6 - Numerical Methods For Chemical Engineers With Matlab Applications

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Acentric factor, 29, 54 Acetone, 296, 297 Activation energy, 199 Activity coefficient, 524 Adams method, 291,294,296,297,307,350 Adams-Moulton method, 291,294,296-298, 350 Adiabatic flame temperature, 57 Adsorption ratio, 65 Allen, D. L., 359, 360,364 Amperometric electrode, 444 Amplification factor, 432-434 Analysis of variance, 470,476,482,496, 506,522 Analyte, 444,445 Aniline, 135 Aris, R., 136, 137, 141 Arrhenius, 61 Average, 457-459 Averager operator, 146, 157, 158 Aziz, A. K., 309, 363

Backwarddifference, 149, 150, 152, 153, 157, 158, 160, 161, 168, 171, 172, 193, 200-203,208,214. 220, 221, 255, 285,294,373,375, 384, 385,400, 404,429

Backward difference operator, 146, 148, 150, 151,200,201,436 Baron, M. L., 61, 195 Base point, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 177, 179.185, 188, 193,228,236,241,244, 245,252,291,323 Basis function, 435, 436 Basket-type filter, 184 Batch process, 71 Bennett, C. 0..62 Benzene, 524 Bemti, F., 447 Bessel function, 58, 446 Bethea, R. M., 453,476,528 Binomial expansion, 150, 153, 157, 170-172 Biomass, 69 Bird, R. B., 212,246,259,446 Bischoff, K. B., 450, 528 Bisection method, 8, 38, 39,44 Blaner, 1. A , 526, 529 Boundary condition, 162, 163, 181,208,246, 251, 261,265,308-310,312-316, 321-324, 327-331, 333, 358, 368, 370, 372, 378, 379, 382, 383, 385, 393, 396, 398, 399,402-404,413,423,430,435, 437,439,440,443,445,488,491. 504, 527 Boundary-layer, 308 Boundary-value problem, 266, 308.310.314, 316,322, 324,326,328-333, 362,372, 435

Index Box, G. E. P., 450,486,528, 529 Brevibacterium flavum, 69 Brownlee, K. A,, 499,529 Bubble point, 138 Byrom, T. G., 447 Collocation Method, 322, 324, 328, 329, 331, 340 orthogonal, 325, 330-333,436 trial function, 323, 324 Collocation point, 324-326, 329, 331, 333 Complete pivoting, 91, 94-96, 107, 134 Compressibility factor, 2, 29 Computational molecule, 380, 381, 397 Concentration profile, 214,218,276,354,404, 405,410,411,444,446 Condenser, I37 total, 64, 65 Confidence ellipsoid, 484,486 Confidence hyperspace, 486 Confidence interval, 468,471-473,482,484, 486,488,506,522 individual, 483, 486 joint, 483,484 Confidence level, 471,475,483 Confidence limit, 471,506,522 Constantinides, A,, 62, 140, 331, 356, 363, 364, 447 Control variable, 450-452 Cooling tower, 199 Correlation coefficient, 460, 461, 484-486, 506 Coulet, P. R., 444, 447 Covariance, 459,460,477,481,483 Cramer's rule, 46, 63, 64, 87 Crank-Nicolson method, 287,291,400,401, 403,404,427 Cumulative distribution function, 454-456, 461, 464,471 Cylindrical coordinates, 58, 445

Canale, R. P., 241, 259 Camahan, B., 135, 141,259,447 Carreau model, 314 Carreau, P. J., 363 Cartesian coordinate, 4,366,427,428,430 Catalytic reaction, 258 Cauchy condition, 372,395,399 Cayley-Hamilton theorem, 122 Central difference, 156-160, 168, 176, 177, 194, 208,210,211,214,220, 221,255, 354 averaged, 157,158,177 Central difference operator, 146, 148, 158-160, 208, 210, 373-376, 378, 396,399, 400,402,426 averaged, 158, 159,209 Central limit theorem, 466,477,478 Chang, H. Y., 141 Chaouki, J., 258 Chapra, S. C., 241,259 Characteristic time, 314 Characteristic value, 68, 121 Characteristic vector, 121, 122 Characteristic-value problem, 125 Chebyshev polynomial, 190, 244 recurrence relation, 190 Chhabra, R. P., 363 Chi-square distribution, 461,468,469,473,482 Chi-square distribution function, 467 Chorlton, F., 195 Chotani, G. K., 447 Cofactor, 78, 79 Colebrook equation, 2, 15-17, 26 Collocation. 309

De Kee, D. C. R., 363 Damkoehler number, 445 Davidson, B. D., 62 Davies, 0. L., 486,529 Degree of freedom, 290,453,459,467-470, 473-475,478,482,484,497,504-506, 522

