The Elements of A Novel

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The Elements of a Novel 1.

Plot Before you even write a book, you should have a good idea of what it is going to be about. You have everything well thought out, and you are bursting with ideas that you cant wait to put on paper. In your mind, you can visualize the events, and you very well know the way your story should flow. You want it to end in a certain way and you desire the reader to be affected in a certain manner. Yes, you have a rough idea of how the events should flow from the very beginning down to the very end. Your story will not simply be a combination of unrelated and haphazard events. Rather, these events will be arranged in a certain pattern, with discernable logical transitions between them. Indeed these events are bridged, so that your reader will journey on without encountering confusing gaps. This in essence, is what a plot is: a flow of events in a story. The plot has five parts to it, and these are: exposition rising action climax falling action resolution

Let us discuss each of these in detail. Exposition This is where you introduce the characters, the setting, and the conflict. This is where you set the stage, so to speakthat proverbial stage where your characters are going to act and where all the action is going to take place. The exposition is the part of the novel of least action, but that does not mean it is not important. It is in fact the most important part of your plot. This is because it is where you set the ground work; the foundation of your whole book. A poor foundation will render your whole weak useless.

Rising Action Ah! This is where the novel starts getting interesting. The characters start acting. They get caught up in problems and/ or move to solve these problems. The reader is gripped by the action. The transition from exposition to rising action should happy early on so as to engage the reader and keep her reading. If this transition does not happen early enough, your reader will get bored and wont see the point of reading on. Climax This is where the action reaches its peak. The conflict is highest. At this point, the reader cannot simply put the book down. Falling Action After the graph of activity reaches its maximum, it rapidly starts dropping. During this period, the truth is brought out, and all the mysteries are solved. Resolution The conflict is resolved, and the story comes to its end. The reader responds with a sigh, a chuckle, a sniffle, a frownwhatever response you intended. 2. Setting The setting refers to the place and time in which you set your story. Settings in novels must be realistic to life. The sounds and the sights should be those that the reader is conversant with, those in real life, those that she can easily imagine. 3. Characterization The characters in a novel are realistic and have full human attributes. They feel the sting of failure, the twinge of conscience due to wrong doing, the joy of friendship, and a vast number of human emotions. They have hopes, dreams and ambitions.

The character is one of the most important of the elements of a novel, because it is through them that the author tells the story. 4. Theme This is the major idea, or motif, that permeates the whole work. This motif recurs throughout from the beginning to the end. It is the writers very reason for writing. Some writers want to mock the brutish realities of life, the corrupt practices of people in power, or they simply want to bring out a certain point about life. 5. Conflict The conflict, tension or problem is what makes the story move. Of the elements of a novel; this one is one of the most important. The characters move to solve this conflict, and their endeavours to solve these problems are what make the story worth reading. Without conflict, there is no story.

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