Combating Climate Change: The EU Leads The Way
Combating Climate Change: The EU Leads The Way
The international consensus is growing that the planet is facing irreversible climate change unless action is taken quickly. The EU has already formulated a clear response in the shape of an integrated energy and climate change policy, a commitment to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by at least 20% by 2020, and a promise to take the lead in international negotiations to adopt even more ambitious targets. This will help to prevent the worlds temperatures rising by more than 2 C, the level which is increasingly thought by scientists to be the point of no return. To achieve this goal, we need to use energy resources more sustainably and take switching to more renewable forms of energy, capturing and storing carbon dioxide and reversing deforestation more seriously. This may involve a change in our lifestyles, but need not jeopardise our standard of living, or those of future generations.
European Union
The threat and the challenge The way forward: an integrated response Building on our achievements The contribution of energy policy The role of technology Reducing your carbon footprint Further reading
save 20% of energy consumption compared with projections for 2020 by improving energy efficiency; increase to 20% by 2020 the share of renewable energies in overall energy consumption, thus almost tripling the current level; increase tenfold to at least 10% the share of biofuels in overall petrol and diesel consumption by 2020, provided that sustainable, second-generation biofuels from non-food crops become commercially available; develop and promote low- or even zero-emitting technologies, including carbon capture and storage i.e. preventing CO2 entering the atmosphere by capturing it and storing it underground in depleted gas fields or old salt mines so that these can make a major contribution to reducing emissions by 2020; better integrate EU energy markets, i.e. moving towards more competitive, Europewide electricity and gas markets; better integrate EU energy policy with other policies, not just with environment policy, but also with policies such as research, agriculture and trade; increase international cooperation: if the EU can take a common approach on energy, and articulate it with a common voice, it can lead global debate.
The starting point is a three-year energy action plan for Europe for the period 200709 designed to set the EU and its citizens on the right course to combine the fight against climate change with greater security of energy supply and continued economic growth.
Greenhouse gas emissions per person in the EU countries, 1990 and 2005
An innovative mechanism
The cornerstone of the EUs strategy for fighting climate change is the EU emission trading scheme (EU ETS), launched in January 2005. It was the first international trading system for CO2 emissions and has become the main driver behind the rapid expansion in carbon trading around the world. Emission trading helps to ensure that emission cuts are achieved at least cost. The EU ETS currently covers around 10 500 installations in the energy and industrial sectors which are collectively responsible for close to half the EUs emissions of CO 2. By putting a cost on the carbon emissions of these installations, the scheme creates a permanent incentive for participating companies to minimise emissions as far as possible. Under this scheme, the national authorities in each EU country allocate a certain number of emission allowances to each installation. The cap, or limit, on the total number of allowances creates the scarcity needed for the market to function. Companies that keep their emissions below the level of their allowances can sell the allowances they do not need. Those facing difficulty in keeping to their allowances must either take measures to reduce their own emissions (for example, by investing in more efficient technology or using less carbon-intensive energy sources), or buy the extra allowances needed on the market effectively paying another company for reducing emissions on their behalf. Companies covered by the EU ETS are also allowed to use emission credits generated by emission-saving projects in non-EU countries. This is organised under the Kyoto Protocols clean development mechanism (CDM) and joint implementation (JI) instrument. Demand for these credits is a strong driver for investment in ideas that reduce emission in other countries. Installations in the energy and industrial sectors are not the sole culprits adding to the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. Consequently, the European Commission has proposed extending the EU ETS from 2011 to include the rapidly growing emissions from aviation. In addition, a review of the scheme currently under way may lead to more sectors and gases being covered.
Greater security of supply is about not relying on one form of energy or on a handful of supplier countries outside the EU. It is about producing more energy within the EU, and where necessary ensuring supply from other stable regions of the world. It is also about agreeing to share supplies in times of crisis since the level of import dependence of different EU countries varies considerably. Some 80% of the energy the EU consumes is from fossil fuels oil, natural gas and coal all of them major sources of CO2 emissions. Technology is helping reduce those emissions, and clean coal technology should be operational within the next decade or so. Nevertheless, fossil fuel is a finite resource, which will have been significantly depleted by the middle of this century. Reducing the use of fossil fuels thus contributes to improving the EUs energy security as well as helping to limit climate change. Moreover, the EUs own fossil fuel resources are being depleted faster than those of the world as a whole. It is becoming increasingly dependent on imports, and therefore increasingly vulnerable to supply and price shocks. Dependence on imported oil could rise to 93% and on imported gas to 84% by 2030, if energy consumption is not checked and the fuel mix changed. At present, the EU gets about 50% of the gas it consumes from just three sources Russia, Norway and Algeria. The overall level of the EUs reliance on imported energy was 52.3% in 2005. Diversification into more home-grown energy will need a greater use of low or zero carbon technologies based on renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydro power and biomass, since the EU is short of fossil fuel resources of its own. Ultimately we are likely to have hydrogen in the mix as well. Some EU countries will also use nuclear power as part of their energy mix. For the foreseeable future this will come from nuclear fission since nuclear fusion technology is not likely to become available before the second half of this century.
