Writing A Kernel From Scratch With Free Software

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The document discusses writing a kernel from scratch using free and open source software. It outlines the build process and libraries needed.

An operating system is a collection of programs used to operate a computer, while the kernel is the core program that allocates resources to other programs and starts/stops programs. The book focuses on writing just a kernel.

Writing your own kernel helps understand lower levels of operating systems, how kernels work, and what issues exist in kernels. It allows seeing inherent limitations.

Writing a Kernel From Scratch with Free Software

Eric P. Hutchins April 10, 2010



Chapter 1

1.1 What is a kernel

An important distinction is the dierence between the operating system and the kernel. This book is not named Writing an Operating System From Scratch with Free Software. That is no accident. According to the GNU project, an operating system means a collection of programs that are sucient to use the computer to do a wide variety of jobs. The kernel is one of the programs in an operating system-the program that allocates the machines resources to the other programs that are running. The kernel also takes care of starting and stopping other programs [?]. This book teaches how to create a kernel, which is dierent than an operating system. At the end, it may run a modied GNU system if you choose. The GNU operating system has been modied to run on top of the Linux kernel, the FreeBSD kernel, and some others. You may also create create your own operating system on top of your kernel when you are done if that is what you wish. That will probably require you to write a shell, a windowing system, and many other complex programs.


Why write a kernel?

Why do we write a kernel? Because it helps us understand lower levels of the operating systems that we use, no matter which operating system it is under. The best way to understand a piece of software is to implement your own. Knowing how a kernel works lets you see what kinds of issues there are in operating systems and how they are dealt with. This helps to explain problems with your own operating system, and lets you see any inherent limitations.


Chapter 2

The Build System

2.1 Autoconf

When the program autoconf is run, it looks for a le called configure.ac. We will now write that le.



The rst line is AC_INIT. It takes as parameters the name of the package, the version, and the email to which bug reports should be sent.
AC_INIT ( scratchkernel ,0.1.0 , your@email . com )

The next line tells the options for running automake. Here we use -Wall, which says to report many warnings that are not reported by default, -Werror, which says to count all warnings as errors, and foreign, which tells automake that the package is not a GNU package and therefore will not be required to include certain les included in the GNU Coding Standards.
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE ([ - Wall - Werror foreign ])

These lines simply state that we are using C and Assembly as our source languages.

This keyword takes a list of les that the congure script should generate. We say Makele and src/Makele because the main Makele will references src/Makele and have it build the les there.
AC_OUTPUT ([ Makefile src / Makefile ])




Now we write Makefile.am, which is the le that the program automake reads. It is a one-liner for now.

The line tells automake to look at the le Makefile.am in the directory src.



Next we create the le src/Makefile.am. bin_PROGRAMS is a list of programs to create. Our program is called scratchkernel.
bin_PROGRAMS = scratchkernel

Now we list the source les in scratchkernel_SOURCES.

scr atch kerne l_SO U RCE S = main . c \ boot . S \ link . ld

We specify that we are using a custom linker script that we will write called link.ld. Also, we use -Wl,--build-id=none in recent binutils so that we dont get a section for a build ID included at the start of the output le. We need the multiboot header to be the rst section so that Grub will accept it.
scr atch kerne l_LD F LAG S = \ -T link . ld \ -Wl , - - build - id = none

Fore the compiler and assembler ags, there are many options. Many packages might not even need to specify anything here. Commonly it is used to specify include directories. Because kernels are special, we need to give it a whole bunch of ags that tell it not to treat it like a normal application. The rst option we give it is -m32, which tells it to build a kernel for 32-bit architecture, rather than assume that it matches the running systems architecture. This is so that we can build it on other kinds of systems but still test it with a 32-bit virtual machine. The rest of the options are to disable advanced compiler features taht wont work because of the runtime environment. The compiler normally assumes that you are building a program to run under the environment you are currently on. That would make sense, except that a kernel will be run in an essentially blank environment, with no access to anything that isnt built into it. -nostdinc says not to include the standard header les. -nodefaultlibs says not to link to default libraries as we wont have access to them. -nostartfiles says not to use startup code around the program which the operating system normally uses to help load your program. -fno-builtin says not to use built-in denitions


of functions. They may not work and even if they do, we want to know what is going on. -fno-stack-protector disables the stack protector.
s c r atchkernel_CFLAGS = \ - m32 \ - nostdinc \ - nostartfiles \ - nodefaultlibs \ -fno - builtin \ -fno - stack - protector s c r at c hk e rn el _ CC A SF LA G S = - m32


The Linker Script

The linker script goes in the src directory and controls how our kernel is linked.



Next we write the linker script, link.ld. We start by giving the entry point to our kernel, which will be start.
ENTRY ( start )

Next we dene some code sections. The line . = 0x100000; means that our kernel will be loaded into memory at position 1MiB in RAM. Then we dene a code section, a data section, and a bss section. text is for a the code section, which is where the compiled code will go, data is the data section, which is where static data like predened strings will go, and bss, which is where uninitialized data goes. We put a pointer end after all this. What we are doing here is dening these variables along with underscored versions of them so that in C and Assembly we can use them to refer to the sections of our kernels memory.
SECTIONS { . = 0 x100000 ; . text ALIGN (0 x1000 ) : { code = .; _code = .; __code = .; *(. text ) } . data ALIGN (0 x1000 ) : { data = .; _data = .; __data = .; *(. data ) *(. rodata ) } . bss ALIGN (0 x1000 ) : { bss = .; _bss = .; __bss = .; *(. bss ) } end = .; _end = .; __end = .;



Chapter 3

Minimal Source For a Bootable Kernel

3.1 The Loader

There is a small assembly le that holds the entry point to the kernel. The loader code goes in the src directory contains some code to make the kernel multiboot compliant, which allows you to boot the kernel with any multiboot compliant bootloader such as GRUB.



This rst part species stu needed by GRUB. The align ag is ag 0 and the meminfo ag is ag 1 so we set them accordingly. Then we use a logical OR to create the variable FLAGS. The MAGIC value is checked by GRUB and should match this one. The CHECKSUM is a check that GRUB does to be sure that these FLAGS and MAGIC are real and the MAGIC value didnt just happen to be 0x1BADB002 Then we use align 4 to use 32-bit instructions. Then we create the entry mboot, which is used by GRUB and put the necessary values there.
.set .set .set .set .set ALIGN , MEMINFO , FLAGS , MAGIC , CHECKSUM , 1 << 0 1 << 1 ALIGN | MEMINFO 0 x1BADB002 -( MAGIC + FLAGS )

.align 4 mboot : .long MAGIC .long FLAGS .long CHECKSUM




Next we dene our entry point, start.

