Chapter 8: Fluid Basic Electrical and Logic Control System
Chapter 8: Fluid Basic Electrical and Logic Control System
Chapter 8: Fluid Basic Electrical and Logic Control System
control system 8.1. Fluid Basic electrical control system 8.1.1. Introduction Electrical devices have proven to be an important means of improving the overall control flexibility of fluid power systems. In recent years, the trend has been toward electrical control of fluid power systems and away from manual control. One of the reasons for this trend is that more machines are designed for autommatic operation to be controlled with electrical signals from components.
Basic Electrical device There are seven basic electrical devices commonly used in the control of the fluid power systems: manually actuated push-button switches, limit switches, pressure switches, solenoids, relays, timers and temperature switches. Switches can be wired either normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC). A normally open switch is one in which no electric can flow through the switching element unit the switch is actuated. In a normally closed switch, electric current can flow through the switching element until the switch is actuated. These seven electrical devices are briefly described as follows:
1. Push-puton switches By the use of a simple push-button switch, an operator can cause sophisticated equipement to begin performing complex operations. Theses push-button switches are used mainly for starting and stoping the operation of machinery as well as providing for manual overide whenan emergency arises.
2 Limit switches Limit switches open and close when they are actuated either the end of the retraction or extension strokes of the hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders. Figure 6.1 shows a hydraulic cylinder that incorporates its own limit switches (one at each end of the cylinder). Either switch can be wired normally open or normally close. The limit switch on the cap end of the cylinder is actuated by an internal cam when the rod is fully retracted. The cam contacts the limit switch about 3/16 in from the end of the stroke. At the end of the cylinder stroke, the cam has moved the
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 plunger and stem of the limit switch about 1/16 in for complete actuation. The limit switch on the head of end of the cylinder is similarly actuated. Since these limit switches are built into the cylinder end plates, they are not susceptible to accidental movement, which can cause them to malfunction.
3. Pressure switches Pressure switches open or close their contact on system pressure. They generally have a highpressure setting and a low-pressure setting. For example, it may be necessary to start or stop a pump to maintain a given pressure. The low-pressure setting would start the pump and the highpressure setting would stop it. Figure 6.2 shows a pressure switch that can be wired either normal open (NO) or normally closed (NC), as marked on the screw terminals.
Pressure-switches have three electrical terminals: C (common), NC (normally closed) and NO (normally open). When wiring in a switch, only the two terminals are used. The common terminal is always used, plus either the NC or NO terminal depending on whether the switch is to operate as normally or normally closed switch. In figure 6.2, observe the front scale that is used for visula check of the pressure setting, which is made by the self-locking, adjusting screw located behind the scale. Figure 6.2 also gives the graphic symbol used to represent at pressure switch in hydraulic circuits as well as the graphic symbol used in electrical circuits.
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4. solenoids Solenoids are electromagnets that provide a push or pull force to operate fluid power valves remotely. When solenoid (an electric coil wrapped around an armature) is energized, the magnetic force created causes the armature to shift the spool of the valve containing the solenoid
5. Relays Relays are switches whose contacts open or close when their corresponding coils are energized. These relays are commonly used for the energizing and de-energgizing of solenoids because they operate at a high current level. In this way a manually actauted switch can be operated at low voltage levels to protect the operator. This low-voltage circuit can be used to energize relay coils that control high-voltage contacts used to open and close circuits containing the solenoids. The use of relays also provides interlock capabilty, which prevents the accidental energizing of the two seloniods at the opposite ends of the a valve ends of a valve spool. This safety feature can, therefore, prevent the burnout of one or both of these solenoids.
6. Timers. Time delay devices are used to control the time duration of a working cycle. In this way a dwell can be provided where needed. For example, a dwell can be applied to a drilling machine operation, which allows the drill to pause for a predetermined time at the end of the
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 stroke to clean out hole. Most timers can be adjusted to give a specified dwell to accommodate changes in feed rates other system variables.
