Profinet PDF
Profinet PDF
Profinet PDF
System Description
The ever-shorter innovation cycle for new products makes the continuous evolution of automation technology necessary. The use of fieldbus technology has been a significant development in the past few years. It has made it possible to migrate from central automation systems to decentralized ones. PROFIBUS, as a global market leader, has set the benchmarks for 15 years. In today's automation technology, moreover, Ethernet and information technology (IT) is increasingly calling the shots with established standards like TCP/IP and XML. Integrating information technology into automation allows significantly better communication options between automation systems, extensive configuration and diagnostic possibilities, and network-wide service functionality. These functions have been an integral part of PROFINET from day one. PROFINET is the innovative open standard for Industrial Ethernet. PROFINET satisfies all requirements for automation technology. With PROFINET, solutions can be implemented for factory and process automation, for safety applications, and for the entire range of drive technology right up to clocksynchronized motion control. Besides the Real-Time capability and the use of IT technology, protection of investment also plays an important role in PROFINET. PROFINET enables the integration of existing fieldbus systems like PROFIBUS, AS-Interface, and INTERBUS, without changes to existing devices. That means that the investments of plant operators, machine and system engineers, and device manufacturers, are all protected. The use of open standards, simple operation, and the integration of existing system segments have driven the definition of PROFINET from the beginning. PROFINET is standardized in IEC 61158 and IEC 61784. The continual further development of PROFINET offers users a longterm perspective for the implementation of their automation tasks. For the plant or machine engineers, the use of PROFINET minimizes the cost of installation, engineering, and commissioning. For the plant operator, PROFINET enables simple system extensibility and high system availability due to autonomously running system segments. The establishment of certification now ensures a higher standard of quality for PROFINET products.
1. PROFINET in overview ............................ 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 Distributed I/O (PROFINET IO) ............. 1 Distributed automation (PROFINET CBA)................................ 1 Communication ................................... 1 Network installation.............................. 2 IT integration ....................................... 2 Security .............................................. 2 Safety ................................................. 2 Drive technology and motion control with PROFIdrive .................................. 2 Fieldbus integration ............................. 2 Implementation and certification ........... 2
6. IT integration..........................................14 6.1 6.2 6.3 Network management ........................14 Web services .....................................14 OPC and PROFINET..........................15
8. PROFINET and MES ...............................18 8.1 8.2 8.3 Operations in MES .............................18 Maintenance State .............................18 Identification ......................................18
2. PROFINET communication ...................... 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 TCP/IP and UDP/IP communication ...... 3 Real-Time communication (RT) ............ 4 Isochronous Real-Time communication (IRT) ................................................... 4
9. Application profiles................................19 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 PROFIsafe for PROFINET..................19 PROFIdrive for PROFINET.................20 PROFINET profile for devices in process automation (PA) ....................21 Communication Function Blocs ...........21 Additional profiles...............................21
3. Distributed I/O with PROFINET IO ........... 5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Device roles ........................................ 5 The device model ................................ 5 The user process................................. 6 The services of PROFINET IO.............. 6 Alarms ................................................ 7 Engineering......................................... 7 Address assignment ............................ 7 The GSD file ....................................... 8 Replacing devices ............................... 8
10. Fieldbus integration ...............................22 10.1 10.2 Integration into PROFINET IO.............22 Integration in PROFINET CBA ............23
11. Implementation of devices .....................24 11.1 11.2 Implementation of PROFINET IO........24 Implementation of PROFINET CBA .....25
4. Distributed automation with PROFINET CBA ......................................................... 9 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Component model ............................... 9 PROFINET CBA engineering ............... 9 Creation of components ....................... 9 Component connections .................... 10 Download of connection information ... 10
12. Certification and tools ............................26 12.1 12.2 12.3 Process of a certification.....................26 Granting certification ..........................26 Tools.................................................26
13. PI the organization ..............................27 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Tasks ................................................27 Organization of technology development ......................................27 Technical support...............................27 Documentation...................................28 Web site ............................................28
5. Network installation ............................... 11 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Network topologies ............................ 11 PROFINET cabling ............................ 11 Plug connectors................................. 12 Switches ........................................... 13 Wireless............................................ 13
14. Glossary.................................................29
1. PROFINET in overview
PROFINET is the innovative open standard of PI for the implementation of integrated automation solutions based on Industrial Ethernet. With PROFINET, simple distributed I/O and time-critical applications can be integrated into Ethernet communication just as well as distributed automation system on an automation component basis.
WEB Services
WEB Services
Distributed Automation
Distributed I/O
machine parts. That significantly reduces engineering costs. PROFINET based on a component model is described using a PCD (PROFINET Component Description). It is XML-based and can be generated either by the Component Generator of a manufacturerspecific configuration tool, or by the free available PROFINET Component Editor. The engineering of distributed automation systems differentiates between the programming of the control logic of the individual technological modules (manufacturer-specific configuration tools) and the manufacturer independent configuration of the overall installation, in which the communications relationships between the technological modules are determined.
1.3 Communication
Communications in contain different performance: PROFINET levels of
The non-time-critical transmission of parameters, configuration data, and switching information occurs in PROFINET in the standard channel based on TCP or UDP and IP. This establishes the basis for the connection of the automation level with other networks (MES, ERP). For the transmission of timecritical process data within the production facility, there is a Real-Time channel (RT) available. For particularly challenging tasks, the hardwarebased communication channel
Figure 1.2: Mecanical, electrical/electronics and software are grouped as technological modules in the component model
Isochronous Real-Time (IRT) can be used for example in case of Motion Control Applications und high performance applications in factory automation.
1.7 Safety
PROFIsafe defines how safetyoriented devices (emergency shutoff switches, light grids, overfill protection systems, etc.) can communicate safety-information with controllers over a network securely enough that they can be used in safety-oriented automation tasks up to EN954's KAT4, AK6, or SIL3 (Safety Integrity Level). The PROFIsafe profile implements secure communication using standard PROFINET IO communication mechanizms. The interpretation of process data is defined in the profile.
The large number of existing fieldbus systems makes it necessary to support their simple integration into PROFINET for reasons of investment protection. The integration is done with socalled "proxies". A proxy is a device which connects an underlying fieldbus with PROFINET. The proxy concept allows the device manufacturer, the plant and machine builder as well as the end user a high degree of investment protection.
1.5 IT integration
Network management includes functions for the administration of PROFINET devices and switches in Ethernet networks. This includes device and network configuration as well as network diagnostics (e.g. SNMP). For Web integration, PROFINET uses basic Ethernet technology, enabling access to a PROFINET component using standard technology from the Internet arena. To maintain an open connection between PROFINET and other systems, the open standard OPC can be used.
1.6 Security
Since available security concepts from the office area really do not suffice for the particular requirements in the automation arena, security concepts for automation technology have had to be developed. The PROFINET security concept can handle the increased need for network security in Ethernet-based automation systems. It fulfills the requirements for access control, data encryption, authentication, and logging of security-relevant events.
