Describing People - Adjectives

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A. Height: tall, medium / average height, short, just over six foot B. Built: thin, slim, slender, fat, overweight, chubby, obese, plump, skinny, muscular, bony, crooked, petite, well built / strongly built, long-legged, C. Age: in her 20s, in his 40s, in his early teens, in his middle 60s, in her late 30s, old, elderly, middle aged, teenaged, young D. Hair: - length: long, medium, crew cut, bald, shoulder length, round shouldered, short - aspect: wavy, curly, straight, spiky, mousy, fringe, bun, ponytail, parting, sideburns, braid, receding - color: dark, fair / blonde, red / reddish, highlights, ginger, brown, black E. Facial features: - complexion: wrinkled face / wrinkles, tanned, pale, freckled - face: round, oval, big, small - color of eyes: hazel, brown, blue, green, black, dark - form of eyes: round, almond shaped, big - nose: slanted, thick, thin, curved, small, straight, aquiline - mouth / lips: thin, full, thick F. Distinguishing / special features: moles / beauty spots, scar, dimples, beard, moustache, freckles, mobs, spots, pimples, goatee, stubble G. General: - for men: good looking, handsome, hunky, striking, gorgeous, dashing - for women: good looking, pretty, attractive, striking, lovely, gorgeous, stunning, ravishing, of great beauty, caring - for children: inquisitive, have a finger in every pie, full of energy / bursting with energy, dynamic, tireless, boisterous, lively, vivacious, animated, spoiled, mischievous H. Clothes (how the person is usually dressed): elegant clothes, sport clothes, casual clothes / dress, fashionable / modern / trendy, old fashioned


A. Intellectual abilities: intelligent / smart /clever / brainy / bright, imaginative / creative, interesting # boring / dull, stupid / fool / idiot / dump / silly B. Attitudes about life: open minded # narrow minded, adventurous, patient # impatient, ambitious # unambitious, hard working / diligent # lazy, organized / tidy # untidy / messy, optimistic # pessimistic, cheerful / happy # sad, miserable, obstinate # flexible, honest # dishonest, sophisticated, opportunist, intricate, helpful, kind, liar C. Attitudes in society: sociable, gregarious / talkative / chatter box # quiet/ silent, shy / timid # self confident, serious # easy going / relaxed, naughty, selfish # selfless / unselfish, generous # stingy, well behaved / polite # impolite / rude, bad / mean, sensible, sensitive, reliable / dependable/ trustworthy, friendly # unfriendly, funny, good hearted, distant

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