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Mobile Network SEA Set Up Lazy Guide

Table of contents
1.Revision Information .................................................................................................. 1 2. Mobile Network Set Up ............................................................................................. 2 2.1 Prepare SEA dump from site dump ..................................................................... 2 2.2 Get Configuration files (.axe file) ....................................................................... 6 2.3 Add MSC Node................................................................................................. 14 2.4 Create the simulated BSC and MS..................................................................... 15 2.5 Create Simulated SMS Center ........................................................................... 16 2.6 Connect Node Together ..................................................................................... 19 2.7 Create Start File ................................................................................................ 20 3. Final Store of Network............................................................................................. 21 4. Useful Page .............................................................................................................. 24 4.1 STE FAQ page ................................................................................................... 24 4.2 Radionetwork.ini stnsc.ini file ........................................................................... 24 4.3 SEA ASV testing tricks ..................................................................................... 27 4.3.1 How to collect charging in SEA ................................................................. 27 4.3.2 RTS OFF when SYBUP , SADBI .............................................................. 27 4.3.3 Convert IOG20 definitions to APG40 definitions in SEA.......................... 25 4.3.4 ALL the RPs are ABL in 212 30 ................................................................ 25 4.3.5 STNCONFIG freezes when .axe file has been created with new IOG. ...... 25 4.3.6 How to save AXE format dump in SEA ..................................................... 25

1.Revision Information
Rev. pa1 EPAMAJI First draft

Rev. Pa2


Add BT11IN set up in SEA

2. Mobile Network Set Up

2.1 Prepare SEA dump from site dump
A. The source sites dump can be FTP to STE server in binary mode. This site dump (eg.site1) contain 6 sub files, should be renamed to R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5. These sub files under site1 directory. B. Start sea Right-mouse click-and-hold on the desktop to get the menu and select InTEC STE Toolbox.

When the toolbox opens, left-mouse-click and-hold on SEA Tools, select the SEA version you wish to use (this example is using R12C), then slide over to SEA Control Centre.

This is the SEA Control Centre, from here you can start the SEA configuration.

C. create a standalone node In SEA Control Center Edit->add Node Node Name: gave a node name you like.( eg: site1_msc_standalone) Host: localhost Type: select SEA_Stand_Alone_CP

Dump file: choose your R0 file of the dump CP type: choose type of APZ Click ADD Node, the standalone site1 node is starting.

D. After the node started, connect Winfiol Your Winfiol must have SEA driver installed, to download the driver, click

In Winfiol, Protocol: select SEA NEW MPH Set up: HOSTNAME - brsa10/brsa11 , see your STE TOOL BOX HTTP PORT 50xx, double click the node you want to connect to, get this value IO DEVICE ANME AT-x Now you are able to connect to the stand alone node. SYATI; PTWSI;

E. In Workbench, use command save-dump to store the dump in MSCn directory save-dump /nnnn/xxxxx/NameOfNetwork/MSCn/siteName_212xx_seadump.gz this will give you siteName.212xx_seadump.gz The sea dump may be good to have and should be saved after setting RTS ON. **** very important **** Note: Once the SEA dump is done, you can delete R0-R5 site dump, to save memory up to 90%. F. In SEA Control Center File->save as xxxx_standalone.sea in your MSCn directory G. Repeat step A-F for every node in the network if you have more than one MSCs.

2.2 Get Configuration files (.axe file)

This file will contain a reference to the site dump and the simulated hardware to make all RPs, SNTs etc to be working.

This is the SEA Control Centre, from here you can start the SEA Configuration Wizard.

Go to Tools SEA Configuration Wizard

In Tab General CP Mode: single CP CP Dump Name: select the stand alone CP dump path and name.(eg. Xxxx_212xx.seadump.gz)

AXE Manager Configuration File Name: select the path and xxxx.axe file you want to save Printout: Ignore Misc: Perform initial start of the dump

In Tab CP CP Mode: select 212 xx of CP CP Frequency: 50 MHz CP Memory: use default setting in SEA. Note: The 32-bit SEA cannot load dumps larger than 4 GB, which practically means that you cannot have a CP memory configurations larger than approximately 1000 MW32. In those cases the 64-bit SEA must be used. CP Mode: select 212 xx of CP CP Frequency: 100 MHz CP Memory: DS should be 64MW32

In IO Tab IO simulation mode for normal device: Old: means you need to create volume and charging files in you Unix directory, and decode CDRs by Unix decoding tools. User selects the Internal(OLD) IO, then only simple IO and FMS simulation in the SEA CP will be activated. New IOG Simulator : You can use all IOG command in SEA. But some problems found when terminal disconnect/connect. If user selects the external (NEW) IO then another simulation component connected to RP types RPA, RPV or RPV2 will be activated.

