SiSyntax of Spoken Arabic Part 2
SiSyntax of Spoken Arabic Part 2
SiSyntax of Spoken Arabic Part 2
Morocco M 1 male, 40, educated, originally from Tetouan, lived abroad for 20 years. M 2 female, 60's, uneducated, Marrakesh. M 3 male, 35, Ph.D., has lived extenstively in the U.S and France. M 5 female, mid-20's, college graduate, works outside the home, Rabat. M 6 male, 20's, university graduate, linguistics major, Rabat. M 7 comedy routine from Moroccan television, recorded July 1988. - , M 9 female, 60-70's, illiterate, originally from near Chaoun, of the Jbala ("mountain Arabs"), has lived for some time in Larache". M 10 male, late 20's, high-school education, Larache. M i l female, 50-60's, uneducated, rural Beni Mellal area. Egypt E 1 female, 30's, university educated, fluent English, Cairo. E 2 female, 30's, university educated, fluent English, Cairo. E 3 female, late 40's, educated, from Simbilawen, a Delta town. E 4 male, early 30's, educated, Cairo. ' E 5 male, 40's, educated, Arabic teacher, Cairo. E 6 male, 14, in middle school, Cairo. E 8 female, 50's, educated, Cairo. E 9 male, 30's, educated, writer, Cairo. E10 'Ala N-Nasya, "On the Street Corner" Cairo radio program, 12/9/89. Syria S 1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 female, 21, Alawite, from a northwestern Syrian town, studying in j the University of Damascus. female, 20, Christian, from a village south of Aleppo, studying in the University of Damascus. male, mid 30's, Ph.D., Damascus, living abroad. husband and wife, late 50's, limited education, Aleppo. female, 50's, educated, Aleppo, has lived abroad. Wadi al-Misk, an old Durayd Lahham play
Text A: A Jummani Joke 1 (M6) i-iljj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! J 4-A-C ljJj_L_i <JJI -LLC _)U J__. J_A :J_A <__-C ___J _jjLA (\\ IjJU. (____ 1 _ (X) . JLJI (J_J_JLO_C Laj ' *'- ' < 4 5 J I Ljl-A <_-a_jj_iJj r
___ i 3-___j l_t JJLL-U <_t j-j-iJ _-LII : J_J____JI ___Ij <_M_J a - i c_JJj I 4-J
_L_J v i]l.__o_, J l j ^ U l v _ J I _ J l j ( r ) . l j ., - . ^ I c u - l j i l i . - < I J V L - - _J_at__ *^A AA Lj ( ! ) .L|_L__Li_ !__! LjJjJS - *i ~H j l j j___l <J Jj_L*_ .ljJj___La I j - J J L L j H - J J-_(o)
v L__JI_JI_ t l__-,j
(1) hadi nukta <llh huwwa: huwwa lisss bi'anna 'ibad Hah taygulu 'Hh n-nukat bozzaf, w dlrunzatu hadlk I-qadiyya ya'ni, w ma 'zbuS 1-hal. (2) msa Ska, galu-llh, 'a wsddi 'aS ga tdlr, wahad 1-qadiyya: Hi lqltlh tay'awd Si nukta xud ktab w ktsbha, w snta ktabha. (3) dak S-Si Hi dar nit, lli lqah taygul-lu 'aSnu dar z-zummani, gulha liyya, tayktibha, (4) ta zma'hum kamlln w yiqta' dak 1-ktab, (5) gal lihum daba qallbu ma tgulu. (1) Here is a joke about him: H&felt that people were telling a lot of jokes about him and this disturbed him, that is, and he didn't like it. (2) He went and complained. They told him, my friend, what will you do? one thing: whoever you find telling'a joke, take a book and write it down, and you write it down. (3) Thafs exactly what he did, whoever he found saying "What did Jummani do?," [he told him] tell me, and he would write it down. (4) Until he gathered them all, and he tears up the book. (5) He told them, now look for something to say!
Kuwait K1 K2 K3 K4 n male, 20's, post-secondary education. female, 40-50's, secondary education. female, 60-70's, illiterate, lived for some time in Bahrain. female, early 40's, secondary education, works outside her home. indicates sentences taken down as field notes. 376
'Al-Jummani is a Moroccan Juha-like character, the subject of many popular jokes. 33* _ _ .
______________ "
J , ^ ^ _^ _ _ .
Appendix 2
Moroccan Texts
I'-.-ll J L j JLLJLII -JL HJ J___J _ - j j (jLLj-i |_>-L ,__.(_;.___ L_lj ( \ ) ... 'yJ J J _ _ i V j f _ _ L _ _ _ _ ^ L ^ j j - _ i _ t - ^ b c _ - ^ l _ - l ( r ) S_j____ll- -J LLft ,__ j-frK j l l n 1 1 _J I..jJ^L^L _L_I_A _ _ U J J _ _ (V) .-_a.L_ ,^__
_LJL_ , _ _ _ L___JI __J____J (__;j--l -L_i C_JJL__ _ j L t j _j--l * _ j a o - j j - i ,j_L v____j _," - " j L-A _(___ o l a . LJJJI AjJIjJI ^?-jL_ Cj-Li () .____uij ._ilj_j t_j___ __L__i_ _____ y - i V j (^J-- firtl ^"t tj-i-I' -JLLA (jJljj^-Lc (_-__ _ * i | / - j - - _ T - - < j - l jlk__JI JLA La_L_l<-JU,jL_J! U-_JI_JJc__- : (n)
(JCJLAJ L L CJIS -_^j_^ __. jj__& LA (V) ... _- V j < - i - . j i - ij_- V j Sf-h?-1
J ^ L U I j U (A) ... V j O J L O- VJ ___>__-- O- VJ L4IV C_-_> -u-1 _ij___ __1 J>^"i- 'ij-Jj-.' "-S ---> J 1*1 (^) . L-__-._,)_i- "-ilj-J <-jj___a lj_L- <jLa j
I J K L J __A IJ_J
L-_^U^(>__.6lJ.o ^f---
_ > - - J ^ _ ( \ . ) .^LUj____,_LL__II
.^LVI lj__l____i Li-. I j _u_ (,>'.'"" j f " ^ ^"> ( j i . t T t j <lj^f| ( ^ ) .<J_-I (I) ... w ana 'ndi Si nas difan bgit nhatt Hhum dak 1-gatar dyal s-sffa baS yakluh. (2) 'Iwa xaft tani man 'guzti baS txasm walla tgul liya Si haza. (3) xwlt hadlk ~ dak s-stiyyal kullahuwa f hadak - l-'slda ~ lli wallat b-hal l-'sida, (4) xwltha f s-stiyyal w 'awd siftt Srlt smlda x w ra, w cawd sawabt sffa xwra w hattit s-sffa hiyya hadlk w skatt. (5) kant xarza 1-walida lli zat 'ndi hiyya w 'ammti w xaft baS talqa 'guzti hadak S-Si txasm 'liyya walla Si kant tanxaf mnha bazzaf.. (6) gult la-1-walida ha I-*ar, tallah 'Ila ma had s-stiyyal ddlh 'liyya Sufi fin tdlrlh walla fin tluhlh walla fin ... (7) ha 'guzti tnuwwat, gait daba w hadi Suf aS 'tat I-ummha walla S maxxrat walla S dart walla .. (8) had n-nas d zman kanu su'Qba bazzaf, tkarfasna. (9) sbhat tat'ayyarni tatgul-lik 'Iwa haka w yaklu n-nas, yaklu w ySarbu w hit ykunu xarzin ta'ta Hhum 1-masayal ySadduha ta hiyya. (10) ya Ialla na'li S-sitan, rah htta Si haza ma kayna. ( I I ) 'iwa, w tatabqa tatxasm w tatabqa tat - w hna tansa'du l-'iyyam. ^ h e recording begins here, in the middle of a narrative about how the speaker's mother-in-law made her early married life difficult. This portion recounts an incident in which the speaker ruined the sweet couscous she was making for guests and tried to cover up the waste for fear of being chastised.
(1)... when I had some guests to whom I wanted to serve that platter of sweet couscous to eat. (2) Well, I got scared again of my mother-in-law that she would pick a fight with me or say something to me. (3) / emptied that other - that pail all of it in that -- mush - what had become like mush, (4) / emptied it in the pail and then sent and bought more semolina and then made another sweet coucous and served the sweet couscous, this other one, and said nothing. (5) My mother, who had come over, she and my aunt, was on her way out, and I was afraid that my mother-in-law would find that thing [and] pick a fight with me or something, I was very afraid of her. (6) / told my mother, here's a scandal, for God's sake, this pail, take it from me, see where you can put it or throw it out or where .. (7) Here my mother-in-law has suspected (something), she said, Now, this one, see what she gave to her mother or what she stole or what she did or ... (8) Those people of old were a great difficulty. We had a rough time of It. (9) She began to criticize me, she says, well, so thafs it, people eat, they eat and drink and when they are on their way out, stuff is given them and they take it too. (10) Madam, curse the devil, look, there is nothing at all [going on]. (11) Well, she kept on picking fights and kept on - and we would get through the days.
Text C: Part One of a Moroccan Folktale ( M i l ) (__A____ La <C_L_JI j^k jJj__i I j i l 6J__C J ^ l j J I J_Jj f_fLc _JJ ____*__ (\\ ,^j___l l>_a E 'j__w t >L_(r) ._U_>Jl v ____iU.L|J JL ^ . . L (X) .JJJJI ______ l_H__ ___I_I_A (_) .(j^\ OVLXJLJI J j_a.j ^j__lI IjJJ __a,lj ^ j ;"
______ <-_;___ c-Jj-_ _L_LA C____L (O) .JJJM _LJ JLC LAIJI _ L _ U .JVJJIJ
.1 t _lr ljh-e>& 'LflJLj j - f - J J I J_L6_*-1- (*\) .y-t> L _Jj__ J^JLC <L_L__ _*_J_ L L ^ ^ I c _ J - i (_-__; _Jj_(pLc I j i l / J ^ l j J I I {__>J- ' j <- --JLS (V) -____J I lj_.j____j _>_>j-- (A) .1 j ...I j J-J__ LAJ__A1__1J L _ _ AI j _ I " l j _ j ^ lj___U (*\) .LA___>J jlaJI _i LU Uj__l___j ^j-_.l J_L_JI ___ljJ lj_i__i_uj .Lu-j-fl-ij :-,-, La ^LS.^j . n l L ,-,_ II L - J L - u U U ^ I L4J IjJLS L p L L , _>4_ -__.lj (\N) .jLa^ll j l i s <_/.!_ ^-i--_jjL_ j ^ j - , 1 ^ ' i j U r I LjJ JLS ( \ . ) _j - j L a . L f-4-ol j_f_____lj J___._JI l j j - f j __--* f
, l
j ( A i < 1_ _ = _ _ _ _ ! J j L___
^ S ^ a
380 >.'"_$:JL_
Moroccan Texts
._LJJI _i ljL____ (f--frJL;_ J____- j J I IJJ_A.,_AL _-_ ljL____ c_L__JI(NT) .U__.j_i j U I - i J-jf^--1 _rf^ J-IIJC_JL_- L _ u _ _ _ - U _ L _ J L ( \ l ) _ _ _ _ _ UJL d J L <JJL d J L C;-L_ o L L ' t ^ j - 1 LAj__-y_,_i (No) ( \ i ) . ^ J - - - 1 J L - U__J___Jl J e j - - - 1 ^ J -*.-* ^ ^ :i-* ltLjfc x... . , . , . . . . M--.(W) . . . I ^ J J I - A L ^ J j _ ^ l _ L ^ _ _ i - _ j ( > I I JL__;
i j t + j L>JLS(U)
.LAJ__JJ__-L_UIJ_.LJJ_JIWJ I ^ . > _ ( \ A )
^_U U _ _ ^
U__J I - i ^
M -
*_! ^
J-> *-
_l j j " J j J I -JL J - l - ^ o - L i V JSL La _ <,_<,., ___.L_, L_ (X.) . L b _Li <_^_-_ J _ ^ - J I _U _-L*.j _J_JI L+J J j ^ L _______ L * | ( ^ ) . J J J I UJ , j _ > J I _i OJJJJ -c_J J____, 4-^.j-S (XX) ._-__-. ^ L i -W1---1 ^ ^ ljL___ _U JLS (XT) .___Jjj .(__!_-- J-LA JJ----JI - M o L * ^Lll JL__J
. J ___Jj LAIJ O-LUJ-U U^LL^ 1 -* O^L-^--* 'J-11 - ^ ' - '>** 1 IjJ-S <_-L-l' ._JjJI ___JJJ o _ J j I j .LJ_LL- j L j j i * - - <JLJ _I_L_JI _,--- ( X i ) . j j _ i l l
J j J I c__Jj _L,I <J JLS (T\) .JJJJI -__Jj <J JLS ..oiLL-j-S <J JLS (Y-) . J ^ j - U L o ' i L J L ( . t k i i J I .-LL____i <_V 1 _/-' , j - i - *-- J - 5 ( YV ) -U'J->__LL__(\A) . U _ _ _ _ J _ ^ J J ^ I J ^ - ^ I ^ J I J ^ J . ^
I_____JI _Jb [_-i-- (V.) . ^ I j -uJ-JI ^ J j L-*--?- 1 " - * M ' - ^ J ( " ) ._____ o_Jj<--l-uJLS ^ J J j j _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ j - - - - L I JLS.L+J JI_S.L__-_.L___,__J -I__i_i t ' ^
^ ^ J *-!
