Lawsuit and Search Warrant For Asian Massage

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KENCHRISTESEN, ) Individually and in his official capacity ) as San Juan County Sheriff, ) San Juan County Sheriffs 0ffiee, )

Jamison, McCall,

Individually and in his official capacity,

) ) )



Individually and in his official capacity

) Individually and in his official capacity, )


COME NOW the Plaintiff by and though her attorney, Christian A. Hatfield, Tucker,
Burns, Yoder & Hatfield, and for her cause of action state as follows:


Plaintiff is an Asian-American resident of San Juan County, New Mexico


primary language is Mandarin Chinese and who is employed as a massage therapist duly licensed by the State of New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.


Plaintiff is the owner and proprietor of Asian Massage, a massage therapy

located atZA3 South Orchard, Farmington, New Mexico.



Defendant Christensen is an individual resident of San Juan County employed by the

San Juan County Sheriff s Deparhnent and acting under color

of state law at all times

relevant hereto.


Defendant Jamison is an individual resident of San Juan County employed bythe San Juan County SherifPs Department and acting under color
relevant hereto.

of state law at all times


Defendant Sanchez is an individual resident of San Juan County employed by the San Juan County SherifPs Department and acting under color of state law at all times
relevant hereto.


Defendant McCall is an individual resident of San Juan County employed by the San Juan County Sheriffs Department and acting under color
relevant hereto.

of state law at all times


Defendants Jamison, Sanchez, and McCall (collectiveln the "SET''defendants), are


of the San

Juan County Sheriffs Office Special Enforcement Team, a

division of the SJCSO created with public funds, according to the SJCSO web site, to

"identifu, arrest and successfully prosecute recidivists," "targetfi repeat offenders," "dismanfle[e] criminal groups," and address "quality of life" issues; as part of its mission statement, SET notes that while most police actions are reactive (i.e.
investigating crime and arresting criminals), SET is proactive and *not limited by
catch slogan names or specific job stipulations/requirements."

Defendants San Juan County SherifPs Office (SJCSO) and San Juan County are public entities subject to suit under the New Mexico Tort Claims Act, $ 4l-4-l et seq.

NMSA 1978, which specifically provides for a waiver of immunity where a law
enforcement offrcer has caused the deprivation of rights secured under the laws or constitutions of the United States or New Mexico. Id. 5 4l-4-12.


San Juan County receives state and federal funding and is required

to comport with

the laws and constitutions


of the State of New Mexico and the United


10. State district courts share concurrent jurisdiction

with federal courts over 42 U.S.C.

1983 claims for the denial of constitutional rights.



Claim notice was properly sent to San Juan County by certified mail on

November 7,2012, pursuant to NMSA $ 4l-4-1.



some point prior

to the raids of October 30, 2012 and thereafter-described

below-defendants, by surfing the internet (as detailed in their affrdavits and other
documents related to the criminal cases described herein), and, on information and belief, based on what a guy in a bar told one of the defendants, came to believe that

plaintifFs massage business, being "owned by an Asian," was "possibly a house of

13. Beginning

in August or September of 2012 SET

operatives proceeded

to set up

surveillance on plaintiff and her employee, watched them walk to their home in Farmington and noted that neither woman walked to or from any other business or
residence than their own house and place of work. 14.

On information and belief no such surveillance or targeting of any non-Asian

massage therapist, physical therapy or other place of business has been the subject


SET's special operations


San Juan County, nor have there been any other like

prosecutions in San Juan County courts.


The SET operatives, using public money, repeatedly attempted to solicit prostitution

at plaintifPs place of business: in their words, seeking "hand jobs," or *happy


The SET operatives' diligence in attempting to procure sexual favors



to their

underwear and being massaged by plaintifPs employees while

transmitting their experiences to other SET operatives in the parking lot by covsrt
recording devices.

Although no happy endings were forthcoming, one masseuse allegedly made a

gesture that McCall claimed he knew "from training and experience that this motion was meant to mean that she wanted to manually stimulate my genitals."


