Computer Science (Fe) Mcq's

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UNIT I CF MCQ 1. A. B. C. D. Comments are written using the ______.

General English Statements Assembly Language Statements Higher Level Language Statements Block Of Code 2. C programming language was developed by? A Dennis Ritchie B Bill Gates C Peter Norton D Charles Babbage 3. C is level language. A High Level B Low level C Middle level D Machine level 4. C was developed in the year? A 1971 B 1972 C 1981 D 1982 5. C can be used on A Only MS-DOS operating system B Only Linux operating system C Only Windows operating system D All of the above 6. C program is converted into machine language with the help of A An Editor B A compiler C An operating system D None of the above 1

7 The symbol # is called ____ A Header files B Preprocessor C include D semicolon 8. #include is used to ______ A Link with system library B Compile C run D none of these 9. Which of the following is not header file? A stdio.h B conio.h C include D math.h 10. In Windows we use as an IDE to run C program. A Jdk B Turbo C/ Turbo C++ C Oracle D Notepad 11. A character constant is a single alphabet, a single digit or a single special symbol enclosed in_________. A Single quotes B Double quotes C Floating D None of these 12. String constant is a sequence of characters enclosed in __________ . A Single quotes B Double quotes 2

C Floating D None of these 13. Uppercase and Lowercase Letters are allowed to construct variable name. A TRUE B FALSE 14. Which symbol is used as a statement terminator in C Language. A Semicolon B Tilde C Hash D Exclamation Mark 15. Comments are _______________. A Executable statements B Non executable statements C Assignment statements D Input/output statements 16. How will you write comment in a ` C ` Program? A // B <!--C /* */ D both A & B 17. Which of the following is generally used for documentation? A Comments B Variables C Data types D Functions 18. Which of the following is FALSE in C? A Keywords can be used as variable names 3 --->

B Variable names can contain a digit C Variable names do not contain a blank space D Capital letters can be used in variable names 19 Blank spaces are allowed while declaring variable. A TRUE B FALSE 20 C variable cannot start with A An alphabet B A number C A special symbol other than underscore D Both (c) and (b) 21 Which of the following is illegal variable name? A _number1 B ab_a C 1num D Sum 22 Which of the following is legal variable name? A num 1 B num_1 C num-1 D num^1 23 We can use '$' sign while declaring Variable Name. A TRUE B FALSE C D 24 While declaring variable , First Character should be alphabet or Underscore A FALSE B TRUE 4

25. In C language for reading data from keyboard we use which function? A printf() B int C scanf() D main() 26. In C language for writing data on console window/ screen we use which function? A printf() B int C scanf() D main() 27. Which of the following is not an integer number? A 16 B -16 C 40 D 40.52 28. The real constants could be written in A Fractional form only B Exponential form C ASCII form only D Both Fractional and Exponential form 29 Which of the following is not a real number? A 16.23 B -16.23 C 40 D 40.52 Answer C 30 The size of an integer number is limited to A -32768 to +32767 B -128 to +127 C 3.4e-38 to 3.4e+38 5

D none of these Answer A 31. The size of a real/floating number is limited to A -32768 to +32767 B -128 to +127 C 3.4e-38 to 3.4e+38 D none of these Answer C 32. The size of a character is limited to A -32768 to +32767 B -128 to +127 C 3.4e-38 to 3.4e+38 D none of these Answer B 33. Characters are stored in______byte A 1 byte B 4 byte C 2 byte D none of these Answer A 34. Integers are stored in_____byte A 1 byte B 4 byte C 2 byte D none of these Answer C 35. A float number is stored in____byte A 1 byte B 4 byte C 2 byte D none of these Answer B 36. Which of the following is not a valid data type? A int 6

B char C float D main Answer D 37. Which of the following is valid data type? A include B char C getch D main Answer B 38. Identify the incorrect declaration of data type? A int area; B INT a,b; C float n; D float a, b, c; Answer B 39. Which of the following C statements is wrong? A a=123; B c+5=d; C sum=a+b; D a=40.45; Answer B 40. In C, arithmetic instruction cannot contain A Variables B Constants C Variable names on right side of = D Constants on right side of = Answer D 41. In C, a variable cannot contain A Blank spaces B Hyphen C decimal point D all of the above Answer D 7

