FTezDAQ - Manual1 - 3-1

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FT T_ez_DA AQUsers sMa anua al

Ver rsion 1.3.1

Fut tekIn nstru uments

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3 2. System Requirements .................................................................................................. 3 3. Hardware Connection .................................................................................................. 4 4. Software Installation .................................................................................................... 7 5. Run Software ............................................................................................................. 21 6. Review and Process the Previous Test Result ........................................................... 27 7. Universal Library ....................................................................................................... 29

1. Introduction
Futek ezDAQ data acquisition system is an integrated hardware and software system. It includes high resolution (16/24 bit ADC) analog to digital converters, digital input and digital output. It is powered by PC USB port without external power supply needed. The application software FTezDAQ is designed for easy run in Windows operation system. Key Features:

4 Analog inputs Ranges High Analog input impedance 1 Digital TTL output 1 Digital TTL input Full-speed USB communications Powered by USB Easy to use application software FTezDAQ runs in Windows operation system.

Specifications of different models are as below:

ModelNumber AnalogInputChannel DifferentialInput SingleEndedInput DAQ1211 DAQ1211H DAQ1411 DAQ1411H DAQ1811 DAQ0311 2 2 4 4 4DI/8SE 3 1.25V; 1.25V; 1.25V; 0to1.25V; 2.5V; 5V; 10V >3M 24 1 1 1.25V 2.5V; 5V; 10V >3M 24 1 1 1.25V 2.5V; 0to2.5V; 5V; 0to5V; 10V >3M 24 1 1 0to10V >3M 16 1 1


InputImpedance ADCBits DigitalOutput DigitalInput

>1G 24 1 1

>1G 24 1 1

2. System Requirements
The computer requires 32bit or higher Windows operation system with USB 1.0 or 2.0 ports.

3. Hardware Connection
The hardware connections are shown as below for different models:

Model DAQ-0311

Model DAQ-1211

Model DAQ-1411

Model DAQ-1811 3.1 The analog input connection CHx+ and CHx- are differential input positive and negative. CHx is single ended input. GND is common ground. If the analog input is single ended and input voltage 0V, CH- and GND can be connected together.

3.2 DAQ-1811 Analog Inputs Configuration For DAQ-1811, it is default configured as 4 differential inputs: CH1 Channel 1 differential input +

CH2 Channel 1 differential input CH3 Channel 2 differential input + CH4 Channel 2 differential input CH5 Channel 3 differential input + CH6 Channel 3 differential input CH7 Channel 4 differential input + CH8 Channel 4 differential input

Connect digital input IN to GND when plug USB cable into the box, the system will be configured as 8 single-ended inputs. The above procedure should be done before running FTezDAQ software.

3.3 TTL Digital signals connection o Digital output: DO or OUT o Digital input: DI or IN o Common ground GND

4. Software Installation
Copy all files from the CD to the PC. Keep all files in the same folder. 4.1 Windows XP/2000 USB driver installation Connect PC USB port to Data Acquisition box, PC will show Found New Hardware. Please follow the following step by step and install the USB driver.

DO NOT select Install the software automatically. Select Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)

Browse to the folder \FTezDAQ\USB_Driver_Installation 8

Click Next, then PC will pop up the following window

Select Continue Anyway. 9


Click Finish. Sometimes, PC will show Found New Hardware again,


After click Next, will show the following window

Just click Finish and ignore this.

When DAQ unit plug into different USB port, PC will show Found New Hardware and ask to install the USB driver for that port. Please repeat the above procedure and install the USB driver.

If the PC shows the following window, we recommend you to restart your computer.

4.2 Windows 7 USB driver installation When DAQ unit first time connects to PC USB port, PC may show the following screen


Click Close to close this window. Go to Control PanelHardware and SoundView devices and printers


Right click EZDAQ1, select Properties


Select HardwareProperties

Select DriverUpdate Driver. The PC will show following 15

Select Browse my computer from driver software. Browse the driver software in USB_Driver_Installation folder.