2. PROFINET communication
PROFINET uses Ethernet as well as TCP, UDP, and IP as the basis for communications. TCP/IP is the de-facto standard for communication protocols in the IT arena. But for interoperability, it is not enough just to establish a common communication channel between field devices based on TCP, UDP, and IP, because these standards merely represent the basis for data exchange. Additional protocols and determinations are thus needed on top of TCP or UDP, the so-called application protocols, which ensure the interoperability of applications. The interoperability of applications between field devices is only ensured when the same application protocol is being used. Typical application protocols are, for instance, SMTP (email), FTP (file transfer), and HTTP (Web). The different application areas in industrial automation require a wide performance range for communication. These range from non-time-critical through Real-Time capable to clock-synchronized. For non-time-critical processes, PROFINET uses TCP/IP and UDP/IP. In industrial applications, however, it is usually not enough. Here, significantly stronger requirements for data bandwidth and for clock synchronization exist. Data exchange optimized for performance is called Real-Time communication (RT), the clock-synchronized communication is called Isochronous Real-Time (IRT). PROFINET offers scalable data communications. The globally established standard IT services
Motion Control
Figure 2.1: The scalable PROFINET communications for any application area
can be used just as easily as communications optimized for speed. This coexisting use of RealTime and TCP/IP-based communications between PROFINET field devices can occur on the same bus lines at the same time. The following examples will clarify the basic mechanisms of TCP/IP and RT communications for PROFINET CBA and PROFINET IO.
MAC address is a unique criterion for the addressing of the target device. PROFINET field devices can be connected to the IT world without limitations. A prerequisite for this is that the corresponding services, for instance File Transfer, must be implemented in the field device involved. This can differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. The features UDP/IP are: of TCP/IP and
Detection of frame losses by confirmation mechanisms Repetition of transmitted frames if the confirmation is omitted Flow control, that is, the receiver can control the transmission frequency of a sender. This ensures that the sender will only send a new frame after the previous one has been confirmed.
All PROFINET field devices must support data communication over UDP/IP.
TCP guarantees the error-free, sequential, complete transmission of data from sender to receiver. TCP is connection-oriented, that is, two stations establish a connection before transmission of data, and the connection is disconnected after the transmission is complete. TCP includes mechanisms for continuous monitoring of the connection established.
Ethernet is standardized in IEEE 802.3. The specifications include access technology, the transmission process, and transmission media for Ethernet (10 Mb/s), Fast Ethernet (100 Mb/s) and Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gb/s). PROFINET uses Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet introduced and standardized full-duplex operation and switching.
Like TCP, UDP guarantees the error-free, sequential, complete transmission of data from sender to receiver. However, in contrast to TCP, UDP is connectionless, that is, each data packet is treated as an individual transmission and there is no transport confirmation. Omission of timeout monitoring and establishment and cleardown of connections makes UDP more suitable for time-critical applications than TCP. The data blocking and communications monitoring implicit in TCP can be performed in UDP on the application level, for instance through RPC (Remote Procedure Call).
Data transmission with the internet protocol (IP) is not a secured packet transmission (datagrams) between an IP source and an IP destination. Datagrams can get lost because of noise on the transmission channel or network overload, they can be received several times or arrive in a different order than sent. It can be assumed however that an arriving datagram is correct. Thanks to the 32-bit checksum of the Ethernet packet the detection of errors in the packet is very likely.
Special hardware support is necessary for IRT communication, in the form of ASICs with integrated switch functionality and cycle synchronization. The send intervals of the field devices can be flexibly determined by the user. The transitions between the intervals are monitored by the hardware. The transition from the green interval to the red interval is called the "orange interval". In this interval, the ASIC decides whether an TCP/IP AND UDP/IP frame can be forwarded without delaying the beginning of the next red interval. If IRT communication is necessary in an installation, the bus bandwith must already be divided into an IRT portion and a portion including TCP/IP, UDP/IP and RT portion during the engineering phase.
Figure 2.2: IRT communication is broken down into an IRT channel and an open channel.
Application program with access to process signals via PLC process image
Ethernet Configuration Production Nutzdatendata Alarms Alarme Field Device IO-Device Diagnosis Diagnose Diagnose Status/Steuern Status/Control Parametrierung Parameterization Read and write der Prozesssignale Prozesssignale IO data
A PROFINET IO-Supervisor (IOSupervisor) might be an engineering station in an installation, which has temporary access to the field devices during the commissioning process.
A PROFINET IO-Device (IO-Device) is a decentrally connected field device near the process. It is configured by an IO-Controller or IO-Supervisor and transmits its process data periodically to the IOController. An IO-Device can maintain communications connections to multiple IO-Controllers and IOSupervisors simultaneously. PROFINET IO follows during data exchange the Provider/Consumer model. The provider makes data available and the consumer processes the data.
With regards to data exchange, a few extensions were necessary due to user requirements. These are: Prioritization of the data exchange between different field devices Access from multiple control systems to the same field devices Description of multiple field device options in a single GSD file Extension of the PROFIBUS DP device model
A PROFINET IO-Controller (IOController) has control over a process distributed over one or more field devices. It takes in process data and alarms, and processes them in a user program. In automation installations, an IO Controller is normally a programmable logic controller (PLC), a DCS system or a PC. It is responsible for the
Context Context I/O-Data I/O-Data Alarms Alarms Record Data Record Data
Diagnose Diagnose I/O Data Data I/O Alarms Alarms Record Data Record Data API 00 API==
Context Context I/O-Data -Data I/O Alarms Alarms Record Data Record Data API API==22
Slot 0
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
The PROFINET IO application layer describes modular and compact devices in which the desribed modules are represented by physical slots. A slot can contain one or more subslots, and these can in turn have 1 to n channels, the structure of the inputs and outputs being mapped to these channels and set by the manufacturer.
A slot is the physical place of insertion of a peripheral assembly (module) in an IO-Device. Different subslots are located in the different slots, and contain data for cyclical data exchange. Field device manufacturers determine the capabilities of a module. The technical data are defined in the GSD file.
Figure 3.3: In PROFINET IO, I/O data can be sent in different bus cycles
PROFINET supports subslots , which are an additional addressing layer. Each slot has to own at least one subslot consisting of 1n channels. For this reason, for example channels that belong together can be grouped. The definition is contained in the GSD file from the manufacturer.
Controller establishes a connection based on the data supplied by the engineering system. The Application Relation (the AR corresponds to the connection) includes all data needed to establish this data exchange. It can be flexibly designed. One more APIs are given within one AR, allowing a finer division of the application (see Figure 3.3). One AR can include multiple communications relations (CRs). The following CRs are thus possible for each API: One or more I/O-CRs (these break down into input, output, or multicast) Alarm-CR for forwarding of events Record data exchange of records CR for the acyclic data
The Index specifies the data, related to a specific subslot, to be read or written acyclically. The access possibilities allowed are determined in the definition of a slot and its subslots. They can be distributed over different IO-Controllers, where each subslot can be mapped to only one IO-Controller for write cycles or alarms. Read access to inputs is allowed from multiple IO-Controllers. For the simple integration of application profiles (PROFIdrive, etc.) PROFINET IO provides special addressing elements, the so-called API (Application Programming Interface). It is therefore possible to use different APIs to support multiple application profiles in one device.
Each IO-Controller/IO-Supervisor can establish an AR to one or more IO-Devices. An IO-Device can exchange data with multiple IOControllers. Concurrent write accesses to the same data are prevented by the IO-Device.
