Guide For Officer and Advisers
Guide For Officer and Advisers
Guide For Officer and Advisers
Lodge Administration7 Organization7 Lodge Program9 Communications10 The Order of the Arrow National Bulletin11 Camping Promotion11 Lodge Charter Renewal14 National Quality Lodge Program14 Membership Records14 Lodge Membership Fees and Dues15 Lodge Finances and Financial Records15 Forming Lodge Chapters16 Dont Just Meet: Do (But Not Too Much)16 The Key 3 Team for Lodge Administration1719 Lodge Rules20 Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Policy20 Membership Requirements20 Unit Elections22 Induction: Election to Ordeal22 Election Ceremony26 Ceremonies27 Conducting the Brotherhood Ceremony29 Choosing Vigil Honor Candidates31 Structure, Program, and Awards34 National Order of the Arrow Committee36 National Conference36 National Conference Committee36 National Youth Officers37 National Leadership Seminar37 National Lodge Adviser Training Seminar37 National Order of the Arrow Programs of Emphasis38 National Chiefs and Vice Chiefs40 Regional Organization41 Section Organization41 The Order and International Scouting42 Special Programs and Awards42 Appendix45 Guidelines for Assisting Scouts and Scouters With Special Needs45 Index47
Congratulations to Arrowmen who have accepted leadership in the lodge. You have an important responsibility to your fellow Arrowmen and to the future of your lodge. This book has been written especially for you. While some of the material will seem familiar, it is important that you absorb all of the information offered in this book and display the knowledge you gain through your leadership performance. This Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers reflects the current policies concerning the organization and administration of the Order of the Arrow lodge. It is available for download and printing at the Orders official Web site, All lodge and chapter officers and advisers should have a copy.
Lodge Administration
Upon close study, youll find that your lodgeits purpose, program, and especially its membershipis a natural extension of Scouting itself. It stems from a mutual desire of its membersexperienced Scouts and Scoutersto serve a program they greatly admire, respect, and believe in. Good lodge administration is crucial to the lodges success and, when properly conducted, brings together a dynamic group of self-motivated individuals, uniting them in service to others. It develops synergy, that rare instance where the sum of all the parts is greater than the whole. Policies and procedures for the Order of the Arrow, which are developed by the national Order of the Arrow committee based on sound and tested administrative pattern, unify the lodges nationally in furthering the objectives of the Order as Scoutings National Honor Society. The unique attraction of the Order is its combination of inspiration, fellowship, and fun that holds, in dedicated service and devotion, your councils finest youths and adults. As a leader, you show the way for others. Lead by example, in thought, word, and deed. Follow the policies, procedures, and guidelines that have been established, adapting them as necessary to local conditions. Always remember not to shortcut a procedure or bypass a policy, for in doing so you weaken not only your lodge but the Order of the Arrow nationally. From its humble beginning, the Order of the Arrow was designed as a resource to Scouting. It is often credited with maintaining the interest of older youths in Scouting and retaining many as they reach adulthood, providing a pool of leadership and resources to Scouting in the council. Arrowmen can best serve the movement through their personal example by upholding the spirit and traditions of the Order as well as of Scouting.
In Scouting you will often hear the phrase two-deep leadership. To sustain leadership, program continuity, and abide by the Youth Protection guidelines of the BSA, at least two adult leaders who are registered in Scouting should be on the job during all Order of the Arrow activities. One adult member must be at least 21 years of age. (All Arrowmen 18 to 20 years of age are considered adults except for voting and holding office, in which case they are considered youths.) This is not only a policyit is just common sense.
Next to the membership itself, the lodge is the most important element in the Order of the Arrow because that is where the program is carried out. But before it can carry out the program, the lodge must be properly organized. The Scout executive is the final authority of the Order within the council and, because of this, holds the title of Supreme Chief of the Fire. It is the Scout executives job to see that the lodge adheres to national policy. Each year the Scout executive appoints a volunteer to serve as lodge adviser. As Deputy Supreme Chief of the Fire, the lodge adviser assists the Scout executive in guiding the operation of the lodge program. This person also serves as a member of the council Boy Scout or camping committee and may be elected to the council executive board. In some councils, the Scout executive serves as lodge staff adviser but in most cases appoints a member of the professional staff to that position. The staff adviser, as Chief of the Fire, acts on behalf of the Scout executive in giving guidance to the lodge. The title of Camp Chief of the Fire is used to designate the Boy Scout resident camp director.
Many lodges are broken down into smaller organizational groups called chapters. Chapter advisers and staff advisers are appointed annually by the Scout executive to support the purpose of the Order and give active leadership to that purpose. All advisers should be Scouters with considerable experience in the Order of the Arrow. Lodge and chapter advisers need to work closely with district and council volunteers and professional Scouters. It is the advisers responsibility to see that the Order is working in close support of and in harmony with the council and district program. It must at all times be remembered that the Order is an extension of Scouting, an integral part of it, rather than a separate program. The lodge adviser and lodge chief serve as members of the council camping or Boy Scout committee, while the chapter adviser and chapter chief serve on the district camping or Boy Scout committee. Optionally, with the prior approval of the Scout executive, the lodge or chapter adviser may appoint an associate lodge adviser or associate chapter adviser annually to help fulfill the mission of the lodge. One associate at the chapter level should be enough; at the lodge level more than one position may be appropriate, depending on the size of the lodge and the duties assigned. If too many associates are appointed, they may interfere and cause confusion for the youth trying to lead. Service in any of these positions should not be considered an automatic pathway to the chapter or lodge adviser role. Lodge officers. The elected officers of the lodge are the lodge chief, lodge vice chief, lodge secretary, and lodge treasurer. Some lodges find it desirable to elect more than one vice chief. Arrowmen desiring to serve as a lodge (or chapter) officer or committee chairman must meet the following eligibility requirements: 1. Be currently registered in Scouting, in the council that charters the lodge. 2. Be a member in good standing in the lodge. 3. Be younger than 21 for the entire term of office. Officers serve a one-year term. Suggested terms of office are a calendar year, January 1 through December 31, or a school year, September 1 through August 31. Officers may be re-elected. It is recommended that lodge officers hold no other office in the Order of the Arrow. This practice will allow the officer to devote his entire effort to the successful performance of the duties and responsibilities of his office. Lodge chiefs who are elected to be chief of a section, while in office, must resign the lodge chief position within 30 days after election as section chief. All members of the lodge younger than 21 are eligible to vote. Lodge executive committee. The executive committee of the lodgea key groupconsists of the youths serving as lodge officers (including the past lodge chief), lodge operating committee chairmen and their advisers, the staff adviser, the lodge adviser, and the Scout executive. If the lodge membership feels that this group is not representative, a lodge may select two or three members at
largeAmerican Indian lore or public relations experts, for instanceto serve on the committee. If there are chapters in the lodge, the chapter chiefs and chapter advisers are members of the lodge executive committee. Any lodge member is welcome to attend executive committee meetings as an observer. The executive committee is the steering committee of the lodge. It faces the problems, studies possible solutions, and then, through the lodge or chapter committee organization, acts. It carries on the business of the lodge, coordinating the work being done by officers and operating committees. Regardless of any executive committee decision or undertaking, the lodge must operate within the policies established by the national Order of the Arrow committee. The lodge chief is chairman and presides over meetings. He is expected to prepare agendas and share them with the lodge and staff adviser before sending them to committee members with the meeting announcement. A definite schedule for executive committee meetings should be established before the start of the lodge year. Meetings held monthly or every two months are the customary pattern. Each committee member should have a schedule of the meetings. It is understood that the lodge chief or Scout executive is privileged to call a special meeting of the committee if the need arises. The executive committee is a relatively small group and thus is able to handle the business of the lodge in a quick and efficient manner. The entire membership of the lodge should, however, hear a report of all major decisions and projects being planned. Members of the executive committee who are staff members at Boy Scout resident camp may serve on the Order of the Arrow camp council to handle the Orders business during camp. When not in camp, the lodge chief appoints an Arrowman to serve as camp chief. Key 3 leadership. The working relationship of the chief, volunteer adviser, and professional staff adviser is commonly referred to as the Key 3. Key 3 leadership is common to all levels of the Order: chapter, lodge, section, region, and national. The Key 3 should meet regularly at each level to establish goals and to evaluate progress toward those goals. Operating committees. For the lodge to achieve its camping promotion and cheerful service objectives, a number of operating committees must be organized to implement its programs. Committee chairmen are appointed by the lodge chief with the approval of the lodge adviser. They become members of the executive committee and may pick their own committee members subject to the approval of the lodge chief. Each operating committee should have one or more adult com mittee advisers to guide committee work. They are appointed by the lodge adviser in consultation with the lodge chief and are approved by the Scout executive or staff adviser. It is the advisers job to provide information, instruction, and coaching for the committee members.
Every Arrowman should serve on one or more committees. In this way, all members share responsibility for lodge activities and projects. Lodge officers should not be burdened with all the details of committee meetings and related projects. Here are some of the basic lodge operating committees: Activities committee. Develops plans for two or three membership meeting activities for the lodge each year and is responsible for carrying them out. Camping promotion committee. Develops plans for camping promotion in consultation with the council camping committee; develops promotion helps such as Where to Go Camping booklets, visual aids, color slides, and movies or videos of camping activities. The council camping committee representative to the executive committee usually serves as the camping promotion committee adviser. Ceremonial committee. Recruits and trains ceremonial teams, instructs members on appropriate ceremonial costumes, keeps ceremonial grounds in good condition, and conducts lodge and Scout unit ceremonies when requested. Communications committee. Prepares lodge newsletters, develops and maintains lodge Web sites, organizes and operates the network of OA troop/team representatives to keep units informed, and promotes participation in OA events and activities. Some lodges may want to create a separate troop/team representative committee. Finance committee. Draws up an annual budget based on administrative and program needs, obtains information from the council service center and issues regular finance reports and is responsible for the financial status of the lodge. Inductions committee. Plans and administers Ordeals, recruits and trains Elangomats and Nimats, administers the Brotherhood hike, and conducts new-member orientation. Leadership development committee. Plans an annual conference to build members leadership and job-specific skills; coordinates continued leadership training throughout the year based on current lodge needs. Membership committee. Checks on inactive members and maintains membership records, sends out letters each year to identify active members and checks address changes, and sends letters to Ordeal members eligible for Brotherhood membership. Service committee. Suggests a yearly schedule of service projects, gets lodge approval, and makes complete plans for getting the work done. Unit elections committee. Sends out information to the unit leader regarding membership election procedures, organizes and trains election teams, schedules visits of election teams to units, and records the results of elections.
Ad hoc committees. Committees are sometimes appointed on a temporary basis to carry out some specific assignments such as lodge officer nominations, Vigil Honor nominations, lodge rule revisions, or running a single service project, a banquet, or other major lodge activity. Some of the larger lodges broaden their committee structure to include editorial, public relations, American Indian dance team, costuming committees, etc. Lodges organized by chapters should have corresponding chapter-level committees with the chapter committee chairman serving on the lodge level committees.
