f da; exists and we
tinuous from the left at c, we have «(c) = a:(c-) and IAI ~ lllt%(c+) - a:(e)j. have
Hence the last displayed inequality holds in every case. This proves the theorem.
Example. Theorem 7.9 tells us that the value ofa Riernann-Stieltjes integral can be altered
J: f(x) drx(x) = i:;/(XkPl'
by changing the value of f at a single point. The following example ~hoW$ that the
exi$ttmce of the integral can also be affected by such a change:. Let
Proof. By Theorem 7.4, r:f da; can be written as a sum of integrals of the type
c:onsidered in Theorem 7.9.
«(x) = 0, if x oF 0, «(0) "" I, One of the simplest step functions is the greatest-integer function. Its value at
I(x) = 1, . if I:s; x :s; + I. x is the greatest integer which is less than or equal to x and is denoted by [x].
Thus, [x] ill the unique integer satisfying the inequalities [x] .s; X < Ix] + l.
In this case Theorem 7.9 implies J:'1 f drx = O. Butifwe re-definefso that/eO) = 2 and
f(x) 1 if x ¢ 0, we can easily see that f:' l { drx will not alit. In fact, when P is a par- T1IefJ'eIn 1.1Z. Every finite sum can be written. as a Riemann:--Stieltjes integra/. In
tition which includes 0 as a point of subdivision, we find jact, given I'J sum I::~ J 0 1 , define f 011 [0, n] as follows:
S(P'/, fl.) {('J[«(x~) - <1(0)] + l(t1:_ 1 )[a(O) «(x.-_:l)] f(x) ak if k - 1 < x S k (k = 1, 2, ... , n), 1(0) = o.
.. {(tl ) - 1(11 -t), Then
where xl<_ 2 s: 14 _ t s: 0 s: I k s: Xl' The value of this sum is 0, 1, or - I, depending on
the choice of It and 1i<-l' Hence, J:'l f d« does not exist in this case. However, in a
~ ak :; ~ f(k) = f: f(x) d[x],
Riemann integral I(x) dx, the values of 1 can be changed at a finite number of poists
where [x] is tile greatest integer S x.
without affecting either the existence or the valu~ of the integral. To prove this, it suffices
to consider the case where {(x) 0 for all x in [a. b] except for one point say x c. Proof The greatest-integer function is a step function, continuous from the right
But for such a function it is obvious that IS(P, n! :;;; !f(c)1 UPI!. Since IIP~ can be made and having jump I at each integer. The function 1 is continuous from the left at
arbitrarily smaU, it follows that I(,x) dx Q, J: 1. 2, •.. , n. Now apply Theorem 7.11.
The integrator IX in Theorem 7.9 is a special case of all important class of functions We shall illustrate the use of Riemann-Stieltjes integrals by deriving a remarkable
known as step functions. These are functions which are constant throughout an formula known as Euler's summation jormula, which reJates the integral of a
interval ex.cept for a finite number of jump discontinuities. function over an interval [a, bJ with the sum of the function values at the integers
in [a, b]. It can sometimes be used to approli.imateintegrals by sums or, conversely,
D4!jinitiDIl 7.10 (Step /lIlIetiDn). A funcJion (X defined on [0, b] is called a step function
to estimate the values of certain sums by means of integrals.
if t.here is (J partition
1'Aeorem 7J3 (E"ler's IlIlfIJfUltiOlljor""'). Iff has a continuous derivative f' on
such that
rt is constant on eaeh (}pen subilllervol (Xl- U Xl)' TIfe /lumber r:l(xk +}
is called Ihe jump at Xli: if I < k <
and the jump at x n is :x(x,,) «(x" - ).
It. The jump at Xl is :x(x l +)
Q~. fen)
where «x») =
X -
r r f(x) dx + !,(x)(x» dx + f(o)(o»
[x]. When a and b Ofe integers, this bet"Omt$
in Definilion 7.10.ut j be defined on [a, b] in such a way tliOI not both f llnd oc are NOTE. ::E."";l;. means the sum from n = [a] + 1 to" [6].
the !>maHest value of the upper sums? This !e<lds
sums, a number called the upper f The
to bl;: the sup of aU lower sums, for ne:,lsonable
eX<ilml)!e, continuous both these wiH be
HClwl;ver, in these wiH be dilIerent and it be,;Ol1tlCS
has unit at tbe i,
impmrtallt !,roIJleJtl1 to find conditions on the function which will ensure that the
integrals win be the same, We now discuss this type of prlJblem
sup > x €
151 Ikl.7.16 n. 7.19 153
Proof. It suffices to prove (i) when P' contains exactly one more point than p. Then for every partition P of [0, 1], we have Mk(f) =
1 and mk(/) = 0,. since every
say the point c. If c is in the itll subinterval of p. we can write subinterval contains both rational and iml.tionaJ numbers. Therefore. U(P, j) = 1 and
L(P, f) 0 for all P. It follows that we have, for [a. b] [0. 1I,
L: Mt.(f).&l,t; + M'[a(c) - +
D(P'.!. lX) =
«(XI-I)] M"[a(xJ - aCe)].
and L" f dx O.
where ME and M" denote the sup offin [X'-I' e] and [e, Xi). But. since
Observe that the same result holds if I(x) = 0 when x is rational, and [(xl = 1 when x is
M' :$ MI(n and M" ~ Ml.f), irrational.
we have U(P',f. «) :$ U(P,/, «). (The inequaJity for lower sums is proved in a
To prove (ji). Jet P = PI U Pz.. Then we have LOWER INTEGRALS
L(PI.I. «) :$ L(P,/, 0:) :$ U(P, I. 01:) ~ U(Fz..1. a}. Upper and lower integrals share many of the properties of the integral. For ex-
ample, we have
NCl'll'. It follows from this theorem that we also have (for increasing a:)
m[a(b) - a(a)] ~ L(P.. 1. a) ~ U(P",f, a) S; M[a(b)
where M and m denote the sup and inf off on [a, b].
<x(a}], J: f da = f d« + J: f d~>
jf Q < C < b, and the same equation holds for lower integrals. However, certain
Dt'jillitiolf 7.16. Assume that «/' on [0, bJ The upper Stittltjes imegral of/with
eqnations which bold for integrals mUBt be replaced by inequalities when they are
resp~et to 0:
is defined as follows:
J: U + f d« + J: 9 da,
1.: I da = sup {L(P,!, a): P E 9'Ia, b]}.
_" (/ + g) drJ 2:': l"r" f drx + 1
. g da.
NOTE. We sometimes write 1(f. a) and 1(1. a) for tbe upper and lower integrals.
These remarks can be easily verified by the reader. (See Exercise 7.11.)
In the special case where ~(x) = x, the upper and lower sums are denoted by
U(P,fJ and L(P.fJ and are caJ!ed upper and lower Riemann sums. The corre-
sponding integrals. denoted. by J:f(x) dx and by f(x) dx. are called upper and 7.l3 RIEMANN'S CONDITION
Jower Riemann integrals. They were first introduced by J. G. Darboux (1875).
[f we are to expect equality of the upper and lower integrals, then we must also
1'1Ietwellt 7.17. Assume tltat fI.,J' tm [a, bJ. The" l(f. tI) S; l(f. Il). expect: the upper swns to become arbitrarily close to the lower sums. Henee it
Proof. If s > 0 is given, there exists a partition PI such that seems reasonable to seek those functions/for which the difference U(P,f. a)
L(F,/, (1:) can be made arbitrarily small.
U(P 1, I. a) < 1(f. IX) + ~.
D(/inititJII 7.18. We say that f satisfies Riemann's condition with respect to IX on
By Theorem 7.15, it follows that 1(1. tI) + I> is an upper bound to all lower sums [a, h] if.for every t: > O. there exists a partition p. such that P filler than p. implies
L(P. I. 4). Hence. l(f. IX) $ 1([. IX) + ii, and, "inee JL: is arbitrary, this implies
!Jf. IX) :;:E; 1(f. IX). Os. U(P,/, a) 4P./, ex) < s.
hample. II is easy to give an example in which l(j, «) <: 1(J, «). Let «(x) x and Theorem 7.19. Assume that a)" on [a, b]. Then the following three statl!ments are
define f on [0, J las follows: equivalent;
[(x) J, if x is rational. f(x) = O. if x is irrational. i) R(c:) on [a, b].
lSI Th.1.1'
ii) Isatisfies Riemann's condition with respect to a on [a, b]. 7.14 COMPARISON nJEOREMS
iii) 1(1. a) .. I(f, a). TU6nrJ17.1O. Assume that fl.'"
on [a, b]. IIi e R(II) tmtl 9 E R{a) on [a. b) tmtl
fff(x) ::::: g{x)/or all x in [0, b]. thnz we Iuwe
Proof. We will prove that part (i) implies (ii), part (n) implies (iii), and part (m)
implies (i). Assume that (i) holds. If ([(b) .. «(tI), then (il) holds trivially. so we
can assume that «(a) < cx(b). Given Il > 0, choose p. so that for any finer P and
f f(x) dcx(x) s f g(x) dlX(x).
all choices of and tk in [Xl-I> xJ, we have Pr()()/' For every partition p. the corresponding Riemann-Stieltjes sums sa.tisf'y
Itf(tJ Aa.
- AI < t
and Itf(t;;) &La. -
AI < ~,
S(P./, ([) .. E/(tJ.&r. s
I: g(tJ Aa t "" S(P, g, a),
l=l .t-l
where A f:1 drx.. Combining these inequalities, we find since 0: '" on [a, b]. From this the tbeot'em follows easily.
jt U(ti} - l(t.J) Aa I < ~ t. In particular, this theorem implies that r. g{x) dix(x) :;:: 0 wheneYer g(x) :<!: 0
1;=1 ~ 3 and to on [a, b].
Sin<:e M..(f) - ,",,(n = sup {/(x) - /(x'): x, x' in [XI;-17 Xi)}, it follows that Tl¥tmllf 7.21. Assume that «.'"
011 [0, b]' Ifl e R(IX) on [a, b], thnz III e R(lli) on
for every h > 0 we can choose tli; and Ii-. so that [a, b] and we IraN the tnequallty
/(IJ - l(tfJ > M,.Jf) - m,.(f) - h.
Making a choice coI'l'Cllponding to h = t&/[a(b} - tx(a)], we can write
If I{x) 4l1(X)1 s f If(x)1 da(x).
where M is an upper bound for Ilion [a, bJ. By applying Riemann's condition, To prove the first inequality, we note that AY" - IA«.I ~ 0 and hence
the conclusiefi follows.
• n
XWorem 7.23. Assume thot C(? (In [a, b]. Ilf e R(a) and 9 e R(tl) Olt [a, b J. 'hen E [Mji{/) -
mJl)J(AY,t - IAail) ::;; 2M L
(A~ - IAall)
tire productj'g E R(rx.) on [a, b).
Proof. We use Theorem 7.22 along with the identity 2M (V(b)
2f(x)g(x) = [I(x) + g(xW - [f(x)r - [g(xW· To prove the SC(:ond inequality, let
TMDHlII 7.24. Assume that « is 01bounded variation on [a, b1 Let Vex) t:knote the " .
total variation oj« an [Q, x] if a < x :s;; b, and let Veal = o. Let I be defined and =
:E tAa.1
2: [f(t.) -I(tm Acz. + h .-1
bounded 011 [a, bJ. lllE R(a) M [0, b]. then/e R(V) on [0, b].
g t
Prooj. If Y(b) = 0, then Y is contant and the result is. trivial. Suppose therefore, < + hJl(b) = ..8 + 8 = ~.
444 2
that V(b) > O. Suppose also that If(x)1 ~ M if x € [a, b]. Since V is increasing,
we need only verify thatlsatisfies Riemann's condition with respect to Von [0, b]. It follows that f e R(V) on [a, b1
Given (; > 0, choose P,. so thit for any finer P and all choices of points til; and
t~ in [Xl~1> Xl] we have NOTE. This theorem (together with Theorem 6.12) enables us to reduce the theory
of Riemann-Stieltjes integration for integrators of bounded variation to the case
and Prot>j. Let Vex) denote the total variation of« on [a. xJ, with yea) = O. Then
IJ = V - (Y (I), where both V and Y - IX are increasing on [a, bJ (fheORml
6.12). By Theorem 7.24,/e R(V), and hencefe R(Y - «) on [a. b]. Therefore,
if the theorem is true for increasing integrators, it follows that f E R( V) on [c, d]
Which, by addition. yield U(P,f. Y) - L(P,f. V) < e. and/e R(V - Ct) on [c. dJ, sofe R{IX) on [c, d].
n.7:v. n.7.28
Hence, it wffices to prove the theorem when IX;" on [a, h]. By Theorem 1.4 = sup {lg(x)1 ; x IE [a, b]}, we have
Therefore, jf M g
it suffices to prove that each integral J~f tltJ: and J:f da. exists. Assume that
a < c < h. If P is a partition of [a, x], let A(P, x) denote the difference
A(P, x) U(P,f, (I) - L(P,f, IX),
IS(F,f, G) - f·g dill = Ii; f:-. {J(t.) - f(t)}g(!) da.(t)1
of the upper and lower sums associated with the interval [a, x]. Sincefe R(a) ~ Mil t
IfOt) - f(t)1 dlX(t) ::r; M. t
[Mi (!) - m.(!)] da(t)
on [a, b], Riemann's condition bolds. Hence, if t > 0 is given, there eXi$lS a
partition p. of [a,. b] such that A(P, b) < .. if P is finer than p•. We can assume = M,{U(P,f, a.) - L(P.f, I.l)}.
that e E P r The points of p. in [a, cJ form a partition P; of [a, c]. If P' is a Since f E R(<<). for every l': :> 0 there is a partition p. such that P finer than p.
partition of [a, cJ finer than P:. then P = P' v p. is a partjtion of [a, b] com- implies U(P.f, «) - L{P,f, a.) < 1;. This proves that It: R(G) on [a. b] and
posed of the points of P' along with those points of p. in [e, b]. Now the wm that J:f' g drx. = r~f dG. A similar argument shows that 9 e R(F) on [0, b] and
defining A(P', c) contains only part of the terms in the sum defining A(P, b). Since
each term is ~O and since P is finer than p .. we have
that J:f'u da = dF. r:U
NOl"E. Theorem 7.26 is also valid if IX is of hounded variation on [0, h].
A{P', c) ~ A(P, b) < t.
That is, P' finer than P; implies A(r, c) < G. Hencc;fsatisfies Riemann's con- 7.16 SUFFICIENT CONDfil0NS FOR EXJ.S'IEN"CE OF RIEMANN-S'l'I.ELTJES
dition on [a, c] and 1;f da. exists. 'fhe same argument, of course, shows that INTEGRAI.S
f:f da. exists, and by Theorem 7.4 it follows that J~fda. exists. In most of the previous theorems we have assumed that certain integrals existed
and then studied their properties. It is quite naturel to ask: When does the integral
The next theorem is an application of Theorems 7.23, 7.21, and 7.25. exist? Two useful sufficient conditions will be obtained.
TMDrem 7.26, Assume Ie R(lX) and g e R(a:) on [a, b], where tV on [a, b]. 1'IN!orem 7.17. Iffis continuous on [a. b] ondif a is ofbounded variation on [a. b],
F(x) = r f(t) da(t)
Ihetlfe R(\7;) on [a, b].
Non:. By Theorem 7.6, a second sufficient condition can be obtained by inter-
changingfand a in the hypothesis.
S(P,/, G) ~
= (;;f(tJ 1"".r.<-. g(l) dlX(t) For the special case in which IX(X)
x, Theorems 7.27 and 7.6 give the following
and Tlieorem 7.28. Each of the following conditions is sufficient for tlte existence of 11Ie
In particular,
f I(x) drl(x) - c r da(x} - c[a(h} - a(a)J.
ifl is continuous on [a, b], then c "" /(x,,)/or some Xo in [a. b].
however. For example, in Theorem 7.9 we found that when Ii: is a step function.
then I can be defined quite arbitrarily in [a. b] provided amy that I is continuous Prooj. If a(a) = «(b), the theorem holds trivially, both sides being O. Hence we
at the discontinuities of IX. The next theorem tells us that common discontinuities .can assume that t:.I(a) < a(b). Since all upper and lower sums satisfy
from the right or from the: left must be avoided if the integrid is to exist.
TMoron 7.19. Assume tlwt «;I' on [tZ. bJ and let a < c < b. Assume further
m[a(b) - 12(0)] S L(P./, IX) s U(PJ, 12) ~ M[a(b) - 0:(0.)].
that both II andlore diJ:continuousfrom the right at x t:; that is, flSSUmf! that there the integral S:f do: must lie between the same bounds. Therefore, the quotient
exists on II > 0 such that lor every (j > 0 there are values 01 X and y in the interoal c = (J~I d«)/(J: da) lies between m and M. When f is ~ntinuous on [a, b], the
(c. c + Ii) ICT which intermediate value theorem yields c ". I(xc) for some X o In [4. b].
l/(x) - f(c)l ;:::: e and lac(y) - «(e) I ~ a. A second theorem of this type can be obtained from the first by using integra-
tion by parts.
Then the IntegI'm J:f{x) ti(x) ctl1I1fOt exist. The lIttegral also /alla to end if oc and
/ are discontinuora from the left at c. TllitlorlUll 7.31 (&comJ M.,..Vtt1lle neo,~m lor RiemmJlt-Slie.ltje.s wetP'IIls).
Proof. U:t P be a partition of [0. bJ containing c as a point of subdivision and Assume tllat IX is continuous and that I.l' on [a, b]. Then. there exists a point xI}
form the differmce in [a, b] such thot
we can assume that the point x,: is chosen so that o(x.) - «(c) ~~. Furthermore.
the hypothesis of the theorem implies M ffi - mffi ~ il. Hence,
U(P.f. IX) L(P.f. «) ~ il~,
where Xu E
Applying Theorem 7.30 to the integral on the right, we find
g(b} g(a) =
E D'{t.).Ax.
E/(fl ) Axle>
where m ~ c :s; M (in the notation of Theorem 7.30). Statements (i) and (ii) i~1 t~1 lEI
follow at once from tbis equation; To prove (iii), we divide by y - x and observe where tic is a. point in (Xt-tt xi) determined by the Mean·Value Theorem of
that c -+ j(x) as y -+ x. differential <:a1culw;, But, for a given 8 > 0, the partition can be taken so fine that
When Theorem 7.32 is used in conjunction with Theorem 7.26, we obtain the
fonowing theorem which converts a R.iemann integral of a product f· 9 into a
Rie:mann-Stfeltjes integral J~f dG with a continuous integrator of bounded
Ig(b) - g(a) - f f(x) axj = I~ fe,t) 4x k - f I(x) axl < 8.
r r
Tie()r~m 7.33. lffe R and 9 e R on [a, b], let The second fundamental theorem can be combined with Theorem 7.33 to give
the following strengthening ofTbeorem 7.S.
F(x) = I(t) dt. G(x) gCt) dr t[x e [a, b].
TAtlt1f'tim 7.35. Assume feR on [a, b]. L!t IX be a junCtKm which is continuous on
[a, b] and whose derivative rx.' is RiemOM integrable Dn [a, b]. Then the follfJwing
Tlum F IlIId G tire contfnuolI$ fimCtiOTlS of oounded lIlIfiation on [a, b]. Also,
integral.! exist and are equal;
f I(x)g(x) dx = r
E RCG) fmd 9 E R(F) 011 [a, b], and we haDe
Proof By the second fundamental theorem we have, for each x in [ a, b),
Proof Parts (i) and (ii) of Theorem 7.32 show that F and G are continuous func-
tions of bounded variation on [a, b]. The existence of the integrals and the two
formulas for J:f(x)g(x) dx follow by taking a(x) x in Theorem 7.26. a(x) - F!(a) = «'(t) dt.
NOTE. When a(x) .. x, part (iii) of Theorem 1.32 is sometimes called tbe first Taking 9 "'" (I.' in Theorem 7.33 we obtain Theorem 7.35.
fundamental theorem Qfi"tegra{ calculus. It states that rex)
= j(x) at each point
of continuity off. A companion result, called the secrmd funtlamental theorem, is NmE. A related result is described in Exercise 7.34.
given in the next section. ."
The formula J~ f d« == J~ h d{J of Theorem 7.7 for changing the variable in an
The next theorem tells how to integrate a derivative. integral assumes the form
f" j[g(t)Jg'(t) at,
Tlleorem 7.34 (Secoml fiillt/lmt.ellttll t~ of illtel,1I1 ~). Assume that feR
on [«, b]. L!t 9 be a junction defined on [a. b] SlIeR that the derivative g' exists in 18(1)
I{x) ax =
'I1t.7.36 'Ih. 7.:37 165
when «(x) x and when 9 is II. strictly monotonic function with a continuolJll In particular, the result is valid if g(c) = g(d). This makes tbe theorem especially
derivative gl. It is valid iffe R on [a. b]: When I is continuous, we can use useful in the applications. (See Fig. 7,2 for a pennissib1e g.)
Theorem 7.32 to remove the restriction that 9 be monotonic. In fact, we have the Actually, there is a more general version of Theorem 7.36 which does not
following theorem: require continuity off or of g', but the proof is considerably more difficult. Assume
that 11 E- R on [e, d) and, if x e [e, d), let g(x) = J~ h(t) dt. where a is a fixed
Iheou", 7.36 (C~ olltM'idle ill. R.iemt,w, ~). Assume that 9 hQ8 a
point in [c, dJ. Then if Ie R on g([c, d]) the integral J~f[g(t)J h(t) dt exists and
continuous deritla1ive gl on QJJ interval [c, d]. Let I be contiml.t>tu on 0([c. d'J) and we have
define F b" the equation
JIi f[g(t)]h(t) dt.
F(x) == r'"
f{t) dt if x e g([c. d]). 1 9(')
f(x) dx ==
f(x}dx r f[g(t)]g/(t) dt.
45 (1961), pp. 17-23.) Theorem 7.36 is the special case in which h is continuous on
[c, d] andfiHontinuous on g([c. d]).
the integral in question exists. Define G on [c, d] as follows: Theorem 7.17. Let 9 be continuous and assume thatf)' 0" [a, b]. Let II and B be
two rea/numbers salisfying the inequalities
G(x) = [' f[g(t)]g'(t) dt. A .s f(o+) and B ~ I(b-).
The" there exists.Q point X o In [a, b] such that
We are to show that G(x) F[O(x)]. By Theorem we have
G'(x) = f[g(X)]g'(X),
and, by the chain rule, the derivative of F[g(x)] is also ![g(x)]g'(x), smceF'(x) =
f(x). Hence. G(x) - F[g(x)] is constant. But, when x In particular, iff(x} Ofor all x in [a. b], we Iulve
pr ~;:':
F[g(e)] == 0, so this constant must be O. Hence, G(x) = g(x)] fof all x in
[c, d]. In particular, when ;t = d, we get G(d) F[g(d)] and this is the last
equation in the theorem.
. ,
f(x)g(x) dx = B r' g(x) dx,
where Xl} € [a, bJ.
NOTE. Some texts prove the preceding theorem under the added hypothesis that NOTE. Part (ii) is known as Bonnet's theorem.
g' is never zero on [c, dJ. which, of course, implies, monotonicity of g. The above
Proof. If (l(x) = J: get) dt, then a' = g, Theorem 7.31 is applicable, and we get
proof shows that this is not needed. It should be noted that 9 is continuous on
[c. dJ, so g([c, dJ) is an interval which contains the intervll1 joining g(c) and g(d).
f f(x)g(x) dx = f(a) g(x) dx + feb) f: gCx) dx.
This proves (i) whenever A = f(a) and B feb}. Now if II and B are any two
real numbers satisfYing A ::; f(a +) and B ~ feb -), we can redefine fat the end~
points a and b to have the values/Cal = A andf(b) = B. Themodifiedfis still
itl\.-reasing on [a. 0] and, as we have remarked before, changing lhe value off at
a finite number of points does not affect the value of a Riemann integral. (Of
course, the point Xo in (i) will depend on the choice of II and B.) By taking A == O.
part (ii) follows from part (i).
n.7Al 167
Ar.nm!e that a. i8 01 bounded variation"", [a, b] und let F be the fimction defined tm
F{y) f I(x, )1) da.(x),
[c, d] by the equation exists. /ftne ptlTtial deriootwe Dd is continuous on Q. the derivative F'(y) exists
F(y) = f I(x. y) d«(x).
for each y in (c. tl) and is given by
Proof. Assume that «l' on [a, b). Since Q ill a compact set, f is uniformly con-
tinuous on Q. Hence. given 8 > O. there exiwl Ii 0 > 0 (depending only on .)
--""-"------'= "'"
y - Yo
fex, y) - fex, Yo) da(x) =
Y - Yo
1"" Dd(x. n d«(x),
such tbatforevery pairofpointu = (x. JI) and z' ;;;; <X', y) in Q with Iz - z'l < a,
we have If(x. y) f(r, y')1 < 8. If IY - y'l < I, we have where ji is between ]I and Yo. Since DJ is continuous on Q. we obtain the c:on-
':I1I«Jftm .,.39. /ff is continuous "", the rectt:lJJfl/e [0, 0] x [c, d], tUrd if g E R on Then Fe R(P) (Ill [c, d]. G E B(<<) on [a, bJ. tUrd we have
.F(y) = r
[a, b], then the functi(ln F defined by the equation
g(x)f(x, y) dx,
F(y) dfJ(y) f G(x) dix(x).
lim 1"
if Yo E [c, d], we harJe
1-+10 • ..a ProQf, By Theorem 7.38, Fis continuous on [c, d] and hence F E ROO on [c. d].
Similarly, G E R(a.) on [a, b]. To prove the equality of the two integrals, it suffices
Proof If G(x) = J~ get) dt, Theorem 1.26 shows that F(y) = J:f(x, y) dG(x). to consider the case in which IX)' on [a, b] and P)' on [c, d].
Now apply Theorem 7.38.
168 Do 7."1 Def.1.G 16!1
By uniform continuity. given e > 0 there is a (; > 0 such that for every pair of Tllurem 7.42. Let f be continuous on the rectanglfr. [a, b] x [c, dJ. If 9 E R on
points:z = (x, y) and z' = (x'. y') in Q. with Iz - z'1 < &. we have [a. b] and if heR on [e, d], then we haDe
Let us nOw subdivide Q into n1 equal rectangles by subdi'viding [a, b] and [c, d]
f U: g(x)h(y)f(x, y) dY] dx = f [f g(x)h(y)jex, y) dX] dy.
each into 11 equal parts. where n is chosen so that Proof let a(x) ::: !: g(u) du and let /I(y) = J~ h(l) do, and apply Theorems 7.26
and 7.41.
(d - c) lJ
Every continuous function is Riemann integrable. However. continuity is certainly
llnd YIr. =C+ ked - c)
. •
not necessary, for we have seen thatf E R whenfis of bounded variation on [a, b1
If In p81'tieular,fcan be a monotonic function with a countable set of discontinuities
and yet the integral r:f(i) dx will exist. Actually, there are Riemann-integrable
for k 0, 1, 2, ...• n, we have functions whose discontinuities form a noncountable set. (See Exercise 7.32.)
f.. \j"r"
b / !(x, y) dtJ(Y») da(x) = ~
1-0 J
't 1"'' +1 (f'JI'JJ+1
0 "'"
f(x, Y) dfJ(Y}) dlx(x}.
Therefore. it is 11llturaI to uk ·'how many" discontinuities a function can have and
still be Riemann integrable. The definitive theorem on this question was dis--
covered by Lebe$gue and is proved in this section. The idea behind Lebesgue's
We apply Theorem 7.30 twice on the right. The double sum becomes theorem is revealed by examining Riemann's condition to see the kind of restriction
.-1 .-1 it puts on the set of discontinuities off
The difference between the upper and lower Riemann sums is given by
L!(Xk, YJ)[P(YH1)
~~O '
- P(Y;)][O:(XH1) - «(xJ].
where (x~, yj) is in the rectangle Qt.j having (::rl<' Yj) and (XH1' Yj+1) as opposite
[Mi(f) m,,(f)J Ax",
vertices. Similarly, we find
and. rOUBhly speaking, f will be integrable if. and only if, this sum can be made
arbitrarily small Split this sum into two parts, say Sl + $2' where 51 comes from
J(x. y) drl(X») dP(y) subintervals containing only points of continuity of J. and 8'1. contains the re-
maining terms. In S1> each difference M k(/) - m,,(/) is small because ofcontinuity
..-1 .. -1
and hence a large number of such terms can occur and still keep S 1 small. In S:z.,
k-O j=O
I(x;, yj)[jJ(;-'j+ I) - P(YJ)][«(XH 1) - a(xJ], however. the differencesM.(f) - ml(f) need not be small; but because they are
bounded (say by M), we have 1821 ~ M I:Ax", so that $2 will be small ifthe sum
where (xi. yj) E Ok,i' But Jf(x~, yj) - f(xi, yj)1 < e and hence of the lengths of the subintervals corresponding to 8 z is small. Hence we may
If the collection of intervals is finite. tbe index k in (3) runs over a finite set. If tbe only on 1:) such that /01' every elo$ed subinterval T E [Q, b], we have OAT) < t
collection is countably infinite, then k goes from I to co, and the sum of the lengths whenwer the length of T is less than fJ.
is the sum of an infinite series given by
Proof. For each x in [a, b] there exists a I-ball Bx: R(x; "..) such that
oJ lim
If.... m
i: (bl; -
oJ. e.
Besides the definition, we need one more result about sets of measure zero. The set of all balfsize balls B(x; 0,,/2) fol"D'l:S an open covering of [a, b]. By
compactness, a finite number (say k) of these cover [a. b]. let their radii be
DeoT(fIlII 7.44. Let F be a countable collection 0/ sets in R, say 8 1/2•..• , ~t/2 and let {} be tbe smallest of these k numbeI'll. When the interval
T has length <6, tben T is partly covered by at least one of these balls, say by
F = {Fl' Fl' ... l.
B(xl'; d,J'l}. However. the ball B(x 1' ; 81'} completely covers T (since ii, :il1:: 2c5).
each o/which has measure zero. Then their WlW" Moreover. in B(x,.: /1,.) f'"I [a, b] the oscillation of/is less than e. This implies
that OAT) < B and the theorem is proved.
T1Ieerem 7.47. Let/be defined and bounded on [a. bJ. For each t > 0 dtifine the
also has a measure zero, set J. as/oflows:
Proof. Given 8 > O. there is a countable covering of F" by open intervals, the sum J. {x: x E [a. b]. (r),,(x) ~
of whose lengths is less than 8/2'/1:. The union of all these coverings is itself a Then J. is a closed aet.
countable covering of S by open intervals and the sum of the lengths of all the
intervals ill less than . Proo}. Let x be an accumulation point of J,. If X" J•• we have wfix) < t.
Hence there is a I-ball B(x) such that
DAB(x) n [a, oJ) < e.
EumpIes. Since a set consisting ofjust one point has measure .u:ro, it follows that every
Thus no points of B(x) can belong to J.., contradicting the statement that x IS an
countable subset of R bas measure zero. In particular, the !let of rational numbers bas accumulation point of J.. Therefore. x IE J. and J. is closed.
measure zero. However, there are uncountable sets wbich have measure zero. (See Exer-
Theorem 7.48 (Le1Jesg.·s eriterUlJl for Riell'lllllll-iJltegl'tlbility). Let / be defined
cise 7.32.)
and bounded on [a, b] and let D denote the set o/discontinuities of/in [a. b]. Then
Next we introduce the concept of oscillation. / E R on [a, b] if, ond only if. D has measure -zerQ.
Dqinitll1tt 7.45. Let f be dtifined and bounded on an interval S. 11 T s; S, the Proof (Necessity). . FiI'llt we assume that D does not have measure zero and show
nllmber that/is not integrable. We can write D as a countable union of sets
(l/(T) = sup {f(x) - f(y) : x E T, yen.
i6 coiled the oscillation ofIon T. The 08ciilation of!al x is dtifined to be the number
(Vfix) = lim "lr(8{x; h) f1 5).
NOTE. This limit always exists, sin<:e Q/{B(x; h) f'"I S} is a decreasing function of
Dr = {x: ro,,(x) ~ ;}.
h. In fact. T. ~ T z implies nfiT.) ::s; niTz}. Also, wix) = 0 if, and only if, If xeD, then WAX) > 0, so D is the union of the sets Dr for r = I, 2, ...
lis continuous at x (Exercise 4.24). .1
Now if D does not have measure zero, then some set Dr does not (by Theorem
The- next theorem tells us that if wfix) < £ at each point ofa compact interval 7.44}. Therefore, there is some I: > 0 such that every countable collection of open
[a, b]. then DiT) < I; for all sufficiently small subintervals T.
..1 intervals covering Dr has a sum of lengths :2:;6. For any partition P of [a, b] we
TIteo~..7.46.. Let / be dtifilled and bounded on [~ b], and let I; > 0 be given.
Assume that l»"(x) < II/or erlery x in [a, b]. Then there exists" 0 > 0 (depending
·r U(P.f) - L(P,f) =
where 8 1 contains thOlle terms coming from $llbintervals containing points of D that a bounded function/on a compact interval [a. Il] is Riemann integrable on
in their interior, aDd 8 2 contains the remaining terms. The open intervals from St [0, b] and only if./is continuous almost everywhere on [0, b].
cover Dr except possibly for a fmite subset of Dr' which bas measure 0, so the sum The following statements (some of which were proved earlier in the chapter)
of their lengths is at least £. Moreover, in these intervals we have are immediate consequences of Lebesgue's theorem.
I fJ
M .(/) - m.U) ~ and hence SI 2:: • 1'/Ittvre1lt 7.49. a) IffisolboundedvoriatWnon [a, 61 thenle R an [a, b].
r r
This means that b) 1// e R on [a. b]. then IE R 011 [c, d] lor every subinterval [c. d] c [a, b1,
U(P.j) - 11..P,J) 2::
, 1/1 e R and 1 2 E R an [a. b]. Also. /.g E R on [a, bJ whenever 9 E R on
r [a, b].
for every partition P, so Riemann's condition cannot be satisfied. Therefore / is c) IfIe R and 9 EO R on [il, b], then/ID e R on [a. bJ whenever D is boUt/ded away
not integrable. In other words, ifIe R. then D has measure UfO. ftomO.
(Sufficiency). Now we assume that D has measure zero and show that the d) II/ and 9 are bounded functions haDing the sanle discontinuities on [a. b]. then
Riemann condition is 1Wltisfied. Again we write D = U~ I' D,. where Dr is the set of Ie R on [a, b] if, and only if. 9 EO R on [a, b].
points x at which wp) ;;:.: 1/1'. Since Dr ~ D. each Dr has measure 0, so Dr can e) Let 9 e R on [a, b] and t.J8Sflme that m S g(x) s M for all x in [a. b]. If/is
be covered by open intervals, the sum ofwhose lengths is <: 1/,. Since D,Js compact continuous on [m, M], the comp03;te function If defined by hex) = I[g(x)] is
(Theorem 7.47). a finite number of these intervals cover Dr. The union of these Riemann-integrable on [a, b].
intervals is an open set which we denote by Ar • The complement Br = [Q, b] - A,
is the union of a finite number of closed subintervals of [ a. b). Let 1 be II typical NOTE. Statement (e) JJeed not hold if we assume only that R on [m. M].
SUbinterval of B,. )f x e I, then WAX) < IjT so, by Theorem 7.46, there is a lJ > 0 (See mn:isc 1.29.)
(depending only on r) such that I can be further subdivided into a finite number of
subintervals T of length <lJ in which OAT) <: I/r. The endpoints of all these 7.27 COMPLEX·VALUm RIEMANN-STIELTJFS INTEGRALS
subintervals determine a partition P, of [a, bl If P is finer tban Pr we can write
Riemann-Stieltjes intqrals of the (orm J~I th. in which / and ex: are complex-
oolued functions defined and bounded on an interval [0, bJ. are of fundamental
The proof of Theorem 7.50 is immediate from the definition and is left to the and hem;e U(P.n < 1 + e. Similarly,
L(p,n > 1 B iQPjl <: 6' for some 0'.
The use of this theorem permits us to extend most of the important properties
of real intqvals to the complex case. For example, the connection between H~ IS(P.n - 11 < t: if ~PU < min (d. 0').
differentiation and integration established in Theorem 7.32 remains valid for 7.5 Let {o.. } be uequence ofreal numbers. For x 2!: O. define
complex integrals if we simply define such notions as continuity, differentiability
and bounded variation by components, as with vector-valued functions. Thus, we
say that the complex-valued function " =- (II + ilt.2 is of bounded variation on
A(x) "" .E
0 .. = 2: a..
[6, b] if each component (Xl and 1X2 is of bounded variation on [0, b]. Similarly, where [x] is the greatest integer in x and empty lIums ll}l; int«preled as ;reTO. Let {have
the derivative a'(l) is defined by the equation a'(t) == ClW) + ilX2(t) whenevm- the a contiR\lous derivative in the interval 1 s x :!i a. Use Stielijes integrnls to derive the
derivatives IXi(t) and aW) exist. (One-sided derivatives are defined in the same foBowing formula:
way.) With this understandins, Theomns 7.32 and 7.34 (the fundamental theorems
of integral aUculus) both remain valid when I and a are complex-valued. The I: aJ(n) - [A(X)j'(X) dx + .4«(I.)/(a).
proofs follow from the real case by using Theorem 7.50 in a straightforward ""'"
manner. 7.' Use Euler's summation formula, or integration by parts in a Stieltjes integral, to
We shall return to complex-valued integrals in Chapter 16, when we study derive the fonowing identities:
functions of a complex variable in more detail.
L: u =
t~l "
+ $
[x]1 dx
x'+ if $ '" 1.
b) Y'
.. -1 == log n -
t;f k
1" I
=-~~ dx + 1.
Riemtum-SdeItje integrals
7.7 AssumeI' is continuOl.l$ on [I, 2n] and use Euler's summation formula or integra.
7.1 Prove thai I: d«(x) II({) lI(a), directly from Definition 7.1. tion by parts to prove that
7.2 If IE R(o:) on [a, h] and if f.1 d« ... 0 for every Iwhich is monotonic on ra, h],
prove that lit must be constant on [a, b].
7.3 'The foUowing definition of a Riemaon-Stieltjeli integral is often usW in the literature:
i.;. (-I)l/(k) = [!'(X)(rx } - 2[x/2]) dx.
We say lis integrable with respect t.o lit if there eJl;iscs a real number A having the property 7.8 Let 9'l(X) ... x - [x] - ! if x '" integer. and let 1I'1(x) = 0 if x = integer. Also,
that for every 6 > 0, there eJl;lsts a b > (l such. tbal for every partition P of [a, b] with let "1(X) Jij "1(1) dt. If r is continuous on [1. n] prove that Euler's summation
norm liPl1 <: J and for every choice of tk in [Xk-I, XlI. we have IS<P,f, II) - AI <: 6. fannula implies that
a) Show that jf' I dlJ: exists according to tbis definition, then it also exists accordi'lg
to Definition 7.1 and the two integrals are equal.
b) Let/(x) a:(x) '" 0 for 0 ~ x <: t, I{x) ~ a:(x) =: 1 tor c < x S b./(e} == 0,
L:" /(k)
1" lex) dx - i· fJl(x)fn(x) dx + 1(1) +2 fen) .
tZ(£') == 1. Show that 1:1 d« exislS acoordlng to Definition 7.1 but does not exist 7.9 Take f(x) = log x in.Exe:rcise 7.8 and prove that
by this second definition.
7.4 If/E R aa:ordillg to Definition 7.1, prove that S:/(x) dx also exists according to the 101 ... ! "" (n + i) loa If n + 1 + (. '2~t) dt.
definition of ~en;ise 7.3. [Contrast with Exercise 7.3(b).] Hittt. Let 1 ". r.1(x) dx. Jl t
M = sup {1/(x)1 : x E (0. b]J. Given Il > 0, choose p. so tbat U{P.. n
< J + a/2
7.10 If x ~ I, !ebr(x) denote the number of primes :!>x. that is,
(notation of Section 7.11). Let N be the Dumber of subdivision llOints in p. and let
o'" BI(2MN). If IPII < 0, write »:(x) = 1: I,
U(P.n == L: Ml;(J) Axl; == Sl + 52'
wbeR: the sum is extended over all primes p :!i x. The prime number theorem states that
where S 1 is the sum of terms arising from thOlSe subintervals of P containing no points or
p. and Sl is the sum of the remaining terms. ;:men
lim lZ(x) loa z == I-
Sf s U(I·.,/) < I + el2 lind S2 s NMllPl1 < NMo = £/2, ,;;c-..Q) X
116 117
This is usually pr:oved by studying .. mated tunction 8 sMm by 7.14 Assume f E R(eI) on Ill, bJ. where II is of bounded variation On [a,. b]. Let Vex)
denote the total variation of (f on [a. x Jfor each x in (a. b J. and let yea) = O. Show that
8(x) "" ~ log P.
where again tire sum is ~tended ewer all pri.mellp :S x. Both functions Ir and 9 arc step
If1th:15 fill dV :S MV(b),
fl,JD(:tions with jumps at the primes. This ~ shows how the R.i.emll1m-Stieltjes
iIltep:a] can be used to relate tbese two functions. where M is an upper bound for ifI on [a. b]. In particular, when «(x) "'" x. the inequality
a) Jr x ;;:: 2. prove that lI(x) and 9(x) can be expressed as the {oRowing Riemann-
Stieltjes. intesrals:
Iff(X).' s M(b - a).
S(x) = ~
i 31:1
101 t tl/r;(t), 2(x) ... L"
- 1
log t
7.15 Let {«,,} be a seqlll.:JJCe of functions of bo\lDded variation on [a, b). SUppo$!,!. there
NOTE. 1be lower limit can be replaced by any number in the open inlerval (1, 2). exists a function lZ defined on [a, b] such that the lotal variation of II - «,. on [a. b] tends
to 0 as 11 ..... co. Assume also that «(a) a,,(a) = 0 for each n = 1. 2,.. If I is con-
b) If x ~ 2. usc integration by parts to show that tinuous on [a. b], prove that
x(x) = 8(x) + f'" 8(t) dt. 7.16 Iff e R(lZ},/~ e R(<<), 9 e R(<<), and IJz e R(o) on [a, b], prove that
log x Jz t log2 t
Tbeseequationscan be used to prove that the prime number theorem is equivalent
to the relation JiIQ;r..,.<tl 8(x)/x = J.
1 ill [1"
i lex}
1.11 H,,? on [a. b]. prove that we ha.ve
. a) f'" = r I· + r'''' (a < c < b). When lZ/ on [a, b J. deduce the cauchy-scllwarz inequality
b) rif r r+ /I) da.:S f tl« + IJ da.. (f /(x)g(x) d«(X») 1 :S (f f(;xfl fh(X») (f g(X)2 d«(X») •
7.17 ASlWme thatfe B(lI), g e R(I!). andf· 9 E R(I%) on [a. h]. Show that
'7.l2 Give an example of a bounded function I and an ~ function « defined on.
[0. b) lIUCb that f/l s R(<<) but for which J:I. does not exist. i[ [f (J(y) - f(x»(g(y) - g(x» d«(Y)l d«(x)
7.13 Let 0; be a continuous fuoctioo of bounded variation on [a. b]. Assume II;: R(<<)
on [a, b] and define P(x) = (J(t) th(t) if x Ii 10, b]. Show that:
a) Itf I' on [ll. b]. there exists a point Xo in [a, b] sudt that
(<«0) - a(a») [ I(x)g(x) ~x) - u: I(x) til(X») (1" g(x) d«(X») .
If ell' on {a, b]. deduce the inequality
fdJl =/(0)1"" II" + f(6) flo IJ".
b) If, in addition, I is continuous on [II, b l. we also haw
(f I(x) th.(x»)(f g(x) 4I(X») 5(<«b) - a(a» f I(x)g(x) da(x)
f f(x)(J(x) th(x) = I(a) r '* II + feb) J~ II th.•. when both I aDd 9 are increasing (or both are decreasing) on [a, b]. Show that the reverse
inequality holds iff irac:reases and II decreases on [II, b].
178 1."
........ IategraI.s
c) Use (b) 10 PI'(MI:l tho roUowioa t!Icoran of L. PC)j6t: The number of cbanp:s in
7.18 Assume/e ROD [a, b]. Use Exercise 7.4 to prove that the limit
lim b -
.... "". n
Q t /(0 +
k b -
tJ) /(0). r dI.J:
f(t) iff') dt. ••.• r
silo offin [0, Q] is Dot ... dian tile mmd:la' efc:barlgies in sisn ia the ordm.'ed set
7.24 I..et lbe a PQIIidve ~tinuous fuDcIioD in [4Z, II]. Let M denote the maximum value
exists and has the value J:/(J:) dx. Deduce that off on [a, 6}. Show that
Ueo Jo 2
1 + I if x is rational,
a) Show that g'(x) + rex) 0 for all x and deduce that g(x) + I(x) =- '!C14.
I(xt ,) - {1y:1 if' x is irrational.
b) Use (a) to prove that a) COmpute fA I(x. y) dx and 1& I(x. y) dx ill terms of y.
lim 1'" e- 11
dt = I ..r;. b) Show that fA {(:Xt y) fly emts foc each filled x and compute ro I(:x, y) dy in teIms
of x and tfot 0 :s; x ;$ I, 0 ::;; t :s 1.
"'.. '" 0 2
e) Let F(x) l~ !(x, y) dy. Show that Ii F(x) dx exists and find its value.
7.20 Assume 9 E R on [at bj and define I(x) - 1: g(t) dt if x E La. b]. Prove that dIe
'73ti Let/be de:fi.ned on [0. I] as follaws:.fflJ) = 0; if 2-a - 1 <; .:r: :!iii 2--, then/(x) "" 2--,
in~ 1: IU(I)I tit gives the total variation of I on (a. x).
for 11 "'" O. 1,2. ••.
7.21 Let f - (11)''' JJ be a ftdor-valued fuootion with a continuous derivative f' on
a) Give two teallODt why IJ/(x) dx. exists.
[a, b]. Prove that the cmve described by f has longtb
where A(x) "" 2""[ -JoiIziJoil2] and where (yI is the grea1e8t integer in y.
r r
both integrals
that IfI(x} - hi s; Me on Ca - c, (l + c]. Prove that S is a closed subspace of
lex) dx(x) and I(x) rr'(x) dx C [a (;, a + c) and hence that S is itself a complete metric spare.
c) Prove that the function T defined on S by the equatioo
exist. Prove that these intcrJ:ra1s are equal. {It is not assumed that (I.' is continuous.)
7.35 Prove the fonowinB theorem,. which Implies that a fuoctioll with a positive integral
must itself be positive 00 some irltervaJ. Assume that I E R on [a, b] and that () ~ I(x) ::s;
T(,,)(x) .. b + J: /(t. (ll(t» dt
Moo [a, oj. where M > O. Let 1 =
1:/(x) dx, let h iI/(M + b - a). and assume maps S into itllelf.
tbatl > O. Then the set T",. {x :/(.1') ::i!: II} contains a finite number of intervals, the d) Now assume that I satisfies a Lipschitz oooditioo of the COnn
sum of whose lengths is at Jeast It. Hint. Let P be a .Partitioo of la, b 1such that every
RiernanD sum S(P, I) = D-l l(tJ Axl satisfies SCP, > 1/2. Split SCP, /) into two 1/(.1', y) -/(x, %)1 S Aly - zl
parts, SCP,/) '* L...t + ~ wbcre
for fNU':I pair or pomb (x. y) and (x. z) in Q. whom A > o. Prove that T is It
A {k: [Xl-I' Xi] £ T}. and {k : k ¢ ..f}. contradion of S if II < 1/.14. Dcdu<:c that fOl''' < 1/A the differential equation
Uk e A. use the ioequaIit:y /(tJ S; M; if k e B. choose 't so that l(tJ < It. Deduce that y = lex. y) has exactly one solution )' = (11(.1') on (a c, Q + c) such that
fICa) = b.
I:a...t Ax.. > h.
1.1 Hildebrandt,. T. It.,lntrtJdrletkm to the TIIeory (1j [lleegrotkm. Academic Prm. New
York, 1%3.
1.2 Kestelman. H., Mutlem T1betJries o/Integration. Cbford University Press. Cbford, INFINITE SERIES
1.3 ltaDkin, R. A., All bltrodudion to MQllre1llQtieQl Analyals. Pergamon PR:ss. OXford,
7.4 'Rogosinski, W. W., Volume and Integral. Wiley, New York, 1951.
7.5 Shiov, G. a, and Gurevich, B. 1..., Integral, Measun: and Derivatiue: .If Unified U lN11l0DUcn:ON
A~ R. Silverman, translator. Prentico-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. 1966.
This chapter gives a brief de¥elopment of the theory of infinite series and infinite
products. 1'b.elle are merely special infinite sequences whose tenns are real or
complex numbers. Convergent licqueIQI were discussed in Olapter 4 in the settiJJB
of aenerat metric spaces. We recall some ofthe concepts of Chapter 4 as they apply
to sequences in C with the usual Euclidean metric.
If {a,.} CODVCfRCS to p, we write Um.-... a,. = p and caJl p the limit of the sequem:e.
A sequence is caIJed dirJl!rgent if it is Dot converaent.
A sequence in C is called a CtlIIChy #qWnce if it satisfies the Coudly con4ition;
that is, for every 6 > 0 there is an integer N such that
1.0-.- 0.1 < eo whenever II ~ N and m ~ N.
Since C is a complete metric space. we know from Cbapter 4 that a. sequence in C
is oonvergent if, and only if, it is a Canchy sequence.
The Cauchy condition is particularly useful in estabJishins converpnce when
we do not know the actual value to which the sequence converges.
Every conveqent sequence is bounded (Theorem 4.3} and hence an unbounded
sequence necessarily diverges..
If a sequence {.o-.} converges to P, then every subsequence {at.,} also converges
to p (Theorem 4.5).
A sequence {a,.} whose terms are md numbers is. said to diverge to + 00 if,
for every M > O. there is an integer N (dependins on M) such that
a.. > M whenever 1J ~ N.
In this case we write Jim........ a" = + 00.
If Iim,,- '"" (-oJ = + rr:I. we write lim......., a..
= - 00 and say that {a..} diverges
to - 00. Ofcourse, there are divergent real+valued sequences which do not diverge
tl4 1M
to + GO or to - 00. For example. the sequence {(-1)"(1 + lIn)} diVCf'llll:S but does NOTE. A sequence for which lim inf...,., a", " lim lIUp"...", a. is said to oscillate.
not diverge to +00 or to -00.
Tlu!OUllf 8.4• .Assume that a. S b.lar each n "'" 1,2.... Then we have:
1.3 LIMIT SUPmIIORAND LJMlT INFEIUOR OF A REAL.-VALUJi".D SEQIJI!'.NCE lim inf 0" S lim in! b" and lim sup a" S lim sup b".
" .... ¢ It-+«io . . . . at) .-aD
lht/i1IiIiM IU. Let {II.} it a ~ oj real TlIPflber& Supptne there is II real EuJqIes
1IIImber U stl1i!Jfpillg 1M following two CMditimu:
I. a..= (-1)"(1 + lIn), lim inC".. ", a,. = -I, lim sup a" + 1.
i) For e'Df!'7 t: > 0 there e:1dfltlaa integer N BUeh 'hilt II > N implit!$ 1. <l" =(-rr. lim inf._ 1M> fl. -1. lim ,uP ac> ll. = + 1.
3. Q. = (-1)" ll, 6m inf a. - 00, lim SUP ", a., = + co.
"" < U + £.
4. "" = 112 8in2 Him), lim inf .., a. = o. lim sup a" + 00.
ii) GiDen e > 0 and gifJen m > 0, there exi$t$ 41J buege.r n > m such thllt
TAm U is t:alled the limillVPtrior (or IlPfJf!llimit) oj fa.} and we write lh./illitift BS. Let {a,.} be tl seljUt!lfl.:e 01 rem numbers. We say the sequence is
increasing and we wrilea,,/' ifa,. S a.+1Jor 11 = 1.2, ... Ifo,. ~ a.+Iforallrr,
....... a._
U = lim sup
we say the sequence is deaelJSing llIId we write 0,. "\0 • A sequence is rolled monotonic
Statement (i) ~.r t/mt the Mit {a~. liz, •.. } is bou1rt/;d abof:te. II this set is not iii' is increMing t)I' ifills decreasing.
bounded aborJe. we t:lejillt The convergence or divergence of a monotonic sequence is panienlarly easy
to determine. In faa. we have
lim sup 6" = +00.
..-"" nu.... IS. A nrOlwtonk sequence converges if. and cmJy if, il i3 bounded.
If the sel is btnuttkd abmJe but not bounded below and if {a",} has no finite limit
superior. then we.ray lim sup...."" II• .. - OJ. The limit inferior (or lower limit) of Proof. If o,./'. Iim"..... a. sup {a" ; n .... I, 2, ... }. If a. "', lim....'" (I" =
{a",} is defined aafolloW8: tnf {a" : n .... I, 2•... }.
IhjiIfi;ti4a &.1. The Drtlered pair ofsequences ({a",}. (a.}) is called an i1f/il1ite series.
The Rader sbo'llld lftlpply the proofs of the followinl thl:oRms:
The number s" is Mlled the nth partial BUm ofthe $eries. ThI: series is SQid to con·
.D.too.tw. ,.1.LeI {Q,,} be g ~i! of,.eu/ mmzbers. Then we hiwe: IJf1rge or to d;()fJ;I'ge accortiing as {s..} is coneergent D1' tlilJf1l'f}ent. The following
a) Jim i~ ....... 8. S. Jim SDp.-", a... symbo& are used to denote the series defined by (l):
b) The sequettee ~ If, fJltd otIly if, lim SUp..."" a. and lim fnf.-+,., a. tlTe both
finite ami t!fJ'IIII. ;" wlrich t:rISe :Ji.m.-"" a,. = lim. mr.-a<> a" =; lim sup,. a.,.
c) The ~ divergrs to +co if, and only if. lim inf,..-.... Cl. = lim suP" '" a" .... NOTE. The Jetter k used-in E:'.l at is. a «<dummy variable" and may be replaced
by any other convenient symbol. If p is. an integer ~O, a symbol of the. form
d) The sequence Jivel'gt!I!o - <Xl if, and ort:ly if, Jim inf,....'" a.. = Jim SUp.,-.., a. F...~,. b.. is interpreted to mean :E:"-1 "" where 0.. b.+ r 1- When there is no
danger of misunderstanding. we write Lb.. instead of F.~.P b•.
116 n..u aLl4 187
If tIJe seqW'lDO:l {s.} defined by (1) COIlverge$ to s. the Dumber II is calJ.ed tIJe.rum 8,6 INSER'DNG AND REMOVING I:'~
of tIJe llmies and we write De,/iltitimr 1.11. Let p be a}ioretion whose dolt'lQiII is the set ofpositive integers tmd
whose mnge is a ktlbset of the positme integers such that
pmr of amslmrls II and fl. the series Dilts. + Ph,,) cOmJergea If! the sum «a + IJb. Then we say thllt :I;b. ia oblainedfrom :Ea. by inserting parentheses. mul that IA. is
That is, obtainedfrom Eb. by removing parenlheses.
'" ......
I: (lUI. + PbJ = :r; a. + fl a-I
I: b•.
TIruH. 8.13. If:Ea. COIfVtfr[It!s to s, every aeries Lb. obtained from La. hy m-
s«tinr/ prM'oohese:!J al3tJ CO'IWel'ges to s.
Proof, :E:=I (CUl,t + Pbt> = II II-I aa + fJ 1::"1 b...
Proof. Let La.. and Eb. be related by (ii) and write 8. = !::"1 I1&. t. = I::~I 6••
71«1,.., 8.9. AiI8U1ne Ihtsl a.. ~ 0 for each n = I. 2, . .. 111m Dr. ctHfIJet'ge8 V. Then {t.} is a subsc:quence of {s.}. In fact, t. = '1<.)' Therefore. convergence of
and <Jnly if. the sequence of prM'titll sums is bounded abore. {s.} to s implies convergence of (t.} to s.
Proof, Let SIt = 01 + ... + II. Then $. '" and we can apply Theorem 8.6. RemovinJ parentheses may destroy convergence. To see this, consider the
series D. in which each term is 0 (obviously COllVergent). Let p(n) = 2n and let
'l'1Iteonm8.19 (T~kM:OJlilw 8D'iu). Let {a..} IIltd {b.l be two ~ IUch t1IIIt a. = (-If. Then (i) and (ji) hold but :Ea. diverges.
ts. == b.+ t bIt for l'J 1. 2. . . . Then La. c:omJe!'gU if. t11UI. tJIIIly if. Jim,,-. 6. Parentheses can he removed if we further restrict Ets. and p.
exists. ill which ctl3e we Iume
~ 8.14. Let:Ea.. Eb. be relllted Ill. in /Jeftni.tWn 8.11. Auume thtst there
I: a.. =
lim bIt - hi'
exists a constant M > 0 auch that p(n + 1) - p(n) < M for 411 n. and usmme t1uJt
Iim._", a" == O. Then:Ea. conrerges if, rmd only if, Eb. contJerges, in which ctUe
Proof· 1::"1 lia = 1::",. (bH1 - bJ =' h.+1 bl • they 1u:we the aome sum.
Deol't!lflllJl (C;GIIfCAy CINIIlititmfor .ria). The aeries La.. C01We1'ge. if. and only Proof, If La.. Cbnverges, the result follows from Theorem 8.13. The whole
if, for every II > 0 there exists mr mteger N mch that" > N implies difficulty lies in the convene deduction. Let
. and hence the Cauchy condition cannot be satisfied when 4 S 1. Therefore the
S. == 01 + ... + 01<..+1) - (a" + 1 + 0..+:& + .,. + ajl(_+ 1'>
series :E:~ I lIn diverges. This series is called the harmonic seria. 1... +1 - (-"+1 + ts.+2 + .. , +:lJ,p(",+l»'
111 Th.8..19 .8
Is" - tl s; It''+ l - II + la"+1 + 0,,+.1 + ... + t.lp(,.,+1)1 DejUUtio,. 8.17. A series La" is called abBotutely convergent ifI:Ia.1 CQnvet"geI. It
is called conditionally eonvergelll i['E.a,. converges but :Ela"l diverges.
S 11..+ 1 - tl + lap(or)+ll + Iap(..) ul + ... + Iap(.. +l II
Tieonm 8.18. Absolute convergence oj'Z:P. implies CQIIfJf!'rgence.
< tl
+ (p(m + 1) _ p(m» -=-
< + t = a.
2 2
tl Proof. Apply the Cauchy condition to tbe inequality
This proves that lim......... 3. = t. 10.+1 + ... + 1i'l,,+,1 S lad" + ... + Ia,,+11'1·
To see that the converse is not true. oonsider the example
De./iaitittn 8.15. If all > 0 for each n. the aeries :E:'~1 (_I)"H a" is called IDI
alternating series.
