Poli - Agra Notes - Election

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The key takeaways are that the COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction over the enforcement and administration of election laws in the Philippines. It has broad powers to ensure free, fair and honest elections.

The COMELEC has the exclusive charge of enforcement and administration of election laws. It has wide discretion in adopting means to carry out its mandate. It should not be constrained by procedural rules in resolving election disputes.

The COMELEC's findings of fact are final if supported by evidence. However, the Supreme Court can directly review COMELEC decisions involving pure questions of law or if there was no opportunity for reconsideration. Both courts have concurrent jurisdiction over election cases.


Jaclnto Jlmenez

C. Agra

Atty. Alberto

Atqreo dc Manlh bw Sdrool (1r Worklng Draft, 23 ranuary 2013)



Have excluslve charge of enforcement and adminlstratlon of election law.

As an lndependent constitutional body excluslvely charged with the power of enforc:mcnt and admlnlstr.tlon of all hws and rctuhtlons rclatlve to the conduct of an cledon, plcblsdtc, lnltlathE, ruferlndum and rcc.ll, the COMEI"EC has the lndlsputable expcdse ln thc field of clectlon and rcht d laws. (C.yetano v. Comelcc, G.R. No. 1O6!t8E, 23 J.nuary 2q)6; Manzala v. Comclec, G.R. tto. f6211, 8 May 2007)
wlth broad power to .nforcc all the laws and r.tuhtlons relatlve to th conduct of ehctlons as well as thc phnary authorlty to dccJde all questlons affeclng ehclons cxept th questbn as to the rlgtt to vote. (Dlbaratun v. COMEIEC, c.R. l{o. 170365, 2 February 2010}
ThG CDMTLEC ls vcsted

The COMELEC has wue dlscretlon in adoptlng means to cany out its mandate of ensurlnS frec, orderly and honcst clicdons. (Iolentlno v. Crmeleq 420 SCRA 438) ]n the cxercbc of the phnllude of lts po*rrs to pnotect the lntegrlty of the elections, the COMEI"EC ahould not rnd must not bc straltiacketed by procedunl rules in rcsolving eleclon dlsputes. (fohntlno v. COMEUC, G.& ilo. 187958, 187961, and 187%2,7 Aprll
2010) ln

rehbn to th.

Suprcmc C.ouG Ebctoral Trlbunals and rcgular courts:

Sugetlp Court lhc f,ndlngs 9f fact of thc GOMELEC, when supportcd by substenth! wkhncc, atc fin l, non-rsdcweHc and blndlr upon thc SuprumG Court. lt is the spcd.fizcd Cency bskrd wlth thc supcrvtbn of clcctlom ell orcr thc oouftry. Onc gh,n .n bsue to resotve, lt must enmlnc th rcords of the pmtest, evidcncc glven by the p.rtles, and the rchv.nt electbn documents. (Basmala v. COMEIEC, G.R. No.

A resolutlon of the COMEI-EC en'func mNV bc rcvhwed by the Supreme Court by certlorad fihd wlttr th httcr, rrlthln 30 days from the promuigaion thcrcof. (Falnar v, Comahq 331 SCRA tl29l Tte il0day ruh .pplhs to finrl orders, rulln$ and declslons of thc Oonrlcc rcrdcrcd h the cxcrctc of fts .dtdlcatory or quasl-ludid.l pffn6, not ln thc cxcrdsc of lts edmlnbtrathc funcdon to cnfiorcc and rdmlnlstc. clcttion hm to
cnsurc an ordc'ly Glcctlon. Tha bsuane of

Resolotlon on the allocatlon of party-list

seats ls ln the cxercise of the .dmlnistratlvef not quasijudlchl powers of the Comehc (Partldo ng Mantgatawa v. Comclec, G.R. lto. 164702, 15 March 2006) Rulc 64 of the Ruhs of Court does not forecl,ose rucours to the Supreme Crurt undct Ruh 65 of ordcrs of thc Comclcc lssucd ln thc Gxcrds. of lts admlnlstEthre funCbn. (Mecrbego v. Comehc, G,i. tlo. 152163, 13 flowcibcr 2oo;ll

power to rcvlew an lntlrlocutory order or a final rcsolution of a divlsion of the @MEIEC. Sald order or resolutlon must be reviewed by the COMEIEC ea baac through a motlon for reconsideratlon'. (Panllllo v. Comelec, G,R. No. 181478, 15 July 2(xDl Howeyer when a p.rty has hadly enough opportunlty to more for reconslderatlon and to obtaln a swlft resolution ln tlme for the electlons, and the petltion ln\otves transendental constltutional lssues, direct Esort to the Supreme Court ls Justmed. (ABgC8il Bro.dcsstlng Corpor.tlon v, Comclec, 323 SCRA E11) Dlrcct reoourse to the Suprcrnc Court ls .lso rllowed when thc issuc ls . purc gucstlon of Lw. (Partklo rE Mrngagawa v. Comclec, G.R. o. 164702, 15 March 2006)
ThG Suprcmc Court has no

8Ch thc Sugrlnre Court .nd @MGIEC hay concurcnt jurMictlon to issue wrlts of certbrati, prohibitbn, end mandtmus ocr dccbloos of trlal courts of tcneral juridlction (rcgional trhl courts, in ehctlon cases lnvoMng Glectlve munklpal ofFdals. fhe Court that t kes lurisdlcdon ftrst shall exerdse exdushc jurisdktion orer thc case.
(Carlos v. Angeles, G.R. No. 142902 29 Norcmber 2000)

Ebaoml Trlbunals. The otatbn of thc PresHenual Elector.l Trlbunal (PETI ls wlld. Ihe PET, es lnt rdcd by the fremers of thc Consthutbr, ls to be ah lnstltutbn"lndeprndent, but nd s.per.te, frorn thc ludlclal department, 1.e., the Supreme Court. fhe present Constltutlon hes .llocated to the Supremc CruG ln cooiunction wlth latte/s cxerdsc of Jttdkhl power lnheE ln ell courts, the task of dccldlng presldenthl and vhepresldentlal cMlon contcsts, wlth full authortty ln thc .cxcrclse thereof. The power wleHed by PET is a dedvetivc of thc plqnary judkial porrcr allocated to courts df law cxpressly prwlded ln.the Consthutbn. (Macalintal v, PgT G.R. No. 19151& 7 June 2011)

It b thc S.n tr Elccto..l Tr&onel, not thc COMEfEq, whhh hrs cxclushe F isdlctloo orcr congblne ontcsdrf thc pmdemrtbn of $. 12! uhnlng scnatorlr! cardHrt . (Resul v. Comehc, G.R. tlo. 1:XL2; 24 ABust 19!19)

Ihc lurbdlctbn of thc Housr of RcprscntatiyEs Ehctoral Trlbunal (HREn bcglns once tfu party or o.ganlz.tbn of the party-llst nomlncc has been proclalmed :nd the nomlnec ha3 taken hls/hcr oath and assumed orffroc as member of thc House of
Reprcsentath,rs. (J.lo6joe v: @MELEC, G.R. tlo. 19217d 26 June 2012; Abayon v. HRET, G.R" No. 1E9f66, 11 Februrry 2010) Oncc a candldatc for thc House of Rcprlsrntetive3 has bccn prodelmcd end hes takcn hlt/ hcr oath, thc Coroclec loccs Jurbdktbn orrr

.(flolrs to dbqo.ltfy s.H ]lprltcnt thrc. Jur&dlctlon 116 s'ltt dr! HRET. (Agt brc v. Aom.hq G.R" t{o. 163756, 26 r.nu.ry 20051 By f.alltf, to.cqulru . 3G.t, . c.nd5.te do6 not fall undcr thc lurtdlcdon of thr HREI .s hc b not t membcr. (trng v. OOMETEC G.R, ilo. 19238a, 26 Fcbruary 20x21 Thls ruh .pplhs whcn thc amclamation lf

valld. Whn the declslon of the Comehc DMslon dlsqualifylng a candldatc who obt lned the plurality of vdes has not become ffn.1, thr prochmatlon of sald candldate was valld and thus Comclcc was di\rested of hs lurMlction. (Planas v. Comelec, G.R. t{o. 167594, 10 Merdr 2q)6) Howevr, r'tren a dccislon of COMETEC divlslon dlsqu.lwing a corgrcsslooal crndH.tc b not yet ffnrl (r modon for rcconddantbn h:vftg becn ffhd wlth th! @MEUC cn boncl, th. COMELf,C r,' Doac rctrlns lurlsdktbn, ,.e., thc HRET G.nnot .ssumc ,urbdlctlon wer thc mattcr. (C.odllla v. De Venccla, G.R. ilo. 15(f05, 10 Decembcr 2d)2)

Regulot Courtl,.T]he regular courts havc jurlsdiction to'entertain a ptitlon to enloin the constructlon of publh work projects wlthln 45 days before an electlon. (Gallardo v. Tabamo, 218 SCM 253) The COMETEC fias jurlsdlction over pctftlons eot cctfromd ln lection proEsts pendlng bcforc lnfcrlor ourts. (Bcsso v. Ab.lh, 325 SCRA 1@) The OOMEIIC, not thc Rqlonal

Trl.l Courts, h.s .ppclht ,uddlctbn orcr dccbbns of thc Munldpal frbl Court @ocamang clc(tbn prgtcsts hvolylng brnqry orfichls (Antonlo v. Comehc, G.R. o. 135E69, 22 S.ptlmbcr 19!t9), md Sanigunbn (rbetaan chalrpr]loos (Femandez v. Cor|Chc, G.R. l{o. 1762%, n Junc ZXBI, h.s ,urbdktlon to conduct pI.llminary
lnvcstlgatlon of elcstlon offenses (Pena v. M.rtiz.no, tD3 SCRA 2E1), has iurMictaon over phbbcttc protrst cass lnyoMrg thc conwrslon of I munklpallty to a clty (Buec v. Comel.c, 421 SCIA 92), and has jurlsdktlon to annul a proclamation. (Gustilo v. Real, 353 SCRA 1) tower oourts c.nnot issuc writs of ln unctlon atainst th COMELEC.
(Comelec v. Oatu-lman, !104 SCRA 1061

Hcar end resolrrc crss ln Dhrislon and En Banc

The prosecutlon d ehction vlohtoE invohrs thc cxerclse of admlnktr.th/e functlon and ls thcrrforc wlthln thc juridlctlon of thr COMETEC en banc, not fts dMslons. (Munoz v. @mehc, G.R. o. 170678, 17 July 20061

,,, !r,nc d* not h.w th auttprty to hcar ard decHe clcctbn dses, ineludl.t pGprochm.tbn conmt,GEbs, .t thc first lnstanca. (Munoz v. Comclcc, G.R. ilo, f678, 17 July 2qr6! Th. .uthorlty to rcrohrc pctltlons tor ertlororl k|oMng IllddatrJ bsuo of rhctlon plot.sts frlcd rth.fi. low.r oourts f.lh wl$ln thc dMslon of thc OOMEUC (Sollcr v. Comchc, G.R. t{o. 139E53, 5 Scptlmbg 2(ml The cancclhtbn of . ccrtiffc.tc of candldacy lnvohrts thr cxcrcba of quasl-ludldal functbn and thus must bc heard ln the fhst lnstancc by thc OOMELEC dMslon, (Sautlste y.
The COMEtf,C Comehc, G.R. l{o, 154796, 23 October 2003)

divlsbr tr iubiect to revhw yla th. tlmcly ffllng of a motlon for rcconsHcretlon bcfurc thc CI)MEIEC Gn benc. Thc tlmcly fillrg of a mclon Sor rcconsHcrrdon wltft the @frEtEC en Oom conemhE r dcc{slon of lts dlvlsbns suspcndlrg end dbquellfylry r ondH.tr dH'nd dlvrst thc fomrr of ft3 lurtdlctjoi to rwlo thc rcsolutbn of thc lrttcr. Thc odcr of ttrc dlvlslon wrs uncnforcceblc rnd had not ett lncd fin XtV, (Codllla v. Dc VenccL, G.R l{o. 15O6Ot 10 Dccambcr 2(x}2}
Declslons rcndercd by a COMEI.EC

.Qucstions lnvolvlng ffndlngs of hct (1.e., sufflciency of evldcncc) addresscd by COMETEC divlslon ls . propcr 3ubict of a motbn for rcconsldentlon wlth the COMETEC ca bone (Columbres v. Comehc, G,R. No. 142038, 18 Scpt mbcr 2mO)

r reercneblc opportunity to b hcard end to iubmlt any addcncc ln support of onCs clalm or dcfiansc. fhc lact thet . pctltlon.r somchow acqulred lnowlcdge or lnformatlon of thr datc s.t for the prellmlnary conference by means other than the ofliclal notice sent by the coMEtEC is not an excuse to dlsmlss hlyher prot st, bcause h cannot be denled that he was not afforded reasonabh notice and time to adequately prcpare for and submlt his/hcr brlef. (Molatg
Thc csscnce of duc pocrss b to be effordcd
Sr. y. COMEIEC, G.R. No. 194141 /t October 2011)


COMELEC En Eanc shall dccHe motlons 60r reconslderatlon only of 'declslonC of a Dhrlslon. lntrdocutory ordcrs mey not bc rcsohcd by thc @MEI-EC En B.nc An order ls lln l h n tu,! f lt comphtcly dlsfoscs of tlrc cntlrc cesc. But f thcru b somcthlng morc to br donc ln thr c.se .ftGr lts lssu.itcc, th.t ordcr ls lntcriocutory. ThG Grcrption ls wftcn .n lntcrlocutory ordcr bsucd by r DMslon of thc CO{II|EUC docs not apprar to be spcdfrally prbvued undcr thc COMELEC Rulcs of ProccduE dr.t thr m.tter ls one that thr COMETEC En Banc may slt rnd consHcr. (Catas v. COMEUC G.R. ilo. 194139, 24

Janu.ry 2012)
The proper way for th COMEIEC en borc to act on a motbn ,or rconsHeratk n whn

th! first votlry was cqually dfuHcd ls to rehear thc mattcr, not mcr.ly to hoH a rccomultatlon .mon$t thrmschEs. Thus, when the CoMEIIC an borc falled to hold a reftcartg rcqulrcd by th @MELEC Ruhs of Proccdurc, saH body acted wlth grare
.busc of dlscretlon. (Jullano v. Cornclec, G.R. ,{o. 167033, 12 Apil 1e 2006) c.
Exerch supe.vision and control over officlals requlred to perfo.rm duths reletiye to the conduct of electlon


@frELEC has thc .utlto.ty to cfftrt thc tr.nsfcr of chctlon ofiers. (Dc Guzman v. Colrtchq G.E 1{o. 12911& 19 July 2000) t{o Ehctlon Off,oar shall hoU offfcc kr e p.rtl6d.r ctty or muoldpelty 6or moru than four ycrn. (Scc. tt4, Ropublk Act l{o. 81t91


Afiorkc rny Instrumaitefi

to rct rs deputles

of tnc sorem'mnt, Gxcapt cMlhn homc dc'hnsc fores,


PrcmuErte rules .nd regulrtlons

to libcrally construe lts ruhs and, at thc samc tlmc, suspcrd thc ruhs, o. rny portlon thcrcof, ln th! lnterrst of lustlcc. Dbput6 ln the outaolrE of elcctlons lnrohp public lnt!rcsg as snch, tedrnhrllths rnd proccdunl b.rbri rhoou mt te .llourcd to rhnd f thcy conldtutc .n obrt clc to thc dctrmh.tbo of thc truc wS d thc .hctor.tc ln thc drohc of thclr alectlvr ofrclrb. t 15 torlmllts ruci dl6put6 must br libcnlly oonstrucd to thc crd thtt thr wlll of the
Thc Comchc has thc dlscretlon

peoph ln th choke of publh officlals mry not be defeated by mere techniel objeCions. (Sulfuln v. Comelec, G.X. p6. 156ffi, 23 March 2006) Ihc

pct[bn to conGct m.nlf.st Gro6. (DcL tbnr u ilormbcr20cll

Summon pertiB
152080, 28 Norcmber 2@3)

the lntcrcst of iustkc. m.y suspend the.rulc on s.d.y perbd to ffle a Comclcc, G,R. No. 152$0, 28

F. G. H.

to a con$oyersy pcndint Hore lt (Dela tlana v. Comclcc, lt

G.R. t{o.

Determlne the true natune of the cases ffled bcfore

Punlsh contempt

Thd power to punlsh contcmpt cen bc crcrclecd onv ln connedlon wlth iudichl fundbns ..d not .dmlnlstr.tty. functions. (Gucvar v. Commlsslon on Eklons, 104 Phll. 258; Mas.ntcay v. CommlsCon on Electbns, 6 SCRA 271

l. J. K L

Enforce lts dcdsions rnd ordcrs Prescrlbc forms to be used ln the clection. Procure supplies and matri.ls need.d ,or the election,

Plescrlbe l.tcst tcchnolgglcal and chctrcdc dcvlces upon noth.s to .ccldhed polttlcal pailhs and candHatcs not hss than t{l drp bcforc. The Commisslon on Ehctlon ls authorlzed to use an eutomated clcctbo svs&m for the prccass of rctln& countlng of
votes, and canvasslng of the results. (Sac. 6, Rcpublk Act t{o, E4361

M. il. ' O.

Carry out campaEn

to.duc.te the publh about chcions



grcups to asslst

Conduct hc.rinCr gn controtrcrhs pcndhg bcforc


fhc facual findll| of dlr

OOMELEC, whfCt b supportcd by substrntlal evldince, b blndlB on thc Suprcmc Court (B.dlrl u Comclcc, G.R. No. 1656n, 8 Junc 2fi)5) GoMELEC


eilryr thc prlsumptbn of Sood hlth and rcgutarlty ln th perfornrancc

of officlrl duty. Thc OOMEL"EC can base lts rulftg on offfclal COMEIfC records. (Barbers y. Comclcc, G.R ilo. 165691, 15 June 2OOS)


Fh pcrbds for

p'r+hcrbn rrquhemcnb


Comclcc mry abo pllscrlbG r dcrdllnc br qEtr.tbn of p.rty-llst ort nlz.tlons bcito rd drc go{.y pcrlod undcr icpubftc Act l{o. 7941. flrc goday perlod ls r mlnimum

pcrlod not subject to redudlon but ]s susceptlble to protraction on acoount of .dmlnbtrrtlve nccc3shls and exlgenclrs, (Akht Asosesyon Para sa Xaunlaran ng
upunan at Adhlkaln para sa Tao v. Comehc, 427


Ihc Goflr.hc c.n oonduct spcchl chcbm for banngay ofidlh evcn bcyond th. 30 deys ftonr ccssatbn of thc crusc of the fellurc of elcdon. Ttc 3Gday perlod ls dkectory, and thc de.dllnc c.nnot dcflat the right of snfkaSc of thc people.
(sambannl v. Comcleg 438 SCtA 319)


Rccommend the imposition of disciplinary action upon an employce lt has deputized for vlohtlon of hs order. (Sec. 52, Omnlbus Election Codel

the Commission on Electlons can recommend that dlsdpllnary actlon be taken agalnst an offfcer lt had deputlzcd, h can inrcstltatr an .dmlnbtratlve ch.rBe agalnst sudr en offtccr to dctcrmlnc wtcthcr or not lt shouH rccommcrd that dlsclplin.ry .ctlon be t kcn agrlnst hlm. (Tan y. Commbsbo oo Eklons, 237 SCnA 353)

lnvlst3rtc and whcrc appmprhc, proscutc cases for vlolation for cleclon lawt hdudhg acts or ombslons constltutlng chclon frauds, offens.s and m.lpracthes
The fidlng of probabl6 c.use in $e pro3ecut'lon of chctlon offlnses rests ln the COMEIICs sound dlscretlon. (Garcia v. COMEI.Eq G.R. No. 170256, 25 January 20101
Makc mlnor adiustmcnts of the apportionment of hgislathrc dlstricts (Scc. 2, Ordinairce. .ppcndd to thc Constltutlonl

rlfcr rmrcly to the powcr to corrcct an cnor bccausc of thc oml$ion of a munldpalfi or en crror ln thc namc of a munlclpallty rnd docs ni* lncludc the pour.r to rnake a rcappolntment of htlslath,r dlstricts. (Montcjo v. Commbdon on Elcctlons, 242 scnA415l

Adltst.th. .pportlonmcnt ln casc of crc.taon of nd provllrce or dty (Scc 3, Ordlnance .ppcndrd to thc Constltutbnl

Thc @MEIEC b mcrclv .utftor&cd to .drust thc numbcr of R.prG.nt thrcs '.gportlooed to .n old prwttc. lf r ncw pnorlncc ls crt.tcd out of h .nd b not .uttorEGd to tn nsftr munklp.litbs from onc hglshtfvc dlstrkt to emt{rcr (Mont ro v.
Commlsdon on Ehctlons, 242 SCIA 415)


r prwlnce wlth only onc htlslatlve dbtrkt lnto trro dlrtrhs of purposes of the clcctlon of thc membcrs of the 9nggunlant bbrtrrn. (S.c' 3 (b), Rcpublk AC. No.


Ihc b.3b of thc. dlvlsbn b thc nrmbcr of hh.bft.nts .rd not tfic numbcr rcgbtcrcd vdcrs. (lLnrra y. Commbsbn on ELctbns, 3$ SnA $6)



To .cquire Juridhal penonality, to qualify for accredltatlon, and to b entithd to the

rlthti of politlc.! p.rtl6,


polltk l pany must bc rcgistcrcd

SCRA 3!}6}



Commlsslon on

Ehcdons. {S.c 50, Omnlbus on Elcctlons, 31E

Ihe followlng polltlcal partics cennot be registered.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Relitlous sects
Those whlch seek to achierrc thelr goals through unlawful means Those whkh refuse to adhere to the Constltution Those whktr are supported by eny 1987 @istitutftrnl

forlEn govcmrn nt

(Scc. 2 (5),

Artidc lX{ of

A party whlch

f.ib to obtein .t hast 101,6 of th r,otes cast in the constltuncy in wtkh it nomin.ted candid.tes shall forfeit its registration. (Sec. 60, Omnlbus Election Code)


COMETEC has the authority to register polltical partis, oryanlzetlons or coalitkrns, and the .uthority to cancel thc reglstratlon ofthe same on legal grcunds. The COMETEC En Banc, has thc prcrogathre to diGct that a hc.rlng bc conducted on th. prtkion ior canacllatbn of rgbt edon of the party llst. Th @MELEC has ,urlsdlctlon over petltlons for c.nellation of rr$stntlon of .ny natbn.l, rcdonal or sectoral party, ortanlz.tion or coalitbn while ft ls th. HRET that has iuridktion cootests rchtlry to thc qualiftcations of a party-list nominde or ruprscnt tivc, (Alliance for Banngry Crnccms Party List v. coMEtEc G.R. No. 193256, 22 March 2OUl



The nalidity or invalklfi of the lxpulsion of a polfthal part/s officers is purcly a mcmblrshlp lssor th.t h.s to bc tctthd s,lthin tta pafty. lt ls m krtcmel pa.ty m.tter orcr whlch thc (I)MELEC h:s no lurlsdlctbn. lt m.y htrrvlnr h dbputls hE nal to p.rty only wlrar nccassrry to thc dlsdrrryc of lB constftutlonal functlons, sudr as rcsolvlry an htra party hadcrshb dlsgrtc es rn hddcnt of lts pouer to nSbtcr pofitlc.l p.rths. (Aticnz. v. COMCIEC, G.R. ilo. 1EE920, 16 F$ru.ry 2010)


Dcedllnc for



CrrtlfiG.trs of cadidacy must bc ftlcd not hcr t'h.n thc d.y bc{ht th..d&&. thc bcChnhU of thc cemprfn period. (Scc, 7, Republlc Ac ilo. 7165,

2. 3.

A certmcate'ffled bcyond the deadline ls not yalld. (Gador v. Commlsslon on

Elcctlons, 95 SCRA 4311

A ccrtmcete whlch dkl not lndlcate the posftlon for whdr th! candld.te ls runoltg mey bc corrcccd. (Conqulllt v. Commlsslon on Elcctlons, 332 SCRA



muhlplc crndHrdcr

1. 2.

A prson who f,les a certificate of candldacy for more than one officc should not be eli8lble for any of them. Bcfore the deadllne for fillng certlffcates, he may withdraw all exCept one. (Sec. 73, Omnlbus Ehctlon C,odc!. .The withdrawal need not be fihd wlth the offic dtcrr thc G.nmc.te of c.ndld.cy was fihd, as lt b not rcqufed by hw. (Go v, Commlsslon on Ehctbns, 357 SCRA 739)




The certificate mun be swom. (Sec. 73, Omnlbus Electlon Code) b.

The electlon of a candHate cannot be ennulhd becausc of formal defects ln hls crrttfiete, such .s, lack of oath. (De Gurmrn v. Board of C.nv.isc6,48 Phll. 211)



A candldatr shall use hls baptismal name or, af none, the


name rtistcred wfth thc cMl rcglstrer or any other name .flowed by hw.

st g. n mc by wftldr h. b gcner.lly knour. (Scc. 7+ Omnlbus Ehctbo Codcl A of thc Commhdon gfl Ehctbff crncclftf thc nlcknrmc 'lsdutbn ln . c.rtlf,catc of c.ndidacy wlttout gMrg thc c.rdH.tc a ch.nc! to .xphln b yold.
Hc mey lndudc irnc ntd<namc or

Mlhrosa v. Commlsclon on Ehctbns, 319 SCRA 4701. A wlfa ryho used thc nhkname of hcr husband ln her certlltcate df candldacy should not be credhcd wfth thG ballots ln whkh the votcr wrote such nlckname.
(Mllarosa v. Commbslon on Elcctions, 340 SCRA 396)

When two or morc iardldatls for thc same offcc havc tfic rame mme and surmmc, cech shrll itatt hb prternrl rnd rn tsn.l $rnrmcs, crept thc lncumbcnt. (Scc. 74 Omnlbu3 Elcctlon Codel



An chctlve offfclal contlnues to hold office and ls not deemed reslgned upon the ftling a certmcate of candidacy for the sam! or dlfferent posltlon.


onsu.red resEncd upoo fillnt of his certlllc.tc. (sec 65, Omnlbus Ehcdon @c; S.nd.rtrco u Rono, 137 SCRA 5711 Thls lncludrs .n cmployee of a gormrhcnt owncd or controllGd corporatlon organlzed under the Corporete Code, sftu thc hw makes no distinctlon (PNOC-Energy Deyelopment
An rppolmmnt pubfrc



Corporatlon v. National tabor Relations Commlssion, 222

SCRA 8311

Definttbn of r GendHetc
Under Section 79a of the Omnlbus Electlon code, a 'candidate' refers to any pe6on esplring for or seeklng rn electha public offfce, who has ffled a orrtificat of candklacy by hlmsalf (hersclf) or throqh rn iccrcdited polftkal party, .ggroupmcnt, or coalltlon of partlcs.

