DCMA Sampling Guidance
DCMA Sampling Guidance
DCMA Sampling Guidance
This document is intended to provide an understanding of common terms and practices used in sampling. 1. Terms/Definitions
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL): The AQL is the quality level that is the worst tolerable process average when a continuing series of lots is submitted for acceptance sampling. Homogeneity: Manufactured under essentially the same conditions and essentially at the same time. . Inspection by attributes: involves a good/bad, pass/fail, Yes/No, or go/no go decision. Inspection by variables: involves graded measurement equipment such as calipers, sophisticated gages, etc. Lot or Batch: The term lot or batch shall mean inspection lot or inspection batch, i.e., a collection of units of product from which a sample is to be drawn and inspected to determine conformance with the acceptability criteria, and may differ from a collection of units designated as a lot or batch for other purposes (e.g., production, shipment, etc.) (ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008). Lot or Batch Size: The lot or batch size is the number of units of product in a lot or batch. Normal Inspection: Inspection under a sampling plan, which is used when there is no evidence that the quality of the product being submitted is better or poorer than the specified quality level. (ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008) Reduced Inspection: Inspection under a sampling plan using the same quality level as for normal inspection, but requiring a smaller sample for inspection. (ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008) Skip Lot Sampling: Skip Lot sampling means that only a fraction of the submitted lots are inspected based upon confidence as a result of previous lot inspections. Skip-lot sampling should only be used when it has been demonstrated that the quality of the submitted product is very good. Switching: Switching is when you go from a normal level of inspection to a reduced or tightened level of inspection based upon confidence as a result of previous lot inspections. Tightened Inspection: Inspection under a sampling plan using the same quality level as for normal inspection, but requiring more stringent acceptance criteria. (ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008) Zero Based Sampling Plan: Zero based sampling means for the lot to be acceptable, there can be no defects discovered in the sample. When using Zero-Based sampling, the entire lot is rejected when 1 defect is found in the sample. A Zero Based Sampling plan allows for adjustment of AQL.
2. Guidelines
Since 1983 DCMA has used Zero based sampling plans to assure the supplier is meeting contract technical requirements. DCMA Instructions specify the use of a Zero Based sampling plan when a lot-by-lot sampling plan is the methodology chosen and no specific plan is contractually specified. Where the customer has provided lot and/or item acceptance criteria via contract, specification reference or Quality Assurance Letter of Instruction (QALI) that is incompatible with a zero based sampling plan e.g. an aggregate weighted defect point system, the customer specified sampling plan shall be used by DCMA QA personnel. Random Sample Selection is Mandatory for GCQA. It should be understood by all QASs that it is the agency policy to use random sampling techniques. All sampling plans used must be statistically valid. Supplier must re-inspect the entire lot for the characteristic that was found to be defective, and all nonconforming units must be removed or corrected prior to submitting the lot to the government for re-inspection. There are guidelines in many Military and ANSI sampling plans for switching. Usually we start with normal levels unless directed otherwise by our customers. Once we establish confidence in our suppliers controls we can switch to reduced levels of inspection unless we discover nonconformance's. We maintain tightened inspection until we regain confidence in the suppliers output. The Switching Rules will be as specified in the sampling system.
