1he eprom lnslde Lhe LCu ls 28l200 wlLh 236k8 memory. 1he conLenL of Lhe eprom can be exLracLed ln Lwo ways. 1he flrsL one ls wlLh uslng Lhe kW2000+ or CalleLLo 1230/1260 and Lhe second one ls by desolderlng Lhe eprom from Lhe LCu and readlng lL wlLh an eprom programmer. 1he flrsL Lwo Lools wlll do parLlal exLracLlon and Lhey wlll glve 24k8 flle. 1he Lhlrd Lool wlll glve a compleLe 236k8 flle. Wlnols ls used Lo change Lhe maps. no maLLer Lhe slze of Lhe flle, when Lhe flle ls lmporLed ln Lhe program, lL wlll be auLomaLlcly recognlzed. MS41 LCu's have only one sofLware bank.
1. 1he rev ||m|ter:
1he rev llmlLer ln Slemens MS41 ls very easy Lo flnd. 1he rev llmlLer ls locaLed ln fronL of Lhe maps. Cpen Lhe flle ln 1exL mode, choose roperLles, and seL Lhe values ln Lhe followlng order: Columns: 12 values: 8blL number lormaL: Pexadeclmal (8ase 16).
Search for Lhe values 80 C8 or L3 C8. 1he rev llmlL ls seL aL 6312 or 6324 rpm. uependlng on Lhe slze of Lhe flle Lhe rev llmlLer ls locaLed ln 001C9 for 24k8 flle and ln 141C9 for 236k8 flle. SelecL and open Lhe map.
loctots & offsets.
When you lnpuL correcL facLors and offseLs you wlll geL a slngle value ln Lhe hex dump.
1exL vlew of 8ev LlmlLer
1he calculaLlon meLhod for Lhe rev llmlLer ls as follows:
32096 * 0.73 / 6 = 6312 rpm
32193 * 0.73 / 6 = 6324 rpm
2. In[ect|on at art 1hrott|e (ma|n fue| map)
1hls map shows Lhe ln[ecLlon Llme ln mllllseconds dependlng on Lhe 8M and Lhe englne load. ln oLher words, Lhe map shows how long Lhe ln[ecLors sLay open Lo dellver Lhe needed fuel Lo Lhe englne aL a glven 8M and load. Maln fuel map ls a 12x16 map. ln 24k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 009l8. ln 236k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 149l8.
3u vlew of maln fuel map. loctots & offsets.
3. In[ect|on at W|de Cpen 1hrott|e (fue| enr|chment dur|ng acce|erat|on)
1hls map shows Lhe ln[ecLlon Llme ln mllllseconds dependlng on Lhe 8M and load when acceleraLor pedal ls ln WC1 poslLlon. 1he map shows how long Lhe ln[ecLors sLay open Lo dellver Lhe needed fuel Lo Lhe englne aL a glven 8M and WC1 pedal poslLlon. 1he ln[ecLlon aL WC1 ls a 1x16 map. ln 24k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 00u4L. ln 236k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 14u4L.
3u vlew of WC1 fuel map. loctots & offsets.
4. Spark advance at art 1hrott|e
1he map shows Lhe spark advance dependlng on Lhe 8M and Lhe englne load aL parL LhroLLle. 1hls map also conLrols Lhe spark aL closed LhroLLle. Spark aL parL LhroLLle ls a 12x16 map. ln 24k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 00u62. ln 236k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 14u62.
3u vlew of spark advance aL parL LhroLLle map. loctots & offsets. noLe: ln map properLles of Lhls map you can use preclslon of 2, buL lL ls easler Lo work wlLh preclslon 0.
S. Spark advance at W|de Cpen 1hrott|e
1he map shows Lhe spark advance dependlng on Lhe 8M and Lhe englne load when acceleraLor pedal ls ln WC1 poslLlon. Spark aL WC1 ls a 12x16 map. ln 24k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 00L26. ln 236k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 14L26.
3u vlew of spark advance aL WC1 map. loctots & offsets. noLe: ln map properLles of Lhls map you can use preclslon of 2, buL lL ls easler Lo work wlLh preclslon 0.
6. Lambda map
1he Lambda map ln closed loop ls conLrolllng Lhe alr Lo fuel raLlo of Lhe englne. Lambda correcLlon ls used ln parL LhroLLle slLuaLlons, when maxlmum englne power ls noL needed and fuel consumpLlon ls lmporLanL. Lambda 1 (\ =1 14.7/1) glves us Lhe sLolchlomeLrlc raLlo. 8aLlos less Lhan 1 represenL excess fuel - rlch mlxLure. 8aLlos greaLer Lhan 1 represenL deflclency of fuel - lean mlxLure. ln 24k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 011C8. ln 236k8 flle Lhe map ls locaLed aL 131C8.
3u vlew of 2.0L lambda map.
3u vlew of 2.8L lambda map. loctots & offsets.