.global start start :

When Grub 2 loads the kernel, it puts the magic value in %eax and puts a pointer to the multiboot information structure in %ebx. We push those onto the stack for parameters to main. Then we call main.
push % ebx push % eax call main

When the main function returns, pop the parameters o the stack as usual, and jump to halt, which is just an idle loop.
add $8 , % esp jmp halt halt : jmp halt


The Main

We use the standard C main.c function as our entry point. This is not the real entry point that the bootloader calls, but the stu that happens in boot.S wont need to be looked at much, so we may regard this as our logical entry point. We take the Grub multiboot magic as the rst parameter and a pointer to the multiboot information structure as the second parameter. They arent of much use to us yet, but they will be.



int main ( unsigned int magic , multiboot_info_t * mboot ) { }



The command autoreconf -i will run autoconf, automake, and some other things in the proper order along with installing some necessary les. This step will have to be done whenever the list of source les changes or the build ags change.



$ autoreconf -i

Now that the build system is in place, we may use it by running the script ./configure and then running make.
./ configure make



Chapter 4

Hello, World!
4.1 The Classic Hello, World!

Now that we have a minimal kernel that boots from GRUB, we will want it to do something. Following the great tradition, we start with Hello, World! But this is not as simple as it may seem. Take a look at the standard Hello, World! in C:
# include < stdio .h > int main ( int argc , char * argv []) { printf ( " Hello , World !\ n " ); }

Notice that we include stdio.h. This doesnt exist in our blank system, which only has access to our kernel. Therefore, we must write it and include it in our kernel. You may or may not write printf, depending on what you decide you need. Those functions will interact with the screen to write characters. To use the screen, we will write some backend code that handles the video memory. We will also need some basic functions for handling strings, which will go in string.h.


Modifying The Build System

We explain how to modify the build system for this rst time, but in the next chapters, this section will be omitted. You should learn how to modify these les yourself. First you may change the version if you wish from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0.
AC_INIT ( scratchkernel ,0.2.0 , your@email . com )




We will be adding a directory called include to the package. This directory will hold the standard include les for a C library. So we add a line with include/Makefile to our AC_OUTPUT section. (Edit the le configure.ac to look like this)
... AC_OUTPUT ([ Makefile include / Makefile src / Makefile ])

We also need to add some lines for the new source les we are going to write in src/Makefile.am. (Edit the le src/Makefile.am to look like this)
... scr atch kerne l_SO U RCE S = \ main . c \ boot . S \ util . S \ link . ld \ stdio . c \ string . c \ system . c \ vga . c ...

Add a line about the include les to Makele.am. Also, make sure that the main Makefile.am knows about the include directory by changing to say
SUBDIRS = include src

In src/Makefile.am we add a line to scratchkernel_CFLAGS to make sure it knows where the include les are.
-I ../ include \

Now we actually make a directory called include and create some les there.


Include les

We add the one-line le Makele.am to the include directory which only lists the header les we are using.
include_HEADERS = \ stdio . h \ stddef . h \


string . h \ system . h \ vga . h




We make include/stddef.h. Notice that it is wrapped in #ifndef STDDEF_H and #endif and denes symbol #define STDDEF_H at the top, inside of the ifndef. This is the standard way of writing C header les, so this part will not be shown in further header les. We dene the symbol size_t to be an unsigned integer as sizes of types represent the number of bytes they take to store, which is always a positive number.
# ifndef STDDEF_H # define STDDEF_H # define size_t unsigned int # endif



We include headers string.h and video.h. string.h will have functions that manipulate strings, while video.h will have the functions that manipulate the screen so that we can actually print to it.
# include < string .h > int putchar ( int character ); int puts ( const char * str );



Here we have functions to copy blocks of memory and report the length of strings.
# include < stddef .h > void * memcpy ( void * str1 , const void * str2 , size_t n ); size_t strlen ( const char * str );



Here we extend the x86 machine instructions inb and outb so that they can be used in C.



unsigned char inb ( unsigned short port ); void outb ( unsigned char byte , unsigned short port );



The VGA CRTC refers to VGA screen controller. It is the piece of hardware that the kernel interacts with to produce graphics in various VGA modes. We dene the address part of it to be 0x3D4 and the data part to be 0x3D5. These are used later to modify the cursor. Then we dene
# define VGA_CRTC_ADDRESS 0 x3D4 # define VGA_CRTC_DATA 0 x3D5

Then we dene the high and low bytes of the cursor to be 0x0E and 0x0F. These are the addresses that are put into the address slot in the VGA controller to specify the position of the cursor.
# define VGA_CURSOR_HIGH 0 x0E # define VGA_CURSOR_LOW 0 x0F

Now we dene a bunch of colors so that later if we decide we want to use certain colors in our text, they are available by name.
# define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define VGA_BLACK 0 VGA_BLUE 1 VGA_GREEN 2 VGA_CYAN 3 VGA_RED 4 VGA_MAGENTA 5 VGA_BROWN 6 VGA_LIGHT_GRAY 7 VGA_DARK_GRAY 8 VGA_LIGHT_BLUE 9 VGA_LIGHT_GREEN 10 VGA_LIGHT_CYAN 11 VGA_LIGHT_RED 12 VGA_LIGHT_MAGENTA 13 VGA_LIGHT_BROWN 14 VGA_WHITE 15

Here are the functions that scroll the screen, change a character somewhere on the screen, append a character at the cursor position, set the position of the onscreen cursor, and clear the screen.
void void void void void vga_scroll (); vga_putchar_at ( char c , int x , int y ); vga_putchar ( char c ); vg a_ s et _ in te r na l _c ur s or (); vga_clear_screen ();




The source les

Each source le corresponding to a header le will include the corresponding header as the rst line. For example the rst line of src/stdio.c is #include <stdio.h>.



Here is where we dene the functions that print characters and strings. For putchar we just call the video drivers version.
int putchar ( int c ) { vga_putchar (( char ) c ); return c ; }



Here we dene memcpy, which copies blocks of memory from one buer to another, and strlen, which tells the length of a string.
void * memcpy ( void * destination , const void * source , size_t n ) { int i ; for ( i = 0; i < n ; i ++) { (( unsigned char *) destination )[ i ] = (( unsigned char *) source )[ i ]; } return destination ; } size_t strlen ( const char * str ) { size_t n = 0; while ( str [ n ] != \0 ) n ++; return n ; }



This le is really just a wrapper for the assembly functions so that C can use the machine instruction. We need to use inb and outb to communicate with the video controller.



. global outb outb : mov 4(% esp ) , % eax mov 8(% esp ) , % edx outb % al , % dx ret . global inb inb : mov $0 , % eax mov 4(% esp ) , % edx inb % dx , % al ret

The rst function puts the rst parameter (the value) in %eax and puts the second parameter (the port) in %edx. Then it sends the value to the port and returns the value we were given. For the second function, we are going to read a byte into %eax to return it so we put a zero in %eax so that the 32-bit value is cleared. Then it copies the rst parameter (the port) into %edx and reads from port %dx into %al.