This alternating series converges, by Theorem 8.16,. but it does not con~
neon. 8.16. If {a,,} is a decl'e&ing sequence corwerging to 0, the alternating absolutely.
series D - I r+ 1 a" converges. If s denotes its $Um and '. its nth partial sum, we harte
T_rem 8.19. Let La" be a given series with relit-valued terms and dt;/ine
tlJe inequality
o < (-1}"{6 - 6,,) < Q.+1> for" = 1,2, ... (3) lanl + a" (II = 1, 2, ... ). (4)
, .. = 2 '
~, Inequality (3) tells us that when we "approximate" s by 8... tbe error made
has the lIIIJDIC sign as the first neglected term and is less than the absolute value of
this term. i) If"Ea. is conditionally con;;ergent. both Ep" and !:q. diverge.
NOTE. p" = a.. and q. = 0 if a" :-=: 0, whereas q.. -a. and P. = 0 if all .:So: O.
Since a" -+ 0 and p(n + 1) - p(n) = 2. Theorem 8.14 tells us that IX _1),,+1 a" Proof. We have a" "" p. - q.. Ja..1 = P. + flr To prove (i). assume that IP.
converges if "'.fP.. converges. But Lb.. is a series of nonnegative terms (since Q" ",), converges and :E1a.1 diverges. If Lq" converges. then LP. also converges (by
and its partial sums are bounded above, since Theorem 8.8), since PII = a,. + '1". Similarly. if ¥:.p" converges, then Lq.. also
converges. Hence, if either 2:P" or IN" amverges. both most converge and we
. deduce that 2:la.. 1 converses, since la.1 -"lIt P. + q". This contradiction prows (i).
Lb. = a, (a2 - t.l,) .•• - (a:ta-2 - dz,,-I) t.l2" < al'
To prove (il), we s.imply use (4) in conjunction with Theorem 8.8.
Therefore 'l:-b" converges, so 2.1- J}"+1 a lt also converges.
Inequality (3) is a consequence of the following relations: 8.9 REAL AND IMAGINARY PARTS OF A COMPLEX SER.IES
«l Let I;c" be a series with complex terms and write e.. a" + ib". where t'l,. and b.
(-1)"(5 - oS,,) = 1)1+ ta"H = L
(aH 2t-l - 0,,+2.) > 0, are real. The series iA. and Lb.. are called. respectively, the real and imaginary
parts ofI:c... In situations involving complex series, it is often convenient to treat
However, when Le" is CfJnditioflfJily convergent. one (but not both) of LA. and 1.12 THE INTEGRAL TEST
"iP. might be absolutely conversent. (See Exeteise 8J9.) Further examples of $eries of known behavior can be obtained very simply by
If 1:-=" converges absolutely, we can apply part (ii) of Theorem 8.19 to the rea) applying the integral test.
and imaginary parts separately, to obtain the decomposition.
Tlwtrem B.23 (111tltflrtll tat). Let f be a positive decreasing junction defined on
!:c" -= I:(p" + iuJ - L:(q. + ;oJ. [I. +(0) such that lim_hJ(x) = O. For n -= 1,2, ...• define
wbere LP., 1:Qn' LUn• LV" are con'fergent $eries of nonnegative terms.
s. == i; f(k),
tIll = flft I(x) dx. d,. = s. - t...
"lIure1n 8.20 (COlIfl'IIl'isoa ttlst). If a. > 0 and b" > 0 for n = 1.2•...• and i)O<[(n+ 1)S;d,.+1 s:d"s;f(J), forn= 1,2, ...
if there exist ptJ3itive <:omtants c and N lIUch that ii) lim..... U) d,. exists.
ill) 1 [(n) convergel if, and only if. the sequence {t.} converges.
dx ~ (;
.. li+l
" f(k) dx
1'1Ieorem 8.21 (Limit c ~ teat). Assume that 0" > 0 and b. > 0 for
n = I, 2, ... , and suppqae that "
= LI(k)
= s•.
This implies thatf(n + J) = $.+1 - a" S; s..u - t.+l = dnH' and we obtain
The" La. convergea if, and only if. Lb. convergel. o <fen + J) ::5 d"+l'
Proof. There exists N such that n <T!: N implies I: < a,Jb. < 1. The theorem faJ.. But we also have .
lows by applying Theorem 8.20 twice.
NOTE. Theorem tt21 also bolds if lim._«: a.lb. = c. provided that c ¥ O. If
d. d"+l = f"'+1 - tIll - (s"+1 - $J f+l f(x) dx. - fen + 1) (5)
lim.,... .., a,Jb" == O. we can only conclude that convergence of "'£b" implies con·
vergenCe of D •. ~ f+1 I(n + 1) dx - J(II + I) == 0,
and hence d".. J ::5 d" :s; d 1 = [(1). This proves (i). But now it is clear that (i)
8.U THE GEOMETRIC SERIES implies (ii) and that (ii) implies (iii).
To use comparison tests effectively, we must have at our disposal some examples of To prove part (iv), we use (5) again to write
series of known behavior. One of the most important series for comparison
purposes is the geometric aeriu. o s d" - d.+1 S f+l fen) ax - f(n + 1) = /(11) - 1(11 + 1).
f'MorDlf B.22. If Ixl < !. the aeriea I + x + .:r + ... tXJmJerges and has sum Summing on Tt, we get
1/(1 - x). Iflxl ~ 1, the aeries divergell.
'" (tIn -
o s L: d.. + l ) s E'" (f(n) - + 1». if k ~ I-
Proof. (1 - x) neo X" = I:;;i) (x" - .xk+ 1 ) = 1 - .x"+ I. When Ixl < 1. we f(1I
find Iim.~.., x"+1 = O. If Ixl 2: I, the g\':nera} term does not tend to zerO and the
.-t JI':':l:,t
series cannot converge. When we evaluate tbe sums of these telescoping series. we get (iv).
Def.tu4 193
NOrL Let D =::; lim"...", d,.. Then (i) implies 0 :s; D S f(l). whereas (iv) gives us 8.14 THE RATIO TEST AND ROOT TEST
EumpJe 1. Let j(x) 1/x in Theorem 8.23. We find I" Jog n and hence I;11n p = lim sup Vlla"l.
diverges. However. (ii) establishes tbe existence of the limit
a) The series I:o.. converges absolutely if p < L
b) The series I:a. diverges if p > I.
c) The test is inrondusive: if p = 1.
a famous number known as EuJer'g constant, usually denoted by C (or by 1). Equation (7)
becomes Proof Assume that p < I and choose x so that p < x < 1. The definition of p
L-=JogR+C+O- .
implies the existence of N such that lu,,1 < :x!' for n ~ N. Hence, I:la,,1 converges
by the comparison test. This pro'Yes (a).
To prove (b), we observe that p > I implies la.1 > 1 infinitely often and
EDmpIe 2. Let j(X) "" X-·, s ". I, in Thcomn 8.23. We find that D-o wnverges if hence we cannot have lim.~ '" a" O.
s :> 1 and diVCfl,'eS jf s < 1. For s :> I, this series defines an important function known Finally, (c) is proved by using tlte same examples as in Theorem 8.25.
as the RiemfJnn zetajil1lCliM:
Ul 1 NOTE:. The root test is more "powerful" than the ratio test. That is, whenever the
«s) E- (0:> n. root test is inconclusive, so is the ratio test. But there are examples where the ratio
"-1 tI
test fails and the root test is conclusive. (See Exercise 8.4.)
For s :> 0, s ". 1, we am apply (7) to write
convergence when the series might not CODveI.lJC absolutely. The tests in this 8.16 PARTIAL SUMS OF THE GBOMEI1UC SERIES 1:.:" ON THE
section am parti.cularly useful for this purpose.. They all depend on the portioJ UNIT ORCLE 1::1 1
summation formula of Abel (equation (9) in the next theo~). To use Dirichlet's test effectively, we must be acquainted with a few series having
oollDded partial sums. Of course, all convergent series have this property. The next
Tllt!tJrtlm 8.17. If {a,,} and {b.} tB'e tWD sequences of complex lIWf'Ibers. define
theorem gives an example of a divergent series whose partial sums are bounded.
A.. =;; 0.1 + ... + a". This is the geometric series D" with Izl 1, that is. with z = e;" where x is real.
The formula for the partial sumll of this series is of fundamental importance in the
Then we have the identity theory of Fourier series.
. .
L tlteht. = A.b.
H - E A,,(bt.+l -
b&>. (9) TlMorem 8.30. For every Teal x " 2nnI: (m is an integer), we have
Therefore. L""'... atPt, rollvel'gt!S if both the series I::'~ I A..(ba+ I bJ and the
sequence {A,/J,,+ I} cOmJerge. (to)
It tlbl.s
Ai_l)b.. Alb" - A.bH1 A.b.+!.
i-I .1:-1 i~1
1 . (11)
The second assertion follows at once from this identity. 1m 1 lsin (x/2)1
NOTE. Formula (9) is analogous to the formula for integration by parts in a Proof. (l ~ ll-l tfh = :r:~l (elh - e'{A:+Ilx) = tl'" - e'(R+O.... Thisestab-
Riemann-Stieltjes integral. fishes the first equality in (IO). The second foUows from the identity
--/2 - u..../2
TMorem 8.18 (Diricldn'8 ttt"'), Let I:o.. be a series 0/romplex terms whose partial e'''' __.lID:
1 e'_ = e . - e l?'<"+ 1)",/1
sums form a bounded sequence. Let {b..} be a decreasing sequem:e which ronverges I - e lJc t!>:/2 _ e-i.I</1. •
to O. ·Then 1:.a"b" converges.
N(ITE. By considering the real and imaginary parts of (10), we obrain
Proof Let A" a. + ... + "" and assume that IA"I ~ M for all n. Then
Jim A.b. H = O. t
cos kx = sin nx cos (n
+ I) :!jsin ~
2 2
Therefore, toestablisb convergence ofDl..b.. we need only show that LA..(b. + 1 - oJ
is ronvergent. Since b.. " , we have .=--+
. (2 n+ I) - 5 l Dx-
2 2'
Xl' (12)
IAl(bH I - b.)l ~ M(b. - ~+l)'
But the series 1:.(6. + 1 - b.) is a convergent telescoping series. Hence the com-
parison test implies absolute CODvergence of :EA.(bu 1 - hi.)'
" Sin. lex =
. nx .
Sin (n + l). x- sm
. x
•j 2
TIuwem 8.19 (A~l's ten). The serif'S :Ea,/J" converges if DIll converge$ ami if
Using (10), we can also write
{b,,} is tlmQm;tcmie convergent s.equence.
Proof. Convergence of :Ea,. and of {b,,} establishes the existence of the limit
lim.__", A,pHl> where A" = Ql + ... + a". Also, {A,,} is a bounded sequence.
The remainder of the proof is similar to that ofTheorem 8.28. (Two further tests,
similar to the above, are given in Exercise 8.27.) an identity valid for every x :f:; mlf (m is an integer). Taking teal and imaginary
so L jb,,1 has bounded partial sums. Hence ."i:.b. converges absolutely. Next, we take just enough further positive terms so that
To show that :Eb. = s, let tIl = hi + ... + b•• s" = fl. + ... + all_ Given
PI + ... + Pt, - ql - ••• - q~ + Pt. + I + ... + Pt. > Y2.
II > 0, choose N so that Is;\' - sl < B/2 and so that I laHul S llt2. Then
followed by just enough further negatiR tmns to JIlltisfy the inequality
sN! + . PI + ... + P'" - 411 ••• - ..... + Pt, + 1 + ...
Choose M so that{l, 2. HI f!(l),!(2), ... ,j(M)}. Then n > M implies
H • ,
fen)> N, and for such n we have These steps are possible sina: D .. IlJJd L:q. are both divergent series of positive
terms. If the process is continued in this way. we obviously obtain a ~rrangement
It" - 5,.,1 = jb1 + + b" (al + ... + aH)1 of :Ea•• We leave it to tIE r::ader io showthat the partial sums of this rearrangement
= lam) + + ale,,) - (al + .n + aN)! have limit superior y and limit inferior x.
two series suck that Choolle enough functions!., ... ,j,. so that each term !II> ";1>'" , aN will appear
somewhere in the sum
'" ..,
Then r:.b. is said to be 0 su/)series of1:.a,,: L: "11(..) + ... + L
.-1 .. - I
ThuRm 8.15. q D. converges absc/utely, elJery subseries "E.b" also converges The number r depends on N and hence on 8. If" > rand n > N. we have
absolutely. Moreover, we be
because the terms a l • O2 •••• I tiN cancel in the subtraction. Now (18) implies
Proof Given II. let N be the laraest ill~ in the set (f(l)•... ,f(n)}. Then
a) Each f.. is .one-to-one on Z + . if n > r. n > N. This completes the proof of (il).
b) The rangeJ.(Z+) is a sublet Q. o/Z+.
c) {Qh Q2' ••• } is " collection of disjoint sets whose unum is Z+. 8.20 DOUBLE SEQUENCES
Let 2:u" be an absolutely convergent series (IN/ dtfine Ih}illitiM 8.37. A/unctiotllwhose domaitl is Z+ x Z+ is called a double sequence.
I\,(n) = a Ike,,). ifn e Z+, k e Z+. NOTE. We shall be interested only in real- or complex-valued double seque~s.
Then: De,/ildtioll B.3IJ. 11 a E C, we write lim".t_",f(p, q) a llIId we say tlull the
i) For each k, 1:.."'=1 hlJn) is an absolutely con.vergent subserie1/ o/1:.tI". double sequl'nce / cOlWerget to 0, provided that the following ctJrulit;Qn is satisfied:
For every e > 0, there exists an N iuch that If(p, q) - at < 8' whenever both
ii) If 3i = 1::'• • b.(n).the serie8 1:.""=1 3. com;erges absolutely and has the same
p > N "tid q > N.
sum Q.f I.t~ 1 "t.
~.rem B.39. Asstmll' that limM_",J(p, q) = Q. For eachjixed p, l13Sume llull
Proof Theorem 8.35 implies (I). To prove (ii).1et I" = ISII + ... + Is.J. Then
the limit lim._...J(p. q) exisis. Then the limit lim,..."" (lilDq..""I(p, q» also exists
co llI:I IiiD
and htlS the value a.
I" S I: Ihl(n)1 + ... + L
11;;;;-1 l1li=1
Ih..(n}1 = 2: (lh.(n)1 + .. ' + Ib.(n)!)
NOTE. To distinguish limp.4:_.o!(P. q) from limp_<» (limq.... a,,!(P. q». the first is
= !:1
(1"/1(1.)1 + ... + 11'1h(.d)·
called a double limit, the second an iterated limit.
Proof. Let F(p) = Iim,__ >; f(p, q). Given € > O. choose N. so that
But &"''''. (laN,,)1 + n ' + 11l/1d).)I) S; 1::'• • 1",,1. This proves that Eisil has e
bounded partial sums and hence Est converges absolutely. Ilb. q) - 01 < 2' if p > N. and q > N I' (20)
To find the sum orDt. we proceed as feUews: Let t > 0 be given and choose
N so that n 2': N implies For each p we can choose Nt. so that
(18) IF(p) - f(p, q)1 <2"' if q > N 2 • (21)
(NotethatN;r.dependsonpasweJlasona.) Foreacbp > N i choose N:b and then U1 REARRANGEMENT THEOREM FOR. DOUB.1...E SERIES
choose a fixed q greater than both N I and Hz. Then both (20) and (21) hold and
Dejillitum -8.41. Let f be a double sequence and let 9 be Q one-to-one function
hence defined on Z+ with range Z+ x Z+, Let G be the sequence defined by
tF(p) - at < &. ifp> N i •
Therefore, fun,__,., F(p) = a. G(n) [[,en)] if n E z+,
NOTE. A similar result holds if we interchange the roles of p and q. Then 9 is said 10 he af! arrangement of the double slYJuence f into the sequence G.
Thus the existence of the double limit lim,....",!(P. q) and oflim".. ",'/(p, q) TlurtJrefIIJ 8.42. Let .EJ1m, n) be a gilllw double series ll1ld let II be on arrongement
implies the existence of the iterated limit of the double Jlequence f into a sequence G. Then
a) 1:G(7I) converges absclutely if, and ()n~v if, I:f(m, n) eonvt!rges absolutely.
lim (lim
p-Q) , .... <a
f(p, q»).
Assuming that "'Ef(m. n) does (;f)nverge absolutely, with sum S, we hove further:
'Ibe following example shows that the convene is not true. b) L"'",j G(n) = S.
E:umple. Let c) f(m,1I) and 'i:::=j [(m, n) both converge abs()lutely.
/(p, q)
= -:1--2' (p = 1,2, ... , q = 1, 2, ... ).
d) If A.. = :E.~1 f(m. n) and B" = .L:~J f(m, n), both series ::~:>" .. and ::EB.
p + q corrtJerge absolutely and both hall/! sum S. That is,
Then lilllq.. ",[(p.q) = 0 and heD.oe Iim.,... ", (lim"...,.,j<p,q») = O. But !(p,q) = 1- ro ~ ~ ~
when p = q and/Cp, q) = ! whm p = '2q, and hmce il is clear that the double limit L L[(m, n) = L Lf(m, n) = S.
",:=.1 n=.c, 11=1 ,"=1
cannol exist in this case.
A suitable converse of Theorem 8.39 can be established by introducing the Proof Let Tk iG(I)1 + ... + IG(k)t and let
notion of uniform convergence. (This is done in the next chapter in Theorem 9.16.)
Further examples ifIustratins the behavior of double sequences are given in
Exercise 8.28.
S(p, q) = L L
..=1 JI=l
I!(m, n)l·
Then. for each k, there exists a pair (p, q) such that T. :S: S(p, q) and, eonverliely,
8.11 DOUBLE SERIES for each pair (p, q) there exists an integer r such that S(p, q) ::;; T,. These in+
equalities tell us that 1]G(n») has bounded partial sums if, and only if, I:lf(m, n)1
JJqiJUtion 8.40. Li't [be a double sequence and let s be the douMe sequence defined has bounded partial sums. This proves (a).
by the lYJuation Now assume that "Llf(m, 1'1)1 converges. Before we prove (b), we will show that
p " the sum of the series LG(n) is independent of the function g used to construct G
s{p, q) = L L!(m, 1'1). from f To see this, let h be another arrangement of the double sequence f into a
. = l It-I
sequence H. Then we have
The pair (j, s) Is called a double series ond is denoted by the symbol L",... f(m, tt) or,
more briejiJ', by "'Ef(m, n). The double serieJl ;s said to cMvt!rge 10 the sum a if G(n) = l[g(I'I)] and H(n) = f[lI(n)].
lim s(p, q) = Q. But this means that G(n) = H[k(nl], where k(n) = h- 1 [g(n)]. Since k is a one~
ta-one mapping of Z+ onto Z +. the series 'LH(n) is a rearrangement of :EG(n),
Each number f(m, n) is called II term of the douhle series and each s(p, q} is and hence bas the same sum. Let us denote this c(Jmmon $um by S'. We will
a partial sum. If "L.f{m, n) has only positive terms, it is easy to show that it con- show later that S' = S,
verges if, and only if, the set of partiall;ums is bounded. (See Exercise 8.29.) We Now t>bserve that each series in {c) is a subseries of'LG(n). Hence (c) follows
say l:..f(m, n) converges absolutely if Ilf{m, n)1 converges. Theorem 8.18 is valid from (a). Applying Theorem 8.36, we conclude that 'LA., converges absolutely
for double series. (See Exercise 8.29.) and has sum S'. The same thing is true of L.8•. 11 remains to prove that S' '" S.
D.L43 'Th. 8.44
For this purpose let T = lim."".... '" S(P, f). Given e: > 0, choose N so that ¢) Both iterated series 2:.""=1 2::'=I/(m. n) and L:'= 1:E:'~ 1f(rn, 'I) corwerge
Os: T - S(P. q) < 8/2 whenever p > Nand q > N. Now write absolutely and we have
sCPo q) = r: P
.:;111 11=1
Ef(m. n). .-1
Lf(m, lI)
.=1 • .at M,ll
Choose M so that t!ll includes aU termsflm, n) with Proof Let g be an arrangement of the double sequence I into a sequence G. Then
'1:G(II) is absolutely convergent since all the partial sums of '1:1G(n)l- are bounded
I ;$ m s: N + I. l:::;nS;N+l.. by 1::"1 :E,,"'.. I If(m, n)l. By Theorem 8.42(a). the double series :E..... f(m, n)
converges absolutely. and statements (b) and (c) also follow from Theorem 8,42.
Then t M ~ seN + I, N + 1) is a sum of terms f(m, n) with either m > N or
n > N. Therefore, if n. ~ M, we have As an application of Theorem 8.43 we prove the following theorem roncerning
double series L .f(m, n) whose terms can be factored into a function of m times
It. - s(N + 1, N + 1)1 :s T - SeN + I, N + 1) < !.
a function of n. •
Similarly, Tllurt11f1 1l.44. Let I:a.. and D. be two absolutely convergent series with sums
t A and B. respectively. Let f be the double sequence defined by the equation
IS - seN + 1, N + UI :S T SeN + 1. N + 1) <
f(m, n) = a.p..,
Thus, given £ > 0, we can always find M so that It. 81 < £ whenever n ~ M.
Since Jim...."" t" '0= S'. it follows tltat 8' = S. T1Ien L-...f(m. Ill) ronoerges absolutely and /uu the sum AB.
NOTE. The series :r.:=
1 L""= 1 f(m, n) and 2::'= 1 1::.1 f(rn, n) are c:a1led "iterated Proof. We have
series". Convergence of both iterated series does not imply their equality. For
example. suppose
I, if m = n + I, n = 1,2, ,
if m = n - I, n = 1,2, , Therefore, by Theorem 8.43. the double series I:...... a'p. converges absolutely and
f(m, n) = -I,
( hassumAB.
0, otherwise.
• -1 .-1
L!(m, n) = ~ 1, but E'" r:'" J(rn, n) = 1.
.=1 .~J Given two series :Ea.. and D •. we can always form the double series :Ef(m, n)•
where f(m, n) = a'p.. For every arrangement 9 off into a sequence G. we are led
to a further series I:G(n). By analogy with finite sums, it seems natural to refer to
8.13 A SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR .EQUALITY OF ITERATED SERIES L/(m. n} or to '1:G(n) as the "product" ofI:a. and :Lb.. and Theorem 8.44 justifies
Theorem 8.41. LetI be a complex-valued double sequence. Assume that I::'= [f(m, n) this terminology when the two given series :Ea.. and D. are
absolutely convergent.
converges absolutely lor each fixed m and thot However. if either :Eo.. or D. is conditiona/ly convergent, we have no guarantee
that either Lf(m. n) or 1:G(n) win converge. MORover. if one of them does
1'1-1 l:Ial
L: If(m, n)l,
converge. its sum need not be AB. The convergence and the sum will depend on
the arrangement g. DifFerent choices of9 may yield different values of the product.
'Ihere is one very imponant case in which the terms fern, n) are arranged "diag-
converges. Then:
onally" to produce I:G(n). and then parentheses are inserted by grouping together
a) The double series :E..,.. }tm, n) converges absolutely. those terms a",bn for which m + n has a fixed value. This product is called the
b) The series !::: 1 Am, n) conr;erges absolutely for each n. Cauchy product and is defined as follows:
C.. E" Q...b,,-Io.'
= 1.-0 ifn=O.1.2.... (22)
The series I:.,"'.o c" is CII1led tile Cauchy product of Dr.. and D •. '" '"
:s: ~. L
2K l~O
la.1 + M L
laal < ~ + .:
2 2
= e.
NOTE. The Cauchy product arises in a natural way when we multiply two power
series. (See Exercise 8..33.) This proves that eJ> ..... 0 as p -+ 00. aDd hence Cp -+ AS as p -4 00.
Because of Theorems 8.44 and 8.13. absolute convergence of both Dr.. and A related theorem (due to Abel). in which DO absolute convergence is assumed,
Lb.. implies convergence of the Cauchy product to the value will be proved in the next chapter. (See Theon:m 9.32.)
Another product, known as the Dirichlet product. is of particular importance
(23) in the Theory of Numbers. We take DO - ho = 0 and, instead of defining c. by
(22). we use the formula
This equation may fail to hold if both L4. and Lb.. are conditionally convergent. (n - 1,2•..• ), (25)
(Sec Exercise 8.32.) However. we can prove that (23) is valid if at least one of
La", Lb. is absolutely convergent. where LI" means a sum extended over all positive divisors of 11. (including I and
~1l.46(Merte8). A.s:sume that I::'.o a. converges ~utely _ has sum n). For example, c, ... alb, + Qzb) + aab2 + a6 b h and c, = <lIb, + a,b 1 •
The analog ofMertens' theorem holds also for this product. The Dirichlet product
.4, _suppose I:'.. o h. comJt!rges with sum B. Then the Cauchy product of these
arises in a natural way when we multiply Dirichlet series. (See Exercise 8.34.)
two series converges and has sum AB.
Proof Define A.. = 1::=0 a.... B" = 1::-0 hi. C" = 1::.0 cJt, where cJt is given by
(22). Let d" = B - B,. and e'" = 1::-0 aA.-a. Then IUS CESARO SUMMABll.JTY
'. f
lhjilfilio" 8.47. Let s.. denote the nth portial sum of the series La", _let {u..} be
(24) the sequence of flrithmetic means defined by
i!n=I.2.... (26)
ifn ~ k,
un < k. The series La.. is said to be Culiro summllble (or (c, I)summable) if {a"l CQI1Derges.
If lim....", a.. = S, thell S is called the Cesaro sum (or (C, 1).rum) of'£plj, and we
Then (24) becomes
l' It p, II' II'-l " La.. S (C, I).
C" - E :E 1.(1) = .-0
10.-0 .-0
L ,:E
"'. 0lb ._Jt - E at :E 6... = :E a~;_"
."'0' ",-0 ""0 Example 1. Let D. == z·,lrl I, z #; I. Then
I z· (J _ I _ t z(l - z")
8 =------ and
" t-z I-z " - I - Z II (1 - z)2 •
To complete the proof, it suffices to show that ep ..... 0 as p -4 00. The sequ.enee Therefore,
{d..} converges to 0, since B = :Eb... Choose M> 0 so that 1tJ.1 s: M for all n,
and let X = 2:.."'.0 la"l. Givens> O. choose N so thatn > Nimplies IdJ < 1l/(2K)
and also so that
In particular,
~ (~rl"-I ,. ! <c.. 1).
Jactor oj tile product. The following symbols are used te denote the prtxJuct dfdined
by (28):
lim sup q .. = i. lim inf u" = 0, OIl
J:I_CO ........ /Xi
,,-I fl". (29)
and hence 1:<- (),,+1/f is not (c, 1) itummablc.
TluNm!m 8.411. If /I Beries is clJIWergent with sum S, then it is also (C. 1) summable
NOTE. The symbol n:"'N+l u. means II:'-l UN+.' We also write nu" when there
is no danger of misunderstanding.
with Cestiro sum S.
By analogy with infinite series. it would seem natural to call the product (29)
Proof. Let a" denote the nth partial sum of the series, define 11. by (26), and convergent if {p,,} converges. However, this definition would be inconvenient
introduce t" s. - S, 'f.. = 0'" - S. Then we have since every product baving one factor equal to zero would converge, regardless of
the behavior of the remaining factors. The following definition turns out to be
(21) more useful:
DtJ./iIrition 8.58, Given tl1I infinite product ILl(>w I "". let P.. = rr:= 1 lit·
and we must prove that 'f.. -+ 0 as 11 .... 00. Choose II > 0 so that each It..1 :<; A.
Given It > 0, choose N so that n > N implies It,,1 < e. Taking 11 > N in (27),
a) If infinitely many factors u.. are zero, we SO)' the product diverges to zero.
we obtain b) If no factor Ii" is zero, we say the product conoerges if there exurs a number
p '" 0 suelt tltat (p.} converges to p. In this case, p is aJled the value oj the
proiluct and we write p = n:"l u". If {p..} c01Werges to zero. we say the product
diverges to zero.
Hence, lim sup.... ., IT"I ~ 8. Since 8 is arbitrary, it follows tbat lim....'" 11:,,1 = o. c) If there exists an N such that" :> N implies u.. -# 0, we say rr:~ 1 u" converges,
provided that n:"N+lu" corwerges as described in (b). In this case, the value
NOTE. We have really proved that if a seqlKlnce {s,,} converges" then the sequence of tire product IL"'= I "" U ..,
{a..} of arithmetic means also converges and. infaet, to the same limit.
U1U2~"Ull: II "JI'
Cesaro sunnnability is just one of a larp class of ··slJ.IJUDability mmhOOs"
which can he used to assign a "sum" to an infinite series. Tbeorem 8.43 and d) n~'= 1 U.. is called di»ergen, if it does not converge as described in (b) or (c).
Example I (following Definition 8.47) show us that Cesaro's method has a. wider
Note that the value of a convergent infinite product can be zero. But this happens
scope than ordinary convergence. The theory of aummability methods is an
if, and only if, a finite number of factors are zero. The convergence of an infinite
important and fascinating subject, but one which we cannot enter into here. For
product i.s not affected by inserting or removing a finite number of factors, zero or
an excellent account of the subject the .reader is referred to Hardy's Divergent
not. It is this fact which makes Definition 8.50 very convenient.
Sma (R.erererte:e 8.1). We shall see later that (c, 1) summability plays an impor·
tant rote in the theory of Fourier series. (See Theorem 11.1 S.) EumpJe. n:'' '1
(I + l/n) and n:=2
(1 - II") are both divergent. In tbe fin! case,
PIt n + I, and in the ~nd case, P. = lin.
rhMJrem 8.51 (CfllIC!ry C9/iditiq" fiJI' prodRcts). The infinite proiluct Ilu. con-
verges if., ond only if, for ellery 8 > 0 thert' exists an N such thaI rt :> N implies
This section gives a brief introduction to the theory of infinite products.
lu,,+ ,11,,+2'" ll..H II < Il, for k = 1,2,3,... (30)
~ 8.49. GivtlI a sequence {Ii,,} ojretl1 or complex numbers, let
Proof. Assume that the product nu.
converges. We can assume that no Ii" is
.. zero (discarding a few terms if necessary). Let p" ". "I ...
u,. and p ... lim..... '" P...
'2 = tl 1112' p~ = tll"Z ••• u" = II Ut· (28) Then p '" 0 and bence tbere exists an- M > 0 such that Ip..1 > M. Now {p,,}
satisfies the Cauchy condition for sequences. Hence, given IJ > 0, there is an N
The ordered pair of sequences ({U,,}. {P,,}) is called on infinite product (or simply, such that n > N implies Ip.u - p.1 < 8M for k = 1,2,... Dividing by Ip.l,
a product). The numhf!l p.. is coiled tire nth ptlal product 1mf1 Ii. is t:oJled the nth we obtain (30).
- Now asSl,IlD.e that condition (3O) holds. Then If > N implies u~ 'I- O. [Why?]
Take £ = tin (30l,let No be the corresponding N, and let q. "No+1UNo+2 ••• u..
NOTE. Theorem 8.52 tells us that n(l + a,,} converges absolutely if, and only if.
2;a.. converges absolutely. In Exercise 8.43 we give an example in which + oJ no
if n > No. Then (30) implies < Iq,,1 < !. Therefore, if {q,,} converges. it cannot converges but La. diverges.
converge to zero. To show that {q.} does converge, let 8 > 0 be arbitrary and
write (30) as follows: A result analogous to Theorem 8.52 is the following:
Iq;:· - 11 < E.
T1IetJrnn 8.55. Assume that each a,. ~ O. Then the product
if, and only if, the series D. converges.
nu - a.,) converges
This gives us Iq.+. - q.1 < elq.1 < IE. Therefore, {q.} satisfies the Cauchy Proof. Convergence of:Ea" implies absolute convergence (and hence convergence)
condition for sequences and hence is convergent. This means that the product of no - aJ.
nu. converges. . To prove the converse. assume that :Ea" diverges. If (a.} does not converge to
zero, then ITO - aJ also diverges. Therefore we can assume that a• ..... 0 as
NOTE. Taking k'" 1 in (30), we find that convergence of implies nUll n -+ co. Discarding a few terms if necessary. we can assume that each a" ~ !-
u. = I. For this reason, the factors ofa product are written as U" = 1 + 0".
lim,,~ ""
Then each factor I - a,. :::: t (and hence '" 0). Let
Thus convergence of n(1 + ti,,) implies lim.._"" Q.. = O.
P. = (l - a.)(l - a2) ..• (l - oJ. q. = (I + a\)(1 + U;l) ••• (1 + aJ·
Tlt«Jrym 8.52. Assume that each a" > O. Then the product ITO + a.,) converges
if, and only if. the series D. conllerges. Since we have
/kfinitiolt. 8.51. The product IT(l + 17..) is said to converge absolutely ifnO + la,,1)
and eadl elf ;t O. Therefore we have b) Lim sup... .., (aAJ :s; (lim sUP.._.., a.,){Jim suP".. "" b,J if a,. > 0. b. > 0 for all 11"
and if both lim sup"..... a.. and lim suP...."" b. are finite or both are infinite.
IL3 Pro"" Theorems 8.3 and 8.4,
8.4 H each a. > 0. pro"" that
where Ll is summed over those n having all their prime factors ~P.... By the
unique factorization theorem (Theorem 1.9). each such n occurs once and only lim inf O.+l s lim inf~;: s lim sup ~;: :s; lim sup
once in L1' Subtracting P", from ns) we get 11-+<0 a. If"'~ ~«:) It.... CO a.
.., 1 1 1 8.5 IAt a.. = "rt/n!. Show tbat limN"" o,,+llo. = e and use Exercise 8.4 to deduce that
((8) p .. =L .. -I II'
1 n' rf
lim - " -
......, (nl)l/.
= e.
where 1:2 is summed over those n having at least one prime factor> P.. Since these
II oc:cur among the integers > P•• We have 8.6 Let {a.} be a real-valued seqwma:: and let 0 .. "" (al + ... + o,,){n. Show that
lim inf a. :s; lim inf 0 .. :s; tim sup 0 .. s Um sup 0 ...
K_m ._00 .~~ .... ~
8.7 Find lim suP.... '" 1'1.. and lim inf.... "" Q. if a" is given by
As m -I> ro the last sum tends to 0 because D-'" converges. so P", --4 '(s).
To prove that the product converges absolutely we use Theorem 8.52. The a) n. c)nsin
The seriesLat converges absolutely since it is dominated by D -S. Therefore NOTE. In (f), Lx:] denoies the greatest integer :s: x.
no + at) also converges absolutely. U Let a.. = 2../;; - ll"'l II·/ie Prove that the lleq\lCllce {a.} convergn to a limit J1
in the interval 1 < p < 2.
In each of Exercises 8..9 through 8.14, show that the real·valued sequence {a.} is ron-
vergent. The given conditions are llSSUmcd to hold for all n ;;: 1. In E1l.etcises 8.10
through 8.14, show that (a.} has the limit L indicated.
8.1 a) Given a real·valued sequence {o,,} bounded above, let u,. sup {aa : k .II}. &9 10..1:s; 2. 10..... 2 - QHll S II«iH - 0;1.
Then II,,"'" and hence U = lim,.... '" II" is either finite or - OJ. Prove that
8.10 al i!: O. 02 2: 0, a,,+2 (a.,a.+l)1I2, L (alaiYI3.
U = lim sup a.. = lim (sup (a.t: k <!: tI}).
"-(lO ...... ~ 1.11 al = 2, 02 8. QIdl = Malo + a1.",,1), lJ2o +2 == 0;z.,42.-1 , L = 4.
b) Similarly, if (a,,} is bounded below, prove that
V = tim inf a" = lim (mf ta: k ;;: n}). IU2 /1'1 = 3a,.+ 1 = 2 + a:, L = I. Modify til to make L = - 2.
3(1 +
If U and V are finite, show that: 3, tl,,+I"" - - • L = ../3.
3 + 0..
l,l) There exists a. subsequence of fa.} whkh oon~ tp U and a subsequence
whkh Cl,lnverges to V. b" b
1 + .JS
8.t4 aM ........±.!
11,,' whereh I 2 = i •b0+1 b.. +,,+1>
bL 2
d) If U"" Y, e1I'IlrJ subsequence of {a.. } converges to U.
tu Given two :real-valued sequences {a..} and lb.} bounded below. Prove that Hint, Show that boub" b~+1 = (-lr+ 1 and deduce that 10" - Q".t! < ,.-2. if'
a) lim sUP.._"" (a.. + b.l :s; lim sup.._ .. alf + lim suP..... ", bit' n> 4.
Series B.1t Use Theorem 8.23 to derive the following fonnuJas:
8.15 Tat for converxence (1' and q denote fixed real numbers).
a) ~k
II log k
= :2t l~ + A + 0 (log
If) (A is constant).
b) ~ (log n)"
" 1
~ k log k ... log (log II)
. (I)
+ B + 0 n log II (B is constant).
E II'tf' '" 1
= I::'-o (If + a)-So
.-1 (p > 0),
d) ~n' _".. (0 <: q <: 1'), fU,1 If 0 < a S J, &' > I, define {(s, a)
f} t-
..-1 II'
~ 'I
(0 <: q <: 1'),
a) Show tbat this ll¢rie$ converges absolutely for s > 1 and prove that
S-) 11 Jog (1 + lIn)' h) ~ (log 1l'f't'''' where C{z) '(s, l) is the Riemann zeta function.
b) Prove that L~l (- rr- 1 /". = (1 - 21 -")C(s) ih >' 1.
log (log log 11)"
._3 11 If
j) i; (log )~g ,J".", 8.22 Given a convergent series La... where each Q" ~ O. Prove that r..,{;,.,.-l' WDVeqes
if l' > t. Give a countel'fllWnP1e for l' - t .
E (~ - 11), '" 1 I )
--E... (va I)",
L R'(~
- ..r;, ,
L '
«=4II+J k
k •
8.26 Determine all real values of x for which the following series conv«ps:
. . (I
:E 1+ ....... +-I) -
sin - . IfX
• =1 2. n n
a) Use formula (8) to prove that Iim._,.., x. log (plq).
b) When q = I, l' = 2, show that &'2.0 = x .. and deduce thai 8.n ProYe the fonowiog statements:
«l (_l)H1 a) D..b.converges ifIA. converges and ifI(b. - b"+1) converges absolutely.
E-- '" log 2.
II=J 11
hI D..b.. oooverges If'DI" has bounded partial sums and if!:(b. - b.+ t) conv«ga.
absolutely, provided that b• .... 0 as n .... t:Q.
c) Rearranze tbe series in (b), writing alternately l' positive lerms followed by q
negative terms and use (a) to show that this rearrangement has sum
log:2 +- 1 log (1'1'1). 8.28 Investigate the existence of the two iterated limits and the double limit of the double
d) Find the sum OQ:..""=1 (-Iyr+ 1(1/(311 - 2) - lIOn _I». seq11e'l'lCC: [defined by
1.:19 Lerc.
= a. + Ib",wbereo. = (-IY'/-J;', b. 0= 1/,,2. SbowtbatIcwisoondiuonally I
a) /(1'. 'I) = - " - ,
b) [(p, q) --.
c) !(P, q) ~ d)f(p, q) = (_1)1'+17 (~ + ;), 8.34 A series of the form L"".I aJrf is caLled a DirichItJ' ;series. Giwn two absolutely
CODVCJ"gCI\t Diridtlct serielI. say 'L....... l aJlf and r:'al bJIf. having sums A(.f) and B(8),
e) !(p, q) = f) !(J1, q) = (_])1'+4, =
respectively, show that r:'.1 c,,/If A(s)B(a) where c" Eil" aJ>..,fl'
8.35 If C(s) = L"'-I Ilff, is > I, show thai ,2(~) '" :r:..l d(n)/ff, where d(n) is the
number of pOlIitive divisors of It (including I and 11').
g) rep, q)
h)f(p, q) = """2 E
p " • J.l
q ."'1
SIn ,
Cftil.ro IlI1OO1IIlIJiIty
AfIStlIer. Double limil exists in (a), (d), (e), (g). Both iterated limits exist in (a), (b), (h).
Only one iterated limit exists in (c), (e). Neither iterated limit exim in (d), (t). 3.36 Show that each of the following series has (C, l) sum 0:
1.19 Prove the following statements: a)I-1-1+1+111+1+1 ++'''.
a) A double series of positive terms converges if. and oply if, the set of partial sums b) ! _e 1 + , + ! - 1 + :t + ! - 1 + + - .. , .
c) Q)S x + cos Jx + cos 5x + ... (x real. x ¢ nm).
b) A dQuble series convuges if it conVerge.<> ab$olutely.
c) ~.,.e-(III'-+"") converges.. 8.37 Given a series DJ." let
b) IfLa. is (C,l) llummable, then:Ea..oonverges if, and only if, t" = o(n)a.s n... 00,
&31 H II is real, show that tbe double series L...,,, (m + iIf)-O: convt:cges absolutely if, c) IP. is (C, I) summabl.e if, and only if, r."'..1 1.111(11 + I) converges.
and only if, it > 2. Hint. Let s<P. q) :: 1::"11::-1 1m + i"I-"'. The set 1.38 Givtln a monotonic ~ {a,.} ofpooitive terms, such that Iim"..", a" "" O. Let
{m + in:m = 1,2, .... p,n = I,2, .... p}
consists of pl complex numbers of which ope has absolute value .J2, three satisfy 0.. = E" (-I)t't.
II + 211 ~ 1m + i.1 :s Z./Z, five satisfy II + 3;1 ,.,; 1m + inl ~ 3.J2, etc. Verify this Prov.e that:
seometrically and deduce the ioequality a) v. ill. + 11'8,,/2,
b) r:~1 (-I)""" is (C, l) summabJe and has Cesaro sum! r:'.l (-I)"a",
2-../:1 E.1'211-1
,.,; s(p,p)"'; E"211 I
. I::'.l (-I,r(l + ! + ... + = -1og.J2
• =1 "' ,,=1 + c) 1/n) (C, I).
1.3:! a) Show that the Caucbyproduct ofL:'=o (- rr+!/·J"~+I with itselfiu divergent
h) Show thai the Cauchy Jlf'oouct ofE."'.,o (-I)"+I/(n + J) with itself is the series 8.39 Determine whether or not the following infinite products converge, Find the value
'" (_1)"+1 (1 I) of each l;011vergeD.t product.
~ this converge? Why?
"-I + I
2 It
a) it (I - ;(~m~ 1») , .,
1.)3Given two absolutdyoonversent poweI' series, llll.y L:.o V and'L..""=o b.,x". having
sums A(x) and B(x). respectively. show that L"'so c.,x" A(x)B(x) where
IT ,,3 + 1 '
d) 11 (t + z~') if Izj < J.
8.40 If each partial sum s. of the l;011~t series La" is Dot zero and if the sum itsdf
is not zero, show that the iDdnite product tll II:'.2 (I + a,,/S._I) converges and hll.ll the
valu~ I::, 1 a".
D6 217
tlAl Filld the valUCI of the following products by establishing the foJlowitl8 identities and Use the formula of &en.:ise J.49(c) to daduce the mcqual.Ry
summing the urios: m(Zm - J)si" • 1 2m(m + ')r"
b; k" <
IT. , (I + - I) "" ro. IT"" (1 + 1) . , I 3(2m + If < 3(2m + 1)2
- == 2 L:
..=2 2" 2 "-I
"~;l r -- -1 == 2L:-~-
.." + I 11(11. Now Jet m'" co to obtain (2) = 16.or
1.41. Determine all real x foc wb~h the product n:. I cos (xf2") converges and find the ....,. Vie an ~ t similar to that outlined in Exercise 8.46 to prove that {(4) rc4/90.
value of the product when it does converge.
8.43 a) Let a" "'" (-IY'/~ for 11. 1,2,... Show that nO + 0,,) diverges but that
I:a.. con~.
b) L.eh zll - 1 == -1/';;;,02.. = 1/,{;, + 1/llfou 1,2, ... Show that ITo + a,) 8.l HI.IRI)'. G. R•• DirJergelft Series. Oxtord University .Press, (bford, 1949.
CODVef1C'l but that :Ea" d.iverges. U Hils<:.hmann, I. J•• lRfUrit« Sen.,. Holt. IUoebart and Winston. New York, 1962.
...... Assume that a" 2: 0 for eadl 11. = 1,2,... Assume fu.rther that U I.:l:lopp, It.• 77Irory aIId ~ of Jnjitflt~ &riu., 2nd cd. R. C. Youug, traJl$..
lator. Hafner. New Ymt.::. 1~.
Show that n:=1 (I + (-ltak) CODVCf'ICS if, and only if, I::"., (-Ita. converges.
lAS A complex-valued sequence (f(n)} is called multiplicative if I{l) ~ I and if [(mn) ==
I{m)[(n) whe:oe\'er m and Jf ace relatively prime. (See Section 1.7.) It is called com-
pletely multiplWztilJe if
Now put x "" lor/(2m + I). where k and m are integers, with I ~ It; ~ lIf, and sum on k
to obtain
is called the limit function of the sequence {fir}, and we say that fl.} converges
pointwise 10 / on the set S. • •
Our chief interest in this chapter is the following type of question: If each
function of a sequence {fa} has a certain property. such as continuity, differen-
tiability, or integrability, to what extent is this property transferred to the limit
function? For example, if each function /.. is continuous at c, is the limit function
f(z) = lim /. (:r).
faI'SO continuous at c1 We shall see that, in general, it is not. In fact., we tihaU .····il.
find that pointwise convergence is usually not strong enough to transfer any of tbe
properties mentioned above from. tbe individual terms.r,. to the limit function f.
Therefore we are led to study stronger methods of convergence that do preserve
these properties. The most important of these is the notion of uniform convergence. EumpIe t. A sequence of ccntinU/1us /Illretions with a discontinuous limit function. Let
Before we introduce uniform convergence, let us formulate one of our basic f.,(x) "" x 2w/(1 + xJ.1t) if x t=: R, II 1, 2,... The graphs of a few terms are shown in
questions in another way. Wben we ask whether continuity of each/.. at c implies Fig.. 9.1. In this case lim"..."" fJ..x) exists for every real x. and the limit fuoctionjis given by
continuity of the limit function fate, we are reaIly asking whether the equation if Ixl < I,
lim f,lx) "" J..(c), /(x) = {! if Ixl = I,
if Ix\ > 1.
implies the equation Each /" is continuous on R, but f is discontinuous at x I and x = - I.
limf(x) ;;; f(c). (I)
EXBmpIe 2. A sequem:eojfunctiuusjorwhichlim"-.,,, JAJ;.(x.) dx #: fA lim........ f..(x) dx. Let
Therefore our question about continuity amounts to this: Can we interchange the
limit symbols in (2)? We shall see that, in general, we cannot. First of all, the = 11
(l - I)t" dt n2+ 1 - n 11+ 2 "" ...._---=:":..-_ _
limit in (I) may not exist. Secondly, even if it does exist, it need not be equal to ••
(If + I)(n + 2)
S 2
If the same Nworks equally well for every point in S, the convergence is said to be
uniform on S. That is, we have
~ 9.1. A sequence ollunctions {fa} ;s said to C01Wef'ge uniformly to f on a
set S if, /01' every 8 :> 0, there exists an N (depending only on e) such that 11 :> N
f/"(x) - I(x)' < e, 101' erery j; in S.
We denote this symbolicaUy by writing
t.. - / uniformly on S.
When each term of the sequence {fJ is real-valued, there is a useful geometric
interpretation of uniform convergence. The inequality II.(x) - f(x)f < e is then
equivalent to the two inequalities
f(x) Ii < I.(x) < I(x) + t. (3)
If (3) .is to hold for all n :> N and for all oX in S. this means that the entire graph
off,. (that is, the set {(x, y) : y l.(x1 x E Sn lies: within a. "band" of heiaht 2s
situated symmetrically about tbe graph off. (See Fig. 9.4.)
so lim....... IAf.,(x) Ibt ,. I. In od1cr wonIs, tho limit of tho inteanda is not equal to tho
integral of the limit fUlM:tion. ~ tho 0J)IlI'tl.ti00s or "limit" and "intepatiOO"
cannot always be~_
...... 3. A ~ 01t/iJfemrtiabk /IIlrctfmfs {J.,) whir liMIt 0 for wItkh U;;} divt!rgtIs.
Let I.!..x) =: (sin IIX)/.[;, if x E R, " = I, 2. . " Then lim"...., ItAx) "" 0 for ew:ry x. But
fJ.~) = J" oos IIX, so lim,,_,., 1:I.:x) does not exist for any x. (See Fig, 9.3.)
n :> N implies fl.(x) - f(x)1 < ~ lim lim !,,(x) lim Iim/.(x).
Tb.. '.7
PrQQf. If c is an isolated point of S, then I is automatically continuous at e. Theorem 9.3 is valid in this more general setting and, if S is a metric space, Theorem
Suppose, then, that e is an accumulation point of S. By hypothesis, for every 9.2 is also valid. '"I"he same proofs go through, with the appropriate replacement
£ > 0 there is an M such that n ~ M implies oethe Euclidean met:ri<l by the metrics d, and dr. Since we are primarily interested
in real· or complex.valued functions defined on subsets of R or of C, we will not
If"(x) - f(x)! < ~ for every x in S. pursue this extension any further except to mention the following example.
:EDDIpIe. Consider the metric Splice (B(S), d) of all bounded real-valued functions on a
Since fM is continuous at c, there is a neighborhood B(e) such that x E.' B(e) n S nonempty set S. with metric d{f. g) 1/ gil, where II/II = sUPus l/(x)j ill the sup
implies norm. (See.Exercise 4.66.) Then f" / in the metric space (B(S), d) if and only iff" -+ f
uniformly on S. In other word&, unifonn convergence on S is the same as ordinary con·
If.v<x} - fHtc)1 <; ; • vergence in the metric space (B(S), d).
I/(x) - l(c)1 ::;: I/(x) f.w<x)1 + Ifr,,(x) - fM(c)1 + IfAl(c) - /(c)l. 9.6 UNIFORM CONVERGENCE OF INFlNI1E SERIES OJ? WNCTIONS
If x e B(e) n S, each term on the right is less than 6/3 and hence I/(x) - f(c)1 < B. Dejilritiga ·9.4. Given Q sequence f/.} 01functions defined on a Ht S. For each x in
This proves the theorem. S,let
NOTE. Uniform convergence of f/.} is sufficient but not necessary to transmit s..(x) = E" hex)
I:~ I
(n = 1,2, ... ). (4)
continuity from the individual terms to the limit function. In Example 2 (Section
9.2), we have a nonuniformly convergent sequence of continuous functions with If there exi$ts a function I meh that SII - I uniformly on S, we say the series "£J..(x)
a continuous limit function. convergea uniformly on S and we write
(uniformly on 8).
T1Ieore. 9.3. Let {/.} be a sequen.ce offuncriONJ defined on a set S. There existl U
'l7u!orem 9.5 (CtlMClly ~ IDr _form comter,ellCt! of1IeTies). TIu! itffinite series
function 1 meh that J. -+ f uniformly on. S if. and only if. the following COIIdition.
L/,,(x) converges uniformly on S if, and only if, for every e > 0 there is an N such
(called the Cauchy condition) is satisfied: For every r > 0 tlu!re exists on N sudl
that m > Nand n > N implies thai n > N implies
N (depending only on Il) such that 11 ~ N implies T1IetJre. 9.7. AlSUme thot U(x) = f(x) (uniformly on. S). [leach!. is contimfqua
drl./,(x),/(x» <; I.l for all x in S. at a point Xo of S, then I is also continuous at Xc'
Proof, Define 3.. by (4). Continuity of each f. at Xo implies continuity of 8 at "a, b) E r whenever (a, b) e [0, I] )( [0, J]. For this purpose we write Q and b
and the conclusion follows at DDa: from Theorem 9.2.
XI), " in the binary system. That is, we write
Na'l'E. If X o is an accumulation point of S, this theorem permits us to interchange
limits and infinite sums. as follows:
flO '"
where each a" and each b. is either 0 or I. (see Exercise 1.22.) Now let
lim E f..(x) = E
x-JlI:.I:I=l 1e-1
Jim f,.(x).
;~~' I
We ~ ap~IY Theorem 9.7 to construct a space-jilling curve. This is a continuous
Oearly, 0 :S: c S 1 since 2E:'=1 3-· ... L We will show that/1(c) =Q and that
hJc) = b.
curve 1ft R that passes through every point of the unit square [0, 1] x [0, I]. If we can prove that
Peano (l890) w~s the first to give an example of such a curve. The example to be
presented here IS due to I. J. Schoenberg (Bulletin 01 the Americdn MothemtltiCtJI f/JlYc) == CH 1> for each k = O. 1. 2, . . . • (5)
SOCiety, 1938) and can be described as foUows:
then we will baveq,(3 21o - 2 C) h 1
C2,,-1 = a" and ¢(3 - c) "" c2.B """ b.., alld this
Let ¢ be defined on the interval [0, 2] by the following formulas:
will give us/1 (c) = a.};(c) b. To prove (5), we write
0, ~r.o ;5; t ;5; l. or if i ~ t ;5; 2, ,
¢(t) = 31 - I, If! ~ t s; i,
{ I,
-3t + 5,
if t
~ t s; j:,
1;5; 4.
t;<t + 2) = 4'(t).
This makes 4> periodic with period 2. (The graph of'" is shown in Fig. 9.5.) 1
,p{3"c) = f/J(d}).
If 4+1 := 0, then we have 0 :s; t4 :s; 2L"'.z ;r" = t, and hence t/J{dJ = O.
Therefore. t/J{3~c) := CHI in this case. 'l'be only other case to consider is "'1+ 1 ... l.
But 1hen we get i :'S: di. ;5; I and hence q,(dJ := L Therefore, tPWc) = 4+1 in
all ca.ses and this proves that/.(c) "" a.!z(c) = b. Hence, rfills the unit square.
~,C\,Q,C\,I t""',;;,
-2 -1 0 :1::1 4
"{~~ ,
TMtJrem 9.8. Lela: be t)j' bounded r>tII'iation on [d. b]. Asmme that each term 01
Now define two functions/1 and}; by the following equations: the 8e{Jtl£IfCf! {f.} is a real-valued jUnctimt such tltat /" e R(eI} on [a, b] for ellen
If = 1,2., .. Auume thatf. - lunilormJyon [a, b] anddejineg..(x) J:/,,(t)da(t)
11(1) = f:. 4>(3 2"
t) , 11(t) = f; :,.:_--"
.~1 2"
ifXE [a,b],,, = 1,2, ... The" weharJe:
Proof. We can assume tbat IX is: increasing with <X(a) < a,(b). To prove (a), we
will show that f satisfies Riemann's condition with CC5pect to IX on [a, b]. (See
Theorem 7.19.)
Given Ii > O. choose N so that :I
< IU(P, fiN' all + IL(P, I IN. IX)l + ; :S e. 50 lim~_", S&J.(x) dx = IU(x) dx ~ O.
This proves (a). To prove (b), let l> > 0 be given and choose N so that The sequence in the foregoing example, although not uniformly oonveraent
on [0, 1], is uniformly convergent on every closed subinterval of [0, 1] not con-
IUt) - 1(1)1 < --,-_.I:=.......-._ taining 1. The next theorem is a general result which permits term-by-term inte-
- a(a)] ,
gration in examples of this type. The added ingredient is that we assume that {!.}
for all n > N and every t in [a, b]. If x e [a, bJ, we have is uniformly bounded 0:0 [«. b] and that the limit function f is integmble.
De.,/illitiJ'l. !).]O. A 8eqUelfce 01jimcti01l8 {I.} is said to be boundedly convergent on
111.(x) - g(x)1 :S J.",. IJ..(t) - I(t) I da;(t) :S a;(x)~
a(b) - a;(u) 2
~ ::s: e < e.
2 .1 T if {I.} is pointwi8e oom;ergent and URiformly bmmded on T.
This proves that 9..... g uniformly on [a, h]. 1'1It!t1relft !J.11. Let {f.} be a boundedly convergent sequence on [Q, bJ. Assume that
each / .. e R on [a. b], and that tire limit function Ie R on b]. Assume also that
TMtH'I!lIIJ 9.9. Let IX be lifboundedflariatwn on [a, b] andanume that Lf,,(x) f(x) there is apartition P o/[a, b], say
(unifl),.",'Y on [a, b]), where tach I" is a reaf..valuedluttelion such thatf. € RCa) on
[a, b]. Then we have: P = {xo. XI> ••. , x",},
a) fe R(IX) on [a, oJ. such thot, on every .fUbintetTlfll [c. d] not containing any ofthe poims Xl> the sequence
{f..} converges unifonnJ.y to f Then we have
b) ,: 2:.,'<l=1.l.(1) &xCI) :E:'= I r=.r..(I) th(t) (uniformly on [a, bJ).
Proof. Apply Theorem 9.8 to the sequence of parlial sums. lim ~. };,(I) dt = i lim f.(t) dt = fb f(t) dt. (6)
NOTE. This theorem is described by saying that II uniformly convergent series
iII-QI) J~ J. Jj-(() •
can be integrated term by term. Proof. Since I is bounded and {J..} is uniformly bounded, there is a positive
numbe[ M such that If(x)! s: M and If,,(x) I ::s: M for all X in [0, b) and all
11 ;;:: l. Given IJ > 0 such that :a < IIPII, let It. = a/(2m), when: m is the number
of subintervals of P, and consider a new partition P' of [a, b] given by
Uniform convergence is a sufficient but not a necessary condition for term-by-
P' = {xo, Xo + h. Xl h. X~ + h, ... , x.._ 1
+ h,.T.. ~ h, x..}.
- h, X",_I
term integration. as is seen by the following example. Since II -I.I is integrable on [a, b] and bounded by 2M, the sum or the integrals
n.9.13 Uniform C~ a.... Dilren:ntiation
of II - .1.1 taken over the intervals TIteorem 1M3. Assume that each term 01 U:} is Q rl!QI-valued function having a
[X.,. Xo + h]. [Xl - h, Xl + h).
..., [XlII - 1 - h. Xm - I + h], [x.. - h, XIII]' finite derivative at each point ofan open interval (a, b). Assume that lor at least one
point Xl) in (a, b) the sequel'lce {f.(xo)} converges. Assume further that there exists
is at most 2M(2mh) = 2Me. The remaining portion of [a, b] (caJI it S) is the alunctlon 9 such llull I~ -+ 9 uniformly on (a, b). Then:
union of a finite number of closed intervals, in each of which Cr.} is uniformly
convergent tof Therefore, there is an integer N (depending only on 6) such that a) There exists afunctionf such thatf. -+ I uniformly on (a, b).
for all X in S we have b) For each x in (a, h) the derivative rex) exists and equals g(x).