McCall and Sanchez also had their suspicions raised when an employee identified
herself as Tina, and "remember[ed] from an erotic massage web site that one of the
masseuses was Tina from the Asian Massage Parlor."


While disrobing, McCall "inspected the massage room and


did not find a massage

20. SET deputies retumed for another round of massage therapy/surveillance on October

10,2012-again using public money, when Sanchez,26

mintlfres and 40 seconds into

a 35-minute massage asked the masseuse about a "massagee;" (it is unclear to date

what this means, but may possibly be a racially-derived stereotlpe

of a Chinese

accent circa 1940's black-and-white movies) and "gave her a hand sign for a 'hand

21. The employee 'hand

"didn't understand," so Sanchez persisted and *kept giving her the

job' sign with my hand by moving it up and down."


Although apparently enticed, the employee did not perform manual


stimulation on Sanchez, who was texted by Jamison and said he had to get back to work.
23. On or about October 30,2012, SJCSO Special Enforcement Team (SET) operatives

raided plaintiffs business, arrested

plaintifl took her to jail (where

she was held


more than four days), searched for "condoms, lubricants, ledgers, books, instruction

manuals describing sexual acts, and large amounts of cash from the earnings of
prostitution,o' accused plaintiff of running a house of prostitution, being a prostitute,
and running an unlicensed massage parlor.

24. Details

in the affidavits submitted by SET included the statement that one of the
told McCall that she worked for "teepo," apparently their transliteration of


the employee's accent; the employee may have been saying that she worked for the
customers ('people"), which deputies concluded meant "tips." 25. The same masseuse allegedly also

said-again, in very broken English-the word

"huppy," which SET construed to mean "happy ending."

26. SET operatives also arrested

a masseuse-an independent contractor working in


business charged her with prostitution, obtained a 'confession' despite the

language barrier (she speaks less English than plaintiff) and instituted deportation by

summoning Homeland Security operatives


transport Jiang

to an out-of-state

holding facility pending deportation proceedings; the plea was later withdraum and
she was released from ICE detention.

27. Despite repeated requests by

plaintiffs criminal

defense counsel and the absence


any complaint under the New Mexico Forfeinue Act ($ 3l-27-1 et seq., NMSA

1978), SJSCO has refused to return plaintiffs belongings or place the money in an interest-bearing account.
28. When

plaintiff went to SJCSO in Aztec to attempt to get her belongings baclg or at


least her car keys, she was told by an SJCSO employee, "you can

29. While plaintiff was in jail, SET operatives secured and executed various warrants,
alleging-among other things-that, based on their training and experience, Wei Lu was ruru:ing a house of prostitution.
30. The SET operatives,

in addition to going undercover in plaintiffs


(or its

opposite, literally stripping to their underwear) to solicit happy endings, also qpent a

great deal


county-funded time conducting drive-by surveillance, parking near

plaintifPs business, watching plaintiff and her co-workers, and surfing the web for
information about Asian massages.
31. Following the raid on her business and home, SET operatives raided plaintifPs home,

which she shared with another worker from her business. SET deputies again seized

plaintiffs money, computers, business ledgers

and other personal belongings, leaving

a partial inventory sheet for her upon her return from

jail; to

date, these belongings

have not been returned nor the provisions of the Forfeiture Aet complied with.

32. After seizing a fair portion of plaintiffs belongings, sending her co-worker to El Paso for federal detention, shuttering her business, and holding her in jail for four days, the defendants charged plaintiff

with failing to display license or

registration, a

misdemeanor, and doing business without

misdemeanor; both charges were later dismissed.



registration, also


At all times relevant herein plaintiff

has maintained a valid massage license, as she

has for more than eight years; at the time of the SET raid, she explained to the
deputies that her then-current license was about to expire, which was why she had a

new one in her purse-the deputies refused to allow her to show them the license and
proceeded with their raid of her business. 34. Despite

the massive resources devoted to the SET operation-including, on

information and belief, trips to Albuquerque, numerous hours of covert surveillance, undercover work, and more, no one from plaintiffs business was convicted of prostitution or any prostitution-related crime.


