Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

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Our organization, in its effort to constantly improve its services, has decided to adapt a Quality Management System. We would therefore like to ask you to contribute to our effort, by stating your comments or remarks. Your constructive criticism shall be a useful guide: Date of completing the questionnaire ___/___/20___ Firm/Organization: Address: Completed by: Position: 1. Please select the degree of satisfaction for each of the following (1.very poor

5.superior )

1 2 3 4 5 1.1 Swiftness in delivering the agreed material 1.2 Quality of the material 1.3 Quality of the financial data 1.4 Quality of Technical or Financial Reports 1.5 Easiness to access the right person 1.6 Understanding your needs 1.7 Responding to your needs 1.8 Quality of cooperation with our staff 1.9 Help provided during the project implementation 1.1 Behavior of the Research Committee staff 0 2. Please mark whether one the following have incurred during your cooperation with the Research Committee Number of YES NO

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

Delay in deliverables? Errors in the financial data? Insufficient technical or economical reports? Delayed response to your invitation? Improper behavior by one of our employees? Communication difficulties with the staff in charge? Lack of information? Other? (Please Specify) In order to better evaluate the data, please mention certain events, which annoyed you.

: 0.01

: 23/2/2011
: 27/5/2013, 27/5/2013, 6:47 a5/p5

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3. Please rate the University of Ioannina Research Committee services (1: Very Poor, 1 2 3 In general how would rate the services provide by the University of Ioannina Research Committee? 4. Please give us your opinion on the following subjects: 4.1 The ability of our staff 5: Superior) 4 5


The quality of information provided to you by our organization, as far as our cooperation is concerned


The way of communication


Any complicated (obstructing/ impeding) procedure during our cooperation

5. How would you evaluate the servicing by our organization? 5.1 How would you evaluate the servicing by our organization?

6. Do you have any suggestions for improvement? 6.1 Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

We would like to thank you for your time and kindly ask you to return this questionnaire to us via mail (University of Ioannina Campus, 45110, Ioannina), email ( or fax (+302651007029).

: 0.01

: 23/2/2011
: 27/5/2013, 27/5/2013, 6:47 a5/p5

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