Gunnery PDF
Gunnery PDF
Gunnery PDF
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3 Basic Theory....................................................................................................................... 3 Definitions........................................................................................................................... 3 Machine Gun versus Cannon .......................................................................................3 Caliber ............................................................................................................................4 Kill mechanism............................................................................................................... 5 Ball............................................................................................................................... 5 Armor piercing ............................................................................................................ 5 Incendiary.................................................................................................................... 5 High explosive............................................................................................................. 5 Combination.................................................................................................................5 Rate of fire...................................................................................................................... 5 Muzzle velocity............................................................................................................... 8 Time of flight (TOF)...................................................................................................... 8 Dispersion....................................................................................................................... 8 Weight of fire.................................................................................................................. 9 Angle off.......................................................................................................................... 9 Target apparent size.................................................................................................... 10 Line of sight rate (LOS)...............................................................................................11 The Gun Line................................................................................................................11 Gravity Drop................................................................................................................ 11 Harmonization..............................................................................................................11 Projectile Density......................................................................................................... 12 The Lead Angle Problem.................................................................................................. 13 Computing the lead angle............................................................................................14 Computing gravity drop.............................................................................................. 14 Gunsight types...................................................................................................................14 The Fixed Sight............................................................................................................ 15 Basic operating principle........................................................................................... 15 Stadiametric ranging.................................................................................................. 17 Fixed Sight Implementation.......................................................................................22 Putting rounds on target...................................................................................................23 Why do I need to know this?..................................................................................... 28 Tracking Shot............................................................................................................... 30 Snap Shot...................................................................................................................... 31
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Determining Target Plane Of Motion........................................................................ 32 Determining The Open Fire Point..............................................................................32 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................. 32
A2A gunnery is one of the most difficult of all fighter related flying skills, and one thing is for certain. Luck only goes so far! Spray and pray,' as some would have it, has a chance for success, but only a small one. The simple fact is that proficiency in A2A gunnery is founded on a bedrock of academic theory followed by the fine art of practice, practice, and more practice! While some folks have a better eye for this than others, all of us can better our hit percentage if we understand what factors are in play as we close in on our target. So, without further ado, lets get right to those factors
Basic Theory
I know you all want to jump right into the part where we gun the bandits brains out, but, sadly, well have to set that part aside for a time. The simple fact is that the more you understand gun employment theory, the better you are going to be at it. Sounds about right, you say. And it isbut this understanding comes at a price. And that price is your willingness to put a little study time into the various principles involved. My role in all of this is to take this academic mumbo-jumbo and make it as digestible as possibleand make it relevant to our sim at the same time. Well start off with some definitions. Most of these are terms that you may have run across at one time or another. The definitions that Im going to use are intended to get the idea across without getting too deep into rocket science. Gun employment theory can get real complex, real fastI dont want to do that, so Ill keep it as simple as I can.
Machine Gun versus Cannon
As far as fighter aircraft go, these terms are roughly related to the caliber of the gun. Anything up to .50 caliber is a machine gunanything over that is a cannon.
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The caliber of a gun is the size of the round as measured by its diameter. The units may be inches or millimeters. A .50 caliber is about one half inch in diameter. A 20mm is about one inch in diameter. A 37mm round is about one and one half inches in diameter. The following figures show the relative sizes
But diameter is only half the picture. As diameter increases, so does projectile length and, consequently, projectile weight. The next figure makes this clear.
Kill mechanism.
Projectile types include ball, armor piercing, incendiary, high explosive, and combinations of these. Ball A typical rifle round used in WW1 and early WW2. Armor piercing The round has a hardened steel core for penetration of aircraft structures. Incendiary The round contains a chemical that ignites upon impact. Good for setting fuel and hydraulics on fire. High explosive Similar to the incendiary round, except the chemical has more destructive power. Combination The above round types can be combinedHEI (high explosive, incendiary), API (armor piercing, incendiary) for extra hitting power.
Rate of fire
Also known as cyclic rate. This is the number of rounds fired in a given amount of time, usually rounds per minute (rpm).