Denbigh, K., 524,529 Density distribution function, 456 Descartes' rule of sign, 6, 53 Determinant, 78-82, 87, 89.93, 94, 122, 126, 536 Difference equation, 161-164, 194, 343 characteristic equation, 162-164, 343, 346 characteristic root, 341 homogeneous, 161-164.343 linear, 161, 162, 164 4 . 5 nonhomogeneous, 161, 3 nonlinear, 161 order, 161 Differential equation, 3, 6, 161, 194 homogeneous, 3 linear, I62 Differential operator, 3, 144, 146-148, 150, 151, 153-155, 158-160, 162, 177,200,201, 205,208-210,231,373,436 Differentiation, 166, 183, 197, 198, 200-208, 210-212, 214,220, 221, 228, 274, 316,333,502 Diffusion, 308, 375, 403, 438, 527 coefficient, 212, 367,403,404,438,445 equation, 368, 369, 527 Diffusivity, 438 Dirac dclta (unit impulse), 324, 436 Dirichlet conditions (first kind), 370, 372, 378, 380, 382-385, 393, 395, 399,402, 422,423,428 Dispersion, 441,445,446, 527 coefficient, 445, 527,528 Distillation, 2, 137, 138, 161 column, 64,66, 264 dynamic behavor, 264 multicomponent, 56 Disturbance term, 476, 477 Dittus-Boelter equation, 60 DOS, 533 Dotted operator, 74, 78, 503, 536 Double precision, 532 Douglas, J. M., 36, 37, 62 Drying, 198 DudukoviC, M. P., 258 Dynamic visualization, 413

Edgar, T. F., 529 Eigenvalue, 35-37,19, 68,69, 71, 77.79, 81, 82, 121-123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131-134, 162.165, 273-276,341,346, 352-354, 359,486, 536 Eigenvector, 68,69, 71, 121-123, 125, 133, 134, 273-278,281,354,486,536 Elliot, J. L., 364 Emissivity, 59 Endothermic reaction, 307 Energy balance, 3,61, 64, 94, 105. 138, 199, 246,273,296,307 Enthalpy balance, 57 Enzyme, 308, 332,441,444,445 Equation of change, 365 Equation of continuity, 366, 367 Equation of energy, 367 Equation of motion, 3 Equation of state, 1 Benedict-Webb-Rubin, 1, 53 ideal gas, 7, 29, 33 Patel-Teja, 53, 54 Redlich-Kwong, 1 Soave-Redlich-Kwong,, 29.33 Euler-Lagrange equation, 435 Euler method for ordinary nonlinear differential equation, 284-287, 296, 297, 307, 341,344,345,347 absolutely stable, 343 backward, 347 conditionally stable, 344 explicit formula, 284-287, 343, 344,348 implicit formula, 286, 287, 345, 347, 348 modified, 286,296, 297, 350 predictor-corrector, 286, 296, 297, 355 stability, 287, 348 stable, 348 unconditionally stable, 344, 348

Expectation, 457 Expected value, 457,459,461 Exothermic reaction, 61, 172 Extraction. 161 Forward difference, 152, 153, 157, 158, 160, 161,168,170,172,205-208,214, 220, 221, 230,234,235,255,284. 285, 316, 321,333,373,375,379, 384, 385, 396,397,399,404,412, 429,502 Forward difference operator, 146, 148, 153155,205,231 Fourier series, 431 Fourier's law or heat conduction, 59, 367 Freeman, R., 141 Friction factor, 2, 16, 26 Fugacity, 524 Function declaration, 540

F distribution, 461, 470, 475, 484,497 F distribution density function, 469 F test, 476, 498 Faddeev, D. K., 141 Faddeev-Levemerprocedure, 123-125 Faddeeva, U. N., 141 Fairweather, G., 447 False position, 8, 10, 12 Feedback control, 36, 57 Fermentation, 69, 70, 237, 238 Fermentor, 69,237,262,263, 357 batch, 502 Fernandes, P. M., 447 Fick's second law of diffusion, 368, 376, 395, 404,430,438 Final condition, 309, 310, 312, 313, 316, 333, 334,358 Finch, J. A., 196 Finite difference, 71, 144-146, 150, 157, 165, 166, 172, 193, 208, 214, 220, 221, 230,234,235, 283, 309,321,322, 325, 331,368, 373, 375,378, 380, 396, 397, 399,401,427,430-432, 435,438-440 Finite difference equation, 432 homogeneous, 432 nonhomogeneous, 432 Finite element, 368, 435, 436 Finlayson, B. A,, 325,353, 363,446 First noncentral moment, 457 Flannery, B. P., 61 Flash vaporization, 54 Fluidized bed, 255, 445, 527 circulating, 258 gas-solid, 220 Fogler, H. S., 363

Gaden, E. L., Jr., 363 Galerkin method, 436 Galvanometzl-, 134 Gamma function, 248 Gas absorption contactor, 362 Gauss elimination, 79, 87-96, 99, 102, 107, 121 123, 125,126, 134,286,322,379, 401,427 Gauss-Jordan, 71, 87.99, 101-105, 107, 121 Gauss-Newton method, 489-491.493. 495, 502, 505,522 Gauss-Seidel, 87, 112, 113, 115, 134,379,380 Gauss quadrature, 193, 229, 241, 243-245 higher point, 244 two-point, 242 Gaussian density function, 461 Geankoplis, C. J., 447 Gel'fond, A. O., 195 General stability boundary, 344 Gibbs free energy, 56,524 Givens, M., 131, 141 Gluconic acid, 355,356,523,524 Gluconolactone, 355, 356,523 Glucononctone, 356 Glucose, 69-71,355,356,444,524 Glucose oxidase, 355,444

