Digital Logic Design Projects
Digital Logic Design Projects
A printed circuit board and parts are available for this circuit.
The circuit is stepped through the sequence by an adjustable LM555 astable oscillator. The Oscillators output is divided by a 74LS90 divider into a 10 step BCD weighted output.
The BCD output then drives two 74LS145 - 1 of 10 decoders (See Notes) that are used to produce a 1 of 20 step output sequence.
The circuit does not drive the 74LS145's directly but uses a 74LS107 JK FlipFlop and four 74LS32 dual input OR gates to control to the inputs to the two 74LS145 output drivers. The 74LS107 and 74LS32 are used to create disallowed states in the output drivers alternately. The disallowed states prevent any of the ten outputs on that particular device from being turned ON while the other 74LS145 is in counting to ten. This produces a system where only one of the 74LS145's is able to produce a LOW output state at a time. In essence the circuit counts to 10 twice in succession rather than counting to 20 in a single cycle. This is an unusual logic scheme but it allows the circuit to make economical use of the open collector outputs of the 74LS145s decoder/drivers rather using output buffer ICs that are driven by 74LS138 logic devices which have eight steps. The TTL family devices used in the circuit require a regulated 5 volt supply and draw approximately 60 miliamps. The outputs of the 74LS145's can be supplied from up to 15 Volts with a maximum current of 80 milliamps. The circuit above is shown in a continuous running mode. The circuit can also be stopped and reset externally as shown in later diagrams.
Parts List
The following is a parts list for use with the 20 Output Sequencing Circuit. Mouser Electronics part numbers are shown but the parts may be available from other sources as well. Suppliers that handle 'NTE' components should be able to get the ICs.
Part Number VR 1 IC 1 IC 2 IC 3 IC 4 Mouser Description Voltage Regulators TO-92 5.0V 0.1A Timers DIP-8 Single Timer DECADE COUNTER DIP14 DUAL J-K F/F DIP-14 QUAD 2-IN OR DIP-14 Mouser Part # 511-L78L05ABZ 512-LM555CN 526-NTE74LS90 526-NTE74LS107 526-NTE74LS32 QTY 1 1 1 1 1
IC 5, 6 R1 R2 R3 C1, C3 C2 D1 -
BCD-DEC DECODER DP16 100K ohm / 1/4 Watt Carbon Resistor Trimmer Potentiometers 1Mohms 6mm 470 ohm / 1/4 Watt Carbon Resistor Radial Electrolytic Capacitors 25V 10uF Radial Electrolytic Capacitors 25V 1.0uF Green 3mm LED 2 Position Terminal Block - 5mm
2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
The 1N4148 diodes for the traffic signals shown below are Mouser part number 781N4148. NOTE: The LEDS for the traffic signal lights must be selected by the user as their size and style depend on the mounting.
20 Output Sequencing Circuit PCB - Assembled Example The printed circuit board is 2.9 inches square and has been commercially made. The picture shows the circuit board wired for continuous running for the Traffic Light Control circuit. Other modes of operation will be shown in diagrams lower on the page.
The ICs for the 20 Step circuit board are not available at this time.
The price of the 20 Output Sequencing Circuit circuit boards is: $12.50 US each plus postage. (Each additional board is 12.00 dollars.) NOTE: Some of the components supplied with the kit are not from Mouser Electronics.
If you are interested in printed circuit boards and parts for this circuit, please send an email to the following address: Your message will be answered as soon as possible.
As drawn, the traffic light circuit allows the lights in one direction to be GREEN for 7 steps of the counter, Yellow for 2 steps and RED for 1 step before the light turns GREEN in the opposite direction. The RED signals for one direction are slaved to the GREEN, YELLOW and RED of the other direction though the six 1N4148 diodes. Other light sequence steps can be created by shifting the circuits outputs as long as the total number of steps totals twenty. Advanced GREEN lighting could be added but the flashing would have to be done externally to the PCB circuit. When LEDs are used, it is possible to control up to five sets of traffic signals with one 20 Step circuit. Only one set of 1N4148 diodes are needed and the signals would all be synchronized.
The next circuit has the same function as the one above but can drive higher current lamps such as the #1157 automotive bulb.
The next photo shows the location of the RUN and RESET connections on the circuit board. A jumper normally between the RUN connection and the circuit common must be removed first. Also shown are 5 volt and common connections that can be used to power external circuitry. If the 555 timer is removed, an external clock could be used to step the circuit. Alternately the circuit's 555 clock could provide an output to and external circuit.
The number of steps in the sequence can be reduced by connecting an external resetting circuit to one of the outputs of the circuit. The resetting circuit uses an external 556 timer to provide complimentary HIGH and LOW outputs that are connected to the 'RESET' and 'RUN' terminals of the circuit board. In the example shown the reset pulse is approximately 0.1 seconds long but could be of any length as set by resistor R-R and capacitor C-R. Holes and pads are already on the main circuitboard to facilitate the RESET connections.
NOTE: Due to the nature of 555 timers, after a reset, the first clock pulse from IC 1 will be slightly longer than the normal clock pulses. The reset circuit's input is shown connected to output 1 - 5 but can be connected to any of the 20 outputs. Switch S1 disables the shortened cycle.
The diode at output 1 - 3 isolates the resetting circuit's input from the other outputs in the group.
The diode prevents the voltage at the output of the circuit from being fed back to IC 1 when the circuit is running normally. Manual controls are used to reset and restart the circuit.
40 Step Circuit
It is possible to have longer step cycles by using a 4 stage Shift Register instead of the JK FlipFlop as in the 20 step circuit. The following diagram is an example of a circuit with a 40 step sequence. NOTE: This circuit is not complete and is presented for information purposes only.