Software Engineering

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Software Engineering- Unit 1

Software=Program + Documentation + Operating Procedures Software products may be developed for a particular customer or may be developed for a general market Software Product Software products may be Generic - developed to be sold to a range of different customers Bespoke (custom) - developed for a single customer according to their specification Software engineering is an engineering discipline which is concerned with all aspects of software production The software process is the way in which we produce software. Product and Process Product: What is delivered to the customer, is called a product. It may include source code, specification document, manuals, documentation etc. Basically, it is nothing but a set of deliverables only. Process: Process is the way in which we produce software. It is the collection of activities that leads to (a part of) a product. An efficient process is required to produce good quality products. If the process is weak, the end product will undoubtedly suffer, but an obsessive over reliance on process is also dangerous. A measure provides a quantitative indication of the extent, dimension, size, capacity, efficiency, productivity or reliability of some attributes of a product or process. Measurement is the act of evaluating a measure. A metric is a quantitative measure of the degree to which a system,component or process possesses a given attribute. Software Process and Product Metrics Process metrics quantify the attributes of software development process and environment; whereas product metrics are measures for the software product. Examples Process metrics: Productivity, Quality, Efficiency etc. Product metrics: Size, Reliability, Complexity etc.

SDLC Model
Build & Fix Product is constructed without specifications or any attempt at design _ Adhoc approach and not well defined _ Simple two phase model 1

Suitable for small programming exercises of 100 or 200 lines _ Unsatisfactory for software for any reasonable size _ Code soon becomes unfixable & unenhanceable _ No room for structured design _ Maintenance is practically not possible Waterfall Model This model is named waterfall model because its diagrammatic representation resembles a cascade of waterfalls. This model is easy to understand and reinforces the notion of define before design and design before code. The model expects complete & accurate requirements early in the process, which is Unrealistic Problems of waterfall model i. It is difficult to define all requirements at the beginning of a project ii. This model is not suitable for accommodating any change iii. A working version of the system is not seen until late in the projects life iv. It does not scale up well to large projects. v. Real projects are rarely sequential. Incremental Process Models They are effective in the situations where requirements are defined precisely and there is no confusion about the functionality of the final product. After every cycle a useable product is given to the customer. Popular particularly when we have to quickly deliver a limited functionality system. Generally the phases occur in the same order as in the waterfall model, but they may be conducted in several cycles. Useable product is released at the end of the each cycle, with each release providing additional functionality. _ Customers and developers specify as many requirements as possible and prepare a SRS document. _ Developers and customers then prioritize these requirements _ Developers implement the specified requirements in one or more cycles of design, implementation and test based on the defined priorities. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model Build a rapid prototype o Give it to user for evaluation & obtain feedback o Prototype is refined Not an appropriate model in the absence of user participation. Reusable components are required to reduce development time. Highly specialized & skilled developers are required and such developers are not easily available.

Evolutionary Process Models Evolutionary process model resembles iterative enhancement model. The same phases as defined for the waterfall model occur here in a cyclical fashion. This model differs from iterative enhancement model in the sense that this does not require a useable product at the end of each cycle. In evolutionary development, requirements are implemented by category rather than by priority. This model is useful for projects using new technology that is not well understood. This is also used for complex projects where all functionality must be delivered at one time, but the requirements are unstable or not well understood at the beginning. Prototyping Model The prototype may be a usable program but is not suitable as the final software product. _ The code for the prototype is thrown away. However experience gathered helps in developing the actual system. _ The development of a prototype might involve extra cost, but overall cost might turnout to be lower than that of an equivalent system developed using the waterfall model. Spiral Model The radial dimension of the model represents the cumulative costs. Each path around the spiral is indicative of increased costs. The angular dimension represents the progress made in completing each cycle. Each loop of the spiral from X-axis clockwise through 360o represents one phase. One phase is split roughly into four sectors of major activities. _ Planning: Determination of objectives, alternatives & constraints. _ Risk Analysis: Analyze alternatives and attempts to identify and resolve the risks involved. _ Development: Product development and testing product. _ Assessment: Customer evaluation An important feature of the spiral model is that each phase is completed with a review by the people concerned with the project (designers and programmers) _ The advantage of this model is the wide range of options to accommodate the good features of other life cycle models. _ It becomes equivalent to another life cycle model in appropriate situations. Requirements describe what not how Produces one large document written in natural language contains a description of what the system will do without describing how it will do it. Requirement Engineering is the disciplined application of proven principles, methods, tools, and notations to describe a proposed systems intended behavior and its associated constraints. SRS may act as a contract between developer and customer.

Types of Requirements Functional requirements describe what the software has to do. They are often called product features. Non Functional requirements are mostly quality requirements. That stipulate how well the software does, what it has to do. Example: reliability, flexibility, testability, portability etc. User requirement are written for the users and include functional and non functional requirement. System requirement are derived from user requirement. The user system requirements are the parts of software requirement and specification (SRS) document. Purpose of feasibility study Evaluation or analysis of the potential impact of a proposed project or program. Focus of feasibility studies Is the product concept viable? Will it be possible to develop a product that matches the projects vision statement? What are the current estimated cost and schedule for the project? How big is the gap between the original cost & schedule targets & current estimates? Is the business model for software justified when the current cost & schedule estimate are considered? Have the major risks to the project been identified & can they be surmounted? Is the specifications complete & stable enough to support remaining development work? Requirements Elicitation Interviews: An interview is a conversation between two or more people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. Types of questions asked Any problems with existing system Any Calculation errors Possible reasons for malfunctioning Brainstorming Sessions: Brainstorming is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas for the solution of a problem A Facilitator may handle group bias, conflicts carefully. -- Facilitator may follow a published agenda -- Every idea will be documented in a way that everyone can see it. --A detailed report is prepared. 4

