Useful Vocabulary For Shopping

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Useful Vocabulary




Wallet(s) (m) Purse(s) (f)










Changing Room(s)


Ways to pay





Credit card(s) Debit card(s)

Build Up
Where to buy what


Ladies Clothing Shop or Boutique

Mens Clothing Shop or Tailor's

Shoe Shop or Cobbler's


Electrical Store

Toy Shop or Toy Store

Record Shop

Book Shop





All or most of the above

Department Store







Off Licence


Post Office

All or most of the above


Naturally Speaking
Useful Shopping Phrases

Finding a Shop Questions Questions

Opening Hours

Can you recommend a good toy/clothes shop? Is there a chemists/supermarket in the area? Where can I get toothpaste/pet food? Where's the nearest shopping centre?

What time do you open, please? What time do you close, please? What are your opening hours? Are you open all day? Are you open on Sundays?

Answers/Comments Answers/Comments

There's a really good bookshop just around the corner. You can buy that here in the hotel. The best toy shop is in the shopping centre. The nearest one is a few miles away.

We're open 24/7. (24 hours a day / 7 days a week) We're closed at lunchtime, between 12 and 2pm. We're open from 9am till 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Shopping for Clothes Questions Questions


Could you help me, please? Could you tell me where the ................ department is? Excuse me, I'm looking for a .......... . Is there somewhere I can try this on, please? Does it suit me? Do you have this in a (larger/smaller size) (different colour), please? Do you do alterations? Do you have a refund policy?

Do you take credit cards? Do you give credit? Do you have a loyalty card? Does it have a warranty? Can I pay by cheque? Do you offer a cash discount? Could I have a VAT receipt, please? Could I leave my bags here and pick them up later?

Is this in the sale?



It's too long / short. It's too tight / loose. The ladies / gents changing rooms are over there. You can bring it back and exchange it or get a refund within 2 weeks if you keep the receipt.

We take all the major credit cards. We only accept cheques with a cheque card. We are offering 6 months free credit with no deposit. Sorry, no. Yes, certainly.

Here we have two conversations. The first is between Mrs Smith and her younger son John at the shops. The second is between Mrs Smith and a shop assistant.

It's Saturday morning and Mrs. Smith is going shopping. Mrs S: John: Mrs S: John: Mrs S: John: A bit later...... Mrs S: John Mrs S: John John are you home? Yes mum, I'm up stairs. Come down here, I bought you a new Nike T-shirt, I want you to try it on. Nike? Great I'm coming! John, I'm going to the shops. Is there anything you want? Yes please! Can you pick up my magazine from the newsagents? Of course. Do you want to come with me? No way, I'm going round to Mike's house, sorry. No problem. I'll be about an hour, be home by 5 o'clock at the latest. O.K. I'll see you later.

A few minutes later..... Mrs S: John Mrs S: John Mrs S: John Mrs S: Well, does it fit? I think it's a bit too small. Let's have a look. Hmmm, I think you've grown again! I can't wear it though. Do you like it? Yeah, it's a nice colour. I'll take it back to the supermarket and see if I can change it.

Mrs Smith had bought a nice new T-shirt for John, but when he tried it on it didn't fit.

It's Saturday evening and Mrs Smith has to return the T-shirt. Mrs S: Shop Assistant Mrs S: Shop Assistant Mrs S: Shop Assistant Mrs S: Shop Assistant Mrs S: Shop Assistant Mrs S: Excuse me, can you help me? Yes of course, what can I do for you? I bought this T-shirt for my son this afternoon, but it doesn't fit him, it's too small. Do you want to change it or get a refund. I'd like to change it for a larger size. Do you have these in large? I'll just check. Let's see, yes we have large or extra large, which would you prefer? I think large will be fine, it's for my son. That's fine, if it doesn't fit just bring it back again. If you take it to the customer service desk, they'll sort it all out for you. Thank you. Just as a matter of interest do you give refunds? Yes, of course. You can bring any clothing items back up to three weeks after purchase, but you must keep the reciept. I see, thanks again. You're welcome. Shop Assistant:

Vocabulary How to Talk about Shopping!

