Guidelines For GNM

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INDIAN NURSING COUNCIL COMBINED COUNCILS BUILDING KOTLA ROAD, TEMPLE LANE NEW DELHI-110 002 GUIDELINES AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO ESTABLISH SCHOOL OF NURSING Guidelines for Establishment of New General Nursing and Midwifery School of Nursing 1. Any organization under: (i) Central Government/State Government/Local body (ii) Registered Private or Public Trust (iii) Missionary or any other organization registered under Society Registration Act (iv) Company incorporated under section 25 of companys act are eligible to establish General Nursing and Midwifery School of Nursing. Any organization having 100 bedded Parent (Own) hospital is eligible to establish General Nursing Course. Above organization shall obtain the Essentiality Certificate/No Objection Certificate for the General Nursing and Midwifery programme from the respective State Government. The institution name alongwith Trust Deed/Society address shall be mentioned in No Objection Certificate/Essentiality Certificate. An application form to establish Nursing programme is available on the website viz.,, which shall be downloaded. Duly filled in application form with the requisite documents mentioned in the form shall be submitted before the last date as per the calendar of events of that year. The Indian Nursing Council on receipt of the proposal Institution to start nursing programme, will undertake inspection to assess suitability with regard to infrastructure, clinical facility and teaching faculty in give permission to start the programme. from the the first physical order to

2. 3.




After the receipt of the permission to start the nursing programme from Indian Nursing Council, the institution shall obtain the approval from the State Nursing Council and Examination Board. Institution will admit the students only after taking approval of State Nursing Council and Examination Board. 1


Minimum Requirement to establish General Nursing and Midwifery Programme

Teaching Block:
The School of Nursing should have a separate building/teaching block*. For a School with an annual admission capacity of 40-60 students, the constructed area of the School should be 23720 square feet. The School of Nursing can be in a rented/leased building for first two years. After two years institute shall have own building in an institutional area. Otherwise Rs.3 lakh penalty has to be paid for every year for 3 years. During the penalty period if the institute is not able to construct own building the permission/suitability will be withdrawn and will be taken as a fresh proposal. Adequate hostel/residential accommodation for students and staff should be available in addition to the above mentioned built up area of the Nursing School respectively. The details of the constructed area are given below for admission capacity of 40-60 students: S. No. 1. 2. Teaching Block Lecture Hall (i) Nursing foundation lab (ii) CHN (iii) Nutrition (iv) OBG and Paediatrics lab (v) Pre-clinical science lab (vi) Computer Lab Multipurpose Hall Common Room (Male & Female) Staff Room Principal Room Vice Principal Room Library A.V. Aids Room One room for each Head of Departments Faculty Room Provisions for Toilets Total 2 Area (Figures in Sq feet) 4 @ 1080 = 4320 1500 900 900 900 900 1500 3000 1100 1000 300 200 2400 600 800 2400 1000 23720 Sqr. Ft.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Note: *1. Nursing Educational institution should be in Institutional area only and not in residential area. *2. If the institute has non-nursing programme in the same building, Nursing programme should have separate teaching block. *3. Shift-wise management with other educational institutions will not be accepted. *4. Separate teaching block shall be available if it is in hospital premises. *5. Proportionately the size of the built-up area will increase according to the number of students admitted. *6. School and College of nursing can share laboratories, if they are in same campus under same name and under same trust, that is the institution is one but offering different nursing programmes. However they should have equipments and articles proportionate to the strength of admission. And the class rooms should be available as per the requirement stipulated by Indian Nursing Council of each programme.


Class rooms There should be at least four classrooms with the capacity of accommodating the number of students admitted in each class. The rooms should be well ventilated with proper lighting system. There should be built in Black/Green/White Boards. Also there should be a desk/ dais/a big table and a chair for the teacher and racks/cupboards for keeping teaching aids or any other equipment needed for the conduct of classes also should be there.


Laboratories There should be at least Six laboratories as listed below:Nursing Foundation Laboratory Community Health Nursing Practice Laboratory Nutrition Laboratory Computer Laboratory OBG & Paediatric Laboratory Pre Clinical Sciences Laboratory 3


Auditorium Auditorium should be spacious enough to accommodate at least double the sanctioned/actual strength of students, so that it can be utilised for hosting functions of the college, educational conferences/ workshops, examinations etc. It should have proper stage with green room facilities. It should be well ventilated and have proper lighting system. There should be arrangements for the use of all kinds of basic and advanced audio-visual aids.