Table 1 - American Aircraft Guns
Operational Date
Bullet Weight
Weight of Fire
Muzzle Velocity
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(lbs) Machine Guns .30-Cal M2 .50-Cal M2 Cannon 20-mm M2 37-mm M4 20-mm M3 1929 1933 .02 .10 1,200 800 (lbs/min) 25 81 (ft/sec) 2,600 2,810 1.7 6.4
Bullet Weight (lbs) .02 .02 .09 .29 .29 .83 .78
Rate of Fire (rounds/min) 1,100 1,500 840 520 740 420 600
Muzzle Velocity (ft/sec) 2,971 2,396 2,462 2,265 2,577 2,824 1,658
Operational Date
.33 .33
650 758
198 248
2,889 2,758
16.5 18.9
Operational Date
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Muzzle velocity
The speed that the round leaves the barrel. Usually expressed in feet per second (fps) or meters per second (mps). After leaving the barrel, the projectile will decelerate as a function of its unique ballistic characteristics.
A target shooter will fire his rifle a number of times to establish a group. The smaller the group, the more accurate the shooter is. For aircraft, a technician will fire the gun at a target and then count the projectile impacts and measure their pattern from the center aim point. Typically, this calculation will be expressed as a percentage of rounds fired within a certain area, usually a circle with the aim point at its center, and is called the gun dispersion. A typical gun dispersion results in about 80% of the rounds being grouped in a five-foot diameter circle at a range of 1000 feet.
Weight of fire
A concept used to describe hitting power. Literally expressed as x amount of weight in a given period of time. A good example is the Spitfire Mk I with its eight .303 caliber guns. Even though the guns have a small caliber, they have a relatively high rate of fire, and when all eight are fired in unison, the amount of lead being thrown is considerable.
Angle off
This refers to the relative headings of the fighter and its target. Angle off is simply the difference in the direction the two aircraft are pointing. If they are pointing in the same direction, the angle off is zeroif they are approaching head on, then the angle off is 180 degrees. Angle off is a measurement of heading.
Aspect angle
This term is a measurement of position. The heading of the attacker relative to the target is irrelevant. Aspect angle refers to the attacker and is measured using the target as the reference. This measurement originates at the targets six oclock. This is the zero aspect position. The twelve oclock position off the targets nose is the 180-degree aspect position. From the six oclock position to the twelve oclock, aspect angles are referred to as either right or left. This is in reference to what side of the target you as
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the attacker are looking at. If you are looking at the target from its 3 oclock position, you have a 90 Right aspect. And if you are looking at the target from its 7:30 position, you have a 45-Left aspect. Remember, your heading is not included in this term. Aspect angle is only a way of defining your position relative to the target. Note: Aspect and angle off tend to be used in the same manner when we talk about gun attacks. This is a unique situation and occurs because we are usually thinking of the attacker being pointed at the target. When the attacker has his nose on the target, then his angle off and aspect are basically the same. In this discussion, Ill use the term angle off with this in mind.
Air To Air Gunnery - Theory and Application Line of sight rate (LOS)
The LOS is the speed that the target is crossing your gun line. This value is zero in a head on or tail aspect, and is maximum when the target is at 90 degrees angle off.
In our aircraft the gun line can be represented by using the center of the Revi gun sight. This is fixed position, meaning it doesnt move. You can think of it as being similar to the sight on the end of a rifle. It is one way of visualizing where the gun is aimed.
Gravity Drop
Once the round leaves the barrel, it becomes a falling object subject to the laws of gravity. A round will drop approximately 16 feet in its first second of flight.
In discussing harmonization, we will use the concepts of gun line, and gravity drop. Harmonization is the process of lining up the gun lines so that they intersect at some point in front of the aircraft. The TOF for the rounds to cover that distance will be computed and used to calculate a gravity drop value. That value will be added to the gun line. Then the gun(s) will be adjusted so that the resulting projectile path (including gravity drop) will intersect at the same point. In fighters that have guns installed in the wings and nose, harmonization is much more of a factor to be considered. The basic idea is to adjust the guns so that all the gun lines converge at a predetermined distance. Why, you ask? Some might think it would be better to have the guns adjusted to spread out the gun lines...that way the pilot might have a better chance of hitting something. Now, there is a smidgen of logic to that idea, but only a smidgen. The better idea is to have the gun lines come together. That way the pilot has a highly concentrated area of fire that will deliver a killing blow to whatever it 11
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hits. Certainly, that area may be relatively small, but the issue is not the size of the projectile impact area. Instead, the issue is accuracy in aiming. Well get to that eventually. For now, we just want to establish the idea that harmonization is the process of converging gun lines so that they intersect the sight line at a predetermined distance. During WW2, harmonization was a hot topic among pilots. The debate raged back and forth over what range the guns should be harmonized at. Some liked a short rangeshort being in around 300 feet. Others wanted the range a bit further outas much as 1000 feet. In many fighter units, the matter was left up to individual preference.
