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Linkages between Income Inequality,

International Remittances and Economic
Growth in Pakistan
Muhammad Shahbaz and Ijaz Ur Rehman and Nurul
Shahnaz Ahmad Mahdzan
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, University
of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, University of Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
3. March 2013
Online at
MPRA Paper No. 45577, posted 27. March 2013 05:12 UTC
Linkages between Income Inequality, International Remittances and Economic Growth in

Muhammad Shahbaz
Department of Management Sciences,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Defense Road, Off Raiwind Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +92-334-3664-657

Ijaz Ur Rehman
Department of Finance and Banking
Faculty of Business and Accountancy
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +603 (0) 146179742

Nurul Shahnaz Ahmad Mahdzan
Faculty of Business and Accountancy
Department of Finance and Banking
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +603 - 7967 3958

This paper explores the dynamic linkages between income inequality, international remittances
and economic growth using time series data over the period of 1976-2006 in case of Pakistan. The
cointegration analysis based on the bounds test confirms the existence of a long-run relationship
between income inequality, international remittances and economic growth. Our results reveal
that income inequality and international remittances enhance economic growth. The causality
analysis based on innovative accounting approach shows bidirectional causality between income
inequality and economic growth and same is true for international remittances and income
inequality. International remittances are cause of economic growth but not vice versa.

Although we find support for Kuznets hypothesis but Pakistan is yet to benefit, in terms of
reducing the gaps of income inequality, from the international flow of remittances and economic
growth. The paper argues that, from a policy perspective, there is an urgent need for policy
makers in Pakistan to reduce the widening gap of income inequality by focusing on income
redistribution policies and to go beyond the traditional factors in balancing income inequality.
JEL Classification Numbers: O11, O15, D13
Key Words: Income Inequality, International Remittances, Economic Growth

I. Introduction
In this era of globalization and with the labor mobilization, the link between income inequality,
international remittance and economic growth has been a major issue of concern among policy
makers and development economists. Despite having better economic growth, poverty and the
gap between the rich and poor still prevail (Easterly, 2001) not only in the less developed
countries but also in the developed world (Gaston and Rajaguru, 2009). Although multiple factors
are likely to impact income inequality, the globalization process continues to receive increasing
attention (Gaston and Rajaguru, 2009; Dreher et al. 2008). The proponents of globalization
perceive the stage of economic development and international mobility of worker force (labor
markets) as one of the most important channels influencing income inequality (Yabuuchi and
Chaudhuri, 2007). However, a more recent concern has been the limited evidence on the analysis
of the impact of economic development and international remittance on income inequality from a
single country.

International remittances
inflows are a key and stable source of foreign capital and revenue in
developing economies that reduces the dependence on external factors like foreign loans and aids.
In literature, the relationship between foreign migrants remittances and income inequality is
scarce and incongruous. Some empirical evidences showed that international remittances have
positive impact on income inequality (Milanovic, 1987; Stark et al. 1988; Taylor, 1992; Taylor
and Wyatt, 1996; Adams, 1989; Rodriguez, 1998; Lerman and Feldman, 1998; Adger, 1999)
while others argued that international remittances actually decreases the income inequality
(Barham and Boucher, 1998; Ahlburg, 1996; Handa and King, 1997). In contrast, Knowles and
Anker, (1981) found lack of support on the linkage between international remittance and income
distribution. Adams, (1992) found no significant impact of international remittances on rural
income distribution in case of Pakistan. Despite the fact that a wide strand of economic research
has investigated the effects of international remittances on income inequality but the results
remain inconclusive. Likewise, there are also considerable studies examining the effects of
economic growth on income inequality (Bahmani-Oskooee et al. 2008; Meschi and Vivarelli,
2009; Roine et al. 2009; Shahbaz, 2010). In theory, better economic growth contributes to
declining income inequality. As such globalization is seen as a catalyst to promote economic
growth that will eventually equalize income inequality. This has also interested scholars to
examine the Kuznets hypothesis, the inverted U-shaped hypothesis. Kuznets (1955) describes that
per capita income, at first, may increase income inequality and subsequently further income
increase to reduce the level of income inequality. However, at the macro level, studies examining
the Kuznets hypothesis are limited although there have been considerable developments in
estimating procedures to analyze its impact.

The main goal of this paper is to examine the dynamic relationship between international
remittance, economic growth and income inequality using time series data. In this context, we
further extend and advance the literature on income inequality in a number of important ways.
First, we contribute to understand the dynamic link between the variables by mitigating some of
the methodological problems of the previous studies. Although previous studies provide valuable
insights on the relationship between the variables, these studies suffer some limitations. One
common limitation is the assumption that causality runs from one direction and lack of serious
attempts to investigate the dynamic interrelationship between the variables. Indeed, Bnabou,
(2005) is of the opinion that controversy results exist in the literature due to the problem of
endogeneity of income inequality in economic growth regressions. Majority of the scholars takes
the Kuznets view that economic growth influence income inequality, while others examines the
effects of income inequality on economic growth. In many of these studies, less attention is given
to the problem of endogeneity
as well as the direction of causality. In this paper, we attempt to
investigate the neglected issues by examining the dynamic link between income inequality,
international remittances and economic growth. We used a more robust estimation bounds test
and the ARDL technique (Pesaran et al. 2001) to mitigate the problem of endogeneity. The
problem of serious multicollinearity involving income inequality, international remittances and
economic growth can be mitigated as the ARDL is known to yield consistent long-run estimates
even when the right hand side variables are endogenous (Inder, 1993). Pesaran and Shin, (1999)
proved that it is possible to correct for serial correlation in residuals and the problem of
endogenous regressors using appropriate order of the ARDL model. Indeed, the problem of
multicollinearity is further examined using the correlation matrices and the variance inflation
factors (VIF). Similarly, the direction of causality is further examined using innovative
accounting approach (IAA)
. We believe that by unpacking the complex relationship between the
variables, we will be able to provide some additional insights and help establish some answers to
the fundamental question of whether and how international remittance, income inequality and
economic growth relate to each other.