by Melanie on September 29, 2010

(Photo by ellewoods) Do you like shopping? Lets go shopping! (NOTE: it is not go to shopping.) Lets take a look at some vocabulary related to shopping. Do you have money to spend on clothes? If you not, you can still enjoy windowshopping. Its free! When you window-shop, you just look at all the things for sale in a store without intending to buy anything. If you do have money to spend on clothes, do you prefer to wait for a sale or do you shop when you need something? If something is for sale, you can buy it for money. If something is on sale, the price has been reduced from the original price. When you find a piece of clothing you like in a store, its a good idea to try it on first before you buy it. You want to make sure that it fits. If you want to try something on, find a sales associate and ask: Can I try this on? or May I try this on? The sales associate will show you to the change rooms (also called fitting rooms or changing rooms). While you are trying the clothes on, the sales associate sometimes asks: Does it fit? Would you like to try it in another size? When you have decided to buy something, take all your items to the cash desk (or cashier) to pay for them. In Canada you have three options: you can pay by debit card (your bank card), use your credit card or pay cash. Most places accept a cheque, but almost nobody uses cheques to pay for things in a store anymore. The cashier will put your new clothes in a paper or plastic bag, and then you get to take your new clothes home!

retail therapy
(noun) = this occurs when you go shopping and buy yourself things in order to make yourself feel better (when you are sad or unhappy)! Im really upset about breaking up with my boyfriend. I need some retail therapy!

a shopping spree
(noun) = you spend a lot of money and do a lot of shopping in a short amount of time. She went on a shopping spree this afternoon! It looks like she bought everything in the store.

to shop till you drop

(verb expression) = to spend so much time and so much money shopping that you are physically and financially tired, you are ready to drop from exhaustion! You are so tired that you cant shop anymore! A lot of stores are putting out their fall clothes now. Are you ready to shop till you drop?

to shop around
(phrasal verb) = before buying an expensive item (like household appliances or a car), you should compare the price and quality of the item in different stores. We shopped around before buying the kitchen table, and we found that Sears had the best deal.

to shoplift
(verb) = to steal something from a store (to take something without paying for it). My son was caught shoplifting. He stole a $100 jacket from The Gap.

Here are some English phrases to help you when you go shopping, as well as some of the things you might see.

Opening times
what times are you open?

we're open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday we're open from 10am to 8pm, seven days a week

are you open on ...? Saturday Sunday

what time do you close? what time do you close today? what time do you open tomorrow?

Selecting goods
can I help you? I'm just browsing, thanks

how much is this? how much are these? how much does this cost?

how much is that ... in the window? lamp

that's cheap that's good value that's expensive

do you sell ...? stamps do you have any ...? postcards

sorry, we don't sell them sorry, we don't have any left

I'm looking for ... the shampoo a birthday card could you tell me where the ... is? washing up liquid where can I find the ...? toothpaste

have you got anything cheaper? it's not what I'm looking for

do you have this item in stock?

do you know anywhere else I could try?

does it come with a guarantee? it comes with a one year guarantee

do you deliver?

I'll take it I'll take this

anything else? would you like anything else?

Making payment
are you in the queue? next, please! do you take credit cards? can I pay by cheque? I'll pay in cash I'll pay by card could I have a receipt, please? would you like a bag?

Returns and complaints

I'd like to return this I'd like to change this for a different size it doesn't work it doesn't fit could I have a refund? have you got the receipt? could I speak to the manager?

Things you might see

Open Closed Open 24 hours a day Special offer Sale Clearance sale Closing down sale Good value Buy 1 get 1 free Buy 1 get 1 half price Reduced to clear Half price

Out to lunch Back in 15 minutes Shoplifters will be prosecuted

Using a credit card

Enter your PIN Please wait Remove card Signature

Shopping and Vocabulary

Changing room / Fitting room a room in which you can put on clothes before buying them

Price tag a piece of paper with a price

Receipt a bill

Refund an amount of money that is returned to you when you are not happy with a product or service that you have bought

Size how large or small something is

Shopper someone buying things at a store

Discount store a shop in which goods are sold at cheap prices

Shopping list a list of all the things that you want to buy when you go shopping

Checkout the place in a store where you pay for your goods

Try on putting clothes on to find out whether they fit

Exchange change one thing for another

Afford if you have enough money to buy something and you are able to afford it

Suit to be fitted to, to befit

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1. Go to the
changing room

changing room Go to the * and tr

and try this dress on.

