City Pittsburgh Miscellaneous MOU 2010-6!30!13

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Memorandum of Understanding

Between the City of Pittsburg and the

American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 512, AFL-CIO Miscellaneous A Unit


1. Union Recognition ........................................................................................1

2. Term ...............................................................................................................1

3. Union Security............................................................................................... 2
3.1 Agency Shop Provisions................................................................................. 2 3.2 Agency Shop Compliance. .......... .... .......... ............. ........ ...................... ........... 3 3.3 Hold Harmless..... .............. ...... ...................... ......... ....................... ..... ......... .... 3 3.4 Bulletin Boards and Meeting Rooms.................... .............................. ............. 4 3.5 Release Time ..................................................................................................4 3.6 Optional Unions Dues Deduction ....................................................................4

4. City Rights ..................................................................................................... 4

5. Salaries .......................................................:.................................................. 5

6. Benefits ..........................................................................................................5 6.1 Medical Insurance ...........................................................................................5

Insurance .............................................................................. 7 6.3 Dental Insurance........................................................................................... 11 ' 6.4 Medical and/or Dental Alternative................................................................. 11 6.5 Life Insurance....... .................... ....... ........ ........ ................ ...... ............... ......... 11 6.6 Flexible Benefits Plan.................................................................................... 11 6.7 Long-Term Disability Insurance..................................................................... 11 6.8 State Disability Insurance................ ........ ............. ......... ......... ....................... 12
6.2 Retiree Medical

6.9 Deferred Compensation ............................ .................... .............. ............. ..... 12

6.10 Retirement .................................................................................................... 12 6.11 Social Security ...................................,.......................................................... 13

6.12 Education Reimbursement.............................. ........... ...... ....................... ..... 13

6.13 Employee Assistance Program ..................................................................... 13

6.14 Workers' Compensation...... .... ...................... ............ ..... ......... ...................... 13

6.15 Joint Management-Labor Committee............................................................ 14

7. Incentives and Differentials ....................................................................... 14 7.1 Uniform Allowance ........................................................................................14 7.2 Working Out of Classification........................................................................ 14 7.3 Service Award ............................................................................................... 15 7.4 Shift Differential............................................................................................. 15
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7.5 Bilingual Pay...... ...... ...... ............... ......... .......... ......... ................... ................. 15
8. Vacation ....................................................................................................... 16 8.1 Vacation Accrual........................................................................................... 16 8.2 Use of Vacation............................................................................................. 16 8.3 Minimum Use ................................................................................................16

8.4 Vacation Buyback ...... ........... .............................................................. .......... 16

8.5 Holidays Falling During Vacations................................................................. 17 8.6 Vacation Accrual for Transitioned Employees............................................... 17

9. Sick Leave ................................................................................................... 17

9.1 Sick Leave Accrual........................................................................................ 17 9.2 Personal Necessity Leave............... ............... ......................... ......... ........ ..... 18

9.3 Sick Leave Incentive ................. ...... ...... ........ .................................... ............ 18

10. Holidays ....................................................................................................... 18

1 0.1 Full-Time Employee Holidays........................................................................ 18

1 0.2 Part-Time Employee Holidays ............. ........................... .............. ................. 19 10.3 Work Performed on Holidays ........................................................................ 19
11. Catastrophic Leave ..................................................................................... 19
11.1 Purpose of Catastrophic Leave....... ...... ......... .......................... .......... ........... 19 11.2 Catastrophic Leave Definitions...................................................................... 20 11.3 Catastrophic Leave Eligibility.......... ................... ......... ...... ........ .............. ...... 20

11.3.1 Donors.......................................................................................... 20 11.3.2 Recipients..................................................................................... 20

11.4 Catastrophic Leave Procedures .............. ............. ......................................... 20

12. Bereavement Leave .................................................................................... 21

13. Probationary Period .................................................................................... 21

13.1 Objective of the Probationary Period............................................................. 21 13.2 Probationary Period...................................................................................... 22 13.3 Promotional Probationary Period.................................................................. 22

14. Layoff, Reassignment, & Reinstatement.................................................. 22

14.1 Layoff Policy.................................................................................................. 22 14.2 Notification.................................................................................................... 23 14.3 Order of Layoff.............................................................................................. 23 14.4 Seniority,_Vacancy and Demotion ................................................................. 23

14.5 Limited Appeal to the City Manager. ................... .............. ...... ............... ....... 23 14.6 Reinstatement List........................................................................................ 24 14.7 Removal off Names from Reinstatement List............................................... 24

14.8 Reinstatement............................................................................................... 24
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15. Disciplinary Action...................................................................................... 24

15.1 Disciplinary Action....... ....... ........ ............ ........... ......................... ................... 24 15.2 Disciplinary Action Appeal Procedure for Written Reprimands ..................... 25 15.3 Disciplinary Action Appeal Procedure for Non-Written Reprimands.............. 26 15.3.1 Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action ......................................... 26 15.3.2 Notice of Discipline........................................................................ 26 15.3.3 City Manager Appeal..................................................................... 27 15.3.4 Non-Binding Mediation...................... ................... .................. ....... 27
15.3.5 Arbitrator. ......... .... ..... ......................... ......................... .................. 28

16. Grievances................................................................................................... 29
16.1 Grievance Definition...................................................................................... 29

16.2 Grievance Procedure.................................................................................... 29

16.3 General Conditions of Grievances ................................................................ 31

17. Overtime ...................................................................................................... 32

17.1 Standard Workweek and Workday................................................................ 32 17.2 Minimum Reportable Periods ........................................................................32 17.3 Compensatory Time Off ................................................................................ 33

18. Severability .................................................................................................. 33

19. Full Understanding ..................................................................................... 33

20. Past Practices.............................................................................................. 34

Appendix A (listing of represented classifications)................................. 35

Appendix B (salary schedule) .................................................................... 36

Side Letter of Agreement (pay study) ....................................................... 37

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Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Pittsburg and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 512, AFL-CIO Miscellaneous A Unit
Representatives of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Miscellaneous A Unit and the City of Pittsburg have met and conferred in good faith reg'arding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, have freely exchanged information, opinions, and proposals and have endeavored to reach agreement on all matters relating to the employment conditions and employer-employee relations of such employees.

The legal relationship between the City of Pittsburg ("City"), its employees, and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Miscelleneous A Unit

sections 3500, et seq.), the City Municipal Code, the City Personnel Rules and
Understanding contains a provision relating to the subject matter which is also referred

("AFSCME") is governed by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (California Government Code

Regulations, and this Memorandum of Understanding. Whenever this Memorandum of

to in the Personnel Rules and Regulations or any other city ordinance, the provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding shall prevaiL.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall be presented to the City Council of the City of Pittsburg as the joint recommendation of the undersigned parties for the term set forth

1. Union Recognition The City recognizes the AFSCME as the exclusively recognized employee organization

of the Miscellaneous A bargaining unit in accordance with the California Government Code Section 3500 et seq. and the Pittsburg Municipal Code Chapter 2.53 for those classifications which are listed in Appendix A.

2. Term
This Memorandum of Understanding shall be in effect July 1, 2010, except for those provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding which have been assigned other effective dates as hereinabove set forth, and shall remain in full force and effect to and including June 30, 2013 and shall continue thereafter from year to year unless during
the thirty (30) day period

beginning February 15, 2013 or February 15 of any

subsequent year either party has delivered written notice to the other of its desire to amend, modify, or terminate this Memorandum of Understanding. Unless mutually agreed to otherwise, negotiations for a successor Memorandum of Understanding shall
begin no later than thirty (30) days subsequent to the delivery of such notification.

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3. Union Security
3.1 Agency Shop Provisions

These agency shop provisions shall apply only:

1. All existing employees, and all new employees who are hired into

classifications, covered by this Memorandum of Understanding, shall at

the time of hire, execute an authorization for the payroll deduction for one of the following options:
a. Become and remain a member of AFSCME; or

b. Pay to AFSCME an agency fee in the amount which may not

always be less than but will never be more than an amount which may be lawfully collected under applicable constitutional, statutory, and case law made during the duration of this Memorandum of
Understanding, it being understand that it shall be the sole

responsibility of AFSCME to determine an agency fee which meets the above criteria, subjection to the limitations of 1 c below; or
c. Do both of the following:

1) Present to AFSCME a written declaration that the employee

is a member of a bona fide religion, body, or sect which has

historically held a conscientious objection to joining or

financially supporting any public employee organization; and
2) Pay a sum equal to the agency fee described above to one

of the following East County Boys and Girls Club, Los

Medanos College Foundation, Pittsburg Historical Society, Senior Outreach Services, or the United Way.
2. The City shall, in all appropriate cases, implement a mandatory deduction

from pay for all employees within the bargaining unit for AFSCME dues, agency fee or exemption donations; however, the City shall not be
required to dismiss or otherwise discipline any bargaining unit member for failure to fulfill their obligations under agency shop.
3. If after all other involuntary and insurance premium deductions are made

in any pay period, including medical insurance, dental insurance, disability

insurance, Social Security, Medicare, tax withholding, garnishment,

judgment or governmental level, and the balance is not sufficient to pay the deduction of AFSCME dues, agency fee, or exemption donation required by this Section, then no such deduction shall be made for that
current pay period.