Facilitated Application specification Techniques (FAST) -- Similar to brainstorming sessions. -- Team oriented approach -- Creation of joint team of customers and developers. Guidelines 1. Arrange a meeting at a neutral site. 2. Establish rules for participation. 3. Informal agenda to encourage free flow of ideas. 4. Appoint a facilitator. 5. Prepare definition mechanism board, worksheets, wall stickier. 6. Participants should not criticize or debate. FAST session Preparations Each attendee is asked to make a list of objects that are: 1. Part of environment that surrounds the system. 2. Produced by the system. 3. Used by the system. A. List of constraints B. Functions C. Performance criteria Activities of FAST session 1. Every participant presents his/her list 2. Combine list for each topic 3. Discussion 4. Consensus list 5. Sub teams for mini specifications 6. Presentations of mini-specifications 7. Validation criteria 8. A sub team to draft specifications Quality Function Deployment: Quality function deployment (QFD) is a method to transform user demands into design quality, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the development process. ... It incorporates the voice of the customer in to technical requirements and gets it documented. Steps for requirements elicitation 1. Identify stakeholders 2. List out requirements 3. Degree of importance to each requirement The Use Case Approach Use Case give functional view 5

Use Cases are structured outline or template for the description of user requirements modeled in a structured language like English. Use case Scenarios are unstructured descriptions of user requirements. Use case diagrams are graphical representations that may be decomposed into further levels of abstraction. Components of Use Case approach Actor: An actor or external agent, lies outside the system model, but interacts with it in some way. Example: Person, machine, information System Use Cases A use case is initiated by a user with a particular goal in mind, and completes successfully when that goal is satisfied. It describes the sequence of interactions between actors and the system necessary to deliver the services that satisfies the goal. Thus, Use Case captures who (actor) does what (interaction) with the system, for what purpose (goal), without dealing with system internals. Use case Diagrams -- represents what happens when actor interacts with a system. ` -- captures functional aspect of the system. Actors appear outside the rectangle. --Use cases within rectangle providing functionality. --Relationship association is a solid line between actor & usecases Requirements Analysis We analyze, refine and scrutinize requirements to make consistent & unambiguous requirements. Data Flow Diagrams DFD show the flow of data through the system. --All names should be unique -- It is not a flow chart -- Suppress logical decisions -- Defer error conditions & handling until the end of the analysis Leveling DFD represent a system or software at any level of abstraction. A level 0 DFD is called fundamental system model or context model represents entire software element as a single bubble with input and output data indicating by incoming & outgoing arrows Data Dictionaries are simply repositories to store information about all data items defined in DFD. 6

Includes : Name of data item Aliases (other names for items) Description/Purpose Related data items Range of values Data flows Data structure definition Entity-Relationship Diagrams It is a detailed logical representation of data for an organization and uses three main constructs. Entities Fundamental thing about which data may be maintained. Each entity has its own identity. Entity Type is the description of all entities to which a common definition and common relationships and attributes apply. Relationships A relationship is a reason for associating two entity types. Binary relationships involve two entity types Attributes Each entity type has a set of attributes associated with it. An attribute is a property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to organization. Nature of SRS Basic Issues Functionality External Interfaces Performance Attributes Design constraints imposed on an Implementation SRS Should -- Correctly define all requirements -- not describe any design details -- not impose any additional constraints Characteristics of a good SRS An SRS Should be _ Correct _ Unambiguous _ Complete _ Consistent - Ranked for important and/or stability _ Verifiable _ Modifiable _ Traceable Correct An SRS is correct if and only if every requirement stated therein is one that the software shall meet. 7

Unambiguous An SRS is unambiguous if and only if, every requirement stated therein has only one interpretation. Complete An SRS is complete if and only if, it includes the following elements (i) All significant requirements, whether related to functionality, performance, design constraints, attributes or external interfaces. (ii) Responses to both valid & invalid inputs. (iii) Full Label and references to all figures, tables and diagrams in the SRS and definition of all terms and units of measure. Consistent An SRS is consistent if and only if, no subset of individual requirements described in it conflict. Ranked for importance and/or Stability If an identifier is attached to every requirement to indicate either the importance or stability of that particular requirement. Verifiable An SRS is verifiable, if and only if, every requirement stated therein is verifiable. Modifiable An SRS is modifiable, if and only if, its structure and style are such that any changes to the requirements can be made easily, completely, and consistently while retaining structure and style. Traceable An SRS is traceable, if the origin of each of the requirements is clear and if it facilitates the referencing of each requirement in future development or enhancement documentation. Requirements Validation Check the document for: _ Completeness & consistency _ Conformance to standards _ Requirements conflicts _ Technical errors _ Ambiguous requirements Organization of the SRS IEEE has published guidelines and standards to organize an SRS. 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definition, Acronyms and abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Overview The Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective 2.1.1 System Interfaces 2.1.2 Interfaces 8

2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces 2.1.4 Software Interfaces 2.1.5 Communication Interfaces 2.1.6 Memory Constraints 2.1.7 Operations 2.1.8 Site Adaptation Requirements 2.2Product Functions 2.3 User Characteristics 2.4 Constraints 2.5 Assumptions for dependencies 2.6 Apportioning of requirements 3. Specific Requirements 3.1 External Interfaces 3.2 Functions 3.3 Performance requirements 3.4 Logical database requirements 3.5 Design Constraints 3.6 Software System attributes 3.7 Organization of specific requirements 3.8 Additional Comments. Requirements Validation Check the document for: Completeness & consistency Conformance to standards Requirements conflicts Technical errors Ambiguous requirements

Requirements Validation

Requirements Review Process

Requirements Review Process

Requirements Validation Problem actions Requirements clarification Missing information find this information from stakeholders Requirements conflicts Stakeholders must negotiate to resolve this conflict Unrealistic requirements Stakeholders must be consulted Security issues Review the system in accordance to security standards Review Checklists Redundancy Completeness Ambiguity Consistency Organization Conformance Traceability Software Project Planning After the finalization of SRS, Now its time to estimate size, cost and development time of the project. Also, in many cases, customer may like to know the cost and development time even prior to finalization of the SRS.


Size Estimation Lines of Code If LOC is simply a count of the number of lines then figure shown on the next slide contains 18 LOC . When comments and blank lines are ignored, the program in figure 2 contains 17 LOC.