This is the big important one. We start by dening the video memory as a pointer to 0xB8000, which is where the screen text starts when using VGA. Also, we set the cursor position to (0,0) and set the text color to be light gray on black. Colors in the default VGA mode are specied as a byte with the background color in the 4 high bits and the text color in the 4 low bits.
unsigned char * video = ( unsigned char *)0 xB8000 ; unsigned int cursor_x = 0; unsigned int cursor_y = 0; unsigned char vga_color = VGA_BLACK << 4 | VGA_LIGHT_GRAY ;

This function sets the position of the cursor on screen.

void v ga _s e t_ i nt er n al _ cu rs o r () { unsigned temp ; temp = cursor_y * 80 + cursor_x ; outb ( VGA_CURSOR_HIGH , VGA_CRTC_ADDRESS ); outb ( temp >> 8 , VGA_CRTC_DATA ); outb ( VGA_CURSOR_LOW , VGA_CRTC_ADDRESS ); outb ( temp , VGA_CRTC_DATA ); }



The screen memory is an array of alternating bytes of text and colors. This function sets the specied position to the specied character.
void vga_putchar_at ( char c , int x , int y ) { video [( y * 80 + x ) * 2] = c ; video [( y * 80 + x ) * 2 + 1] = vga_color ; }

This function goes through each screen position and sets it to a space character.
void vga_clear_screen () { int i , j ; for ( i = 0; i < 80; i ++) { for ( j = 0; j < 25; j ++) { vga_putchar_at ( , i , j ); } } cursor_x = 0; cursor_y = 0; v ga _s e t_ i nt er n al _ cu rs o r (); }

This function makes sure we scroll the contents of the screen up and reset the cursor when it needs to. It calculates the number of lines past the end that the cursor is at. It should only be one at a time, but we handle it if it is more too. If we have a line past the end, we scroll everything up one line by copying lines from the top down.
void vga_scroll () { int lines_past = cursor_y - 24; if ( lines_past < 1) return ; memcpy ( video , video + lines_past * 80 * 2 , 80 * (25 - lines_past ) * 2); int i , j ; for ( i = 25 - lines_past ; i < 25; i ++) { for ( j = 0; j < 80; j ++) { vga_putchar_at ( , j , i ); }

} cursor_y = 24; v ga _ se t_ i nt e rn al _ cu rs o r (); }


This function correctly handles newline characters as well as incrementing the cursor when its a display character and doing the newline on the screen to wrap lines that are too big.
void video_putchar ( char c ) { if ( c == \ n ) { cursor_x = 0; cursor_y ++; video_scroll (); video_set_vga_cursor (); return ; } vga_putchar_at ( cursor_x , cursor_y ); cursor_x ++; if ( cursor_x > 79) { cursor_x = 0; cursor_y ++; } vga_scroll (); v ga _ se t_ i nt e rn al _ cu rs o r (); }



Now that weve done all this work, we can print Hello, World! to the screen by repeatedly calling vga_putchar () with each character. Or if you prefer, write a function that writes strings by looping on the index and printing each character until it sees a NULL character.



You may now rebuild and test your kernel and if all goes well, you should see the words Hello, World! sitting happily at the top of the screen. Exercises 1. Write puthex (unsigned int n), which takes an unsigned integer and displays it as hexadecimal.



2. Write putint (int n), which takes an integer and displays it in decimal, displaying a negative sign in front if it is negative. 3. Complete the previous exercises and then write printf (const char *format, ...) based on them. Your printf implementation will have to parse the format string, checking for % characters. When it sees one, optionally check for characters 0-9 and . to nd where to round to and how many spaces to pad with, and if the next character is %, c, d, X, s then write a % with putchar, the character itself with putchar, the integer with putint, the hexadecimal number with puthex, or the string by running through the characters until you see a NULL character. 4. VGA sometimes leaves by default the blink attribute enabled, which means that if you set the background color to have numerical value greater than or equal to 8, instead of actually taking that color, the background will be the dark version of the color and the foreground will blink. Disable the blink attribute by reading from VGA attribute controller, clearing the bit that enables the blink attribute, and writing back to the attribute controller. The attribute controller works in a funny way. When you write a byte to it, it ip-ops between storing the address and storing data to the predetermined address. To reset the ip-op, read from the input status #1, 0x3DA, and store it so that you can rewrite it later. Then write the address of the mode control register, 0x10 to the VGA attribute controller, 0x3C0. Now read the data from the attribute controllers read port, 0x3C1. Clear bit 3 (zero-based, i.e. 1 << 3) and re-write the byte to the VGA attribute controller, 0x3C0. Now, nally re-write the value that was in the input status #1 register. 5. Implement the previous exercise, and use it to make a surface structure that is made up of a two dimensional array of shorts, each holding a byte for the color and a byte for the character. Write functions to draw these surfaces to the screen, so that you may store images, draw them on a backbuer, and then draw the backbuer to the screen in a while loop. This is known as page-ipping.



Chapter 5

5.1 The Global Descriptor Table and Interrupt Descriptor Table

The next step in developing a useful kernel is handling interrupts. To do this, we take use of descriptor tables. The Global Descriptor Table has a list of segment descriptors that describe segments. A segment is a piece of the 4GB address space. The GDT describes where each segment is, how big it is, what permissions it has, and other properties. The Interrupt Descriptor Table is similar to the GDT but instead of listing segment descriptors, it lists interrupt descriptors (also known as interrupt gates). They tell where in memory the CPU should jump to on certain interrupt numbers.



The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developers Manual, Volume 3A contains information on the Global Descriptor Table [?]. In include/gdt.h we only need to declare a function init_gdt, which will be called by main to initialize the Global Descriptor Table.
void init_gdt ();



We include arrays of bytes for the GDT entries and for the GDT pointer structure. Each GDT entry is 8 bytes long. We make room for as many as we need. The GDT pointer structure is 6 bytes long. 25



# define NUM_GDT_ENTRIES 3 unsigned char gdt_entries [8 * NUM_GDT_ENTRIES ]; unsigned char gdt_pointer [6];

Now we make a function for writing GDT entries. This is actually a bit more general than necessary because it lets limits for segments be any value and decides what the granularity is based on how big the limits are. We will always specify the entire 32-bit address space for any segment selector we use, so the granularity is also always 1, meaning that the limit that we put in the 20-bit limit eld is always the number of 4KB blocks (in practice, always 0xFFFFF). The access byte controls a lot of properties of the segment selector. You can see how the basic parts that make up this selector format (base, limit, etc.) are all chopped up in strange ways. This function chops them up the way that the processor expects them and sticks them in the array.
void write_gdt_entry ( int n , unsigned int dpl ) { int granularity = 1; if ( limit >= 0 x10000 ) { granularity = 1; limit >> 12; } unsigned char access = 1 << 7 dpl << 5 1 << 4 code << 3 0 << 2 1 << 1 int base , unsigned int limit , int code ,

/* present */ /* descriptor privilege level */ /* always 1 */ /* executable bit */ /* direction */ /* whether a code segment can be read * or a data segment can be written */ 0 << 0; /* whether it has been accessed */

| | | | | |

unsigned char flags = granularity << 3 | /* either 1 B (0) or 4 KB (1) */ 1 << 2; /* 32 - bit segment */ unsigned char * gdt_entry = ( unsigned char *) gdt_entries + ( n *8); gdt_entry [0] = limit & 0 x00FF ; gdt_entry [1] = ( limit & 0 xFF00 ) >> 8; gdt_entry [2] = base & 0 x00FF ; gdt_entry [3] = ( base & 0 xFF00 ) >> 8; gdt_entry [4] = ( base & 0 x00FF0000 ) >> 16; gdt_entry [5] = access ; gdt_entry [6] = flags << 4 | ( limit & 0 x000F0000 ) >> 16; gdt_entry [7] = ( base & 0 xFF000000 ) >> 24; }

Now we make a function for writing the GDT pointer structure.