-> ' ^ ^ J - ^ ^
_ ^
Ij-jU. (To) .<JL_UI V U . f i_Ul_UI UffJ V U , , U j A<-.ll L+J V U . (T_) ,i_ai <J c-JLS , jljJJ UIJIJ aJjJI -JL l j > j I ^ - ^ J j UJ___1JJ LJJ I j i l - i j ^ a j i ^ - J - a - j c_--u___ LpLu ij---t- ( n ) - L ^ i ^ j - i - i 1-^1^,>J-V;J
. j J j J I _JI_J u ^ j - * *<--JJ-I
(1) hazlt-lak 'la wahd r-ra2al <ndu 1-mra tatawlad g![r] 1-bnat, ma 'ndhaS 1-wald. (2) nad gal liha, 'ana xasgni I-wald. (3) nad tzawwaz" mra x w ra, tiawwaz wahad 1-mra x w ra w zuz d l-'yalat adda. (4) hadlk 'ndha sab'a d 1-wlad, hadlk ddaha 'ad baS tawlad. (5) nadat hadik mulat sab'a kant hamla, gadi tawlad ta hiyya. (6) mnln dxal S-Shar dyaUia harbu 'Una, (7) ga[l]t lu wa nud 'a r-rafal, 1-mra gadi tawlad tani bant x w ra, daba nud nxwiw 'liha hna w nxalllwha tdabbar rasha. (8) nud naxwlw 1-blad w namSlw 1-wahad 1-blad x w ra w nxalllwha hna f ad-dar b w -uhdha. (9) nadu bnatha galu-Iha mm w i 'atya-[l]na 1-bant b-d-dhar, ga' ma tatSuf fina. (10) gal-lha 'tlni 'a banti gadi namSi naddi gwffa d ar-rmad, (11) wahada thazz gwffa d naxx w ala f dharhum mnin yhazzu r-rahll w ttba'hum-"mmhum b-1-imara-f t-trlq. (12) hna gadi namSlw 1-blad IU ma ta'rfihaS, gadi ttab'i gl[r] dlk ar-rmad w n-naxx w ala htta 1-dik I-blasa fin gadi nhattu w tab'Ina. (13) 1-bnat mSaw m'a b w ahum, hazzu r-rahil dyalhum, mSaw f l-lll. (14) s-sbah nadat masklna ma sabt walu gi[r] 1-hyut f d-dar b w -uhdha. (15) nad Saddha l-w2a', bqat gadya yallah yallah yallah yallah htta qarrbat hdahum, tab'a gl[r] dlk t-triq -- t-ta'llma dyal t-trlq. (16) waslat b-hal lli waslat 1-had 1-qbur, zaha 1-wza' tamma. (17) tamma na'sat masklna w waldat. (18) xarzu-liha 1-huriyyat w I-malaykat w wallduha. (19) galu-lha wa 'ayyti hasanati ya razaqati 'Ila 'atya Si f-d-danya Si sadaqa gadi tzl-lak daba. (20) ma sabat masklna la ma takul la faS tgammat dak 1-wald, w zad-lha 1-wald. (21) 'Iwa farhat malU zad-lha I-wald, w 2at 'al t-trlq qriba tawsal la-r-razl fayn mSa. (22) qriba tawsal llh, w waldat f t-triq, b-hal lli zat 1-had 1-qbuiMiadu hdakum, w waldat. (23) gai-lak mSaw n-nas galu 'a flan, "wahad- 1-mra hakifaS haklfaS haklfaS raha waldat f 1-qbur. (24) mSa I-'abd dyalu tsawwaq w daz 'liha, rah waldat w waldat 1-wald. (25) gal-lu klfaS, gal-lu waldat .I-wald. (26) gal-lu [i]la waldat 1-wald nraddha.' (27) gal-lak mSa adda *a lalla tafsila, 1-qaftan b-2-zalIaba b-S-Sarbfl, takSita kamla w frah w adda 1-gayyata w t-tbal w mSa I-'ndha. (28) slfat ba'da l-'abd huwwa 1-uwwal gaT-lu sir, 'ila hiyya waldat 1-wald, xalliha w azi 'ndi. (29) waldat 1-bant, dbahha w dbah 1-bant w azi. (30) mSa dak l-'abd 'ndha, gal-lha, gaT-lak sidi Snu wladti? ga[l]t-lu, wladt bant. (31) galIha gull-li 'aS wladti, rah 'Ila wladti I-bant ga ndabhak w nadbahha. (32) ta Saftu zayd liha b-l-mus ga[I]t-lu hda, wladt 1-wald, l-'azri lli
r ____ - -J ._-.
Appendix 2
Moroccan Texts
wladt. (33) mSa >a lalla rkab w mSa 'ndu, gal-lu rah waldat 1-wald. (34) zab-lha t-tkSlta, zab-lha 1-gayyata, zab t-tabbala. (35) zabugasslu-lha w labbsQha w labbsu w hazzu dak 1-wald w addaha 1-d-dar, ga[l]t-lu 1-mra, hiyya lli ma nSufSi flha. (36) nadu bnatha farrjahrn yv- tayxadmu w dabhu w y'rad 'la n-nas, w 1-gyut w t-tbal b-hal lli gulti nti 'ad mrawwahha 'rusa, farhan b-dak 1-wald. (1)1 tell you a story about a man whose wife bears only girls, she has no son. (2) He up and said to her, I need a son. (3) He up and married another woman, he married one other woman; two, wives.he took. (4) That one had seven children, the other one he married then so she could have [a son]. (5) That one who had seven was pregnant, was going to give birth, she too. (6) When her month arrived, they deserted her, (7) [the other wife] said, get up, man, the woman is going to have another girl again, now lefs leave her here and let her take care of herself. (8) Get up and lefs leave this place and goto another place and leave her here in the house by herself. (9) Her daughters up and said to her, Mother, the girl [the second wife] ignores us, she doesn't pay attention to us at all. (10) [The father] said, Give me, my daughter, I am going to walk and take a basket of ashes, (11) one [daughter] will carry a basket of chaff on their backs when they set out, and their mother [can] follow them by the signs on the road: (12) [They told the mother] We are going to leave and go to the place that you don't know; you will follow only these ashes and chaff until that place where we will alight, and you follow us. (13) The girls left with their father, they set off, leaving at night. (14) In the morning, she got up, poor thing, didn't find a the house except the walls, [she was] all alone. (15) Her labor pains took hold, [but] she kept going, kept going, kept going, until she got close to them, following only that road -- that marking on the road. (16) She arrived [to a place near them], as if she arrived at that cemetery over there, the labor pains set in there. (17) There she lay down and gave birth. (18) The houris (beautiful spirits) and the angels came to her and helped her give birth. (19) They told her, Call out 'my good deed(s), my reward(s),' if you have given anything, any alms in this life it will come back to you now. (20) She didn't find anything, poor dear,
neither to eat nor to wrap the child in, and the child was born to her. (21) Well, she was overjoyed when the son was born to her, and she came on the road near to where her husband went. (22) She was close to reaching him, and gave birth on the road, as if she had come to that cemetery there by your house, and gave birth. (23) They say that people went and told him, So-and-so, a woman of such-and-such description gave birth in that cemetery. (24) His slave went shopping, and passed by her. She had given birth, and she had borne a son. (25) He said, How? [The slave] said, She had a son. (26) He said, If she had a son I'll take her back. (27) They say that he went and took, dear lady, fine clothing, the caftan, with the dress and the shoes, a whole ensemble', and was so happy, and took the flutists and the drums and went to where she was. (28) But he sent the slave first, he told him, go, if she bore [a] son leave her and come to me. (29) [If] she had a daughter, slay her and slay the girl and come. (30) That slave went to her, and told her, my master asks what you bore? She told him, I bore a girl. (31) He said, tell me what you bore, look, if you had [a], girl, I will slay you and slay her. (32) Until she saw him heading toward her with the knife, [then] she said calm down, I bore [a] son, [a] young man is what I had. (33) He went, dear lady, and got on [his riding beast] and went to [his master], he told him, she bore [a] son. (34) He brought her the ensemble, he brought her the flutists, he brought the drummers. (35) They brought and washed her and dressed her and dressed and carried the boy and took her to the house [because] the [other] wife said to him. Her I do not want to see. (36) Her daughters were very happy, r/ife [were] serving [the guests], they slaughtered, [the father] invites people, and the flutes and the drums, it was as if you'd say he had just taken her as a bride, [so] happy with that son. T e x t D : About the Larache Beach (M10) .^l_l__j<__.Lj__ L j i U J I ._LI Jj______ o_ -a _ (^--JLLJ La _H.I_JI wi.. -* _--_ __Jj_A_ <__Lj__
_j_i _-__.lj - JL_jj__JI JL_j__JI ^ J L I J L_O plj_______VI -__j_JI j__vi(.) ___.j,___.,_+____ La.L^*-._>__-4___; L ^ u j ^ r ) .fL___wi
"> -T-Tir m -------**-. -T___-_ fe...-,--_ __.u *- g- *- " * * __ _-.;-- _-.--, j-a _t
Appendix 2
Moroccan Texts
o-*____ ___._! ,L_A _LjJI ...__* ^--Vl -JJ<JI JSL___ j__Vr(__A JSL___ ^J-_J <____ < __i~_.j_> <___._LJJ1 L_ __ ( _ _ L _____ -J*""" ,'_5'^'^ () <-__-J-J L4JS (jjS_ L . L J I _ ' U I I -*--- _< (_V y-jt-j ( 1 ) La I_<;<____..<6J__JM _L_ _____ ^ L jjl_c (V) .L^JS <JL_ L_L_JI ^JS_ -*-> ~ _< . . j - ,aJL_
,CJJL_ L___- (j____L_j La j - - - j J I L___ _, 7 J < (j-JJ I _|L___VI J L j <__J_J_JI
j - a - J I Ij_*______- _AJL_J La j_LJi j_ j (__.L_JI _ _ i j - j A -< U _ j (A) O-Lfl-. L J_LJI - J j < _ , A a j < yLII J-AJ.TJ^JI j - - - ( ^ ) .J__JI_.J,L_L + _, A . < _ _ J-L-JI JJJ J u j l ^ ^ r j - J I L L ( N . ) . j - > . . l l u A
... (jiilj-~JI J j -> .ill _-L_ S__J_*_J <_-a_L ,____. _lL___ JLa-J- J->[1] J - l LIJ Jl___. [^i}_-- .- ' S ^ j J J U ^ L - a _L_U <JL_JU .V f ^ L . , (NN) *____ll <___., ut "1 ^ C_-i ' J.J-^ L I j__fl <JJJ__I____O i _ H _ _ (j_-J-=*JI f lj__ _LJa L_L_JI _i lis _J.L _ j U _ - - b j (NX) . _ i l ' ^ .__L_JI _,A-i___ U <ll_ JJ___M
<_IL_I_.VI j 3_j________J I _! >a ">^ _) - " < JJJJI __.L_j.L_JI J L _ - i f J-J _Jaj-__-
(j-JIS _,L___I uj^*-* (N^) - - - i <_~-l 4 -* j .flJ_L-__a _-__ J j - - i S *5___iJ_i J ? * *' .'^ J
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- ,_)____-__ La (4_L__J
_!;_-; 6 ^ - i ,^-A _i IJ.HISJ l j ^ i - i j (. j j ? "^ , j j - ^ L _jLc(N*V) JL_-_L-JI _-_lj (jt-a-iS L__Lj_a j l L V j -j-f_ _ j tfLl ____ i__jjji__j (jS-jj-A _-__ L f j j I j i l j j-A (j-JlS _-_ ____LJI (jfJ-t J - ^ " j j i!trJ?-eJ 'U'J-*-- i ^ - 1 ^J-* JJ-^ I_>__JJJl lj_j_a_j__ i6_L_ u__L____j _)_>j___i_I.__iJ j \ _i_ (NV) . _ - V j j ILj
l j - t i -". j < _-_L JJLC IJ-AJLSJ La ,___> LA <_i_L j L L j LLA ' J _ - _<
^^ < (SLA J - ; 1 1 _i OrU_JLS <JL_ I j i l j j_4 _!;< _1_JI _5L__ I j ^ l (NA) (*< ,'U L_*___i_iSj ^ _i I fi _1____-ISJ f J j I r _j__l___ y?-f-> J--jSJ-- jJ-=* , - - - ' j La U_ oL.--.VI
jTJ-^ a JL___J ^--ALa tfjj-C <iL__a L__- (X.) .j____J_J -J_4_J _)-l fl .i_ J L j _ ; j l j _ - J I ^r-wa. <tf jj__J I .___LiL_ ' j ' j j j < u-jL_J La ... 5__.L_JI (.X N) . t f j U <j____J| _U J_L_.iL__ c__lj (XX) <J_L- <ljjJ4__- o-jLLd La j_}LJI _. j .ilj-j u-L-JI J LA __ij_____
(1) 1-playa, f 1-haqiqa, S 'anqul-lk, I-playa mzyana w 'ayyaha. (2) mzyana b-n-nisba - mzyana - tbaddlat, 'la hasab n-nas ma bqatSi n-nu' d l-ahtiram, ma bqaws n-nu' dyal - n-nu' dyal - wahd nu' 1-ansizam, (3) n-nas ma katfahams ba'dha, ma katfham Say w kat - (4) 1-axur kayakul hna, ( 1-axur kayakul I-kuwwar, 1-axur kaysayyao z-zbal hna, 1-axur kayn'as b w -uhdu, (5) xassu ystagall, xassu yglas f dlk 1-blasa b w -uhdu, xassu y'um b w -uhdu, xassu kada ma - (6) ya'ni li'anna kayxassu - ytmanna 1-playa tkun kullha dyalu, fhamti, kayxassu tkun 1-playa dyalu kullha. (7) 'awd tani htta dik 1-hayawiyya dyal l-'insan lli kayzi tamma 1-bhar ma bqatSi kimma kant. (8) w daba katSuf bazzaf d n-nas wlad 1-blad ma bqawS kaymSlw 1-bhar niha'iyyan, wlad 1-blad. (9) gl[r] 1-barrahi huwwa lli kaymSi, wald 1-blad ma bqaS kayamSi 1-bhar. (10) daba 1-barrani kayku[n]-lu wald 1-blad kullu kayamSi qand xur - b-hal matalan Si blaa b'ida 'la 1-bhar d l-'rayS ... (11) mlyarni? la, 1-mas'ala hadlk miyami hal qriba, la, ki-b-hal daba matalan qaddam 1-habs, fin msltru, fin 1-ma zdid, fin katslb I-muda' b w -uhdak tamma, ma kaynSi n-nas bazzaf. (12) w tani *awd tani tamma f 1-playa kayawqa' bazzaf dyal 1-hazat Hi, katmass katqls S-Saxssiyya d l-'insan, (13) b-hal matalan I-'insan kaySrab 1-xmar kaybqa y ~ kaybqa yqul Si kalma qblha kayqul Si masa'il qblha lli kat - (14) kaykQn l-'insan gals m'a ~ huwwa w 1-mra dyalu, kaysma' dik S-Si, kaytgaddad. (15) kaytgaddad w kaynfazar w kaydtarr ~ w kaytla' b-z-zarba baS ymSi b-halu, ma ybqas yzi 1-dik f-blasa. (16) c awd tani malli katzihum yabglw ygalsu f Si qahwa yrayyah fiha Si SwayybS w ySrab Si 'atay walla qahwa walla ma 'aw munada, kayzi wahad xur *awd tani skran, w y2i w ytkabb-lu 'la 1-blasa fin gals huwwa w 1-mra dyalu w wladu. (17) S kaydlr, kaynud ytxasam m'ah, Jcayzlw l-btilis kayzlw hada w - taq taq, ha hiyya ma bqatSi, 'awd tani kaytsalhu. (18) 'Iwa matalan s-siyyd kayn'as, huwwa w 1-mra dyalu galsin f 1-bhar hafeka kayzi wahad xur salgut kay2i kaytakka 'Hhum w kaydhak 'Hhum w kaysayyib 'Hhum r-ramla kada - (19) ya'ni bazzaf d 1-hazat lli katxalli l-'insan dlma ma yabqas yhawwad I-l-bhar. (20) hna matalan, 'azri maSi b-hal mzawwaz. (21) l-'a'ila ... m a b q a w S kayhawwdu 'a'ilat, l-'azri, htta l-'zara dyal wlad 1-blad ma bqawS kayhawwdu, qlal, (22) w anta katlahad had 1-qadiyya hadi, katSuf had n-nas bazzaf.