Phase 2
Phase 1
Frame 1 RR = 1
Frame 2 RR = 2
Frame n
Frame 1
Frame n Frame x RR = 2
Frame 1
Frame 2
Figure 3.4: In PROFINET IO, I/O data can be sent in different bus cycles.
Multicast data traffic (MCR= Multicast Communication Relation) is based on RT as well as IRT communication and consists of a provider which publishes data on the bus and one or more consumers which process the data.
3.5 Alarms
PROFINET IO sends events within an automation process as alarms which have to be acknowledged by the application process. These include both system-defined events (like the insertion or removal of assemblies) and user-defined events (e.g. defective load voltage) which are detected in the control systems used or have occurred in the process (e.g. boiler pressure too high). The following events are differentiated. Process alarms: Events which come from the process and are sent to the control system Diagnostic alarms: Events indicating the malfunction of a field device Maintenance alarms: Events to transmit information in order to omit a device breakdown by means of preventive maintenance Manufacturer-specific diagnostics
3.6 Engineering
Each PROFINET IO field device is described by a device description file (GSD). These are provided by the manufacturer. During engineering the IO-Device is to be configured to the actual system expansion based on the content in the GSD file. The IODevice is simultaneously integrated, appropriately parameterized and configured into the PROFINET topology (Figure 3.5 (1)). After completion of the engineering process, the installer loads the data for the expansion into the IOController (Figure 3.5 (2)). The IOController independently takes over data exchange with the IO-Device (Figure 3.5 (3)).
The data exchange between the IO-Device and the IO-Controller occurs in a poll cycle configured by the IO-Controller. The update cycle from the IO-Controller to the IODevice is specified during configuration with the engineering tool. This results in mutual monitoring of functional operability (watchdog function). All cyclic data has subslot granularity and is provided with a status encoding the validity of the data. In contrast to PROFIBUS, data transmission in PROFINET IO can be optimized regarding frequency, that is, data can be sent in different phases (see Figure 3.4). To achieve this, PROFINET IO defines a "reduction ratio". It determines the frequeancy of the data transmission.
PROFINET defines a standard set of alarm causes, like Pull and plug alarms occur in connection with modular IODevices, when a module is pulled or plugged in. Return-of-submodule alarms occur when an IO-Device is supplying data again for a particular input element.
The reading of identification information according to the "Identification and Maintenance (I&M) functions" The reading of I/O data
For unique identification, alarms are always raised on a slot/subslot. Diagnostic and process alarms can be prioritized differently by the user.
Which data can be read or written acyclically is determined during addressing by the index. Some services are standardized. All other services have to be implemented on a user-specific basis.
Company code
Serial number
The contents of the GSD file follow the international ISO 15745 standard. One GSD file for PROFINET IO can describe an entire device family (multiple bus interfaces and peripheral modules). For each bus interface (Device Access Point, or DAP) available with the device family, the manufacturer can define a series of peripheral modules. The GSD file is multilingual.
For simple identification of a field device, PROFINET IO defines a device identification. This consists of a company code (Vendor_ID) and a manufacturer-specific code (Device_ID). The Vendor_ID is unique for each company and is assigned once by the PI Support Center. The Device_ID can be defined on a manufacturer-specific basis. PI provides schemas for the creation of a GSD file and the GSDML specification. There is also a GSD viewer available for the validation and viewing of a GSD file.
1 2
form of technological modules. The functionality of the technological modules is encapsulated in uniform PROFINET components. From the outside, PROFINET components are accessed through uniformly defined interfaces. They can be arbitrarily connected in this way. A distributed automation system designed in this way allows to modularize plants and machines and therefore the reuse of segments of plants and machines. This significantly reduces engineering costs. Figure 4.1 shows the path from a technological module to a PROFINET component located on the field device in software form.
The establishment of communication relations is done by drawing lines between the components to be connected. The connection editor then immediately checks the desired connections for plausibility. Exchange of data between the PROFINET nodes is ensured by the configured connections. The technical options for a PROFINET CBA device are described in an XML-based file, the PROFINET Component Description (PCD) which is provided by the manufacturer of the field device. The engineering model makes a distinction between the programming of the control logic of the individual technological modules and the technological configuration of the overall system. An systemwide application is thus built in three phases: Creation of components, Establishment of connections, Download of the connection information into the PROFINET devices.
To do this, the device manufacturers merely need to extend their software tools with the new component interface. This generates the PCD with the prescribed structure, and with contents as specified in PROFINET. In this way, existing user programs, and the know-how of programmers and service personnel, can continue to be used.
The PROFINET engineering tool binds the individual distributed applications together throughout the plant. It works in a manufacturer-independent manner and can therefore connect PROFINET components from any manufacturer together. The decisive advantage is that communications must no longer be programmed.
Figure 4.2: The download of connection information to PROFINET devices is done in each consumer.
5. Network installation
Building 1 Building 2
The international standard ISO/IEC 11801 and its European equivalent EN 50173 define an applicationneutral information technology standard networking for a building complex. They are largely identical in content. Both standards assume an office-like usage for the building and include the requirement of application neutrality. The specific requirements for Ethernet networks in the industrial environment, like
installation-specific cabling individual degree of networking for each machine/plant line network structures rugged, industry-compatible cables and plug connectors designed to meet particular EMC, temperature, moisture, dust, or vibration requirements
Figure 5.1: The structure of Ethernet network in the office usually has a star topology
tree, and ring structures. In practice, a system consists of a mixed form of the structures examined individually below. They can be implemented and used with PROFINET with either copper wiring or with fiber optics.
optic and twisted pair cabling. It is used when dividing complex systems into system segments.
The line structure can be realized by a switch in the vicinity of the terminal to be connected, or by a switch integrated into the terminal. The line structure is used preferentially in systems with far-flung structure, such as conveyor systems and when connecting manufacturing cells.
The defining characteristics of the star structure is a central signal distributor (switch) with individual connections to all the terminals of the network. Applications for star network structures are areas with high device density in small distances, like small manufacturing cells or a single production machine.
are not taken into account in these standards. The "PROFINET Installation Guideline " thus defines an industry-standard cabling for Fast Ethernet based on the determinations of IEC 11801.
Ring (redundancy)
If the ends of a line are connected together, the result is a ring structure. Ring topologies are used in systems with increased availability requirements to protect against line breaks or the failure of one network component.
The tree topology results from the combination of multiple stars into one network, possibly mixing fiber
Office Area
Fixed basic installation in a building Laid under raised floors Variable device connection at workplace Pre-fabricated device connection cable Tree-shape network structures Large data packets (e.g. images) Medium network availability Moderate temteratures (form 0 to 50C) No moisture Virtually no vibrations Low EMC burden Low mechanical danger Virtually no chemical danger
Automation Area
Largely system -related cabeling System -related cable routing Connection poins are seldom changed Field-preparable device connections Quite often: line-form network structures and (redundant) ring structures Small data packets (measured values) Very high network availability Extreme temperatures (from -20 to +70C) Moisture possible (IP65) Vibrating machines High EMC burden Danger of mechanical damage Chemical burden from oily or aggressive atmospheres
Table 5.1: The differences between office and automation technology are taken into account in PROFINET. PROFINET Technology and Application, Version April 2006
Figure 5.2: Ethernet networks in industrial applications usually have linear topology
wiring structure works well here. Hybrid cables include lines not just for signal transmission, but for power transmission as well. Optical fibers are not sensitive to electromagnetic influences and can allow longer network spans than copper twisted pair wiring.