Second, our contribution lies in that the analysis is country specific. At the macro level, the
availability of limited long span of time series data prevents individual country analysis, allowing
scholars (Deininger and Squire, 1998; Anand and Kanbur, 1993; Ram, 1998; Ravallion, 2001;
Adams and Page, 2005; Koechlin and Len, 2007; Meschi and Vivarelli, 2009; Roine et al. 2009)
to only use panel and cross-sectional estimation methods
. However, studies using homogeneous
panel estimators produce inconsistent and misleading estimates of the average values of the
parameters in dynamic models (Herzer and Vollmer, 2012). Similarly, the cross-country results
failed to address the issues of how changes in income inequality of a country effect economic
growth within the same country (Forbes, 2000). Since the impact of income inequality and
international remittances on economic growth could differ, depending on the complexity of
economic environment and histories (e.g. stage of development) of a country (Bahmani-Oskooee
et al. 2008; Qureshi and Wan, 2008), the panel approach may only be able to provide a general
policy implication that may not be suitable to form a specific policy lessons for certain countries
Moreover, due to data comparability problems on income inequality between countries, the panel
estimate may lead to biasness (Knowles, 2001; Ravallion, 2001). Sotomayor, (2004) argued that
results inconsistency were due to data comparability problems and the use of cross-sectional
analysis. In a similar vein, Adams (2004) strongly proposed the need to understand impact of
income inequality and international remittances on economic growth within a country using time-
series data due to the limits of cross-country studies. In this aspect, studies quantifying the
linkages between income inequality, international remittance and economic growth are scarce and
limited (Qureshi and Wan, 2008) except for the evidence of cross-country analysis. As such,
empirical studies relying on cross-country panel data analysis showed mixed results. The
preferred country specific analysis of this paper provides more country specific policy
implications. And, with the bounds test and availability of critical values for 30 sample size,
robust estimation is still possible for countries that have short span of time series data (Mah,
2000; Narayan, 2005). Hence, interference drawn from this paper provides general understanding
and guidance for policy formulation specifically for Pakistan. Past studies also ignored the issues
of data stationary and long-run cointegration. Granger and Newbold, (1974) and Phillips, (1986)
showed that series need to induce stationary process for the estimation to be reliable and unbiased
so as to avoid spurious regression. Similarly; Engle and Granger, (1987) and Toda and Phillips,
(1993) have shown that ignoring the existence of cointegration in the series could have led to
serious model mis-specifications. In this paper we tested for data stationary and cointegration
(accommodating structural breaks stemming in the variables) prior to testing the impact of income
inequality and international remittance on economic growth, thus avoiding the spurious regression
problems. In addition, in this paper, the issues of endogeneity in the model were examined
resulting in more reliable estimates than the previous studies (Bahmani-Oskooee et al. 2008) that
have ignored this issue. The paper also complements and reassessed evidence of the limited micro
and macro level studies in case of Pakistan. Furthermore, since reducing income inequality is
important for any poverty reduction efforts (Bruno et al. 1998), understanding the link between
income inequality, international remittance and economic growth is vital.

We find from above discussion that all the above studies ignored the role of structural breaks
stemming in the series. These breaks are outcomes of implementing the economic, social and
trade policies such as economic, trade reforms and structural adjustment program especially in
case of Pakistan. The appropriate information about the outcome (by pointing out break year) of
economic policy would be help for policy makers in designing a comprehensive economic, social
and trade policy to sustain economic growth and improve income distribution. This is a rational
for researchers to investigate the linkages between income inequality, international remittances
and economic growth in case of Pakistan. Our findings show that income inequality and
international remittances stimulate economic growth. The feedback hypothesis is confirmed
between income inequality and economic growth and, international remittances and income
inequality. The unidirectional causality exists from economic growth to international remittances.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section-II discusses the issues of income inequality
and international remittance in the context of Pakistan. Section-III reviews the existing literature
on international remittance, income inequality and economic growth. Section-IV describes the
data, model, estimation procedures and the methodology. Section-V reports the empirical results
while section-VI presents the policy implications and conclusions.

II. Remittances, Economic Growth and Inequality in Pakistan
Pakistan recorded an impressive economic growth since the 1951 recession especially during the
1980s. The average real GDP growth rates were 4.8% and 6.5% in 1970s and 1980s respectively.
In the 1990s, the growth rate subsequently fell to 4.6% with significant lower growth rates during
the second half of that decade (see Table-1). In general, it is expected that high rates of economic
growth have played an important role in reducing poverty during the 1970s and 80s. However, as
shown in Table-1, poverty reduction was not accompanied by improvements in the overall trend
of income inequality (measured by Gini-coefficient). There is a general consensus that poverty in
Pakistan has increased in the 1990s along with income distribution (measured by Gini-coefficient)
deteriorating over the years. On average, income distribution has worsened over the last half
decade from 34.5 in 1971-72 to 42 in 2001-02 (see Table-1). In respect to income distribution by
income category (share of household income lowest 20%; Middle 60% and Highest 20%), it
indicates that income distribution of share of the lowest 20% households has declined from 7.9 to
7.0 in 1972 and 2002 respectively. The same trend is observed for the middle income households.
However, the share of the highest 20% household income the trend increases. Likewise, the ratio
of highest 20% to lowest 20% (also known as Kuznets Ratio) shows increasing disparity between
the two groups.

Table-1: Income Distribution in Pakistan, 1971-2002

Share of
Ratio of
20% to
1971-72 34.5 7.9 49.1 43.0 5.4 2.3
1979-80 37.3 7.4 47.6 45.0 6.1 5.5
1984-85 36.9 7.3 47.7 45.0 6.2 8.7
1985-86 35.5 7.6 48.4 44.0 5.8 6.4
1986-87 34.6 7.9 48.5 43.6 5.5 5.8
1987-88 34.8 8.8 45.3 43.7 5.0 6.4
1990-91 40.7 5.7 45.0 49.3 8.6 5.6
1992-93 41.0 6.2 45.6 48.2 7.8 2.3
1993-94 40.0 6.5 46.3 47.2 7.3 4.5
1996-97 40.0 7.0 43.6 49.4 7.1 1.9
1998-99 41.0 7.8 48.9 42.3 5.4 4.2
2001-02 42.0 7.0 44.4 47.6 6.8 3.6
Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics (2003-04)

Social and development economics often viewed international remittances in the context of the
migration-development nexus where the main arguments lie on poverty-reduction dimensions of
remittances (Datta et al. 2007). However, the biggest concern is on the misplaced link between
international remittances and income inequality in the sense that benefits of international
remittances rarely involves all segments of society. Identifying whether there is any misplaced
links require a time series analysis over a substantially period of time for a specific country that
has important consequences to the development policy. Since 2000, on average, international
remittance to developing countries increased by 16% while regions like Latin America, the
Caribbean, East Asia and Pacific recorded growth greater than the average for developing
countries (Gupta et al. 2009). In the year 2005, among the South Asia countries, Pakistan stands
out as the second largest (in par with Bangladesh) recipient of remittance after India with a
remittance inflow of 4.3 billion dollars (see Figure-1). This amount is about 1.65 percent of the
share of total world remittances. In addition, the amount is expected to be greater if the informal
channels were considered. Historical trends indicate that foreign remittances started to increase
from the late seventies and peaked in 1983 that was about 10 percent of GDP (see Figure-2). This
influx of foreign worker remittances helped to finance 96.6 % of trade deficit and 84.8 % of
current account balance (Siddiqui and Kemal, 2006). Beginning 1983, the trend seems to slow
down with lower remittance inflows until 2002, after which the inflow rose rapidly. Although, the
overall trend of GDP growth and remittance inflows shows an increasing trend, the overall
income distribution remained high. This may indicate that economic growth and international
remittance may have benefited certain groups of the population leading to a higher income

Figure-1: Top 20 Remittance-recipient Countries, 2005 (Billions, USD).

Source: World Bank, 2007

Figure-2: Flow of International Remittance, Pakistan, 1976-2005.