35. Plaintiffrepeats and realleges paragraphs 1-34 as 36. Defendants


contained herein.

intentionally and falsely arrested plaintiff, accused plaintiff of

prostitution, held her in

jail while they seized her belongings

and person, and

prosecuted her for a false certification violation. 37. Defendants' actions occurred in the course of a deprivation of plaintiffls rights based on her national origin. 38. As a result
at trial.

of said false arrest, plaintiff suffered damages in an amount to be proven




39. Ptaintiffrepeats and realleges pmagraphs 1-34 as

if contained herein. of the

40. Defendants intentionally and wrongfully took personal belongings and cash

plaintiffillegally, while acting under color of state law.

41. Plaintiffis entitled to immediate retum of her personal items and money.

42. As a result of the defendants' actions, plaintiff has suffered loss of business, the value

of the money and items taken and other damages in an amount to be proven at trial.



42 U.S.C. 819E3 Civil Rights Violations

43. Plaintiff repeats and realleges paragraphs 1-34 as 44. Plaintiff is a member of a protected class.


contained herein.

45. Defendants intentionally and deliberately violated defendants civil rights based on her

national origin and their conflation of internet porn, licensed massage therapists and Asian-Americans.
46. Defendants' actions, though illegal, were taken under the color

of state law while

wearing badges, guns, and other paraphernalia of authority, and using sheriffs office
funds to attempt to solicit prostitution. 47. Defendants'

actions constituted intentional deprivations

of plaintiffs


established Equal Protection, Due Process, and freedom from unreasonable Search

and Seizure rights in violation of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the
United States Constitution and Article II of the New Mexico Constitution.
48. As a result

of defendants' actions, plaintiff has suffered

damages in an amount to be

proven at trial.

COUNT IV: 42 U.S.C. 0 1985 Consoiracv to Yiolate Civil Riehts

49. Plaintiff repeats and realleges paragrcphs l-32 as


contained herein.

Plaintiffis a member of a protected


51. Defendants

intentionally conspired to discriminate against plaintiff based on her


Asian heritage and specifically targeted her because of her Asian heritage

52. Defendants' violations of

plaintiffs due process and equal protection rights under the

United States and New Mexico constitutions
unambiguous, commonly understood rights

4th and l4th Amendment rights under the

were violations

of clemly-established

known to all but the plainly incompetent, depriving them of any claims to qualified immunity.
53. Defendants actions took place in and out of uniform, at all times acting under color


their authority as members of SET, in coordination with one another, intentionally

and deliberately. 54,

As a result of defendants' actions, plaintiff suffered

proven at trial.


in an amount to


WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray the Court for judgment against Defendang in an amount to

be determined by the trier of fact, together with costs, pre-judgment interest, posdudgment
interest, attorneys fees, punitive damages, immediate retum of
same since the date

plaiatiffs motrey, interest on the

of seizure, return of plaiutiffs personal belongings and business belongings

and such other and further relief as this Court deems appropriate'

Respecdully submitted,

CIIRISTIAN A. HATFTELD Attorney forPlaintiffs 105 North Orchard Avenue Farmington, New Mexico 87401 (s0s\325-77ss




Wei Lu, herein, first duly swom upon oath, deposes and states that she has rea{ knows and understands the contents of the foregorng and that the statements made therein are tnre to the best of herknowledge.

SUBSCRIBED AI\[D swoRN to before me this



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203 S. Orchard, Farmington, NM 2011 Gray Mazdabearing NM license number 426RHG Defendant.