Figure 7 - Harmonization
Projectile Density
In simple terms, projectile density refers to how many bullets we can expect to have in a given amount of space at a particular point in front of our aircraft. We all immediately recognize that the denser the bullet pattern, the greater chance we have of hitting our target. We have all seen the WW1 movies of the Red Baron blasting away at his opponent. Rattat-tat-tat! One, maybe two small caliber machine guns. A moderate rate of fire for the time. But nothing like the guns in a WWII fighter. Lets try to interject a reality check to the matter of projectile density. What you want to take away from this part of the discussion is the understanding of how angle off and aspect angle affect your chances of hitting your target.
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straight. The situation is similar to a skeet shooting problem. Well use this figure to discuss the problems in computing lead for target motion and gravity drop.
Gunsight types
Before we move on lets take a look at some types of gunsights At this time, I must emphasize one thing to the max!! The air to air gunnery problem is always the same. The only thing that changes is the way we look at it through our HUD. All gun sights try to do one thingshow the pilot where he should aim. While gun sights may look different and may operate with different inputs and assumptions, the bottom line is that they are 14
Basic operating principle This type of sight was used in the same way a shooter aims a rifle. A rifle has two sightsa rear notched sight and a front blade sight. The idea is to aim the rifle with the top of the blade aligned in the notch. This aligns the shooters eye to the barrel gun line. The shooter then takes that sight picture and aims it at the target. The next drawing shows a typical rifle sight-aiming picture.
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The ring and bead sight works the same way. The ring represents the rear rifle sight, and the bead represents the front blade sight. When the pilot aligns the center of the ring with the bead, he is looking down the sight line. Lets recall our discussion of harmonization. The gun line is adjusted to cross the sight line at some predetermined point in front of the aircraft. The operating principle then is simpleline up the target using the ring and bead and shoot, as the following picture demonstrates.
What could be more basic? As long as the pilot was still sitting on the ground and was shooting at something else on the ground, then this gun sight was pretty easy to use!! Put the airplane in the air and shooting at any kind of targetnow that was something else entirely! The ring part of the sight often had one or two circles. The diameter of these circles could be used to estimate target range. This is done by using a technique known as stadiametric ranging. This concept is a central part of many past and current gun sight designs. In the discussions to come, we will look at reticules and the principle in their operation, so a clear understanding of this is a good thing to have! Stadiametric ranging Stadiametric ranging uses the relationship of small angles and the arcs they subtend over a given distance. Whew!! I hope you are still with me!! Here is the basic idea. We all are familiar with how we use clock code to define a position around our aircraft. Each one-hour of the clock represents an angle of 30 degrees. We can use angles to estimate range, as well as position. We begin by focusing on a very small angleone degree. The next figure will show how this small angle can be used to compute range. The point of origin for this angle will be our gun sight, and the lines of the angle will be projected along the sight line. Sometimes a picture is easier to understand.
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Now, we go to the math part. The distance between the two lines of the angle is known as the arc that the angle subtends. Fighter pilot instructors will say it this way; "The angle x subtends an arc of y feet at a distance of z feet." Notice the unit of measurement for distance is feet. The unit of measurement for angles is NOT degrees it is a value known as a mil. There are about 17 mils in one degreeso a mil is just a very small angle. This is the definition of a mil: A mil is an angle that subtends one foot at 1000 feet range. The arc size versus range relationship is linear, therefore, one mil = one foot at 1000 feet, two feet at 2000 feet range, and so on. Similarly, if one mil = one foot at 1000 feet, then 10 mils equals 10 feet at 1000 feet range, 20 feet at 2000 feet range and so on.