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4. The provisions of this Section shall not apply during periods that an employee is separated from the bargaining unit, but shall be reinstated upon the return of the employee to the bargaining unit. For the purpose of
this Section, the term separation includes promotion, demotion,

reclassification or transfer out of the bargaining unit, layoff, employment separation, and leave of absence without pay.

5. These Agency Shop provisions are governed by and in accordance with Government Code Section 3502.5.
3.2 Agency Shop Compliance

1. New Employees - Upon request by AFSCME the City shall furnish

AFSCME with copies of Employee Authorization for Payroll Deductions
documents related to agency shop deductions executed by new

employees. Within thirty (30) calendar days of hiring, the City shall
provide the name of the new employee in this bargaining unit to AFSCME.
2. Current Employees a. An employee in a position covered by this Memorandum of

Understanding shall be provided by AFSCME with an "Employee Authorization for Payroll Deduction" form.
b. If the form authorizing payroll deduction is not returned to AFSCME

within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of notice of the Agency Shop provisions, then AFSCME may, in writing, direct that the City withhold the agency fee from the employee's salary, in which case

the employee's pay shall be reduced by an amount equal to the

agency fee and the City shall pay that amount withheld to

3. Checkoff Information - The City shall provide to AFSCME with each

payroll deduction remittance the name of each employee and the amount deducted from the employee's paycheck.
3.3 Hold Harmless

AFSCME shall indemnify, defend, and save the City of Pittsburg, its officers, agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, orders, or judgments, or other forms of liability that arise out of or by reason of
this Section, or action taken or not taken by the City under this Section, and shall

promptly reimburse the City for legal fees and costs incurred by the City in
responding to or defending against any claims, disputes or challenges. This

includes, but is not limited to, the City's attorney fees and all costs and
preparation time, to and including the reserved right of the City to select counsel of its own choice.

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3.4 Bulletin Boards and Meeting Rooms

AFSCME shall be permitted to post notices of official AFSCME business on

existing bulletin boards. All materials posted on bulletin boards must be dated
and must identify AFSCME as the publisher.

AFSCME may, with prior approval of the City, be permitted to use City meeting rooms during non-work hours for meetings with represented employees, provided
such space is available. The use of City equipment other than items normally

used in the conduct of business meetings (such as desks, chairs, blackboards, etc.) is strictly prohibited.
3.5 Release Time

The City agrees to provide an adequate and reasonable amount of release time for designated officers and representatives of AFSCME to conduct, with the City Manager's or his/her designee's approval, AFSCME business and to engage in meet and confer sessions with official representatives of the City.
3.6 Optional Union Dues Deduction

Throughout the course of each year, an employee may voluntarily elect to enroll or stop enrollment in an AFSCME voluntarily program called PEOPLE (Public Employees Organized to Promote Legislative Equality) and the City agrees to

deduct such PEOPLE deductions from the employee's after-tax earnings,

provided the employee so requests such a payroll deduction.

4. City Rights

The rights of the City, include but are not limited to, a) the exclusive right to determine

the mission of its constituent departments, commissions, and boards; b) to set

standards of service; c) determine the procedures and standards of selection for
employment; d) to direct, discipline and discharge its employees in accordance with law and existing ordinances, rules and regulations; e) to relieve its employees from duty because of ick of work or for other lawful reasons; f) to determine the content of job classifications; g) to determine the methods, means, number and kind of personnel by
which its operations are to be conducted, including the performance thereof by

subcontract; h) to administer the City's personnel system; i) to maintain the efficiency of

governmental operations; j) to take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in
emergencies; k) to exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing its work; i) to determine methods of financing.

In the event that the exercise of one or more of these rights results in an impact on wages, hours or other terms and conditions of employment, as defined in California

Government Code Section 3505, the City shall meet and confer with the recognized
employee organization(s).

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5. Salaries Salary ranges for represented classifications shall be as set forth in Appendix B, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

6. Benefits
6.1 Medical Insurance

The City offers medical insurance through Kaiser Permanente and Health net.
Effective January 1, 2006 the copay for physician visits shall be ten dollars ($10)

and the copay for generic prescriptions shall be ten dollars ($10). The copay for
other services shall be as prescribed by the health insurance company. Effective January 1, 2008 the Kaiser Permanente copays shall be as follows: physician visits, ten dollars ($10); and prescriptions (generic or brand name) up to a one

hundred (100) day supply, ten dollars ($10). Effective January 1, 2008 the
Health Net copays shall be as follows: physician visits, ten dollars ($10); generic

prescriptions up to a thirty (30) day supply, ten dollars ($10); brand name prescriptions up to a thirty (30) day supply, twenty dollars ($20); and nonformulary prescriptions up to a thirty (30) day supply, thirty-five dollars ($35).
City's contribution toward Kaiser Permanente

For employees and family members participating in Kaiser PermanenteJhrough

December 31, 2010, the City contributes one hundred percent (100%) of the

medical insurance premium of the Kaiser Permanente plan for a full-time

employee and his/her eligible dependents for each level of benefit (single, dual,
and family).

Effective January 1, 2011 the City's contribution for a full-time employee and his/her eligible dependents for each level of benefit (single, dual, and family)
Kaiser Permanente medical insurance shall be set at:
Employee only (single) Employee plus one (dual) Employee plus two or more (family)
$543.49 per month $1,087.00 per month $1,538.14 per month

Effective January 1, 2012 the City's contribution for a full-time employee and his/her eligible dependents for each level of benefit (single, dual, and family)
Kaiser Permanente medical insurance shall be set at:
Employee only (single) Employee plus one (dual) Employee plus two or more (family)
$581.53 per month $1,163.09 per month $1,645.81 per month

Effective January 1, 2013 the City's contribution for a full-time employee and his/her eligible dependents for each level of benefit (single, dual, and family)
Kaiser Permanente medical insurance shall be set at:

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Employee only (single) Employee plus one (dual) Employee plus two or more (family)

$628.05 per month $1,256.14 per month

$1 ,777.47 per month

City's contribution toward Health Net

For employees and family members participating in Health Net through

December 31,2010, the City contributes one hundred percent (100%) of the
medical insurance premium of the Kaiser Permanente plan plus one-third (1/3) of the difference, if Health Net is more expensive than Kaiser, between Health Net and Kaiser Permanente for a full-time employee and his/her eligible dependents

for each level of benefit (single, dual and family). In the event the City's
contribution toward medical insurance is less than the required premium, then the difference shall be deducted from the employee's pay.

Effective January 1, 2011 the City's contribution for a full-time employee and his/her eligible dependents for each level of benefit (single, dual, and family) Health Net medical insurance shall be set at:
Employee only (single) Employee plus one (dual) Employee plus two or more (family) $606.62 per month $1,213.22 per month $1,716.73 per month

Effective January 1, 2012 the City's contribution for a full-time employee and his/her eligible dependents for each level of benefit (single, dual, and family) Health Net medical insurance shall be set at:
Employee only (single) Employee plus one (dual) Employee plus two or more (family)

$649.08 per month $1,298.15 per month $1,836.90 per month

Effective January 1, 2013 the City's contribution for a full-time employee and his/her eligible dependents for each level of benefit (single, dual, and family) Health Net medical insurance shall be set at:
Employee only (single) Employee plus one (dual) Employee plus two or more (family)
$701.01 per month $1,402.00 per month $1,983.85 per month

The parties, having met and conferred in good faith and reached an agreement in
full which provided for, in part, employer increases in health insurance

contributions for calendar years 2011 through 2013. The 2013 employer
contribution is eight percent (8%) higher than the 2012 employer contribution.

For the next successive year, employees should not anticipate an increase as
high as eight percent (8%), although the actual increase will be determined

during collective bargaining negotiations of the next successor contract.

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City's contribution for regular part-time employees

The City's medical insurance premium contribution shall be pro-rated for

represented part-time employees.
6.2 Retiree Medical Insurance

A. Effective for those regular employees hired before July 1, 2007, and who
retire on or before December 31, 2011, the City provides
contribution/reimbursement toward retiree medical insurance as provided below. Effective January 1, 2012 the City provides contribution/reimbursement for retiree medical insurance as provided in 6.2(C).