7. Temperature switches. Figure 8.3 shows a temperature switch, which is an instrument that automatically senses a change in temperature and opens or closes an electrical switch when a predetermined temperature is reached. This switch can be wired either normally open or normally closed. Note that at its upper end there is an adjustment screw to change the actuation point. The capillary tube (which comes in standard lengths of 6 or 12 ft) and bulb permit remote temperature sensing. Thus, the actual temperature switch can be located at a substantial distance from the oil whose temperature is to be sensed.
Figure 8.3. Remotely located temperature switch (Courtesy of DeLaval Turbine Inc., Barksdale Control Division, Los Angeles, California)
Temperature switches can be used to protect a fluid power system from serious damage when a component such as a pump or strainer or cooler begins to malfunction. The resulting excessive buildup in oil temperature is sensed by the temperature switch, which shuts off the entire system. This permits troubleshooting of the system to repair or replace of faulty component.
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 Circuit diagrams When drawing electrohydraulic or electropneumatic circuits, a separate circuit is drawn for the fluid system and a separate circuit is drawn for the electrical system. Each component is labeled to show exactly how the two systems interface. Electrical circuits use ladder diagrams with the power connected to the left leg and the ground connected to the right leg. It is important to know the symbols used to represent the varoius electrical components. The operation of the total system can be ascertained by examination of the fluid power cicruit and electrical diagram, as they show the interaction of all components.
8.1.2. Electrical components There are five types of electric switches used in electrically controlled fluid power circuits: pushbutton, limit, pressure, temperature and relay switches.
1. Push-button switches Figure 8.4 shows four common types of push-button switches. Figure 8.4 (a) and (b) show the single-pole, single throw type. These single-circuit switches can be wired either normally open or closed. Figure 8.4 (c) Depicts the double-pole, single-throw type. This double-contact type has one normally open and one normally closed pair of contacts. Depressing the push-button opens the normally closed pair and closes the normally open pair of contacts. Figure 8.4(d) illustrates the double-pole double-through arrangement. This switch has two pairs of normally open and pairs of normally closed contacts to allow the inverting of two circuits with one input.
Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 2. Limit switches In figure 8.5 we see the various types of limit switches. Basically, limit switches perform the same functions as push-button switches. The difference is that they are mechanically actuated rather than manually actuated. Figure 8.5 (a) shows a normally open limit switch, is abbreviated LS-NO. Figure 8.5(b) shows a normally open limit switch that is held closed. Figure 8.5(c) it the normally closed type. Figure 8.5 (d) Depict a normally closed type that is held open.
3. Pressure switches The symbols used for pressure switches are given in figure 8.6. From figure 8.6 (a) gives the normally open type whereas figure 8.6 (b) depicts the normally closed symbol.
4.Temperature switches This type of switch is depicted in figure below. In figure 8.7 (a) gives for normally open type, whereas figure 8.7 (b) provides the normally closed symbol.
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5. Electrical relays A relay is an electrically actuated switch. As shown schematically in figure 8.8 (a) when switch 1-Swis closed, the coil (electromagnet) is energized. This pulls on spring-loaded relay arm to open the upper set of normally closed contacts and close lower set of normally open contacts. Figure 8.8 (b) shows the symbol for the relay coil and the symbols for the normally open and closed contacts.
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 6. Timer Timers are used in electrical control circuits when a time delay from the instant of actuation to the closing of contacts is required. Figure below gives the symbol used for timers. In figure 8.9(a) shows the symbol for the normally open switch that is closed when energized. This type is one that is normally open but that when energized closes after a predetermined time interval. Figure 8.9 (b) gives normally closed switch that is timed when de-energized. Figure 8.9 (c) depicts the normally open type that is timed when de-energized. Thus, it is normally open, and when the signal to close is removed (de-energized), it opens after a predetermined time interval. Fgure 8.9 (d) gives the symbol for normally closed type that is time closed when de-energized.
7. Solenoid The symbol used to represent a solenoid, (a) which is used to actuate valves, is shown in figure 8.10 (a). Figure 8.10 (b) gives the symbol used to represent indicator lamps. An indicator lamp is often used show the state of a specific circuit component. For example, indicator lamps are used to determine which solenoid operator of a directional control valve energized. They are also used to indicate whether hydraulic cylinder is extending or retracting. An indicator lamp wired across each valve solenoid provides the troubleshooter with a quick means of pin-pointing trouble in case of an electrical malfunction. If they are mounted on an operators display panel, they should be mounted in the same order as they are actuated. Since indicator lamps are not a functional
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 part of the electrical system, their inclusion in the ladder diagram is left to discretion of the designer.