Appendix 2
Moroccan Texts
(1) The beach, really, what am I going to tell you, the beach is good and bad. (2) Good, because -- [ifs] good, [but] it changed, on account that people are no longer the type that [have] respect, they no longer the type of the type of a type of harmony, (3) people don't understand each other, they don't understand at all, and they (4) The other [person] eats over here, the other one eats watermelon, the v i _ X ^ other one throws trash here, the other one is lying down by himself, (5) He has to take over [the space], he has to sit in that place by himself, he has to swim by himself, he has to do this and that^not -(6) That is, because he has to he wishes the beach were all his, you understand? He has to have the beach to himself, all of it. f7) Then again even that liveliness of the person who comes there to the seashore is no longer as it was. (8) Now you see a lot of people native of the town no longer go to the seashore at all, the natives of the town. (9) Only the outsider is the one who goes; the native of the tpwn no longer goes to the seashore. (10) Now the outsider has --.the native of the town all go to another spot like for instance some place far from the shore of Larache ... (11) Miami? No, the thing is, that [spot], Miami, is a nearby situation, no, like now for instance in front of the prison, where Msitro is, where l-Ma Jdid is, where you find [a] spot by yourself there, there aren't a Jot of people. (12) And then again there at the beach there happen a lot of things that infringe, that touch the personal space of the person. (13) Like for instance [a] person drinks wine, he keeps on he keeps on saying a nasty word, he says some bad things that (14) [A] person is sitting with he and his wife, he hears that stuff, he gets upset. (15) He gets upset and he explodes and he is forced to and he gets up in a hurry to leave, to no longer come to this place. (16) Then again when it occurs to them that they'd like to sit in a cafe and [so that he can] relax awhile and drink tea or coffee or water or a soft drink, another one comes along then drunk,'and comes and throws up on the place where he is sitting he and his wife and kids. (17) What does he do, he gets up to fight with him, the police come and [people] come and rap! rap! Here the [fight] is no longer, then they smooth things over. (18) Or for instance, [apman lies on [the beach], he and his wife are sitting on the shore like so, another guy, a jerk comes along and "leans on" them [bothers them], teases
them, throws sand on them and so on (19) [There are] many things which make [a] person constantly no longer want to go to the shore ... (20) We, for instance, a young single guy is not like a married man. (21) The family ...families no longer go down [to the beach], the young single guy, even the young single men native to the town no longer go down, rarely. (22) And you-notice this problem, you see these people a lot. r,
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1 a
Appendix 2
! ^ I o . U _ ^ c j _ _ l JjJfllLl^-LtN)
_>___ ,f L I _j .1. r j l j_iL______, o& ' ^ s - i _]'.'?_ -* _>_ _-L___ L* _L_5 ,__jJ__i ,-__j y-i __J.J i-iL_ 9__L__JI yJ La. Jj-S-i-J (Y) (^j_S c__i_JI ^ L - a - i _Jj--- La (jj 3 --^ _cL_JI _ (_M_*_J L_---L_I _^L_J <j-__-_ __-_*_-j ( i ) ___lj o J j - i j t > " j 5 - :i --- (/-" () ---*-* '<''
^jj-~A_f_>- _.(____ LI yJ __JL_j(j;j_j JAJ-JI f U A I J Lj____J (*\) .JiAJI lj__ _L___.y-.ij4J JJJL__,J.L___J__(A) ._jJLS_JI L__ J _i_-i(Y) .jj---__J L*L___a _ ; l j j l i i ^ ^ L _Jj -LLiJD J_S L ^ _ j _ij_A_i_-i (*\) .l_S ( / J l ^ l ^ * - 0 * ) !*,>-*- ^^M <-___- y j J_J-_-J _JJ-_a _ J j j L f i j j 6j-> <u_J _____ <y__w _L_j<^j L+Jj (N N) .SJJJIJ <_L_J! c__i La JJ_- i - U - I I .IJ_J_ _^_ij J__(NX) .<_aJ_. y_Aj L + i j j y J __I_^_yUl^j^jj____;5-_i--. !S<_j.U. V j _j_a_A _ _ _ _ _ _ __*L_ ________.l *l-<_l L|J J_>i__vi(NV) (1) tab 'ana a'ul-luku 'ala haga ba'a! (2) fi yom susu s-sana lli fatit 'abi ma tsafir yimkin ma yiglS Sahr kan xamastaSar 'aw 'aSar tiyyam; 'amit ta'baha s-subh 'awi, (3) bit'ul ga-li s-sa'a talata waga' fi widni fazi', (4) wi 'a'adit kitlr , bita' sa'ten, wi ba'den 'a s-sa'a xamsa zayy ma t'uli istakanna, 'aw hiyya ti'bit fa-*enha giflit. (5) fi sitta w nuss wi nizlit rahit iS-Sugl. (6) la'etha rag'a mi S-Sugl badri wi 'alit-H 'ana ta'bana 'awi hanruh li-d-duktOr. (7) fi'lan ruhna d-duktur. (8) fa-ruhna, wi bit'ul-lu widni hasal kaza kaza. (9) fa-biySuf widnaha kida, la'ena rah gayib bins kida wi rah midaxxalha guwwa widnaha wi rah mitalla' wi hatit fi 'utna, la'et haSara! (10) ya'ni hiyya zayy id-dibbana kida, ma ben id-dibbana wi d-duda. (11) wi laha zayy del ya'ni, kanit lissa" fcayya tsawwari di ilH daxalit fi widnaha wi hiyya nayma. (12) del rufayya' kida. (13) fa-bi'ul-laha, 'eh da, 'inti kunti 'a'da taht Sagara waUahaga?!
(1) Well, I'll tell you about something! ,(2) One day Susu, last year before she left maybe less than a month, it was fifteen or ten days, she woke up in the morning feeling very poorly, (3) saying, I got at three o'clock a horrible pain in my ear , (4) and she sat up for a long time, around two hours, and then about five o'clock as if you'd say [the pain] settled down a bit, or she got tired and her eyes closed. (5) [She got up] at six o'clock and went to work. (6) I found her coming back from work early, and she said, I'm feeling very poorly, we're going to the doctor. (7) Indeed, we went to the doctor. (8) So we went, and she tells him, my ear, such and such happened. (9) So he examines her ear a bit, [suddenly] we found him bringing a tweezer, and he went and pulledout and put in a piece ofcotton, I found an insect! (10) I mean, it [was] somewhat like a fly, between a fly and a worm. (11) And it has something like a tail, it was still alive, imagine, this is what went in her ear while she was sleeping. (12) A skinny little tail. (13) So he says to her, What's this? Were you sitting under a tree or something?! (u)E2, y_A (X)Ly_L____ __LII JVl j_A La j __L_,J y__ La .(____ - i j U ___! (N) ___, (Y) .^jyi C-tJ --*- .-> LL_ <<-ajL_ l _ l j y-iJj y - i -_L__J ___i____aj -L-a. <__jJa ___ in.'i ^ _ j 2 _______ (_;_-_-_ __jLc (j___ (____ I _ _ _ _ _ _-_J ______ ______ !y_.L _L___.__^L yS-a (1) .Lf-L-j Jlj_Vll _rJL J-___ _;_--_ (jLA_i y-JJj (1) 'inta 'arif ba'a, mahi daxalit wi ~ mahu I-'alam illi ahhani. (2) hiyya gat wi miSyit wi daxalit fi widni w ana nayma, fa-'ana shet 'a l-'alam. (3) hiyya daxalit daxalit li-hadd 'and it-tabla, miS *arfa t'addi f-'a'da tixbat fi tablit widni 'aSan ti'addi tikammil ba'a I-miSw^r bita'ha. (4) miS 'ayza titla' tani! (1) You know, [the insect] entered and it was the pain that woke me. (2) It came, kept going, and entered my ear while I was asleep, and I awoke from the pain. (3) It entered, entered until the [ear] drum, [it] couldn't pass and so it was sitting [there] hitting at my eardrum in order to pass and finish its journey. It [didn't] want to come back out!
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#*>' 7
Egyptian Texts
Appendix 2
Text B: On the Expression "Is it necessary tonight, Mayor?" (E4) .<_>.__ _JJ JjJfll LI (jSJ loS J-ti afi>fJi_-_-u La (j-i-C _A--4J La J K A (jr**^ (N) ,_JJI * _ ' / - - " 0__ _ _ _ _ > (Y) . o l x_4_ _u-l ^-AU LI _L__a ,___j_a 4_J-_ (X) "?3I JN <?_____; L -<;- J j fl " j _-_ _,JJI u J J J i j I ' i H y-V -A J i j ^ j j lj__J j " <___. O J J_iJ <_j_J i_U JjJ-J (o) S-t_J _ _ _ _ _ _ L i._i^j,.->. -JjLc __-l (1) jjpla-j (jLA-c (V) .C_--JI j j - "i ft J-A _)IS j_A (*\) .Ju_JI <6__w_ L c_-L__ d y_*_i 3J__IJ JS_ ._*-_-! jj-a__-.(A) .<_|jj__j ___il L-LII (J--J.I j-A-i L I
j_M LL f + U ___JjJ| y ^ - i (*\) .J-.3_ (J-IAJ LJJ^J- i->-iL_II j- fLi_ _;JJ_
<<_il J___. <JI - i j l x _)__a JLuij <<-jJx 4__-A___ -_JjJ 3_i_l_JI _jlj_afc-ef L-t ?<___JI g--< ; -^ I j l J j - j -J JJJLLJ (N.) .C^X_-^ oJ t A - ^ - i La L I
( i ) //_ <_7_M7 understand because he hadn't heard it before, but I'll tell you something. (2) There is a situation I understand what you mean. (3) For instance there is this serial that they used to show on TV that says "Is it really necessary, Mayor? Tonight?!" (4) Do you know "Is it really necessary, Mayor, tonight?!" why? (5) I'm telling you, there is an expression, there is a sentence that says "Is it really necessary, Mayor, tonight?" (6) He was he [was] married to two [women]. (7) Because I mean I understand the meaning you are saying. (8) [He was] married to two [women]. And each one, when he would go sleep with the other one, the other wife, her co-wife, that is, would get angry. (9) So each one of them, when he would go and sleep with his other wife, would go and knock on his [door] and [say] "Come here," I don't know what, [something] happened I didn't see it, but I heard [about it], (10) She says to him he says to her, "Is it really necessary? Tonight?" She says to him, "Yes, come." (11) It is her night, the night of the other [wife], do you understand? (12) He sleeps with the other one, and she wants him [that] night. (13) He tells her, "Is it really necessary tonight?" Tonight^Mayor.
(1) ya'ni huwwa ma fihimS 'aSan ma sim'uS 'abi kida lakin 'ana a'ul-lak haga. (2) fi mawqif masalan - 'ana fahim ya'ni 'inta tu'sud 'eh. (3) masalan fi tamsiliyya illi kanu biygibuha fi t-tilivizyon illi hiyya bit'ul habakit ya 'umda? il-lela?L (4) 'inta 'arif habakit yS 'umda leh? (5) ba'ul-lak fi laf? fi gumla bit'ul habakit ya 'umda, il-lela?* (6) huwwa kan - huwwa miggawwiz itnen. (7) 'asan ya'ni 'ana fahim il-ma'na illi 'inta bit'ulu. (8) miggawwiz itnen. fa kull wahda ya'ni lamma yiruh yinam ma'a t-tanya durritha ya'ni tiz'al. (9) fa-hiyya I-wahda'minhum lamma yiruh yinam ma'a mratu t-tanya truh mixabbata 'aleh, wi ta'ala miS 'arif 'eh Ijasal 'eh, ~ 'ana ma SuftuS bass s[i]mi't. (10) bit'ul-hi ~ yi'ul-laha habakit? il-lela? ti'ul-lu 'aywa, ta'ala. (11) hiyya lelitha, lelt it-tanya, 'inta fahim? (12) ya'ni yinam ma'a t-tanya, wi hiyya 'ayza il-lela. (13) yi'ul-laha habakit il-lela?! il-lela ya'umda.
< _ _ _ _ / _ ^ i I4J J U (Y) ^y__i^^_J_ J ___ ak __j|-J_JU(X) .-_-_L_Jl<JJI tj_j| . _ _ > j-U ___jl J __JL_ . o L i <I__Sj I I S __j____JI * j - y__ .-'.< __-l __JL_j(ft) .f-LA V j -JU. - i j l x . ut-a -aJj %JJ L-JJ-J-J LfrJ JL5 () SjJj__
_1 <<__L_ ("\) .CUJJB IJSJ 4__L__ LL__> J-_c ^ - y L j i L L ^ J - a U __LII ! j .*! <J
(j-f-* ><-lj-l_ k-ijA_ _ji___-- La ioL_ (V) ,LAI__A d " L,"'^. ^---j t_ _. "I -, *_-j .j.-. i_-J ci-iJ ^J-_-J (A) . Ij-a-JJ La J j l U___; L f - i l U A Lpl__e <<_al <J___A <-U__AJI <-_U.j <JIA ."Ul _u_al_3 (^) 4-il ^j_a _-_
J l __a_i t j V j j J I
y-a I-JB-" >! __i-j O-JLII I<_J| c_-al -. a (N.) . w - j j J I 4_L_UI (_rU 4-LL__j _>l__j 1 _>-1 j 1flI La 4_____J| ^ j j _ - <_La. -lijJb lj__ J-_iJ (NN) .4____AJIj LfJ l_^ <-jl_i Lf_jL___ij ^Lal JJLC _)__ ^j-j-i (NX) .j_a IJSJ p i n j j <__ijL_ J j J i l a_,_L_ _A__ J-____ vJ-ij-a < _ _ _ J c_JL_ <J_A l_Sj Ji_AJI
Egyptian Texts
. ^ i ^ ^ l + l ^ & j ^ ^ U ^ l t A e t l l l
Jj-'UiUJ JU(NY.)