Lines of Code According to Conte A line of code is any line of program text that is not a comment or blank line, regardless of the number of statements or fragments of statements on the line. This specifically includes all lines containing program header, declaration, and executable and nonexecutable statements. This is the predominant definition for lines of code used by researchers. By this definition, figure shown has 17 LOC


Function Count Alan Albrecht while working for IBM, recognized the problem in size measurement in the 1970s, and developed a technique (which he called Function Point Analysis), which appeared to be a solution to the size measurement problem. The principle of Albrechts function point analysis (FPA) is that a system is decomposed into five functional units. Inputs : Information entering the system Outputs : Information leaving the system Enquiries : Requests for instant access to information Internal logical files : Information held within the system External interface files : Information held by other system that is used by the system being analyzed.

Five functional units Data function types Internal Logical Files (ILF): A user identifiable group of logical related data or control information maintained within the system. External Interface files (EIF): A user identifiable group of logically related data or control information referenced by the system, but maintained within another system. This means that EIF counted for one system, may be an ILF in another system. Transactional function types External Input (EI): An EI processes data or control information that comes from outside the system. The EI is an elementary process, which is the smallest unit of activity that is meaningful to the end user in the business. External Output (EO): An EO is an elementary process that generate data or control information to be sent outside the system.


External Inquiry (EQ): An EQ is an elementary process that is made up to an input-output combination that results in data retrieval. Special features Function point approach is independent of the language, tools, or methodologies used for implementation; i.e. they do not take into consideration programming languages, data base management systems, processing hardware or any other data base technology. Function points can be estimated from requirement specification or design specification, thus making it possible to estimate development efforts in early phases of development. Function points are directly linked to the statement of requirements; any change of requirements can easily be followed by a re-estimate. Function points are based on the system users external view of the system, nontechnical users of the software system have a better understanding of what function points are measuring.

The weighting factors are identified for all functional units and multiplied with the functional units accordingly. 13

The procedure for the calculation of UFP in mathematical form is given below:

Organizations that use function point methods develop a criterion for determining whether a particular entry is Low, Average or High. Nonetheless, the determination of complexity is somewhat subjective. FP = UFP * CAF Where CAF is complexity adjustment factor and is equal to [0.65 + 0.01 x Fi]. The Fi (i=1 to 14) are the degree of influence and are based on responses to questions given in next slide.

1. Does the system require reliable backup and recovery ? 2. Is data communication required ? 3. Are there distributed processing functions ? 4. Is performance critical ? 5. W ill the system run in an existing heavily utilized operational environment ? 6. Does the system require on line data entry ? 7. Does the on line data entry require the input transaction to be built over multiple screens or operations ? 8. Are the master files updated on line ? 9. Is the inputs, outputs, files, or inquiries complex ? 10. Is the internal processing complex ? 11. Is the code designed to be reusable ? 12. Are conversion and installation included in the design ? 13. Is the system designed for multiple installations in different organizations ? 14. Is the application designed to facilitate change and ease of use by the user ?

Functions points may compute the following important metrics: Productivity = FP / persons-months Quality = Defects / FP Cost = Rupees / FP Documentation = Pages of documentation per FP These metrics are controversial and are not universally acceptable. There are standards issued by the International Functions Point User Group (IFPUG, covering the Albrecht method) and the United Kingdom Function Point User Group (UFPGU, covering the MK11method). An ISO standard for function point method is also being developed.

Cost Estimation A number of estimation techniques have been developed and are having following attributes in common : Project scope must be established in advance Software metrics are used as a basis from which estimates are made The project is broken into small pieces which are estimated individually To achieve reliable cost and schedule estimates, a number of options 14

arise: Delay estimation until late in project Use simple decomposition techniques to generate project cost and schedule estimates Develop empirical models for estimation Acquire one or more automated estimation tools

Static- Multivariable Model Developed by Walston and Felix at IBM Equation: E=5.2 L 0.91 D=4.1 L0.36


Quick & rough Small to medium Lack in accuracy

Phase wise estimation based on cost drivers. Include15 cost drivers





Phases of Software Development Plan / Requirements EFFORT : 6% to 8% DEVELOPMENT TIME : 10% to 40% Design Effort : 16% to 18% Time : 19% to 38% Programming Effort : 48% to 68% Time : 24% to 64% Integration & Test Effort : 16% to 34% Time : 18% to 34% % depend on mode & size


Distribution of software life cycle: 21

1. Requirement and product design (a)Plans and requirements (b)System design 2. Detailed Design (a)Detailed design 3. Code & Unit test (a)Module code & test 4. Integrate and Test (a) Integrate & Test Summary Three calculation models: Basic: single-variable static model Effort in staff months = a * (KDSI) b Schedule in total months= c * (Effort)d Intermediate: Two variables. Effort in man months = a * EAF * (KDSI) b Schedule in total months = c * (Effort)d EAF = E1 * E2 * E15 Detailed: Intermediate + assessed per phase (analysis, design, etc)



End user Programming Small systems written by end users themselves and developed using spreadsheets, queries on database and report generators. Little knowledge about computers and SE but a lot about their business needs. Application Composition composed using interoperable components, such as GUI builders, database managers, hypermedia handlers etc. Built using application generator environment like CASE tools, VB etc.. Application generators and composition aids. Software used by the first two types of projects. Users: developers and pseudo-developers. Infrastructure software Development of operating systems, DBMS software, networking systems. System Integration Large scale , highly embedded or unprecedented systems that require system engineering and custom software development. COCOMO-II model does not address the first type of projects since its applications are developed in hours to days. For Application Composition, COCOMO II has proposed an application composition estimation model. For the other 3 (i.e application generators, infrastructure and system integration)COCOMO II recommends the application composition estimation model for the prototyping stage. There after, early design estimation model and the postarchitecture estimation model.


Application Composition Model Used for quickly developed applications made from interoperable components. Used to estimate for the prototyping phase of application generator development, infrastructure software and systems integration projects. Size is estimated using Object points. OBJECT COUNT



Object points Easy to identify and count. (no. of screens, reports, 3GL components) 25

New object points are computed. NOP=object points *(100-%re-use)/100. Calculate effort for a given object point count, using productivity rate. Productivity(PROD)=NOP/person-month Note: PROD values should be computed by using the NOP and total person-months from past projects in similar environments.