5.3. THE IDT


void wri te_gdt_pointer () { unsigned int limit = 8 * NUM_GDT_ENTRIES - 1; gdt_pointer [0] = limit & 0 x00FF ; gdt_pointer [1] = ( limit & 0 xFF00 ) >> 8; gdt_pointer [2] = (( unsigned int ) gdt_entries & gdt_pointer [3] = (( unsigned int ) gdt_entries & gdt_pointer [4] = (( unsigned int ) gdt_entries & gdt_pointer [5] = (( unsigned int ) gdt_entries & }

0 x000000FF ); 0 x0000FF00 ) >> 8; 0 x00FF0000 ) >> 16; 0 xFF000000 ) >> 24;

Finally, we write init_gdt, which will make use of our earlier functions. First we clear the array of GDT entries. This leaves zeros in bytes 0-7, or the rst GDT entry, which is good. The rst GDT entry should always be all zeros for the NULL descriptor. Next we write a GDT entry for code, and a GDT entry for data, each from 0-0xFFFFFFFF with ring 0 for kernel mode (as opposed to user mode). The reason we do this once for code and once for data is that the register %cs must contain the byte oset in this array for a code segment selector and the registers %ds, %es, %fs, %gs must contain the byte oset in this array for a data segment selector. So later on to specify the code segment or the data segment we will use 0x8 for GDT entry number 1 (the code one) or 0x10 for GDT entry number 2 (the data one). Then we write the GDT pointer structure and load it into the processor.
void init_gdt () { memset ( gdt_entries , 0 , 8 * NUM_GDT_ENTRIES ); write_gdt_entry (1 , 0 , 0 xFFFFFFFF , 1 , 0); /* #1 , 0 - FFFFFFFF , code , ring 0 */ write_gdt_entry (2 , 0 , 0 xFFFFFFFF , 0 , 0); /* #2 , 0 - FFFFFFFF , data , ring 0 */ write_gdt_pointer (); load_gdt (& gdt_pointer ); }



What we are going to do is make a function for the CPU to call for each type of interrupt that it can detect. What we want is for our interrupt functions to look like this
void my_interrupt ( unsigned int * eax ,

unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned { } int int int int int int int * ebx , * ecx , * edx , * ebp , * esi , * edi , * eip )


where the parameters are all of the registers that we will have access to. We will simulate that it goes directly to these interrupt functions by creating a layer between the actual interrupt and our pseudo-interrupts. We will set up stub functions for the interrupts, which will take care of some common steps before calling our interrupt functions which look like the above. When an interrupt occurs, the processor switches to the mode with the greatest privileges and jumps to the location specied by the IDT. We will set it up to go to our stub functions, which we will write now. For each stub function, we push a zero error code and the interrupt number. It also calls irq_handler, which will call our real handler if we have one. We write a GAS macro, irq n, which creates a function that does several things: disable interrupts push the zero error code push the interrupt number push a whole bunch of register values call irq_handler clean up re-enables interrupts.
.macro irq n .global irq \ n irq \ n : cli push $0 push $ \ n push % eax push % ebx push % ecx push % edx push % ebp push % esi push % edi call irq_handler

5.3. THE IDT

pop % edi pop % esi pop % ebp pop % edx pop % ecx pop % ebx pop % eax add $0x8 , % esp iret .endm irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq irq 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


We also need to make a stub function for every Interrupt Service Routine. These are the interrupt numbers that correspond to faults. These are handled exactly the same as the IRQs except that 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 push their own error code. So we dont push the zero for these interrupts. Also we call isr_handler instead of irq_handler. This time we need two macros, one for the interrupt number that push their own error code, and one for the numbers that dont.



.macro isr n .global isr \ n isr \ n : cli push $0 push $ \ n jmp isr_common .endm .macro i sr _h as_ ow n_ err or _c ode n .global isr \ n

isr \ n : cli push $ \ n jmp isr_common .endm


Both of these macros create functions named isrN where N is the number of the interrupt, but one pushes a zero and the other doesnt. Now we use create the isr_common function to push the registers, call isr_handler, clean up, and re-enable interrupts.
isr_common : push % eax push % ebx push % ecx push % edx push % ebp push % esi push % edi call isr_handler pop % edi pop % esi pop % ebp pop % edx pop % ecx pop % ebx pop % eax add $0x8 , % esp iret

Now we create all the stub functions with our macros.

isr 0 isr 1 isr 2 isr 3 isr 4 isr 5 isr 6 isr 7 is r_ ha s_o wn _e rro r_ co de isr 9 is r_ ha s_o wn _e rro r_ co de is r_ ha s_o wn _e rro r_ co de is r_ ha s_o wn _e rro r_ co de is r_ ha s_o wn _e rro r_ co de is r_ ha s_o wn _e rro r_ co de isr 15 isr 16 isr 17 isr 18

8 10 11 12 13 14

5.3. THE IDT

isr isr isr isr isr isr isr isr isr isr isr isr isr 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31




EOI refers to the End Of Interrupt signal, which is 0x20.

# define EOI 0 x20

These represent the CPU I/O ports for the Programmable Interrupt Controller. There are command and data ports for the slave and master. They take a command on the command port followed by some data on the data port.

We also give names to the ports for the Programmable Interrupt Controller. There are ports for Master and Slave to each get commands, and ports for Master and Slave to each get data.
# define # define # define # define MASTER_PIC_COMMAND 0 x20 SLAVE_PIC_COMMAND 0 xA0 MASTER_PIC_DATA 0 x21 SLAVE_PIC_DATA 0 xA1

We declare a function init_idt, which will setup our Interrupt Descriptor Table. We will call this from main.
void init_idt ();

Now we make sure we can access the irq stub functions and the isr stub functions that we made in irqs.s and isrs.s
void void void void void void irq0 irq1 irq2 irq3 irq4 irq5 (); (); (); (); (); ();

void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void void irq6 (); irq7 (); irq8 (); irq9 (); irq10 (); irq11 (); irq12 (); irq13 (); irq14 (); irq15 (); isr0 (); isr1 (); isr2 (); isr3 (); isr4 (); isr5 (); isr6 (); isr7 (); isr8 (); isr9 (); isr10 (); isr11 (); isr12 (); isr13 (); isr14 (); isr15 (); isr16 (); isr17 (); isr18 (); isr19 (); isr20 (); isr21 (); isr22 (); isr23 (); isr24 (); isr25 (); isr26 (); isr27 (); isr28 (); isr29 (); isr30 (); isr31 ();


The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developers Manual, Volume 3A contains information on the Interrupt Descriptor Table.