Undrr Scction 15 of Rcpubllc Act t{o. 9!}69, a candHa:e b 'any person who filcs his certlfic.t! of candid.cy wlthln thls pcriod shall only bc considered es a candldate .t the start of thc Gampa[n perkil for which he filed his cer{ficete of candidacy.' Thus, undcr the law, a percon only bccomes a candldate when hc/ she has fthd a certlflcate of candHacy and when the c.mp.En perlod has commenced. One is not a candHatc, dcspltc havlng fihd a certiffcate of candidacy, bcforc thc st rt.of the campaign perlod. The law added, 'unlaurftrl acts or omlsslons appllcabh to a candldate shall take cfftct only upon the start of the .forrs.ld campalgn period.' Howryer, a candidate ls lLbL for premature campalgning lf after filing hls/ her ccrtmcatc of candklecy, hc/shc jolned a motortade whlch broadcasted her 6ling,
(Penera v. Comelec, GR 1{o. 181613,




to opportunftles for publh servhe does not bestow a rtht to scck en clccthp officc rlor clcvetc thc p.Mletc to thc hval of .n enforc..bh ,lght. Th. prhdcgc mey bc flmltcd by lrw es h the pro6crldbo on nubancc candldat$ undcr thc Omnlbus Elrctbn Codc. (Pematoq v. Comehc, 127 SRA 96)

rltht to cqual



The Constltutlon prcscrlbcs the quslmcatlons (1,e, age, dtizenship, residcncy, voter reglstr.tlon aid llteracyl for the follorrlng pcsftlons: Prasldnt, Vke-Pr$ident, Scn.to6 ard Reprcsrnt tlvs (oistrh and P.ny-Ust) whlle statutcs set the quallllcatbns of local offfclals.


"6ldcD;!t rdsrrlng r idrc lE: or 'h.blt


b to bc undeistood not ln lts cornmon .ccptation as tbn' but nthcr to 'domklh' or hgal

resldence, that ls, the place where a party actually or constructlvely has his prmanent home, wher hr/ shq no matter whenr may he/ sh be found at any
ghren tlme, eventually lntcnds

to retum and remaln. (Japson v. Comelec,


tlo. lgrcE8, 19 J.nuary 2O(x))

'ls A domlcfie of orltln .cqulEd by crrry peBon .t bkth. Mcanwhlle, lf on. ubhes to suce$fully cffec r cfuryc of domlcth, hc/ shc must drmonstratr an actual remonl or en actual dranga of domhlle, a bonafide lntentlon of abandoning the former place of rcsldence and establishlng a new one, and definite acts which corespond wlth the purpos. Wfthout clear and posftive proof of the ooncurEnce of these three rcqulremlnts, the domlcile of oriSin contlnues. (l-lmbona v. Comeleg G.R. t'lo. 186006, 16 October 20G))

contnct antrrcd lnto . llttb orcr a year before the day of ehctions does not .dcqu.rch support . drargc of domlclh. (Domlno u Comehc, G.R. No, 13'm1t SJuly t99lr)
A leas!

A Fllipftro citlzcn's

lmmEr.tbn to . forlBn counry constltutB .n abandonment of domldlc .nd r6Hmcc ln thc Philpplms, Thc .cqulsltion of a pcrmanent resldcncy status ls a renuncbtion of Philipplne rcsidency status. (Gayo v.
VerceLs, G.R. No. 150477, 28 Februery 20OS)


Rcthtcrd Votcr

A pcrson who worked ln a dlffrr.nt town but .sldes ln anotlcr and is a regktcrcd votrr end oryns property in the latter (Papaudayan v. crrnelec, G.R. ilo. 1479(8, 16 April 2002r, .nd r person who liwd ln a house that hel she boutht for more than 25 y!.r5 and b. rcglstercd vDtr of that phce for more than a year (Torayno v. Comehc, G.R ilo. 137329, 9 Autust 20d)) meet the
resldcncy requlremem.

Rcglstntbn rs a votcr ln enothcr phcc ls not suffichnt to oonsHrr . pcrson to herc ebrndoncd hld her rcsldcne. (Pcrcz v. Comchc, G.R. No. 133944, 28 octobcr 19!R)

Cfrlzenshlp For

n tbdal elcctlw posltlons, thc cardHatr must be a natunFborn cftizen. For


localclecttire posltlons, the candurtc mry be naturallzed cidzen.

Natur.l-bom cltlzcns ofthe Phlllpplnes who hav lost thclr Phlllpplnc dtlzenshlp by rcrrcn of thclr natunlhatloo .s cftlzrns of a forc[n'courtry c.n scek chcthc offtcc proddcd thcy rc{cqoh! Ptfipphc citlzcnshlp bry t }.ilf, $e oath of rflcalancc to thc Rcpublk grcscrlbcd undcr thc Otlrenshlp Rctcntbn .nd Rcrcqubldon Art of a)01 end mekc e pssonel rnd sworn rctrund.tloo d.ny and .[ forutn c:lttsGnshlp bfor. .ny pubtc officcr auttorlzcd to .dmh&r .n oth.



tcgftknacl or llhgitknacy has no rclevance to ehctlrc public office. Fecson v. Comehc,424 SCRA 2Zl

5. . 6.

(Xhcr Rcqulrrmcnts
The requirement und.r th! Comprehensive Darerous Drugs Act of 2fl)2 (i.e, undergolng and passing drut test) ls unconstltutlonal slnce lt partakes of an additional rqulrcment not allowed under the Constltution for senators. (Pimentelv. Comclec, G.R. llo. 161658, 3 November 2tltl8|



Omnlbus Ehctbn Codr



l. il.

Any person declared by competnt authority lnsane or

Any prson sentenccd by offanses:

fnalrudtment for any ofthe followlng

1. 2. . 3. lll. b.

lnsunctlon, or rcbclllon
Offcnse for whkh he dran 18 months

w's sentenced to pcnalty of morc

Olme inwbirE mof.l

Elcctlon Codcl


(Sec. 12, Omnlbus

pcnn nsrt rrrHlnt b o. lmmlir.m to focBn country rrnlcs w.hr$ sodr st tus (Scc. 6E, Omnlbus Ehctlon Codcl


l. n.

lns.nlty or lncompetcncc dd.r.tlon dlsqu.lmcatbn by competent authority


removel of


1) 2l

Plcmry perdon


. 2.

local Govcrnment Codc

tapse of 5 yearc after servlce of sentenca {Scc. 12,

Omnlbus Electbn Code)

r. b. c. d.

Ihosr srntencld by finel f$mcnt for rn offcnsc lrfloMng moral

turpitude or an offensc punlshablc by imprlsonment for year, withln 2 yearc after seryke ofsntencr.


hast one

Those removed ftom office asa resuh of an admlnlstratlye case. Those condaed by flnal ludgment for vlolating hls oath of alle8iance the Republlc. Thosc wlth dual cltlzenshlp.


Fugltiyls from Justkc ln crimhal or non-polltkal cases.

Fugltlves ftom justhe include not only those who f,ce efter conyiction to arcld punlshment but also thos. who, after belnt charyed, ffc to avoid pnosecutlon, (Marquer v. Commission on Elctions, 243 SCRA 538)

. f. t. 3. a, b. G
Outy to rcc.hr.

Permanent resHents ln forc[n country or thosc who harc the rlght to rcslde ebroad and continue to .v.al of lt, (Gasl v. Court of Appals, 191
scRA 229) The lnsane or fecbh-mlnded. (Sec.


Local Goremment Code)

Ecclesiastks (Pamil v. Tchron. 35 SCRA 4131 Pcrsons

rccrMnt complns.tbn from provlnclrl or munldpel fuirds

' H.

'Contr.cto6 for publlc worfs of thc munlclprllty. (Scc. 2175, Rcvbed

Admlntrtrativc Codr)


of cendHecV

]t ls the minlsterhl duty of thr Commlsslon on Ehctlons and lts offfccrs to recelye
certiftcatc of c.ndHecy. (Scc. 75; Omnlbus Ehctbn Code)

' l.

Dl{urllficr0oo of C.dHrtG!



Distlnction between Oisqualification and Cancellatlon



Certlficate of


A petitlon for cancellation of a certiftcate of cendldacy is not based on

lect of quallficetlon but on false rcprusrntatlon, wtlch may rchtc to lack of qurliffcrtion, iuci as resHcncc. A pctltion for dlsqualltrc.tion r.flrs to mrnmlsslon of prohlbltcd .cts .nd posscsslon of pcrmanent
rcs'tdent status ln a foreEn country.

b. c, .d. ' 2. a.

A candldate whose certificate of candidacy was c.ncelled is not treated

as a candid.te. A candidate who is dlsqualiffed cannot contlnue as a candidate.

A candidate whose certiftcate of

substlUt d. A candH.te $'ho


yas cancelhd could be

ls dlsqualllled can be substftuted.

A petition to c.nccl . c.rtific.te of candldecy frled may be llled not later then 25 days fiom thc fillq of the ccrtlftcatc of crndid.cy. A ptition for disqualifhatlor of r nuisancc candH.te shouH be fihd wfthln 5 days ftom the hst day for .ftling certmcatc of canduacy. {Fcrmin vs. Commlsslon on Electbns, G.R. ttlo: 179695, December 1& 20081


Violation of Omnlbus Electlon Code

i. li. iil. h, v. b.

Glving money or other matarlal considefilon to lnfluence rotcrs or publh offtcials performing chctor.l functlons. CommiftlrE acts of terrorism to enhance his candidacy (Dangka v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 323 SCRA 887)


hb rhctlon campel8n ln rxc!5s of the amoum

allowcd tV thc Codc Solhltine; rcccMlg or meklirg rny prohlbltcd cont.ibutlon

Viohtion of Sect'ron 80, 83, 85, 86 and 261, paragraphs d, e, k, v, and cc, subpangraph 6 (Sec. 6E, Omnlbus Electlon Code)

l{ulsance c.ndldatc (Scc. 69, Omnlbus Electlon Codel

A nuls.nce onaiartc b dafincd as onc who, bascd on thc ancndant drcumstancls, har no boo. ffdc Int ntlon to run for thr officc for whhh thc ocrtiftc.tc of crndldecy has bcen ffled, hls/hcr solc purposc bclng thc rcduc{on of thc votcs of a stront crndidatc, uDoo ttc cxpcctatlon

that the ballots wlth only thc surname of such candldate wlll bc consldered strayed and not counted for either of them. (Martlnez lll v.
HREr, C.R, No. 189034 12 January 2010)

io dlsqu.llfy . c.ndldatG ior councllor for fallurc to lndlcate tn hb ccrtlffcrtc of cendidecy thc p(tclnct numbcr lnd the bar.t.y.s a Etlrtcrad rcter c.nnot bc consHcrcd . petluofl to dlsquallfy hlm for bclng a nulsance crndldate, slnce hls certlllcate was not fthd to make mockery of the election or to coofuse the voters. (Jurilla v, Commlsslon
A pctltlon

on Elections, 232

SCRA 758)


Frlslty of material reprEsentation ln certmcate of candldacy {Sec. 78,

Omnlbus Election Code) The misreprcscntatbn must bc v. ComcLc,424 SCRA 22) A candHetc who whih

m.tlri.l,.delibcr.t .nd wlllful. (tccson

hr was st . mlnor, ruglster.d hlm/hcrsclf as a vder .nd m&I.prls8mcd th.t h w.s al.rady of legal agc ls not gullty of misreprcsentatlon lf hr runs for a positlon possessing the neccssary age qualmcatlon. (Mundcr v. COMETEC G.R. trlo. 19t1076, 19 October


When a candldat k actualv qualified even lf the entrles ln the ccrtlffcate of Endldacy es fflhd up ry the candldate wlll sh6w that he/ she ls not, there as no material mbrprBentatlon. (Romualdz-Marcos
v. Commisslon on Electlons, 248 SCRA :nO)

When a candidate, supported by a prepondennce of cvidcnce, belleved thrt hr/ she was qualifrcd and thcrc was no intentlon to decefvc the


.s to one's quallftcatlons for public ofhe, there is no rmterLl mlsGprcscntatbn. ffccsoo v. Comrhc, /124 SCRA 2771

Th. f.lslty of thc sbtcrncot

ondklrta that hc wrs r rrgbtcrcd votcr b I ground for lts canc.lhtlon. (B.utbta v. Comml$bn on Elettbos, 41tf SCRA 29ll). Velasco v.
Commlsslon on Elections, G.R. llo. 18q)51, Oec.mbrr 24,2@81

h thr c.rtlfcrte of candidrcy of a


use by a married woman of the sumamc of her husband ln her clrtmc.te of candldacy when thch marrlage ls bfnmous does not constltutc falslty of . m.terLl rlprcsentatbn, slnce shc had no lnt ntlon to dccelvr the ' publk .s to hcr ldeffiW. (Salccdo v.

Commlsslon on Elcctbo$ 312 SCRA 4471

Thi usc by a candlditc of thc nernc hc wes .uthortscd to usc whcn hls pctkbfi for chrrgc of namc ri.r lr.ntcd docs not constftute

mlsrepresentatlon. (Jr6tlmbaste v. Commisslon on Electlons, G.R. No. 179413, t{ovember 20, 2m8}

rtatlng ln r c.rtifiote of candldacy that a candld*c ls r certificd publh .ccountant b not matcrial, bccausc profcsslon ls not a

qu.llfic.tlon for electhc offfce. (tluz v. Commbslofi on Ehctlons, 523





lf the ground ls that the candidate is a nulsance candidate, any registered cardldate for the same office can fih the petition. (Sec 5 (i) Republk Act No. 56451 lf the ground is that material reprcsentation ln the certificate of candidacy is false, or that the candldate is disqualifid or committed any act which ls a ground for dlsqualiftotion, any ctdzcn of voting egc or reglstercd polltlc.l prrty m.y f,lc thc pctltlon. (S.c. 1, Rule 23 and Scc. 1, Ruh 25, Comclec Rules of.Procedure)


Thc ptltlon sh.ll bc fihd wlthln 5 days from tfte last day for fillng certmcates of.candldacV. [secs. 5 (a] and 7, Republk Act No. 65tl6l

i. ii. iii.

The fact that no docket fee was lnltlally pald is not fatal. (Sunga v. Commlssion on Elections, 215 SCRA 75)

A pctition filed rfter thc ebctlon ls ltled out of time. (toong v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 216 SCRA 760) since filing by hcsimile tramhission is not sanctloned and a facsimile copy ls not ah orBinal phading, a petitbn for dlsqualiftcatbn should be deemcd filcd upon ftling of the orlgln.l petition. (GarvHa v. S.ht 271SCRA 764)


whrrc a dbqualaM candltatc was ilphccd on thc dry before thc clectbo, . prtldon to dlsquallfy thc rcpbcrm.nt fihd on chcion day shonH bc cntGrt lncd, es h ras lmpo3slbh to frh
the pctftlon cadhr. (Abclle v. lrrrazabal, 1&)


v. . b.

The @mmlssbo on Ehctlons may motu Omnlbus Elcctloo Code)

ptwb reftise to give due course or cancel a certlficate of candidacy, (sec. 69,

Thc procecdlrU shell bc summary. tscc. 5 (d) .nd 7, RGpublk Act No. 6,6{6; NoLsco v. commbslon ofi Elcctloos, 279 scRA 762)


c, d. e.

The Commisslon on ghctions can


a disquallflcatlon case dlrectly

without referlnt h to lts legal ofrccrs of ln\restigatlon. (Nolasco v.

Commlssion on Elections, 275 SCRA 762)
Ttrc dcc&bn shall be ffnal and cr.oltor rftcr 5 days from recclpt unhss yed by thc Suprume Court. lsccs.5 (c) end 7, Republk Act No. 66t51

Since Scction 1 (a), Rule 13 of th Comelec Rules of Procedure prohlbiB the filing of a motion for reconsideration, the remedy of the loslng party

is to file a petition for certiorarl ln the Supreme Court. (Bautista v. Crmmission on Electlons, 414 SCf,A 29!r).
4. Aspects of a Dlsquallftcation Case

Thr elector.l aspect of . dbqualificatlon c.s! dctelmines whethcr the o,ffcnder shouH be dlsquallficd. from belng c.ndHrt!, or fiom holdlq officc. Proccedlngs are summary in charactcr and rlquirc only char prcpoodcrance of cvucncc. An crirE candidate may be dbqualificd cvln wfthout prlor dltcrmln tbn of prob.bh 6usr ln r prrlimln.ry anvEstltatlon. ThG electoral aspect may prooeed lndcpendently of the crimlnal espec! end vice-versa. (lanot v. Comelec, G.R. No. 19858, 16 Norembcr 2(x)61

The criminal aspect of a dlsqualfication cese determlnes whether there is probabh cause to charge a candldate for .n Ghctlon offense. The prosecutor is the C.omelec, tfirough its t w Dcpartment, whhh determlns whether probable cause exlsts. lf thcre Is probable ceusc, the Comehc, through its L.w Dpartment, fihs the criminal lnformatlon before the proper court, Procedings before the proper court demand a fulF.blown hrarlnt and rcquke proof blond reasonable doubt to convlct. A criminal convictlon shall resuft an the dlsquallficatirn of the offender, whlch may cvcn lncludc disqualiffcatlon from hoHlng a futurc publlc office. The two aspecB acoount for the varhncc of the ruhc on dbpocltion and rcsolutlon ofdbqurliflcetion cas.s ftlcd bcioru or rftcr an :hctlon. When thc dlsqu.lifrc.tlon cesc b flcd bcforc thc chctlon+ thc qrrcstlon of dbqu.ftftcetbn ls nbcd tcloc Oc votl]t pubfic lf thc c.ndld.tc as dlsquallfied frcr tlrc clcctlon, dro6c who rrotd for hlm .ssumc thc rbl that thclr vot6 nr.y bc d.dsrcd stray or lov.lld. Thc5c two .rpccts Gan proold slmuhaneously. (Lanot v. Comehc, G.R, l{o, 16t1858, 16 ]{or.mbr 2@6)

Efrects of dlsquallftcatlon c.se

a. b.

Votes cast for a candldate declarcd by ffnal judgmcnt to bc dkquallfted shall not bc counted,

dcchred by frn l irdgnr.nt bc6oE.n clcc{o{r to bc dlsqurftftcd, thc casc shall conthuc end hls proclamatlon may be suspended lf the cvklencc of gufit b ttroot. 6.c. 6, Rrpublk Act No.
is not



66461. The Commisslon on Electlons cannot sugpnd the proclamatlon of a candidate simply because of the'srlousness of the alleSation of the

petftlon. (Codllla v. D. Venecia, 393 SCRA 639). The Commlsslon on Ehctions should not dismiss the cas slmply because the respondent has bcen proclalmcd. (SunB. v. Crmmlsslon on Elcctlons, 288 SCRA 76, lonzanldr v. Commlsslon on Electlom, 311 SCnA 602; and Coqullla v. Commlsslon on Elcctlons, !!85 SCRA 6O7; lanot v. Commlsslon on Electlons, 507 SCRA 114). Ihis does not appty thc petltion for disqualification was ftled after the election. (Eagatsing v. Commission on Ehctions, 32O SCRA 817; Albafia v. Commission on Ebctlons, 435 SCRA 98). Slnce the suspcnslon of the proclamatlon is merclypermlsslve, the proclamatlon of a candidate with a pending dlsqualification c.se is valid, lf the Commission on Elections dld not Suspend his proclamation. (Gre8o v. commission on Electlont 274 SCRA 481; Phnas v. Commission on Electlons, tl84 SCRA 329; [.not v. Commlsslon on Ekions, 5O7 SCRA


Whcrc ttp yotes cast for a nulsance endHate whosc dlsqu.lmcatlon had not yct bccomc final on elcctbn day wcre t llH scparately, thy should be coumed ln farror of th pctitbner. (Bautlsta v. Crmmlsslor on Ehctions, 298 SCRA 48O)
Since disqualificatlon cennot cxtend beyond the term to which the dlsquallfied candldate was clected, he cannot be disquallffed lf he was r+chced. (TrinHad v. Commlssion on Elections, 315 SCIA 175)




tf after the last day for filing certificates, a candidate dies, *lthdnws or is disqualifted, hc may be substltuted by a person blongiry to his party not later than mld{ay of ehction day. (Sec. 77, Omnlbus Electlon Codel
Substltutlm of c.ndidates should bc rllowcd cvpn for benngry cbctbns, .s lt ls mt ptohlbltcd by hw. (Rullode v. C.ommlsslon on Elcctlons, 395 SCRA 535)

Evtn lf thc wltfidrrwal ,., not ,rrd., o.th, the ccrtlficate of thc srbstftute crnnot bc rnnulhd aftGr the chctlon. lvtlhnucva v, Crmmisslon on thctlons,
11O SCRA 3521.

Th nomln.tlon of . substitute cendidate who won cannot be rnnullcd on the ground that ft hc*cd the signaturE of one of the authorlzed s[n urcs. (Slnaca v. Mula, 315 SCRA 2661

tubsdtutbn b not .llosed lf drc @rtlfic.t! of th c.ndHat! to bG subtftutrd wrs canolllcd, bcceuse hc was running for thc fourth @nsaclrtirl term. (Mlrinda v. aban, 3l1 SCRA 617; Org v. Ahgrc, 479 SCRA 473f

6. ' 7, 8.

Substltution ls .lso nd allowed whn the odglnal candldate was dlsqualifted on thc tround of matcrlal misrcpresentatlon. (Fcrmln v. Comelec, c.R. No. 179691
18 December..2008l

Howcvrr, r crndlhc who commits an cl.ctbn offlnsc and ls dlsgualified undei S.ctlon 6t of thr Omnlbus Ehction Code, c.n b. substltut d, (Fermln v. Comelec, G.R. ilo. 179695, 18 Deccmber 2m8) An independent candidate who roined the party ofa disquallfied candidate may be nomlnatcd as his substitute even if he jolned the party only after the disquallfication. (Slnaca v. Mula, 315 SCRA 256).


cAripAtct{ Ailo ELEcnoil PnoP G




Pr$Hcnt, vkc pGsklent, .nd sn tors
election day

1. 2. B.

not Gadhr than 165 days before

prwlndal, cfty or municipal ofricials bcforu clection d.y. (Sc. 6, Republk Act No. 71661

not earlier than 75 days



Prcsldert, vlce president, and senators

90 days beforc clectlon day

The Commlsslon on Ehctions can order the removal of billboards using the name or lmage of some to .dvertise a product lf he hter on ran for publk offfce to prlt Ent pr"m.turi! campeEnlrlt (Chavez v. Commlsslon arn Electlons, 437
SCRA t019,

2. . c.


provtdrl dty.nd munHp.l fficiab:45

days bcfiorc chctlon

day, (Scc.s, Rcpnblk Act t{o.7105}.

Drfrnltbn of Grmprln


term'Ghctlon campaltn' or 'partlsan polttlcal actlvM under Section 79b of the Omnlbus Ehctlon Code refe6 to an act designed to promote the election or dcfe.t of . pardcuhr candu.te or c.ndidatcs to r publk offfce whkh shall lncludc: (11 formlng ors.nlzatbm, assochtlons, clubs, commlttecs or othcr troups of pcrons for thc purgocc of sollcidrg rotcs end/or undrt klry trry

mcctltr3r, ralfict par.das, or odpr slmlbr rsccmbecs, for thc purpocc of sofictftrt rrot6 and/ or md.rt kln! .ny c.mp.En or pmp.gand. for or a8rlmt a

. 2,

candidate; (3) maklng speeches, announcemenG or comment riet or holding lnErvlews for or agalnst the elcction of rny candldate for publk office; (4) publishlng or dlstrlbutlng campaEn lfterrture or materials deslgned to support or opposc the ehctlon of any candldate; or (51 dir.ctly or lddirctly soliclting votcs, dcdgcs or support for or et lnst . candHate.


bcncficcncc from a candHatc may bc consldcred 'crmpafnlng.' Thc term 'cempafnlnS: $ould not b made to epply to any and eyery act which may lnfluencr a peBon to vote for a candidate, for that would strtchlry too far the manlnt of the term. Examinlng the deflnitlon and enumentlon of rlection campaBn and partisan polhlcal actMty found ln Comelec Resolutlon ltio. 353O the Comelec ls convlnced that onv those acts which aru primadly desBned to soliclt votes will be covered by the deftnition and Gnumeratlon. The distrlbutlon of sports hems in line wlth thc lports and cducatlon protram of thc provlncr doGs not oonsthutc ehction campalgnlng 3lnc. wtr.t b prchlbftcd ls thc rchesc of publh funds within th 4Hay p;dod


Gvrry act


bcfore chctlon. (Pangket Dgum v. Comchc, 376

SCRA 971

lewfirl Prppagenda



Electlon pmpaganda on tclevlsbn, cabh telcvlslon, radios, newspaperc or.ny othr mcdium ls ellowed. (Scc. 3, Republk Act No. 9()06)

i. li. lli.

Wittcn or prlnted metcrbls not

excecdlng 6

inches by 14

lnchcs..(Sec. 3.1, Republk Act No.90(,6)

Handwritten or prlntcd htteB urBlnt voters to vote for or a8rlnst a party of candidatc (Sec. 3.2, Rcpubllc Act ilo. :xP6)
Postcrs not cxcrcdkrg 2 fcct by 3 fGGt, but strc.m.rs not cxcccdir 3 by E fca mey bc dbphyld .t th. sftc of a nlly nly end should bc rtmorcd s'lthln 24 hours 5 days bciol! (Scc eftcrt'hc nlly. 33, n publlc Act ilo. 9m6)

H tt

h. v. yl.

Pak advErtbements ln pdnt or bro.dc.st medla (Scc. 3.4,

Republic Act No. !Xn6l

All other forms of prope&nda not prohlbited by.thc Omnlbus Ehctlon Codc or the Fah Ehctlon Act (Sec. 3.5, Republk Act l{o.