S o l Lf-wi _.-> J i l l <-l -JLS (NV) .__-J_A l__-j ^ j l * - J l j j l W ^ i _A-L_ l_S j l j j l =L_,j_A l i - J a ^ ' L + J J U (\A) U C J _ _ _ J l o ; . ^ y _ L - _ ^ ( X . ) .__jj> l_Sj1_^ <___-! LI<J-_Jl_-fl(N^) 4_5_,l_ai - L - . A l l ____} <<_____ L4J _____ f U (XN) .^____LI ^ i y-A oS-L-LS ^IC^l4jciJLJ_>_pJ__-JlcJU_-L_?.(XX)^ . ^ . j J I y - f l - ^ L S y - J _*^ j _ * < _ ^ l _ _ J _ - _ ^ - L _ _ - . l lJ__JU(XY) ... ^I__A^JU____JI s^_ U_____JI v j
?" V
L l . o l _>_.(Xo) . L ^ J U _ _ A ^ - . ^ L _ J I - _ J L _ - J I I J _ _ ^
___*. .ol_J (X"\) .<___ ___,j_____l L I y U l _ U l j J I _*-J- (j-- L|-_-.j--Al - l . - . I . . a ( w ) ._a>:i____5_H-fl UJ J U S<_l V> ___<J C_JL__JJ_J_--JI U __-4,__iVly_(XA) . o j J i IJSJ^JU v ^ A ^ _ _ - _ ' . l ^ J ^ ( ^ L . < _ j ^ - J I _,jS_ UJ I ^ <J Jj___AjL_j.y_A.j__ lj_SjU__wAJI3-4-_-._>--f_LS lj-____^ _ i j _ _ _ . ^ l _ ^ y _ - - a La _--J(X^) .3____J__ L 4 J J U '!" .? r,-J-jJL)l S j f - ' u - l ^ ^ u - ^ ^ - ^ ^ ) - y ^ L ^ j 6_^l__-JoM-JI . l 4 _ l j yJJI O l U j U o - i i l S L y-Ay-*_ , O l (I) kan 'adil 'imam rakib fi tayyara huwwa w yusra, kanu nazlln fa-'al-laha hamdilla 'a s-salama. (2) 'alit-lu 'inta hadritak ti'rafhi? (3) 'al-laha >aywa, mis 'inti kunti fi ma'had il-buhus kaza w kaza, fa-'eh - 'alit-lu 'inta tayyib 'eS 'arrafak? (4) 'al-laha ba'rab li-1-xawaga miS 'arifzak walla zim. (5) fa-'alit-lu 'a, da lli 'amil ma'aya ktab?'amal ma^ayaktab wi ida huwwat. (6) fa-'eh, 'a, wi humma maSyln, nisi Santitu ma'aha. (7) fa-'eh, ma kanitS ti'raf 'inwanu, fa-hiyya fi yom 'eh - Salitha 'andaha 'awwal ma rawwahu. (8) fa-yom la'it 'utta guwwa d-dulab ba'd il (9) 'amit 'eh, gayya wi hatta S-Santa, Santit 'ummu, makanha wi 'afla *a l-'utta d-dulab. (10) fa-'amit 'eh, l-'utta diyyat ixtafit hiyya wi s-Santa. ( I I ) wi ba'd kida huwwat gayya tdawwar 'a S-Santa ma la'ithaS, wi miS f
'arfa wi zi'lit wi kida ho. (12) fa-yom kan 'adil 'imam biydayi'ha fa-'eh, ga-lha S-sugl wi kida huwwa, 'alit-lu fi mawqif hasal miS 'adra 'a'ul li-liadritak. (13) 'al-laha 'eh huwwa? 'alit-lu S-santa lli hadritak sibtaha-Ii da'it. (14) 'al-laha ~ fa-kan - hiyya biy'ul-laha 'inni fiha 'awra' muhimma wi kida bass hiyya ma kanS fiha. (15) fa-'eh, 'alit-lu, 'alit-lu 'inn iS-Santa lli hadritak 'ult-ili fiha 'awra' muhimma da'it. (16) 'al-laha is-saraha kunt bakdib 'aleki la'inn ma kanS fiha 'awra' tihimmini wi kida huwwat. (17) 'alit-lu 'ummal kan fiha 'eh? (18) 'al-laha kan fiha Swayyit 'awra' kida 'an milk 'ummi wi hagat 'adiyya. (19) fa-'alit-lu 'ana 'asfa giddan wi kida huwwat. (20) geh tani yom geh is-subh ma kanitS hiyya fi 1-maktab. (21) 'am hatit-laha Santa, nafs iS-Santa il-mutabqa H-lli kanit fi d-dulab. (22) gat sa'alit is-sikirtera 'alit-laha min illi gab iS-Santa di hina? ... (23) 'alit-laha il-'ustaz fahmi fa-kida, fa-geh huwwa ba'd swayya fa-'eh, 'alit-lu 'intaizzay hadritak 'idirt tiglb is-santa di? (24) 'al-laha di miS iS-Santa it-tanya, di Santa zayyaha. (25) bass 'eh, 'ana Staretha min nafs ir-ragil illi 'ana staret minnu. (26) fa-'eh, gat is-sikirtera 'alit-lu tiSrab 'eh? 'al-laha 'ahwa mazbut. (27) fa-'amalit-Iu l-'ahwa, gayy yiSrabha, 'a'ad yiSrab 'adi w kida huwwat. (28) fi l-'axir, ba'd ma xallasu kalam 'an hikayit iS-santa wi kida ho, hiyya gayya t'ul-lu 'al alia tkun il-'ahwa 'agabitak. 'al-laha kwayyisa. (29) ba'd ma miSi gayya tsuf fi 1-fingan la'it il-'ahwa zayy ma hiyya. (30) bass huwwa fi'lan kan biyiSrab bass l-'ahwa 'eh, ya'ni hiyya ma kanits 'arfa 'eh illi ragga'ha. (1) Adel Imam was riding in an airplane, he and Yousra, they were deplaning, and he said, welcome home (thank God for your safe arrival). (2) She said, Do you know me, sir? (3) He said, yes, didn't you use to work in the Research Institute Such-and-Such? So she said to him, but how do you know? (4) He told her, I am a relative of Mister I don't know who, Jack or Jim. (5) So she told him, Yeah, that's who did a book with me, he did a book with me and stuff. (6) So, oh yeah, when they were leaving, he forgot his briefcase, [leaving it] with her. (7) So, she didn't know his address, so she one day -- she took the briefcase with her when they went home. (8) One day she found a cat inside the closet after the -- (9) She up and comes and puts the briefcase, his mother's briefcase, in its place and she shuts the cat in
* i i i g r i i i i i i
B [ f l a f l a a a g
the closet. (10) Then the cat up and disappeared, it and the briefcase. (11) After that she comes looking for the briefcase [but] didn't find it, and she doesn't know [where it is], and she's upset andso on. (12) So one day Adel Imam was annoying her, so then he, came to her place of work and so on. She told him, there is a situation that happened that I can't tell you about. (13) He said, what is it? She told him, the briefcase that you left for me got lost. (14) He told her -- it was she, he tells (told) her that there are important papers and stuff but there really weren't. (15) So she told him, she told him that the briefcase that you told me had important papers in it got lost. (16) He told her, in all honesty, I was lying to you because it didn't have any papers that were important to me, and so forth. (17) She said to him, But then what was in it? (18) He told her, It had some papers about my mother's inheritance and ordinary stuff. (19) So she told him, I'm very sorry, and so forth. (20) He came thenext day, cdmeJn the morning, she wasn't in the office. (21) He up and put a briefcase for her [to find], just like the briefcase that had been in the closet. (22) She came and asked the secretary, Who brought that briefcase here? (23) [The secretary] told her, Mr. Fahmi. Then he came after a while and she asked him, how were you able to bring this briefcase? (24) He said, this isn't the other briefcase, this is a briefcase just like it. (25) But I bought it from the same guy I bought [the other one] from. (26) Then the secretary came and asked him, what would you like to drink? He said, coffee with medium sugar. (27) So she made him the coffee, he comes to drink it, he keeps drinking it, normal?and so on. (28) Finally, after they finished talking about fhe problem of the briefcase and stuff, she comes and tells him, I hope you liked the coffee. He said, it [was] good. (29) After he left, she comes looking at the cup, and found the coffee just as it was [originally]. (30) But he was really drinking, but the coffee, that is, she didn't know what returned it [to its original state].
TTextA: A Year in the USA (S5) 4 in j ' t j (X) lJ__j_ij_A __oL_Jl _>__i_j _ja _a _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I !___-) ( N ) I 4 \\r u,'i"j,_nj__j (Y) _,____ .-uj-a. La J j i ^ LI -Luj-c LiJ <__.!__ <_j__aLJI u - f-^>-- (j^J-- 1 </*-* (/-*"-' u - - - - * 5__|___j______ _j__t_____. y J l j " * JJ l__ll I_J1 _-j _>K'il __j-*- la C__._, CU-_J L I _,___" ^ j - J - J L
J j V L <__=-_ JLS o _ - ^ ^ J 'j-*-* ' J - ^ _ (*) . ^ J - * M - - - 1 SjJ. l - f - j - i - j X - - JL_ (o) ^ j fl \ 1 " > lj__J <____! _*-aj-J J-_J (_____ I __J lj-_-_-J __jj_j La L I (_-_V _,n *- < i -a __J\-* _ > J U _j j - . I" ____J 4___al__ll _ > _ _ _ _j _;j iK'.l
L-L__j LfJ JL_ (V) . f l j i l L__aJ__ cJLfl .Sj__j 6____ _____ ("\)
_,LA_o (^) -_;__JS_I __J___M La <-_I LfijJ_l_ (j-_J _>u-4 J d J U (A) .___>_JI _jLa ij_aj-j J_i__- LAj_i____ LA_-J 4 _ j -* ^ j _'**-_) '" *r ' ' ~ " '* ' ** LJ < J _ a _ L _ ^jpJJI <_jjjJI (j-ij*, ' S j L j J I LA__.L _,LA_a (j-Jj-t yS__i _JjJ__ JS (j-*l), SJ-JISJ (jlj-w-j _>!_> i' I j *i j-A l___jj (N.) ._*__. l_J I [jii_*ij "ijJ. LAL O J j Qljn r .1 I 'i I j J " _ S J _ > L I <_UI _L___J ... i^^jl__L___fl <(____J iaJL_JI J j J yJ \^J^ i ^ \ j ^ ,\+l^J\ l \ ^ \ rf ^ ,4^\ (\\) u<J-l(|lc--,J ' -_ i_<__A_iL_ j-_-I
-< _ !I I" 5_ -A C 4_JI -l.-_t.--j r_>_____a (_j~JL_ JAl a _>*_J LH__ L___IJ! _______ (\Y)
I"I_ _ i La V j l i _t__ij__ j, \ "i S _Lj_.1 _JI _ _ _ _ _ _j _ v S" ^J < J J S ______ .Ij_i5 I__JI 1_J1 1j_.l l___J IJJ-ILLJ La J_L_jJb 1fl1<3 a L I I ( U ) L .Ij _ fl 1 1 3j___lil l__jj_L_ - - l i jl - _ . _ JJ
. I j j | lj_il i_j_il_a.l -J-i La <__Je__il_A J-^-,' _; _jLS La ,^_a j_Al_a __'-_ (\"\) J l r_i rtf t>jj-L (j_i (jV o . ' . ' l l L__j_j.l .__j,iJI L-JJ-J.! U _j___ (J-A-J (NV) {_C _,IJ_VJJI JSJ 3JL__j .__" --1 La _J_J tj_aj (NA) . , L I L___Ha.l _jL-__JI <_JS <_-_IjJL o-_- j _ A l j _;j_^-- JA-A j - A l j L_____j j _ A l j _>___ _*_-* _J ^.j-^-i L_JJ j_i____VI lAjlaC {JM j_l_ ve _j_______JI L j (jVjJI (ll__ ljj.1 ,_JJ____ a _ _ LJI ___.__! _,V -___^j_ <l_,j__, l l _ J____L__,_g :___;__ y ^ ^ )
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Appendix 2
Syrian Texts
J l ____j ( _ _ _ (_fjL (X.) . ( j l j - i - ^ l l U-JU-L l_rUI lj-__ _)-_--- o j ,IL <JL_-j ,__j____J| (jj-k-i <_l Ij-S-flljj S<JL_JJLA (j I J _I > 11 <L___L_.j_a IL_L__J LAJJLJJ < _ _ _ _ _ _ IJ__J_-_ _JLJJL-J_> fj-3-J IjjLua _>-- (C-J-Jl L__j_oJ __>jL_
<*__$___! <*JJ-I c _ L r _V_1_-IJ _>_> S a _ _ l j j (XN) .LJ_-_ _j^-a IJ-J__A' [J_*.I
_P_ij__; _jlj - H ,J__| *_, j -! - * . < _ _ _ _ Lu LcL-JI I A a 1 1 ___J >L__L I t., *i - j _vA_Laj_C l_AJ_-j J L ,>--ij L__j___ ___.lj JS ^JL I j j L - a j (XX) -1'ijl-
._J___ SJ-J_- (jL_j___ __j__A_ J_-__ L_J y_A _J___c La-LI i_^jL__-_i j-_ _A_' SL_j_j_al ,jX _Lj__- u j Al JL_ _JI < C > _ A LAX_-J ____-4*_- (Xo)
LI _ _ _ _ _ yJJI CU-J _j-a ISj^J-al _>_ i ^ . ^ -L.J-AA-1 ^J-_- J_-_- <JJIj <J C_U _J___1.4Jol_ S_u.j-li_ UJ--5' J 1 - 3 ^ ) .IS__-^V __^-;.JI ___ijj L_JV>__J La ,_ J U (XV) .y_i _,_j_. __,_..I tjj-A LI <6jL. -i_H^ L j L J I l ^J^->--* 4LUj_____a J U (XA) .IS^^j-al _ > J _ V <_J___a i*^J-& (j--J ISj_t-al (jfl-t y_oj____i ' j - j_ La j U J I r *'' u" n' yi_L__J < -In ULA o l j - * JJJ-L-I .c-_l _______
_M_L_. l j A _.j f-s l j _ j _ L y J j - A .'II \t , j - . (X^) .IJJI IJ_J1 6JLJ. JJ-S y - i
I_JJ____ _-jLa _J___C IjJjJUj y__. <-JLJI l__fl__ ^ j L - J L - I j i * fl"i JJ f-_ IjMJ^J L_ __ ( L__lj_^.(> UJJI ____L__ .UJJI _______ (Y.) !4_^, . t>_Ul T.j-jJfl L I ______ ( _ > _ (X"N) .3 idJI _f__ C _ J ,n I . "l i^j-ta MT---I jJ___>lj (j-a y----l JjJ_A_a La ^jr^-J < < L _ _ _ V j <-*J--J L (jV . J j V L __ILA._ <4___al_JL <J_J _>-JJ-^ .<JL_I _ j j j j La ___.lj Ijl ._____ j 1 1 ^ (j'5' f f * ) (_ L e J -^ 1 J - " - ^J-? 1 t^iJ -;JJ_IJ J j J J a _ _ La _Jfl yJL- -__-J LAJJUJ (JJVL L I <_J tj-JJ-- '" I ft f- (X'X') jj____j ,____. La {JT-A-I (Yi) .(_>_JJ__ j-J-_- -J-;i-l__>J <__--- jL_a ^A-a
J_J-__- <__________! (Yo) .y-iL o - J ^ -L-L_> o----- ---*' i,^-*' I,;*- *- _f* ^liVlj 2L__ y__uj_A Lj." AfiJ1 SL__JI 4___UL_JI LI _---! _>Ji -__U .__J______I 1 (1) ba'da ixtalatit ktir ma' mart ra'Is il-jam'a honlki. (2) ra'ist ij-jam'a 'amlit-glna 'azlme man awwal ma jit kaman, (3) w 'azamitni 'ale[h]a w ba'atu-li sikirtera xsusiyye miSan tihkl ma'i 'arabi ttarjim-li bi-l-'arabi
la'inni 'ana wa't reht ma ba'rif 'inglizi 'abadan 'abadan ~ 'ana lugti il-'asUyye ferensi _(4) w ba'atu ~ da"u-Ii talifon 'al nihna - bi-l-'awwal ba'atu-li 1-karat, ba'd yomen tlate da"u talifon (5) 5al sikirtert[h]a la-mart ra'Is ij-jam'a da"it talifon 'al nihne hakit ma' mhammad la'inni 'ana ma ba'rif 'inglizi ~ (6) hakit ma'a wahde, 'alit 'azamna 1-madam. (7) >al-l[h]a w^solna 1-kar.t. (8) 'alit-lu bass nihna mna'rif[h]a 'innu ma bta'rif 'inglizi, (9) miSan h6k hattena-l[h]a sikirtera xsusiyye b_d[h]a txabbr[h]a xilal yomen miSan ta'rif tihki 'arabi miSan taxd[h]a 'a z-zyara, ya'ni, 'a l-'azlme Hi 'amilt-slna yaha la-mart ra'Is ij-jam'a. (10) w rshna honlk killon niswan dakatra w min kill duwal il-'alem, ya'ni frensawiyyin ... w hyat 'allah, 'ana ktir ktir inbasatet wa't raht la-hnlki. (11) eh, ya'ni, la'inn il-hayat il ciSt[h]a, jlranna y'ulu-Ina 'intu 'aySln ya'ni regan ma[h]u 'ayiS mitilkon, w hyat 'allah 'am ba'il-lik. (12) 'inbasatna ktir, 'axadna bet ktir kwayyis. (13) manti't il 'axadna fifhja ktir kwayyse w ganiyye ktir w bet il 'axadna ktir kwayyis, 'awwalan ma bet b-l-'Ijar. (14) il-mant'a killa honlk ma bi'ajjru la-hada 'abadan 'abadan, 'abadan 'abadan. (15) w 'iza bsddu hada man benaton, ya'ni muglaqa ta'riban, ma byidxil-I[h]a 'ilia 'ashab il-mant'a bi-z-zat, fi bi-1-madxal hada ft haras. (16) ya'ni ma[h]u mm ma kan byidxul ha 1-mant'a, ma fi 'ajahib 'abadan 'abadan. (17) ya'ni nihna lamma 'ajjaritna 1-bet, 'ajja^tna 1-bet Ia'inns 'an tarP 'amid il ~ killiyyit il-'amara 'ajjaritna \ y a . (.18) w man ba'd ma ba'atit risale la-kill ij-jiran 'am tiSrah-lon mlnon nihna w 'eSSu wads'na 'eSSu Sugl jozi w 'eSSu nihna bi-1-wahid, am ba'il-lik, 1-mara kaza, il-wlad, rana l-kblre 'am tidrus 'amara l-'asgar dlna bi-l-caSir ~ (19) ya'ni katibt-slon tafasll 'anna tawile 'arida la'inn tarkit-.lna risale bi-l-bet miSan ni'ra lli ba'itton li-j-jlran. (20) ba'a min wa't il wsslna, mu ba'te li-j-jiran ha r-risale? w wafa'u 'innu t'ajjirna 1-bet, 'adit 'ajjaritna 1-bet - killon saru ydi"u talifonat ysallmu 'alena, w ba'da 'iju Sirbu 'ahwe 'an[d]na. (21) w wahde min benaton 'smlit 'azlme 'a-1-- sahra, ya'ni, 1-masa ba'd l-'aSa s-sa'a tmanye, 'smlit sahra la-kill ij-jiran 'arrafiton 'alena. (22) w saru ba'a kill wahid yi'zimna w nihna bi-1 ~ ba'da 'azamnahon w 'iju la-'an[d]na w sar ktir fi ya'ni ~ (23) tsawwari, 'ana 'akun barke is-subuh, yinda" il-bab, halla' Slon jltu 'intu? (24) ydi"u4-bab y'ylu-li 'eS 'am bitsawi, 'iza ma 'andik Si bid[d]na nidxul niSrab finjan 'ahwe 'ahdik. (25) 'am ba'il-lik ba'd[h]a hinnin,