Glutamic acid, 69 Green, 196 Gregory-Newton interpolation formula, 168, 170-172.176, 193,230,234-236, 245, 291,294

Hamiltonian, 332 Hanselman, D., 228, 252, 259, 531,544 Heat capacity, 57, 61, 199,296,367,523 Heat conduction, 367-370,372,375,381,395, 399 Heat conductivity, 99 Heat exchanger, 296 Heat generation, 383 Heat of reaction, 61, 139, 199, 296 Heat source, 381,382 Heat transfer, 59-61.94.307. 308, 362, 370, 382,412,422,423,440 area, 296 coefficient,61,94, 99, 296,372, 393, 412,438,440 conduction, 59 convection, 60.94, 393 radiation, 59 Heinrich, 1, C., 436, 447 Hermite polynomial, 190,244 Hicks, C. R., 528 Himmelblau, D. M., 140, 450, 528, 529 HlavaEek, V., 309,322,363 Huebner, K. H., 436,447 Hunter, W. G., 450, 528 Hydrogen peroxide, 444 Hyperellipsoidal region, 484, 486 Hyperspace, 71,491 Hypothesis, 465,497, 502 alternative, 474, 475, 483 null, 474-476,483,506 testing, 473,476,497, 502

Ideal gas, 199,258,539,540 Incompressible fluid, 2 Inflection point, 14 Initial condition, 262,267,273, 274, 282, 283, 309,310,312,313,316,317,333, 334,340-343, 345,346, 354,355, 357-360, 370,372, 398,402,403, 413,445,502,504,526,527 Initial rates (method of), 198 Initial-value problem, 266, 291, 294,310, 342, 343,345,372,431 Integral operator, 146, 147 Integrand, 229 Integration, 166, 181, 193, 197, 199-201, 204, 228-230,232,234-236, 242,245,246, 248,252-255, 266,283,287,288, 291, 310, 313, 316, 320-323, 325, 326,341,342, 344, 346, 347, 351353,355,358,370,397,422,488 double, 253-255,258 multiple, 253,255 Newton-Cotes formula, 229,230,233, 234,236,237,241,245 Simpson's 113 rule, 230, 234, 236-239,241 Simpson's 318 rule, 230,235,236 trapezoidal rule, 70, 230, 232-234, 236-239.241 -244,252,253,287 Interpolating polynomial, 144, 166, 167, 179-181,193,228,283,294,325 Interpolation, 167, 168, 170-173, 176, 177, 179-181, 183-185, 188,193, 194,228, 252,322,325,493,505 cubic, 167 backward Gregory-Newton, 171, 193,291, 294 forward Gregory-Newton, 170.172.230 Gregory-Newton formula, 168, 171, 172, 176, 193,230.234-236.245 linear, 167, 172, 184 nearest, 167 spline, 167, 179, 194, 228,252 Stirling's formula, 168, 176, 177, 194

Index Interval of acceptance, 475 Irregular boundary, 427-429 Iso-electric point, 194 Iterative algorithm, 6-8, 10, 13-15, 29 Lightfoot, E. N., 259,446 Linear interpolation method, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 Linear programming, 7 1 Linear symbolic operator, 146 Linearization, 13, 47, 58, 63, 64, 452, 491, 493, 495 Linearly independent, 122,478 Liquid holdup, 264 Lithium chloride, 194 Littlefield, B., 228, 252, 259, 531, 544 Logislic law, 355 Lotka, A. J., 360, 364 Lotka-Volten-a problem, 357-358, 361, 362, 524 LR algorithm, 123 Luther, H. A,, 141 ,259,447

Jacobi, 113-116, 120, 234

Jacobian, 47, 48,313, 316, 322,333, 341, 353. 359,361,489,491,494,502,505 James, M. L., 447 Johnson, L. W., 141

Karplus, W. I., 435,447 Kennedy, G., 258 Ketene, 296 Kinetics, 3.67 Kubii-ek, M., 309, 322, 363

Lack of fit, 496-499 Lagrange polynomial, 179-181, 184, 188, 193, 194,241,244,245,248,333 Lagangian autocorrelation integral, 199 Lagueme polynomial, 190,244 Lapidus, 14, 34,61, 363,380,435,436,446, 466,529 Laplace's equation, 369,376, 380-383, 385, 393,437,440 Laplace's expansion theorem, 78, 80 Laplace transform, 58 Laplacian operator, 430 Larachi, F., 258 Least squares method, 479,490,498, 528 Left division, 532 Legendre polynomial, 190,243-246.74 326 recurrence relation, 190 Levenberg-Marquardt method, 493 L'HGpital's rule, 347