Usc of g.dgcB and

btbords erc


:lbwcd consHcrlry thc

Gxprcss rcpc.l of Sccdoo 65 of the Omnlbus Elcctloo Codc by thc Falr Elcctlon Act prohlbltlng thc usc of usc of bllbords and


audlo-ylsual units, tln-plate postlrs, balloons, pens, lighteq


fans, hats, w.llets, t-shlrts, dgarcttcs, ctc..


a. b. c.

Any ehctlon propgrndt shall lndic.tc thc nrmc end .ddrcss of the candHatc of Frty for rho5. bcncft lt ues prlnt d or rlrcd. (Scc. 4.1, Republic Act No. 9006t

lf the

broadcast is giiren free of chaEe, ft should andkat h was priviOea free of charge and state the name and address of the
broadcast entity. (Sec 4.2, Republlc Act i{o. 9005) Donated adrcrtlsemenB shall not be broadcasted or exhlbltld wlthout

thc writtcn .oolpt nc. of th. candkl.te or p.rty to whom ft was.

donatcd. {Scc.4.3, Rrpublh Act l{o. :XD6)

EquelAcccss to Medh


Reguhtion of volume

i. ii.


Print adrcrtisements shall not exceed X page in broadsheet and

pagc an tabloHs .thrice a week for publhation. (Sec. 6.1, Republh Act No, 90(r)

c.ndldatc or perty ior national offioa shal! ba Gntithd to not mor then 120 mlnutes of televlslon advlrtlsement and lEO radio mlnutes of radio advcrtlscmpnt. (Scc. 6.e R.public Act ,to.9006)


ci c.nduatc or p.rty for local office sh.ll bG Gntftled to not mor! than 60 mlnutB o, t lcvlsbn .dylrtlscm.nt and 90 mlnut.s of ,.db .dErtbcmcnt (S.c 5.2 (b), Rcpublic Act t{o.


Actlon by thc Commlsslon on EhClons


payrnent of just compensatior from at newspape6 to bc allocated frcc of drargc cqurlly among all candHate for n tlon.l offtce on 3 dlffl'rnt days. (Scc. 7.1, Republlc Act No. 9@51.
Thc @mmbslon on lccdons shrfl procrrc

Tlre Commlss'ron on Ehctions shall procure

prirt space upon last 3 natlonal


frlc rlrdmc ftom at

h.st 3 n tlonal Ela,libn nctworb and 3 natlonal radlos n tlon.ls to bc rlloc.t d ft,.. of draGt cqu.lly .motr3 .ll

candldates for natlonal offfcc on 3 differem days. (Sec. 7.2, Republk Act t{o. 9006}

'iii. ' c.

The Cornmission on Ehctions may requlre natbn l tehvislon end ndio n.tu,orts to sponror hrst 3 dcb.tes amonS presHartlal candHrtcs rnd h.st onc d.b.tc rmor6 vlcc prusidcntLl crndHetes.nd at h.st onc dcbat: .mong vlcc presldential cendld.t$. (Scc. 7.3, Republlc Act t{o. 9O06)



to Reply

Atl parties and candidatrs harc the ridt to reply to char8es published agalnst them. The reply shall be glven the same promlnence and shall be prlnted ln the sam page or sectlon and ln the same tlme sht as the first st tcm.nt, (Scc. 1Q Rcpublic Acr ilo. 90ffi).


SuplMsaon bv thc commissbn on Electlons

Th! Commissioo on Ekions sh.ll sopcMsc th usc of the pess, radlo and televlslon facllltles to ensurc cgual opportunfties to candftrates. (Sc. 6.4 Republic Act No, 9(x)61.


Restrlctlons on Medla


The rhedullng of r prognm to manihstly favor or oppose a csndld.te or party shall not bc allowrd, .rld . sponsor shall not be permitted to maniflstly favor opposc a candldet or party by unduly rcferrlng to or lnc,ludhg the canduate or party ln the protraln. (Scc. 5.4 Republlc Act t{o. 9(x)6)

ii. lil.

Any media practitioner who ls a candadate or a c.mpeign r,oluntcrr or is ,rt lmd by .ny p.rty of candH.tc must llsign or t kc . h.tt of .bscncc (Scc. 5.6 Republk Act xo 9m5)
Motbn pkturcs

1) 2l .

ilo motlon pkture portraylng the lfc

shall bc publlcly cxhlblted durint (Sec. 6.2 Republic Act No. 9006).



thr campafn pcrlod.

l{o motlon pkturc portrayed by an actor or mcdla p.non llty rrlro b r c.ndld.te shrll be publlcly
Gxhlbltcd durlllt thc crmpaf,n pcrlod (Sec.6E Rcpubllc



Postlc of c.mpaBn M.tcrials


a. b. c. 5.

The Commbslon on Ehctlons may authorlzc parths poster ar.as ln not more than 10 publlc places.

to erect common

lndlpcndant c.rdldatca mey bc euthorlzcd to calct oommon postcr arcas ln not mor than 10 publlc placas.

Onduatrs may post propaganda in private phccs wlth tha cons.nt of thc owncr and in public places to be allocated egultabv among the
candid.tes. (Sec. 9, Republlc Act No. 9fl)6).

a. b. E.

All membeB,of medie shall scrupulously rEport and antrrprut the nrws,

taklng c.rc not to suppGsr c'scnti.l ficts nor to dbtoG the trutft by ombsion or lmpropar emphasls.
All mcmbers of media shall rccognlzc th duty to aktlmc othcr side and to coflrct iubst ntlv! crno.s promptly. (Sec. 6.5, Rcpubllc Act No, 90ffi)

Elctbr|s Sur!r"y3

Durlng thc clcctlon pcrlod. any person who publishes followlng:

surwy must lnclude the

i". ThG namr of thr pcrson who commlssion it; 2.b. The n.mc of th. pcrcon or flrm who conducted h; 3.c. Thc perlod duriq whkh the suwey was conducted, the mcthodology used, and . thc qucstions.skcd. 4.d. Ttrc mrsln of enor 5.a. flt. qucsdon h whkh thc meCh of crror b tr!.!rr th.n thrt of th. survey 6.f. fh! rddrcss and tclcphone numbcr of the sponsor. (Scc. 5.2, Rcpublk Act l{o.



dt Polb.


fun,.ys rh.[ not


cooductcd uithln

g] metcrs from thc polling phccs.


poistcrs CtlI lnfiorm th. t otcl: dr.t thcy may rcfusc to inswcr.



ofthe polls on elecdon day and must Hcntlfy the number of respondents.nd the phces where they were taken. Thc announoement must state that ft is unofnclal and does not rcprcsent . trcnd. (S.c. 5.5, Rcpublic Act No. qxr6l.
The rcsuft may be announced efter the dosing



An applicatbn for a pcrmlt for

r nlly

shall not bc denled cxcept on the ground .

that a prlor written application for tic same purpose has been .pprovcd. A denial ls appealable to the provincial ehction supervlsor or Commlssion on
Electlons. (Sec. 87, Omnlbus Election Codel


lt is unlawful to glve or ac.ept transportation, food, drinks or thin$ of rlue wfthln 5 hours bcfore .nd aftrr a public nlly, brore electlon day and on chctlon day, (Scc 89, omnlbus Ehctlon Codc)

Prohlbltcd Donadoor

It ls prohlbltcd for any candiratc, hls spousc, rclatiw wlthin

second dcgrce of

consangulnlty or rffinity, a rcprcscntati\c to make ani contrlbution for any structure for publlc usc or for usc of any rell8louq or cMc or8enhatlon, axcept the normal rl'rgious dues and p.ymants for scholarshlps cstabllshed and school contributlons habhually mad. Mor. thc campatsn perlod. (Scc. 104, Omnibus Elcction Code)

No politlc.l

contrlhnbn shall be mado

th. followinS:

1. 2.

Publlc or prirrate financlal lnstltutlons

Publh uu3iths .nd those who cxpblt natural rcsouroes. Thuc,

rrhr'r .n op.r.tor of r publk udllty dBubcd .

c.ndSatc for loEmor ADcc.b,E3SCn 633l

r ben, thc prfirassory notc ls rcH.

contributbn to a (Halill v. Crurt of

3. 4. 5. 6.

Pcrsons who hoH contEcts

goods or scrvkcs

or sub-contr.cts to supply thr go,Emrmnt wlth

Persons tr.nted .fr.nchlsc, inc.ntlves, rxcmptbns or Cmllar privlleges by the govlrnment


cxccss $bdhrlsbns or hrtrumcnt trltbs Schoob whkft

lnntld brns h

of P25,0m by th torcmment or any of lts

rcccH Irrnts

of puHh funds of .t L.st Plqr,oq)


7. 8. 9.

Employccs ln thc CMI Scrvlc. or membcrs of the Armcd Forces Forclgncrs. (Sec. 9g Omnl6us Ehctbn Codef


(SGc. 36(9),

CorDor.tlon Cod!)

With rcgard io chctoral coflHbutlons, thcse rrc cxcmpt ftom p.yrn.nt of glft tax under Republk Act No. 7166; provlded the same arr reported to the Comelec. However, cont.ibutlons made prlor to the .fklvlty of such law ane not exempt. (Abello v. Commissloner of lntem.l Revnue, G.R, No. 120721, 23 February 20051







.. b. c 2. f,.

PrrCdcnt and vke presldcnt Othcr c.ndldatcs

P1O pcr


P3 pcr

voter ln hb consthucncy

lndGpcndent C.andidatc/ c.ndldate wlthout politlcal party yoter

P5 per

Polftkal Pafty - PS plr voter ln thc constituency where it has candidates. (Sec. 11 Rcpubllc Act No. 7165)

Strtsnalrt of oootrbutlom end crpcndltuEe




Evuy candHatc and tra.sucr of politlcal party shell ffh wlthln !x) days aftcr chdbn dey . st trrnrrt of contlbutlons ind cxpcndlturus.
t{o pr.rsolr clcctcrt shdl rssumc


fficc untll hc rnd

hb poll{crl

paty hrd

filcd thc rcqukcd statcntcnts"


Pcn hics

a. b.

Flrst offense

admlnlstrative ftne ftom P1,fiX, to P3O,0O0

Subsqucnt offens

l. li.

Ad,nlnEtr.tlvu inc ftom


Pcrpctu.l dlsqulfiatlon
Rcpublk Act

to hold

publlc offior. (Scc. 14





Effect of


ertlficate of crndidacy must stlll fih a st.tement of contrlhrtloos ard Gxpendftut6, for thc hw makes no dlstlnctlon' (Pller v.
A candldatc who wfthdrew hls

Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 245 SCRA 759)



Deflnltlon and Featurts Registr.tion rcfers to the act of accomplishlng and fillng of a swom application for rcglst6tlon by a quallfied voter before th electlon offic.r of the ctty or munldpallty whcrcln hc rcsides and lncludlq thc semc in tftc book of registered vote.s upon approral by thc Ehcdon Retistntlon Board. (Sec !!a, R.publk Act No. 8f89)

wtcr is asslgncd . 'yotc/s ldctttlftc.tk n numbe/ (Vlil)



a 'rotct's

ldcntlffcatlon card'. (S.cs. 26 end 25, Republic Act tlo. t1E9) Eadr pGdnct shall harc no morc than 2oo yoters and shall comprise cootiguous and compact tenitorics cxoept predncts atc clustcrcd. (sc. 6, Republh Act ilo. 81E91 .when
The permanent list of yotcrs per prednct shall b computcrlzed. (sec. 41 Republk Act No. s1s9) Whlh descrlbed as 'pcrmanent the list of vuters ls subiect to change {i.e., l,oters Eglster (Scc. E, Republh Act t{o. addltlons and deletions) ln ca36 wher. (Sec. 13, Republic Act No' 81E9) or to addresscs ln thc same 81E9), votcrs ch.ngc tlrck .nothcr ctty or munftdpallty (Sec. 12, Republlc Act ilo. 6189), regBtratlon ls dracth6ted i.e., yoter later disquallfied after bling rcglstcrcd (Sec. 27, Republlc Act No. 81891 and reactlvated i,e., causc o, deacti\ratlon llfted or removcd (Sec. 2& Republh Act No. 81t9), rcgBtr.tion b c.nccfled 1.c,, wftcn yotcr dies (Sec. 29, Republk Act ,{o' E1E9), rrote/s nam. ls lncludcd or cxcludd by ,udhLl .ctbn, ,.e., dcclslons on petltlom for lnclu3lon .nd Gxclushn rclpccthrcly (Se6. 34 .nd 35, n publh Act ilo. E189) and the Book of Votcrs b rnnullcd by thc @MELfC (SGc. 39, Rlpnb[c Act.ilo. 81E9].

' nfl

A r,ot /s n mG b pleed h deectvrtr flst whcn hc/ *tc b dlequallffcd to votc, f.ncd to vot! ln two pttcdirr clccdors, los hk/ hcr filldno clttscnshh and hls/ hcr Tcglstfilon
ls cxcludcd by

thc court.

Und.r thc svstem of cofilnulng rcglstntlon of rrot rs, applkation for reglstration of voters shall bc conducted daily ln the offlcc of the Ehctbn Officer durlnS rcgular offfce hou6 (Sc. 8, R.publh Act I{o. 8189} and rll rpplkatlonr for rcSlstratlon sh.ll be hcrrd and processcd on r quartcrly beCs (Scc. 17, Rcpubllc Act No. E1891 by thc Elcctloo Rrtlstr.tbn Bo.rd.

ilo rltistr.tion shall bc oondrrtcd durtq thc pcdod tt rthl3 U0 daYi bcforc a rcguhr .lcctlon alld 9O drys bcforc a spcchl dcctlon. (Scc t, R.publlc Act ilo. t1E9). ilo

spcclal rglstration can b conducted by the C.omelec withln said priods. (AkbayanYouth v. Comchc, G.R. No. B.

14766, 26 M.rch 2001)


Ffrpino dtlzen At


18 years old on elcctkrn day

. Resldent of the Philippines for at least one year immediatev before the election



Resldent of the city or municlpality where he proposes to vote at least 6 months lmmedlately before the electlon (sec. 9, Republk Act No. 8189, A re8istered yotrr who f,ed to thc Unitcd Statcs aftcr the EDSA revolutbn for fear for his pceon l sehty did not .b.ndoo hls rcsHencc ln thc Phllhplncs rnd hc is Glttlthd to ]ltbtcr !s . yotcr (Romueldcz v. Rcgloorl Trlel CouG 226 SCRA 445)

Any pcrsol who t mpor.riv nsHcs ln anothcr phcr bV rcason of his cmplovmcnt, cduc.tionel .ctivftics, or dltentbn does not lc. hb orlSlnal
resHence. (Sc. 9, Republk Act ilo. 8189) Not otherwise dlsqualified by hw. (Sec. 9, Republic Acr No. 8189t





a. b. . .

sentence by final Judgmcnt to imprlsonment of at least


Convktlon by flnal iudtmcnt of any of thc followlng crlmGs:


Crimc involvilg disby?hy to thc gorcmmcnt, or sdltlrn


as rebcllion


.g.inst n tlonal sccurlty

c. 2.

lnsanity or lncompetenca declared by competent court

R.moyel of disqualiftc.tlon for conylctlon

e. b.

PLnrry p.rdon Ammsty



taps of 5 years after servhe of sentencc, (src.



Republic Act t{o.

fiStr.t .nd db.blcd rrot rr

Thc Ehctbn Offtccr shall phce an lllitcnte pcrson undcr oath, esk hlm thr qucstions, rnd rccord hls :murcri Thc iorm shrll ttn bc aubscrlbed by thc illitet te pe6on.
The appllcation of a physicalv disabled voter may be prepared by a relative within the

foorth detree of afffnlty or consanguinity, the Electlon Officer, or any member of the ' accredlted citizenC arm. (Sec. 14 Republlc Act No. 8189).

lncluston end crcftrsbn cases


e. b. c.



Metropolltan Trial Court

original and exclusive

Regbnal Trlal Court

Act No. 81E9)

appellate ,urlsdictlon (5 days) (Sec. 33, Republic

SuprcElc Court

-.ppellate lurlsdktion oryEr Regional Trial Court on of hw (15 days). [Sec 5 (2) (e), Art. vlll, 1987 Constttutlon;

secthn 2, Rule 45 of the Ruhs of court)






P,lnte person whose .pplic.tlrn was dlsapproved by the

Elcctlon Rcghtntbn Bo.td or uftoce n.me wes strlcken out ftont fic llrt of votcrs. (Sec. 31, Rcpublh Act o. 8189). F.llurc .to rqistcr b not r ground for r pctftkm for lndusloo. (Dlawan v.


358 SCIIA 10)




Ehctloos ISc.

(6), Art,



Thcr ls a dlstlnctlon bctween a pgtition for lncluslon of yoters ln the llst snd r pethlon to dcny duc coursc or o.noel a ccrtlllcttr of candldacl as

to b$cs, rrllefs and rcmedics lnvohrcd. Votr/s lncluslon/cxclusbn Eoo.dln$ c$cntLfly hwhrG tht lssuc d whcthcr r pcrson shall be lncfudcd ln or cndudcd friom thc lbt of votcrs bas.d on the qu.mc.ffoni rcquhld bV hw end tht f.ctt proscntcd to show p6.ssion of th6. qu.llfic.tlons: On thc othcr hud, dcrrlal or

c.ncellatlon of Certlficatc of Candldacy prccecdin$ lnrolvrs thc lssue of whethcr thcre ls a falsc rlplesernatbn of a matcdal fac. Ihc false rrpnesntatlon must neccssarlly paftaln not to a merc innocuous ' mbtakc but to m:terial ftct or tho6G th.t. rGfcrs to a onduatc's quelificrtbn for clecfirc offioe. (Prnbgul v, COMEI.Eq G.R tlo. 188671,






i. li. iii. lv.

Pedod for fillng

Any redster.d voter ln city or munlcipaltty

Representative of politkal pafty Electlon Officcr (Sec. 39, Republlc Act No. 8189)

Commlsslon @nsthutlonl


Ghctbns tsec.

(5), Art. lX-C,



.. . b. . 4. a. b. c. d.

lncluslon - Any dey 105 days beforc rcgular electlon or 75 days (Scc.:14, before a speclal ehctlon. Republic Act No.81E9)


Any tlrnc lxor6 l(x, days before a rcgular rbctton or 65 days bcforc a spcclal chctlon. (Scc. 31 Rapublk Act l{o.81&}


Pctition for exclusion shall bc aworn. (Sec.


Republk Act l{o. 8189)

E ch petltion shall rufer to onv onc pruclnct. (Sec. 32(c), Republk Act t{o. t1t9}

.nClfrd of thc hc.ratB .nd Thc ELctlon R.gktr.tbn 8o.rd murt m.dr . p.ity to thc c.r.. (Sh*in v. lnophucz, A.M, !fo. MfJ 9S1036,
21 May 2001)



Partl6 to bc notlftcd

l. la.

lnclusbo - ELcdon Rcglstnttoo Boad (Dhwen v. lnoplquz, 35E SCRA 101



el b) 2,

Electlon Redstratlon Board Challenged

vote6 (Sec.35(bl, Republic Act No.


Notkc statftq thc placg day and hour of hcarlnt shall be served throuth eny of the follorlng mea ns:

i. li. lla. iv.

Reglstered mail


tr.yi(E copy ln possBsbn dbcrttlon in ,lsidcncc





PodrE ln clty hall or munacap.l hall and two other consphrous placcs ln thc city or munhlpality it least 10 days beforc the hearing ISec.32(b), Rcpublic Act lilo.

e. f. t. h. l. J. F.

Any voter, c.ndidatc or politkal party affeCed may intervene. [Sec. 32 (cl, Rcpublh Act ?lo. ElE9l

llon-appcarance b prima facie cvldence fictltlous. (Sec. 32 (0, Republic Act ilo. 8189)
Declslon cennot Acr No. 81891

the r.tlsterud voter


rendered on sdpulation of hcts. [Scc. 32(f), Rcpubllc

ftG dccblon ca rot b. rrndc'G{ on thc baCs of lntcMw of thc pctftioners for hddon by thc ludgc. (Mercrdo v. DytalEco, :r85 SCRA

Ihc dcchbn doca not conrtltutG rui ,udlc.t . (Oomloo v,

on Elcctlons, 310 SCnA 5451


l'lo motlor for reconslder.tlon b allowcd. (Scc. 31 Republk Act ilo.


lH ol rrctcr


Upoo virittct comptrtrt of .ny roEr, clcctloo offrclr or r.gEtclld poiltkrl gE,ftt notu proprb. tftc Commbsloo on El.(tloffi may a rul a lbt of yotars wftlch wrs not pr:percd h rqirdrne with Rcpublk Act tlo. 8189 or rrhosc

preparatbn was affected with ft.ud, brlbry, forgcry, lmpersonation, lntimldation, forc. or othrr slmilar inr$larlty or b natktkelly lmprobabh.


COMETCC actlng on a petatlon to.nnul hrs the.uthority to erclude a prudnct ftom.n .hctlon whcrc thcre ere no bulldlngs rnd lnhabltents h sald prudnct and ttert rrc no rtgistcrud uotcrs. {S.rang.ni v. Comelec, 3:X SCRA


tlb list of voters shall be annulled within 60 days before an election.

Republic Act No. 81891

(Sec. 33,





Absenter rrotlry reflrc to th! proess by whlch qualMcd cttlzrns of thc Phlllpplncs abroad cxerclsc their rlght to vote. (Sc. 3 (a), Republk Act t{o.

All cltlzens of the Phlllpplnes abroad who are rrct dlsquallfled by law, at hast 18 ycars of rgc on clcctlon day, m.y vot! fur p'lsldrng yhc prsldenl semtors and party llst repres.ntatirres. (Sec, 4), Republh Act No. 9189.



a. b. c.

Those who lost their Flliploo cftizcnship

Ttoec who cxpEssly rcnounc.d thch Philhplm cidzcnshlp and plcdgcd rltcalance to r forEn country.

Ilroec conlvtctea by final lu4rcm of en orffcnsc punx{rebh by lmprbooment of at hast om year, lndddlry those found gury of dbloyalty under Article 137 ofth. Revised Penal Code.
An lmmErant or perm.nent rcsldmt recognlzed as such ln the host country unhss he exccutes an efftdavlt that he wlll rcsum physksl parmancnt rrsHencc ln th! Phmpphcs withh 3 yrars of hls rrglstratbn.


fhc .fffd.vtt sh.[ .bo rt tc that he h.s no rpplicd for.

dtlzenshlp ln .nother muntry.


ll. '


Fallure to rtum shall be cause



for remoal of hls absertee voteE and hls

name from permanent

dlsquallftcetbh to votc ln ebsentla

for orcrels absantce vodng, the 1997 Co$tltutlon dhpcrEcd with thc rcqulrem.nt of actual resldency mentionrd ln S.ctloo 1, Arthh V of thc 1987 @nstftutlon. Thc affidavft
aequird sery?s rs an expliclt axprcssion of non-abandohment of one,s domicile of orlgln. (Macallntal v. Comehc, G.R. 1570f3, loJuly 2003)

ln d.iEnlng


cltlzen of the Philipplnes declared lnsane or incompetent by comptent authority ln the Phlllppines or abroad. (Sec. 5 Repubtlc Act 'No. 9189!.

.tu..l-born cftizens of thc Phllipplnes who hayr lost thelr Phlllpplne cltlzenship by rcrson of thclr natunllzetlon as cltlzans of r fonlgn oountry c.n vote in Phallppln. cLctlons provldcd they rc-acquirc Phlllppln. citlrenshlp. Ttey must takc thc oaih of rl@lrncc to thr Republlc prescdbed under the Citizenship Retcntloo .nd Re-.cquisltlon Act of 2003 [Sccs. 3 and 5 (111.
Failur to rcoouncr forllgn cttlzenshlp ln accordance with the rxact tenor of Sectloa 5(2) of R-A, 9225 renders a dual clUren lneligible to run for, and thus hold, any clctive public office. (sobelana-Condon v.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 19E742, 10

Autust 20121

thc rclcqulsftior of Phltipplnc cftiz.nshlg has no automatic lmp.ct or cffect on hls/her csidencc/domhile. Afte. his/her rcnunciatlon of hls/her Amerkrn cltizenshlp,. his/her hngth of resldence ln the munklpallty shall ba determined from the time s/he made it his/her domHh of chohc and shell not netroaG to the tlme of hls/her birth. (Sorlano u OOMEIEC, G.R. t'lo. 201936, 3 July 2012)
Thcrc ls no prontioo

lmplldt adrnowhdSmcnt th.t 'dualf ar! most [kcly non-resErnts, f.!ts urder lts Sectlon 5(1) the s.m. rlght of sufhage as that grantd rn .blCntc! voter under Overseas Absentec Votlng Act of 2003.
(illcolasilewls v. Crmchc, G.R. t{o. 162759, 4 AuSust 2006l

h thc Ctttscnshlp Rct ntloo .rd Rcrcqubftkm Act du.l dtts nshh hw rraguldry 'duals' or durl dtlzens to .ctu.lly altrblblr rcJdcne .nd physkally qy h drc Phlllpplncs flrst baforc tllcy can c,(Grdx thcl. rtlrt to wt . On thc contr.ry s.ld Act, ln

d Nll







ValH Phlllpphe passport or certlfic.tion by the Department of torelgn Affalrs that the appllcant submltted documcnts for lssuance of a passport or ls a holder of r valld passport but cannot product ft for a
valH reason.

b. c.


rqbtndon form.

Afffdrvit dcdrrlng intentlon to r.sumc physkal permanent rresucnce wfthin 3 years in the case of immignnts. (Sec. 8)

Procedura Reglstratlon shall be done ln person. b.

F plno cltlz.ns may apply for Gglstratlon wlth thc lcctlon rlg&tr.tbn bo.rd of thc clty or mtmldp.llty wlrE th.y wcru doorldlcd pdor to thelr dGparture, or thc .eprrs.nt thrc of the C.ommlssbn on Elcdonr h tha Phlllpplncs, or witfi en cmbessy, consuLte or any dhcr
forclgo scrvto!



The reglsffibn form shall be tnnsmlttcd wlthin 5 days to the Commission on Ehctions, whlch shall coordinate with the chcfion offtccr of thc clty or munlclpality of thc Gsldence of thc applham. (Sec.

R.publlc Act No. 9189.


The clcctlon officcr shall sct the

appfic.tbn br hcarlng.