7. 1un|ng the eng|ne
When you wanL more power ouL of Lhe sLock car lL ls enough Lo change Lhe lgnlLlon an ln[ecLlon parL LhroLLle and WC1 maps. Also you can change Lhe lambda map buL Lhe only proper way Lo do LhaL ls by measurlng Lhe Al8 wlLh wlde band lambda sensor.
a. 1he rev llmlLer: lf we wanL Lo seL Lhe rev llmlLer aL hlgher rpm we need Lo lnverL Lhe calculaLlon for Lhe sLock llmlLer. So lf we wanL Lhe rev llmlLer Lo be aL 7000 rpm, we wlll do Lhe nexL calculaLlon: 7000 * 6 / 0.73 = 36000 1exL-vlew of Lhe orlglnal 8ev LlmlLer
1exL-vlew of Lhe mod 8ev LlmlLer
b. ln[ecLlon aL arL 1hroLLle (maln fuel map): lf you Lune a sLock englne, Lhe maln fuel map can sLay Lhe way lL ls.
c. ln[ecLlon aL Wlde Cpen 1hroLLle (fuel enrlchmenL durlng acceleraLlon): ln Lhls map we can add beLween 1 and 3 mlllseconds of ln[ecLlon duraLaLlon. Pow much we add depends on LhaL how rlch mlxLure we wanL. When we Lune Lhls map we can use only whole values llke 14, 13, 17. values llke 14.30, 13.73 or 17.30 are noL accepLed by Lhe program. 1exL-vlew of Lhe orlglnal map
1exL-vlew of Lhe Luned map
d. Spark advance aL arL 1hroLLle: 1hls map also conLrols Lhe spark aL closed LhroLLle, so you can keep Lhe orlglnal values for 300 and 900 rpm, or you can ralse Lhem by 3 degrees lf premlum pump fuel ls used. lrom 1300 rpm and up l suggesL addlng noL more Lhan 7 degrees spark advance when premlum pump fuel ls used. lf you use hlgher ocLane fuel llke LC whlch ls 110 ocLane you can advance even more. lf you Lune wlLh values hlgher Lhan 7 degrees wlLh pump fuel, you wlll need knock-deLecLlon equlpmenL. lf you ralse Lhe rev llmlLer more Lhan 300 rpm, ln Lhe lasL cell of Lhe map, aL 100 load and 6300 rpm you can add 8 or 9 degrees advance for premlum fuel.
noLe: 1he maps below are for LC converLed englne so you can see LhaL Lhe values are hlgher Lhan 7 degrees advance. 1exL-vlew of Lhe orlglnal map
1exL-vlew of Lhe Luned map
e. Spark advance aL Wlde Cpen 1hroLLle: 1unlng Lhls map ls llke Lunlng Lhe spark aL parL LhroLLle map. 1exL-vlew of Lhe orlglnal map
1exL-vlew of Lhe Luned map
f. Lambda map: 1hls map can sLay Lhe way lL ls. lf you are noL a professlonal don'L Louch Lhls map. lf you llke Lo Lune Lhe map you musL use wlde band lambda sensor Lo achleve Lhe proper alr Lo fuel raLlo and knock-deLecLlon equlpmenL Lo monlLor knocklng. AL Lhe example below we can see a Lype of eco Lunlng, where ln Lhe low rev range Lhe lambda ls seL close Lo 1(Lo save fuel), buL ln Lhe hlgher rev range lambda ls seL below 1, Lo achleve more power. When Lhls map ls Luned you wlll have Lo reLune Lhe spark advance maps.
1exL-vlew of Lhe orlglnal map
1exL-vlew of Lhe Luned map
8. rogramm|ng the new parameters |n the LCU.
rogrammlng Lhe new parameLers wlLh eprom programmer ls sLralghL forward [ob. 8uL someLlmes when flashlng Lhe 8MW Slemens MS41 vla Lhe 20 pln 8MW round connecLor wrlLlng can cause some head ache. 1he reason for LhaL ls when we flash Lhe new parameLers, Lhe Lool rewrlLes Lhe memory Ck, buL when we recheck, Lhe memory ls noL rewrlLLen. 1he soluLlon for Lhls can be found ln Lhe plcLures below.
Cn car 20 pln 8MW round connecLor
lns 26 and 49 of Lhe LCu are connecLed Lo pln 14 of Lhe 20 pln round connecLor whlch ls +12v baLLery power. ln 88 of Lhe LCu ls connecLed Lo plns 17 and 20 of Lhe 20 pln round connecLor whlch ls k Llne. ln 28 of Lhe LCu ls connecLed Lo pln 19 of Lhe 20 pln round connecLor whlch ls ground. ln 60 of Lhe LCu ls connecLed Lo pln 18 of Lhe 20 pln round connecLor whlch ls rogrammlng llne.
1o rewrlLe Lhe program, pln 18 musL have consLanL +12v. SomeLlmes pln 18 ln Lhe flasher ls noL connecLed Lo noLhlng and Lhls ls why we cannoL flash Lhe LCu. 1he soluLlon ls Lo brldge pln 14 and pln 18 ln Lhe flasher.