42. In C language && is a? A Relational operator B Arithmetic operators C Logical operator D None of these Answer C 43. In C language ++ is? A Arithmetic operator B Increment operator C Relational operator D None of these Answer B 44. Which of the following is not Arithmetic Operator A + B || C && D * Answer B Unit 1 45. Which of the following is not relational Operator A >= B == C * D < Answer C 46. In C language (--) is? A Arithmetic operator B Decrement operators C Increment operator D None of these Answer B 47. Which of the following is not Logical Operator A || B && 8

C < D ! Answer C 48. Which of the following is Assignment operator A * B < C || D = Answer D 49. An expression contains relational operators, assignment operator and arithmetic operator. In the absence of parentheses, they will be evaluated in which of the following order A assignment, relational, arithmetic B arithmetic, relational, assignment C relational, arithmetic, assignment D assignment, arithmetic, relational Answer B 50. In b =6.6 / a +2 * n; which operation will be performed first? A 6.6 / a B a +2 C 2*n D Depends upon compiler Answer A 51. Variables must begin with character without spaces but it permits A An underscore symbol (_) B an asterisk symbol (*) C An ampersand symbol (&) D none of the above Answer A 52. Which of the following operator is used to write expressions in ` C `? A {} B () C [] D None of the above. Answer B 53. Values of data items of types int, float, char are displayed by writing ________________ 9

format specifier in printf( ) statement in C respectively. A %d, %f, %s B %f, %d, %c C %d, %d, %c D %d, %f, %c Answer D 54. The general form of printf statement is A printf("<format string>", <list of variables>); B printf("list of variables", format string); C printf("format string, list of variables") D printf("<format string>",<list of variables>) Answer A 55. Number of functions that can be called in a ` C ` program is _________. A 5 B 6 C Any number of functions D None of above Answer C 56. In a ` C ` expression, how is a logical ` AND ` is represented? A @@ B || C AND D && Answer D 57. How do you include a system header file called stdio.h in a ` C ` source file? A #include<stdio.h> B #incl \"stdio.h\" C #includefile<stdio> D #include stdio.h Answer A 58. Which one of the following variable name is not a valid name? A go_cart B go4it C 4season 10

D run4 Answer C 59. Which of the following shows the correct priority of arithmetic operators in ` C `? A **, * or /, + or B **, *, /, +, C **, /, *, +, D / or *, + or Answer D 60. Assuming an unsigned integer is represented using16 bits, the maximum value that an integer constant can have is A 256 B 32768 C 65536 D 128 Answer C 61. The getch() function in ` C ` is a ___________ A user defined function B library function C both of above D none of above Answer B 62. The printf statement is used to __________ A print the message on the console B read the data from keyboard C to store the value in the memory D none of the above Answer A 63. Which one of the following is not a valid character specification for C language? A Ascii B Control C Digit D space Answer B 64. Which of the following is not an integer constant in ` C `? 11

A 12345 B -90 C 45 D 1.2 Answer D 65. C keywords are reserved words by A A compiler B an interpreter C A header file D both (a) & (b) Answer A 66. If int x =2945, what is the value of the expression (x/100) %10? A 5 B 9 C 294 D 0.5 Answer B 67. If int x =2945, what is the value of the expression x/10? A 5 B 294 C 294.5 D 2 Answer B 68. If int x =2945, what is the value of the expression x%10? A 294 B 5 C 294.5 D 0.5 Answer B 69. The keyword ` void ` in function declaration indicates _______. A The function will return 'int' type of value B The function will return a default value C A function is not returning any value D The function will return 'void' type of value 12

Answer C 70. The _________ format specification is used to write a long integer variable. A %d B %dd C %ld D %lf Answer C 71. Constants in ` C ` refers to ___________ A A Fixed value that do not change during the execution of the program. B A Fixed value that can change during the execution of the program. C A Fixed value that can change after the compilation of the program. D A Fixed value that can change after linking the program. Answer A 72. If a=3, b=0 and c = - 4, what is the value of the expression a && b || c A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 Answer A 73. The logical ` OR ` operator is denoted by a ___ symbol in C Program. A && B || C | D & Answer B 74. The ________ format specification is used to read or write a unsigned integer variable. A %c B %d C %u D %f Answer C 75. The ` sizeof ` operator tells us the size of a type or a primary expression in terms of number of _____. A Bytes B Bits 13

