Ski Daddler 1966 1970

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Carburetor Displ. Make Tiltotson Tiilotson (Dual) Tiilotson Tiilotson Model Sprocket Ratio 10:30 9:26 9:26 11:37 Chain Size 40 40 40

Clutch Make Saisbury Salsbury Salsbury Salsbury


Model .. JLO . JLO , JLO . . MAG L22

L252 L292 2054

Shaft Center

Belt NumlMr

5810 247CC HL216A 28726

5811 5812 . 5813 247CC 292CC 540CC HL209A21OA HR2A HR3A 30226 30226 30393


5811 5812 5813 5814 5815

.. JLO JLO . . MAG . . JLO JLO

L252 L292 2054 L297 L372

247CC 292CC 540CC 296CC 372CC

Tiilotson (Dual) Titiotson Tiilotson Titiotson Tittotson


9:26 9:26 11:30 10:26 18:26

40 40

Salsbury Salsbury Satsbury Satsbury Satsbury


32566 32566 30393 30393 32608

1OV4 10V4 1OV4 1OV4

40 40

5811-3000.. 5811-4000.. 5813-3100, . 5814-1000. . 5814-1100. 5814-2000.. 5815-1100. 5815-2000.

.. . JLO . . . JLO . . MAG JLO . JLO . . JLO JLO . JLO

L292 L227 2054 L297PE L297E L300E L372 L380

292CC 223CC 540CC 296CC

296CC 372CC 372CC

Titiotson Tiliotson Titiotson Titiotson Titiotson Titiotson Titiotson Titiotson

HR20A HR20A MR3B HD13A HD13A HD13A HD13A HD13A 1970

9:26 9:26 11:30 9:34 9:34 14:34 16:35 17:35

40 40
35-2 35-2 35-2 35-2 35-2 35-2

Satsbury 790 Salsbury 500 Satsbury Satsbury 790 Salsbury 790 Salsbury 790 Salsbury Salsbury

10V4 1OV4 10V4 1OV4 1OV4 10V4 1OV4 1OV4

702695 900392 30393 702695 702695 702695 32608 32608

5811-3000 5811-4000 5813-3100 5814-1000 5814-1100 5814-2000 5815-1100 5814-2000

. ..JLO . ..JOL . ..MAG . ..JLO . ..JLO . ..JLO . ..JLO . ..JLO

L292 L227 2054 L297 L297 L300 L372 L380

292CC 233CC 540CC 296CC 296CC 296CC 372CC 372CC

Ttllotson Tiilotson Tiilotson Tiilotson Tiltotson Titiotson Titiotson Titiotson

HR20A HR20A HR38 HD13A HD13A HD13A HD13A HD13A

9:26 9:26 11:30 9:34 9:34 14:34 16:35 17:35

40 40
35-2 35-2 35-2 35-2 35-2 35-2

Salsbury 790 Salsbury 500 Salsbury Salsbury 790 Saisbury 790 Satsbury 790 Salsbury 880 Salsbury 880

1OV4 1OV4 10V4 ioy4 10V4 10V4 10V4 10V4

702695 900392 30393 702695 702695 702695 32608 32608


The engine is l u b r i c a t e d by oil mixed with the fuel. The vehicle manufacturer's recommended fuel-oil ratio is 20:1 for all engines except Lloyd, which uses a ratio of 40:1. Use regular gasoline and AMF Oil, SAE 30 or 40 non-detergent oil or Outboard Oil. On Model 5810, sealed bearings are used on bogie wheels and track axles, and final drive chain is open type. Lubricate the chain occasionally with light oil. On other models, lube fittings are used on bogie wheels and ski spindles. The Sno-Scout and Super Scout are equipped with an oil bath final drive chain case and Cruiser 22 with a forward-neutral-reverse chain drive transmission. On all models, lubricate variable drive sheaves with light engine oil every 25 hours. Lubricate grease fittings every 50 hours with low temperature grease.

On models with closed chain case, oil level in chain housing should be maintained at a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 ^ inches from bottom of housing; fill through access plug opening at top and measure oil level with a wire, working through access plug opening. Light engine oil is the recommended lubricant.


STEERING SKIS. With handle bars in normal straight driving position, both skis should point straight ahead and center-to-center distance should be the same at front and rear of skis. To adjust the length of any drag link or tie rod, it is necessary to disconnect the link at one end.
Fig. 2Exploded vlw ef driv* cKola hoHsliig and Intcrmediot* drive h f t which It parr of ni converter drives sheave C10K
t. Cover 2. Chain 3. Shaft nut 4. Chain housintr % . . Adjusting bolt ft. Drive Bprocket 7. Tappered roiler bearing 8. Seal ring 9. Eccentric hou^i 10. Driven sheave



Fig. 3On Modl 5810, odfusf brake eleorance by tightening easfellated nut retolning brake arm ( A ) .

Fig. 6Some modeis ore equipped with shoe type brake which bears against driven sheave (1). Refer to text for adiustment. 1. Driven sheave A. Clearance 2. Brake arm U. Cable clamp 3. Brake cable C. Housing nuts

DRIVE CHAIN. The roller drive chain is not adjustable on Model 5810 Power Sled nor Cruiser 22 with forward-neutral-reverse transmission. On early S n o - S c o u t and Super Scout, loosen the locknut and push bolt (5 Fig. 2) down in slot in chain housing (4) until it stops, then back up about iV-inch and tighten locknut. On late models, the adjustment bolt (Fig. 4) is forward of bearing support as shown, and bolt is pushed UP to tighten chain or DOWN to loosen chain. Chain housing cover is removable for inspecting chain, and about %-inch slack is recommended, measured midway between sprockets. DRIVE BELT. On e a r l y models, the drive belt t e n s i o n can be adjusted by sliding engine in slotted mounting holes. On 1969 models except 5813, loosen the three bolts (A Fig. 4) and locknut (C); then turn a d j u s t i n g bolt (D) clockwise to loosen belt. NOTE: DO NOT loosen the two bolts (B), The distance be-