Node of the hcarlng shell bc posted ln cfi or munidpal hall at

hast one week before
A cofy of thG appllcatlon shell bc ftrrnlshed tha

of po$tkel p.rths or Regoblh Act llo. 91891


rlprcsent tlvEs groups, (SGc 6.1, eccrcdltcd

no obJcctbn b fflcd, $. clc.doo o,trc.r sh.ll ndfy the .pelc.m to tft. Ghctbn ngbtntbo board for dcctlon. (Scc. 5.a Rlpublh Act t{o, 9139)

lf rn oblectbn ls filed, the electlon officer shall nottfy the applk nt and enclosc tha documrnts ln support of the obtctbn. Thc appllc.nt sh.ll h.w fic rlght to ffh hls courtereftdavlt. (Scc. 6.3., Rcpublk Act |rlo. 9189)

lf tfu epgllnkm wrs rpproncd, .lry mcllrH pady mey flc e pctHon for cxcluslon not htrr thrn 21O deys bcfon clccilon d.y xldr th! lnurbr cout.

1. 2. vi. ' vii.


The petitlon shall be dedded wlthln 15 days after its filinS on thc basis ofthe documents.

tlmr, thc ruliu of the .hctbn qbtr.tbn board shat bc dccmcd rffirmcd.
Should thc court fall to dedde on

6.4 Republic Ac t{o. 91891

lf th application was disapproved, the .pplh.nt or his rcpresentative may wlthln 5 days ftom recelpt of notice of dlsapproval file a pctftion for lncluslon wltft the lnferlor court, which shall decide within 5 days after the fillng. (Sec. 5.7, Republlc Act No. 9189)
A cadlfrc.te of ruglstrrtbn she[ bc l$ucd by th. Commlsslon on Elcctbns .pplk nts whos. .ppllcrtbns wcrr (Sec approred. 5, Rcpublic Act ilo. 9189)

b .tl


Every qurllfied Flllpino citizen abroad prcviously reglsEred as a wtcr may file wfth an embassy, consulate or other foreBn srvice establishment an

applic.tlon to vote ln absntla. (Scc. 11.1, Republic Act lto. 91E9)

The appllcation may be ffled persomlly or by mall. (Scc. 11.2)

Thc applh.tlon shall be transmittld to the Commlsslon on Electlona (Sec 11.1, Republk Act No. 91891


The Commlssion on Elctions shall act on the appllcatlon not hter than 15O
days befiore ehction day.

b, ln case of db.pproval of thc .ppllc.tion, th.

tlprsant th,. mry filc


or hb

ntoddr for rcoonsbcratlon

rc6btcrcd mrll wl$ln 10 days ftonr

rrclpt of nde.

pctldlrl, or




Thc dcdslon of the Commlssbn on Ehctlons No. 1989)

b ftnal. (Sec. 12, Republlc Act

cAsnilGoFB lloTs
The overscrs votcr shall cast hb bdlot wlthln !D dtys bcfore clcctlon dry or 80 drys tcforc .hctlon d.V kr th. carc of scafcrss, (Sec. 16.3, Rcpnblc Act ilo.



The voter should present an absentee yoter Hentlftcitlon card. (Sec. 16.3, Republlc Act No. 91&)1, The voter must fill out hb ballot personalfi, ln secret, and in the embassy, onsulatc, or ioG[n srrvlcc cst.bllshment (Src 16.1, Rpubllc Act tto. 9189) Thc b.llot shall bc pLced lnsHc r spcchl cnvrlope. Otherwisc, it wlll not counted. {Sec. 16.6, Republlc Act No. 91891





For z(xx, voting by mail shall be authorked in not mor than 3 countrles. Thereafter, votlng by mall ln any country shall bc .llowed only upon approval of the Jolnt Congressional Oversight Commlttee. (Sec. 17.1, Reiubllc Act No. 918s).



1, 2. 3.

Only b.llots c.st, and melled baltots rrcehr.d by cmbessics, oonsutates and othcr forcBn crt bli$mcots b.forc thc dosiq of voting on clcctlon day shall be counted. (Scc 16.7 and S.c. 1E.3, Rcpublk Act ilo. 9189)

fhe countlnt shall bc conducted on sftc and sh.ll b tynchrcnlzed wfth the start of countlng ln the Phllipplncs. (Scc 18.1, Republk Act t{o. 9189) sprclal Boar of Ehction lnspcctors shall be composed of a chairman and two

a. b.

Thc ambassador, consul gcncrat or career publh officer desEnated by the Commlsslon on Elcctlons shall be thc chalrman.
ln the absenc. of gorernmcnt officers, two Filipino cltazens qualiffed to vote undrr thls Act shtll bc drputErd es mmbc.s. (Scc 1E.3, Rcpubllc Act ttlo.

1. F.

lnmcdhdy .ftGr th. coufitE; thc Spcd.l Bo.rds of Ehctbn lnspcdo.s sh.ll tn4s[rlt by frcslmllc or clGctrooh m.ll tlt rrtult to thc Cormlss]ixr on
Ehctlons md thc rccruditcd maJor polldcrl parths.



SpGchl Eoard of Crnvasscrs compoaed of a hwyer pIianbly of tht commbslon on Ehctlons as chelrman, rcnlor oareer ofncrr from any gdrmment atrncy m.lnt lnlng . pct rbroed rnd, h thc rbscncc of rnodrcr gorrnmcnt officcr, r cldzcn of thc Phlllpplncs quallfiGd to t ot undcr thb Act, shall bc cofftltutad to canyr$ ttc Glcctlon rlturff.


Board of Canvassers shall tr.nsmlt by facslmlle, chctronlc mall or .ny othr sefo and reliabh means of transmlsslon the ccrtiflcatc of canvass and the statements of votes to the Commisslon on Elections and the major accrldltcd partles.

Ihc Spcchl


Thc ccrtlficatcs of canvass .nd th! tt tements of votrs shall be the primary b.3ls io. the national canvass. (Scc 18.d Rcpubllc Act No. 9189)

a. b. c

The returns prepared by the Special Board of Canvasser shall be deemed a ce ificate of canyass of a city or a province. (Sec. 18.5, R.publh Act No. 9189)
The canvass of votes shall not delay the proclamatlon of the wlnning candidate ifthe outcome of the election wlll not be affected by lt.

Thc winnlng c.ndu.trs drrll be procLlmed drspltc the f.ct that the sdcduled chctlon h.s not bkcn placc ln r prnkrhr country because of clrqrmstanccs bcvond the ontrol of the Cofirmlssbn on Ehctlons. (S.c" l8.t Rcpublic Act No. 9189)


A. B.

The board of chctbn inspectorc shall be composed of a chalrman and two memberc, all of whom are publk schoolteachers

lf thre arc not Gnough public school teadrcrs, tcachers ln prfiatc schools, cmplnyees in the cMl s.ryice, or other cltlzens of known problty and oompetence may be eppolnted. (Sec. 13, Republk Act No. 5646)


Offidrl ratdcrs


Euery rcgistcrcd p.rty or .-itlon of partlrs and acry candldatc is cntitled to one watcher pt prcclnct and canvassing counter.

Candldates for the local lgblaturc belonglng cntltlcd colbcthrely to one wrtdrel

to the

same party are


prlnclp.l watchers from 6 rccrditcd maJor pollthal pertlcs shall be Ecotnlu.d. (Scc. 26 Rcpub$c Act 1{o. 7166}


The accredfted citizeny ams ls entltled to a wetcher ln every preclnct.

Other clvlc organlzation mey be authorized to appolnt onc watcher in every precinct. (Scc. 180, Omnlbus Ehctlon Codc)


lmpod.nt rldrB of tr.tdE

All watche6

a. b. c d. 2.

To stay lnside the precinct To lnform themselves of



To file a protest atainst any lrregularfty



. cdrtlfc.tc of thc numbcr of wtrs

cast for c.ch cendldatr.

(Scc. 179, Omnhus Ehctlon Code)

Gtizcn's arm To bc ghnn a copy of th. rhctbn return to bc used for the conduct of an unofftcialcount..(sec 1, Republh Act t{o. 8045)


of vorEs


IhG draam.n of the board of ehctbn lnspcctors shouH sfn cactr ballot at the bac*. (Sc. 24, Rcpublh Act No. 7166). Thc omlsslon of such slgn ture does not affect the rr.lulty of thc ballot. (Libanan v. House of Rlpresentetlves Ehctoral Trlbunal, 283 SCRA 520; Punzahn v. Commission on Ebctiom, 289 SCRA 7o2; Pacds v. Pagalilauan, 337 SCRA 538; Malab.gulo v. Commlsslon on Ebctlons, :!15 SCRA 69!t; De Guzmah v. Sison,
355 SCRA 691


rotar who wa3 drdhcd on thc gotrnd th.t hc h.s bcrn p.H for hb vote or madc a bct od OE nsult of thc cheJon wil bc rlbuld to vffc lf hc bs .n o.th Or.t hc dld not corunit thc rlqEd ln orc ch.ncrtc. (s.c. 200, onnlbus Electbn codc)


An illltcrat! or physkelly dkrbhd votcr may be essbtcd by r rclattw by efftnity or cons.Eulntty withln th. fourth degrc or any person of hls conffdcncc who bclongF to the same household or arry mcmbcr of thc board of Glectlon lnsgcqtors. (Sec. 196, Omnibus Elcctlon Code, De Guzman v. Commlssion on Elctlons, 425 SCnA 698,

D. '

lt b untrurful to usc cl.bon prpcr, prnffin prper or dur mcrm br an llnt . copy of thc contrnts of tln bellot or to rrc r!ry mc.rc to Ecfify thc b.lh. (SGc. 195, Omnhus CLcdon Codcl. A bafla prupercd undcr sudr drcunttancE $o{U not bc countcd. (Guthmr v. Aqul0o, G.R. t{o. L-14252, Febru.ry 28, 1959)


Ab.nt .


1. 2.

.the prccinct wher they AbsGmGc votlng

MembeB of the board of ehcton lnspectors and thelr substltutes may vote ln .re .ssigned. (SGG. 169, Omnlbus Ehctlon Codr)

for Prcsldcnq vka Pcsldant rnd scnators ls rlowcd for

members of thc Armcd Forccr of thc Phlllpplncs, Phlllpplne t{rtlonel Polkr and other tovEmmrnt cmployees rsslgncd an conncctlon whh the performance of eleaion duties to places where they are not rGgistcred. (sec, 12, Republic Act
No. 71651

Postponement of Ebcllon

When for any serious cause such as vlolence, loss of election panphcmalia, force matsurc, and othcr enalogous causcs chcdons cannot bc hcld, the Comndsslon on Elcctbn shrll ,tptu Nwb or upon pctftbt bry lny lntrfcstcd paily pocponc thc cbctlon not Ltcr th.n !D drys aftcr ttc crss.tbo of thc caus of thc postponemcnt.
(Scc 5, Omnlbss Elcction Codc)

.1. 2.

An chctbn officcr cannot postpone an ehction. (Basher v. commission .on Ehcdons, 3:n SCRA 735) Under Rcgrblk Act No. 7166, only thc COMEIEC e,,
bonc can postponc an elcction.

Thr transflr of the location of the pGclnct .nd the replacement of the public sdrcol teacrEr by mlllt ry personnel es mcmber of -thG board of inspectors mrde by rn chcdon officcr wfthout notkc end hearlng ere lllegcl. (Cawasa v.
C.ommEdon on Ehctlons, 383 SCRA 787)


F.tfur! of Elec



lf on rccount of forcc mrlcurc, vblcnce, ftaud or othcr analogous cause clccffon ln .ny prcdnct wss qot hcH or wrs suspcrdcd, or f duriE thc Frpar.tlon .td tr.nsmlssion of the clrctbfi rltrrrn3 or lo thc q!*ody or crnnss of $c clcctlon rrtum3, thc Glc.doo rcsults ln feltur: of cledoo, ad tlp chdon wlll afu thr outcorm of thc chcdon, on pctltlon of any lntcnrtcd p.rty, thc Conrmlsslon oo Ehctbn shrll hoH spcdal clcctlon no hcr th.n 3(,
the dcchntlon of r fallure of ehctbn, the lllct llty must affect morc thrn 5(,r of the votes c.st .nd thc good votcs must bc dtstlngulshablc from the bad ones.

.ftcr thc cessatlon of thc

cause, (Scc 6, Omnlbus Electbn Code). For

(Grlos v, Aryclcs, 346


SCRA 5711

b. dcdarcd h . Erchlct bcctusa of susparsbn d the rrd..r rc]! .bh to.Et!. (8Gbor v. elccdon lf Z2O of thc 316 rltlffi Conrmbslon on ELctloos, all SCn 630l
Fallurc of Ehctbn cannot



Wher rrotlng resumd after armcd men ftred shots near rn llectlon prcc{nct, thcre ls no fallure of electbn. (Benlto v. Commlsslon on Electlons, !149 SCRA 7os)


Wh.ru dudry thc counting of thc ballos, rmed mcn rcphccd the ballots and cocrced thc alecdon aospccto.! to prcp.rc spu.bu3 Gtums, thcr! b fallurc of chctlon. (Sandrez v. Commbslon on Ehctlons, 114 SCRA 4tt,
A speclal clcction should be held if the ballot box in a preclnct was burned,
(Hassan v, Commlsslon on Electlons, 254 SCRA 125)



The destructlon of the copies of the electlon retumir lntended for the board of canvasseas ls not a ground for the dechration of a fallure of electlon as other coples of the rturns can be uscd. (Sardea v. Commlsslon on Electlons, 225 SCRA


The fact that lcss than 25f of thr rcglstcrcd votc6 votcd docs not constlhrtc felluru of clcctlon, Cnc. wtln6 took place. (Mftmug v. Commissbn 6n Elcctlons, 230SCRA s4)


l,rck of notke of thc datc and tlmc of thr csnv.ss, fnud, vlolcnce, terrorlsm, and analogous causes, such as disenfranchlscment of roters, presencc of flylng vote6, and lack of qualiftcation of thc mcmbrs of thc boad of lnspcctors are not grounds for a dechratlon of fallure of ehctlon but for .n rhctlon protest. (Boria v, crrnmlsslon on ELctlons, 260 SCnA 604; Tan v. Gommbslon on Ehctlons, tl17 SCRA 532)


thit .rmed men sfned ard fflhd up the ballots beforc electlon day, the .lection rctums were fflhd up before chction day, votes crcdlted to e candldatr exceeded tha numbr of reglstered rcter, and that the blly sheas werc fillcd up bcforc thc couotlng of b.lhs b not a tround to decLrc a fallure of ehcbn. (Mutlbn % Commbsloo on Elcctbos, 520 SCRA 152,
Thc fact


Thcr: b r felluru of chcthr t thc phcc of countlng wes tnnsfan:d wlthom node to thc w.tchcrs and tfu crrlvlsshg wis rnadr wfthout ttclf prcscnt.
(Soliyr v. Commlsslon on Elcctbns, 357
SCRA 3351


The fact that the names of sonrc rcglstcred rcters werc omt$cd ftoln the llst


r,oters, str.rBen' voted for some of the rrglstcrad votc6, a candHatr was crcdltcd wlth less votes. than he recclved, the control data of som! chctlofl rctums wcrc not filhd up, thc ballot boxes wcrc browht to thc munhlpal hrll wlthout fadlock ard scrls, .!rd th.t thcru wes . delay ln th! d.[v.ry of the not lrouods fur th! dcd.ratloo of fallura of cLctloo. chctbn rctums (Cankosr v. Cornmlssbn fuloos, 2t2 SCRA 512; M.cab.tp v. Commbsbo on Elcctionr 392 SCRA 17El




r,otllu actually took place, the use of a fake ballots is not e tround to declare a failure of chclons. (Galo v. Commisslon on Elcctbns, 487 SCRA 549)
The fact that thc supporters of a candHate filhd up rcme of the ballots and that sornc rnembcrs ofthc board of lnspectors ftlled to slgn somc ballots at thc bac* and to rcmove thelr dctactablc coupons b not a $ound for thc dcclantlon of a fallurc d clcctbn. (P.s.nd.lan v. Crmmassbn on Elctlons, 3E4 SCRA 6951


The fact that the ballots were fillcd up by thc relatives and appolnteB of a candidate ls not a ground to declare a feilure of elections, as lt should be nised ln an ehctlon contest. (Tan vs. Commisslon on Ehctions, 507 SCRA 3521 The fact that seyeral clection returns werc prepared by one pcrson ls not a ground for the dechratlon of a fallure of chction. Fypoco v .@mml$lon on Electlons, 319 SCRA 498)
The rcsort to manual coundng of the balhts b.cause of thc brcrkdown of the

automatcd m.drlncs do.s not constitutc. feilurc Commission on Ehctlons, :n5 SCRA 832)

of chction. (tmry


vote buylng and dlscrepancies ln the electlon retums are not grounds for fallure
of electlon. lBanaga v. Commlssion on Elections, 336
SCRA 701).


An election cannot be annulled bccausc of thc illgal transier of a prcclnct less than 45 day6 befo. the ehctlon lf the vot6 ofthosr who werE not abh to vote wlll not !fter the lsutL (Ealindong v. Commissbn on Ehctlon, 25i0 SCRA ilgtl) There is no rcghment ry period for filirg r pctftion for annulment of an elctlon lf therc has as yet been no proclamation. (Loong v. Commlsslon on Elections,
257 SCRA 1'


pc,tltlon to dcd.c . fallul of .n 60& at pe,pochmatbo thc first lnstanc!, slnca lt ls not a Gai! or an ahctlon protrst. (8orre % Commbslon on Ehctlons, 260 SCRA 6(xl IhG GOMETEC may dccHc 2,-.


ln patltlons to dclarc e fallurc of lhctlon on thc ground of fnud, the c,omml$lon on Ehctbns may conduct a tcchnbal examlnataon of clcction
documents and compare and analyre thr slgn turus and fingerprints of th.e votcrs. (loong v, Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 257 SCIA 1)

A spcdal ehctlon ls not valid lf nothc of lts d.te and of the transfer of the pracincts *a3 tfuen hss thrn a day beforc, Cnc! thc votrrs werc deprfued of thc opportunlty to votc. (Hassrn v. C.ommlsslon on Elcctbns, 26f SCRA 1il5)


Thc fact

$.t SE spcchl elcctlon wrs sdrcdulcd moru th.n thlrty day3 .ftr the olss.tion of thc causc of the hllurc of thc clcctlon docs not affect lts valuity.

(Pargandam.n v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 319 SCRA 283). The prlod ls merely dlr.ctory. (sambaranl v. Commlsslon on Elections, 428 SCRA 3191


Tfte fact that the candHatc who was pfirdalmed has astrmed offlce does not dcprivc the Commlsslon on Chctlons of lts .uthorlty to dcclat a fallurc of clcctlon, slncc thc prochma0on was tlhgal: (Ampetuan v, Commlssibn on Ehctlons, 375 SCRA 5031


spclal Electlon

Congress at least one year' before the explratlon of the term, the Commlsslon on Elections shall hold a spccialclection not arlier than 60 days or later than 90 days after the occunence of the l.ac.ncy.

ln case of a permanent




A v.c.nc1 ln ttrc Sgnate wlll bc Republlc Ast ilo. 7165,.

filhd up .t thc next rrguhr clcctlon.

(Scc. 4,

The fact that tfre Commlsslon on Elections did not nottfy the people that a speclal electlon for senator would be held, that the candidates for senatoB did not specify *'hether thly were runnlng ln thc regular or spclal electlrns, and that thc voterJ lnformatlon shect did not splclfy the canduetes for the speclal chctlon does not affect the valldity of the speclal electlon. (Tohntlno v. Crtmmission on Ehctlons, tt20 SCRA 438)


couttnilG oFuorEs
Manner The board of electlon lnspectors shall rcad the ballots publhh and shall not postpone thc untll lt ls comphtcd. (Scc. 206, Omnlbus Election Codcl
Thc bo.rd of chctlon lnspcctors drell rssumc such posftbns es to prwHc thc r.td,cri .nd th! pub0c unlmpcdcd vlcw of th! baflot b.lrl! rued, (Scc. 25, R.publlc Act iloi 71661

lf on account of vlohncc or Cmllar causes ft becomes necessary to tnnsfer the countlnS of the votcs to a safer phcc, thc board of ehctlon lnspectots m.y cfiect the transfer by unanlmous approval of the board and concurrcncc of a majorlty of the watchers pr$ent. (Scc. 18, Rcpublic Act No. 6t645) Whcrc r oommotlon rcsuftcd ln suspcntbn of the corrntllf,; thc board of clcctlon lnspcctors mey rcount thc brHt. (Deyrg v. Alonzo, il14 SCRA 2021




Where the usc of automated machlnB wlll rcsuft ln an cnoneous countin& . manual countlng may be used. (toong v. Commlssion on Electlons, 3O5 SCRA

Spcc{el Prcbhrne
Exccss bellots

lf there are excess ballots, the poll chrt shall draw out as any balloB equ.l to the excess without scelng them, and the otcess ballots shall not be counted.
(Sec. 207, Omnibus Election Code) 2.

Spolled ballots

a. b.

Eallots ln

the oompartment for spolhd ballots are presumed to b

spollcd ballots"

lf thc

board of elcctbn lnspcctor finds

th.t a valid ballot was

emincouslry deposited in thc comp.rtrcnt for spoiled balhts, it *rall be counted. (Sec 209, Omnlbus Electlon Code)

Ma*ed ballots

a. b.

Ma*ed ballots shall not be counted.

(Scc" 208, Omnlbus



A ballot ls considered marked loeny of the followlng cass3

l. il. |ff.


wter slryed th ballot. (Fcrrcr v. De Alban, 101

Phtl. 1018f

The name of

v. Sabatrr, c.& No.

c.ndHate w.s written more than twice. (salalima t !1E29 May 28, 1959; tGtigbak v. Mcrdozr, 19 SCRA 543; E.utbtr v. C.stro, 206 SCRA 305)

Tftc yotrr wrotc dlc nrmcs od rcFlnown puUk figurer *lro arr not candHatcs sudl as actors, .ctrtssai, and natlonal polltkrl fturcs" (Prct do v. DG !ron, 9 SCRA 474 P.ngort o ys. Atun n,5 SCRA 853) Thc ballot contalns lrrcl*.nt GxprlsCons. (Bautlsta y. Castro, 206 SCnA 3O5). Howevrr, the use of nkknames and appellptbns of affectbn .nd frlendshlp, lf rcconrganhd by thc namc of thc c.rdld.t , do not .nnul thc b.td cxept whcn lt b usd to ldcndfy thc rotcr. (SGG. 21f (81, Omnhus Elcctlon Codc; Or]lg v. Commhrbfl on Elcctbns, 317 SCRA 6Eil.



v. vl. . c. vii. .

'Qggen' and 'lGmatlC (Vllhsncla wrlttcn on them arc martcd. v. Commlsslon on

Electlonr 513
SCAA 5561.

Ballots wlth thc words



Thc namc of . c.ndH.tc w.s wrltten ln bluc lnb s'ilh the rcst of the n mcs wr,! wrlttcn ln black ln. (Dojlllb u Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 496 SCRA 48tll

'15' and an enrlched '16' after the names candidate constltutes marking the ballo,t. (Perman v. Commission on Ehctiont 515 SCRA 519).
Placlng an enclrded

of a

fhe us of two or niore kinds of wrftlng dos not lnyalldate the ballot unless lt cleady appeaB thrt lt was dellberately m.de to Hentlfy the vDt r. (Scc 2l,l 1221, Omnlbus EhCbn Code: Ong u Commbdon on Elcctlons, :ll[7 SCRA 681; DoIlb v. Commlssbn on Ehctions, 496 SCRA


A b.llot wlth

marls, llncs and slmihr m.rts should not b consldcred marked ln th abslncr of any showing of an lntention to marl the ballot. (DG Guzman y. Slson, 355 SCRA 69; Dolillo v,
C.ommlsslon on Ehctlons, i096 SCRA tl84)


e. f.

EvHencc allunde-ls not necBsary to pmw a ballot is marted. (Bocobo v. Crmmlsslon on Ehctlons, 191 SCRA 5761 A ballot ln which

stlckcr was stuck by another person to lnvatldate ft should not bc lclccted. (lcrhs v. House of ReprcaentatiyEs Electoral

Tribunal, 202 SCRA EO8,

Ruhc of eppruchtbn of



A ballot

h whlch thc frrst namc or gunnmc of . c.ndHate b wrlttrn shouH be coun&{ hr htm, tf dreru b no othcr crndHetc wlth thc s.mr nama. (t!d.3 v. Holsc of Rcpreccnt th,r Elcctor.l Tdbsn l, 202 SCRA t(}B; tbIfio v. Commbslon

on Elcctlons, 496 SnA 484)

2. 3. 4.

f only thr ffrst name of. c.ndldate b written and ft sounds llke the surname anothcr c.ndldate, the rrote shall bc countrd ln favor ofthe htter.

lf th!rc arc two or more Gandldats wlth thc s.mc nemc .nd one of thc them is lncumbcnt, tha votr shall bc oountcd h trvor of thc lncumbcnt

aI! unltt n on dlfictrnt llncs whkh.rc thc $m.nrcs of tuo or mor! c.ndH.t6 wlth thc s.m. surn.mc for an oficc for whldr thc
Wtrcrr tuo or morc wo.ds


law authodzes the clectlon of more than om, the yote shall bc counted ln favor of all candldates wfth the samr sumame.

Whcn thc word wrltten ls thc flrst neme of onc candHate and the surname anothcr candidatc, thr votG shall bc countcd for tllc httcr.



tf thc ballot cont lns thc frst namr of onc candHata .nd thc sumam. of
another candldate, the vote shall not be counted for either.


An incorectly writtcn name which sounds llke the corrcctly wittan name of a candidate shall be counted ln his faror. (Bautlsta v. Castro, 206 SCRA 6t06; Cantoria v. Commlsslon on Elections, 444 SCRA 5!t8; Dojlllo v. Commission on Elections, 496 SCRA 484)

lf the word wrltt n is thG ldcntlc.l nlmc of two or mort candHatcs for thc s.ma ofno! nonc of s,hom b lncumbcnt, thc rrde shrll br cdmtad h favor of tlrc cendHatc who belorys to the seme tlcket .s all the othr candldates voted for ln thc brllot for thc same coostitrcmy.
The cnoncous lnftial of

thr flrst

namc accompanied by thc corract sumame of a

candldate or the crronous lnitlal of the surname accompanled by tltc correct first name of a candidate shall not annul the \rote in hls favor.