1. Retired employee with a minimum of five (5) but fewer than fifteen (15)

years of full-time regular City service (includes employees receiving a

disability retirement from the City) or his/her surviving spouse shall receive the lesser of his/her actual premium amount or twenty-five percent (25%)

of the early retiree Kaiser premium (retiree only or retiree and spouse,
whichever is applicable) per month; or
2. Retired employee with a minimum of fifteen (15) but fewer than twenty

(20) years of full-time regular City service or his/her surviving spouse shall receive the lesser of his/her actual premium amount or fifty percent (50%)

of the early retiree Kaiser premium (retiree only or retiree and spouse,
whichever is applicable) per month; or
3. Retirees meeting the following criteria will be reimbursed one hundred

percent (100%) of their actual medical premium (retiree only or retiree and spouse, whichever is applicable), to a maximum amount of the City's Kaiser early retiree rate:
Must have been employed by the City of Pittsburg for a minimum of ten (10) years of continuous full-time regular employment at the time of concurrent service connected disability retirement. Must have separated from the City of Pittsburg with a concurrent service connected disability retirement.
At the time of concurrent separation from City service and

retirement, must be disabled to the extent that the retired employee is unable to work in any capacity.
Within one hundred eighty days (180) days of concurrent

separation/retirement the retired employee must possess and provide the City with a copy of a declaration from the City's long
term disability benefit carrier or the Social Security Administration

that the retiree is unable to work in any capacity. (The City

reserves the right to request annual re-certification.)

If the retiree does not have this declaration at the time of

separation/retirement he/she will receive the benefit as

defined in this section during the one hundred eighty (180)


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day window period to provide said declaration. If the retiree

is deemed ineligible, or if he/she does not provide the

required declaration within the one hundred eighty (180) day

window period, then his/her medical benefit/reimbursement

reverts to that level the retiree is eligible for based on his/her years of service with the City, without regard to the type of

retirement obtained. In that event, the retiree is responsible for reimbursing the City for the difference between the one

hundred percent (100%) benefit received during the one hundred eighty (180) day period and the amount he/she
would have received based on his/her years of service.

The provisions of this section are to apply to those employees who

retire on or following the effective date of this Agreement.

4. Retired employees with a minimum of twenty (20) years of regular full-time

service with the City and their spouse shall receive one hundred percent
(100%) coverage for the retiree and eligible spouse. Coverage premiums

to be capped at the level of the higher of the two least expensive City

medical plans. The provisions of this section are to apply to those

employees who retire on or following the effective date of this Agreement.
5. Within the confines of Retiree Medical Insurance, the term "full-time

regular City service" shall also include hourly service for those full-time employees who transitined from hourly status to regular status during the

period of 1994 through 1998.

6. Exclusions - The benefits described above shall apply to all current and

future retirees except for the following exclusions:

a. Retirees who do not retire directly from City service; or

b. Retirees and their spouses who are included in the Pittsburg

Municipal Employees Retirement System of 1948; or

c. Spouses of deceased retirees who remarry an individual not eligible for benefis under this provision; or
d. Retirees who fail to comply with any requirements as described in

'verifications"; or

e. Spousal benefits described in this provision shall only apply to the

spouse married to the retiree at the time of retirement. Spousal benefits cannot be acquired after retirement nor can they be
transferred to a different spouse as in the case of death or divorce and remarriage; or

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f. Retirees who do not begin receiving this benefit at the time of their retirement from City service. However, a retiree who begins
participation at the time of retirement and subsequently

discontinues participation may re-enroll subject to the requirements

and/or limitations imposed by the health insurance provider.
g. Employees who retire after December 31,2011.
7. Verification - Retired employees who do not purchase medical insurance

plan made available to retired employees/spouses by the City must submit annually proof of medical insurance. Retired employees and spouses of

deceased employees must submit annually verification, on a form

furnished by City, of continued eligibility.
B. Effective for those regular employees hired on or after July 1, 2007 the

City provides contribution/reimbursement toward retiree medical insurance as

provided in 6.2(C).
C. Effective January 1, 2012 and only for those regular employees hired before January 1, 2012 the City provides contribution/reimbursement toward

retiree medical insurance as provided below:

1. Retired employee with a minimum of fifteen (15) but fewer than twenty

(20) years of full-time regular City service shall receive the lesser of

his/her actual premium amount or fifty percent (50%) of the active

employee Kaiser premium per month for the retiree only; or

2. Retired employee with a minimum of twenty (20) but fewer than twenty-

five (25) years of full-time regular City service shall receive the lesser of his/her actual premium amount or seventy-five percent (75%) of the active employee Kaiser premium per month for the retiree only; or

3. Retired employee with a minimum of twenty-five (25) years of full-time

regular City service shall receive the lesser of his/her actual premium

amount or one hundred percent (100%) of the active employer Kaiser premium (retiree only or retiree and spouse, whichever is applicable) per
month for the retiree and retiree's spouse.
4. Within the confines of Retiree Medical Insurance, the term "full-time

regular City service" shall also include hourly service for those full-time employees who transitioned from hourly status to regular status during the period of 1994 through 1998.
5. A retired employee's spouse (spouse at time of retirement only) who

receives no City contribution for spousal health insurance is eligible to

participate in the City's offered retiree health insurance program; provided,

however, that the retired employee and spouse agree to fully pay the
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monthly premium plus an additional two percent (2%) of the monthly

premium as a City administrative fee. .

6. The City's contribution toward retiree health insurance, and the retiree
and/or retiree's spouse's participation in the City's offered retiree health

insurance, shall end at the end of the month following the retired
employee's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday. In the event the retiree passed away before his/her sixty-fifty (65th) birthday then the City's contribution toward the surviving spouse's monthly premium shall continue until the end of the month following what would have been the retired employee's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday.
7. Exclusions - The benefits described above shall apply to all current and

future retirees except for the following exclusions:

a. Retirees who do not retire directly from City service; or

b. Retirees and their spouses who are included in the Pittsburg

Municipal Employees Retirement System of 1948; or

c. Spouses of deceased retirees who remarry an individual not eligible

for benefits under this provision; or
d. Retirees who fail to comply with any requirements as described in

'verifications"; or

e. Spousal benefits described in this provision shall only apply to the

spouse married to the retiree at the time of retirement. Spousal benefits cannot be acquired after retirement nor can they be
transferred to a different spouse as in the case of death or divorce and remarriage; or
f. Retirees who do not begin receiving this benefit at the time of their

retirement from City service. However, a retiree who begins

participation at the time of retirement and subsequently

discontinues participation may re-enroll subject to the requirements

and/or limitations imposed by the health insurance provider.
8. Verification - Retired employees who do not purchase medical insurance

plan made available to retired employees/spouses by the City must submit annually proof of medical insurance. Retired employees and spouses of

deceased employees must submit annually verification, on a form

furnished by City, of continued eligibility.

D. A joint labor-management committee shall be formed not later than

February 1, 2011 and shall be comprised of not more than two individuals

appointed by the City and not more than two individuals appointed by

AFSCME. This committee shall conduct a study, with recommendations

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back to the City and to AFSCME, on how employees hired on or after January 1, 2012 can participate in an employee-funded vehicle on a tax-

exempt or tax-deferred basis for retiree health insurance.

6.3 Dental Insurance

The City shall maintain the existing dental insurance benefits throughout the term of this Agreement. The City shall contribute all dental insurance premiums on behalf of represented full-time employees and eligible dependents. The City's dental insurance premium contribution shall be pro-rated for represented parttime employees.
6.4 Medical and/or Dental Alternative

An employee eligible for the City's sponsored medical insurance and who opts to waive participation because the employee has medical insurance coverage as a result of being an eligible dependent on another family member's plan shall have a City monthly contribution of either one hundred eighty dollars ($180.00) for dual coverage or two hundred fifty-five dollars ($255.00) for family coverage.

An employee eligible for the City's sponsored dental insurance and who opts to waive participation because the employee has dental insurance coverage as a result of being an eligible dependent on another family member's plan shall have a City monthly contribution of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
A regular part-time employee represented by this bargaining unit and who elects either the medical alternative and/or dental alternative shall receive one-half (1/2) of the monthly contribution provided to a full-time employee.
6.5 Life Insurance

A regular full-time employee represented by the bargaining unit shall be insured under a group life insurance policy paid by the City in the amount of seventy-five thousand dollars and zero cents ($75,000.00).
A regular part-time employee represented by this bargaining unit shall be insured
under a group policy paid by the City in the amount of twenty-five thousand

dollars and zero cents ($25,000.00).