Detachable connections are made using RJ45 or M12 plug connector systems. The device connections are implemented as jacks. The connecting cables (device connection, ranging cables) are equipped with appropriate plugs on both ends which can be configured with the specified AWG 22 cable. All devices are attached to an active network component. Network components in PROFINET are switches. The specification of network components ensures simple installation. Transmission cables are configured with the same plugs on both ends and in the same pin layout. The maximum segment length is 100 meters.
Figure 5.3: Example of an RJ45 plug in IP20
The RJ45 in IP65/IP67 is housed in a rugged housing with a push/pull lock. Special variants allow protection classes up to IP68. The RJ45 plug connectors specified for PROFINET are the variants 14 and 5 in the IEC 610763-106.
For the M12 plug connectors, the shielded D-coded variant from the IEC 61076-2-101 is used.
Hybrid plug connectors are used in places where distributed I/O modules are connected through a combined plug connector with data and power supply. These are RJ45 connectors in IP67 with a 2-pair, shielded data line for communications and 4 copper lines for power supply. Here, too, the fully touch-protected plug connector enables the use of the same plugs on both ends, since the integrated touch protection makes it unnecessary to swap pins.
with optical plastic fiber. The robust connector is well-suited for field assembly. IP65/67 variants in a housing with push/pull lock permit optical connecting points for rugged industrial use outside of a control cabinet.
5.5 Wireless
The advantages of wireless data transmission are increasingly being applied in the industrial arena. This is not just for the savings in cabling costs and installation expenditure. The flexibility and mobility of wireless network infrastructure also enables completely new solutions in areas where electrical lines cannot be used, or can only be used with limitations, due to mechanical limitations, security requirements, or other environmental considerations. Application fields, for instance, are the integration of moving system parts into the communications infrastructure, or the connection of difficult to reach sensor, and also mobile operation and observation, driverless transport systems, and the like. PROFINET communications is also possible on these wireless communications networks. PROFINET has to be ready to operate with different radio technologies for different application areas, with specific parameters regarding transfer rates, range, number of nodes, and similar. Thus profiles are specified for each technology which specify how integration into PROFINET is done, which topologies and performance values can be achieved with the technology, and what sorts of conditions apply, for instance regarding security requirements. The specification of these profiles is an ongoing task and must keep pace with the availability of radio technologies and the requirements in the field. As a first step, a profile for WLAN is being prepared corresponding to the standards from 802.11.
5.4 Switches
PROFINET generally uses switches for network components. Switches are devices which lie in the transmission path between terminals and regenerate and resend any signals received. They serve to structure the network. The basic specifications are found in ISO/IEC 15802-3. Switches suitable for PROFINET are designed for Fast Ethernet (100 Mb/sec, IEEE 802.3u) and full-duplex transmission. In fullduplex mode, a switch sends and receives data simultaneously on the same port. When using switches, no collisions occur. Thus no bandwidth is lost to the Ethernet collision process. Network configuration is significantly simplified in that the inspection of segment lengths within a collision domain is unnecessary. To maintain compatibility with older systems or individual older terminal devices or hubs, 10BASE-TX (10 Mb/sec, CSMA/CD) is supported. Furthermore, a PROFINET switch supports prioritized telegrams per IEEE 802.1Q, standardized diagnostic channels, and auto polarity exchange, autonegotiation mode, and the auto-cross-over function. Port mirroring for diagnostic purposes is optional. Office switches may be used if they conform to industrial specifications. Industrial Ethernet switches are designed mechanically (IP protection class, etc.) and electrically (24 V power supply, etc.) for rugged industrial use. On the other hand, they have also to fulfill the EMC requirements of the machine in the industrial environment in order to permit reliable operation.
6. IT integration
By using the Ethernet as a communication medium, not only the described automation technology functionality can be integrated into Ethernet, but also IT functions. Ethernet imposes additional requirements on network management in contrast with the fieldbus world in connection with TCP, UDP and IP. In order to regulate all technical aspects of the integration of PROFINET devices into such networks, a network management concept has been specified for PROFINET. The components of the concept are basically the topics of network infrastructure, IP management, network diagnostics, and clock time synchronization. Network management simplifies the administration and management of the Ethernet by using standard protocols from the IT world. An additional aspect is the use of Internet techniques in automation technology. PROFINET specifies a concept in the framework of Web integration which enables access to PROFINET devices. This is done using Web services based on standard technologies from the Internet arena.
NET, ensuring the uniform behavior of all PROFINET devices. Automatic address assignment with DHCP: In the office arena, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) has established itself as the de facto standard. PROFINET provides for the use of this standard and describes how DHCP can be used sensibly in the PROFINET environment. The implementation of DHCP in PROFINET devices is optional.
The data is transmitted in a standardized format (HTML or XML) and displayed using standard front ends (browsers like Netscape, MS Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.) This enables the integration of information from PROFINET components into modern multimedia-supported information systems. The advantages of Web integration into the IT area, like the use of browsers as uniform user interfaces, location-independent access to information on an arbitrary number of clients, platform-independence of the clients, and reduction of the cost of installation and maintenance for client-side software for
Diagnostics management
The reliability of network operations has a very high priority in network management. In existing networks, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) has established itself as the de facto standard for maintenance and monitoring of network components and their functions. In order to be able to monitor PROFINET devices with established management systems, SNMP is to be implemented. SNMP provides for both read access (monitoring, diagnostics) and write access (administration) to a device. In PROFINET, only read access to device parameters are currently specified. Optionally, SNMP can also be implemented. When implementing SNMP in components, most access is to the standard information for SNMP (Management Information Base 2 (MIB 2)). The specific diagnosis of PROFINET components is possible using the mechanisms described in the PROFINET specification. SNMP should not open any other diagnostic channels in this context. It should only enable integration into network management systems which do not ordinarily process PROFINET-specific information.
Functional characteristics
The main focus of the PROFINET Web integration is the aspect of commissioning and diagnostics. Web-based concepts can be used particularly effectively within this area of application. No special tools are needed for access, since established standard tools can be used. Due to worldwide accessibility, it is simple for the manufacturer to support the user during commissioning. The self-description of components enables access with a standard tool without configuration information.
IP management
The use of TCP, UCP, and IP in PROFINET results in the requirement of assigning node participants, e.g. the PROFINET devices, their own IP parameters (IP addresses, subnet masks, etc.) Automatic address assignment with the PROFINET engineering system : PROFINET specifies the DCP protocol (Discovery and Basic Configuration), which enables the assignment of IP parameters with manufacturer-specific configuration/ programming tools or in plantwide engineering, e.g. in the PROFINET connection editor. DCP is mandatory in PROFI-
Possible usage scenarios for Web integration in the areas of commissioning and maintenance are, among others, testing and commissioning, an overview of device master data, device diagnostics, and installation and device documentation. The representation of the information available should be in both a format readable by humans (e.g. using a browser) and in a machinereadable form (e.g. an XML file). Using PROFINET Web integration, both variants are consistently available. For certain information, PROFINET Web integration also provides standardized XML schemas.