5.3. THE IDT




In include/system.h we put a declaration of function outb, which sends a byte on a given port.
void outb ( unsigned char byte , unsigned short port );



We include arrays of bytes for the IDT entries and for the IDT pointer structure. Each IDT entry is 8 bytes long. We make room for 256 of them just in case we want to use more later. If you know for sure how many you need, you may optimize this value. The IDT pointer structure is 6 bytes long.
unsigned char idt_entries [8 * 256]; unsigned char idt_pointer [6];

Now we write the IDT pointer structure. We set the limit to the index of the last byte of the IDT entries array. Then we set bytes 0 and 1 to be the low and high byte of the limit. Next we set bytes 2-5 to bytes 0-3 of the address to idt_entries array.
void wri te_idt_pointer () { unsigned int limit = 256 * 8 - 1; idt_pointer [0] = limit & 0 x00FF ; idt_pointer [1] = limit & 0 xFF00 >> 8; idt_pointer [2] = (( unsigned int ) idt_entries idt_pointer [3] = (( unsigned int ) idt_entries idt_pointer [4] = (( unsigned int ) idt_entries idt_pointer [5] = (( unsigned int ) idt_entries }

& & & &

0 x000000FF ); 0 x0000FF00 ) >> 8; 0 x00FF0000 ) >> 16; 0 xFF000000 ) >> 24;

Each entry species where to jump to when the interrupt of matching index occurs. The rst and second bytes are the low two bytes of the address that the interrupt number should jump to. The third and fourth bytes are the segment selector, which is the byte index to the Global Descriptor Table of the segment descriptor to use. The fth byte is always zero. The sixth byte is the access byte, which is determined by the given table. The seventh and eighth bytes are the high two bytes of the address that the interrupt number should jump to. 7 65 4 3 2 1 0 P DPL 0 Ex Conf RW Accessed
void write_idt_entry ( int n , unsigned int base , unsigned short segment_selector , int dpl ) { unsigned char access = 1 << 7 | /* present */ dpl << 5 | /* descriptor privilege level */

0 1 1 1 << << << << 4 3 2 1 | | | |

/* always 0 */ /* executable bit */ /* conforming */ /* whether a code segment can be read * or a data segment can be written */ 0 << 0; /* whether it has been accessed */ unsigned char * idt_entry = ( unsigned char *) idt_entries + ( n *8); idt_entry [0] = base & 0 x00FF ; idt_entry [1] = ( base & 0 xFF00 ) >> 8; idt_entry [2] = ( segment_selector & 0 x00FF ); idt_entry [3] = ( segment_selector & 0 xFF00 ) >> 8; idt_entry [4] = 0; idt_entry [5] = access ; idt_entry [6] = ( base & 0 x00FF0000 ) >> 16; idt_entry [7] = ( base & 0 xFF000000 ) >> 24;

First we clear the array of interrupt handlers. Then we send the proper commands to remap IRQs lines 0-15 to IDT lines 32-47, whose details are still a mystery to me. Then we clear the array of IDT entries. Next we write all of our IDT entries, using the corresponding stub function for the base, the code segment selector (byte array index 8 for GDT entry of index 1), and ring 0 for kernel mode (as opposed to user mode). Then we write the IDT pointer structure and load it into the processor.
void init_idt () { memset (( unsigned char *) interrupt_handlers , 0 , 256 * 4); /* Some sort of initialization byte for the master and slave pic */ outb (0 x11 , MASTER_PIC_COMMAND ); outb (0 x11 , SLAVE_PIC_COMMAND ); /* Send offset to each */ /* Start master pic interrupts at 32 and slave pic interrupts at 40 */ outb (0 x20 , MASTER_PIC_DATA ); outb (0 x28 , SLAVE_PIC_DATA ); /* More initialization */ outb (0 x04 , MASTER_PIC_DATA ); outb (0 x02 , SLAVE_PIC_DATA ); /* More initialization */ outb (0 x01 , MASTER_PIC_DATA ); outb (0 x01 , SLAVE_PIC_DATA ); /* More initialization */ outb (0 x00 , MASTER_PIC_DATA );

5.3. THE IDT

outb (0 x00 , SLAVE_PIC_DATA ); memset (& idt_entries , 0 , 256 * 8); write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry write_idt_entry (0 , ( unsigned int ) isr0 , 0 x08 , 0); (1 , ( unsigned int ) isr1 , 0 x08 , 0); (2 , ( unsigned int ) isr2 , 0 x08 , 0); (3 , ( unsigned int ) isr3 , 0 x08 , 0); (4 , ( unsigned int ) isr4 , 0 x08 , 0); (5 , ( unsigned int ) isr5 , 0 x08 , 0); (6 , ( unsigned int ) isr6 , 0 x08 , 0); (7 , ( unsigned int ) isr7 , 0 x08 , 0); (8 , ( unsigned int ) isr8 , 0 x08 , 0); (9 , ( unsigned int ) isr9 , 0 x08 , 0); (10 , ( unsigned int ) isr10 , 0 x08 , 0); (11 , ( unsigned int ) isr11 , 0 x08 , 0); (12 , ( unsigned int ) isr12 , 0 x08 , 0); (13 , ( unsigned int ) isr13 , 0 x08 , 0); (14 , ( unsigned int ) isr14 , 0 x08 , 0); (15 , ( unsigned int ) isr15 , 0 x08 , 0); (16 , ( unsigned int ) isr16 , 0 x08 , 0); (17 , ( unsigned int ) isr17 , 0 x08 , 0); (18 , ( unsigned int ) isr18 , 0 x08 , 0); (19 , ( unsigned int ) isr19 , 0 x08 , 0); (20 , ( unsigned int ) isr20 , 0 x08 , 0); (21 , ( unsigned int ) isr21 , 0 x08 , 0); (22 , ( unsigned int ) isr22 , 0 x08 , 0); (23 , ( unsigned int ) isr23 , 0 x08 , 0); (24 , ( unsigned int ) isr24 , 0 x08 , 0); (25 , ( unsigned int ) isr25 , 0 x08 , 0); (26 , ( unsigned int ) isr26 , 0 x08 , 0); (27 , ( unsigned int ) isr27 , 0 x08 , 0); (28 , ( unsigned int ) isr28 , 0 x08 , 0); (29 , ( unsigned int ) isr29 , 0 x08 , 0); (30 , ( unsigned int ) isr30 , 0 x08 , 0); (31 , ( unsigned int ) isr31 , 0 x08 , 0); (32 , (33 , (34 , (35 , (36 , (37 , (38 , (39 , (40 , (41 , (42 , (43 , (44 , ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned ( unsigned int ) irq0 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq1 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq2 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq3 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq4 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq5 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq6 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq7 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq8 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq9 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq10 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq11 , 0 x08 , 0); int ) irq12 , 0 x08 , 0);



write_idt_entry (45 , ( unsigned int ) irq13 , 0 x08 , 0); write_idt_entry (46 , ( unsigned int ) irq14 , 0 x08 , 0); write_idt_entry (47 , ( unsigned int ) irq15 , 0 x08 , 0); write_idt_pointer (); load_idt (& idt_pointer );