System to be built An airline sales system is to be built in C: Back-end database server has already been built. We will use object point estimation technique for high level estimates and FP for detailed estimates Example Application will have 3 screens and will produce 1 report: A booking screen: records a new sale booking 26

A pricing screen: shows the rate for each day and each flight An availability screen: shows available flights A sales report: shows total sale figures for the month and year, and compares figures with previous months and years Booking screen: Needs 3 data tables (customer info, customer history table, available seats) Only 1 view of the screen is enough. So, the booking screen is classified as simple. Similarly, the levels of difficulty of the pricing screen, the availability screen and the sales report are classified as simple, medium and medium, respectively. There is no 3GL component. Name Objects Complexity Weight Booking Screen Simple 1 Pricing Screen Simple 1 Availability Screen Medium 2 Sales Report Medium 5 Assessment of the developers and the environment shows: The developers experience is very low (4) The CASE tool is low (7). So, we have a productivity rate of 5.5. According to COCOMO II, the project requires approx. 1.64 (= 9/5.5) person-months. Name External user types Complexity FP Booking External output type Low 4 Pricing External inquiry type Low 3 Availability External inquiry type Medium 4 Sales External output type Medium 5 Total Total function points = 16 Published figures for C show that: 1 FP = 128 LOC in C Estimated Size 16 * 128 = 2048 = 2 KLOC Early design Model Base equation: PM nominal=A*(Size)B Where, PM Nominal=Person Months effort of the project. A= Constant representing the nominal productivity, provisionally set to 2.5. B=Accounts for the relative economies /diseconomies of scale Size=Software size.


S caling factors required for B

S c a lefa c to r Precedentness E x p la n a tio n Previousex perience on sim ilar projects. R e m a rk s Verylow no previous ex p. Ex tra high- com pletelyfam iliar with application dom ain

D evelopm ent Flex ibility Architecture/ Risk resolution

D egree of flexibilityin the developm ent process D egree of riskanalysis

Verylow-well defined process is used Verylow- little analysis Ex trahig h- com pletethroug h risk analysis VeryLow-verylittle interaction b/w team Verylow-no level at all. Ex tra Hig h-org . is relatedas highest level of S EI-C MM.

T eamC ohesion ProcessMaturity

T eamm anag em ent skills Processm aturityof the org .

D ata for B
S c a lin gf a c to r Precedentness D evelopm ent Flex ibility V e rylo w 6.20 5.07 L o w 4.96 4.05 N o m in a l 3.72 3.04 H ig h 2.48 2.03 V e ryH ig h 1.24 1.01 E x traH ig h 0.00 0.00

Architecture/ R isk 7.07 resolution T eamC ohesion ProcessMaturity 5.48 7.80






4.38 6.24

3.29 4.68

2.19 3.12

1.10 1.56

0.00 0.00

B = 0 .9 1 + 0 .0 1 *(s u mo fr a tin go ns c a lin gfa c to r s fo r th eP r o je c t)


Software Design More creative process than analysis because it deals with the development of the actual mechanics for a new workable system. A SRS documents tells us What a system does, and becomes input to the design process, which tells us How a software system works.

Conceptual design answers : Where will the data come from ? What will happen to data in the system? How will the system look to users? What choices will be offered to users? What is the timings of events? How will the reports & screens look like? Technical design describes : Hardware configuration Software needs Communication interfaces I/O of the system Software architecture Network architecture Any other thing that translates the requirements in to a solution to the customers problem. The design needs to be 29

Correct & complete Understandable At the right level Maintainable

The transform ation of an inform al design to a detailed design.

MODULARITY There are many definitions of the term module. Range is from : i. Fortran subroutine ii. Ada package iii. Procedures & functions of PASCAL & C iv. C++ / Java classes v. Java packages vi. Work assignment for an individual programmer Modularity is the single attribute of software that allows a program to be intellectually manageable. It enhances design clarity, which in turn eases implementation, debugging, testing, documenting, and maintenance of software product.
Module C oupling
C oupling is the m eas ure of the deg ree of in terdependenc e between m odules.


Module C oupling

C ou p lin gis m e a s u r e db y th en u m b e r of in te r c on n e c tion s b e tw e e nm od u le s .

This can be achieved as: Controlling the number of parameters passed amongst modules. Avoid passing undesired data to calling module Maintain parent / child relationship between calling & called modules. Pass data, not the control information. Types of module coupling Data coupling The dependency between module A and B is said to be data coupled if their dependency is based on the fact they communicate by only passing of data. Other than communicating through data, the two modules are independent. Stamp coupling -Stamp coupling occurs between module A and B when complete data structure is passed from one module to another. Control coupling Module A and B are said to be control coupled if they communicate by passing of control information. This is usually accomplished by means of flags that are set by one module and reacted upon by the dependent module. Common coupling With common coupling, module A and module B have shared data. Global data areas are commonly found in programming languages. Making a change to the common data means tracing back to all the modules which access that data to evaluate the effect of changes. Content coupling Content coupling occurs when module A changes data of module B or when control is passed from one module to the middle of another. Module B branches into D, even though D is supposed to be under the control of C.


Mo d u le C o h e s io n
C ohesion is a m easure of the deg ree to which the elem ents of a m odule are functiona lly rela ted.

Types of cohesion Functional cohesion Sequential cohesion Procedural cohesion Temporal cohesion Logical cohesion Coincident cohesion An important design objective is to maximize the module cohesion and minimize the module coupling
T y p e so fc o h e s io n

Types of cohesion Functional Cohesion A and B are part of a single functional task. This is very good reason for them to be contained in the same procedure. Sequential Cohesion Module A outputs some data which forms the input to B. This is the reason for them to be contained in the same procedure. Procedural Cohesion Procedural Cohesion occurs in modules whose instructions although accomplish different tasks yet have been combined because there is a specific order in which the tasks are to be completed. Temporal Cohesion Module exhibits temporal cohesion when it contains tasks that are related by the fact that all tasks must be executed in the same time-span. Logical Cohesion 32

Logical cohesion occurs in modules that contain instructions that appear to be related because they fall into the same logical class of functions. Coincidental Cohesion Coincidental cohesion exists in modules that contain instructions that have little or no relationship to one another. STRATEGY OF DESIGN A good system design strategy is to organize the program modules in such a way that are easy to develop and later to, change. Structured design techniques help developers to deal with the size and complexity of programs. Analysts create instructions for the developers about how code should be written and how pieces of code should fit together to form a program. It is important for two reasons: First, even pre-existing code, if any, needs to be understood, organized and pieced together. Second, it is still common for the project team to have to write some code and produce original programs that support the application logic of the system. Design approaches Bottom-up design Top-Down design Hybrid design FUNCTION ORIENTED DESIGN Function Oriented design is an approach to software design where the design is decomposed into a set of interacting units where each unit has a clearly defined function. Thus, system is designed from a functional viewpoint. We continue the refinement of each module until we reach the statement level of our programming language. At that point, we can describe the structure of our program as a tree of refinement as in design top-down structure

Design Notations Design notations are largely meant to be used during the process of design and are used to represent design or design decisions. For a function oriented design, the design can be represented graphically or mathematically by the following: Data flow diagrams Data Dictionaries Structure Charts Pseudocode Structure Chart It partition a system into black boxes. A black box means that functionality is known to the user without the knowledge of internal design.