Source: World Bank, 2007

III. Literature Review
III.I International Remittances and Income Inequality
Lipton, (1980) in his pioneer work viewed that migrants remittances generate negative
externalities which is responsible for an increase in income inequality. It is viewed that
remittances have undesirable impacts because migrants remittances are either very small or go
disproportionately to those who are better off. In case of Egypt and Philippines, respectively;
Adams, (1991) and Rodriquez, (1998) showed that international remittances tend to have a
positive impact on income inequality. Similarly, Lerman and Feldman, (1998) found that
international remittances tend to increase income inequality. A study by Stark et al. (1986), found
that the distributional impacts of international remittances depended on migration history. They
found that initially remittances worsen income inequality as only the richest household had the
opportunity and information to migrate. Once the cost and information becomes cheaper and
widely available, international remittance is likely to have a reducing impact on income
inequality. This supports the inverse U-shaped relationship between international remittance and
income inequality.

Among others, Acosta et al. (2006) showed that international remittances do reduce income
inequality although in a smaller magnitude-in case of Latin America and Caribbean. Stark et al.
(1986), Stark et al. (1988) and Taylor, (1992) observed that international remittances reduce
income inequality when international remittances are viewed as an exogenous source of income.
Nguyen, (2008) applied fixed effect regression to examine the impact of international remittances
on income inequality. The empirical exercise indicated that international remittances have
improved income and consumption of remittances-receiving households in Vietnam but overall
income inequality is increased. Ebeke and Goff, (2009) investigated the relationship between
international remittances and income distribution using the data of 80 developing countries over
the period of 1970-2000. They pointed out that international remittances improve income
distribution in countries where the cost of passport and detachment is low as well as less skilled
labour is abundant. Giannetti et al. (2009) visited the impact of international remittances on
income distribution using data of Slovenia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Their
findings unveiled that international remittances reduce income inequality and hence reduce
poverty. Waheed and Shittu, (2012) examined the impact international (domestic) remittances on
income distribution using data of Nigerian economy. They found that international remittance
lower income inequality but domestic remittances improve income distribution due to education
enhancing-effect. Acharya and Leon-Gonzalez, (2012) investigated the relationship between
international remittances and income inequality in Nepal conducting panel of living standard
measurement survey (LSMS). Their findings revealed that international remittances reduce
poverty but worsens income distribution.

Similarly; Ahlburg, (1996) also supported that international remittances have reducing effects on
income inequality. Other studies (Oberai and Singh, 1980; Stark and Levhari, 1982; Lucas, 1987)
found that the marginal impacts of international remittances on household incomes to be greater
than unitary. Docquier et al. (2007) developed a dynamic migration model to investigate the
impact of international remittances on income distribution. Their findings suggested that income
inequality to be monotonically reducing, along with the history of migration. Short and long-run
impacts on income inequality may be of opposite signs indicating a dynamic relationship between
international remittances and income inequality in an inverted U-shaped pattern. Koechlin and
Leon, (2007) provided support that at the initial stages of migration history international
remittances increase inequality. As the opportunity cost of migration lowers, international
remittances sent to those households reduce income inequality. This is a clear indication of an
inverted U-shaped relationship between international remittances and income inequality.

Based on the discussions above, past studies highlighted two important issues. Firstly, the
evidence on the effects of international remittances on income inequality remains ambiguous and
inconclusive. Secondly, besides theories suggesting the direct relationship between international
remittance and income inequality, the evidence also indicated an inverted U-shaped relationship.
However, at the macro level, only few studies examined the relationship between international
remittances and income inequality (Adams and Page, 2005; Acosta et al. 2008) and only limited
evidence is available on the inverted U-shaped relationship. It is clear that it is imperative to
explore both the relationships to provide informed insights for national and international policy
purposes. Therefore, this paper tends to fill the existing gaps in the literature in case of Pakistan.

III.II Economic Growth and Income Inequality
Two competing theories exist in explaining the direction of influence between economic growth
and income inequality. One view is the effect of income inequality on economic growth
can be either negative or positive. However, large number of studies tends to support the notion
that income inequality has negative effects on economic growth (see Benabou, 1996; Forbes,
2000). The argument lies in that higher income inequality may not allow the poor to carry out
more efficient investment that would otherwise have increased economic growth. In other words,
for a more efficient allocation of investment, equality is a requirement. Similarly, if higher
income inequality leads to rent-seeking behavior by the rich, resources devoted to those rent-
seeking activities would have lower economic growth that otherwise could have invested to
capital investment (Rodriquez, 1999). Hsing, (2005) examined the relationship between income
inequality and economic growth by incorporating investment and human capital in economic
growth function in case of US. The empirical results showed that income inequality retards
economic growth while investment and human capital stimulate it. Likewise; Jong, (2010)
conducted a study to probe the effect of income inequality on economic growth using data set of
Forbes, (2000) by applying dynamic panel technique such as system GMM to lessen endogenous
problem and cross-sectional analysis. The empirical showed that long term economic growth is
inversely affected by income inequality. In short to medium term, income inequality affects
economic growth but impact is uncertain and same is true from sub-group analysis. Later on,
Herzer and Vollmers (2012) study on 46 countries using a panel cointegration analysis found
that, on average, income inequality has a negative long-run influence on economic growth. They
also found that the effect of income inequality on per-capita income to be about half as large as
the effect of an increase in investment. Apart from that Castell-Climent, (2010) investigated the
impact of income and human inequality on economic growth by applying GMM approach on the
data of advanced countries. The empirical results revealed that income inequality leads human
capital inequality that in turn retards economic growth. This reveals that income inequality and
human capital inequality inversely affect economic growth. Similarly; Binatli, (2012) probed the
relationship between income inequality and per capita income over the periods of 19701985 and
19851999 respectively. The results are ambiguous showing positive impact of income inequality
on economic growth in nineties and negative affect of income inequality is seventies. Likewise;
Zouheir and Imen, (2012) examined the nexus between income inequality and economic growth
using data of North African countries such as Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt by applying panel
regression. They reported that high income inequality is harmful for economic growth but trade
openness and, physical and human capital investment enhance economic growth and hence in
resulting poverty is recued.

In contrast, based on the post-Keynesian literature, some authors argue that income inequality
have a positive effect on economic growth. This theory assumes that higher income inequality to
increases the incentives for the rich to generate additional income causing greater economic
growth. The view is that resource transfer from workers to capitalist would raise the saving rate
and therefore economic growth. It is postulated that income inequality to increase incomes of the
rich whose marginal propensity to save is the highest (Malinen, 2010). Studies supporting the
positive effect of income inequality on economic growth include Forbes, (1997) and Li and Zou,
(1998). Similarly; Barro, (1999) suggested that income inequality to have positive effects for high
level income but negative for low income per capita. In other words, the effect of income
inequality on economic growth in developed countries can be positive while for developing
countries the effect seems to be negative. Likewise, a study by Galor and Moav, (2004) and
Chambers and Krause, (2010) on the long run impact of income inequality on economic growth
development suggest that inequality stimulates economic growth at the early stage of
development. Frank, (2008) using a new comprehensive panel of annual state-level income
inequality measures over the period of 1945-2004 probed the relationship between income
inequality and economic growth. The empirical evidence exposed positive effect of income
inequality on economic growth but concentration of income is linked to upper segment of
. Hasanov and Izraeli, (2011) reinvestigated the relationship between income
distribution and economic growth using data of U.S. states. Their empirical evidence found
inverted U-shaped relationship between income inequality and economic growth. Further, they
unveiled that economic growth is declined by lowering or increasing income inequality. Pede et
al. (2012) visited the inequality-growth nexus over the period of 1991-2000 in case of Philippines
using Thiel index as measure of income inequality. They found that income inequality has
positive impact on economic growth although relationship varies i.e. 0.72-3.36 across the regions
implying that provincial economic growth seems to contribute to income inequality.