A ballot in whkh the corrrct first name but w.ong surname of a candidate ls wrltten or th contct surnamc but wfoog first namr of a candldatc b written,
shall not bc counted ln hls favor.

wherc a c.ndidatc namcd Pcdro Alfonso dlcd on th cve of thc chctlon and his darghtrr lrma Alfonso substltuted hlm, ballots in whhh the name Pedro Alfonso was wdttan cannot be countcd ln her favor. (Alfonso v. Comthlssion on Ehctlonr, 232 SCRA 7771

tf two o( mor! oandldatc6 wcr! voted for ln rn officc for whkh thc hw ruthorLcs thc clcttbn of ooly onc, ttc yotc shfi not bc countcd h favor d rny of thcm. (Dollllo v, Csrmbrbr ofl Elcctbtts, tl96 SCnA {8al
lf the crndid.tcs votad 6or excced the numbcr of those to bc electcd, the votes for thc candklates whose names wcre ffrstty wrlttcn equrl to thc iumber of candldates to ba ehctrd shall be counted.


thc namc of r candldate.was wrlttln on thc *ront spso!, lt should b! @untcd lf the lntantiofl to rrotc for hlm crn br dctcrmlncd, rs wllcn thcrc ls a @melcta llst of n mcs of cendHrtcs for othcr offfc6 wrltt n bdw hb nrmc or the uot r wrotc thc ofnc. ior whhh hc was chcdrg thc crndHetc. (Codcm v. Mccrrdoo, 132 sCfA a14; tlrhs v. Hous. of Rcprcscntrdvcs Elccoral Trlbunal, 202 SCRA 8(B; Seutlstr v. Ostto, 206 SCRA 3O5, Vchsoo v. @mmlsslon on
Eyen lf


th name

lf the space for punong bar.nFy w.s lcft blank and candldate for punoru barangay was written on the frst llne for barangay kagawad, it should be counted. However, ft should not be counted lf lt w.s wrltten on th sccond llnc for brraqgay krgawad. (Fetrer v. Gommlsslon on
Elections, 516 SCRA 947).


Elccdons, 330 SCRA 229; Abad v5. Co, 496 SCRA 505).

Undcr thc n.Bhboriood ruh, sc.ptcd ftom the ruh that a vut r must wrfte the nrm ofthe candidstc for whom he deslred to vote ln the proper place arc the followlng: (11 a Seneral misplacement of an entlre series of names intended to bc voted for the successive offces appearlng ld the ballot; (21 . slngle or double mlsplaccment of names wherc thc nam ls preceded or fiollowed by the tltl of the contested office or wher the voter wrote after the name of the

candidate a dlrcctional symbol lndicatlng the correct office for whlch th mlsphced nbme.was lntendcd; (31 a slngh misphccment of a name wrltten (a) offantcr ftmr thc dgBnated s9.ce, (b) slElrtly undemcrth tllc line fur the krtcndcd orfffcc; (c) lmm.da.tcly .botr! thc tlth for thc cont st d offio!, or (d) ln the spacc for rn ofhcc immcdhtely follodng th.t fur whhh thc crnduate prlscnd himsclf (Velasco v. Gommbslon on Elcctbns, 516 SCRA 4il7l.


A balht with undetachcd coupon should b counted. (Dr Guzman v. Sison, 355 scRA 69)




1. 2.

Bforc th. annou tmcm of the resuhs of the ahctlon ln a prclnct, any concctloo or ah.r.tbn ln thc chctlon rctums must bG initlalhd by all mcmbcr of thc borrd of clectlon lnspctoG.

After the .nnouncrment of the results of the ehction in . precinc$ the euthori:.tbn of the Commlsslon on Ehctlons is necded to make .ny corrcctlon


a. . b.

ttc pctltlon b by r[ mcmbcrs of thc bo*d of clcct'ton hspcctors, thc rrculs of thc clcctbo vlll not bG afucd, .nd notE of thc ..nduatls eftctcd oblccts, thc Comntssbfl on Eklons, upon bchg srtldcd of tln nrrclty of ttc pctltlon, thall order thc cortlctlon.

e c.ndadate aficcted by thc pctltlon obiects and th. comctlon will :fict thr rusults of the chstbo, the @mmisslon on Elcctbn shall order a r.oount of the votes lf ft finds the ptitbn merltodoss rnd the hcgrlty of thc ballot box hi3 not been vlohted. (SGc. 216, Omnlbus
Ehctlon. Codel




. .

1. 2.

Ihe board of elcction lnspcctors shall lssue a ccrtlftrate of dte number of votes ngcaked by a candidatc upon rcquest of a watcher. (SGc. 16, Rcpubllc Act a{o.

cr,ttftcatc of tdls b edmbslblc ln cyldcnce to prove any rnomly ln the clccdon r.tum whcn euthentlcrted by tcstlmony or documentary cddence of rt h.n tro mcmbcrs of tfic boerd of clcCkm lnspccors, (S.c. 1Z Republh Act t{o.5646}


3. XI.

Ihe certificate of votes cannot be used to prove th. result of the etectlon.
(Recabo v. Commlssbn on Ehcdons, :108 SCRA 793)





a. b. 2.

Vice Presldent (Sec No. 7166).

1Art. Vttof

19E7 Constltutlon, sec,

3e Republk Act

Commlssion on ElGctlons

a. b. 3. a. ' b. 4. a, b. 5. r. b.

Sn.to6 (Scc 2, ixecuthrc OdGr ilo.144)

Reglonal OfficLls (Sc. 7, Art. XD( Rcpublic Act lrlo. 67!t4)

Prwinclal Board of Gnvasscrc


Prwlnchl o,ffrcbb tsrc. 2t (dl, Rcpub[c A.t Lo. 7166,

Oiilrlct Bo.rd of clnyisc.rs h a.dr Lglihth,! Crntressmen

dktkt h lrlctro Menlh

Munlcipal offfclals [Scc. 28 (c), Repubtc Act lto. 71O61

Oty .nd Munlclpal Eord of Crrmsses

CotE tssfllcn
Clty end munldprl



offid.b lsca



(bL R.put llc Act }{o. 7166I 45


Bar.ng.y Board ofCanvassers

Barrrgay offfclals (Scc. 17, Eatas Pamb.ns. 88. 222)



Th! Commisslon on Elctlon has dlrect control and supeMslon owr the board of canvassers except Congress. lt may ,rrotu ptoptio telieve at any time and substhut any memb.r of thr board of cenvasseE. (Sc. 227, Omnlbus Electlon

A munhlpal @urt has no jurlsdktlon to rstrain the munlclpal board of

canvassen. (libardos v. Casar, 234 SCRA 13)


Manncr of dclhrcry of Ghctlon ruturn


1!c bo.rd of chctlon lnspccors shall pcrson.lly dcliver to thr dty and munkipal borrds of oanvassc]s thc copy of thc chctlon rctums
lntcndcd for thcm, seahd ln an envclope, signed and thumbmarked by thr mambrs ofthe board of clectbn lnspectors.
The merc fact that an ehct'ion rctum w.s not locked in the ballot box whcn lt was dcllvered to the bo.rd of cenvassers ls nd lound for

crcludlrE I ln thc abscncc of proof that lt was tampend wlth. (Plrncrtll v. Commlsslon on Ehctbns, 1/lO SCRA 126)

b. c.

Thc board

of ehclon lnsprdors drrll personally drthnr to the prwlnchl. and dlstrlct boards of canvasscrs the copy of the electlon returns lntended for thm to th. chcdon rcglstrar.

Wetctcr: h.vc thc rlght to .Gcol[pany th mcmbc'' of the boerd of Glccdon lnspcctors rnd tic futbo rcaBtnr durlq thc ddlvrry of dre clcctlon Gtsms to the board of cmvesscrs. (Scc 229, omnlbG Ehcdon


Steps ln canvesslng

Gty and munlclpal board of c.massc6


The ciry end munklprl boad of cannssers shall carmss the clcctlon rctums

Itcy $all pEp.rr . ertlfrcrtc of crrmss for @dc,rg Prrsldcnt, Sar.tort, Congrcssmcn, rnd provind.l ffidrb.



iii. lv. b.

Ihey ahall proclalm the elected clty or munklpal officlals.

lf thc clty comprlses one or mor lgislath, distrlcts, the city

board of canvassers shall prochlm the Ghcted @rBressmen.

Dindct Boa.d of C.nvirss.E

i. ii. lii.

Thc distru board of canvassers shall canvass the elcctlon


Ihey shall prpare a certificate of canvass for Prsldent, vice

Presldent and Senators.

Thcy shall prochlm th elected congressmcn and munlclpal offfchls.

Prwlnchl Boad of Carrvrsscrs


Ihe grdrncial boed of canvrssers shall cat rats the cartiffcates

of canvass for Presklent, Ylce President, SenatoB, Contressmen .nd prwlncial officlals submltted by thc board of canvassers of municipallties and component clties.

ii. iii. . d.

Ihsy shall prcpare a ccrtlftcate of

Prslrcnt, and Sanators.


for President, vice

They shall procLim the chcted oongrssmen and provlnclal offfclals. (scc, 2E, Rcpublic Act llo. 7166)

Commission on Elections

l. il, e. i.

lt rh.ll

canvess submmrd by the prwlnccs rnd hEhh urbe nlzcd dths, bo.rd of c.ny.ss.rs of
cenvass ft shefi prodalm

tlle certlffc.tcs of

ttc ehctcd Scnators.


shall canvass th certlfuGs of canvas submltted by the board of canv.ssen of thc provlnces, hl8hv uIbanlzcd cltiet and distrlcs.
ThG Commbsbo


on Ehctbnt c.nnot @nduct rn unorfficlal (ErllhnEs crnvess v. Gommbsbn on Elccdonc, 432 SCRA 2691



It shall determlne the autftcntlclty and due exacutlon of the

certlflcates of c.nvass for Prc3ldent and Vic. Presldent

a ccrtlficatc of canmss ls incomphte, the Senate Pr.sHent thr boerd of crnvass.E conccmcd to tr.nsmlt thc ahctlon Eturns that wrr! not lncluded ln thc certiftc.te of
shsll rcgulru
catwass, lv. tf there l5 an erasure or altematlon ln any certificate of canvass or statement.of \,ote which may cast doubt as to the vcracity of the totes stated and may affect the rcsuh ofthe electlon, upon request of the candidate concerned or his party, Cangress shall count the votes ln the coplcs of the electlon returns. (Sec. 30, Republlc Act No. 7166)


C.olErcss PEsldrnt.



th! cbctcd P'resident and Mcc

Art. Vlt of 1987 Constltutbn)


Pmblem ereas

any electlon rctum has been lost, upon prbr authorlty ofthe Commlssion on Ehctbns, thc borrd of canvasse6 may use any


authentic copy of ts or a certifud copy of ft lssued by the Crmmlsslon on Elcctlons. (Sc. 233, Omnlbus Electlon Code; Srmad v. Commlsrlon on Electio0 224 SCRA 631) lt is not ncclssary that all the othcr copl6 be consk ered. (PanFruqan
v. Commissbn on.Ehctions, 216 SCRA 522)

li. l[. lv,

tf an election return is mlssiry a rcouot should not be ordered f thcrc ls any audEntk cogy avelhble. (Otrg v. C,onmlsdon on Elcctbns, 216 SCRA E65,

lf dl cophs






loct, . ]lcoum of thc (Olrt v. Crmmlsslon on Elcctaqts, 221 madc.

chcbn ]tfitms wrrc


of yotes sltncd by th! bo.rd of lnspcctors and the tally board. cannot bc uscd for the c.nvass, because onlY ahctlon rchlms arc cvldence of the results of thc clcctlon. (Garay v. Commlsslon on Ehctlont, 261 SCRA 2221
ThG certlficate


omlsdoi ln thc rlturn



In case ofan ornlsslon ln the electlon retum of the name of a candidet or hls yote3, the board of canvassers shall rquir the board of clcctlon lnspectoE to complete ft. (Lee v. Commlssion on Elcctions, tlOS SCRA 363)
ff the rctrs omltted c.nnot be asccft.lncd clept by rccountlng thc ballots, rftcr rsc.rt lnl'lt th. lntcgrity of tic brllot box has not bcn yidated, tha Commlssion on Elections shall order the board of clectlon lnspctoB to count the votes for the candidate whos! votes wer omitted and to complete the return. (Sec. 2!14, Omnlbus tlectlon Code) Slnce the omlsslon on the elecdon rrtum of the number of votes certaln candidates recehrcd ls not a dlscrepancy, a recount ofthc votes should be orderrd. lnste.d of xcluding the electlon retum ln the


q.nvassing (P.torey v. Commission on Elections, 249



Tampcre d or falslfied



lf thc clection ruturn submttted to th. board of crnvasscrs wes tempercd witft or falslfied or prepared under duress or by p6ons other th.n thc board of elcctlon lnspcctors, the board shall use the othr coples ofthe electlon retum.

ii. -

lf the other coplas of the lhction rtums were also tampered s'ith or fablfied or prcp.rcd under duress or by pcrsons other then the boad of rhctlon lnspectors, the Commlsslon on Electlon, .fter asccrtalning that the intctrity of the ballot box h.s not becn vlohtrd, shall order the bo.rd of ehctlon .lnspectors to rccouot thc votrs and preparre a nlw ,tum. (Scc.
235, Omnlbus Electlon C.ode|

lli. . lv, v.

thr abs.nc! of pmof that thc chctlon irtums wrr tampEd rrfrh, ttrc mcrc fea drt thc b.lbt bo<cs wcrc not sccurcd wlth padlocks ls nd $rfndcnt for qucstlonlrB thc chctlon rctums, ( .mno v. frmmbsbn on Elcctbns, 396 SGRA 62.01


Er.sur6 In tftc oertific.te of canrass whki were merely do not constltute tamperiry. (sarantani v.

Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 415 SCRA 514)

certificatc of cenv:ss was tamprud wlth, the Commlsslon on Ehctaons may ordcr thrt .ny of thc cophs of thc chction rrtums ba uscd In me*hg a ncw canress. (Mastura v. Commb3bo o0 Elcctbns, 2t5 SCRA tf93!




Slncc an clccilon retum prcprrcd wlthout countlnt

ls fabrkatlon, lt should not bc counted and count of the ballots should bc ordered. (tuccro v. Commlsslon on Elcctions,

the ballots


Dlscrupencts ln rutums

lf thcrc .ru dlscrrpanchs ln the othbr euthemk cophs of th r?turn or ln the words and figurcs ln the s.me rrtum and lt will affect the rcsuh of the clectlon, the Commlsslon on Ehctlcns, aftcr asccrtalning that the lmegrlty ofthe ballot box has not bccn vlohted, shall order a rccount of the ballots. (Sec. 235, Omnlbus Ehction Code; Olondrlz vs. Commisslon
on Electlons, 313
SCRA 1281.

lf thcrc ls dlscrcpency bctwccn thc t lly and the written llgures ln the ahctbn rltum, lt shouH bc cxdudcd ft,otr thc crnvasslru and a rccount of thc bellots shonld be made or thc certlficatc of votcs cast ln thc prcclnc shoutd bc us.d. (P.tor.y v. Coormbsbn on Electbnr, 249 SCRA



canvEss cannot b the basls of a valld (Samad prochmatbn. v. Commlsslon on Elccdons, 224 scRA 631i C.stlom.yor v. Commlssbn on Ehctbns, 250 SCRA 298;

An lncomphte

toofrg v. Commlssion on Eklons, 257 SCRA 1; Jamll v. @mmbsbn on Ehlons,263 SCRA !r49; lmmam v. Commhslon
on Ehctlons, 322 SCRA 866; Ahuya y. crmmlsslon on Ehctions, 395 SCRA 742; Lorcnzo v. Commlsslon Electlons, 418 SCRA tl48; Sahs v. Commlsslon on Electlons, tl25 SCRA 7351

f. . .

dtc qucstbncd chctloo rctums r' not rfflct the rrsult ol $c clcctlon, . prodam.tbn mey bc mdc upon ordcr of thc Comrnlssbn on Elccibns aftlr irotlcc end hcerlrg. (Sac 238, Omnbus ElcctCon Godc; Srrbcrs y. Commbsbn on Ehcbns,

a6o scnA 5691 REhts ofcandHat s


tvery rlglstared pdftkal party and candldate ls cntlthd. to onr watcher ln thc c.nv.sslry c.ntr, but candld.trs for thc loc.l htbhtlvr bodles bclorglq to thc r.mc psrty ar! Gntltlcd cotlccthraty to ona urtdrer. (S.c. 26, Rcpublh Act t{o. 7166, Thc f.d trc wrtchcr of a cafiurrJrl3 urs candH.ta not efrrafit whcn thc Gtllmad bccrusc ' ha r.3 lrot nodfiGd lr not r ground to aonul tfie crnass. (Qulleh v. Commbslon on Elcctbns, 1E8 SCRA 90lll





hny retlstercd polltlcal p.rty and oandidate has the rlght to bc prsent and to counsel.
Only one cornrcl mry rryuc for cadr party or candldate


t{o dfiatory .ctlon shall bc allowed. (Sc.



nepublac Act No.



tle among two or more candHates for Presldent or Vice Presldent shall be brokcn by mejotW vote of both houses of congrcss votlng separatbly, (Sec. 4 Art. Uf of 1987 Constitutlon)


h thc c.r! of othcr pcitbns, thc tlc shall bc bm&cn by thc dnwilu of


(SGc. 2/fi,, Omnlbus Elcctlon Codc, Ttupde v3. @mmbslon on Electlons, 517 SCRA 328).


F.ilure to assumc Office

take hls oath of office whhln 5 months from his procLmatlon, unhss for a cause bcyond the control of th ehcted official, hls ofhce wlll be consHered vac.nt. (Sec. 12, Omnlbus Ehction Godel

lf a cand&late fails to




Prwinchl, city and municipal offtcLb

.. b. c d.

Thc composltion or thc

procrdins of thc board of c.nvisscrs

ls lllegal;

fhc rrtums erc hcornplcE, @ntrln m.t tLl dcfcC+ rppcrr to bc

mperld srlth or f.blfr.d, or contaln dbc]lp.ndGs ln o. ln othar ruthantlc @ph$

The rtums were prupercd under duress or arc


s.mc rrhrms

obvlouly manufactured

or not authenth; SubstttutG or frauduhnt rtums Omnlbus Ehctbn Codc; Scc 1O

wcf. Ganvastd, thc results of whkh m.te,Ll[ afrcct tlrc st ndary of thc .88r1cvld carduatc. (Scc 243,
icpublk Act No. 716,6)
VkG PrcsHent


Sro.toG.nd Cotgrcsmen

o pe.prcclamatbn case ls allowed regardlng the preparadoG transmlssloo recelpt, custody and apprecl.tlon of thc elcctlon rtums or oerttffc.te of
canvass. (Chavez v, Commission on Electlons, 211 SCRA 315; Ong v. Commlsslon on Elcctions, 215 SCRA 806, Panglllnan v. Commissbn on Ehctaon, 228 SCIIA 36)

ln a corgrcssbnel chctlon, rll loslry c.ndH.te c.nrlot ffh a pctltlon for

coractloo of menifast cnon {Ccrto v. Commlssloo on Ehctlons, 515 SCRA 51; Vinzonsdnto v. Commlsglon on Elections 520 SCRA 106; Dlmaporo v.
Commission on Ehctions, 5it4 SCRA 381)


Correction of Manlfest Enorc

The canvassing body may motu proprio or upon ptltlon of an lnterested party corect manifest errors ln thc certificata of canEss or alcctbn rctum, (Sec.'11 Art l{o. 7185, S.ndoyrl v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 323 SCRA 4O3}


A copy of an chtdon iturn or certificatc of canrnss was tabulated

morc then once. Two or morc cophs of the same election retum or certificatc of canvass werc tabulatcd scparately.


Therc was a mistale ln copying the ffgures or certmcates of canv"ss.


re statemem of votes

Enors ln thc addltlon ln thr certlfrc.t! of canvass m.y br corrcctrd. (OlE v, Commlsslon on Eklont 221 SCRA t075; Lucero v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 234 scfA 280; Baddlrl v. Commlsslon on Elections, 439

Retums ftom non+xistrnt precincts were lncluded ln the cannss. (Sec. 5(e), Rule 27 of Conthc Ruhs of Proccdurc)


Th! strtmcnt of vot6 c.nnot bG codlctcd on tft. b.sb of . .cartlffdon Ghr.n to . r.tchcr, slncc .lccdon Etums a'r wt t .ru 3uDDoeed to bc thc brCs of tftc cenvrss. (Rrmkcz v.
Comml$lon on Electaons, 290


Thr rllegcd error ln thc ccrtiftc.tr of canrass commlttcd by carrylng forward 7,(n0 vot6 ls not r manlfest crror whcre the petltbn dH not spccify the prcclncts tr'hrc thc alh8Ed crrors


oommltted rnd erc not menlhst, slncc thcy do not rppcar on thc hor of thc clrtlf,cete o canvrss. (dllrn V. Commbdon on Elcctbns, 379 SCnA 247,



The chlm that

f.brhatrd statrments of vot6 and non{xlstlng

prcclncts were lncludd ln the tabulatlon cannot bc nlscd ln a

petltlon for corrcctlon of manlfest cnors, as th"y arc not derk l erors evident on thr face of the documents. (f.mayoRcycs v. Commlsslon on Ehctlont 524 SCRA 577)

lv. v. vl.

Th r:spondcnt. mry

fih .

countcr{ctldon. (trlnldrd v.

Commlsslon on Electlom, 320 SCRA 835)

The petltion should be ftled not liter than flve days after the proclamation of the winnr. (Sec. 5 (b), Rule 27 of C.omelec Rules of Procedurel

Thc pctltbn can be filed at any time et er before the procLmrtlon of thc winncr. (Scc. Z Ruh 27 of Comlhc RuLs of ProccduE; Elnce v. Commbslon on Ehctions, 242 SCRA 373;
S.ddirl v. Commlsslon on Elcctlons, 459 SCA 8O8)
The f.ommlssion on Electk ns c.n suspnd th prlod fior ffllng . the petitbn. (Arbonida v. Ommlssion on Ehctlons, 518 SCRA 320)


Howewr, Congrcss and the commission on Ehctions en banc are authorlzcd to determine the authentklty of the cartlftc.tes of canyiss for PrsHent, vhe Prsucnt and SrnatoB, respectivev. (Scctbn 30, Republlc Act o.7165, as amcnded by Rcpublk Act l{o. 9359}


Authenthfty of thc ccfficates of canvass transmittcd to thcm shall be detemind on the basis of the following:

i. ll. lli.

Stnaturus .nd thumbm. s of the ch.iman and mcmbers of thc board of canvasscrs.

Comphtbn of thc mrncs of rll thc c.odu.tca and thclr con tpondhg yotcs h rords rnd Surcs.
Abscnce of dlscrepancy ln othcr .uthenth coples of ccrtlffcate

cenviss or eny of ls supportlng doclments such as st tcmcnt of votes or ln th votes of any candldatc ln words



Abscnccs of dlscrcp.ncy ln thc rotcs of any

crndHrtc ln words end ftues h th. ccrtlfrc.tr of canvas .galnrt thc rltrlgetc numbcr d votcs eppcrrlrl: thc chctlon c$rns of prccincts cort .d by thc c.rtlfrc.tc of c.N.ss. (Sec. il0, R.pub[c Act tlo, 716,6, .s .mcndcd by Rcp,ttb0c Act a{o. 9,:}69.

b. '

.pplhs only to Congress and the Commlsi{,on on Ehctlom Gn Banc boads and doas not cxtend to th canrass proceedlngs before local board, Vrce-Prcsldent, and Scnators. (Plmntel 16. C.ommlsslon on El.ctbns, t43 SCRA 169)
es canv"ssln8



invoMnt the casting or the countlnS of the ballots are not proper in pre-proclamation cases.


The use of illegal ehction propaganda, vote-buyiry, and terrorlsm of the \oters are not proper lssues ln a preproclamrtlon case, Mlletas v. Commbsion on Elections, 9!,
scRA 5E2)


Questlonr of apprecl.tlon of thc ballots c.n[ot bc rahed in a prc-prod.mation crse. (Alhrdc u C.ommbsbn on Ehctiom, 159 SCAI glZ; B.utlsta v. Commlsslon on Elccdons, 159 SCRA 641; Abclla v. L.razabal, 180 SCRA 506; 46016o % c.ommtsslon on Ehctlons, .232 SCRA 7Z; Slnsuat v, Commisslon on Electlons, 492 SCRA 391) Thus, the claim that a candidate was not credited wlth votes c.st for hlm becausc hls nenrc was similer to that of another dbqualifred carduate cannd bc ralsed ln a prprochmatlon c.se. (S.nchr v. Commisslqn oh Elrffons, 211
scRA 315)

. lii.

Ukewisc, thc chlm that some balhts were spurious, mrrted or im/alad cannot be mised ln a pre-proclamation cas. Patoray v. Commlsslon on Elcctiont 274 SCRA /t70)

Tcrbrlsm of ydcfs, votry by fiylry votcr!, dcprirdlon of thc Itm to vot of rc8bt.lld vdcls, d y4r{uyint c.nnot be ralsld ln pG.prod.m.don cesc. (Robcs v. Cr,mmbsion on ElGGtb6, lit3 SCRA 193; A[,rdr v. Canmbsbn on Elecilons, 159 SCRA 632; lucmil * Gommksbn on Ehcbns, a5:! SCf


lv. v.

Vde.buyftq rnd lack of secncy ln thc pnpantlon of ballots are nd Fopar grunds for a pre-prodamatbn case. (Salazar v.
Comailssbn on Ehctlons,


SCIA 4331

r!l! .[ ird to uotc xrftftout rtrtfylnt $ch frfidtb, $.t drert rrr! dbcltprircr bctucen thc
Thc delrm thrt


*naturts h thc rdcr's rffidrrfts and tha votlq rccord, and thlrd pcrsoas fekch votcd for yotars who dH nG voe arr not

proper lssucs in a pr-prodamatlon c.se. (Dlp.tuan Comml$lon on Ehctbffi, 185 SCRA 86; Dimaporo
C.ommlsslon on Elections, 166 SCRA 769)

v. v.