Lodge Program
The first step to creating a good program is to lay out the entire years plan in advance and let everyone know about it. To do this, the lodge chief should work closely with his officers and advisers to determine the lodges goals and objectives for the coming year, for these dictate its program. From this initial planning session, a lodge program plan book is created. The plan book should include a calendar of events, describe the program of emphasis, and serve as a guide or plan throughout the year. The lodge program should be directed toward achieving the purpose of the Order, camping promotion, council service, leadership development, and cheerful service to the community. Preparing and distributing a Where to Go Camping booklet for unit leaders and making camping promotion visits to all Boy Scout troops and Varsity Scout teams are important parts of the lodge program. Lodges are expected to plan a program and activities to support the purpose of the Order, the local council, and its units through outdoor program promotion and service. This includes the council resident camps, camp facilities, unit camping, Cub Scout outdoor experiences, and the Webelos-toScout plan. In recent years, this has expanded from traditional areas such as unit camping promotion visits, American Indian dance performances at blue and gold banquets, and troop Scoutcraft skill resource teams to include many new fields, such as ecology, Scoutreach mentoring, and membership extention. Many lodges hold an annual social affair to which members friends and family, or the community at large, are invited. These functions often serve as a means of raising funds to provide camp scholarships or for other worthwhile lodge projects. Typical events include hayrides, fish fries, annual banquets, winter carnivals, canoe trips, barbecues, and winter camp outs. It must be remembered that prior to embarking on any type of fund-raising project, close coordination and approval by the council must be secured. Business meetings are essential to the administration of the Order. These include lodge executive committee meetings and other lodge committee meetings, which occur as necessary to accomplish their tasks. Lodge meetings, where the entire lodge membership gathers, are held much less frequently, and these are often in the form of a lodge fellowship weekend, conclave, or pow wow. Lodges organ ized by chapters conduct chapter membership meetings monthly or once every other month to deliver the Order of the Arrow program to the membership, foster communication, and organize the lodges effort to serve the council.
Calendar of events. The lodge executive committee is expected to develop a calendar policy, scheduling meetings to fall at regular intervals and at a routine time and place to improve attendance. Activities should fall on set weekends each year. In developing the calendar, make an effort to eliminate conflicts in scheduling. Take into account district and council activities, and avoid significant national, state, local, or religious holidays and important community or school events. The lodge calendar should be incorporated into the council planning calendar. Caution should be exercised to not overprogram the lodge functions and distract from quality unit programs. Remember, the Arrowmans first responsibility is to his Scouting unit. Promoting activities. The best way to promote lodge activities is by earning a reputation for quality programmingmake every event a success. Other effective ways of promoting active participation are through proper coverage in the lodge newsletter and Web site, general distribution of the lodge calendar, special fliers or postcards, the OA troop/team representatives, and phone call reminders shortly before the activity. At each event, whether it is an activity or simply a meeting, take time to encourage members to attend the next scheduled activity, and to bring a fellow Arrowman who isnt present that day. A key to promoting any event is to begin the promotion well enough in advance so that people can be sure to hear about it and place it on their calendars. In todays busy world, last-minute or late promotion is about as good as no promotion at all.
Every lodge must develop a plan for effective communication to accomplish its mission. It must inform members of lodge meetings and activities and also keep the Scouting community and the general public informed. Best results are accomplished through balanced communication, as illustrated in the following diagram:
Message Recall If I only hear . . . 10% If I only see . . . 20% If I see and hear . . . 65% If I see, hear, and have it in writing 80%
Balanced communication combines an informative newsletter and Web site with additional direct mailings or fliers, announcements, and telephone contact. The most important method of lodge communication is the newsletter. Each lodge should publish a newsletter at regular intervals for all its members. Most lodges find that a newsletter published every other month or quarterly will do the job. A lodge newsletter should carry information of
interest to the membersannouncements of upcoming lodge and chapter events, news of personal interest about lodge members and their activities, inspirational stories, letters to the editor, and editorials. Some newsletters devote a section to news from each chapter that is produced by a chapter correspondent. Always welcome are special features on topics such as a major service project or American Indian dancing. Good humor, poems, and cartoons will help hold the interest of readers. Stories about section conclaves, training events, and national Order of the Arrow news should also have a place in every lodge newsletter. The national Order of the Arrow committee encourages reprinting articles from the National Bulletin. Keep in mind that a newsletter is a silent salesman and that the success of its message depends a great deal on being attractive, timely, accurate, and useful to members. The newsletter also can assist the lodge in the execution of its annual lodge program. Another excellent tool is the council newsletter. Use it as a means of getting lodge information to Arrowmen and individuals who are not members of the Order. Not only is this good public relations, but nonmembers might need to know whats happening in the Order as they schedule their events. Its good marketing strategy to let the entire council know how active the lodge is. The lodge should also use every available means of disseminating information to the general public. News articles should be submitted regularly to the local press. All lodge information sent should be newsworthy, approved by the local council, and both factual and interesting. The council service center can be of help because there is usually someone in charge of public relations. Successful lodges and chapters also use troop/team representatives, phone committees, and personal contacts to promote activities and events. The OA troop/team representatives provide a major communications and programmatic link with the lodge and chapter. Phone committees simply divide up the roster of members among a committee assigned the job of making phone calls. Enthusiastic word-of-mouth from a friend is also a good way to publicize a coming event. Promotion should be far enough in advance so that the committee has time to complete the task and the members have sufficient time to plan to attend. Each activity and event should be promoted. Often, regularly scheduled meetings, such as a lodge executive committee or chapter meeting, need this extra effort more than an annual event does. The convenience and accessibility of electronic media have also made it possible for many lodges to communicate with their membership via e-mailor electronic mailand/ or the Internet. While current technology makes this an attractive option to communicate with OA members, care should be exercised to prevent the posting of protected or sensitive material through e-mail and on Web sites and electronic bulletin boards. The national Order of the Arrow Web site should be used as a model for lodge Web site development. It also provides production guidelines.
Camping Promotion
All Arrowmen should be committed to camping promotion. This is one of the Orders most important commitments to Scouting. To reach the objectives of Scoutingto train Scouts to become responsible citizens who are physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straightit is essential that Scouts go camping with their troops. Over the years, camping has kept Scouts interested in Scouting. Every Order of the Arrow lodge has the responsi bility to do a good job of promoting Scout camping. Arrowmen can do camping promotion individually in their unit or by becoming a member of the lodges camping promotion committee. Arrowmen should be the number one camping promotion people in the troop or team. They should set the example for fellow Scouts by being the first to sign up for camp. They lead the way in planning for year-round camping events. They talk camping on a person-to-person level with all Scouts. Arrowmen are enthusiastic about camping and never miss an opportunity to encourage Scouts to enjoy the great outdoors. They are prepared to talk to parents of young men in their unit about the values of camping for their sons. They assist the unit leader in planning and carrying out camping and high-adventure activities. As an example to younger Scouts, lodge members should advance toward Eagle rank and become especially skilled in camping techniques. An Arrowmans first duty is to his unit. We must always keep in mind that a primary role of the Order of the Arrow is to strengthen units and help units to succeed, particularly in the outdoor phase of their program.
The lodge must work closely with district and council Boy Scout or camping committees in carrying out the council camping promotion plans. The lodge adviser and lodge chief are members of the council camping or Boy Scout committee, and chapter advisers and their chiefs become members of their respective district committees. The camping committee is responsible for camping promotion. It is not the role of the Order of the Arrow to assume total responsibility for camping promotion, but rather to give full support to the entire council and district camping program. This includes monthly unit camping as well as resident camp. Arrowmen may be called upon to visit units and tell the camping story on a boy-to-boy level. It is the duty of each lodge to arrange for an annual Order of the Arrow election for new members in every eligible troop and team. Elections present an excellent opportunity to promote camping when an OA member takes the floor to explain the Order of the Arrow program to Scouts and leaders. Teams of Arrowmen may also visit packs, troops, or teams to show them color slides or videos on camping, talk at parents night meetings, roundtables, and help provide special unit-level camping programs. They can be a resource of experience and leadership available to assist new or troubled units, providing expertise that may be in short supply in the unit, be it at a meeting, on a weekend outing, or at resident camp. Discussion with unit leaders and committee members about their responsibilities for camping should be left in the hands of council and district camping committees. Many lodges have agreed to help camping committees by providing literature and visual aids (slides or videos) about camping. Others have produced Where to Go Camping booklets for several years. Arrowmen make the surveys, compile facts, and prepare the booklet listings of nearby places to camp and hike. These listings should be updated periodically as new places are found and some campsites become unavailable. Special attention should be given to outdoor adventure opportunities for Cub Scouts and Venturers. If Cubmasters and Venturing Advisors have proper information at hand, they are more likely to take their units outdoors. This project may take more work and time and cost more money to produce, but a useful outdoor program booklet for Cub Scouts and a high-adventure booklet for Venturers is a service that should be given priority by every lodge. The Boy Scouts of America has an excellent publication, Passport to High Adventure, that is useful in planning high-adventure programs for older Scouts and Venturers.
Date schedule adopted by lodge: _________________________________ Deadline Date The Job to Be Done
eet with council camping committee. M Lodge and chapter advisers obtain assignments and approval of plans. Organize lodge and chapter camping promotion committees. Committees develop pattern of operation to carry out program. Classify camping by district in advance. Classify each unit by camping status always camps, sometimes camps, rarely camps, never camps. ecruit and train three- to five-member R visitation teams. btain materials for visitation teams. O Provide and train them in use of movies, videos, slides, charts, literature, Where to Go Camping publications, exhibits, etc. Contact unit leaders to schedule visits. Explain program to them; arrange time, place, facilities; suggest that parents be invited. Make visits as scheduled. Be prepared with materials; know about units in advance; reschedule visits if necessary. et deadline for all unit visits. Dates S must be set in advance and held to, unless officially extended, if plan is to be successful. ive final report to council camping G committee. Report should be in writing with unit analysis and results, problem areas, suggestions, etc.
______________ ______________
_______________ _______________
Sample camping promotion timetable. The sample Camping Promotion Visit timetable (see illustration) was developed by a lodge, based on one designed for the council camping committee. It provides an effective method for recruiting, training, and scheduling unit visitation teams. This timetable may also be adapted to other phases of the lodges program such as unit elections, a Where to Go Camping project, or a service or Ordeal weekend. The success of the lodge in camping promotion depends on its ability to meet deadlines. Remember, a lodges camping promotion effort must be carried out in cooperation with council and district camping committees at all times. Where to Go Camping booklet. This booklet should be an ongoing service project of an Order of the Arrow lodge that provides Where to Go Camping and hiking information for packs, troops, teams, and Venturing crews. Units with this information have a tool that enables them to do more yearround camping on a variety of sites and conditions. Planning the booklet: 1. Lodge chief and lodge advisers discuss the project with the Scout executive and the chairman of the council camping committee to Determine the scope. The booklet should include information on places to camp. Plan to include all areas and places available for outdoor activities, even though some may be outside the council boundaries. (Cub Scout activities include day camping, family camping, and Webelos camping; it is recommended that separate information be provided for pack leaders.) Decide on the amount of information needed. Determine the roles that the lodge and the camping committee will play in the development and completion of the project. Determine how to finance production of the booklet. 2. The camping chairman should discuss the project at a camping committee meeting. If necessary, they should obtain financial help from other council sources. Final approval of the project by the camping committee is a must. It is unwise to start the project without the committees official approval. 3. After the camping committee gives its approval, the lodge executive committee should adopt the project and appoint a special committee (or designate a standing committee) to take over the project and produce the booklet. Collecting information for the booklet: 1. The assigned committee meets, discusses procedures to follow, and draws up a form to be used in gathering the information about each outdoor area or site. This form may include requests for the following information:
A general description of the site or area. Is the site good for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, or all? Check activities the site is best suited forpicnic, sightseeing, day hike, overnight camp, long-term camp, career exploration, high-adventure trip, education tour, etc. Site regulationspermits necessary, fee charged, regulations on fires or use of facilities, adult leader required, contact for reservation, etc. Facilities availableeating places, fireplaces, water, electric power, tables, buildings, toilets, etc. Special featuresswimming, boating, hiking trails, nature study area, mountains, conservation areas, field sports, game areas, winter sports, fishing, hunting, guides available, conducted tours, etc. Where the site is and how to get thereaddress, telephone, travel directions, distance, map, etc. If a printed booklet is planned, secure photos, diagrams, or maps that can be reproduced in the booklet. 2. Use a prepared form to record information on areas and places used by Scouting groups. Follow these procedures: Send forms to unit leaders asking them to suggest possible areas and places to include in the booklet. Request the help of council and district Scouters in developing a list of sites and areas to visit. Consult council and district records for areas and places used by Scouting groups for visits, camp o rees, expeditions, Scouting shows, or pilgrimages. 3. Check on additional sources of information: Lodge members ask for information from their friends and parents. Committee members contact conservationists, forest rangers, police departments, city bureaus, chambers of commerce. Committee members investigate local, state, and national park facilities. 4. Be sure to include information about the following: National Camping Award of the Boy Scouts of America All useful information about your council camp(s) All well-established annual regional and/or council events
High-adventure bases and programs of the Boy Scouts of America and local councils Tour Permit Application Organize the information, eliminate all duplications, and then get the reactions of a few unit leaders to your rough draft. Refine the copy, get it duplicated or printed, and distribute to all unit leaders.