Allez la cabine price tag

2. Look at the shirt is too expensive. You can't afford it. 3. I've lost my I'd like to return this scarf. Is it possible?
receipt I've lost my * but I refund J'ai perdu mon tic price tag Look at the * ! Thi Regarde le prix! C

! This but


4. I would like to return this electric

kettle. Can I have a

refund shopper size

? 5. - May I try it on? - Yes, what

I w ould like to retu Je voudrais retou

are you?
- May I try it on? -Puis-je l'essayer refund

6. I'd like to get a these shoes because they are too tight.
refund I'd like to get a * fo Je voudrais que v shopper


7. There was a big sale at that mall

last week. Many line.


arrived at 4 a.m. to ensure a good place in

Il y avait des sold changing room

8. We go to the because it sells products at lower prices.

discount store We go to the * be Nous allons au m

There w as a big

9. Henry lost his

shopping list


forgot to buy pork loin.

shopping list changing room checkout Henry lost his * a Henri a perdu sa

10. She worked on the

at the supermarket last summer.

She w orked on th Elle a travaill la exchange

11. - Have you got this dress in ? 12. I missed my train because I was

black? - Yes, we have. - Can I

try it on - Have you got th receipt

-Avez-vous cette

queuing at the

in a supermarket.
J'ai rat mon train

I missed my train

13. I bought this sweater yesterday

but it's too small. Can I

exchange I bought this sw e afford


it please? 14. We don't have enough money.

J'ai achet ce pul

We aren't able to

such expensive shoes.

Nous n'avons pas

We don't have en discount store

15. - Where can I try the jeans on? -


is over there.
- O puis-je essa

fitting room

- Where can I try

16. This jacket


you very

well. I think you should buy it.

suits This jacket * you suit Cette veste vous

17. This tailcoat was very expensive

but Ted could still


Ce costume queu

This tailcoat w as

18. You spend too much on clothes.

Don't you look at the

price tag

price tag

before buying something? 19. I'm going to buy her the blue

You spend too m suits

Tu dpenses trop

dress. This colour


her best.
Je vais lui achete

I'm going to buy h receipt

20. If you don't like the colour of the

pullover, you can

it. You'll get another one.

Word List
Shop Assistant
Can I help you? What can I do for you? Are you being served Sorry, we don't sell stamps. Anything else? It's on offer. Buy two for the price of one. How much / many would you like? What size do you take? Sorry, we are out of bread Would another colour do? Would you like to try it on? The fitting room is over there. The dress suits you very well. Pay at the cash desk / till, please. I'll take this to the cash desk / till for you. Here you are. / Here you go. You're welcome. That's 20 euros/euro altogether You don't happen to have any change . , do you? . ?

Here's your change.

I need ... I'd like a bottle of milk, please.

Have you got souvenirs ? Do you sell stamps? Where can I buy post cards? Where can I get a film for my camera? Where can I find newspapers? Are these bottles returnable It doesn't fit me. It doesn't suit I don't like it. me. / expensive size / colour? . ?

It's too small / big / wide / tight I'm size ... Have you got this in another May I try this on, please? Where can I try this on, please? How much is it? That's all. Where is the cash desk / till? Could I get a receipt , please? Could I get a (plastic) bag, please?

(I'm afraid/ Sorry) I don't have any change Do you accept credit cards?

bakery (bikeri) - panadera barber's (brbers) - barbera bookstore (bkstor) - librera butcher's (bchers) - carnicera cake shop (kik shop) - pastelera candy store (kndi stor) - tienda de golosinas children's wear (chldrens ur) - ropa de nio clothing store (kluding stor) - tienda de ropas coffee shop (kfi shop) - cafetera confectioner's (konfkshoners) - pastelera dairy store (dri stor) - lechera delicatessen (dlikatesen) - fiambrera drugstore (drgstor) - farmacia dry cleaner's (dri-kliners) - tintorera estate agency (estit idchensi) - agencia inmobiliaria fishmonger's (fshmonguers) - pescadera

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/vocabulary/shops-stores.02.mp3" /> </object> florist's (flrists) - floristera fruit shop (frt shop) - frutera furniture store (frnicher stor) - mueblera gas station (gs stishon) - gasolinera greengrocer's (gringrousers) - verdulera grocery store (gruseri stor) - almacn hairdresser's (herdrsers) - peluquera hardware shop (hrduer shop) - ferretera herbalist's shop (hrbalists shop) - herboristera ice-cream parlour (iskrim prlor) - heladera ironmonger's (ironmonguers) - ferretera jeweller's (dchelers) - joyera jewellery store (dchelri stor) - joyera kiosk (kosk) - quiosco

ladies' wear (lidis ur) - ropa de seora laundromat (lndromat) - lavandera automtica

