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Chapter 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Introduction to Electric Power Supply Systems Electricity Billing Electrical Load Management and Maximum Demand Control Power Factor Improvement and Benefits Transformers System Distribution Losses Harmonics Analysis of Electrical Power Systems ELECTRIC MOTORS Introduction Motor Types Motor Characteristics Motor Efficiency Motor Selection Energy Efficient Motors Factors Affecting Energy Efficiency and Minimising Motor Losses in Operation Rewinding Effects on Energy Efficiency Speed Control of AC Induction Motors 25 25 26 26 31 32 35 40 41 42 01 05 08 09 15 18 19 21

2.10 Motor Load Survey: Methodology

3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM Introduction Compressor Types Compressor Performance Compressed Air System Components Efficient Operation of Compressed Air Systems Compressor Capacity Assessment Checklist for Energy Efficiency in Compressed Air System HVAC AND REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Introduction Types of Refrigeration System Common Refrigerants and Properties Compressor Types and Application Selection of a Suitable Refrigeration System Performance Assessment of Refrigeration Plants Factors Affecting Performance and Energy Efficiency of Refrigeration Plants Energy Savings Opportunities FANS AND BLOWERS Introduction Fan Types Fan Performance Evaluation and Efficient System Operation Fan Design and Selection Criteria Flow Control Strategies 93 93 96 99 103 71 72 76 77 83 83 86 91 45 45 49 50 51 65 66

5.6 5.7 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7

Fan Performance Assessment Energy Saving Opportunities PUMPS AND PUMPING SYSTEM Pump Types System Characteristics Pump Curves Factors Affecting Pump Performance Efficient Pumping System Operation Flow Control Strategies Energy Conservation Opportunities in Pumping Systems COOLING TOWERS Introduction Cooling Tower Performance Efficient System Operation Flow Control Strategies Energy Saving Opportunities in Cooling Towers LIGHTING SYSTEM Introduction Basic Terms in Lighting System and Features Lamp Types and their Features Recommended Illuminance Levels for Various Tasks/Activities/Locations Methodology of Lighting System Energy Efficiency Study Case Examples Some Good Practices in Lighting

106 109

113 115 116 117 121 125 132

135 139 146 148 149

153 153 154 155 157 158 159

9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10

DG SET SYSTEM Introduction Selection and Installation Factors Operational Factors Energy Performance Assessment of DG Sets Energy Savings Measures for DG Sets ENERGY EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGIES IN ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 10.1 Maximum Demand Controllers 10.2 Automatic Power Factor Controllers 10.3 Energy Efficient Motors 10.4 Soft Starter 10.5 Variable Speed Drives 10.6 Energy Efficient Transformers 10.7 Electronic Ballasts 10.8 Energy Efficient Lighting Controls ANNEXURE 179 180 181 183 184 187 188 189 193 165 168 172 175 177

Syllabus Electrical system: Electricity billing, Electrical load management and maximum demand control, Power factor improvement and its benefit, Selection and location of capacitors, Performance assessment of PF capacitors, Distribution and transformer losses.

1.1 Introduction to Electric Power Supply Systems

Electric power supply system in a country comprises of generating units that produce electricity; high voltage transmission lines that transport electricity over long distances; distribution lines that deliver the electricity to consumers; substations that connect the pieces to each other; and energy control centers to coordinate the operation of the components. The Figure 1.1 shows a simple electric supply system with transmission and distribution network and linkages from electricity sources to end-user.

Figure 1.1

Typical Electric Power Supply Systems

Power Generation Plant The fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, nuclear energy, and falling water (hydel) are commonly used energy sources in the power generating plant. A wide and growing variety of unconventional generation technologies and fuels have also been developed, including cogeneration, solar energy, wind generators, and waste materials. About 70 % of power generating capacity in India is from coal based thermal power plants. The principle of coal-fired power generation plant is shown in Figure 1.2. Energy stored in the
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coal is converted in to electricity in thermal power plant. Coal is pulverized to the consistency of talcum powder. Then powdered coal is blown into the water wall boiler where it is burned at temperature higher than 1300C. The heat in the combustion gas is transferred into steam. This high-pressure steam is used to run the steam turbine to spin. Finally turbine rotates the generator to produce electricity.