I/(x) - IJx)1 < s whenever n :2: N. Proof. Assume tbat c e (0, b) and define a new sequence {gft} as follows:
Hence the sum orthe integrals of II - 1.1 over the intervals of S is at most r.(b - a),
/,,(X) - f.{c)
so if x =f. c,
This proves that f:J..(x) dx -!' J:/(x) dx as n ..... 00. The sequence {g.} so formed depends on the choice of c. Convergence of (gft(e)}
follows from the hypothesis,. since g,,(c) =:: I;(c). We will prove next that {g.}
There is a stronger theorem due to Arzelil. which makes no reference whatever
converges unifonnly on (a, b). If x + c, we have
to uniform convergence.
TkoT(mf 9.12 ("-,zeta). Assume that {J..} is bounded/y conlJerg~nf on [a,b] and .sup- UJ.x) - g..(x} = hex}x - h(e)
pose each 1. is Riemann.-integrable on [a, b]. Assume aigO that the limit function c
I is Riemann-integrable on [a. h]. Then
;~n;, r r
I.(x) dx = ;~~ f.(x) dx = f
The proof of Arzela's theorem is considerably more difficult than that of
I(x) dx. (7)
where h<x)
J..(x) - Im(x). Now 1I'(x) exists for each x in (a, b) and has the value
- I:"(x). Applying the Mean-Value Theorem in (9), we get
Theorem 9.11 and win not be given here. In the next chapter we shall prove a where Xl lies between X and c. Since {I';} converges uniformly on (a, b) (by hy-
theorem on Lebesgue iotegralll which includes Arula's theorem as a special case. pothesis), we can use (10), together with the Cauchy condition (Theorem 9.3),
(See Theorem 10.29). to 4educe that {gn} converges uniformly on (a, b).
N(}w we can show that fl.} converges uniformly on (a, b). Let us form the
NOTE. It is easy to give an example of a boundedly convergent sequence {f.} particular sequence {g.} corresponding to the sj:leClal point c x., for which
of Riemann-integrable functions whose limit f is not Riemann-integrable. If {f.,(xo)} is assumed to converge. From (8) we Clln write
{r], r1' ..• } denotes the set of rational numbers in [0, I], define f.(x) to have the
value 1 if x r. for all k = I, 2, ...• n. and put I.(x) 0 otherwise. Then the .r.(x) = f,,(x o) + ex XO>Un(X)'
integral nf,,(x) dx =:: 0 for each n, but the pointwise limit function f is not
Riemann-integrable on [0, I]. an equat.ion which holds for ever)' x in (a, b). Hence we have
G{x) ... lim g,,(x) = lim J.(x) - f.(c) ... /(x) - fee) . 15~(.x) - 5..(x)l :S M L:"
(g,,(x) - Yu ,(x» + Mg..... ,(x) + Mg~+ ,(x)
.....'" ~.... x - C x - c
M(a..+I(x) - g,,+t(x» + M9..... 1 (.x) + Mg"'+1(x)
Hence. (11) states that the derivative I'(c) exists and equals G(e). But
= 2M9. H {x).
G(c) = lim g,,(c) = lim f~{c) gee);
Since 9.. -+ 0 uniformly on S, this inequality (together with the Cauchy condition)
hence I'(e) gee). Since c is an arbitrary point of (a, b). this proves (b). implies that V,/..,x)g,,(x) converges uniformly on S.
When we reformulate l1teorem 9.13 in terms of series, we obtain The reader should have nO difficulty in extending Theorem 8.29 (Abel's test)
in a similar way so that it yields a test for uniform convergence. (Ex.ercise 9.13.)
Tk6UM 9.14. Assume tiwt eQch f.. is a real-valued function defined on (a, b) melt
that the cferivatioe j~(x) exists for each x in (a, b). A$$Ume that, for at letl$t (JlIe Rumple Let F,.(x} ~ ll~l e 1tz• In the last chapter (sec: Theorem 8.30), we derived the
point X o in (u. h), the series LJ,,(xo) converges. A.uume further that there exists a inequality 1F,.(x:)! :s: lilsin (x/2)!. valid for every real x 1:- 2nm (m is an integer). There-
ju.n.ction 9 such that Lf~(x) := g(x) (uniformly on (a, b». Then: fonl, if 0 < If -< '11:, we have the estimate
a) There exists afunctionf such that U(x) = /(x) (uniformly on (a, b». IF.(x)l .:s: I/sin (0/2) if t5 :s: x :s: h - J.
b) If x E (a, b), the derivative I'(x) exists and equals :Ef~(X). IIeoce.. {F..} is unifOrmly bounded on the interval (I, ~ 3]. If {g,,} satisfies the condi.
tlons of Theorem 9.15, we am conclude that the series U,.(x)eilU oonveq:es uniformly
i on [a.2l'& - I]. In particular, if we take g,.(x) l/n, this establishes the unifonn con-
The importance of unifonnly convergent series has been amply illustrated in some
of the preceding theorems. Therefore it seems natural to seek some simple ways of on 16,2l'& - If] if 0 < 0 < z. Note that the Weierstrass M-te&t cannot be used to estab-
testing a series for uniform convergence without resorting to the definition in each lish uniform conveI'lJCllCO in this case, since [,lax I .. 1.
case. One such test, lhe Weierstrass M·test. was described in Theorem 9.6. There
are other tests that may be useful when the M-test is not applicable. One of these
is the analog of Theorem 8.28. 9.11 UNIFORM CONVERGENCE AND DOUBLE SRQUENCES
As a different type of application of uniform convergence. we <kduce the following
TIuJorem 9.15 (Diriddet', t"It for ni/orm ~ ) . Let F,,(x) denote the nth
theorem on double sequences which can be viewed as a converse to Theorem 8.39.
partial sum of the series :EJ.(x), where each I .. il Q complex-valued flDletion dejirJed
on a set S. Assume lhal {F"l is uniformly bounded on S. Let {gIl} be a sequence oj TIu!ortJ,. 9.16. Let I be a double sequence and let Z+ denote tllt set of ptJlitive
real-valued functions such thar 911+1(X) s; g,.(x) for each x in S and for every integers. For each 11 = 1.2•... ,dejineajunctionD,,01IZ+ fl8jQ/fows:
12 1,2, ... , and assume that 9" -+ 0 uniformly on S. Then the series'L!.(x)g,,(x)
conr;ertps uniformly on S. g.(m) = f(m, n), f/m E Z+.
Proof, Let s,,{x) = U .. , f",(x)g,,(x). By partiailiummation we have Assume t'hotD" ..... 9 uniform/yon z.. ,
where gem) = !.im.-""f(m., n). lIthe iterated
limit Ijm".~"" (lim.~,.J(m,1J») exists, then the double limit lim....._""j{m. n) also
s,,(x) = L: F.(X)(9a(X) -
9Hl(X» + 9"u(x)F,,(x), exists and has the SI11'fle value.
Proof Given £ > O. choose N. so that n > N l implies
and hence if n > m, we can write
" If(m, 1'1) - g(m)l < 2' for every m in Z+.
s,.(x) 3".(X);= E
" • • +1
F.(xXg.(x) - 9'HI(x» + 9,,+,(x)F,,(x) - 9.+1(X)F.(X).
m Dtf. 9.17
Let a lim........, (lim..-+rof(m, n» lim.. ~", g(m). For the same ll. choose N z so Xllttornn 9.1B. Assume t1Kz11.i.m..... ..,f.. =f Dn [a, b]. If 9 e R on [at b], define
that m > N z implies Ig(m) - 01 < t/2. Then, if N is the larger of N I and N z, we
have I/(m, n) - 01 < Il whenever both m > N and n> N. In other words,
lim........ '" f(m, n) = a.
hex) = f /(t)9(1) dt, h.(x) = f h(t)9{t} iI,
o5 u: If(t) -1.(1)119(1)1 dtr
(a. bJ Assume that feR on [a, bJ The sequence {.r..} is said to converge in the
mean 10 f on [a. b], and we write ~I s If(t) f..(lWI dtXf Ig(t)l.1 dt), (12)
U.m.f. =/ on [a, b],
ft- ..
., which is a direct application oCtbe Caucl1y-5cbwl1l'Z inequality for integrals. (See
if Exercise 7.16 for the statement of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and a sketch of
lim II.(x) f(x)1 1 dx O. I its proof.) Given B > 0, we can choose N so that n. > N implies
...&4«;1 ..
h 2
If the inequality I/(x) - J.(x)1 < £ holds for every x in [a, bJ, then we ha~
II(x) - f/,x)I" dx s. e.2(b - a). The~fore, uniform convergence of {I.} to f
If(t) - fJ.t)fZ dt < ~•
on [0, b) implies mean convergence, provided that each!.. is Riemann-integrable where A = I + $: Ig(l)I* dr. Substituting (13) in (12), we find that If > N implies
on [a, b]. A rather surprising fact is that convergence in the mean need not imply o :sIh(x) - h,,(x)1 < s for every x in [a. b].
pointwise convergence at any point of the interval. This can be seen as fOJlOWli: This theorem is particularly useful in the theory of Fourier series. (See Theorem
For each integer n ~ 0, subdivide the interval [0, 1] into 2" equal subintervals 11.16.) The following generalization is also of interest.
and let 12"+l denote that subinterval whose right endpoint is (k + 1)/2", where
k == 0, I, 2, ' .. ,2" 1. This yields a oollection {Il> 12 " •• } of subintervals of Tltorem 9.19. Assume tluJt U.m.• _""f.. = I tmd l.i.m..... '" g. = 9 on [a. b].
[0. I], of which the first few are: Define
[1 [0, I], [2 = [0,1], 13 H, I], h(x) = s: f(t)g(t) dt, h.Cx) = f.'" J.(t)g,,(t) dt,
I", "" [0, tJ. Is = U,U I" = [to il, ifx E [a, b]. nen. hIt -+ h uniformly on [a, b].
and so forth. Definef" on [0, I] as follows:
Proof. We have
= {~
ifxe[O,l]-l". hix) - h(x) = (f ~ fJ(g - gJ dt
Then fl.} converges in the mean to 0, since J~ !f..(X)jl dx is the length of 1., and
this approaches 0 as ~ ...... 00, On the oilier hand, for each x in [0,1] we have + (J.~ f..g dt - I' fg dt) + 04" Igft dt - r f9 dt) •
lim sup f..(x) = I and lim inf t..(x) = o. Applying the Cauchy-ScbwarL inequality, we can write
[Why?] Hence, {J.(x)} does Dot converge for any x in [0, I]. o ;:; (J: IJ - 1..119 - dty s ({"gIll If - f.fl d,xr 19 - 9.l
dt) .
The next theorem illustrates the impottance of mean convergence.
The proof is now an easy consequence of Theorem 9.18.
'.:14 POWER SERIES EDmple 1. The series ~1 Z"'II w
radius of convergcm:e r ""' t, but it does not con-
verge at z = 1. However, it does COflver,ge everywhere else on the boundary because of
An infinite series of the form
DirichIeI's test (Theorem 8.28)•
00 .E (I.(Z
+ ,,-I - Zo>-, These examples illustrate why Theorem 9.20 makes no assertion about the be-
havior of a power series on the boundary of the disk convergence. or
written more briefly as
n..n". '..11. Assume tlult the power serle! E."';o o.(z zor conver!Jt!8 for eaeh
(14) .I' in B(zo; r). Then the fWlcoon I defined by the equation
is called a power series in z - Zo- Here z, zo, and a,. (n = 0, I, 2, ... ) are complex
I(z) = ~ a,,(z - 1:etr, if Z E 8(zo; r), (15)
numbers. With every power series (14) there is associated a disk, called the disk
0/ comJergence. such that the series converges absolutely for every z interior to is continumn on B(zo; r).
this disk and diverges for every z outside this disk. The center of the disk is at Zo
Proof. Since each point in B(zo; r) belongs to some compact subset of B(zo; r),
and its radius is called the mdiua ofcOlfOergence of the power series. (The radius
the conclusion foUows at once from Theorem 9.7.
may be 0 or + 00 in extreme cases.) 1be next theorem establishes the existence of
the disk of convergence and provides us with a way of calculating its radiUs. NOTE. The series in (IS) is said to represent fin B(zo; r). It is also called a power
series expansiOl! of f about Zo. Funetious having power series expansions are
TIltrar. . 9.20. Given 0 power series E."';,o u.(z - %0>-' let continuous inside the disk of convergence. Much more than this is true, however.
We will later prove that such functions have derivatives of every order inside the
= lim sup V'la.l.
r =-,
disk of convergence. The proof will make use of the following theorem:
Tllurem 9.11. Assume that LD,,(Z - zo)" Cl1mJerges if Z E 8(zo. r). Suppose that
(INhere r = 0 if 1 = + CQ mid r "'" +00 if 1 ... 0). Then the serk, COllVerges
alMolute/y il I:: - zol <: rand dlverges if Iz Eol > r. Furthermore, the series the equati<Jn
t.:OmJerges uniformly on eDeI'y compact 8Ub3et interior to the di8k ofconvergence. f(z) = .E
tJ,,(z - 20'1',
Proof Applying the mot test (Theorem 8.26), we have
is known to be valid lor eaeh z in HOme open $Upset S of B(zo; r). Then,!or etlch
point ZI in S, there exurs a neighborhood B{zl; R) !:;; S in which / has a power
lim sup ;!Ia.(z - zo>-t "" '------'=
" .... «; r series expansion of the form
and hence Dr,,(z - zo)" conveqes absolutely if lz - Zol < r and diverges if
)z - ZoJ > r. .
I(z) ... E b~(z -
%1)t, (16)
To prove the second assertion, we simply observe that if T is a compact subset where
of the disk ofeonvergenee, there is a point p in T such that Z E T implies
Proof. If 1: € S. we have
Heoce, Ia.(z - %0>-1 .:<;; Io,,(p - zo)"r for each z in T, and the Weierstrass M.test
is applicable.
fez) = E"" aJ,z ZoY' E aJ,z - Z1 + z. -ZOY'
NOTE. If the limit lim........, laJa.HI exists (or if this limit is +(0), its value is also lI~O ,,~(l
0, if k > ".
hi = I: na.(zl - zor- 1,
Now choose R so that B(z I; R) £; S and assume that Z EO B(ZI ; R). Then the Since ZI is an arbitrary point of B(z.; r). this proves (21). The two series have the
iterated series L:'",o Et..,=o c.(k) converges absolutely. since
(0 co ~ QO:
same radius of convergence because $ .....
1 as n -+ 00.
."'0 t .. o
Ic.(k)1 = L
10.1(lz - III + IZl - Eol)" = L
la"l{zz - Eft)", (18) NOTE. By repeated application of (21). we find that for each k = 1,2, ... , the
derivativert)(z) exists in B(z.; r) and is given by the seriei
.., I
100(:) = E (n -n. k)l a.(z -
.-A zo'f- A• (23)
This equation tells us that if two power series Th,,(r - zo'f and D.(z - zo)· both
represent the same function in a. neighborhood B{zo; r), then a" = h.. for every n.
That is, the power series expansion of a functionl about a given point %0 is llniquely
'" determined (if it exists at all), and it is given by the formula
= L:
blt(r - 2'1'1',
, '
= t.rlt}(zo) (z -. zor,
where bIt is given by (17). This completes the proof.
.-0 III
NOTE. In the course of the proof we have shown that we may Ulie any R :> 0 that valid for each z in the disk: of convergence.
satisfies the condition
T_onm 9..11. Assume Ilwt !:t.i,,(z - %0)" converges fDr each z in B(zo; r). Tken
tke fwu:tiorl 1 dejined by rite equation ~ ,.l4. GifJell two power series eXpalUions about the origin, say
I(z) = L'" aJz - %0)", (20) fez) = I: alIt', if Z EO B(O; Fl,
JII'=o .. -0
Proof Assume that z, e B(zo; r) and expand 1 in a power series about Zh as I(z)g(z) = E c.z",
if Z EO B(O; r) n B(Oj R),
indicated in (16). Then, if z E B(z I ; R), z <# Z I' we have
Proof The Cauchy product of the two given series is Proof. By hypothesis, we can choose z so that ::En"'. Q Ib.z"1 < r. For tbis z we have
Ig(z) I < r and hence we can write
:t (t
t t) = t
O:t zAcb"_ Z "- C"z".
'" '" '"
,,=0 ,,_0
f[g(z)] =L a,.g(zr =L L a"bJn)z".
.=0 .=0 1-0
and the conclusion follows from Theorem 8.46 (Mertens' Theorem).
If we are allowed to interchange the order of summation, we obtain
NOTE. If the two series are identical, we get
/(%)1. = L
/[g(z)J = ~ (~ aHbt(n») z" = ~ Ct?!,
which is the statement we set out to prove. To justify the interchange, we will
where c" = 2::=0 "til.-1 = L..+",.=. a""a"". The symbol 2:...,+... =" indicates establish the convergence of the series
that the summation is to be extended over all nonnegative integers m 1 and nil:
r: :E Ia.Mn)z"I = :E 100HI :E IMn)?!I.
IX) 00. 00 «)
whOlie sum is n. Similarly, for any integer p > 0, we have
.., ... -0 1-0 JI!!!!.O I;!!!!.O
fez)' = :E c,,(p)z",
,,-0 Now each number b,ln) is a finite sum of the form
where b.t;(n) = :E
m,+ ·"''''+m"-.1
hilt•... b...,
and hence IMn)1 ::s: :Ea.. + no h,.at. Ib...1... Ib.... I. On the other hand, we have
where B1(n) = 2:...t +... +.... _1: IbM,1 .•• Jb...i- Returning to (25), we have
fez) = E a"z",
• =0
if z e B(O; r)•
~ jo,,1 to IbJn)z" I :;; ~ 10,,1 ~ B.(n)lzil = ~ la.1 (~lbl~l)".
and this establishes the convergence of (25).
g(z) :E b"z:",
= ,,-0 if Z E 8(0; R).
Q,for ajixed z in B(O; R), we have ~=o Ib.,z"1 < r, then/or this z we can write ".7 RECIPROCAL OF A POWER SERIES
As an application of the substitution theorem, we will show that the reciprocal of
r: c"z",
f[g(z)] = a power series in z is again a power series in z, provided that the constant tem is
"-0 notO.
where the coefficients Ct are obtained as follows: Define the numbers bien) by the 1leorem 9.26. Assume that we have
p(z) =
'" p.,z",
:E if Z E B(O; h),
where P(O) # O. Then there exists a neighborlwmJ R(O;~) in which the reciprocal of
Then c. = I:..""=o o..o,,(n) for k 0, 1,2, ... p has a power series expansion of the form
1 '"
NOTI!. The series L.a:"'..o caL' is the power series which !1risesformally by substituting
the series for g(z) in place of +in the expansion off and then rearranging terms in
= :E q~z".
increasing powers of z. Furthermore, qo = l/po-
S'..... 01 ........ Ul
Proof. Without loSll in generality we eatI assume that Po = 1. [Why?] Then pal(xcJ = n fa" so the sum function is represented by the power series
P{O) = I. Let P(z") = I + I::''''t IPFI ifz E B(O; 11). By continUity, there exists
a neighborhood 8(0; fS) ~uch that IP(z) - If < 1 if Z E B(O; 5). The conclusion (26)
follows by applyins Theorem 9.25 with
1 .., We tum now to question (2). Suppo~ we are given a real-valued function f
f(z) = -
1- z
;= :E z"
and g(z) = I - p(z) = E'" P..r!'.
.. -t
defined on some open interval (xo T. XO + rJ. and supposefhas derivatives of
every order in this interval. Then we can certainly form the power series on the
right of (26), Does this series converge for any X besides x = x o ? If so, is its sum
9.18 REAL POWER SERIES equal to lex)? In general. the answer to both questions is "No." (See Exercise
9.33 for a counter example,) A necessary and sufficient condition for answering
If x, xo, and 0" are real numbers. the series Th.(x - Xo'! is called a reo! power both questions in the affirmative is given in the next section with the help of
series. Its disk ofconvergence intersects the real axis i.n an interval (Xo - r, Xo + ,.) Taylor's formula (Theorem 5.19.)
called the interval of convergence.
Each rea.! power series defines a real-\'alued sum function whose value at each
x in the interval of convergence is given by 9.19 THE TAYLOR'S SERIES GENERATED BY A FUNCI10N
De/illitWn 9.21. Let f be a real-valued function defined on all interllQll in R. Iff has
f(x) "" :E'" Cl,,(X -
.. -0
Xi)f· derivaUves of every order at each /Wint D/ I, we write f E C'" on I.
The series is said to represent J in the interval of convergence. and it is called a Iff e e'" on some neigh borhood of a point c, the power series
power-series eXpllll8Um off about Xo.
Two problems concc:m 11$ here:
I) Given the series, to find properties of the sum fWlctionf.
2) Giveo a function/, to 'find whether or not it <:an be represented by a power is called the Ta)·Jor'ij series about c generated by f. To indicate that f generates
series. this series. we write
It turns out that only rather special functions possess power-series expansions.
Nevertheless, the class of such functions includes a large number of examples that
arise in practice. so their study is of great importance.
The question we are interested ill is this: When can we repla<;e the symbol,.., by
Question (I) is answered by the theorems we have already proved for complex
the symbol = ? Taylor's formula states that iff E C'" on the closed inteNal [a, b]
power series. A power series converges absolutely for ellcll x in the open subintemll
and jf c e [a, b], then, for every x in [a, b] and for every 11, we have
(Xl) - " Xl) + r) of convergence, and it converges. uniformly OD every compact
subset of this interval. Sinoc each term of the power series is continuous on :R, the ~-I (.1 (~l(x )
sum functionfis continuous on every compact subllet of the interval ofconvergence /(x) = L:L(<?) (x C)l
+ f t 1 (x - c)"
and bence/ill coatinuOllS on (xo - r. Xc + r).
kaO k! flo
Because of uniform convergence. Theorem 9.9 tells us that we can integrate a where XI is some point between x and c. The point Xl depends 011 x, t; and on n.
power series term by term on every compact subinterval inside the interval of con- l-lence a necessary and sufficient condition for the Taylor's series to converge to
verge~, Thus, for every X in (xo - r. Xo + r) we have f(x) is that
The integra.ted series has the same radius of convergence. In practice it may be quite diffk:ult to deal with this limit because the unknown or
The sum function bas derivatives ofevery order in the interval of convergence position of Xl- In some cases, however, a suitable upper bound can be obtained
and they can be obtained by differentiati.ng the series term by term. Moreover. for p·)(x j ) and the limit can be shown to be zero. Since A"In I --. 0 as 11 -+ r;t) for
all A, equation (28) will certainly hold if there is a positive constant M such that We write £,,(x) as an inter;ral and notc that (x - c'f+1 = (II + I) J~ (x - l'f dt
to obtain
Iro}(x) I :s; M",
for all x in [a, bJ. In other words, the Taylor's series of a function/converges if E (x) = 1 1'" (x - ---~- fX (x - t)'" dt
t)"P"+I>(t) tit - p,,+U(c)
r") .. +1 111" n! "
the nth derivative grows no faster than tbe nth power of some positive number.
This is stated more formally in the next theorem.
DuN",9.2B. Assume that/E C~ on [a, b] and let C E [a, b]. A$sume tho.t there
= 1
n! "
i X
(x _ t)" U(dl~t) - p.. +1)(c)] til = \
n. "
U(l) dv(t).
is a neighborhood B(C') 4nd a constant M (which might depend on e) such that where u(t) """ p"+ 1)(t) - poHl(,,} and v(t) = -(x - t)"+1/(n + 1). Integration
,r">(x)! .5; M Jl Jor every x in B(e) n [a, b] and every n = 1,2,... Tlren./or by parts gives us
each x in B(c) n [a, b]. we hm.'If!
E"+1(x) == - 1 r'" v(t) duet) = __+1_1). i'"" (x - I)"'H P"+2~t) dt.
I(x) = :t p">(c)
II~O n!
(x - c'f. II! J., (II 1
r r
Proof. The proof is by induction on fl. For 11 = I we have
E 1{X') = I(x) fCc) r(cxx - c) = [ret) - r(e)] dl = u(r) dv(t). 0.'£ E,.(x) $ (;)"+1 fer). (33)
This implies that £,,(x) ~ 0 as n .... ex;) since (x/r'fH 0 if 0 < x < r.
r = f'(t)
where u(t) r(e) and V(/) = , - x. Integration by parts gives
To prove (33) we use (31) with c = 0 and find
14(1) duC.t) = u(x)lJ(x) - u(e)v(c) - v(t) duCt) = s: (x I)/"(t) dt. E,,(x) = x·+
Iii (I
ua/(a+l)(x xujdu,
This proves (30) for n = I. Now we assume (30) is frue for n and prove it for
n + 1. From (29) we have
for each x in [0, r]. If x "" 0, let
pw+ l)(e)
E,.(x) - -
--(x - c)" • F (x) = E.(x)
- -1
= 1
11 '11"/(0+ I)(X - xu) duo
(n + 1)!
o (I
The function j1-+ 1) is monotonic increasing on [0, 1'] since its derivative is non· gives us the series expansion
neptive. Therefore we have . w "
log (1 x) =- !: ~ , (37)
j1rr+l)(x -.w) j1"+1)[x(I u}] :s: j1"+lI[1'(l - If)], .- 1 11
jf 0 :s:; u :s:; I, and this implies F.(x) S F,,(r) if 0 < x ~ T, In other words, also valid for -I < x < I. If we put x -I in the rishthand side of (37), we
E,,(x)/X'+l ~ £,,(T)/1'''+ 1, or obtain a convergent alternating series, namely, IX _1)-+ lIn. Om we also put
x = -1 in tbe lefthand side of (37)? The next theorem answers this question in
E,,(x} ~ (:;)'+1 E,,(r). (34) the affirmative.
'£More", 9.31 (Abel's limit tlu!tJnm). Assume that we 1uwe
Putting x = T in (32), we see that E,,(r) ~ fir) since each term in the sum is
nonnegative. Using this in (34), we obtain (33) which, in turn, completes the proof.
f(x) := :E'" a,.x",
• =0
if -r < x < r. (38)
and hence PIO)(X) ~ 0 for each n, provided that x < L Applying Bernstein's
~- f(x) ==
1 - x .. ~O
where eft L:" a•.
= i::w::O
theorem with b -I and r = 2 we find that f(x) has a power series expansion
about the point b = -I, convergent for -I ~ x < 1. Therefore, by Theorem Hence we have
9.22, f(x) also has a power series expansion about 0, f(x) = l:.i=()f(ll)(O)~/k!, 00
convergent for J < x < L Butj<t)(O) = (t<l(- I f k!. so I(x) - f(l) = (1 - x) !: [c. -
f{l)]x , if-l<x<L (3.9)
_1_ = t(-C\-lt~, if-l<x<l. (36) By hypothesiS,1im.._." c,. = f(l). Therefore, given 6 > 0, we can find N snch that
0"- two k )' n :;::>: N implies Ie" - f(l)1 < £{2. If we split the sum (39) into two parts, we get
Replal;ing c by -a and x by -x in (36) we find that (35) is valid for each a < O. N-1 ~
But now (35) can be extended to all real a by successive integration. f(;x.) - fO) = (l - x) :E [c" - !(l)JX' + (1 -
x) L: [en
!(1)]x". (40)
Of course, if a is a positive integer, say a = m, then (;) 0 for n > m, and
(35) reduces to a finite sum (toe Binomial Theorem). Let M denote the largest of the N numbers Ie.. - /(1)1. n = 0, I. 2, •.. , N - 1.
If 0 < x < J, (40) gives us
If - I < x < I, integration of the geometric series
I/(x) - f(I)1 :s; (1 - x)NM + (I - x) ~ .t x"
Now let 6 = 'iJ/2NM. Then 0 < 1 - x < 6 implies If(x) - f(1)1 < £, which we can choose N so that R ~ N implies
means limx _ I _ f(x) = /(1). This completes the proof.
Taking x =- XII = I - lIn, we find Is" SI < £/3 + 8/3 + 8/3 = &. This com-
NOTE. This result is similar to Theorem 8.46 except that we do not assume absolute pletes the proof.
convergence ofeither oftbe two given series. However. we do assume convergence
of their Cauchy product. NOTE. See Exercise 9.37 for another Tauberian theorem.
Proof. The two power series I:a,.x" and D..x" both oonverge for x = I, and hence EXERCISES
they converge in the neighborhood B(O; 1). Keep Ixl < 1 and write
UDifOl:Dl ala"ergence
9.1 Assume that f. --. I uniformly on S and that each!. is bounded on So hove that
{f..} is uniformly bounded on S.
using Theorem 9.24. Now let x .... 1- and apply Abel's theorem.
9.2 Define two sequences fJ..) and Ig,,} as follows:
The converse of Abel's limit theorem is false in general. That is, if! is given by ,
(38), the limitf(r-) may exist but yet the series LU"''' may fail to oonverge. For irx o or if x· is irrational,
1/(1 + x) if -I < x < I and f(x) ...... ! I.(X) {;
eXllmple. take a" ( - I)". Thenj{x) ~:
as x .... 1-. However,.'E( - I)" diverges. A. Tauber (1897) discovered that by b+~ if x is ralional, say x Q.
placing furlller restrictions on the coefficients all' one Clln obtain a converse to
Abel's theorem. A large number of such results llre now known and they are Let h.(x) I.(x)o,,(x).
referred to as Tauberian theorems. The simplest of these, sometimes called Tauber's a) Prove that both (f.. l and {g.) converge uniformly on every bounded interval.
first theorem. is the following: b) hove that {h.. } does not converge uniformly on any bounded interval.
9.3 Assume that f" ... l' uniformly on S, 9. -> g uniformly on S.
Theorem 9.31 (TlUIber). litf(x) = L:'=o a,.x" for I < x < 1, and assume that
Jim..... '" nt1" O. /ff(x) .... S as x .... 1-, then L..";.o a. converges and has sum S. a) Prove that II! + U. -c> f + U uniformly on S.
b) Let h.(x) I.,(x)g,,{x), h(xl = f(x)g{x). if xES. Exercise 9.2 shows that the
Proof. Let !lu.. = I::~o kID"l. Then Ii" - 0 as 11 .... 00. (See Note following assertion II" --.+ II uniformly on S is, in general, incorrect. hove that it is correct
Theorem 8.48.) Also, lim"~,,J(x,,) .... S if x" = I lin. Hence, given 8 > 0, if each I. and each g.. is bounded on S.
t.4 Asmme that Iff ..... I uniformly Oll S and suppose thm> is Ii ~tatlt M > 0 SlJdl is uniformly bounded on T and jf "E/,.(x) oonvef]JeS uniformly on T, then I.:/"(x)g.(x)
that 1/"(x)1 5 M for all x in S and alln. Let 9 be OODtinuoos QI1 the closure of the disk also converges uniformly on T.
B(O; M) and define lJ,.(x) g{J.(x)), h(x) = g[f(x)J, if XES. Prove that II ..... h
unifonnly on S. II
!1.14 Let J,,(x) x!{1 + nx 2 ) if x E R, n '" 1,2,... Find the limit function f of the
sequence {f..} and the limit function 9 of the sequence U;}.
'.5 a) ~!..(~) l/(nx + I) if 0 <: x <: I, " "" 1,2.... Prove that ff,.} converaes
pomtwise but not uniformly on (0, 1). a) Prove tbat/'(x) exists for every x but thalJ'(O) * g(O). For what values or x is
b) Let fi,.(x) xl(nx + I) if 0 <: x <: I, n '" 1.2,... Prove that 9" -.. 0 uni-
rex) = g(x)?
fonnly on (0, I). b) In what subintervals of R does/" -t junifonnly?
IJ.i Let/,.(x) x". The sequence If,,} converges pointwise but not uniformly on [0 J]. c) In what subintervals ofR does/; ..... 9 uniformly?
Let g be continUOUlI on (0, I] with g(l) = O. Pro,,~ that the seqllel'X:C {g(x)x"} con~s 9.15 LetJ.(x) = (lln)e-...•• if x E R, 11 = J, 2, ... Prove that r,. -> 0 uniformly on a,
unifonnly on [0, I]. that I: - 0 pointwise on a, but that the convergence of {f;) is not uniform on any interval
'.1 Assume that!.. ..... IUnifonnly on S, and that each!.. is OOIltinuOUS on S. If XES containing tbe origin.
let (x,,} be a sequence of points in S such tbat x" -0 x. Prove tbatIJx.) -t I(x). ' 9.16 Let (/,,} bB a sequeoce of real-valued continuous fl.ll1Ctions defined on [0, J] and
,.II Let {/,,} be a sequence of continuous fuoctions defined on a compact set Sand assume thatf,. - funiformly 00 10, I]. Prove or disprove
assume that !h}OOIlVerges pointwise on S to a limit function j: Prove that J:. ..... I uni-
formly on S if, and only if, (he foUowing two conditions hold: i-If"
lim f..(x) a '" /(x) a.
i) The limit function f is continuous on S. ..... IX) 0:
ii) For every ~ > 0, there exists an m > 0 and a 4 >' 0 such that n > m and 9.n Mathematicians from Siobbovia decided that the Riemann intelJI'al was too compli.
Ih(X) - f(x)1 <: DimpliesIh+..(x) - l(x)1 <: efonllxinSandaUk '" 1,1, ... <:ated so they replaced it by the SlablJovian. integral, defined as follows: If / is a function
Hint. To prove tbe sufficiency of (i) and (ii), show that for each Xu in S there is a neigh- defined on the set Q of rational numbers in [0, 1], the Slobbovian integral of 1. denoted
bodJood B(xo) and an integer k (depending on xu) soch that by S(f), is defined to be the limit
fon a compact set S, andtff.(x) ;;:; J.+l(x)foreoci x in S rmdtfveryn .... 1,2, .••• pointwise but not unifonnly 00 [0, I]. Is term-by-tenn integration perrhissible?
tMn J. - f UJli/ormly on S.
9.19 Prove that L:~ 1 xltf(1 + nx2 ) converges uniformly on evexy tillite intef'li'W in a
b) Ulle the sequence in Exercise 9.5(a) to show that wmpadDCSll of S is essential 10 if a > t. Is the convergence uniform on R?
Dini's tl:leonlm.
9,20 Prove that the series I:.,"':.l «-IV/oj;;) sin (l + (X/II» converges uniformly on every
9.10 Let/,.(x) = n"x(J - for x real and n ;.:: L Prove that {f.} converges polntwille
compact subset of R.
on [0, 1] for every reaI~. Determine those c for which the convergence is uniform on
10, 1] and those for which term-by-tenn integration on (0, 1 Jleads to a correct rcllult. '.11 Prove that the series L:'= 0 (x lo +! 1(211 + 1) - x'l+1/('br + 2») converges pointwise
but not uniformly on [0, 1].
!J.n Prove that YO - x) converges: pointwise but not uniformly on (0, 1], whereas
1:<- 1)"X"(1 - x) converges unifonnly on {O, I}. This iDustrates that uniform convergence 9.21 Prove that I D. sin nx and a. cos nx are uniformly convergent on a if
ofI:r..(x) along with pointwise wn~ ofI.:l/J.x)! does not f'IOC.e8!larily imply uniform 1:'.J laol converges.
OOIlvefgel'K:e of LIJ.(x) I.
9.13 Let {a,,} be a decreasing sequence of positive terms. Prove that the series La" sin IfX
9.12 ASliume t!'at g..+1(x) ~ 9..(x) for each xin T and each 11. '" I, z, ...• and suppose converges uniformly 011 R if, and only if, IW. -> 0 as If ..... 00.
tbatg""" OunifonnlyOD T. Prove that I.:(-I)"+lg ,.(X) converges uniformly on T.
9.14 Given a convergent series a.. Prove that the Dirichlet series L,"':.l a,.n-·
'.13 ~ve Abel's test for uniform convergence: Let {g,,} be a sequence of real-valued converges uniformly on the half-infinite interval 0 s < + 00. Use this to prove that
functions such that go+ I (x) g•.(x) for each x in T and for every 11 = I, 2, . .. If {o,,} lim..... o+ ~:=l Dn!l-s a".
,.25 Prove that the seriel.i. '(3) L.:,1 n-' converges uniformly 011 every half-infinile
interval 1 + h 5 s < +~. where It. > O. Show that the equation
,.34 Show that the binomial series (1 + xf = L"';,.o t) x"
exhibit:> tbe following be-
havior at the points x ... ± I. .
!og n
a) 1f:x = - 1, the series converges for:« ~ 0 and diverges for: II: < O.
b) If x. = 1. the series diverges for i.l :S -I, converges conditionally for II: in the
interval - 1 < a < Q, and converges abllOlutely for IX ;", O.
is valid for each s > 1 and obtain a similar formula for the kth derivative C(ll(s).
9.35 Show that La,..x" converges uniformly on {O, I} if La" converges. Use this fact to
give lIDother proof of Abers limit theorem.
MeIIUI~ 9.36 If each fl" :2:. 0 and If La. diverges, show that LQ..r' .... + 00 as x .... 1-. (Assume
,.26 Let 1,1..") = r/'12X e:-"'JSi>. Prove that (f.) converges pointwise to 0 on [-1. I] but Ltl"x" converges for Ixl < 1.)
that 1.i.m.""",,"" f. ;j; 0 on [-1, I].
9.37 If each a.. 2: 0 and if Iim"'->l- I:o..r' exists IIDd equals A. prove that La" converges
9:rt Assume that fl.} C(l1lVerges pointwise to f on [a. b Jand that I.i.m.""""",, J.. '"' 9 on and has sum A. (Compare with Theorem 9.33.)
[a, b]. Prove thatf = 0 ifooth[andg are continuous on [0. oj. 9.38 For each real t. define /,(x) ... xe"l/(e'" - I) if x. e R. x 'fc 0, /,(0) = I.
!U8 Let!..(:x:) cos' x if 0 5 x. 5 'f. a) Show that there is a disk B(O; J) in which/, is rep_nled by a power series in x.
a) Prove that Hm."....'" I .. '"' 0 on [0. 1'1] but that (J,.(1t)} does not converge. b) Define PoCt), Pt(I), P2 (t), ... , by the equation
b) Prove that {/,,} converges pointwise but not uniformly on [0.1'1/2]. '" x"
9.29 LetJ.,(x) = OifO ~ x S lIn or: if2/n ~ x 1, and let!.(x) n if IJn < x < 2/n.
hex) = I:
__0 P"(t),,
II. if x e B(O; 8).
Prove that {j;'} converges poinlwise to 0 on [0.1] but that I.i.m,,,"",,,,, t. ,p. 0 on [0, I J.
and use the identity
'" ;xii '" ;xii
Power series I: P..(O I .. e~ I: p..(O) I
,,~O It ll~O
9.30 If r is the radius of convergence of La,,(2 - ZIJ)", where each a" ;j; 0, show that
to prove that P,,(t) ... n",o (:) Pl(O)t"-I:c. This shows lilat each function PIt is a
lim inr
0,,+ I [
s r 5 lim sup
" ....'"
a..+, polynomial. These are tho Bernoulli polynomials. The numbers H" P,.(0)
(n 0, 1. 2, ... ) are called the Bemou/li numbers. Derive the following further
9.31 Given that the power series L..~(l Q,.'Z" has radius ofoonvergence 2. Find the radius
of oonvergence of each of the following series:
9.33 Let/(x) = e-lfJSi> if x ;j; 0,/(0) = O. lU Hardy, G. H" Divergent series. Oxford Unlv. Press, Oxford, 1949.
9.2 Hirschmann. I. I., Infinit4 series. Holt. Rinebart and Winston. New York, 1962.
a) Show that/(ol(O) exists for all n .:?: 1.
9.3 Knopp, R,t Theory tmd AppJicatitm o[ Infinite Series. 2nd ed. R; C. Young, trans-
b) Show that the Taylor's series about 0 generated by I ronv~ everywhere on R
but that it ~pn:scnts / only at tbe origin. lator. Hafner, New York, 1948.
The approach used here is to define the integral first for step functions, then for a
larger class (called upper functions) which contains limits of certain increasing
sequences of step functions, and finally for an even larger class, the Lebesgue-
integrable functions.
We re<:atl that a function s, defined on a compact interval [a, b], is called II
THE LEBESGUE INTEGRAL step function jf there is a partition P = {x(!> XI' •.. , x,,} or [a, b] :mch that s is
constant on every open subinterval, say
s(x) = c~ if x E (Xk~I' xJ.
A step function is Riemann-integrable on each subinterval [Xk;~1> Xl] and its
integral over this subinterval is given by
The Riemann integral f:f(x) dx, as developed in Chapter 7, is well motivated,
simple to describe, and serves aU the needs of elementary calculus. However, this
integral does not meet all the requirements of advanced analysis. An extension,
sex) dx = C.(Xi - Xi-I),
Also. jf I is expressed as the union of a finite set subintervals, say or some partition of [a, b]. Let D" denote the set of endpoints ofthese subintervals,
I = U~= I [a" b.], where no two subintervals have interior points in common, then and let D = U:= I D,.. Since each D" is a finite set, the union D is countable and
10.3 MONOTONIC SEQUENCES OF STEP FUNCflONS also has measure O. Therefore, if e > () is given we can cover F by a countable
collection of open intervals Fl' F2 , ••. , the sum of whose lengths is less than t.
A llequence of real-valued functions {fwl defined on a set S :is said to be increasing Now suppose x t [a, b] - F. Then x if: E, so ,,"(x) -.. 0 as n -'> 00. Therefore
on Sir there is an integer N = N(x) such that sr;(x) < 8. Also, x ¢ D so x is interior to
f,,(X) s: I,.•• (x) for all x in S and all n. some interval of constancy of SN' Hence there is an open interval R(x) such that
A title-reasing sequence is one satisfying the reverse inequality. SN(I) < & for all tin B(x). Since {SIt} is decreasing, we also ha.ve
NOTE. We remind the reader that a subset T of R. is said to be of measure 0 if. s,,(/) < c for all n ~ N and all t in H(x). (2)
for every 6' > 0, T can be covered by a countable collection of intervals, the sum The set of all intervals B(x} obtained as x ranges through [a, h] - F, together
of whose lengths is bs than 8. A property is said to hold almost everywhere on a with the intervals Fl• ... , form an open covering of la, b], Since [a, b] is
set S (written: a.e. on S) if it holds everywhere Oll S except for a set of measure O. compact there is a finite subcover. say
NOTATION. If {f.,} is an increasing sequence of functions on S such that /,. -+ f J' q
almost everywhere on S, we indicate this by writing [a, b] !;; UI B(x;) v r=U1 F,.
/,. ,I' f a.e. on S. Let N Q denote the largest of the integers N(x.), ... , N(x p ). From (2) we see that
Similarly, the notation f" ''It f a.e. on S means that {I.} is a decreasing sequence f'
on S which converges to f almost everywhere on S. s,.(I) < £ for all n ~ No and all tin U B(x!).
;= l
The next theorem is concemed with decreasing sequences of step functions on Now define A and B as follows:
a general intervali. 'I
Theo,em 10.2. Let {s..} be a decrea8ing sequence ofnonnegative step fmrclions such
B = U F..
A = [a, b] - B.
that s. '10 Q a.e. 011 an interval I, Then
Then A is a finite union of disjoint intervals and we have
It.... QO J,r s. = O.
Proof. The idea of the proof is to write First we estimate the integral over B. Let M be an upper bound for s! on [a, b]'
L s" L L s" +
Since {s.} is decreasing, we have s,,(x) s; ",(x) S M for all x in [11, h]. The sum
of the lengths of the intervals in B is less than 1:, so we have
where each of A and B is a finite union of intervals. The set A is chosen so that '~n S Me.
in its intervals the integrand is small if n is sufficiently large. In B the integrand
need not be small but the sum of the lengths of its intervals will be smalL To carry Next we estimate the integral over A. Since A !;; Uf~ I R(xj), the inequality
out this idea we proceed as follows. in (3) shows that s,,(x} < 8 if x E A and 11 2:. No. The sum of the lengths of the
There is a compact interval [a, b] outside of which Sl vanishes. Since intervals in A does 110t exceed b - o. so we have the estimate
oS s,,(x) S Sl (x) for aU .~ in I,
each s" vanishes outside [a, bJ. Now s. is constant on each open subinterval of
The two estimates together give us I, s. :5: (M + b - a)e if n ~ No, and this Nom Since {I,.rIO} is an increasing sequence of n:aI numbers, condition (b) is
shows thatlim._"" II S. = o. equivalent to saying that HI s,,} is bounded above.
Til«JNm 19.3. Let {t.} be a sequence of step fim,ctions on an inten>al 1 such drat: The next theorem shows that the definition ofthe integral in (5) is unambiguous.
a) There is a/unctionfauck that t. /' f a.e, on I, ~ 10.5. .A.3SUIHe f e U(I) and let {s,,} and {t.} be two ~ generating
mrd f. Tnen .
i Jl'r t,...
t 5: lim (4) Proo/. The sequence {t.} satisfies hypotheses (a) and (b) of Theorem 10.3. Also,
.. f ...... l;() for every If we have
",,(x) .s lex) (I.e. on I,
Proof Define a new sequence of nonnegative step functions {s,,} on 1 as follows:
So (4) gives us
{~X) - t.(x)
f 'lOS lim r t....
sIlex) if I(X) 2 tix),
.... if I(X) < I,,(x).
J, "'-'" Jl
Note that .I'.{x) = max {I(X) t,,(x),O}. Now {.ra } is decreasing on 1 since (I,,} is Since this holds for every n, 'We have
increasing, and s,,(x) - max (t(x) I(x), O} a.e. on I. But I(X) ~ I(x) a.e. on I,
and therefore s.. \t 0 a.e. on 1. Hence, by Theorem 10.2, lim,,~., II s. = O. But
a.(x) ~ t(x) - I,,(x) for all x in J, so
..... 00 Jlf :r,,:S; ......
lim f '•.
The same argument, with the sequences {a,,} and {t..} interchanged, gives the reverse
inequality and completes the proof.
Now let n -+ 00 to obtain (4). It is easy to see that every step function is an npper function and that its
integral, as given by (5), is the same as that given by the earlier definition in
Section 10.2. Further properties of the integral for upper functions are described
Let S(I) denote the set of all step functions on an interval/. The integral has been TIt.eo".10.6. Assume!e UrI) and 9 e U(I). Then:
defined for all functions in S(I). Now we shall extend the definition to a larger a} U + g) e U(I) and
class U(l} which contains limits of certain increasing sequences of step functions.
The functions in this class are called upperfunctions and they are defined as follows: l U+ g) = 1/ I + g.
DtJjinitiDIl 1904. A reaJ-vaJued function f dejined on an iRieroal I is coiled an upper b) cf e U(I) for erery coMtant c ~ 0, and
function on J. and we write f e U(l), if there exist8 tm mcreasing sequence 01 step
functions {a,,} such that
a) s. /' 1 a.e. on I.
and c) IdS; I,g iff(~):s: g(x)a.e. onT.
b) Iim,,_.., II s. isftnite. NOTE. In part (b) the requi.rement c ~ 0 is essential. There are examples for
The sequence {sIll is :raid to generate f The integral vii ()Ve, J is defined by the which/E UtI) but -1* U{I). (See Exercise lOA.) However, iife Um and if
equation s e SCI), then! - s e U(I) since! - s = 1 + (-s).
ff=limfs". (5) Proof Parts (a) and (b) are easy consequences of the corresponding properties
JJ J(-«) J, for step functions. To prove (e), let {s..l be a sequence which perales f, and let
Th.ll).7 Tl.lo.n
{t.} be a sequence which generates g. Then $", l' / and til l' 9 a.e. on I, and 17If!:orem 10.10. Let 1 be an intefVtll which is tM union of two .rubinlervals, .$tly
lim r
.-00 ], SIlO =
JlrI: lim
tIO =
1 "" 11 V 1'1.' where 11 and I']. htme no interior points in common.
Hence, by Theorem 10.3. b) Aasumefi e U(l,),f1. E U(I2.)' and let/be defined on I as/ollows:
'TIreorem 10.9. Iff e U(I) and0 E U(1), then ma.l( (j, 0) E U(1) ondmin (j, g) e U(I). 10.5 RlEMANN-INTEGIlABLE FUNCIlONS AS EXAMPLES OF UPPER
Proof. Let is,,} and {t.J be sequences of step functions which generate f and g, FUNCItONS
respectively, and let u" == max (s.., t,), v. = min (s., I,). Then u" and v. are step The next theorem shows that the class of upper fUl1ctiOIlll includes aU the Riemarin-
functioIlll such that II", ~ max (I: g) and 0 l' min (J: g) a.e. OD 1.
10 integrable functions.
To prove that min (f, g) e U(1), it suffices to show that the sequence HI v,,} is
bounded above. But tl" = min (9,.. t,) :5: f a.e. on I, so II.. S fI f. Therefore the II Tlturem 10.11. Let / be defined and bounded on 4 compact intero41 [a, b], and
sequence HI II..} converge;s. But the sequence HI u,,} also converges since. by tlSSlJme tho.t/ is continUOlf3 almost everywhere on [a, b1 Then f e U([4. b]) and the
property (a), u. = .$.. + t. - v.. and hence integralo/f, tlS a/unction in U([a, b]), i.Y equollo the Riemmm integral J:/(x) dx.
L 1 L L L+ 1 1
u. = s. + flO v" -+ f g - min (f, g).
Proof. Let p• ... {xo, Xl' .•. ,X2"} be a partition or [0, b] into 2" equal sub-
intervals of length (0 - 4)/2". The subintervals of p.+! are obtained by bisecting
those of P". Let
The next theorem describes an additive property of the integral with respect
to the interval of integration. for I :oS k :5: 2",
and define a step function s" on [a, b) as fOUOWll: Iff E L(J) it is possible to write I as a difference of two upper functions u - v
in more than one way. The next theorem shows that the integral oflis independent
s,.(x) = ma: if Xl- 1 < X ~ Xl' s,.{a) = mi' of the choice of u and v.
Then s,.(x) :s;; f(x) for all x in [a. b]. Also, {s,.} is increasing because the inf of1 TIte.rem lOJ3. Let u, V, Ul, and VI befunCliOTl3 in V(i) such that 41 - Ii III VI'
in a subintetval of [XI:-1. xJ cannot be less than that in [XI:_I> xJ. Then
Next, we prove that s.(x) - [(x) at each interior point of continuity off. Since
the set of discontinuities off on [a, b] has measure 0, this will show tbat S...... 1 (8)
almost everywhere on [a, b]. If1 is continuous at x,. then for every ll' > 0 there is
a 6 (depending on x and on I) such that/(x) - l; <f(y) </(x) + 8 whenever Proof. The functions u + VI and 1.11 + V are in U(l) and u + VI = "1 + v.
x - 0 < Y < x + 8. Let m(J) = inf {fey): y € (x lJ. x + t5)}. Then Hence, by Theorem lO.6(a}. we have II U + II fl i = II 1:11 + fIll, which proves (8).
f(x} c 5 m(6). so I(x) ;$ m(6) +.e. Some partition P N has a subinterval
NOTE. If the intervall has endpoints a and b in the extended real number system R.*,
[Xt,-t> xJ,containing x and lying within the interval (x - 0, X + l5). Therefore
where d ~ b, We also write
szy(x) = ml: =s; I<x) $. m(6) + 8 ;$ m,. + I: = s~x) + s-
f.~" [(x) dx
But 8,.(X) :::;; f(x) for all nand SN(X) :s:: s,.(x) for all n ~ N. Hence
8.(X) 5 f(x) ~ s.(x) +t jf 11 ;;;: N, for the Lebesgue integral
•lOf or
N01E. As already mentioned, there exist functions fin V(l) such that -If: U(l). b} fI!;;:: 0 if f(x} 2: 0 a.e. on i.
Therefore the class U(l) is actually larger than the class of Riemann-integrable c) Itf;;;: JI 9 if/ex) ;::.. g(x) a.e, on J.
functions on 1, since ~fE R on fif/s R on I. d) II! = fIg iff(x) = g{x) a.e. 011 1.
Proof. Part (a) follows easily from Theorem 10.6. To prove (b) we write
10.6 THE CLASS OF LEBESGl.JE.IN1'EG1lAIILE FUNCTIONS ON A [ .. u v, where It € V(I) and II E U(l). Then u(x) 2 l.o'(x) almost everywhere
GENERAL INTERVAL on J so, by Theorem 10.6(c), we have .rr u 2: v and hence II
If u and tl are upper functions, the difference It - v is not necessarily an upper
function. We eliminate this undesirable property by enlarging the class of inte-
grable functions.
DejittitWlIIIJ.12. We denote by L(I) the set ofallfunctionsfolthe/orm[ = U - Ii,
Part (c) follows by applying (b) to f - g, and part (d) follows by applying (e)
where u e V(I) and v e V(/). Each function [ in L (1) is said to he Lebesgue- twice.
integrable on I. and Us integral is defined by the equiltion lhjillitum /0.15. Iff is a real-valued function, its positive port, denoted by f+ , and
its negative pari, denoted by f-, are defined by the equaliollS
f+ = max (f, 0), f- = max (-f, 0).
c) Invarkmce under reflection. If g(x) ... I( - x) lor x i'I -I. then gEL( -I) and
, I f-I 9 rf.
\ I
\../ NOTE. If I has endpoints a < b, where a and b are in the extended real number
Y..-lo..l system R*, the formula in (a) can also be written as follows:
II> I(x) dx.
Note that/+ and/- are nonnegative functions and that
III. r +1-·
f 17+C
I(x - c) ax =
Properties (b) and (c) can be combined into a sinsle formula which inclades beth
Examples are shown in Fig. 10.1. positive and negative values of c:
10.16. IfI aJrd 9 are ill L(/), then so are the junctions f+, f-, III,
if. g) and min if. g). Moreover, we have f: !(x!f:) dx = lei I(x) dx if c 'I O.
11fl s 1 I. If (9) Proof. In proving a theorem of this type, the proc:edure is always the same. First,
we verify the theorem for step functions, then for upper functions. and finally for
Proof, Write I = U v, where u e U(I) and v E V(I). Then Lebesgue-integmblc functions. At each step the argument is straightforward, so
we omit the details.
j+ = max (u ~ 11, 0) = max (u, D) - v.
But max (u, v) e U(l), by Theorem 10.9, and IJ e V(I), so 1+ e L(I). Since Tilursta 10.18. Let I be an i'lterval which is the lJJ'li()1l of two subinte1'l'J61s, say
f- = 1+ - f, we see thatf- e L(I). FinallY,lfl = f"" + ,so lit e Len. J = I. V 1'1.' where I. and I" haJJe no interior point.t in common.
Since ~ I/(x)1 s j(x) s; I/(x)1 for aU X in I we have a) /fIe L(I), thenje L(I1)./e L(1,J, and
-L J/s; 1
If I s; III. r1= J11r 1+ j,zr
lim r
The theorems in this section show that the behavior of a Lebesgue-integrable Proof. We can assume, without Joss of generality, that the step functions s. are
function on a set of measure zero does not affect its integral nonnegative. (If not. consider instead the sequence {so If the theorem is
true for {a" - Bt }, then it is also true for {s..}.) Let D be the set of x in /for which
1'Itf.,rnr IfJ.JO. Let / be tkfined on I. If / = 0 almO:tt everywhere Qn J, tJurn {s.(x}} diverges. and let II > 0 be given. We will prove that D has measure 0 by
/e L(I) and frl = O. showing that D can be covered by a countable collection of intervals, the sum of
Proof. Let s..(x) = 0 for all x in I. Then {.f,,) is an increasing sequence of step whose lengths is < B.
functions which converges to 0 e..-erywhere on 1. Hence {.r,,} converges to / almost Since the sequence {II SI} c::onverges it is bounded by some positive constant
everywhere on 1. Since II s" = 0 the sequence HI
3,,} converges. Therefore / is M. Let
anupperfunction,so/eL(I)andJIf= lim"__ ,,, fIS. = O. t.,(x) '"' [2~ s,,(X)] if x e I.
1'_re.l0..11. Let I artd 9 be defined on I. /f/e L(J) and ifl = g almost every- where [y] denotes the greatest integer Sy. 1ben {I,,} is an increasing sequence of
E L(l) and I = II
where on I, tJum 9 If u· step functions and each function value t.(x) is a nonnegative integer.
Proof. Apply Theorem 10.20 to! - g. Then! - 9 e L(I) and (f - g) "" O. II If {s..(x)} converges, then {s.(x}} is bounded so {/,,(X)} is bounded and hence
llence e = I - (f - 9) EO 1.(1) and I, 9 = Jd - (f - g) = Sri. JI I" ... l(X) t,,(x) for all sufficiently large ft, since each t,,(x) i:) all integer.
If {s,,{x)} diverges, then (t,,(x)} also diverges and t.+ I(X) - t"C~) ;:;;:. J for
EuID)IIe. Ddioe Ion the joterval [0. 1] u folJows:
infinitcly many values of tt. Let
I jf x is rational
IJ" = {x: x e I and 1"+l(X) - 1,,(X) ;::: J}.
I(x) "" {0 if x is in'atiomd.
Then D" is the union of a finite number of intervals, the sum of whQ$(: lengths we But "....(x) S; heX) and {It} increases almost everywhere on I, so we have
denote by ID..I. Now
,,,(x) :s: max {f1(X). ' •. • I.(x») = /,.(x) (10)
But, by (b), {Sf f ..l is bounded above so the increasing sequence {iT t ..} is also
bounded above and hence converses. By the Levi theorem for step functions,
{t.} converges almost everywhere on 1 to a limit function fin U(I), and $I! =
Hence for every m :2. I we have Iim"_",, $1 t". We prove next thatf.. ..... falmost eVel)'Where on J.
The definition of '/l(x) implies S•.l(X) :s; tJ.x) for all k :S' n and all x in 1.
Letting n ..... €X) we find
b) lini"-+,,, rd. exists. Now integrate (12), \Ising Theorem IO.6(c) again, to get Jdt .s Letting ill
k .....
CD we obtain lim1 _ m Ilh :s:: Id
which, together with (13), completes the
Then {f.} CQnverges almost everywhere on 110 a limit function f in U(/), and proof.
f 1
NOfE. The class U(l) of upper functions was constructed from the class S(l) of
step functions by a certain process which we can call P. Beppo Levi's theomm
shows that when process P is applied to U(I) it again gi~s functions in U(l). The
next theorem shows that when P is applied to L(i) it again gives functions in
Proo/. For each k there is an increasing sequence of step functions (s.. .k} which
generatesJ.. Defi"e a new step function t. 011 I by the equation
TMDmn 10.24 (wi tllMwenjo, Uf~ ~j ubesgw-illUg"'" jlJlllCtimllj. Let
t~(x) max {S... I(X), S",2(X), .•• , s.....(x)}. {f.} be a sequence offunctions in L(/) such that
Then {t..} is increasing on I because a) {f.} increases almQst everywhere on I,
flf+l(x) = mal{ {.r.. +t.t(x)•...• S"+I.ff+l(X}} ::2. max {s..,lx), . .. ,s..",+ I (x)} and
::2. max {S~.l (x), •.. , s....,(x)} = fix}. b) lim._.., Irf. exists.