} void isr_handler ( unsigned int edi , unsigned int esi , unsigned int ebp , unsigned int edx , unsigned int ecx , unsigned int ebx , unsigned int eax , unsigned int n , unsigned int error_code , unsigned int eip ) { /* If there is a handler installed for this fault , then run it . Otherwise * halt */ int (* handler )() = ( int (*)()) interrupt_handlers [ n ]; if ( handler ) { handler (& eax , & ebx , & ecx , & edx , & ebp , & esi , & edi , & eip ); } else { halt (); } } void irq_handler ( unsigned int edi , unsigned int esi , unsigned int ebp , unsigned int edx , unsigned int ecx , unsigned int ebx , unsigned int eax , unsigned int n , unsigned int error_code , unsigned int eip ) { /* If there is a handler installed for this interrupt , then run it */ int (* handler )() = ( int (*)()) interrupt_handlers [ n +32]; if ( handler )



handler (& eax , & ebx , & ecx , & edx , & ebp , & esi , & edi , & eip ); outb ( EOI , MASTER_PIC_COMMAND ); }


The Timer
int int int int int int int int * eax , * ebx , * ecx , * edx , * ebp , * esi , * edi , * eip );

int timer_interrupt ( unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned unsigned



We make a spinner by putting the current spinner_char on the top right corner of the screen and then changing it to the next character in the sequence - \ | / each time timer is called.
char spinner_char = - ; int timer ( unsigned int * eax , unsigned int * ebx , unsigned int * ecx , unsigned int * edx , unsigned int * ebp , unsigned int * esi , unsigned int * edi , unsigned int * eip ) { switch ( spinner_char ) { case - : spinner_char = \\ ; break ; case \\ : spinner_char = | ; break ; case | : spinner_char = / ; break ;

case / : spinner_char = - ; break ;


} vga_putchar_at ( spinner_char , 79 , 0); }

Now you can install the timer interrupt by setting the proper interrupt number to this function. i.e. somewhere in main, interrupt_handlers[INTERRUPT_PIT] = (unsigned int)


The Keyboard

This le mostly denes a bunch of scancodes so that we can more easily reference the keys or check what kind of key they are. It also denes the port to read data from on a keyboard interrupt.
# define KEYBOARD_DATA 0 x60 # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define KEY_0 11 KEY_1 2 KEY_2 3 KEY_3 4 KEY_4 5 KEY_5 6 KEY_6 7 KEY_7 8 KEY_8 9 KEY_9 10 KEY_HYPHEN 12 KEY_EQUALS 13 KEY_BACKSPACE 14 KEY_TAB 15 KEY_q 16 KEY_w 17 KEY_e 18 KEY_r 19 KEY_t 20 KEY_y 21 KEY_u 22 KEY_i 23 KEY_o 24 KEY_p 25 K EY _ LE FT _ SQ U AR E_ B RA C KE T 26 K E Y _R I G H T_ S Q U AR E _ B RA C K E T 27 KEY_ENTER 28 KEY_a 30 KEY_s 31


# define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define KEY_d 32 KEY_f 33 KEY_g 34 KEY_h 35 KEY_j 36 KEY_k 37 KEY_l 38 KEY_SEMICOLON 39 KEY_SINGLE_QUOTE 40 KEY_BACK_QUOTE 41 KEY_BACKSLASH 43 KEY_z 44 KEY_x 45 KEY_c 46 KEY_v 47 KEY_b 48 KEY_n 49 KEY_m 50 KEY_COMMA 51 KEY_PERIOD 52 KEY_SLASH 53 KEY_ASTERISK 55 KEY_SPACE 57 KEY_MINUS 74 KEY_PLUS 78 KEY_NULL 0 KEY_ESCAPE 1 KEY_CONTROL 29 KEY_LSHIFT 42 KEY_RSHIFT 54 KEY_ALT 56 KEY_CAPS_LOCK 58 KEY_F1 59 KEY_F2 60 KEY_F3 61 KEY_F4 62 KEY_F5 63 KEY_F6 64 KEY_F7 65 KEY_F8 66 KEY_F9 67 KEY_F10 68 KEY_F11 87 KEY_F12 88 KEY_NUM_LOCK 69 KEY_SCROLL_LOCK 70 KEY_HOME 71 KEY_END 79 KEY_UP 72


# define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define # define KEY_DOWN 80 KEY_LEFT 75 KEY_RIGHT 77 KEY_PAGE_UP 73 KEY_PAGE_DOWN 81 KEY_INSERT 82 KEY_DELETE 83 KEY_UNDEFINED0 76 KEY_UNDEFINED1 84 KEY_UNDEFINED2 85 KEY_UNDEFINED3 86 KEY_UNDEFINED4 89 KEY_UNDEFINED5 90 KEY_UNDEFINED6 91 KEY_UNDEFINED7 92 KEY_UNDEFINED8 93 KEY_UNDEFINED9 94 KEY_UNDEFINED10 95 KEY_UNDEFINED11 96 KEY_UNDEFINED12 97 KEY_UNDEFINED13 98 KEY_UNDEFINED14 99 KEY_UNDEFINED15 100 KEY_UNDEFINED16 101 KEY_UNDEFINED17 102 KEY_UNDEFINED18 103 KEY_UNDEFINED19 104 KEY_UNDEFINED20 105 KEY_UNDEFINED21 106 KEY_UNDEFINED22 107 KEY_UNDEFINED23 108 KEY_UNDEFINED24 109 KEY_UNDEFINED25 110 KEY_UNDEFINED26 111 KEY_UNDEFINED27 112 KEY_UNDEFINED28 113 KEY_UNDEFINED29 114 KEY_UNDEFINED30 115 KEY_UNDEFINED31 116 KEY_UNDEFINED32 117 KEY_UNDEFINED33 118 KEY_UNDEFINED34 119 KEY_UNDEFINED35 120 KEY_UNDEFINED36 121 KEY_UNDEFINED37 122 KEY_UNDEFINED38 123 KEY_UNDEFINED39 124 KEY_UNDEFINED40 125 KEY_UNDEFINED41 126 KEY_UNDEFINED42 127




We also include the function prototypes of functions scancode_to_char and key_is_character.

char scancode_to_char ( unsigned char scancode ); int key_is_character ( unsigned char scancode );