Appendix 2'
Syrian Texts
'ilt-ilon - 'al 'eSs[h]i fikartik 'an 'amerka? 'ilt-lu walla ktir ktir itgayyarit fik_rti 'an 'amerka min wa't illi kint 'ana bi-suriya w wa't il jit la-'amerka. (26) 'al Slon tgayyarit? 'ilt-lu niha mna'rif inn ij-jar ma bya'rif jam, 'ana hon la'et g_r Si. (27) 'al la, ma tift_rdi hay 'am_rka. nihna hone mant'a ger 'amerka. (28) al mazbuta fiksrtik 'inti. tla'i la-barrat ha-1mant'a, bitla'i nafs iS-Si, ij-jar ma bya'rif Si 'an j a m 'abadan 'abadan. (29) 'am ba'il-lik, hole ykunu 'am bimaSSu klabon, ykunu 'am bitmaSsu bi-S-Sari', ydi^u 1-bab 'aleyy w y'ulu-li 'andik mani' niSrab 'ahwe? 5a'il-lon la yih! (30) f allamt il-luga, ta'allamt il-lu^a min jiranna, 'add ma ahkl ma'on w adtarr ahkl ma'on ta'allamt minnon il-luga. (31) bass daxaU 'ana kurs luga bi-j-jam'a, 'amilt bi-l-'awwal, la'inn ma ba'rif wala kilme, ya'ni ma ma"ul 'abruk mitl ij-jidban. (32) la'in[n] ktir sa'b 'iza wahid ma bya'rif luga. (33) '.mil-t kurs luga >ana bi-l-'awwal, ba'd[h]a la'et hali 'add ma 'am banzil w baruh w baji ma'on sar 'andi pratlk ktir kwayyis. (34) ya'ni ma ba'a btifri' ma'i ya'ni 'inni 'axhd kaman masalan kurs tani. (35) 'inbasat.t, ktir inbasatat. 'ilt-ilon ya'ni 'ana 1-ha'j'a ya'ni 1-hayat il *iSt[h]a honlke hayat dalas w daynasti ya'ni. (1) Whafs more, I mixed [socialized] a lot with the wife of the president of the university there. (2) The [wife of the] president of the university arranged for us a luncheon when I first arrived too, (3) and she invited me to it and sent me a private secretary to speak with me in Arabic to translate for me in Arabic because when I went I didn't know English at all - my original [foreign] language is French - (4) qnd they sent - they called me on the phone and said we - first they had sent the card, two or three days later they called. (5) The secretary of the university president's wife telephoned saying we - she talked with Muhammad because I didn't know English -- (6) A woman talked with him who said, we have invited [your] wife. (7) He said, \ye received the card. (8) She said, but we know she doesn't know English. (9) For that reason we have assigned for her a private secretary who will call within a couple of days because she can speak Arabic in order to take her to the visit, that is, to the luncheon that the wife of the president of the university has arrangedfor us. (10) We went, and there all of them were wives of doctors and from all the"countries of the world, you know, French ...I swear to God, I had a very very good time when I
went there. (11) Yeah, because the life I lived, I mean, my neighbors used to tell me, you are living Reagan isn't living like you are, I swear to God, I'm telling you. (12) We had a very nice time, we got a very nice house. (13) The area where we took the house was very nice and very rich, and the house that we got was very nice: first of all, it wasn't a rental house. (14) [In] the whole region over there they don't rent to anyone at all, at all, ever, ever. (15) And if someone wants [to rent, it must be] someone from among them, that is, [ifs] practically closed off, no one enters it except for the people who live in the area in particular, there is in that entrance there is a security guard. (16) I mean, not just anyone can enter that area; there are no foreigners at all at all. (17) I mean, we, when she rented us the house, she rented us the house because by way of the dean of the School of Architecture she rented it to us. (18) After she sent a letter to all the neighbors explaining to them who we were and what we were, one by one, I'm telling you, the wife is such-and-such, Rana the oldest is studying architecture, the youngest, Dina, is in the tenth [grade], (19) that is, she had written all sorts of details about us, [we know] because she left a [copy of] the letter in the house so that we could read what she had sent to the neighbors. (20) So, from the time we arrived, hadn't she sent the neighbors that letter? and they agreed that she could rent us the house, she then rented us the house - all of them started calling on the telephone to say hello to us, and then they came and had coffee _ at our house. (21) One of them had a party, in the evening, after supper, at&feht o'clock, she had a party for all the neighbors and introduced tmfn to us. (22) They started, you know, every one [started] inviting, us while we were after that we invited them and they came to our house and there started to be a lot of, you know (23) Imagine, I would be sittings in the morning, there would be a knock [at] the door, now, how did you get here? (24) They would knock at the door and say to me, What'are you doing? If you don't have anything [aren't busy], we'd like to come in and have a cup of coffee [with] you. (25) I'm telling you - Then they, I told them - [One] said, What is your opinion about America? I told him, well, my opinion about America has changed a lot from the time that I was in Syria [to] the time I came
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Appendix 2
Syrian Texts _JJ yJij-A-Lj _J!A(N.) ___-_!-_ frlLL l._ji j-j.-r.j Laj (JLAJ JVJ Qfl j
(JJ a
to America. (26) He said, How has it changed? I told him, We know that [a] neighbor doesn't know his neighbor, [but] I found here something else. (27) He said, no, don't suppose that this is America. We here are an area other than America. (28) He said, your idea is correct. Go outside of this area and you find the same thing, a neighbor doesn't know a thing about his neighbor at all at'all. (29) I'm telling you, those [people] would be walking their dogs, they would be taking a stroll in the road, they would knock at the door, and say, Do you have any objection if we [come in] to drink some coffee? I'd say to them, Why, no! (30) I learned the language, J learned the-language from my neighbors, [from] the amount that I would talk with them and^be forced to talk with them I learned the language from them. (31) But I took a language course at the university, I did [that] first, because I didn't know a single word, it wasn't reasonable to stay like idiots. (32) I mean, ifs very difficult if one doesn't know a language (33) I took a language course first, after that I found myself from the amount that I was going out and coming and going with them I got very good practice. (34) I mean, it was no longer important to me to take another course. (35) I had a very good time, a very good time. I told them, really, the life I led in America is the life of "Dallas" and"Dynasty." TextB: Modern Marriage (S4, husband speaks first)
La 'ic-- J-c j j * - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j i L_j_jL_a di L__l____ I jL__ t_l 1 1 t j ;i i l j jj_a___j lj_6j__J_i (_>__-_J_J a _ _ a __t__JI Jaj&-i (NN) ... . I_______j __. L _ i
U J P (,_)_.
j_____j IJJ&JS j j
t>a -S-LJLJ. (NY) .Uj__l ___i_i <J _ _ U L _J- Ji*-^ U * ( ' ) O-J-'-ll j L _ J jLj-J (j* "u_ (jJj-A (jJUa CU-jj '(jj-fj til J *i A j_c L.I ( \ ) .._:ij j II J_.jl <__-i __J_J La J U (Lj j -> j Lfj_j L J U <-A___l La jo (_t__Jij--_J I y *ij '"J '_-> " ^ j _-JA f- 6____L L l i - - j I^JA LJ J_r_-___j_j ._A.iL ,___, Lj.__a.jj I i i l U . I J j I f j-J--a La'(Nl) .y-A-j _,_-<! '-t"<j 4j_-_fri<V_-A J J jl__ L _ l l , _JI _U (\A)
__>j~t .(jV^J j ' a jj-a ___ _-il C_I__J_J (N*)
. _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ LpAj (Nv)
... __J jL_a La PLJI
>J__*_1 ._L.Aj (j-ilj-cl LfJ lj___.L (_-_*) La CLuijJ jl_4_ _]ti " ni n - (XN)
J U L _ J I ___c ^ L J ._J_L_JI JLJ-J ^(_J_1 ___L Lj_a _J_VJ (XX) . ^ - j ^ - J I I J J L _
l_J_4-L_j _JJL_ I____J _JJL_i_* y-J-jl L _JJ (XY) .lf____l _ 5 _ I _ J <l_j_u_-_ La _J JiL__(Xa) * _ (N) L ^ U La (XA) j L f - _A-* "' '"
ft liJ
lj " JJ Lj. -1 in <LJ _1__JJ LfJ _J--A (X"\) .j____a y_i _ _ J L _ I _ _ jLj_l _)__________
lj_-a tjd-i La <t>_A j - _ J u |j_J_____ _)J_^JJ.I_A _L_Jl_A _j_-A (X) ,_>_j__JI 4_L_J ';** "'J oJ-? -" <_--**-* * JJ '"* * J ,'J C>J^-*-i IjJ'J '" J JJ (X") -y- 1 *- - J 'T 1 ^^-, A _ _ VJ __._ I (_r-j-_ >J_L_ (o) .<_>l .(>____. .__ IJ_____J--_JJ ( i ) .fVI ______ _ - i j - A j y-^*_ L J L . j J I (jl ^*-i La _,-. ,<_j_fl L _,-- (V) 'J-I_*LJ ("9 .oj*-ti_ -LJjVI <___JI .JXA JJ__ j j^fl" a_j_il 7 '"j j .jLA _j-a _,___! Ij-A____, a_ij____ V j (__. JJJJ I
S5-- J j ' tj- '* S "' J .' ** '* J j ' (J-0 '-' *'^
J U ^Lj_ I_J_L LAJ__I (JJ! c__j ( j j - A j j (Y.) ._)_}__ IAJJ _t_sU L O j i6_A__j
.!_}______ La _J (1) ya'ni 'adat il-'awwaliyye - 'abbahatna w jdudna - kanu ma ySufu l-'arus Ia-lelt l-'srs. (2) halla' ha-j-jll ha-1-mawjud b[y]uxtbu ba'don hinnin.'ma bad[d]on min yuxtub-lon ya'ni. (3) w biSufu ba'don w bi'aSru ba'don, la baddu yit'ab il-abb w la bsdda tit'ab il-'imm. (4) w birtif u ma' ba'don. [eh. (5) tgayyar ya'ni d-da"a 1-awwaliyye tgayyarit. (6) w y'uhi ya'ni 'inn ir-rijjal ma ya'ni ySuf il-'arus w la tSufu, y'iSu i'
'The text contains a number of ellipses because in certain places, both husband and wife are speaking at the same time, and some phrases are unclear.
______^^S __-___-_J_S
Appendix 2
Syrian Texts
aktar mm halla'. (7) kan ma fi, kan ma fi tafklr mitil halla'. (8) ya'ni halla' byux-tbu w btux-tbi bitriih w btiji w ba'den byaxd[h]a jimi'ten tlate sahr, y'il-lak 'ana habbet[h]a 'ana ma habbetha. (9) bass 'awwali ma ySuf il-'arus w ra'san tla'1-lik tslr il-mufahame w tjlon wlad w hayy w ma ysir 'abadan tali' xilafat. (10>halla' bitsufi-lik bya'rfu ba'don bi'aSru ba'don sine w sinten w ba'den wa't illi bitjawwazu, bi'il-lak sar ixtilafat ma'ha, w z'ilt minnu w zi'il minni, ma tfahamna ma'ba'dna. ... (11) b[y]ufrut il-hubb ma' ba'don, bikrahu ba'don, ya'ni ykunu ragbamn b-ba'don, bass yitjawwazu bi"_du, bi'udu bikrahu ba'don, eh, h_k bislr. (12)... hada rffu mitzawwej, 'smmu^m-sriyye, w 'amit rahit xatbit-lu bint axG[h]a. (13) jabita min masar min h . n l k la-hQn, w barkit ma'on hone xamsta'S nhar la-sar l-'_rs. (14) min ba^d ma axad[h]a, 'al ma ba'a bhibb[h]a, 'al ma ba'a b_d[d]i idxul ( a 1-bet. (15) 'ija 'am bihkl-lna hOni w 'Hna naxdu 'a Sex yiktib-lu, ya'ni t-tawfl\ mu yiktib-lu Si ya'ni. (16) ma sabar 'ale[h]a, talla'ha w rajja'ha 'ala balad[h]a. (17) ba'at[h]a 'a mas.r. (18) lak, e, 'issa ma sar-lak jim'a, 'aSr tiyyam ma sar-lak ... (19) barkit - >ijit ma'u min mas_r la hon, barkit xamsta'S nhar ben ma sar l-'_rs. (20) bint xalu hiyye. (21) xamsta'S nhar la-wa't ma ya'ni ta yaxdu-l[h]a grad w nek, ba'den sawu l-'ars. (22) barak ma'ha tlat tiyyam, nhar it-tlat tiyyam 'and 1-masa 'al-lon ma,habbet[h]a, bsddi a'if[h]a. (23) lak ya 'ibni jibna-lak bint xalak w tbahdilna ma' xalak, w hayy, 'al-lon ... (24) xajle ya'ni. (25) xilal xamsta'S nhar kanit fi masar. (26) >ata'-l[h]a w ba'at-l[h]a, talla'[h]a w ba'at[h]a. (27) 'alll 'as.l, kan yrajji'[h]a bi-halha aSraf. (28) ma habb[h]a kint min 'awwal ma habbet[h]a, min 'awwal mu 'ala - w barkit xamsta'S nhar 'andu min dun ma yitjawwaz[h]a. (29) w _l-gada b-gada w al-ftur b-fturu w il-'aSa b-'asa w ta'a flan w ta'a 'illan. (30) w ba'den wa't illi axad[h]a tlat tiyyam 'al-lon ma habbet[h]a. (1) The customs of the old [generations]--our fathers and forefathers they used not to see the bride until the night of the wedding. (2) Now, this present generation arrange their own marriages, they don't want anyone to arrange for them, that is. (3) And they see each other and get to know each other, neither the father need wear himself out nor the mother need wear herself out. (4) And they form their own friendships.