111. ll).l(i
Jsr f= ft-m
Jlr J... ~.,
where {U,,} increases and {G,,} decreases almost everywhere on I to the limit function
ElwDpkll. Let I(x) = X' for x > 1(0) o. o. Prove that the Lebesgue integral
f Then we use the Levi theorem to show that fe L(I) and that Itf
I~f(x) dx exists and baa the value 1!(3 + I) if s > I,
lim"..", II U. = lim"..", f, G", from which we obtain (15).
SolflliDlf. It s ::: 0, then 1 is bounded and Rie\rrJann·integrable OD [0, 1] and its Riemann To construct {u.} and tG,,}, we make repeated use of the Levi theorem for
integral is equal to 11(6 + 1). sequences in L{I). First we define a sequence tG•.Il as follows:
It 8 <: O. thco I is not bounded and b.em:e not Riemann-integrable on [0, 1]. Define
a sequence of functions {/"l as fo1low&: G".I(X) = max {fl(X),!Z(x), . .. ,I.(x)}.
f,J.x} = (oX' if x ~ l/n, Each function G.,I e L(l). by Theorem 10.16, and the sequence {G",l} is in-
if 0 :s; x <: I/n. creasing on 1. Since 16"" (x) 1:s;; g(x) almost everywhere on I, we have
Theo {fa} ill inC£eMing and I. .... 1 everywtu:Rl on [0, I]. EadIfa is Riemann-intefp'able (17)
and hence Lebesgue..intejrable on [0. 1] and
Jo /
,J.x) dx = (1
)f dx =
I 1 (1 _~) ,
+ ,(+
Therefore the increasing sequence of numbers HI G.. ,I} is bounded above by
II g, so lim....", I, G..,. eXIsts. By the Levi theorem, the sequence {G".1} converges
almost everywhere on 1 to a function G. in L(I), and
If 8 + 1 > 0,. the sequence ut t..} converges to I/<.r + I). Therefore, the Levi theorem
for sequenees shows tbat ll!!1tists and equals I!{;, + 1).
EUJQIe 2. The lIilJ'I)f; type of aqumeot shows that the Lebesgue intesnJ I~ e-"'x!-l dx J'" 0,
= lim
.. --'"
6"., :$ r
exillf3 for every IClI1 y > O. This integral will bcuscd later in d.i$cussiog the Gamma Because of (17) we also have the inequality -frg :$ II 01' Note that if x is a
fuDctioD. point in I for which G•• 1(x) -l< Gj(x). then we also have
Gt(x) = sup {f,(X),!Z(x), ... }.
[n the same way, for each fixed r :<.': 1 we let
Levi's theorems have many important c:onsequences. The fim is Lebesgue's
dominated c:onvergence theorem, the c:ornerstone of Lebesgue's theory of inte- G...,(x) max tf.(x),.(,.+ l(X}, ... J,,(x)}
for n ~ 1'. Then the sequenre {Gft •• ) increases and cODverges almost everywhere
r...... IfJ,77 (Le~.,. tltJmiIIIIIe4 ~ tltttnvllf). Let {I.} be a lfequeru:e on I to a limit runction Gr in L(1) with
ofL!besgue-intl'/lrable functions on an intenJfl/ I. Assume that
a) {f.} COllrJe1'gu almost everywhere on 1 to a limit /unction /.
r.tl'Id Also, at those points for which G.,r(x) ..... G.{x) we have
b) there is a ROnnegaliDefiot.ctioll gin L(l) BUell tlwt, for aliI'! :l!: I,
G,(x) = sup fl.(x), f. + I (x), ..• },
11..(x)1 ~ g(x) a.e. 01'11. so
I.(X) ~ Gr(x) a.e. on 1.
Tiu!n the limit function! e L(I), the sequence Hr I.} converges and
Now we examine properties of the sequence (G,,(x)}. Since A f; B implies
(15) sup A ~ sup 0, the sequence {G,.{x)} decreases almost everywhere and hence
converges almost everywhere on I. We show next that G,,(x) ~ f(x} whenever
NOTE. Property (b) is described by saying that the sequence fl.} "is dominated by lim I.(x) = I(x). {I 8)
9 almost everywhere on 1.
Proof The idea of the proof is to obtain upper and lower bounds of the form If (18) holds, then for every 8 > O'there is an integer N such that
I(x) - B < IJ.x) < I(x) + I; for all n ~ N.
gJ.X} S J,.(x) ~ G..(x) (16)
Hence. if m :;;:; N we have
i Lg.. E 1
f(x) - a ::; sup {f",(X),f...+l(X), ... } ::; [(x) + F..' «> <n
= BII'
In other words, 1""'1 .. -t I
g,(x) = inf {f,(X)'f.+l(X)••.. } a.e. on I. Thenfe L(I) andlimll.... "" I,l. It!
..• almost everywhere on 1 we have g,(x) 5: f,(x), {g..} increases. Iim"_",, g.(x) = Proof. Apply Theorem 10.27 with g(x) = M for all x in I. Then 9 e L(I), since
J\x),and J is a bounded interval.
gil = rf.
NOTE. A special case of Theorem 10.29 is Anela's theorem stated earlier (Thcorem
9.12). If {J..} is a boundedly convergent sequence of Riemann-integrable functioll8
Since (16) holdli almost everywhere on I we have II gil So J, f" :s: I, G... Letting on a compact interval [a,I1], then each f" E L([a, b]}, the limit function
fe L([a, b]), and we have
n .... (Xl we find that H, fff} converges and that
rJ. Jlrl-
=== lim
1 6
J.. =; f." f.
There is, of course, a corresponding theorem for the interval (- 00, a] which
concludes that
1= Jim
prOVided that J= IfI s M for all c S ll. If 111 s M for all real c and b with e
c s: b, the two theorems together show thatf e L(R) and that
S'" f+ II> f
Geometrically, the function .f" is obtained from f. by cutting off the graph off.
J 1= +..
_ 00
JI>I= il>
almost everywhere on 1. Therefore, by the Lebesgue dominated convergence _ dx = arctan b - arctan c ;S; n.
theorem, I e L(1). c _ c 1 +
Therefore, / (0 L(R) and
OF 1N'JEGRA1.5 ON BOtJNDED INTERVALS +"" I" lim JO I +dx + f~
~1II10.11. Letfbe tiejilJed on the IIalf-ilIfinlle interval I = [a, +«1). Assume
thm f is Lebesgue-integrable on tire compact interval [a, b] for each b ~ a. tlIId
f -00 .... - . . "
Ell'.Im(lJe 2.. 10 tbis 1ilXl1mpll~ the limit on the right of (21) exists but
I>... +<;" Jo 1 +
tb; 11:
+ !! = :rr.
f 11- 1.(1). Let
that there is a poaitive CONtant M such thal I = [0, + w) and define f on 1 as follows:
fill :s: M lor all b :ll:: s. (20) I(i) '"' if n 1 ;S; x < n, forn 1,2, ...
1'ien/e L(l), the limit lim".. +«> f:lexists. und If b > 0, let m = [b], tbe greatest integer :,; b. Then
- + (b - 11
m +
Proof Let {b,,} be any increasing sequence of real numbers with b.. <t a such that As b..... + 00 the last tenn .... 0, and we find
lim,,_.., b.. "'" + 00. Define a sequence {f.} on I as follows: (-I)"
"'" -log2.
lim f=
"'(x) if a :s: x :S b... ".1 n
f,/.,x) =
oj' 11"+'" (l
Now we assume / e L(l) and obtain a contradiction. Let /" be defined by
Each I. IE L(I) (by Theorem 10.18) andI" -+ 10D 1. Hence, II'" -+ Ilion 1. But
X)! for 0 ::S x :,; n.
rf..1 is increasing and. by (20), the sequence ti, If.H is bounded above by M. [.(x) = {If(
for:x: > If.
Therefore lim...... ff Lt.1 exists. By the Levi theorem, the limit function Ifl e L(l).
Now each Ihl :S III and J:. -+ 10n I, SO by the Lebesgue dominated convergence Then {in} i.JlcreaSllS and !.(x) -+ If(x)1 everywhere on I. Since I€ L(1) w~ also have
theoremJe L(I) and lim,,-+ ... id.. = ftf Therefore 111 E L(f). But Lf,.(x)1 s I/(x)1 everywhere on 1 SO by (he Lebesgue ~~ted con-
vergence theorem the sequence HI J,,} converges. But this is a contradictiOn smet:
Jim f."" f = i+"" f "If . 1
I i
.IJ-+QO .. 4
I" = I = ")' -> + co as n .... co.
for aU sequences {b.} which increase to +co. This completes the proof. I 0 f;;:f k
1/I is RiemI:wt.-integroble on [4" b] for every b :<:!: a, and
b~+iiO ,.
above Oy AI, so 1im,.- + '" F(b) exists. 1bercfore IfI is improper Riemann-integrable
on [a, + 00). Since Hence the integral It'" e-"'x"-l dx exists for every
inteamJ lIDd ILl a J...ebes&uc ioteeraJ.
real,. both as an improper Riemann
o$ If(x)1 - f(x) :s 21/(x)l,
the limit ~ 1. TIre GtImmo lunctiM integml~ Addin,g; the integral. of FJram~ 1 to the
inteara1 14 e-
lim J.. {If(x)1 - f(x)} dx
x!-1. dx of Example 2 of Section 10.9, we find that the Lebesgue integral
.... +.., "
also exists; hence the limit lim".... + .. J:f(x) dx exists. This proves thatfis improper
r(y) = L+'" e-"x!-I dx
Riemann-integrable on (a, + (0). Now we use inequalit:r(22), along with Theorem exists for each real y > O. The furu;tion r so dafioed is called the GC1m1ff41 flllK:tkHt.
10.31, to deduce that/is Lebesgue-integrable on [0, + 00) and that the Lebesgue &le -4 below shows its relation to the Riemann :zeta fl,l.Dl:tion.
integral off is equal to the improper Riemann integral off.
NOTE..Many of the theorems in Chapter 7 concerning Riemann integrals can be
NOTfl. There lII."e corresponding results for improper Riemann integrals of the COflVertedinto theorems on improper Riemann integrals. To illustrate the suaight.
form forward manner in which some of these extensions can be made, consider the
s: f
f f(x) dx "" 11~~- r f(x) dx,
I(x)g'(x) ax "" f(b)g(b) - f(fJ)g(fJ) - g(x)!,(x) dx.
Since b appears in three terms of this equation. then: are three limits to consider
as b -+ + co. If two of these limits exist, the third also exists and we get the But if x > 0, we have 0 <: e-'" <: 1 lIDd hence.
/(x)g'(x) dx = lim f(b)g(b) - f(a)g(a) - f.'" g(x)j'(x) dx. Ee--
" h-+""
" the series being a geometric series. Therefore we have
• Other theo.rems ~ Riemann integrals can be extended in much the same way
to Improper Riemann Integrals. However, it is not ll«essary to develop the det:ails
of these ~tensions any further, since in any particular example, it suffices to apply
the reqUired theorem to a compact interval [a, b] and then Jet b -+ + co.
almost everywhere on {O, + (0), in fact everywhere except at 0, so
~ J. 71w fllRCtionaJ equation f'(y + 1) yr(y). II 0 <: tI <: b, intqration by
parts gJVCS
Example 4, Integral feprt!1/Je"tQt;o" for the Riemol", zeta fllttf:tion. The ,Riemann zeta Every function/which is Lebesgue-integrable on an interval I is the limit, almost
function' is defined for s > J by the equation everywhere on I, of a certain sequence of step functionS. However, the converse
is not true. For example, the constant function f = 1 is a limit of step functions
'(8)" E-.
'" 1
_.1 Ii'
on the real line R, but this function is not in L(R). Therefore. the class of functions
which are limits of step functions is larger than the class of Lebesgue-integrable
:n- example ;;h~ bow the Levi con~ theorem for series
Jntewa) repRlIieIItatlon,
CIllI be used to derive lID functions. 11le functions in this larger class are called measurable Junctions.
" :;t-l
DdUdtio" 10.34. A function f defined 011 1 is called measurable on I, and we write
Ie M(I), if there exists a sequence ofstep functions {SIll on J such that
{(s)f'(s) =
In the integral for res) we make the change of variable t nx, It > 0, to obtam N(JI'E. If/is measurable on lthen/ill measurable on every subinterval of 1.
i'" e-t,s-l tit = 1i' L«:> e-.l;rr- l dx. As already noted, every function in L(/) is measurable on 1, but tbe converse
is not true. The next theorem provides a partial converse.
Hence., if s > 0, we have
Theorem 10,35. If/ E M(l) W1d if I/(x)l s g(x) almost everywhere on I for some
l'I-"f'(s) L'" e-rt"'r- l
nonnegatil:lf! gin L(l), thenfe L(I).
Proof There is a sequence of step functions {s,,} such that s.(x) -l' f(x) almost
If s > 1, the series I::'.1 n-' converges, so we have everywhere on 1. Now apply Theorem 10.3<l to deduce that/E L(I).
Then hE M(I). In pllrticular, I + g, f- g. III, max if, g), and min (f, g) are in IUS CO!,;"TlNUITY OF FUNcrIONS DEF1NF.D BY LEBESGUE INTEGRALS
M(l). Also, Ille M(J} iff(x) oF oalmost everywhere on I.
Let f be a real-valued function of two variables defined on a subset of R 2 of the
Proof Let {s~} and {tw} denote sequences of step functions such that ".. _ land form X x Y. where each of X and Y is a general subinterval ofR. Many functions
u.. (fl{,.s". tJ is Ii step function
t,. ...... g almost everywhere on I. Then. the function in analysis appear as integrals of the form
such that u• ..... II almost everywhere on 1. Hence h E M(I).
The next theorem shows that the class M(l) cannot be enlarged by taking
F(y) = Ix I(x. y) dx.
Umits of functions in M(I).
We shan discuss three theorems which transmit continuity, diJferentiability, and
T1I«Jrnn 10..37. Let f be defined on 1 and OJ'sume tltat {I.} is a sequence of measur- integrability from the integrand f to the function F. The first theorem concerns
able/unctions on / such that.r..{x) - /(x)almo31 everywhere an 1. Thenfi3 measur- continuity.
able on 1.
Tlteorem 10.38. Let X and Ybe two subintervals of R, and let f be Q function defined
Proof. Choose any positive function 9 in L(I), for example. g(x) = 1/(1 + .~2) on X x Y and satisfying the following conditions:
for all x in 1. Let
a) For each fixed y in Y, the function h defined on X by the equation
F~{x) for x in L 17(x) = f(x, y)
g(x) 1 + If.(x)i
is measurable on X.
b) There exists a lIonnegatiflsfulfction gin L(X) such that,for each y in Y,
F~(x) -+ g(x)f(x) almost everywhere on 1. If(x, y)1 ~ g(x) a.e. on X.
I + If(x)/
c) For each fixed y in Y,
Let F(,:,:) = g{x)f(x)/{l + If(x)l}. Since each F" is measurable on 1 and since
IFix)j < g(x) for all x, Theorem 10.35 shows that each F" e L(l). Also, W(x)1 <: limf(x, t) = I(x, y) D.e. on X.
g(x) for a.Il x in I so, by Theorem 10.30, F € L(I) and hence FE M(l). Now we
have Then the Lebesgue integral fx I(x, y) dx exilts for each y in Y. and the funclion F
defined by the equation
J(x){g(x) - IF(x)!} ... f(X)g(X){t - -'l(~1 ... f(x)p(x) "'" F(x)
1 + If(x)Lf I + If(x) 1 F(y) = Ix I(x, y) dx
for all x in I. so
is continuous on Y. That is, if y e Y we have
for al1 x in I. Proof Since f., is measurable on X and dominated almost everywhere on X by a
nonnegative function g in L(X), Theorem 10.35 shows that!, E L(X). III other
:'~E. There exist nonmeasurab.!t functions. but the foregoing theorems show that words, the Lebesgue integral Sx f(x, )I) dx exists for each y in Y.
not easy to c~nstruct an example. The usual operations of analysis, applied to
It JS Now choose a fixed y in Yand let {y,,} be any sequence of points in Ysuch tbat
measurable functIOns, produce measurable functions. Therefore, every function lim Y.. ... y. We will prove that lim FCy,,) = F(y). Let G,,(x) = lex, y.). Each
which occurs in practice is likely to be measurable. (See Exercise 10.37 for an G. E L(X) and (e) shows that G~(x) - t I(x, y) almost everywhere on X. Note that
example of a nonmeasurable function.)
F(pJII) = IxG.(x) d.-f. Since (b) holds, the Lebesgue dominated convergence
theorem shows that the: sequence {F{yJ} converges and that Therefore, by Theorem 10.33. flO is Lebesgue-integrable on [0. + (0). Since the
sequence {flO} is dominated by the function g(x) = e- x which is lebesgue-inte-
lim F{y,,) -
"'-\1.) JxrI(x, y) dx = F(y). grable on [0, + 00), the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem shows that the
sequence fIt"" f.} converges and that
E:wopIe 1. Continuity of the G _ fUlletlotl r(y} = U"" e-x:r-- 1 4x f« y :> 0. We f+oc
apply Theorem 10.38 with J( = (0, + t>:l), Y (0. + 00). For each y > 0 the integrand, lim J,. = lim f.. = O.
as a function of :.1:, i~ continuous (henc;e measurable) almost everywhere on X, SQ (a) holds. 0 0 P
Jt-C() I I - A::
For each fixed x > 0, the integrand, as a function of y, is continuous on Y. so (c) holds.
Finally, we verify (b), not on Y but on everycompact:subinterwl [a, b]. where 0 < a < b. But It'" /" F{y.), so F{y,;) -+ 0 as " -+ C(l. Hence, F(y) ... 0 as y _ +00.
For each y in la, b Jthe integrand is dominated by the function
NOTE. In much of the material that follows, we shall have occasion to deal with
() = {x"-I
g x Me-X'"
if x 2: J.
integrals involving the quotient (sin xl/x. It will be understood that this quotient
is to be replaced by I when x = O. Similarly, a quotient of the form (sin xy)fx is
to be replaced by y, its limit as x - O. More generally, if we are dealing with an
where M is some positive constant. This 9 .is Lebesgue-integrable on X, by Theorem integrand which has removable discontinuities a.t certain isolated points. within
10.18, so Theorem 10.38 tells us that r is continuous on la, b}. But since this is true the interval of integration, we will agree that these discontinuities are to be "re-
for every subinterval [12, b], it follows that r is continuous on Y (0, + (0).
moved" by redefining the integrand suitably at these exceptional points. At points
.EumpIe Z. ConJinuity of where the integrand is not defined, we assign the value 0 to the integrand.
F(y) = r+ w
e-,lQ' sin x dx
fiN y :> O. In this e:Kample it is understood that the quotient (sin x)/x is to be replaced Theorem 10.J9. Let X 6l1Id Y be two subintervals of R, and lei f be a function defined
by 1 wheo x ,.. O. Let X = [0, + (0). Y - (0, + (0). Conditions (a) and (e) oC Theorem on X x Y (lnd .fotis/ying the following conditions:
10.38 are IIlltisfied. As in Example I, we verify (b) on each wbinterwl Ya [a, +(0),
IJ > O. Since resin x)/xl :$ I, tho integrand is dominated on y.. by the fuoction a) For each fixed yin Y, Ike/unction!, defined on X by theequationfy(x) = f(x. y)
is measurable on X, alldfa E L(X)for $gfne a in Y.
g(x) = e-iD: for x ~ O. b) The partial derivatillf! Dl!(x, y) exists for each inlerior point (x, )') of X x Y.
Since g is Lebesgue-integrable on X, F is continuous on Y;. for every tl > 0; hen<:e F is c) There is a nOllnegative function G in LeX) such that
continuous On Y = (0, + <XI).
IDd(x, y)1 oS G(x) for all interior points 01 X x Y.
To illustrate another US<e of the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem we
shall pr<lve that F(y) .... 0 as y.... + 00. Then the Lebesgue integral Ix f(x, y) dx exiSls for ellery yin Y, and the function F
Let {y.} be any increasing sequence of real numbers such that y.. ~ I and defined by
y" -+ + 00 as n - 00. We will prove that F{yJ ..... 0 as n .... 00. Let
f..(x) = e-"'F. sin x for x ;;:: o. is dfjJerentiable at each interigr pQint of Y. Moreover, its derivative is given by the
+ C(l), in fact, for all x except O.
Then lim,,_«> fix) = 0 almost everywhere on (0,
Now F'(y) = Ix Dd(x, y) dx.
Y.. ;;:: I implies 1i.{x)1 ~ e-'" for aU x ;;:: O. NOTE. The derivative F'(p) is said to be obtained by differentiation under the
Also, ea.chf.. is Riemann-integrable on (0, b] for every h > 0 and integral sign..
s: ~ f:
1f..1 X
e- dx < 1.
Proof First we establish the inequality
Then fJ. E L(X) and q,,(x) - D:zf(x, y) at each interior point of X. By the Mean- (As io EJUl.mple I, we prove the result on every intorval Y" [a, + 00),0 > 0.) In this
Value Theorem we have q,,(x) = D2 f(x, c,.), where c" lies between y.. and y. Hence, ClWl1ple the Riemann integral I:
I!-J('J' sin x dx <:an be calculated by the methods of
by (e) we have Iq..(x)1 ~ G(x} almost everywhere on X. Lebesgue':; dominated element~ calculus (using intesratiQll by parts twice). Thill gives us
convergence theorem shows that the sequence
Ix DJ(X, y) dx emts, and
q,.} converges. the integral
S: e-;q &in x dx = =---~..f__---;" -" + I : (24)
.-'tr;l Jxr q. = Sx lim q. =
f X
DJ(x, y) dx. for all real y, Letting b --+ + 00 we find
But r+ m
e-1C7 sin x dx = 1 if y > o.
f x
q" = _1_
Ylt Y
(f(x, )'It) - f(x, y)} dx = F(Y·L-:-_~{Y) •
)'It Y
Therefore r(p) = - 1/(1
+ yZ) if JI :;. o.
1 +
Integration of this equation gives us
Since this last quotient tends to a limit for all sequences {YIt}, it follows that F'(y) F(") F(b) = - r¥.-!!!.- = arctan b - arctan y, for y > 0, b > O.
ell;ists and that Jb 1 + t Z
f f
F'(y) = lim q" = D:t.f(x, y) dx. Now let h .... +00. Then arctan /) -+ n{2 and F(b) .... 0 (see &le 2, Section 10.15),
.. -~ x x so 1"(1') n/2 - arctan y. In other words" we have
ElWlIpJe J. Derivative 0/ the G_jllnction. The derivative r'(y) exists for each y :;. 0 +'" sin x n
i tr XY
dx = arctan y if y :> O. (25)
and is given by the integral a x 2
r(y} = e-~r-l log x dx, This equation is also valid if y O. That is. we have the formula.
obtained by differentiating the inf.e£ral fOT r(y) under the integral lIign. This is a oonse-
r+ oo
~inx dx = n. (26)
queru:e of Theorem 10.39 because for each }' in [0. b 1, () < a < b. the, partial deriva-
Jl) oX 2
tive D2(e-~x"-1) i5 dominated a.e. by a fuDctiOllg which is integrable on [0, +00). In
However we cannot deduce this by putting y 0 in (2;) because we have not shown that
F is continuous at O. In fact, the integral in (26) Cltists as an improper Riemann integral.
It does not exist as a Lebesgue integral (See Exercise lO.9.l
g..{y) = C" e-ZY sin x fix. (27) .......
lim ,JO) - 2'
Jo x
First we note that fI.(n) --t 0 as 11 -+ 00 since This formula Will be needed in Chapter II in the study or Fourier !ICl1ics.
an equation valid for all real y. This shows that g~(y}.... -110 + yZ) for all y and that
a) For each yin Y. the Lebesgue integral jxf(x)k(x, y) dx exists. and theJunction.
F dtifined on Y by the equation
But we have
n_oo . 0i I.. =
Ix [f,.
f(x) g(y)k(x. y) dY] dx = fr g(y) [fx j(x)k(x, y) d:C] tiy. (28)
Proof For each fixed y in Y, 1etl,(x) "'" j(x)k(x. y). Then!, is measurable on X
and satisfies the inequality
Ij,.{x)1 ;;;:; If(x)k(x, y)1 s Mlf(x) I for all x in X.
Letting n we find g.le0) .... nf2.
-+ 00,
Now if b :> () and if It =
IbJ, we have Also, since k is continuous on X x Y we have
limj(x)k(x, t) = f(x)k(x, y) for aU x in X,
g.(O) + - Jx.
" x Therefore, part (a) follows from Theorem 10.38. A similar argument proves (b).
- Now the productf' G is measurable on X and satisfies the inequality
so (29) becomes
where M' = M Ir 100Y)1 dy. By Theorem 10.35 we see that f· G e L(X). A Sim.ila.rly, we find
similar argument shows that II' Fe L( Y).
Next we prove (28). Fint we Dote that (28) is true if each off and II is a step
function. In this cue, each ofI and 9 vanishes outside II. oompael interval, so each L It
II' F = I(Y) [Ix s(x)k(x, y) ax] ay + B + 8 3 , 1 (31)
is R.iemann-integrable on that interval and (28) is an immediate consequence of
'I1Ieorem 7.42. where
Now we use Theorem IO.I9(b) to appf"Oximate each ofI and II by step functions.
0 ill given. there are step functions s and t such that IB1 1 < eM Ix III and tB,1 :s: eM L ItI < 8
M + .eM 1. lui.
Ix II - "I < t and L 10 tI < e. But the iterated integrals on the right of (30) and (31) are equal, so we have
< lrM + 28M {t + 1. IfI Ill} .
G(x) = [ g(y)k(x, y) dy =
1k/i1rititm 10Al. GirJe1J tmy RQnempty subset S of R The fimctiOll Xs defined by
By the I.A:vi theorem for absolutely convergent series, it follows that the series Theorem 10.35 shows that both X" and 1B are integrable. Therefore
~-1 f..(x) converges everywhere on R except for l!l. set T of measure O. If xeS,
the series cannot converge since each term is 1. If x ¢ S, the series converges
because each tenn is O. Hence T = S, so S has measure O.
peS) == f. = f. f.
'Xs XA + IB = P(A) + PCB).
In this (:as(: (32) holds with both members finite.
lh}iIIititNI10.4J. A subset S of R is called measurable If its charocteristic junction If Xs is not integrable then at least one of l..t or 1. is not integrable, in which
'X3 is measurable. If, in addition, Is is u!Jesgue-integrable on R, then the measure ease (32) holds with both members infinite.
P{S) of the set S is defined by the equation
The following extension of Theorem 10.45 can be proved by induction.
P(S) = f. xs· TItt1«em lfM6. 1/ {A ,_ •.. , A..} is a finite disjoint collection of tne113fUable
Tlll!ore. 10.N. a) If S und l' ore measurable, so is S - T. Proof. Let T,. = U~~l Ai' L = IT.' T = Ur-l A;. Since p is finitely additive,
b) If 81, Sz., .••• ore measurable, so are U~l Slond n;:'l 8,. we have .
Proof. To prove (a) we note that the characteristic function of S - Tis Xs - ls,b. P(T,.) = E P(A
• -1
i) for ea.ch D •
To prove (b), let
We are to prove that P(TJ --) p{T) as n -+ 00. Note that p(T,,) ~ P(1'''+I) so
U" = i=Ul Sj. {p(TJ} is an increasing sequence.
We consider two cases. If p.(T) is finite, then X7' and each X.. is integrable. Also,
Then we have the sequence {,u.{T.,)} is bounded above by P(T) so it converges. By the Lebesgue
dominated convergence theorem, p(T,,) -. p.CT).
XU n = max (Xs., ... , xsJ and XI' = min
ft b:S'••... , lsJ, If peT) +00, then 11' is not integrable. Theorem 10.24 implies that either
so each of U. and v" is measurable. Also, Xu = lim..."" Iv. and X..... Urn.... '" Xv.' some 1.. is not integrable or else every L is integrable but #t(T.) .... +<:0. In either
so U and V are measurable. case (33) holds with both members infinite.
For a further study of measure theory and its relation to integration, the reader
TIII!onm 10.45. If A and B are disjoint measurable sets, then
can consult the references at the end of this chapter.
p(A v B) = peA) + pCB). (32)
Proof Let 8 = A v B. Since A and B are disjoint we have 10.19 mE LEBESGUE INTEGRAL OVER ARBITRARY SUBSETS OF R
DtifUlitiell 10.48. Let f be dejin.ed on (l mell3UToble subset S of R. Define a new
1.s = X,4 + b·
function J on R as follows:
Suppose that Is is integrable. Since both X.. a.nd II are measurable and satisfy
J(x) = {~(x)
lfx E S,
(\ ifxe R - S.
11J.IU!l 'D.I0.!1
"~~~~ I
If J is ubesgue-integrable en R. we say that / i' Lebesgue-lntegroble on S t111d we TIIImn!m 10.50. If a complex-valued junction / is Lebeagu.e-integrable on I, then
write / e L(S). The integral uf/ over S is defined by the eqfll.ltion III e L(I) Q1Id we hove
integrable on I, and we define is called the inner p,oduct of1 and g, and is denoted by (f, g). If P E L(n, the
nonnegative number (/,/)t/2, denoted by JI/H, is called the L'1.-norm off
NOTE. The integral in (34) resembles the sum i::.l x",y", which defines the dot
product of two vectors x .. {xt> ... , xJ and y (}It. '" ,y.). The function
SimilarlYJis called measurable on fif both u and v are in M(l). values f(x) and g(x) in (34) play the role of the components Xl and Yl' and integra-
It is easy to verify that sums and products of complex-valued measurable tion takes the place of summation. The L 2-norm of fis analogous to the length of
functions are also measurable. Moreover. since a vector.
10.22 THE SET £2(1) OF SQUARE-lNTEGRABLE FUNCTIONS NOTE. The notion of inner product can be extended to complex-valued functions
J such that 1/1 f; I1-(l).
In this case, (f, g) is defined by the equation
De./inititm 10.53. We d~note by L2(1) tM set of all real-rJalued measurable functions
f on I such that j2 e L(l). The jIlnction:J in L2 (1) are said to be square-imegrable.
The set eel) is neither larger than nor smaller than L(I). For example,
(I. g) = i /(x)g(x) dx,
the function given by where the bar denotes the complex conjugate. The conjugate is introduced SO that
the inner product of / with itself will be a nonnegative quantity, namely,
lex) = x- l12 for 0 <: x S 1, f(O) = 0, (f,J) = IIlffl. The IJ·norm off is, as before, \1/11 = (f,/)1 /2.
is in L([O, 1]) but not in L ([O, I), Similarly, the function U(x) = I{x for x ~ I
2 < ,
Theorem 10.55 is also valid for complex functions, except that part (a) must be
is in L2([I, +00» but not in L([l, +00». modified by writing
(f,g) = (g,/). (35) <
TkDUlllIQ.5#. q f e L2(l) and U e L2(I), then J. 9 e L(l) and (of + bg) e eel) This impHes the following companion result to part (b):
for every real a and b.
Proof. Both / and 9 are measurable so I' u E M(l). Since
(f, 9 + h) = (g + h,]) (iJj + fJl:Tj = (f, g) + (J. h).
In parts (e) and (d) the constant c can be ccmplex. From (c) and (35) we obtain
If(x)g(x)f S /2(X) ; g'l(X) ,
(f, cg) = C<f, g).
Theorem 10.35 shows that/· 9 E L(l). Also, (of + bg) E M(l) and The Cauchy.Schwarz inequality and the triangle inequality are also valid for
<:omplex functions.
(of + bg)'l = a'lj2 + 2d1/.g + t/-g 2,
so (qf + bg) e L (l). 2
Thus, the inner product (f, 0) is defined for eveIY pair of functions / and 0 in We recall (Definition 3.32) that a metric space is a set T together with a nonnegative
L 2(1). 'The basic properties of inner products and norms am described in the next function don TxT satisfying the following properties for all points x". y, z in T:
I. d(x, x) = O. 2. d(:x, y) > 0 if x :f:. y.
~ If}.5S. IfI. u, and h are in L2(l) and if c is real we 1u1ve: 3. d(x, y) = dey, .1'). 4. d(x. y) :s: d(x, z) + d(z, y).
a) (I. g) - (0,1) (cotntrtUtatiDity). We try to convert LZ(J) into a metric space by defining the distance d(1. g) between
b) (f + g, h) = (J. h) + (g, h) (linearity). any two complex-valued functions in L2 (I) by the equation
e) (el. 0) = c(f, U) ...,I
d) nifll = leI II/II
(homogeneity). d(!. g) == 11/ 911;= (L 1/ Y YI
J,r Gn =
t-l Il-l , and
converges. Then the series of functioM L:,,"',.l flit converges almost everywhere on I so (38) implies
to "junctkm g in l!(l), «ntJ we have
~~ I\~ YAW S M
and this, in turn, implies (36).
Proof Let M = L.."'~1 Ilg.ll: The triangle inequality, extended to finite sums,
gives us 10.25 THE R.lESZ-FlSCHER THEOREM
The convergence theorem which we have just proved <:an be used to prove that
every Cauchy sequence in the semimetric space converges to a function in eel)
Th~s implies L1(1). In other words, the semimetric space IJ(l) is complete. This result, called
the !tiesz-Fischer theorem, plays an important role in the theory of Fourier series.
(37) Theorem 10.57. Let {h} be (J Cauchy sequence of complex-valued functions in
l!(I). That is, assume that for every 11 > 0 there i$ an integer N such that
Ilf", - J.~ < IJ whenever m :2: It :2: N. (39)
I.(x) (ii 19i;(JClIY. Then there exists a junction I in e'(l) such that
theorem for sequences (Theorem 10.24), there is a function / in L(/) such that Proof By applying (39) repeatedly we can find an increasing sequencce of integers
J. -+ / almost everywhere on 1, and n(l)< n(2) < ... such that
Jr 19/ L'"
= lim [ G". (38) I
f - J.1kl {hit) - J.,,<
1 1I"'{l) J, .' ,~J+ I
NOTE. In the following exercises, the integrand is to be assigned the value 0 at points
and that the series L";,H I lil.o(l) - /"(1-1)11 converges. Therefore. we can use
inequality (36) of Theorem 10.56 to write where it is undefined.
Cmverxeoc:e tIJeoreJas
10.5 IfI..(x) e-"'" - 2e- 2Jl", show that
Hence, (41) becomes
1If.. fI!~
1 3
if m ~ n(k).
~ fu'" J.(x)dx '" I' t/,,(X) dx.
Since n{k) as k .... this shows that Um - 111 -+ 0 as m ... 10.6 Justify the following equations:
. 11
-l' 00 00, 00.
NOTE. 10 the course of the proof we have shown that every Cauchy sequence of
functions in E(l) has a subsequence which converges pointwise almost everywhere
a) (1 log
Jo I
dx = (1
i: ~
If-I rt
dx ")'
;x:"dx ... L
on 1 to a limit function I in £2(1). However, it does Dot follow that the sequence
(1) dx = ")'. , I
1 XI'-l (p :> 0),
(J,.} itself converges pointwise almost everywhere to Ion 1. (A counterexample is b) - - log -
described in Section 9.13.) Although {f,,} converges to lin the semimetric space I) I - x x ::.-rl (n +
E(l), this convergence ill Dot the same l!lS pointwise convergence. 10.7 Prove Tannery's convergence theorem for R..iemann integrals: Given a sequence oj
+ 00 as
l!lIli:tiOl1.3 {f,,} and an increasing sequence {p,,} vf real numbers such that Po
n ..... 00. Assume that .
a) .r.. .... 1 UlIi/ormly on [a, b] lor every b ::e: 6.
b) J,. i$ Riemonrr-irrtegrlilble on [a, b1107 ellll!T)' b :2: a.
Upper 1'mH:titlns
c) 1J.(x)1 s g{x) (J/mqst etJerywllere 011 [a, + (0)., where g is 1t01I1legatwe ond im-
10.1 Prove thllt max (j, g) + min (f, g) ,. ! + 9, and that proper Riema_integrabie on [8, + 00 ).
JD.aX (f + Itdl + It) = max (j, g) + h. min (f + h, II + It) min (J. g) + h. Then both / and 1/1 are improper Riemann-integrable on [a. + 00), tM 3equem:e u:../,,}
lU Let {/,,} and {g,.} be increasing sequences offunctiol1S on an interval!. Let tI" cotm#!rges, and
max (J;" gJ and o. min (I... g,,). +'"
11) Prove that {u.} md {v,,} are increasing on 1. " I(x) dx lim heX) dx.
"-co •
b) 1ff,,;11 I on 1 and if 10 /"f 9 D.t!. on I, prove that "If / ' max (f, g) and
VIf;' min (j, g) a.e. on 1. d) Use Tannery's theorem to prove that
10.3 Let {s,,} be an :increaslng sequence of step functions which converges pointwise OD
an interval] to a limit function/. If1 is unbounded and ifI(x) ;a: 1 almost everywhere 00 Jim
(1 - ::!)" xl' IIx = Jor"" e-:t.¥" dx,
if p > -1.
1. prove that the sequence HI s.} diVCl"geJI.
10.4 Thill exercise gives an example of an upper function / on the interval I "" CO. I] 10.8 Prove Fatou'll lemma: Gillen a sequence {fn} O/llOnnegative !UlIctiom iII L(l) such
such that -.r ifi U(l). Let (71) 7Z' ••• } denote the set of ralronal numbers in [0. I] and I, f~ s A for
that (a) {J,.) COIlverges abmsI elJ£rywhere 011. ! 10 a limit fUller/on f, and (b)
let 1,. "" [7,. - 4-·,7" + 4-"] ('II. Let/(x) = I if x e J" for some n, and 1et/(x} = 0 some A > 0 and all n :i!:: 1. Then thedimit /Ullct/on Ie L(/) and 111:;;. A.
otherwise.. NOTE. It is not asserted that H, J.} conVCl"ge5. (Compare with Throrem 10.24.)
a) Let /,,(x) = I if x Ii: J• ..r.,(x) = 0 if x 'If I". and let s. = max (fl • .. .. /J. Show Hint. Let u.,(x) "" jnf (f.,(x), h+ 1(x), •.• }. Then g. JI / a.e. on ! and II g. s II f" :;;.
that {so} is an increasing sequence of step functions whicll generates f. This
A so lim....."" II g. exists and is sA. Now apply ibeorem 10.24.
shows that/€ U(l).
b) Prove that 11/ S; 2/3.
c) If a step function s satisfies S(:f) S; - /(x) on J, show that $(x) S; - I almost Improper RIeBwm IDtegnlIs
everywhere On J and hence II s S; - 1. 10.9 a) If p > 1. prove tbat tbe integra! It." x- P sin x dx exists both as an improper
Riemann integral aad as a Lebesgue integral. Hint. Integration by parts.
d) Assume that -Ie U(/) and use (b) and (c) to obtain a contradiction.
b} If 0 < P :s I, prove that the integral in (a) exists as an improper Riemann 10.]4 Determine those values of p and q for which the following J...ebesgue integrals exist.
intqral but not as a l.ebesgue intearal. Hint. Let
a) L 1
x11(1 - x 2 )" ix, b) I" re-CIi" ix,
for n = 1,2,_ .. ,
y(x) = :
{ c) xr-1 - xl-I
... dx, d) L'" sin dx,
- (xl')
o I-x 0 xl
and show that lao (IC/&xY'(sinxrmdx.
i x11-1 dx, f)
1.. i"" 4) 1 + xl ,.
x-l' Isin xl dx ~ . g(x) dx 2: - >Ii }"
" -1.
1 " 4 {:::1k 10.15 Prove that the fo&lowing improper Riemann integrals have the values indicated
(m and It denote positive integem).
nuo ca) Use the trigonometric identity sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x, along with the fonnula.
i: sin xix dx = 1t/2. to show that '" sioZ"+1 x .It(2n)! f"" log x dx ,,-1.,
f'" sin x cos x dx =
i {) X
dx "" ::c=:-::--=----::
22a +1(nl)Z'
J1 x"+1
x c) f "" x"(l + x.- a - lIt- 1 dx nl(m - 1)1
b) Use integratioD by parts in Ca> to deri"" the fonnula JlF (m + n)!
sin2 x n lU6 Given that/is Riemann-iotegrable on [0, 1 J, that/is periodic with period I, and
10.11 If ~ > I, prove that the integral It"" -,;' Oog xyr dx exists, both as an improper '1'-+ .. "" JlfT x
Riemann integral and as a Lebesgue integral for all q ifp <: - I, or for q <: - 1 if p"" -).
10.n Prove that ea<:h of the (ollowing intearals ~, both as an improper Riemann c) f'" {(tIX) - /(bx) dx = B log Q + r f(t) dr.
integral and as a Lebesgue integral. Jl X "\. b J. 1
1'"ma -
r; {(1)1-2 dt exists,
a) 1 dx, b) i"" x11e->r" dx (p > 0, q :> O).
d) AllSWIIC that tbe limit lim..,..o+ x
and prove that
denote tbis limit by A,
1 X 0
10.13 Dctenninc whether or not each of the following integrals exists, either as an
improper Riemann integral or as a Lebesgue integral.
fl !(tIX)
J{) X
I(b,,) dx = A log ~ -
e) Combine (e) and (d) to deduce
Coo l(tIX) - /(bx) dx = (B ..4) I a
1 X ogb
and use this result to evaluate the following intearaJs:
= 0, /'(0)
roc (arc~ X)2 dx 1f log 2.
...., Asswne that / is continuous on [0, I]. 1(0)
Lebes&ue inteBral f~ f(x)x-$12 dx exists.
exists. Prove that the Jo ;cJ
1• .10 Prove that the integrllls in (a) and (e) exist as 1..el:lesgue integrals but that those in llU7 Let I(y) ... S:' sin x cos xylx d"J( if y :!!: O. Show (by methods of e1emeota:ry
(b) and (d) do not. '1
calculus) that/(Y) "" 1!l'l if 0 :s; y " 1 and that I(y) 0 if y > J. Evaluate the integral
SSf(y) d(1 to derive the rormula
1f1l if 0 :s tl :S I.
~m sin ax sin x dx = 1C
d) f'" __dx-=---c:- J( { if II :!!: l.
Jl 1 + x 2
Hint. Obtain upper and lower bounds for tbe intqnds over suitably chosen neighbor· 10.28 a) If s > 0 and II > 0, show that the series
hoods of the points If1f (n = I, 2, 3, ... ).
~ defiIIld by . . .
lO~1 Determine the set S of those real values of y for wrncb each oC the foFlowing converges and prove that
integrals exists as a Lebesgue integral.
a) ('" ~dx
lim i:! i'" sin
",""'+«l ,.•• " •
21'fJ!'x dx ... O.
Jo I + x' •
b) Let/(x) = :r.:~l sin (lmtx)/n. Show that
c) Lao sin" dx. d) SoG) e-.,l COS 2xl dx.
f' f~) fix ... (hf- l C(2 It) Lm sin t dr, if 0 " $ < I,
It.n l.d F(y) "" J: e-Ji'. cos 1xy dx if y E R. Show tbat F satisfies the differential where , denotes the Riemann ~ function.
equation F(y) + 2y F(y) = 0 and deduce that F(y) = !v'~-r, (Use the result
SO' e-Ji'. dx '" i..J;, derived in Exetcise 1.19.) 10.19 a) Derive the (oUowing fonnula for the nth derivative of the Gamma function:
10.23 Let F(y) = J:
sin xY!xCx + 1) dx if y ;> O. Show that Fsatisfies the differential
p")(x)" L«> tr't,,-l (log t)" dt (x > G).
equation F"{y) - F(y) + 11:/2 = 0 and dedlllCe that F(y) t1l(1 - <!'-'). Use tbB result
to deduce the following eqUlltiOOll, vaJid Cor y ;> 0 and a ;> 0:
b) When x = I, show that this can be written as rauoW!!:
sin xy._ dx '" .!!.. (I _ e-fi).
xCx' + a:/;) 2fil Jo
('"' cos xy fix =
x:Z ... 41.1
2a • roo>(1) ... J: (t 2 + (_I)",-lI')e-lt -ZOog0- dt,
you may use [
--- dx = n:_. c) Use (b) to show that £"'>(1) has the same sign as (-1)".
G:It 2
In ExercilIcs 10.30 and 10.31, r denotes the Gamma function.
lCU4 Show that If [ff I(x, y) dx] dy ;/; f:' [If f(x, y) dy] ax if
10.30 Usetherault SO' e-~ dx = ;,J; toprovethatr(i) = .;;;. Provethatr(n + I) =
x-y xZ
y _ 2
a) I(x, 1) ... ( - - ) 3 ' b) J(x, y) = \x
~ :M.' n! and that r(n + 1) =: (In)! J;Wn! if It = O. 1,2, ...
x+y +y,
10.31 a) Show that for x ,. 0'1111:: have the series reprcscotation
Sqaare-iJItelp'BIIJ.e ftmetions
.., (-I)" 1 ,"" In Exercise:;; 10.38 through 10.42 all fWlctions are assumed to be in L'2.(J). The L2 -nonn
["(x) =E - -- E c.x",
I/~ is defined by the formula, af~ = (111/1 2)1/2•
.. ~O n! n+ x .. ~()
when:; c.. ... (1/,,1) J:' r1e- r (log t)" dt. Hi"t: Write I: ... f~ + Ii and use ltU8 Iflim"....., III. 111:= 0, prove thatJim"...... IU;'11 = lifll,
an appropriate power series expansion in each integcaf.. 10.39 If 6m,,_ '" ~/" n0 and if lim"_,,, f.(x) g(x) alnwsf evcIYI'\'here on I, prove
b} Show that the power series L:".Q c.,z" con~ for every eorDplex z and that that/(x) = g(x) almost everywhere on I.
tbe series {(-I)"lnl]!(n + z) converges for every complex z ¢ 0, I, 10.40 If/" ..... f uniformly on a compact interval I, and if each/" is continuous on " prove
-2, ... that lim"_,,, lit.. - n o.
10.31 Assume that f is of bounded variation on [0, b} for every b ,. 0, and that lOAl If llmH~ Ilf.. - III 0, prove that lim.._oo II f" . 9 II /. 9 for every 9 in
Ii~_ +<0 {(x) exists. Denote this limit by f( (0) and prove that L2.(I).
III = o and lim".. ", Ilg" - gil = 0, prove thallim"_,,, II/" 'g.
Jor'" tr"7j(x) dx ... /(00).
lOAZ Iflim,,"«l Ij~ ~
lim }'
HiRt. Use integration by parts.
10.33 Assume that fis of bounded variation on [0, 1]. Prove that SUGGESTED R.E.FERENCES FOR FURTHER STUDY
lim y (I x"-I/(x) dx = 1(0+). 10.1 Asplund, E., aDd Bungart, L.. A First Course in Integration. Holt, Rinehart and
.1'-0+ Jo Winston, New York, 1966.
MelI5lIrlIbIe IilllJt:tillDs 10.2 Bartle. R., The Elements of Integration. Wiley, New York, 1966.
10.34 If f is Lebesgue-integrable on an open interval I and if ['(x) exisbl almost every- 10.3 Durkill, J. C., '11te LebellflU$ Integral. Cambridge University Press, 1951.
where on f. prove that I' Is ITIeltSUfable on I. 10.4 Halmo!, P., Measure Theory. Van Nostrand, New York, 1950.
19.35 a) Let {~.} be a sequeace of step functions such that 8" -.. f evaywhere on R. 10.5 Hawkins, T., Lebesgue's Tht!ory of Inlegralit:m: Its Origin and Development.
Prove that, for every real a. Univenity of Wjsconsin Press, Madison, 1970.
rl«tl, +(0» = 0 nJi'l ((a + 1, +(0)) . 10.6 Hildebrandt, T. H., lnlrooudion to the Theory 01 Integration.
New York, 1963.
Academic Press,
.~" "",1 "
10.7 Kestelman, H., Modern T1reories ofIntegration. Oxford University Press, 1937.
b) If fis JtJ.CaSlJrable on R, prove that for every open subset A orR tlu:: set/-I(A)
is measurable. 10.8 Korevaar, J., Mathematical Methods, Vol. 1. Academic Press, New York, 1968.
10.36 This exen::ise describes an example of a nonmeasurable set in R. If x and)l are real 10.9 Munroe, M, E., Measure ami Integralion, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1971.
numbers in the interval [0, 11. we say that x and y are equivalent, written x - y, whenever 10.10 Riesz, F.. 'and Sz.-Nagy, B.• Functional Ana(vsis. L. Boron, translalor. Ungar,
x - y is rationaL The relation ~ is an equivalence relation, and the interval [0. 1] <:aD New York, 1955.
be expressed as a disjoint union of subsets (called equivalern:e classes) in each of which 10.11 Rudin, W., Principles of Mathemotiool Analysis, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York,
no two distinct points are equivalent. Oloose a point from each equivalence class and 1964.
let E be the set of points so chosen. We assume that E is measurable and obtain a contra-
10.12 Shilov, G. E., and Gurevicb, B. L., Integral, Measure and DerilJatilJe: A Unified
diction. Let A = {r1 , ';2.,' .. } denote tbe set of rational numbers in {-I, 1] and let
Approach. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1966.
Elf {r. + x: XE E}.
a) Prove that each En is measurable and that I4E.) = IJ(E). 10.13 Taylor, A. E., General '11teOI'}' of FlUlctions and lntef/l'ation. Blaisdell, New York,
b) Prove that tEl> E2 , ••• } is a disjoint collection of sets whof;e union contaiIl!l 1965.
[0, 1] and is contained in 1,2]. , 10.14 Z8a.ncn, A. C., IntegratilUl. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1967.
c) Use parts (a) and (b) along with the countable additivity of Lebesgue measure
to obtain a oontradictiQn.
10.37 Refer to Exercise 10.36 and prove tbat the characten,tic function Xlii is not .measur-
able. I.et I "Xll - X'-I: when 1= [0,1]. Prove that III E u.n
but that If M(l).
(Compare with Corollary I of Theorem 10.35.)
CHAPTER II We shall be particularly interested in the special trigonometric system
S {qto, rt't. rt'J•••. }, where
cos nx sinnx
({J",/,n-t(x) = , fPz..()
x = (1)
AND FOURIER INTEGRALS for n 1, 2, . .. It is a simple matter to verify that S is orthonormal 00 any
interval of Iength 2n. (See Exercise 11.1.) The system in (1) consists of real-valued
functions. An orthonormal system of complex-valued functions on every interval
of length 211: is given by
In 1807, Fourier astounded some of his contemporaries by asserting that an
cos nx + (sin llX
n "" 0, 1,2, ...
"arbitrary" function could be expressed as a linear combination of sines and C~
sines. These linear combinations, now called Fourier series, have become an
indispensable tool in the analysis of certain periodic phenomena (such as vibra-
tions, and planetary and wave motion) which are studied in physics and engineering. 11.3 THE THEOREM ON BEST APPROXlMATION
Many important mathematical questions have also arisen in the study of Fourier One oftbe basic problems in the theory of orthogonal functions is to approximate
series, and it is a remarkable historical fact that much of the development of a given function/in L2 (l) as dosely as possible by linear combinations of elements
modern mathematical analysis has been profoundly influenced by the search for of an orthonormal system. More precisely, let S = {cp{J' (JJto (JJl' ••• } be ortho-
answers to these questions. For a brief but excellent account of the history of this normal on I and let
subject and its impact on the development of mathematics see Reference ILJ.
t,.(x) = ~ b.({J..(x),
The basic problems in the theory of Fourier series are best described in the setting where bo, bIt ... , b" are arbitrary complex numbers. We use the norm III t.B
of a more genenll discipline known as the theory of orthogonal functions. There- as a measure of the error made in approximatingfby I.. The first task is to choose
fore we begin by introducing some terminology concerning orthogonal functions. the constants b o• ... , b" so that this error will be as small as possible. The next
theorem shows that there is a unique choice of the constants that minimizes this
NOTE. As in the previous chapter, we shall consider functions defined on a general error.
subinterval I of R. The interval may be bounded, unbounded, open. closed, or To motivate the results in the theorem we consider the most favorable case.
half-open. We denote by L2 (I) the set oral! complex-valued functions/which are [f/ is already a linear combination of rpo. tpt> •.. , <fJ... say
measurable on I and are such that Ifl 2 e 1,(/). The inner product (f, g) oftwo such
functions, defined by
(f, g):;;;; L f(x)g(x) dx,
then the choice t. = fwill make Hf t.11 = O. We can determine the constants
always exists. The nonnegative number IIfll = (f,n it",/, is the J!-norm off co, ... , c. as follows. Form the inner product (f, qJ,..), where 0 :-::; m :-::; n. Using
the properties of inner products we have
Delilfitifl" 11.1. Let S = {tpo, ({Jl' tfJl' •.. } he a collection offunctions in L2(1}. If
(tp., tfJ..) = 0 whenever m ¢ Tr.
T1Jeo';1IJ 11.2. Let {li'{l' fPI' '1'2' .•. } be orthonormal on 1, f.flJd assume that 11.4 mE FOURIER SERIES OF A FUNCl10N RELATIVE TO AN
f E I.; (/). Define two sequences ofItmcIions {s,,} anrJ {t"} on I as follows: ORTHONORMAL SYSTEM
DIIjiIfiIifM 1/.1. Let S "" {tp(h f.P., tp,., ' .. } be orthonormal on I and assume that
L" c.rp,(x). L" Ie e(l).
t,,(x) ""
b1fPll(X}. The notation
f(x) -
E C.({J.(X) (5)
will mean that the numbers Co, Cl> C2. ' •• are gilJen by the lormulas:
. , are arbitrary complex numbers. Thl!lilor each n we hm>e
III - s,,~r sill - t.. ~. (3) .c. = (f, fP,,) = L f{x)qJ'(x) dx (n 0.1,2.... ). (6)
MoreolJer, equality holds in (3) if, and only if, bit. = ell lor k = 0, I, ...• n.
The series in (5) is called the Fourier series off relative 10 S, and the numbers
Proof. We shall deduce (3) from the equation Co. el' C2' .•• are called the Fourier coefficients off relative to S.
" 1(1) sin nt dt.
In this case the integrals for Q. and bll exist iff e L{[O, lx]).
f(x) - L
• -IJ
Also, (t.. ,f) = = Lk=o I\:e" and hence Then
a) The series L Ienl 2 C()1I!)erges and satisfies tilt> inequalitY'
1: te.l z :s; Ilfll 2 (Bessel's inequality). (8)
h) The equation
(Parseval's formula)
nil." 31l
• b) nfl 2 = :E Jc.f.
,6; Jq,J 2
~ Iln 1 •
Proof. Let
This establishes (a). To prove (b), we again put b.. '= Cl in (4) to obtain
A.,s a furth~ consequence of part (a) of Theorem 11.4 we observe that the
.lim... Us.. - fH = o.
Part (b) ofTheorcm 11.4 then implies part (b) of Theorem 11.5-
Founer coeffiCients c" tend to 0 as 11 .... 00 (since L le..12 converges). In particular.
when qJJx) = e"''''fJin and I = [0, 211) we find First we note that {s,,} is a Cauchy sequence in the semimetric space l!(l)
because, if m :> 1'1 we have
:E E
cIM.tp!I;' qJr)
. i:
f(x) COS !IX dx = lim
" I(x) sin /IX dx = O. (9)
and the last sum can be made less than t' if m and n a.re sufficiently large. By
Theorem 10.57 there is a functionJin Ll (l} such that
These formulas are also special cases of the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma (Theorem
lim lis. - Jil O.
N01E. The Parseval formu'la
To show that (f, <Pi) = Cit we note that (s". !PJ = c. ifn ~ k. and use the Cauchy-
1if11 2 = ICol l + lell l + lelll + q. Schwarz inequality to obtain
is analogous to the formula
for the leng~h a \lector x = (Xl •... • X.) in I.". Each of these can be regarded
o.f NOT£. The proof of this theorem depends on the fact that the scmimetric space
as a generalizatIOn of the Pythagorean theorem for right triangles. L2 (J) is complete. There is no corresponding theorem for functions whose squares
are Riemann-integrable.
311 TlLIU
In this chaptet we shall deduce some of the sufticient conditions f?r convergence
of a Fourier series at a particular point. Then we shall pr~ve FCJer's t~orems.
The discussion rests on two fundamental limit formulas which Will ~ ?lSCussed
Consider the trigonometric Fourier series generated by a function f which is first. These limit formulas. which are also used in the theory of F.ouner m~,
Lebesgue-integrable on the interval I [0, 2n], say deal with integrals depending on a real parameter CI!. and we are 1Ute:es~ the 10
behavior of these integrals as IX .... +00. The first of these is a generalization of (9)
[(x) - Q
o "" (a" cos nx + bIt sin
+ L: nx). and is known as the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma.
2 .~1
Two questions arise. Does the series converge at some point x in ]'1 If it does 11.1 DIE RIEMANN-LEBESGUE LEMMA
converge at x, is its sumf(x)? The first question is called the convergence problem;
the second, the representation prob.lem. In general. the answer to both questions T1Iurelll 11.6. Assume that f E L(l). Then,for each real (1, we have
is "No." In fact, there exist Lebesgue-integrable functions whose Fourier series
diverge everywhere, and there exist continuous functions whose Fourier series
diverge on an uncountable set.
«..... +r.o
f 1
1(t) sin (oct + II) dt O. (10)
Ever since Fourier's time, an enormous literature has been published on these Proof If I is the characteristic function of a oompact interval [a. b) the result is
problems. The object of much of the research has been to find sufficient conditions obvious since we have
to be satisfied by fin order that its Fourier series may converge, either throughout
the interval or at particular points. We shall prove later that the convergence or sin (<<I + fJ) drl = I~~ (GO! + fJ) (); roll (b« + tt)\ :s; ~, if 11 >0.
divergence of the series at a particular point depends only on the behavior of the
function in arbitrarily small neighborboods of the point. (See Theorem 11.11, The result also holds if f is constant on the open interval (a, b) and zero outside
Riemann's localization theorem.) [a, b], regardless of how we define f(a) and f(b). Therefore (10) is vali.d ifI is a
The efforts of Fourier and Dirichlet in the early nineteenth century, followed step function. But now it is easy to prove (IO) for every Lebesgue-Integrable
by the contributions of Riemann, Lipschitz, Heine, Cantor, Du Bois-Reymond,
Dini, Jordan, and de la Vallee-Poussin in the latter part of the century, led to the
discovery'of sufficient conditions of a wide $(:ope for establishing convergence of
Jf ~ > 0 is given, there exists a step function s such that
Theorem IO.19(b». Since (to) holds for step functions, there
tl Ifa poSitive
- ~I. < £/2 (by
M such
the series, either at particular points, or generally, throughout the interval that
After the discovery by Lebesgue. in 1902, of his general theory of measure and
integration, the field of investigation was considerably widened and the names
chiefly associated with the subject since then are those of Fejer, Hobson, W. H.