M-file, 17, 214, 237, 298, 539, 540 Maloney, I. O., 196 Marquardt, D. W., 493, 529 Marquardt method, 489,493-495,502,505,522 Mass spectrometer, 134 Mass transfer, 220, 308, 362 coefficient, 199 diffusive, 218 flux, 212,214,218 rate, 220 Material balance, 57.64, 69, 70, 105, 114, 115, 135, 138, 161,237, 262, 264, 273, 296, 307, 365,403,404,438,441, 443 MATLAB, 1, 8, 15, 16, 26, 28.74, 77,94,99, 115, 167, 172, 184, 193, 194,212, 220,237, 246, 276,281,283,284, 295-298,314,382,383,403,405, 412,413,436,438,489,502,528, 531-534,536,539,540,542,543 editor, 539 function, 539, 540 graphical user interface, 437 optimization toolbox, 489

MATLAB (cont'd)


partial differential equation toolbox, 436, 437 script, 539 student edition, 390 MATLAB command : (colon operator), 534 ans, 532 urea, 537 axis, 537 bar, 537 break, 542 case, 541,542 cd, 533 clabel, 538 clc, 533 clear, 533, 543 cli; 537 colorbar, 538,540 contour, 538 demo, 543 diary, 539, 540 dir, 533 dicp, 539, 541, 542 else, 541 end, 534, 540-542 eps, 214 figure, 537 for, 540-542 format, 533 format long, 533 format long e, 533 format short, 533 format short e, 533 firing 542 function, 540 grid, 536 gtext, 536 help, 540, 543 i, 532 & 540-542 input, 541 j, 532

load, 543 loglog, 537 loolifor, 543 Lr, 533 mesh, 538 mkdir, 533 NUN, 532 pause, 542 pcolor, 538 prletoo1, 437 pi, 532,533,537 plot, 536,537,539 plot3, 537 polar, 537 pwd, 533 quiver, 538 save, 542 semilofx, 537 semilogy, 537 shading, 538 shy, 537 subplot, 537 surf, 538,540 switch, 540, 541 texf,536 title, 539 view, 538, 540 while, 540, 541 who, 533 whos, 533,535,543 xlabel, 536,537,539 ylabel, 536,537,539 zlabel, 537 MATLAB function Adams, 297,304 AdamsMoulton, 297, 305 Colebrook, 16.24 Colebrookg, 16, 24 collocation, 333, 334,336 comet, 537 contents, 543 corrcoef, 461 cos, 537,538


LI, 15, 16, 20 LinearODE, 278,279 linspace, 535, 536 log, 532 logspace, 535 lu, 76 magic, 542 mean, 457 meshgrid, 537 MEuler, 297, 301 movie, 413
NatiaralSPLdNE, 184, 187, 228, 252 Newton, 48-50, 52, 316 NLR, 502,503,505,506,510 NR, 15, 16,22 NRpoly, 29.31, 33 NRsdivision, 38, 39, 41, 53 odelSs, 353 ode23,505 ode23s, 353 ode45,283,284 ones, 534,535 orth, 82 paraboliclD, 404, 405, 407 parabolic2D. 413,416 poly, 536 polyder, 29 polyfit, 480 polyval, 29 quad, 236,237 quad8,236,237 rand, 535 rank, 79,536 RK, 297,298,302 roots, 38, 39,53,248 shooting, 316-318 sign, 543 Simpson, 238, 239 sin, 536, 537, 541 size, 535 spline, 167, 228, 252 sqrt, 532 statistics, 505, 506, 510

MATLAB function (cont'd) cov, 460 curvefit, 489 dblquad, 255 deriv, 221 det, 7 9 , 536 diag, 75 diff, 153 eig, 35, 121,276,536 elliptic, 385, 387, 437 Euler, 297, 300 ExlL4func, 49.51 Ex4_lghi, 214,216 Ex4_lgrojile, 214, 215 Ex4_4_func, 248,249 ExS_3func, 300 Er5_4func, 3 17.3 18 ExS_Sfunc, 334,335 Ex5-5-theta, 334, 335 Ex6_2finc, 405,407 E x / l ~ i i n c ,506,510 exp, 82,533,536,537,541,542 expm, 82, 281 expml, 82 expm2, 82 expm3, 82 eye, 75,535 fder, 214,216 fplot, 8, 537 fzero, 8, 334 Gauss, 95-97,99 GaussLeg~ndre, 248,249 GregoryNewton, 172-174 inv, 48, 77, 99, 385, 536 interpl, 167 interplq, 167 interp2, 167 interp3, 167 interpn, 167 Jacob;, 116, 117 Jordan, 107, 108 Logrange, 184, 185 length, 535, 540