6.6 Flexible Benefits Plan

The City offers an Internal Revenue Code Section 125 Plan that contains the components of premium conversion, health care reimbursement account, and dependent care reimbursement account. Employee participation is on an
optional basis. There is no City contribution toward this plan, although the City shall provide and pay all costs of administering the plan.

6.7 Long-Term Disability Insurance The City provides a long-term disability insurance plan for regular full-time
employees. This plan provides for sixty percent (60%) of the monthly salary, to a maximum monthly salary of fourteen thousand one hundred sixty-seven dollars

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and zero cents ($14,167) after a one hundred eighty (180) day waiting period, for disabilities occurring on and off the job.
6.8 State Disability Insurance

The City participates in the State Disability Insurance program for all employees represented under this Agreement, at the expense of the employee.
6.9 Deferred Compensation

The City will make a "matching" contribution to the 457 deferred compensation
plan for participating regular full-time employees up to a maximum of fifty dollars and zero cents ($50.00) per month. The City will make a "matching" contribution

to the 457 deferred compensation plan for participating regular part-time

employees up to a maximum of twenty-five dollars and zero cents ($25.00) per month.
6.10 Retirement

For all represented employees hired by the City of Pittsburg before July 10, 2011 and enrolled in the City's non-safety PERS benefit with an effective date before July 10, 2011 the employee shall be covered by a pension program provided by the State of California Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to the City through a contract. This system, known as the 2% at 55 formula, is described

periodically in brochures distributed by PERS.

The City agrees to provide PERS retirement benefits and maintain the following enhancements to the basic PERS 2% at 55 formula:
a. One Year Final Compensation (Section 20042)
b. Annual Cost-of-Living Increase at 3% (Section 21335) c. Military Service Credit as Public Service (Section 21024)

d. Credit for Unused Sick Leave (Section 20965)

e. EPMC as Additional Compensation (Section 20691)

For all represented employees hired by the City of Pittsburg on or following July 10, 2011 and enrolled in the City's non-safety PERS benefit with an effective

date of July 10, 2011 or later the employee shall be covered by a pension
program provided by the State of California Public Employees' Retirement

System (PERS) to the City through a contract under the 2% at 60 formula, based
on the average monthly pay over a thirty-six month period ("3 year average") with a 2% annual cost-of-living increase and as is described periodically in brochures

distributed by PERS. The City agrees to provide and maintain the following
enhancements to the basic PERS 2% at 60 formula:
a) Military Service Credit as Public Service (Section 21024)

b) Credit for Unused Sick Leave (Section 20965)

c) EPMC as Additional Compensation (Section 20691)

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Of the required seven percent (7%) employee share, the employee shall pay


his/her salary to the PERS system:

a. effective July 11,2010 the employee will pay two percent (2%) b. effective July 10,2011 the employee will pay four percent (4%) c. effective July 8, 2012 the employee will pay seven percent (7%)

6.11 Social Security

All employees shall have coverage under Federal Social Security in accordance

with the provisions of law. This system requires contributions by both the employee and the employer in accordance with schedules provided by the
Federal Government.
6.12 Education Reimbursement

When, in the opinion of the City Manager, a training course to be taken by an employee will be of benefit to the City, the City Manager may authorize payment by the City of one hundred percent (100%) of tuition charges, fees, the cost of textbooks and supplies or two thousand four hundred dollars ($2,400), whichever
is lower, each calendar year the employee is enrolled in approved training.

Additionally, the City will reimburse fifty percent (50%) of the direct cost of tuition,

books, and supplies, or three hundred dollars ($300), whichever is lower,

annually for approved direct costs between two thousand four hundred dollars ($2,400) and three thousand dollars ($3,000).
Reimbursement of costs associated with training/education will only be made if

the employee receives a letter grade of "C" or better or in cases of courses

offered as pass/fail, a grade of pass.
Costs for education reimbursement come from each individual department budget.
6.13 Employee Assistance Program

The City contracts and pays for an employee assistance program providing each employee and their household members with up to eight (8) visits per year.
6.14 Workers' Compensation

Employees are covered by Workers' Compensation benefits pursuant to the statutes of the State of California. Over and above the workers' compensation
statutory benefits, the City shall pay full salary on the first day of work loss due to an on-the-job injury/illness and will continue to provide said benefits through the

employee's sixtieth (60th) calendar day of work loss. After the sixtieth (60th) calendar day, benefits shall be paid pursuant to the statutes of the State of California.

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6.15 Joint Labor-Management Committee

The City and AFSCME agree to establish a joint Labor-Management Committee, whose purpose is to review and evaluate health insurance plan design (i.e., not

premiums or employee/employer contributions). Although not represented under

this collective bargaining unit, the City shall invite other bargaining units to
participate in this joint Labor-Management Committee with the parties' intent that

there is a single Labor-Management Committee with this defined purpose.

However, if the City cannot achieve full participation from other bargaining units,

the committee shall not be established.

7. Incentives and Differentials

7.1 Uniform Allowance

The annual uniform allowance will be two hundred forty dollars ($240) for Police Department employees required by the Chief of Police to wear a work uniform.

The uniform allowance is payable twice a year with a regular paycheck, for the
first pay period in June and the first pay period in December, representing

payment for the prior six (6) month period. Employees not employed for the full
six (6) month period will be entitled to a prorate share of the six (6) month

The Chief of Police shall prescribe minimum standards of appearance for police department employees. Different standards may be applied to different classes, depending upon the type of work required of the employees. Employees shall be

neatly groomed and suitably dressed for their duties, so that they present a
favorable appearance to the public.

If the City provides at City expense either a uniform allowance or uniforms, the

Chief of Police shall ordinarily require the employee to wear the prescribed
uniform on duty. The Chief of Police may require some employees who receive
uniform allowances or who are furnished with uniforms, to wear other clothing on duty, either regularly or occasionally, if the needs of the department require it.

7.2 Working Out of Classification

Department heads may, from time to time, because of vacancies, leaves of

absence and other reasons, require an employee to work in a position which has

a higher rate of pay thn the employee's regular position. Whenever such an
assignment lasts longer than one (1) working day, the employee's pay shall be

adjusted for the second and subsequent days of such assignment. For the

second and subsequent days, the employee's pay shall be at that rate the
employee would receive were he/she promoted to the higher paying position. This paragraph shall apply only to full-time substitution in a position, involving a
temporary abandonment of the employee's regular work.

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An employee specifically assigned by

a department head on a temporary basis to

perform a project which would normally be assigned to a higher classification shall receive five percent (5%) Project Assignment Pay; provided, however, such assignment will take at least forty (40) hours to complete and the City Manager authorizes such assignment. The Project Assignment Pay shall be provided

during the duration of the project and shall be discontinued thereafter. The
department head shall determine the duration of the project.

Holidays, days off, and off duty and standby shifts shall not be considered as
interrupting the consecutiveness of working out of classification.

Every instance involving extra pay to an employee for working in a higher

classification must have the approval of the City Manager.
7.3 Service Award

A regular full-time employee shall receive in December, if currently employed,

service award pay based upon his/her total years of continuous City service,
based on the following timetable and amounts:

Years of City Service 10 years 15 years

Service Award Amount

20 years 25 years
30 years 35 years

40 years 45 years

$200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900

7.4 Shift Differential

The City agrees to pay represented employees a shift differential of fifty-four cents ($0.54) per hour for working the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.; provided, however, that the employee's regular working hours (and not a temporary work schedule, including overtime hours) include those hours included within the shift

differential and the employee works at least one (1) hour during the shift
differential period.
7.5 Bilingual Pay

Upon the recommendation of a department director and approval of the Director

of Human Resources, an employee who, in the regular course of his/her

employment and after successfully passing a City administered oral and written test, uses his/her Spanish bilingual proficiency for the benefit of the City, shall
receive bilingual pay of fifty dollars ($50) per month.

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8. Vacation
8.1 Vacation Accrual

The vacation accrual rate for regular full-time employees shall be:

Years of City Service 0-5 Years 6-10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15-19 years

Accrual Rate
Accrue 3.08 hours per pay period (10 days) Accrue 4.62 hours per pay period (15 days) Accrue 4.92 hours per pay period (16 days) Accrue 5.23 hours per pay period (17 days)

Accrue 5.54 hours per pay period (18 days)

Accrue 5.85 hours per pay period (19 days) Accrue 6.15 hours per pay period (20 days) Accrue 7.69 hours per pay period (25 days)

20 and more years

Regular part-time employees shall accrue vacation in the amount proportionate to the ratio of scheduled hours of work per work week to the standard work week,

but in no case shall the number of days of vacation accrued per year exceed
those days allowed for a similarly classified full-time employee.
8.2 Use of Vacation

Vacation shall be taken at such time as is mutually convenient for the department and the employee.