Tcdrnlcal cxamlnrtion of thc {naturcs .nd thumbpdrts of thc rotrnr to provr substltute votlng ls not allowrd ln . prcscaA 494)

prcclem.tbn casc. (Ealhdoot y. C.ommlsslon on Ehcdons, 260

the paddiq of the list of votcrc cannot be

raised in a preproclamation case, slnce lt docs not involve the ehctlon rgturn. (Ututalum v. C.ommlssion on Ehctions, 181 SCRA 335)

f.ct that the votlng was sham or mlnlmal ls not a ground for fillng r pre,prochmattroo casr, slnce thls ls properly cognizebh ln .n .hction protGst. (S.llh v. Commksbn on Ekloas, 279 scnA $)


lhc hct that the counthg d th r,otcs was not compktcd

bccause of thc explosion of a trcnade and that no election was hcld cannot be mlsed ln a prefroclamatlon 6se, as thcsc are ineSularfties that do. no t appcar on the face of thc ctectlon rctums. (Mablam v. Commkslon on Ehctions, 271SCRA 733)


Admlnastntlve hpses whldr do not .ffect the .uthentklty of chcdon returns c.nrrct serue as besls for rnnulllrE thc Ghctlon retum. ((bmpo
v. Commlssion on_Electlons, 325 SCRA 5361.


to close the entrles ln the eldction retums with the sitn.tures of the board of clcction inspectors, lack of seals, abccnce of tirnc and date of rcccpt of the electbn return by the bo*d of canvesscrs, lad of stnrturcs of thc wztchcrs of the pctltioncr, and bc* of ruthorfty of thc pcrson rrho r*ciwd thc ckrcdon netum3 do not effuct thc .rrthentldty of rhc.Uums. {8.Erlm y. Commbsbo on Elcrdons, 2O5 SCRA U
The failure

ai, , ni.

The hck of inne. papcr scrls ln the ehction rrt[ms b not a proper subJecl of a prcaroc{amatlon casct (Bandah v. Cgmmlsslon on Electlons, 424 SCRA 267)

Thc rbsence of thc sl8natuE of the chalmrn of the bo.rd of hspcctors on the votcr/s affidavlts, lSst of votcrs, and vclns rccods; absanc! cro!3s darclubh couponsi dbcrlp.nchi bctx,lcn thc numbcr of daedrabh coupons rnd



thc nrmbcr of balb; .nd mlssftt votr/3 [sts rrc mGrc admlnktratf omlssbns erd cenom bG us.d .3 beCs to ennul

, lv,


rhctlon retum. (Arroyo v. House of Representativ Electoral


Trlbunal 2't5


lt b the ovcrll policy of the hw to phce a premlum on an clccdon rctum, rrhldr eppcaes rcauhr on lts facr, by lrnposlng ltdngent rquhfilcnts bcforc the certlicete of rot6 may be used to onrlrt tftc chctlon rcturn's ruthcntlcfty and oprl.tc as an rxcptlon to the tcneral rule thai in a pre.proclamation contro\crsy, the inquiry is limited to the ,our corners of the election rctum. ln the absance of clearly convinclnt evldence, thc valldity of the electlon rctums must be upheld. Any phuslble cxplanadon, one whlch ls acceptable to a reasonable man ln the lltht of experience and of thc probabllitlcs of the situatlon, shouH sufftce to avoH outright nulllfrrtlor, whlch results ln discnfrrndrbem.nt of those who cxcrchad thcl ltht of sutrrage. Wircrr thc @MEtEc disrcarrds thc prlnclple rcquirlng 'extrcmc c.utbn' beforr ralctirg clcctbn returns, and procceds with undu hastc in concludilg that thc elction retums arc timpcred, ft commlts a gray! abusc of dlscrtion amountiru to hcl or exccs of rurlidlction. (Doromal v. BIRO , G.R. No. lE1EG, 17 February 2010)



Wher. th threats of the followerc of a candidate dH not affrct the ofthe ehctbn return, it should not be excluded. (Sahraclon

v. C.ommlsslon on Electbns, 17O SCRA 513)


An electbn rtum whhh ls statlsthatv lmprobable is obviously

fabrlcatcd and should


be countcd.

where the votrs cast ln 5() preclncts for tfte candidates for srnators of one p.rty cqualhd the number of tlglsterrd voters, ell thc crndHatcs for s.nrtors of th.t party rccefirld thc same numbcr of vdc., .rd .ll thr c.ndkl.t6 for scn tors of thc opposlry party tot ng yirtcs, thc cLction rlturm ,!rc rt t!ilc.lly lmplot bh end rrc obvlonsty frbrk trd. (lrgumbay v. Cllnr.co, t6 SCRA 175; Slnsuet x Pend.tun, 3it SCRA 6!lO)

Wherc only one candldatc of a party tot all the votrs ln some prrclncts and hls opponent got zcro, the othr candHates of thc other party for othcr posltlons rccllved votcs, and thc number of votas cast were hss than the number of reglstcrud rrote6, thc chcbn rchrnls .ne not st tbtk lly lmprob.He, (Srngkl v. Commlssbn on ELctlon3, 21 SGRA 392; Ocrmpo v. Commbslon on Elcctlons, 325 SCn 636)


lli. lv.

hct that a candldatc got no rctes in a few pT cincts does not make the election rrtums statlstically improbrbh.
The mere
(Velayo v. Commlsslon on Electlons, 327 SCRA 713).

The merc f.ct th.t r c.ndHete rlolivEd ovarwhelmlng melodtlcs ovrr another canduatc ln numcmus p.lclncts does
not m.kc the rlcctaon ntums ststlstlcrlly lmprobrbh. (llhrdc mmlsslon on Elcctions, 31 SCRA 72)


.The mere fect

that the percentage of turnout of vote6 was hBh and that a candldate recelved e hlgh percentage of the lotes does not m.ke the elction returns statlsticalv lmprobable. (Doruelo v. Commlssion on Elcctions, 133 SCRA 3761


Durlss ln thc pEparatlon of rn ihcrion rcturn cannot be nlscd ln a pr?.ptoclamatloo use, bccrusc cannot be dccHcd summrrlly. (Scbrsdan v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 327 SCRA tt06; Dumayas v. Commbslon on Electlons, 357 SCRA 35E)


f. ' S.

lnr8ularitlcs which do not appear on the face of the elction retums, such .s thc clalm that thry were prcparrd by persons other than the memberc of the board of inspectors, cannot be raisd in.a preprochmatlon case. (Belac v, Commisslon on Elcctlons, 355 SCRA 394)

A c.ndidatr for mayor who finished s&ond cennot be prochlmed slmply becrusc thc candHate who recchred the hEh6t number of votes
died, slncc he was not the chohe of the pcople. (Benlto v. Conrmlssion on Ehctlon+ 235 SCRA 436)


fthr votes cest for the c.ndid.t6 excc.ded the number of rSlsterd lrotcrs, the chctbn retum shouH bc co$idcred tampcrd. (Camba v. Crmmbibfl or Chctlons, 543 SCRA 157)

1. 2.

qucrtbos lnroMrf thc fudlty of thc composltbn or procccdhs of thc bo.rd of canrnscr, cxccpt Corlgrcss, may b. nls.d anldally ln thc bo.rd gf c.nnssars
or the Commlsslon on Ehclons. (Secs. 15


17, Republh Act t{o. 7166)

Qucstlons lnvoMry the lectlon retums and certificets gf canvass should be broqht lnhlally bcfore the board of canvasscrs. (Sec 17, Rcpublk Act No. 716i6; Fcmrndcz v, Commbsbn on Ehctlons, 5(X SCRA 116) .

Rttcadur. h


Gomporldon or

Proocdkl of losd sf Cmvrrrcr


Ttc lllqalfi of the composltloir of th board of cannasscrs cannot bc guestioned after the prfilamatlon of thc wlnncr, slncc ft must be ralsd lmmedlatlly. (Laodenlo v.
Commlsslon on Electlons, 276 SCRA 705) school pdnclpal rrlro should prodrmatlon r$hcc hlm, thc mrdc by I borrd of cenvascrs ln whldr lt was r publh sdrool tcrtficr who ruplaccd the dlstrh sdtool supcrvlsor ls voH. (Sellc v. Commlsilon on Ehctlont tl25 SCRA 735) Slncc

lfthc dktrlct sdrool supcrvlsor k dbque[ffcd, h ls the

It ls valid foi'the Commisslon on Electlons to create a committce to lnvestlgate an anomalous double proclamation, where the rccommcndatlons of the commlttre were merely advlsory. (Ardals v. Conimlsslon on Ehctlons, tl28 SCRA 2771
fhe annulmcnt of thc prochmatlon of ..candldate for vice mayor adludged ln a ptftlon for ennulmcnt of thc prod.m.tlon of thc winlrlng candld.te for meyor ls ualH, * rcrc thr lodng c.ndU.tr ,or ykc mayor fihd . motbn for lntcncntbn .nd thc wlnnlng cardld.t for vlcc mryor llh an anrwcr h .lntrrvrntlon. (S.lh v. Commbslon on
Ehctions, tl25


Thc ruling oi ttc UoarU of canvassers on questbns affectinS lts composltlon or proce.dlnt may be appcalcd to the Commasslon on Ehctions ln 3 days, (Sec. 19,
Rrpubllc Act No. 71661; (Sema v. Commlss'ron on Electlons, !r47



h G.tc

of ContGrH ncturni


gnlly to thc dt.lrman of the board of Ganvasscns .t the tlme thc return ls presnted fior lncluslon ln the canvass end shall bc rntered ln thr mlnutcs of thc canvess. Slmulteneous wfth the oral objrction, the obiection sh.al bc entered in the form of written
Oblectlons to an ehctlon rtum shell bc submlttcd

obicctbns. [Sec. 20 (a) end (c), Repuuh Act No. 71661


An obJctlon madc

(Gulao v. C.ommisslon on Bcctbns, 137 SCRA 355; Alhrdc v. Commlssloo on Ehctlons, 159 SCRA

rftcr thc ctnv.ss ls htc.


Irlaw'ro v, Commbslon on Ehctbm, Zl8 SGRA 595; Stqubn v. rmlssbn oo EhctloG, 32O SCnA 44())

b. c.

fhc submbslon of an offcr of evHcne and the rfftdavltr wlthln

houfs, eten


no wrlBcn oblcctlons wcre submltted,

as substantial

@mpllance. (Marabur v. @mmlsslon on Electlons, 516

SCRA 696)

&.Ieroye v. Commlsbn on EhctloG, 155 SCRA 633; Dsrumder v. Crmt{3lbn m Elcctlons, 178 SCRA 7tt6; Slnsuet v. Comml$lon on Elccdont {tS SCRA 219} lt nlust bc filcd not htcr

A pcthlon for corcctlon of thc statrment of votes mey bc fited tftcr the prcdemation of thc wlnncr, dtholgh no obrcctbn was m.de durln6 thc canrass, .3 thc lnor wrs dbconred only rftcr thc pctldoncr tot . copy

thc 3t trmrrt of


than 5 days aftcr tft proclamatbn (Scc 5{b), Rule 27 of Comelec Ruhs of Proccdur!; TrlnHad v. Commlsslon on Elcctlons, 320 SCnA 836). Howe\rer, the Comn lsslon on Electlons c.n cntertaln the pethlon even lf It was filcd out of tlme rnd tte propcr docket fecs wcre not pald bccrusc ltr porcr to 3urpcnd thc ruhs. (Barot v, Gommlsslon on ELctlon3, {Oa SiCnA 352; Mllla u Bllmorls,lrx.r, {16 SCRiA 679; Dc h tlana v. Commlssbn on Ehctlom, 415 SCI 638]



However, the flve-day deadline is not appllcable to a petltlon for the annulment of the proclamatbn of a candldatr when ft was hls opponent who obtalned the maJorfi fior what uns oornected as not the ntrbs

but the computatlon of th votes. (Mentang v. Commisslon on

Electlons, 229 SCRA 565; Alejandro v, Commlrslon on Electlons, 481 scRA 4)


Thc Conr[ilssbn on Ehctbm can lnnul .. prochm.tbn bcc.us. ofan cnoi ln tlrlc comput tlon of thc rotcs ln thc st rncot of votcs, slnce thc prochmetion b vou. Oonls y. Crmmbsbn on Ehctlons, 27O SCRA .5831; Arboncda v. Commisslon on Ebctlons, 51E SORA 320; Cumllgad v. C.ommlsslor on Ehctlons, 518 SCRA 551)


Under the Comelc Rules of Procedure, a petitlon ior concctbn of the orrtlf,cate of canvass may bc fthd lvn bcfor! the prodamatlon oflhe wlnner. (Blne v. Commisslon oo Electlon, 2tl2 SCAA 273; Eaddiri v. Commission on Elcctbns,459 SCRA EOBI


A pctftlon for conction of manlfcst eno?s ln the statcmrnt of votcs can be dccHed by the Crmmlsslon oo Ehctbns cn banc ln the ffrst lnstanca, slnce lt does not lnvolve an electlon protest or a prcproclamatlon case. (Ramircz v. Commlsslon on Elcctbns, 270 Thc Commbsbn on Elcctbn h.s thc


po*tr to od.r . corrcctlon of thc statcmcot of vd6 to meb lt confiorm to dlc dcdon .!tums. (ostfo rn lor v. Gommksbn on Elcctbn, 250 SCnA 298)

fhe c.nwss of.ny clotlrtcd Eturn sh.ll bc dcfilnld, rnd thc board of canEss.r! shall procccd to c.nvrss thc uncontlstrd rutums. [Sec. 20 (b),
Republk Act No. 7166) .Wlthln 24 hours, thc obFctiry party shall iubmlt .yldenc. ln suppfi of the obiectbns, [Scc. 20 (c] Rcpublh Act ilo.7165) Frllurr to comply wlth thb t.ound for dlsmlshg thc obffilon. (Corderc y. Coormlssbn on Ehctbns, 310



scn uEl


thc delm that thc bo.r* of ckrcdon lmp.ctors rcrc lntlmUetcd ln the
prcp.natlon of

lhcdon rctuflts cannot


prown summrrlh end must bc nhcd


ln .n Glctlon protest, (Ctu v. Commlsslon on ehcilons, 319 SCRA 482; Shulan

v. Commlssbn on Elcctlons, 320 SCIA 440)

Wthln 24 hours eftcr grcsentation of the obrrctloo a party may fih . written oppocftbn.rd rtt ch thc suppofihg cvidcncc. [Scc, 20 (c], Rcpublh Act ilo,

Thc board of canvassers shall summarily ruh on thc contGstcd rltums. [S.c.20 (dl, Republlc Act No. 716161

A party who lntends to .ppeal shouH lmmedlatev lnform thr board of

canassen. lsec. 20 (el, Republh Act No. 71661 Wfthln tt8 hours, he must ftle a written and verlficd notke of app.| wlth the board of cannssers and take hls app.al to the Commlsslon on Ehctbns wltfiln 5 days. tscc. 20 (0, RGpublic Act l{o. 7155; sm. v. commlssion on Ehctbns, it47 SCRA 533). Filiru pGfrochm.taon ..s. ufth ttrc Commlsston on Elcctlons lnstod of eppcrllng CrouH bc rllrycd whcrc dlc bo.rd of canvesscrs Lnmcdletcly prodalmcd thc wlnncr (.lalnal v. Commbslon on ELctlons, 517 StA 79!r).




Thc Reglonal Trial Court has no judsdictbn to reybw thc declslon of the munldp.l board of c.nvassels to coicct a clrtmc.te of canvess. (Cabancrc u Court of Appc.b, 232 SCRA n(\4



Rcgloml Trial Court h.s no lurMktlon to compcl thc munhipal boad c.nvrsscns, which suspcnded the proclamatlon becausc of a posslble dlscrepency ln .n chctlon ieturn, to maka a pro&matlon. (ln re Comelec Resolutbn No, 521,234 SCnA 1l


lll. b. ' ll.

Ttrc Rcglonrl f.H Court hrs no lurkdlctbn to .nnul dE proarmtlon ot r whnlog c.ndH.t!. (Gustllo u Real, 353 SCRA

Perlod of Appeal


slnca thc prochm.tlon of e candldate who finlshed second madc .ftlr the candHatc who got thc hEhrst numbcr of votcs rrs kllhd b paEndy vold, Ltc .ppcal shouH be .lhr!d. (Bcnlto v. Codtmbslon oo Elcctlons, 235 SCRA a36l

Thc Commlssloo oo Elcctbm Gannot by rcsuLthn slrortcn thc

perlod to gucstioo lts dcdrkn bcforc thc Sogemc CouG 60r



under the Constltutlon the perlod of 30 days can be shortened law onu. (Sardea v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 225 SCRA 374)

rh.ll deddc th. .pp.| wfthin 7 day6 from reccapt of thc rccords, rnd thc dccblon rhall bc cxrcutor rftcr 7 days from by 'lcclpt the losing p.rty. [S.cs. lt.nd 20 (0, icpublh Act No.71661
The Cr.hmisslon oo Ehctlons

Thc pre-proclamatlon casc should no longcr bc declded if rxclusloo of the questioned lection returns will not change the result of the ehctlon. (Matalam v. Commission on Elections, 271 SCRA 733; Basorte v. Commhslon on Elections,
s23 SCRA 76)

Ilte board of canvassers

shall not make any proclamadon whhout authorlzatlon from th CommasCon on Ehctlons. (Jamll v, Commlssbn on Electlons, 2E3 SCRA !149; tltto v. Commlssbn on Ehctbns, 375 SCRA 523; Munor v. Commlsslon on Ehctions, tlE6 SCnA 615; Omba v. Commbslon oo Elrctbns, 543 SCRA 157); M.rabur v. C.ommlssbn oa Ehctbns, 516 SCIA 696)

a. . b.

prod.metbn n y bc m.dc if thc contcstcd raums w!11 not edvrrsdy affect the rcsults of thc ehction. ISec. 20 (l), Republk Act No. 7166;
8nwaren v. Commlsslon on Electlons,
1186 SCRA


The Commlsslon oo Elections may ordcr thc proclamatlon of other winnlng arndid.tes whose ehction wlll not be afrected by the prcprochmatbn cas.. (Sec. 21, Republk Act ilo. 7166)

Terminatlon of Pre-Proclamrtlon c.ase



On& a proclamatlor has bcen madr, the pre-proclamation case ls no longcr vhblc and shouH be dlsmbsed. (Margca v. Commbslon on Ehctlons 112 SCRA 273; Padllh .u Commlssbn on Elccfions, 137 SCRA /12/t C.Cmlro v. Commbslon on ELcdons, 171 SCf,A il5E; Sardca u Comml$bn oo Elcctbn Zl5, SCRA 37t1, Shuian v. CommBsbn on
ELcdolr3, 32O SCR {@ 8!.b.o v. Comrnbdon oo Ebctbns, t}19 SCRA tm). Howwcp thb rub prrsuppo6c3 ftc prod.rn don b vrlld. lt docs no .pply lf tftc


ls yoid, bcceusc ft wes boscd on hrcomplctc

rutums. (Mutuc v. Commlsslon on Electlons, Zl SCRA 552; Du]lmdcs v. Commlssbn on Ehdbns, 178 SCRA 745, Castrornayor v, Commlsslon on Electlons, 17E SCnA 746; C.rtromayor v. Comml$lon on Electlons, 25{, SCRA 29E). Ihls .pplics lf the wlnner was proclalmcd wlthout rullng on thr objectbns to thc lncluslon of contcstld rrtums, (BpHol v. Comml$lon on Clcctlons, 472 SCRA :180, J.lnal y. Commbslon on

Ehctlorc, 517 SCn 799). :emc holds trur lf thc rfiums wGrr 'otr y. (Agb.y.nl mrnuhcurcd. Commlsdoo Elcctlo(|3, 1E5 SCnA a84)



Thc samr hoHs true wherc dtc computatlon of rrotas was eroneous, (IatlorEtari v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 199 SCRA E49; Mcnt.ng v.
Commlsslon on Electlons. 229 SCRA 669)

. b. ' c.

Ihc flhg ln thc n gbn l Trhl Court of r ptltlon to ennul r prcmrturc prodrmrtbn ls'not an abrndonment .of thc pr+.proctm.tlon c.se, beceusc thc court has furlsdktbn ovcr lt. (Dumayas v. Commlsslon on
Ehctbns, 357

correction of manifest enors, since is a preproclamatlon case. Cerbo v. Commlsslon on Electlons, 516 SCRA 51). Thls ruh docs not apply lf thc Fotrst was filed as e prccautlonary mcesurc. (TubuEn v. Ballccrr, 2tl SCRA 941; Agbayanl v. Comotbsbn on Ecctblls, 186 SCnA 484; Mltmtg v. Commbslon on ElectbG, 186 SC8A t1${; Mftmug v. Commissbo on Elcctbns, 2:n SCRA 54). Thc fillng of an chction protcst rcsults ln .b.ndoomGnt of a pr+.proclamatbn case arcn if thc protcst rllrtld it was f,hd .s e prcautbnary mcrsurc, lf ft dk not Gxplaln why. (Laodcnlo v. C.ommisslon on Electlons, 276 SCRA

The filing of a protest implies ab.ndonment of thc pre-prodamatlon cas. (Slnsuat v. Commlsslon on Electlons, 492 SCRA 391). This applls to






Thc ruh that thc filing of an elcction protrst implles th. rbandonmcnt of thc pre-ploclamatlon casc does not apply lf the board of canvassers wrs impmpcrly constthrted, ar when thc Munlclpal Trcasur:r tool orer thc canves.slng wfthod havlry bn dlsfnated. (Samad v. Commlsrlon on Elctbn, 22tl SCRA 6311

e. f. .

pr?.prochmation case end rn chctlon protcst can be filed slmutt nously because thev lnrchre dlfferent lssues. (Tan v. Cornmhslon on Ehcions, 507 SCnA 3521

Af peprcdam.tlon c.s.s prndlnS bcfor! thc Commbsbn on Elcctbns

sh.[ b. tr.mlmtcd .t drc bcahihg of thr tclm of thc oficc conccmrd, rril thc rulhgs of thc borrd of crnvrsscrs shdl bc dcemcd rtrmcd, whhout pnMle to dl. flftrg of .n clectbn protcst.

. a. .

(Samlcnto v. Commisslon on Elcctlons, 212 SCRA :Xr7; Vercehs % Commbslon on Electlons, 214 SCRA 159; Penallorlda % Crmmls3lor on Elccdons,282 SCRA 2tl1; Slson v. Commlssbn on Ehctlons, 304 SCRA

tf thc pctftbn rppcrrs mcrltorlous on th basis of thc wHcnce prtffH ro fer, thc Comnbslon on Ehctlons or thG Suprgnc Court
mry ordcrtfic c.sc to ooidnu.: (S.c 15, Rrpubllc Act t{o.7155}

AUTOfftAlED StCnOfiS 62


Stututoty Boscs.kpublic Act t{o. 9369 amendlnt R-A. No. 8436

Attu,/tof,d Ebtfut Syt,r;n lret. Thc folloulng prcoe3c.s c.n b.ubmatcd - votln& countlngi consdu.th8; oaNessln& snd tr.nsmlsslon. Thr .AES may clthcr br a papcrbascd or dlr'ct rccordln8 Glcctlon system for thc use of ballots, ehctlon returns, cartificatc of canvass, and statement of votes. COMETEC has discretion to provide an
AEs or AESS or a paper-based or dlrect rcodlng ehctlon system. The AEs must provlde

for use of ballots, stand-alone machinc, wlth audit tralls, mlnimum human lntervEntion and securlty measures.
. Vdtng Prcceduft. The bash steps of the procedure arc: voter tets balh,ts from Board of Ehdon lnspcctols (8El); votcr fi[s up ballot ln wthg booth (spoll only 1r); voter tffixes tiumbm.rl on vothe rccord; BEI rppllcs lndcllbh lnk .nd Votrr droPs balht In ballot

Co@frng{oruosslng Pioc"d.rrus, Comdng.t Countlng Crnt rs .s ballots arhre; Printing of Ehctions Retums (30 cophs) at prlclnct-leyel then Elestronh Transrnlssloh to Board of Canvassers; Results loaded ln Deta Storage Devlccs; Crnsolidatlon of Results ln Data Storate Devic.s then Electronk Trensmlssion to COMETEC (Senate and Party-Ustl and Congrcss (PrcsHent end vlce-PrrCdcnt) end Proclam.tion.. He+torrlomotlon Cases. Objectlons pcrt lnlng to Proccldlngs and Composhlon of Board of Can6sse6, and irhcrc tlat -Stora$ Dehfd, Ihsnrored, Falslfed fDelore canvass) allowcd. ilot .llowed are the following objectlons: materlal dcfects, manlfcst crrors, ruhs of appreclatlon; violcnce, votlnt procedure, bnd cliglbllity of rroters.


Jurtprudencc cooftontcd w{th time rnd budgct constraints, .nd In vlcw of the coMElfds m.nd.tr to cnsuE hc., honcst, rnd cndhh clcctlon+ tha acedance of drc Gxtcnslon of ftc optbn pcrlod, thc cxctlr of thc optbrl and tftc rxccudon of the D.cd of S.h, rrc thc mor! pndcnt lhbh b $c @ME[8C for. scccssful 20Ut.utometd Glcctlorl3. (Op.[r, !t..1y. Crmck, G.R. No. 20112120412il201113,


13 June 2012)

Thc rcurcc code b the 'human readrble lnstructlons that deffne what the computer rqulpmrnt wlll do.' lt ls tha mastcr blueprint that rcva.ls rld determlnes how the machlne wlll behave. fhcse rrc rnalogous to the ptocedures prcvldcd to chctlon wortcr. Thc rcvicw of thc sourtc codc th6t alty lritG,ritad polltkal party or goup m.y for sccurlty rr.sons .nd must bc condud 'undcr a colrtrollcd coiduct Gnvlrol|mrnf to dctcrmlnc thc p.r6cnoe of rnv crmr rnd delms of fnrd. Sccdon lll of t, 'oncc rn Autonr.tcd ElGCffon Syltlm (ltSl tcdntology ls R-4" ilo. 9369 rt t.3 selcccrl for lmphmcntrtbo, tftc Commbcbtt tha[ piompth m.lc dtc souta codc of



that technology.tnllable rnd open to any lnter# politkal party or troups whkh m.y conduct thelr own rEvhw thereof,' The only exctsabh reason not to comply wlth the said requlrement ls that thr sald source code was not yct avallable when an hterested party as*cd for tt (Ccnter for Peoph Empowcnncnt h Gfflmanc v. @MELEC G.R. t{o. 189t46, 21 Scptrmbcr 2010}

The @MELEC tmy conduct .utom.tcd clectloa cvcr lf thcrc ls no dld tlstllE. (lnformatlon Technology Foundation of the Phlllpplnes v. @mclec, G.R. 159139, 13 January 2fi)4)
The contract to autom.te mey be awarded to thc privite sGtor, prdHed thc solutions provlder is under the supMslon and control of the COMELEC Thls ls not an aMlcatlon of the constltutlonally mandated duty of the coMEtEc. COMEI.IC has no .uthority to prwldc ior the clcctonk trensmlsslon of th t!$rhs of thc clcctlom ln ttc p.lckrcts to thc Comclcc whldt fr rdl usc for rn edtanced unofffclal t buLtbn slnc! thcra b no apFoprLtion for the prpicct.nd th.t thcrc ls no lrw whhh authorhcs th. ComclGc to .r8mcnt funds fr,mt savlqs. (Bdlhntes v. Comehc, t032 SCRA 269)

CoMEtEc has no euthority to use autom.tGd countirlg machlnes ln the 2fi)4 Synchronlzed Elctions when the purchasc contr.ct wes in vlolatlon of laws, lurlsprudenc? and hs bUdlng ruhs, and the hardware end software hlled to pass legally mandated technk Gqul.lments. (lnformatlon Tcchnoloty Foundatlon of the Phlllpplncs v. Com.hc, G.R. 159139, 13 January 2q)t0


Eucnoil GorfrEsrs
Dhtlnctlon bctwcen Clcctlon Prot6t.!td Quo W.mnto


quallffcatbns of r cendldatc fur ttc prccldcncy, bc$ol! thc chctlons rc hcH. Ordln ry usag: mUH dr.r.ctadtt a '@nt!.t' h r:fcrcnoc to a po6taltctbn a qt/o scln Elcdon contcsts coosbt of clttrgr in Ghctloo ptotcat uoflonb r/hlr,t, eldrotgh tuo dbtlnct rlmcdbs, wouH havr onc otlccdvc kl view, ,.a, to dlslod$ thc wlnnlry candHate frott offlo!. (Tecson v. Gomehc,

An clectlon protest only contcmpLte . post{lectaon scenario. Th Supreme court h.r no lurMktbn oyrr c.s!s brcrfht ditlctly bcfof! lt qu.sdorftE thc


424 SCRA 277)

2. .