Figure 8.10. Solenoid and indicator lamp symbols 8.1.3. Control and reciprocation of cylinder using limit switches Figure 8.11 show a system that uses a single hydraulic solenoid valve and a single limit switch valve to control a double-acting hydraulic cylinder. In figure 8.11 (a) gives the hydraulic circuit in which the limit switch is labeled 1-LS and solenoid is labeled SOL A. this method of labeling is required since many systems require more than one limit switch or s0lenoid. Figure 8.11 (b) we see the electrical diagram that shows the use of one relay with a coil designated as 1-CR and two separate, normally open sets of contacts labeled 1-CR (NO).
Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 The limit switch is labeled 1-LS (NC) and also include one closed and one normally open pushbutton switch labeled STOP and START, respectively. This electrical diagram is called a ladder diagram because of its resemblance to a ladder. The two electrical power supply lines are legs and the horizontal lines containing electrical components called rungs.
When the STARTbutton is pressed momentarily, the cylinder extends because coil 1-CR is energize, which closes both sets of contacts of 1-CR. Thus, the upper 1-CR set of contacts serves to keep coil 1-CR energized even though the STAR is released. The lower set of contacts closes to energize solenoid A to extend the cylinder. When 1-LS is actuated by the piston rod cam, it opens to denergize coil 1-CR. This reopens the contacts of 1-CR to de-energize solenoid A. Thus, the valve returns to its spring-offset mode and the cylinder retracts. This closes the contacts of 1-LS, but coil 1-CR is not energized because the contacts of 1-CR and the START button have returned to their normally open position. The cylinder stops at the end of the retraction straoke, but the cyle is repaeted each time the START button is momentarily pressed. The STOP button is actually a panic button. When it is momentarily pressed, it will immediately stop the extension stroke and fully retract the cylinder.
Reciprocation of a cylinder using pressure or limit switches In figure 8.12 we see how the pressure switches can be substituted for limit switches to control the operation of double-acting hydraulic cylinder. Each of the two pressure switches has a set normally open contacts. When 1-SW is closed, the cylinder reciprocate continuously until 1-SW is opened. The sequence of operation is as follows: assuming solenoid A was last energized: the pump is turned on and oil flows through the valve and into the blank of the cylinder. When the cylinder has fully extended, the pressure builds up to actuate pressure 1-PS. This energizes SOL B to switch the valve. Oil then flows to the rod end of the cylinder. On full retraction, the pressure builds up to actuate 2-PS. In the meantime, 1-PS has been deactivated to de-energize SOL B. the closing of contacts of 2-PS energizes SOL A to begin once again the extending of the cylinder.
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Figure 8.12. Reciprocation of cylinder usig pressure switches Figure 8.13 gives the exact same control capability except each pressure switch is replaced by a normally open limit switch as illustrated. Observe that switches are always shown in their unactuated mode in the in the electrical circuits.
Figure 8.13. Reciprocation of cylinder using limit switches 8.1.4. Dual-cylinder sequence circuits Figure 8.14 shows that provides a cycle sequence of two pneumatic cylinders. When the start button is momentarily pressed, SOL A is momentarily energized to shift valve V1, which extends cylinder 1. When 1-LS is actuated, SOL C is energized, which shifts valve V2 into its
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 left flow path mode. This extends cylinder until it actuates 2-LS. As cylinder 1 begins to retract, deactivates, 1-LS, which deenergize SOL C. This puts valve V2 into spring offset mode, and cylinders 1 and 2 retract together. The complete cycle sequence established by the momentary pressing of the start button is as follows: 1. Cylinder 1 extends 2. Cylinder extends 3. Both cylinders extend 4. Cycle ended.