1. Maximum Accumulation - The maximum accrual allowed is two hundred forty (240) hours. Accruals wil be monitored by the Finance Department. Once the maximum accrual has been reached, an employee will not accrue additional vacation until his/her accrual balance is reduced, by
either use or buyback.

2. Double Compensation Prohibited - Employees shall not work for the City during their vacation.
3. When Scheduled - The time at which an employee takes his/her vacation will be determined with due regard for the wishes of the employee, the
date of application for a specific vacation period, the department seniority of employees, and with particular regard for the needs of the department.
8.3 Minimum Use Employees must use a minimum of forty (40) hours of vacation per year. Any exception to this section must be approved by the City Manager to be eligible for vacation buyback.
8.4 Vacation Buyback

Employees may receive vacation pay in lieu of paid time off. Buyback shall only

be made at the request of the employee and upon the approval of the City
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Manager. Approvals will be granted if it is determined that "buyback" will result in increased cost-effectiveness and efficiency to the City as determined by the City

Manager. Employees are only eligible for one such approval in a twelve (12)

month period and only one (1) buyback per fiscal year. Each vacation buyback
shall be limited to a maximum of eighty (80) hours and will be at the employee's

regular rate of pay. Vacation hours bought back shall be paid at the employee's
normal hourly rate of pay at the time of the buyback, excluding any enhancements such as out of class pay. The City Manager may authorize
buyback in excess of the eighty (80) hour limit in urgent and/or emergency

Effective July 1, 2005 the total City-wide allocation for the buyback program wil be $185,000 per fiscal year. The City shall establish an annual window period for the receipt of vacation buyback requests (November 1 - 21). At the conclusion of the window period, the City will tabulate the total dollar value of the buyback requests. If the total dollar value is less than or equal to $185,000 employee will receive, upon the City Manager's approval, payment as noted above. If the total dollar value of the requests exceed $185,000, request hours will be pro-rated and employees paid accordingly. (Payment shall be made with the first paycheck of December.) Should this occur, employee will be credited with vacation hours in excess of those hours determined eligible for the buyback program.
8.5 Holidays Falling During Vacations

City as a holiday occurs on a day on which an employee is taking vacation, such employee shall not be charged as
When a day designated and observed by the

using vacation for that day. The employee's compensation for that day shall be
holiday and shall not be paid or charged as vacation.
8.6 Vacation Accrual for Transitioned Employees

Accumulation for vacation benefits - Employees who have transitioned from temporary status to regular employee status shall accrue vacation benefits based

on their total years of service (since their most recent temporary employee hire
anniversary). This benefit shall only apply for time spent in full-time temporary employment before their transition to regular appointment.
9. Sick Leave
9.1 Sick Leave Accrual

All full-time regular employees shall accrue 3.69 hours sick leave per py period

(twelve days per year).

All part-time regular employees shall accrue sick leave in the amount
proportionate to the ratio of scheduled hours of work per week to the standard
work week, but in no case shall the number of sick leave hours accrued each pay

period exceed 3.69 hours.

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Employees may not "borrow" on unearned sick leave. No payment shall be

made for accrued and unused sick leave at the time of separation from employment. Upon retirement, unused sick leave is converted to PERS service
9.2 Personal Necessity Leave

An employee may use a maximum of thirty-two (32) hours of accrued sick leave

per calendar year for reasons of personal necessity. For purposes of this
section, personal necessity shall mean the employee requests leave from his/her work to attend to personal business that cannot be dispensed with during off duty
time. Personal necessity leave is to be requested in advance and shall be reviewed and (dis)approved by the employee's department head. Personal

necessity leave is considered use of sick leave.

9.3 Sick Leave Incentive

A full-time employee who uses no sick leave in any fiscal quarter shall have four (4) hours credited towards vacation, with a maximum accrual during anyone (1)
year to be sixteen (16) hours.

10. Holidays
10.1 Full-Time Employee Holidays

All regular full-time employees will be entitled to the following fifteen (15) holidays

of eight hours each per year:

1. January 1 2. Third Monday in January

Holiday Name New Year's Day

Martin Luther King's Birthday

3. February 12
4. Third Monday in February

Lincoln's Day
Washington's Day

5. March 31 6. Last Monday in May

7. July 4 8. First Monday in September 9. Second Monday in October

Cesar Chavez Day Memorial Day I ndependence Day Labor Day

Columbus Day

10. November 11
11. Fourth Thursday in November 12. Day following Thanksgiving

Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day

13. December 25 Christmas Day

14. Sixteen (16) hours of floating holiday

An employee hired or promoted to a regular position after June 30th shall receive

only eight (8) hours of floating holiday during the first calendar year of such
regular position appointment.

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Holidays falling on a Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday.

Holidays falling on a Sunday will be observed on the following Monday. Holidays falling during the week will be observed on the actual day.
In the case of an employee having regular days off other than Saturday and

Sunday, said employee will be afforded eight (8) hours additional time off for each holiday which falls on his/her regular day off. Time for taking such holiday
shall be scheduled at the discretion of the department head.

Floating holidays must be taken during the calendar year in which earned or will
be lost.
10.2 Part-Time Employee Holidays

All regular part-time employees wil be paid on a pro-rated basis depending upon their designated hours of work, for the holidays defined above when such holiday
falls on a regularly scheduled work day. In the case of a regular part-time

employee whose regular day off occurs on an observed holiday, the employee shall have the pro-rated basis holiday credited to his/her compensatory time off account.
All regular part~time employees will receive a pro-rated number of floating holiday

hours based on their designated hours of work, and such hours shall be based
on the total floating holidays defined above.
10.3 Work Performed on Holidays

An employee who is eligible for overtime compensation and who is assigned by

his/her department head, or designee, to work on any of the holidays listed

above shall receive straight time pay for all hours worked on the holiday and shall

have eight hours holiday credited to his/her compensatory time off balance.
(Normal overtime provisions as outlined within this agreement still apply.)

An employee who is not eligible for overtime compensation and who is assigned by his/her department head, or designee, to work on any of the holidays listed above shall receive his/her regular pay for time worked on the holiday and shall

have eight hours holiday credited to his/her administrative leave account and
said hours shall be used by December 31st of the year credited, otherwise the
hours shall be forfeited.

11. Catastrophic Leave

11; 1 Purpose of Catastrophic Leave The Catastrophic Leave Program is designed to assist regular employees,
regardless of bargaining unit representation, who have exhausted paid time
credits due to the employee's or immediate family member's serious


catastrophic illness or injury. This program allows other employees to donate

time to the affected employee so that he/she can remain in a paid status for a
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longer period of time, thus partially reducing the financial impact of the illness or
11.2 Catastrophic Leave Definitions

1. Catastrophic Illness or Injury - A medically certified illness, injury,

impairment, physical or mental condition of the employee or the

employee's immediate family member that prevents an employee from

returning to work for a period of thirty (30) calendar days or more.
2. Leave to be donated - Vacation or sick leave.

3. For purposes of the Catastrophic Leave program, the term "immediate

family member" shall mean spouse or domestic partner, child, stepchild, adopted or foster child, parent or parent-in-law.

11.3 Catastrophic Leave Eligibility

11.3.1 Donors
1. Only regular employees are eligible to donate accrued vacation or sick


Donating employees may not reduce their balance of earned vacation below forty (40) hours or sick leave below forty (40) hours by reason of
such donation.



Only regular employees may participate in the Catastrophic Leave



Certification from a physician that the illness/injury will preclude the

employee from returning to work for at least thirty (30) calendar days must be submitted to the Human Resources Department with the application.


All accumulated time, sick leave, vacation time, compensatory time, and
other available paid time off balances must have been exhausted.


A request for leave of absence without pay for medical reasons has been

submitted and approved.


Request for participation in the program shall be made on an application

for Catastrophic Leave Program form, available from the Human

Resources Department.
11.4 Catastrophic Leave Procedures 1. Donations must be a minimum of one (1) day at a time and submitted on
the appropriate donation form.

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2. Time donated will be converted from the type of time donated to sick leave and credited to the recipient employee's sick leave balance on a hour-forhour basis and shall be paid at the rate of pay of the recipient employee.
3. Donations, once made, are irrevocable.

4. Any period of donated leave may be counted as Family and Medical

Leave time.

5. Employees may not remain on catastrophic leave or receive leave

donations for a continuous period exceeding six (6) calendar months.
6. Verification of catastrophic illness must be submitted by a licensed

physician to the Human Resources Department.