RPB tab there is nothing to change.

IPNA tab, there is also nothing to change.

On the progress tab, just press the play button on the top left corner of the window.

Once its progressing and everything is OK it should look like below.

Start IPN connections? Select NO

Then you may get a pop-up like this, select the Dont show this window again button and click on the RPSIM button. You will get a few of these in each case choose the RPMSIM (which will be the button on the left in each case).

This configuration finished! Now you can close the Setup Wizard and use the SEA Control Center that you started earlier.

2.3 Add MSC Node

Edit->Add node

Node Name: The name you would like to call this node Host: localhost Type: SEA_MSC Configuration File: Point at xxxx.axe file you generated for that node Then select Add Node. File- > Save As Save the network file as xxx .sea Repeat above steps for all the MSC/HLR nodes in your network.

2.4 Create the simulated BSC and MS

The data for MSs, BSCs, RNCs and MGWs is stored in the radionetwork.ini file. The SMS SC's data is stored in the stnsc.ini file. You should have a local version of this file under your control. This file can either be modified directly or via the tool STNCONFIG tool (can not be used for SC data!). a. Start your network with all the MSCs. b. Make yourself a copy of the radionetwork.ini file: UNIX> cp /local/apps/stn/emuini\'s/radionetwork.template.ini ~epa.../radionetwork.ini c. Start the stnconfig tool in Unix terminal. UNIX> stnconfig r3c & Note: -r3c is stnconfig tool version working perfectly with SEA R12C. d. Select your new radionetwork.ini file location. e. Enter host (e.g. brsa11/brsa10) and the port number (e.g. 5001) of the node that you want to read from:

MS: should be read from HLR node. BSC/RNC/MGW: should be read from MSC/VLR Signaling System: select which signaling system you are using Dump Release: select CN1.5 LSV41 and later

f. Read the MSs from the HLR. Enter a range of MSISDNs (use command HGSUP:CONNECTED before, to find a suitable range) g. Select MSs you want to save in radionetwork.ini file by adding them, Make a note of the MSs number, arguing number.(eg: 1, 2) h. i. j. k. l. Read the BSCs RNCs in the MSC Copy the ones that you want to the radionetwork.ini file by 'adding' them Close the stnconfig tool again Save your new SEA Network and Exit SEA Control Center Set the UNIX variable $RADIONETWORKINIHOME to the directory of your radionetwork.ini file: UNIX> setenv RADIONETWORKINIHOME ~epaxyz/aaaa m. Check the setup is OK by using UNIX> echo $RADIONETWORKINIHOME n. Start SEA again in the same UNIX terminal UNIX> sea & Note, You can replace step L-N. by a start-up script for sea, detail see chapter 2.7 o. Add the MSs, BSCs and RNCs to your network. In SEA Control Center Edit -> Add Node Node name: any unique name less than 8 characters !! Host: localhost Type: MS/BSC/RNC MS/BSC/RNC number: the number they got from stnconfig, arguing number p. Put RTS = ON globally !! In SEA Control Center Control -> Real Time Simulation -> ON q. Save and start the network!

2.5 Create Simulated SMS Center

a. Start your network with all the MSCs. b. Make yourself a copy of the stnsc.ini file: UNIX> cp /local/apps/stn/emuini\'s/stnsc.template.ini ~epa.../stnsc.ini c. Get your own SMC data from MSC. Help command: - SSN->SP

C7NCP:SP=ALL,SSN=ALL; (SSN=12 is SMC) - SP->GTRC C7GCP:GTRC=ALL; - GTRC->NS->SMC address C7GSP:GTRC=gtrc; OR, you can get SMC address from here MGEPP:ID=SMSFMOSMTRTYPE; C7GSP:TT=tt,NP=1; ! 'ns' is start of the SC Address ! C7GCP:GTRC=gtrc; C7NCP:SP=sp,SSN=ALL; - MTP layer -> ST C7LTP:LS=sp; C7LDP:LS=sp; ! -> PSP=sp for SC ! ! -> SSN=12 should be there ! ! -> TT = tt, default=1 !