A second dual-cylinder sequencing circuit is depicted in figure 8.15. The operation is as follows: when START button is depressed momentarily, SOL A is energized to allow flow through valve V1 to extend cylinder 1. actuation of 1-LS de-energizes SOL A and energizes SOL B. Note that limit switch 1-LS is a double-pole, single-throw type. Its actuation opens the holding circuit for relay 1-CR and simultaneously closes the holding circuit for relay 2-CR. This returns valve V1 to its spring-offset mode and switches valve V2 into its solenoid-actuated mode. As a result, cylinder 1 retracts while cylinder 2 extends. When 2-LS is actuated, SOL B is de-energized to return valve V2 back to spring offset mode to retract cylinder 2. The STOP button is used to retract both cylinders instantly. The complete cycle initiated by the START button is as follows: 1. Cylinder 1 extends
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 2. Cylinder 2 extends while cylinder 1 retracts 3. Cylinder 2 retracts 4. Cycle is ended.
8.1.5. Box-sorting system An electromagnetic system for sorting two different-sized boxes moving on a conveyor is presented in figure 8.16. Low boxes are allowed to continue on the same conveyor, but high boxes are pushed on to a second conveyor by pneumatic cylinder. The operation is as follows: When start button is momentarily depressed, coil 2-CR is energized to close two normally open sets of contacts. This turns on the compressor and conveyor motors. When a high box actuates 1LS, coil 1-CR is energized. This closes the 1-CR (NO) contacts and open the 1-CR (NC) contacts. Thus the conveyor motor stops and SOL A is energized. Air then flows through the
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 solenoid actuated valve to extend the sorting cylinder to the right to begin pushing the high box on to the second conveyor.
As 1-LS becomes deactivated, it does not de-energize coil 1-CR because contact set 1-CR (NO) is in its closed position. After the high box has been completely positioned onto the second conveyor, 2-LS is actuated. This de-energizes coil 1-CR and SOL A. The valve returns to its
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 spring-offset mode, which retracts the cylinder to the left. It also returns contact set 1-CR (NC) to its normally closed position to turn the conveyor motor back on to continue the flow of boxes. When the next box actuates 1-LS the cycle is repeated. Depressing the STOP button momentarily turns off the compressor and conveyor motors because this causes coil 2-CR to become de-energized. The production line can put back into operation by the use of the START button.
Electrical control of regenerative circuit Figure 8.17 shows a circuit that provides for the electrical control of a regenerative cylinder. The operation is as follows: Switch 1-SW is manually placed into extend position. This energizes SOL A, which cause cylinder to extend. Oil from the rod end passes through the check valve V3 to join the incoming oil from the pump to provide a rapid cylinder extension. When the cylinder starts to pick up its intended load, oil pressure builds up to actuate pressure switch normally open pressure switch 1-PS. As the result, coil 1-CR and SOL C become energized. This vents rod oil directly back to the oil tank through V2.
Thus, the cylinder extends slowly as it drives its load. Relay contacts 1-CR hold SOL C energized during the slow extension movement of the cylinder to prevent any fluttering of the pressure switch. This would occur because fluid pressure drops at the blank end of the cylinder when the regeneration cycle is ended. This cause the pressure switch to oscillate as it energizes and de-energizes SOL C. In this design, the pressure switch is bypassed during the cylinders slow-speed extension cycle.
When switch 1-SW is placed into the retract position, SOL B becomes energized while the relay coil and SOL C become de-energized. Therefore, the cylinder retracts in a normal fashion to its fully retracted position. When the operator puts switch 1-SW into the unload position, all the solenoids and the relay coil are de-energized. This puts valve V1 in its spring-centered position to unload the pump.
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8.1.6. Counting, timing and reciprocation of hydraulic cylinder Figure 8.18 shows an electrohydraulic system that possesses the following operation features: 1. Momentary push-button starts a cycle in which hydraulic is continuously reciprocated 2. A second momentary push-button stops the cylinder motion immediately, regardless of the direction of motion. It also unloads the pump.
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 3. if the START button is depressed after the operation has been terminated by the STOP button, the cylinder will continue to move in the same direction.
4. An electrical counter is used to count the number of cylinder strokes delivered from time the START button is depressed until the operation is halted via the STOP button. The counter registers an integer increase in value each time an electrical pulse is received and removed.