If the Switching Rules are not specified, then this QA policy criterion will be used: Normal Tightened When 2 Lots are found nonconforming out of the past 5 or fewer lots, switch from normal to tightened inspection. Tightened Normal When 5 consecutive conforming lots are found, switch from tightened to normal inspection. Normal Reduced When 10 consecutive conforming lots are found, switch from normal to reduced inspection. Reduced Normal When 1 lot is found nonconforming during reduced inspection, switch from reduced to normal inspection. Where the supplier has demonstrated positive performance the following criteria may be employed for skip lot sampling: When 4 consecutive lots have been accepted under the customer specified sampling plan, sampling may be reduced to 1 of every 2 lots (50%) When 3 consecutive lots have been accepted under the 50% skip lot approach, sampling may be reduced to 1 of every 4 lots (25%) When 3 consecutive lots have been accepted under the 25% skip lot approach, sampling may be reduced to 1 of every 8 lots Skip lot sampling shall be discontinued with 1 rejected lot
3. Guidance
The QAR will: perform a contract technical review to determine Contractual (Supplier) Sampling Requirement, i.e. ANSI / ASQ Z1.4-2008/MIL-STD-1916/Govt Approved Plan, etc. use Zero Acceptance Number Sampling Plans unless directed by the customer (QALI). use Contract/QALI or DCMA Criteria for Determining the AQL. Use this DCMA AQL Criteria to be used if not specified by contract/QALI is: For Critical Safety Items ESA identified critical characteristics use an AQL of 0.40% For Complex/Critical Products (excluding CSI) use an AQL of 1.0% For Non-complex/Non-critical Products use an AQL of 6.5% use a random sample selection method which is Mandatory for GCQA. select sample size per the Sampling System Tables being used. identify Accept / Reject Number from Sampling System Tables being used or use Zero-Based (C=0) when not contractually mandated. select samples independent of supplier's sample. Sample Size is determined by the AQL and lot size
Sample Selection is dependent on the lot formation. The lots formation can be identified by product serial # / production # / some other form of identification or by shift / by machine / by operator / by model / by customer destination The Sampling Technique will always be random in accordance with DCMA Policy. The use of a random number generator is preferred. The sampling method used should be documented in surveillance plan The QAR needs to determine the Sampling Technique they want to use. Common techniques Include: Simple Random Sampling Systematic Sampling Cluster Sampling Stratified Sampling
Here is a brief description of each sampling technique. A more thorough explanation can be found on the Zero-Based Sampling WebCast in the Quality Assurance portal on the DCMA website. http://view.dau.mil/dauvideo/view/eventListing.jhtml?eventid=2377 Simple Random Sampling Simple random sampling is a sample in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. For Small Sample Sizes Use Microsoft Excel Random Generator (preferred) Other forms of random sampling based on probability For Larger Samples Sizes Use Microsoft Excel Random Number Generator Systematic Sampling Technique If you have a large lot to measure compliance, you can use a systematic sampling technique to reduce the th number of units to be randomized for sampling. In systematic sampling, every K member of the population is chosen for the sample, with the value of K being approximately N/n+1 where N represents the size of the population/lot divided by n+1 where n is the sample size. A random number generator should be used to determine the starting point to pull the sample part. Cluster Sampling Technique Cluster sampling is used in extremely high volume production or large lot populations. A cluster sample is a simple random sample of groups or clusters, of the population. Each unit of the chosen clusters would be part of the final sample. To be effective, it is assumed that each cluster selected for the sample is representative of the population at large. A cluster is a miniaturized version of the overall population. Stratified Sampling Technique A population can be stratified by any variable that is pertinent to all units in the lot prior to sampling, such as the equipment the units were produced on, the operator, the date produced, etc. You can categorize the lot into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive groups. A stratified sample is obtained by dividing the population into mutually exclusive groups or strata, and randomly sampling from is required from each of these groups. When a population is stratified, each strata becomes an independent population and you will need to decide the sample size for each strata.
Once your sample is drawn perform your examination using those techniques you have established (inspection, test, witness, verification) to assure that the product or item meets the stated technical requirements in the contract technical data package. After determining the sampling technique to use and pulling the specified number of samples, the QAR will then perform their examination of the product characteristics, features, or specification requirements as identified in the GCQA surveillance plan and document the results of the examinations in accordance with agency policy requirements. The results of your inspections should be used to adjust the level of sampling performed based on the sampling system you are using. You should also adjust risk assessment based on results and update your GCQA surveillance plan accordingly. There are many different sampling plans that can be called out in government contracts. The two most common ones are MIL-STD-1916, DOD Preferred Methods for Acceptance of Product and ANSI / ASQ Z1.4-2008, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. MIL-STD-1916 is typically used in Ammunition contracts. There are not separate plans for Reduced and Tightened sampling. For Tightened you would go up one verification level; for Reduced you would go down one verification level. One product could have several different verification levels, depending upon the characteristic being examined. Verification levels are specified in the contract or product specifications. MIL-STD-1916 contains three sampling plans: one for attributes, one for variables, and one for continuous sampling. QARs would be primarily interested in the attribute sampling plan. You should also be familiar with the continuous sampling plan, if your contractor uses this type of sampling. Your oversight should include verification that this sampling is being performed in accordance with the specification. ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 is a sampling specification often specified in contractual documents. It is not a Zero-Based sampling plan. It is considered the replacement of MIL-STD-105E. ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008 contains sampling schemes which are sampling plans with switching rules. The switching is dependent upon previous lot inspection /test results. Remember: Even though other sampling plans have other Accept/Reject quantities in them, DCMA uses Accept on Zero/Reject on 1 unless otherwise directed by the customer. It should be understood by all QASs that it is the agency policy to use random sampling techniques.