MATLAB function (cont'd) std, 459 scud, 506, 510 svd, 536 trace, 77 t r p z , 236,237, 239 tril, 76 triu, 76 XGX, 15, 16, 18 zerr,s, 535 MATLAB program, 29 Examplel-I, 17 ExamplelL2,29,33 ExamplelL3,38,39 Examplel-4,49 ExamplR-I, 06 Example2-2.108 EnamplrZ-3, I 16 Examplr3-1, 173 Example3-2, 185 ExampIe4_1,214,220 Example4-2,221 Example4-3, 239 Examplr4-4, 248, 251 ExamplrS-2, 278 ExampleL3,298 Exumple5_4,317,320 Emple5-5,334 Examlde6-I, 385 Example6&2,405 Example6-3,413,414 Exumple7-I, 506,507 Matrix, 68, 486 addition, 72, 73 augmented, 85, 86, 89-91, 93, 99, 101-104 107 banded, 77 characteristic, 122 characteristic equation, 122 characteristic polynomial, 35. 58, 122.125, 132,536 companion, 35 conformable, 73 correlation coefficient, 71, 461, 484, 489, 522 dense, 77 diagonal, 75, 113, 121, 129, 275, 481, 484, 493,494 empty, 16, 503 equivalent, 89 Hermitian, 74 Hessenberg, 76,77, 123, 126-128, 131-133 Hessian, 492, 494 identity, 75, 77,92, 102.104, 121, 275, 535 ill-conditioned, 79 inversion, 77-79, 103, 104, 124, 383, 385, 404,536 Jacobian, 47.48, 313, 316, 322, 333, 341, 353,359,361,489,491,502,505 lower triangular, 76, 81, 92, 93, 126 multiplication, 73-75, 77, 78, 81.92, 93, 102,535 nonsingnlar, 78-81, 86, 87,93, 102, 103, 122,126,129, 133, 134,274,479 nonsymmetric, 123, 129, 131, 133,134 orthogonal, 81, 128-130 predominantly diagonal, 106 similar, 126, 129 singular, 78, 80, 86, 91, 94-96, 121, 134 sparse, 77, 106 substituted, 87 substraction, 72, 73 supertriangular. 76, 126 symmetric, 74, 122, 123, 129, 131, 134, 479,485 transpose, 74, 129 triangular, 79.94, 129, 131-133 triangulariration, 89-91, 134 tridiagonal, 75, 77, 123, 131, 401 unit, 75, 99 upper triangular, 75,76, 81, 89, 93, 126, 128, 129, 131 variance-covariance, 477,481,384,506, 522 Matrix exponential, 82 Matrix polynomial, 82

Matrix,transformation, 80, 81 clemcntary, 80, 81 elementary similarity, 123, 126-128. 131, 133 orthogonal, 82, 123, 129-131 similarity, 80-82, 126 Matrix trigonometric function, 82 McEleath, G. W., 528 Mean, 470-473.499 Mean-value theorem, 145,345,352 Methane, 296 Method of lines, 401 Meyers, J. E., 62 Michaelis-Menten conatant, 445 Michaelis-Menten relationship, 441,445 Minor, 78 Modulus, 163 Moivre's theorem, 164 Momentum balance, 220, 314,366 Multicomponent separation, 2 Multidimentional array. 534 Multistage separation process, 265 Newtonian fluid, 315 Non-Newtonian fluid, 314 Nontrivial solution, 3 Normal density function, 461, 462, 471 Normal distribution, 461, 465,466, 468-470, 474,477,478,481-483,486,499 Normal equations, 479 Normal probability distribution, 461 Normally dis~ibutedpopulation, 465, 471, 472

Nemst diffusion layer, 441 Neumann conditions (second kind), 372,378, 379, 382-385, 395,399,402,404, 412,413,428,429 Newton-Cotes integration formula, 229, 230, 233,234,236,237,241,245 Newton-Raphson method, 8, 12-16,26, 28, 29, 36-39,45,53, 123, 125, 197,312, 493,506 Newton's 2nd-order method, 14 Newton's method in boundary-value problem. 309, 310,312-314,316, 333 Newton's method in nonlinear regression, 491, 493,494 Newton's method in simultaneous nonlinear equations, 45, 47, 48.52, 71, 286, 322, 325,328,331,333,431,493 Newton's relations, 5.6

Ordinary differential equation, 63, 64, 138, 144, 162, 165, 200,261,265,266,268, 269,282, 284, 288, 291, 294-297, 308, 313-117.322-324, 334, 341-343, 346, 348, 350.352-355.401, 403, 435,488,491,503 absolute stability, 343, 350, 351 absolutely stable, 343 autonomous, 266,269,272 canonical form, 267.269.282, 309, 315 characteristic equation, 162 convergence, 341 error propagation, 341 homogeneous, 161, 162,266 inherent stability, 341, 342, 347 inherently unstahle, 346,347 linear, 67, 68, 121, 161,266,269-271,273, 274,276-278,322,342,352,354,452 linearization, 352, 353 multiple-step method of solution, 29 1 nonantonomous, 269,272 nonhomogeneous, 266.270 nonlinear, 262, 266, 269,272,297, 315, 329,352,358 non self-starting solution, 291 numerical stability, 341 order, 265 self-starting solution, 291 simoltancoos, 262, 264-266, 277, 278, 282-284, 295-298,310,312, 316, 323, 329,333,352,358,402,451,526