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 5. An electrical timer is included in the system to time how long the system has been operating since the START button was depressed. The timer runs as long as voltage exists across its terminals. The timer runs only while the cylinder is reciprocating. 6. Two lamps (L1 and L2) are wired into the electric circuit to indicate whether the cylinder is extending or retracting. When L1 is ON, the cylinder is extending and when L2 is ON, the cylinder is retracting. 7. The cylinder speed is controlled by the pressure and temperature compensated flow control valve.
Note that the resistive components (lamps, solenoids, coils, timer and counter) are connected in parallel in the same branch to allow the full-line voltage to be impressed across each resistive component. It should be noted that switches (including relay contacts) are essentially zeroresistance components. Therefore, a line that contains only switches will result in a short and that should be avoided.
8.2. Fluid logic control systems 8.2.1. Introduction Fluid logic control systems use logic devices that switch a fluid, usually air, from one outlet of the device to another outlet. Hence, an output of a fluid logic device is either ON or OFF as it is rapidily switched from one state to the other by the appication of a control signal. Fluid logic control system have several advantages over electrical logic control systems. For example, fluid logic devices are not as adversely affected by temperature sxtremes, vibration and mechanical shock. In addition fluid logic systems are ideally suited for applications where electric arcing or sparks can cause a fire or an explosion. Also fluid logic devices do not generate electric noise and therefore will not interfere with near by electric equipement. Devices that use a fluid for control logic purposes are broadly classified as either moving-part logic (MPL) devices or fluidic devices.
Moving-part logic devices are miniature valve-type devices, which-by the action of internal moving parts-perform switching operations in fluid logic control circuits. MPL devices are typically avialable as spool, poppet and diaphragm valves, which can be actuated by means of
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 mechnaical displacement, electric voltage or fluid pressure. Moving-part logic circuits provide a variety of logic control functions for controlling the operation of fluid power systems.
Figure 8.19 shows an MPL pneumatic control package with a push-button for ON/OFF operation. The suphate and the four valves mounted on it form a single push-button input providing a binary four-way output that is pressure and speed regulated by restrictions on the exhaust ports. It is an ideal control for air collet vises, air clamps, assembly devices, indexing positioners and other air powered tools and devices.
Figure 8.19. MPL pneumatic control package. (Courtsey of Clippard Instrument Laboratory Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio.)
Fluidic devices use a completely different technique for providing control logic capability as compared to MPL devices. Fluidics is the technology that uses fluid flow phenomena in components and circuits to perform a variety of control functions such as sensing, logic, memory and timing. The concepts of fluidics are basically simple. They involve the effect of one fluid stream meeting another to change it direction of flow and the effect of a fluid stream sticking to a wall.
Since fluidic components have no moving parts, they virtually do not wear out. However, component malfunction can occur due to clogging of critical flow passageways if contaminants
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 in the air supply are not eliminated by proper filteration. Boolean algebra is a two-valued algebra (0 or 1) that be used to assist in the development of logic circuits for controlling fluid power systems. Boolean algebra serves two useful functions relative to controlling fluid power systems: 1. It provides a means by which a logic circuit can be reduced to its simplest form so that its operation can be readily understood. 2. It allows for a quick synthesis of a control circuit that is to perform desired logic operations. These two useful functions can be accomplished for both MPL control system and electrical control systems.
8.2.2. Moving-part logic (MPL) control systems Moving-part logic (MPL) control systems use miniature valve-type devices, each small enough to fit in persons hand. Thus, an entire MPL control system can be placed in a relatively small space due to miniaturization of the logic components. Figure 8.20 shows a miniature three-way limit valve along with its outline dimensions of 1 3/16 in long by in by in. This valve, which is designed to give dependable performance in a small, rugged package has a stainless steel etem extending 1/8 in from the top. The valve design is a poppet type with fast openning and high flow 7.0 CFM at 100 psi air (working range is 0 to 150 psi). mounted on a machine or fixture, the valve is actuated by any moving part that contacts and depresses the stem.
Figure 8.20. Miniature three-way limit valve. (Courtsey of Clippard Instrument Laboratory Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio.)
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 Figure 8.21 (a) shows an MPL circuit manifold, which is a self-contained modular sulphate with all interconnections needed to provide a two-hand-no-tie-downpneumatic circuit. The manifold is designed to be used with three modular plug-in control valves and to eliminate the piping time and materials normally associated with circuitry. The main functon of this control system is to require a mchine operator to use both hands to actuate the machinery, thus ensuring that the operators hand are not in a position to be injured by the machine as it is actuated. When used with two gaurded palm button valves [see figure 8.21 (b)], which have been properly positioned and mounted, the control system provides an output actuate machinery when inputs indicate the operators hads are safe.
Moving-part logic circuits use four major logic control functions: AND, OR, NOT and MEMORY.
Figure 8.21. MPL circuit manifold for two-hand, no-tie-down control. (Courtsey of Clippard Instrument Laboratory Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio.)
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 And function Figure 8.22(a) shows a circuit that provides the AND function, which requires that two or more control signals must exist in order to obtain an output. The circuit consist of three two-way, twoposition, pilot-actuated, spring-offset valve connected in series. If control signals exist at all three valves (A, B and C), then output D will exist. If any one of the pilot signals is removed, output D will disappear. A second method of implementing an AND function , shown in figure 8.22 (b), uses a single directional control valve and two shuttle valves. Pilot lines A, B and C must be vented to shut off the output from S to P.
Figure 8.22. AND function. (a) Multiple directional control valves, (b) single directional control valves
OR function An OR circuit is one in which a control signal at any one valve will produce an output. Thus, all control signals must be off in order for the output not to exist. This is accomplished in figure 8.23 (a), in which the three valves are now hooked in parallel. If any one of the valves picks up an air pilot signal, it will produce an output at D. Figure 8.23(b) shows how an OR function can
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 be implementd using one-directional valve and two shuttle valve. In this case, a signal applied at A, B or C, will produce an output from S to P.
Figure 8.23. OR function (a) Multiple directional control valves, (b) single directional control valve.
NOT Function In a function, the output is ON only when the single input control signal A is OFF and vice versa. This is illustrated in fiigure 8.24 (a), which shows that the output will not exist if the control signal A is received. A second way to implement a NOT function is to use a three-way valve, as shown in figure 8.24(b).
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MEMORY Function MEMORY is the ability of a control system to retain information as to where a signal it has received originated. Figure 8.25(a) shows MEMORY circuit, which operates as follows: if the control signal A is momentarily applied, output C will come on. Conversely, if control signal B is momentarily applied, the output will exist at D. Thus, an output at C means the signal was applied at A, and an output at D means was applied at B. The MEMORY circuit does not function if control signals A and B are applied simultaneousl because both ends of the output pilot valve would be pilot at the same time.
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Figure 8.25. MEMORY function. (a) Three-directional control valves, (b) two-directional control valves
8.2.3. MPL control of fluid power circuits Sequence control of two double-acting cylinders In this section we show the use of MPL control in fluid power circuits. Figure 8.26 shows an MPL circuit, which controls the extension and retraction strokes of two double-acting cylinders. The operation is as follows, assuming that both cylinders are initially fully retracted: When the START valve V1 is momentarily depressed, pilot valve V2 shifts to extend cylinder 1. At full extension, limit valve V4 is actuated to shift valve V5 and extend cylinder 2. On full extension, limit valve V6 is actuated. This shifts valve V2 to retract cylinder 1. On full retraction, limit valve V3 is actuated. This shifts valve V5 to full retract cylinder 2. Thus, the cylinder sequence is as follows: cylinder 1 extends, cylinder 2 extends, cylinder 1 retracts and finally cylinder 2 retracts. The cycle can be repeated by subsequence momentorily actuation of the START push-button
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 valve. The sequence can be made continuous by removing the START valve and adding a limit switch to be actuated at the retraction end of cylinder 2. Upon actuation, this limit switch would pilot-actuate V2 to initiate the next cycle.
Control of cylinder with interlocks Figure 8.27 shows an MPL circuit that controls the extension of a double acting cylinder by having the following features: 1. The system provides interlocks and alterantive control positions. 2. In order to extend the cylinder, cylinder one of the two manual valves (A or B) must be actuated and valve C (controlled by protective device such as a guard on a press) must also be actuated. 3. The output signal is memorized while the cylinder is extending 4. At the end of the stroke, the signal in the MEMORY is actuated.
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The circuit operation is described as folllows: 1. The input signals A and B are fed into an OR gate so that either A or B can be used to extend the cylinder. The OR gate consists of one shuttle valve and two three-way, buttonactuated directional control control valves. 2. The output from the OR gate (C or D) is fed into and AND gate along with the mechanical control signal F (guard of press actautes valve). A single three-way directional control valve represents the AND gate in this system. 3. The output from the AND gate is fed into the MEMORY device, which remembers to keep pressure on the blank end of the cylinder during extension. 4. At the end of the stroke, the inhibt (cancel) limit valve is actuated to cancel the signal in the MEMORY. This stops the extension motion and retracts the cylinder.
It is interesting to note that a single directional control valve (four-way, double-piloted) can function as MEMORY device. Also note that for the limit valve to provide the inhibit (cancel) function, the operator must release the manual input A and B.
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 8.2.4. Introduction to Boolean Algebra The foundations of formal logic were developed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle during the century B.C. The basic premise of Aristotles logic is a statement is either true or false; it cannot be both and it cannot neither. Many philosophers have tried without success to create a suitable mathematical model of the preceding sentence based on the logical reasoning process of Aristotle. This was finally accomplished in 1854 when George Boole, an English mathematician, developed a two-valued algebra that could be used in the representation of true-false propositions.
In developing this logical algebra (called Boolean algebra), Boole let a variable such as A represent whether a statement was true or false. An example of such a statement is the valve is closed. The variable A would have a value of either zero (0) or one (1). If the statement is true, the value of A would equal to one (A =1). Conversely, if the statement is false, then the value of A would equal zero (A = 0).
Boolean algebra serves two useful functions relative to controlling fluid systems: 1. It provides a means by which a logic circuit can be reduced to its simplest form so that its operation can more readily be understood. 2. It allows for the quick synthesis of a control circuit that is to perform desired logic operations
In Boolean algebra, all variables have only two possible states (0 or 1). Multiplication and addition of variables are permitted. The following shows how Boolean algebra can be used to represent the basic logic functions (OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, EXCLUSIVE-OR, and MEMORY). The components that perform these functions are called gates.
OR function An OR function can be represented in the fluid systems by the case where an outlet pipe receives flow from two lines containing MPL valves controlled by input signals A and B as shown in figure 8.28 (a). Thus, fluid will flow in the outlet pipe (output exists) if input signal A is ON, OR
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 input signal B is ON, OR both input signal are ON. Representing the flow in the outlet pipe by Z, we have
Z = A+ B
Where the plus sign (+) is used to represent the OR function. In this case we are dealing only two possible output conditions (either fluid is flowing or it is not).
Figure 8.28. The OR functions. (a) MPL components, (b) truth table, (c) symbol
We give the logical value one (1) to the state when output fluid flows and zero (0) when it does not. Thus, Z = 1 when output fluid flows and Z = 0 when it does not. Also A = 1 when signal A is ON and A = 0 when A is OFF. The same is true for signal B. Applying all the possible states of values for input signals A and B to logical equation (8.1) we obtain:
A OFF , B ON ; A ON , B OFF ; A ON , B ON ; For these two
Z =0+0=0
Z = 0 +1=1 Z =1+ 0 =1
Z = A + B.
X inputs
it is 8.2
Z = A + B +. . +W + X
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 Since each input variable has two possible states (ON and OFF), for n n input variables there are 2n possible combinations of MPL valve settings. For our two-input-variable case, there are 22 = 4 combinations, as shown in the truth table of figure 8.28 (b). A truth table tells how a particular device behaves. In a truth table, number 0 means OFF and number 1 means ON for all devices. Therefore as shown by the truth table, for an OR gate an output exists if input signal A is ON, OR input signal B is ON, OR both input signals are ON. Figure 8.28 (c) shows the graphic symbol used to represent an OR gate. This is a general symbol that is used regardless of the type of component involved (electrical or MPL valve) in the logic system.