Our keyboard interrupt gets the scancode from the keyboard data port, checks if the key was released or pressed, and if it was pressed, prints the corresponding character. The high bit is set on a key release. In that case, we just strip o the high bit so that later if we want to add to this function, we have the actual scancode. If the high bit isnt set and it was a press instead of a release, we convert from scancode to character and print the character.
int keyboard ( unsigned int * eax , unsigned int * ebx , unsigned int * ecx , unsigned int * edx , unsigned int * ebp , unsigned int * esi , unsigned int * edi , unsigned int * eip ) { unsigned char scancode = inb ( KEYBOARD_DATA ); if ( scancode & 0 x80 ) { scancode &= 0 x7F ; } else { if ( key_is_character ( scancode )) { char c = scancode_to_char ( scancode ); putchar ( c ); } } }

Unfortunately, there is no nice way to determine what the character is for a scancode or whether a scancode corresponds to a character. We make use of our denes from the include le:
char scancode_to_char ( unsigned char scancode ) {

switch ( scancode ) { case KEY_0 : return 0 ; break ; case KEY_1 : return 1 ; break ; ... case KEY_z : return z ; break ; case KEY_ENTER : return \ n ; break ; case KEY_SPACE : return ; break ; default : return ? ; break ; } }


You might also want to have the backspace scancode return 0x8 for the backspace character and have your putchar handle this character correctly. Again, making further use of our denes, we just return 1 for every scancode that has a character associated with it and return 0 otherwise.
int key_is_character ( unsigned char scancode ) { switch ( scancode ) { case KEY_0 : return 1; break ; case KEY_1 : return 1; break ; ... default : return 0; break ; } }





int main ( int argc , char * argv []) { cli (); vga_clear_screen (); if ( magic != 0 x2BADB002 ) { puts ( " Invalid Multiboot Magic " ); return 1; } init_gdt (); init_idt (); interrupt_handlers [ INTERRUPT_PIT ] = ( unsigned int ) timer ; interrupt_handlers [ INTERRUPT_KEYBOARD ] = ( unsigned int ) keyboard ; asm volatile ( " sti " ); }



You may now rebuild and test your kernel. You should see a spinner at the top-right corner of the screen.



Chapter 6

System Calls

User Mode
Jumping to User Mode


System Calls




Chapter 7

Memory Management
7.1 Page Tables

Paging provides a way to deal with multiple processes using the same RAM.

7.2.1 7.2.2

Include les
kheap.h paging.h

Page frames are 0x1000 or 4096 bytes long. init_paging is the function that main will call to enable paging.

7.3.1 7.3.2

Source Files
kheap.c paging.c

The control register cr3 holds the location of the page directory. So we load the page directory address into cr3. Then we read cr0, and set bit 31. This is the bit that determines whether paging is in eect. After setting this bit in our copy of cr0, we write cr0 back to the CPU to really enable paging.

7.3.3 7.3.4

main.c Test

When you compile and run this version, it should not appear any dierent than it was before. If you want to test that the page fault works, you may put a reference to a high address that is not mapped and try to print it. 47



printf ( " test page fault : % d \ n " , *(( unsigned int *)0 xA0000000 ));

Chapter 8

8.1 Tasks




Chapter 9

Grub Modules
9.1 9.2 Grub Modules ELF




Chapter 10

The C Library
I found it easiest and most useful to modify GCC in order to have a full crosscompiler. That way, we will be able to build packages that use the autotools by simply specifying which host to build for in the congure script. This is done by making a few modications to binutils and gcc, according to the article OS Specic Toolchain on OSDev.org [?]. I used newlib-1.18.0, released on December 17, 2009. You should use the version of binutils and gcc that are installed on your system so that you know you will be able to install any dependencies that GCC has. For example, GMP and MPFR are required by recent GCC releases, so if you use the version of GCC that is installed on your system, you should be able to install the development packages of GMP and MPFR without any issues and your cross GCC will link correctly to the libraries that are already installed. You can nd out what version of GCC is installed with the command
gcc -- version

You only need gcc-core if you are only using C. I used binutils-2.20.1, released on March 3, 2010. We install the cross tools in /usr/scratch.


# First accept the basic system types . # The portable systems comes first . # Each alternative MUST END IN A * , to match a version number . # - sysv * is not here because it comes later , after sysvr4 . - scratch * | - gnu * | - bsd * | - mach * | - minix * | - genix * | - ultrix * | - irix * \

In the basic system types, we add scratch to the list:






In the section that starts case "${targ}" in after the line # START OF targmatch.h, we add
i [3 -7]86 -* - scratch *) targ_defvec = bfd_elf32_i386_vec targ_selvecs = i386coff_vec ;;



In the section that starts case ${generic target} in, we add i386-*-scratch*) fmf=elf ;;.
case $ { generic_target } in i386 -* - scratch *) alpha -* -* vms *) fmt = elf ;; fmt = evax ;;



In the section that starts # Please try to keep this table in alphabetic order, we add an entry for scratch.
# Please try to keep this table in alphabetic order - it makes it # much easier to lookup a specific archictecture . Naturally any # architecture variants should be kept together even if their names # break the alpha sorting . case " $ { targ }" in i [3 -7]86 -* - scratch *) targ_emul = scratch_i386 ;; alpha * -* - freebsd * | alpha * -* - kfreebsd * - gnu ) targ_emul = elf64alpha_fbsd targ_extra_emuls =" elf64alpha alpha "


ld/emulparams/scratch i386.sh

For the script that denes some parameters for the emulation by copying the one for elf i386.
cp ld / emulparams / elf_i386 . sh ld / emulparams / scratch_i386 . sh



Here we add a Makefile rule that tells how to make a C le for our emulation like this:

10.2. GCC


escratch_i386 . c : $ ( srcdir )/ emulparams / scratch_i386 . sh \ $ ( ELF_DEPS ) $ ( srcdir )/ scripttempl / elf . sc $ { GEN_DEPENDS } $ { GENSCRIPTS } scratch_i386 " $ ( tdir_scratch_i386 ) "

Make sure that last line starts with a tab character rather than spaces.


# First accept the basic system types . # The portable systems comes first . # Each alternative MUST END IN A * , to match a version number . # - sysv * is not here because it comes later , after sysvr4 . - scratch * | - gnu * | - bsd * | - mach * | - minix * | - genix * | - ultrix * | - irix * \

In the basic system types, we add scratch to the list:



Where it says # Common parts for widely ported systems., we add a section for scratch to the target list:
case $ { target } in * -* - scratch *) extra_parts =" crtbegin . o crtend . o " gas = yes gnu_ld = yes d e fa ul t_u se _c xa _at ex it = yes ;;

Also add a section where it says # Support site-specific machine types.:

# Support site - specific machine types . i [3 -7]86 -* - scratch *) tm_file =" $ { tm_file } i386 / unix . h i386 / att . h dbxelf . h elfos . h i386 / i386elf . h scratch . h " tmake_file =" i386 /t - i386elf t - svr4 " use_fixproto = yes ;;



We create a header le which sets some stu in gcc for setting the default system name, etc.
# undef TA RG ET _OS _C PP _BU IL TI NS # define TA RG ET_ OS _C PP _BU IL TI NS () do \ \



\ builtin_define_std ( " scratch " ); \ builtin_define_std ( " unix " ); \ builtin_assert ( " system = scratch " ); \ } while (0); # undef TARGET_VERSION # define TARGET_VERSION fprintf ( stderr , " ( i386 scratch ) " );



In the section where it says # Support site-specific machine types., add a section for scratch: case ${ host } in # Support s i t e s p e c i f i c machine t y p e s . i [3 7]86 s c r a t c h ) ;; Make sure this is a tab character.