The use of biomass (wood), biogas and biowaste in, for example, power plants will grow. So will co-generation, where steam generated in electricity production is not wasted but used, for example, in district heating systems. Greater use will also be made of biomass boilers in buildings, particularly when replacing oil or electric water heating systems. Drawing heat from the ground (geothermal sources) is also expected to increase, as well as the use of solar energy. The biggest growth in electricity production will most likely come from wind generation through more and increasingly efficient wind turbines. With the expected growth in biofuels for transport, this fast-growing sector will have a means of reducing its CO2 emissions.
to come up with new and better materials for insulation. Measures like this have the potential to cut energy consumption in buildings by 28% by 2020. That is equivalent to saving more than 10% of the EUs total energy consumption. A lot of energy is wasted by inefficient appliances. The EU is therefore pushing for still more energy efficient appliances by enforcing energy labelling and fixing minimum performance requirements.
Greater use of energy-efficient lighting on our streets, in our offices and homes is relatively easy to achieve, and new EU standards on this are likely to come into force before the end of the decade. Switching from ordinary light bulbs to energy saving bulbs, for example, reduces energy consumption by over 75%. It costs more to buy the bulb, but lower electricity bills more than make up for the initial cost. Many of us use energy unnecessarily without realising how wasteful our behaviour is. Better information on our consumption from more sophisticated meters in our cars and in our homes will in future enable us to use energy more intelligently. But it calls for a change in our behaviour. The EUs Sustainable energy Europe campaign provides pioneering examples.
International cooperation
Import dependence will decrease, but remain a reality. Good relations with energyproducing countries, and the countries through which energy passes, are therefore priorities. This means cooperating with countries to the east and south Russia, the countries of eastern Europe which share borders with the EU, countries in central Asia, the Caspian and the Black Sea, and around the Mediterranean. Cooperation with other consuming nations is equally important, be they industrialised or developing, in order jointly to agree measures to reduce greenhouse gases, use energy more efficiently, develop renewables and low-emission energy technologies, particularly carbon capture and storage. Research will play a key role here in supporting the spread of energy technologies that are both affordable and clean.
Switch to green electricity. It may cost a bit more, but demand creates supply and the greater the supply, the more likely it is that the cost will come down through economies of scale.
In your car Environmentally aware driving can lower fuel consumption by 5%. Examples of ecodriving are as follows. Start with a cold engine. Warming the engine uses more fuel. Then set off without using the throttle and shift to higher gears as soon as possible. The higher gears are more fuel-efficient. Check the tyre pressure. If it is down by 0.5 bars, your car uses 2.5% more fuel. Use low-viscosity motor oil. The best oils can reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by more than 2.5%. Take the roof rack off. Even empty roof racks can increase fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 10%. Slow down. Driving faster than 120 km per hour consumes 30% more fuel per kilometre than driving at 80 km per hour. And keep a steady speed, thus consuming less fuel. Elsewhere Travel by train. One person in a train emits two thirds less carbon dioxide than one person alone in a car. Explore alternatives to flying. Flying is the worlds fastest growing source of CO2 emissions. If you fly, then consider offsetting your carbon emissions through an organisation which will invest the small amount it costs you in renewable energy or tree-planting. Cycle, walk, use a car-pool, take public transport and telework. Buy intelligently. Go for appliances which are labelled as energy-efficient, lightpacked and recyclable products, local and seasonal food, and fuel-efficient cars with the lowest levels of CO2 emissions per kilometre.
Further reading
Energy for a changing world: Climate change: 'EU action against climate change: Leading global action to 2020 and beyond' (brochure): The Sustainable energy Europe campaign: More details about climate change from the European Environment Agency: