FormulaStudent KA - race.ING
FormulaStudent KA - race.ING
FormulaStudent KA - race.ING
01 Formula Student 02 The cars 03 The team 04 Formula CarMaker 05 Suspension design with IPGKinematics 06 Vehicle optimisation with CarMaker 07 Results
Formula Student.
The Competition.
International Flair
9 worldwide competitions. Teams from all over the world. Language of competition: English.
The Exercise
Design, construction and manufacturing of a single seater Formula racing car for weekend racing drivers.
1 2 3
Time of realization: 1 year Specified regulation Budget: 25.000$ at a fictitious number of 1.000 each year
1 2 3
Construction and manufacturing under real budget conditions. Project management and independent financing.
Dynamic Events
Skid-Pad Eight with diameters of 15,25 m each, driven twice. Accelerating from standstill up to 75 m. Ca. 800 m long handling course with straights, hair pins and slalom sections. Reliability and speed over 22 km. Judgement of fuel consumption after the event.
Static Events
Cost Event
Judgement of the cost structure of the production. Presentation of the technical concept. Businessplan presentation in front of potential investors.
Dynamic Events
- Acceleration (75 points) - Skid Pad (50 points) - Autocross (150 points) - Endurance (350 points) and Fuel Economy (50 points)
The cars.
KIT07 and KIT08.
The Cars.
The Cars.
The Team.
Who are we?
The Team.
The Team
01/2006: start of project with 50 members Since 11/06: incorporated society 56 active members in 2008 Constant recruiting
The Team.
For us...
... teamwork is everything that matters. ... the practical application of studied theory is important. ... the unique chance to attend a project from the first concept until the finished product. ... excellent contacts to industry and research.
KA-RaceIng offers...
The Team.
Organisational Form
Predevelopment Marketing
Drivetrain Frame & Body Engine Suspension Elektric & Elektronics Ergonomics & Saftey
Projekt Management Time Management Budgeting Knowledge Management
The Team.
Easy adjustability and assembly. Reduced complexity. Low weight. High reliability. Light, lighter and even lighter!
The Team.
Milestones in Development
Suspension kinematics Ergonomics (seat box) Concept Regular consulting and trouble shooting
Top-Down construction
Definition of constructed space Parallel development of each assembly Simulation and calculation True-to-detail CAD-modell (ca. 95% of the real car) Validation of the virtual prototype Conduction of drawings for manufacturing
Formula CarMaker.
The IPG Support Programm f or Formula Student.
Formula CarMaker.
Two free licences for CarMaker and IPGKinematics each for every registered team. Latest version of CarMaker with Racing Driver option.
Formula CarMaker.
Formula CarMaker.
Support team advices on questions and problems. Free attendance of Formula CarMaker workshops. Customised user guide for Formula Student.
Driver model
Race track
Tire model
Virtual Testrun
Vehicle model
Formula CarMaker.
Static Events
Easier calculation of vehicle dynamics and loads. Well arranged diagrams present the performed calculations. Animated movies for businessplan presentation.
Dynamic Events
Virtual testing of the car even before completion. Opportunity to test many different settings. Saving of costs and time.
2cnd place Skid Pad 6th place Endurance 6th place overall (of 20)
Engineered Excitement.