Dell Latitude d620 Laptop Battery

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Brand New Dell Latitude D620 battery

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Replacement for Dell Latitude D620 battery

Brand new 9-Cell extended capacity Dell
Latitude D620 batteries

High quality replacement battery for Dell latitude

D620, 11,1 V, 6600 mAh, 100% fits, properly
matching, Li-Ion. will help you find
the right replacement Dell D620 battery at the Hot Brand
right price when you're shopping online.
Item name: Dell Latitude D620 Battery
Availability: In Stock Compaq
High Quality Battery See Details Dell

Qty.Range(unit) Price(per unit) HP

1-1 US $ 93.68 Lenovo

2-5 US $ 93.53 IBM

6-9 US $ 93.38
10 - 14 US $ 93.23
Bra nd Ne w De ll La titude D620 La pto p Ba tte ry on sa le
15 - Above US $ 93.08
Hot Batteries
Quantity: 1
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Battery Overiew Fit Laptop Models Compatible Parts IBM ThinkPad R40 Battery
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Specifications: Toshiba PA3399U-2BRS Battery
C hemistry:Li-Ion

C apacity: 6600mAh

Volts: 11.1V

C olor: Black

To get maximum use out of your Dell Latitude D620 laptop battery there are a few things to keep in mind:
1) Avo id fre que nt full discha rge s be ca use this puts a dditiona l stra in on the De ll La titude D620 ba tte ry.
Se ve ra l pa rtia l discha rge s with fre que nt re cha rge s a re be tte r for lithium-ion tha n one de e p one .
R e cha rging a pa rtia lly cha rge d lithium-ion doe s not ca use ha rm be ca use the re is no m e m ory. (In this
re spe ct, lithium -ion diffe rs from nick e l-ba se d ba tte rie s.) Short ba tte ry life in a la pto p is m a inly ca use by
he a t ra the r tha n cha rge / discha rge pa tte rns.

2) The De ll D620 Ba tte rie s with fue l ga uge should be ca libra te d by a pplying a de libe ra te full discha rge
once e ve ry 30 cha rge s. R unning the pa ck down in the e quipm e nt doe s this. If ignore d, the fue l ga uge
will be com e incre a singly le ss a ccura te a nd in som e ca se s cut off the de vice pre m a ture ly.

3) Ke e p the lithium -ion ba tte ry cool. Avo id a hot ca r. For prolonge d sto ra ge , k e e p the De ll la titude d620
ba tte ry a t a 40% cha rge le ve l.

4) C onside r re m oving the De ll D620 ba tte ry from a la pto p whe n running on fix e d powe r. (Som e la pto p
m a nufa cture rs a re conce rne d a bout dust a nd m oisture a ccum ula ting inside the ba tte ry ca sing.)

5) If yo u ha ve a spa re lithium -ion ba tte ry, use one to the fulle st a nd k e e p the othe r cool by pla cing it in
the re frige ra to r. Do not fre e ze the ba tte ry. For be st re sults, sto re the bra nd ne w De ll La titude D620
ba tte ry a t 40% sta te-of-cha rge .

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O ur ra te s include the e x pe nse s of shipping, ha ndling a nd the high qua lity pa ck a ging. Shipping fe e
within contine nta l Unite d Sta te s would be USD9.99

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