Another view is on the effect of economic growth on income inequality. Majority of the studies,
as Kuznets hypothesis suggests, view that changes in inequality may be a consequence of
economic growth. This relationship has also been extensively studied in the literature at the micro
and macro level. Conversely, these studies have also arrived at mixed results. Adams, (2004)
examined the effects of economic growth on income inequality using two different measures of
income namely per capita GDP and the survey mean income consumption for 60 developing
countries. The results suggested that per capita GDP decreases income inequality for the full
sample but not when Eastern Europe and Central Asia were excluded from the sample. However,
the survey mean income as a proxy for income level does not show any significant impact on
income inequality. The study concludes that there is no tendency for income to increase inequality
in the sample. Meschi and Vivarelli, (2009); using a dynamic specifications, examined the
relationship between trade openness and income inequality in 65 developing countries over the
19801999 period. As one of the explanatory variables, GDP and GDP square were used to
capture the effects of income and Kuznets hypothesis, respectively. Their study indicated that
both the variables were insignificant in influencing income inequality. Roine et al. (2009) to
examine the long-run determinants of income inequality, conducted in a similar study. The study
suggested that GDP increases income inequality in the sample countries. Likewise, Manasse and
Turrini, (2001) argued that economic growth increases the disparity among elites. In addition,
studies also focus on testing the validity of the Kuznets hypothesis, which postulates that the
relationship between economic growth and income inequality takes an inverted-U curve. This is
known as inverted-U hypothesis. However, the results produce mixed evidences. Bahmani-
Oskooee and Gelan, (2008) found support for the inverted Kuznets effects in case of US.
However, increased income may not necessarily or always follow the Kuznets inverted U-curve
effects. Bahmani-Oskooee et al. (2008) showed that the effects are country specific and in some
countries the effect is an un-inverted U-shaped. Among others, studies by Anand and Kanbur,
(1993); Deininger and Squire, (1998) and Matyas et al. (1998) did not find support of the
hypothesis. In case of Pakistan; Shahbaz, (2010) investigated the impact of economic growth on
income inequality including other determinants of income inequality such as urbanisation,
unemployment, human development and foreign direct investment. The empirical exercise
exposed that urbanisation improves income distribution while unemployment, human
development and foreign direct investment worsen income inequality. The relationship between
economic growth and income inequality is inverted U-shaped and later on inverted S-effect also

IV. Model Specification, Data and Methodology
The above argument provides the theoretical guide on the relationship between income inequality,
international remittances and economic growth. Therefore, in this paper, we model economic
growth as a log-linear function of income inequality and international remittances. The model
includes income inequality as interest variable of present paper and international remittances as a
control variable since bivariate models are subject to omitted variable biasness
(Yuan et al.
2008). International remittance is considered as the exogenous source of income that promotes
economic growth as well ass impacts income distribution (Shahbaz and Rahman, 2012). This
approach is consistent in examining the impact of income inequality on economic growth
(Chambers and Krause, 2010). The model also allows us to estimate impact of international
remittances by considering other sources of economic growth remaining constant. The model
specification follows that of Herzer and Vollmer, (2012); Binatli, (2012); Hasanov, F., Izraeli,
(2011) and Castell-Climents (2010) log-linear model specification. The relationship can be
modeled as:

t t i t i t
InR c InI b a InY + + + =


InY ,
InI and
InR measure the natural logarithm of real per capita income as a measure
of economic growth, income inequality proxied by Gini-coefficient and real international per
capita remittances, respectively. Except for income inequality, all the data (including population
and GDP deflator-1990 as base year) for this paper comes from World Development Indicators
(CD-ROM, 2011). Data on income inequality (Gini-coefficient) is obtained from various issues of
the Economic Survey of Pakistan. Since remittance can be part of GDP and can pose a problem of
double counting, we use GDP after subtracting remittance value. This paper covers for the period
. In theory, income inequality can affect economic growth either positive or negative.
We expect
b >0 or
b <0. Similarly, international remittances promote economic growth and we
c >0.
The estimation procedures involve three steps. First, three different unit root test namely
augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF), Phillip-Perron (PP) and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin
(KPSS) is applied to examine the data stationary. Literature reveals that ADF and PP test are
having low power especially for small sample sizes, shifting the focus on the use of KPSS. To
avoid problem of structural break, we have applied Clemente et al. (1998) with single and two
structural breaks arising in the series. Clemente et al. (1998) augmented the statistics of Perron
and Volgelsang, (1992) to the case two structural breaks in the mean. Therefore, we hypothesize

t t t t t
DTB a DTB a x x H + + + =
2 2 1 1 1 0


t t t t a
DU b DU b u x H + + + =
2 2 1 1



denotes the pulse variable equal to one if 1
t TB = + and zero otherwise. Moreover,
1 =
DU if ) 2 , 1 ( = < i t TB
and zero otherwise.
is error term assumed to be normally
distributed. Modified mean is represented by
TB and
TB time periods when the mean is being
modified. Further, it is simplified with assumption that ) 2 , 1 ( = = i T TB
i i
where 0 1 > >
2 1
< (see Clemente et al. 1998). If innovative outlier contains two structural breaks, then unit
root hypothesis can be tested by estimating the following equation-4:

t j t t t t t t
x c DU d DU d TB a TB d x u x


+ A + + + + + + =
1 2 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 1


From this equation, we can estimate the minimum value of t-ratio through simulations. The value
of simulated t-ratio can be used for testing if the value of autoregressive parameter is constrained
to 1 for all break points. To derive the asymptotic distribution of said statistics, it is assumed that
1 2
> > ,
0 2
1 1 > > .
obtain the values in interval i.e. ] / ) 1 ( , / ) 2 [( T T T t + by
appointing largest window size. Additionally, assuming 1
2 1
+ < help us to eliminate cases
where break points exist in repeated periods (see Clemente et al. 1998). Two steps approach is
used to test unit root hypothesis, if shifts are in better position to explain additive outliers. In first
step, we exclude deterministic part of the variable by following equation-5 for estimation:

x DU d DU d u x
t t t

+ + + =
2 6 1 5


The second step is related to search the minimum t-ratio by a test to test the hypothesis that 1 = :