Fig. 5Cross sectional views of chain cose showing attaching points. 1. Bracket bolts 2. Ijower mounting bolts

tween shaft c e n t e r s ( M e a s u r i n g Points) should be 10% inches. On late Model 5813, refer to Fig. 5. To move the chain housing to tighten or loosen belt, loosen the two bolts (1) and three bolts (2), then manually move the housing until belt tension is correct. BRAKE. Model 5810 Power Sled and Cruiser 22 are equipped with a caliper type disc brake. Refer to Fig. 3. On models so equipped, remove the cotter pin and turn the castellated nut retaining a c t u a t i n g arm (A) until pucks just clear the brake disc. On models with shoe type brake, loosen the nut (CFig. 6) nearest brake arm (2) and tighten the other nut until lining on brake arm (2) barely clears

Fig. 7^Adiusting track tension on llodei 5810, raferteteKl.

sheave (1). On all models, refer also to BRAKE p a r a g r a p h in TRACK DRIVE Section of this manual. TRACK. Track tension is adjusted as shown in Fig. 7 or 8. On Model 5810 and all 1969 models except 5813,

Fig. 4 Drive train of i a t e medeis showing points of adiustment. Fig. 8To adiust track tension on most modeis, raise machine on kick stand and loosen bolts (1). Turn adiusting screw (2) until distance (A) measures 3V4-3V2 inches. 8oth sides must be adiusted alike.


track should clear center bogie wheels by iy4 to 11^ inches. On 1967 and 1968 models and 1969 Model 5813, distance (AFig. 8) should measure 3y4-3% inches. NOTE: When track tension has been adjusted, alignment MUST be checked as outlined in the special TRACK SERVICE Section of this manual.

to left. Skis are equipped with renewable wear bars which must be installed with curved end to rear. DRIVE TRAIN. On Model 5810 Power Sled, the drive chain is in the open and procedure for renewal is evident after shields are removed. To remove the chain housing on Sno-Scout and Super Scout, first remove drive belt and disconnect brake cable at brake arm. Remove the securing U-Bolt and one bolt and nut from clamp strap, then swing the strap around out of the way. Remove the housing and torque converter driven sheave as a unit, by using suitable pry bars to slide the housing from frame. After disconnecting the drive chain and removing the chain tightener bolt (5Fig. 2), the driven sheave, bearing housing, shaft and drive sprocket can be removed from housing as an assembly. Driven sprocket must be brought to top of housing and pried out through upper side opening. Refer to the special SERVICE SECTIONS elsewhere in this manual for track service information and procedures.

SKIS AND STEERING. Skis, ski legs (spindles), bushings and steering arms are interchangeable from right

148CC 16.2cl 198CC

- Engine

CartHirator Make Tillotson Carter Tillotson Model Sprocket Ratio Chain Size

- ClutchMake Own Own Own Shaft Center Belt Number

Make . JLO . Kohler . JLO

Model LI 52 K141 LI 97

Alpine. Alpine. Alpine. HL233B N HL233B

9:26 9:26 9:26 9:26 9:26 9:26 9:26 9:26 9:26 12:39 9:26 9:26 12:39 9:26
9 26 12:39

R-6 . . . R R-8 . , . RD-8.. Rotax Kohler Rotax Rotax 165 K141 250 250
163CC 16.2ci 247CC 247CC

THIotSf Carter Tillotson Tillotson

HL233B N HL233B HL233B

Own Own Own Own

AR-6,.. BR-9... RD-9... Rotax Rotax Rotax

165 250 250

163CC 247CC 247CC

Tillotson Tillotson Tillotson

HL233B HL233B HL233B

Own Own Own

Chalet Olympique.. Alpine
Rotax Rotax Rotax

165 250 250

163CC 247CC 247CC

Tillotson Tillotson Tillotson

HL233B HL233B HL233B

Own Own Own

Olympique.. Super Olym. Alpine Rotax Rotax Rotax
250 250 247CC 247CC 247CC


Tillotson Tillotson (Dual) Tillotson (Dual)

HL233A HL209AHL210A HL209A. HL210A

Own Own Own

570-0409 570-0409 570-0409

Chalet Rotax Olympique... Rotax Super Olym. . Rotax Rotax Alpine Super Alpine. Rotax 'Pulley Rim, Clearance.

250 300 300 300

163CC 247CC 299CC 299CC 299CC

Tillotson Tillotson Tillotson TIHotson Tillotson


9:26 9:26
10:25 12:39 13:39

Own Own Own Own Own


570-0410 570-0409 570 0409 570-0409 570-0409

Olympique. . . Super Olym Super 370 . . . Alpine Super Alpine. Rotax Rotax Rotax Rotax Rotax 250 300 370 300 370
247CC 299CC 368CC 299CC 368CC

Tillotson Tillotson Tillotson Tillotson Tillotson


9:26 10:25
11:25 12:39 13:39

Own Own Own Own Own Own Own Own Own Own

570-0411 570-0411 570-0411 570-0411 570-0411

299cc Olym. 12/3 . . . Rotax 300 292CC Olym. 12/3SS. Rotax 292 318CC Olympique 320 Rotax 320 335CC Olym. 320SS.. Rotax 340 368CC Olympiaue 370 Rotax 370 *Rim clearance, measured as sriown at (B Fig. 9). Tillotson Tillotson Tillotson Tillotson Tillolson HR7A HD21A HR17A HD21A HD8A 10:25 10:25 11:24 11:25 16:34 570-0411 570-0411 570-0411 570-0411 570-0411


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