Technical characteristics
The basic component of Web integration is the Web server. It forms the interface between PROFINET and the basic technologies for Web integration. Web integration in PROFINET can scale up with the performance and characteristics of the Web server. This means that even simple PROFINET devices, equipped only with an "embedded Web server", have equal rights with a PROFINET device with an "MS Internet Information Server" or the "Apache Web server" when participating in Web integration. The Web functionality is scalable. This makes scalable solutions realizable which are configured as perfectly as possible for the current application case. The PROFINETspecific elements can be integrated seamlessly into the existing Web implementation of a component.
Through the OPC interface, process and maintenance information can be transmitted from production to the business system. OPC servers for PROFINET are already available. Arbitrary OPC clients can be used to access PROFINET data transparently through these server.
7. Security
The current trends of automation technology and the increasing usage of Ethernet in the automation industry, the options for remote maintenance through the Internet, and the networking of installation networks with offices networks or company-internal Intranets, all increase the potential risk considerably (hacker attacks, data manipulation and espionage, viruses, worms, and Trojans). Since security concepts from the office area really do not suffice for the particular requirements in the automation arena, security concepts for data security in automation technology must be developed. The PROFINET security concept can handle the great need for network security in Ethernet-based automation systems. This concept fulfills the requirements for access control, data encryption, authentification, and logging of securityrelevant events.
virus scanners are generally available only after 1 or 2 days. In order to keep potential risks as low as possible, installation and production networks must be locked away from the networks of the rest of the company. This can be achieved by controlled and uniquely identifiable communication between the systems network and the office network or company Intranet. Until now, however, existing security concepts have largely been designed for protection against threats from the Internet, and can counter this sort of threat from the office network only partially at best. The special requirements of automation technology are also not taken into account.
The terminals thus require no security functionality of their own. Data traffic between secure cells or between clients and the cell nodes can also be encrypted, thus secure against data espionage and data manipulation. This is especially interesting in the case of communication over insecure networks, such as is the case with remote access over the Internet for maintenance intervention. The PROFINET security concept offers the following significant advantages:
From the internal office network, there can for instance be temporarily high communications traffic (e.g. triggered by broadcasts) which lead to a production process being affected or even interrupted. Here, it is necessary to limit unnecessary communications. Basically, access from the office network to the automation network has to be permited. Malicious software like viruses, worms, and trojans are seen by most companies as the greatest security risk. The spread of these programs can be so fast that not even multilevel firewalls can provide sufficient protection, since appropriate patches for operating systems or virus signatures for
Figure 7.1: The core of the PROFINET security concept is the security-motivated segmentation of the automation network PROFINET Technology and Application, Version April 2006
For new threats, the time elapsed between appearance of the virus (or similar) and availability of a corresponding update is at least 1 or 2 days. During this time, the virus scanner is helpless against the threat. All in all, this means that in the industrial environment virus scanners are only of partial usefulness. Since PROFINET security network components allow only authorized access to the automation devices, only the accessing device have to be correspondingly protected, insofar as the possibility of a virus attack exists. The industrial PCs within a secure cell thus generally need no virus scanners, reducing costs to an enormous degree and avoiding performance hits. Moreover, PROFINET security network components are capable of blocking unneeded ports, greatly reducing the risk of infection by malicious software, since these often require specific ports to be open, e.g. email viruses needing port 80. Despite all this, a virus infection can never be fully ruled out. Here, too, the security segmentation of the installation network is an advantage, since the entire network is not affected and further spread is prevented or at least slowed.
Execution System
Maintenance Maintenance Inventory Quality
Fertigungsund ProzessAutomation
Since the topic of maintenance has great significance in both factory and process automation, Maintenance Operations is supported first by PROFINET. The result is a corresponding document in which, among other things, the information content important for an MES interface is defined.
PROFINET devices send their status to higher-level devices in a standardized format. A state model is available for this purpose, which besides the states "good" and "failure" also defines the two prewarning levels "maintenance request" and "maintenance demand."
8.3 Identification
Besides the Maintenance State, the capability of devices and components to provide up-to-date "type plate information" and the information needed for functional and local assignment is an important prerequisite of MES Maintenance Operations. The functions already defined in the document Identification and Maintenance Functions (I&M) have therefore also to be integrated into PROFINET devices.
Degradation [%]
Alarm 1 100% Limit 2 adjustable Limit 1 adjustable 0%
Maintenance states
Alarm 2
Maintenance request
9. Application profiles
Application profiles are common specifications by manufacturers and users about particular characteristics, performance features, and behaviors of devices and systems. This unification with the help of application profiles has the following advantages: Plant operators: The existence of certified profileconform devices provides a wide independency from single device manufacturers without loosing a profound set of functionality, System integration and installation: The use of certified devices guarantees a high degree of conformity and interoperability, since the devices pass a wide range of tests being elaborated and agreed within PI. Planing: Through the unification of the device basic functionality a unified nomenclature comes up that brings a tremendeous simplification of the product choice. Device manufacturer: Unification of the use and extension of the achievable integration depts of the devices in different automation systems
(Safety Integrity Level). It implements secure communication with a profile, that is, using a particular format for user data and a special protocol. The specification was collaborated upon by manufacturers, users, standardization organizations, and testing institutes (TV, BGIA). It is based on uniform standards, particularly on IEC 61508, which specially addresses requirements for software development. PROFIsafe takes all error possibilities into consideration (except for sabotage Sequrity has to be used for this) which can arise in serial bus communications, like delay, loss or repetition of data, incorrect order, incorrect addressing, or data falsification.
The concept of the profile extends from a few specifications for a particular class of devices to thorough specifications for applications in a particular industrial branch. The term application profile is used as an overarching concept. In general, two groups of application profiles are distinguished: General application profiles with applicability to different application fields (this includes the PROFIsafe profile, for instance).
Specific application profiles which are developed only for a particular type of application, like PROFIdrive, Encoder, Ident Systems, or PA Devices. PROFIBUS offers a large number of these profiles and can therefore be used in an application-oriented way. These profiles are integrated into PROFINET step by step as required.
Application Class 4
There are a series of protective measures from which the following were selected for PROFIsafe: Serial numbering of security telegrams Time expectation for incoming telegrams, with a new consecutive number and confirmation Passwords between and receiver sender
Control Word + Speed Setpoint + ...
The skillful combination of these protective measures, along with a patented "SIL monitor" (to monitor the frequency of defective messages) allows PROFIsafe to reach security classes up to SIL 3 and higher. The PROFIsafe profile V2 is also available for use with PROFINET. It is suitable for use with PROFIBUS as well as with PROFINET. The possibilities of Ethernet-based communications, such as significantly higher resources (address space, telegram size, etc.) and the use of active network components (switches, routers) are taken into account in the new version.
Figure 9.3: PROFIdrive positioning with central interpolation and orientation regulation
high-level technology interface. All drive-related regulation processes run in the appropriate drive. In application class 3, the drive functions as an autonomous oneaxis positioning drive, while the control coordinates the overlying technological processes. In application class 4, RPM regulation is done on the drive, and position regulation in the control; this is typical for motion control and robotics applications. The strong requirements for movements accuracy assume clock-synchronized operation (see Figure 9.3).