= =


+ A + + + =
t t i t t i
t i t
x c x TB TB x
1 1
1 1 1 2 2
1 1 1


We have included the dummy variable
DTB in the estimated equation so as to make sure that
) , ( min
2 1

t congregates i.e. converges to distribution:

1 2 1
2 1
)] ( [
inf ) , ( min

. =


Once the order of integration is determined, the second stage involves testing for the existence of
cointegration between the series in a multivariate framework in the presence of structural breaks.
For this purpose, we adopt the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds test (Pesaran et al.
2001) to test the existence of long-run relationship between income inequality, international
remittances and economic growth. The Bounds test has several advantages over the widely used
cointegration test (e.g. Johansen cointegration test). First, the ARDL bounds test is more robust
for small sample studies and availability of critical values for sample size 30 (Narayan, 2005)
contributes to the popularity of the method. Second, the method does not require the order of
integration to be similar like other cointegration approaches such as Johansen-Juselius or Engle-
Granger approach. Third, Pesaran et al. (2001) argued that, based on Monte Carlo results, this
procedure is robust even with the presence of endogenous regressors in the model, irrespective of
whether the regressors are I(1) or I(0). The bounds test involves the testing of an unrestricted
error-correction model (UECM) using
Y ,
I and
R which are given by:

t t F t F t F
i t
i t iF
i t iF F t
InR e InI e InY e
InR d InI c InY b DUM t a InY

+ + + +
A + A + A + + + = A

= =


1 3 1 2 1 1
0 0 1


t t G t G t G
i t
i t iG
i t iG G t
InY e InR e InI e
InY d InR c InI b DUM t a InI

+ + + +
A + A + A + + + + = A

= =


1 3 1 2 1 1
0 0 1


t t X t X t X
i t
i t iX
i t iX X t
InGI e InY e InR e
InI d InY c InR b DUM t a InR

+ + + +
A + A + A + + + = A

= =


1 3 1 2 1 1
1 0 1


where Ais the first difference operator. In the model, b, c and d captures the short-run dynamics
while the es captures the long-run effects and DUM is dummy variable to capture the structural
break stemming in the series
. In order to test the absence of a long run relationship in equation
(8), we restrict the coefficient (using F-test or Wald test) of e
, e
and e
to be zero (H
: e
= e

0) against the alternative hypothesis that at least one is not equal to zero. This is
denoted as F
(Y|I, R).Similarly, for equation (3) and (4) we test the null hypothesis for no
cointegration as (H
: e
= e
= e
=0) and (H
=0), respectively. This is denoted as
(I|Y, R) and F
(R|Y, I). The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are non-standard
regardless of whether the variables are I(0) or I(1). For this purpose, we used Narayans (2005)
computed sets of asymptotic critical values. The first set of asymptotic critical values assume
variables to be I(0) and the other as I(1) which is known as lower bounds (LCB) and upper
bounds critical values (UCB), respectively
. If the computed F-statistic is more than UCB, we
can than reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration and vice versa. The results are inconclusive
if calculated F-statistic is between upper and lower critical bounds. Since the selection of lags is
important, we relied on the Schwarz Bayesian Criterion (SBC) to select the optimal lag length.
Additionally, to ensure that the model satisfy all assumption of regression, a series of diagnostic
tests namely Lagrange multiplier (LM) test for serial autocorrelation in the presence of lagged
variables, Ramsey/RESET test for functional form, Bera-Jarque for residuals normality and
Heteroscedasticity test based on the regression of squared residuals on squared fitted values are
performed. The CUSUM and CUSUMSQ test is applied to examine the model stability.

IV.I Sensitivity Analysis
Theoretical findings suggest that income inequality affects economic growth and, to an equal
extent, economic growth may affect inequality. Hence, both income inequality and economic
growth are endogenous and placing either variable on the right hand side violates the exogeneity
assumptions. We tackle this issue by carefully specifying an ARDL model with an appropriate lag
structure. Pesaran et al. (2000) proved that it is sufficient to simultaneously correct for the
residual serial correlation and the endogenous regressors problem using appropriate orders of the
ARDL model. The single equation approach of the ARDL also allows us to check the robustness
of the estimates. When we use the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model on a system of variables,
we were also able to mitigate the problem because in VAR no such conditional factorisation is
made a priori. Instead, variables can be tested for exogeneity later, and restricted to be exogenous
then. These considerations motivate our choice of the ARDL and VAR model for studying the
interdependencies between income inequality, international remittances and economic growth.

We conduct several sensitivity analyses to tackle the problem of endogeneity. First, we set up
three simultaneous equations by treating each variable as endogenous variable. This allows us to
identify whether desired changes in their values take place. In doing so, we also vary the lag
length of our regression. We also rerun the equations by omitting the income inequality and
economic growth, separately, to check the robustness of the regression. This is equivalent to
performing reduced form of the equation by expressing each endogenous variable as a function of
only the predetermined variables. In all cases, we can only detect significant relationship when
economic growth serves as the dependent variable. In other words, in long run, international
remittance and income inequality tend to influence economic growth.

Second, the Granger-causality testing methodology seems to be one of an ideal tool to examine
the influence of each variable empirically. For the context of this paper this means that if after
lagged economic growth and contemporaneous income inequality are controlled for Granger-
causality running from lagged inequality to GDP growth is found to be significantly positive, then
this is evidence in favour of income inequality acting as an endogenous variable. If, however,
negative Granger-causality in the medium run and no Granger causality in the long run are found,
then this speaks in favour of income inequality being exogenous. Since our Granger causality is
performed in a multivariate setting, spurious causality can also arise, when the third variable is
introduced in the model. For this purpose, we conclude that no causality found in multivariate
setting only when there is also no causality in a bivariate setting. This again allows us to check the
robustness of our results.

IV.II Innovative Accounting Approach
Although cointegration test is able to identify the long-run forcing variables of economic growth,
the direction of causality will be less clear at this stage. In other words, cointegration does not
provide indication about the causality of series interdependencies, which however is an essential
enquiry in our study. The evidence of cointegration is only a necessary but not sufficient
condition for rejecting Granger non-causality. Therefore, the presence of cointegrating among the
variables leads us to perform the Granger causality test. If the series are cointegrated, the causality
testing should be based on a Vector Error-Correction Model (ECM) rather than on an unrestricted
VAR model (Johansen, 1988; Johansen and Juselius, 1990). Nonetheless, the Granger causality
tests do not determine the relative strength of causality effects beyond the selected time span
(Shahbaz et al. 2012). Due to the limitation of the VECM Granger causality test, we include
innovative accounting approach (IAA) to investigate the dynamic causal relationships among
income inequality, international remittances and economic growth. The uniqueness of the IAA is
that it avoids the problem of endogeneity and integration of the series. This approach has an
advantage compared to the VECM Granger causality test because the latter only shows a causal
relationship between the variables within the sample period while the former illustrates the extent
of causal relationship ahead the selected sample period. The IAA includes forecast error variance
decomposition and impulse response function. This procedure decomposes forecast error variance
for each series following a standard deviation shock to a specific variable and enables us to test
which series is strongly impacted and vice versa.