Yeah. (5) It changed, that is, the old pattern changed. (6) And they say, you know, that the man wouldn't see the bride nor she see him but they [the marriages] would survive longer than nowadays. (7) There didn't used to be, didn't used to be thinking like there is today. (8) That is, now they get engaged and you get [them] engaged and [the bride-to-be] comes and goes and then he marries her, two weeks, three, a month, he tells you I love her, I don't love her. (9) But in the old days he wouldn't see the bride and right away you find there would come to be mutual understanding and they'd have children and all that and there wouldn't bethere wouldn't at all arise disagreements. (10) Now you see that they know each other, they interact with each other for a year or two years and then when they get married, [they] tell you, Disagreements with her have arisen, and I'm mad at him, and he's mad at me, we couldn't get along. ... (11) Love with each other falls apart, they hate each other; that is, they would desire each other but as soon as they get married, they stay [together awhile, then] they turn around and hate each other, yeah, thafsWhat happens. (12) ... This one, his friend [was] married, his motheris Egyptian, and she went and got him engaged to her brother's daughter. (13) She brought her from Egypt, from there to here, and she stayed with them fifteen days (two weeks) until the wedding took place. (14) After he married her, he said, I don't love her any more, he said, I don't want to go back in the house. (15) He came and talked to us here, and we thought to take him to a shaykh to write him somethingthat is, to make the marriage work, not something [bad]. (16) He didn't give her a chance, he divorced her and sent her back to her country. (17) He sent her [back] to Egypt. (18) Look here, now it hasn't even been a week, you haven't even been [married] ten days ... (19) She stayed - she came with him from Egypt to here, she stayed fifteen days until the wedding took place. (20) His cousin, she w ; (21) Fifteen, days until, that is, so that they could buy her things and so forth, then they had the wedding. (22) He stayed with her three days, on the evening of the third day he told them I don't love her, I warn to get rid of her. (23) Look here, son, we brought you your cousin, do you want to shame us before your uncle, and such, he
_ _ _ _ _ _
,,-__-._-_-, __-
told them ... (24) [Ifs] ~ an embarrassment', that is. (25) Within fifteen days she was in Egypt. (26) He bought her a ticket and sent [it] to her, he divorced he and sent her [back]. (27) [He is] poorly bred (doesn't know how'to behave properly), he should have sent her back as she was [before marrying her, it would have been] more noble. (28) You aren't in love with her, you should have not loved her from the beginning, from the'beginning, not [after] - and she stayed two weeks at his house without hirn marrying her ? ? ? (29) And [her] lunch is his lunch (they have lunch together), [her] breakfast is his breakfast, [her] dinner is'his dinner,-and come one, come all [to the wedding]. (30) And then when he married her three days and he told them, I didn't love her. T e x t C : Love in a Conservative Society (S2) J j V L <_jf__JL _,__ _--*-? J-J--. L*_t_--JL _ _ _ _ _ J J l____-L_o__ J_La _$1A (N) _ J - j j La JLC L < lj_______> La __L_J! _>J _ _ > ! _ _ _ _pjb (X) .i_L___j _j_t___ _ _ >A i i_,i j UI L :_, iAn.,1 *_* c_j ALa C_---' ljflj-'Aj IJ_IL__ J j V L (T) .^*I*J J j *l UJ JJ-i - _LIL .JJ-LAJI.<-.I _JU-JI J-L-JU yJ-Ll^ _M-A (1) .S-aJj-^. L___ (jjJ-A (-) , l j iA_i J__a _$LAj ______IIJ - I * j I* < <J____a j_a (J-A' ! _ _ J L j j j j fl aJL*JI (_jL__ I j < ,o-i n j _>____j IJ____J L c_il Ijl <__J__JL <____-. _U : I _ _ _ _ _ _ _$LA <A_a J Ifl; L- ~ j J - J j La. La J<: __l ("N) -j-j_~- Ui-A _-__ ______ ( _ * < _A_a _J-L- ___L- _jl_A ( j i U 4_JL_
_1 j A j _>__JJ__JI t__i_.L_LI L-^Jjl j _ _Lj_A _ ___^_l <_jl Jl_a__e j__i__ tJ___>L__i js .l_j___AJ J_La * 4__J___ j_a <_____ !>_,- j In I L _jJ__ I _ _ H _ J _ _ J_I_. jj-a, Lai (NY) <_JL_, _____ JJJ 6___lj < , _ , . -*J>J J_-lj (j-^*. Lf-=_-J J-_a _)L___ _jJ-A (Ni) .CJI - j J - i _- <--_-- _)La_ l_A____ _ _ ) ( _ _ _ Ijl ^ ' n j 4_*_a jj____J La '(jl_a__ (<_.!__, J-a (jLa-. <-J_- La *_-! _>lfJ < % _..._AJL J -Ala (^'> J (No) .4____a L _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i J_w-a il_______a 5___ljJI J____-J (N"\) ._Lj_Aj --JIA.,U _L,U__-JI_A LJT-AJ - j L j J - A
<jV (NV) taJLJI y_a SJ_J_J__ 5_J____I ^ ' K J J-_-- ljM___- La 4_jl * - j
. LjJ_______ I j l Int j j _jV <lj-ij I j *ij j .-^ ft L J ] j LJ__JJ__, LjJI S___IjJI JJ___XJ
^^..-JLA (j_a (j-iA-J (NA) I j_Sj J___LA_a LAJ___JJ __----__j __J--J _____ <-_!
( > LI(.XN) ... .5J__A_a <_U J L L L r _*_ ? (X.) - fJUJr J - j ^ A . - j j J U l *-__-_a-lL I__J__9 La Ijl i____JI tj__ L I <-V <__-__J.L <jl jL _ _ _ f j - J I ljA4J J-a (^J-A^j-A (j A n j j J__I_JI y i * _ (XX) .^____J.I _ > _ a ^j-La Lpl-A-a ___t-|_) ~j-a (j, i> J J I _ - - " - -_--" - ____aJ,t_A (XY) .iL_a _J__lj < _ ) _ _ >
-W^->--^ I / - - - ' --" (^^) ' ^ .' .' ^ "' * ~" t " IJ" 0 '^^ CH-^1-^ ^Alln" > yJ____J
(j.aX-ul I j 'if I j J j f l j > 4 jirt,."_a L_1_J y \t-i J_jL L____ [_____ <__>L-.J a____-J,l _iL_-a < J _ _ _ ) L _ _ a <_J_fl (j--jJ <_____j j^pAjLj-J _______) La u-_A-i (Xo) .4____L____j _L__ __-_JL (X*\) .c__-JI _a ^ - j I_JLAJI <_l JJ *"*' * (J__i_a cr - - - " * ____J ( J <-_L_ _4j J^Ja i__j ill - _rL_>__J Jj______a ___L__a {*LAJL __-J-A <J-fl
yJJI J_L_,jJ I ___!___, IjJ j L c ^ ____ l>L____, La y_A_; (V) - l__ ______ ^-A
CJ-L- (-L_- LA ___,(__ V (<_JJ (___ij__JI <__tl ljJJ__-_ _JLA___ O^-~L_ IJ_I___J J
ij_-l_l IJ__J_A_J O l IJJJJLJI aJLJI (__;j-A jL__ _(-!*_ [jp-bYA) ______ <_jl__ ,_, *' * J I ' l j f t j >-J--_i __l__Jj_ll Ijl _.L_a__ tj-J (M (_,^jA j____A_j _a ijJ J-Ala jLc L j-_--> jU-Aj (N.) .LAJJ__J_IJ JJ_- _iL__ <_____t_j < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^j_A c__-C Ij__j j-i- Sjla. Ijf 6__>lj l j _ - . L _}L__a <-_! _L_-a I j - "flj _L_ La !__iL__JI ,j I 'j __L j t v -Jj J _ U VI Lj___ j ^ f l j J-i______ i -___i_ ______ La Ijl
c u _ j <JIA L e i (NX) _ - ! * _ J-J_LLJ 4__J__^___A___I (___!) ___L_UJ l__* Lr ___j (NN)
__J-->J _---3 (/^e-* *J-" J J < j ' _-A__JI j l -L__a V V I J j - j i (,XA) !?j_A IJLA
.,j___i Lj-u) j_-L (__;_-> O l l_J______aj % . . . . . . . (1) halla' mitil 'an[d]na nihna 1-hubb bi-d-de'a ktir ya'ni kan bi-1-bidaye bi-l-'awwal Sagle kbire w hek. (2) halla' sayrin il-banat mma ytannsu ma 'ad mma yhimmon ya'ni. (3) bi-l-'awwal kanu ySufu tnen maSyin
___. **--""-
Appendix 2
Syrian Texts
ma' ba'don, ya latif, 2arime. (4) halla* bitlaqi ha-2-zIl t-tali' 'innu iS-Satra, yalla ~ biddon yitla'u, 'ahli mu miSkle xalllni hibb w snbisit w hayy mitil ba'd[h]a. (5) halla' 'an[d]na bi-d-de'a, >iza tnen mma yhibbu ba'don w sim'u kaman il-'alam fion, ya latif! Sagle kblre (6) 'innu kill ma la wahid y-Xt-b[h]a bvhx, bi2u: hayy .kanit habbe flan hay kanit titla' ma'u, hayy kanit titmaSSa ma'u hayy kanit, hayy kanit haqira hayy kanit kaza (7) ya'ni ma bixallu masalan bihawlu b-Satta 1-wasa'il illi bikunu sam'In minSan y'attlu 3innu l-'aris ~ 'eh, la taxid[h]aJcaza kanit habbe kanit ~ (8) halla' ya'ni sar Swayy I-'alam it'awwdu 'innu ySufu tnen maSyin ma' ba'don heki. (9) bass kaman 'iza, H-wahde Sattit w nek ya'ni kanit Swayy faltane b-'aiaqt[h]a kaman ktir byizbilO[h]a. (10) w halla' ktir ma 'ad 'innu S-Sabab ma 'ad yihtammu masalan 'innu masalan yaxdu wahde 'iza hilwe ktir w kaza, 'iza ma kanit mit'allme mustahll yfakkir fi[h]a 'ilia ya'ni wahid ktir tafih. (11) ya'ni rha btaxud illi btiSthl b-bal[h]a, ya'ni. (12)'amma halla', waqt^bitkun mit'allme w kaza w sarit 'and[h]a mantuz w btitla' btiStigil, sar ya'ni bitlaqi ger mazal 'innu tlaqi Sank hayat[h]a il-munasib il-kwayyis w hek. (13) 'amma min qabsl xalas, hilwe - ya latif! mu'allme mu nuriallme, mitil ba'd[h]a. 'eh. (14) halla' kaman mitil ba'd[h]a ya'ni, wahid bihibb walide w law kanit habbe mu habbe, kaman ma btufruq ma'u, ya'ni 'iza kan ( and[h]a kaman 'alaqa ma' gem mitil ba'd[h]a ma'u. (15) ya'ni mindall bi-d-de'a la-halla' 'innu ma fi kaman ha 1ziyade ya'ni, ha I-'alaqat I-mafduha w hek. (16) bitdall il-wahde mithaffza ya'ni, 'innu ma yisma'u ktir - ya'ni nisbe kblre mn il-'alam. (17) la'annu bidall il-wahde 'il[h]a *aduwwin[h]a w 'il[h]a muhibbln[h]a w kaza la'ann bi'attlu mustaqbal[h]a, 'eh, habbit w habbit w xabbsit w daftsr[h]a mSaqSaq w kaza. (18) ya'ni min ha 1-haki hada, ma bixallu, ya'ni bihawlu b-Satta 1-wasa'il 'innu yib'sdu. (19) tab'an illi bikrahu[h]a. 'amma hi bihibbu[h]a, 'eh kwayyse, w >eh w kill il-<alam bithibb w kill il-'alam bt.'Saq w kill il-'alam ~ (20) ya'ni ma 'ad fi miSkle. (21) 'ana min in-no' ya'ni bfakkir ('innu) bi-1-muztama* la'innu 'ana mn il-muztama', 'iza ma fakkart bi-I-muztama' ma'nata mani mn ,1muztama'. (22) ya'ni 1-wahid byimSi Swayy Swayy, mu bi__i darbe wahde masalan, (23) ha l-mu2tama' muta'assib mutahajjib kaza, byi2i marra wahde bithibbi btitla'i bitfuti bitnami ma' il bithibbl. (24) hay S-Se birfudu 1-muztama', w xassa nihna 'anna bilad ya'ni baladna
muta'assiba biqulu 'an[h]a 'islami w muhafida. (25) ya'ni ma btismah bi-ha S-Se w xassa la-halla' fi mahallat-masalan muta'assibln bi-Saksl, mustahll 'innu S-Sabb yihki ma' al-binat. (26) bi-l-bet masalan fi honi bi-S-Sam mahallat mustahll tidxili 'a 1-bet qabsl ribs* sa'a la-hatta ySufu "tsattam ya harim w sddabadbu" w kaza la-hatta yihsun 'innu masalan il-wahid yidxul 'a 1-bet. (27) w 'iza - mustahll ybayynu.Sa'ron masalan 'a l-'alam: hada Su?! (28) byiqbal il-'ab masalan 'aw il-mu2tama' 'innu wahde heki titla' w tfut w tkun 'ila 'alaqat ktir ma' iS-Sabab w tihki ma' oS-Sabab w b^nafs il-waqt bya'rfu 'innu 'and[h]a 'alaqa 2insiyye?! (29) tab'an hayy miSkle kblre w mustahll 'innu hadi yfakkir fiha ya'ni (1) [For] us, love in the village [is] very it was at first in the past a big deal and stuff. (2) Now, girls have begun to pay no mind, they no longer care, that is. (3) In the past [people] would see a couple walking together: God! what a crime. (4) Now you find [with] this rising generation, that the smart girl [says] go for it they want to go out: my family is not a problem, let me love and have a good time and stuff, ifs'okay. (5) Now, in our village, if a couple are in love and everyonenears about them, God! ifs a big deal. (6) Every time someone-comes to ask for her hand they come [saying], this girl was in love with so and so, she used to go out with him, she used to walk around with him, she was despicable, she was such and such (7) They don't let for example they try in all sorts of ways, the ones who have heard [something], so as to prevent the [prospective] groom don't marry her, she was involved with someone, she was (8) Now everyone has gotten somewhat used to seeing a couple walking together like that. (9) But as well, if a girl crosses the line and stuff, that is, if she is a bit loose in her relationships, they also shun her quite a bit. (10) Now often it is*no longer the case that the guys no longer care for example that they marry a girl if she is very pretty and so forth, if she is not educated, no way will he think about [marrying] her, except someone who's quite inane, that is. (11) That is, she won't marry the man she really wants. (12) As for now when she is educated and so forth and has become productive and goes out and works, she has started finding-other ways to meet [a] good, appropriate life-partner. (13) As for before, thafs it if she's pretty - wow! educated, uneducated,
f - i - i
Appendix 2
ifs all the same. (14) Now, too, ifs all the same, that is, a boy loves a girt, even if she has had a love affair and whatnot, also, it doesn't make any difference to him, and also if she had a* relationship with someone else ifs okay with him. (15) We remain in the village until today [such] that there is not this increase, that is, these explicit relationships and the like, (16) a girl still behaves with reserve^ that is, [so] they don't hear a lot [about what she does] - that is, a substantial number of people, (17) because one still has her enemies and her friends, and so forth, because they ruin her future, for sure, [saying] she has had love relationships and she has-messed things up and her record is blotted (torn) and so forth. (18) You know, stuff like that, they don't leave him alone, that is, they try by every means to get him away [from her]. (19) Ofcourse, those who dislike her [do that]. As for those who like her, [they say, she's] good, sure, everyone falls in love, everyone gets infatuated, everyone ... (20) That is to say, there's no ionger a problem ... (21) I am the type that thinks about society because I am of the society, if I don't think abut society that means I'm not of the society. (22) I mean, one has to go slowly, not come all at once for example (23) This society is morally strict, veiled, [and] so forth, it comes about all at once [that] you love and you go out and come in and sleep with the one you love[?] (24) This thing society rejects, especially [since] we have a country, that is our country is morally strict, they say about it Islamic and conservative. (25) That is, it doesn't permit this thing and especially until now there are places in Damascus for instance [they are] so strict, ifs impossible for a guy to talk to a girl. (26) In the house, for example, there are areas here in Damascus [where ifs] impossible for you to enter the house for a quarter of an hour so that they can see [the women are hidden] "cover up, women and get out of the way!" and so forth, so that one is able for instance to enter the house. (27) And if ifs impossible for them to show their hair for example to people: "What is this?!" (28) Does the father accept, or society, that a girl can come and go and have lots of relationships with guys and talk with guys and at the same time they know that she has a sexual relationship?! (29) Of course, this is a big problem, and ifs impossible for anyone to think about [marrying] her, that is.