C Nibbles D words Answer A 76. Which one of the following is an Arithmetic operator? A * B || C & D None of the above Answer A 77. Method which uses a list of well-defined instructions to complete a task, starting from a given initial state to end state, is called a _______. A Block B Algorithm C High level Language D Flowchart Answer B 78. Algorithm and Flowchart help us to___________ A Know the memory capacity. B Identify the base of a number system C Direct the output to a printer D Specify the problem completely and clearly Answer D 79. Flowchart helps for _________. A Better communication B Efficient coding C Program Testing D A& B Answer D 80. Basic symbols of flowchart are __________ . A Start and End B Processing, Decision C Input, Output D All of above Answer D 14

81. Parallelogram shape in flow chart denotes ___________ . A Start B Decision C End D Input - Output task Answer D 82. The program which translates high-level program into its equivalent machine language Program is called A A translator B a language processor C An editor D none of the above Answer A 83. Which of the following is used for representing a Conditional Statement in a Flow chart A Parallelogram B Rhombus C Trapezoid D Rectangle Answer B 84. Amongst the flowchart symbols, which of the following is an Auxiliary symbol? A Sequence B Connector C Decision D Repetition Answer B 85. The operations included in the instruction set of a computer are ____________. A Logical B Arithmetic C Input-Output D All of the above Answer D 86. The c programs are highly portable means A Same programs execute on different computers B Program executes only on the same computer 15

C Program needs a lot of modification to run D None of the above Answer A 87. A good algorithm should not _____. A Execute for a given set of initial conditions B Produce the correct output C Terminate after finite number of steps D Result into infinite state Answer D 88. ________ is used to write the algorithms. A Computer Language C B Any Programming Language C Computer Language C++ D English Language Answer D 89. Which of the followings is a program planning tool? A Compiler B Flowcharts C Algorithm D Both B and C Answer D 90. Which amongst the following flowchart symbols is a ` two way ` branching symbol? A Parallelogram B Connecter C Diamond D Rectangle Answer C 91. The extension for c program files by default is A .c ( dot c ) B .d ( dot d ) C .obj ( dot obj ) D . exe (dot exe ) Answer A 92. Which is the correct flow scenario in C? 16

A program logic main function variable declaration Header files end of program B Header files main function variable declaration program logic end of program C main function Header files variable declaration program logic end of program D Header files main function program logic variable declaration end of program Answer B 93. The instructions in machine language must be in streams of _______. A Decimal digits B ASCII code C Zeros and Ones D UNICODE Answer C 94. Algorithm must halts in ____________ A Finite time B Infinite time C Logarithmic time D Exponential time Answer A 95. The _____ flow chart symbol(s) represents one way flow of control. A Processing B Decision C Trapezoid D All above Answer A 96. The normal flow of flowchart is from _________. A Circular left B Right to Left C A& D D Top to Bottom Answer D 97. The result of 5&&2 is A 0 B 1 C 2 D 5 17

Answer B 98. Connector in flowchart is represented by A Rectangle B Diamond C Ellipse D Circle Answer D 99. In a flowchart, flow lines are used to indicate A Beginning of program B Data movement C Flow of operations D All of the above Answer C 100 Which of the following symbol is not used while drawing flowchart? A Start - End B Input-Output C Processing D Control Answer D 101 A computer program consists of ______. A a flowchart B an algorithm C algorithm written using some programming language D both an algorithm and a flowchart Answer C 102. The result of 16 >> 2 is A 4 B 8 C 2 D 5 Answer A 103. Which of the following are type of errors in C language? A Syntax & Logical B Semantic & Compilation 18