For instance, if a shock in income inequality has significant effects of economic growth but a
shock occurring in economic growth only affect very minimum the variations of income
inequality. Then, this is inferred as a unidirectional causality runs from income inequality to
economic growth. If economic growth explains more of the forecast error variance of income
inequality; then we deduce that economic growth causes income inequality. The bidirectional
causality exists when shocks in income inequality and economic growth have a strong impact on
the variability of income inequality and economic growth respectively. If shocks occur in both
series do not have any impact on the economic growth and income inequality then there is no
causality between the variables. Impulse response function helps us to trace out the time path of
the impacts of shocks of variables in the VAR. One can determine how much income inequality
responses due to its own shock and shock in economic growth. We support the hypothesis that
economic growth causes income inequality of the impulse response function indicates significant
response of income inequality to shocks in economic growth than other variables. A strong and
significant reaction of income inequality to shocks in economic growth implies that income
inequality causes economic growth. This study incorporates income inequality, international
remittances and economic growth to examine the relationship between economic growth and its
determinants in the VAR model. A VAR system takes the following form (Shan, 2005):

t i t
i t
V V + =



where, ) , , (
t t t t
R I Y V = and ) , , (
R I Y t

are the estimated coefficients and is a vector of error terms.

V. Empirical Results
Although bounds test does not require the knowledge of order of integration, yet, the test is
crucial to avoid having series with higher order (e.g. I(2)). Table-2 reports the unit root properties
of the data series with and without trend term. It is evident that all unit root tests yield similar
results. The series are non-stationary in their levels but become stationary after taking the first
differences. Although, it can be concluded that all series are I(1) at the 1% and 5% significant
level but at 10% level some of the series are found to be I(0).

Table-2: Unit Root Analysis
Variables ADF PP KPSS
Intercept Intercept Intercept Intercept Intercept Intercept
and Trend and Trend and Trend
Y ln
-2.226 -2.118 -2.110 -1.508 0.728** 0.179**
Y ln A
-3.888* -4.463* -4.008* -4.492* 0.352 0.131
I ln
-1.751 -3.283*** -1.501 -3.222*** 0.577** 0.181**
I ln A
-7.992* -7.991* 10.331* 15.181* 0.259 0.144
R ln
-2.629*** -2.507 -2.757*** -2.718 0.244** 0.169
R ln A
-4.559* -4.384* -4.559* -4.378* 0.198 0.102
Note: *, ** and *** denotes significant at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively. SIC is used to
select the lag length for ADF. The bandwidth for PP and KPSS test is selected using
Newey-West method using Barlett-Kernel. Null hypothesis for ADF and PP is that series
are non-stationary while for KPSS series are stationary, respectively.

The results of ADF, PP and KPSS may be biased and unreliable because these unit root tests do
not seem to have information about structural break arising in the series. This is issue is solved by
applying the Clemente et al. (1998) accommodating single and two structural breaks. The unit
root test by Clemente et al. (1998) uses innovative outlier (IO) and additive outlier (AO) models.
The IO model captures the steady changes in mean of the variables. The sudden changes in the
mean of the series are plugged out by AO model. The AO model is more reliable and suitable
than IO model because it provides information about sudden structural changes. Our results are
reported in Table-3 show that economic growth (Y
), foreign remittances (R
) and income
inequality (I
) have unit root problem in the presence of structural breaks at level
. This implies
that series are found to be stationery at first difference i.e. the variables are I(1).

Table-3: Structural Break Unit Root Test
Model: Trend Break Model
Variable Innovative outliers Additive outliers
Test statistics K T
Test statistics K
Y ln
1998 --- -2.464 3 1998 ---- -4.581** 2
1998 2003 -5.286 4 1990 1998 -6.583* 5
I ln
1989 --- -3.324 3 2000 ---- -4.937** 3
1989 2000 -5.054 3 1982 2000 -6.659* 2
R ln

1981 --- -0.691 2 1982 ---- -5.736* 3
1978 2002 -3.885 4 1991 2003 -6.510* 3
Note: T
and T
are the dates of the structural breaks; k is the lag length. * and ** show significant at 1%
and 5% levels respectively. T
and T
indicate first and second structural breaks.

This justifies the use of ARDL cointegration. The results of the ARDL bounds test are reported in
Table-3. In equation (8) with
Y ln as dependent variable, we note that the computed F-statistic
(4.906) is above the upper bound critical value (4.428). It indicates that there is a strong evidence
to reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration at 5% significant level once we used income
inequality and international remittances as forcing variables. Likewise, for the other two
equations, (9) and (10), we fail to reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration.

It should be noted here that linking income inequality, international remittances and economic
growth may also lead to a biased estimated coefficient if per capita income is regarded as an
endogenous variable. Yamamura and Shin, (2009) and J ackman et al. (2009) suggested the
possible influence of income inequality and international remittances on economic growth
respectively. Nevertheless, when income inequality and international remittances served as the
dependent variables in equations 9-10, examining the long-run relationship then we failed to
establish any cointegration. In other words, in case of Pakistan, we fail to track any long-run
convergence in income inequality and international remittances equations (9-10). This also
confirms the problem of endogeneity is less obvious in our case. In addition, we also examine
whether there exists an endogenous relationship between international remittance, income
inequality and per capita income by applying the Durbin-Wu-Hausman test (the augmented
regression test) suggested by Davidson and MacKinnon, (1993). The results suggested that
endogeneity is not significant. The regression also passes a series of diagnostic tests and the
stability test-CUSUM and CUSUMQ test.

Table-4: Cointegration Analysis: Bounds Tests
Equation F-statistic Lag 95% critical value bounds

) , \ (
t t t Y
4.906** 3 LCB: 3.538 UCB: 4.428
) , \ (
t t t I
2.261 3
) , \ (
t t t R
2.105 3
Diagnostic Tests
Equation SERIAL
8 1.079
Stable Unstable

9 0.706
Stable Stable
10 2.233
Stable Stable
Critical values are obtained from Narayan, (2005). The lag selection is based
on SBC. [ ] and ** denotes the probability and the significant level at 0.05,
respectively. NORMAL
is for normality test, SERIAL
for LM serial correlation test,

for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity and REMSAY
for Remsay
Reset test.

Having found cointegration when
Y ln serves as dependent variable, we proceed to estimate the
long and short-run coefficient. It should also be noted that long-run estimates are reliable due to
the fact that we fail to detect any significant endogeneity in the model. Table-4 reports the results
of the estimation. In long-run, income inequality is found to be significant at 1% with a positive
impact. In other words, in long-run, income inequality increases economic growth in Pakistan.
This does not support the claim of Pritchett, (1997) and Stiglitz, (2002) that globalization has
contributed to income inequality in the poorest developing countries at least in case of Pakistan.
Despite being a middle income economy
, Pakistans inequality gap is still widening. In
Pakistan, a mild increase in inequality from 0.357 to 0.369 is recorded during 1976-1985 and
slight decrease from 1985-1988 (from 0.363-0.348) while from 1989 to 2006 it has continuously
increased (from 0.365-0.421). This suggests that income inequality is still on the rise and
consequently contributes to growth in per capita income, as a whole.