organization ________ ________________ Purpose of this ________________ ________________ trip is ________ ________/_______ ________________ ________________ ________ District From (city and __________ ________________ state) ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Mileage round ________________ ________________ _ trip ____________ ________________ ________ to ________ Dates ________ _____________ Is accident/sickness ________________ _____ to ________ insurance in force _____ Total days ________________ for this unit?o Itinerary: It is _________ __________ required YesoNo possibility of accidents that the following informati Company name and policy No. on be provided .) Attach an and include maps ________________ for wilderness additional page if more space for each day of the tour. (Note: _______________ travel as required is required. Include Speed or excessive daily by the local council. detailed informati Date on on campsite mileage increases the s, routes, and Travel float plans, From
To Mileage Overnight stopping (Check if reservations place are cleared.)
_______ Date A local tour permit received ________ excess of 500 miles is granted by the council for trips ________________ for special activities,one way or for any trips outside of less than 500 miles or travel _ Date reviewed to a council-owne the United States and unit leaders size paper. d camp. A National of America. A council completing this by council ________ application should Tour Permit needs the application plan accordingly. _______ at least two weeks is granted by the region after Units are strongly approval of in advance encouraged to utilize MyScouting of the activity for local permits. the council and is required for trips in ________________ Councils may to file all permits require electronically. ____ Unit No. Print or reproduce additional time Council name/No _________ Chartered on legal- or ledger. ________ Unit title_____
Type of trip: oDay trip oShort-ter oLong-term camp (longer m camp (less than 72 hours) than 72 hours) Leadership and (Furnish copy of program and Coed Venturing Youth Protection Training menus.)o : Boy Scouts of crews High-adventure nationally conducte must have both male America activities and female 21-year-o policy requires at least BSA Youth Protectio d event or activity must two adult ld leaders for have complete n training must overnight activities leaders on all camping d BSA two years from trips and tours. . All registered the date complete be present at all other events Youth Protection training adults participa . At d. and activities ting in any 1. The adult leader that require a least one registered adult who tour permit. Youth in charge of this has Protection training completed group must be Name ________ at least 21 years is valid for ________________ old. ____________ Address ________ Age_______ Scouting ________________ position ________ ________________ City_____________ _________ Expiratio ________ ________________ ________________ n date ________ ________________ ___________ Phone ________ ________________ _____________ ________________ ________________ State____________ _______ E-mail ________ As the tour leader, ______ ___ Zip code ________ ________________ I certify that appropria and I have read ________________ ________________ te planning has and have in my ____ Youth Protectio ____ been conducte possession a copy n trained o d, qualified and of Guide to Safe YesoNo trained supervisi Scouting and other 2. Assistant adult on is in place, appropriate resources leader name(s) permissi (minimum age . ________________ons are secured, Name ________ 18, or 21 for Venturing ____________ ________________ Adult leaders crews) signature ____________ Address ________ Age_______ Scouting ________________ position ________ ________________ City_____________ _________ Expiratio ________________ ________________ n date ________ ________________ ________________ ________ Phone ________ ___ ________________ _____________ ________________ ________________ State____________ _______ E-mail Attach a list with ______ ___ Zip code ________ ________________ additional names ________________ ________________ and informat ____ Youth Protectio ion as outlined ____ above. n trained o YesoNo Signed by member of unit committee Signatures must be from two different people.
Signed by tour leader
This permit should be in the possessio displayed when requested by Scouting n of the group leader at all times and officials or other Type of unit ________________ duly authorize ________________ No. ________________ d people. ________________ Chartered organization ________________ Name of tour leader ________________ ________________ Age ______________ Local Permit No. ________________ Address ________________ ________________ Assistant tour leader _____ Date Issued ________ ________ Permit covers ________________ Age all travel between ________________ ______ Address ________________ _ Dates of trip from____ _____________ ________________ and ________ __________ , 20______, to Total youth___ ________________ ________________ ______, 20______ _______ Total This group has adults ________________ given the local according to the ________________ council every assurance that tion as prescribe best standards of Scouting they will conduct and d themselves the reverse side by the Boy Scouts of America observe all rules of health, safety, and sanitaof this permit. and as stated in the Pledge of Performance These spaces on are Council Stamp or stays for one for the signatures and commen night or more. ts of officials Not official unless of the Cub Scout, Signatur where council stamp Boy Scout, Varsity es indicate that the cooperatthe group camps appears here. every way. Scout, or Venturin ion g group were and conduct satisfactory in ____________ Date ____________ Place ____________ ____________ Council name ____________ Signature and address _ Comment ________________________ ____________ Permit issued to ________________ ________________
____________ ____________ Council phone _ no. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Signed for the _ council
Membership Records
Each lodge must keep accurate membership rec ords at all times. Knowing who the members are and how they can be contacted (address, phone number, and e-mail) is vital for good communication. Knowing the dates of their Ordeal and Brotherhood memberships and their Vigil Honor is vital to conducting accurate inductions. Every organization needs to know who has paid the current years dues. Continuing to mail correspondence and newsletters to unregistered members is costly. More important, determining who has not paid dues tells the lodge whom it needs to contact to encourage reregistration. Perhaps those members feel left outthey need to feel wanted. A call or letter from a friend or the troop/ team representative could make a difference. Accurate records aid in budgeting and planning, as well. All lodge members must be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America. The Scout executive must confirm that lodge members have been checked against the council membership files as part of the annual lodge charter renewal process.
Revised March
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Many lodges use advanced computerized membership management systems to maintain their records. The OA LodgeMaster system has been specifically developed for this purpose and is used by more than 80 percent of the lodges. An inactive member file should be maintained so that there always will be a record available of the history of past members and their honors. Many members return years later through renewed personal interest or involvement of their children who are of Scouting age. When an active member moves and wishes to be transferred to another lodge, the lodge or council service center should forward a letter stating the details of the Arrowmans active membership in the Order to the Scout executive of the new council.
Renewing members should receive their current membership cards promptly. Members of the Order of the Arrow may be official dues-paying and, in the case of youth, voting members of only one lodge. See the section titled Lodge Mem ber ship in the Order of the Arrow Handbook for more detail.
Current and accurate financial records are essential. The lodge must know how much money it has, where it is spent, and how it is used. Knowing how it performs financially helps the lodge plan for the future. Knowing things as simple as how much it costs to have the lodge pocket flap made, or how much a lodge event costs, aids the lodge in planning. The lodge is to be self-supporting, requiring no funding from the council. Estimating how much money will be collected from various sources and keeping records of how it is spent will enable the lodge to prepare and operate within a budget. The lodge treasurer should report regularly, at each lodge executive committee meeting, on the financial condition of the lodge. An analysis of each lodge event should beprepared. The finances of the lodge must be included in the council treasury; they are subject to council regulations and auditing procedures as described in The Local Council Account ing Manual. All Order of the Arrow funds, whether they are lodge or chap ter monies, must be handled through the councils financial system and deposited into the councils Order of the Arrow custodial account. Many lodges make use of the Lodge Budget and Financial Records ORDER OF THE ARRO W BOY SCOU book included in the TS OF AM ERICA annual Lodge Program Support PAK distributed by the national office.
can be carried out on a chapter basis. It should be possible for each chapter to train ceremonial teams to conduct Ordeals and Ordeal ceremonies, as well as the Brother hood membership ceremony. Vigil Honor ceremonies should be left for the lodge to conduct. Service projects should be cleared with the district camping committee. The year-round program of the chapter must be coordinated with that of the district and lodge. When larger lodges operate on an effective chapter basis, each chapter becomes much like a small lodge. In this way, more youths are given an opportunity to develop and demonstrate leadership and to share in the responsibility of giving cheerful service to their units and districts. Under a well-established chapter plan, the entire lodge seldom gets together. Each chapter plans its program to carry out the objectives of the lodge. Such events as calling-out ceremonies, Ordeals, Ordeal ceremonies, and Brotherhood ceremonies can be conducted easily by chapter personnel. Service proj ects and social events lend themselves better to smaller groups than to the entire lodge. Some chapters develop dance teams and hold banquets, campouts, and other Order of the Arrow activities. When the entire lodge gets together for a fall reunion, an annual meeting, or a weekend conclave, the event takes on the atmosphere of a fellowship conference. This event should feature fun, fellowship, inspiration, and training.
2. Understands the policies and principles of the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow. Communicates and ensures their application to OA functions. Ensures funds are properly budgeted, receipted, disbursed, and transmitted according to council procedures and the accounting m anual of the BSA. Attends all lodge f unctions and other appropriate OA activities. 3. Provides council, regional, and national information, literature, and correspondence to lodge advisers and appropriate committees. Orders materials and supplies from the national office and Supply Group.
3. Works closely with the lodge adviser, seeking advice and training. He does not wait for his adviser to call, but calls the adviser often. Establishes annual goals and objectives for the lodge including attainment of Quality Lodge recognition. 4. Attends all lodge activities and lodge executive committee meetings. Promotes attendance and participation of lodge o fficers and committee chairmen. 5. Appoints lodge operating committee chairmen in consul tation with the lodge adviser and lodge staff adviser. 6. Assigns lodge members to operating committees.
3. Sees that the lodge officers get the job done by providing them with the tools, opportunities, and necessary transportation. Knows the adult role in the Order of the Arrow and does not wait for the lodge chief to call, but is self-motivated and offers help. Assists in establishing goals and objectives, including attainment of Quality Lodge recognition. 4. Makes sure that the lodge chief conducts the lodge executive committee meetings. Attends and sits with the lodge chief at all meetings and activities. 5. Appoints an adult adviser to each lodge officer and committee chairman, in consultation with the lodge chief and staff adviser. 6. Helps every adult Arrowman in the lodge to be a functioning adviser, either as a unit leader or an adult adviser to a lodge or chapter committee or project. There are no honorary adult positions in the Order, the lodge, or the chapter.
4. Works with the lodge adviser to help the lodge chief conduct lodge executive committee meetings. Attends and sits with the lodge adviser and lodge chief. 5. Recommends and attains Scout executive approval of prospective adult advisers.