7. Employees are eligible for this benefit only once during their employment
with the City.
8. Employees must have accumulated a minimum of one hundred twenty

(120) hours of sick leave or eighty (80) hours of vacation time before a donation can be made.
12. Bereavement Leave Employees shall be entitled to three (3) working days off with pay whenever there

is a death in their immediate family. For purposes of this section, the immediate
family shall consist of spouse, domestic partner, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, step-children, step-parents, half-brothers, halfsisters, fathers-in-law, and mothers-in-law.

Time off for funerals may be taken only within five (5) calendar days before and

after the date of the actual funeral or service. In the event an employee desires
to take additional time off with pay in excess of that provided for a death in the immediate family, or in the event the employee desires to attend the actual

funeral or service of active or retired City officials or employees not covered in

this section, and if the employee has unused vacation or sick leave, the
employee may take such additional time off or, the time necessary to attend such
funeral, and charge it against his/her unused vacation, compensatory time,

and/or sick leave.

13. Probationary Period
13.1 Objective of the Probationary Period

The probationary period shall be regarded as part of the selection process and shall be utilized for closely observing the employee's work, for securing the most effective adjustment of a new employee to his/her position, and for releasing any

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probationary employee whose performance in the opinion of the City Manager, City Manager's designee, and/or appointing authority does not meet the required standards of work. Nothing in this policy is intended to limit the reasons for which an employee may be released during the probationary period. Release of an employee during the probationary period may be with or without cause and with or without prior notice to the employee.
13.2 Probationary Period

All original and promotional appointments to a regular position, excluding at-will employees, shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of twelve (12)
months of active duty from the date of probationary appointment or promotion.

Days absent without pay during the probationary period shall extend the
probationary period by the same number of days so as to result in a probationary period of active working duty for the required twelve (12) months of active duty. Employees who transfer to another position in the same classification shall not be required to undergo a new probationary period in the same position into which transferring, provided the employee has completed the employee's probationary period in the classification at the time of transfer. During the probationary period, the employee may be released at any time by the City Manager, City Manager's designee, and/or appointing authority with or without cause and with or without prior notice. An employee released during the probationary period has no right to appeal or grieve the release.

The probationary period may exceed twelve (12) months of active duty when the extension is by mutual agreement between the probationer, appointing authority,

and (if not the appointing authority) the City Manager. The probationary period
shall not exceed eighteen (18) months of active duty.
13.3 Promotional Probationary Period

An employee who has previously completed the requisite probationary period and who is rejected during a subsequent probationary period for a promotional appointment shall be reinstated to the former position from which the employee
was appointed. If the employee was dismissed from employment during the

promotional probationary period, the employee shall not be entitled to such

reinstatement rights.

14. Layoff, Reassignment, & Reinstatement

14.1 Layoff Policy Whenever the City Manager and/or City Council determines in his/her/their sole abolish any position of employment, the employee
discretion that it necessary to

holding that position may be laid off, transferred, or demoted without disciplinary action and with the limited right of appeal described exclusively below.

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14.2 Notification When enacting layoffs the City Manager shall: a) notify the impacted employees
and the Union of such layoff(s); b) provide a copy of the seniority list to the Union used to rank the affected employees; and c) offer to meet and confer with the Union regarding the impact of the layoff(s)

An employee being laid off shall be given at least fourteen (14) days prior notice, with a copy of layoff notice mailed to the Union.

14.3 Order of Layoff

In each class, employees shall be laid off according to employment status in the following order: provisional, temporary (formerly referred to as seasonal), regular

part-time, probationary full-time, and regular full-time. In this article, probationary

status means the probationary period required upon the initial employment with the City leading to a regular position.
14.4 Seniority, Vacancy and Demotion

Whenever there is a layoff, the City Manager shall first demote an employee
(based upon seniority within the class at the City of Pittsburg) to a regular
position vacancy, if any, in a lower class for which the employee previously held. All persons so demoted shall have their names placed on a reinstatement list for a period of one year.

Upon layoff, regular employees have the right to retreat to a lower class in
accordance with this layoff policy. In order to retreat to a lower class an

employee must have more seniority than at least one of the incumbents in the
retreat class and request displacement action in writing to the Personnel Services Director within seven (7) days of receipt of notice of layoff. An employee retreating to a lower class shall be placed on the salary step

representing the least loss of pay.

For the purposes of this layoff, seniority shall be defined as an employee's tenure in a position. When an employee retreats to a lower class seniority for that class shall include the tenure of all higher classes. Seniority includes time accrued in regular full-time and regular part-time service. In this article, length of service for regular part-time employment is calculated on a pro-rata basis. Employment in a temporary appointment position does not count in calculating seniority.
14.5 Limited Appeal to the City Manager

An employee who is laid off or demoted because of a layoff may file an appeal to the City Manager within four (4) days following receipt of the layoff. Said appeal
shall be limited to the sole issue of whether the layoff was properly applied,

whether the layoff or retreat to a lower class is a pretext for discipline, and/or whether the decision to layoff or demote the employee because of a layoff was based on malfeasance. Said appeal request shall be delivered in person or with a minimum of United States Postal Service (USPS) delivery confirmation to the
Human Resources Director, who shall promptly schedule the matter with the City 23
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Manager or City Manager's designee so that the employee will have the opportunity to present his/her side of the layoff and/or demotion. The City
Manager or designee shall render a written decision within five (5) days of the

appeal meeting and may affirm, reverse, or modify the initial decision. The
decision of the City Manager or City Manager's designee shall be finaL.
14.6 Reinstatement List

The names of all regular and probationary employees laid off, demoted or displaced as a result of layoff, shall be placed on a reinstatement list for the
classification from which the employee has been removed; said reinstatement list shall remain in effective for twelve (12) months, unless exhausted sooner.

Reinstatement lists shall take precedence over all other employment lists except

that employees on such lists shall not have the right to displace working employees.
14.7 Removal of Names from Reinstatement List Failure to promptly respond to and accept a reinstatement offer within fourteen (14) days of the date the offer was hand-delivered or mailed with a minimum of USPS delivery confirmation to the individual's last known address shall result in removal from the reinstatement list.

Reinstatement wil result in removal from the reinstatement list except when
reinstatement is in a lower class.
14.8 Reinstatement

A former employee appointed from a reinstatement list shall have the following
benefits restored:

1. Accrued but unused sick leave.

2. Seniority at the time of layoff for vacation accrual, future reduction in force,

and department purposes as defined within department operating

procedures (e.g., work schedule preferences, vacation scheduling

preferences ).

15. Disciplinary Action

15.1 Disciplinary Action Supervisors shall be vested with the powers to discipline employees of the
department or work unit, and for cause, may discipline up to a written reprimand.

In emergency situations supervisors may relieve employees of their duties,

pending further action by a department head.

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Department Heads shall be vested with the powers to discipline employees of the

department or work unit, and for cause, may discipline up to dismissal from employment.

The City Manager shall be vested with the powers to discipline employees, and
for cause, may discipline up to dismissal from employment.

Any proposed disciplinary action greater than a written reprimand requires prior consultation with the Human Resources Director.

The employee shall have the right to request another employee or bargaining unit representative be present when the employee is called into a meeting that he/she reasonably believes could result in disciplinary action, or where the purpose of the meeting is to propose or impose discipline, or where the purpose of the meeting is to appeal disciplinary action as provided within this section.

Once the employee has designated a representative, all subsequent

correspondence shall be sent to the representative at the same time the

correspondence is sent to the employee.

Any employee disciplined shall be immediately notified in writing of such charges or actions, by U.S. Postal Service mail (with at least mail delivery confirmation) or

delivery in person. Any employee aggrieved by such action may utilize the
appeal from such by the City.

Disciplinary Action Appeal Procedure as hereinafter set forth, as a means of

Any time limit described in the appeal procedures may be extended only by
mutual agreement in writing. Failure by the employee or the employee's

representative to initiate or appeal within the prescribed time limits shall waive

the right of the employee and the employee's representative from appealing the
discipline. In the case of an appeal, the City's last answer shall be final and

conclusive. The failure of the City to respond to an appeal within the prescribed
time limits shall be cause for the employee to automatically appeal the discipline

to the next step.

15.2 Disciplinary Action Appeal Procedure for Written Reprimands

For all employees, written reprimands may be appealed to the City Manager within seven (7) days of receipt of disciplinary action. The City Manager or designee (other than the supervisor and/or department head involved) shall
review the circumstances and render a written decision within fourteen (14) days upon receipt of the disciplinary action appeaL. The decision of the City Manager or designee shall be final and conclusive.

In the event the City Manager issued the written reprimand, then opportunity to utilize the "City Manager Appeal" shall still apply.