Pseudocode Pseudocode notation can be used in both the preliminary and detailed design phases. Using pseudocode, the designer describes system characteristics using short, concise, English language phrases that are structured by key words such as If-Then-Else, While-Do, and End. Functional Procedure Layers Function are built in layers, Additional notation is used to specify details. Level 0 Function or procedure name Relationship to other system components (e.g., part of which system, called by which routines, etc.) Brief description of the function purpose. Author, date Cont Level 1 Function Parameters (problem variables, types, purpose,etc.) Global variables (problem variable, type, purpose, sharing information) Routines called by the function Side effects Input/Output Assertions Cont 34

Level 2 Local data structures (variable etc.) Timing constraints Exception handling (conditions, responses, events) Any other limitations Level 3 Body (structured chart, English pseudo code, decision tables, flow charts, etc.) Object Oriented Design Object oriented design is the result of focusing attention not on the function performed by the program, but instead on the data that are to do manipulated by the program. Object Oriented Design begins with an examination of the real world things that are part of the problem to be solved. These things (which we will call objects) are characterized individually in terms of their attributes and behavior. Cont Object Oriented Design is not dependent on any specific implementation language. Problems are modeled using objects. Objects have: Behavior (they do things) State (which changes when they do things) Cont The various terms related to object design are: Objects Message Abstraction Class Attributes Operations Inheritance Polymorphism Encapsulation Testing Testing What is Testing? Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors. Why should We Test ? In the software life cycle the earlier the errors are discovered and removed, the lower is the cost of their removal. Cont Who should Do the Testing ? Testing requires the developers to find errors from their software. It is difficult for software developer to point out errors from own creations. Many organizations have made a distinction between development and testing phase by making different people responsible for each phase. Cont 35

What should We Test ? We should test the programs responses to every possible input. It means, we should test for all valid and invalid inputs. Some Terminologies People make errors. A good synonym is mistake. This may be a syntax error or misunderstanding of specifications. Sometimes, there are logical errors. When developers make mistakes while coding, we call these mistakes bugs. A fault is the representation of an error, where representation is the mode of expression, such as narrative text, data flow diagrams, ER diagrams, source code etc. Defect is a good synonym for fault. A failure occurs when a fault executes. A particular fault may cause different failures, depending on how it has been exercised. Test, Test Case and Test Suite Test and Test case terms are used interchangeably. In practice, both are same and are treated as synonyms. Test case describes an input description and an expected output description. The set of test cases is called a test suite. Hence any combination of test cases may generate a test suite. Verification and Validation Verification is the process of evaluating a system or component to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase. Validation is the process of evaluating a system or component during or at the end of development process to determine whether it satisfies the specified requirements . Testing= Verification + Validation Functional Testing Boundary Value Analysis Robustness testing Worst-case testing Equivalence Class Testing Decision Table Based Testing. Cause Effect Graphing Technique Decision Table Applicable to the software requirements written using if-then statements Can be automatically translated into code Conditions = inputs Actions + outputs Rules =test cases Cont A decision table consists of a number of columns (rules) that comprise all test situations. Action ai will take place if c1 and c2 are true Steps for Decision table Step 1: Make a list of conditions, condition states and actions Step 2: Compute maximum number of rules; fill in conditions and actions in the table 36

Step 3: Fill in all possible rules the combinations of condition states Step 4: Fill in the actions for each rule Step 5: Check for completeness, contradictions and correctness Step 6: Simplify the table Example

Example If you are a new customer and you want to open a credit card account then there are three conditions first you will get a 15% discount on all your purchases today, second if you are an existing customer and you hold a loyalty card, you get a 10% discount and third if you have a coupon, you can get 20% off today (but it cant be used with the new customer discount). Discount amounts are added, if applicable. Example Check Encashment The bank has a process for allowing cashing a check. The officer in the bank has to ensure that the check falls with in the credit limit, or the bank finds it as a good practice to allow the requested amount as an act of developing customer good will, or it may be evident from the trust in the customer that there is a promise of paying the amount. Otherwise the check may not be cashed. Step 1: Make a List of Conditions, Condition States and Actions Conditions Does the amount of the check fall within the credit limits (C1)? Yes or No Does the check cover the terms of good payment practice (C2)? Yes or No Does the check fulfill the promise of payment (C3)? Yes or No Actions Cash the Check (A1) Reject the Check (A2) 37

Step 2: Compute maximum number of rules; fill in conditions and actions in the table

Basic notations for Cause Effect

Example: The characters in column 1 must be an A or B. The character in column 2 must be a digit. In this situation, the file update is made. If the character in column 1 is incorrect, message x is issued. If the character in column 2 is not a digit, message y is issued. Cont The causes are c1: character in column 1 is A c2: character in column 1 is B c3: character in column 2 is a digit and the effects are e1: update made e2: message x is issued e3: message y is issued


Structural Testing A complementary approach to functional testing is called structural / white box testing. It permits us to examine the internal structure of the program. Types:Path Testing Data Flow Testing Mutation Testing Path Testing This type of testing involves: 1. Generating a set of paths that will cover every branch in the program. 2. Finding a set of test cases that will execute every path in the set of program paths. The control flow of a program can be analyzed using a graphical representation known as flow graph. The flow graph is a directed graph in which nodes are either entire statements or fragments of a statement, and edges represents flow of control. Flow Graph