Index Ordinary differential equation (cont'd) single-stepmethod of solution, 291 stability, 341, 342, 344, 346, 348, 350-352 stiff, 352, 353 unstable, 346 Orthogonal polynomial, 189, 190, 193, 241, 244,245,325,326,331,436 Orthogonality, 189. 190, 245, 326 Ostle, B., 453,476,528 Overrelaxation factor, 380 Partial pivoting. 91, 128 Pedersen, H., 447 Penicillin, 238, 331, 332, 334, 340, 355, 502 Penicillium chrysogenum, 238, 355, 502 Pepper, D. W.. 436,447 Performanceequation.451 Peterson, R. 0..359. 364 Phase angle, 163. 164 Phase plot. 360 Pinder, G. F., 380,435,436,446 Pivot, 12 Pivot element, 91, 95,96, 102, 104, 107 Pivoting, 103 Plot, 536, 537 bar graph, 537 filled area, 537 full logarithmic, 537 polar coordinate, 537 semilogarithmic, 537 three-dimensional, 537 Poisson constant, 393 Poisson equation, 381, 382, 384, 385, 393 Polar coordinate, 430,438 Pontryagin's maximum principle, 308,331 Population, 453, 454,457,461,470, 474,475, 489 density, 357-359 dynamics. 357,358 mean, 457,459,472 standard deviation, 458 variance, 457-459,468,469,472,473 Positivity rule, 396,398,426,434,438 Poynting corrections, 524 Prandtl number, 60 Predator-prey problem, 357,358,360,524 Press, W. H., 61 Pressure drop. 220,314 Pressure profile, 220 Probability density distribution, 454,457 Probability density function, 454, 461 Probability distribution function, 475 Probability function. 454 Probability of occurrence, 454

Partial boiler, 137 Partial differential equation, 71, 138, 144, 165, 246,309,365, 368-370,372,373.

445,527,528 conditional stability, 401, 434,435, 438 elliptic, 308, 369, 370, 375, 376, 380-382, 385,437 explicit solution for hyperbolic, 426,427. 431,434,435 explicit solution for parabolic, 396,397, 399-401,412,431,432,438 homogeneou$369,425,426,434 hyperbolic, 369,370,375,424,426,427, 434,437 implicit solution for hyperbolic. 427,435 implicit solution for parabolic, 399-401 linear, 368,369,431,436 nonhomogeneous, 381,397,400,401,405, 413 nonlinear, 308,368,369,431,436 order, 368 parabolic, 58; 369. 370, 375,395,397-402, 404,405.412,413,432,437,438 positivity rule, 396 quasilinear. 368, 369 stability, 396-398, 427,431, 433, 434 ultrahyperbolic, 369 unconditionally stable, 401, 435 unstability, 396

Process analysis, 459,450 Process control, 3 , 6 Process dynamics, 3,451 Propagation error, 341, 342,345-348,432,434 Proportional control, 37 Proportjonal gain, 37,38, 44.58 Pseudomonas ovalis, 356,523 Psychrometric chart, 199 Pythagorean theorem, 163 Reboiler, 138 Reddy, I. N., 436,447 Redlich-Kister expansion, 524 Reflux ratio, 2, 138 Region of acceptance, 474,475,483 Region of rejection, 474 Regression analvsis. 71.450.452.461.466.

QRalgorithm, 123, 126, 128, 131, 133, 134 Quadrature, 229 Gauss, 229,241-245 Gauss-Legendre, 242,244.246.248

Rabinowitz, P., 123, 140 Radioactive Particle Tracking, 198 Rai, V. R., 356, 364 Ralston, A,, 123, 134, 140 Random variable, 453-455,457,458,460,465, 466,468,473,477 Randomness, 499,506 Randomness test, 499, 506,522 Rank, 79, 80, 85, 86, 89, 94.95, 121. 134, 137, 478,536 Rashchi, F., 194, 196 Rate constant, 199 Rayleigh-Ritz procedure, 435 Reactor, 172, 199,200, 256-258, 262, 296,307, 439,441,443 adiabatic, 199 batch, 67,139,258,262,488 circulating fluidized bed, 258 continuous stirred tank, 36.60, 114 multiphase, 198 nonisothermal, 199, 296 plug flow, 59,199,258,296,363,438,441 Reactor design, 3 Real gas, 1.7

linear, 452,453,476,479,493 multiple, 488,491,494,495,502, 504 nonlinear, 71,452, 453, 476,486,488, 494,496,502 polynomial, 479,480 Regula falsi, 12 Relative volatility, 2, 56 Relaxation factor, 47-49, 52, 312, 316, 317, 380,491,493 Residence time, 61,256, 257 Residence time dismbutian (RTD), 256,257 Reynolds number, 3,60 Rhodes, E., 447 Riess, R. D., 141 Robbins conditions (third kind), 372, 378, 379, 382-385,399,404,412,413,428,429 Roughness, 2 Roundoff error, 290, 341-347.432 Runge-Kntta method. 288-291,294-298,307, 316,333,344,348-350,354,355 Runge-Kntta-Fehlberg method, 352 Runs test, 499