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15.3 Disciplinary Action Appeal Procedure for Non-Written Reprimands

No disciplinary action against an employee, excluding probationary and other atwill employees, shall be imposed unless such action is recommended by the City

in a Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action delivered to the employee either

personally or by U.S. Postal Service mail

and shall contain the following:

(with at least mail delivery confirmation)

15.3.1 Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action

1. A statement of the action proposed to be taken;

2. A copy of the charges, including the acts or omissions and grounds upon

which the action is based;

3. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the

City or department, a copy of said rule shall be included with the notice;
4. A copy of materials upon which the proposed action is based;

5. A statement that the employee has seven (7) days to respond to the

author of the Notice either orally or in writing.

The employee or designated representative, upon whom a Notice of Proposed

Disciplinary Action has been served, shall have seven (7) days to respond to the author of the Notice orally or in writing before the proposed action may be taken.

Upon application and for good cause, the author of the Notice may extend in

writing the period to respond. If the employee's or designated representative's response is not timely filed, or the employee or designated representative has
not requested an extension, the right to respond is lost.

15.3.2 Notice of Discipline

After the employee or designated representative has responded to the Notice of

Proposed Disciplinary Action, or the time to respond has passed, and if the

author of the Notice still determines that discipline is appropriate, then the
employee shall be provided with a Notice of Discipline. The Notice of Discipline shall include the following:
1. A statement of the action to be taken and the effective date;

2. A copy of the charges, including the acts or omissions and grounds upon

which the action is based;

3. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the

City or department, a copy of said rule or regulation shall be included with the Notice of Discipline or a statement shall be included that copies of said rule or regulation have already been provided to the employee with the Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action;
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4. A copy of materials upon which the action is based or a statement that

such materials have already been provided to the employee;

5. A statement addressing the responses to the charges by the employee or

designated representative, if any; and

6. Notification to the employee of his/her right to appeal the imposed

15.3.3 City Manager Appeal Disciplinary actions may be appealed to the City Manager within seven (7) days

of receipt of the disciplinary action. The City Manager or designee (other than
the supervisor and/or department head involved) shall review the circumstances

and render a written decision within fourteen (14) days upon receipt of the disciplinary action appeaL. The Union may appeal the City Manager's or
designee's decision to an arbitrator.

In the event the disciplined employee directly reports to the City Manager, or the

City Manager issued the written reprimand, or the City Manager initiated the disciplinary action as described within this chapter, then the "City Manager
Appeal" shall be heard by the City Attorney.
15.3.4 Non-Binding Mediation

Nothing precludes the parties from engaging in non-binding, confidential

mediation before arbitration. However, mediation will occur upon the parties' mutual agreement. Within seven (7) days of the receipt of the City Manager's or

designee's decision the Union may request that the matter is referred to

The parties wil select a mediator, or if agreement on a mediator cannot be

reached, the Union will request a list of names not to exceed ten (10) names provided by the California State Mediation & Conciliation Service. The parties shall strike names from the provided list in the same fashion as described for arbitration.
The parties shall sign binding confidentiality agreements. Everything discussed during mediation shall remain confidential and no part of the mediation, including statements, documents, and information from the parties, the mediator, and any

other participants, can be used or referenced during any subsequent

The costs, if any, for the mediator's services shall be divided equally between the City and the Union. The City and Union shall each be fully responsible for their

own costs and expenses associated with presenting and defending their own
case during mediation.

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15.3.5 Arbitrator
The City Manager's or designee's decision may be appealed to an arbitrator by

the Union within seven (7) days of receipt of the decision by the Union. The arbitrator shall be selected from among a list of names not to exceed ten (10) names provided by the California State Mediation & Conciliation Service. The
method of selection from said list shall consist of the following process:

After a toss of coin to decide which party shall move first, a representative
of the City and the Union shall alternatively strike one name from the list until one name remains and such person shall act as the arbitrator. The next to the last name stricken shall be the alternate arbitrator to serve in

the event the first arbitrator is not available. The procedure shall be
followed until there is an available arbitrator.

The costs of retaining the arbitrator and incidental expenses arising from the arbitrator shall be divided equally between the City and the Union. The City and

the Union each shall be fully responsible for their own costs and expenses
associated with presenting and defending their own case.

In the event the employee is not represented by the Union, then the costs of
retaining the arbitrator and incidental expenses arising from the arbitrator shall be divided equally between the City and the employee. The City and the employee each shall be responsible for their own expenses associated with presenting and

defending their own case.

When an arbitrator has been selected, the City, Union and arbitrator shall begin the arbitration as expeditiously as possible, but not later than seventy-two (72)

days from the selection of the arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be governed by the
Code of Civil Procedure, Sections 1280 - 1284.2 in the conduct of the arbitration,

unless any provision of this section conflcts, in which case this section shall

The arbitration shall be closed to the public unless the employee requests in
writing a public hearing prior to the time of the hearing.

The arbitrator shall be governed by Government Code Section 6250 et seq. and

other pertinent provisions of law with respect to the discovery of confidential records, files and memoranda.
The arbitrator may modify or revoke a disciplinary action where just cause for the

discipline impose has not been shown or where a violation or omission of

procedure for disciplinary action was made in which resulted in substantial

prejudice to the employee.
The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision which is

prohibited by law or is in violation of the terms of this Memorandum of

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The arbitrator shall not add to, subtract from, disregard, alter or modify any of the

terms of this Memorandum of Understanding.

The decision of the arbitrator shall:

1. Be made in writing within thirty (30) days of the close of the hearing and
mailed to the City Manager, City Attorney, and Union; and
2. Be final and binding upon all parties; and
3. Recite the basis for the arbitrator's decision.

16. Grievances

16.1 Grievance Definition

A grievance is any dispute which involves the claimed violation, the

(mis)interpretation or (mis)application of the collective bargaining agreement,
Personnel Rules, or department rules and regulations, resolutions, or ordinances.

A grievant may be an employee, or any group of employees, or a represented

bargaining unit. Disciplinary actions and performance evaluations are not

16.2 Grievance Procedure

A grievance shall be processed in the following manner:

Step 1. Within fourteen (14) days of the event or discovery of the event giving rise to the
grievance, the grievant will discuss the grievance verbally with the grievant's

immediate supervisor. For good and sufficient reason, the grievant may initiate the grievance at Step 2. The grievant will clearly state that a grievance is being

initiated, and the parties will discuss the matter and attempt to resolve the
Step 2.

If the grievance is not resolved in Step 1, the grievance shall be reduced to

writing and presented to the department head within twenty-eight (28) days of the

event or discovery of the event giving rise to the grievance. The written
grievance shall contain the following:
1. name of grievant(s)
2. class title(s)

3. department
/mou unit a 070110

4. mailing address(e's)
5. a clear statement of the nature of the grievance (citing applicable sections

of rules, regulations, resolutions, ordinances or existing practices)

6. the date(s) on which the event(s) giving rise to

the grievance occurred

7. a proposed solution to the grievance

8. the date of execution of the grievance form
9. the signature of the grievant(s)
10. the signature of the bargaining unit representative, if such a representative

is representing the grievant( s)

11. the date of the discussion meeting in Step 1 and the name of the
supervisor involved

The department head will investigate the grievance and confer with the grievant(s) in an attempt to resolve the grievance. The department head wil
issue his/her decision regarding the grievance in writing within fourteen (14) days

of receipt of the written grievance.

Step 3.

If the grievance is not resolved by the department head's decision in Step 2, the grievant( s) may appeal the written grievance to the City Manager or designee (other than the supervisor and/or department head involved) within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the department head's decision in Step 2. The City Manager or designee will investigate the grievance, confer with persons affected and their representatives, if any, to the extent he/she deems necessary and render a decision within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the written decision.

Step 4.

Nothing precludes the parties from engaging in non-binding, confidential

mediation before arbitration. However, mediation will occur upon the parties' mutual agreement. Within seven (7) days of the receipt of the City Manager's or

designee's decision the Union may request that the matter is referred to

The parties wil select a mediator, or if agreement on a mediator cannot be reached, the Union will request a list of names not to exceed ten (10) names
provided by the California State Mediation & Conciliation Service. The parties shall strike names from the provided list in the same fashion as described for arbitration.
/mou unit a 070110

The parties shall sign binding confidentiality agreements. Everything discussed during mediation shall remain confidential and no part of the mediation, including statements, documents, and information from the parties, the mediator, and any

other participants, can be used or referenced during any subsequent

The costs, if any, for the mediator's services shall be divided equally between the City and the Union. The City and Union shall each be fully responsible for their

own costs and expenses associated with presenting and defending their own
case during mediation.