In application class 5, a position target interface is used. Positional regulation in this case is done in the drive. Application class 6 covers applications with distributed automation and angle synchronization between drives. In these applications, clocksynchronized operation and multicast communications between drives are necessary.
Drive model
The drive model defined in PROFIdrive is built on the device model for PROFIBUS and PROFINET. The data exchange between control and rive is based on corresponding services of the communications system used (see Figure 9.4).
Drive parameterization
The configuration of a drive is done by setting parameters. PROFIdrive defines a protocol for the trans-
Scope of function
The PROFIdrive profile covers all application scenarios from simple frequency converters to highly dynamic servo drivers. The functionality was broken down into six application classes. Application class 1 targets applications with simple drives, like frequency converter, in which the drive is controlled through an RPM or frequency target by the overlying automation system. In application class 2, the automation processes overlying the drive are subdivided into many subprocesses and distributed over the drives. The interface between control and drive corresponds to a
Application Layer
PROFIdrive Device
Drive Object
Communication Services
Alarm Mechanism
Network (physical)
Figure 9.4: PROFIdrive basic model (application layer and communication layer)
mission of parameters between the control or engineering system and the drive. The protocol is transmitted over the standardized services of PROFIBUS or PROFINET. In a profile-specific area, PROFIdrive defines parameters for the configuration of the PROFIdrive interface. This enables the interoperability between drives from different manufacturers.
The functionality of PROFIdrive, previously available only for PROFIBUS, was extended to PROFINET with the version PROFIdrive V4.0, while keeping the user interface. This makes a problem-free migration from PROFIBUS to PROFINET possible. The functionality is independent of the communication system used.
Train Applications
Train Applications include application profiles for devices in rail automation. Through the use of PROFINET, Real-Time and IT communications are made available for applications in rail vehicles. The standardization of subsystems is furthered by the creation of device profiles. A PROFINET profile for the rail communications network standardized and widespread in rail vehicles is being specified based on Wired Train Bus (WTB) and UIC specifications. Later steps will result in profiles for a variety of subsystems in rail automation.
The following fieldbusses will be integrated in the first phase: PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS PA AS-i INTERBUS
Fieldbus solutions can easily and seamlessly be connected into a PROFINET system using proxies. The proxy functions as a representative of the fieldbus device on the Internet. It integrates the nodes connected to the underlying fieldbus system into the overlying PROFINET system. This allows the advantages of fieldbuses like high dynamics, locally exact diagnostics, and automatic system configuration to be used in the PROFINET world without settings in the devices. The transfer of system advantages simplifies planning due to wellunderstood workflows and the commissioning and operation using the complete diagnostic capabilities of the fieldbus system. Device and software tools are also supported in the usual manner and integrated into the management of the PROFINET system.
logical dev 1
Slot 2
Slot n
Figure 10.2: Modular integration: Every INTERBUS device is mapped on a module in an IO device
The cyclic process data of slots from 2 on up are directly assigned to the input and output data of the individual INTERBUS slaves, while the PROFINET IO parameters are used to set node-specific data and for the modeling of device-specific PCP parameters. Diagnostic messages from the INTERBUS system are available as PROFINET IO channel diagnostics. The device model works like an INTERBUS connection assembly which is not connected to the backplane of the control system, but rather is contacted through a PROFINET connection. INTERBUS devices are described using the language FDCML. Since the description options of GSD can also be covered by FDCML, the effort to describe a component is significantly reduced for the device manufacturer, since the description must only be written once, in FDCML. GSD files are then generated at the push of a button from the FDCML editor.
Intelligent DP slave Intelligent DP slave
Figure 10.3: The principle of integration of individual fieldbus devices using a proxy
In PROFIBUS, the proxy is a PROFIBUS master on one side, coordinating the data exchange of the PROFIBUS nodes, and on the other side it is an Ethernet node with PROFINET communications. Proxies can be implemented as e.g. PLCs, PC-based controllers, or as pure gateways. In the component view, intelligent slaves as used as independent PROFINET components. In the PROFINET connection editor, such PROFIBUS components are not distinguishable from the components on the Ethernet. Proxies make the communications between devices on different bus systems transparently possible.
This migration option ensures the user (system operator or builder) protection on the investment in existing systems and wiring. Moreover, existing know-how in the user programs is preserved. This makes the seamless transition to new system segments with PROFINET possible.
(e.g. PLC)
RPC Real-Time channel
Software stacks
For PROFINET IO field device development, pretested software stacks and ASICs are available nowadays which completely or partially contain the functionality of an IO-Device. Using these components, a field device developer is able to develop a certifiable field device. The software stacks are generally independent of operating system and Ethernet controller, and include the mandatory services. Figure 11.1 shows the structure of the software stacks for IO-Devices. Example implementations with easily manageable user interfaces exist. The scope of delivery of the software stack includes the areas shown in blue in Figure 11.1. Adaptation to the operating system used, a TCP/IP or UDP/IP stack, and the changes to the Board Support Package are all done by the field device manufacturer.
Figure 11.1: The PROFINET CBA software is made available by PI for members.
Development packages
For the development of PROFINET IO-Devices, some companies offer development packages which are customized to a particular Ethernet controller. For all other Ethernet controllers, there are software stacks available which have to be correspondingly adapted. The following sections contain three examples for available support from different companies for the development of PROFINET products.
Beyond providing the PROFINET mechanisms, the ERTECs contain all functions on a chip that are needed for high-performance system capacities. Since PROFINET field devices must always be connected to the communications system through a switch, the ERTEC-ASIC offers decisive cost advantages in comparison to other Ethernet controllers, since it already has 4 full-duplex switch ports integrated. A bus connection to external switches is therefore not needed. The ASICs of the ERTEC family support the PROFINET Real-Ttime characteristics Real-Time and Isochronous Real-Time and time stamping according to IEEE 1588 Development kits for developing a IO-Device and worldwide technical support is available for users during implementation. Detailed documentation on the ASICs and development kits are available at
The spectrum of hardware support ranges from ASICs with or without integrated switch ports to piggyback solutions which has only to be adapted to the application. The development basis is an Ethernet ASIC in any case. ASICs are currently available on the market which already n i tegrate the switch functionality in hardware.
Solution by Siemens
The ERTEC400 is a high-performance communications ASIC with integrated 4-port switch, ARM 946 processor and PCI bridge. It is also optimized for both the realization of an IO-Controller and an IO-Device. The ERTEC 200 is optimized for the implementation of IO-Devices. It has a 2 -port switch with PHYs and an ARM 946 processor integrated.
Solution by Hilscher
In order to ensure a high degree of flexibility, Hilscher has defined the netX product family based on a system-on-a-chip design. The netX is based on an ARM 926 EJ-S CPU which runs at 200 MHz. The two 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet interfaces include IEEE 1588 clock synchronization and have both hub and switch functionality built in. The PHYs, with automatic cross-over detection, are part of the netX. The central element in netX is the data switch, which connects the 32-bit ARM CPU and the other bus master to the memory and the internal peripherals. The features of the netX enable the operation of standard operating systems like Windows CE or Linux. There is also a license-free netX-optimized operating system rcX available. netX products support RT, and will soon also support IRT. A particular feature of netX is the support of different Ethernet-based and conventional fieldbuses activated based on corresponding configuration of the communication channels. Detailed information on netX products are available on the Web site.