International remittance is found to be positively significant at 5%. The positive impact of
remittances is consistent with the findings of Adams, (1991) in case of Egypt; Rodriguez, (1998)
for Philippines and, Iqbal and Sattar, (2005) for Pakistan. Again, in case of remittances, both
short and long-run estimates show a positive sign indicating no evidence of U-curve relationship
for international remittance. Despite the fact that international remittances are significant, it
suggests that availability of remittances is limited to certain groups. Stark et al. (1986) argued that
impact of foreign remittances depend on migration history where migrants might not have equal
opportunity to migrate. Therefore, migrant who are well informed on foreign labor market are
usually those who are in a better income bracket might have more opportunity. This might have
contributed to the widening gap in income inequality in case of Pakistan. However, relatively,
international remittance has a smaller impact than that of per capita income. This may be due to
two reasons. First, the small effect of international remittance may be due to informal transfer of
remittances that remain the main limitation in this paper. International remittances are channeled
from two possible ways in Pakistan, the formal channel via banking systems and informal way
that is known as hawala or hundi. In 2001, it is predicted that 20% of remittances to Pakistan
entered through formal channels while vast majority uses the informal system. Second, the small
(size of coefficient) of international remittances also seems to suggest that other
factors may have more profound effect on income inequality than international remittance.
Perhaps, it is the domestic deregulation and external liberalization that impacted income
inequality in Pakistan more than the international remittances themselves.

Table-5: Long and Short Run Error Correction Model Estimates
Pane-A: Long Run Estimates-Dependent Variable:
Y ln
Variable Coefficient Std. Error T-Statistic
Constant -3.563** 0.653 -5.458
I ln
0.221* 0.061 3.615
R ln
0.057** 0.024 1.923
Pane-B: Short Run(Error Correction Model) -Dependent Variable:
Y ln A
Constant -0.007 0.094 -0.070
I ln A
0.149** 0.049 2.997
R ln

0.038** 0.017 2.243
1 t
-0.675* 0.182 -3.707
F-statistic 5.263*
Diagnostic Test F-statistic P-value

2.614 0.271

0.018 0.893

0.3111 0.778

0.544 0.456

0.334 0.563
Note: * and ** denote the significant at 1% and 5% levels respectively.

is for normality test,


for LM serial correlation test,


for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity,


white heteroskedasticity and

for Resay Reset test. ARDL (1,

0, 0) selected based on SBC. ECM =InY
- 0.221*InI

The short-run adjustment process is measured by the error correction term (ECM). The significant
of ECM again gives support to the long-run cointegration test established earlier. If the ECM
value is between 0 and 1, the correction to
Y ln in period t is a fraction of the error in period t-1.
In this case, the ECM tends to cause
Y ln to converge monotonically to its long-run equilibrium
path in relation to changes in the exogenous variables. If the ECM is positive or less than 2, this
will cause
Y ln to diverge. If the ECM is between 1 and 2, then the ECM will produce a
dampened oscillations in the
Y ln about its equilibrium path. From Table-5, we see that the ECM
is between 0 and 1 and is statistically significant at the 1% significance level. This implies that,
the error correction process converges monotonically to the equilibrium path relatively quickly.
The estimate of lagged error term is -0.68 and was found to be statistically significant at the 1%
significance level. The magnitude of the ECT term suggests that a deviation from the equilibrium
level of
Y ln during the current period will be corrected by 68% in each year. This would take 1
year and 5 months to restore to long run equilibrium path for growth in case of Pakistan.

Our short run model has passed all assumptions of classical linear regression model (CLRM) such
as non-normality of error term, serial correlation, autoregressive condition heteroskedasticity,
white heteroskedasticity and functional form of short run model. The results reported in lower
segment of Table-5 expose that error term is normally distributed, no evidence of serial
correlation exists. There is no support for autoregressive condition heteroskedasticity as well ass
white heteroskedasticity. The functional form of short run model is well designed. The stability
tests such as CUSUM and CUSUMsq have also been applied to examine the reliability of the
ARDL parameters. The figure-3 reports the results and we find that CUSUM and CUSUMsq are
between the critical bounds. This implies that the ARDL estimates are efficient and trustworthy.

Figure-3: CUSUM and CUSUMsq Tests

Plot of Cumulative Sum of Recursive
The straightlines representcritical bounds at5% significance level
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006

Plot of Cumulative Sum of Squares of
Recursive Residuals
The straightlines representcritical bounds at5% significance level
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006

V.I Innovative Accounting Approach
Innovative Accounting Approach uses forecast error variance decomposition and impulse
response function that is superior to the VECM Granger causality. The former explains the
proportion of variation in a series due to its own shocks, and those by others (Enders, 1995). The
procedure decomposes forecast error variance for each series following one standard deviation
shock to a variable and enables us to test strength of its impact on a series. Table-6 reports the
results of variance decomposition approach and we find that generalized forecast error stemming
in income inequality explains economic growth by 60.80% and a 38.68% is by innovative shocks
arising in economic growth. International remittances contribute minimally i.e. 0.51%. The
contribution of economic growth and international remittances to income inequality is 24.34%
and 1.55% respectively. A 74.10% portion of income inequality is explained by itself. The
innovative shocks stemming in economic growth and income inequality explain international
remittances by 19.91% and 55.52% respectively. The innovative shocks stem in international
remittances also contribute to international remittances by 24.55%.

Table-6: Variance Decomposition Approach
Variance Decomposition of
Y ln
Variance Decomposition of
I ln
Variance Decomposition of
R ln
Y ln
I ln
R ln
Y ln
I ln
R ln
Y ln
I ln
R ln
1 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1757 98.8242 0.0000 3.1008 3.1137 93.7853
2 88.0602 10.8773 1.0624 3.9970 95.6672 0.3356 9.6215 1.8730 88.5054
3 68.9623 30.1873 0.8502 8.0874 91.2982 0.6143 9.5755 3.2763 87.1480
4 53.8363 45.5089 0.6546 12.5452 86.5737 0.8809 8.8698 11.4186 79.7114
5 44.7342 54.7217 0.5440 16.7491 82.1485 1.1023 8.0333 25.2983 66.6682
6 40.2058 59.2916 0.5024 20.1340 78.5955 1.2704 7.8632 38.5064 53.6303
7 38.4791 61.0244 0.4964 22.4312 76.1852 1.3835 8.4758 47.7967 43.7274
8 38.1997 61.2977 0.5025 23.7117 74.8372 1.4510 9.6788 53.3404 36.9807
9 38.4660 61.0253 0.5086 24.2663 74.2462 1.4874 11.2247 56.2426 32.5326
10 38.7764 60.7125 0.5109 24.4202 74.0731 1.5066 12.9138 57.4761 29.6100
11 38.9377 60.5520 0.5102 24.4138 74.0681 1.5180 14.6007 57.7199 27.6793
12 38.9440 60.5473 0.5086 24.3759 74.0972 1.5267 16.1875 57.4173 26.3950
13 38.8629 60.6292 0.5078 24.3520 74.1128 1.5350 17.6158 56.8492 25.5348
14 38.7623 60.7290 0.5086 24.3443 74.1120 1.5436 18.8587 56.1868 24.9543
15 38.6821 60.8070 0.5107 24.3421 74.1053 1.5525 19.9127 55.5287 24.5584

Overall our results reveal that feedback effect is found between income inequality and economic
growth but strong from income inequality to economic growth. The bidirectional causality also
exists between income inequality and international remittances but income inequality explains
international remittances strongly. Economic growth Granger causes international remittances.