Electlon protest

nfrrs to en ehction contst teLdlE to thc dcctbn .nd rctums.

of dective o'fficlats, groundcd on ftauds or lncaularltlcs ln tic conduct of the b.lhs .nd thc ptp.rdon rnd chctlons, thc crsthg rnd countftE of cenvesCng of rfinns. Thc bsut b who obtrlncd ilrc plunllty of Y.[d t ot s cast. (Scc 3 (c), Rsh ," Rolcs of Proc.dutt h Ekloo ConErt3)




Quo warranto refers to an ehctlon oontcst relating to th qualificatlons of an clecdon offfdal on thc ground of lncftlbllity or disloy.lty to thc Rcpubllc of the Ptlllpplncs. The lssue ls whctter the nspondent possesses all the quallffcatlons end none of thc disquallfic.tbns prcscrhcd by law. (Sec.3 (c), Ruh 1, Rules of Prccedurc ln Elcctlon @rGsB)
mey only bc consHercd I prcsumpthr! wlnncr rs hls/ proclamatlon hcr was undcr prctrst, docs not make hlm/ hcr hss than a duly elected offfcial. (Ong v. Alegre, G.R. No. 153295, 23 Janu.ry 2(xE)

4. 5.

Whlh.n chchrc offidrl

Crrtlorarl, not an electlon protest or quo warrento, ls the proper rccourse to revlew a COMELEC resolutbn approung the wlthdrawal of the nominatlon of lts orlglnal nomlnees and substltuting them with others erren lf the substltute nomlnles haw already bccn proclaimed and have taken th.lr oath of off,ce. (toklG ,r. v. COMEIEC, G.R. t{o. D9431-32,22 tune ZJ.LOI


Gomp.nd wlth Pr.+rod.m.tloo Gar6

rrguhr .lcction protcst, thc partles mav lltlgat! ell the lcgal .nd f.ctual issues raised by thcm in smuch datail es they may decm neeessary or apprcpriata. lssues such as fraud or terorlsm attend.nt to the chctlon proclss, tha rsoludon of whkh would compel or nccesltate the Crmehc to plcrce th wll of el.ctloo rcturnr whkh appear to h Nmo la* rcgrh,r, on thcir fae, are pmpcr fior clctlon prct sts, not prcproclamatioo cases. ProcGedln$ ln a preamdamatlon controwrsy ar! summary ln naturc. RGc.ptbn of cvldene ottnde, thc llst of votlrs wtth votirg Rccord ls
',ttch.s prGcdbd. (tucm.n v. Crmclec, G.R. No. 165229, 29 June 2@51


SupGme Court (Presldcntial Ehctoral Trlbunal)

a. b.


Vk! Prr3ld.nt (Scc.4 Art



Scn*c ghCof.t fabun.l - Senato6 (Scc. 1Z Art. Vl of Coffiftutbnl

House of R.pr6ntatlves Ehctor.l Trlbun Congrssmen (Scc. 17, Art, Vl Constitutlon, Sampay.n y. tlaza, 213 SCnA EO7) Commlsslon on Ehctlons




ncgbnel officlals

Prwlnclal offidab


c, 5. 6. 7.

clty offfdab [Sec. 2 (2], Art.

Election Code)


of constltutlon, Sec. 249, omnlbus

of crnstltutlon; sc. - Munhipal officials tsec (2): Art 25L Omnhus Ehciro Codc; Prprndayan u Commbslon on Elcctlons, 230 SCRA
Regional Trlel c.ourt 469)


Metropolltan Trial Court, Munhlpal Clrcult Trlal C.ouG and Munlcipal Trlal Court - Barangay officials - Sec. 2 (2), Art. lx of Constltutlon; Sec. 252, Omnibus Election code; Regatcho v. Cleto, 126 scRA :]42) Metropolitan Trlal CouG Municipal Orcult.Trlal Court, and Municlpal TrialCourt Sanggunlang Kabataan (Sec. 1, No. 78Gr; Marque, v, Commlssloir on Elections,
313 SCRA 103)

B..t Add.ncc
Thc ballots arc thc bcst and mo6t conc-lusfu! cyidcnce in an electlon contest wherc the oonectnass of thc numbcr of votcs of Gach Gat k ate ls lnvohrcd. (Delos Rcyes v. Comehc, G.R. t{o. Uoo7o, 28 Fe,bruary 2@71

Testimonial evldence may be adduced lf there are allegauons and reports that the ballots are spurbus. EEmin.tbn of the ballots ls not cnough in thls ctse, (Rosal v. Cornclcc, 518 SCRA tU3)

Ihcy shouu be rvallebh and thelr lntegrity. prcservrd from the day of clectlon untll revlslon for the ruh to apply, ln cases ri 'iere such balbts are unanllable or cannot b produced, thr untampered and unahcred ehctlon retums or other election documrnts
may be used as evldence. tlo Gvidenthry valuc can bc glwn to the ballots where a ballot box ls found ln such a conditlon as would 6lse a rcasonable tuspklon that unauthorized pcrsons couH harc galned unlawful acess to 'rts coitents. (Sema v. HRET, G.R. t{o.

ballots hrrc bccn ruphccd by fakc oncg the physkd count of wtcs ln dte plcincts as ffirrmkrcd durhg thc .lvlsloo of thc balhts Gannot bc @.l3u.rud th. corrcct numb$ of r,fia! c.sL Th. clcctbtt ttturns shell be bilb.of $c wt $ Fonrc u llousc of Rcprurcnt thr.s Elcctor.l Trlbunel, 351 SCRA 312,

{,J,:,,.,26 Mrrch 20101 whn .uthcntk

b no nced to rsort to rcylslotl *rhcn thc protestant concedes the corrcctness of the ballot rcsults concemlrg thc. numbcr of vot s obt lned by both protestant and pdestee, and rrllectetl lh thc ehctlon rctums. The condtutlonal functlon, rs well as tic powcr .nd duty to bc th rolc judge of all contrsts rchtltts to the elcction, returns rnd quallfrcetbn of th. PrlsHcnt snd vice-Pruildeit, b cxprcssly rcstd an the PrBldmtlal Ehctonl Tr&unal, and lndudG the duty to @r'tct manlfest amo's ln thc St tlmcnt of VdGs md Ccrtlftcrtcs of Crnvass (tcarde v. OG Ostro, PET Crsc t{o. fl13, 31 Medr2(D5!



Pcrlods for

flllnt cont st




PrcsHcnt and llhe PrrsHent

1) 2l li,

Protest lto days (Rule Electonl Tribunall

Quo warranto





1O days (Rule 15, Rules

of Presidential


1) 2l iii. .iy. y. vl. vil. b. l.


15 d.ys (Ruh


Rcviscd Rubs of Senate

Electoral Trlbunal)

10 days (Rules 15, Revlscd Rulcs of Quo w.r'.nto Senatc Ehctoral Trlbunal)

- 10 days (Rulcs 16 and 17, 1998 Rules of House Rcprescntatlyc Ehctoral Trlbunal) of

R.gb,nal, provlnchl rnd clty oficlal


253, Omnlbus Ehctlon Codc; R.publlc v.

10 days (Secs. 250 and De.l. Rose,232 SCRA

Munlclpal officLb Electbn Code)

10 days (Secs. 251 and 253, Omnibus 10 days (Secs. 252 .nd 253, Omnibus


y ofnchb

Ehrdon Code)

Srqgunleng t(rb:tern


daF F.c. ," Rcpubfic Act ilo.78Op]


period to fih an clectlon protcst or guo wamnto cas ls suspcndcd frollr thc filll of prc4rodamatlon cas untll rccclpt of thc oder dbmlssina drc case (Sec 2t18, Omnlbus Elcctbn Codc; Eduhel v. Commlsslon on Ehdon$ fill SCRA 766; Rcaurfldoll v. Gommbslon on Elcdbff, 127 SCRA + Msrho v. Commbdoo oo Elcttlons, 135 SCRA 5115; Mad.s v. @mmbsbn oo ElccdolE, ltll SGnA 1371; GatdrelLn y. Court of Apecab, 2as SCnA 2(E). Ihb rulc .pplles ctrn lf the ple-



prcchmation was ffhd by a candHatc other than the one who ffhd thc ehctbn protcal (Tan v. Commbsbn on EhctioG 5(r7 SCRA 352). lf the dlsmlssal was elemtcd to thc Suprcmc court, thc perlod does rot run until rccels of th dlsmlss.l by the Supcmc couG bccrusc nvbw by thc Supllmc Court b part of thc HocecdkE. (Galhdo v. Rlmrndo, 1E7 SCRA tl53)

Thr prrlod to ffle .n chctlon plotest b suspended by the ftllng of a petltbn to annul the proclamation of th winner. (Manahan
v. Bemardo, 2E3 SCRA 505) tii.
Slnce the ftllng of a pre-proclamation case merely suspends

the runnlng of the perlod to file an ehction protest, only the balancc of the perlod ls hft ln case of lts dlsmlssal. (Roquero y. crmmisslon on Ebctions, 28!1 SCRA 150)


cvldrncc of thc he* of Hllplno citlz.nshap of . prwlncial offtdal was dbcovwld ooly E months rftcr hls prod.rn tbn, thc quo wi.mnto c.sc shouH bc allourcd cvu if It was filcd moru than 10 days aftcr hls prochmatlon. (Frlvaldo


v. Commlsslrn on Electlons, 17tl SCRA 2tl5)


rn rctlon for . dcclaratlon of r fallurc of Ghction as not a pre-prochm.tlon case, tts frllnt does not suspcnd thr prlod to ffh an ahctlon prdrst. (Oagloc v. Commlsslon on Ebctbns, 321
Slncc scRA 273)


Protestant or petltloner
Presldent and Vlce PrcsHent


votcs (Ruh 1+ Ruh3 of

- ondHat

wiih 3ccond or tfthd htshGt number of Plcsucntll Elcctorrl Trlbunal)


CUo wrmnto

any t otcr (Ruh 15, Rulcs of Prtsldcnthl

ElcctoBl Tdbunal)


Protest any candidate (Ruh Ehctonl Trlbunal)



Rdscd Rules



any rrotrr (Rub 15, 19!ts Rulcs of S.n.t Qpo w.mito Elcctonl Trhunafl


Corlgrcssm.n 68

.1. ll.

Any c.ndld.tc (Ruh 16, 1998 Rules of House of Representatives Electonl Tribunal)
Protcat Quo wrrranto

- arv rrot r {Rule 17, 1!188 Ruhs of Housc of R.p.lsrnt thrs ELdoral Trlbunrl) lf tte Commbslon on
Ehctbns cxecutcd lmrncdhtcly lts rsolutlon dls.llowlng the substftutlon of a wlthdow candHate desphe the pndency of motion for reconsidentlon, the substitute can file a protest. (Roces v. House of Reprsentath/es Electoral Trlbunal, tl69 SCRA 68U


Reglonal, provlnclal, and city officlals

l. ii. i.


-eny cardHate (Scc.250, Omnlbus Ehctlon Code)

Quo warranto

.ny. yotcr (SGc

251 Omnibus Elcctlon Code)

Munlclpal df,chls


hBhest number of r,otes or ln a multi-slot posltlon was among thc ncxt four candHates folloifllnt the last rankcd wlnner. (Sc. Ruh e Rubs of Prcccdure ln Election contestsl

iny candHatc wto


th sccond or third

ll. r

Quo Warranto ln Elcctlolr Contests

elction concemed. (Scc.

Ehctlon Contestsl
Bararqay Officlals

- any t oter who votcd an the Ruh 2, Rules of Ptoc.durc ln


Protan - .ny G.ndH.tc dp rccchcd thc secood or thltd h[hcst numbcr ofi rctca or ln a muhFslot pGidon w.s .mong ttc ncxt fiour cardld.tts folloullf thc hst r.nked winn r. (Src. 3, Ruh 2, Ruhs of Pmc.duru h ELctbo cont sB)
Quo wrrranto




wtro t otcd ln the clection @nc.rned.

(Scc. C Rules of Procedurc ln Elcctlon


Sartuniant Kabataan


s .moog hEhcst number of t dcs or ln . multF,sh posltbo thc ncrt four crndilrtcr bflowlttt thc hit ranl(.d whncr. (Scc. 5, Rule 2, Ruhs of Proccdurc ln.Elcctlon cont.sts)


rny cendldate who rccclvrd thc ttcond or thlrd



Quo warranto - .rry voter who rrcted in the lectfrrn conccmed. (Sc. 6, Rulcs of Proceduru ln Ehctldn Contcsts)

P.yment of doc*et


Ihc payment of thc doct"t fe. b.yord thc pcrtod for filllB thc .lcctlon prctest ls ht l to thc clcctlon protcit. (Mrhndrcs v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 319
SCRA 262;

Solhr v. Commlsslon on Electlons, 339



attomrys fes in his electlon .protest and pald the doclct fee for hls clalm for attomey/s fees but did not pry the bask docket fee for the electlon protest, the ehction protest should be dlsmlssed. (Gatchalian v. Court of Appealt 245 SCRA 208)
Where the protestant ancluded a clalm for

S. oirtrary ruflrgs ln Pahihn

322 SCRA 272.

u Tab.lba,

2:m SCRA 205 and Enoras v. Gacott,

Ihc protcstc. b stoppcd to qucstbn thc lnsufficiency of thc dockat fec pald, if hc fthd e countlrf rotst and echcly p.rticlp.tcd in the proceedlnSs. (l{av"rosa v. Commlssbn on Elections, 411 SCRA 369; vlllagnch v. Commisslon
on Elections, 513 SCRA 655; Mallago ys. commisslon on Ehctlons, 533
6591. SCRA


Payment of Cash Deposit

wrmnto may bc dlsmlssed for fallurc to pay the ptlsctlbrd cash deposit upon lts fillng. (Garcla u House of Reprrsstatlyes Electoral
A pctltion for quo

Tribunal, 312



Alltatbns ln protcsts


R.Bion.l,'Prordnciel .nd Ctty Offfchls


An cbctbn prd.cn drouH contrln thc followirU iurbdktlonal


1) 2l 3l

Thc prctcstent as . c.ndld.tc who duly fihd a c.rtiffcate of candldacy and vyas votcd for ln th. ehctlon . Thc protcste has bcen proclalmcd chcted

fhc datc of thc prochm.tlon. (Mlro

Ehctbns, 121sC4A466)
An rhction

v. Commbslon on

prot n wHdr does not sp.dfy thc prdnct whcrc thc rllcgcd fur:gulrfths occltrrd It htally

' . . ll.

dfectivr. (Pena v. Housr of Representathres Electoral Trlbunal,270 SCRA 3tO). Howcvei, lf the protest states that the electlon retums ftom all the preclncts are belng gucstloned, thcre ls no necd to speclfy the prclncts lnvohrcd ln tftc proEst. Squllayan v. Comml$lon on EhClons,415 SCRA 55t)

Subst.ntlal compllancc


sufficlcnt. Thus, the followlng

allegatlons sufficlentv comply with the first requlrement:

1l 2l 3)
. 4)

The protcstant recehrcd a certain number of votes. (Anis v. @ntrens, 55 Phll. 923)
The protestant finished second ln the clectlon. (Ali v. Court offlrst lnstancc of lrnao, 80 Plrll. 5061
Thc protest nt w.s a c.ndHate votcd for ln the clectlon wlth . vrlu c.rtiffcat! of candHacy for mayor. (P.mania
v. Pilapll, 81 Ptll. 212)

fhe protest nt was one of the retisterd



voted for and he receivrd a certain number of votes

Sarcon, 9tl Phll..265).

5l . 6l lll. .

The protestant was the officlal candldatc of a


pollthal party .nd rccclvcd a crrtaln numbrr of wtcs. (Maqulnay v. lihta, 100 SCRA 7o2l
The proEstent was a candidate for governor and was vot.d for. (Macias v. Commisslon on Ehctions, 182
scRA 137)

Et,rn lf thc protcst dld not .Lt the dat of tlir prodamrtlon, ft can bc dctarmhcd fr,om drc of thc c.sr that lt was 'lords p(dlrt flGd on tlmc, as whcn th! wr3 fbd qr thc tcnth from th! d.tr tha catung of rrot6 was hcH, thc protBt should not bc dlsmassd. (Mlro u @mmbslon on Ehctlons, 121 SCRA 4661


Munldpal, Banngay and SarygunhE ('.bataan Offlclals

An ch.don protest or prthbn for quo war.nto shall state the


l. [.

Tftc posftbn lnwfircd;

ilrc drte of proctm.tlon;

lil. lv. v.

fhe number of vots credltcd to the parties per prcclamatbn

An clection protcst shall .lso stat:

.The total nunrbcr of pcclncts of thc munlcipality or the


The protested preclncts and the \otes of the parties in the protested precincts, per the statement of votes by precincts or, lf the votes of the partles are not speclffed, an cxplanatlon why
the votes are not speclfled; and


A detalled spclficatlon of the acts or omissioos complained of shwlrg the Ghctor.l ftruds, anomalhs, o. l.rrtuhrides in the protcsted ptldncts. (Sc. 11, Ruh 2, Ruhs of Procedure in

Ehctlon Contests)

An elctlon prctest must be pnopcrly veri$cd. (Scc. 7, Rule 2, Rulcs of Procedure ln Ehction Contests; Soller v. Commlsslon on Electlons, :t49 SCRA 685)


Certlftcat of abEene of forum shopplng


Equlrumrnt that ewry lnlthl pleadlng should contaln a olrtmcatbn of abscnce of forum shopplnt appllcs to electlon cases. (Sec. Z Rub 2, Ruhs of Proccedlng ln Ehctlon Contests; loyola v. Court of Appcals, 245 SCRA 4Z; Tomaron8 v. tubguban, 269 SCRA 624; Soller


v. Commbslon on.Electbns, 339 SCRA 6E5)


Ihc filiC of tlrc ccrtlfidon of rbscncc of fon m shopplne .ftcr the ff[nS d thr prot st hn uflhln thc pcrlod for flllE . protcst ls

subetrntbl complhmc. (lofole v. Canrt of AppG.ls, 245 SCnA 4nl The fiIry of thc olrtlffdon frcr thc pcrlod br fllng protcst b not subt rthl comp[.nc., Fornedrrg v. tubtub.n, 269 SCRA 6241. The samc b truc lf lt was rubmftcd rft., thc protestcc ffhd a motlon to dlsmks the rlectloo protBt on thls ground. (8atoy v. Commlssion on Ehctlons,397 SCf,A 505)


Joinder ot alectbn protcst and quo wiamrao oasr


An rlcdlon

protlrt.nd h


wa't nto c.sc c.nnd



proc.Gdlnt. {S.c. 2, Ruh





bc filcd lolndy ln the

Ro6. v. Yonsoo 52 Phll tl45; lrllson v.

Proccdurc ]n Ehctlon G.rd., G.R. tlo. [-


' b. 9.

1(x)16 May 2O 1957). However, thcy can be filed separately. (Lulson v.

Garcla, G.R. No. t-10916, May 20, 1957)

they were rolned in

r .ctbo, thef shouH

be ordcrcd separated. (pacal

v. Ramos, 81 Phll. 30)

Composltion of Board of c.nv.ss.rs

The lllegatfi of the composition of the board of canrassers cannot be raised in a quo warnarto case, as only the incliglblllty or disloyalty of the wlnner can be ralsed in such cas, {Samad y. Commlssion on Electlons, 224 SCRA 631)


Change oftheory

substant.l amendments to $r Ghctlon prot.st c.nnot bc made .fter tha cxpk tbfl of thc pcriod for ftSrg rn chction protcst (Anoyo v. Housc of
heprcscntathcs Ehctoral Trlbuml,
21[5 SCnA 3S4l


Summary dbmissal

The court shall summarily dismiss, motu p.oprio, en ehctlon protest, oounterprotest or pctition for quo warranto on any of the follot ring grounds:

a) b) cl d) cl L2.


court has no lu.lsdlctlon orer the sublect mattec


Ihc pctftlon

hsufficlent ln form .nd contenq

lhe pctitioo bfihd beyond the prescdbed perlod;

The filing fee was not paH wlthin th. perlod plfiest or petitlon for quo warranto;


the ffling of election

p.H wlthln ft,. dtys ftom ttc filtrg of thc fhc cesh Ocpoett ros 'lot p(ot..t. (Scc. 11 Rulc 2, nuhs of Proccdurc ln Ehctbn Coitlstrl

ftohhltLrd Ph.dhcE

a. .

Reglonal, provlnclal and city offickrls The

followlry phadlngs are not allo,.d: Motbn to dlsmlss; Motbn for. bill of

l. ll. lll.


Motbn for Gril.ndoll of tim. to fih rncmonndum of brhli

lv. v. yl. vii. b.

Motlon for rcconsldcratbn of an en banc rulim; resolutlon or

declslon except in election offense cases;

Motlon for ruopanlng or rhearlng of a case;

Rcply ln spcc{al .cfbns and spccirl ca3cs;

Supplemcntal pleadings in spcial actlons and in spcial cases. (Rule 13, Comelec Rulei of Procedure)

Municipal, barangay and Sanggunient kabataan offkials.

The followlng pleadingp are not allowed:

v. Yl. vil. vlil. i,c x. xi.

Motbn to dbmbs .xcept on th. trcurd of bdr of lurlsdlctbn

over the subicct matter;

Motlon for a blll .of p.rthuh6;

Demuner to dldcnce;

Motlon for ncw Hal, or for Gconsidemtion of a Judtmem or for rcopcnlng oftrlal;
Pctttton for rcficf ft]om judgment;

Motaon for lxEnslon of tlme to ffle phadlngs, afffdavlts or other paprs; Memorand. !rcept mcmoranda wlthln a non+xtcnsiblc period of tcn days from rccclpt or( lts rullq on thc hst offer of exhibhs;

,dl. Motlon to dcd..! thG protcstcc or rlspodcnt h dcfaulg ,dn. Dihtory rnotion for pGtponment xlv. Motlon to lnhlblt the jud8c except on charly vrlu grounds; n. Reply or rchlndefi and xvl. Ihlrd-party conrplakrant (S.c. L Ruh O Ruhs of Prcccdurc ln
Ehctlon Contcstsl.




Eff.ct of fallure to answer


Rglonal, provlnclal and cfty of6clals A gcncnl denlal shall bc dccmcd to hevc been cnte.!d. (sec. Ruh 20, comGlec Rules of Procedure)


Munkipal, barangay and Sangguniang kabataan officlah


The court shall render Judtment on the basis of the allegatlons of th ehctlon protest or petltion for quo requires ln hs discretlon the warranto unless protestant o. petltioner to present evldence ex parte.


2l ' b. .
Etrect of

ln th cas! of Glectbn contcsts lnvoMrE ballot rcrrision,

thc court shell ordcr rcrdslon of ballots, and thc protcstc or hls rlptrsant thrc has thc rltht to b
prrs.ntcd end obsrYt without th dtht to obiect. (Sec. 1 Rult 4 Rulcs of Proccdure ln Ehction Crntestsl

htc filing

An enswrr fthd out of time o.nnot bc admittcd. ((ho v. C.ommlsslon on Ehctlont 279 SCRA 463; Bakazar v. Commlstbn on Electlons, 350 SCRA

s18l Whcrc tha ansrer of the protestee w.s ffled out of time and a Seneral denlal was cntcrud ln favor of thc ptotcstec, thc rule ln civll cas.s that a general dcnhl opentes as an admlssion ls not appllcable. (Loyola v.
House of Rcprcsantethres EhctoralTrlbunal, 229 scRA 90)

countrr pldrst cannot bG .llowrd lf thc aniw.r was ffhd out of tlmc. (l.hn v. Conmbsbn on Electbns, 282 SCnA $)


Cash dcposft

A protlstce .who ffh . cour crchlm for attome/s fles ctnnot be requirrd to ffle r cash depoelt, slncc a cash deposh ls rcqulrcd only for a courtcr'prorcst. (Roa v. lnting, 231 SCRA 57)
15. lnJunctlon A protcst G c.nnot bc calolncd from .$umftra officc bcceusc of tltc pcndency of .n Glccdoo prfrqrt Und thc c.sc b dcddcd .telnst hkn, hc has thc tEht to

.ssuma ofnc!. (Ccrcno

u Dktrdo,

15O SCRA 7591



lnterlocutory oders lssued by a dMslon of the Commlsslon on Elections cannot be ehveted to the @mmbsion oo Electbns cn Banc. (Kho v. Crmmlssion on Ehctlons, 279 SGIRA 4631


Gorrudbn of



Correctlon of manlfest erors in the statcmcnts of votes and. certificates of canv.ss can be made lf the protestee admits the crrors. (Legarda v. De Castro,
454 SCnA 242) 18.