I I set) sin (ut + J1) dtl < ~ ih 2: M.
Young, Hardy, and Littlewood. Fejer showed, in 1903, that divergent Fourier Therefore, if IX ;;;: M we have
series may be utilized by consi4ecing, instead of the sequence of partial sums {a,,},
the sequence of arithmetic means {u,,}, where 11 f(t) sin (Gtl + P) dlj II
:s; (J(t) - s(t») sin (<xt + tI) dt\
O'.{x) = so(x) + SjCx) +~s.-: l(X) •
11 II+ sCt) sin (tIt + fJ) dtl
He established the remarkable theorem that the sequence {u,,(x)} is con\lergent
and its limit is t[f(x+) + f(x-)] at every point in [0,2n] where f(x+) and
f(x-) exist, the only restriction on f being that it be Lebesgue-integrable on
sl lf{f) s(t)1 dt + ; < ; + ; = s.
[0,2n] (Theorem 11.15.). Fejer also proved dlat every Fourier series, whether it
converges or not, can be integrated term-by-term (Theorem 11.)(i.) The most This completes the proof of the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma.
striking result on Fourier series proved in recent times is that of Lennart Carleson, EDmpIe. Taking fJ 0 and 6 = n/2, we find, if/ E un,
a Swedish mathematician, who proved that the Fourier series of a function in
!J(/) converges almost everywhere on 1. (Acta Mathematica, 116 (1966), pp. lim f /(1) sin III dt = lim 1/(1) COlI 11.1 dl = o.
135-"-157.) ~-++-'JO JJ IX-+ tJ;I 1
314 Tb.U.7 TIl. 1:1.1 315
As an application of the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma we derive a result that wiD by the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma. Hence the validity of (12) is governed entirely
be needed in our discussion of Fourier integrals. by the local behavior of g near O. Since g(t} is nearly g(O+) when I is near 0, there
TituJrftt 11.7. Iff e L( - 00, + IX), we have is some hope of proving (12) without placing 100 many additional restrictions on g.
It would seem that continuity of g at 0 should certainly be enough to insure the
"~+,,, -'"
f'" f(l) ~ cos 'Xl dt
t o t
- -- _
I( - t)- dt
1'" (11)
eltistence of the limit in (12). Dirichlet showed that continuity of 9 on [0. 6] is
sufficient to p£ove (I2), if, in addition, 0 has only a finite number of maxima or
minima on [0, &]. Jordan later proved (12) under the less restrictive condition
whenever the Lebe$gue integral 011 the right exists.
that 0 be of bounded variation on [0, 5]. However, all attempts to prove (12) under
!,'roof Fo.r each fixedIX,. the integral on the left of (11) exists as a Lebesgue the sole hypothesis that 9 is continuous on [0. 6] have resulted in failure. In fad,
mtegral Since the quotJent (I - cos fl.t)/t is continuous and bounded on Du Bois-Reymond discovered an example ofa continuous fuoction 9 for which the
(-IX), +ctJ). (At t = 0 the quotient is to be replaced by 0, its limit as t -+ 0.) limit in (12) fails to exist. Jordan's result, and a related theorem due to Dini, will
Hence we can write be discussed here.
f:,., fa'" /(t) I co~ dt + So ~ at dt T1Iet1rem 11.11 (Jtm/a). Ifg is of bounded 'lItlrio.tion on [0, 8], then
f(t) 1 COS !Xt dt - 1(/) I cos
t J~ t _«>. t
11m -2 get) sin at dt "" 9(0+}. (13)
= L'" [/(t) /( -t)] I - ;os txl dt «-++"" 11: I) t
Proof. It suftkes to consider the case in which 9 is increasing OR [0, 6]. If IX > 0
= Etl f(l) 10'" and if 0 < h < lJ, we have
When a --+
-, dt
+ g(O+) i sin -
- ctl dl + I" sin-
get) - txt dt
S o t • t
Integrals of t~e foem It
g(t){sin fl.t)!t tit (called Dirichlet integrals) play an im- = 11(<<, II) + l,.(a, II) + 13 (11,11), (14)
~rtant cole m the theory of Fourier series and also in the theory of Fourier
I?t~gral.s. The ~Ofl g in the integrand is assumed to have a finite right~hand let us say. We can apply the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma to 13(a.. h) (since the
h~lt 0(0+) = ~m,.. ~+ get) and we are interested in formulating further eon- S:
integral g(t)!t dt exists) and we find 13 (11.. h) ...... 0 as I! - +00. Also,
ditions on g which will guarantee tbe validity of the following equation:
12(a. II) = g(O+)
f " sin 0:1
Jor-~ 9(1) sint ~ dt
lim 2 g(O+). o t
.-H «; 1t (12) lolll
To get an idea w~y we might expect a formula like (12) to hold, let us first consider
the case when g IS CQn~tant (g(t) = 0(0+» on [0. ~]. Then (12) is a trivial can-
= g(O+)
i ()
sin I
. - dt _ - g(O+)
Next, choose M > 0 So that Ij: (sin O!, titf < M for every b ~ Q Z 0, It follows
as IX - + x.
~quence of the equation Sa (sin I)/t dt = 11:/2 (see Example 3, Section 10.16).
that If:
(sin 0:1)/' dtl < M for every h ~ a 2:: 0 if ft > O. Now Jet f: > 0 be
I'" .
SInO! t d _
i«1 . SIOld n:
I-'!o- aslX_ +00.
given and choose h in (0, tS) so that IO(h) 0(0+)1 < &/(3M). Since
More generally, if g e L([O, 0]), and if 0 < t < ~. we have we can apply Bonnet's theorem (Theorem 7.37) in 11(I!, II) to write
where CE [0, h]. The definition of h gives us 11.10 AN INTEGRAL REPRESENTATION FOR THE PARTIAL SUMS OF A
This fonnula was discussed in Section 8.16 in connection with the partial sums of
This proves (13). the geometric series. The function D~ is called Dirichlet's kernel.
A different kind of condition for the validity of (13) was found by Dini and TlletwtM 11.10. Assume that IE L([O, 2n]) and 3Ilppo&e that I is periodic with
can be described as follows: period2n. Let {a.} denote the sequence ofpaflial sums olthe Fourier series gtmerllted
Tlleorem 1l.9(DiIliJ. Assume tMt g(O+) exists ond 3Ilppose tlrmjor some f> > 0
by f, say
the Lebesgue integral .
3,,(X) = 2 + ~ (Ok cos kx +bt sin kx), (n = 1, 2, ...). (18)
. g(O+) dt
t Then we hatJe the integri;ol representation
exists. Then we have
hm -2
........ '" 11;
get) sin I%t dt
= g(O+).
SIlex) ~ (" f(x
n Jo
+ t) + f(x
- t) D,,(f) dt. (19)
Proof The F (lUrier coeificients ofI are given by the integrals in (7). Substituting
Proof Write these integrals in (18) we find
Io,get} sin at dt =
J' (I
9(t) - 9(0+) sin at dt + g({)+)
When a. ..... + 00, the first term on the right tends to 0 (by the Riemann-Lebesgue
r"" sint
t dl.
1 (::" I(t)
11: 10
{! + t
2 11:='
(cos kt OOS kx + sin kt sin kx)} tit
lemma) and the S«;ond term tends to 11l'g(0+ J,
NOTE. If 9 e L([a, f>]) for every positive a < ~, it is easy to show that Dini's
11 2
" f(t) -
lXl$ k(t - x) tit} = -1f2" :It l)
f(t)D,,(t - x) dt.
condition is satisfied whenever 9 satisfies a "right-handed" Lipschitz condition at Since both I and D" are periodic with period 211:. we can replace the interval of
0; that whenever there exist two positive constants M and p such tbat integration by [x - 11:, X + n] and then make a translation u ;= t - x to get
10(1) - g(O+)1 < M{", for every tin (0, ~].
s,.(x) = 11"+'< t(t)Dn(t - x) dt
(See Exercise lL21,) In particular, the Lipschitz condition holds with p = I 1t ,l;-"
whenever 9 has a righthand derivative at O. It is of interest to note that there exist
functions whicb satisfy Dini's condition but which do not satisfy Jordan's con- = 1 f"_..t(X + u)D,,(u) duo
dition. Similarly. there are functions which Jordan's condition hut not
Dini's. (See Reference 11.10.)
Using the equation D,,( -u) = D,,{u). we obtain (19).
311 D..IUI D..IU4 Cairo SS_IIIII'lliib>b> 319
lUI RIEMANN'S LOCALIZAnON THEOREM li'elies depend on the values which the functioo assumes throughout the entire
Formula (19) tells us that the Fourier series generated. by jwill converge at a point interval [0, 2Jt].
.:t if, and only if, the following limit exists:
· 2
1~- I"' f(x + t} + f(x - t) sin (n + l)t d t
n ... .., x (l 2 2 sin it '
Assume. that f E L([O, h D and suppose that fhas period 2:Jl:. Considec a fixed x
in which case the value of this limit wiD be the sum of the series. This integral is
ellSeJltially a Dirichlet integral of the type discussed in the previous section, except
in [0, 2..] and a positive Ii Let <..
that 2 sin !t appears in the denominator rather than t. However, the Riemann- 9(1) f(x + t) + f(x - t) if t € [0, ';],
Lebesgue lemma allow$ Wi to replace 2 sin ;1 by tin (20) without affecting either 2
the existence or the value of the limit. More precisely, the Riemann-Lebesgue and let
lemma implies .s(x) = g(0+) _ lim f1_(x_+_D:~+~/(~x_----,-t)
lim 2 f"' (~ __ .I_)f(X + I) + I(x - t) sin (n + !)t dt = 0.
wheue'vet this limit exists. Note that sex) = fix) if lis continlKlllS at x.
...... 1t Jo I 2 Sm 1t 2
By combinin, 'I'heonmJ 11.11 with l'bcon::m:1r. I L8 and 11.9, respectively, we
because the function F defined by the equation
obtain the fOllowing sul&clent t:ond.itions for convergence of a Fourier series.
1 I ~ 11.12 (~. tal). Iff is (If bouRtIt:d variation alE the compact interval
( if 0 < t:$ 7l',
F(I) = l~ 2 SIn;1 [.:t ~, x + 0] for S01ItiI.! ~ <
t1wI t1ft. limit .1(;1) f!n!Jts Ulfd the Fourier series
91!fft!1'Qted by f ctJmJeroes to sfX'). ,
ift = 0,
1'IlI!waI11.JJ (DiJIF;f tat). 1/ the limit $(x) aiR" tmd if the Lebesgue integral
is continuous 00 [O,7l']. Therefa«: the convergence problem for FoUl'ier series
amonnts to finding conditions on f which will guarantee the existence of the
following limit:
lim ~ C"' f(x + t} + f(x - t) sin dt. (2l) eXists for some /) < 11.
f ll
g(') - .(x) dl
· -2
I1m f" f(x + t) + f(x - I) sin (n + 1)' ut
Our first task is to obtain an integral representation fot tile arithmetic means
.-.., 11. (I 2 t' of the partial sums of a Fourier smes.
in which CfJSe Ihe vulfIJe ofthis limit is Ihe SUm of the Fourier series. ~ 11.14. A33tJ1ne: thD:t f e L([O, 211:]) and suppose that f is periodic with
This theorem is known as Rieman,ltlloCDlization theorem. It tells us that the period 2n. Ut s,. denote the mh panitJt min of Ihe Fourier 1eries generated b.v f and
convergence or divergence of a: Fourier series at a particular point is governed Jet
entirely by the behavior off in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the point. {f,,(X) = :..':'.'-'-'---"'-'---'---,--"~'-.:. (n = 1,2, ... ). (23)
This is rather surprising in view of the fact that the coefficients of the Fourier n
...... 11.14
i·.·.~·.· .j
,. 1
_ :o} si~22+lIt dt.
sm !t
Tlu!orem 11.16. Let I be contintwUS (Jlf [0,2n:) and periodit with period 27t. Let
If we Qn choose a value of s such that the integral on the right of (26) tends to 0 {s.} denote the sequence 01 partial sums of the Fourier series generated by f, say
as 11 -+ 00, it will follow that O',,(x) -+ Ii as n ...... 00. The next theorem shows that it <0
Deorwm 11.15 (Fqe,J. Assume that IE L([O. 2n}) wuJ suppose that [ill periodic
Then we have.-
with period 211:. Define a function s by theJollowing equation:
a) l.i.m...... '" 8. = I on [0, 21t].
+ + [ex
sex) = lim [ex
- t) • (21)
b) l J;1., I/(x)12 dx
;r 0
= ~+
t (Q~ + b~)
OF 1
whenever the limit c.tisls. Then, lor each x Jur which s(x) is d!"jirIed, the Fourier
seriu generated by I is Ce.o summllble 0110 has (C, l) 311m 8(x). That is, we have c) The Fourier series can be integrated term by term. That ill, for aU x we Iulve
lim <I.(x)
...... .., (x), t'" I(t)
+ t J"
,,=1 0
(a" c()s nt + b. sin tit) dt,
where {<I,,} ill the sequence oj arithmetic means defined by (23). If. in addition.! is
the integrated series being uniformly convergent on every imen'fll, €t'f!n if the
continuous on [0, 21t], then the sequence {O',,} converges IIIdformfy to f on [0, 211].
Fourier series in (28) diverges.
Proof Let g",(/) = [/(x + t) + J(x - 1)]/2 - s(x), whenever s(x} is defined. d) if the Fourier series in (28) converges lor some x, then it converges to I(x).
Then g.,(t) - 0 as t -+ 0+. TherefoTe, given IJ ::> 0, there is a positive ~ < 11
such that IgJt)1 < &/2 whenever 0 < t < S. Note tha.t b depends on X as well as Proof Applying formula (3) ofTheorem 11.2, with IM(X) .. uJ.x) (I I,,) L:::~,f~(X),
on 11. HOWe\lef, if I is continuous on [0. 21'/.], then f is unifonnly continuous on " we obtain the inequality
(0,2:11:], and there exists a 8 which serves equally well for every x in [0, Dr]. Now
we use (26) and divide the interval of integration into two subintervals [0. "] and
[l5, ll:]' On [0, 8] we have
f:" I/(x) - s"(x)l~ dx :s; tZl< j/(x} - 0".(.-.:)1 dx.
2 (29)
I I'
But, since (1. - . !uniformly on [0, 211J, it follows that I.i.m."_,,, <1. =! on [0, 2n:J,
.!- g,,(t) si~Z lilt dt) 5 I: " Si~2 int dt = e, and (29) implies (a). Part (b) follows from Ca) beca use of Theorem 11.4. Part (c)
1t1t (l sm 2 !t 2m!' 0 sm:/; tt
also follows from (8), by Theorem 9.18. Finally, if {sileX)} converges fot some x, wherea:" "" (a" - ib,J/2andP. = (a. + ibJ/2. Ifweputllo = Ql;./2andl'L" = fl.,
then {u,,(x)} must converge to the same limit. But since u.(x) -+ f(x) it follows we can write the exPonential form more briefly as follows:
that six) -+ f(x), which proVelI (d).
TIutoH!m 11.17. Let f be rea["",a/ued and continuous on II compact interval [a. b]. Iffhas period 2n, the inteEVat of integration can be replaced by any other interval
TherJ for every 11 > 0 there is a polynomial p (which nmy depend on 8) such that oflength 2n.
More generally, iiflE L([o, p]) and iff bas period 11, we write
If(x) - p(x)1 < e for every x in [a, b]. (30)
Proof If t t [0, 1t). let get) = f[a + t(b - a)/1I:]; if
t e [1t, 2n]. let g(t) = f(x) - ~
a + i-- ( 2'1fllX • 2nnx)
~ a. cos - - + b. sm ---
f[a + (21r - t){b - a)/1t] and define 9 outside [0, 2n] so that 9 has period 2n". 2 .. ~I P P
For the t given in the theorem, we ean apply Fejer's theorem to find a function 6 to mean that the coefficients are given by the ronnu!as
defined by an equation of the form
N a. = -211' f(t) cos 211:1'
_. 11 di,
q(t) Ao + L; (Ai COS kt + B. sin kt) P /) P
such that 19(t) - 0(/)1 <: 8/2 for every t in [O,2nJ. (Note that N. and hence 6, b. =2 J" . ant
f(t) SJrl -
- dt (n 0, 1,2, . .,).
depends on 8.) Since a is a tinite sum of trigonometric functions, it generates a ,
power series expansion about the origin which converges uniformly on every finite In exponential form we can write
interval. The partial sums of this power series expansion constitute II sequell('C of
polynomials, say {p,,}, such that P" -+ a uniformly on [O,2nJ Hence, for the: f(x) - L:'"
same tl, there exists an m such that
!p",(t) - 0(1)1 <: I; •
for every t in [O,2'1f]. «.. == 1
P 0
f(t)e-hillt/l' dt, if 11 = 0, ± 1, ± 2, H ..
Therefore we have All the convergence theorems for Fourier series of period 211: can also be applied
Ip.(l) - g(l)1 < t, for every tin [0, 2nJ (31) to the case of a general period p by making a suitable change of scale.
Now define the polynomial p by the formula p(x) p.[K(x - a)J(b - a)]. Then
inequality (31) becomes (30) when we put t "" 7t(x - a)/(b - a). JUT THE FOURIER INl"EGIlAL THEOREM
The hypothesis of periodicity. which appears in all tbe convergence theorems
11.16 01HER FORMS OF FOURIER SERIFS dealing with Fourier series, is not as serious a restriction as it may appear to be at
first sighL If a function is initially defined on a finite interval, say [a, b], we can
Using the formulas
always extend the definition offoutside [Q, b] by imposing some sort of periodicity
condition. For example. iff(o) = f(b), we can definefeverywhere on co, + IX)
by requiring the equation f(x + p) f(x) to hOld for every x, where p = b o.
the Fourier series generated byf can be expressed in terms of complex exponentials
(The condition f(a) = feb) can always be brought about by changing the value
as follows:
off at one of the endpoints if necessary. This does not affect the existence or the
is not periodic, then there is no hope of obtaining a Fourier series which represents Thus we have established (33). If we make a translation. we get
the function everywhere on ( - 00, + 00). Nevertheless, in such a case the function
can sometimes be represented by an infinite integral rather than by an infinite series. ~ f(x + t) sin Ott dt = f"" feu) sin "xl du,
These integrals, which are in many ways analogous to Fourier series, are known as _'" t _"" u - x
Fourier integrals, and the theorem which gives sufficient conditions for representing
a function by such an integral is known as the Fourier integral theorem. The basic and if we use the elementary fannula
tools used in the theory are, as in tbe case of Fourier series, the Dirichlet integrals
and the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma. sin (l(u
x) =
X ~ II
f" cos v(u - x) till,
b) hoth limitsJ(x+) and f(x-) exist and both Lebesgue integrals But the formula we seek to prove is (34) with only the order of integration rever:sed.
+ By Theorem 10.40 we have
f 6
f(x t) - f(x+) dt
and dt
f: [S:ro feu) cos v(u - x) tIu] dv = f:~ [tI(U) cos ~u - x) dllJ till
Then we have the formula for every tl > 0, since the cosine function is everywhere continuous and bounded.
Since the limit in (34) exists, this proves that
/(x+) + f(x-) = ! roo [fro /(u) cos v(u - x) dUJ dv, (32)
2 TI. Jo -«l
lim -l fll[f"" ]+
feu) cos v(u - x) till dlJ =.f(x+...:-,---''-'-----'
the integral jQ' being an improper Riemann integral. .-+", 1t 0 -w 2
Proof, The first step in the proof is to establish the fol[owing; formula: By Theorem 10.40, the integral f-:? 00 feu) cos v(u - ;t) du is a continuous runclkm
of v on [0, ex], so the integral J;f in (32) exists as an improper Riemann integral.
«~~'" ~ f:", I(x + t) SiD at dt =
2 (33) It need not exist as a Lebesgue integraL
f.l ["
+ + 0 Jd .
T1uwrem llJ9. If I satisfies the hypotheses of the Fourier integral theorem, then
When IX --Jo + 00, the first and fourth integrals on the right tend to 0, because of
the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma. In the third integral, we can apply either Theorem
1 L8 or Theorem 1l.9 (depending on whether Ca) or (b) is satisfied) to get
[ex +) + f(x-:- )
f· [-foo
_II: -00
!(u)t!"'·-Xl au J liv. (35)
I 1m fd j'X
"'( + t ) -
sici -
rxt d t"= f(x+)
-- .
Proof. Let F(v) = J:::."!(u) cos v(u - x) du. Then F is continuous on
• -+", 0 7I:t 2 ( - 00.+ (JJ), F(u) F( -v) and hence J~II F(v) dv "" fa v) dr) J~ F(IJ) au.
Similarly, we have Therefore (32) becomes
f.l·/(x -
Sill /Xt
+ 1) - - til =
11:1 0
sin /Xl
t ) - - dt ....
1I:t 2
aslX-++oo. l
f(x+) +
lim -1
f" F(v) dv
F(o) dv. (36)
u and v are real, we can write
Now define: G on ( - 00. + 00) by the equation
G(v) = L"'.. feu) sin V(U - x) du.
fa'" e-"Yj(x) dx = L'" e-i"ve-x"/(x) dx L'" e-i"",p..(x) tIx,
where rP..(;t) = e-""f(x). Therefore the Laplace transfonn can also be regarded
Then G is everywhere contlnuo\ls al)d G(II) = - G( - pl. Hence J~ 0(0) dv .. =0 as a special case of the exponential Fourier transform.
for every ll, so lim.._ +", j~ .. G(o) d» = Q. Combining this with (36) we tind
NOTE. An equation such as (37) is sometimes written more briefly in the form
f(x+) + f(x-) lim 1 f"{F(II) + W(Il)} till, g = :k'(f) or 9 = .J(/. where f denotes the "operator" which convertsfinto g.
2 "-+ro 2n _" Since integration is involved in this equation, the operator :£ is referred to as an
integral operator. It is dear that :K is also a linear operator. That is,
This is formula (35).
f(tld! + a,.f,) = il1:Kfl + a2:£j~,
11.19 .INTEGIl.i\.L TRANSFORMS if al and 6: are constants. The operator defined by the Fourier transform is often
denoted by , and that defined by the Laplace transfonn is denoted by .!l'.
Many functions in analysis can be expressed as Lebesgue integrals or improper
Riemann integrals of the form The exponential form of the Fourier integral theorem can be expressed in
terms of Fourier transforms as follows. I.et!1 denote the Fourier transform off,
= f:"" (37) so that
gtv) K(x, y)f(x) dx.
A function g defined by an equation of this sort (in which y may be either real or
o(u) = f:", f(l)e-
• dl. (38)
complex) is caned an integral transform off. The function K which appears in the Then,. at points of continuity off, formula (35) becomes
integTilnd is referred to as the kernel of the transform.
Integral transforms are employed very extensively in both pure and applied
mathematics. They are especially useful in solving certain boundary value Pl'ol>-
f(x) Hrn
" .... +,.,
I f"
2n _.
g(u)"...• du, (39)
tems and certain types of integral equations. Some of the more commonly used and this is called the inversion formula for Fourier transfonns. It tells us that a
transforms are listed below: continuous function f satisfying the conditions of the Fourier integral theorem is
Fourier cosine transfonn: L'" cos xy.f(x) rlx. by writing g fFf and I ,-l
the operator defined by (39). Equations (38) and (39) can be expressed symbolically
g . The inversion formula tells us how to solve
the equation g = !Flfor:fin terms of g.
Fourier sine transfonn: J:" sin xyf(x) dx. Before we pursue the study of Founc:r transforms any further, we introduce a
new notion. the convolution of two functions. This can be interpreted as a special
kind ofintegral transform in which the kernel K(x, y) depends only on the difference
Laplace transform: J)'" e-""/(~) dx. x - y.
exists. This integral defines a function h on S called the convolution ofI and g. We Proof. Since I. 9 9 • f, it suffices to consider the case in which 9 is bounded.
also write h = I"!l to denote Ihis lunction. Suppose 1,1 s: M. Then
NOTE. It is easy to see (by a translation) that I'" 9 = 9 .. f whenever the integral ,f(t)g(x t)l:S: MI/(t)l, (43)
The reader can verify that for each x, the product I(t)g(x - t) is a measurable
An important special case occurs when buthfand 9 vanish on the negative real function of t on R, so Theorem 10.35 shows that the integral for hex) exists. The
axis. In this case, g(x - t) == 0 if t > x~ and (40) becomes J
inequality (43) also shows that Ih(x}1 5 M IfI, so h is bounded on R.
It is clear that, in this case, the convolution will be defined at each point of an f,Ii(X)' Jx s: fU:.., If(t}llg(x - t)l dt]a'X
interval [a, bJ if both/and 9 are Riemann-integrable on [a, b]. However, this
need not be so if we assume only that I and 9 are Lebesgue integrable on [a, b].
For emmple,let
= s:", 1/(1)1 [J: Ig(x - t)1 d.~] lit
= Ii and get) =-== if 0 < t < 1, f~<p If(t)1 U:~tl Ig(Y)1 dyJat
and Ietf(t) = g(t) = 0 if t :S: 0 or if t ~ L Then/has an infinite discontinuity at
I O. Nevertheless. the Lebesgue integral J~,,,J(t) tit = fl, r 1!2 dt exists.
s: s~w 1/(t)1 Jt f~<o luCy)1 dy,
Similarly, the Lebesgue integral f~", g(t) dt
9 has an infinite discontinuity at t
(I ~ 1)-1/2 dt exists, although
I. However, when we form the convolution so, by Theorem 10.31, h E L(R),
integral in (4O) corresponding to x I, we find Theorem 11.21. Let R = (- 00, + 00). Assume that IE Il(R) and 9 E e'eR).
1'IIeorllm 11.21; Let R = (- 00, + 00). Assume that f E L(R), D E L(R), and that
eilher for, is bounded on R. Then the CQnlJOlution integral
The next theorem shows that the Fourier transform of a convolution I'" 9 is the
h(:;f) S:"" I(t)g(x - t) dt (42) product of the Fourier transforms ofland of g. In operator notation,
exists for etJefY x in R, and thelunction " so defined is bounded on R. if, in addition,
the bmmdedlunction! or D is continuous on R, then h is also continuous on Rand
I Y(f ... g) = :F(f)' :F(g).
T/reorem 11.21. Let R = (- 00, + 00). Assume that / E L(R), 9 E LtR), ami that
he L(R). at least olle 01f or !I is continuous and bounded on R. Lei h J~lWte the convolution,
Th.tI.n 331
h =!. g. ThenIN erJery real u we have Since the function k defined by k(x, t) = g(x t} is continuous and bounded
on R 1 and since the integral f: e-"" dx: exists for every compact interval [a, b],
L"", h(X)e-i- dx = (S:", !(t)e-It" dt) (f~", g(y)e- ly" dY). (44)
Theorem 10.40 permits us to reverse the order of integration and we obtain
The integral 011 the left exists both as a Lebesgue integral and as on improper
f:", I(t)f.(t) dt = s:~" e- 1aJI
[S:", f(t)g(x - t) dr] dx
Riemann integral.
e-''''"II(x) dx.
Pr{)()j. Assume that 9 is continuous and bounded on R. Let {a.,} and {b..l be two
increasing sequences of positive real numbers such that all .... + 00 and b.. ..... + 00. Therefore, (46) shows that
Define a sequence of functions {I.} on R as follows:
lim Jr.. h(x)e-'·" dx = (f'" /O)e- ivr dt) (fOO g(p)e- i
.,. dY ).
"~ 1u n-+r.o- -.d~ ...-<lQ
11..1) -<fA e- g(x - t) dx.
which proves (44). The integral on the left also exists as an improper
Since Riemann integral because the integrand is continuous and bounded Qn Rand
Then!" e L(R} anel f~w !,At) dt It t,,-le- t dt = r(p). Let Ii denote the convolution,
h "" I" .. J.. Takitlg II in the convolution formula (44) we find, if p :> 1 or q > I,
M (]
Now we calculate the, intesra! on the left in il.IIolher way. Since both /p and h vil.IIish on
ax ,. s: ax ..
B(p, q)f(p + q) which, when
Therefore I~", h(x) B(P. q) e- x xJI+ Q- 1
can be expressed in different ways. Fol' the applications we have in mind the F(x),..,. I.:
(49) Also, since F is of bounded variation on every compact interval. Jordan's test
m=-.. 2
.' shows that the Fourier $eries converges for every x and that
each series being absolutely convergent.
Proof. The proof makes use of the Fourier expansion of the function F defined
F(x+) +f(x.-) =
2 ft--""
a"e z",-. t (52)
by the series
+'" To obtain the Poisson summation formula we express the coefficients a. in
F(x) = :E
f(m + x). (50) another form. We we (50) in (51) and integrate term by term (justified by uniform
convergence) to obtain
First we show that tbis series converges absolutely for each real x and that the
coQvergence is uniform on the interval [0, I]. «" = .. ~'" S: f(rn + x)e- 2
"j"x dx.
Since f decreases on [0, + 00) we have, for x <::: 0,
N . N • The change of variable t = m + X gives us
+ I;/(m} s.. f(O) + Jooo l(t) dt.
"'~<C 5:+
"[;o[(m + x) [(0) 1
= S~.., [(t)e-bi... dt,
«" == l(t)e- '''ot dt
Therefore. by, the Weierstrass M-test (Theorem 9.6), the series 2.::~(}f(m + x)
convel"8es umformly on [0. +00). A similar argument shows that the series since ebi.- == I. Using this in (52) we obtain
L.:~ ",J(m + x) converges uniformly on (-00, I). Therefore the series in (50)
converges for all x and the convergence is uniform on the intersection F(x+) i F(x-) = .t", {S~", !(l)e- 2 "'Ol dt} e2"Pu. (53)
00, 1] (J [0, + 00) = [0, 1].
When x == 0 this reduces to (49).
The sum function F is periodic with period 1. In fact, we have F(x + I) "" NOTE. In Theorem 11.24 there are no continuity requirements on f However, if
'f;:;:-'" !.(m + x + I), and this series is merely a rearrangement of that in (50). ! is continuous at each integer, then each term [(m + x) in the series (50) is con-
$mce aU Its terms are nonnegative, it converges to the same sum. Hence
tinuous at X = 0 and hence, because of uniform convergence, the sum function F
F(x + I) = F(x), is also continuous at O. In this ease, (49) becomes
For fixed If :> 0, let/(x) = e-~ for all RIll x. This function satisfies all the hypoth-
esis of T'hcorem 1J.24 and is continuous cveI)'Where. l1Icrcfore. Pois.son's formula
Orf.ho&oaal S)1I1mlS
11.1 Verify.that the trigonometric s)'Stem in (I) is orthonormal on [0. 211:].
The left member is {}(<<J1£). The integral on the right is equal to 11.2 A finite collection of functions {IPo. fJh •••• , ...} is said to he linearly indepeRtknt
on [a. b I if the equation
e-·'ie2"'''' dt = 2 r'" e-
% cos hnt dt "" 1 ('"e-",i COS 2n/U: dx
Jo *-
= 2_ F( n~)
~ CII'a<X) '" 0 for all x in [a. b]
implies Co CI'" ...... c", ... O. An infinite collection ill called linearly independent on
F{;v) = it>'; COlI 2:r:y dx. ((1, b] jf every finite ~~ is linearly independent on Ia. b]. Prove that every orthonormal
system on (tl. b] is linearly independent on [a, b].
But F(y) = t.J;e- r (see Exen;ise 10.22). so
11.3 This exercise describes the Gmm-SdImidt procell8 for oonverting any linearly inde-
pendent system to an orthogonal system. Let {fo.Ii•... } be a linearly independent
system on [0, h] (as defined in Exercise 11.2). .Define a lle'W' system {go. 9h ••. } recur·
sively as follows:
Using this in (Sfi) and taking a. = l'tX we obtain (5$). r
In Exercises 11.9 through 11.15, show that each of the CXpansiODli is valid in the range
vr/.x) = J, ;,.(x) = _1_ t::')(x). indicated. Suggestitm. Use Exercise 11.8 and 1beorem 11.16(c) when possible.
'" .
2 .t...,;
It is clear that
first few are
-i" is a polynomial. This is c:a.1led the Legendre polynomial of order n. 'The 11.9 a) X:I1:
"':;,;;1 11,
if 0 <: x < 2:11:.
h) JI ;:
dx -
11.13 a) cos
2 4~ cos!nx
if 0 <: x < 7l.
arise by applying the Gram-Scbmidt process to the system n. f, 1 2 , ••• } on the interval b) x sin x
cos nx
,,1. _ 1 if -1t ~ x ~ 11:.
[ - I, 1]. (See Exercise 11.4.)
lsin ~l'" L"" cos lIX, if x ~ 21ar (k an integer).
b) Show that
11.15 a) Jog -log 2
,,=1 n s,J.x) ... ~ f'" s~ 2"t dt.
11 Jo sm t
b) log lcos ~ ~ -log 2, -
I)" cos
if x '#- (i.k + 1)l'!'. c) Show tlmt, in (0, 1C), II. has local maxima at Xl> X3 •••• ' X ...,,-l and local minima.
at x..., X4•••• , X211-2, where x. tmxln (m 1.2, .•. , 2n - I).
e) log Itan il -2 if x '# K;r. d) Show that -'".(tn/n) is the largest of the numbers
3,,(;>(..) (m'= 1,2, ... , 2n - I).
n.li a) Find a continuous fuooion 00 1I] which generates the Fourier series
L~ 1 (-l)"n-~ sin fiX. Then use Parseval's formula to prove that '(6) ~
e) Interpret s,.(!7C/n) as II Riemann sum and prove that
lim s..(~). = ~ i sin t dt.
b) Use an appropriate Fourier series in conjunction with Parseval's fonnula to
w-... 2" 1l Jo t
show that '(4) 11 /90.
The value of the limit in (e) is about t .179. TbUs. although/has It jump equal to 2 at the
11.17 Assume that I has a continuous derivative on [0, 2rc]. that /(0) = !(2x). and that origin, the graphs of the approximating curves 8" tend to approximate a vertical segment
f~" I(t) dl ... O. Prove that Ilf'Ii ;:: ~fll, with equality if and only if f(x) ... (J cos x + of length 2.353 in the vicinity of the origin. This is the Gibbs phenomenon.
b sin x. Hinl. Use ParsevaJ's fonnula. 11.20 Iflex) .... f./o/2 + :E.~ 1 (a. cos nx + b.. sin nx) and if I is of bounded variation on
[0, 111'], show tbat a. O()jll) and b" = OO/n). Hint. Writel"'" 9 h, where II and II
lUI A sequence {B.} orperi~:idic functions (of period 1) is defined on R as follows:
are increasing on [0. 211:]. Then
~2n!: ~ cos2n:kx
B.• II(x) = (-If+l
(2n)- 61 (n .. 1, 2. . H), 0" = 1.
" g(x) d(sin nx) - -..!-
h(x) d{sin RX).
rm .../;.
1U6 Consider the Fourier series (in exponential foon) ~ted by a function/which is
It.3Z If lex) '" and g(x) x/ex) foc aU x, prove that
continuous on [0, :m) and periodic with period 21£. say
I(x) ~
a.,.elftt. , I(y) = Af' /(x) cos xy dx and g(y) = Afa"" g(x) sin xy tlx.
f(x+) + lex-) = 2 lim f" sin vx [ c'" I(u) sin !1U dU] •.
Z 1I' .... +Cl Jo Jo
where IX/l = 21l, rx > O.
Use the Fourier integral theorem to evaluate the improper integraill in Exe.rci!lC& 11.28
through 11.30. Suggest/MI. Ullfl Exm:ise 11.27 when possible.
11.28 ~
sin " cos vx •
V {:
I if -] < x < I,
if Ixl > I,
if ixl 1.
11,35 If s > I. prove that
11.19 C"" cos.ax tlx = !!-. ~-I.I~, if b :> O. and derive tbe formula
Jo + 26
Hillt. Apply Exercise 11.21 with/(Il) = e-III"!.
when: 2¥f(x) = O(x) - 1. Use this and the transfonnation formula for O(x) to prove that SUGGESTED REFERENCES FOR. F'UR.1:HER STUDY
1I:-A1Z-r(=-) ($) =
_ 1
.1($ - 1)
+ r'" (;('/ 2- 1 + X<1-,l/.:l-l)'P'(x)dx.
Jl 11.1 Carslaw, H. S., introduction to the Theory of FOlUier's Series and Integra/s, 3ed ed.
Macmillan, London, 1930.
laplace t.rlmld'orms 11.2 Edwards, R. E., Fourier Series, A Modern Introduction, Vol. I. Holt, Rinehart and
Winston. New York, 1967.
Let e be a positive nllmber :such that the integral f;' e-dlf(OI dt wats as an improper
Riemann integral Let;; = x + Iy. where x > c. It is easy to show that the integral 1t.3 Hardy, G. H.. and Rogosinski. W. W .• Fourier Series. Cambridge University Press,
F(z) = LIZ> e-Sll(t) dI 11.4 Hobson, E. W., The 'l'1teory of Functions qf a Real Variable and the Theory of
Fourier's Series, Vol. 1. 3ed ed. Cambridge University Press, 1927.
exists both as ao improper Riemann integral and as a Lebesgue integral. The function F I1.S Indritz, J., Metlwds iJt Analysis. Macmillan, New York. 1963.
so defined is called tbe l..<lpkwe tTtmSlorm off. denoted by :E(/). The following exercises 11.6 Jadson, D., Fourier Series and Orthogonal PolpMmials. Carw Monograph No.6.
describe some properties of Laplace transforms. Open Court, New York. 1941.
11.36 Verify the entries in the following table of Laplace transforms. 11.1 R(IJOSinski. W. W.• Fourier Series. H. Cohn and F. Steinbardt. translators.
Chelsea. New York, 1950.
f(t) F(z) "'" e-"fj"(t) tit z=x+iy }J.B Titchmanh, E. C., Theory of Fourier Integrals. Oxford University Pmls, 1937.
ellJ (z «)-1 (x> «) 11.9 Wiener, N., The Fourier integral. cambridge University Press, 1933.
<XlII f1.t 2/(Z2 + r) (x:> 0) lLlO Zygmund, A., Trigmwmetrirol Series, 2nd ed. cambridge University Pres&, 1961.
&ill «I «f(z:!' + «1) (x> O)
t"e"t r(p + 1)I(z - aY+ I (x>«.p>O)
11(1) = [f(x)g(t ~ x} dx
when both f and g vanish on the negative real axis. Use the convolution theorem for
Fourier transforms to prove that!l!(f .. g) =
!l'(/) •!l'(g).
11.31 Aasumefisconlinuous on (0, + 00) and let F(z) '= jli e- zt f(t) dt fOD = X + iy,
x:> c:> O. If:s:> cauda:> o
prove that:
a) F(s + 0) = as: g(t)e-m dt. where g(x) = Iif e- st
f(t) dt.
b) If F(;, + 118) = 0 for 11 = O. I, 2., .•. , then f(t) "" 0 for t :> O. Hint. Use
Exercise 11.23.
c) If 11 is continuous on (0, + OQ) and ifI and h ba.ve the lloa!IIe Laplace transform.
then/(I) =
h(t) for everY I :> &.
11.39 Let F(z) = S: e-if'/(t) dtfor z ... x + iy, x
> c> O. Let t be a point at whichf
satisfies one of the "local" conditioDs <a) or (b) of the Fourier integral theorem (Theorem
I Ll8). Prove that for each a > c we have
This is caned the inversionfonnuJafor Laplaee trmflliorms. The limit on the right is usually
evaluated with the help of mlidue calwlWl., 8.$ described in Section 16.26. Hint. Let
get) = e-<#/(t) for 1 ~ O. get) = 0 for t < O. and apply Theorem HJ9 to g.
CHAPTER 12 Z. Jf Q =u,., the kth unit coordinate vector, lhen f'(c:; Uk) is called 11 porrial deriMtioe
and is denoted by D~f(e). WheD r is real-valued this agrees with the ddinition given
in Cbapter 5.
3. If ( = Ui •... ,f.,), then f'(e; u) exists if and only if file; u) exists for each k
MULTIVARIABLE DIFFERENTIAL 1, 2•...• In, in which case
In particular, when. Uk we find
D.He) = (D,J'I(c)..... DJJ.c:»). (2)
4. If F(t) = C(c + til). then F'(O) = f'(e; II). More generally, F'(t) '" C'(c + til; II) if
Partial derivatives of functions from R" to a 1 were discussed briefly in Chapter 5. either derivative exillts.
We also introduced derivatives of vector-valued functions from a 1 to r. This 5. 1£/('1) = Ilx~rl., then
chapter extends derivative theory to functions from r
to R"'.
F(l) "" ftc + ttl) (I.: + to)' (c + tu)
As noted in Section 5.14, the partial derivative is a somewhat unsatisfactory
generalization of the usual derivative beeause existence of.~l the partial derivatives + 2te· II + ,211111 2,
D If. ...• DJ at a particular point does not necessarily imply continuity offat
so F'(t) = 2c. II + 2r lull t ; hence F'(O) ... nc; g) 2e u.
that point. ~ trouble with partial derivatives is that they. treat a function of
6. Li11t!/l1' functions. A function f: R~ ..... HOI is called linear if {(ax + by) = af(x) + bf(y)
several variables as a function of one variable a.t a time. The partial derivative
for every x and y in RIt and every pair of scalars a and b. If f is linear, the quotient
describes the rale of cltange of a function in the direction of each coordinate axis. on the right of (I) simplifies to f(o). so f'(c; u) "" C(u) for ever)' e and C'.-ery u.
There is a slight generalization, called the directional deritHltifJe. which studies the
rate of change of a function in an arbitrary direction. It applies to both real- and
vector-valued functions. 1:z.J DIRECflONAL DERIVATIVES AND CONTINUITY
If f'(e; u) exists in every direction u, then in particular all the partial derivatives
1:&.1 THE DIRECTIONAL DERIVATIVE Dlf(e), ... , D.. f(c) exist. However, the converse is not true. For example,
consider the real-valued function f; R% -+ R 1 given by
lei S be a subset of .", and let f: S - R'" be a function defined on S with values
in R"'. We wish to study how f changes as we move from a point t; in S along a
f( x, YJ
. = Jx + }' if x = 0 or y 0,
line segment to a nearby PQint c: + fI, where u -F O. Each point on the segment II
l otherwise.
can be expressed as c + InA, where h is real. The vector a. describes the direction
of the line segment. We assume that c:: is an interior ]Win! of S. Then there is an Then Dlf(O, 0) = Dd(O, 0) 1. Nevertheless, if we ronsider any other direction
n-ball B(e; r) lying in S, and. if h is small enough, the line segment joining c to U = (ai, aJ, where al -F 0 and a2 -F 0, then
e + hu wiJllie in B(c:; r) and hence in S. 1(0 + h.-=cu):--:...:.I(:.:..c0) lUlU) 1
De/itlitiotr 12.1. The directiontJl derivative off at c in the direct/tm u, denQted by 11 =T = h'
the !/Ymbal fF(e; B), is defined by the equation
and this does not tend to a limit as. h - O.
f '(c,. a.,,_ fee + hu)
- I'1m -'---'-. fCc)
---'--~-:. (I)
A rather surprising fact is Iba t a function can have a finite directional derivative
Jo~O h f'(~; II) for every u but may fail to be continuous at c. For example, Jet
and bence NOTE.. Equation (5) is called afirst-ordl?.F Taylor formula. It is to hold for all yin
1'(0; 0) = {aila l if a, '" O. R" with nvu< r. The linear function To: is caned the totaf derivative of f at c. We
o if at Q. also write (5) in the fohn
Thus, I' (0; u) exists for aU n. On the other hand, the function I takes the value t fCc + v) f(c) + T,,(v) + cO(llvlD asy-D.
at each point ofllie parabola x = y1 (except at the origin), solis not cootinuous The next theorem shows that if the total derivative exists, it is unique. It also
at (0, 0), j;lnce1(0, 0) O. relates the total derivative to directional derivatives.
Thus we see that even the ex.istence ofall directional derivatives at a point fails
TIMo,em 12.3. Assume r is dfjferentiable at c with .total derivative T.,. Then the
to imply continuity at that point. For this reason, directional derivatives like lf
partial derivatives, are a somewhat unsatisfactory extension ofllie one-dimensional directional derivative fl(c; u) exisM for every u in R and we have
eon~pt.ofderivative. We tu.m now to a more suitable generalization which implies T.,(u) _ f'(e; Il). (6)
eontmwty and. at the same time, extends the principal theorems ofone-dimensional
Proof If v=:O then f'(e; 0) 0 and T.(O) O. Therefore we can assume that
derivative theory to functions of severa] variables. This is called the total derivative.
v #' O. Take y = hu in Taylor's formula (5), with h #' 0, to get
fCc + hu) f(c) = Te(ha) + llhull E.(Y) hT.(u) + Ihl R1111 E.(v).
Now divide by h and let /1 -+ 0 to obtain (6).
In the one-dimensional case, a function fwith a derivative at c can be approximated
near c by a linear polynomial. In fact. if r(c) exists, let Ee(h) denote the difference Theorem 12.4. Iff is differentiable at c, then f is continuous at 1:.
Proof. Let" -+ 0 in the Taylor formula (5). The error term Ilvll E.,(v) .... 0; the
£JIl) = fCc + h) - I{:] r(c) if h '" 0, (3) linear term T.(v) also tends to 0 because if l' :;;; VIU I + ' .. + 1),,11.., where
n l • • . . , Un are the unit coordinate vectors. then by linearity we have
and let E.,(O) - O. Then we have
T.(u) = VI T.(d l ) + + v..T.,(....),
fCc + h) = fCc) + f'(c)h + hEe(h), (4)
and each term on the right tends to 4) as v O.
an equation which holds also for h = O. This is called
the first-order Ta)'{or
NOTE. The total derivative T. is also written as f'(e) to resemble the notation used
formula for approximating f(c + h) fCc) by f'(c)h. The error committed is
in the one-dimensional theory. With this notation, the Taylor formula (5) takes
hEe(h). From (3) we see that E,,(h) -;. 0 as h - O. The error hE..(h) is said to be
of smrJlJer order than h as It -+ o. . the form
f(c + 1') = fCc) + rf(c)(v) + 11v1l E~(v), (7)
We focus attention on two properties of fonnula (4). First, the quantity
j'(c)h is a linear function of h. That is, if we write T,;(h) j:{c)lt, then . where E.(v) ~ 0 as v -. O. However, it should be realized that f'(c) is a linear
.1 function, not a number. It is defined everywhere {11l RIO; the vector f'(eX\') is the
T«ah 1 + bh2 ) = aT«h l ) + bTe(h 2 )· value orr'(e) at v,
Second, the error term ItE.,(It) is of smaller order than II as h ...... O. The total EumpJe. If f is itself a linear function, then fCc + '1') = £(c) + 1(\'), so the derivative
derivative of a function f from R" to Rot will now be defined in such a way that it f'(e) exists for every e and equals f. III other words, the total derivative of a linear function
preserves these two properties. is the function itself.
Let r: s -4 R'" be a function defined on a set Sin R" with values in Hm , Let c
be an interior point of S, and let B(c; r) be an n-baU lying in S. Let v be a point
in R" with lIvU <: r, so that e + ve B(e; r).
Dejilfiiiqll 12.2. The /imction f is said to be differentiable at e if there exists a linear The next theorem shows thatthe vector"{c)(v) is a linear combination oftbe partial
function T,,: R" - R'" such that derivatives of f.
f(c + v) f(e) + T.,(v) + IIvll E,,(v), (5) Theorem 11.5. Let f; S -+ 8.'" be dfjferel1tfoble at an interior point c of S, where
S s: Jr, If'" VIUI + ... /)"U., where 0" ... , u" are the unit coordinate
where E,,(v) -+ 0 as v -4 O.
'lb. 12.6
Here we use vector notation and consider comples. numbers as vectors in R • We
vectors in RIO, then
,. then have
I'(e)(,,) =L t'kD.C(e}. = {Vu(c) + i Vi(C)} • (z - c) + 0(1: - elD·
fez) - fee)
.. n
fez) - fCc) = {D 1 u(c) + iD1v(c)} (z - c) + o<nz - ell)·
= :E vkf'(e; Uk) = :E TJkDkf(c).
k= 1 k=1 Dividing by z - c and Jetting z -fo c we see thatp(c) exists and is equal to
NOTE. The vector VICe) in (8) is called tbegradient t,ectoroffat c. It is defined D 1u(c) + iD 1v(c).
at each point where the partials Dd• ... , D,.f exist. The Taylor formula for
real-valued f now takes the form
fCc + v) fee) + V/(e}' Y + o<llvll) as v ..... o.
In this section we digress briefly to record some elementary facts from linear
algebra that are useful in certain calculations with derivatives.
12.6 AN APPLICATION TO COMPLEX-VALUED FUNCfIONS Let T: R" -> R'" be a linear function. (In our applications, T will be the
total derivative of a function f.) We wiD show that T determines an m x 11 matrix
Let f = u + iv be a complex-valued function of a complex variable. Theorem
5.22 showed that a necessary condition for fto have a derivative at a point c is that of scalars (see (9) below) which is obtained as follows:
the four partials DIU, Dzu, D 11), Dzvexist at c and satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann
Let HI' ••• , D" denote the u.nit coordinate vectors in alt. If x e R- we ha.. . e
equations: x = XIDI + ... + x.... so. by linearity,
T(x) :E x",T(tIt).
= l-1
Also, an example showed that the equations by themselves are not sufficient for
existence of I'(e). The next theorem shows that the Cauchy-Riemann equations, ., Therefore T is completely determined by its action on the coordinate vectors
along with differentiability of II and v. imply existence ofl'(c). 01'" .. ~ J .It"
Now let eh ... , e", denote the unit coordinate vectors in aM. Since T(uJ e R",
T1Ieorem 12.6. Let II and v be two real-valued .fUnctions defined on tJ subset S of the
we can write T(u.) as a linear tombination of e" ... , e.., say
complex plane. .Assume also tlu1t u and tJ are differentioble at an in terror point t:
of S and that the partial derivatives satisfy the Cauchy-RiemQItR equations at c.
T(o,) =E
Then the function f "'" u + it' has a deritltltive at c. MQreover, i~l
tlke j •
F(c) D 1 u(e) + iD l *). The scalars tli;, ... , tIM are the coordinates of T(Uk)' We display these scalars
PmQf We have fCc) ufz) - u(c) + i{v(z) v(c)} for each z in S. vertically IlS follows:
Since each of u and v is differentiable at c, for z sufficiently near to c we have
u(z) u(c) = VIi(e}' (z - c) + Q(llz - ell)
v(z) - *) V~c)' (z - c) + o(l!z - ell).
M u1timriable Dilferential Calwlus The Jaeomao Matrix: 351
This array is called a columll vector. We form the column vector for each of column is
T(u 1), . " • , T(u,,} and place them side by side to obtain the rectangular array
I 12
122 ',.
] (9)
\" ·1
the dot product of the jth row of m(S) with the jth column of m(T). This matrix
is also called thc product m(S)m(T). Tbus, m(S T) = m(S)m(T). 0
1m 1 ''''2 1m..
This is called the matrix· ofT and is denoted by m(T). It consists of m rows and
n columns. The numbers going down the kth column are the components of Next we show how matrices arise in connection with tolal derivatives.
T(ut ). We also use the notation Let f be a function with vdlue, in Rm whil:h is differentiable at a point c in R",
and let T = f'(c) be the' total derivative of f at c. To find the matrix of T we
m(T) = [t;.J~~·= 1 or m(T) = (tik)
consider its al:tion on the unit coordi nate vectors u I , . . , u". By Theorem 12.3
to denote the matrix in (9). we have
Now let T : R· -. RIO and S : Rm .... RI' be two linear functions, with the domain T(IlA) f'(c; U;l Dtf(c}.
of S containing the range of T. Then we can form the composition S " T defined by
To express this 11& It linear combination of the uni t coordinate vectors e I ' ., e.. of
(8" T)(x) = S[T(x)] for all x in R". R"' we write f = (11)''' ,fm) so that D.f = (D k f1" .. , DJ..), and hence
The composition SoT is also linear and it maps R" into RP. ..
Let us l:alculate the matrix m(S "T). Denote the unit coordinate vectors in T(u.) = Dkf(c) = L: DA!i(c)ej.
a", RIO, and RI', res~tively, by
Therefore the matrix of T is m(T) = (D.I,(c». This is called the jacobian IIIatrix
and of ( at c and is denoted by Df(c). That is,
Suppose that Sand T have matrices (Sii) and (t'i)' res~tively. This means that Ddl(C) Dl/I(C) DoNC)]
Dd2(C) D1.1~(C) D.l1(c)
Df(c) . . (10)
for k = I, 2, ... , In
[ . .
D,l~(c) D2 J;'(c) D,Jm(c)
The entry in the ilh row and kth column is Dd,(c). Thus, to get the entries in the
T(ui) = E tkje.
for j = I, 2, .. , n. kin column, differentiate the componenls of f with re.ped to the kth coordinate
Then vector. The Jacobian matrix Df(c) is defined at each point e in R" where all the
M In" partial derivatives D.ft(c) exist,
(SoT)(uj ) = S[T(u)] = E l.jS(Cl) E I' L
S"W i The kth row of the Jacobian matrix (10) is a vector in R" called the gradiellt
rector of h, denoted by Vft(c). That is,
VJi.(c) (D1h(c), ... , D.!k(C»,
In the special case when jTs real-valued (m = I), the Jal:Qbian matrix l:onsi,ts
of only one row. In this case Df(e) = Vf(c), and Equation (8) of Theorem 12.5
m(S T} 0 [ ~ SiklAj I~·~ I'
shows that the directional derivative ['(c; v) is the dot product of the gradient
vector Vile) with the direction Y.
In other words, m(S" T) is a p x n matrix whose entry in the ith row and jth For a vCl:tor-valued function f = (fl' ... ,I",) we have
m m
.. More precisely, the matrix of T relative to the given bases U J' ' .. , u. of R" and f'(c)(v) = f'(c: v) "" Ene; v)et = E {V/~le)' v}e t • (II)
I 1 I< ~ I
el,"" em ofR'",
'I1L 11.7
F'(y) = I,.q(y)
Dd{x; y} ax + J(q(y), y)q'(y) - l(p(y). y)p'(y).
The matrix equation (19) is equivalent to the mpscalar equations
Pr()~f. Let G(x" X2' Xl) = Ji7 J(t, x 3 ) dt whenever XI and Xl are in [a, b] and
DJh,{a) = L D"fA.b}Djg,,(a), for i = 1,2, ... , In and j = t, 2, .. " p. (20). . '.1 XJ E [c. dJ Then Fis the composite ftroction given by F(y)
The chain rule implies
= G(p(y). q(y), y).
It.. 1 !
These equatiolUl express the partial derivatives of the components of h in terrlUl of Fey) "'" DtG(p(y), q(y).y)p'(y) +.DzG(p(y),q(y},y)q'{y) + D 3 G(P(y),q(y),y).
the partial derivatives of the components of f and g. ····1
The equations in (20) can be put in a form that is easier to remember. Write
y = f(xl and x = g(t). Then y = f[g('''] = bCf), and (20) becomes
Ii By Theorem 7.32. we have D I G(x!> xz, x 3 )
f(x2.. By Theorem 7.40, we also have
I! Using these results ill the formula for F'(r) we obtain the theorem.
Examples. Suppose m = 1. Then bothfand h fog are real-valued and there arep
The Mean-Value Theorem for functions from R 1 to R I states that
equation!;: in (20), one for each of the partial derivatives of h: fey) - f(x) = ['(z)(y ~ x), (22)
11'(8) L DJ(b}g~ll) = V!()J)· Dg(a), Theorem 1'1.9 (Metut-Vulue Theorem.) Let S be an open subset of Kif and assUme
that f: S .... R'" is differentiable at each point of S. Let i: and y be twa points in S
where the Jacobian matrix Dg(a) is a column vector. such that L(x, y) !: S, Then for every vector a in R"' 'here is Q point z in L(x, y)
such that
The chain rule can be used to give a simple proof of the following theorem for a' {I(y) - f(x)} = a' {f'(zXy - x)}. (23)
differentiating an integral with respect to a parameter which appears both in the
integrand and in the limits of integration. Proof, Let u y x. Since S is open and L(x, y) !'ii;; S, there js ad> 0 such
that x + tu E S for an
real t in the interval (-~, I + ti). Let a be II. fixed vector in
TlIeorem n.B. Let f and DzJ be continuQUs on a rectangle [a, b] x [c! aJ. Let p R'" and let F be the real-valued function defined on (-lJ, I + (j) by the equation
and q be differentWble on [<.', J], where p(y) e [a, b] andq(y) E [a, b]for each yin
[c, d). Define F by the equation F(t) "" II' (x + tu).
By the usual Mean-Value Theorem we bave 12.12 A SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR. DIFFERENTIABILITY
Up to now we have been deriving consequences of the hypothesis that a function
F(I) F(O) = F'(8}. where 0 < (J < 1. is differentiable. We have also seen that neither the existence of all partial deriv-
atives nor the existence of all directional derivatives suffices to establish differ-
F'(8) = a' {rex + Bu)(u}} = 8' {f'(z)(y - x)}. entiability (since neither implies o;:ontinuily). The next theorem shoWS tbat
where z = x + eo Ii? 4s. y). But £(1) ;.,. £(0) a.' {f(y) - f(x)}, so we obtain continuity of all but one of the partials does imply differentiability.
(23). Of course. the point z depends on F. and hence on a. Theorem 12.11. Assume that one of the partial derivati/''(1s Dlf,. .• Dnr exists at c
NOTE. If S is caRve". then L(x, y) s:;; S for all x, y in S so (23) holds for an x and and tlull the remaining 1'1 I partial derivatives exist in some n-ba/I 8(e) and itre
yin S. continuous at e. Then r is differentiable at 1::.
EDmples Proof First we note that a vector-valued (unction f = (/1' ...• fOl) is differentiable
at c if, and only if, each l.:omponenth is differentiable at c. (The proof ofthi:; is an
1. Iff is real-valued (m = l) we can tab a I in (23) to obtain
easy exercise.) Therefore, it suffices to prove the theorem when r is real-valued.
fey) lex) f'(z)(y - x} = v!(z)· (y - x). (24) For the proof we suppose tbat 0dtc) exists and that the continuous partials
2. If r is vech){-valued and ira is it unit vecto:r in R", ~al 1, Eq. (23) and the Cauclty-
are Dzf. ... , D,,!