In the event the grievant disagrees with the decision of the City Manager or designee, the complainant shall have the opportunity to lodge a request for
review by the City Council within seven (7) days of receipt of the City Manager's

or designee's decision. The City Council shall conduct a review of the City
Manager's decision with the authority to either affirm, reverse, or modify the City Manager's or designee's decision.
16.3 General Conditions of Grievances

1. The Human Resources Director will act as a central repository for all
grievance records of Step 2 and beyond.
2. Any time limit may be extended only by mutual agreement in writing.

3. An aggrieved employee may be represented by another individual at any

stage of the proceedings at his/her request. Both employee and

representative (if employed by City) will be entitled to attend proceedings

without loss of compensation, should such proceeding conflict with

employee's and/or representative's normal working hours.
4. Proposals to add to or change the Personnel Rules shall not be

considered under this section, and no proposal to modify, amend, or terminate any Memorandum of Understanding between the City and a
collective bargaining unit may be considered under this section.
5. Failure by the grievant or grievant's representative to initiate or appeal a

grievance within the prescribed time limits shall waive the right of the grievant, the grievant's representative, and the grievant's collective
bargaining unit (if any) to initiate or appeal a grievance. In the case of an

appeal, the last answer to the grievance shall be deemed to be the

resolution to the grievance. Failure of the City to respond to a grievance
within the prescribed time limits shall be cause for the grieving party to
automatically move the grievance to the next step.
6. In the event the grievant directly reports to the City Manager, then the

"step 3" appeal of the written grievance shall be heard by the City Attorney who shall investigate the grievance, confer with persons affected and their
/mou unit a 070110

representatives, if any, to the extent he/she deems necessary and render a decision within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the written decision.

17. Overtime
17.1 Standard Workweek and Workday

The normal workweek for City employees is forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day

period. The beginning and end of the work week shall be defined on an
individual basis. When an employee has worked in excess of the normal work day and/or normal workweek, then said employee shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular hourly rate for all such overtime performed by said employee on behalf of the City.

The City shall treat all paid time, such as but not limited to vacation, sick leave,

holidays, and compensatory time off, as "hours worked" for the purpose of
calculating overtime compensation.
Flexible schedules (e.g., 4/10, 9/80) may be approved by the City Manager upon the recommendation with justification of the department director. In evaluating proposed flexible schedules, the City Manager's evaluation criteria will include,
but not limited to:

.. continuation and continuity of delivery of service to the public;

impact, both positively and negatively, in overall customer service delivery;

.. impact on other City operations; .. cost impact, including impact on overtime costs;

.. the incumbent employee's current and prior performance;

effect, positively and negatively, on all lost time categories including

workers' compensation;
.. clear evaluation criteria pertinent to each department affecting a flexible

The City Manager may also impose flexible schedules, with or without the
consent of department directors.

All flexible schedules are subject to the continuing approval of the City Manager
who, with three (3) calendar day's notice, may modify, terminate, or otherwise

change the flexible schedule. The approval, change, or denial of a flexible

schedule is not subject to any appeal or grievance.

17.2 Minimum Reportable Periods

Minimum reportable periods of overtime shall be fifteen (15) minutes, except

when an employee is called out from home for an isolated period of duty, in
which case the minimum reportable period shall be two (2) hours.
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17.3 Compensatory Time Off

Notwithstanding any provisions hereunder contrary, department heads or

designees shall be allowed to grant compensatory time off on a time and one-half (1-1/2) basis subject to the following:
1. At the time of the overtime assignment, the employee shall make his/her election to be paid for said time or have said overtime entered into a

compensatory time off account Once overtime is so entered, it cannot be exchanged for pay.

2. No more than two hundred forty (240) hours of compensatory time off can be accumulated and maintained on the employee's account at anyone time.
3. In determining capability of taking compensatory time off at a given time,

due regard shall be given to:

a. the wishes of the employee;
b. date of application for specific time off; and

c. seniority (in the event of multiple requests).

18. Severability

If any provision of this Memorandum of Understanding should be found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted legislation

or voter initiative or by judicial authority, all other provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this Memorandum
of Understanding. In the event of invalidation of any provision, the City and AFSCME agree to meet within thirty (30) days for the purpose of meeting and conferring with respect to such invalidation.

19. Full Understanding

Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, the parties agree that this
Memorandum of Understanding sets forth the full and entire understanding of the

parties regarding all matters contained in this Agreement. It is agreed further, that
neither party shall be required to meet and confer with respect to any subject or matter
contained herein during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding, except

regarding the interpretation of this Memorandum of Understanding. Nothing in this

paragraph shall preclude the parties from meeting and conferring during the term of this Agreement upon the mutual agreement of the parties to do so. Mutually agreed upon

amendments to this Memorandum of Understanding shall be in writing and must be

approved by the City CounciL.

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20. Past Practices

The continuation of working conditions and past practices not specifically contained in this Memorandum of Understanding is not guaranteed by this Agreement. Nonetheless,

this is the first comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding to be negotiated

between the City and AFSCME and the parties recognize that certain existing working conditions and/or past practices may have been overlooked during the negotiation of this Agreement. If, during the first one hundred eighty (180) calendar days following final approval by the City Council, either party identifies what it believes to be a working condition or a past beneficial practice that was overlooked, the parties shall meet and confer regarding such working condition or past practice. If it is mutually agreed that the practice or working condition did exist and it was overlooked, the parties will amend this Memorandum of Understanding accordingly. If the parties are unable to agree, the
dispute will be resolved pursuant to the City's established impasse resolution





AFSCME (Miscellaneous A Unit)

By ~O~OO Jo Bates ,

arc S. Grisham City Manager


~~sce~A .k~
Abby Tice Miscellaneous A


Marc A. Fox

Assistant City Manager - Internal Services

Athena Cosby
Miscellaneous A

/mou unit a 070110

Appendix A
Classifications within the Miscellaneous A bargaining unit:
Account Clerk Accounting Technician
Administrative Assistant

Combination Building Inspector Community Services Specialist

Engineering Technician 1/11

Environmental Health Specialist

Housing Inspector Housing Specialist Lead Police Records Clerk

Office Assistant
. . Permit Technician Police Records Clerk

Records Technician Recreation Coordinator

/mou unit a 070110

Appendix B


The current monthly salary ranges for employees in each classification is:
Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E

Account Clerk, part 1 of 2

Account Clerk, part 2 of 2 Accounting Technician

Administrative Assistant, part 1 of 2 Administrative Assistant, part 2 of 2 Combination Building Inspector Community Services Specialist Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician II Environmental Health Officer Golf Operations Technician Golf Shop Attendant

2998 3470 4016 2992 3464 5257 4179 4390



Housing Inspector Housing Specialist

Lead Police Records Clerk Office Assistant

Permit Technician
Police Records Clerk, part 1 of 2 Police Records Clerk, part 2 of 2 Records Technician Recreation Coordinator Senior Engineering Technician

2684 4433 3948 4210 2719 4235 3142 3637 4130 4074

3148 3643 4217 3142 3637 5520 4388 4609 5335 5284 3330 2818 4655 4145

2855 4447 3299 3819 4336 4278 5335

3305 3825 4428 3299 3819 5796 4607 4839 5602 5548 3496 2959 4888 4352 4642 2998 4669 3464 4010 4553 4492 5602

3470 4016 4649 3464 4010 6086 4837


3643 4217


5882 5825

3107 5132 4570 4874 3148 4902 3637 4210


6390 5079 5335 6176 6116 3855 3262 5389 4798 5118 3305 5147 3819

4717 5882

5020 4953 6176

2. Effective July 11, 2010 the City shall provide a one-time non-performance bonus

of four hundred dollars ($400.00) per represented employee for successfully negotiating and implementing this new Memorandum of Understanding before
the expiration date of the prior Memorandum of Understanding.

3. Whenever an individual is employed, in a listed classification with a monthly

salary listed, at less than full-time, then said employee shall receive an hourly
equivalent of the stated monthly salary.

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This will confirm an understanding reached between the City of Pittsburg and the
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)

Miscellaneous A Unit.

A joint labor-management committee shall be formed effective January 1, 2013 and

shall be comprised of not more than two individuals appointed by the City and not more

than two individuals appointed by AFSCME. This committee shall conduct a pay survey
of benchmarked classifications and shall report out to the City and to AFSCME not later

than April 15, 2013. This committee is to agree on survey cities and pay components
used prior to reviewing classification matches and gathering survey data. The findings and implementation of said survey will be subject to meet and confer of the successor




/\ vI fe 21, wiD


By -. 0 clll~
Jo Bates

Business Agent

City Manager ,1 ~l

arc S. Grisham

By i)~.~ Marc Fox ..

Assistant City Manager - Internal Services

/mou unit a 070110

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