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Jovita Bustamante V Villarin

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4256February 13, 2004 Facts: Complainant alleged that respondent, Atty. Warfredo TomasAlejandro, is her husband; that they were married on March 3,1971 at Alicia, Isabela, as evidenced by their Marriage Contract that she bore him three (3) sons, namely, Dino, Eric, and Carlo,born in 1971, 1973, and 1978, respectively, as evidenced by their respective Certificates of Live Birth; 2 that respondent abandonedher and their children in 1990 to live with his mistress, respondentAtty. Ma. Cristina Arrieta Villarin, 3 at 27-C Masbate St., QuezonCity; that respondents have since then been publicly representingthemselves as husband and wife; that respondent Atty. Villaringave birth to Paolo Villarin Alejandro on January 17, 1992 as aresult of her immoral and scandalous relationship withcomplainants husband whom she named as the father of her sonin the latters Certificate of Live Birth; 4 and, that in said Certificateof Live Birth, respondent Atty. Villarin identified herself as "Ma.Cristina V. Alejandro" having been married to Atty. Alejandro onMay 1, 1990 at Isabela Province. Complainant alleged that shefiled this administrative complaint when she learned that her husband has been nominated as a regional trial court judge. Sheinsists that he is not fit to be a judge considering that he, and co-respondent Atty. Villarin, do not even possess the basic integrity toremain as members of the Philippine Bar

Issue: Whether or not respondent Warfredo Alejandro is guilty of grosslyimmoral conduct. Held: The Code of Professional Responsibility provides that a lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitfulconduct. Good moral character is required of lawyers not only as acondition precedent for their admission to the Bar but, likewise, for their continued membership therein. No distinction has been madeas to whether the misconduct was committed in the lawyersprofessional capacity or in his private life. This is because a lawyer may not divide his personality so as to be an attorney at one timeand a mere citizen at another. He is expected to be competent,honorable and reliable at all times since he who cannot apply andabide by the laws in his private affairs, can hardly be expected todo so in his professional dealings nor lead others in doing so.Professional honesty and honor are not to be expected as theaccompaniment of dishonesty and dishonor in other relations. Theadministration of justice, in which the lawyer plays an importantrole being an officer of the court, demands a high degree of intellectual and moral competency on his part so that the courtsand clients may rightly repose confidence in him In the instant case, sufficient evidence was presented to show thatrespondent Atty. Alejandro, while being lawfully married tocomplainant, carried on an illicit relationship with another woman,co-respondent Atty. Villarin. Although the evidence presented wasnot sufficient to prove that he contracted a subsequent bigamousmarriage with her, the fact remains that respondent Atty. Alejandroexhibited by his conduct a deplorable lack of that degree of morality required of him as a member of the Bar. The court heldthat disbarment proceeding is warranted against a lawyer whoabandons his lawful wife and maintains an illicit relationship withanother woman who had borne him a child. The court can do noless in the instant case where respondent Atty. Alejandro madehimself unavailable to the Court and even fled to another countryto escape the consequences of his misconduct

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