Chapter 1 of Internship Report Writing

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1 Introduction The internship report was assigned as a part of the academic requirement in order to complete Bachelor of Business Administration under the department of Business Administration at Northern University Bangladesh. Because of globalization todays world enhances the opportunities of business and investment, for economic empowerment modern world put a great effort favoring from all aspect. As a result, in the modern society commercial banks occupy a position of economic importance. They play a significant role to meet up the needs of the society such as large-scale production, capital formation, industrialization, growth of trade and commerce etc. Pubali Bank Limited is an unconditional and specialized financial institution performs most of the standard banking services and investment activities in Bangladesh with two different banking systems, firstly Conventional Bank as an interest based banking, on the other hand Islamic Banking based on profit sharing or interest free banking. PBL also performs various social welfare activities also. In this report, I undertake microscopic analysis mainly on Different Modes of Investment of Pubali Bank Ltd. at Shewrapara Branch, and sketch picture of the same. 1.2 Origin of the Report As a mandatory requirement of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program under Business Faculty at Northern university Bangladesh this report entitled Different Modes Of Investment of Pubali Bank Limited is a description of the three month long internship program at the Shewrapara Branch of PBL. The primary goal of the internship program is to provide the intern with the job experience with the organization and an opportunity to relate the theoretical conception in the real business environment.

1.3 Background of the Report Faculty of Business, Northern University Bangladesh, has trained BBA graduates for the business communities of Bangladesh. The large scale economic development is depending on the promotion of efficient business people in a country which acts as a strong agent for the purpose. Highly trained BBA personnel must realize of this economic aspiration of the country. Nub, therefore, embarked upon this venture for realization the economic goal of the nation.

As a partial fulfillment of the BBA program, internship is a requirement of BBA students at the end of the completion of all credit courses. Under internship program students are placed in an organization for undergoing an internship for a period of three months in order to make the students familiar with the real world situation and practical experience in a business firm.

1.4 Objective of the Study I tried my level best to know the relationship between theoretical a practical learning as well as the real life situation of Pubali Bank Limited at Shewrapara Branch especially in Different Modes of Investment. The various concepts which has learnt from different courses during BBA program, focusing the various aspects of PBL are shortly focused here The prime objective of the study is to examine the different modes of investment of Pubali Bank Limited at Shewrapara Branch. The Specific Objectives are: Different Modes of Investment of Pubali Bank Limited. Different Investment scheme of Pubali Bank Limited. Different sector wise investment of Pubali Bank Limited. Analysis of Different Modes of Investment. To find out the overall Pictures of Investments of Pubali Bank Limited. To identify the problems related to investments faced by Pubali Bank Limited. To identify Strengths and Weaknesses of Investments of Pubali Bank Limited. To recommend actions that may be necessary to redesign the investments of Pubali Bank Limited.

1.5 Scope of the Report In this report I had focused on all the qualitative aspects which include profile of PBL, general banking like account opening, check book issue, local remittance, clearing activities and investment modes like various Deposit Products, different Loan schemes, Small Business investment scheme, and also Islamic Banking investment scheme like Share Mechanism, Hajj scheme etc.

1.6 Methodology of the Report Both the primary and the secondary data have been used to prepare to report. The details of these sources are highlighted below1.6.1 Primary Sources During the internship program, she worked in different sectors (accounts opening, clearing section, remittance, letter of credit opening, investment- loan department, and marketing division, monitoring and recovering division, documentation). From every sector I gathered different kinds of information relating to that particular section. I always discussed about the different terms with executives to the organization. Sometimes I spoke with the clients of the bank to know the various facts. Above all, I observed and did everything very carefully ad noted down that instantly in note book for this report purpose. 1.6.2 Secondary Sources Sources of secondary data are Annual Report of Pubali Bank Limited. Desk Report of the related Department. Branch Balance Sheet Other Manual documents and information. Investment Statement of Shewrapara Branch. Hand out on training. Other related internship Report

I also had used references from the articles, journals, magazines, paper cutting and had also utilized electronic data sources such as the Internet. 1.7 Data Analysis Techniques To analysis the Annual Report of PBL and Shewrapara Branch data have been used for preparing the following tools and techniques Column chart

Line chart Frequency Distribution Rectangle Chart Pie chart

1.8 Limitations of the Report To prepare this report I faced some unavoidable problems. Due to these problems, in spite I tried my level best to give maximum effort. The limitations are Lack of experience has acted the main constraints in the way of meticulous exploration on the topic. Lack of current information. Shortage of time for preparing the report in order. The study is conducted mostly on secondary data. This report is prepared based only on the Pubali Bank Ltd. Shewrapara Brach. The other branches are not included with any kind of findings and analysis. Sometime the employees did not want to help me out of their official work. I failed collect some internal information due to security and other corporate obligations.

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