Data Flow Testing Data flow testing is another from of structural testing. It has nothing to do with data flow diagrams. i. Statements where variables receive values. ii. Statements where these values are used or referenced. As we know, variables are defined and referenced throughout the program. We may have few define/ reference anomalies: i. A variable is defined but not used/ referenced. ii. A variable is used but never defined. iii. A variable is defined twice before it is used. Cont Focus on the points at which variables receive values & the points at which the values are used. Flow graph used as a basis for the data flow testing as in the case of path testing In this, test data must traverse all the interactions between a variable definition & each of its uses. The program path between a variable definition & a use without an intervening definition is known as du path. Variables can be created, killed and/or used. Cont This technique uses the flow graph to explore unreasonable things that can happen to data. Enough paths must be selected to ensure that each & every variable has been initialized prior to its use or that all defined variables have been used or referenced for something. This technique is considered viable for incorrect uses of variables & constants as well as misspelled identifiers. This technique can not detect missing statements


Cont The du-paths and dc-paths describe the flow of data across source statements from points at which the values are defined to points at which the values are used. Steps Identify the variables used in the program.. Draw DD Path graph Define/use nodes for all variables. Refer Page 431, Example:8.20



Mutation Testing Mutation testing is a fault based technique that is similar to fault seeding, except that mutations to program statements are made in order to determine properties about test cases. it is basically a fault simulation technique. Multiple copies of a program are made, and each copy is altered; this altered copy is called a mutant. Mutants are executed with test data to determine whether the test data are capable of detecting the change between the original program and the mutated program. example While(index>10) do could be mutated to While(index>=10) do Cyclomatic Complexity Also known as structural complexity because it gives internal view of the code. Used to find the number of independent paths through a program. An independent path is any path through the program that introduces at least one new set of processing statements or a new condition. Cont Cyclomatic complexity, V(G), of a connected program flow graph (G) can be measured by 3 different methods. Method 1: V(G)=E-N+2 Where: E=Total number of edges in the graph. N=total number of node in the graph Method 2: V(G)=P+1 Where P= total number of predicate (decision-making) nodes. Method 3: V(G)=R+1 Where R=total number of bounded areas. Cont The cyclomatic complexity of an unconnected graph can be calculated by summing up the cyclomatic complexity of each of its components. Example: V(G)=E-n+2 1-2+2=1 V(G)=P+1 0+1=1 V(G)=R+1 0+1=1 Example 1. V(G)=E-N+2 =4-4+2=2 2. V(G)=P+1 =1+1=2 45

3. V(G)=R+1 =1+1=2 Testing Levels of Testing There are three levels of testing Unit testing Integration Testing System Testing

Unit testing Process of taking a module & running it in isolation from the rest of the software product. Utilizes the white box method & sometimes referred to as modules or atomic modules testing It is a set of path test performed to examine the many different paths through the modules. These types of tests are conducted to prove that all paths in the program are solid & without errors & will not cause abnormal termination of the program or undesirable results. Reasons in support of unit testing The size of a single module is small enough that we can locate an error fairly easily. Module is small enough that we can attempt to test it in some demonstrably exhaustive fashion. Confusing interactions of multiple errors in widely different parts of the software are eliminated. Techniques for unit testing Construct an appropriate driver routine to call it and simple stubs to be called by it, and to insert output statements in it. This overhead code, called scaffolding represents effort that is important to testing, but does not appear in the delivered product


Integration Testing Focus on testing multiple modules working together. One specific target of integration testing is the interface: whether parameters match on both sides as to type, permissible ranges, meaning and utilization. Integration Approach

Integration Approach Top- down integration Proceeds down the invocation hierarchy, adding one module at a time until an entire tree level is integrated, thus it eliminates the need for drivers. Bottom-Up integration 47

Works similarly from the bottom & has no need of stubs. Third method is sandwich strategy runs from top & bottom concurrently, meeting somewhere in the middle. Integration Testing Integration should follow the lines of first putting together those subsystems that as of great concern. This prioritization might dictate top-down integration if control & the user interface were the most worrisome or complex part of software. In this testing, we move slowly away from structural testing toward functional testing. Integration Testing As the aggregated modules become larger & longer, we lose our ability to think about path coverage & domains & must be satisfied with simply determine that the product seems to do what we intended. That is, we treat the product as a black box & verify that specified inputs produce appropriate outputs, without concern for the internal structure of the s/w. SYSTEM TESTING A system test checks for unexpected interactions between the units & modules & also evaluate the system for compliant with functional requirements. There are many types of specifications & we should be aware of those as we perform system testing. Example: Measurement of response time under various loads & operating conditions. Measurement of main & disk memory usage. Time & effort needed to recover from failures should also be recorded & compared with specifications. During system Testing, we should evaluate a no. of attributes of the s/w Usable Compatible Secure Dependable Documented Alpha Testing It may be started when formal testing process is near completion. Conducted at the developers site. Conducted in a controlled environment. Continues until the system developer & the client agrees that the delivered system is an acceptable implementation of the system requirements. Acceptance testing is also sometimes called as alpha testing. Beta Testing Conducted by the customers/end users at their sites. Developer is not present. Conducted in a real environment that cannot be controlled by the developer. Involves delivering a system to a no. of potential customer who agree to use that system. They report problems to the system developers. After this feedback, system is modified & either released for further beta testing or for sale.


Alpha Test What they do Improve the quality of the product and ensure beta readiness. When they happen Toward the end of a development process when the product is in a near fully-usable state. How long they last Usually very long and see many iterations. Its not uncommon for alpha to last 3-5x the length of beta. What happens next Beta Test! Who participates (tests) Normally performed by test engineers, employees, and sometimes friends and family. Focuses on testing that would emulate ~80% of the customers.

Beta Test Improve the quality of the product, integrate customer input on the complete product, and ensure release readiness. Just prior to launch, sometimes ending within weeks or even days of final release. Usually only a few weeks (sometimes up to a couple of months) with few major iterations.

Release Party!

Tested in the real world with real customers and the feedback can cover every element of the product.

Debugging Debugging Goal of testing - Identify errors (bugs) in the program. Process of testing - Generates symptoms, and a programs failure is a clear symptom of the presence of an error. Now investigate the cause and place of that error. This process is called debugging. Debugging It is the activity of locating & correcting errors. The debugging process begins with the execution of a test case.