SEARCH WARRANT THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO ANY OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THIS WARRANT: Proof by Affidavit for Search Warrant, having been submitted to me, I am satisfied that there is probable cause that the person named or property described in the Affidavit is located where alleged in the Affidavit and I find that grounds exist for the issuance of the Search Warrant. A copy of the Affidavit is attached and made apart of this Warrant. YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to search forthwith the person or place described in the Affidavit between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., unless I specifically authorized a nighttime search, for the person or property described in the Affidavit, serving this Warrant together with a copy of the Affidavit, and making the search and if the person or property be found there, to seize the person or property and hold for safekeeping until further order of the court.
Condoms, Lubricant, Ledgers, books, or documentation of prostitution transactions. Instruction manuals from the Chinese language to English describing sexual acts. Large amounts of cash from the earnings of prostitution.

You are further directed to prepare a written inventory of any person or property seized.. You are further directed to file the retum and wriffen inventory with the Court promptly after its execution.


ln August of 2012, the San Juan County Special Enforcement Team (SET) received information that the Asian Massage parlor directly south of KB Dillon's restaurant in Farmington was possibly a house of prostitution. The SET team set up a prolonged surveillance operation on the Asian Massage parlor to gather information on the clientele that frequented the establishment. As a result of the surveillance, the SET team was able to establish that the clientele for the Asian Massage parlor consisted entirely of male subjects.
The SET team leamed that the business was owned by an Asian female named Wei Lu. Wei Lu also is listed as leasing apartment #8 in an apartment complex at 510 Wall St. in Farmington. Her vehicle, a20ll Mazdabearing NM license number 426RHG has been seen at the Asian Massage parlor and the apartment at 510 Wall St.

Two Asian women who perform massages at Asian Massage have been identified as Li Jiang (d.o.b. of 08/08/1977) and Xiang Yu Xie (d.o.b. of 04101/1955). Both women reside in Apartment #8 at 510 Wall Street. Neither of the women has reported an incomein20l2.
Both women have been observed numerous times walking from 510 Wall St. #8 to the Asian Massage parlor before work. They have also been observed walking home from the Asian Massage parlor to 510 Wall after work. Neither woman has been observed walking to or from any other business or residence in Farmington during the surveillance. On September 04, 2012,a silver I gruyMazdapassenger car bearing NM license plate number 426RHG was seen parked in front of the Asian Massage parlor. An unidentified female entered the vehicle and drove to Wal Mart West in Farmington, where she purchased supplies with a credit or debit card, and then returned to Asian Massage at203 S. Orchard, where the unidentified Asian female unloaded the supplies. The female then entered the Mazda and drove to 510 Wall Street in Farminigton. On September 06, 2012, Deputy Sanchez and I attempted to gather information on the Asian Massage parlor at203 S. Orchard in Farmington.

At l7l7 hours Deputy

Sanchez and I entered the establishment in an attempt to procure

massages. Upon entering the front door, we were met by an Asian woman wearing a pink shirt. She appeared to be approximately 50 years of age, and had medium length black hair. She invited me into another room and we stood next to a massage table. The woman spoke very broken English, and it was difficult to commtrnicate with her. The woman said that $60 went to the owner of the business, and then she said "I work for you." I did not understand what that meant, and I asked her. She said "I work for you for "Teepo."" I asked her what "Teepo" meant. She put her hand in front of her chest with the fingers of her left hand bent, as if she were grasping a cylindrical object, and pumped her hand up and down in front of her face, saying "Teepo, I work for Teepo." I asked her if she meant that she worked for tips. She said "Yes, Teepo, Tip" while she continued to make the pumping motion. From my training, I know that the pumping motion is meant to convey masturbation.

I told the woman that I only had $60 and did not have enough for a tip. I then asked her if she accepted credit cards, she said that she did not. I told her that I was going to go speak to "my friend" in the lobby. I went into the lobby and spoke with Deputy Sanchez. We agreed that I would give him my $60, so he would have enough money for a massage and a tip. I then exited the building and joined Sergeant Jamison in his patrol unit and monitored the listening device that Deputy Sanchez had in his pocket. I exited the Asian Massage parlor at l72l hours.
The woman that I spoke to at Asian Massage was later identified as Xiang Yu Xie. The following account is a report submiued by Deputy Sanchez for the evening of September 06,

On September 6, 2012 Deputy Dave McCall and I went to the Asian Massage Parlor at 203 South Orchard in Farmington in an undercover status. We were bothwearing plain clothes and had investigative funds to attempt to get a massage with a "happy ending" whichfrom our investigationwas a "hand job". We each had 560 cash (3, $20 bills) and the serial numbers had been photocopied prior to us aruiving at the parlor.