Lets show a practical example of this concept. Go out to your car and then pace off exactly 50 feet and mark that spot. Now, get a piece of glass and look through it at your car. Draw a line on the glass equal to how long your car appears. Next, draw a circle on that piece of glass with a diameter equal to that line. You now have a tool to find out how far 50 feet is using your car as a reference. Just walk towards your car looking through the glass. When the car length matches the diameter of the circle, you are at 50 feet!! Now we take this idea and apply it to a gun sight. Lets draw a circle on a piece of glass and say its diameter is a certain number of mils wide. If we were to hold that circle up in front of our eye and look through it, then the circle could be used to show what a certain distance looks like at a given range. For example, if we said that the circle had a diameter of 50 mils, then the circle would span a distance of 50 feet at 1000 feet range. You know where Im going with thisright?!! Now, well think of that circle as our gun sight reticule. We know the mil value of the gun sight reticule50 mils in this example. The two remaining variables are range and arc distance. Lets change the name arc distance to wingspan.. We now have a simple mathematical situation where we can 19
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solve the problem of determining target range. Heres how. Pick a targetsay a Spitfire MK I. Its wingspan is a known valueapproximately 50 feet. Lets put ourselves at the Spits six and compare its wingspan to our 50 mil reticle. Picture in your mind the wingtips just touching the edges of the reticle. The range computation is "The 50 foot wingspan is 50 mils in sizetherefore the range is 1000 feet." Now, lets pull the power back and increase our distance behind the Spit. When we look at the Spit in the reticle now, its wingspan looks to be about one fourth of the reticle diameter, or about 12 mils. What is the new range? Divide the observed wingspan size in mils into the known wingspan size in feetforget about the decimal points!! 12 into 50 equals about 4so the range is about 4000 feet. The next figure explains the process.
Some might ask why am I going through all this hoopla. The answer is simple. Effective use of the gun requires a pilot to estimate range quickly and correctly. Gun sight reticle displays are made to be a certain size to help the pilot accomplish this. OK!! Enough of that stadiametric stuff. Lets get back to our review of fixed sights. 20
The technique in using the telescopic sight was identical to the ring and bead sight. The pilot had to maneuver behind his target. Then looking through the telescope to see the ring image, he would make the final pitch and roll corrections to superimpose the ring over the target (this must have been a lot of fun in a hard maneuvering fightI dont know how those guys did it!!). But technology marches on, and by the time WW2 had begun, the ring and bead sight was being replaced with the reflector sight. The next picture shows a Revi reflector sight.
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The reflector sight was just a high tech ring and bead sight. The reflected image was focused at infinity, and represented the gun line. The main advantage of the reflector sight was that it was always in alignment. This allowed a small freedom of movement of the pilots head, whereas when using the ring and bead sight, the pilot had to hold his head perfectly still when aligning the sight with the target. The reflector sight got its name from the fact that the gun sight image was reflected off a pane of glass towards the pilots eyes. This pane of glass was called the combining glass because it combined a light image formed by a gizmo under the front glare shield. The combining glass looks like a small HUD. The only difference between a combining glass and a HUD is that the HUD contains more info than just a gun sight reticle. That covers the operating principles of the various types of fixed sights. Next, a few words about how the fixed sight was meant to be used. Fixed Sight Implementation From WW1 onwards, everyone agreed that there were two types of air-to-air gunnery attackslow angle off and high angle off. The low angle off attack was by far the easiest for the average pilot to learn. This type of attack had the highest probability of success in that it maximized the desired aspects of fixed sight gunnery. Those desired aspects were minimum required lead angle and maximum exposure of the target to the line of fire. This preference for a low angle off attack had a direct impact on fighter tactics. The concept of Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM) was developed, and the primary purpose of offensive BFM was to maneuver to the targets six oclockor prevent the bandit from getting in your six oclock in the case of defensive BFM. If you have ever wondered why traditional BFM references all seem to be oriented to maneuvering behind the target, this desire for a low angle off gun attack is the reason why. The next point in general agreement was that the fixed sight became increasingly less useful as range increased regardless of the angle off. The solution was to emphasize short firing ranges. The gun sights were designed to allow the pilot to estimate range 22
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of symmetry is a good place to start. The plane of symmetry is the vertical plane extending along the longitudinal axis and perpendicular to the rudder. It looks like this.
A common way of visualizing the plane of symmetry is to use a line coming out of the top of our canopy that is perpendicular to the wings and fuselage. You can also think of the plane of symmetry as your lift line. Some like to use the vertical stabilizer to represent the lift linethats OK as long as the thing is vertical, and not canted off to one side or the other. The significance of this concept to gun employment is that the gun line lies in this plane, and that the bullet stream begins in this plane. Plane of Motion The plane of motion is the direction our aircraft is going. You may ask if the plane of motion and the plane of symmetry are the same. The answer can be yesor no. The issue is gravity. Anytime that gravity is exactly in alignment with the plane of symmetry (wings level, inverted or upright), the two planes are the same. But add a little bank, and gravity now becomes a force that takes the plane of motion away from the plane of symmetry. Why? Because our aircraft is affected by gravity, and the gravity force (or vector) has to be added to our lift line to get our actual plane of motion. It looks like this.