Click Next


Select Install this driver software anyway.

Click Close. The USB driver installation is completed. 17

4.3 Check DAQ unit USB driver installation successful Open Control PanelSystemHardwareDevice Manager

Ignore this

USB driver installed successful

We provide a USB driver test program UseDriver.exe in the folder FTezDAQ\USB_Driver_Test\Release. After USB driver installation, connect DAQ unit to PC USB port, double click and run UseDriver.exe, PC will show following window


This means that USB driver works correctly.

4.4 Completely Removing the USB driver before Reinstalling It If you need to reinstall the USB driver, you must remove the USB driver completely before reinstall it. There are two ways to remove USB drivers 1: Remove the FTDI FTD2XX USB Drivers from Control PanelAdd or Remove Programs

After you remove the drivers, please check the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32 and C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers and make sure that FTD2XX.dllFTD2XXUN.iniFTDIUNIN.exeftcserco.dllftserui2.dll files are not in the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32 19

FTD2XX.sys and ftser2k.sys C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers.







If they are, please manually delete these files from the folders.

2: Manually delete above files from the folders. Delete FTD2XX.dll FTD2XXUN.ini FTDIUNIN.exe ftcserco.dll ftserui2.dll files from the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32 Delete FTD2XX.sys and C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers. ftser2k.sys files from the folder


5. Run Software
FTezDAQ software is very easy to use. User can create a shortcut icon on the desktop. The executable file FTezDAQ.exe is in the folder FTezDAQ\FTezDAQ1.x.

5.1 Start the software Connect DAQ box to PC USB port, then, run program FTezDAQ.exe. The following window will show up.

If the DAQ box is not connected to USB port, the digital and analog channels will not be displayed as below. The window still can open and review the previous test result files.


5.2 Channels Selection Select the device which you want to choose below the device tree. Check the Acquire, the channel window will show up.


Changing the data sampling rate ***(how may data samples per second) by typing a number in the Sampling Rate window, then press Enter key. The sampling rate range is 0.0001 to 100 per second. *** Note: The Sampling Rate is higher, the more frequently the data will be recorded, the result file will be bigger. User should consider the test time and then choose the Sampling Rate value. Select Out Status High or Low to control digital output voltage level high or low. In the Range Window, there are 4 input voltage range can be selected.

Note: For Model DAQ-1211H and DAQ-1411H, select -1.25V~+1.25V only.

User can choose displayed data as Received raw data, Input voltage (mV) The value Y based on the formula in the formula window in which the user fill the coefficients.


5.3 Start and Stop Data Acquisition After the channel settings are done, click Start acquisition. icon to start the data

The data display window will be shown as below


The data display window can be shown vertical or horizontal

Click Stop

icon to stop the data acquisition.


Click Exit

icon will end the program.

5.4 Save the Test Results After stopping the data acquisition, user can save the test result by click Save icon. The result file will be saved in XML format. User can use other programs to view and process the result data, such as Notepad and Excel.


6. Review and Process the Previous Test Result

6.1 Review the Test Results To review the previous test results, click open icon file to open. and select a result

***Note: Larger result files may require longer loading time. User can use Notepad to open the result file and view the detail data, and from Notepad can export it to other data editor, such as Excel to process the data. 6.2 Convert Result File from XML to TXT format There is an executable file FTezDAQXML2TXT.exe is in the folder FTezDAQXM2TXT.

Run FTezDAQXML2TXT.exe will convert XML format result file to TXT format result file.


to open the XML format result file 27

After open the XML result file, it will show


and save converted TXT file

6.3 Convert Result File from TXT to Excel format Run Microsoft Excel, Data-> From Text will export txt file to xlsx file.


7. Universal Library
Universal library drivers are provided for user to interface their own software to the DAQ box. The library supports for Visual Studio and Visual Studio.NET. All driver files are in the folder DAQ_Lib_Driver. The example Visual C++ project for VC6 SP6 IDE is in C++_Project_Example folder.


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