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Combined Footing NUNNA Bldg. R0

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Project Lanco Kondapalli PP-Stage-II 400KV NUNNA SUBSTATION Kondapalli

Subject Detailed Design Report for NUNNA SUBSTATION

Doc. No.

Rev. R0

Section FOOTING Sheet no. OF


Foundation Type : Reference joint Nos. : Load Combination : Column A-C2 B-C2 DESIGN PARAMETER COLUMN - A

F4 22 261

Load case: 1536 (GOVERNING IN FOOTING DESIGN) Load case Earthquake Earthquake P(kN) 420 310 Mx(kNm) -17.5 -10.3 Mz(kNm) -20.5 -31

Size of column Combined Size (Twin Column) On X-X Direction a On Z-Z Direction b Axial load P1 Moment around X axis Mx1 Moment around z axis Mz1 COLUMN - B Size of column On X-X Direction On Z-Z Direction Axial load Moment around X axis Moment around z axis

= = = = = =

350 0.35 0.65 420 -17.5 -20.5

x m m kN kNm kNm



c d P2 Mx2 Mz2

= = = = = =

350 0.35 0.65 310 -10.3 -31

x m m kN kNm kNm



Footings Details Length of the footing Breadth of the footing Distance between 'A' and 'B' c/c Distance Between Centre of column 'A' and left end of footing Distance Between Centre of column ' B ' and left end of footing Distance Between Centre of column' A' and Top end of footing Distance Between Centre of column 'B' and Top end of footing Depth of the foundation below EL. 0.00m Depth of the footing Density of soil Density of Concrete Allowable SBC of soil at 2.0 m from Finished G.L increased 25% Grade of concrete Grade of steel Clear cover Effective cover in Longitudinal direction LOADING CALCULATIONS Self weight of pad = = = = Total vertical load = = Vertical load = 4.0 x 175.00 4.0 x 217.15 420 2.5 x KN 2.5 - ( KN + kN 310.0 kN + 175 310.0 + 175.00 + 0.7 x 25 (Gross Pressure)

L B C X1 X2 Y1 Y2 H D gs gc sallowable fck fy d'

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

4.000 2.500 2.060 0.970 3.030 1.250 1.250 2.000 0.700 17.5 25 160 20 415 50 66

m m m, m m m m m m KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m2 N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm

Load from overburden soil



0.35 x

x 1.3 x

0.65 ) 17.5


1122.15 420 + 905.00

(not considering overburden soil Wt.)

CALCULATION OF SOIL PRESSURE Eccentricity ( ex ) Taking moment about left edge of the pad 'ex' is 4.000 2 420 x 0.970 + 310.00 x 3.03 905.00 + -20.500 + -31.00 + 350

Actual eccentricity(ex ) Allowable eccentricity

= =

0.182 0.67

m m Allowable eccentricity = L/6

Hence on safer side Eccentricity ( ez ) Taking moment about Top edge of the pad, 2.50 2 420 x 1.25 + ez is given by 310.00 x 1.25 905.00 + -17.5 + -10.3 + 218.75

Actual eccentricity (ez) Allowable eccentricity

= =

0.031 0.42

m m Allowable eccentricity = B/6

Hence on safer side

Soil pressure on foundation X



Z Mx X Mz

Column 6 Equivalent Load

Column 5

X Maximum soil pressure (at a point 4) = P A x 1 x KN/m


6ex L +

6ez B 6 x 4.0 0.182 + 6 x 2.5 0.031

= Maximum soil pressure =

1122.15 10.0 151.14

Hence safe

Soil pressure at a point 1


1 x KN/m2 1 x KN/m2

6ex L -

6ez B 6 x 4.0 0.182 + 6 x 2.5 0.031

1122.15 10 89.84 Minimum soil pressure at Point 2 = P A x

Hence safe 6ex 6ez L B 6 x 4.0 0.182 6 x 2.5 0.031

Minimum soil pressure There is no Negative pressure, Hence safe

1122.15 10 73.29

Hence safe

Minimum soil pressure At point 3


1 x KN/m

6ex L +

6ez B 6 x 4.0 0.182 6 x 2.5 0.031

= =

1122.15 10 134.6

Hence safe

Soil reaction at the column A Soil reaction at the column B Calculation of shear force Shear force at just left of column A Shear force at just right of column A Shear force at just left of column B Shear force at just right of column B Point of zero shear Calculation of Bending moment Bending moment at column A (Overhang BM) Maximum bending moment (Span moment) Bending moment at column B (Overhang BM)