Lets shift our attention to the gun line. As we turn our aircraft, our gun line follows our nose across the sky. If our gun line was a pen, it would draw a line that would represent our actual plane of motion. As seen through the HUD, it would look like this.
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Now lets bring gravity drop back into the discussionthis time well apply it to the bullet stream. Gravity starts acting upon the round as soon as it comes out of the barrel the further the round flies, the further it drops. Looking at Figure 4 again, Ill add a nominal gravity drop value to the end of the bullet stream. By connecting the two lines, we get a simplified representation of the bullet stream.
This is what it would look like from the cockpit. But this is a two dimensional view of the situation. To get a three dimensional view, we need to take a Gods eye view from above. The next figure is a very exaggerated view of the situation. For the sake of illustration, well say our gun fires five rounds as we turn. We open fire at position A and cease fire at position B. The five lines represent the paths of rounds 1 through 5. Please note the lines are straight. Rounds fired in a turn DO NOT curve or bend because we are in a turn. They fly straight and true as this figure shows.
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But gravity does alter their flight path. That is why the HUD view shows a slight drop if we could visually see the bullet stream. And we can. Our sims always show the bullet stream as a tracer pathby firing a long burst in a hard turn, you can easily see the effect of gravity on the bullet stream. Just keep in mind that the HUD view can be misleading since it is a two-dimensional picture. Take Figure 6 and file it away for safekeeping. Youll need it as we get into the next section. As a final comment, please recognize that the spread out nature of the bullet stream is caused by the shooters turn rate, i.e. G load. As turn rate increases, the bullet stream thins out.' Why do I need to know this? First, we talked about the plane of symmetrythen we went on to mention the plane of motionand we finished up with words about the bullet stream. Whats the big deal? Here is the very simple answer. You can fire at a target and know that you have a good probability that many of your rounds will hit the targetor you can fire knowing that only a small number of rounds have a probability of doing so. To get yourself into the first group, you need to maneuver to get your bullet stream plane of motion into the targets plane of motion. We call this a tracking shot. 28
Figure 24 Aligning the Bullet Stream with the Targets Plane of Motion
If you are in the second group, and your bullet stream plane of motion intersects but does not lay in the plane of motion of the target (and sometimes, this is the only shot that you get), then your probability of getting a hit is much less. This is called a snap shot.
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The Big Three The two main components of a successful gun attack are getting in range and flying in the plane of motion of the target. Well keep these in mind as we talk about how to us the sights. The questions you want answers to are: How do I know when I am in range? How do I know when I am in plane? When do I open fire?
Tracking Shot
Determining Target Range Weve hit the concept of stadiametric ranging pretty hard so far. This will be your method of determining range, but there is one little problem. We do not know what our reticle or ring diameter is in mils, and if we do not know this, then computing target range is going to be inexact at best. As a substitute, try this. For a fighter sized target, do not open fire until the targets wingspan at least the size of the reticle diameter. There are two main problems to solve in this type of gun attackgetting into the targets plane of motion and predicting the correct lead angle (the open fire point).
Snap Shot
A snap shot is when the shooter fires without attempting to track the target. It is similar to skeet shooting in that the shooter fires a burst across the targets flight path. This
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results in fewer rounds having a chance to hit the target. Because of this, the snap shot has a lower probability of getting a kill than does a tracking shot. But a snap shot is better than no shot at alland in an intense, swirling knife fight, it may be the only shot you get. Determining Target Range The dynamic nature of the snap shot situation means that the target will not be in the HUD area prior to your pulling the trigger. Consequently, you will not be able to use the reticle to range with. Instead, you will have to estimate target relative size, always keeping in mind that the objective is to take a close range shot. Determining Target Plane Of Motion There is absolutely no requirement for you to be wings level relative to the targets flight path. Determining The Open Fire Point While no two situations are the same, practice and experimentation will lead you to good results.
This has been long and involved, but I hope you understand gunsights better now than you did before. Nothing has changed since the Red Baron took to the air. Get in close, steady your aim, and fire a good burst.