C Syntax and grammatical D All of above Answer A 104 Which are the types of errors that can occur in a computer program? A Logical errors B Syntax errors C Both A and B D None of these Answer C 105 Syntax errors are ___________ than logical error. A Easy to remove B Difficult to remove C difficult to detect D None of above Answer A 106 Logical error in a program will ___________ error message. A Produce B Not produce C do nothing D All of above Answer B 107. The result of expression (23 * 2) % ( int ) 5.5 is A 2 B 1 C 3 D 0 Answer B 108. The ` C ` expression ` int c=a+d/2) ` is having a__________ A Logical error B Syntax error C compiler error D semantic error Answer B 109. What is the correct value for variable y when the following code is executed x =0; 19

y = (x>0)? 10:-10; A 0 B 10 C -10 D Illegal expression Answer C 110. In C, the address of memory location of variable M can be determined by the expression A *M B &M C Both A and B D M* Answer B 111. The correct meaning of the expression ` a+=4 ` is _____. A a=a+4 B a+4=a C a=4 D a=4+4 Answer A 112. Which of the following are user defined data types? A long double B char C typedef D Both B and C Answer C 113. The size of the data type ` double ` in C programming language is _____ A 16 bits B 54 bits C 32 bits D 64 bits Answer D 114. For string data type_____ format specifier is used A %d B %f C %c 20

D %s Answer D 115. The meaning of ` % ` operator is _______. A Percent B modular division C integer division D Address Answer B 116. << is used for bitwise shift to_________ A Right B Centre C Left D End Answer C 117. Run Time Errors are encountered at the time of _________ A Execution B Coding C Compilation D Saving Answer A 118. Infinite loops are caused because of ______errors. A Compile time error B Logical error C Syntax D None Of Above Answer B 119. void main( ) { int i=10; printf("%d",i); } What will be the output of the sample code shown above? A run time error B compile time error C 10 D 2 21

Answer C 120. Which of the following are unary operators in C? A ! (exclamatory) B Sizeof C ~ (tild) D All of the above Answer D 121. What type of error is reported upon execution of following sample code void main( ) { int a=10, b=0, c; c=a/b; printf("%d",c); }

A Syntax error B Logical error C Linking error D None of above. Answer B 122. What will be output of the following c program? #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main( ) { int a=4, b=8, sum; sum=a+b; printf("sum=%f",sum); getch( ); } A 12 B No Output will be printed and run time error will be generated C Compile Error D 4 Answer B 123. What will be output of the following c program? #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a=12, b=8; 22

mod=a%b; printf("sum=%d",sum); getch(); } A 12 B Compile Error C No Output will be printed D 4 Answer D 124. What is output of following program? #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a=7,b=2,c,d; c=a%b; d=a/b; printf(c=%d \n,c); printf(d=%d\n,d); getch(); } A c=3.5, d=1 B c=1, d=3.500000 C c=1, d=3 D None of these Answer C 125. What will be output of the following c program? #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int continue=15; printf("%d",continue); return 0; } A 51 B No Output will be printed C Compile Error D 15 Answer C 126. Who processes instructions and data? 23

A keys B CPU C hard disk D SMPS Answer B 127. What are predefined in compiler? A ASCII B keywords C methods D None of the above Answer B 128. Where do Header file appears in the C program? A beginning B middle C end D none of the above Answer A 129. Program execution takes place in A CD B Tape C RAM D ROM Answer C 130. What type of device Hard Disk is? A semiconductor B magnetic C conductor D insulator Answer B 131. Which is the Brain of the computer system? A Mouse B printer C keyboard D central processing unit 24

Answer D 132. Which of the following is the boolean operator for logical-and? A & B && C | D |& Answer B 133. What is Compiler? A Hardware B Software C Device D None of the above Answer B 134. C Programming Follows ....? A Non structured approach B Structured approach C Object oriented approach D None of these Answer B 135. Pseudo code is A language independent code B refined version of program C code developed using the syntax of a specific language D outcome of compilation process Answer A 136. Which notation is used to comment a single statement in C A // B /* / C ** D <!-Answer A 137. Which notation is used to comment multiline in C A // B /* */ 25 -- >

C ** D <!-Answer B 138. Which of the following symbol is used to denote a pre-processor statement A ! B # C ~ D ; Answer B 139. Which of the following are tokens in C A keywords B variable C constants D All the above Answer D 140. Which escape character can be used to begin a new line in C? A \a B \b C \m D \n Answer D 141. Which escape character can be used to beep from speaker in C A \a B \b C \m D \n Answer A 142. A kite box in the flowchart represents A Input/Output B Decision C connector D processing Answer B 143. Header files in C contains 26 -- >