SChwarz inequality give us The only candidate for /,(c) is the gradient vector Vf(c). We wlll prove that
iffY} - f(xH s; lIf'(z)(y x)U. f(c + v) ~ 1(1::) ... V/(c)"v + o(llvll) as v 0,
Using (12) we obtain the inequality and this will prove the theorem. The idea is to express the differencefCe + v) - fCc)
as a sum of 11 terms, where the kth term is an approximation to DJ(c)v•.
Ilf(y) - (x) II s; M Ily - x II,
For this purpose we write v },y, where IlYl1 I and). = IIvll. We keep A
where M = ;E:';! I V!.(z}ii. Note that M depends on z and hence on x and y. small enough so that c + v lies In the ball B(c) in which the partial derivatives
3. If S is convex and if all the partial derivatives Djl;' are bounded on S, then there is a Dzf, ... • DJru.ist. Expressing y In terms of its components we have
constant A :> 0 such that Y = y l DI + ... + Ynu",
Dfey) f(ll) I! ~ Ab xli. where u.. is the kth unit coordinate vector. Now we write the difference fCc + v)
In other words. f satisfies a Lipschitz condition on S. fCc) as a telescoping sum,
The Mean-Value Theorem gives a simple proof ofthe following result concern-
ing functions with zero total derivative.
fCc + v) - f(c) fCc + ),y) - [(c) :E {f(1:: + ;.v~) -
l(,,- + I~V, I)}, (25)
T~orem 12.10. Let S be an open connected subset of R", and let f: S ..... Rill be
differentiable at each point of s. /ff'(c) 0 for each c in S, then f is constant on S.
Proof Since S is open and connected, it is polygonally connected • (See Section The first term in the sum is fCc + .:l.Y1UI) - fCc). Since the two points c and
4.18.) Therefore, every pair of points x and y in S can be joined by a polygonal e + AYIDl differ only in thei.r first component, and since Dd(c) exists, we can
arc lying in S. Denote the vertices of this arc by P1> •.. , PI'> where'l = x and write
Pr = y. Since each segment L('l+h Pi) S;; S, the Mean-Value Theorem shows that f(c + ly l U1 ) - f(c) ~ Apt Dt!(c) + lyIE10.).
where £1(1) -. 0 as ;.. -> O.
For k ;a 2, the kth term in the sum is
for every vector a. Adding these equations for i = I, 2, ... , r - I, we find
fCc + 1v._ 1 + ;"YxUk) -fCc + ;'''.-1) =f(bk + J·YA) Rb.).
II' {f(y) - f(xH = 0, where b. = t; + ;""1-1' The two points b. and b. + APkPl differ only in their kth
for every a. Taking a == f(y) - (x) we find f(x) = 1(y), so ( is constant on S. component, and we can apply the one-dimensional Mean-Value Theorem for
derivatives to write and Dd(O, 0) = O. Hence, Dt/(O, y) -- y for all y and therefore
where aa lies on the line segment joining Itt to b,l; + AY.DI;' Note that ~ ...., e and On the other hand, we have
hence .. ~ t as A ...., O. Since each DJ is continuous at e for k ~ 2 we can write _ .L-_--:-4_,x_2l--- y4)
Dd(x, y) = if (x, y) "" (0, 0).
DJ<aa) Dt/(e) + EI;(l),. where Ek{A)...., 0 as 1 ..... O. + y 2)2
Using tbis in (26) we find that (25) beoomes and Dd(O, O) .., 0, so that DJ(x, 0) = x for all x. Therefore, D 1 .z!(x,0) = I,
DI.J(O,O) = 1. and we see: that D 2 .t/(O, 0) =I D 1 .d(O, OJ. .
" . The next theorem gives us a criterion for determining when the two mixed
fee + v) - fee) = 1 ) ' DJ(c)YI; + 1 LYaEl(A} partials D J ,2f and D2,1f will be equal.
t:i i~l
= V f(e)' v + IlwIIE(l), Tlreorem 12.12. If both partial derivatives D,f and Daf exist in an n·balf B(e; S) and
where if both are differentiable at e, then
Dr,lf(e) :.:. Dt)(e). (21)
E(l) =
L" Y.lEt(}) ...., 0 as ~vll ...., O.
Proof If f = (flo ••. .1m), then Daf (OJI • ... , DJ",). Therefore it suffices
This completes the proof. to prove the theorem for real-valued J. Also. since only two components are
involved in (27), it suffices to consider the case n .., 2. For simplicity, we assume
NO'I'B. Continuity of at least n - I of the partials D1 f•.. .• DJ at e, although tbat c = (0, 0). We shaJl prove thai
sufficient. is by no means necessary for differentiability of r at e. (See Exercises
Jl.S and 12.6.) 0 1 .21(0.0) = D:1..1f(O, 0).
> Choose It "" 0 sO that the square with vertices (0, 0). (it, 0), (h, h), and (0, h)
lies in the 2-ball D(O; 45). Consider the quantity
DERIVAnVES A(h) = I(b, h) - f(h, 0) -- /(0, It) + 1(0, 0).
The partial derivatives Dtf•... , OJ of a function from R" to R'" are themselves. We will show that A(h)/h" tends to both D,J..1/(O, 0) and D l •2 /(0, 0) as h ....., O.
functions from R" to a" and they. in tum, can have partial derivatives. These are Let G(x) = f{x, it) - I(x, 0) and note that
called secontl-Mder partial derivatives. We use the notation introduced in Chapter
5 for real-vaJued functions: 4(h) = G(h) G(O). (28)
D.,!f(c) = DIt,l(e). if all thlrd-order partial derirJatives exist tit x. The symbol r.tO)(x; t) is similarly
dejirred if all mth~rder partials exist.
NOTE. We mention (without proof) another result which states that if D,f, nil and
D1I;•.,f are continuous in an n-ball B(e), then Dr.lf(e) exists and equals D1I;.,(t). These sums are analogous to the formula
If I is a real-valued function of two variables, tllere are four second-order
partial derivatives to consider; namely, Dt.d, Dt.d, Dz.tf, and Dz.zf We have
f'(x; t) = L Dj"(x)t;
just shown that only three of these are distinct if lis suitably restricted. for the directional derivative of a function which is differentiable at x.
The number of partial derivatives of order k which can be formed ill 2". If all
these derivatives are continuous in a neighborhood of the point (x, y). then TfIet1rem 11.101 (Taylor'&!o,"'*). Assume that f and all itf partial derivatives of
certain of the mixed partials will be equal. Each mixed partial is of the form order < m are differentiable at each point ofan open 8et S in R". If. anti b are two
Dr" •. , , ...t. where each I'j is either I or 2. If we have two such mixed partials, points of S SUf:.h thaI L(I, b) ~ S, then there illJ point z on the liM segment 1.(... b)
D", .. , • ".land Dp " ' •• , l'kf, where the k-tuple (r l , . . . , '11;) is a permutation of such thaI
the k-tUple (Pt, .. , , Pk)' then the two partials will be equal at (x, y) if all 2k partials
are continuous in a neighborhood of (x, y). This statement can be easily proved f(tt) - f(a) ~ 1: ~
l=1 k!
fI·)(a; It - a) + 1 pa}(z; b - a).
by mathematical induction, using Theorem [2.13 (which is the case k = 2). We
omit the proof for general k. From this it follows that among the i' partial Prt:JU.f. Since S is open, there is a 15 ,> 0 such that a + t(b - a) E S for all real
derivatives of order k, there are only k + I distinct partials in general, namely, t in the interval -6 < t < I + 6. Define fI on (-D, 1 + 6) by the equation
those ofthe form D", . '.' , ,.I. where the k·tuple (1'1> ••• , rt ) assumes the following
k + I forms:
fI{t} = f[a + t(b - an
Then l(b) - I(a) .. g(l) - 0(0). We will prove the theorem by applying the
(2,2•... ,2), 0, 2, 2" .• 2), (I, I, 2, ... , 2), ... ,
one-dimensional Taylor formula to g, writing
(I, I, ... , 1,2), (I, H •• I). ",-I
Similar statements hold, of course, for functions of n varia.bles. rn this case, g(l) - g(0) :E k!) g(l"O) + ..!.
k=1 m!
r"~O), where 0 < e < 1. (30)
there are n~ partial derivatives o( order k that can be formed. Continuity of all
these partials at a point x implies that D••, ... , ,.J(x) is unchanged when the Now 9 isa composite function given by U(t) .. f(p(t)], where p(t) = • + t(b - a).
indices '1' ... , r., are permuted. f:ach'l is now a positive integer Sn. The kth component of, has derivative p~ (t) = bk - Ok.' Applying the chain rule,
we see that g'(t) exists in the interval (- ~.I + 5) and is give.... by the formula 12.6 Given n real-valued functions.li •... ,J;. defined on an open set S in A". For each x
in S. define lex) = /1(1) + .,. + !..(x). Assume that for each k = 1,2, ...• n. the
" DJ![p(t)](b -
I; aj) f'(p(t); .. a).
following limit exists:
J=1 lim fJy) A(S)
Again applying the chain rule. we obtain p~;;" Yi - Xl
L:" U,,(X)Ul
1=1 j=l
1'(x)(u) :;
Similarly, we find that gl")(t} = PHI)(P(t); b ll). When these are used in (30) II~ 1
we obtain the theorem, since the point :It = a + 8(b - .) E L(a, b). 11.7 Let f and g be functions from R" to H" Assume that r is differentiable at ~ that
f(c) 0, and that g is continuollS at c. LeI h(x) = g(x)' fbI. Prove that II is differen-
tiable at e and that
--,~- ------------------ hleX~ = g(e)'~1~(~} ifuER",
d) f(x)
" .
X • L(x).
= '}' L
where L : Rft" '"" R" is a Hnellr function.
f:1 i-I
where a (cos «, sin aI, and u'(c; a) and t{(c; a) are directional derivi4tives, Let II =
12.3 Let f and g be functions with values in Am such that the directional derivatives (cos P. sin IJ), where p = II( + tn. and show by a similar argument that
f'(e; u) and gee; a)exist. Provethatthesum f + gand dotproduet f· g bavedirectional
derivatives given by /'(e) = t>-l,[V'(C; b) - ill'(c; b)).
(f + gY(c; u) 1'(1.:; u) + g'(c; 11)
and .
(f· g)'{c; u) '" f(e)' .'(c; u) + g(e)' f'(c; u).
DOOuce that 1i'(C; a) v'(c; Il) and t"k; II)
tions (Theorem 5.22) are a special case,
-(lee; II). The Cauchy-Riemann equa-
12A If S s; A". Jet f: S - R'" be a function with values in RIn, and write f "" (J., ... ,f"J.
Prove that f is. differentiable at an interior point c of S if. and only if, each /; is dilferentiable Gl'lldients autl tbe £'lIain rule
at c. 12.11 Let f be rClll-valued and differentiable at a point (; in R", and assume that
J:l.S Given n real-valued functions f .. ... '/n' each differentiable on an open interval I V/(e)!1 if. O. Prove that there is one and only one unit vector u in R" such that
(a. b) in A. For each :II: (XI>"" x n) in the n-dimensional open intelVal
If'(e; u)1 '" IIV/fe) II. and that this is the unit vector for which If'll:; u.)l has its maximum
k 1,2, ... , tt}, 11.]2 Compute the gradient vector V/(x, y) at those points (x. y) in A Z where it exists:
define/ex) = /1(Xt) + .. + !,.(xn). Prove that/ is dilferentiable al each poinl of S and a) f(;r.:, y) xZy' log (x 2 + y2) if (x, ).) .. (0,0), {(O,O) o.
. 1
('(x)(u) :E" fi{Xt)u/.
b)f{x. y) xysm-- ----
x2 +)'2
ir (x, Y) if.. iO,O), {(O, 0) 0,
11.13 Let f and 9 be real-valued fWlctioDS defined on R1 with continuous second deriva- function is differentiable at %. show that
tives r and tI'. Define
x· V/(x) = pICx).
F(x, y) ~ fIx + I/(Y») for cam (x, y) in RZ.
NCITE. This is known as &Jer's theorem for homogenoous functions. Hint. For fixed x,
Find formulas for all partials of F of liIllt and second order in terms of the derivatives of define g().) = f(h) and compute g'{!).
f and g. Verify the relation Also prove the converse. That is, show that if x' Vf(x) pl(s') for all :I. in a.tl oj')en
set S, then I must be homogeneous of degree p over S.
(D 1 FXD1 • 1 F) = (D#XD l,lF).
12.14 Given a functionfdefined. in Rl. Let Meau.-Vahle theorems
F(r, 0) '" ICr cos e, .,. sin 8). 1:"19 Let f: R - R 2 be defined by the equation f(t) = (cos t, sin I). Then ('(/)(1./) =
u(- sin t, cos t) for every real u. The Mean- Value formula
a) Assume a.ppropriate differentiability properties of f and show that
fey) - f(x) l'(z)(y - x)
DIF(r,O) ... cos (J Dt/fx:, y) + sin () D1f(x, y),
cannot hold who" x 0, y = 2>r, since the left membcJ: is zero and the right member is a
D1.1F(r,0) cos18Dl,lf(x,y) + hin (JoosfJ D1.d(x,y) + sin::.! OD1.d(x,y)' vector of length 21[. Nevertbeless. 'fheQrem 12,9 state$ that for every vector a in R 2 there
where x =. r cos 0.)' ~ .,. sin I), is a z in the interval (0, 2n) such that
b) Find similar formulas for D2,F, Dl.~F, and D z•2 F.
c) Verify the formula
a' (fey) f(x)} = a . (f'(z)(y - xH.
g(x, y, z) = (111('" Y. Z), fI'J,(x, y. z». Dedva:tives or higher' order lUld Taylor's formula
Let h be the composite function If ~ I" If and show that 12.2.4 For each of the following functions, verify that the mixed partial derivatives Dt.I!
and D 2 • d are equaL
IVhfl 4{DI/)2U , + 4(Dt/)(Dl!)Y2 + 3(Dz/i. a) fix, y) ... x 4 + .1'4 - 4X 1y 2.
17.•• 8 Let/be defi~ on an open set S in RIO. We say thatfis homogeneQus of degree p b) [(x, y) log (.li + y2), (.l:. Y) :# (0,0).
over S iff(h) ;,. ).!'f(x) for every reall and for every x in S for which Ax E' S. If SIKh a e) f(x. y) tan (xlIY). y # Q,
MultiVlll'iab!e Dilf_tlal Cli.ICIIIos
12.15 Let/be a function of two variables. Use induction and Theorem 12.13 to prove
that if the 2K partial derivatives of/of order k are continuous in a neighborhood of a point CHAPTER 13
(x, y), then all mixed partials of the form D~l" .. ,,,,fand Dp, .....""fwm be equal at (x, y)
if the k-tuple (r1' ... , ri ) oontains the same number of ones as the k-tuple (Ph.·., Pit).
11~Z6 H / is a function of two variables having continuous partials of order if: on some
open set S in R:1, show that IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS
flu(x; t) = ±(k) f[,;-rD,., ... ,
r=O J,
",.I(x), if x '" S, t = (t" (2),
where in the rtll term we have Pi ... = Pr - I and I1r + 1 = . , . = Pi. = 2. Use this
result to give an alternative expl'ession for Taylor's rormula. (Theorem 12.14) in the case 13.1 INTRODUCTION
when If = 2. The symbol (~) is the binomial coeffICient k!f[r! (k - r)!].
This chapter consists of two principal parts. The first part discusses an important
11.17 Use Taylor's formula to express the following in powers of (x ~ I) and (y - 2): theorem of analysis called the implicit function theorem; the second part treats
a) /(.1(, y) x 3 + y3 + b) I(x, y) x 2 + xy + y1. extremum problems. Both parts use the theorems developed in Chapter 12.
The implicit fUll(:tion theorem in its simplest form deals with an equation of
the form
12.1 A}lQStol, T. M., Colculus, Vol. 2, 2nd ed. Xerox, Waltham, 1969. The problem is to decide whether this equation determines x as a function of t.
12.2 Chaundy, T" W., The Differential ellleu/us. Clarendon Press, Ollford, 1935. If so, we have
X'" g(/),
12.3 Woll, J. W., Functions(J!Several Variahles. Harrourt Brace and World, New York,
1966. for some function g. We say that 9 is defined "implicitly" by (I).
The problem assumes a /T1Qre general form when we have a system of several
equations involvjng several variables and we ask whether we can solve these
equations for some of tbe variables in terms of the remaining variables. This is
the same type of problem as above, except that x and t are replaced by vectors,
and f and 9 are replaced by vector-valued functions. Under rather general con-
ditions, a solution always exists. The implicit function theorem give!> a description
of these conditions and some conclusions about the solution.
An imporlant special case is the familiar problem in algebra of solving n linear
equations of the fonn
L" a
lrJ "'-', (i = 1,2, ... , It), (2)
where the au and t l are considered as given numbers and XI' " .. , x" represent
unknowns. In linear algebra it is sbown that such a system bas a unjque solution
if, and only if, the determinant of the coefficient matrix A = [a ii] is nonzero.
NOTE. The determinant of a square matrix If = (aij] is denoted by det A or
det [ail]' If det [ali] '!' 0, the solution of (2) can be obtained by Cramer's rule
whkh expresses each X k as a quotient of two determinants, say Xt = AJD, where
D = del [a.J and A. is the determinant of the mate." obtained by replacing the
kth column of [alj] by 'I' ... ' t._ (For II proof of Cramer's fule, see Reference
13.1, Theorem 3.14.) 'n particular, if each II 0, then each x. = O.
TIl. 13.1 Th.U:!
Next we show that the system (2) can be written in the form (I). Each equation B)
in (2) has the form
/lx, t) = 0
fix, t) =
L: a1jX
j - f;.
C@ f(a)
Figure 13.1
Therefore the system in (2) can be expressed as one vector equation I(x, t) = 0, T1IeI.n'em 13..2. Let B = B(a; r) be an n-ball in R", let 08 denote its boundary,
wbere f = (II> ... ,fJ. If DJ/i denotes the partial derivative of/; with respect to
thejth coordinate x J, then DJfl-x, t) = aij' Thus the coefficient matrix A = [aoj) oB = {x: Ilx - all = r},
in (2) is a Jacobian matrix. Linear algebra tells us that (2) has a unique solution if
and let» = B u cD de,wte its closure. Let f = (fJ' •.. ,/.) be continuous em S,
tbe determinant of this Jacobian matrix is nonzero.
and assume l/wt all the partial derivatioes Dj/;(x) exist if x E B. Assume further
In the general implicit function theorem, the nonvanishing of the determinant
t/wt f(x) ¢ f(a) if" e oB and that the Jacobian determinant Jr(x) ¢ 0 for each
of a Jacobian matrix also plays a role. This comes about by approximating f by
x in B. Then feB), the image of B under f, contains an n-ball with center at f(a).
a linear function. The equation I(x, t) = II gets replaced by a system of linear
equations whose coefficient matrix is the Jacobian matrix of f. Proof Define a real-valued function 9 on oB as follows:
NOTATION. If f = (fl>'" ,I.) and x = (Xl>"" Xii)' the Jacobian matrix
g(x) = Ilf(x) ~ f(a)1I if x E oB.
Df(x) = [Djf,(x)] is an n x n matrix. Its determinant is called a Jacobian
determi1lll1ft and is denoted by Jt(x). Thus, Theng(x) > 0 for each x in ilB because ((x) ;:j:. fCa) if x E vB. Also, 9 is continuous
J,(x) = det Df(x) = det [Djh(x)]. on {)B since f is continuous on 8. Since oB is compact, 9 takes on its absolute
minimum (call it m) somewhere on oB. Note that m > 0 sinceg is positive on iJB.
The notation Let T denote the n-ball
iJ(fJ' ... ,/,,)
~(XI~' • , x.) , T = B(f(a); ~) .
is also used to denote tbe Jacobian detenninant Jr(x).
We will prove that T ~ f(B) and this will prove the theorem. (See Fig. 13.i.)
The next theorem relates the Jacobian determinant of a complex-valued' To do this we show that yET implies Y E f(B). Choose a point y in T, keep
function with its derivative. y fixed, and define a new real-valued function h on B as follows:
Tileonm IJ.I. Iff u + tv is a complex-valued function with a derivative at a : '!
hex) = IIf(x) - y~ if x E B.
point z in C, then JAz) i!'(zW. " I
Then h is continuous on the compact set S and hence attains its absolute minimum
Proof We have!,(z) = DIU + iD,v, so 1f'(zW = (DIu? + (D l v)2, Also,
on B. We win show that h attains its minimum somewhere in the open n-ball B.
At the center we have h(a) = IIf(a) - YII < mJ2 since YET. Hence the minimum
J AZ) = det [DJU U
D2 "] = DJu Dzl' - Dll' Dzu = (D l u)2 + (D I V)2,
value of h in B must also be <m/2. But at each point x on the boundary ifB we
Dill DIll
by the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
,,'j hex) = 111(x) - yll = IIf(x) - f(a) - (y - f(a»11
n.13,5 m
a minimum, Since Assume the contrary. That is, assume that f(x) = feY)' for some pair of points
x ." y in B(a). Since 8(a) is convex, the line segment L(x, y) S;;; .B(a) and we can
hl(x) = I!f(x) - YI1 2 = .E" [f,.(x) -
r~ 1
YrY, apply the Mean-Value Theorem to each component off to write
and since each partial derivative D.(h2 ) must he zero at c, we must have for i i , 2, ... , 11,
This function is continuous at those points Z in Rn' where h(Z) is defined because NOTE. If a function ( = (II' ... ,f.) has continuous partial derivatives on a set S,
each Djf. is continuous on 8 and a determinant is I\. polynomial in its I'll entries. we say that f is conlinuollsly differentiable on S, and we write f E C' on S. In view
Let Z be the spe<;ial point in R"' obtained by putting of Theorem 12.11, continuous differentiability at a point implies differentiability
at that point
Z, = Z2 = ... :::;; a.
Theorem 13.4 shows that a continuously differentiable function with a non-
Then h(Z) J f (a);6 {) and hence, by continuity, there is some n-ball B(a) such vanishing Jacobian at a poinl a has a local inverse in a neighborhood of a. The
that det [DJ!r(Z.)] ." 0 if each Z, E B(ll). We will prove that r is one-to-one on next theorem gives some local differentiability properties of this local inverse
B(a). function.
l3.3 TIlE INVERSE FUNCTION THEOREM open, y + tu,.. IE Y if t is sufficiently small.) Let x = g(y) and let x' = g(y + tu,.).
'I'Iu!o1'Wlt 13.6. Assume r = (f\, ... ,I.) E C' on an open set S in R~, and let Then both x and x' are in X and (x') - (x) = tu,.. Hence/;\,x') Il.x) is 0 if
T = reS). If the Iacobian determinant I,(s) ,;. 0 for some point a in S, then there i 'i< r. and is' if i == r. By the Mean-Value Theorem we have
are two open sets X ~ Sand Y ~ T ani! a uniquely determinedfunction II such tluJt fl..x') - fl,:") = V/,{ZJ' x' - x for i = 1, 2, ... , n,
a) a E X and rea) IE Y, t t
b) Y = rex), where each ZJ is on the line segment joining x and x'; hence Zi e 8. The expression
c) f is one-to-one on X. on the left is 1 or O. according to whether i = r or i + r. This is a system of 11
Jinear equations in 11 unknowns (x'; - xi)/I and has a unique solution, since
d) i is defined on Y, g(Y) = X, and g[f(x)] = xfor every x in X,
e) g e C' on Y. det [Djft(Z,l] = h(Z) ,;. 0,
Solving for the kth unknown by Cramer's rule, we obtain an expression for
Proof The function If is continuous on S and, since If(a) #: 0, there is an n-ball
8 1(1l) such that I,(x) ,;. 0 for all x in B 1(8). By Theorem 13.4, there is an n-ball [9,,(Y + tu,.) - gl:(y)J/t as a quotient (If determinants. As t ... 0, the point x -4' X,
since g is c:ontinuous, and hence each Zl --+ X, since Zj is on the segment joining
8(s) S;;;; 8 1(s) on which f is one-to-one. Let B be an n-ball with center at • and
radius smaller than that of 8(11). Then, by Theorem 13.2, f(B) contains an n-ball x to x'. The determinant which appears in the denominator has for its limit the
with center at f(a). Denote this by Yand let X = r~I(Y) II B. Then X is open number det [OJ/AX)] J,(x), and this is nonzero, since x E X, . Therefore. the
since both f-l(Y) and B are open. (See Fig. 13.2.) following limit exists:
lim gJ..y + tu,..) - g.fJ) = D,g,,(y).
,"'(1 t
= 1,2, ...• n.
1bis establishes the existence of DrllIl.y) for each, in Yand each r
f Moreover, this limit is a quotient of two determinants involving the derivatives
Dj/;(x). Continuity of the DJft implies continuity of each partiaJ D.g,. This
completes the proof of (e).
Nom. The foregoing proof also provides a method for computing D'(htJ). In
practice. the derivatives Dr 9" can be obtained more easily (without recourse to a
F"JgDre 13..1.
limiting process) by using the fact that, if J = f(x), the produd ofthe two Jacobian
matrices Df(x) and Dg(y) is the identity matrix. When this is written out in detail
it gives the following system of n 2 equations:
The set B (the closure of B) is compact and f is one-to-one and continuous on iff = j,
B. Hence, by Theorem 4.29,. there exists a function g (the inven;.; function 1-1 of
Theorem 4.29) defined on I(B) such that g[l(x)] = x for all x in 11 Moreover. g iU i' j.
is continuous on feB). Since X s;;;; Band Y <;;; f(B), this proves parts (a), (b), (c) For eacb fixed i. we obtain n linear equations as j runs through the values
and (d). The uniqueness oft follows from (d). 1,2., .. ,n. These ean then be solved for the If unknowRJi., D I 9h)• ...• D.Uty).
Next we prove (e). For thil> purpose, define a real-valued function h by the by Cramer's rule, or by some other method.
equation h(Z) = det [D}/i(Z;)], where Z\, ... , z,. are n points in S, and
Z = (Zl; ... ; Z,J is the corresponding point in ..it'. Then, arguing as in the proof
of Theorem 13.4. there is an n-ball 8,,(1.) socb that h(Z) ,;. 0 if each Z; E B.(a).
We can now assume that, in the earlier part of the proof, the n--baU B(a) was chosen The reader knows that the equation of a curve in the xy-plane can be expressed
so that B(a) liIii 8 z(a). Then lJ liIii Ria) and h(Z) #- 0 if each Zl E B. either in an "explicit" form, such as y f(x), or in an "implicit" form, such as
To prove (e), write g = (Ul" •• lI.). We will show that each I. E C' on Y. F(x. y) = O. However, if we are given an equation of the form F(x. y) == 0, thili.
To prove that D,g. exists on Y, assume y E Yand consider the difference quotient does not n~ly represent a function. (Take, for example, x 2 + y2 - 5 = 0.)
[Ul(Y + tl.l,) 9t(Y»/t, where IIr is the rth unit coordinate vector. Y is The equation F(x, y) "" 0 does always represent a relation, namely, that set of aU
374 TIl. 13.7 375
This system can be solved for Xl> ••• , x.. in terms of t1> •••• tit provided that for some (x'; i') in X, because F is one-to-one on X and the inverse image F-l(y)
certain partial derivatives are continuous and pro"ided that the It X n Jacobian contains X. Furthermore, by the manner in which F was defined. when we write
determinant O(fl•... ,fJ/iJ(XI' •.. , x..) is not zero.
For brevity. we shall adopt the following notation in this theorem: Points in
(x; t) = F(x'; n.we must have t' "" t. Therefore.
(n + k)-dimensional space a"" l will be written in the form (x; t). where y(x; f) v[F(x'; tn = x' and ",(x; t) = w[F(x'; t)] t.
:I: = (Xl" •• x.) e R" and t = (11) ••• , t.) E R~. Hence the function G can be described as follows: Given a point (x; f) in Y. we
have G(x; f) := (x'; 0, where x' is that point in RIO such that (x; t) F(x'; t}.
Theorem 13.7(IlfIlI/icitfflnctio" tMM'em). Let r = (/I>'" ,J,.) be a Ul!ctQr-valued This statement implies that
function defined on an open set S in R.. +l with values in RIO. Suppose f E C' on S.
Let (Xc; to) be a point in S for which f(Xc; t.,) 0 and for which the n x If determi~ F[vex; t); t] = (x; t) for every (x; t) in Y.
1'l/l1tt det [DjJi(xo; to)] t- O. Then there exists a k-dlmen.rionaJ open set To con- Now we are ready to define the set To and the function g in the theQrem. Let
taining to and one, and only one, vector-valuedfunction g, defined on To and Roving
values in R", such thai To {t: t € Rl , (0; t) E n,
a) g E C' 011 To, and for each t in To define g(t) 1'(0; t). The set To is open in R k • Moreover,
b) g{to) Xc. g IE' C' on To because G e C' on Yand the components of I are taken from the
comp<lnents of G. Also,
c) f(g(t); I) = 0 for every t in To.
g{to) ... 1'(0; to) = Xo
Proof. We shall apply the inverse function theorem to a certain vector-valued
function F (Fh •••• F,,: F.. +I> ••• , F".J defined on S and having values in , I
because (0; t Q) F(xo ; 10). Finally, the equation F[vex; 0; t] (x; f), which
K.,+lt. The function F is defined as follows: For ISm $ n,let F..(x; t) "'" f...(x; t). holds for every (x; t) in Y, yields (by considering Ihe components in Kg) the
and for I :s m :s: k, let F..+",(x; t) .. t.... We can then write F == (f; I), where equation f[ vex; t); t) x. Taking:x = 0, we see that for every t in To, we bave
f = (fl •... ,fJ and where I is the identity functioo defined by I(t) = t for each t f[g(t); t] = O. and this completes the proof of statements (a), (b), and (c). H
in R l • The Jacobian .lp{1I:; t) then has the same value as the 11 x 11 determinant remains to prove Ihat there is only one such function g. But this follows at once
det [Dj.!i(ll; OJ because the terms which appear in the last Ie rows and also in the from the one-ta-one character of f. If there were another fWlction, say b, which
last k columl1!i of J,t,x: t) form a k x k determinant with ones along the main satis.fied (c), then we would have £[g(t}; t] = f[h(t); t], and this would imply
diagonal and zeros elsewhere; the intersection of the first n rows and n columl1!i (g(t); t) (h(f); t). or get) = bet) for every t in To·
consists of the determinant det [Djh(x; t)]. and
D;F.. +fl.x; t) =0 for I s: i :s; n, I S j S k. 13.5 EXTREMA OF REAL-VALUED FUNCTIONS OF ONE VARIABLE
Hence the Jacobian J.l..Xc; t.,) "" O. Also. F(JIo; to) (0; to). Therefore, by In the remainder of this chapter we shall consider real-valued functions f with a
Theorem 1:4.6. there exist open sets X and Y containing (Xc; t.,) and (0; t.,), view toward determining those points (if any) at which f has a local extremum,
respectively, such that F is one-to-one on X, and X = F-l(y). Also, there exists that is, either a local maximum or a local minimum.
TII.I:U Def.lJ.'
We have already obtained one result in this connedion for functions of one
variable (Theorem 5.9). In that theoRlm we found that a necessary condition for a
function f to have II local extremum at an interior point c of an interval is that
/,(e) =0 0, provided thatj'(c) exists. This condition, however, is not sufficient, as
we can see by takingf(x) = ;x3. c = O. We now derive a sufficient condition.
'.I'ht1rftlt 13.8. For some integer If ~ 1, let I h4tIe Ii COlltinlWUS nth derivative in the
open interval (0. b). Suppose alsc that lor some interior paint c in (a, b) we have
/,(e) = f"(c) =0 • • • = r"- i)(c) = 0, but r")(c) I' O.
Then for Ii even, f ha.r a local minimum at c ifr·)(c) > 0, and a locol maximum at Dejimtioll 13.9. IIf is differentiable at a and if Vf(a) = 0, the point. is called a
c iff1lf}(c) -< O. If If is odd, there is neither (l iocal maximum nor a local minimlPn stationary point off, A stationary point is called a saddle point if every n-ball B(a)
ate. contains points x such t!rat f(x} > f(a) and other points such that f(x) <:: f(a),
Proof. Since rlf'(c) '" 0, there exists an interval B(c) such that for every x in B(c),
In the foregoing example. the origin is a saddle point of the function.
the derivative JV"(x) will have the !lllme sign as .f"l(c). Now by Taylor's formula
To determine whether a function of n variables has a local maltimum, a local
(Theorem 5.19). for every x in B(c) we have
minimum, or a saddle poiot at ll. stationary point a, we must determine the algebraic
f(x) - fee) =0 r"}(~l) (x - c'f, where Xt € B(c).
sign of f(x) - f(a) for all x in a neighborhood of a. As in the one-dimensional
case, this is done with the help of Taylor's formula (Theorem 12.14). Take m = 2
and y "" a + t in Theorem 12.14. If tbe partial derivatives off are differentiable
IT If is even, this equation implietl f(x) ~ Ik) when r·'(c) > 0, and fix) S; f(c)
when r")(c) :s; O. If n is odd and r·)(c) > O. then f(x) > fCc) when x > c. but on an n-ball B(a) then
f(x) -< f(c) when x <:: c, and there can be no extremum at c. A similar statement I(a + t) - f(a) Vf(a) . t + 11"(Z; t), (3)
holds if n is odd and r'(e) <:: O. This- proves the theorem.
where z lies on the line segment joining a and a + t, and
r(z; t) ==
L: L
We tum now to functions of several variables; Exercise 121 gives ll. necessary 1=1 j= I
T1te6rem ]j.II (Second-derivat;ve telft for extrema). Assume that the second.order 13.1, Theorem 9.5. Another, involving determinants, can be described as follows.
partial derivatives D;.J! C'xi.•' in ann-ball B(a) and are continuous at a. where a is a Let a = det [a ij] and let A" denote the determinant of the k x k matrix obtained
statiOltllry point 0/f. Let
by deleting the last (n - k) rows and columns of [all]. Also, put Ao = 1. From
the theory of quadratic forms it is known that a necessary and sufficient condition
Q(t) = 1-1"(11; t) (5) for a symmetric form to be positive definite is that the n + I numbers
Ao' Aft ... , a" be positive. The form is negative definite if, and only if, the same
a) If Q(t) > 0 for alit #' 0, / JlfJS a relative minimum at a. 11. + 1 numbers are alternately positive and negative. (See Reference 13.2, pp.
b) If Q(t) < 0 for all t '# OJ has a relative maximum at a. 304-308.) The quadratic form which appears in (5) is symmetric because the
mixed partials Di.j/(a) and Dj.J(a) are equal. Therefore, under the conditions of
c) If Q(t) takes both poSitive and negative values, then/has a saddle point at II.
Theorem 13.10, we see that / has a local minimum a.t a if the (n + I) numbers
Proof. The function Q is continuous at each point t in Hn • Let S = {t; II tl! = I} Ao, ,61' ... , A,. are all positive, and a local max.imum jf these numbers are
denote the boundary of the n-ball B(O; I). If Q(t) > 0 for all t t: 0, then OCt) is alternately positive and negative. The case 11. = 2 can be handled directly and gives
positive on S. Since S is compact, Q has a minimum on S (call it m), and m > O. the following criterion.
Now Q(d) = cZQ(t) for every real c. Taking c = I/lltll where t c#·O we see that Tuorelll 13.11. Let/be a rea/-valued/unction with CQntinllblJS second-order partial
dE Sand hence (zQ(t) ~ m, so Q(t) 2: mlltlJ 2 • Using this in (4) we find derivatives at a stQtionary point a in. H2 • Let
/(a + t) -/(a) ... Q(t) + IItI1 2 £(t) ~ m litH" + IItf~E(t). A = Dl.lf(a). C = D z,z!(a),
Since E{t) -.,. 0 as t -.,. 0, there is a positive number r such that IE(t)1 < 1m and let
whenever 0 < lItH < r. For such t we have 0 ~ IItIl 2 1£(I)1 < tmlltl1 2 , so
I(a + t) f(1I) > mlltll:! - tmlltl1 2 = -!m111U 2 > o.
Then we have:
Therefore lhas a relative minimum at a, which proves (a). To prove (b) we use a
similar argument, or simply apply part (al to a) 114 > 0 and A > 0,/ has a relative minimum at a.
finally, we prove (el. For each). > 0 we have, from (4). b) if A > 0 and A < o. / has a relative maximum at a.
f(a + ).t) - fea) Q(lt) + 12DtIl 2 E(lt) = ,A2{O(t) + IltI1 2 E(lt)}. e) If A < 0, f hos a saddle point at a.
Suppose Q(t) #' 0 for some t Since E(j) -.,. 0 as y -+ 0, there is a positive r such Proof In tbe two-dimensional case we can write the quadratic form in (5) as
that follows:
if 0 < A. < r. Q(x, y) = i{Ax 2 + 2Bxy + Cillo
Therefore, for each such). the quantity A2{Q(t) + IItll 2 E(lt)} has the same sign as If A ~ 0, this can also be written as
Q(t). Therefore, ifQ <: <1. < r, the difference!(a + ,tt) lea) has the same sign
as Q(t). Hence, if Q(t) takes both positive and negative values, it follows that/ Q(x, y) = 1 {(Ax + Bf)2 + Ay 2}.
has a saddle point at II.
If A > 0, the e,,<pression in brackets is the sum of t""'o squares, so Q(x, y) bas the
NOTE. A real-valued function Q defined on R" by an equation of the type same as A. Therefore, statements (a) and (b) follow at once from parts(a)
Q(x) = r: ?:
and (b) of Theorem 13.10.
If A < O. the quadratic form is the product of two linear factors. Therefore,
the set of points (x, y) such that Q(x, y) 0 consists of two lines in the xy-plane
where x = (xl> ... , x.) and the a jj are real is called a quadratic lorm. The form is intersecting at (0,0). These lines divide the plane into four regions; Q(x, y) is
called symmetric if ail ajl for all i and i, positive defillite if x # 0 implies positive in two of these regions and negative in the other two. Therefore I bas a
Q(x) > 0, and lIego!it'e definite if x # 0 implies Q(x) < O. saddle point at II.
In general, it is not easy to determine whetber a quadratic form is positive or Not!!. If A = 0, there may be a local maximum, a local minimum, or a saddle
negative definite. One criterion, in\lol...i ng eigenvalues, is described in Reference point at a.
Th.11.12 381
13.7 EX'l'REMUM PROBLEMS WDH SIDE CONDmONS The following theorem establishes the vaJidity of Lagrange's method:
Consider the following type of extremum problem. Suppose lbat f(x, y, z) TIJeoum 13J2. Let f be a real-valued junction such that j E C' on an open set S
represents the temperature at the point (x, y, z) in space and we ask for the maxi- in R a • Let!/., ... , g", be m real-ooluedfimettons ~h that g = (Ul> ... ,g",) € C'
mum or minimum value ofthe temperature on a certain surface. If the equation of on S, and assume that m < n. Let Xo he that subset of S on which I oonishes, that is.
the surface is given explicitly in the form = h.(x, Y), then in the expression
Xo {x: :If. E S, g(x) = O}.
f(x. Y. z) we can replace z by hex, y) to obtain the temperature on the surface as a
function of x and y alone, say F(x, y) = f[x, y, h(x, y)]. The problem is then Assume that :Eo E X o and assume thm there exists un n-ball B(Xo) such that j(x) :s;
reduced to finding the extreme values ofF. However, in practice, certain difficulties f(xo) jor aU x in X o n B(:xe) or such that j(x) :2: !(Xo) for all It in Xo n B(xo)'
arise. The equation of the surface might be given in an implicit form. say Assume also that the m-rowed determinant det [DJgAXo)) :;. O. Then there exist
g(x, y, z) 0, aDd it may be impossible, in practice, to solve this equation m real numbers 11 • ••• , l". SMeh that the following 1:1 equations are satWied:
explicitly for :l in terms of x and y, or even for x or y in terms of the remaining
variables. The problem might be further complicated by asking for the extreme Drf(x o) +
2: ),.D,gl(XO) = 0 (r = 1, 2•... , n). (6)
values of the temperature at those points which lie on a given curve in space. Such Ji-l
a curve is the intersection of two surfaces, say gl(X, Y. z} = 0 and9z(x, y, z) .. O. NOTE. The n equations in (6) are equivalent to the following vector equation:
If we could solve these two equations simultaneously, say for x and y in terms of z,
then we could introduce these expressions into f and obtain a new function of V/(xo) + Al Vg 1 (:xe) + ... + 1.. Vg..(xo) o.
z alone, whose extrema we would then seek. In general, however. this procedure Proof Consider the following system of m linear equations in the 1ft unknowns
cannot be carried out and a more practicable method must be sought. A very A., ... , A.,;
elegant and useful method for attacking such problems was developed by Lagrange. m
Lagrange's method provides a necessary condition for an extremum and can be
described as follows. Letf(x" ... , x..) be an expression whose extreme values are
k~ I
AlD,g.(xo) = -D,f(x.o) (r = 1,2, ... , m).
sought when the variables are restricted by a certain number of side conditions, This system bas a unique SQlution since, by hypothesis, the determinant of the
say 91(X1" " , x,,} = 0, .. <. ,U...(Xh •. , ,xJ = O. We then form the linear system is not zero, Therefore, the first m equations in (6) are satisfied. We must
combination «
DOW verify that for this choice of . . , l,.., the remaining n - m equations in
ep(x h ••• = f(x•• .•. , x,,) + .l.191(X 1 , ••• , x,J + ... + ),..0",(x1 , • •• , x,,), (6) are also satisfied. .
To do this, we apply the implicit function theorem. Since m < n, every pOInt
where At•...• l". are m constants. We then differentiate t/J with respect to each x in S can be written in the form :It "'" (x.'; t), say, where x' e R'" and t E R.--"
coordinate and consider the following system of 1'1 + m equations; In the remainder of this proof we will write x' for (Xl>"" x",) and t for
D,t/J(x1 , ••• , xJ = 0, r = I, 2, , n. (x",+ ["" ,x,,), so that II< "" X .. u' In terms of the vectar-valued function
g (Uh" .. , Om)' we (:an now write
9..(Xl' •.. , xJ 0, k = I, 2, , m.
g(x~; to) = 0 ifxo = (,,~; to)'
Lagrange discovered that if the point (Xl> .••• XII) is a solution of the extremum
problem, then it will also satisfy this system of n + m equations. In practice, one Since g e C' on S, and since the determinant det [Djgj(x~; to)] :# 0, all the
attempts to solve this system foc the n + m "unknowns," AI •••• ' A"" and conditions of the implicit function theorem. are satimed. Therefore, there exists.
Xl> ••• ,x,.. The points (Xl> ••• , x..) so obtained must then be tested to determine
an (n m)-dimensional neighborhood Tl) of to and a unique vector-valued
whether they yield a maximum, a minimum, or neither. The numbers II' ... , l"., function h .. (h., ... ,h..), defined on To and having values in R'" such that
w~h are introduced only to help solve the system for Xl' ••• , x.., are known as It e C' on To, b(to) = xo.
and for every t in To, we have g[h(t); t] "" O. This
Lagrange's multipliers. One multiplier is introduced for each side condition. amounts to saying that tbe system of m equations
A complicated analytic criterion exists for distinguishing between maxima and gl(Xl> ..• , x,,) = 0, . ,. ,g",(XI' ... ,x,,) = 0,
minima in such problems. (See, for example, Reference 13.3.) However, this
criterion is not very useful in practice and in any particular prolem it is usually can be solved for Xl' .. :, x., in terms of x..+ 1> ., • , x'" giving the solutions in the
easier to rely on some other means (fOf example, physical or geometrical consider- form x, = h,(x",+ I' ••• ,x,J, r 1, 2, ... ,m. We shall now substitute these
ations) to make this distinction. expressions for Xl' ... , x.. into the expression j(Xl, . ; • , x.) and also into each
expression gix]• ...• x,J. That is to say. we define a new function F as follows: vanishes because of the way ... , l", were defined. Thus we are left with
F(x...+h···, x,J ... /[li t (xm + l1 xJ, ...• h",(x"'+I>'" ,x"); I' .. ·' xJ;
••• , X"'+
Dm+,!(xo) + L: A D +r9 (xo) = 0 (r = 1, 2, ... , n - m),
and we define m new functions °
1 , ••• , GM as follows:
p m p
and these are exactly the equations needed to complete the pI'<.lof.
NOTE. In attempting the solution of a particular extremum problem by Lagrange's
More briefly, we can write F(') = /[II(t)] and Gp(t) = g,,[HO)], where H(t) ... method, it is usually very easy to determine the system of equations (6) but, in
(h(t); t). Here tis relltrk:ted to lie in the set To. general, it is n<.lt a simple matter to actually solve the system. Special devices can
Each function G, so defined is identically zero on the set To by the implicit often be employed to obtain the extreme values of/directly from (6) without first
function theorem. Therefore. each derivative DrGp is also identically zero on To finding the particular points where these extremes are taken on. The following
and, in particular, DrG,,(to) = O. But by the chain rule (Eq. 12.20), we can com- example illustrates some of these devices:
pute these derivatives as follows:
Example. A quadric surface witls center at the origin has the eqlmtiort
DrG,.(~) = I: DJJp(~)DrHk.(~)
(1' 1,2, ... > n - m). AxZ + By2 + Cz'" + lDyz + 2Hzx + 2Fxy "" 1.
Find the lengths of its semi-a..ws.
But Bl;(t) ... hk(t) if 1 :s; k :s; m, and Bl;(t) = Xl; if m + I s; k :s; n. Therefore,
when m + 1 :s: k :s: n. we have D,H~Jt) E 0 if m + r .,. k and D,H.. +r(t) = I So{ufi"". Let us write (Xl> X2, '~3) instead of (x, 1, z), and introduce tbe quadratic form
for every t. Hence the above set of equations becomes :I :J
Since q(x) "" I -on the surface we find A = -/(x), and (10) beromes
and hence we can write
t V/(x) Vq(x) 0, (II)
Di/(xo)D,hl(fo) + D.. +J(xo) = 0 (r = 1, ... ,11m). (8) where t 1/l(x). (We cannot havef(x) = 0 in this problem.) The \lector equation (II)
then leads to tbe follOWing three equations for x" X;:, X3:
If we now multiply (7) by AI" sum on p, and add the result to (8), we find
"-' .
vanish. That is. we must have b) Compute J and the partial derivati;res of F and G at (xo. Yo~ 0, 1) when
I(u, v) u' - IiP,O(lI, v) ... 21m.
E~: - I :~: _ t :~:
~;.u Q;.l2 au - t
I= o. (12) 13.6 Let r and Ii: be related as in Theorem 13.6. Consider the case 11
we have
= 3 and show that
Equation (12) ill called the characleristic lUjlli1tion of the quadratic form in (9). In this aISC,
the geometrleal nature of the problem aIIlIUIl:S us that the three roots lu 12;. 13 of this cubic: (i 1,2, 3),
must be real and positive. [Since l1(x) is syn:uqetric and PQl3itive definite. the petal
theoIy of quadratic forms also guarantees that the roots of (12) are all real and positive.
(See Refenem:e 13.1, 'I1Ieorem 9.5.)J 1"'he sem.i-axcs of the quadric liurface are 1;1/ 2, where y = (x) and 0t.; = 0 or I according as i '" j or i = j. Use this to deduce the
t;ll1., ti1/2, formula
:-"--"'-"=I (j(J1t I" 13)
(1(x1 , X2, X3)
There are sinlilllf exprnssiOM fOf the other eight derivatives DIU"
Jaeobius 13.7 Let I = $I + Iv be a complex-valued function satisfying the following conditions:
13.1 Let f be the complex-valued function defined for each complex z ot 0 by Ihe U E C and VEe on the open disk A = {z: Izi < 1l; fis continuous on the closed disk
equationf(z) = 1/i. SbowthatJ;{z) = 11'1- 4 , Showthat/isone-to-oneandoompute A. = {z: lz i l}; u(x, y) x and t(x, y) =' y whenever x 2 + y2 = I; the Jacobian
r 1
explicitly. I;(z) > 0 ifz E A. LetB = /(..1) denote the image or A under land prove that:
13.1 Let (= (/1,12.13 ) be the veaor-valued fum::tion defined (fOf every point (Xl' .1'2. X3) a) ]f X is an open sub!Jet of A, tben I{X) is an open sub!Jet of B.
in R:l< for which Xl + Xl + X3 ot -I) as follows: b) B is an open disk of radius I.
= 1,2,3). c) FOf each point I'll) + tvl) in B. there is only a finite number of points z in A such
h<xt> X2. %3) = ~----=---""" (k
tbat fez) "" Uo + ivo.
I + Xl + %2 + %3
+ + +
Show that
compute ,-1J~X1> xz, Xv
(I X, %2 X3)-4. Show that f is one-to-one and Extremum problems
13.8 Find andcJassify theextremevah.res (if any) oftlle functions defined by the following
13.3 Let f = v,., ... ,
f.) be a veaol'-value4 function defioed in R", suppose fEe'
on K". and let I/..x) denote the Jacobian deterD.linant. Let Dh •.• , 9r< be If real-valued
ftmctiOOll defined on at and having continuous derivative<> 91•... , g~. Let ~(:x) a) [(x,y) "" + x 2y + x4,
h[OI(Xlh .. . , o.,(x,.)], k 1,2. .... 17, and put JI (hI>"" It.). Show that b) I(x, y) '" Xl + y2 + X + Y + XJ!.
l'jj(x)= If [01 (XI)' ... , u.(x.. )]di(Xt)·· • fl,'(x.). c) I(x, y) = {.i:" 1)'4 + {x _ y)4,
d) I(x, .1') = .1'2 - x3•
13.4 a) If x(r, 9) = r cos 8. y(r, IJ) = r 3in e, show tlmt
13.9 Find the !lhOrlest distance from the point (0, b} on the y-axis to the parabola
o(x, y)
--=r. x 2 - 4y O. Solve this problem using Lagrange's method and also without using
o(r.1J) Lagrange's method.
b) If x(r, D. ,) r COlI IJ sin i. y(r, 8, ~) r sin (J sin tJ. z = r COlI ~. show that 13.10 Solve the following geometric problems by Lagrange's method:
il(x.1'. z)
-r 2 sin ;.
a) Find the shortest distance from the point (ai' tl z, aj) in a3 to the plane whose
O(r.8, ;) equation is "IXI + bzx] + b,X3 + bo O.
13.5 a} State conditions on f and 9 which will ensure that the equations x = 1(11, u}, b) Find the point on the line of intersection of the two planes
Y = g(u. v) can be solved for u. and lJ in a neighborhood of (xo. Yo). If the solu-
tiol1& are Il "" F(x. y), t' "" G(x, y), and if J = a(f. g)/8(u, v}, show that and
SF 1 ilg ilF 1 al iJG 100 iJG = ! at blXl + b 2 x] + OJX3 + bo = 0
ox = J 7Jv ' oy ... -. J av ' i l ; = n; . By J aU. which is nearest the origin.
:u.11 Fmd the maximum value of a~.I. ifD=l xi "" 1, by using SUGGESTED REFERENCES FOR FURTHER STUDY
a) the cauchy-SChwarz inequality. 13.1 Apostol, T. M., Colelllu.s, Vol. 2, 2nd ed. Xerox, Waltham, 1969.
b) Lagrange's method 13.2 Gantmacher, F. R., T1Ie T1Iecry ;:q Matrices, Vol. I. K. A. Hirsch, translator.
13.12 Find the maximum of (XIX.. .•• X.)2 under the restriction Chelsea, New York, 1959.
13.3 Hancock, H .• Theory of Maxima and Minima. Ginn, Boston. 1911•
.~+···+x; L
Use the result to derivethefQlIowinginequality, valid for positive real mrlllbers 0J>" ., a.:
(0,0, ±.Ji, ±I), (0, ±I, +2,0), (±l,O,O, ±v'3), (±2, ±3,O,O).
Which or these yield a local maximum and which yield a local minimum? Give reasons
for your conclusions.
13.15 Show that the extreme values off(x!> X2. X"J) '" + x~ + xi, subject to the two
side conditions
... O.
Show thAt this is a quadratic equation in 1 and give a geometric argument to explain why
the roots 110 12 are real and positive.
13,16 Let'" = det [xlj] and let XI (xII' ..• ' Xi.)' A fanIOUS theorem of Hadamard
It positive constants soch that Ilx11l '" dl
states tbat 1.1.1 ::s; d 1 ···4 if dl< ...• d. are
(i= 1, 2, ... ,It). Prove this by treating A as a function of ,,2 variables subject to n
constraints, using Lagrange's method to sbow that, when A has an extreme under these
conditions, we must have
o d;•
° 0
.1.2 =
o 0 0
CHAPTER 14 [Xl-I, x.:J is replaced by the measure p.(lJ oran n-dimensional subinterval. Since
the work pr0cee4s on exactly the same lines as the one-dimensional case, we shall
omit many of the details in the discassions that follow.
Let AI, .• _• A" denote It general intervals in R I ; that is, each A~ may be bounded,
unbounded, open, dosed, or half-open in R I . A set A in Rn of the form
A AI x ... x An = {(Xi>"" x.); XIl E A. for k = 1,2, .... n},
FillJll'e 14.1
is called a general n-(jimensional interval. We 1l1s-0 allow the degenerate case in
which OJ'Ie or more of the intervals All consists of a single point,
If each All is open, closed,. or bounded in R I , then A has the corresponding
property in R", lkjilfilwll 14.2. Let I be defined Md bmmded on a compact intervall in R" If P
If each All is bounded, the n-dimensional measure (or n-measure) of A, denoted is a partition 01 I into m subintervals lit ... , I", and ift" E III a sum ofthe form
by ~i(A), is .defined by the equation .
S(P,f) I:f(r.M1k),
peA) p(A I) ... I1(A.), .~I
where fl(A.) is the ,me-dimensional measure (length) of A". When fl = 1, this is is called a Riemann .~um. We say f is Riemann-integrable on I and we write fER on
called the area of A, and when n = 3, it is called the l'o!ume of if. Note that I, whenever there exists a real number A having tile lollowing property: For (wery
tl(A) ;= 0 if p(A.) 0 for some k. e > 0 there ex/s!s a partition p. of I such that P finer thOll p. implies
We tum next to a discussion of Riemann integration in R". The only essential
IS(PJ) - ~ < f,
difference between the case rI = 1 and the case 11 > I is that the quantity
Ax. x. x'- l which was used to measure the length of the subinterval for all Riemann sums S(P, f). When such a number A exists, it Is uniquely
'lb. 14.5 Evaluatioll of • Multiple lategral 391
determined and is denoted by b) If an interval J is decomposed into a union of two nonoverlapping intervals
11' f z, then we have
I 1 1 -f dx Jr,r f dx + 1- f dx 1 J
JI-rf elx = -
fdX f(x) dx, or by f(x i • < •• , x.) d(Xl' ••• , x,,).
, and f dx + f dx.
I Ii I,
- I,
NOTE. For n > I the integral is called a multiple or n-jold integw.1. When n = 2
and 3, the terms double and triple integral are used. As in R I , the symbol x in The proof of the following theorem is essentially the same as that of Theorem
JI f(x) dx is a "dummy variable" and may be replaced by any other convenient 7.19 and will be omitted.
symbol. The notation II f(x!> ... , x-J dx l . . . dx" is also used instead of
Jr f(x I' . . . , x-J d(x h . . . ,x-J. Double integrals are sometimes written with two Theorem 14.4. Let f be defined and bounded on a compal'r interval I i1l RO. Then
integral signs and triple integrals with three such signs, thus: the following statements are equiv.alent:
f(x, y) dx dy, fff f
[(x, y, z) dx dy dz.
ii) f satisfies Rienwnn's condition 011 I.
iii) !ddx = Jddx.
Ih}illit;itnl 14.3. Let f be defined and bounded on a compact interval I in R". If P
is a partitwn of J into m subintervals II' ... ,1m , let
mj,.,(f) = inf {f(x) : x € I~}. EXISTENCE OF A MULTIPLE RIEMANN INTEGRAL
The rrurnbers .- A subset T of ." is said to be of n-measure zero if, for every E > 0, T can be
covered by a countable collection of n-dimensional intervals, the sum of whose
n-measures is <8.
U(P,f) = L Ml(f)P(ll)
1=/ .
and L(P,f) = L:'" m~(nJl(11)'
As in the one-dimensional case, the union of a countable collection of sets of
n-measure 0 is itself of n-measure O. If III < n, every subset ofR", when considered
are called upper and lower Riemann sums. The upper and lower Riemann i7l1egrals as a subset of R-, has n-measure O.
off over f are defined as follows: A property is said to hold almost everywhere on a set S in R" if it holds every-
1f dx = inf{U(P,f): P E &'(I)},
where on S ell:cept for a subset of n-measure O.
Lebesgue's criterion for the existence of a Riemann integral in HI has a
straightforward e:\tension to multiple integrals. The proof is analogous to that of
a) L (f + g) dx:;; f, f dx + f, g dx,
triple integrals by successive integration with respect to each variable. .For
example, if fis a function of two vadables continuous on a compact rectangle Q
in the xy-plane. say Q = {(x. y) : a s: x :5: b, c .:s; y :5: d}, then for each fixed y
defines a new f-.metiQIl G, where G(y) J:/(x, y) dx. This function G is con- Similarly, we define
tinuous (by Theorem 7.3B), and hence integrable, on [e, d]. The integral J~ G{y) dy
turns out to have the same value as the double integral Jaf(x, y) d(x. y). That is,
we have the equation
I == f: F(:o:) dx == J: U: I(x, y) dy dx.J
fa f(x, y) d(x, y) = J: U: I(x, J y) dx dy. (I) Let PI = {Xo, Xl • ...• X,,} be a partition of [D.
(This formula will be proved later.) The question now arises as to whether a
similar result holds when/is merely integrable (and not necessarily continuous) on be a partition of [c, d].. Then P PI X P1. is a partition of Q into mn sub-
Q. We can see at once that certain difficulties are inevitable. For example, the rectangle& Q Ii and we define
inner integral /(x, y) dx may not exist for certain values of y even though the
double integral eJdsts. In fact, jf / is discontinuous at every point of the line IIJ = J:~, U~J_/(x. Y} dyJ dx,
segment y == Yo. a S; x S; b, then f~j{x. Yo) dx will fail to exist. However. this
line segment is a set whose 2-mcasure is zero and therefore does not affect the
Since we have
integrability off on the whole rectangle Q. In a case of this kind we must use
upper and lower integrals to obtain a suitable generalization of (l). - d
lit 1:1 J
ill') S1(~tf!ment (iii) holds with J: replm::ed by r: throu.ghout. That is, we have the inequality
r[1" rU:
11') When Sa/ex, y) d(x, y) exists, we have
If we write
Proof. To prove (0, define F by the equation
m,j = inf {f(x. y): (x, y) e el'i}'
F(x) = J: f(x, y} dy, if x E [a, b]. and
M lj == sup {f(x, y) : (x, y) e Qlj},
Then IF(x)1 ::;; M(d c), where M sup {lj(x, .v)1 : (x, y) (; Q), and we call
then from the inequalit)' mli s; f(x. y) s; M ,j, (x, y) e Q,j. we obtain
SUlnming on and i and tbe above inel~Wlljti(~s, we
Figure 14.2
this holds for all partiti,:ms P of we must have
and hence faUows same argument defined
Statements and can be siolila.rly the roles in
x and statemem is immediate consequence of statements
y) ax
which valid continuous on Qo This often called Fubint's lftt'.'Ofi'!rI.
does not the of A counter eXllmple is in
Exercise 14,7.