AND function The AND function can be represented for the fluid systems by the case of the case in which we have a number of MPL valves connected in series in a pipeline. The simplest case is for two valves with input signals A and B, as shown in figure 8.29 (a). As can be seen, the output flow is zero (Z = 0) when either valve signal is OFF or both valve signal are OFF. Thus fluid flows in the outlet pipe (there is an output) only when both A and B are ON. Figure 8.29 (b) and (c) show the truth table and general symbol for the AND gate, respectively. The logic AND function for two variables is represented by the equation
Z = A B
Figure 8.29. The AND function. (a) MPL components, (b) truth table, (c) symbol
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Chapter 8: Fluid basic electrical and logic control system 2012 And for X variables by
Z = A B W X
The dot () is used to indicate the logic AND connective and this form equation is known as the logic product function. Inspection of each row of the truth table shows that the numerical value of the logic product function is also equal to the numerical value of the arithmetic product of the variables.
NOT Function The NOT function is the process of logical inversion. This means that the output signal is not equal to the input signal. Since we have only two signal states (0 and 1), then an input of 1 gives an output of 0, and vice versa. Figure 8.30 gives the MPL valve, the truth table and general symbol for a NOT gate.
Figure 8.30. The NOT function (a) MPL component, (b) truth table (c) symbol
A NOT operation is also known as logical complementing or logical negation in addition to logical inversion. It is represented in Boolean algebra by placing a bar over variable as follows:
Z = NOT A = A
NOR function The NOR function has it name derived from the following relationship:
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Thus, the NOR function is an inverted OR function whose MPL valve system, truth table and general symbol are provided in figure 8.31. Also as shown in figure 8.31 (d), a NOR function can be created by placing a NOT gate in series with an OR gate. The Boolean relationship is:
Z = NOT ( A + B ) = A + B
Figure 8.31. The NOR function. (a) MPL components, (b) truth table (c) symbol, (d) OR/NOT combination = NOR
As shown by the truth table, the output of a NOR gate is ON (1) only all inputs are OFF (0). One signification feature of a NOR gate is that it is possible to generate any logic function (AND, OR, NOT and MEMORY) using only NOR gates.
NAND function The NAND function has its name derived from the relationship:
Thus, the NAND function is an inverted AND function whose MPL valve system, truth table and general symbol are provided in figure 8.32. as can be seen, both signals must be ON to cause a loss of output. Also, as shown in figure 8.32 (d), a NAND function can be created by placing a NOT gate in series with an AND gate. The Boolean relationship is:
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Z = NOT ( A B ) = A B
Figure 8.32. The NAN function. (a) MPL components, (b) truth table, (c) symbol, (d) AND/NOT combination = NAND
Laws of Boolean algebra There are a number of laws of Boolean algebra that can be used in the analysis and design of fluid logic systems. These laws are presented as follows: 1. Commutative law:
A+ B=B+ A A B = B A
2. Association
A + B + C = ( A + B ) + C = A + (B + C ) = ( A + C ) + B
A B C = ( A B ) C = A (B C ) = ( A C ) B
3. Distributive
A + (B C ) = ( A + B ) ( A + C )
A (B + C ) = ( A B ) + ( A C )
4. DeMorgans theorem:
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A+ B +C = A B C A B C = A + B +C
__________ _____
Additional theorems that can be used to simplify complex equations and thus minimize the number of component required in a logic system are: 5. A + A = A 6. A A = A 7. A + 1 = 1 8. A + 0 = A 9. A 0 = 0 10. A 1 = A 11. A + ( A B ) = A 12. A ( A + B ) = A 13. A = A 14. A A = 0
15. A + A = 1
It should be noted that all the preceding laws can be proven by the use of truth tables. Within the truth table, all combinations of the variables are listed and values of both sides of the equation to be proven are computed using the definitions of the operators. If both sides of the equation have exactly the same values for every combination of the inputs, the theorem is proven.
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