At approximately l7l 5 hours we went into the shop and a asian female wearing a pink shirt a black capri style pants greeted us. We advised her we wanted massages and she took McCall backfirst. The windows are covered with very dark shades and you cannot see out of the parlor while inside or see in while walking up. There were two chairs on the north side of the waiting room with a magazine stand in between them. There were multiple Mqxim magazines on the stand and the lightingwas low and there was music playing quietly in the background.

I sat waitingfor approximately 3 or so minutes and McCall and the asianfemale came back. McColl stated the cost was $60for the owner and the masseuses workedfor tips so he then handed me his money and left the parlor. Thefemale then tookme backthrough a curtain and we turned south (left) down a hallway and passed one room andwent to the last room in the hallway. You entered the room through a door and there was a massage table in the middle of the room. There was a hook on the wall as soon as you walked into the room on the right ond the asianfemale told me to put my clothes there and lie down. She then left the room and I got
down to my underwear and layed down on my stomach.

f my buddy (McCall) was going to the bank and coming backfor a period of time and I kept telling her it was probably across town and it would take awhile. She asked multiple times if I liked the massqge and would just smirk everytime I said "Yes". She then asked if I was married and I told her yes (was wearing my wedding ring) and she stated I was young. I asked her how old she thought I was and she stated "24". I told her I was 25 and she kept going with the massage.
She then came back into the room and started the massage. She kept asking

I asked her where

she was

from and she told


from China and

she had been here

for four

months now. She went to Los Angeles and then came here. I asked her what her name was and she stated "Tina". I remember from on erotic massage web site that one on the masseuses was Tinofrom the Asian Massage Parlor. She askedwhat I did and I told her Iworked in the offietd. At the endof the massage she did not solicit anything at this time but she did sayfor me to come back to her for a "really good time" next time. I then left the parlor after paying the $60 fee and a $20 tip at approximately l8l5 hours. I then gave Sgt Jamison the other $40 so it could be put backwith the investigative fund. On October 10,2012, at approximately 1935 hours, I entered the Asian Massage parlor at 203 S. Orchard with the intent of gaining probable cause that prostitution is being conducted at the establishment. I went in with a digital wire (a listening device that was being monitored by other San Juan County Sheriff s Office personnel) and an Olympus digital recorder.

I was met at the door by an Asian female who has been identified as Li Jiang. I spent a moment in the lobby / waiting area, looking for a Massage license for the establishment, because in my training I had learned that a Massage license must be displayed in a conspicuous place for customers to examine. I had also learned that the individual employees who perform massages must display a license in a place that was visible from their workspace.
adjacent to the waiting room and instructed me to remove my clothing and lay on the massage table. She told me that the massage cost $60 for one hour. pulled a wad of money out of my trousers and peeled $60 off and gave it to her. Li Jiang saw that I still had a considerable amount of cash in the roll of money. She left the room and I removed my outer clothing, leaving my boxer shorts on. As I disrobed, I inspected the massage room, and did not find a massage license for Li Jiang. I arranged my clothing so that the digital wire was it my shirt pocket on top of a chair, and my Olympus digital recording device was in the back pocket of my trousers.

Li Jiang led me into a room that was

Li Jiang came back into the room and I lay down on the massage table face down. She grabbed the waistband of my boxer shorts and attempted to pull them down. As she tried to remove my shorts, she said "You take off." I reached back and pullpd my underwear back up and told her that I wanted to keep my underwear on. She asked why, and I said "I'm shy." Li Jiang then
placed a white towel on my back and began the massage.