6. Encourages appropriate adult par ticipation and support to committees and activities. Informs professional staff associates of OA activities, program, and correspondence.
8. Presides over all lodge and lodge executive committee meetings. Works from an agenda established by the Key 3. Solicits agenda items from lodge officers and committee chairmen. 9. Responsible for planning and conducting lodge activities.
10. Delegates his duties to fellow lodge officers and committee chairmen. 11. Sees that the chapter program gives complete support to the lodge program.
10. Helps the lodge chief delegate the full burden of the lodge program so that it is shared with the other lodge officers and committee chairmen. 11. Understands that the chapter (when so organized) is a division of the lodge for carrying out the lodge program. Under stands that the chapter is not a superunit unto itself, but is a camping promotion aid for units. Every youth in the chapter is a member of a unit and has unit responsibilities. Each chapter activity should result in an enriched program for units. Frequently reviews the goals with officers to see that the Order of the Arrow program is being actively followed in each district.
13. Appoints the Vigil Honor nominating committee. 14. Promotes the correct wearing of the Scout uniform by personal example and special lodge education programs. 15. Works with the adviser in providing his lodge officers and chairmen with unit contact information.
13. Administratively supports the functions of the Vigil Honor nominating committee. 14. Sets the example for youth and adult Arrowmen by correctly wearing the Scout uniform with proper badges and insignia correctly placed. 15. Secures rosters and reports required by the OA in a timely manner for their use.
Lodge Rules
Each lodge should develop and formally approve a written set of lodge rules to govern its operations. These rules should be reviewed annually and should cover topics like insignia, officers and advisers, officer election and replacement, meetings, activities, and dues. In addition, the national Order of the Arrow committee requires that the following rules be incorporated into all lodge rules. No lodge rule, policy, or procedure may deviate from or change in any manner a requirement in the current printing of any of the Orders literature. I. Mission. The mission of this lodge is to fulfill the purpose of the Order of the Arrow as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults. II. Name and affiliation of lodge. The lodge shall be known as: ________ Lodge, ________ Council No. ________, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the supervision of the council camping or Boy Scout committee and the administrative authority of the Scout executive. A. The requirements for membership in this lodge are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers. B. The procedure for the Ordeal shall be as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Guide to Inductions.
VII. Finances. All Order of the Arrow funds shall be handled through the council service center and go through all normal council accounting procedures. VIII. V oting. Arrowmen under the age of 21 may vote in matters of lodge business.
Membership Requirements
Unit leader approval. To become eligible for election, a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America and have the approval of his unit leader prior to the election. The unit leader must certify his Scout spirit (i.e., his adherence to the Scout Oath and Law and active participation in unit activities). The unit leader must also certify that the nominee meets all specified requirements at the time of this annual election. Youth membership qualifications. All members of, or candidates for membership in, the Order of the Arrow who are under 21 years of age shall be considered youth members or candidates for youth membership, subject to meeting the following requirements: Be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America. Hold the First Class rank of the Boy Scouts of America, as a minimum. After registration with a troop or team, have experienced 15 days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the two-year period prior to the election. The 15 days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps. Candidates for youth membership shall be elected by other youth members in accordance with policies set forth by the national Order of the Arrow committee.
IV. Officers. A. The officers of this lodge shall be lodge chief, lodge vice chief(s), lodge secretary, and lodge treasurer. These elected officers must be younger than 21 during their entire term of office. B. The lodge executive committee shall be composed of the elected lodge officers, immediate past lodge chief, lodge operating committee chairmen, lodge adviser, another member of the council camping or Boy Scout com mittee, chapter chiefs, chapter advisers (where applicable), Scout executive, and lodge staff adviser. V. Brotherhood membership. Completion of Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
VI. The Vigil Honor. Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Order of the Arrow Guide for Officers and Advisers.
Scouts with special needs. The Order of the Arrow is committed to including Scouts and Scouters who have special needs because of a disability. In the case of special-needs troops, election teams should follow the same procedures, keeping in mind that any Scout who is classified as a youth member of a troop, regardless of age, will be considered a youth (voting) member. All other membership requirements remain the same. When inducting a Scout or Scouter with a special need, as with any candidate, lodges should make the activities challenging within the individuals limitations, and plan accordingly. Accessibility to ceremonial circles, sleeping sites, and appropriate work projects should be taken into consideration to ensure a meaningful induction. (See the appendix for Guidelines for Assisting Scouts and Scouters With Special Needs.) Adult membership qualifications. All members of, or candidates for membership in, the Order of the Arrow who are 21 years of age or older and who are registered members of the Boy Scouts of America shall be considered adult members or candidates for adult membership. Individuals shall be selected as candidates based on the following: 1. Adult leaders in units: Each year, upon holding a troop or team election for youth candidates that results in at least one youth candidate being elected, the unit committee may nominate one adult to the lodge adult selection committee, composed of the lodge adviser, the chairman of the council committee on which the lodge adviser serves, and the lodge staff adviser. Troops or teams having more than 50 registered active youth members may nominate an additional adult for every 50 registered, active youth, or fraction thereof. For example, a troop having 51 to 100 registered, active youths may nominate two adults each year if at least one youth has been elected. Recom men dations of the adult selection committee, with the approval of the Scout executive, serving as Supreme Chief of the Fire, will be candidates for induction, provided the following conditions are fulfilled: Selection of the adult is based on the ability to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose, and not for recognition of service, including current or prior achievement and positions. The individual will be an asset to the Order because of demonstrated abilities that fulfill the purpose of the Order. The camping requirements set forth for youth members are fulfilled. The adult leaders membership will provide a positive example for the growth and development of the youth members of the lodge. 2. Adult leaders in council and district positions: The lodge adviser, district chairmen, council president, or members of the professional staff may nominate adults to the lodge adult selection committee. All requirements set forth for adult leaders in units must be fulfilled, with the
exception of the camping requirements, which may be waived at the discretion of the lodge adviser and Scout executive. Recommendations of the adult selection committee, with the approval of the Scout executive, serving as Supreme Chief of the Fire, will become candidates for induction. Adults may be nominated for membership only one time per year as either unit Scouters or district/council Scouters, but not both. How they are nominated depends on where they maintain their primary registration. Because the Order of the Arrow is principally a youth organization, unit, district, and council Scouters are not selected for membership as a recognition. Selection should take place only when the adults position in Boy Scouting or Varsity Scouting will make Order of the Arrow membership more meaningful in the lives of the youth membership. Professional membership. Members of the professional service of the Boy Scouts of America shall be considered ex officio members of the lodge of the council in which they are employed. Members of the professional service designated by the Scout executive to serve in camp positions should be given an opportunity to complete the Ordeal and the Ordeal ceremony if they have not previously been inducted into a lodge of the Order. Members of the professional service whose responsibility in the council would be enhanced may be inducted into the lodge based on the recommendation of the Scout executive and upon completion of the Ordeal experience and ceremony. Camp staff members (paid but not considered members of the professional service) shall be elected only by members of their own unit if they are under age 21 and meet the youth membership requirements. Staff members over age 21 must meet the adult membership requirements and be selected as either unit Scouters or district/ council Scouters. Honorary membership. Honorary membership in the Order of the Arrow is not authorized and shall not be given. Membership in the Order shall be gained only through fulfillment of membership requirements as stated in the official literature of the Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America. Visiting Scouts or leaders cannot be given honorary memberships in the Order. Life membership. A life membership in the Order of the Arrow is not authorized and shall not be recognized. Membership in the Order of the Arrow requires current registration with the Boy Scouts of America. There is no official or authorized life membership registration status for the Order of the Arrow in the Boy Scouts of America.
Unit Elections
To become a member of the Order of the Arrow, a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout is chosen by vote of the youths in his unit. This is a unique feature of the Order since the majority of those who select their candidates for this honor are not members of the lodge. However, lodge members in the unit have a vote as well as nonmembers. In this way membership is controlled by the youths in their own units and not by those who are already Arrowmen. It is important that the members of the unit have the membership requirements properly explained to them. Registered active member. In Boy Scout troops and Varsity Scout teams, every registered active member of the unit under age 21 at the time of election is eligible to vote. A Boy Scout or Varsity Scout who carries a current national membership card and participates in at least some unit activities during the year is considered to be a registered active member of the unit. For example, a youth away at college who participates in some unit activities when home, such as a campout, camporee, or occasional unit meeting, should be considered a registered active member. A youth who moves away or drops out of the unit because of other interests would not be counted in the registered active membership figure. Elections outside the registered council. All elections must be conducted by the Order of the Arrow lodge of the council in which the unit is chartered. No unit may visit outside its own council and hold an OA election under the auspices of an OA lodge of another council. Elections are held only in troops or teams.
the unit election report form illustrated on page 24. If the unit leader is an Arrowman, he may explain to the group the purpose of the Order of the Arrow and the basis upon which candidates should be selected, and describe the method of election. If the unit leader is not a member of the Order, a member of the OA team should make this presentation with the unit leaders consent, demonstrating that election leadership is a cooperative effort of the unit leader and the OA team. 4. The unit leader provides a list of all registered active members of the unit who meet all eligibility requirements, including attitude and participation. The names of these members are entered on the report form and the unit leader signs the certification. 5. The election team leader explains the following to the unit leader: This is the current method of election approved by the national OA committee in use by the lodge. All eligible youths who receive votes from at least 50 percent of those who turn in ballots are elected. If no one is elected a second vote may be held immediately, and the result of this vote will be final. 6. A voter may list on his ballot any combination of names, including all eligible candidates who he believes are worthy to become members of the Order of the Arrow. 7. The OA team conducts the election following the instructions on pages 2627. Stress the following points: Select the candidates who, in your opinion, have set the best examples of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service. Vote only for those you believe will continue in unselfish service to your troop/team. If you feel that no one is worthy, turn in a blank ballot. If you are new in the unit and do not know the candidates well enough to vote wisely, you may abstain by not turning in a ballot at all; this will not affect the final result. Youths eligible for election also vote, and they may vote for themselves if they feel they are worthy. 8. When the voting is finished, the OA election team counts the number of ballots turned in, and enters the numbers on the unit election report. 9. The OA team determines the minimum number of votes one must receive to be elected, as follows: If the number of ballots turned in was even (2, 4, 6, 8, etc.), divide this number by two. If the number was odd (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.), add one and then divide by two. The number of votes a youth must receive to be elected is entered on the report form.
Induction:Election to Ordeal
1. The lodge will determine the time of the year unit elections will be held and should inform troop and team leaders of this by mail well in advance. Lodges are encouraged to complete all unit elections prior to their troops/teams going to summer camp. This ensures that the maximum number of troop/team members can be present to vote in the election. Elections are not to be held in Venturing crews or Cub Scout packs. 2. The lodge, through the unit elections committee, should work with the troop/team leader in establishing the actual time and place to conduct the election. The Order should be represented by a two- or three-member team from the lodge or chapter unit elections committee. All election team members must be trained and in proper uniform during the election. 3. Before the election, the OA team must secure from the unit leader verification that at least 50 percent of the registered active unit membership is present. If at least 50 percent is not present, an election cannot be held. The number of registered active members and the number present are entered in the spaces provided on
10. The votes are counted in private by the election team and the unit leader to determine who has been elected. All votes count equally. If at least one has been elected, the election result is final. If no one is elec ted, the OA team announces this fact and states that the unit will now be given the opportunity to vote again. Time is allowed for further explanation of the purpose of the Order and the election procedures, and for any questions. (No information about the votes received by candidates is to be revealed at any time.) The second ballot is then held immediately, and if the unit still elects no one, this is the final result for the years election. The OA team places a check mark next to the names of those who have been elected. Note: A unit elections video is available from the national office. Announcement of results. As soon as the election is completed, the unit leader may or may not choose to announce to the entire unit the names of members who have been elected. The names and addresses (plus additional information the lodge feels is necessary) are listed on the election report form. OA team members sign the form and mail it to the specified address immediately following the election. Call-outs. Newly elected candidates will be called out at the earliest possible time, either at a resident camp, a camporee, or a special ceremony. The Guide to Inductions, which is available for download and printing at, contains information on how to conduct a call-out ceremony. Call-outs should be conducted by the OA lodge of the council in which the troop or team is chartered. This is the preferred method of call-out.