Text A: On Matchmaking (K2, Interviewer K4) .3_____JI __, (jjJ-A (j__ L__ I gJL ^ J ^ O )
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( _ j _ j - j_-Al _f_|_-A Lj__c (__;j_ --L 1 1 j " j L_ (__ 4_AS____ < < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a I j *j * .__j___ai 1 y A js: ,v o H 1 (1) Sufi umm ahmad, bnis'alic ihna 'an Slon t'allamti 1-X3tba. (2) tfaddli s'ili. (3) Slon t'allamtlha, man minna 'axadtlha, Slon ktasabtlha? (4) walla ktasabtha min wahda txateb, xattlba txateb, osnln w ana 'aruh w ayi m'aha, 'albmatni 1-xotba Slon. (5) Slon tarlgstha? (6). tarigotha 'inna 'umm 3l-walad, 'uxt sl-walad tdigg-Iic telifon tgul-lic wallah ya umm flan, nabi hagg wlidna bnayya. (7) tgullha inSalla. tis'alni, 'ihiya tis'alni, tigul-H ya'ni nabl-la fiidi, tadris, nabl-la mxallsa d-dsrasa, nabl-la wahda tiSt_g_l W9lla ma tiStsgol, mithajjba walla mu mithajjba. (8) 'agul-lha 'atlni Sinu yiStigil wildi5, yiStigil walla ma yiStigil. tigul-li yiStigil. (9) 'agul-lha Sinu Sahadta, 'as'ajha Sinu sahadta, tgul wallah - illi tgul mxallas it-tanawiyya, w illi tgul mx3llas il-jam'a, w illi tgul mxallas min bafra, w illi tgul ma 'inda Sahada. /UO) il-muhimm, ngul-lha inSalla, 'ala t-talab illi tablna. (11) andawwir-la bnayya. naxad 'isma l-kamil, 'ism il-walad il-kamil, wa Sugla, ll-ma'lumat illi 'indna killaha, ndigg hagg ahl al-bnayya, raddi 'alay ba'd talat tayyam w aradd 'ale_. (12) ndawwir-la bnayya Hi tnasib-Ia. (13) ngul hagg ahl al-bint il-walad cidi, cidi - min - wild flan ban flan, yistigil cidi, yiStigil Cidi, tgul inSalla 'umm ahmad, na'tlha w ngul-lha. (14) tgul - tirja' tgul-li 'umm la-bnayya, 'umm la-bnayya tirja' tgul-li ya umm ahmad, 'inti ta'rfina? (15) 'agul-lha la walla, 'ana ma a'rfa, il-'umm daggat-li telifon tgul 'able txatbi hagg wildi, Sikil ma 'inti ma a'rfiC, 'ana ma a'rfa, ma a'raf 'anhum 'ay Say. (16) lamma aylba lukum, tsa'lun - 'ihiya tis'al - tsa'lun 'anna w yis'al 'ankum. (17) daggena hagg umm il-walad, gilna-lha lgena-li, bnayya, bint flan, man binta? tas'alni.nafs illi sa'alta. (18) tas'alni, bint flan ban flan, 'agul-lha, w taxad 'ismha ik-kamil tgul hagg waladha. (19) tgul umm ahmad, la4 xal 'ana aruh 'aSufha 'awwal. (20) 'ana ma 'arda, >agul-lha la', 'awwal xalli 1-walad iyyi ySuf la-bnayya w ytali'ha bidun 'inti, ya'ni 'inti ma'a w uxta ma yxalif, bass il-walad lazim yiyi wiyyakum. (21) ma 'arda axalliha tiyi b-ruhha. (22) il-muhimm, yiyi - tgul-li inSalla,. wa'dlhum 'ay yom niyi w nruh ma'a w nSuf la-bnayya. (23) 'adigg hagg ahal la-bnayya w agul tara 1-yom blyu - binyikum
L ^ l j _A <y__ cJL__ o_.fl y i j _ A <____JI y i l _ _ <JJIj gJ J____ y J l j <_! ._$l_ LjJI- I4J 3 j ' ; " - l"-l ,3 J'IJIL j-laU. < U |_,-i*_ j_fl__l _i j_i I LLA 'y-^f-> ___l ___jJI _j-__-j 'OJ-M^ f-s-1-*-' t ^ - j ' j i^-i-i L^ i ^ 1 - ^ 'f-4--1 0" e ) <J, S _ A _)j - j l " (_jJ _-_l J (| J - j-JaLi <J > * 'J' ( j j i j l " C i ' i j l l J-A'' -_-. ^ j - . ^ j - ^ u c ^ i ^ i ' ijj-im
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inSalla, 'umma w 'uxta w 1-walad ma'ana. (24) yig'ad il-walad, tidisS la-bnayya, ya 'umma yayba 'aslr, ya 'umm'a barid, ya 'umma ya'ni 'ay Say, cay, tidxal la-bnayya w ySuf. (25) huwwa ga'id, 'ana agul-la hadi 1-bnayya, tara Sufha, ySufha, inSalla. (26) 'ida ya'ni fi, 'is'alha, tabiha, m tabiha, 'is'alha ya'ni 'ala S-Se lli tabl, yas'alha. (27) la-bnayya tab'an tistahi, mu sikil* ya'ni, wahda ba'd tiyi tarkad Cidi, tistahi. (28) yis'alha, wen tiStaglln, sannu darsa. (29) 'amma 'ana agul-lha ba'd' 'inti si'all. tis'ala. (30) fi banat ya'ni yigadrun yisa'lun, fi banat yistahun, ma yisa'lun. (31) tis'ala, ga'adna, w sa'alha w sa'alta, salam, ma' s-salamaj tala'na, tala'na. (32) 'ana tab'an 'ana 'as'aLil-walad bi-s-sayyara, 'agul la ha, S 'ajibtak la-bnayya wlldi walla ma 'ajibtak? (33) sa'at yraddun 'alayy ya'ni fi nafs il-kalam, ygul walla 'umm ahmad, 'ajibatni la-bnayya w Sufi radd la-bnayya ba'd Sanu, w sa'at la walla, ygul inSalla yslr xer. (34) hada lli ygul-lic yslr xer, 'a'raf 'inna ma yabi 1-bnayya, 'eh, w illi ygul-lic" walla si'li l-bnayya r Sufi 'eS galit 'anni rayha fini, hada a'raf 'innahu ya'ni la xatir b-1-bnayya, 'amma ha 1-bnayya lha - 'ilha ray. (35) il-muhimm, yigattOnni fi beti w arja' w adigg luhum teHfon, b-nafs il-wagt 'adigg hagg ahl al-bint telifon 'ida huwwa la xatir fiha, 'adiggluhum telifon, hah? S raykum fi 1-walad? (36) galat il-'umm tab'an ya'ni l-hln ma nigdar nradd *al_5 bi-had d-diglga hadi, hatta lo 1-bnayya laha xatir, ma nigdar nradd 'alec. (37) sabri-lna yomen talata 'ihna nradd 'alec il-jawab. (38) 'asbir yomen talata, ham tdigg-li telifon il-umm w tgul-li walla 1-bnayya 'ajabha 1-walad w inSalla s-su'al, nabi nis'al 'anna w hada w yis'alun 'anna. ... (39) bass 'awwal yguTun bi-1-xatbat il-'awwaliyya mu cidi? (40) al-hin 'ihna xatbatna 1-hin hada cidi. (41) 'awwal ygul-lic ya'ni timdahha, tilgenha ya'ni mu hilwa mu jamlla w thuttha bi-s-sama li'anna 'awwal ma kan ysufha mu cidi? (42) 'eh, ma kan ysufha, 'awwal ma kan ysufha, *5ra, 'amya, hola, 'arya, 'uhuwa w hadda, yiylbunha mkamkama, mkamkama fi 'bayatha, mahhad yadri 'anha Sini 'ihiya. bass al-hin la', kill Si 'a 1-makSuf. (1) Look, Umm Ahmed, we want to ask you about how you learned matchmaking. (2) Please go ahead and ask. (3) How did you learn it, from whom did you take it, how did you acquire it? (4) Well, I learned it from a woman who makes matches, a professional
matchmaker who makes matches, for years I used to come and go with her. She taught me how matchmaking is [done]. (5) How is the way [to do it]? (6) The way it is that the boy's mother, the boy's sister calls you on the phone and says, Umm So-and-So, we want for our son a wife (girl). (7) You tell her, Okay, God willing. She asks me,she asks me, she says, We want for him such and such, (a girt who is) studying, we want for him someone who has finished her studies, we want for him a girl who works, or doesn%work, veiled or not veiled. (8) I tell her, Give me (information on) what his job is, I tell (ask) her (if) he works or doesn't work, she tells me he works. (9) I say, What degree does he hold? I ask her what his degree is, she says, well [there is one] who says he has finished secondary school, [one] who say\s he has finished university, [one] who says he has graduated from a school abroad, and [one] who says he has no degree. (10) Anyway, the important thing is, we tell her, Okay, God willing, whatever request yfiu-want. (11) We look for a girl for him. We take his full name, the full name of the boy and his job, the information that we have, all of it, about him, we call the girl's family, [saying], Get back in touch with me in three days and I'll give you an answer. (12) We look for a girl who is suitable for him. (13) We say to the girl's family, The boy is such and such, from - the son of so-and-so son of so-and-so, he works as such and such, she says, Okay, Umm Ahmed. We give her (the information) and tell her (all that). (14) She says, she comes back and tells us, the mother of the girl comes back and tells me, Umm Ahmed, do you know him? (15) I tell her, No, I don't know him. The mother has called me on the phone saying, I want you to find a bride for my son; the same wpy I don't know you, I don't know him, I don't know a thing about them. (16) When I bring him to [meet] you, you can mquire - [the girl's mother] inquires - you can inquire about him and he can inquire about you. (17) We have called the mother of the boy and told her we have found for you a girl, daughter of so-and-so, Daughter of whom? She asks me the same [things] that I had asked [the girl's family]. (18) She asks me, Daughter of so-and-so son of so-and-so, I tell her, and she takes [the girl's] full name to tell her son. (19) She says, Umm Ahmed, no, let me go and see her first. (20) I jrefuse, I tell her, No, first let the boy come and see the girl and take a
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look at her without - You, that is, you [can come] with him and his sister, that's okay, but the boy must come with you. (21) I refuse to let her come alone. (22) Anyway, he comes - She tells-me, Okay, make a date [for] which day we will come, and I'll go with you and we'll see the girl. (23) I call the girl's family and say, Look, today they're coming - we're coming, God willing, his mother and his^sister and the boy with us. (24) The boy sits, the girl comes in, either bringing juice or bringing a cold drink, or anything, tea, the girl enters and he sees [her]. (25) He is sitting [there], I tell him, This is the girl, go ahead, take a look at her. He looks at her, okay. (26) If, that is, there is [positive reaction, I say], Ask her, if you want her or whatnot, ask her about the thing you want. He asks. (27) The girl, of course, is shy, ifs not seemly, that is, [for] a girl after all to come running like that, she's shy. (28) He asks her, Where do you work, what have youjtudied. (29) As for me, I tell her, Then you ask. She asks. (30) There are girls, that is, who can ask, and there are girls who are too shy and don't ask. (31) She asks, we sit, he asks her and she asks him, good-bye, good-bye, we leave, that's that. (32) I, of course, I ask the boy in the car, I say, Hmm? Did you like the girl, son, or didn't you like her? (33) Sometimes they answer me in the same words, saying, Well, Umm Ahmed, I liked the girl, see what the girl's reply is, and sometimes by God he says, Hopefully it will work out for the best. (34) The one that tells you hopefully it will work out for the best, I know that he doesn't want the girl, and the one who tells you, Well, ask the girl, see what she said about me, what her opinion of me is, that one, I know that he likes the girl; as for the girl, she has an opinion [too]. (35) Anyway, the important thing is, they drop me off at my house, and I go back and call them, at the same time I call the girl, if he likes her, I call them and [ask], What is your opinion of the boy? (36) The mother of the girl says, Of course, now, we can't answer you right this very minute, even if the girl likes the boy, we can't answer you. (37) Be patient with us two or three days and we'll give you an answer. (38) I give them two or three days, again the mother calls me and says, Well, the girl likes the boy, and now [ifs time] to ask [about him], we want to ask about him and all that, and they ask about him. ... (39) But in the old days they say with the old matches it [wasn't] like that.