Solution by Softing
Softing offers implementations of PROFINET IO using hyNet32 processors and other hardware. The hyNet32 processor family is a series of different highly integrated network processors, which use the same 32 RISC/DSP kernels. The individual processors are optimized to different application cases. The spectrum ranges from the hyNet32 LS as a starting point, to the highend processor hyNet32 EXS. The hyNet32 EXS has 4 Ethernet MACs, 2 PHYs, and hub and switch functionality. This lets it implement solutions with the strictest of requirements. Its little brothers have a smaller number of MACs and PHYs. Together with the processors, the operating systems Linux, 4NetOS, and Nucleus can be used with the corresponding tool chains. A power DSP library is also available. HyNet32 processors are suitable either for hardware platforms for PROFINET IO-Devices or for PROFINET IO-Controllers. There are a variety of evaluation boards available with appropriate software and drivers.
The bus monitor available for download at can be used to view all PROFINET and Ethernet frames and display them in a convenient format. Due to its rich variety of trigger options, this tool is a must-have for developers.
As a system operator, you can be sure that the automation facility will exhibit stable behavior for years.
Component Editor
PROFINET components can be constructed using the Component Editor that is available for download at This tool ist of value for all who need to create PROFINET components. It generates automatically all necessary information the PROFINET connection editor requires.
Test passed?
The PI Support Center coordinates all ongoing activities. More than 500 experts are active in the working groups for the development and marketing of the technologies. The subdivision into over 50 WGs allows very efficient development work, concentrating on particular topics and industries. All members have the right to participation in the working groups and can therefore influence further development. All new results are presented to the members for comment before being released by the Advisory Board.
Global technical support through the Competence and Training Center Quality control through device certification.
Membership is organized regionally. It is open to all companies, unions, institutions, and persons wanting to participate constructively in the development and spread of the PROFIBUS and PROFINET technologies. Through the combined efforts of often very different members from different industries, there is a significant synergetic effect and a healthy exchange of information is generated. This leads to innovative solutions, effective use of resources, and finally to competitive advantages on the market.
13.1 Tasks
The significant tasks of PI are: Maintenance and development of the technologies PROFIBUS and PROFINET. Support for the global reach of the technologies. Protection of investment for users and manufacturers through influence on standardization. Representation of the interests
Abbildung 13.1: PI Organization PROFINET Technology and Application, Version April 2006
13.4 Documentation
As support for users and manufacturers, PI provides a wide variety of documentation. This is available in the English language. PROFINET Standard Contains the basic specifications of PROFINET CBA and PROFINET IO, along with a selection from other documentation, like the GSDML device description for PROFINET IO. PROFINET Guidelines Includes specifications for implementation, test processes, and installation. PROFINET Profiles Include the approved profile specifications. There is a distinction drawn here between industryspecific and general application profiles.
Brochures and books Significant topics are presented in brochures from a marketing standpoint. There is a corresponding brochure available for PROFINET. The documents can be downloaded from the Web site . If needed, they can also be ordered electronically or on CD-ROM. A list of documentation available can also be obtained from the Web site.
These local site present current topics/events (news and events, press releases), provide information on the technologies (short technical descriptions, FAQs, WBT), have a series of application reports, and provide a point for members to freely download all technical and marketing documents. For discussion of technical questions, there are two open forums for PROFIBUS and PROFINET. The product catalog for PROFIBUS and PROFINET products give an excellent overview of the performance capabilities of member companies.
Members Assembly
Advisory Board
TC 1
Test and Certification
TC 2
Business Office
Certification Office
Communication Profiles
Process Automation
Factory Automation
TC 4
System Integration
TC 1
14. Glossary
AR Client/Server
Component Generator Connection editor CR CSMA/CD Communication Relation Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
Logical application relation between two participants, that can comprise more than one communication relations. The network node which establishes the connection is called the client. A server is then the node to which the connection is established. Software representation of a technological module with defined functionality. An automation solution consists of several PROFINET components. A PROFINET component contains in general one technological function and the assigned hardware device. Functional extension of a manufacturer-specific configuration tool to generate the XML-based PROFINET Component Description (PCD). Manufacturer-independent engineering tool for the configuration of system-wide applications. The connection editor consolidates the individual distributed applications together graphically throughout the installation. Logical communication relation (channel) between two participants, that is driven by a specific protocol. Process to regulate access of individual nodes to the bus.
FTP Gateway
Defines the assignment of IP parameters using manufacturer-specific configuration/programming tools or in Discovery and Basic Configuration system-wide engineering, e.g. in the PROFINET connection editor. Dynamic Host Configuration De facto standard for the dynamic assignment and Protocol administration of IP addresses in a predefined range Enterprise Resource Planning Protected trademark of Xerox Ethernet is standardized and describes the physical and (since 1975) data link layers of a network. Part of a Ethernet frame showing the protocol type. Ethertypes are granted by IEEE. They are therefore an unanimous differentiating criterion from other protocols. The RT communication within one network is indicated in PROFINET by the Ethertype 0x8892. File Transfer Protocol Protocol for the transfer of files; based on TCP/IP Connection between two networks with different software and hardware A GSD (General Station Description) contains an XMLbased description of the characteristics of I/O devices like General Station Description communications parameters, as well as the number, type, configuration, parameters, and diagnostic information of modules. General Station Description GSDML is the descriptive language for creating a GSD file Markup Language for PROFINET IO-Devices. She is based onXML. Appearance of a system on the operating and observation Human Machine Interface platform Hypertext Markup Language Document description language Hypertext Transfer Protocol Application protocol supported by the World Wide Web. I&M functions are general information providing functions Identification and Maintenance about devises, like manufacturer, veresion, ordering data, Functions e.t.c. A device (typically a controller) that initiates I/O data exchange. Decentrally located field device assigned to an I/O controller. Programming device/PC with commissioning and diagnostic functionality in PROFINET IO. Connectionless protocol for the transfer of data telegrams. Internet Protocol IP is often used in combination with TCP in order to ensure secure transfer of data.
Isochronous Real-Time
MAC Address Media Access Control Address MES Object OLE OPC PCD PROFINET Component Editor Proxy Object Linking and Embedding OLE for Process Control PROFINET Component Description Manufacturing Execution System
Isochronous Real-Time channel for particularly highperformance requirements of, for instance, motion control applications (clock-synchronized applications). When implemented in hardware, clock rates of under 1 ms and a jitter precision of s can be achieved. Also known as Ethernet address; used to identify an Ethernet node. The Ethernet address is 6 bytes long and is assigned by the IEEE. Information container which has a temporally changeable state and for which it is defined how it must react to incoming messages. Mechanism for the generation and editing of documents containing objects created by different applications. Generally accepted interface introduced in 1996 for the exchange of data between Windows-based applications in automation technology. XML-based file containing information about the functions and objects of PROFINET components. Stand-alone tool for the generation of XML-based PROFINET Component Description (PCD) files; available for download from the Web site. A representative object in the object model which stands for a field device or a field device group from the point of view of PROFINET. The proxy is a representative on the Ethernet for one or more PROFIBUS devices. Defined interface which allows programs on remote devices to be invoked. Name of the status of a system "in operation", as opposed to the status of the system "during engineering". A TCP/IP-based communications protocol for maintenance and monitoring of network components. Real-Time channel for the transmission of time-critical process data within the production system in the area of factory automation. May be implemented in software based on existing controllers. Technology for the segmentation of an Ethernet network into different subnets; serves to avoid collisions and better utilize bandwidth. Communication protocol for the transfer of data between local networks. TCP is connection-oriented and is used for communications on the Internet. TCP is usually used in combination with IP (TCP/IP). Transport protocol with broadcast characteristics, suitable for transmission of time-critical I/O data International Railway Union Definition of a structure data description Part of the Ethernet frame used for the prioritized transmission of RT data. It mainly contains the priority information of the frame, and causes the priority-oriented forwarding in switch devices. Definition of a structured data description
Switch technology Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol User Datagram Protocol Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer Extensible Markup Language Virtual Local Network Extensible Markup Language Wire Train Bus
Additional information, along with PROFIBUS and PROFINET documentation, tools, and the PROFINET Runtime Source Software, is available on the Web site.