It is recognized that there is some value in holding a call-out at a summer camp. A lodge may not call out candidates from a visiting out-of-council troop or team unless the unit leader presents a letter from the home lodge chief and lodge adviser, requesting the call-out and identifying the members to be called out. A signed copy of the home lodges unit election report must accompany this letter. The home lodge chief and lodge adviser must receive confirmation of the call-out following the event. Candidate status. Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, or adults remain candidates until completion of the Ordeal and Ordeal ceremony. If this period of candidacy exceeds one year, the candidates name will be dropped. To become candidates again, they must be elected/selected again. The executive committee of the lodge may extend the one-year limit if a candidate is ill or there are other unusual circumstances. If a candidate permanently relocates to a new Boy Scout council prior to completing the Ordeal, the candidate should immediately join a troop or team in the new council. A copy of the election report must be presented to the new unit leader to arrange induction in the new lodge. The candidacy period is not restarted or extended. Ordeals. Candidates for membership in the Order must complete the Ordeal and must be inducted into the Order by the lodge that serves the council in which the unit is chartered. Out-of-council Ordeals are not permitted except when religious custom and observance precludes attendance at the Ordeals of a Scouts home lodge (e.g., Sabbath-observant Jewish Scouts). In this special case, the region Order of the Arrow chairman may be petitioned for an exception to permit the Scout to be inducted by another lodge.
Troop or team_ __________________________________________________________ Date of election _ ________________________________________ No. of registered active youth_ ________________________________________________ No. of youth present _ ________________________________
NOTE: At least half of the registered active unit members must be present to hold an election.
I certify that the above youth members are eligible and approve them as nominees for election. I also understand that the election results will be final for the year.
Number of members eligible ___________________________________________ Number of ballots turned in _ _________________________________ Number of votes required to be elected ____________________________________ Number elected _ _____________________________________________________ Mail election report to _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Election team members signatures: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Lodge Chief
Lodge Adviser
Election Ceremony
Fellow Boy Scouts, the Order of the Arrow is Scout ings National Honor Society. Its purpose is to recognize and honor those campers who best live up to the Scout Oath and Scout Law in their daily lives and to guide them in expanding the service that has made them outstanding. The Order promotes Scout camping and maintains camping traditions and spirit. It emphasizes that the good Scout camper is not only skilled in Scout craft, but also true to the ideals of Scouting and its tradition of the daily Good Turn. The only way that a Scout can become a member of the Order of the Arrow is to be elected for this honor by the members of his unit. To be eligible for election, a youth must fulfill the camping requirement and hold the First Class rank. After being elected, the Scout must complete the Ordeal, which is a series of tests of his sincere dedication to the high ideals of Scouting and the Order. If he is faithful in performing the tests, he takes a solemn pledge of service and is admitted into the Order. A long period of selfimprovement and service then follows. The lodge flap, Universal Arrow ribbon, and the distinctive sash identify the Order of the Arrow member. They are symbols of service. Our lodge has its own activities and projects, but our program does not replace the members responsibility to his unit. Indeed, each Arrowman is expected to give richer service to his own troop or team in return for the honor his unit extended to him. American Indian lore is an attractive sideline in our Order. American Indian dances and ceremonies add color to our program of service, and members often make American Indian lore their hobby. However, one does not need American Indian attire or skill in American Indian lore to become a valuable member of the Order of the Arrow. Scouts, you will elect representatives to our brotherhood of cheerful service, and we are here to assist you in the election. All registered active members of this troop or team, except those 21 or older, are entitled to vote.
All those who receive votes from at least half of those who turn in ballots are elected. The number of candidates you elect will depend on how your votes agree with votes of other members of your unit. Remember that an Order of the Arrow election is not a popularity contest! Dont vote for a Scout just because he is your friend or just because he is a good athlete or because he is older than the rest. What really counts is his loyalty to the Scout Oath and Law. Campaigning in an Order of the Arrow election is not permitted. You are expected to think for yourself; do not let others influence your decision. The election is by secret ballot and no discussion will be permitted, so no one will know for whom you are voting. This important decision about your fellow Scouts is entirely up to you. Before we announce the names of those eligible and begin the election, are there any questions? (Answer any questions about the nature and purpose of the Order of the Arrow and the election procedure.)
The following members of this unit have met the camping and advancement requirements and are eligible for election, as certified by your unit leader. Will you stand and form a line over here (point) as your names are called? (Point out a place to line up and read the list slowly. Arrange the candidates in a line facing the voters at the place indicated; the line can be semicircular if the eligible group is large. Write each name on the chalkboard or flip chart as called.) Scouts, you should now answer each of the following questions to yourself; your answers will help you to make the right selections.
Who in this group is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout? Who is pleasant and easy to get along with? Is he kind and helpful? In all, if you were a Tender foot Scout, would you like to hike and camp with him? Who is cheerful, even when he has many tiresome jobs to do? Who smiles whenever he can? Who obeys promptly and cheerfully? Does he control his temper? If you were at camp with him for several weeks, do you think you would enjoy it? Who is always ready to give unselfish and wholehearted service to others? Who, in serving others, can forget his own desires and interests? Who has served your unit all year round, faithfully attending your meetings and helping with your service projects? Do you think he will continue his service in the future? If you were his patrol leader, could you depend on him?
In all, ask yourselves: Who in this group, by living up to the Scout Oath, serves your fellow Scouts with such an example of brotherhood and cheerfulness that you look up to him with deep respect and admiration?
In a short time, you will take upon yourselves another solemn obli gation to be unselfish in service and devotion to the welfare of others. Your fellow Scouts elected you because they felt that you would continue your service. Do not let them down.
Scouts, on the ballot you will be given, print the first and last names of the candidates who, in your opinion, have set the best examples of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service. Vote only for those you believe will continue in unselfish service to your troop. If you feel that no one is worthy, turn in an unmarked ballot. If you are new in the troop or team and do not know the candidates well enough to vote wisely, you may abstain by not turning in a ballot at all, and this will not affect the final result. Those eligible for election also vote, and they may vote for themselves if they feel they are worthy. The names of the eligible candidates are listed on this chalkboard (flip chart, poster, etc.). When you are finished, fold the ballot only once and give the pencil and ballot to any member of the election team. (Distribute election ballots and pencils.) (Collect ballots and pencils. Count the votes in private with the unit leader. The following text should be used whenever there is no formal calling-out ceremony planned.)
My brothers in the Order, you have proved during the past year that the traditions of our brotherhood are not a collection of meaningless words. As we welcome these new candidates (the new candidate) on our journey, let us be mindful of our obligation to help and guide them (him) during the trials that lie ahead.
Although we might not always understand or remember all that happened, our most vivid and lasting impression of the Order of the Arrow was probably formed during the Ordeal ceremony. The exhilarating fatigue that comes from working hard with very little food amid the excitement of a special ceremony heightens the experience of the Ordeal. So it is important to the success of the Order that every lodge put on the best ceremonies possible. Businesses usually are successful when they spend extra time and effort on their customers, and if a lodge is active enough to qualify for the Quality Lodge recognition, it probably can credit some of its accomplishments and strengths to good ceremonies. Because candidates realize and remember that a lot of hard work went into their Ordeal ceremony, the lodges efforts in producing good ceremonies often are repaid by inspired new members who will take an active interest in the activities of the Order. Conducting ceremonies. Ceremonies are an important part of the activities of the Order of the Arrow. They must always be conducted in a manner that is in complete compliance with the ceremony guides and the Guide to Inductions. Neither hazing nor any other activity that endangers the health or injures the feelings of the candidates has a place in an Order of the Arrow ceremony. Ceremonies should be dramatic and held in an appropriate setting with proper use of American Indian attire and council fire techniques. Nothing should be done to detract from the serious purpose of honoring new candidates. The difference between success and failure of a lodge starts with the ceremonies of the Order. Proper attire, well-laid-out ceremonial grounds, rehearsals, and, very important, memorizing speaking parts, contribute to meaningful ceremonies.
The following have been elected to the Order of the Arrow. Will you please come forward as your leader calls your name? (Name those elected.) This concludes the election. Thank you for your cooperation. Good camping and good night (day). (Elected candidates and any Arrowmen within the unit who can be spared are taken into a separate room where the election team records necessary data and instructs the candidates as to the date, time, and place of the beginning of the Ordeal. The following paragraphs should then be presented as a charge to the candidates and present Order of the Arrow members.)
That you, my fellow campers, have been chosen by your companions to become members of the Order of the Arrow reflects great credit upon you, and I congratulate you upon your election. You have impressed upon those who have lived closest to you the sincerity of your purpose to live in accordance with the high ideals of the Scout Oath. The judgment of your fellows could hardly have been mistaken.
Face paint policy. The use of face paint, body paint, and wigs by nonAmerican Indians could be offensive to some groups of American Indian people. Where lodge activities related to ceremony and dance are offensive to local American Indians, they must be discontinued for Order of the Arrow members. National Order of the Arrow conferences, conclaves, and other events conducted beyond the individual lodge will not permit face paint, body paint, or wigs to be used in social or competition dancing or in ceremonies or ceremony team evaluation. Appropriate local use is to be interpreted by each lodge based on their relationship with American Indian tribes in the council area. Protected species and flag policies. No feathers, talons, or other parts from protected species of birds may be worn in Order of the Arrow dance competition or used in demonstrations, displays, workshops, or ceremonies. Nearly every bird species is protected, except resident state game birds and domestic fowl such as turkey and chicken. The same might be true regarding animal or reptile parts; if so, they are equally forbidden. Check with the U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, and state conservation authorities for details. Within the guidelines found in the U.S. Code pertaining to the American flag, flags are not to be worn as apparel. With this in mind, no type of U.S. flag can be worn as part of ceremony or dance attire. Flag motifs in quillwork and beadwork are acceptable. Ceremonial teams. The ceremonies of the Order of the Arrow are designed to be rich and vibrant experiences that communicate the essence of the Order to the candidates in a unique way. To achieve this effect, it is essential that team members know their parts so that they actually create the character they are portraying. The efforts of all Arrowmen involved in putting on the ceremonies must be well-coordinated, and training, rehearsing, and other preparation done well in advance are essential. There is a certain thrill that comes from witnessing a well-prepared ceremony, whether it is for the first time or many times later. Our ceremonies are far too important to allow for mediocrity. The situation demands excellence. Four ceremonial team members are needed for the pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, and Brotherhood ceremonies. Fewer team members are needed for the Vigil Honor ceremony. Regardless of the ceremony, all ceremonial team parts must be played by youth members of the Order younger than 21. Ceremonial team members must hold the membership of the ceremony being conducted (or a higher membership level). For example, an Ordeal member may not be a member of the Brotherhood ceremony team, but a Brotherhood member may be a member of the Ordeal ceremony team. Additional members, as many as may be desired by the lodge, may serve as caretakers of the council fire, chanters, assistant guides, etc., so long as they are younger than 21.