A Compiler commnads B Library functions C Header information of C programs D Operators for files Answer B 144. The result of expression (10 / 3)* 3 + 5 %3 is A 11 B 10 C 8 D 1 Answer A 145. Which of the following is a scalar data type A float B Union C array D structure Answer A 146. The individual units of a C program is known as A records B Tokens C units D Program Answer B 147. which of the following is the correct syntax to use printf() statement A printf(<message>) B printf(<message>); C printf("<mesage>"); D printf("<message>") Answer C 148. Every executable C program must contain a A printf function B scanf, printf and main functions C main function D scanf function 27

Answer C 149. A block is enclosed with pair of A () B {} C <> D [] Answer B 150. The purpose of main function is A to stop program execution B to stop algorithm C to start algorithm D to start program execution Answer D 151. What is the remainder of 8 % 10? A 8 B 2 C 0 D 1 Answer A 152. What is the correct value to return to the operating system upon the successful completion of a program? A -1 B 1 C 0 D programs do not return a value. Answer C 153 What punctuation is used to signal the beginning and end of code blocks? A {} B -> and <C BEGIN and END D ( and ) Answer A 154. Which of the following is a correct comment? A */ Comments */ B ** Comment ** 28

C /* Comment */ D { Comment } Answer C 155. What is the output of following program? void main () { int ans = 2; int m=10; int k; k=! ( (ans<2) && (m>2 ) ); printf (\n %d,k); } A 1 B 0 C -1 D 2 Answer A 156. Expression C=i++ Causes ? A Value of i is assigned to C and then I is incremented by 1 B i to be incremented by 1, and then value of i assigned to C C Value of i assigned to C D Value of i assigned to C Answer A 157. In c Programming language ,which of the following type of operators have the highest precedence A Relational Operators B Equality operators C Logical Operators D Arithmetic Operators Answer D 158. A declaration float a, b; occupies ______ of memory A 1 byte B 4 bytes C 8 bytes D 16 bytes Answer C 159. An ampersand before the name of the variable denotes 29

A Actual values B Variable name C address D Data type Answer C 160. Null character is represented by A \n B \0 C \o D \e Answer B 161. By default a real number is treated as a A float B double C long double D far double Answer B 162. What are the total number of keywords in C? A 30 B 33 C 32 D 35 Answer C 163. What is the purpose of \t? A used to insert a vertical tab B used to insert a tab C places cursor in end of line D places cursor in start of line Answer B 164. What are the different types of real data type in C ? A float, double B short int, double, long int C float, double, long double D double, long int, float 30

Answer C 165. What will you do to treat the constant 3.14 as a long double? A use 3.14LD B use 3.14L C use 3.14DL D use 3.14LF Answer B 166. Which bitwise operator is suitable for turning off a particular bit in a number? A && operator B & Operator C || operator D ! Operator Answer B 167. Which of the following is invalid variable name? A total B intarea C while D avg_marks Answer C 168. What will be output of the following program? main() { int i=10; i=!i>14; printf ("i=%d",i); } A i=0 B i=1 C i=2 D i=4 Answer A 169. Which of the following is not C keyword? A auto B int C sizeof D main 31

Answer D 170. Which of the declaration is correct? A int length; B char int; C int long; D float double; Answer A 171. What is the valid identifier in the following A 1fdasgf B @hgd12 C fahs%* D Answer D 172. The declaration of a variable in c should be done A before using it B after using it C at the time of using D only in the calling program Answer A 173. Which of the following is not logical operator? A & B && C || D ! Answer A 174. In the following which one is not a c keyword? A case B choice C volatile D for Answer B 175. What is the output of C statement 7.5 % 3 ? A 1.5 B 1 32 q1234

C No output D Error Answer D 176. Which of the following is the correct order of evaluation for the below expression? z=x+y*z/4%2-1 A */%+-= B =*/%+C /*%-+= D *%/-+= Answer A 177. What will be the output of the program? #include<stdio.h> int main() { int y=128; const int x=y; printf("%d\n", x); return 0; } A 128 B Garbage value C Error D 0 Answer A 178. What will be the output of the program? #include<stdio.h> int main() { const c = -11; const int d = 34; printf("%d, %d\n", c, d); return 0; } A error B -11, 34 C 11, 34 D None of these Answer B 33