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/vocabulary/shops-stores.03.mp3" /> </object> leather goods shop (lder guds shop) - marroquinera mall (mol) - centro comercial market (mrket) - mercado men's wear (mns ur) - ropa de caballero music store (misik stor) - tienda de msica newsstand (nisstand) - quiosco de peridicos optician's (optshans) - optica perfumery (perfimery) - perfumera pet shop (pt shop) - tienda de animales pharmacy (frmasi) - farmacia shoe shop (sh shop) - zapatera shopping center (shping snter) - centro comercial shops (shops) - tiendas souvenir shop (suvenir shop) - tienda de souvenirs sports store (sprts stor) - tienda de deportes stationery store (stishoneri stor) - papelera

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"> <param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/vocabulary/shops-stores.04.mp3" /> </object> stores (str) - tiendas supermarket (spermarket) - supermercado toy store (ti stor) - juguetera travel agency (trvel idchensi) - agencia de viajes vegetable store (vdchetabl stor) - verdulera video store (vdiou stor) - tienda de videos

1. Bag 2. Barcode 3. Basket 4. Branded Items 5. Buy 6. Cash 7. Cashier 8. Change 9. Changing Room 10. Cheque 11. Coin 12. Credit Card 13. Customers 14. Debit Card 15. Delivery 16. Escalator 17. Grocery 18. Lift

19. Note 20. Purchase 21. Purse 22. Rack 23. Representative 24. Sales-Boy 25. Sales-Girl 26. Sales-Man 27. Scale 28. Shelf 29. Shop 30. Till 31. Trolley 32. Wallet



Es una persona adicta a las compras. Por ejemplo: Sally is a real shopaholic - she spends all her money on clothes!


Ests buscando algo en especial?

El/la dependiente/a te pregunta si necesitas ayuda.


I'm just looking

Utiliza esta expresin cuando no necesitas que el dependiente o la dependienta te ayude y quieres mirar por tu cuenta.


Is this on sale?

Muchas tiendas y almacenes tienen rebajas al final de cada temporada.


It's 10% off

El precio ha sido reducido un 10%.


This is a real bargain!

Quiere decir que es un producto a un precio bajo.


Do you have this in another color?

Utiliza esta expresin cuando te guste el estilo pero la talla o el color no es el adecuado, por ejemplo: Do you have this in blue?


Can I try this on?

Casi todas las tiendas tienen un probador donde te puedes probar la ropa para ver si te sienta bien, antes decidirte a comprarla.

51. 52.

That comes to...

Significa el precio total, por ejemplo: That comes to $55.

El cajero o la cajera te preguntar cmo quieres pagar


I'm just looking (slo estoy mirando). Es una buena forma de responder a "Can I help you find anything?" (puedo ayudarle en algo?) si todava no has decidido qu quieres comprar.


Where are your fitting rooms? puedes preguntar al vendedor o vendedora, si quieres probar cmo te queda una prenda antes de comprarla. En Gran Bretaa debers preguntar por los

changing rooms.


Does this come in other colors?(lo tiene en otros colores?). No a todo el mundo le gusta el negro o el blanco. No dudes en preguntar a la persona encargada de la tienda, si encuentras algo

que te gusta pero lo preferiras de otro color.


Do you have this in other sizes? Acabas de encontrar el atuendo perfecto para las vacaciones...ahora slo te falta ver si tienen tu talla!. Pregunta a la dependienta si la tienen usando esta



Do you have any of these in stock? Ves algo que te gusta en el escaparate pero no lo encuentras en la tienda no te desanimes! usa esta expresin para preguntar al vendedor o vendedora si

tiene uno left in stock. Puede que todava les quede alguno en el almacn.


Can I put this on hold? No ests seguro/a de haber elegido el regalo adecuado? Slo tienes que pedir a la persona encargada de la tienda "to put it on hold", y l/ella te lo apartar durante

un par de das; as podrs seguir buscando sin que desaparezca antes de que te hayas decidido.


I'd like a gift receipt for this. Muchas tiendas te pueden dar, si lo pides, un gift receipt - un recibo en el que no aparece el precio. As, si el regalo que has elegido no es el adecuado despus de

todo, la persona que lo recibe lo puede cambiar o devolver sin problemas. Y si decide quedrselo, nunca sabr lo que te ha costado!.


Can I get a price check for this? No encuentras la etiqueta con el precio del artculo? hazle esta pregunta a la persona que trabaja en la caja y seguro que l/ella te lo podr decir.


What's your return policy? Antes de comprar el regalo que has elegido, asegrate de que se puede cambiar o devolver, hacindole esta pregunta a la persona encargada de la caja.


Do you provide gift-wrapping? No tienes tiempo de envolver los regalos? No te preocupes! Muchas tiendas ofrecen este servicio a sus clientes, especialmente durante las Fiestas.

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