All principals and helpers who conduct the ceremony should wear appropriate American Indian attire and their current Order of the Arrow sash. Other members attending join in the circle of membership, in Scout uniform, wearing their current Order of the Arrow sash. All members should help preserve the quietness, dignity, and inspiration of the occasion. Approved ceremonies. There is no official notification or call-out ceremony for Ordeal membership or the Vigil Honor. This recognition has been purposefully left in the hands of the lodges. All other ceremonies of the Order are prescribed nationally, and are contained in the Guide to Inductions, Ceremony for the Ordeal, Ceremony for the Brotherhood, and Ceremony for the Vigil. Before being printed, they were carefully reviewed and approved by the BSACommunity Alliances team and various religious groups. No change of any kind is permitted to be made in these ceremonies. Cere monies must be memorized and presented without deviation. All spoken words and movement diagrams are to be followed. Hazing, kneeling, and blindfolds are forbidden in all Order of the Arrow ceremonies. Call-out ceremonies. Many lodges have developed call-out ceremonies for use at summer camp, troop/team meetings, retreat ceremonies, campfires, camporees, and other district/council events. Each lodge is encouraged to develop its own call-out ceremony. The Guide to Inductions, available for download at, contains information on how to conduct a call-out ceremony. Here are some basic principles that should be considered: 1. Call-out ceremonies should be held in public. 2. The candidates and the audience of youth, parents, and leaders should be made aware of the importance of the honor being given. 3. The name, unit, and community of each candidate should be announced clearly. 4. Call-out ceremonies should be dignified and impressive. They should have an American Indian theme. Campfires, drums, and American Indian dancing can be used to supplement, but not overwhelm, the honor. 5. Rough stuff, making the candidates kneel, blindfolding the candidates, hazing, teasing, marking the candidate in any way, or any other kind of physical or psychological abuse has no place in the Order of the Arrow and is strictly forbidden.
as a separate honor in the same sense as the Vigil Honor. Except for making the necessary arrangements for Brotherhood ceremonies, it is not necessary for Brotherhood members to meet as a separate group. Social and service activities are not held for Brotherhood members apart from other members of the lodge. The Brotherhood is an opportunity for members to evaluate their unit service since their induction, to contemplate their future service to the lodge, and to reaffirm their belief in the high purposes of the Order. The ceremony is intended as a source of inspiration, motivating its members to render even greater service to Scouting. Brotherhood membership can only be conferred by an Arrowmans home lodgethe lodge that serves the council in which the Arrowmans unit is chartered.
whole involving all or substantially all Vigil Honor members of the lodge. Nor is the Vigil Honor nomination process to be one in which the Vigil Honor members of the lodge, as a group, determine who is selected. In selecting Vigil Honor candidates, the lodge nominating committee may reach agreement through consensus, without a formal vote. However, if a vote is taken in order to select Vigil Honor candidates, only those members younger than age 21 may vote, as in all OA matters. The nomination flows from the lodge to the national committee. The lodge nominating committee should use the follow-ing step-by-step procedure in determining Vigil Honor nominations to be submitted to the national Order of the Arrow committee for approval. 1. Secure from the lodge secretary a complete list of Brotherhood members who are actively registered with the lodge and the Boy Scouts of America and who have been Brotherhood members for at least 2 years. There will be no posthumous Vigil Honor candidates. 2. Determine the number of Vigil Honor candidates that the lodge is eligible to nominate to the national committee by finding out the total lodge membership, as reported on the most recent lodge charter renewal application. Use this figure against the chart, Quota TableVigil Honor Nominations, to determine the maximum number of candidates the lodge is eligible to nominate.
The following procedure has been established by the national Order of the Arrow committee to maintain a consistent, high standard in the selection of Vigil Honor nominees across the nation. Lodges should observe the following procedure in rec om men ding candidates for the Vigil Honor and in carrying out the Vigil Honor induction. None of the Vigil selection and induction procedures may be delegated to chapters, other than to recommend candidates to the lodge nominating committee. The lodge chief appoints a Vigil Honor nominating committee chairman and committee members composed of youths who have been approved by the lodge adviser and Scout executive. The lodge adviser appoints one adult adviser in consultation with the lodge chief and staff adviser. The chairman and committee members are usually Vigil Honor members; however, any youth member of the lodge may serve on the committee, provided that he is not eligible to receive the Vigil Honor. A committee of five to 10 youths has been found effective in many lodges. The key is to keep the committee to a manageable size, yet large enough to complete its task. The committee should be of sufficient size so that its members will collectively be aware which Arrowmen have been the leaders and workers in the lodge. Mailed ballots should never be used for selection of Vigil Honor candidates. Open discussion between members of the Vigil Honor nominating committee is the best way to ensure that all eligible Brother hood members receive proper consideration. Inasmuch as the Vigil Honor does not connote a separate member ship or grouping, it is inappropriate for the nominating committee to be a committee of the
099 2 100149 3 150199 4 200249 5 250299 6 300349 7 350399 8 400449 9 450499 10 500 or more Ratio 1 to 50
3. In selecting candidates for the Vigil Honor, keep in mind that all candidates must have been Brotherhood members for two years or longer at the time of selection by the lodge Vigil nominating committee. When weighing distinguished service in nominating candidates, remember to measure a Scout on a youths standard and an adult on an adults standard. To maintain a proper ratio of youths to adults in awarding the Vigil Honor, the national committee has established a policy which requires that at least 50 percent of a lodges
nominations must be for candidates younger than 21, including those, as outlined below, that do not count against the quota for any given year. All nominations may be for candidates younger than 21, but no more than 50 percent may be for persons 21 years of age or older. Nomination of professional Scouters, the council president, council camping or Boy Scout committee chairman, and camp rangers will not count against the lodge quota for total nominations. However, these nominations will count toward the policy limiting total adult nominations to a maximum of 50 percent of the total nominations submitted in a given year. Adults in this group must meet the requirement of at least two years of service as Brotherhood members.
7. Forward the Vigil Honor petitions with the Vigil Honor fee for each candidate to the OA team leader. Make the check payable to the Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America. If a petition is not approved, the fee will be returned. A minimum of 30 days must be allowed for the national Order of the Arrow committee to consider the petition and advise the lodge of its acceptance or rejection. Do not assume approval or make a public announcement until certificates have been received. Vigil Honor identification cards are also available for a nominal fee. 8. Upon receipt in the national office, petitions will be reviewed. If approved, certificates will be sent to the council Scout executive. If petitions are not approved, the council Scout executive will be notified with an explanation for the disapproval or a request for further information. 9. When approval has been received, arrange for notification or conduct a call-out of the Vigil Honor candidate. 10. Order Vigil Honor sashes from the Supply Group of the Boy Scouts of America through your local council service center. 11. Arrange and conduct the Vigil Honor induction. If there are no Vigil Honor members in the lodge, arrange to have candidates inducted by a nearby lodge that has Vigil Honor members, or bring in Vigil Honor members from another lodge to conduct the induction. Approved Vigil Honor candidates must be inducted within one year of national office approval. Otherwise they must be removed from the approved list. Their selection and approval must then be reconsidered with the current years quota. 12. Arrange and conduct a public presentation of Vigil Honor sashes and certificates to the new Vigil Honor members at some major function of the council or the lodge. 13. If approved candidates are not inducted, it is very important to notify the Order of the Arrow team leader immediately. Otherwise, they will be considered inducted members of the Vigil Honor, and their petitions will be kept on permanent national file.
4. Select an honorable American Indian name and its English equivalent for the candidate. Use the American Indian-English translations from the Lenni Lenape Word List found in the back of the Order of the Arrow Handbook or from another credible American Indian language text. The American Indian name should be selected in a serious manner, based upon each persons qualities, talents, or traits. 5. Prepare the Vigil Honor petition, available at The petition must be filled out completely before it can be approved. Particular care should be used in furnishing membership figures requested and in giving the date that Brotherhood was conferred. Specific reasons for nominating the candidate for the Vigil Honor should be listed completely and concisely. The petition must be used during the current charter calendar year. Unused quota may not be carried over to future years.
6. Secure approval of the petition from the lodge chief and the Scout executive. Each must personally sign the petition before forwarding to the Order of the Arrow team leader. Unsigned petitions will be returned to the council. A lodges Vigil Honor petitions must be submitted as a group, and only once per calendar year.
Planning for the Vigil induction ceremony must include arranging for drivers for the candidates and the ceremonial participants following the ceremony.
The staff is headed by the Order of the Arrow team leader. He is assisted by an OA specialist. The Order is a self-funded program and pays all costs associated with its operation through its own revenue sources, which include annual lodge charter fees and recognition sales. The Field Operations Guide provides complete information on the field organization and operations of the Order of the Arrow at the national, regional, and section levels. Operations updates are issued periodically by the national Order of the Arrow office to communicate interim changes, updates, or clarifications to the policies and procedures contained in this Guide for Officers and Advisers, the Order of the Arrow Handbook, and the Field Operations Guide. For additional information on national policy, programs, and events, the Order of the Arrow also maintains an official Web site: The Guide for Officers and Advisers and the Field Operations Guide are available for download and printing at the Web site. The national OA committee may be contacted through: Order of the Arrow, S214 Boy Scouts of America 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane P.O. Box 152079 Irving, TX 75015-2079 Voice mail: 972-580-2438 Fax: 972-580-2399
Administration and Finance Group Assistant Chief Scout Executive Outdoor Adventures Group Vice President Group Director National OA Committee Chief Vice Chief Chairman Team Leader
Region Executive Board President Commissioner Region Director Area President Commissioner Area Director Council Executive Board President Commissioner Scout Executive District Committee Chairman Commissioner District Executive A chapter can consist of one or more districts. Council Camping or Boy Scout Committee Chairman Staff Adviser District Camping or Boy Scout Committee Chairman Staff Adviser
Region OA Key 3 Chief Chairman Staff Adviser OA Section Chief Adviser Staff Adviser OA Lodge Chief Adviser Staff Adviser OA Chapter Chief Adviser Staff Adviser
National Conference
Every two years, usually during the month of August, the Order of the Arrow holds a national conference on the campus of a major university. The national conference is held over six days with 6,000 to 7,000 Arrow men participating, coming from throughout the United States and its territories, and some from overseas. The conference program includes innovative leadership development programs, fellowship periods, inspirational gatherings (shows), ceremony team development, American Indian pageants, camping promotion, and opportunities to hear and talk with national leaders of the Order of the Arrow and the Boy Scouts of America.