Figure 1.2 Principle of Thermal Power Generation

In India, for the coal based power plants, the overall efficiency ranges from 28% to 35% depending upon the size, operational practices and capacity utilization. Where fuels are the source of generation, a common term used is the HEAT RATE which reflects the efficiency of generation. HEAT RATE is the heat input in kilo Calories or kilo Joules, for generating one kilo Watt-hour of electrical output. One kilo Watt hour of electrical energy being equivalent to 860 kilo Calories of thermal energy or 3600 kilo Joules of thermal energy. The HEAT RATE expresses in inverse the efficiency of power generation. Transmission and Distribution Lines The power plants typically produce 50 cycle/second (Hertz), alternating-current (AC) electricity with voltages between 11kV and 33kV. At the power plant site, the 3-phase voltage is stepped up to a higher voltage for transmission on cables strung on cross-country towers. High voltage (HV) and extra high voltage (EHV) transmission is the next stage from power plant to transport A.C. power over long distances at voltages like; 220 kV & 400 kV. Where transmission is over 1000 kM, high voltage direct current transmission is also favoured to minimize the losses. Sub-transmission network at 132 kV, 110 kV, 66 kV or 33 kV constitutes the next link towards the end user. Distribution at 11 kV / 6.6 kV / 3.3 kV constitutes the last link to the consumer, who is connected directly or through transformers depending upon the drawl level of
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service. The transmission and distribution network include sub-stations, lines and distribution transformers. High voltage transmission is used so that smaller, more economical wire sizes can be employed to carry the lower current and to reduce losses. Sub-stations, containing step-down transformers, reduce the voltage for distribution to industrial users. The voltage is further reduced for commercial facilities. Electricity must be generated, as and when it is needed since electricity cannot be stored virtually in the system. There is no difference between a transmission line and a distribution line except for the voltage level and power handling capability. Transmission lines are usually capable of transmitting large quantities of electric energy over great distances. They operate at high voltages. Distribution lines carry limited quantities of power over shorter distances. Voltage drops in line are in relation to the resistance and reactance of line, length and the current drawn. For the same quantity of power handled, lower the voltage, higher the current drawn and higher the voltage drop. The current drawn is inversely proportional to the voltage level for the same quantity of power handled. The power loss in line is proportional to resistance and square of current. (i.e. PLOSS=I2R). Higher voltage transmission and distribution thus would help to minimize line voltage drop in the ratio of voltages, and the line power loss in the ratio of square of voltages. For instance, if distribution of power is raised from 11 kV to 33 kV, the voltage drop would be lower by a factor 1/3 and the line loss would be lower by a factor (1/3)2 i.e., 1/9. Lower voltage transmission and distribution also calls for bigger size conductor on account of current handling capacity needed. Cascade Efficiency The primary function of transmission and distribution equipment is to transfer power economically and reliably from one location to another. Conductors in the form of wires and cables strung on towers and poles carry the high-voltage, AC electric current. A large number of copper or aluminum conductors are used to form the transmission path. The resistance of the long-distance transmission conductors is to be minimized. Energy loss in transmission lines is wasted in the form of I2R losses. Capacitors are used to correct power factor by causing the current to lead the voltage. When the AC currents are kept in phase with the voltage, operating efficiency of the system is maintained at a high level. Circuit-interrupting devices are switches, relays, circuit breakers, and fuses. Each of these devices is designed to carry and interrupt certain levels of current. Making and breaking the current carrying conductors in the transmission path with a minimum of arcing is one of the most important characteristics of this device. Relays sense abnormal voltages, currents, and frequency and operate to protect the system. Transformers are placed at strategic locations throughout the system to minimize power losses in the T&D system. They are used to change the voltage level from low-to-high in stepup transformers and from high-to-low in step-down units. The power source to end user energy efficiency link is a key factor, which influences the energy input at the source of supply. If we consider the electricity flow from generation to the user in terms of cascade energy efficiency, typical cascade efficiency profile from generation to 11 33 kV user industry will be as below:

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Generation Efficiency 1

Efficiency ranges 28 35 % with respect to size of thermal plant, age of plant and capacity utilisation

Step-up Station 2

Step-up to 400 / 800 kV to enable EHV transmission Envisaged max. losses 0.5 % or efficiency of 99.5 %