Debugging Techniques Brute Force Debugging Most common & least efficient. 49

The program is loaded with print statements to print the intermediate values with the hope that some of the printed values will help to identify the statement with error. Backtracking Debugging Involves backtracking the incorrect results through the logic of the program . In this, the source code is traced backwards until the error is discounted. Debugging by Induction Process that locates the data, organizes it & devices a hypothesis. The Hypothesis must then be proved.

Debugging By Deduction Determine the possible causes & use data to eliminate causes. Refine the remaining cause into a hypothesis & prove it. Deduction approach


MAINTAINENCE Testing Tools Two categories of software testing tools are: Static: Perform analysis without executing . Dynamic: with execution 1 Static Analyzers The idea of a static analyzers is to prove allegations, which are claims about the analyzed programs that can be demonstrated by systematic examinations of all the cases. Typical cases Include FACES,DAVE, PL/I, checkout compilers & so on. All these systems are language dependent & also often to a particular system. 2. Code Inspectors. Enforce standards in a uniform way for many programs. The AUDIT System is available which imposes some mechanism conditions on the program. 3. Standards Enforcers Enforcers standard on a single statement. Enhance the readability of the program. 4. Other tools - Program Generator: used to produce the Performa parts of each source module. - Structured Programming preprocessors: Produce attractive print output. - Example- automotive indentation, indexing features Dynamic Testing Tools 1. Coverage Analyzers (Execution verifiers) Automated testing analyzers, or automated verification system. Most common & important tools. Involves declaring a minimum level of coverage, or percentage of the elemental segments that are exercised in aggregate during the testing process. Called CI Coverage- Minimum level of testing coverage. Unit testing requires at least 85-90 of CI coverage. 2. Output Comparators 51

Test both single & multiple module at system level. Check that predicated & actual outputs are equivalent. Also done during regression testing. Identify difference b/w 2 files- the old & the new output from a program. 3. Test file generators Creates a file of information that is used as the program & does so based on command given by the user and/or from data descriptions. 4. Test data generators 5. Test harness systems: Collection of s/w and test data configured to test a program unit by running it under varying conditions and monitoring its behavior and outputs. They can call functions with supplied parameters and print out and compare the results to the desired value. 6. Test archiving systems: Keep track of series of tests & to act as the basis for documenting that the test have been done & that no defects were found during the process. Software Maintenance Software Maintenance It includes error corrections, enhancements of capabilities, deletion of obsolete capabilities & optimization. The purpose of maintenance is to preserve the value of s/w over time. The value can be enhanced by expanding the customer base, meeting additional requirements, becoming easier to use, more efficient & employing newer technology. Maintenance may span for 20 years whereas developments may be for 1-2 years. Categories of Maintenance Corrective Maintenance Modifications initiated by defects in the s/w. Adaptive Maintenance Modifying the s/w to match changes in the ever-changing environment. Perfective Maintenance Improving processing efficiency or performance or restructuring the s/w to improve changeability. Refer to enhancements: Making the better product, faster, smaller, better documented etc. Other types of Maintenance Includes code restructuring, code optimization & documentation updating. Usually initiated with the intention of making program easier to understand & hence facilitating future Maintenance. Also include updating document when any part of s/w is changed. To reduce the complexity of the code. Maintenance steps Understand, what to modify. Modify the program. Ensure that the modification does not affect other portions of the Program. Test the program. 52

Maintenance Process 1. Program Understanding: Analyzing the Program. Attributes related Complexity of the Program. Documentation Self descriptiveness. Complexity- measure of the effort required to understand the Program & based on control/data flow of Program. 2. Generating Particular Maintenance Proposal To accomplish the implementation of the Maintenance objective. Requires a clear understanding of both the Maintenance objective & the program to be modified. Cont 3. Ripple Effect Consists of accounting for all the ripple effect as a consequence of program modifications. One aspect of this ripple effect is logical or functional in nature. Another aspect of the ripple effect concern the performance of the Program. 4. Modified Program Testing Consists of testing the modified program to ensure that the modified program has at least the same reliability level as before. 5. Maintainability 53

All the phases discussed above are critical to the maintenance process. Program maintainability & program understandability are parallel concepts. The more difficult a program is to understand, the more difficult it is to maintain. And the more difficult it is to maintain, the higher its maintainability risk. Defined Qualitatively as the ease with which s/w can be understood, corrected, adopted and or enhanced. Maintenance Models 1. Quick-fix Model Adhoc Approach. Fire fighting approach, waiting for the problem to occur & then trying to fix it as quickly as possible. Done quickly & cheaply. Normally used under pressure of deadlines & resources. Quick-fix Model

2. Iterative Enhancement Model Changes in the s/w system throughout its lifetime are an iterative process. Uses 3 stage cycle. Analysis Characterization of proposed modifications. Redesign & Implementation. Require full documentation. Iterative Enhancement Model

3. Reuse Oriented Model 54

Involving the reuse of existing program components. Has 4 main steps: Identification of the parts of the old system that are candidates for reuse. Understanding these system parts. Modification of the old system parts appropriate to the new requirements. Integration of the modified parts into the new system. A detailed framework is requires for the clarification of components & the possible modifications.

4. Boehms Model Based upon the economic models & Principles. Represents the maintenance process as a closed loop cycle. Started with the Management Decisions. A set of approved changes is determined by applying particular strategies & cost-benefits evaluations to a set of proposed changes.

5. Taute Maitenance Model Developed by B. J. Taute in 1983. Has eight phases in cycle fashion. Phases are: Change request phase: Maintenance team gets a request in a prescribed format from the client. Identify the type of request & assign unique Id to the request. Estimate phase: Estimate the time & effort required to make the change. Schedule Phase: Identify change requests for the next schedule release & may also prepare the documents that are required for planning. 55

Programming Phase: Source Code is Modified to implement the requested change. Test Phase: Test the code. Use already available test cases & may also design new test cases. Documentation Phase: System & user documents are prepared/updated before releasing the system. Release Phase: S/w Products are delivered to the customer. Acceptance testing is carried out. Operation Phase: S/w is placed under normal operation.