As in Theorem appropl"iate rep!;1Cerl"iellts of
Before on Theorem 14Ai in R", first lnll'oouce upper int(:grals Unlli[OgOUS fmlnutias for the
some further and termillo!l,g)' If Ii; :-:; II, the of x in R" for which
Xl = called the coordinate hVl't!f'J,kure Given a set S in R", the lJfoieclrtoll
S on is defined to be the of S uMer that value at
in S easy to case in
= (5)
lienee, S Jordan-measurable and
Letl be a cornpad interval COl1ltailling S and Tnen for
To obtain
the reverse in,:qtlaliity, < +
and choose Since renne-
ment inc'rea,sell 1, Vie find
Then I is said to be Riemann-integrable on S and we write fER on S, whenever ihe and MtUs) = 0 if k ~ A, so
integral II g(x.) dx exists. We also write
L I(x) ax", 1 g(x) dx.
U(P, Xs) .I: M.!.xs)p(h) = L: P(IJ = J(P, X5)'
l~l t~A
Sioce this holda for all partitions, we have t Xs = C(S) = c(S). But
The upper and lower integrals js/(x) fix and IgJ(x) dx are similarly defined.
NOTE. By considering the Riemann sums which approximate ), g(x) dx. it is easy
to see that the integral fsf(x) dx does not depend on the choice of the intervall
L Xs = 1 Xs so c(S) = f =L
Xs L
used to enclose S.
A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of Is/(x) dx can now be
given. The next theorem shows that the integral is additive with respect to sets having
Jordan content.
TIMONm U.11. Let S be a Jordan-meQ3llTable set in R", and let J be defined and
~ 14.13. Assume IE R on a Jordan-meQ3llToble set Sin,,". Suppose
bounded on S. Then I E R on S if, and only if, the discQI1tinuities ofI in S form Q
set of measll1'e zero. S =
A u B, where A and B are Jor~meQSUTable but have fI() interior paints in
common. Thenle Ron A,le R QI1 B, and we hove
= J(x) wben XES,
Proof. Let I be a compact interval containing S and let g(x)
g(x) "" 0 when x E I - S. The discontinuities of f will be discontinuities of g.
However, 9 may also have discontinuities at some or aU of the boundary points of
Is f(x) dx = L f(x) dx + J. /(x) dx. (4)
S. Since S is Jordan measurable, Theorem 14.9 tells us tbat c(iJS) "" O. Therefore,
Proof Let 1 be a compact interval cootaining S and define 9 as follows:
9 E R on I if. and only if, the discontinuities off form a set of measure zero.
g(x) =
{}i(0 X) ih IE' S,
ih::e:I - S.
Proof Let 1 be a compact interval containing S and let Xs denote the characteristic
function of S. That n., If S,. denotes that part of the sum arising from those subintervals containing
points of A, and if S. is similarly defined, we can write
= {~
if x e S,
xix) S(P,g) = SA + S. - Se.
if x e I - S,
ne discontinuities of ;(s in I are the boundary points of S and these form a set where Sc contains those terms corning from subintervals which contain both points
of content zero, so the integral II Is exists, and hence s I exists. of A and points of B. In particular, all points common to the two boundaries iJA
Let P be a partition of I into subintervals II' , .. , I",. and let and 8B will fall in this third class. But now SA. is a Riemann sum approximating
the integral !Af(X) tfx. and S. is a Riemann sum approJdmating !.f(x) dx. Since
A = {k: It r> S is nonernpty}, e(8A r> oB) = 0, it follows that ISci can be made arbitranly mall when P is
sufiiciently fine. The equation in the theorem is an easy consequence of these
If k E A, we have
NOTE. Formula (4) also holda for upper and lower integrals.
Th, 14.14 111. 14.17 401
For setli S whose structure is relatively simple. Theorem 14.6 can be used to The"rem 14.16 (MetPt-Va/ue Theorem/or mrdiiple integrrili). Assume that 9 E R
obtain formulas for evaluating double integrals by iterated integration. These and fER on a Jordan-measurable set 8 in a" and suppose that g(x) ~ 0 for each
formulas are given in the next theorem. :It in S. Lei m = inf1(8), M = sup /(8). Then there exi~ts a real numbe; 1 in the
infen'ill m :5 ). :::;; j\{ such that
Theorem U.14. Let 1Jl and tP2 be tlVl) continuous lime/ions defined on [a. b] such
that q,l(X) ~ q",(x)101' each x in [a. b]. Let S be the compDct set in a~ given by
8 = (lx, y) : a s x s b, tPl(X) S Y s;, 1Jz(x)}.
L I(x)g(x) dx "" ..t Is g(x} dx. (5)
f(x, .v) dy dx.
NOTE. The set 8 is Jordan-measurable because its boundary has content zero. NOT!':. If,
(See Exercise 14.9.) some "0 in 8 (by Theorem 4.38.) and (5) becomes .
Analogous statements hold for n-fold integrals. The extensions are too obvious
to require further comment, L f(x)g(x) <Ix = I(xo) L g(x) dx. (7)
PrQof. Since g(x) 2: 0, we have mg(x) s I(x) g(x) .:5 Mg(,,) for each x in 8. By
Theorem 14.15, we can write
m r g(x) dx ~ Jsr/(,,)g(x) dx
.:5 M r
g(x) dx.
If I Ii g(x) dx = 0, (5) holds for every J.. If Is g(1/:) dx :::> 0, (5) hold~ with
;. = Ssf(x)g(x) dx/Js g(x) dx. Taking g(x) E I, we obtain (6).
Figure 14.4
We can use to prove that the integrand!can be disturbed on a set of content
zero without affecting the value of the integral. In fact, we have the following
figure 14.4 illustrates the type of region described in the theorem. For sets
which can be decomposed into a finite number of Jordan-measurable regions of Theorem U.17. A6-sume that feR 011 a Jordan-measurable set 8 in R". Let T be a
this type, we can apply iterated inlegration to each separate part and add the results subset o{ S having It-dimensional Jordan cmltt'1lt UfO, Let 9 be a lIlt/erion, defined
in accordance with Theorem 14.13. Qlld hounded on 8, such that y(x) = f(x) when XES T. Then 9 E R on 8 Dud
r f(K) dx = J5-r
r !(x) d~ E[f: I(x, y) dY] dx = t.
Js This shows that M [f~f(x, y) dy] dx exists and equals 1.
and to say that f is Riem811n-integrable on S. In view of the theorem just proved. b) Prove that fA [f~/(x, y) dx] dy exists and find its value.
this is essentially the same as extending the domain of definition off to the whole c) Prove that the double integral IQ/(x. y) d(x, y) does not exist.
of S by definingf on T in such a way that it remains bounded.
14.6 Define f on Iho square Q [0, 1] x [0, 1 Ja8 foUows:
o if at least one of x, y is irrational,
I (x, y).. { l/n if y is rational and x "" min,
where m and II are relatively prime integers, 11 > O. Prove that
MIlItIpIe laItegraJs
14.1 IfJi e R on [ab b l ]. ' , •• /" E Jl. on (a"., b..}, prove that
f [(x, y) dx = l' [E I(x, y) dx] dy = fa lex. y) d(x, y) = 0
f/t(Xt) .. ·fJxit>d(X1..... xJ (f' 11(X1) dx 1)... U~ h(X.) dx it ) '
but that I~ I(x. y) dy does not exist for rational x.
14.7 If PA denotes the kth prime number, let
where S = [aI' hi] x ... x [a., b,,],
S(Pt) "" {(~. ~) : If "" 1,2..... P. - 1, m 1,2, ... , Pk I} ,
14.2 Letfbe defined and bounded on a compact rectangle Q =
[a, h] x [c, d] in 11.2,
Assume that for each filled y in [c. d], f(x, y) ill a.II increastng function of x, and that for let S U:"= 1 Sept). and let Q {O. i] x [0, 1].
each fixed x in [a, il], [(x, y) is an increasing function of y. Prove tbatfe Jl. on Q. a) Prove that S is dense in Q (that the closure of. S contains Q) but that any line
14.3 Evaluate each of the following double integrals, parallel to the coordiml.te 1IXe8 contains at most a finite sahset of S.
Q Jordan eooteDt
c) fJ +
[x y] dx dy. wher'e Q = [O,2} x [0,2], and [I] is the ~test
14.8 Let S be a bOlmded set in R" having at mOllt a linin: number ofaccumulation points.
Prove that c(S) == O.
14.' Let [ be Ii continuous real-valued function defined on [a, b ]. Let S denote the
integer St. graph of/, tbatis, S = {(x, y): y "" [(x), a S x b}, Prove that Shas two-dimensional
Jordan content zero.
14." Let Q "" [0, 1] x (O, 1J and calcoJaCe Ho/(x. y) dy in each case. dx 14.10 Let r be iI rectifiable curve in a·. Prove that r bas n-dimensional Jordan content
a) {(x, y) ... 1 - x .. y if:c + y :s; I. Ax. y) =' 0 otherwise.
b) {(x, y) = X Z + if Xl + y1 :s I, /tx. y) .. 0 otherwise, 14.11 Let/be a nonnep:tive function defined on a set S in al<. The ordinate set of [over
c) [(x. y) = x + y if Xl S Y :s; h 2 , f(x, y) "" 0 otherwise. S is defined to be the following subset of R~+ 1 :
14.5 Define f on the square Q = [0, 1] )( [0. I] as follows:
{(Xh" , x".xJt+l): (xl'···.X.)ES. 0 X"+I Sf(Xl""'X,.)},
if x is rational,
1 1
f(x, y) ",,' i 2:y If S is a Jordan-measurable region in R and If/is continuous on S, prove tha.t the ordinate
14.14 Let I be continuous on a rectangle Q "" [a. It] x [c, ill· For each interior point
(Xl. X;1) in Q. define
where each I" is a compact subintecval ofR 1 • If PJ: isa partition of 1", the cartesian
product P := PiX ... x p. is called a .partition of 1. If P" decomposes I" into
tn" one-dimensional subintervals, then P decomposes I into m ml .•. 11Jt Since these definitions are completely analogous to the one-dimensional case,
n-dimensional subintervals, say J 1 , ••• , J",. it is not surprising to leam that many ofthe theorems derived from these definitions
A function s defined on I is called a step function. if a. partition P of I exists such are also valid. In particular. Theorems 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.9, 10.10, fO.l I, ]0.13,
that s is constant on the interior of each subinterval It, say 10.14,10.16, 10.11(a) and (e), 10.18, Ilnd 10.19 are aU valid for multiple integrals.
Theorem IO.17(b), which describes the behavior of an integral under expansion or
Sex) = Ct; contraction of the interval of integration, needs to be modified as follows:
The integral of s over 1 is defined by the equation
!f/E L(I) and if g(x) = f(x/c), where c > 0, then g e L(eI) and
f g=erfj.
(1) JeI J
In other words, expl1.nsJon of the interval by a positive factor c has the effect of
Now let G be a gelleral n-dimensional interval, that is, an interval in K" which multiplying the integral by C', where 1J is the dimension of the space.
need not be compact. A function s is called a step fnnction on G if there is II.
The Levi convergence theorems (Theorems 10.22 through 10.26), and the
compact n-dimensional subintervall of G such that s is a step function on I and Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem (111eorem 10.21) and its consequences
s(x) = 0 if x e G ~ 1. The integral of s over G is defined by the formula (Tbeorems W.28, 10.29, and LO.30) are also valid for multiple integrals.
NOTATION. The integral fl/is also denoted by
where the integral over I is: given by (I). As in the one-dimensional case the integml
is independent of the choice of 1.
1/(X) dx or L I(xl,··· , x.)d(x 1 . · · · , x.}.
The notation II/(x!> ... ,;r;J <U;1 ••• d;r;. is also used. Double integrals are
sometimes written with two integral signs, and triple integrals with three such signs,
UpPer functions and Lebesgue-integrable functions are defined exactly as in the
one-dimensional case.
A real-valued function/defined on an intervall in R" is called an upper function
[(x, y) dx dy, fffI
f(x, y, z) dx dy dz.
= lim
.. -+00
(2) The properties of measurable functions deSCl'ibed in Theorems 10.35, 10.36, and
10.37 are also valid in this more general setting.
of thai
410 n.lS': Def.1U 411
on l. then we have the following reduction formula (from part (v) of Theorem Then
S5 fn r(.1<1 s{x, .1) dX] dy.
L f(x, y) d(x, y) f U: f(x. y) dX] dy. (3) I'J
s(x. y) d(x, .1)
There is a companion formula with the lower integral
integral I:,
replaced by the upper
and there are two similar formulas with the- order of integration re-
versed. The upper and lower integrals are needed here because the hypothesis of
55 I
s(x, y) d(x, .1) = f [f sex, )I) dX] dy.
Each point of S lies in the set U:'-N I., sO S ~ Uf.N 11f.' Thus, S has been
Proof. This theorem can be derived from the reduction formula (3) for Riemann covered by a countable collection of intervals. the sum of whose 1l-'measutes is
integrals, but we prefer to give a direct proof independent or the Riemann theory. <e. so S has n-measure O.
There is a compact interval I = [a. b] x [c. d] such that s is a step function lh~ 15.4. If 8 is all arbitrary mbset of R 2 , and if (x, y) E R 2 , we deMtt by
on I and sex, .1) = 0 if (x, y) E a 2 /. There is a partition of I into 1M sub- 8 ,1 and ~ the following subsets o[ I : a
rectangles It} = [.1:',_1> xa x [Yi-i' y/] such that!J is constant on the interior of
I'l'say S1 {x:xeR I and (x,y)eS},
sex, y) = elj if (x, y) E iot /fi' St' = {y:yea and (X,y}ES}.
eOl!ntl~ble collection of
Now (x, y) e R Z - S if, and only if, x to R 1 - S,. Hence Comparing this with (10) we obtain (e). This proves Fubini's theorem for upper
1 functions.
s.(x, y} -+ !(x, y) if x e H - S,. (8) To prove it for Lebesgue-integrable functions we write I = U - D, where
Let I,,(y) = I•• $J.x, y) dx. This integral exists for each real y and is an integrable
1, u.
II E L(H ) and v E L(R:z:t and we obtain
Since the sequence (t,,}isincreasing,. the lastinequality shows tha.t lim"..... 1.1 1,l.;y) dy
= J'" [f
.' J..
{u(x, y) - v(x, y)} dXJ dy = f rr I(x,
JI' u.,
Y) dX] rly.
exists. Therefore, by the Levi theorem (Theorem 10.24) there is a functioo tin
As an immediate corollary of Theorem 15.6 and the two-dimensional analog
L(Rl) such that tIt -+ t almost everywhere on R 1. In other words, there is a set
of Theorem 10.11 we obtain:
T. of I-measure 0 such that t,,(y} ... I(Y) if y e lI1 - Tt • Moreover,
T1Ieorem 15.7. Assume that ! is defined and bounded on Q compact rectangle
ru: r[f
sufficient condition for integrability. Its proof makes use of Fubini's theorem.
= lim r rf I.(X, y) dx.-J dy "" lim s..(x. y) d(x. y) T/ltorem 15.8. Assume that f is measurable OIl R 2 and assume that ill least one of
jIf-W JR1 U., ,,-t(JJ
the two iterated integrals
exists. Then we have: On the other hand, if g' is negative on T, then geT) = [g(d), g(c)] and the ab()Vl~~
f(x) dx =- JT
f[I1(t)Jg'(t) dt.
f" f[g(t)]g'(t) dt, Theorem 15.1tJ(MlIltiplkatiOft theoremjor JtlColtiM dnermimmlll). Assume that g
f(x) dx =
which was proved in Theorem 1.36 for Riemann integrals under the assumption
is differentiable Oil an open set T i/1 Rlf and that h is differentiable 01'1 the image g(T).
Then the composition k bog is differentiable on T, and for every t in T we have
, (12)
that 9 has a continuous derivative 9' on an interval T [c, d] and that! is .
continuous on the image geT). Proof. The chain rule [fheQrem 12,7) tells us that the composition k is differen-
Consider the special case in whicb g' is never zero (hence of oonstant sign) on tiable on T, and the matrix form of the chain rule tells us that the corresponding
T. If g' is positive on T, then 9 is increasing, so gee) <: g(d), g(T) [gee), g(d)], Jacobia.n matrices are related as follows:
and the above formula can be written as follows:
Dk{t) Dh[g(t)] Dg(t). (13)
!(x) dx = fT
[[g(t)]g'(t) dt. From the theory of determinants we know that det (...tB)
implies (12).
= del A del B, so (0)
41' 419
This theorem shows that if g is a coordinate transformation on T and if h is a The image geT) is the set R3 {(x, 0, 0) ; x ~ OJ, and the Jacobian delenninant is
coordinate transformation on g(T). then the composition k is a coordinate trans- given by
formation on T. Also, if h g-l, then cos (J sin 0 ~
k(l) =t for all t in T, and
1/-1) = -r sin 0 r cos 0 0 = r.
o 0 1
so J.[g(t)]JIt) = 1 and g -, is a coordinate transformation on g(T).
The geometric significance of r, 9, and z is shown in Fig. 15.3.
A coordinate transformation g and its inverse g-l set up a one-to-one corre-
spondence between the open subsets of T and the open subsets of g(T), and also ElUlDIpie 3. Spherical coordinates in R 3 . In this case we write t = (p, 0, 91) and we lake
between the compact subsets of T and the compact subsets of g(T). The following
T = {(p, 8, 1fJ): P > O. 0 < 8 < 2n, 0 < fjJ < 1r,l-
examples are commonly used coordinate transformations.
The coordinate transformation g maps each point (p, 8, \11) in Tonto the point (x, y, z)
EsaIIlple 1. Polar coordinates in R2. In this case we take in g(T) given by the equations
T = {(/ l , '2) ;'1 > 0,0 < '2 < 21r), x = p oos (J sin (fI, y .. p sin 8 sin !p, z = pCOS qJ.
and welet g "" (gl> g2) be tbe function defined on Tas foUows: The image g(n is the set R J
- [{(x, 0, 0) : x ~ O} v {CO, 0, z) : z E R} J, and the
Jacobian detenninant is
cos 8 sin rp . sin B sin tp COS'll
It is customary to denote the components of t by (r, 8) rather than (II> 12)' The 00- 1,(1) ... p sin () sin rp p cos () sin " o
ordinate transfocmation g maps each point (r, 0) in Tonto the point (x, y) in g<T) given pcos900sfj! p sin Boos tp -psin IfJ
by the familiar formulas
x = r cos 0, , ... r sin O. The geometric significance of p, 0, and rp is shown in Fig. 15.4.
The image g(T) is the set R2 - {(x, 0) : x ~ O}, and the Jacobian determinant is
J (I) =
cos {} sin (J
I = r. .j
ElUlIJIple 2.. Cy/imlricol coordinates in R J • Here we write t ~ (r, 8, ..) and we take
T = {(r,O,z):r > 0, 0 < B < 2n, -00 < z < +oo}.
Figure 15.4
The coordinate transfonnation g maps each point (r. 8, z) in T onto the point (x, Y. z)
in g(T) given by the equations
I x
x = r cos e, y= r sin e. Z = z.
I get) = (1; lllJ'j,· .. , t a n](]) .
T(ot, $I, z) Then g = (gj•... , il.) where g;(l) = L~= J Q;h, and the Jacobian matrix is
I Dg(t) = (D]g/I)) = (a jj ).
_ 1-- Y F'1glII'e 15.3
7-- Thus the Jacobian determinant Jr(t) is constant, and equals del (all), Ihe determinant of
9 /--J.! the matrix (au). We also call this the determinllnt of g and we write
del g = del (al).
Th.IS.12 421
A linear tnmsfonnation g which is one-to-one on R" is called nonsingular. If A m(g), this gives a corresponding factorization of It as a composition of
We shall use the following elementary facts concerning nonsingular traosfonna· elementary transformations,
tions from R· to R". (Proofs can be round in any text on linear algebra; see also
A linear transformation g: is nonsingular if, and only if, its matrix A = m(g)
has an inverse such that AA -. = 1, where 1 is the identity matrix (the matrix The rest of this chapter is devoted to a proof of the following transformation
of the identity transformation), in which case A is also called nonsingular. An formula for multiple integrals.
If: x n matrix A is nonsingular if, and only if, det A '# O. Thus, a linear function
Tlteorllm. 15.11. Let T be an opel! subset of Il" and let e be a coQrdinate transfor-
g is a coordinate transformation if, and only if. det g '# O. mation on T. Let f be a real-valued function defined on the image g( T) and QSSUI1U!
Every nonsingulac II can be expressed as a composition of three special types that the LebesiJUe i.ntegral JImf(x) dx exists. Them the Lebesgue integral
of nonsingular transformations called elementary transformations, which we refer
to as types a, b. and c. They are defined as follows;
iT /[g(t)J IJ.(t)1 at also exists and we have
Type a: g.(II •... , t b ... , t.) = (tl' ... , lt~, ... , I,,), where 1 #: O. In other liT) f(x) dx = IT f[g(t)J lJ.(t)1 at. (14)
words, g. multiplies one component of t by a nonzero scalar A. In particular. g..
maps the unit coordinate vectors as follows: The proof of Theorem IS. II is divided into thr;;;e parts. Part 1 shows that the
fonnula holds for every linear coordinate transformation z. As a corollary we
g.,(o~) 104 tor some k, g.,(II.) = 0, fOT all i #: k. obtain the relation
The matrix of L can be obtained by multiplying the entries in the kth row of the .u[«(A)] = Idet III peA),
identity mauill by A. Also, del g. 1.
for every subset A of R" with finite Lebesgue measure. In part 2 we consider a
Type b: gp,(/I"'" tt, ., t.) (tit',., 14 lj• . . • in)' where j oF k. Thus, general coordinate transformationg and show that (!4) holds when f is the
g~ replaces one component oft by itself plus another. In particular, g" maps the characteristic function of a compact cube. This gives us
coordinate vectors as follows:
gl>(uJ = lit + II) fOT some fixed k and j, k,; j, p(K) r
,J,(I)I dt. (15)
L(U.) = Di for all i '# k. for every compact cube Kin geT). This is the lengthiest part of the proof. In part
The matrix L can be obtained from the identity matrix by replacing the kth row 3 we use Equation (15) to deduce (14) in its general form.
of J by the kth row of 1 plus the jth row of 1. Also, det Ill> 1.
Type c: 1<(11) ... ,1.< ... , ' j , .•• , f,,) = (1\> ... , t j , ... , t i , .•• , In), where i '" j.
That is, g" interchanges the ith and jth components of t for some i and j with
i rF j. In particular, g(Oi} = OJ' g(Oj) OJ, and g(o.J "" III for all k '# i, k # j. Theorem. 15.12. LeI II: R" - R" be (J linear coordinate transformation. If the
The matrix of Ie is the identity matrix with the ilh and jth rows interchanged. In Lebesgue integral j.~f(x) dx exists, then the Lebesgue integral J.ftf[a:(t)] 1/,,(1)1 dt
this case det g< "'" ~ I. also exists, and the two integrols are eqlKJl.
The inverse of an elementary transformation is another of the same type. The
matrix of an elementary transformation is called an elementary matrix.
nonsingular matrix A can be transformed to the identity matrix 1 by multiplying
the composition 1 = Q: 0'
Proof.. First we note that if the theorem is true for II and
/I, then it is abo true for
1'berefore. since every nonsi1l8ular linear transformation IX is a compo&ition T~m 15.14. Let et : R" - t :r be a linear coordinate trans/ormation. If A is a
of elementary transfonnations. it suffices to prove the theorem for every elemen- subsf!t ()f R" with finite Lebesgue measure fl(A), then «(A) also has finite Lebesgue
tary tran,.rormation, It also suffices to assumef? O. mf!asure and
Suppose a: is of type 0, For simplicity, assume that « multiplies the last p[a:(A)] == Idet GIl p(A), (16)
component of t by a nonzero scalar ..t. say
Proof. Write A «-I(B), where B == ettA). Since ,z-1 is also a coordinate
, i transformation, we find
Then IJ..(t)1 =- Idet !II = l..tl. We apply Fubini's theorem to write the integral off P(A) == f dx = f dx. == f Idet IX-II dt Idel «-II p(B).
over R" as the iteration of an (n - l)--dimensional integral over Rn-I and a one. A J"-'(Bl J.
dimensional integral over R 1 . For the integral over R I we use Theorem lO.17(b) This proves (16) since B II(A) and det (<<-1) == (det 11:)-1,
and (e), and we obtain
Tllftnm 15.15. If A is Q compact Jordan-measurable subset of R'", then for any
r U'" f(xl~""
J'" /(x) dx = J...,-,-o,:; J
x.) dx.• dx , ... dx n _ I
linear coordinate transformation 1I • R- ..... R" the image ll(A) is Q compael Jordan-
measurable 8l!t and its content is gwen bp
As an immediate corollary we have' for every compact cube K in T. The auxiliary results needed to prove this formula
are labelled as lemmas.
T1Ie()J'em 15.13. If«: R" -4 R" is Q linear coordinate transformation and if A is To help simplify the details, ..-e introduce some convenient notation. Instead
any subset of R" such that the Lebes.que ifltegral J,,(Aj/(X) dx exists, then the of the llsual Euclidean metrK: for R" we shall use the metric d given by
Lehesgue integral JAf[«(t)] iJ",(t)! dt also exists, and the two are equal.
d(x, y) = max. Ix, - Yil.
t s::i.s;;n
Proof Let j{x) f(x) if x e «(A), and let ](x) 0 otherwise. Then
This metric was introduced in Example 9. Section 3.13. In this section only we
j(x) dx = f.
](x) dx == [ J[«(t)] IJII(t)I dt
f/[«(t)] IJ,.(t)J dt
shall write .ilx - yJI for d(x, y)-
With this metric. a ball B(a; r) with center a and radius r is an n-dimensional
cube with center II and edge-length 2r; that ill, B(a; r) is the cartesian product of
As a corollary of Theorem 15.13 we have the following relation between the n one-dimensional intervals, each of length 21'. The measure of such a cube is
measure of A and the measure of «(A). (2r)~, the product of the edge-lengths.
...... 425
If. : R" ......" is a linear transformation represented by a matril!. (alj), so that The next lemma states that the image g(Q) of a cube Q of edge-length 2r lies
in another cube of edge-length pl.(Q).
«(x) = (t/.1
aUxj, ••• , t
(l,,/Xi ) ,
Ummtl 2. ut Q {x : IIx - _II s; r} he a compact cube of edge-length 2r
then lying in T. Thenfor each x in Q we hOve
This defines a metric lIiX - 110 on the space of all linear transformations from g,(x) - gl.a) ... Vg.(Zi)· (x - II) = L"
D;ulzl)(Xj - aj),
It" to .... The first lemma gives some properties of this metrie.
ummtll. Let 1% and' denou linear 'rons/ormationsfrom R" to R". Then we have: where .Ii lies on the line segment joining x and iI. Therefore
We note that IlgT(t)lI is 11 continuous function of t since all the partial derivatives in' U(8) covers oA, say Ql. . .. Qt. By Lemma 2, the image g«M lies in a cube of
Djg i are continuous on T.
If Q is a compact subset of T, each function DJg l is bounded on Q; hence
measure {~(aJ}"C(QI)' Let;. ;"(U(l», Then l,,(QJ :os; 1. since at S;
Thus g(BA) is covered by a finite number of cubes, the sum of whose measures
IIg'(f)l1 is also bounded on Q. and we define does not exceed ;''' :Et~ 1 c(Q,) < sl", Since tbis holds for every I> < I > it follows
The next lemma relates the content of a cube Q with that of its image g(Q).
416 Lemma 7 Tl'lItISformatiot'l FlJITI1qla for Jl Compact 0dJe 411
umma 4. Let Q be a compact cube in T tmdlet h = II" g, where IZ : It" -4 R" is has edge--Iength <(j, where lJ is the number (depending on 8) given by Lemma 5.
any nOllSingular linear trllllSformation. Then Let ., denote the center of Qi and apply Lemma 4 to QI with IX = g'(a;)-1 to
obtain the inequality
c[g(Q)] :s; Idet _1-1{J.(Q)}"l'(Q). (21)
Proof. From Lemma 2 we have c[g(Q)] s: {l'<Q)}"C(Q). Applying this inequality (23)
to the coordinate transformation h, we find where b 41 "g. By the chain rule we have .'(t) 1Il'(X) '. g'(t), where x = get).
But (I'(x) IXsince IX Js a linear function, so
c[h(Q)] :s; {J..,CQ)}"l'(Q}·
But by Theorem 15.15 we have c[b(Q)] = c[«(g(Q»)] = Idel til c[g(Q}], so h'(t) = l! Q g'(t) = g'(ajr 1 g'(t). 0
c[g(Q)] = Idet IZI- 1 c[b(Q)] s: jdehl- l{lt,(Q)}"C(Q). But by Lemma 5 we have Ilh'(t)!! <: 1 + e ift E Qi' so
Lemma 5. Let Q be a compact cube in T. Then for every I': > 0, there is a;; > 0 lb(Q;) = sup Ilk'(t)]1 ::£ I + 8.
such that if t e Q Q/ld II e Q we have
Thus (23) gives us
Ilg'(a)-l g'(t)1I <: 1
0 +£ whenever lit - a~ <: D. (22)
Proof. The function II g'(tr 111 is continuous and hence bounded on Q. say
Ilg'{trlll <: M for aU t in Q where M > O. By the continuity of Jig'(t)lI, there is Summing over all i, we find
a ij > () such that m
c[g(Q)] S (l + e)· L: ldet g'(a )I C(QI)'
"a'(t) ~ g'(a)1I <: it whenever lit - all <: 6.
Since det g'(aj) ::= J ..(a), the sum on the right is a Riemann sum S(P, IJ..I), and
If I denotes tlie identity transformation. then since S(P, IJ.n <: J'1
IJJt)1 dt + Il, we find
!S(P. IJ,n - L IJ,(t)] dtj < t. countable additivity along with Lemma 6 to write
Take such a partition P into a finite number of cubes Qt> ...• Q"" each of which
Multiple Ldle$pe Integrals Th.15.17 Com)lk!tioll or the Proof 01_ T~tiIlIlliO.rmula 4Z!J
U,.,. B. Let X he a compact cube in g(T). Then jor any nonnegative upJlt2l' 15.13 COMPLETION OF THE PROOF OF THE TRANSFORMATION
junctiQn f which is bounded on X. the integral J.-,(K1f[g(t» IJ.(t)1 dt exists., and FORMULA
we have the inequality Now it is relatively easy to complete the proof of the formula
under the conditions stated in Theorem 15.11. That is, we assume that T is an
K into a finite Dumber of cubes XI' ...• K r such that s is CCl'Dstant on the interior
open sub5et ofR', that g is a coordinate transformation on T, and that the integral
of each K;. say sex) = 0i :.:?: 0 if x e int X j • Apply (24) to each cube K i • multiply
on the left of (30) exists. We are to prove that the integral on the right al£o exists
by OJ and add, to obtain
and that the two are equal. This will be deduced from the spe<.ial case in which the
sex) dx :;; f..-'CKI. s[g(t)J IJ,(t)~ at. (26)
integral on the left is extended over a cube K.
Tlfeo,em 15.17. Let X be a compact cube in g(T) and assume the Lebesgue integral
Now let {s.} be an increasing sequence of nonnegative step functions which h::f(x) dx exists. Then tIre Lebesgue integral S.-'llof(g(t}] IJ.(l)1 dt also exists.
converges almost everywhere on K to the upper function f. Then (26) holds for t21td the two are equal.
each 310 and we let k -+ co to obtain (25). The existence of the integral (In the Proof Jt suffices to prove the theorem when f is an upper function on K. Then
right foUows from the Lebesgue frounded convergence theorem since froth there is an increasing sequence of step functions {sJ such that of. -+ I almost
f[g(t)] and IJ.(t)j are frounded 011 the compact set g-t(K). everywhere on K. By Theorem 15.16 we have
T/leDrem 15.16. Let K be a compact cube itl g(T). Then we hmJe
r SA(X) dx = f..-·(K) 5.[g(t)] IJ.(t) I dt,
p(K) "" f. IJS<OI dt. (27)
.- '(Kl for each step function 3/<_ When Ie ::...,. 00. we have It: Sk(X) dx -+ J.IJ(X) dx. Now
Proof. In view of Lemma 7, it suffices to prove the inequality let
I-.(..-) jJ.<t)! dt S J.l(K). (28) ifte R~ - g-I(K).
J~ 1
IJ.<t) I dt =
1= 1 JQ:,
II.(I)I dt. (29)
By the Levi theorem (the analog of Theorem 10.24), the sequence {It} converges
Now we apply Lemma 8 to each integral la,
II.(t)1 dt, takingj 11,1 and using alm~st everywhere on R- to a function in L(R"). Since we have
the coordinate transformation h "= g-l. This gives us the inequalily
if t g-I (K).
f IJ,(t)1 dt s
Jo; f.
IJ,[1I(u)JIIJ1I(1l)1 du = 1 I(Q:,)
dll = J.l[I(Q/)],
if t E R" ~
almost e'ferywbere all R", it follows that the integral J'-'(Ki/[g(t)] IJ.(I)I
tit exists
which, when used in (29) gives (28). and equals fK/(~) dx. This completes the proof of Theorem 15.11.
ProojojTheorem 1S.l1. Now assume that the integntl J.(T)/(x) dx exists. Since 15.S Let/(x, y) = (x 2 y2)J(,il + yll:!: for 0 S x s I, () <: y :s I. and let/(O, 0) =
I<n is open, we can write O. Prove that both iterated integrals
geT) =
'" A"
l' u: I(x. y) dY] dx and L[L1/(X,
y) dx] dy
where {A,. A 2 , ••• } is a countable disjoint collection of.cubes whose closure lies exist but are not equal. This shows that fis not Lebesgue--integrable on [0, 1 J x [0, 1].
in g(11. Let K, denote the closure of A j' Using countable additivity and Theorem 15.6 Let 1 '= [0, I] x to.
11. let I(x. y) = (x y)!(x + ,l,}3 if (x, y) E I, (x, y) *
15J7 we have (0.0), and let/CO, 0) 0. Prove tnat!;; L(l) by CQnsidering the iterated integrals
I(x) d" = i; r I(x) ax
''''I JK'
l' [f lex, y) dY] dx lIod I: [I: I{x. y} fb:] dy.
15.8 The following formula!\ for transforming double and triple integrals occur in ele-
ffiClltary calculus. Obtain them as consequences of Theorem IS.11 and give restrictions
EXERCISES on T and T for validity of these fonnulas,
15.1 II Ie L(T), where T is the triangular region in HZ with vertices at (0,0), (1,0),
al II [(x. y) dx d~ "" JI I(r <:os Q. r sin 8)r til" dO.
and to, 1), prow: that T T'
1. definelon R:I. lUI follows:
yfJ(x -)'f if 0 :S Y <: x. 0 < x <: I,
c) IIf l'
f(x, y, z) dx tiy dz
I(x,y) = {0 othen.'ise.
Prove tbatfe L(R2) and cak:ulate the double integral f•• /{x,y) d(x, y).
. . IIJ
1(1' cos 6 sin ,", p sin (J sin (fl. fJ cos Ifl) sin f1 tip dO d(fl.
15.3 Let S be a measurable lIUbset ofR2 with finite measure P(S). Using the notation or 15.9 a) Prove that SR2 e-(x'+yLj d(x, y) ;r by transforming the integral to polar
Definition 15.4. prove that coordinates.
b) Use part (a) to prove that I~ ," e-:<' ax = .j;.
P(S) = I:,., P(S") dx = E"", P(S,,) dy.
c) Use part (b) to prOliC that fila e-II~II' d(Xl'" .• x.,) ... 1I!'12.
d) Use part (h) to calculate f~"" e- t '" ax and !~'" Xl e-'''' ax. t > O.
15.4 Let I(x, y) "" e-U sin x sin y if x ;;:: 0, y ;;:: 0, and let lex. y) "" 0 otherwise.
Prove that ooth iterated in1eifals 15.10 Let y"(a) dCllote the n-meaSl1fC of the n-ball B(O; a) of radius a. This exercise
outlines a proof of the formula
Put x = cos t in the integral, and use the formula of Exercise 15.10 to deduce that
{(x) dx = --;-; .
Q~(") 2 II.
<;;HAPTER 16
that the real and imaginary parts of f satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations
(Theorem J2.6). . .
CAUCHY'S THEOREM We shall see later that analyticity at a point z puts severe resmctlons on a
function. It implies the existence of all higher derivatives in a neighborhood of z
AND THE and also guarantees the existence of a convergent power series which repr~sents
RESIDUE CALCULUS the function in a neighborhood of z. This is in marked contrast to the behaVior of
reaJ-valued functions, where it is possible to have existence and continuity of the
first derivative without existence of the second derivative.
The concept of derivative for functions of a complex variable was introduced in
Chapter 5 (Section 5.15). The most important functions in complex variable theory Many fundamental properties of analytic functions are most easily deduced with
are those which possess a continuous derivative at each .!'Oint of an open set. the help of integrals taken along curves in the complex plane. These are called
These are called aMlytic functions. contour integral!> (or complex tine integrals) and they are discussed. in the next
section. This section lists some terminology used for dift'erent types of curves.
Dejbtitimt 16.1. Let f = II + Iv be Q complex·valued function dfifjned on. an open
such as those in Fig. 16.1.
set S in the comp/ex plane C. Then f is said to be tmalytic on S if the derivative f'
exists and is continuo~ at every point of S.
NOTI!. If T is an arbitrary subset of C (not necessarily Op¢ll), the terminology
'1is analytic on Tn is used to mean that/is analytic on some open set containing
T. In particular.!is anaIy1.ic at a point z if there is an open disk about z on which
[is analytic.
It is possible for a function to have a derivative at a point without beiDg Jonian Me
analytic at the point. For example, ifft::) = 'zfz, then/has a derivative at 0 but
at no other point of C.
Examples of analytic functions were encountered in Chapter 5. If fez) = z"
We recal! that a path in the complex plane is a complex-valued function Y.
(where n is a positive integer). then/is analytic everywhere in C and its derivative
continuous on a compact interval [a, b]. The image of [a, b] under y (the graph
is!,(z:) = nz"-\ When II is a negative integer, the equation/(z) = z" if z :j:. 0
of 1) is said to be a curve described by y and it is said to join the points y(a)
defines ~ function analytic everywhere except at O. Polynomials are analytic
and y(b).
everywhere in C. and rational functions are analytic everywhere except at points
If 1(a) :j:. }'(b). the curve is called an arc with endpoints yea) and )/(b).
where the denominator vanishes. The exponential function. defind by the fonnula
. I If ., is one·to-one on [a, b]. the curve is called a simple arc or a Jorden ?rc. .
tf" = ~(cos Y + i sin y), whe.re z = x + iy, is analytic everywhere in C and is
If -,(Q) = 1(b). the curve is called a closed curve. If )'(a) '}'{b) and If '}' IS
equal to its derivative. The complex sine and cosine functions (being linear
one-ta-one on the balf-open interval [Q, b), the curve is called a simple clo!>ed curve.
combinations of exponentials) are also analytic everywhere in C.
or a Jordan curve.
Let f(z) = Log z if z ", 0, where Log z denotes the principal logarithm of
The path "I is called rectifiable if it has finite ate length, as defined in Section
z (see Definition 1.53). Thenfis analytic everywhere in C except at those points
6.10. We recall that l' is rectifiable if, and only if, 1 ill of bounded variation on
z := X + iy for which x ~ 0 and y = O. At these points, the principal logarithm
fails to be continuous. Analyticity at the other points is easily shown by verifying [a. b]. (See Section 7.27 and Theorem ~.l?) . . , . .
A path.., is called piecewise smooth If It has a bounded denvahve}' which IS
... It can be shown that the existence of f' on S automatically implies continuity off' on continuous everywhere on [a, bJ except (possibly) at a fiqite number of points.
S (a fact discovered by GQuual in J900). HeJK.'e an analytic function can he defined as At these exceptional points it is required that both right- and left·hand derivatives
one which nwre.ly pouesses a deriwtive everywhere OD S. However. Wl.l mall include exist. Every pieoewise smooth path is rectifiable and its arc length is given by the
cootinuity of as part ofthe definition of analyticity. since this allows some of the proofs
to run morec smoothly.
integral $: 11'(t) 1 dt.
A piecewise smooth closed path will be called a circuit.
Def. flU
Proof, Suppose <5(t) = y["(t)J where It is strictly monotonic on [c. dJ. From
De./itlitit1ll16.2. If a E Cam! r > 0, the path 7 defined by the equation the change-of-variable fonnula for Riemann---Stieltjes integrals (Theorem 7.7) we
a + re». s: s: 211',
7(0) "" 0 lJ
is ctllled a positively 'Jrlented circle with center at a and radius r. fu(tf)
f[j(l)] dr(t) "" f."
f[';(f)] dft(t) = ff
NOTE. The geometric meaning of ')'(0) is shown in Fig. 16.2. As 0 varies from 0
to lx, the point y({J) moves counterclockwise around the circle. If u is increasing then u(c) 0, u(d) = b and (I) becomes f = L Jd
If u is decreasing then u(c) b, u(d) = a and (I) becomes - = JrI I.d
16.3 CONTOUR INTEGRALS The reader can easily verify the following additive properties of contour
Contour integrals will be defined in terms of complex Riemann-Stieltjes integrals,
discU!.sed in Section 7.21. . T1Ieonm 16.5. Let 't be a path with domain (a, b].
Dejinitiell 163. Ut l' be a path in the complex plum: with domain [a, h], and let f 1
i) 1/ the integrals f I and J) g exist, thfln the integral J1 (rtf + flg) exists for every
be a complex-valued function defined on the graph of y. The contour integral of! pair of complex numbers 11, P. and we have
along 1, denoted hy is defined by the equation
1 f = f.f[y(t)) dl'(t),
1 (rtl+ JJg) 1 1
= a f + fJ g.
Ii) Let '11 and )':: denote the restrictions 01 y to [a, c] and [e, b], respectively,
whenever the Riemann-Stieltjes integral on the right exists. where II < C < b. 1/ two of the three integrals in (2) exist, then the third also exists
and we have
NOTATION. We also write
I f (Z) dz or
I ,ll»
!(z) l +(/
I~ practice, most paths of integration are rectifiable. For such paths the
for the integral. The dummy symbol z call be replaced by any other convenient
following theorem is often used to estimate the absolute value of a contour integral.
symbol. For example, L/(z) dz = JJ{w) dw.
If'l' is rectifiable. then a sufficient condition for the existence of I fis that 100 TlJetwem 16.6. ut ')'
be a rectifiable path of length A(')'). If the integral JrI exists,
continuous on the graph of 'I (Theorem 7.27). ~ and iflf(z)1 S M for a/I z on the graph of1. then we have the in.equality
The effect of replacing 11 by an equivalent path (as defined in Section 6.12) is,
at worst, a change in sign. In fact. we have:
Theorem 16.4. Let 11 and!J be equivalent paths describing the same curve r. If
J,/ exists, then I"I also exists.
Moreover, we have Proof. We simply observe that all Riemann-5tieltjes sums which occur in the
definition of J:fh(t)] dy(!) have a.bsolute value Dot exceeding MA(y).
Contour integrals taken over piecewise smooth curves can be expressed as
Riemann integrals. The foUowingtheorem is an easy consequence of Theorem 7.8.
As r varies over
an anllulus which we denote
= () the annulus is By C'on1:inui.ty
then is continuous the their twion
is differentiable on COlnstal1! value of q> is
f 0,
radius r < R,
The(Hem 16,8
an equi1,alen,ce relation.
thi,orem shows that between any
""",1"%<,, of intermediate pD,lYl~011al
In aaa 11lI1ll . n.
We als(} define
For each
a single
Figun:; 16,S
Th.I6.12 Th. ]6..15
lie in D)l for each (s, t) in [0, IJ x [Ii:< t,H 1]. Therefore the points (5) lie in D verify, the IllSt ex.pression vanishes because ')'0 and 11 are homotopic, so .p'(&) = 0
for all (s, t) in [0, 1] x [a, bJ, so (Xi+1 is linearly homotopic to lX.i in D. for aU sin [0, 1]. Therefore ({J is constant on [0, 1]. This prcwes the theorem when
YQ and 11 are linearly homotopic in D.
16.7 INVARIANCE OF CONTOUR INTEGRALS UNDER HOMOTOPY If they are homotopic in D under 11 general homotopy h, we interpolate poly-
gonal paths IXj as described in Theorem 16.11. Since each polygonal path is piece-
Tieorem16.1Z. Assumefis analytic on an open set D, except possibly for afinite wise smooth, we can repeatedly apply the result just proved to obtain
number of points where it.is continuous. If"lQ and 11 are piecewise smocth paths
which are hOf1Wtopic in D we have
r f= f Y"J
Proof. First we consider tbe case in which 70 and }' 1 are linearly homotopic. For
each" in [0, 1] let The general form of Cauchy's theorem referred to earlier can now be easily deduced
from Theorems 16.9 and 16.12. We remind the reader that a circuit is a piecewise
iftE [a, b]. smooth closed path.
Then r. is piecewise smooth and its graph lies in D. Write T1I.rorelll 16.13 (Cmu.:hy'lt intllgrlll tlu!orlllll/or t:irems hOllWtopk to fJ point). Assume
y.(t} 1o(/} + sa(t), fis wwlytic on Dn open set D, except p(Js~ihly for o.finite number of points at which
we assume I is continuQus. Then for every circuit l' which is homotopic to tl point in
r r
and define D we have
faT 0 S 5 S 1. We wish to prove that tp(O) = q1(1). We will in fact prove that ({J Proof. Since)' is homot<lpic to a point in D, "I is also homotopic to a circular
is J::onstant on [0, I J. . , . path /) in D with arbitrarily small radius. Therefore Irf = J.d, and 0 by I,I
We use Theorem 7.40 to calculate tp'(s) by differentiation under the integral Theorem 16.9.
sign. Since
DejinitioIl16.14. An open connected set D is called simply connected if every closed
iJ path in D is homotopic to a point in D.
}'.(t) = «(t),
Geometrically, a simply connected region is one without holes. Cauchy's
this gives us
by the formula for integration by parts (Theorem 7.6). But, llS the reader can easily J lew)
---. dw = fez}
f yW
dw. (6)
Del. 16.11
Proof. Suppose., has domain [a, b]. By Theorem 16.1 we can express the integral
Proof. Define a new function g on D as foUows: in (8) as a Riemann integral,
if IV ¢ z
if IV = z.
J ., w - z
Define a complex-valued function on the interVal [a,
J.. }l(t) - :J
b] by the equation
'Iben 9 is analytic at each point w "" z in D and, at the point z itself, 9 is oontinuoWl.
Applying Cauchy's intqp'al theorem to 9 we have ft II = 0 for every circWt " F(x) -= f'" 1(1) dt if a :s; % S b.
homotopic to a point in D. But if E is not on the graph of'l' we can write • 'lI(t) - z
9 = f fJt!) - f(~} dw
., IV - Z
= f 7W -
few) dw - fez)
r _1_z dw,
IV -
To prove the theorem we must show that F(b) "'" 2nm for some integer n. Now F
is continuous on [a., b] and has a derivative
J7r ~.
center ofa disk as an average of its wluea at the boundary of the disk. 'The function
11(1. z) "" - \
f is WlSumed to be analytic on the closure of the disk, except possibly foc Ii finite 2m 'II' - Z
subset on wbich it is continuous..
Nom. Cauchy's intcgra1 formula (6) can now be restated in the form
Tlr6JrmJ 16.16. Let,. be a circuit onJ let z be Q POUlt not on the graph of 1'. T1Hm
11('1', z)/(%) = 1.
f1 W -
J(w) dw.
there is an integer n (depending em l' tmd on z) mch that The term '~nding number" is used because n(y. z) gives a mathematically
precise way of counting the number of times the point ')I(t) "winds around" the
f 1
W - %
,. 2rein. (8) point z as t varies over the interval [a, b]. For example, if 'I is a positively oriented
circle given by y(fJ) = z + relll , where 0 S; 8 S; 2n, we have already seen that the Since lAc) is an integer we mllSt have g(c) = O. so 9 has the constant value 0 on U.
winding number is I. This is in accord with the physical interpretation of the Hence E contains the point C, so E contains all of U.
point y(9) moving once around a circle in the positive direction as (J varies from There is a general theorem, called the Jordan curve theorem, which states that
o to 2x. If 8 va.ries over the interval [0, 27!/'J], the point )1(0) moves n times around if r is a Jordan curve (simple closed curve) described by 7, then each of the sets
the circle in the positive direction and an easy calculation shows that the winding E and I in Theorem 16.1 & is connected. In other words, a Jordan curve r divides
number is n. On the other hand. if 1(9) = z + re-$ for 0 ,s; f) s 2M, then c>(9)
moves n times around the circle in the opposite direction and the winding number
C - r r
into exactly two components E and I having as their (;ommon boundary.
is -n. Such a path .6 is said to be negatively orieTlted.
The set 1 is called the inner (or intDiDr) region of and its points are said to be
inside r. The set E is caned the outer (or exterior) region of r, and its points are
said to be outside r.
Although the Jordan curve theorem is intuitively evident and easy to prove for
certain familiar Jordan curves such as circles, triangles, and rectangles, the proof
for an arbitrary Jordan curve is by 00 means simple. (proofs can be found in
Let r denote the graph of a circwt 1. Since r is Ii compact set, its complement References 16.3 and Hi5.)
C - r is an open set which, by Theorem 4.44. is Ii countable union of disjoint We shall not need the Jordan curve theorem to prove any of the theorems in
open regions (the components of C - n.
If we consider the components as this chapter. However, the reader should realize that the Jordan curves occurring
subsets of the extended plane C·, exactly one of these contains the ideal point 00. in the ordinary applications of complex integration theory are usually made up of
In other words, one and only one of the components of C - r is unbounded. a finite number of line segments and circular arcs, and for such examples it is
The-next theorem shows that the winding number n(y. z) is 0 for each z in the usually quite obvious that C - r consists of exactly two components. For points
unbounded component. z inside such curves the winding number n{y, z} is + I or -I because 1 is homo-
topic in Ito some circular path S with <:enter z. so n(y, z) n«(j, z), and n(8. z) is
T!teorem 16.18. Let '" be a circuit with graph r. Divide the set C - r into tWQ
+ I or - J depending on whether the circular path lJ is positively or negatively
subsets: oriented. For this reason we say that a Jordan circuit y is positively oriented if,
E ... {z :.n(",. z) = O} and I = {z; n(1, z) "" O}. for some z inside r we have n(')l, z) = + I, and fl€gtltively oriented jf n(y, z) = - L
g(z) n(}', z) 1 f
2:rd 7;--Z'
dw n(y. z){(1,) = ..l:- j4
few) dw,
7 W - z
By Theorem 738, 9 is continuous on C - r and, since g(z) is always an integer, has many important consequences. Some of these follow from the next theo~m
it follows that g is constant on each component of C - r. Therefore both E and which treats integraIs of a slightly more general type in which the int~and
I are o~ since each is a union rJf components of C - r. f(w)/(w z) is replaced by f(J(w)!(w - z), where 'P is merely continuous and not
Let U denote the unbounded component of C - r. ]f we prove that E con· necessarily analytic, and 'I is any rectifiable path. not necessarily a circuit.
tains U this will show that E is unbounded and that I is bounded. Let K be a Tllurem 16.1J. Let')' be a rectifiable path with graph r. Let <p be a cQmple;NHuued
constant such that 1",(t)1 < K for all t in the domain of y, and let c be a point in functw1I which iJ continuous on r, and let f be defined on C - r by the equation
U such that lei > K + A(y) where A(p) is the length of y. Then we have
fez) = f tp(w) dw ifZ;' r.
1)'(t)1_ cl S lei _11l'(OI < lei ~K. Then f has the IQllowing properties:
y w - z
Estimating the integral for n()', c) by Theorem 16.6 we find a) For each ptJint a in C - r, {has a power-series representatkm
oS Ig(e)1 My) < 1. {(z) =
1: c.(z - af, (9)
Ie! - K ..=0
Now we show that Elf. ..... 0 as k -+ 00 by estimating the integrand in (14). We have
e" =
J,r (w -
rp(w) +1- dw
or for n = 0, 1,2._.. (10\
! - «.1 S; Iz - "I and 1 < 1
b) The series in (a) has a positive radius of ctJflvergence :2: R, where IW - /l R Iw ~ zl Iw - a + 0 - zt R - la - zl
R = in[ {]w - al ; w E q. (II) Let M = max. {lrp(w)1 ; WE q, and let A(y) denote the length of 1'. Then (14)
gives us
c) The functicm / has a derivative ofevery order n on C - r given by
;1 :
IE~1 :::; _ MJ\~ (~).+l.
j(·)(z)=n1r tp(w)'dw iJz¢C (12) Iii.. R 10 - zl R
(w - Z)ft+l
· :· · I.~
", Since Iz - 01 < R we find that E. -+ 0 as k .... co. This proves (a) and (b).
Proof Fint we note that the number R defined by (II) is positive because the Applying Theorem 9.23 to (9) we find that/has derivatives of every order on
~lJDctiong(w) = Iw - oj has a minimum on the compact set r, and this minimum the disk B(a; R) and thatjiW)(a) n!c". Since 0 ill an arbitrary point of C r
lS not zero since 0 f- r.
Thus. R is the distance from a to the nearest point of r. I
.~ "
this proves (e).
(See Fig. 16.6.) :~
;;r NOTE. The series in (9) may have a radius of convergence greater than R, in which
t case it mayor may not representfat more distant points.
A combination of Cauchy's integral formula with Theorem 16.19 gives WI:
r FJg.e 16.6
7'1J«Jrelll 16.20. Assume/is anolytie on an open set S in C, and leI a be any point
0/ S. Then all derivatives p")(a) exist, and f can be represented by the convergent
power series
ro f(ft)( )
To prove (a) We begin with.the identity fez) = L: ~~a (z - a)", (15)
-}- .. = t tn + t
1 - t'
ft=O n!
in every disk B(a; R) whou closure lies in S. Moreover.for every n ~ 0 we have
1 - t ft-O
valid for all t .;. I. We take t = (z - a)l(w - a) where Iz - al < Rand we r. f(nl(a) = ~ few) dw (16)
Then 1/(1 - t) = (w - o)j(w - z). Multiplying (13) by rp(w)j{w - a) and ltc; ., (w - ar+ I '
integrating along )I, we find where l' is any positively oriented circular path with center at 0 and radius r < R.
fez) = r
J, w -
!p(w) dw
NOTE. The series in (15) is known as the Taylor expansion off about a. Equation
(16) is called Cauchy's integra/ftJrmula for p")(a).
= t
{2 - or f (w
tp(W)" + dw
1 + I
\II -
(2 - o)1+J dw
W -
Proof. Let l' be a circuit homotopic to a point in S, and let
)I.Define g on C r by the equation
r be the graph of
1 Z Q
• = few) dw r.
= L
Cft(:: - or + E". g(z)
1 w - z
if z ¢
where c" is given by (10) and E. is given by If Z E B(a; R), Cauchy's integral formula tells us that g(z) = 21tin(')', z)/(z).
(z -
a)"+1 dw.
E. =
J .-p(w) - -
1 W Z III a
n(y, 2)f(z) =~
2m yW-Z
few) dill if 12 - al < R.
1 'lb. 16.21
Now let y(fJ) = Q + relf, where Ix - al < ,. < R and O::s: 9 ::s: 2:lt. 1ben We can write y(fJ) = Q + reY, 0 ~ 8 ~ 271:, and put this in the form
n{,.. z) = I, so by applying Theorem 16.19 to tp(w) = f(w)/(2T1:i) we find a series
... pJi)(a) .!!!.. r z
21(1"" Jf)
" I(a + re lf) e- lto9 d9. (17)
fez) = ~ cJ.z tiro
This formula expresses the nth derivative at II as a weighted average of the values
CODVCf'!CDl for Iz al < R, where c" = FJi)(Il)/ll!. Also. part (e) of Theorem of f on 11 circle with center at Q. The special case n = 0 was obtained earlier in
16.19 gives (16). Section 16.9.
Now,let M(r) denote the muimum value of 1/1 on the iPllph of)'. Estimating
Theorems 16.20 and 9.23 together tell us that a necessary and sufficient con- the integral in (17), we immediately obtain Cauchy's inequalities:
dition for a complcx-val~ function f to be analytic at a point II is that f be
representable by a power series in some neighborhood of Q. When such a power
series exists, its radius of convergence is at least as large as the radius of any
IP")(a)1 :$ M{r!",
,. (It = 0, 1,2, ... ). (18)
disk B(a) which lies in the region of analyticity off. Since the circle of convergence The next theorem is an ellSY oonsequence of the case n = I.
cannot contain any points in its interior where/fails to be analytic, it follows that
the radius of convergence is exactly equal to the distance from II to the nearest T1IttfJre". 16.21 (~'$ titwrem). Iff is analytic werywhere on C and bOUJUled
point at which / fails to be analytic. on C, then f is constant.
This observation gives us a deeper insight concerning power-series expansions Proof. Suppose I/(z)1 ~ M for all. zinC. Then CaUChy's inequality with n I
for real-valued fUnctions of a real variable. For-example, Iet/(x) = 1/{1 + x2) if gives us If'(a) I ~ MIT for every r > O. Letting r -!' + a:>, we findj'(II) =: 0 for
x is real. This function is defined everywhere in HI and has derivatives of every every a in C and hence, by Theorem 5.23./is constant.
order at each point in HI. Also, it hM a power-series expaDllion about the origin.
namely, NOTE. A function analytic everywhere on C is called an entire funetlon. Eltamples
are polynomials, the sine and C(lSinc. and the C'tponeotial. Liouville's theotern
1 =1- x :l+x4 -x"+'" states that evet'Y lwundetl entire frmctiott is c01l8tant.