EHV Transmission & Station 3

EHV transmission and substations at 400 kV / 800 kV. Envisaged maximum losses 1.0 % or efficiency of 99 %

HV Transmission & Station 4

HV transmission & Substations for 220 / 400 kV. Envisaged maximum losses 2.5 % or efficiency of 97.5 %

Sub-transmission 5

Sub-transmission at 66 / 132 kV Envisaged maximum losses 4 % or efficiency of 96 % Step-down to a level of 11 / 33 kV. Envisaged losses 0.5 % or efficiency of 99.5 % Distribution is final link to end user at 11 / 33 kV. Envisaged losses maximum 5 % of efficiency of 95 %

Distribution Station 6

Primary Distribution 7

End user Premises

Cascade efficiency from Generation to end user = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7

The cascade efficiency in the T&D system from output of the power plant to the end use is 87% (i.e. 0.995 x 0.99 x 0.975 x 0.96 x 0.995 x 0.95 = 87%) Industrial End User At the industrial end user premises, again the plant network elements like transformers at receiving sub-station, switchgear, lines and cables, load-break switches, capacitors cause losses, which affect the input-received energy. However the losses in such systems are meager and unavoidable. A typical plant single line diagram of electrical distribution system is shown in Figure 1.3
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ONE Unit saved = TWO Units Generated After power generation at the plant it is transmitted and distributed over a wide network. The standard technical losses are around 17 % in India (Efficiency = 83%). But the figures for many of the states show T & D losses ranging from 17 50 %. All these may not constitute technical losses, since un-metered and pilferage are also accounted in this loss. When the power reaches the industry, it meets the transformer. The energy efficiency of the transformer is generally very high. Next, it goes to the motor through internal plant distribution network. A typical distribution network efficiency including transformer is 95% and motor efficiency is about 90%. Another 30 % (Efficiency =70%)is lost in the mechanical system which includes coupling/ drive train, a driven equipment such as pump and flow control valves/throttling etc. Thus the overall energy efficiency becomes 50%. (0.83 x 0.95x 0.9 x 0.70 = 0.50, i.e. 50% efficiency) Hence one unit saved in the end user is equivalent to two units generated in the power plant. (1Unit / 0.5Eff = 2 Units)

1.2 Electricity Billing

The electricity billing by utilities for medium & large enterprises, in High Tension (HT) category, is often done on two-part tariff structure, i.e. one part for capacity (or demand) drawn and the second part for actual energy drawn during the billing cycle. Capacity or demand is in kVA (apparent power) or kW terms. The reactive energy (i.e.) kVArh drawn by the service is also
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recorded and billed for in some utilities, because this would affect the load on the utility. Accordingly, utility charges for maximum demand, active energy and reactive power drawn (as reflected by the power factor) in its billing structure. In addition, other fixed and variable expenses are also levied. The tariff structure generally includes the following components: a) Maximum demand Charges These charges relate to maximum demand registered during month/billing period and corresponding rate of utility. b) Energy Charges These charges relate to energy (kilowatt hours) consumed during month / billing period and corresponding rates, often levied in slabs of use rates. Some utilities now charge on the basis of apparent energy (kVAh), which is a vector sum of kWh and kVArh. c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Power factor penalty or bonus rates, as levied by most utilities, are to contain reactive power drawn from grid. Fuel cost adjustment charges as levied by some utilities are to adjust the increasing fuel expenses over a base reference value. Electricity duty charges levied w.r.t units consumed. Meter rentals Lighting and fan power consumption is often at higher rates, levied sometimes on slab basis or on actual metering basis. Time Of Day (TOD) rates like peak and non-peak hours are also prevalent in tariff structure provisions of some utilities. Penalty for exceeding contract demand Surcharge if metering is at LT side in some of the utilities

Analysis of utility bill data and monitoring its trends helps energy manager to identify ways for electricity bill reduction through available provisions in tariff framework, apart from energy budgeting. The utility employs an electromagnetic or electronic trivector meter, for billing purposes. The minimum outputs from the electromagnetic meters are

Maximum demand registered during the month, which is measured in preset time intervals (say of 30 minute duration) and this is reset at the end of every billing cycle. Active energy in kWh during billing cycle Reactive energy in kVArh during billing cycle and Apparent energy in kVAh during billing cycle