ESTIMATION OF MAINTENANCE COSTS Cost may vary widely from one application to another. Advisable to invest more effort in early phases of SDLC to reduce the Maintenance Cost. Good s/w engineering techniques such as precise specification, loose coupling & configuration Mgt all reduce Maintenance cost. Belady & Lehman Model Efforts & cost can increase exponentially if poor s/w development approach is used. Equation: M=P+Ke(c-d) M= Total effort expanded P=Productive Effort K=Empirically determined constant c=Complexity Measure d=Degree to which Maintenance team is familiar with the s/w Value of c will be higher for large s/w Product & vice versa. Value of d will be low if s/w is maintained without an understanding of structure, function & purpose of the s/w. Example The development effort for a software project is 500 person months. The empirically determined constant (K) is 0.3. The complexity of the code is quite high and is equal to 8. Calculate the total effort expended (M) if 56

(i) maintenance team has good level of understanding of the project (d=0.9) (ii) maintenance team has poor understanding of the project (d=0.1)

Bohem Model Formula for estimating Maintenance cost is a part of COCOMO Model. Used a quantity called ACT(i.e. Annual Change Traffic) ACT is a fraction of a s/w products source instructions which undergo change during a year either through addition, deletion or modification. ACT Directly related to no. of change request. ACT= KLOC added + KLOC deleted KLOC total Annual Maintenance Effort(AME) in Person Month AME = ACT * SDE SDE = Software Development Effort in Person-Month By considering important factor affecting cost, EAF can be calculated AME = ACT * SDE * EAF Example Annual Change Traffic (ACT) for a software system is 15% per year. The development effort is 600 PMs. Compute estimate for Annual Maintenance Effort (AME). If life time of the project is 10 years, what is the total effort of the project ? REGRESSION TESTING It is the process of running a subset of previously executed integration & function tests to ensure that Program changes have not degraded the system. The regressive phase concern the effect of newly introduced changes on all the Previously integrated code. Problems arise when errors made in incorporating new functions affect the Previously tested functions, which are common in large systems. In other words, it is the process of retesting the modified parts of the s/w & ensuring that no new errors have been introduced into previously tested code. Development testing Vs regression testing Regression Test Selection 57

Regression testing is very expensive activity and consumes significant amount of effort / cost. Many techniques are available to reduce this effort/cost. Reuse the whole test suite Reuse the existing test suite, but to apply a regression test selection technique to select an appropriate subset of the test suite to be run. Example

Selective Retest Techniques Selective retest techniques are broadly classified in three categories : Coverage techniques : They are based on test coverage criteria. They locate coverable program components that have been modified, and select test cases that exercise these components. Minimization techniques: They work like coverage techniques, except that they select minimal sets of test cases. Safe techniques: They do not focus on coverage criteria; instead they select every test case that cause a modified program to produce different output than its original version. REVERSE ENGINEERING It is the process followed in order to find difficult, unknown & hidden information about s/w system. Scope & Tasks The areas where reverse engineering is applicable include. Program comprehensive. Re-documentation/document generation. Recovery of design approach & design details at any level of abstraction. Identifying reversible components......etc. 58

Process attempting to re-design, re-structure & enhance functionality of a system are not within the scope of reverse engineering. It encompasses a wide array of tasks related to understanding & modifying s/w systems. Array of tasks can be broken into a no. of classes. A few classes are: Mapping b/w application & program domains. Mapping b/w concrete & abstract levels. Rediscovering high-level structures. Finding missing links b/w program syntax & semantics. To extract reusable components Levels of abstraction in Reverse Engineering

SOFTWARE RE-ENGINEERING Systems that have been in the field for a long time evolve & mutate in ways that were never planned. As enhancements are added, bugs fixed etc, the once elegant system grows into something unmanageable & expensive to maintain. These old systems that must still be maintained are sometimes called Legacy Systems. Software re-engineering is concerned with taking legacy systems & re-implementing them to make them more maintainable. SOFTWARE RE-ENGINEERING In this process: System may be re-documented or restructured. May be translated to modern programming language. Migrated to a new platform New software development Vs Re-engineering


Suggestions useful for the modification of the legacy code Study code well before attempting changes Concentrate on overall control flow and not coding Heavily comment internal code Create Cross References Build Symbol tables Use own variables, constants and declarations to localize the effect Keep detailed maintenance document Use modern design techniques Source code Translation Target language may be an updated version of original language. It may required for the following resources: Hardware platform update. Staff skill shortages. Organizational policy changes. Can be done manually or automation tool i.e. REFINE Program Restructuring Transfer a system from one representational from to another without a change in the semantics or functionality. To control the complexity Various Techniques Control flow driver restructuring. Imposition of a clear control structure within the source code. Efficiency driven restructuring Restructuring a function or algo. Ex: if Adapting driven restructuring Changing the coding style in order to adapt the program to a new programming language oe new operating environment. CONFIGURATION MANGEMENT The means by which the process of s/w development & maintenance is controlled is called configuration management. Activities in Configuration Management. 60

Identification of the components & changes. The control of the way by which the changes are made. Auditing the changes Status accounting recording and documenting all the activities that have take place Changes Control Process It comes into effect when the s/w & associated documentation are delivered to configuration Management change request from,Which should record the recommendations regarding the change. This is form is submitted to a change control Authority(CCA), which decides whether or not the change is to be accepted. If change is accepted by the CCA, it is applied to the s/w. The revised s/w is revalidated by (SQL) team. The change b/w is landed over to the s/w configuration team & is incorporated in a new version of the system. Documents required for these activities Projects Plan. Software requirements specification document S/W design description document Source code listing. Test plans/producers/test cases User Manuals. Software Versions Related with managing multiple versions. A version control tool is the first stage towards being able to mange multiple versions. Once done, a detailed reword of every version of the s/w must be kept. Comprises: Name of each source code component, including the variations & revisions. Versions of the various compiles & linkers used. The name of the software staff who constructed the component The date and the time at which it was constructed DOCUMENTATION Written record of facts about a software system recorded with the intent to covey purpose, content & clarity. Categories: User Documentation: Contains descriptions of the functions of a system without reference to how these functions are implemented. System Overview Installation Guide. Beginners Guide. Reference Guide. Enhancement Quick Reference System administrations 61



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