Salvadori, M. G., 61, 195 Samarski, A. A,, 369,446 Sample, 453, 454, 457, 461, 465, 473, 475 mean, 457,459,465,471-473 standard deviation, 459 variance, 459,465,469,470,472,473 Scalar product, 84 Scott, D. S., 447 Second central moment, 458,465

Shao, P., 140 Shear rate, 314 Shear stress, 314 Shift factor, 131-133 Shift operator, 146-148, 162 Shootinz method, 310,313,314,316,322,362 Sienfeld, J. H., 363,466, 529 Signiticance test, 469, 506,522 Simpson's 113 rule. 230,234. 236-238.241 Simpson's 318 rule, 230, 235,236 Simuftaneous algebraic equations. 451 bidiagonal, 66 homo:enrous, 67,69,85,86, 121, 124 ill-conditioned, 167 linear, 63,64,66,67,71,79, $0, 85.87, 88.93-9599. 103-106, 111, 113, 115, 116, 122, 135, 136, 167, 181,286, 322, 377-379, 399,401,404,405, 427,431.479 nonhomogeneous,, 121 nonlinear,, 136. 286.290, 321,322,325,328,331,431,493 nontrivial solution. 86. 121. 122 predaminantly diagonal, I1 1, 112, 114, 115,379.380 tridiagonal, 183 trivial solution, 86 Singular value decomposition. 536 Sink, 397 Smith. G . M.. 447 Solid mixing, 527 Solvent extraction, 135 Source. 397 Spencer, I. L., 363 Spline. 180, 228 Spline function, 180-182 cubic, 180, 181, 184, 188 natural condition, 181, 183, 184. 228, 252 not-a-knot condition, 167, 181,228,252 Stability analysis, 353 Standard deviation, 459, 499,506, 522 Standard normal density Function, 462, 464, 466 Standard normal distribution, 471.472, 482, 502 State of the system, 450 State variable. 450-452 Static gain, 58 Statistical analysis, 452,461,468, 488, 505, 506,522,524,527 Statistical parameter, 453 Statistics, 502 Steady state, 37, 54. 64, 69. 114. 139, 362. 372, 375,376,410,422,423,438,441, 446 Stecpest descent method, 489,491,494 Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 59 Step size control, 283,351,152 Sternberg, R., 447 Stewart, W. E., 259,446 Stiffness ratio (SR), 353 Stirling's intelpulation formula. 168, 176, 177, 194 Stoichiometry, 69, 70 Student's r distribution, 461, 465, 469, 473. 474. 482,483,506 Student's r probability density function, 468. 506 Subdomain method, 436 Substrate, 70, 262, 441 Successive substitution, 8-10, 15. 16 Svirbely, W. I.. 526, 529 Synthetic division, 6. 34-39, 53 Systems analysis, 459 Systems eo&.ineering, 459

1 test, 475,483,496, 506. 522 Tangentla1 descent, 8 Taylor series, 12-14,45,47, 145, 147, 148. 176. 289,311,325,427,428, 490,491 Temperature profile, 246.248.25 I, 296. 307, 331, 340, 372, 382. 383. 412. 413. 422.423

Teukolsky, S. A , 61 Thermal conductivity, 59, 60, 94, 246, 367, 381, 383,438,440 Thermal diffusivity, 412,438 Thermodynamics, 1.33, 362 Thevenot, D. R., 447 Thomas algorithm, 401 Thornton, E. A,, 447 Toluene, 135 Transcendental equation, 4, 53 Transfer function, 3, 6, 37-39, 58 Transpurt phenomena, 365 Trapezoidal rule, 70, 230,232-234,237,238, 241 -244, 253, 287 Treybal, R. E., 2, 61 Trimethylpentane (2,2,4-), 524 Truncation error, 145,201,208, 212,214, 220, 221, 232, 233,239, 285, 297,298, 341-347, 352,432 Turbulent eddy diffusivity, 199 Turner, K. V., 528 Turnover number, 445 Two-phase flow, 220 Tychonov, A. N., 369,446

Variational formulation, 435 Variational principle, 435 Vector characleristic, 68 cross product, 84 dot product, 83 dyadic pruduct, 83 inner product, 83 linearly dependent, 84 linearly indcpcndent, 84 orthogonal, 81,84 scalar product, 83 transpose, 83 unit normal, 428 Velocirnetly, 198 Velocity profile, 198,246, 255, 314, 316,317, 320.538 Vemuri, V., 435,447 Venkatasubmmanian. K., 140,447 Vetterling, W. T., 61 Vichnevetsky, R., 435,446 Vieth, W. R., 140,447 Viscosity, 246, 314, 315 zero shear rate, 314 Von Neumann condition for stability, 433,434 Von Neumann procedure, 431,432,434,438

Unbiased estimate, 457,459 Underrelaxation factor, 380 Underwood, A. J. V., 2,56,61 UNIX, 533 Unsteady state, 115, 212, 218, 273, 367, 368, 370, 372, 373,395,404,410,411, 413,445,446

Wave equation, 369 Wegstein method, 9, 10 Weighted residuals method, 323, 435, 436 Wilkes, I. O., 141,259,447 Wolford, 1. C., 447