Approximately 20 minutes and 30 seconds from the time I began recording (as measured by the timer on the Olympus digital recording device) Li Jiang asked "You want Happy?" I asked "What?" and she repeated "You want Happy?" I asked "Happy ending?" At this point Li Jiang made a stroking motion with her left hand. I know from training and experience that this motion was meant to mean that she wanted to manually stimulate my genitals. I recognized the masturbation of another as a sexual act as defined in the statute for prostitution. I asked her "You would do that?" and she nodded in the affirmative and put her finger to her lips to motion me to be quiet. She leaned close to my ear and said "For you." I asked her how much that cost, and she did not reply. I asked "Do you do that for a tip?" She giggled and said "Yes."
The massage continued while I was lying on my stomach. After a time, I mentioned the pre-

arranged word, and Sg1. Jamison sent me a text message. I told Li Jiang that the message was from my boss, and there was an emergency at work, and I would have to leave immediately. Li Jiang told me that she would give me $20 back because I had not been massaged for the entire hour. I told her to keep the money as a tip.

Li Jiang exited the massage room and I put my outer clothing back on. water and I exited the Asian Massage parlor.

She gave me a bottle


The following account is a report submitted by Deputy Sanchez from October 10, 2012 On October 10, 2012 at approximately 1900 hours I entered the Asian Massage Parlor at 203 S Orchard in Farmington attempting to solicit prostitutionfrom the older female by the name of Xiang Yu Xie. From my last "massage" I lcnew her as "Tina". I was caruying a digital wire in my right front pocket and had my Olympus digital recorder on in my left front pocket. As I was walking infrom the south side of the business I observed "Tina" outside and she followed me into the business. As
opened the door she greeted me and seemed to remember me from the last time I had went in. tl/e had a small conversation about how things were going and she then took me back to the same room as last time on the south east corner of the shop. I told her I wanted an hour again and she stated that was.fine. I pulled out the $200 in department issuedfunds and counted $60 infront of her so she could see the amount of cash Iwas carrying. I gave her $60 and she left the room so I could get undressed and lay down on the massage table.

'1Tino" came in a couple minutes later and stoted I could have a 30 minute massage in broken Engtish because they had appointments coming in. The other employee then came in while "Tina" was speakingwith me and they had a conversation about the appointment again in some Mandarin Chinese and broken English. The other female has been identified as Li Jaingfrom our operation a couple weeks ago as well. Jaing then left the room and "Tina" started with the

During the massage "Tina" leftfor a moment and came back in snd told me I could have an hour massage because an appointment didn't show up and I agreed. During the massage I small talked with her about a boyfriend and what she does for fun. The entire massage went for 35 minutes and 32 seconds on my digital recorder. At approximately 26 minutes and 40 seconds I asked her about a "massagee" and gave her a hand signfor a "handjob". Atfirst she stated she didn't understand and I kept giving her the "handiob" sign with my hand by moving it up and down. She then asked if I wanted one and I told her I did. I then asked he how much by holding myfingers up with 3, 4, and 5 fingers meaning $30, $40, or $50. She then stated very quietly $60 and held her finger over her mouth as to be quiet.

herfor a couple of minutes and then gave the verbal sign that I have been solicited and that was the word "baseball". After a couple of minutes I didn't get q phone call that was supposed to mean get outfrom Sgt Jamison so I text him the word baseball and he then text me telling me to get home now. I told "Tina" I had to get back to work or I would get fired

then spoke with

and got up to get dressed.

I told her I would be back

and she walked me out and

I left the area.

On October 30,2012, the San Juan County Sheriffs Office SET team entered the Asian Massage at203 S. Orchard in Farmington. When we arrived, a Caucasian male was inside one of the massage rooms. The male identified himself as Lynn Horrocks. He told me that he came to the Asian Massage parlor the previous night (October 29,2012) and received a massage from one of the women at the massage parlor. Lynn said that it was the female who was sitting in the front room of the building. The SET team had previously identified that woman as Li Jiang.