The impulse response function (IRF) traces the time path of the impacts of shocks of independent
variables on the dependent variables in a VAR system. We can see the magnitude of the response
of economic growth to its own shock and those to income inequality. Economic growth leads
income inequality if the IRF shows significant response of the latter to shocks in the former
relative to other series. A strong and significant response of economic growth to shocks in income
inequality suggests that income inequality causes economic growth.

Figure-4: Impulse Response Function
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Response of lnY to lnI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Response of lnY to lnR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Response of lnI to lnY
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Response of lnI to lnR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Response of lnR to lnY
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Response of lnR to lnI
Response to Generalized One S.D. Innovations 2 S.E.

The results reported in Figure-4 show that response in economic growth is declining till 5
horizon but starts to rise after it and it becomes positive after 5
time horizon. This shows that
there is U-shaped relationship is found between income inequality and economic growth in case
of Pakistan. It reveals that income inequality initially declines economic growth and after a
threshold point of income inequality, economic growth is increased. The contribution of
international remittances is inverted U-shaped but it is insignificant. The response on income
inequality due to innovative shocks in economic growth is inverted U-shaped. This confirms the
findings of Kuznets hypothesis. This reveals that economic growth raises income inequality
initially and income inequality starts to decline after threshold level of economic growth i.e.
income per capita. These findings are consistent with Shahbaz, (2010) in case of Pakistan. The
innovative shocks stemming in international remittances contribute income distribution initially
and then starts to increase income inequality after 4
time horizon. This implies that international
remittances and income inequality relationship is U-shaped. The response in international
remittances is negative due to shocks stem in economic growth. The response in international
remittances due to innovative shocks in income inequality is U-shaped.

VI. Conclusion and Policy Implications
This paper explores the empirical relationship between income inequality, international
remittances and economic growth in case of Pakistan. Using large time series data covering the
periods 1976-2006, we found robust evidence of long-run relationships between income
inequality, international remittances and economic growth. Our results reveal that income
inequality and international remittances contribute to economic growth in short-and-long runs.
The causality results by innovative accounting approach validate that income inequality and
economic growth are Granger cause of each other i.e. bidirectional causality. The feedback
hypothesis exists between international remittances and income inequality. The unidirectional
causality is found running from economic growth to international remittances.

This study provides insights for policy makers in a number of ways. First, there are widening gaps
in income inequality in Pakistan despite the country recording progressive growth in per capita
income. However, the role of economic development as a tool for reducing inequality is less
convincing in case of Pakistan. What is obvious is that wealth is not well distributed and requires
policy reformation in the form of tax structure and monopoly of assets that allow the benefits of
growth to spread evenly to the poor. Alternatively, we suggest that it is important to consider new
influences on income inequality if policy makers are not in a position to influence the
distributional impact of per capita income. This is true in many cases given the fact that there is a
great trade-off between economic growth and income inequality. Globalization which is
becoming increasingly important for developing countries may benefit some and not all the
countries. In case of China, for instance, Ravallion (2009) argued that for poverty reduction, the
country policy focusing only on growth promoting agendas is insufficient. Equally important is to
reduce inequalities in key assets and providing access to essential infrastructure that limits the
sharing of economic prosperity.

The other policy implication of this study is that encouraging migration may increase the income
inequality if only certain groups benefit from international remittances as indicated in case of
Pakistan. In this aspect, policy makers in Pakistan should avoid postulating migration as the
policy approach to overcome widening gaps in income inequality. If for any reason remittances
are used as policy to reduce income inequality then those policies should focus on institutional
support allowing all household to gain equal opportunity. However, so far many developing
countries including Pakistan remained indifferent in such policy initiatives. On one hand,
government should adopt policies to enhance the volume of skilled labor through technical
education at rural areas. More opportunities could be enhanced through regulation of recruitment
process and safe transport facilities through supporting worker rights for poorer class. On other
hand, policies reducing transaction costs related to migration and international remittances would
allow better mobility for workers from all types of household and flow of remittances through the
formal channels. Indeed, lower transaction costs can also allow all households to receive
international remittances at earlier stages of migration. It is imperative to understand that the full
potential of income inequality reducing impact of international remittances is only possible if
other favorable conditions exist. However, more research is needed in this aspect.


1. Remittance income refers to regular cash payments received from household members
working outside the community for periods of 6 months or more (Lerman and Feldman,
2. Scholars attempt to mitigate the endogeneity problem using the instrumental variable
methods. However, it is a well-known fact that finding valid variables as the instrument is
difficult and always leads spurious results (Herzer and Vollmer, 2012).
3. Previous studies (e.g. Meschi and Vivarelli, 2009) use GDP and GDP squared terms to test the
Kuznets hypothesis.
4. Some uses economic growth models while others use fixed effect panel estimates.
5. Studies using homogeneous panel estimators produces inconsistent and misleading estimates
of the average values of the parameters in dynamic models (Herzer and Vollmer, 2012)
6. The study on the effect of inequality on economic growth can be traced back to Kaldor (1960)
and Kalecki (1971).
7. Partridge, (2005) also reported positive impact of income inequality on economic growth
using state-level data in case of USA.
8. We consider only a trivariate model in this paper. Inclusion of more variables such as
financial development, trade and government spending may potentially lead to more
problems. And, with short span of data series it may also affect the degree of freedom.
9. The data on Gini-coefficient has restricted for selected time period.
10. Dummy variables in base on finings of Clemente-Montanes-Reyes, (1998) unit root test
accommodating single unknown structural break in the time series.
11. The critical values are more appropriate for small sample studies (e.g. 30 sample size).
12. The structural break in income inequality series is outcome of the implementation of a
medium term structural adjustment in Pakistan during 1987-88. The structural break in foreign
remittances is linked with general elections were held in 1988 and country received $10.8
billion dollars of foreign remittances. The structural break in economic growth was outcome
of Pakistans involvement in Afghanistans war with Russia. This led bulk amount of
immigrants from Afghanistan which has adversely affected economic growth of Pakistan.
Now-a-days terrorism is the gift of that collation.
13. The CUSUMsq graph shows structural break in 1998-1999 indicating the atomic explosion of
Pakistan and then collapse of Nawaz government.
14. Based on World Banks income categorization
15. The small effect of remittance may also be due the informal transfer of remittance that this
study fails to capture. This study only includes the official transaction income remittance.


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