= =

147.13 138.61

KN/m2 KN/m

= = = = = -0.91

1502.42 -1082.42 3522.10 -3212.10 m

kN kN kN kN (from centre of column A)

= = =

374.59 1105.90 310.61

kNm kNm kNm

Calculation of overhang Bending moment on transverse side Bending moment at column A = 2693.4425 kNm

Bending moment at column B = 2313.1208 kNm Depth reqd. for B.M on longitudinal direction

B.M d

= =


fck b d2 x x < 10 6 20 x 634 x 1.5 2500 Hence safe

1105.90 0.133 499.5 mm


Depth reqd. for B.M on Transversel direction

B.M d

= =


fck b d2 x x < 10 6 20 x 634 x 1.5 4000 Hence safe

2693.44 0.133 616.2 mm


Main reinforcement at bottom in longitudinal direction Mu/bd2 From SP16, table pt = Ast Required Ast Required (Min) Ast required = (Minimum) Use 25 mm dia bar @ = 3 0.394 % (Miminum reinforcement = 2 2499.1444 mm 2 840 mm 2499.1 mm2 200 mm c/c 1.65 N / mm2



(as per IS:456-2000, Clause 26.5)

Ast provided

2454.3693 mm

Reinforcement at top in longitudinal direction Bending moment Mu/bd2 From SP16, table = = 3 0.246 (Miminum reinforcement = 0.12 % (as per IS:456-2000, Clause 26.5) 1105.90 1.03 kN.m

Percentage of steel reqd. pt = 2 Ast Required 1559.64 mm 2 Ast Required (Min) 840 mm Ast required Use = 1559.64 200 1570.80

mm mm c/c

20 mm dia bar @ Ast provided =

Reinforcement is Governed by One way Shear Criteria


Reinforcement at bottom in Transverse direction Bending moment Mu/bd2 From SP16, table pt Ast Required = = = 2693.44 2.61 3 0.685 4344.0079 mm2 4344.01 mm2 kNm N/mm2

Ast required = (Minimum to be provided) Use 32 mm dia bar @ Ast provided =

180 4468.04

mm c/c mm2

Check for one way shear to the left column A Shear force at the critical section 'd ' from the face of column = 130.60 kN Factored shear Actual shear stress % of steel provied = = = 195.894 0.077 0.705 kN N/mm %

Permissible shear strength from table 61 SP16 = Hence safe Check for one way shear to the right column A Shear force at the critical section 'd ' from the face of column = 622.29 kN Factored shear Actual shear stress % of steel provied = = = 933.435 0.368 0.952 kN N/mm2 % 0.563 N/mm2

Permissible shear strength from table 61 SP16 = 0.630 N/mm2

Hence safe Check for one way shear on right column B Shear force at the critical section d from the face of column = 154.89 kN Factored shear Actual shear stress % of steel provied = = = 232.334 0.092 0.705 N/mm %

Permissible shear strength from table 61 SP16 = Hence safe Check for one way shear on left column B 0.561 N/mm

Shear force at the critical section d from the face of column = 578.34 kN Factored shear Actual shear stress % of steel provied = = = 867.513 0.547 0.952 N/mm2 %

Permissible shear strength from table 61 SP16 = Hence safe Check for punching shear under column A Critical section is at the distance d/2 from the column Size of the critical section Shear force factored shear Punching shear stress Permissible shear stress = = = = = = Hence safe Check for punching shear column B Critical section is at the distance d/2 from the column Size of the critical section Shear force factored shear Punching shear stress Permissible shear stress Hence safe = = = = = = 0.984 x 1.284 m 0.984 x 1.284 m 0.630 N/mm2

229.0422996 kN 343.5634495 kN 0.119 0.25 1.12 N/mm2 x sqrt(fck) N/mm2

139.9471954 kN 209.9207931 kN 0.073 0.25 1.12 N/mm2 x sqrt(fck) N/mm2




#REF! z1 x1 x z Astx B


Footing F3


z1 #REF! dia #REF! #REF!

Astz Spacing #REF! #REF!

dia #REF! #REF!

Astx Spacing #REF! #REF!


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