The National Lodge Adviser Training Seminar is a weekend conference focusing on the skills and attributes of effective lodge advisers. It is intended primarily to enhance an advisers knowledge of and connectivity with the Orders strategic plan, program, and resources, while emphasizing the personal skills that are necessary for the development of effective youth leadership and ultimately the lodge deliverance of service to the council program. Among these are effective communications, planning, and counseling. Participants must be lodge members, age 21 or older, and should be lodge advisers or those with lodge adviser potential, as approved by the Scout executive. Completion of the Lodge Leadership Development course and the National Leadership Seminar are desirable. The seminar is an intensive experience in learning about the nature of the lodge program, delivery of service to the council, and development of the youth leadership necessary to both. While it is designed to be fun, the course is mentally challenging as well. Participants should be open to learning and prepared to actively engage in an invigorating weekend. It is desirable that the lodge adviser and lodge staff adviser attend the same seminar, if possible. During the seminar, participants develop a series of planned actions. Following the seminar, the planned actions must be reviewed with the Scout executive in a Key 3 meeting. This is termed a legacy development discussion, because the trained adviser has the greatest chance to leave a legacy of leadership in service. That legacy should include effective mentoring for youth leaders and a strong connectivity to council service needs. Upon completion of the planned actions, the region will send the seminar recognitions to the council for presentation at a lodge function. At this point, the adviser is also authorized to wear the BSA Trained strip below the adviser badge of office. The region sponsors and schedules the seminar, promotes the event, and invites councils to send their advisers.
Indiana University Indiana University Miami University(Ohio)
1,000 1,000 2,200
1954 NOAC
1956 NOAC
University of Wyoming 1,300 The OA Strengthens the Unit and Council Camping Programs Indiana University. Service for God and Country University of Kansas Brothers in Service, Leaders in Camping Indiana University Weld Tightly Every Link University of Illinois Catch the Higher Vision Indiana University Mindful of Our Traditions University of Nebraska With Hearts and Wills United Indiana University Pathways to Service University of Illinois Aim High, Serve All University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara New Horizons in Service Miami Unniversity (Ohio) Foundations for the Future University of Tennessee A Thing of the Spirit Colorado State University See the Need, Meet the Challenge University of Texas First a Spark, Now a Flame Rutgers University Those Who Chose You Need You Philmont Scout Ranch Ponder That Which Is Our Purpose Central Michigan University Kindle the Flame From Within Northwest Community CollegePowell, Wyoming Colorado State University Inspired to Lead, Dedicated to Serve Philmont Scout Ranch These High Places Are Within You 2,201 2,368 2,800 3,105 4,200 4,158 4,421 5,200 4,400 4,200 3,900 4,351 3,200 3,328 1,182 3,700 500 4,100 880
1958 NOAC 1961 NOAC 1963 NOAC 1965 NOAC 1967 NOAC 1969 NOAC 1971 NOAC 1973 NOAC 1975 NOAC 1977 NOAC 1979 NOAC 1981 NOAC 1983 NOAC 1985 Trek 1986 NOAC 1987 Pow Wow 1988 NOAC 1989 Trek
Year Event
1990 NOAC 1991 Task Forces 1992 NOAC 1993 Jamboree Service 1994 NOAC 1995 Retreat 1996 NOAC
Indiana University Seek the Knowledge, Share the Spirit Focus 91 Year of the Lodge University of Tennessee Many Fires, One Great Light Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia OAService Corps, American Indian Village, Model Campsite Purdue University A Journey For One, An Adventure for Many Philmont Training Center Year of Service Indiana University See the Dream, Live the Adventure Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia OAService Corps, American Indian Village, TOAP, Odyssey of the Law Iowa State University Memories of the Past, A Vision for the Future Colorado State University Supporting Scouting in the 21st Century University of Tennessee Bound in Brotherhood, Led by the Spirit Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia OAService Corps, American Indian Village TOAP, Scoutopia Indiana University Test Yourself, and So Discover Ridgecrest Conference CenterAsheville, North Carolina Iowa State University Chosen to Serve, Inspired to Lead Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia OAService Corps, American Indian Village, TOAP, Twelve Cubed Michigan State University The Legend Lives On Indiana University Building the Path to Servant Leadership USDA Forest Service sites in CA, MO, UT, VA, WY A Higher Adventure Indiana University The Power of One
6,900 N/A 6,800 222
1998 NOAC 1999 Leadership Summit 2000 NOAC 2001 Jamboree Service 2002 NOAC 2003 Indian Summer 2004 NOAC 2005 Jamboree Service 2006 NOAC 2007 NLCS 2008 ArrowCorps5 2009 NOAC 2010 Jamboree Service
Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia OA Service Corps, American Indian Village, Mysterium Compass
Year 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
National Chief Paul L. Pruitt Clifford D. Harmon Bradley E. Haddock Christopher H. Boswell Jeffrie A. Hermann Bradley D. Starr Robert A. Wade Stephen D. Mimnaugh David A. Erb Jeffrey C. Moser W. Jack Stephens, Jr. John E. Meckley III Clint E. Takeshita Sean J. Cox Brian M. Beaverstock Scott W. Beckett Joshua M. Feigelson Ryan J. Pitts Christopher T. Rogers Mathew B. Milleson William G. Parker Carey J. Mignerey Donald J. Cunningham Clayton T. Capp Nicholas P. Digirolamo Jeffrey E. Hayward Patrick J. Murphy Sean M. Murray Evan P. Chaffee Jacob P. Wellman John J. ONeill Bradford C. Lichota
National Vice Chief James T. Widmaier Greg A. Guy Edward J. Stumler William Rick Burton Lawrence F. Brown Jr. Kevin P. Moll William B. OTuel Michael G. Hoffman Cary L. Roberts Angelo A. Cappelli Wade A. Herbranson N. Anthony Steinhardt III Jeffrey L. Posey H. Blair Dickens Dameon C. Hutto Kyle E. Tanner David M. Clark Ryan R. Miske Joshua R. Sain David M. Petrush Andrew S. Oh Jordan A. Hitchens Scott L. Hunter Riley C. Berg Richard J. Moore David C. Dowty Seth Y. Mollitt W. Christopher Schildknecht Larry M. Newton Benjamin L. Stilwell Daniel J. Higham William G. Swingle
Regional Organization
The Boy Scouts of America is organized into four geographical regions: Central, Northeast, Southern, and Western. The region chief is the youth leader of the region elected by the section chiefs from that region at the national planning meeting. He must be younger than 21 during the entire year of his term; he will serve until a successor is elected. The election is held following the election of the national chief and national vice chief. The volunteer leader in the region is the region Order of the Arrow chairman. Appointed by the chairman of the national Order of the Arrow committee in coordination with the region director, this person is responsible for administering and managing the program regionally, with a special emphasis placed on the role of adviser to the region chief. The region staff adviser is appointed by the national Outdoor Adventures Group director. Duties of the region staff adviser include regular communication and counsel with the region OA chairman and region. Each of the regions is divided into geographical areas composed of a number of councils. The number of areas varies according to region. The region director establishes the area boundaries and appoints an area director to provide leadership to the programs within the area. The councils in each area are grouped into one or more sections by the area director, based on recommendations made by the region Order of the Arrow chairman and region staff adviser. Communication is a very important role for the region. Some regions use a newsletter to keep their sections up-to-date. Each region has a Web site with its own unique URL:
Section Organization
The section provides an interlodge forum for lodge and chapter leaders, bringing them together for fellowship and mutual improvement through the exchange of ideas. The section organizes and conducts an annual conclave at which training plays a major part. In addition, the section creates a monitoring/mentoring relationship with its lodges, provides leadership development opportunities, fosters understanding and adherence to national OA policies and procedures, and coordinates OA adminis trative and program functions. The section officers are the chief, vice chief, and secretary. They are elected at the annual business meeting held during the conclave. The section adviser is the volunteer leader, and a professional Scouter serves as staff adviser. These Arrowmen are appointed annually by the area director, with the concurrence of the region Order of the Arrow chairman and region staff adviser. The advisers work closely with the section officers in planning and conducting the conclave. The section adviser is the important link between lodges within the section. This person provides advice and guidance to the section officers and is an important resource of program ideas and help for lodge advisers. A field operations publication is available for download and printing at the Orders official Web site, http://, and should be used by all section officers and advisers. The Field Operations Guide is designed as a guide to administration and program pertaining to national, regional, and section operations of the Order. It includes current information about the organizational structure and program, as well as the section rules. Secondly, the Field Operations Guide is dedicated to providing the necessary background, knowledge, and information about how to organize and run a successful section conclave. It is informative and full of helpful hints, including sample training outlines. Names and addresses of all elected personnel should be sent by the staff adviser to the Order of the Arrow team leader within a week following the election of section officers.
E. Urner Goodman Camping Award. The award was established as a tribute and testimonial to the Orders founder, E. Urner Goodman. Its purpose is to encourage and challenge Order of the Arrow members and lodges to increase their effectiveness in promoting and increasing Scout camping in each council. Awards are presented to two outstanding lodges in each region annually. For a lodge to be eligible for consideration, it must have achieved Quality Lodge recognition and the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award petition must be completed and forwarded with the lodges charter renewal application. National Service Award. The National Service Award was created in 1998 to recognize annually two lodges in each region that have performed outstanding service, both in a qualitative and quantitative manner, to their local council. To be considered for this prestigious award, the lodge must have achieved Quality Lodge recognition and the National Service Award petition must be completed and forwarded with the lodges charter renewal application. National Service Grant program. Each year the national Order of the Arrow committee makes available matching grant money to lodges for camp or service center projects in their local councils. The Order will provide up to onehalf of the money for a selected service project. The maximum amount that will be granted is $5,000. Selected projects must be consistent with the lodge/council strategic plans. Grant applications may be acquired from the national office and must be submitted by October 31; those lodges granted awards will be notified by the following January 31. To be eligible for grant consideration, the lodge must have achieved Quality Lodge recognition in the year of its submission and must not have received a grant from the Order within the last two years. Founders Award. The Founders Award was created to honor and recognize those Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to the lodge. The award is reserved for those Arrowmen who memorialize in their everyday life the spirit of achievement as described by founder E. Urner Goodman. The award is a handsome bronze medallion bearing the likenesses of E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson, with wooden base and brass plate suitable for engraving. The award is suitable for display at home or the office. Also available is the Founders Award arrow ribbon, similar to the universal arrow ribbon, except that it has a gold-colored arrow suspended from a red ribbon. Lodges may petition the national Order of the Arrow committee to present up to four awards annually, based on lodge membership. If the lodge presents more than one award, one must be to a youth under the age of 21.
Red Arrow Award. The award was created in 1967 to recognize individuals who are not members of the Order of the Arrow for outstanding service to the Order. This attractive award, a red arrow and medallion superimposed on an engraved plaque and a miniature charm for civilian wear, can be awarded only by action of the national Order of the Arrow committee. Recommen dations, by personal letter, must be sent to the Order of the Arrow team leader. The awards are pre sented at the national Order of the Arrow conference. Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award was created in 1940 to honor those who rendered service to the Order beyond the lodge level. The award is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. It is given primarily for dedicated service to the Order and Scouting over a period of years. The first were presented at Camp Twin Echo, Pennsylvania, to E. Urner Goodman, Carroll A. Edson, and eight others at the 1940 national meeting. Between 1940 and the first national conference in 1948, the award was presented at national meetings as deserving individuals were found. Thereafter, the award presentation became a traditional part of the pageantry and ceremony of the national conference. Since the time of the first awards in 1940, 839 Distinguished Service Awards have been presented. This alone is a testament to its high standard of excellence. The award is a sterling silver arrowhead, bearing an arrow pointing upward and to the wearers right, suspended from a white neck-ribbon upon which are embroidered red arrows. A white square knot embroidered upon red cloth is available for uniform wear, and a miniature silver arrowhead lapel pin is available for civilian wear. Presentation of the award is limited. Arrowmen whose service records are the most outstanding and extend farthest beyond others are usually selected. Nominations are open to both youth and adult Arrowmen.