Multipurpose Hall It should have multipurpose hall, if there is no auditorium in the school.


Library There should be a separate library in the school. It should be easily accessible to the teaching faculty and the students. It should have comfortable seating arrangements for half of the total strength of the students and teachers in the school. There should be separate budget for the library. The library committee should med regularly for keeping the library updated with current books, journals and other literature. The library should have proper lighting facilities and it should be well-ventilated. It should have a cabin for librarian with intercom phone facility. There should be sufficient number of cupboards, books shelves and racks with glass doors for proper and safe storage of books, magazines, journals, newspapers and other literature. There should be provision for catalogue-cabinets, book display racks, bulletin boards and stationery items like index cards, borrowers cards, labels and registers. Current books, magazines, journals, newspaper and other literature should be available in the library. A minimum of 500 single titled nursing books (all new editions), in the multiple of floor, 3 kinds of nursing journals, 3 kinds of magazines, 2 kinds of newspapers and other kinds of current health related literature should be available in the library.


Offices Requirements a. Principals Office There should be a separate office for the Principal with attached toilet and provision for visitors room. Independent telephone facility is a must for the Principals office with intercom facility connected/linked to the hospital and hostel. Office for Vice-Principal There should be a separate office for the Vice-Principal with attached toilet and provision for visitors room. Independent telephone facility is a must for Viceprincipals office with intercom facility connected/linked to the hospital and hostel. Office for Faculty Members There should be adequate number of office rooms in proportion to the number of teaching faculty. One office room should accommodate 2 teachers only. Separate toilet facility should be provided for the teaching faculty with hand washing facility. There should be a separate toilet for male teachers. One separate office room for the office staff should be provided with adequate toilet facility. This office should be spacious enough to accommodate the entire office staff with separate cabin for each official. Each office room should be adequately furnished with items like tables, chairs, cupboards, built in racks and shelves, filing cabinets and book cases. Also there should be provision for typewriters, computers and telephone.





Common Rooms A minimum of 3 common rooms should be provided. One for the teaching faculty, one for the student and one for the office staff. Sufficient space with adequate seating arrangements, cupboards, lockers, cabinets, built-in-shelves and racks should be provided in all the common rooms. Toilet and hand washing facilities should be made available in each room.


Record Room There should be a separate record room with steel racks, built-in shelves and racks, cupboards and filing cabinets for proper storage of records and other important papers/ documents belonging to the college. 5


Store room A separate store room should be provided to accommodate the equipments and other inventory articles which are required in the laboratories of the college. This room should have the facilities for proper and safe storage of these articles and equipments like cupboards, built-in-shelves, racks, cabinets, furniture items like tables and chairs. This room should be properly lighted and well-ventilated.


Room for Audio-Visual Aids This room should be provided for the proper and safe storage of all the Audio-Visual Aids. The School should possess all kind of basic as well as advanced training aids like chalk boards, overhead projectors, slide and film-strip projector, models specimen, charts and posters, T.V. & V.C.R., Photostat machine, tape recorder and computers.


Other Facilities Safe drinking water and adequate sanitary/toilet facilities should be available for both men and women separately in the school. Toilet facility to the students should be in the ratio of 1:25 students is to be made available for students along with hand washing facility. There should be a separate toilet for men.


Garage Garage should accommodate a 50 seater vehicle.


Fire Extinguisher Adequate provision for extinguishing fire should be available as per the local bye-laws.


Playground Playground should be spacious for outdoor sports like Volleyball, football, badminton and for Athletics.

Hostel Block:
Hostel Provision is Mandatory and shall also be owned by the institute within the period of two years S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hostel Block Single Room Double Room Sanitary Visitor Room Reading Room Store Recreation Room Dining Hall Kitchen & Store Total Area (Figures in Sq feet) 24000 One latrine & One Bath room (for 5 students) - 500 500 250 500 500 3000 1500 30750 Sqr. Ft.

Grand Total (total requirement for the nursing programme) : 23720 (Teaching Block) + 30750 (Hostel Block) = 54470 Sqr. Ft.