Vandermeer, J., 359, 364 Vapor-liquid equilibrium, 54, 524 Vapor pressure, 524 Variance, 257,460-462,468-471,473,475, 477,478,481,482.495-498.502, 504,506,522

Xu, Z., 196

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Alkis Constantinidesis Professor and Chairman of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers, The Stalc Univcrsity or New Jersey. He was born in Cyprus, where he lived until he graduated from high school. In 1959 he camc to the United States to attend Ohio State University, ;i Columbus, and received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemical engineering in 1964. For the next iwo years he worked at Exxon Research and Engineering Company in Florham Park, NJ. In 1969, he received : the Ph.D. degree in chemical engineerins from Columbia university, New York, N Y . He then joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at Rutgers University where he helped establish the biochemical engineering curriculum of the department. Professor Constantinides ha.; 30 ycars experience teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in chemical and biochemical engineering. His research interests arc in the fields of computer applications in chemical and biochemical engineering, ~. process nlodclin; a i ~ optinii7at1011, l al-l~ficl;~l intelligence, biotechnology. fermentations, and enzyme engineering. Professor Constantinides has industrial experience in process development and design of large petrochemical plants and in pilot plant research. He has served as consultant to industry in the areas of fermentationprocesses, enzyme engineering, application of artificial intelligence in chemical process planning, design and economics of chemical processes, technology assessment, modeling, and optimization. He is the author of the textbook Applied Numerical Methods with Personal Computers, published by McGraw-Hill in 1987. He is the editor and co-editor of three volumes of Biochemical Engineerirzg. published by the NY Academy of Sciences, and the author of more than 50 papers in professional journals. He served as the Director of the Graduate Program in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering from 1976 to 1985. In addition to being the Chairman, he is also the Director of the Microcomputer Laboratory of the department.

The Authors


Professor Constantinides is the recipient of Rutgers University's prestigious Warren I. Snsman Award for Excellence in Teaching (1991) and the 1998 Teaching Excellence Award given by the Graduating Senior Class of the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department. Alkis Constantinides is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the American Chcmical Society.

Navid Mostoufi is Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Tehran, Iran. He was born in Ahadan, Iran. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Tehran. From 1989 to 1994 he worked as process engineer with Chagalesh Consulting Engineers and Farazavaresh Consulting Engineers, Tehran. In 1999 he received the Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from ~cole Polvtechniaue de Montrkal and then joined the De~artment of Chemical Engineering - in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran. His areas of active investigation are multiphase reactors and numerical methods. Professor Mostoufi has five publications in Chemical Engineering Science and other major journals. He is a member of the Iranian Society for Chemical Engineering and the Iranian Petroleum Institute.


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Numerical Methods b r Chemical

Engineers witti MATLAB AppUdons
Msster numsricsl m t h a d r using MATLAB, today's leadlnfj 8OmYBn ler pmblsm salvlng
This complale guide to numerical methods In chemical engineering iS tha first to take full advantage of MATLAWS powerbl cakutatim emrimnment. Every chaptar contalns several examples using peneral M A W functions that Implement the method and can also be applied tw many other problems In the same catagory.

me authors begm by introducinp the solution of nonllnear equatlons uslng several standard approachas, lncludlnp mthods of successive wbslitution and Illrear interpolation; the Wegstein .. matiud: the Newton-Ra~hson method: the Eioenvalue method: and svrrthetle division aloorithms. with thesefundams& In hand, they move h to simultaneous linear alpebnic equatlo-ns, covering matrix and vector operation; Cramer's rule; Gauss methods; the Jacatil method; and the characterlstk-value problem. AddlUonal covsrape includes: Rntk dlfteronoe methods, and Interpolahon of equally and unequally spaced points Nurnerlcal drlferentlation and Integration, including dinerentiition by backward, forward, and central finite differences: Newton-Cotes formulas: and liw Gauss Quadrature Two deta~led chapters & ordimry and partial dlnerentlal equatlons CInear and nonllnear regreasion analyper, Including bast squares. estimated vector of pammaters, m o d of steepest desctmt. Gauss-Newton mthod, haarquardt Method, Newton Method, ,. and mult~ple nml~near rsgmdofl

% numerical methods covered here represecrt virtually all of those commonly used by practicing
enaineen. . . ..

:hemica1 The focus on MATW enables readers to accomlish more. wlih less mole&. than was w k i k viith tradilional FORTRAN. For those ~mfamillar with MATLAB, a brkf efntrodhnis provided &an Appendix. - The acwmpnying CD-ROM contains MATLAB 5.0 (and higher) source code for more than 60 sxamples, methods, and function scripts sowred in the book. Thew programs are cempatible with all three operating sys$ms. WindpwP, W S " , and UNIXe.

ABOUT THE AUTMOAS UK18 GOtlST~HHlES is a member of the facul in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical

Engineering at Rutgem, Thc State Unlvwsity of w Jsrsky. NAYID MDFlOWl Is a member af the faculty In the Deparhmnt of Chemical En@ineerlng, Unlverslty of Tehran, Iran.


ISBN 0-13-013851-7


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