179. The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is A switch B goto C go back D return Answer D 180. Which of the following is integral data type? A Void B Char C Float D Double Answer B 181. What will be the output of the program? #include<stdio.h> int main() { const int i=0; printf("%d\n", i++); return 0; } A 10 B 11 C No output D Error: ++needs a value Answer D 182. What will be output of the following program? #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int i=1; i=2+2*i++; printf("%d",i); return 0; } A 5 B 4 C 0 D 8 Answer A 34

183. Which keyword covers unhandled possibilities? A all B contingency C default D other Answer C 184. An identifier in C ? A is a name of thing such as variable and function B is made up of letters, numerals and the underscore C can contain both uppercase and lowercase letters D All of above Answer D 185. What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code? #include<stdio.h> #define x 5+2 int main(){ int i; i=x*x*x; printf("%d",i); return 0; } A 343 B 27 C 133 D Compiler error Answer B 186. What will be printed as the result of the operation below: main() { int a=20,b=35; a=b++ + a++; b= ++b + ++a; printf("%d%d\n",a,b); } A 5942 B 5000 C 5421 D 5794 Answer D 35

187. Find the values of m and k? void main () { int m,j =3,k; m=2*j\2; k=2*(j\2); clrscr(); printf(\n m=%d,m,k); } A m=3 k=2 B m=3 k=3 C m=2 k=3 D m=2 k=2 Answer A 188. The names of variables,functions,arrays are known as A keywords B identifiers C names D elements Answer B 189. In c every variable has A a size and value B a type, name, value and size C a type and size D a name and type Answer B 190. printf() and scanf() functions are defined in which header file ? A stdio.h B conio.h C file.h D math.h Answer A 191. Input/output function prototypes and macros are defined in which header file? A conio.h B stdlib.h C stdio.h D iostream.h 36

Answer C 192. What will be the output of following program? #include #define a 10 main() { #define a 50 printf("%d",a); } A 10 B 500 C 100 D 50 Answer D 193. In which stage the following code #include<stdio.h> gets replaced by the contents of the file stdio.h A During editing B During linking C During execution D During preprocessing Answer D 194. The statement # include < math.h> is written at the top of a program to indicate A beginning of the program B beginning of the program C none of these D that certain information about mathematical library functions are to be included at the beginning of the program Answer D 195. Which of the following operators below have the highest priority when evaluating? A () B [] C * D -> Answer A 196. On which of the following operator can % operator NOT be used? A int variable B float variable 37

C int constant D All of the above Answer B 197. What will be the output of the following code? int main(void) { int i=5,j=6,z; printf("%d",i+++j); return 0; } A 12 B 11 C 10 D ERROR Answer B 198. In y=10*x/2+z; which operation will be performed first? A 10*x B x/2 C 2+z D Depends upon compiler. Answer A 199. Which of the following is odd one out A + B ++ C * D ** Answer D 200. If a is an integer variable, x=25/9; will return a value A 2.77 B 2 C 2.7 D 3 Answer B 201. Hierarchy decides which operator A Is most important B Is used first. 38

C Is fastest D Operators on largest numbers Answer B Unit 1 202. The expression x= 3/2*4+3/8 evaluates to A 0 B 8 C 4 D None of the above Answer C 203. Which of the following is unary operator? A Logical operator B Bitwise operator C Increment Operator D Relational operator Answer C 204. The expression, a=5000*3+6754 A 21754 B 32754 C 33785000 D 15000 Answer A 205. The statement i++; is equivalent to A i = i + i; B i - 1; C i= i + 1; D i --; Answer C 206. What will be the output of following #include<stdio.h> int main() { float a=5,b=2; int c,d; c=a%b; d=a/2; printf(%d\n, d); 39

return 0; } A 0 B 1 C 0.5 D ERROR Answer D 207. The equality relation operator is represented by A := B == C .EQ D = Answer B 208. Find the output of the following? main() { int c= - -2; printf("c=%d",c); } A 3 B 5 C 2 D 1 Answer C 209. Find the output of the following? main() { int i=5; printf("%d%d%d%d%d",i++,i--,++i,--i,i); } A 4554 B 45555 C 45545 D 55555 Answer C 210. In mathematics and computer programming, which is the correct order of mathematical operators? A Addition / Subtraction, Multiplication / Division 40

B Division / Multiplication, Addition / Subtraction C Multiplication, Addition, Division, Subtraction D Addition, Division, Modulus, Subtraction Answer B


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