! NP=ISDN; -> GTRC=gtrc, NS=ns !

d. Make your own STNSC.INI file

******************example file of stnsc.ini******************* ** SMC name is SMSCCHN ** ** ST: c7st2c-39 ** ** SP-SMC: 3-365 ** ** SP-MSC: 3-9840 ** ** MSC ADDR: 919884005441 ** ** SMC ADDR: 919884005445 ** *********************************************************

################################################################ # This is the SMS-SC section. Each SMS-SC that shall be supported needs an # # unique entry in this section. The format is as follows: # # [SCx] SCTAG # # Symbolic name of SMS-SC #

# Signalling System (CCITT, ANSI, TTC, MPT) # # Signalling device (BLOCK name) C7LDP:LS=ALL; # # Signalling device number # # NI Network Indicator (ITU-T & ANSI) # # OPC (ITU-T), Decimal format # # DPC (ITU-T), Dec C7SPP:SP=ALL; # # OPC - Cluster Member (ANSI) # # OPC - Cluster (ANSI) # # OPC - ID (ANSI) # # DPC - Cluster Member (ANSI) # # DPC - Cluster (ANSI) # # DPC - ID (ANSI) # # [MSC_ADDRESS] GLOBAL TITLE MSC MGCAP; # # 00xx, length of octets = xx # # 0011, 0004, 00ba, 00dc, 00fe ... Dec. SC digits = abcdef... # # Note: - 0011 = bin xxxxyyyy: xxxx = Numbering plan identification (ISDN) # # yyyy = Encoding Scheme (here BCD, odd no of d) # # - if number of digits is odd, add a digit with value F # # - if number of digits is even, use 0012 instead of 0011 # # - 0004 = bin xyyyyyyy: y = Nature of Address Indicator (Internat. N.) # # - see FS CCITT SCCP, FORMAT AND CODES # # [SMS_SC_ADDRESS] # # GLOBAL TITLE SC # # [SMS_IW_GMSC_ADDRESS] # # GLOBAL TITLE external IWSMS/SMS-GMSC # ##################################################################### [SC1] SMSCCHN -> Name of the SC (less than 20 characters!) CCITT -> Signalling System C7ST2C -> Device Block Name 0039 -> Device Number 0003 -> Network Indicator 0565 -> OPC 9840 -> DPC 0000 -> below only for ANSI 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 [MSC_ADDRESS] 0008 -> Global Title Length 0012 -> Numbering Plan / Encoding Scheme Octet 0004 -> Odd/Even indicator / Nature of Address Octet 0019 -> Address 0089 0048 0000 0045 0014

[SMS_SC_ADDRESS] 0008 -> Global Title Length 0012 -> Numbering Plan / Encoding Scheme Octet 0004 -> Odd/Even indicator / Nature of Address Octet 0019 -> Address 0089 0048 0000 0045 0054 [SMS_IW_GMSC_ADDRESS] 0008 0012 0004 0019 0089 0048 0000 0045 0054 [NOTE] SC1

e. Add the SMC to your network. In SEA Control Center Edit -> Add Node Node name: any unique name less than 8 characters !! Host: localhost Type: SC SMC: the number of SC in your stnsc.ini file f. Put RTS = ON globally !! In SEA Control Center Control -> Real Time Simulation -> ON g. Save and start the network!

2.6 Connect Node Together

All the nodes in your network have to be running now. Right click mouse of the node, select connect, there will be a window asking for : Type: ST

Node1: The Node you want to connect Node2: The Node you want to connect Connection Point: Select C7ST2C-x device of signalling link between two nodes Then press connect All the way to connect all the relevant nodes and save your network (xxxx.sea)

2.7 Create Start File

Here is the template of start file, you can save it to your Unix directory, remove .txt extension, and modify it according to your settings.

***********************example description************************** #! /bin/csh -f # 10.08.03 epamaji setenv EMULOCALHOME `pwd` setenv RADIONETWORKINIHOME /local/temp/epamaji/SEA/HESL # -> Your radionetwork.ini file directory setenv STNINIHOME /local/temp/epamaji/SEA/HESL # -> Your stnsc.ini file directory # setenv STNINIHOME 'pwd' # setenv RADIONETWORKINIHOME 'pwd'

setenv SEA_CP_DUMP_SUFFIX seadump #-> no need to change setenv SEA_CHANNELPREFIX # -> no need to change setenv SHELL /bin/tcsh # -> no need to change #setenv PRERELHOME /local/apps/sea/R12C #setenv PATH $PRERELHOME/bin:$PATH #setenv MANPATH $PRERELHOME/man:$MANPATH "$USER-"

exec sea -R12C -config /local/temp/epamaji/SEA/HESL/channai-r9.sea # -> Rxxx is the SEA Control version when you are doing configuration, # -> -config /yyy/yyy/xxx.sea is your FULL path of xxx.sea file ***************** end of example************************************

Now your network is ready to go!! Each time you would like to start your network, just open your file manager, select this start file, double click, it will be running.