Hostel Facilities:
There should be a separate hostel for the male and female students. It should have the following facilities. 1. Hostel Room It should be ideal for 2 students. The furniture provided should include a cot, a table, a chair, a book rack, a cupboard and a cloth rack for each student. 2. Toilet and Bathroom Toilet and bathroom facilities should be provided on each floor of the students hostel at the rate of one toilet and one bathroom for 2-6 students. Geysers in bathroom and wash basins should also be provided. 3. Recreation There should be facilities for indoor and outdoor games. There should be provision for T.V., radio and video cassette player.


Visitors Room There should be a visitor room in the hostel with comfortable seating, lighting and toilet facilities.


Kitchen & Dining Hall There should be a hygienic kitchen and dining hall to seat at least 80% of the total students strength at one time with adequate tables, chairs, water coolers, refrigerators and heating facilities. Hand washing facilities must be provided.


Pantry One pantry on each floor should be provided. It should have water cooler and heating arrangements.


Washing & Ironing Room Facility for drying and ironing clothes should be provided in each floor.


Sick Room A sick room should have a comfortable bed, linen, furniture and attached toilet. Minimum of 5 beds should be provided.


Room for Night Duty Nurses Should be in a quiet area.


Guest Room A guest room should be made available.


Wardens Room Warden should be provided with a separate office room besides her residential accommodation.


Canteen There should be provision for a canteen for the students, their guests, and all other staff members.


Transport School should have separate transport facility under the control of the Principal. 25 and 50 seats bus is preferable. 8

Residential Accommodation:
Residential family accommodation for faculty, should be provided, according to their marital status. Telephone facility for the Principal at her residence must be provided. Residential accommodation with all facilities is to be provided to the Hostel Warden.

There should be a crche in the college campus.

Staff for the Hostel:

1. Warden (Female) -3 : Qualification- B.Sc. Home Science or Diploma in Housekeeping/Catering. Minimum three wardens must be there in every hostel for morning, evening and night shifts. If number of students are more than 150, one more warden/ Asst. Warden/ House keeper for every additional 50 students. Cook-1: For every 20 students for each shift. Kitchen & Dining Room helper- 1 : For every 20 students for each shift. Sweeper-3 Gardener-2 Security Guard/ Chowkidar-3

2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


Qualification of Teaching Staff for General Nursing and Midwifery programme with 40 students intake: S. Teaching faculty No. (i) Principal Qualification & Experience No. Required 1

M.Sc. Nursing with 3 years of teaching experience or B.Sc. Nursing (Basic) / Post Basic with 5 years of teaching experience. (ii) Vice-Principal M.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. Nursing (Basic) / Post Basic with 3 years of teaching experience. (iii) Tutor M.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. Nursing (Basic/Post Basic) or Diploma in Nursing Education and Administration with 2 years of professional experience. (iv) Additional Tutor M.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. for Interns Nursing (Basic/Post Basic) or Diploma in Nursing Education and Administration with 2 years of professional experience. Total




Teacher student ratio should be 1:10 on sanctioned strength of students (excluding tutor for interns).


School of nursing should have a 100 bedded Parent (Own Hospital) for 40-60 annual intake in each programme: i. Distribution of beds in different areas Medical 30 Surgical 30 Obst. & Gynaecology 30 Pediatrics 20 Ortho 10 ii. The size of the Hospital/Nursing Home for affiliation:a. Should not be less than 100 beds apart from having own hospital. b. Maximum 3 Hospital can be attached. iii. Bed Occupancy of the Hospital should be minimum 75%. vi. Other Specialties/Facilities for clinical experience required are as follows: Major OT Minor OT Dental Eye/ENT Burns and Plastic Neonatology with Nursery Communicable disease Community Health Nursing Cardiology Oncology Neurology/Neuro-surgery Nephrology etc. ICU/ICCU v. Affiliation of psychiatric hospital should be of minimum 30-50 beds. vi. The Nursing Staffing norms in the affiliated Hospital should be as per the INC norms. vii. The affiliated Hospital should give student status to the candidates of the nursing programme. viii. Affiliated hospitals should be in the radius of 15-30 kms. ix. 1:3 student patient ratio to be maintained. If the institution is having both General Nursing and Midwifery and B.Sc(N) programme, it would require affiliated hospital for 4060 annual intake in each programme to maintain 1:3 student patient ratio. NOTE: *Parent Hospital: The same trust which has established nursing institution and has also established the hospital will be considered as Parent Hospital of that institute. 11

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