Legacy of Servant Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award. This award recognizes the Orders second- and third-generation foundersScouters who have built an enduring legacy to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow through a lifetime of cheerful service to others. The award is intended to recognize only those extraordinary Arrowmen who have deeply influenced and significantly contributed to the vision, direction, and growth of the Order of the Arrow, faithfully demonstrated a lifetime of servant leadership, and, through their daily example, illuminated and reinforced the significance of the values found in the Scout Oath and Law. Any past or present member of the Order of the Arrow may be nominated. Nominees must (1) be a Vigil Honor member, (2) be a Distinguished Service Award recipient, (3) have continued to render outstanding and dedicated service to the Order of the Arrow on a sectional, regional, or national level since receiving the Distinguished Service Award, and (4) have been a member of the Order of the Arrow for a minimum of 25 years. Nominations must be received by October 31 of the year prior to a National Order of the Arrow Conference. The award will be presented only at a national conference and may not be presented posthumously. Other awards. A variety of recognition items are available from the BSA Supply Group for use by lodges and chapters. These include plaques suitable for engraving, statuettes, and certificates. These may be obtained through your council service center. While it is not necessary to obtain approval of the national Order of the Arrow committee for these local recognitions, lodges and chapters must have the Scout executives approval prior to presentation. It is recommended that awards of this type be kept to a minimum so that they are more meaningful to the recipients.
Guidelines for Assisting Scouts and Scouters With Special Needs
This information is provided to help members of the Order of the Arrow address issues regarding Scouts and Scouters with special needs. It is important to realize that 70 percent of disability = ability, and that the Order of the Arrow program can be adapted to include everyone. Do not assume what a person is capable (or incapable) of by looking at him. These guidelines should help in understanding ways to adapt to meet special needs while still upholding the customs and traditions of the Order. Even though the experience might need to be different, it is no less meaningful to those involved. needs and concerns, and flexibility should be provided. When possible, the special accommodations should be done apart from the other candidates. If a discussion is held prior to the Ordeal, a candidate with a special need can be asked to carry a pen and paper to minimize the need to actually talk during the Ordeal. Scant food. This test requires pre-event planning and might be the requirement that needs the most flexibility. Many medicines are required to be taken with food, or full glasses of water or milk. They also might need to be taken at scheduled times during the day to ensure medical consistency. Discussing a candidates special dietary needs prior to the event is essential. Foods that typically are used during the Ordeal might not suffice or be practical to Scouts or Scouters with a special need. Arduous labor. Work projects still can be very meaningful but might need to be done a little differently. Try to establish ahead of time some projects that will meet this goal. Whenever possible, include the candidate with a special need in the same projects as the other candidates.
The Brotherhood
Most individuals with special needs can complete the Brotherhood requirements with little or no adaptation required. As in the Ordeal process, the induction team should hold a discussion prior to the Brotherhood process. Some questions to ask might include: Can the individual participate in the Brotherhood Trail? How can we help the Scout complete the tests during the ceremony?
National Leadership Seminars, National Lodge Adviser Training Seminars, and National Order of the Arrow Conferences can accommodate Scouts and Scouters with special needs. The same pre-event planning should occur to ensure the facility meets their needs. The region staff adviser can help with this information for NLS and NLATS, while all requests for special needs for NOAC should be addressed to the Order of the Arrow team leader. As with other requests, be sure to be as specific as possible to ensure the best results.
The Vigil
The Vigil induction can be completed with some assistance without affecting the symbolism of the honor. It will be important to take special precautions to ensure the safety of the candidate and all involved. The induction processes for the Ordeal and Brotherhood should provide plenty of ways to conduct a successful Vigil induction that will make it a very meaningful experience for all involved.
Youth Protection
Scouts and Scouters with disabilities can be vulnerable to sexual abuse. Care should be given to meeting all guidelines for BSA Youth Protection.
The Order of the Arrow is a wonderful program that can be enjoyed by all. It is important to learn how to assist and involve all Scouts and Scouters in the program, and it is imperative to maintain and respect everyones confidentiality and safety. Every individual, regardless of ability or disability, can have a rewarding experience as a member of the Order.
Participation in OA Events
It is important to strive for inclusion of all in any Order of the Arrow event being planned, whether on a local or national basis. Pre-event planning is the key to accomplishing this, and it is important that all registration and promotional information include a way to address special needs. Special needs can include but should not be limited to: Sleeping arrangements and personal hygiene needs Diet restrictions/accommodations Storage of medicine/medical supplies Assistance with mobility to programs at events Flexibility with service projects Language/communication issues Special parking/transportation Stress that every reasonable effort will be made to meet special needs, but it is the responsibility of the participant to indicate his needs in as much detail as possible prior to the event. It should never be assumed that one can just show up at an event and find that his needs can be met. In order to help those with special needs make proper arrangements, provide clear instructions on whom to contact. Section conclaves usually are held at a different location each year, and each location may provide different access. Each year the service lodge should include requests for special needs requirements in its pre-event information. Specific issues can be directed to the service lodge staff adviser.
A Guide to Working With Scouts With Disabilities, No. 33056C, is available through the BSA Supply Group. The National Organization on Disability Web site,, lists disability etiquette tips. The iCan Disability Community Web site, http://www., features a library of medical conditions and disabilities. The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago has a glossary of terms at glossary.php. The United Cerebral Palsy Associations Web site,, deals with assisting people with disabilities during a disaster or emergency situation. The Americans With Disabilities Act and other disabilities can be researched by using Internet search engines.
activities, promoting10 ad hoc committees9 administration, lodge732 adult membership qualifications21, 25 adult selection committee21, 25 adviser chapter12, 16 lodge78, 12, 1719, 20, 21, 31, 35 region staff35, 41 responsibility8 section35, 41 alcohol policy20 approval, unit leader20 approved ceremonies28 area director35, 41 associate chapter adviser8, 16 lodge adviser19 Arrowmans duty11 Award Distinguished Service43 E. Urner Goodman Camping42 Founders42 Legacy of Servant Leadership Lifetime Achievement43 National Service42 Red Arrow42 awards, special programs and4243 call-out28 conducting16, 27 election2627 chapter8, 9, 16, 35 adviser16, 35 chief16, 35 forming16 meetings9 officers16 plan of operation16 staff adviser8, 16, 35 charter dropped14 renewal14 chief and vice chief, national35, 36, 37, 40, 42 chapter16, 35 lodge8, 9, 11, 13, 1620, 31, 35 region35, 36, 37, 41, 42 section8, 35, 36, 41 Chief of the Fire7, 21 Clancy Indian Campership Fund, Maury42 committees activities9 ad hoc9 camping promotion9 ceremonial9 communications9 finance9 leadership development9 lodge executive8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20 membership9 operating8, 20 service9 unit elections9, 22 communications10 conference, national36 conference committee, national36 custodial account15
body paint28 Brotherhood ceremony2930 eligibility30 membership20 membership, purpose of29 Bulletin, OA National11, 34 business meetings9
Deputy Supreme Chief of the Fire7 director, area35, 41 disabilities, Scouts with21, 45 Distinguished Service Award43 drug policy20 dues14, 15
calendar of events10 call-out ceremonies23, 28 Camp Chief of the Fire7 camping promotion9, 1114 where to go9, 11, 12, 13, 14 candidate status23 Vigil Honor3132 ceremonial committee9 ceremonial teams28 ceremonies2728 approved28 Brotherhood2930
elected officers8, 20 election announcement (sample letter)25 ceremony2627 eligibility20, 25 procedure22 23
report, unit24 requirements, membership2021 results, announcement of23 unit22 electronic media10 eligibility, announcing Brotherhood30 events, calendar of9, 10
face paint28 fees and dues, lodge membership15 Field Operations Guide34, 41 finance committee9 finances and financial records, lodge15 flag policy28 Founders Award42
Goodman, E. Urner Camping Award42 Grant program, National Service42
communications10 custodial account15 executive committee8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20 events16 finances15 meetings9, 10, 16 membership fees and dues15 membership records1415 membership requirements2021 mission20 National Quality Lodge program14 newsletter9, 10 officer requirements8 officers8, 16, 1719, 20, 36, 37 operating committees8, 20 organization79 program910 rules20 secretary8, 15, 20, 21, 31, 41 staff adviser78, 16, 1719, 21, 31, 35, 41 treasurer8, 15, 18, 20
meetings business9 lodge9, 10, 16 membership Brotherhood20, 29, 30 committee 9 disabilities, Scouts with21, 45 election to2023 honorary21 life 21 professional21 qualifications, adult21, 25 qualifications, youth20, 25 records14 requirements2021 mission, lodge 20
hazing27, 28 high-adventure bases14 honorary membership21
Induction:Election to Ordeal2223 international Scouting42
Josh R. Sain Memorial Scholarships42
Key 3 leadership8 Region OA35 team1719
National Bulletin11, 34 chief and vice chief35, 36, 37, 40, 42 conference36 conference committee36 Council14, 34, 36 Leadership Seminar37 Lodge Adviser Training Seminar37 Order of the Arrow chairman 35, 36, 41 Order of the Arrow committee8, 14, 16, 20, 31, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43 programs of emphasis 3839 Quality Lodge program 14 Service Award 42 Service Grant program 42 vice chairmen 36 newsletter 9, 10 nominating committee19, 31
leader approval, unit20 leadership78, 37 life memberships21 Lifetime Achievement Award43 lodge administration732 adviser78, 11, 1719, 21, 31, 35, 37 calendar of events10 chapters, forming16 charter14 chief8, 9, 11, 13, 1719, 31
officers8, 16, 1719, 20, 36, 37 operating committees8, 20 operations updates 34 Order of the Arrow committee, national8, 14, 16, 20, 31, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43 organization lodge79 regional41 section41 out-of-council Brotherhood29 call-out23 elections22 Ordeals23
chief 8, 35, 36, 42 organization 41 staff adviser 35 Seminar, National Leadership37 Seminar, National Lodge Adviser Training37 service committee 9 special programs and awards4243 Supreme Chief of the Fire7, 21
table, quota31 team leader, Order of the Arrow32, 35, 36 teams, ceremonial28 themes, national programs of emphasis3839 tobacco policy 20
petition, Vigil Honor14, 32 procedures, election2223 procedures, induction2223 professional membership21 program, lodge910 programs of emphasis, national3839 promoting activities10 promotion camping9, 1114 timetable, camping13 protected species policy28
unit elections 22 ceremony 2627 committee 9, 22 procedures 2223 report24 unit leader approval20 Universal Arrow ribbon15, 26, 42
vice chief, national35, 36, 37, 40, 42 Vigil Honor14, 16, 20, 28, 3132 American Indian name 32 candidates, choosing3132 ceremonies 28 induction 31, 32 nominations31 petition14, 32 professional Scouter 32 quota 31 sash32 youth-adult ratio 31 voting7, 15, 20, 21, 23, 25
qualifications adult membership21, 25 youth membership20, 25 quota table, Vigil Honor nominations31
records, membership14 Red Arrow Award42 region 35, 36, 37, 41, 42 chairman 35, 41 chief 35, 36, 37, 41, 42 staff adviser 41 requirements, membership2021 rules, lodge20
Web site5, 10, 34, 41, 46 Where to Go Camping booklet12, 13
sash, Vigil Honor 32 Scout executive 7, 8, 13, 16, 1719, 20, 21, 25, 31, 32, 35, 37 Scouter21, 41 Scouting, international42 section 35, 41 adviser 35, 41
youth membership qualifications20, 25
Boy Scouts of America 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane P.O. Box 152079 Irving, Texas 75015-2079