However, this representation is valid only in the open interval (-1,1). From the Liouville's theorem leads to a simple proof of the Fundamental Theorem of
standpoint of real-variable theory. there is nothing in the behavior of/which AlgebIll..
explains this. But when we examine the situation in the complex plane. we lIlee at Tlt.urem 16.22 (~lIt" TIIttorItIlJ of AJgtt1JM). Every polytWmia/ 0/ degree
once that the function f(x) = 1/(1 + is analytic everywhere in C except at n ;:::: I has a zero.
the· points z == ± i. Therefore the radius of convergence of the power-series
expansion about 0 must equal I, the distance from 0 to i and to - i. Proof. l.etP(z) == aG + a 1z + ... + V,wheren:<!: I and a,. #= O. Weasswne
It........ The followins power series expansions ~ valid for an zinC:
t. that P bas no zero and prove that P is constant. Letf(z) = I/P(z)' Then/is
analytic everywhere on C since P is never zero. Also, since
I )"Z21O+ 1
a) 11
= .-0 n!
• •
b) sm z =
(21'1 + 1)1 ' p(z) = z..{~ + _ + ... + aJi -1 +
\z· t' z
c) cos z = ~ -'--(2-'-,,-),- • we see that IP{z)l- +00 as Izi ..... +00, so/(z} - 0 as 1%1""" +c:o. Therefore
/ is bounded on C so, by Liouville's theorem, f and hence P is constant.
r"'(a} = n!
f 1
('II' - a)" + I
If/is analytic at a Ilnd if/Cal = 0, the Taylor expansion off about a has constant
term zero and hence assumes the following Corm:
where '7 is any positively oriented circular path with center a and radius r < R. fez) =- E t.(z -
I Th.16.Z7
Now If(a + re'It)1 :S If(a)1 for all 6, We show next that we cannot have strict
vanish. Each point of tbis disk must therefore belong to B. Hence, a is an interior inequality If(a + re'9)1 <: If(a)1 for any 0, Otherwise, by continuity we would
point of B if f(o) :F O. But, if f(o) = 0, Theorem 16.23 provides us with a disk have Ifea + reiS)1 ~ l/(a)1 - e for some e > 0 and all fJ in some subinterval Iof
B(a) containing no further zeros off This means that .B(a) S B. Hence, in either [0.2:n:] of positive length h, say. Let J = [0,211:] - J. Then J has measure
case, a is an interior point of B. Therefore, B is open and one of the twe sets A or 2n - h, and (19) gives us
B must be empty.
Hence. 20 If:oB So Zo .is an interior point of B. In other words. lui has a local
minimum at zoo Since U is analytic and not constant on B. the minimum modulUS
T. Then the absolute maximum o/Ifl on T is attained Oil iJT, the boul'Uklry 0/ T. principle shows that O(zo) 0 and the proof is complete.
Proof Since T is compact, IfI attains its absolute maximum somewhere on T,
liay at D. If a e oT there is nothing to prove. If Q e int T, Jet S be the component 16.19 LAlJRENT EXPANS10NS FOR. FUNCTIONS ANALYTIC IN AN
of int T containing Q. Since If I has a looal maximum at 0, Theorem 16.27 implies ANNULUS
that/is constant on S. By continuity.! is constant on oS s; T, so the maximum
value, I/(a)l. is attained on os. But as f; ilT(Why7) so the maximum is attained Consider two functions/1 andUI' both analytic at a point d, withgl(a) = O. Then
on oT. we have power-series expansions
T1wJrem 16.29 (MilIilllllm ""'119 pr_ple). Assume f is ant1lytic and not constant
on an open region S. If IfI has a local minimum in S at a, then I(a) o. gl(Z) :E'" b.,{z - a)",
Proof If".f(a) 'I: 0 we apply Theorem 16.21 to 9 = JIf. Then 9 isanalytic in some
open disk B(a; R) and lui has a local maximum at a. Therefore U and hence/is ftCz) :E c.(z
a)", (20)
constant on this disk and therefore on S, contradicting the hypothesis.
Let f2; denote the composite function given by
(_1_ + a).
/1.(7:) = 91
Nonconstant analytic functions are open mappings; tbat is, they map open sets z-a
onto open set&. We prove this as an application of the minimum modulus
principle. Thenf2 i:i defined llnd analytic in the region Iz - 01 > r 1 and is represented there
by the convergent series
TMorem 16.30 (Open mapping t1wJre",). If I is ant11ytic and not eonstant on an 00
is positive. We will show that/(B) contains the disk B(b; mI2). To do Ihis, we The sum on the right is written more briefly as
take any III in lJ(b; m12) and show that III = f(zo) for some Zo in B.
Let g(z) == /(z) - }II if 2 € B. We wiH prove that o(zo) = 0 for some "0 in B.
Now luI is continuous Qn B and, since B is compact, there is a point Zo in B at n= -«)
which lui attains its minimum. Since a e S, this implies where c" = b" for n I, 2, . .. A series of this type, consisting of both positive
m and negative powers of z a, is called a Laurent series. We say it converges jf
Ig(zo)1 ::;; Ig(a)1 = If(a) - wi = Ib wl< -. both parts converge separately.
Every convergent Laurent series represents an analytic function in the interior
But if z e 08. we have
of the annulus A(a; rt, '2}' Now we will prove that, conversely, every function
m m
Ig(z)! .. If(z) - b + b - wi ~ If(z) - bl - Iw - hi > m - 2 "" 'i f which is analytic on an annulus can be represented in the interior of the annulus
by a convergent Laurent series.
and J12 (w - Z)-I dw "'" 21ri since n(Y2, z) =L 1berefore, (25) gives us the
TIIeD,rm 16.31. Assunre that J is anIllytic on an annulw A(a; r lt r'].). Then fOT
every interior point z of this annulus we have
J(z) = ft(z) + f'1.(z), (22) where
fl(:;;) = I
f /(1'1')_ dw
w- z
and /i(t) = -
1. f f~'!')
w - z
fl(z) = L c.(z
.-0 a)· and f1(z)
c_.{-I: - a)-I<.
11 y.
By Theorem 16.19.fl is analytic on the disk B(a; T2) and hence we have a Taylor
The coefficients are given by the formulas expansion
Cit _!-
f1 (1'0'
1 «w (n = 0, ± I, ±2, ... ), (23) ft(z) ;; E'" cn(z -
a}' for Iz - 121 < T2'
where "t is any pent/vely oriented circular path with center at il and radius r, with where
'1 < , < '2' The functionfl (called the regular part off at a) is analytic on lhe 1 /(1'0') d (26)
disk B{a; 'i)' The functionf2 (called the principal part off at a) is analytic outside c. "" 2ni 11 (w _ ar+1 w.
the closure of the disk B(a; r I)' MOreover, by Theorem 16.8, the path "12 can be replaced by Yi for any r in the
Proof Choose: an interior point z of the annulus, keep z fixed, and define a functioD interval'l :S r S; rz·
9 on A(a; T 1 , T2) as follows: To find a series expansion for/z(z), we argue as in the proof of Theorem 16.19,
using the identity (13) with t = (w - a)/(z - a). This gives us
feW) - f(:J.
g(w) =
w - z
if 1'0' >F z
ifw = z.
_t (w
-1----:---:-:-:---··-a·..:) - ,,~o ~
a)".+.. (1'0':;; -- a)t+1
z - w '
Then 9 il> analytic at w if w ¥ z and 9 IS continuous at z. Let If w is I;Jn the graph Or71, we have 11'1' - 01 = r. < lz - ai, so It I < 1. Now we
a), integrate along 71> and let k ~ 00 to obtain
tp(r) f1.
g(w) dw,
multiply (27) by - f(w)j(z
I 11
yew) dw =
where 11 = "i., and)'2 = 7.,. Since z is not on the graph of "11 or of "12' in each of
n(w) dw, (24) " 2ni l' (w - a)l-
By Theorem 16.8. the path 'lit can be replaced bY'Yrforany 'in [rl' r;t). Ifwetake
the same path 't, in both (28) and (26) and if we write c_.. for ba , both formulas
these integrals we can write can be combined into one as indicated in (23). Since z was an arbitrary interior
1("'!1 ~ .f(z) point of the annulus, this completes the proof.
w z: w-z NOTE. Formula (23) shows that a function can have at ITIQSt one Laurent ex-
Substituting this in (24) lind transposing terms, we find pansion in a given annulus.
DejinititJlI 16.32. A point a is calred an isolated singu/mity 01/ if Enmpte 3. Essentilll singularity. Let I(z) = ell. if z "# (t. The point 0 is an essential
sitlgulari ty, since .
a) / is analytic on a deleted neighborhood of a,
b) f is not analytic at fl.
TIreM"em 16.13. Assume that / i.<; Q1l:oiJ''tit on on open region S in C and define g by
NOTE. /need not be defined at a. the equationg(z) = II/(z) if/{z) >I: O. Then/has a zero of order kat a point a in
If a is an isolated singularity off, there is an annulus A(a; r l , r;:) on which/is S if, and only if, g has Q pole of order k at Q.
analytic. Hence /has. a uniquely determined Laurent exp~nsion, say Proof If/has a zero of orderk at a, tbere is a deleted neighborhood B'(o) in
00 which f dues not vanish. In the neighborhood B(a) we have f(z) (z alh(z),
I(z) L:'" c,.(z 0)' + L: L,,(Z -
a)-n. (29) where h{z) >I: 0 if Z E B(a). Hence, llh is analytic in B(a) and has an expansion
Since the inner radius rl can be arbitrar.ily small, (29) is valid in the deleted
= b
+ b (z - a) + ... , where bo = 1. >I: O.
neighooihood B'(a; r:). The singularity a is classified into one of three types
I 11(0)
(depending on the form of the principal part) as fol}ows: Therefore, if Z E D'(a), we have
If JlO negative powers appear in (29), that is, if c-" 0 for every n = I, 2, ... ,
the point a is called a removable singularity. )0 this caseJ(z) - t Co as z ---. a and 1
g(z) = -(z--(lf-;-h-(z-)
the singul~ty can be removed by defining / at Q to have the value 1(0) = Co.
(See Example I below.)
and hence a is a pole of order k for g. The converse is similarly proved.
If only a finite number of negative powers appear, that is, if c_. oF 0 for some
n but c_.. = 0 for every m > n, the poiDt a is said to be a pole of order n, In tbis
case, the principal part is simply a finite snm, namely, 16,:l.l THE RESIDUE OF A FUNCTION AT AN ISOLATED SINGULAR POIN1'
~ -=.L + _._~ -2 ._ + ... + _--",-_ If a is an isolated singular point of f, there is a deleted neighoorbood B'(a) 011
z a (z o)Z (z a)" which/has a Laurent expal1sion, say .
sin z -4
In maoy cases it is relatively easy to evaluate the residue at a point without
-= Z
the use of integration. For example, if a is a simple pole, we can use formula (30)
to obtain .
In this case, the point 0 is a pole of order 4. Note that nothing has been said about the Resf(z) '= lim (z - a)/(z). (32)
value off at O. %=D ~""4
Similarly, if a is a pole of order 2, it is easy to show that
Resf(z) = ,'(a), where g(z) = (z - a)lf(z).
l 11I.16.J5
NOTE. If y is a positively oriented Jordan curve with graph r, then nb. Zt) = I
for each Zi inside r, and 1I(1,:zJ = 0 for each Ii outside r. In this case, the
integral off along.., is 21ti times the sum of the residues at those singularities lying
In cases like this, where the residue can be computed very easily, (31) gives us a inside r.
simple method for evaluating contour integrals around circuits. Some of the applications of the Cauchy residue thenrem are given in the next
Cauchy was the first to exploit this idea and he developed it into a powerful few sections.
method known as the residue calculus. It is based on the Cauchy residue theorem
which is a generalization of (31).
16.1Z THE CAUCHY RESIDUE THEOREM IfJis analytic or has a pole at a,. and iffis not identically 0, the Laurent expansion
about a has the form
TMDrem 16.34. Let f be analytic on an open region S except for (J finite number of
isolated .singularities z l ' •••• z. in S. Let)' be a circuit which is homotopic to (J fez)
'" c.(z
= L: ar.
point in S. and assume that none of the singularities lies on the graph of y. Then we 0·'"
have where c", #; O. If m > 0 there is a zero at a of order m; if m < 0 there is a pole
2'J1:i .E n(y, zJ<) z""z.
k= I
Resf(z), (33) at a of order -m, and if m = 0 there is neither a zero nor a pole at tl.
NOTE. We also write m(f; a) for m to emphasize that m depend, on bothfand Q.
where n(y, Zl) is the winding number of "I with respect to ZJ<.
Theorem 16.15. Let f be 0 junction, not identically Zl.'!r(). which is ana~vtic on an
Proof The proof is based on the following formula, where m denotes an integer open region S, except possibly fat a finile number ()f poles. Let 'l' he a circuit whidl is
(positive, negative, or zero): homotopic to a point in S and whose graph contains 110 ~ero or pole off Then we
(z - Zk)m dz {2nfn(y, Zi<)
if m = - I,
if m # -l.
f .~
f'( ) dz
y fez)
= L:
n()', a)m(J; a), (35)
The formula for m I is just the definition of the winding number n(y, Zt).
Let [a, b] denote the domain of.,. If m ", -I, let get) = {yet) Zl}"'+ I for tin
where the sum on the right contains only ajinite number ofnonzero terms.
[a, h]. Then we have
f 1 fez)
dz = N - P,
r, then nCr, tI) =
the quotient g'/g being analytic at Q. This equation teDs us that a zero of f of
order m is a simple pole ofI' If with residue m. Similarly, a pole off of order m
Now we express Ix as a Laurent series about Zt and integrate this series term by is a simple pole of f'lf with residue - m. This fact, used in conjunction with
term, using (34) and the definition of residue to obtain (33). Cauchy's residue theorem. yields (35).
integrals. There are several techniques available, depending on the fonn of the
integral. We shall describe briefly two of these methods. ---~ . =-- = - - -
The first method deals with integrak of the fonn Is"
R{sin 0, cos 9) dO, where
+ I Xl. 1'1
Jl. is a rational function* of two variables. If a > I, Zl is inside the unit circle, X" is outside, and 1= 4nJ(zl - X'l) = 2'Rf../~TJ.
If a < 1, Z2 is inside, "I is outside, and we gel I -21f/../a1 ":1.
TIreorem 16.36. Let R bell rationaljlDft:tion 01 two variables ami let
f(z) R(ZZ ~ 1,
Zl +
t), Many improper integrals can be dealt with by means of the following theorem:
1'1(0) = 1;'(9), sin 0, where Z I' •.•• ZII are the pole4 off which lie in T.
and (37) foUo\\.'S at once from Theorem 16.1.
Proof. Let l' be the positively oriented path formed by taking a portion of the real
axis from - R to R and a semicircle in T having R, R] as its diameter, where R
NOTE. To evaluate the integral on the right of (37), we need only compute the is taken large enough to enclose all the poles Zro ' .• ,z.. Then
residues of the integrand at those poles which lie inside the unit circle.
L• r" f(Re
Evaluate J .. I~" JJ)/{Q + cos 9), where 11 is real, luI > 1. Applying (,37), we 2ni Res j(z)
t= J .=.~ f
lex) dx + i
i,) Rtf' d9.
1= -2l i dz
When R -> + a>, the last integral tends to zeto by (38) and we obtain (39).
NOTE. Equation (38) is automatically satisfied if I is the quotient of two poly-
The integrand has simple poles at the roots of the equation Z2 + 2az + 1 O. These arc nomials, say 1= P/Q, provided that the degree of Q exceeds the degree of P by
the points at least 2. (See Exercise 16.3fi,)
II" -a + ~ I, Eumple. To evaluate I~", dx/(l + x 4 ), lot /(z) = 1/(z4 + 1). Then p(z) = I,
Z2 .. - 0 -
Q(z) =
1 + ;!4, and hence (38) holds. The 1'01(1$ of f are tbe roolS of the equation
I + z4 O. These are Zl' x~, Z" Z4, where
., A fUllCtion P defined 00 C x C by an equation of tbe form Z, = iZl-Urcl/4 (k = 1,2.3,4).
11 II
P(Zb %:.1).= l; nf; a",.nz't'r~ Of these, only ZJ and Z2 lie in lhe upper haIr-plane. The residue at "I is
is called a polyn()mial in two varUlbks, The coeftk:ients a..... may be real or complex. The
quotient of two sueh polynomials is called a ratimrm fUnelion of two variables.
n.16.31 Th.16.38
Then 9 is analytic everywhere, and g(O) S(4, n). Since no is even we find
_00 1
+ x·
g(z + I) - g(z) = e 1ria2 /·(e 2 ....... - 1) = e ........·'"(e2 ... - 1)
.. =0
where 11 2:: I. This sum occurs in various parts of the Theory of Numbers. For
small values of n it can easily be compukd from its definition. For example, we
lp(z) = e........'I" L e1" ..... (45)
The function lp is analytic everywhere.
G(l) I, G(2) = 0. G(3) = iJ3., G(4) = 2(1 + i). Atz = 0 the residue of/is g(O)j(21d) (Exercise 16.41), and hence
Although each. term of the sum has absolute value I. the sum itself bas abso}ute
value 0, ..r;:" or.,fi.;. In fact, GaUS$ proved the remarkable formula
S(a,lI) = g(O) 2xi Resj(z) =
f }l
fez) dz, (46)
G(n) = i"l;;(l + i)(l + e--!2), (41) where i' is any positively oriented simple closed path whose graph contains only the
pole z = 0 in its interior region. We will choose 'JI so that it describes a paral-
for every n :<::: 1. A number of different proofs of (41) are known. We will deduce lelogram with vertices A, A + I, B + t, B, where
(41) by considering a more general sum Sea, 1'1) introduced by Dirichlet,
A - Re'd'4. and B= + Re· I/ 4 ,
S(a. n) = E e·fMJ /.,
f fA+1 f + f8+1 / + rB f + r f. d
Proof The proof given here is particularly instructive because it illustrates several
techniques used in complex analysis. Some minor computational details are left It A A+l J,IHI Jll
as exeraxs for the reader. In the integral J~1 Uwe make the change of variable w =z+ I and then use (44)
Let 9 be the function defined by the equation to get
L e l<r«+rI
lf 2
/". (43)
ll+1 few) dw = fB f(z + I) dz
fA+1 A
J: fez) dz + f lp(Z) dz.
Therefore (46) becomes
Now we show that the integrals along the horizontal segment.s from A to A + I
and from B t.o B + I tend to 0 as R -. + «l, To do this we estimate the integrand
on these segments. We write
as R _ + 00.
Therefore we can write (47) ill the form
On the segment joining B to B + I we let
Sea, n) = I "I'(z) dz + 0(1) as R ..... +00. (SO)
From (43) we find To deal with the integral f~ qJ we apply Cauchy's theorem, integrating <p around
the parallelogram with vertices A, B, II, -cr, where IZ = B + t = Rtt 'f4 • (See
!g[70)] I 5 ~ \exp {'Ilia(t +__~";!4- + r)}!, (49) Fig. 16.8.) Since q> is analytic everywhere. its integral around this paraJlelogram
is 0, so
where exp:ll: = r. The expression in braces bas real part (Exercise 16.41)
S" "I' + J-" "I' + fA
-na(JUR + RZ + ~R)jn. fll
<p +
II .. - ..
<p = 0,
Bealuse of the exponential factor e.....'/" in (4S), an argument $imilar to that given
Siace le"+ /1j = e" and exp {- 'lr.4J2rR/n} 5 I, each term in (49) has absolute
above shows that the integral of q; along each horizontal segment .....0 as R ..... + 0:),
value not exceeding cxp {-n:aR 2 jn} exp {~J21CaJR/n}. But 51:-:;; 1. so
we obtain the estimate Therefore (5t) gives us
The change of variable w = ..jaln(z + nm/a) puts this into the form D
[(a, m, 11, R) = - e"'''' dw + 0(1) as R -t +00.
(1 _~ .
Proof. We apply Cauehfs residue theorem to the positively oriented path r
By writing T = ~R, we see that the last limit ~is equal to shown in FiS. 16.9. whcro the radius T of the ci.twlar part iI t:atm large enough
to enclose all the poles of F which lie to the left of the l.inc x ... a. and also T > b.
The residue theorem Jives us
The following theorem is, in mally cases, the easiest method for evaluating the
112 1 < Mi"/2 tf'1'-'Td6 -
1'" ..
<: Me'" (== _
1"'- 1 2
«)= .To Tarcsin(~).
limit which appears in the inversion formula for Laplace transfor.·\s. (See Exercise
11.38.) Since Tas:csin (alT) -+ a as T ... +00, it follows that 12 -+ 0 as T -+ +00. In
the same way we prove I, -+ 0 lIS T - + co.
Tlleorem16J9. Let F be Q function analytic everywhere in C except, possibly, for Next, consider 13 , We have
aji:njtl! number ofpoles. Suppase there exist three pasitive constants M, b, c such that
IF(z)1 < M
wheneverlzl ~ b. II ., I < ~
e'Tc,'" dO = ~
T"- I
f""1. e-tTahot' dm.
Let a he Q positive number such that the vertical line x = a contains no polea of F But sin fP ~ 2tp/tc if 0 :S qJ s: n;f2., and hence
and letZJ"'" z" denote the poles Qf F which lie to the left Qfthis line. Then,for
each real t > 0, we have jI,1 < ~ C""l2 e- 2,T9'fC dtp "" n;M (1 _ e-'T) .... 0 lIS T -+ +«:1.
1"'-1 Jo 2t'F
Similarly, we:find 14 -+ 0 as T -+ +00. But as T -+ +«:1 the rightband lidc of
Example. Let P(z) = z/(z" + «..!), where « is real. Then F has simple poles at ±i<It.
Since z/(z2 + r)
= Hl/(z + i«) + l/(z - fa)], we find
Res (tf'P(z» = t CUd, Res {'''PCt)} ... ! e-t..'.
"~14 .. =-1« FiglJre 16.10
Therefore the limit in (55) has the value 2~f cos at. From Exercise Jl.38 we see that the
function}; continuous on (0, +00), whose Laplll.Q:\ transfonn is F, 1$ given by /(/) '" Therefore, by Theorem 1.48 there exist jntegers nl and n2 such that
COlI «I.
ars [wl(1l)J = ug U'(c)] + arg [lIJt l)] + 2ltnt>
16.27 CONFORMAL MAPPINGS arg [w;(t 2)] - arg (!'(c)} + arg [')'2(12)] + 2n1l2'
An analytic function / will map two line segments, intersecting at a point c, into so the angle from C1 to C2 at fCc) is equal to the angle from r 1 to r.1 at c plus
two curves intersecting at/(e}. In this section we show that the tan~ lines to an integer multiple of 21t. For this reason we say tbat! preserves angles at c. Such
these curves intersect at the same angle as the given line segments jff'(c)( oF O.
a function is, also said to be conformal at c.
This. property is geometrically obvious for linear functions. For example, Angles are not preserved at points where the derivative is zero. For example,
suppose ftz) = z + b. This represents a translation whkh moves every line if/(z) = r, a straight line through the origin maldng an angie Ct: with the real axis
parallel to itself, and it is clear that angles are preserved. Another example is is mapped byf ooto a straight line miling an angle 2a with the real axis. In general,
fez) = az, where tl "0. If lal = I, then a ei~ and this represents a rotation
whenf'(c) :; 0, the Taylor expansion of/assumes the form
about the origin through an angle IX. If lal "# t, then a "" Rei" and f represents
a ro~tion composed with a strdching (if R > l) or a contraction (if R < 1). fez) - fCc) = (z - cf[a. + aH!(z - c) + '''],
Agam, angles are preserved. A generallinellr functionf(z) = az + b with a ¢ 0
is a composition of these types and hence also preserves angles. where k ;;:: 2. Using this equation, it is easy to see that angles between curves
. ~ the general case. differentiability at c means that we have a Hnear approx- intersecting at c are multiplied by It factor k under the mapping/.
Imation near <:, say f(z) "'" f(c) + f'(c)(z - c) + o(z e), and if {'(e) :# 0 we Among the important examples of conformal mappings are the MObius
can expect angles to be preserved near c. uans!ormatwns, These are t\mctionsJdefined as follows: If a, b, c, d are four
To formali7.e these ideas, let ')'1 and )'2 be two piecewise smooth paths with complex numbers such that ad be ¢ 0, we define
respxtive graphs r t and r 2 • intersecting at c. Suppose that'l'l is one-to-one on az + b
fez) (57)
anhinterval containing f l , and that 12 is one-to-one on an interval cODtaining t:b cz + d'
"": ere 11(1 1) = 1'2(12) = c. Assume also that 1WI) " 0 and 1'2:(t2) #:- O. The
difference whenever' cz + d =F O. It is convenient to define / everywhere on the extended
arg (1:(12)] - arg [-ri(t!)}, plane C* by setting f(-dle) = 00 and /(oo) ale. (If c = 0, these last two
equations are to be replaced by the single eqnation/Coo) = a;,.) Now (57) can be
is called the angle from r I to r 2 at c. solved for z in terms off(r) to get
.Nov: assume thatf'(e) #; O. Then (by Theorem 13.4) there is a disk B(e) on
which/ IS one--to-one. Hence the wmposite functions .' :z: = - = - " - " '+b
cf(z) - a .
wl(t) = f[)'.(t)] and "'2(t) :; f£12(I)),
This means that the inverse functionf- 1 exists and is given by
will be locally one-to-one near '1 and 11.. respectively, and will describe arcs C
and C2 intersecting atf(e). (See Fig. J6.10.) By the chain rule we have I
rl(z) = -dz + b,
WWI) = f'(£)Yl(t j ) " 0 and WiJt2) =f'(c)y;(tz) " O. cz - a
with the understanding that f- 1(illc) = 00 and f -1(00) = - die. Thus we see 16.5 Assume that f is analytic: on B(O; R). Let)' denote the positively oriented circle
that Mobius transfonnatioDs are one-lo-one mappings of C* onto itself. They are with cent« at 0 and radius r, where 0 < ,. < R. If tl is inside )', show that
also conformal at each finite z ¥: ~ die, since
[(a) "'" .-!-.
2'lCr Jr1 I(z) '_1_
\Z ~
- ~I 2-:'} dz.
Z - r fa Q
where}' is the positively oriented unit circle with center at O. Deduce the Inequality
1M Lot., be a ~ smooth path with domain [0. hI and graph r. A3stll'llC (bat the
integml17 / exists. l.&t S be an open Rgion CODtaiRing r and let g be II function s&:h that
(1 - [al") 1/(0)1 :s: ~ f" I/(el~1 dO.
,'(z) exists and eqWIIs/(z) for each z 011 r. Prove tbat 16.7 Let!(r) L'"'..o 2":"/3- if 1:1 < 3/2, and leto{r) == I::'.o (2zr" if [z1 > !-. Let
Prove that
J 6.1 Let y be a pos!tmly oriented cireular path witb a:mer 0 aod radius 2. Verify tsd1
of the following by using ODe of Cauchy'" illlegral formulas.
3':20 if lal < I,
a) r e!' dz = mi.
1., z b) J~
, Z
dz "" 71:'.
{1 z2a
if lal > 1.
l 7 Z4
d:z "'" - .
3 Taylor expallllioos
16.8 Define f on tbe disk B(O; 1) by the equation f(z) I::'eo zl>. Find tbe Taylor
16.3 Let I
1 1 z(z - I)
"'" u +
dz mi(e - n.
iv be analytic on a disk B(o; R). If 0 < r < R, prove that
2). expansion of I about the point a
radius of convergence in each case.
I and also about the point a - t. Determine tbe
169 Assume that!has the Taylor expansion f(z) I:......f1 a{1l)Z'" valid in B(O; R). Let
/,(0) "" -1 i:l-l< 11(4 + rel~-it dO. g(z)
J p-l
= - L/(Zt?lf1"'P).
Itr 0 P.=o
16.4 a) Prove the following strone;et version of Liouville's theorem: ill is on entinr Pro\'e that the Taylor expansion of B consists of every pth term in that of f That is, if
11t1f£'ionsttdl thDtlin'Lz_...., i/(z)!zl = 0, tluffllisacons'ant. Z E B(O; R) we have
b) What can you conclude about an entire function which satisfies an inequality of
the form !/(z)j s; Mlzle for every compIf:lI Z. where c ;> 01
g(z) L: a(PII)ZPA.
1Ai.IO Assume tbatlhas tbe Taylor expansionJ(z) - :E:.o a~l't. valid in B(O; R). Let b) Use (a) to prove that I and I + fI have tbe saJ'lle number of zeros inllide r
L:=G fl,tzt. IrQ < r < R and if 1.01 < r, show thaI·
a/.z) ...
1 w"+1 - Z'+1 dw 16.15 Let p be a polynomial of degree n, say p(%) "" ao + a.z + ... + a~", where
8,,(Z) = -(W)
- --_..
2ni r w"H w- Z ' a,. ",. O. Take I(z) o"z·, g(z) = p('l) - I(z) in Rouch6's theorem, and prove that p
has exactly n zeros in C.
where 7 is the positively oriented circle with center at 0 and radius r.
16.11 Given tbe Taylor expauions J(z) ,. :E.~=(I a..z" and g(z) ... 2.::'0 b,.z",
16.l6 Let f be analytic on the closure or
the disk B(O; 1) and suppose II(z)1 < I if
valid for !z! = 1. Show that there is ODe, and only one, point Zo io S(O; 1) such that/(zo) zoo
Iz I :s': R 1 and Iz I < R:z, l'CIlpe<:tively. Prove that if IzI <: R1 Hz we have . Hint. Use Roucl1c's theol"Cllil.
-~. I(w)
2<f,), w
r g(!)w dw = t o,.o.'l·,
16.17 Lei p,,(z) denote the nth partial sum of the TaylO'l' expansion e' = L,'";"o z"ln!.
Using Rou~'s theorem (or otherwise), prove that for every r > 0 there exists an N
(depending on r) such that n ;;:: N impliesp.(z} ;6 0 for every z io B(O; r).
where l' is the positively oriented circle of radius R 1 with center at O.
16.111 If a :> e, tlnd the oumber of zeros of the fufK:tion/(z) = e' - az'" which lie inside
16.:11 Assume that I has the Taylor expansion/(z) = L:."'=o o,,(z ar', valid in D(a; R). the circle ;zl = 1.
II.) If 0 ;s l' < R, deduce Parseool's identity:
2:Il (I
1 i 2
I/(u + rel')l;/: d9
10.1 2 r2~ L
16.1' Give an example of a ful1Ction which has all the following properties, or else explain
why there is no such function: J is analytic everywhere in C except for a pole of order
2 at 0 and simple poles at 1 and -I; I(z) = f(-z) for all z; 1(1) = I; the fUDCtion
b) Use (a) to deduce tbe inequality E,«>"o IQ.F~ ,,2" :s': -"1(1')2, when: M(r) is-tile
g(z) =/(1/z) hIlS a zero of order 2 at z "" 0; and Res.,=d(z) ... 2/.
maximum of Ilion tbe circle lz - al "" r. 16.20 Sh9W that each oftbe following Laurent eJtpllmions is valid in the region indicated:
c) Use (b) to give another proof of tbe load maximum modulus principle (Theorem
16.27). a) - - -
(z -
1)(2 - z)
= 0=02"+1 L
L: - + .",1
'" ZO '"
-zrt1 jrt < 171 < 2.
16.13 Prove Schwsrz's lemmt1: LetIbl! 6na/ytic on the disk B(O; I). Suppose that /(0) 0
41td l!(z)1 ::;; 1 if Iz I < L Then 1 .. 1 - 2'"-1
b) (z _ 1)(2 z) ~ --;,,- if Izi > 2.
11'(0)1 S 1 and II(z)l::;; ifl:1 < 1.
1] 11'(0)1 1 or If If(zo)' ,. IzolfOr at kQlJt Om! 20 i" B'(O; 1), then 16,21 For each filled / in C, define J,.(t) to be thec:oefficient of zrt in tbe Laun:nt expllDJlion
16.14 Let land g be analytic OR an open .region S. Let I' be a Jordan circuit with graph r and that J_ 1I(t) (-lrJ,.(t). Deduce the power series expansion
such that both r and its inner region lie within S. Sll~ that Ig(z)1 <: I/(z)1 fQr every
zon r. • GO (:'I)l(tt) .Hl
a) Show that
J,,(t) =~ k! (n + k)! (n ~ 0).
in which case the order of the pole is equal to the degree of too polynomial.
- a + l}
iIO <: a <: 1.
b) lis a rational fun.ction if, aDd only if, lbas no singularitic:s in C' other than
poles. 1- a
16.2:5 Derive tho following "short cutl;>' for computing :residues: sinz t dt
l =-=::::__-=c:=-----=--:
16.31 = irQ < II < a.
a) If Q is a fitst order pole for f. then II a+ boost
d) If I and 9 are 8$ in (c). except that a ill a second-order zero ror u, then Hint. Integrate zl(1 + zS) around the boundary of the cin:ular sector
S {rei' : 0 ..:; r S R, o;s (J s 2n1S), and let R .... 00.
Res fez) ... ~'(Q)gP(a) - Z!(a){}"'(a]
..~" g(z) ,3 [g"(a) ]2 . b) j"'o" l+x
Xli'"_z dx
= ~/Sin (~f7f+
2n 2n
t Jt) , m, n intCllCf1l, 0 <: m <: n•
1'-U Compute the residues at the.poles ofI if 16.36 Prove that formula (38) holds if fis the quotient of two polynomials, say I PIQ,
where the degree of Q exceeds that of P by 2 or more.
b) I(z)
16.37 Prove that formula (3t"l) holds if fix) "" e1rmP(z)!Q(z), where m > 0 and P and a
are polynomials such that the degree of Q excecdll that of P by 1 or more. This makes it
sin z 1
c)fez) = --, d} fez) = , possible to evaluate integrals of the form
zoos z 1- r
'" ,I.. . p(x)dx
e) I(z) =
(where 11 is a positive integer). J -ro Q(x)
r 1'" ifm~O,Il>O.
3z - I 2z dZ:O 4' a)
a) -_.~-~ dz = (mi, b) 1£1,
"/<1),4) (z + 1)(;: - 3) J1(11;21 + I
Zll e" if m > 0, a;> O.
- 1
dz mi, d)
I ---:;;: dz = 21tij/2
y(2;11 (2 2)2 •
~." .,'
1'-39 Let w = e 2"113 and let y be a positively oriented circle whose graph <ioes not pass 16.46 If c :f. 0, we have
through., w, orw:.!. (The numbers l,}II, MI:i: are the cube roots of I.) Provethatthe integral uz b a,be ad
= . . . ""f'"
r (z + .) dz
J~ z3 - I
cz + d c ' c(cz + d)
Henee every Mobius transformation can be expressed as a compositioo of the special cases.
desccibed in Exercise 16.4S. Use this fact 10 sbow tbat Mobius transformations can:Y
is equal to 21fi(m + 11111)/3, where m and n are integers. Determine the possible values of
circles into ciJ:clcs (where straight lines are considered as special cases of cin:IeI).
m and n and describe how they depend 00 y.
1'-47 a) Show tlmt all Mobius transformations wbieb map the upper IWf·p1aoe T =
16.40 Let i' be a. positively oriented circle with «:Ilter 0 and radius <: 271. If a is complex
{x + iy : y <:: O} onto the clOllUfe of the disk B(O; I) can be expmlSed in tbe
and n is an integer, let
l(n, (I) = 1
I1. -
form/(z) = e1"'(z - a)!(z - Ii), when::« is real and a E T.
b) Show tlmt II and« can always be c:hollen to map any three givCI1 points of the
real axis onlo any thn:e given poiots 00 the unit circle.
Prove that 1'-. Find ail Mlibius transfOIIllII.uons which map tbe right haJf-plane
1(0, tI) = ., - II, 1(1, a} = I, and 1(", a) 0 jf 11 :> L S={x+iy:x;;,,:O}
onto tbe closure of B(O; 1).
Calculate I{ - n. a) in terms of lkrnouJli polynomials when n :2: 1 (see Exercise 9.38).
16.49 Find ail Mobius transfOIIllations which map tbe closure of B(a; 1) Ollto itlJdf.
16.41 This exercise requests some of the details of the proof of Theorem 16.38., J,,~,t
16.S0 'The fiX1!d points of a M6bius transformation
g(2) L e"'(a(H'W., fez) = g(z)!(e 2slz - n. I{z) ~ az + b (ad - be ¢ 0)
7=0 cz+ d
where a and n are positive integers with n6 even. Prove that: are those points z for wbicbl(41) z. Let D (d - a'l' + 4bc.
a) g(z + I) - g(z) = i·'...·{"(e 2./:; - J) :E:;;;~ e2"'-. a) Determine all fixed points when c U.
b) Res:;=ol(z) g(Q)/(21fi). b) If c '" 0 and D 'F 0, prove that I bas exactly 2 fixed points :'1 and Z:z (both
c) The real parI ofi(t + Rtl"l'" + r)2 is -( ·./2tR + R 2 + ../l.rR). finite, :and that they satiilfy tho equation
16.42 Let S be an open subset of C and assume that I is analytic and one·to-Qne on S. c) If c l' 0 and D ... O. prove that f has exactly one fixed point ZI and that it
Prove that: lIlltislies the equatiOll
a) f'(z) l' a for each z in S. (Hence I is conformal al each point of S.)
___~1~ + c for some C :f. a.
b) IT 9 is the inver!le of /, then 9 is analytic on I(S) and g'(w) IIP(g(w» if I(z) - z~ Z It
WI .,/(S).
d) Given any M6bius transformation, investigate the llUCClmive images of a given
16.43 Let I; c ....
C be analytic: and one-to-one on C. Prove that I(z) = oz + II, where point w. That is, let
a '" O. What can you conclude iff is one-to-one on C* and analytic on C" except possibly
for a finite number of poles? 11'1 "" 1(14'). Wz "" f(wl), MI. I(III.~ 1)'
16.44 If I and fI are Mobius transformations, show that the composition fog is also a
and study the behavior of the sequence {III,,}. Consider the special case 4, 0, c. d
Mobius transformation. real. tJd - be "" 1.
la.1 :s; (nlk,!i" for" 2: J.
16.53 Assume fis analytic on a deleted neighborhood B'C(); a). Prove that Iim..-+o fez) INDEX OF SPECIAL SYMBOLS
exists (polISibly infinite) if, and only if, there exists an integer" and a function g, analytic
on 8(0; a), with g(0) "" 0, such thatf(z) = z"g(z) inB'{O; a).
H.S4 Let p(z) = D~o a~1: be a polynomial of degree If with Ral coefficients satisfying
ao :> 12, :> ••• > 0.-1 :> fl_ > O. e, " belongs to (does not belong to), 1, 32
~. is a subset of. 1. 33
PTove tbatp(t) = 0 implies It[ :> 1. Hinl. Consider(I - z)P(t).
K. set of real numbers. I
lti.55 A function/, defiJted on lI. disk B(a; r). is said to 1la't'C a zero of infinite order at a if, R +• R- , set of positive (negative) numbers, 2
for every integer k :> 0, there is a functiong~ analytical a, such thatf(z) (z - a)"Ql.(:z) {x: x satisfies P}, the set of x which satisfy property P,3, 32
on .8(0; r). Iffltas a zero of infinite order at a, prove that{ 0 everywhere in B(a; r).
(a, b), [a, b], open (closed) interval with endpoints a and b,4
16.56 Prove MQI'l:!r:a's theorem: Iff is COIftinllollS OR an open regio" Sine ami if I.,f = 0 [a. b), (a, b], half-open intervals, 4
fqr every polygonal cirellit yin. S, then f is analytic on S. 'C r ,.
(a, + (X)l. [a, + (0). (- (x). 0), ( - 00, oJ, infinite intervals, 4
Z +, set of positive integers, 4
Z, set of all integers (positive, negative, and zero), 4
Q. set of rational numbers, 6
16.1 Ahlfors, L. V., Compk.1: Anolysi:J, 2nd ed. McGraw-HiU, New York, 1966. mall 8, min S, largest (smallest) element of S. 8
16.2 Caratheodory, c., T'heory of Fll1IcticTi.!1 ofa Complex Variabfe, 2 vols. F. Steinltardt, sup, inf, supremum, (infimum), 9
tnlnslator. Chelllea, New York, 1954. [x], greatest integer .:s;x. II
16.3 Estermann, T •• CQmplex Number:; tmd Fll1Ictions. Athlone Pre&s, London, 1962. Kit, extended real-number system, 14
16.4 Hems, M., Complex Function T'heory. Academic Press, New York, 1968. C, the set of complex numbers. the complex plane, 16
16.5 Heins, M., SeleCfed Topics in tire C/au;tXl! Theory of FIuIttiolls of a Complex Vari- C·, extended complex-number system, 24-
able. Holt, Rinehart. and Winston, New York, 1962. A x B. cartesian product of A and B, 33
16.6 Knopp, K .• T'heory of Functions, 2 vols. F. Bagemihl, translator. Dover, New F(8), image of Sunder F. 35
Yo.rX, 1945. F: S -4 T, function from 8 to T, 35
{FR }. sequence whose nth term is F., 31
16.7 Saks, S., and Zygmund. A.• Analytic Functiau, 2nd ed. E. J. SColt, translator.
, Monogmfie Matematyczml 28, Warsaw, 1965. U. u, union, 40, 41
16.8 sansone, G., and Gerretsen, J., Leetwes on. (Ire Theory of Functions ofa Complex
fl. n, intersection, 41
B - A, the set of points in B but not in A, 41
Varitlbte, 2 \tOls. P. NoordhoW, Gro!Iingen, 1960.
I-l(y). inverse image of Yonder/, 44 (Ex. 2.1),81
16.9 Titebmarsh. E. c., TIwory of Fll1Ictions, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 1939. R-. n-dimensional Euclidean space, 47
(xt> ••• , x.). point in K", 47
llxll. nonn or length of a vector, 48
u,r,. kth-unit coordinate vector, 49
B(a), B(a; r). open n-ball with center a, (radius r), 49
int S, interior of S, 49, 61
(a, b), [a, b]. n-dimensional open (closed) interval. SO, 52
S, closure of S, 53, 62
S', set of accumulation points of S, 54,62
(M, tl), metric space M with metric d, 60
d(x,y), distance from x to y in metric space. 60 det [01.1]' determinant of matrix [al)]. 367
BM(o; F), ball in metric space M, 61 J,.Jacobian determinant of I, 368
as, boundary of a set S, 64 Ie C', the components off have continuous tirst-order partials, 371
tim • Jim, right· (left-)hand limit, 93
:s:-+c+ .;x::.... c- J, I(x) h, multiple integral, 389, 407
f(~+ ),f(c-), right- (left-)band limit of/at c, 93
n~T), oscillation of/on a set T, 98 (Ex. 4.24),170 ~S). c(S), inner (outer) Jordan content of S, 396
m,(x), oscillation offat a point x, 98 (Ex. 4.24), 170 c(S), Jordan content of S, 396
f'(e), derivative of/at c, 104, 114, 117
I.r. contour integra.l of/along y, 436
D"I, partial derivative of/with respect to the kth coordinate, I J5
DT.~ second-order partial derivative, 116
..4(0; '1' "2), annulus with center a. 438
9"[a, b], set of all partitions of [a, b], 128, 141
Vr, total variation off, 129
n(J, z). winding number of a circuit., with respect to z, 445
B'(a). JJI(a; F), deleted peighborhood of a, 457
A" length of a rectifiable path.r. 134
S(P• a}, Riemann-Stieltjes sum, 141
Ie RCa) on [a, b],fis Riemann-integrable with respect to 0: on [a, b], 141
Res f(z). residue of/at tl, 459
Abel. Neils. Henrik, (l802-J82!IJ. 194. 245, IJl:nIsteiD. Scqe.i NIId3noric (18110-
243 2A2
Abd, limit theorem, 245 .Ilamtcia's tboorrm, 242
partial summation formula. 194 8rl:&fcI. FriedIich Wdbdm (1784-1846),
lest for COIllWJlilDCC of liI:riaI, 194, 248
(Ex. 9.11)
:Br.ascI fi.r.al::til:m. 475 (Ex. 16.21)
Absolute oonvergaw;:e. of ~ 20& Bc:sIeI inequality, . -
of series, 189 Beta faiIdioD, 331
Absolute value" 13. 11 IIinaJ:y QItcm. 2.2S
Absoimely cominuoor. 6mctiolI,. J39 BiDI:miaI scriIls, 244
Aoc:umulation point, S2" Q BoIzaDo. Bemard (11111-1841),54.85
Additive function. 45 (Ex. 2.22) Bolzaao's dIcoRm" as
Additivity of I..ebesguc rneas:rm;. 291 BoIzano-WeierstratB theolem. 54
Ad.hcreot point, 52" 62 Baru:lct, 0!IilI0 (l81~1892}. 165
AlIdJmic numIleI, 45 (Ex. 1.1S) 1IclarJIC', IheclRm,. 16S
Almost eDerywlwre, 172, 391 Borel, Emile (1871-1938),58
Analytic fllllCti.oD, 434 Bound. ~ IO'WW, 9
Amwlus.43J least upper, 9
Appromnation tbcorem or Weic15tlass, .lower,S
122 lIIIifoIm. 221
An:.,. 88, 435 upper, •
An::hiJ:mldean property of mU IRtII"Ibcn. JO Boundary. or a set,. 64
An: Ienith, 134 point, 6f.
Arcw:iIe contllilded set" 18 Bmmded., away from zero, 130
Am.!. (I.1OI1tent) of a plane ~ 396 con~ '127,273
Arpnd. Jean-Rot.1 (1768-11'1.2)0.7 f~13
Arlument of complex number, 21 . . 54,63
Ari thJnetic;.IlJl:lm, 20S '\IlDiatioll, 128
ArzeUt. Cesare (1847-19'12.),221, 273-
Anda's theorem, 223, 1:13
~tive .law, 2, 16 OIPtor, <korg (1845-1918), 8, 32, 56, 67,
Axioms for rcaI nmn~ I, Z. 9 180,311
Cantor irltcrscdion theomn, 56
Ba.I1, in a metric space, 61 Cantor-Bendixon theorem, 61 (Ex.3.25}
in R", 49 Cantor set 180 (Ex. 7..32)
Basis vcdon. '"
Cardi.Dal number. 38
BenwuIli, James (1654-1705), 251, 338,. Carlcson,. Lamart, Jl2
418 C8rte5ilra procIuct, 33
lk:moulIi, numbers, 151 (Ex. 9'- Cuorari-Wc:ie:rstralII tbeonm, 475 (Ex.
periodic fundions., 338 (Ex.. 11.18) 16.23)
polynomials, 2S1 (Ex. !US), 471 (Ex.. Cauchy, A ~ (1189-1857), 14,
16.40) 1:J. 111,. 177. 183, 207,222
: 1
cauchy rondition, Condensation paint, 67 (Ex. 3.2.:'1) Dense set, 68 (Ex. 3.32) e, irrationality of, 7
for products, 207 Conditional oonvergent series, 189 :Denumerable set. 39 Element of a set, 32
for sequences, 73,183 ~mentot197 Derlvative(s). of complex functions. 1 J7 Empty set. 33
for series, 136 ConfonnaJ mapping, 471 directional, 344 Equivalence., of paths. 136
for uniform convergence, 222,. 223 Conjugate complex number, 28 (Ex. 1.29) partial, 115 relation, 43 (Ex. 2.2)
Cauchy, inequalili£s, 451 Connected, metric space. 86 of real-valued functions, 104 Essential singularity, 451
integral formula,. 441 set, 36 total,347 Euclidean, metric, 48, 61
integral tbeonlm, 439 Content, 396 of VIiIl:tor-valued fll1lctiom, 114 spaceR", 47
principal value, 277 Continuity, 78 Derived set, 54, 62 Euclid's lemma, 5
product, 204 uniform, 90 Determinant. 361 Euler, Leanard (1107-1783), 149, 192,
residue theorem, 4(,() Continuouroly dilferentiable furu;;tion, 311 Difference of two sets, 41 209,365
sequence, 13 CQntottrintcgraI, 436 Differentiation. of integrals, t 62, J67 Euler's, constant, 192
Cauchy-Riemann equations, 118 Contraction, constant, 92 of sequences, 229 product Cor C(.f), 209
Cauchy-8chwan: inequality, for Inner Jhed..point theorem, 92 of series, 230. summation formula,. 149
products, 294 mapping,. 92 Dim, U1isse (1845-1918),248,312,319 theorem on homogeneous f'l:mctions, 365
for integrallS, 177 (Ex. 7.16), 294 Convergence, absolute, 189 Dini's theorem, on Fourier series, 319 (Ex. 1218)
for sums, .14, 27 (Ex. 1.23), 30 (Ex. 1.48) bounded, 227 on unifonn ronvergence,. :l48 (Ex. !}.9) Exponential form, of Fourier integral
Cesaro, Emesto (1859-1906), 205, 320 conditional, 189 DiIlilCtionat derivative, ·344 theoTlllQ1, 325
cesaro, sum, 205 in a metric space, 70 Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune (l805- of Fourier series, 323
summability of Fourier series, 320 mean. 232 1859), 194, 205, 21S, 230, 317, 464- Exponential function, 7,19
Chain rule. complex fUDctions, 117 of a product, 207 (F- Dirichlet, integrnls, 314 Extended complex plane, 25
real functions, 107 of a sequence, 183 kernel. 317 &tended real-number system, 14
matrix form of, 353 of a series, 185 product, 205 Extension of a function. 35
voctor·"alued functions, 114 pointwise, 218 series, 215 (Ex. 8.34) Exterior (or outer resion) of a Jordan curve,
Change of variahk!>, in a Lebesgue; integral, unifonn. 221 Dirichlet's test. for convergence of series, 447
262 Convene of a relation, 36 194- Extremum problems, 375
in a muJtiple Lebesgue integral, 42.1 Convex set, 66 (Elt. 3.14) for uniform convergence of 1eries, 230
in 11 Riemann integral, 164 Convolution integral, 328 Disconnected set, 86
in a Riemann-Stieltjes integral, 144 Convolution theorem, for Fourier trans- Discontinuity, 93 Faton, Pierre (1878--1929),299
Characteristic fuoction, 2S9 fOrmr>, 329 Discrete metric space, 61 Fatou's lemma, 299 (Ex. 10.8)
Circuit, 435 for Laplace tmnsformr>, 342 (Ex. 11.36) Disjoint sets, 41 Fej6r, Leopold (1880-1959), 179,312, 320
Oosed, ball, 67 (Ell. 3.3l) Coordinate transformation, 417 collection of, 42 Fejer's theorem, 179 (Ex. 7.23), 320
curve, 435 . Countable additivity, 291 Disk,49 Fekete, Michel, 118
interval, 4, 52 Countable set, 39 of convergence, 234 Field, of complex numbers. 116
mapptng, 99 (Ex.. 4.32) Covering of a set, 56 Distance function (metric), 60 of real numbers, 2
region, 90 Covering theorem, Heine-:eon,l, 58 Distributive law. 2, 16 Finite set, 38
set, 53, 62 Undell>f, 57 Divergent, product, 207 Fischer, Ernst (1175-1954), m, 3n
Closure of a set, 53 Cramer'lI rule, 367 sequence, 183 Fixed point, of a function, 92
Commutatiwdaw,2. J6 ~. closed. 435 serie!!, 185 Fixed-point theorem, 92
Compact set, 59, 63 Jordan, 435 Divisor, 4 Fourier, Josepb (11$8-1830), 306,. 309,
Comparison test, 190 piecewise-smooth, 435 greatest rommon, 5 3l2, 32.4, 326
Complement,4i rectifiable, 134 Domain (open region), 90 Fourier coefficient, 309
Complete metric space, 74 Domain of a function, 34 Fourier integral theorem, 324
Complete orthonormal set. 336 (Ex. 11.6) Dominated convergence theorem. 210 Fourier series. 309
Completeness axiom, 9 Daniell, ... J. (1889-1946),252 Dot product, 48 Fourier transfonn, 326
Complex number, 15 Darboux, Gaston (1842-1917), 152 Double, integral, 390, 401 Fubini, Guido (1379-1943),405, 410, 413
Complex plane, 11 Decimals, II, 12, 27 (Ex. 1.22) Double sequence, 199. Fubini'll theorem, 410, 413
Component, interval, 51 DedekiDd, Riebard (1831-1916), 8 Double series, 200 Fuoction, definition of, 34
of a metric $PRCe, 87 Deleted neighborhood, 457 Du Bojs.Reymond, hul (1831-1889),312 Fundamental theorem, of alpbra. IS, 451,
of a vector, 47 De Mo.ivre. Ham (1667-1754), 29 Duplication formula for the Gamma 475 (Ell. 16.l5)
Composite function, 37 De Moivre's rboorem, 29 (Ex. 1.44) function, 341 (Ex. IJ.31) of integral calcuJus, 162
Multiplicative function, 216 (Ex. 8.45) Pi, If, irrationality of, 180 (Ell. 1.33) sphere, 17 Substitution theorem for power 8!!Il'iclI, 231
Piecewise-smooth path, 435 theorem on singularities, 415 (Ex. 16.22) Sup nonn, 102 (Ex. 4.66} ..
Neighborhood. 49 Point. in a .metric space, 60 zeta function, ] 92, 2O!il Supremum, 9
of infinity, 1S.2S in R", 47 Riemann-Lebesgue lemma, 313 Symmetric iJuadratic form, 378
Niven, Ivan M. (1915- ), ISO (Ex. Pointwise convergence, 218 Riesz, FrigytlS (1880-1956), 252,297, 305. Symmetric: relation, 43 (Ex. 2.2)
1.33) Poisson. Simeon Den!s (1781-1840), 332, m
~~,408 413 . Riesz-Fiscller theorem, 297, 311
Nonernpty set. I Poisson, inlegral fannula, 473 (Ex. 16.5) Righthand derivative, 108 Tilnnery, Jules (I 84So-1910), 299
Nonme.asum'ble function, 304 (Ex. 10.37) summation formula, 332 Righthand limit, 93 Tannery's theorem, 299 (Ex. 10.7) ..:'.
Nonmeasurable set, 304 (Ex. 10.]6) Polar coordinates. 20, 413 Rolle, Michel (l652-1719), 110 Tauber, Alfred (1866-circa 1947)..
Nonnegative. .3 Polygonal curve., 89 Rolle's'theorem, 110 Tauberian theorem, 246, 251 (Ex, '.37)
Nonn, of a tilnction, 102 (Ex. 4.66) Polygonally COnrn:ded set. 89 Root test, 193 Taylor, Brook (1685-1731), 113, 241,
oh partition, 141 Polynomial, 80 Roots of complex numbers, 22 361,449
of a vector, 48 in two variables. 462 RoucM, Eugene (1832-1910). 475 Taylor's ronnula with remainder. Itl
zeros of, 451, 475 (Ex. 16.1S) Rouches theorem, 475 (Ex, 16.14) for functions of several Variables. 361
0, 0, oh notation, 192 Power series, 234 Taylor's series., 241, 449
Qne..to-ooe function, 36 Powers of complex uumbees, 21, 23 Telescoping series., 186
Prime number, 5 Saddle point, 377 Theta function, 334
Onto, 35
Operator, 327 Pri..InlHlumber theorem, 175 (Ex. 7,1O) Scalar, 48 Tonelli, Leonida (1885-1946>,415
Open, covering, 56. 63 ~=~4S6 cr···· SChmidt. Erhard (1876-1959), 335 Tonelli-Hobson test. 415
mterval m R, 4 Schoenberg, Isaac J., (1903-
Schwarz, Hermann Amandwi (1843-1921),
l,224 Topological, mapping, 84
property, 84
interval in K". SO
mapping, 370, 454 Quadratic form, 378 14,21,:ro, 122, 117, 294- Topology, point set, 47
mapping theorem. 371. 4.54 Quadric surface, 383 Schwanian derivative, 122 (Ex. 5.1) Total variation, 129, 178 (Ex. 7.20)
lItt in a metric spaoe, 62 Quotient, of complex numbers,. 16 Schwarz', lemma. 474 (Ex. 16.13) Transformation, 35, 417
set in a-, 49 of real numbers, 2 Second-derivativc test for extrema, 378 Transitive relation, 43 (Ex. 22)
Orda', of pole. 458 SccoDd Mean-Value Theorem for Riemann Triangle inequality, 13. 19, 48, 60, 294
of :rero. 4S2 integrals., 16S Trigonometric series, 312
Radius of c o ~ 234 Semimetric space, 295 Two-valued function, 86
Ol'dcrcd n-tupk; 47
Range of a function• .34 separable metric space, 68 (Ex. 3.33)
Ordered pair, 33
Ratio tllst. 193 SfquerlCe, definition of, 37 •
Ordet-p~ function, 38
Ordinate set. 403 (Ex. 14.11) RatWnal function, 81,462 Set alpbra, 40 Uncountable !let, 39
Orientation or a circl,rit, 447 Rational number, 6 Similar (equinumerous) sets, 33 Unifonn bound, 221
Real number, 1 Simple curve, 43.5 Uniform continuity, 90
Orthogonal sysfMl of functions, 306
Real part, 1S Simply cotI11llCted region, 443 Uniform con~ence, of sequences. 221
Orthonormal set of functions, 306
R~ent of series. 196 SiDgularity, 4S8 of series, 223
Oscillation of a flll'lClioo, 98 (Ex. ".241170
R.eciprocity law for Gauss sums, 464 essential, 459 Uniformly bounded sequence, 201
Onter' Jordan content, 396
Rectifiable patb, 134 pole,4Sl! Union of sets, 41
R..eflexive Idation, 43 (Ex. 2.2) removable, 458 Unique faetorimtion theorem, 6
PamUeiogram law, 17 Region,89 Siobbovian integral, 249 (Ex. 9.11) Uuit coordinate vectors, 49
PanevilJ, Mark-Antoine (circa 1176- Relation, 3; Spa.oe-filling curve, 224 Upper bound, 8
1ll36), 3(8. 414 Removable discontinuity, 93 Spherical coordinates. 419 Upper half-plane, 463
Parsevat's formula, 309, 414 (Ex. 16.12) Removable sioauJarity. 458 Square-integrable functions., 294- Upper function. 256, 406
. Partial dcrivatiw, 115 Residue. 459 Stationary point, 377 Upper integral, 152
of higlta' otdc:r', 116 Residue theonvn, 460 Step function, ]48,406 Upper limit, 184
Pal:tia1 sum, 18S Restriction of a function, 35 SteRopphic projection, 17
Partial summation Cannula. 194 Riemann, Georg F.dcdricb ~ Stleltjcs. Thomllll Jan (1856-1894), 140
Partition of an~, 128, 141 (1826-1866), 17, 142" 153, 191, 209. Stieltjes integral, 140 ValIee,.PQUlIIiin, C. J. de Ill. (1866-1962),
Path, 88, 133. 435 312, 313, 318, 389, 475 Stone, Marshall H. (1903- ), 252 312
Peano.Giuseppe (18SSo-1932).2.24 coodition, 153 Strictly i.lK:reasing function, 94 Value of a function, 34
.. , .. K1!'S',-", 4(. '4I!ij
... ;..}: .. '