Ercn lf th prctrst . has rlsBncd, the protlst shouH contlnue, as a antlth thc prot.st nt to assumc the office. (De hrorable ludgrncnt loo Angchs v. Rodrlguer, tl6 Ptll. 5991. fhc same hoHs true if the protcstcc .ccaptcd andher po6ltbn. (calvo v. Maramba, G.R. No. 82()6, Jenuary 7, 1918)


fthe protestee dled, hc should bc substituted by his successor, such as the vkc mayor. (De Mesa v. Mendas, 18 SCRA 533; sllvetio % Gstro, 19 SCRA 52O; De la vlctoda v. Crmmbslon on Electlons, 199 SCRA 551; P.g.duan vs. Commisslon on Ehttbns, 519 SCRA 512). He cannot be substttuted by hls -hel6, sinc.. publh offtcc cannot bc inherited. (De MGse v. Mrnch$ 1E SCAA 533; De la Vktoria v. Commlsslon on Ehctlons, 199 SCRA 551; Abcja v. TaMda, 236 SCRA 60)
lf lt b the protest nt who dled, he should be substltutcd by the public officlal who wouH have succcedcd hlm, such as the vlce mayor. (Lomqdang v. Javier, 19 SCRA tO2; Unda v. Commission on Elctions, llD SCRA 827; Dc Ostro y. Commbsbn on Elcctlons, 267 SCIA g,6)



Ab.ndonmcnt of prot st A dcncrtcd cardld.ta xfio frlcd .n rLctbo prdest and ran for anothcr offtcc shouH b deemld to harc ebandoncd thc protclL (S.ntla8o % R.mos, 253 SCRA 559; ldutza u Commbslon on Ehdbns, 427 SCRA 701; legarda u de Cenro, 5tl2 SCRA 125)
Summary rudgment

An clcttron protclt carurot bc dcddcd bf summarY ,udSmciG as summary ,udlrn.lrt .pplles only to odhery chr{ .dont for ruoowrv of morpy. (Devo v.
Commtslon on EhctloG, 19!, SCn tl49)


Openlng of ballot boxes

When an electlon protest ls ffled, the ballot boxes should be opened wlthom rqulriog proof of lncguhdths .nd misapprcdadon of the ballots. (Jagurcs u Vlllamor, 134 SCR 553; Crlsplno v. P.rE olb.G 219 SCRA 621; M.nahan v. Bcrnado, 283 SCRA 5O5; MlguGl v. Crotmbslon on Elccdonr, 335 SCRA 1721
A partlal revislon of

tte ballots ls erroneous.

(Jaudan v. Esplnas, 382 SCRA 111

Ihe revision of the ballots ln an electlon protrst ffhd wlth the commlsslon on
Electiom should be heH ln Manlla. (Gbagnot v. Commlsslon on ElectioB, 260 scRA s03)
lf the same ballots are lnvolved ln electlon prctests pendlng ln the Reglonal Trlal

Court .nd ln thc Commbslon on ElcctbG, thc @nmlslon on Elcctlons may rlbr thc Regbn l Trhl Court to ffrst t kc c$tody of thc b.llot borcs- (Qulntos v. commlsslon on Elrctktrli, 392 scRA 489)

rcru suHtut d .fter thc coundrE; thc ,lsuft of thc clcctlon must be determlned oo the basls of the ehctlon returns. (Torres v. House of
lf thc ballots

RepEsentattyls Ehctoral Trlbunal, 351 SCnA 312)


Certiorad Under Sctbn 50 of Eatas P.mbansa Bb. 697, thc Corltmisslon on Elcctlons has ,urlsdlctlon or.r petftloB for certbrarl, prohlbltbn end mandamus lnvoMng

ehcdon crscs pcndiE bcfore courts whose dectbns are appcalablc to ft. (Rclampagos v. Crmbr, 2tlit SGaA 690; Eddlng v, commlssion on Elctlons, 246 SCRA 5O2; Beso v. Ab.lh,326 SCRA 1001

Whcre a pctftlon for clrtlorarl mcrcly qucltlond thc dcnial of the motlon of thc protestcc for Gxtcnsbn of tlmc to rnswrr, thc @mmbsk n on Elcctia rs c.nnot.ffrrm'th! dccbbn on th! rmrtts h thc clcctlon protcst. {Acosta v. Conrmbrbn on ELctbn. 293 SCRA 578) 23.

tic handwrfting on thc ballots c.n bc dctermlnd wfthout calllry handwrltlng lxpcns. (Eml v. Commlsslon on Eklons, 243 SCRA 706)
The gcnulncncss of

Unless the orBlnal documents or certlffcd truc coples of thcm 6nnot bc produccd, mere photoophs c.nnot bc uscd es :vldcncc. (Anoyo v. llouse of Rcprcsrnt tlvts Elccbr.l Tdbunal, 2tl6 SCnA 38f)


Ballots cannot be excluded on the Sround that they weI" writtcn by one prrron or wr martrd, on the basls of mer photftoples, es they are not the best evldencr. (Nazareno v. Commisslon on Ehctlons, 279 SCRA 89) The Commbsbn on Ehctlons can ordcr a tcchnlc.l Gxamlnetbn

ofth sEnature

srd thumbmarks of thc vstc6 whcrr therc scru lngubrltics ln thG pcp.r.tbn of th! b.llots. (Mohrmrd v. Commlssbn on Elcctlons, 32O SCRA

A motion for trchnical examinatlon filed after completlon of the revlCon of the ballots should be denled. (Dimaporo v. House of Representatlrcs Ehctoral Trlbunal, 426 SCRA 226)
The proposed testimonles of chalman of the boards of lnspectors to prove

thlr slgmturB on the brck of the b.llots wrne spurlous

.xclud.d to srrold dehy. (Batul v. 8swon, 42tt SCRA 26)


that prop.rly

fhc ftling of

prd.st beforc thc BEI b not .rcqulrcd befor dlr


aquirrs Xrrbdlcdoo owr thc prcscnt clectlon protest. Jurisdktion b confarred odly by law and o.nnot be acgulrcd through, or wahred by, any act or omisslon of thc parths. (Panlilio v. COMEI-EC, G.R. ilo. 1E1'07& 15July 2qD)
Post r.vlsion dctermlnatlon of mcrfts

After tte rcvlslon of ballots ln akbn contest lnwMry munlclpal, barangay and Saqgunlang k b.t an offfdab, tfic protest nt shell plnpolnt twenty pr cant of th preclncts that bcn attest to tte vot s rlRoovered or best lxemplifies thc frauds or lrrcguhrlths. The court shall dctermln the merlts of th protest and may dlrmiss thc prot st or procced wfth thc rcvislon of the ballots in the counter-protlstld prcclncts. {Sec. 9, Ruh 10, Rules of Procedure in Ehction
Contests). 25.


ts&lt canduat6 who *!I! not p.]tlcs to .n ehctlon contcst should bc proc{alm.d ahcH, lf thc,y oh,t lncd thc plunlity of thc votcs. (ldulza v.
on Elcctbns,427 .Commbslon
SCRA 7011


An authcntlc elcctlon rturn cannot be annulhd because the ballots were lost or d$troyed. (ArW v. Housc of RcprescntativEs Ehctoral
2116 SCRA



lf thc wlnncr ls lncllglbh, ttc c.ndH.te urho td thc ncxt hEhcst numbcr of rct6 crnnot b. plahftncd ckttcd, as hc .dld not gct th mamy or plur.llty of thc votcs. (tuBoo v. G.rda, 103 Phll. 453; Lebo v. @mrnbsbn on Ehctbns, 176 SCnA 1; Abclh v. @mmbsbn on

Electbns, 2O1 SCRA 253; Labo v. Commlssioo on Electlons, 211 SCRA 297; Republic v. Oe la Rosa, 232 SCRA 785; Aquino v. Commbslon on Ehctlons, 2tl8 SCRA 400; GaMda v. Salas, 271 SCRA 767; Nolasco v. Commbdon on Electlons, 275 SCRA 762; Sunga v. Commlssion on Ehctlons 286 SCIA 76; Rccebo v. Corirmlsbn on Ektlons, 3O8 SCRA 793; tbmlno y. Commlssion on Ehctbns, 310 SCRA 545; Miranda v. Ab.i., 311 510; torlto v, 8.lon, 311 SCRA 69'l; Codllla v. De Venech, 393 SCRA 539; Letasa y. Commisslon on Ehctlont 417 SCRA 'CRA 6i01; ldulza v. Commlssion on Elections, 427 SCRA 701; Ocampo v. House of Represent ti\res Electoral Trlbunal, tl32 SCRA !14; Alb{a v, C.ommlsslon on Elections, tl35 SCRA 98; Sinsuat v. Commbslon on
Elections, 492 SCRA 3911

th. winnlng candldate for mayor ls disqualmed, the vk:e mayor should succcad to thc posftbn. (lArG v. Commlssion on Elctlont 428 scRA 264)
Thus, if


Actu.l dam.g6 may be rwardcd ln.ccord.nce wfth law. (Sc. 259,

Omnlbus Ehctlon Code) Thc loscr cannot be ordered to reimbursc
Commlsslon on Elcctlons, 239 SCRA 2981


winner for the expcnses

lnclrred ln the electlon protest, for no law prcvids for it. (Atienta v.


The mere fact th.t the dedslon ln fawr of the protcstant was rcversed on appcal ls not suff,clrnt basls for rullng that thc protestec should be awarded attomc/s fccs, because the protest was filed for hanssment. (Mahluan v. Commlssbn on Ehctions, 254 SCRA 397)

Exec{tbn pending appeal



of r dcdCon of thr dMllon b not tr.mGd .s . rn ttcr of rtht. fhe dlscrltbn bclolts to thc dMslon thst ltndcrld thc .ssrihd dcdslon, order or rcsolutbn, or thr OOMETEC En Eanc es thc casc may be. Such lssuance bccomes a mlnlstedal duty thrt may bc dispensd wlth cycn ,ust by the Prcsldlng Commlssloner. (Saludaga v. COMEIEC, G.R. ilo.
1E9431 & 191120, 7 Apdt 2o1o)

A wrft of

cxccrtlon pandlng rGsolutlon of thc motbn for rcconsHcr.tlon


Rcglonal, provlnchl .nd clty offfcials


be ordered on the basls of gr.tuhous publlc lnterst ls lnvolved and that thc appcal ls allcgatlons that Execudon

plndlry appal cannot

dilatory. (camlian v. Commlsslon on Electlons, 271 SCRA 757)

lf thc dcclsh,n dH not cxplaln thc b.sls of the rullrqs on thc contested brfl*, cxccutbn prndlnt .ppc.l 6nnot be ordcrd, es drcre ls no stsrorlg Gvldcme of thc wlll of ttrc clcctoratc pcndlng appeal. (Astarul v. Commlsdon on Eldctions, 491 SCRA 30O) Ihe fact th.t the term is about to end, publlc interest, and the filing of a bond are good reasons for orderlng exccutlon pcnding appeal ln favor of tfi protcst nt. (Garch v. Dc Jesus, 205 SCRA 779; AbeF v. Tanada, 235 scRA 60; Malaluan v. Commission on Elections 270 SCRA 413; Lindo v. Commlsslon on Ehetbns, 27[ SCRA 211; Ramas v. Commisslon on Elccdons, 286 SCnA 1E0; Aharcz v. C.r'mmlsslon on Ehctlons, 353 SCRA 43rl) Cx.ortbn pcndlng rppcrl m.y bc ordar.d on thc b.Cs of the combh.tlon of two or morc of thc followlng reasons: (11 publh lnrcr.st or thc wlll of thc pcoph; (21 thc shortess of the rm.inlu portbn of ttc t .in of th. contcst d orffcc; rnd (3) thr hn8th of tlme that the clcctlon contest has becn pendlng. (santos v. Commlsslon on Ehctions, 399 SCRA 6u; Navarosa v, Commkslon on Ehctlons,4l1 SCRA 369,
Batul v. Eayron, 424 SCRA 26)

A motlon for execution pendlng appeal fihd after the expiratbn of the pcdcd to .ppcal can no longer ba grdntcd. (ReLmpaSos v. Cumba, 243 scnA 59o)


Munklpal, banngay and Saqgunlarg kabataan offtdals.

Eccutlon pending appal may b ordrred on thr basls of the following rursoos: (1) sup.rior clrcumstances demandlng uency outweEh the &{ury or damagc shouH tta b3lrf, p.rty sacure rcrarsal of thc ,udgrncnt or .ppcal;. rnd (2) lt b menlfiest ln thc dcclslon th.t th. vktory of thc prctBt nt h.s bern dr.dy Gst blbhd.

fhc r8$hvcd has tulr y d.y to srcur! . rtstr.lnlng order or status quo ordcr from the Suprrmc Court or Commlsslon on Electl,om. Oficrwlse, the wrft of lxccutloll shall hsue. (Sec. 11, Rule 14, Rules of


Proccdurc lD Electbn Contests; Pccson v. C.ommlsdon on Ehctlons, G.R.

t{o. 182865, Dec.mbcr

24 2m8).

Mdlon for Econsldcr.tlon


Orlc rmdon for [email protected] ftnrolvlq thc follou{ng:

b rlowcd ln thc

Glection cootcsts



' 1. ll. ili. iv. . b. v.


10 days

vlce Prsident Tribunal)

10 days

(euh 6$ Rules of Presldcntlal Electoral


- 1O days (Ruh 64, Rcvbcd Ruhs of Scnrt! Ebctoral


Contressman 10 days (Rule 74, 1998 Rules Representatirc Ehcoral Tribunal)

Regldnal, provlnchl and cfi offlclals Comelec Rules of Procedurel


House of

5 days (Sec. 2, Rule 19,

t{o motlon ior rcconsldcrrdon b allowcd ln chction cootcsts lnvolvint the following:


Munkip.l o{nd.b (Scc 256, Omnlbus Ehctlon

Comml$lon on Elcctlons,


vclori. v.



HowevGr, trhls rulc should not bc apptied to the dlsmlrsal of an

election prstest for fallure of the counsd of tha protestant to appear at the prc-trlal, slnce pre-trhl ls nd .ppllcable to election pmttts. (Penglllnan v. De (kampo, 232 SCRA xxxll)

Il. lil.


.nd Sa[tunlant kabataan offtclals of Proceduru h Ehctlon Contests)

(Scc. 1, Rule

A motion for Ecooslderation of tha declslon of the commission on Ehctftms may bc ff]cd wfthin 5 d.ys (Sec. 2, RulG 19; c.omelec

Ruhs of Proccdurc; San Juan.v. Commlsslon oo Elections, 531

scRA 17E).


ttc Gommlsslon /n Etcctlons an banc mry be eLrrtad to thc S$rlmr Court a p.rty wto dH not ff. a modon for rlconddcr.tbo of r dcttlon of r dlilslon of t'hc Commbslon on
Slncc only dccblons of Electlons

6nnot Gltrte tlrc case to thc Suprrmr Court.




Retlonrl Triel Crurt of Orhnt l Mlndoro, 244


2E. '





scn.tor - suplrnr Court wlthln 60 days. (scc of Courtl


Ruh 65, Ruhs


CorBrersman Supremr @urt whhln 60 days. (lazatln v. Commisslon on Electlons, 16E SCRA 391; terla v. Hous of Rlprcsentathres Elctoral Trlbunai, 202 SCRA E08; Scc. 4 Ruh 65, Ruhs of courtl lll.
Rcgbnel, prwindrl rnd clty offideb - Suprcmc Court wlthL 30 d.ys (S.c. Z A.t. lX-1 of Coflnltutbn) Municipal offlchls



Commission on Electioos wlthin 5 days (Scc. 22, Republic Act No. 7166, Scc, 3 Rule 22 of Comelec Rules of Procedure; Undo v. Commisslon on .Electlons, 194 SCRA 25; Batoy v, R.8lo{ral Trlal Crurt, 397 SCRA 506l
Sup.mc Court sdthln lXl


drw (Grtuo y. Commbslon on Elcctlons, 193 SCnA 78; River v. Commlssion on Ellctions, 199 SCRA 178)

Barangay officlals


Commission on Elcctlons wlthin 5 days [Scc. 2 (21, Art. lx-C of crnstituti,on; Gulcb v. Font nllla, 2rt7 SCRA ,i148;

v. commlsslon on ihclons, 274 scnA 405; &ltonlo v. Commlslon on Electlons, 315 SCRA 62; Scc.
3, Ruh 22, Comctcc Rul6 of Proccdurul


Supramc Court withln 30 d.ys. (Florcs v. Commlssion on

Electlons, 18/t SCR 484; Aha.ez Electlons, 353 SCRA 43tll SarEtunhng Xab.trrn

v. Commlsslon on

U 2) 3l


n TrLl Coun,

Monldprt Orcuft Tri.l Court

Commbrbn on Elcctlons wlthln 5 drys; Fernandez v. Commlsrlon on Ehclons,556 SCRA 755) luprcme Court wlthln 30 d.y3 (Sec. 1, Republlc Act t{o. 7&)8; Marqucz v. C.ommlsbn on E-lcctlons, 313 SCRA


Whee tic rppctrnt fihd rneppcrl brlcf hstc.d of e notlcc of appeal to th. Commbsbn on Elcctlonq tfic .ppc.l thould not bc dbmlsscd;

since the determlnatlon ol the will of the pcoph should thwarted by technkalltles. (Pahilan v. Tabalba, 230 SCRA 205)




i. ii.

An rppeal mey bc dlsmlsscd for falluru of

thc .ppclhtc doc*et fc!.

Orlental Mlndoro, 244


th.ppclhit to pay v. Regbn.l Trlal Court of

SCRA 411

An appeal may be dismissd if the full appellate docket fee wes

not pald, .s payment of the full .mount ls indispensable for perfection of the appeal. (Rodillas v. Commlsslon on Elections, 245 SCRA 702; Villota v. Commlssion on Ehctlons, G.R. No,
146724 3C! SCnA 676; Zamora y. Commlsilon on Ehctlons, 442 scRA 397)


ofthc.ppe.l are not mr! tchnkallths. Ihey arc css.nti.l to th finallty of ,udtmcnts. Thc short pcriod of five days as th short pcriod to
The period of appcal .nd the prfcctlon
appeal recognizes the essentialfty of time ln electbn protests, in order that the will of thc clcctorate is ascertalned as s(xrn as

posslble so that the wlnnlnt candldate is not depdved of the ri8ht to assumc office, and so that .ny douh that can cloud the lncumbency of thc truly deserylnt wlnnlng candH.te b quickly rmoved. (Gofiiz{.stllb V. Comehc, G.R. l{o. 187231, 22 June
2010) d.
Scope of authorlty

Errors committed by the Hal court may be considered evrn if they were not assEn.d as Gnois. (Obabasada v. Valmorh, 83 Phll. 112; BorF v. Ih t on, 9 SCRA 216; Rourn v. Moos.rto, 9 SCRA 4t!r; Tsgor.nao y, ar6 o1 lprpcab, 37 SCIA 49q Ar.o v. Commbslon on EHons, 210 scRA 290'





to Try the Cesc

The expanded jurlsdlctlon of the Munldpal Trlal Court dos not lncludci crimtnal cases lnvoMng clcctlon ofrcnscs, becausc by spccial pro&ion of Scctlon 268 of tllr Omnlbus Ehctlon @dc, thery fell wlthln thc lurbdlctlon of thc Rctbnal frhl Crurt (Commlrslon on Ekfions v. ilofnay, 292 SCRA 354; Juan v. Pcoph, 322 SCRA 125; Commbcbn on Elcctbns v, Agulrrc, 532 SCRA 545r.






Thc fact that at hast one t otar ln at least 2096 of the prEcincts ln a munlSrllty, clty or prwlnce was offercd moncy by the rclathrls, hrdcr, or svflrpathlzers of a candHatt to promot hls ehctlons shall creete a presumption of consplracy to bribe voters.
The fact that.at least 2096.of the preclncts of the municlpality, city or prcvince to whkh the offlce asplrcd for by the candldates relates ls affectcd by the offer creatqs the presumption that the candidate and hls campalgn managers are lnvolved in the consplracy:


c. . d. L . 3. ' a. . 5.

Any pcfsoil sho ls gullty and willintly tastlfies shall bG Gxrmpt ftom prGrcttlon. S.c. 28, Rcpubllc Act t{o. 6646}; Commlssbn on Ehctlons v. Tagh, 397 SCnA 618; Commlsslon on Clccdons v. Espa[ol, 117 SCRA s34l

glft-gMq by the munlcipality during Chrlstm.s, which uras not don to lncluda yoters to yot! for the mayor, does not constftute votlbuying. (lozana v. M.rtlnez, 203 SCRA 256)
The tradftlonal

Appolilment of t{or EnptoVccc

Ihe prohlbltbn agakEt eppolntment of a govemm.nt employee within 45 days bcfore a regular chction refers to posltbns covered by the cMl servlce and does not apply to thc rcphcement of a councllor who dhd. (Ong v. Martlnez, 1E8
scRA 830)

PfCm.qlrc c.mp.lar{rt. Prlmaturc c.mpatnhrg bcfuru . endHatc has ffhd hb crrtiftcate of c.ndH.cy ls not punbh.blc (Lnot v. Commbsbn on Elcctbns, s{r7 SCRA l1tl) Undcrtlldrt3

hb[c worb PIor.ctr

The holdlng of thc bHdint of publlc worls projcrts within 45 dap before chctbn ls not .n Gt cl'bn offensc, because wh.t ls prohlbtted ls the releasc of publh funds wlthln Ont prrM. (Prngkat lrtuna v. Commlsslon on Elections,
376 SCnA


Trrlulbr of Govrrnmat Emrlol..3

Tlre fact that the transfr of an employcc was needed is not an excuse for fallur to obtaln epproval from thc Commisbn on Elections, (Rgalado v. Court of Appeals, 325 SCaA 516)

de dos nd per se prohlblt thc tnnsfcr of durlry tic clcctlon pcrlod but only pcnallzcs such tr.nstc.s m.dr wlthout thc prlor approvrl of the Commlsslon on Ehctbns ln .ccord.nce wlth lts lmplementkrg rcguletlons, the transfer of . gottrnment employre bcfore the publication of the implementing regulations ls not an
Snce ttrc Omnlbus Elcction



electlon offense. (People v. Reyes, 247

SCRA 328)

Slnce Rrsolutlon No. 33OO exempted the commlsslon on Electlons from the r.qulrement of obtalnlng lts prlor appeal before ransfcrrlq lts employees during th. ehctlon perlod, thc Chalrman can transfer a dlrector to andther posftbo durlng thc chction pcrlod. (Matlbag v. Bcnlpayo, :180 SCRA 49) lf thc tr.$filr of rmployccs xns .pprottd by thc Commlsslon on Ehctions, thc documcnts pcrt lnln8 to thr tr.nsfrr nccd rct be submitted to thc Cofllmlsslon on Ehabas for apprwal. (Commlssbncr of lntlmal Rerenue y. Alonro'Legasto,
488 SCRA 1l 6.

CerytU Flrarm durlq Elcctbn Pcrlod

It ls an offensc to carry a fiream during thc
329 SCRA 132).

lhction pcrM.

(Cafio v. Gebuslon,


F.llst! to M.k Prod.mstlon

Proclalmlrq a losing candldatr inste.d of the wlnnlnt candldatc also constitutes fallure to m.ke . proclamatlon. (Aguletas v. Court of Appealt 251 SCRA 17)


n fu3ftf b Cttdlt C$dld.t xddrcon*tvot.

thc @fltct t otcs b punlshablc. (Pamcnt l v. Commbsbn oo Ehctbns, 2tl) SCRA 5t5; Domhnta v. Commbsbn on Ehctlons, 3it/0 SGRA 555; 6rd. v. @rt d Appc.b, 4Ea scRA 617, Plmcntrl v. Frbros, 5o1
R.frr3lng to cEdlt

. c.rdH.te Il$



Plrcrcrlptlon Electloo offlns.s pcsctlbr after flvr years from thc date of theh commlsslon, and


prescrtpthn b lntlrruptcd by thc flltg of a complalnt for prcllmlnary lnwstE tlon. (s.tton u @mmlsslon on Elcctbos,396 SCRA 7O3,

perH of




The COME1IC has excluslrre lurlsdktlon to conduct prellmlnary lnvestlgatlon of and proscute ehctlon offenses. tsec. 2 (61, Art. lx-C of 1987 ConstlMion; Sec. 265, Omnlbus Electlon Code; People v. Golez, 116 SCRA 165; Naldoza v. Lavlllet 254 SCRA 286; Pella v. Martizanq /rc3 SCRA 2811


Thb hdds truc crut lf the offiens! was commlttcd by a publk offtccr ln relatlon to hls office. (D. J3us v. hoph, 120 SCRA 75q C,orpus y. T.nodbayan, 149 scRA 281)


provlnclal ehctlon supervlsor authorlzed to conduct a prellmlnary lnvestltation miy ffle a case wlthout need of approval of the provlncial
prosecutor. (People v. lntlng; 187



The commlsslon on Electlons can deputlzc p.osecutoB to lnvestEat and proseantc chctlon offenscs cvcn efter clection. (Pcoph v. Sasllh, 179 SCRA 87; Ma8arejo v. Esco6!s, 365 SCRA 19O)
Sincr ln r prctlmlorry lnvEstlgEtbn, lt ls thr Commbsbn on Ehctbns who will dctermlne thc cnbtcncc of probablc causc, thc complalnant cannot ask lt to gather evidenc ln support of the complaint. (lflosbayan, lnc. v. Commlsslon on
Electlons, 28O SCRA 892)



The court ln whkh a crlmlnal casc was fflcd may order the Crmmlsslon on Electlons to conduct . rlnvstlgatlon. (People v. De[ado, 189 SCRA 715)
A prosecutor who was deputlzcd by thc Commbsbn on Electlons c.nnot oppos thc appeal filed by thc Commisslon on Electlons from the dbmissal of a case, slncc the powcr to prosccute chctlon offcnses ls vested ln the Commlsslon on Electlons. (commisslon on Ehctlons v. Sllva 286 SCIA 177)



Th! nullific.tlon by tte Commlssbn on Elctlons of the resolutlon ksued by a provlnclal pnoslcutor dkectlrE thc fillng of cescs for wtlsalllq ls ln cffect . wlthdnwrl of hb dcptfitbn. (commlsslon m Ehctlons v. Bpeltol, 417 scRA



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