The NWPOA Executive Committee has sent Executive Director Carol Collier and the Commissioners of the Delaware River Basin Commission a letter demanding action on the long overdue regulations for natural gas development in the basin.
The NWPOA Executive Committee has sent Executive Director Carol Collier and the Commissioners of the Delaware River Basin Commission a letter demanding action on the long overdue regulations for natural gas development in the basin.
The NWPOA Executive Committee has sent Executive Director Carol Collier and the Commissioners of the Delaware River Basin Commission a letter demanding action on the long overdue regulations for natural gas development in the basin.
The NWPOA Executive Committee has sent Executive Director Carol Collier and the Commissioners of the Delaware River Basin Commission a letter demanding action on the long overdue regulations for natural gas development in the basin.
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Cnrol Collier, Executi>-e Director
Delaware Ri\"er Basin Commissjon 25 State Police Drive Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance LLC PO BOX 157 Damascus, PA 18415 570-224-6982 P.O. Box 736o West Trenton, NJ 08628-036o June 27, 2013 Dear Ms. Collier: T b ~ years have passed since the Delnwnre River Basin Commissions executive director, Carol Collier, imposed a moratorium on drilling for natural gas in the !>Min, pending adoption of regulations to go\"ern that activity. And now 19 months have passed since the Commission proposed regulations, held hearings on them and then failed to bring them to a YOte. We're at a loss to understand why this is going on or to aocept the temporizing the Commission staff bas offered instead of subo,1Anti\'e explanations. This situation is particularly frustrnting to the Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance aad its more than i,300 family members. We founded the Alliance to be an ad\'ocat e for the region's landowners with oil and gas producers. Aided by highly qu,.lified attorneys who specialized in environmental and Pennsylvania luw and who knew the oil and gas industry, the Alliance spent two and n half years. nn i mmense antount of volw_ttecr time and nearly three quarters of a million dollars to procure a precedent-setting lease that is among the most community- and environmentally (riendly leases in existence. Tho.5e leases"""' then executed with two of the m06t reliable exploration com ponies in the country. nie Alliance exercised great prudence in the formulation of its lease and is now in jeopardy of losing that lease, the environmental prottdions it provides for the community and those highly competent and respected companies, the Hess Corpomtion and the Newfield Exploration Company. Our lessors, if terminated, and our region could be targeted by wildcat companies with boiler-plate leases and shoddy operations. The unending delays ha\'C gone well beyond merely testing our patience. In all this time, the commission could hnve at lea>1: stepped aside and limited its aetivities to its already established functions, which focus on water qunntity and water quality data collection and analysis and could help assure the long-term balance between healthy ecosystems and economic vitality, as the Wayne County Commissioners ha"e suggested in a recent letter of their own to you. The Comml<sion could have aDo..-ed i1S individua.1 member states lo regulate giis exploration and drilling ";thin their respective borders. This approach would be more than satisfactory to us since Pennsylwnia has both strong regulations and an enforcement regime already in plnoo and operating successfully. The Commission's failure to adopt natural ga.s regulations or step aside has not only harmed many people financially, it actually threatens the land itself. Several of our members with extensive acreage say they could be forced to heavily timber their lands or subdivide them and open the subdivisions to developmeot so they and their fomilies can keep going financially. ll is hard to predict what community and environmental problems new re;idcntiaJ and commercial de>'elopment could bring. It cannol be said we ha,,.,nt Cried to resoh'e this conflict duriog; the Inst three years. In early February of 2012 - February 2nd, to be precise - Ollr lawyer wrote to the Executive Director expressing our concerns, outlining our legal pesition, nnd requesting action. Ms. Collier's reply or March 13"' that year was little better than no response at all, a recitation about the complex science and policy questions involved - the same old refrains ,.. ... d been bcarins since the summer of2010. Before and after that exchanse of letters, the Alliance and ind.ividual members met with DJUJC representatives and with one or the Commissioners, wrote letters and e-mails to the Commissioners and Ms. Collier, wrote and called our elected officials, and attempted to bring pressure on the Commission and its executive director through the media - all to no &\-ail. Tbe Commission's inaction has natural gas exploration in the basin to a complete halt to the detriment or the local economy and the citizens who in good faith leased thei r land for gas exploration and development. In our opinion, the Commission is allowins itself to be held hostage by the media and an anti-drilling community made up m-iy of people from outside our region aDd by actMst staffers within the DRBC who are exercising their personal biases. "Water quality" is not n genuine issue, as Newfield and Hess h"'"' testified repeatedly. Many drilling companies already operat e s"""'5Sfully in settings with "ltigb Qua.lily" and "Exceptional Value" waters elsewbere i!l the Commonwi:alth. Our aeigbbors to the west in Susquehanna, Bradford and Tioga Count:iea - all in the Susquehanna Rh'er 83sin - are seeing an economic boom that is wonderful to behold, but we're ltcpt from sharing in that bounty. We recentily learned that Susquehanna County and municipalities within the county will soon receive in excess of $8 million in Marcellus drilling impact recs. In these financially troubled times, funds of this sort are sorely needed by Wayne County's public sector especially ,..;th service wor\:tts' pensions hitting local community budgets bani. Ch..,r time, the struggle just becomes more difficult to pay our ever-rising taxes, to support the salaries and pensions of our teachers and public workers ond lo secure for the next generation and the community at Jorge the farms nnd forested proJ)<!rties that in many cases have been in the same fumilies for generations.Whichever way ..... go, ho,.......,, whether with or without gas productjon in our ""' cannm begin to ""'k toword our private and community pis without a blueprint for the future, and that entails a decision from the Defaware River Basin Commission. The Commission's inaction has left the Alliance and a huge share of its indi\wual members - along "ith many other Wayne County landowners, property groups and businesses - to conclude that if the Commission, at its July 9- o'" meeting. fails to at least schedule a ''Ole before year's end on the proposed regulations or, olternati\'ely, fails lo step aside and abandon any plan to regulate naturnl-gas acthily in t he b.'\Sin that the Commission simply has no intention of ending what has become a de .1c10 ban and that we are being forced to begin litigation against the C.ommission, its member st.ates and executi'-e staff and others ,,iJo may ba'"e '''Orktd in concert ,,;th them. to regain our right to access our mineral estates. Sincerely, J>( 1--at, Bob Rutledge, llxeeuci"e Director, Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance cc: U r i g ~ d i e r Ccneml Kent D. Savre Governor Chris Christie Gov<!rnor Thornns VV. Corbett Cov(lrnor Andrc\\ 1 M. Cuo1no Kelly Heffner Ccvel'llor Jock A. Markell Joe Martens Robert Martin Collin P. O'Mam Erik Rourke Wayne County Commissioners (Pen""rl\'llilia) Wayne/Pike County Farm Bureau (Pennsyh'llllia)
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