3. Final Store of Network

After ASV testing, as part of the supply process, you must store your network into the projects area of the STE server. For reasons of maintenance and control, access to this dedicated storage area, is restricted to the TCM/Modification Handling group, therefore, once the network is finalised, the TCM/Modification Handling group must be contacted for transfer of the network. Before the network is transferred: The arrangement now is for the test leader to modify the file paths within the main SEA network files, to reflect the final destination where the network will be stored, TCM/Modification Handling staff can then copy the whole network across to the projects area (test leader to send mail request), without having to spend time modifying the associated network files. Since the SEA networks will not be permanently stored on the Unix server, the SEA network will also be burnt to CD. Note: the files you need to modify are: Your Start File. *.sea file All xxx .axe files

You will need to modify all your current paths for these files to the new path. The New path for these files is: (standard path in projects area, variable section highlighted) /local/tcm/CNM/projects/country/RXX/operator/network/ Note: the above specified standard path, has been established in the projects area for all customers.

Example of change to new standard path Original location of file: /local/temp/epamull/BSNLIndia/testdeleteme.axe Change to this, for relocation to projects area: /local/tcm/CNM/projects/india/R91/BSNL/network/testdeleteme.axe Once the modification is done and the whole network is copied to the projects area, a test run of the relocated network, must be executed successfully. You can modify these files by opening in editor in file manager, after modification, save the file again. Below is an example of how to edit .axe file.

This is what the top of the file looks like, the line we are looking for is nearly at the bottom (about 90% the way down).

You can see from the scroll bar on the side about how far down it is. The whole line does need to change.

Dont forget to save the file !!!!! Now we can save the .sea network file. Standard procedure File Save As

OK so the .sea network file saves the nodes. These nodes in the SEA network point to the .axe config files which have the pointers in them to point to the dump. So.. .sea network .axe config .gz seadumps.

4. Useful Page
4.1 STE FAQ page

4.2 Radionetwork.ini stnsc.ini file

http://eed.ericsson.se/CNIC/s-k/t/proj/stn/documents/startguide/inifilehelp.html CHAPTER2.8

4.3 SEA ASV testing tricks

4.3.1 How to collect charging in SEA 4.3.2 RTS OFF when SYBUP , SADBI
RTS should be turned to OFF, JBD Mode SLOW When you save dump in AXE format, or doing SADBI command. After that, do not forget to turn RTS OFF, JBD MODE NORMAL.

4.3.3 Convert IOG20 definitions to APG40 definitions in SEA

http://gsdc.epa.ericsson.se/cnba/msc/supply_processes/docs/IOGTOAPGQUICKGUI DE.htm

4.3.4 ALL the RPs are ABL in 212 30

This is specific to 21230 only. There is a problem in SEA when there is a difference between the logical and physical mapping of the RP bus.you should check the mapping with this procedure.

4.3.5 STNCONFIG freezes when .axe file has been created with new IOG.
You have to use OLD IOG when you create your .axe file in Configuration Wizard. Then use stnconfig tool to generate your radionetwork.ini file. If you wish to use NEW IOG, you then need to redo your configuration file in Configuration Wizard again by selecting NEW IOG.

4.3.6 How to save AXE format dump in SEA

a. Copy RELFSWx-fileinfo file to the Unix directory you want to save the dump

b. Remove .txt extension c. In same Unix directory, create a directory called RELFSWx In Unix terminal: > mkdir RELFSWx d. Turn your RTS to OFF, JBD mode to SLOW in SEA Control Centre e. Go to CP workbench in the node in SEA Control Centre Type in: set-iog-directory /local/temp/epaxxx/xxx/ To set your IOG directory to the directory where RELFSWx residents f. Do back up in Winfiol, should be quick, ~20 minutes to finish. SYBUP:FILE=RELFSWx;

4.3.7 SEA testing for BT11 functions.

This information is provided by Philip Cousins. Step:
Load N300 network into SEA Transmit the file for DT setup

save-dump ...

Run SEA Wizard on new dump Terminate N300 node in SEA Control Center Edit/Replace N300 config with new (wizard) config Start N300 node Connect ETs N300-ET11IN-00&&-31 to N300-BT11IN-32&&-63

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