(40) Now, us, our matchmaking now, this is the way it is. (41) In the old days [they] tell you she [the matchmaker] would praise her, you would find her [to be] not pretty, not beautiful, and she would raise her up to the sky (exaggerate in praising her) because in the old days [the groom] didn't used to see her, isn't that right? (42) Yeah, he didn't used to see her, in the old days he didn't used to see her, cross-eyed, blind, lame, [it was up to] him and his luck, they would bring her wrapped up, wrapped up in her abaya (cloak), no one knew anything about her, what she [was]. But now no, everything is out in the open. Text B: In the Old Days (K3) . J j V I __j__ C_Jl o - L _^l l ( J _ j ___il ^ j j - i La ' U "i JJ j- ____JI _ > _ _ f <V (N) J^>_i/.l_^V[l]_ > _L____Jj1 S > ^____ u ^Jc_-ijA-(X) _______ IJ-LIJJVI tj TiJ__ ___1_JI <C_-JI Ji_a j_a (Y) .J_ij_i__ L f L I j __L_ ,jl < 4 _ A ,LjJL___ L j - J-^j-___- La ._AL__ J_*__i ^ 1 ,j_L__a j k x . J l l j J I La J__a ,Jj"iA"i I.J.I jjl_j_Jl ._J_.Vi J_l i \ n j gt-j-jUil .<Aaj-ij-a j j - , - 6 Jj^ O^J -- (*) '-' _j___a. I j i l J j l (0) .___j__ J j l ,*__> 'UJJ J .rtjjaLLaJI ^Ls J j l ,jj_____ L_a (j__jj ij__A__ La ^ j y J L * j C_-JI ... (*\) .,_--J . I "i A l l -j___a.j _ _ _ _ t _ _ J I y-LUl .jj.ikllj^gja. J IS ___--JI - J j J-Jj--_ \b'l : ... j j - H - l l gJJ ___-Jj-J
... __.. " j ____. _ J l j s JJJJJ.LA - l j k_Ji_A La ( ^ ) .y-* u ' (JJ J-1
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ftuwaiti Texts
< _ _ _ _ _ _ ?_A_J < _ A <_,JJ_AJI _ > _ _ _____ __AI (NO) .5_i_L5 <_<_JL__. <-_____u__jJ_i
j__VI (N"N) ( _ _ ; J t_:j--- (j^Laj ( _ _ { _ *_ _ J J _ _ <___ (LJ_i_a _JJ___L LI L A _ _ _ _ _ . ^ C J I _JLL_ ___lj JS ___l_JI c__JI .____.VI ________.VIJ,J_JI (1) la, 'aku l-hln hablbti, ma tadrin inti binti, 'aku nas al-hin ger 1-awwal. 1-awwal il-mara tasbir. (2) ta'rfin IeS tasbir? 'awwal tasbir la tallagha tgarbal wiyya 'yalha, hah, 'in mat rayilha tigarbal. (3) mu mitil al-hin, il-bint tiStigal, il-mara tiStigal, mitil ma r-rayyal ydaxxil ma'as, 'ihi tdaxxil ma'aS. ma tasbir 'al - hada. (4) hinna zaman 'awwal 'ayuz marbuta l-mafatlh b-mixbat, tsakk. il-'ayayiz ysikkun 'awwal 'ala 1-canna w ysabrun, hah, 'awwal ger. (5) 'awwal 1-mara ciswit la-ged w Ciswit la-Sta. bass. (6) ... al-hin ta'aley wen ma tdiSSin wen ma truhin, did al-'ayuz'... : 'ah! yigarbal rah is-sikkar gal Cidi wi t-tablb ittani gal Cidi w da (7) w Swayy w gait ma Sifti 1-Cabra, sahart it-tuffah ha 1-kubur 'a b - b - b - b - w 1-ged C i d - d - d - d - d - bass bal w tiSikkey wimarad. (8) hada hinna l-'ayayiz. w iS-sabab, wi! ma Sifti 'atat bet flan? wi! walla biysawwi 'ahsan minni. (9) ma Sifti da - ha 1-model? wallah xadtha b-tis'in ... al-hin model w 'atat, wi' l-'ayayiz 'ala t-tiSikkey w 1-bal wi l-'akal. (10) 'awwal hinna - w 'alayya! 1-mara Ciswat I-ged w Ciswat la-Sta. bass, tasbir l-'ayuz 'awwal. ... (11) al-hin l-'ayuz, drewilha wajif, drewilha wajif w hada, hiya min tisbah, il-yom Cay id-daha hni, w baCir Cay - . (12) 'awwal la, l-'ayuz ... trabbi ha I-yahil w tmahda w tgassla, 'itbablh, hah, w il-canna titbax, txom, tgassil, tsawwi. (13) al-hin 'ayuz tyawwid il-yahil? ma tyawwida, walla ma tisawwar - drewilha wajif. (14) al-hin 'ihi taxid mn iS-Su'un myat dinar, Sufiha hindiyya, filipiniyya, sayig talata. (15) 'ihi taxid mn is-su'un, hah, les? flana 'indaha, 'ana basawwi mitilha, flana sawwat Cidi w flan sawwa Cidi. (16) l-'uxu yihasid il-xu w il-'uxat thasid il-'uxt, al-hin in-nas kil wahid ytali' it-tani. (1) No, there are now my dear, you don't know, you are [like] my daughter, there are people now not like the old days. In the old days, the woman would endure. (2) Do you know why she would endure? In the old days she would endure lest [her husband] divorce her, she would flounder with her kids. If her husband died she would flounder.
(3) Not like now, the girl works, the woman works, just like the man brings home a salary, she brings home a salary. She doesn't put up with - that. (4) We in the time of the old days the mother-in-law, the keys [were] tied in [her] breast pocket, she would close [the door]. The mothers-in-law would lock the daughters-in-law in in the old days, and they would endure, hmm, in the old days, it was different. (5) In the old days, the woman had only the [one] outfit for the summer and the [one] outfit for the winter. Thafs all. (6) ... Now, come [look], wherever you come, wherever you go, that old woman ... : Oh! [God] blast, the diabetes has gone [upfy [the doctor] said this and the second doctor said that, and so forth. (7) And then [the old woman] says, Didn't you see the Chabra Market? The box of apples is this big blah \ olah blah and the summer is such blah blah blah - just worries and ^complaints and illness. (8) Thafs us the old women. And the young people, Oh! Didn't you see the furniture in so-and-so's house? Oh! By God he wants to do better than me. (9) Didn't you see that - that style [furniture]? Well, I got it for ninety [dinars] ... Nowadays [everything is about] styles and furniture, and the old women are into complaining and worries and food. (10) In the old days, we -1 swear! '- the woman [had one] clothing outfit for the summer and one outfit for the winter. Thafs all. The old woman used to endure. (11) Now, the old woman, her driver is standing by, her driver is standing by and all that, from the time she wakes up, today [she has] midmorning tea here, tomorrow tea [there] -. (12) In the old days no, the mother-in-law (old woman) ... she raises that child, she cradles him, she washes him, she coddles him, hah, and the daughter-in-law cooks, cleans the house, washes, does [housework]. (13) Nowadays does an old woman hold the child? She doesn't hold him. By God she can't imagine [doing ^anything herself] - her driver is standing by. (14) Now, she takes from the [Bureau of Social] Affairs 100 dinars, see her, an Indian, a Filipino, a driver, three [servants]. (15) She takes from the [Bureau of Social] Affairs, hah, why? So-and-so has, I want to do like her, so-and-so did thus and so-and-so did thus. (16) The brother envies the brother and the sister envies the sister, nowadays, people, everyone looks to the other [to see what they are doing].
H .
Kuwaiti Texts
Kuwaiti Texts ' nitzawwaj. zen. (9) yaw, ya 1-walad xatabha min abuha. abuha wafag, gal'ila hiya tabblk w thibbak ma yxalif. nzen. (10) hal il-walad ma ridaw, maslhiyya! Slon taxid maslhiyya?! ma ridaw. la, ma taxidha. zen. (11) hadela S galaw, bass ma dam halak mu radin ba'd
._v-ij ..-I'tjll ->-> j J j J I -JJJI -_-__"> *i \ 1 1 .I-I'M II < j^-_ijO-; -LJ-A (1) ^Jj Q 'i j 1 1 ,_;JLA ("\) . I j L .jljJLj JLa _J__aLJI lj___J__- . I j______ < I j L () _ j - i j A -i j I -. j L i _ _ j*- j*n a A- J j J I J (V) . j__jjJI _J-J J j J I rSj___Jl IjJLS (A) JjjJLA IjJLS * I (j j l r _r_*_ijj!-^jj_). __J___ |. j " \ t < ( _ $ _ _ _ _ _ . w*-j <i__ilj LAJ_JI .I_AJ_JI (j-a I fl ; - -^ J j J I L J J L (\\ .(j-ij r j j "* l_____LL .lj___j La _J_JI_U[I](N.) .<__,.>_ ..-JU--. U ,-lj -.-.j ,'lj V, y_> VI JLS
._>-JJ .LA___L La V . I J_- j La ! S <________ j__L_ _| j l * '- J * J ' " *
.LJ _ _ _ _ _ V ___! ____i c_-_-Ij ja _JJ_A[I] ^IJ L_a (_t__j J_JLi_ (j^u i_jJ_A (NN)
-L_>" I____JJI - _ _ _ _ _ _ LA_J LL___ J_M-J y-_-J J j l " L J (__*_ (jjJai. _ .- J
'inta la tyl-lna. ba'd Slon tyl-lna? 'awwal tyi w trull 'alena les bint il-bint tabblk w inta tabbiha btitzawwajun. (12) al-hin halak mu radin titzawwaj bintna Slon tiyl-lna, ma yslr. yawwidaw il-walad. (13) il-bint thibba tammat tahat marida. (14) il-walad yiyi ytuf, kil yom yiruh w yiyi 'ala 1-bab w tsikka. (15) yigul 'asani arakum walla ara man yarakum mitil yigul (16) 'amurru 'ala l-'abwab (17) 'amSi 'ala 1-abwab min geri hajatan 'asani arakum wella 'ara man yarakum. 1 wi /1-bint marida bi-l-bet. zen. (18) yom wahid ba'd il-walad 'ala l-*ada tayif, liga I-jinaza, 'ilia 1-bint! min kitir ma thibb il-walad matat 'ale. (19) il-walad ba'd gum, gatt ruha wiyyaha, mawwat ruha. gal bass xalas. (20) galu hada Sugulkum 'intu ya l-'ahal haram. xasartu waladkum. hada 1-habb 'awwal. (1) See [now], A girl and a boy, they go to Baghdad. (2) This [was] not long ago, from where you are now perhaps 35 years ago. (3) The Christian, and huh, that boy, his family is from al-Zubayr [tribe]. Their name is - In other words, good people. (4) Those [people] [used to let] girls study. The girl loves the boy, the boy loves the" girl. Okay. (5) They came, they finished. They finished the University of Baghdad, they came [back]. (6) This girl is in Basra, the boy is of the al-Zubayr. (7) The boy kept [the girl's family were] Christian, they wouldn't let they see him in love with their daughter, their daughter loves him, he comes and goes [visiting] her, they said, How [can we allow this]? (8) [The boy and girl] said, Let us get married. Fine. (9) They came [to do this], the boy came and asked for her hand from her father. Her father agreed; he said, If she wants you and loves you thafs all right. (10) The boy's family did not approve, [She's] a Christian! How can you marry a Christian?! They did not
OJ--" L~tj ^ j j - * L_---IJ j- -1LA[I] __-JI (NX) .tjj-j-jiJA^-j U j j"' _--jlj -4____Jj_a _u__L_ _ _ _ _ _ <4____ C-__JI (NY) . J j J I Ij-J-J .j_J___J La . LJ __i_ Jj_L (No) .__^j_, _ _ _ L _ _ J I _J__ y__jj ^J__J * > J _ J JS.______; y__j J j J I (Ni) - __jlj-jVI _,__. j-al (N"\) Jj_ J__o {-SIj-J o-a (jj\ V j f->ljl y_L___ .i-_lj_j _ > _ > tf j l 'Vj j__ljl ^Lu___ __.___ J-J-C (>-_ulj_jVI _,!_: y-L_l (NV) J _ _ JjJI _ _ A _ ___JJ'*JJ (NA) -tJ-JJ _ J .' IL 4_uj a ____J I j .-_J_ ___l_a JjJI,____ !______,> !___i_JI Vl ,s jL__JI ____! ,____,__, __L*JI
IJJLS ( X . ) . t ^ J ^ a _ _ ? J L S .<-_-JJ __j-a ( LACJ<__JJ ___ fj_S J j J I (V\)
. J j l ^ - J l ljl_A . ^ J j J-J,---. -f !.>_, JjiVI L j___l |<l _ A ljl_A (1) Sufi, bnayya wiyya walad, yidissQn fi bagdad. (2) ha mu b i d hada min 'indiC al-hin yumkan xamsa w talatin sana. (3) la-bnayya maslhiyya wa, hah, ha la-sbayy hala min anal iz-z[u]ber. ysammunhum - ya'ni nas tayybin. (4) hadela yidirsiin il-bint. il-bint thibb il-walad il-walad yhibb il-bint. zen. (5) yaw, xallasaw. xallasaw il-jam'a mal bagdad, yaw. (6) hadi 1-bint fi 1-basra, il-walad ban iz-zuber. (7) w il-walad tamm masuiiyyln, ma yixaUu ~ yiSufuna yihibb binthum, binthum thibba, yiruh wi yiyi 'aleha, galu Slon? (8) galu yalla xalna
The speaker quotes here with less than perfect accuracy a line of Classical Arabic-poetry. Dwight Reynolds reports that the line comes from a song performed by simsimiyya musicians in Port Sa'id, Egypt, and attributed to Shaykh JuyusI, whose zawiya lies in the Muqattam Hills outside Cairo.
Kuwaiti Texts
approve. No, don't marry her. Okay. (Il) Those people [the girl's family], what did they say, Thafs it, as long as your family hasn't approved of your marrying our daughter, how can you come to our house [to see her]? (12) Nowt your family has not approved your marrying our daughter how can you come to our [house], ifs not done. They prevented the boy [from seeing the girl]. (13) [But] the girl loves him: she went and fell ill. (14) The boy comes wandering, every day he goes and passes by the door, they close it [in his face]. (15) Like they say, "Perhaps I might see you or see someone who sees you." - (16) "I pass by the gates" (17) "I pass by the gates without purpose, [hoping] perhaps I might see you or see someone who sees you." (18) One day, again, as was his habit, the boy [was] wandering around, he found the funeral - it was the girl! She loved the boy so much, she died over him. (19) The boy then, get up! He did away with himself along with her, killed himself. He said, thafs it, ifs all over. (20) They said, This is your doing, you, family [of the Boy], for shame. You lost your son. That is love in the old days.
'Abd al-'al, 'Abd al-Mun'im. 1968. Lahjat Samdl al-Magrib: Tatwan wa ma Hawlaha. Cairo: Dar al-Kitab al-*Arabi. 'Abu Hakima, 'Ahmad Mustafa. 1984. Tarix al-Kuwayt al-Hadlt. Kuwait: Dat al-Salasil. Ambros, Arne. 1977. Damascus Arabic. Afroasiatic Dialects, 3. Malibu: Undena Publications. Anderson, Lloyd. 1982. "The 'Perfect' as a Universal and as a LanguageSpecific Category." Tense-Aspect: Between Semantics and Pragmatics, ed. Paul J. Hopper, 227-64. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ttila, Raimo. 1989. Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 6. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Badawi, El-Said, and Martin Hinds. 1986. A Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic. Beimt: Librairie du Liban, Bakkala, Muhammad Hassan. 1983. Arabic Linguistics: An Introduction and Bibliography. UK: Mansell. Barlow, Michael, and Charles A. Ferguson, eds. 1988. Agreement in Natural Language: Approaches, Theories, Descriptions. Palo ' Alto: Center for the Study of Language and Information. Behnstedt, Peter. 1978. "Zur Dialektgeographie des Niledeltas." ZAL * 1:64-92. . 1980. "Zum ursprungUchen Dialekt von Alexandria." ZDMG 130:35-50. _j . 1989. "Christlich-AleppinischeTexte." ZAL 20:43-89. 1990. "M'addamiiye: ein neuer qeltu-Dialekt aus Syrien." ZAL 22:44-66. Behnstedt, Peter, and Manfred Woidich. 1985. Die agyptisch-arabischen Dialekte. 2 vols. Beihefte zum Tubinger Atlas des vorderen Orients, series B, 50/1,2. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag. . 1987. Die agyptisch-arabiscen Dialekte: Texte, Teil 1. Beihefte zum Tubinger Atlas des vorderen Orients, series B, 50/3. Wiesbaden: Ludwig Reichert Verlag. 421
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