Lynn said that during his massage with Li Jiang on October 29, she performed a "Happy Ending" on him. Lynn said that he returned to the business on October 30, and Li Jiang met him at the door. He asked if "The other girl" was available, and Li Jiang told him that she would be back in approximately 20 minutes. Lynn said that he read some e-mails for a while, and then "The other girl" arrived at the Asian Massage parlor. o'The other girl" was also still present at the massage parlor, and she identified herself as Wei Lu. Lynn said that he arranged for a one hour massage with Wei Lu, and gave her $60. He said that he was in the process of disrobing when the SET team arrived, and he had removed his shirt, but his trousers were still on. Lynn went on to say that he had not had the opportunity to discuss a

"H*ppy Ending" with Wei Lu.

Deputy Sanchez conducted an interview with Li Jiang on October 30,2012. During that interview, Li Jiang told Deputy Sanchez that she signed a contract with Wei Lu when she began to work for her. She said that the contract stated that she (Li Jiang) would not conduct any sexual acts at work. Li Jiang also said that she was told by Wei Lu that the contract was to protect the business, and that any sexual acts that were performed were to be at Li Jiang's discretion and that if the employees got into any trouble, they had performed and individual action at their own discretion. She went on to say that Wei Lu told her that it was well known that Asian Massage parlors were sexual in nature, and that she (Li Jiang) needed to "Keep the customers happy."

Li Jiang also told Deputy Sanchez that the earnings from the illegal prostitution were at her residence, 510 Wall Street apartment #8.
From my training, I am aware that Oriental Massage parlors frequently have a book on the premises that is written by the owrler or manager. Such books frequently contain material that has been translated from the original language to English. Some things that are commonly found in these books are English phrases that allow the massage employees to communicate sexual acts ,.to their customers.

I am also aware from my training, that cash fro-ftr criminal activity is frequently stored in a locked box or a safe at the business or residence of the-employees of such an establishment. I believe that evidence of illegal prostitution and possibly large amounts of cash could be secured





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APPROVED: Approved Telephonicaf,ty by Brent Capslraw

As s i s tanttDop u fy District Attorney

Subscribstl and sworn to or declared. and affirmed to beforc me in SanJuan Count



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510 Wall Street Apt #8 Defendant.


Affiant, being duly sworn upon his oath, states that I have reason to believe that in the following
described business:
510 Wall Street Apt. #8

The building is a blue two story apartment building at 510 Wall Street. Apartment number 8 is the second door from the left on the second story of the building. The apartment doors face to the south. A gold colored number 8 is secured to the door of the apartment. Items that are sought at 510 Wall Street apartment #8 include: Evidence of prostitution, such as: Condoms, Lubricant, Ledgers, books, or documentation of prostitution transactions. Instruction manuals from the Chinese language to English describing sexual acts. Large amounts of cash from the earnings of prostitution. The facts tending to establish the foregoing grounds for issuance of this Search Warrant are as follows.

I am Dave McCall, a full-time, commissioned, salaried, and licensed police officer for the State of New Mexico, presently working as a Deputy for the San Juan County Sheriff s Office, assigned to the Special Enforcement Team. I have been a peace officer for approximately three years and have received training in and have experience investigating a range of felony crimes. I am the affiant herein. I learned the following facts from the sources noted and the investigation




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on ff;,t% 3,.t. .Zatz,and,cxecutcditou at ;)-aJ!,a! o'cloc(aD16.m.1.ffii-@-erson orprernisos dcscribed in tlre warrant and I loft a copy ofthe rvMntwirh ?!t" togerhcr with s. copy of the inventory for the itom,



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The following is an invontory ofpropertytakenpurruont to &e wan'nnt,

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(name of npplicant for the search uanant)

(namc of owncr,ofgrmioes or proporty or other c.rediblo puson witnessing tho inventory). This inventory is


and dcailed account of all

takcupursuant to the wauant.


ltctuumadcthis .

-- dayof

- ,.2012,at .


tho property find at the place or thc pcrson desclibod' A.fter cue.ffrl sea:oh, I couid not dcscribcd in this wflrrant,



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