System Description Version April 2006 Order number 4.132
PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e. V. Haid-und-Neu-Strae 7 76131 Karlsruhe Germany Phone: +49 721 96 58 590 Fax: +49 721 96 58 589 [email protected] PROFIBUS Trade Organization PTO nd 16101 N. 82 Street, Suite 3B AZ 85260 Scottsdale USA Phone: +1 480 483 2456 Fax: +1 480 483 7202 [email protected]
Liability exclusion
PNO / PTO has elaborated the contents of this brochure carefully. Nevertheless, errors can not be excluded. Liability of PNO / PTO is excluded, regardless of its reason. The data in this brochure is checked periodically, however. Necessary corrections will be contained in subsequent versions. We gratefully accept suggestions for improvement. Terms used in this brochure may be trademarks, their use by third parties for any purposes may violate the rights of the owner. This brochure is not a substitute for standards IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 and the PROFIBUS and PROFINET guidelines, profiles as well as the PROFINET Runtime Software. In case of doubt, please refer to these publications which take precedence. Copyright by PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Australia & New Zealand PROFIBUS User Group Mr. John Immelmann PO Box 797 North Ryde Business Centre NSW 1670 North Ryde Phone: +61 2 8877 7007 Fax: +61 2 8877 7099 [email protected] PROFIBUS Belgium Mr. Herman Looghe August Reyerslaan 80 1030 Brussels Phone: +32 2 706 80 00 Fax: +32 2 706 80 09 [email protected] Ass. PROFIBUS Brazil c/o Siemens Ltda IND1 AS Mr. Paulo Camargo R. Cel. Bento Bicudo, 111 05069-900 Sao Paolo, SP Phone: +55 11 3833 4958 Fax: +55 11 3833 4183 [email protected] Chinese PROFIBUS User Organisation c/o China Ass. for Mechatronics Technology and Applications Mrs. WangJun 1Jiaochangkou Street Deshengmenwai 100011 Beijing Phone: +86 10 62 02 92 18 Fax: +86 10 62 01 78 73 [email protected] PROFIBUS Association Czech Republic Mr. Zdenek Hanzalek Karlovo nam. 13 12135 Prague 2 Phone: +420 2 2435 7610 Fax: +420 2 2435 7610 [email protected] PROFIBUS Denmark Mr. Kim Husmer Jydebjergvej 12A 3230 Graested Phone: +45 40 7896 36 Fax: +45 44 9777 36 [email protected] PROFIBUS Finland c/o AEL Automaatio Mr. Taisto Kaijanen Kaarnatie 4 00410 Helsinki Phone: +35 8 9 5307259 Fax: +35 8 9 5307360 [email protected] France PROFIBUS Mrs. Christiane Bigot 4, rue des Colonels Renard 75017 Paris Phone: +33 1 42 83 79 13 Fax: +33 1 42 83 79 13 [email protected]
PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO) Mr. V. Oestreich, Mr. P. Wenzel Haid-und-Neu-Str. 7 76131 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 96 58 590 Fax: +49 721 96 58 589 [email protected] Irish PROFIBUS User Group University of Limerick Mr. Hassan Kaghazchi Automation Research Centre National Technology Park - Plassey Limerick Phone: +353 61 202 107 Fax: +353 61 202 5 [email protected] PROFIBUS Network Italia Mr. Maurizio Ghizzoni Via Branze, 38 25123 Brescia Phone: +39 030 338 4030 Fax: +39 030 396 999 [email protected] Japanese PROFIBUS Organisation Mr. Shinichi Motoyoshi Takanawa Park Tower 3-20-14 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-8641 Phone: +81 3 5423 8628 Fax: +81 3 5423 8734 [email protected] Korea PROFIBUS Association Mr. Cha Young-Sik #306, Sungduk Building 1606-3, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu Seoul 137-070, Korea Phone: +82 2 523 5143 Fax: +82 2 523 5149 [email protected] PROFIBUS Nederland c/o FHI Mr. Dolf van Eendenburg P.O. Box 2099 3800 CB Amersfoort Phone: +31 33 469 0507 Fax: +31 33 461 6638 [email protected] PROFIBUS User Organisation Norway c/o AD Elektronikk AS Mr. Kai Atle Myrvang Haugenveien 2 1401 Ski Phone: +47 909 88640 Fax: +47 904 05509 [email protected] PROFIBUS Polska Mr. Dariusz Germanek ul. Konarskiego 18 44-100 Gliwice Phone: +48 32 371365 Fax: +48 32 372680 [email protected]
PROFIBUS User Org. Russia c/o Vera + Association Mrs. Olga Sinenko Nikitinskaya str, 3 105037 Moscow, Russia Phone: +7 095 742 68 28 Fax: +7 095 742 68 29 [email protected] PROFIBUS Slovakia Dept. of Autom. KAR FEI STU Mr. Richard Balogh Slovak Technical University Ilkoviova 3 812 19 Bratislava Phone: +421 2 6029 1411 Fax: +421 2 6542 9051 [email protected] PROFIBUS Association South East Asia Mr. Volker Schulz 60 MacPherson Road, 4th Floor Singapore 348615 Phone: +65 6490 6464 Fax: +65 6490 6465 [email protected] PROFIBUS User Organisation Southern Africa Mr. Dieter Dilchert P.O. Box 16887 1612 Dowerglen Phone: +27 11 201 3200 Fax: +27 11 609 5850 [email protected] PROFIBUS i Sverige Mr. Peter Bengtsson Kommandrsgatan 3 28135 Hssleholm Phone: +46 4 51 49 460 Fax: +46 4 51 89 833 [email protected] PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation Schweiz Mrs. Karin Beyeler Kreuzfeldweg 9 4562 Biberist Phone: +41 32 672 03 25 Fax: +41 32 672 03 26 [email protected] The PROFIBUS Group Mr. Bob Squirrell The New House 1 Grove Road Epsom, Surrey, KT17 4DE Phone: +44 20 7871 7413 Fax: +44 870 141 7378 [email protected] PTO Mr. Michael J. Bryant 16101 N. 82nd Street, Suite 3B Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA Phone: +1 480 483 2456 Fax: +1 480 483 7202 [email protected]
PROFIBUS International Support Center Haid-und-Neu-Strae 7 76131 Karlsruhe Phone: +49 721 96 58 590 Fax: +49 721 96 58 589 [email protected]