In the basic system types, we add scratch to the list:

# First accept the basic system types . # The portable systems comes first . # Each alternative MUST END IN A * , to match a version number . # - sysv * is not here because it comes later , after sysvr4 . - scratch * | - gnu * | - bsd * | - mach * | - minix * | - genix * | - ultrix * | - iri



Where it says # Get the source directories to use for the host. we add a section. Note that this is not the very similarly named section, # Get the source directories to use for the CPU type..
# # # # # Get the source directories to use to unix to get some standard Unix standard Posix routines . sys_dir including crt0 . THIS TABLE IS ALPHA SORTED . KEEP for the host . unix_dir is set routines . posix_dir is set to get some should supply system dependent routines IT THAT WAY .

case " $ { host }" in i [3 -7]86 -* - scratch *) sys_dir = scratch ;;

10.3. NEWLIB




Here we add a section to tell it to congure the directory scratch:

if test -n " $ { sys_dir }"; then case $ { sys_dir } in scratch ) AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS ( scratch ) ;;

Now we run autoconf in the newlib/libc/sys directory.

cd newlib / libc / sys autoconf



Now we create a directory specically for our kernel, including startup code, system call implementations, and the build system for it all. crt0.S This le will be linked when programs are built to run on our kernel.
.global _start .extern main .extern exit _start : call main call exit halt : jmp halt

.global exit_util exit_util : push % ebp mov % esp , % ebp # stack from ebp : (0) oldebp , (4) returnaddress , (8) n push % eax push % ebx mov 8(% ebp ) , % eax mov % eax , % ebx mov $0x1 , % eax int $0x80 pop % ebx pop % eax pop % ebp

ret .global write_util write_util : push % ebp mov % esp , % ebp


# stack from ebp : (0) oldebp , (4) returnaddress , (8) fd , (12) buf , (16) count push % eax push % ebx push % ecx push % edx mov 8(% ebp ) , % eax mov % eax , % ebx mov 12(% ebp ) , % eax mov % eax , % ecx mov 16(% ebp ) , % eax mov % eax , % edx mov $0x4 , % eax int $0x80 pop % edx pop % ecx pop % ebx pop % eax pop % ebp ret .global getpid_util getpid_util : mov $0x14 , % eax int $0x80 ret

# include # include # include # include # include # include # include < sys / stat .h > < sys / types .h > < sys / fcntl .h > < sys / times .h > < sys / errno .h > < sys / time .h > < stdio .h >

void _exit () { exit_util (0);

10.3. NEWLIB
} int close ( int file ) { } char ** environ ; int execve ( char * name , char ** argv , char ** env ) { } int fork () { } int fstat ( int file , struct stat * st ) { } int getpid () { return getpid_util (); } int isatty ( int file ) { } int kill ( int pid , int sig ) { } int link ( char * old , char * new ) { } int lseek ( int file , int ptr , int dir ) { }




int open ( const char * name , int flags , ...) { } int read ( int file , char * ptr , int len ) { } caddr_t sbrk ( int incr ) { } int stat ( const char * file , struct stat * st ) { } clock_t times ( struct tms * buf ) { } int unlink ( char * name ) { } int wait ( int * status ) { } int write ( int file , char * ptr , int len ) { write_util ( file , ptr , len ); return len ; } int gettimeofday ( struct timeval *p , void * z ) { }




AC_PREREQ (2.59) AC_INIT ([ newlib ] , [ NEWLIB_VERSION ]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR ([ crt0 . S ]) AC_ CONFIG_AUX_DIR (../../../..) NEWLIB_CONFIGURE (../../..) AC_CONFIG_FILES ([ Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT

AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = cygnus INCLUDES = $ ( NEWLIB_CFLAGS ) $ ( CROSS_CFLAGS ) $ ( TARGET_CFLAGS ) AM_CCASFLAGS = $ ( INCLUDES ) noinst_LIBRARIES = lib . a if MAY_SUPPLY_SYSCALLS extra_objs = $ ( lpfx ) syscalls . o $ ( lpfx ) syscalls - util . o else extra_objs = endif lib_a_SOURCES = lib_a_LIBADD = $ ( extra_objs ) E XT RA_lib_a_SOURCES = syscalls . c syscalls . S crt0 . S li b_a_DEPENDENCIES = $ ( extra_objs ) lib_a_CCASFLAGS = $ ( AM_CCASFLAGS ) lib_a_CFLAGS = $ ( AM_CFLAGS ) if MAY_SUPPLY_SYSCALLS all : crt0 . o endif ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I ../../.. C O N F I G _ S T A T U S _ D E P E N D E N C I E S = $ ( newlib_basedir )/ configure . host

Now we run autoreconf in the directory newlib/libc/sys/scratch.




We make a directory to build binutils in and then we enter it and congure for our kernel. Then we build.
mkdir build - binutils cd build - binutils



../ binutils -2.20.1/ configure -- target = i586 - pc - scratch -- prefix =/ usr / scratch make make install

Now add the directory to your path so that we can use the build tools we created:
export PATH = $PATH :/ usr / scratch / bin

We do similarly for gcc except that when conguring, we also disable native language support and enable C.

mkdir build - gcc cd build - gcc ../ gcc -4.4.1/ configure -- target = i586 - pc - scratch -- prefix =/ usr / scratch -- disable make make install

Now we build newlib:

mkdir build - newlib cd build - newlib ../ newlib -1.18.0/ configure -- target = i586 - pc - scratch -- prefix =/ usr / scratch make make install

Then since the congure script will run some tests and it needs crtbegin.o to work, lets create a blank one:
cd ~ touch crtbegin.S i586 - pc - scratch - as -o crtbegin.o crtbegin.S cp crtbegin.o / usr / scratch / i586 - pc - scratch / lib /

Appendix A

Tips for kernel development

A.1 Debugging

Write a function that displays the hex values of bytes at a particular address. Then use it to compare when you know things are working to a troublesome spot. For example, when dealing with paging, use it to see what the byte values are in a particular address (physical or virtual, depending on what mode you are in) and see if it is what you expect. Do this when still in physical mode on the physical address of the code so that you can compare.



objdump -d src / hello

will tell you what assembly code has been generated for this program.
objdump -x src / hello

will give you a list of program sections and

objdump -- help

to nd out more options.


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