It is important to note that while maximum demand is recorded, it is not the instantaneous demand drawn, as is often misunderstood, but the time integrated demand over the predefined recording cycle.
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As example, in an industry, if the drawl over a recording cycle of 30 minutes is : 2500 kVA for 4 minutes 3600 kVA for 12 minutes 4100 kVA for 6 minutes 3800 kVA for 8 minutes The MD recorder will be computing MD as: (2500 x 4) + (3600 x 12) + (4100 x 6) + (3800 x 8) 30 = 3606.7 kVA

The months maximum demand will be the highest among such demand values recorded over the month. The meter registers only if the value exceeds the previous maximum demand value and thus, even if, average maximum demand is low, the industry / facility has to pay for the maximum demand charges for the highest value registered during the month, even if it occurs for just one recording cycle duration i.e., 30 minutes during whole of the month. A Figure 1.4 Demand Curve typical demand curve is shown in Figure 1.4. As can be seen from the Figure 1.4 above the demand varies from time to time. The demand is measured over predetermined time interval and averaged out for that interval as shown by the horizontal dotted line. Of late most electricity boards have changed over from conventional electromechanical trivector meters to electronic meters, which have some excellent provisions that can help the utility as well as the industry. These provisions include:

Substantial memory for logging and recording all relevant events High accuracy up to 0.2 class Amenability to time of day tariffs Tamper detection /recording Measurement of harmonics and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Long service life due to absence of moving parts Amenability for remote data access/downloads

Trend analysis of purchased electricity and cost components can help the industry to identify key result areas for bill reduction within the utility tariff available framework along the following lines.

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Month & Year Jan. Feb. . . . Dec. *Some utilities charge Maximum Demand on the basis of minimum billing demand, which may be between 75 to 100% of the contract demand or actual recorded demand whichever is higher MD Recorded kVA Billing Demand* kVA Total Energy Consumption kWh Energy Consumption During Peak Hours (kWh) MD Charge Rs./kVA Energy Charge Rs./kWh PF PF Penalty/ Rebate Rs. Total Bills Rs. Average Cost Rs./kWh


Electrical Load Management and Maximum Demand Control

Need for Electrical Load Management In a macro perspective, the growth in the electricity use and diversity of end use segments in time of use has led to shortfalls in capacity to meet demand. As capacity addition is costly and only a long time prospect, better load management at user end helps to minimize peak demands on the utility infrastructure as well as better utilization of power plant capacities. The utilities (State Electricity Boards) use power tariff structure to influence end user in better load management through measures like time of use tariffs, penalties on exceeding allowed maximum demand, night tariff concessions etc. Load management is a powerful means of efficiency improvement both for end user as well as utility. As the demand charges constitute a considerable portion of the electricity bill, from user angle too there is a need for integrated load management to effectively control the maximum demand. Step By Step Approach for Maximum Demand Control 1. Load Curve Generation Presenting the load demand of a consumer against time of the day is known as a load curve. If it is plotted for the 24 hours of a single day, it is known as an hourly load curve and if daily demands plotted over a month, it is called daily load curves. A typical hourly load curve for an engineering industry is shown in Figure 1.5. These types of curves are useful in predicting patterns of drawl, peaks and valleys and energy use trend in a section or in an industry or in a distribution network as the case may be.
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Figure 1.5 Maximum Demand (Daily Load Curve, Hourly kVA)

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2. Rescheduling of Loads Rescheduling of large electric loads and equipment operations, in different shifts can be planned and implemented to minimize the simultaneous maximum demand. For this purpose, it is advisable to prepare an operation flow chart and a process chart. Analyzing these charts and with an integrated approach, it would be possible to reschedule the operations and running equipment in such a way as to improve the load factor which in turn reduces the maximum demand. 3. Storage of Products/in process material/ process utilities like refrigeration It is possible to reduce the maximum demand by building up storage capacity of products/ materials, water, chilled water / hot water, using electricity during off peak periods. Off peak hour operations also help to save energy due to favorable conditions such as lower ambient temperature etc. Example: Ice bank system is used in milk & dairy industry. Ice is made in lean period and used in peak load period and thus maximum demand is reduced. 4. Shedding of Non-Essential Loads When the maximum demand tends to reach preset limit, shedding some of non-essential loads temporarily can help to reduce it. It is possible to install direct demand monitoring systems, which will switch off non-essential loads when a preset demand is reached. Simple systems give an alarm, and the loads are shed manually. Sophisticated microprocessor controlled systems are also available, which provide a wide variety of control options like:

Accurate prediction of demand Graphical display of present load, available load, demand limit Visual and audible alarm Automatic load shedding in a predetermined sequence Automatic restoration of load Recording and metering

5. Operation of Captive Generation and Diesel Generation Sets When diesel generation sets are used to supplement the power supplied by the electric utilities, it is advisable to connect the D.G. sets for durations when demand reaches the peak value. This would reduce the load demand to a considerable extent and minimize the demand charges. 6. Reactive Power Compensation The maximum demand can also be reduced at the plant level by using capacitor banks and maintaining the optimum power factor. Capacitor banks are available with microprocessor based control systems. These systems switch on and off the capacitor banks to maintain the desired Power factor of system and optimize maximum demand thereby.

1.4 Power Factor Improvement and Benefits

Power factor Basics In all industrial electrical distribution systems, the major loads are resistive and inductive. Resistive loads are incandescent lighting and resistance heating. In case of pure resistive loads, the voltage (V), current (I), resistance (R) relations are linearly related, i.e. V = I x R and Power (kW) = V x I
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Typical inductive loads are A.C. Motors, induction furnaces, transformers and ballast-type lighting. Inductive loads require two kinds of power: a) active (or working) power to perform the work and b) reactive power to create and maintain electro-magnetic fields. Active power is measured in kW (Kilo Watts). Reactive power is measured in kVAr (Kilo Volt-Amperes Reactive). The vector sum of the active power and reactive power make up the total (or apparent) power used. This is the power generated by the SEBs for the user to perform a given amount of work. Total Power is measured in kVA (Kilo Volts-Amperes) (See Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6

kW, kVAr and kVA Vector

The active power (shaft power required or true power required) in kW and the reactive power required (kVAr) are 90 apart vectorically in a pure inductive circuit i.e., reactive power kVAr lagging the active kW. The vector sum of the two is called the apparent power or kVA, as illustrated above and the kVA reflects the actual electrical load on distribution system. The ratio of kW to kVA is called the power factor, which is always less than or equal to unity. Theoretically, when electric utilities supply power, if all loads have unity power factor, maximum power can be transferred for the same distribution system capacity. However, as the loads are inductive in nature, with the power factor ranging from 0.2 to 0.9, the electrical distribution network is stressed for capacity at low power factors. Improving Power Factor The solution to improve the power factor is to add power factor correction capacitors (see Figure 1.7) to the plant power distribution system. They act as reactive power generators, and provide the needed reactive power to accomplish kW of work. This reduces the amount of reactive power, and thus total power, generated by the utilities. Example: A chemical industry had installed a 1500 kVA transformer. The initial demand of the plant was 1160 kVA with power factor of 0.70. ~ Figure 1.7 Capacitors The % loading of transformer was about 78% (1160/1500 = 77.3%). To improve the power factor and to avoid the penalty, the unit had added about 410 kVAr in motor load end. This improved the power factor to 0.89, and reduced the required kVA to 913, which is the vector sum of kW and kVAr (see Figure 1.8).
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Figure 1.8

Power factor before and after Improvement

After improvement the plant had avoided penalty and the 1500 kVA transformer now loaded only to 60% of capacity. This will allow the addition of more load in the future to be supplied by the transformer. The advantages of PF improvement by capacitor addition a) Reactive component of the network is reduced and so also the total current in the system from the source end. b) I2R power losses are reduced in the system because of reduction in current. c) Voltage level at the load end is increased. d) kVA loading on the source generators as also on the transformers and lines upto the capacitors reduces giving capacity relief. A high power factor can help in utilising the full capacity of your electrical system. Cost benefits of PF improvement While costs of PF improvement are in terms of investment needs for capacitor addition the benefits to be quantified for feasibility analysis are: a) b) c) d) e) Reduced kVA (Maximum demand) charges in utility bill Reduced distribution losses (KWH) within the plant network Better voltage at motor terminals and improved performance of motors A high power factor eliminates penalty charges imposed when operating with a low power factor Investment on system facilities such as transformers, cables, switchgears etc for delivering load is reduced.

Selection and location of capacitors Direct relation for capacitor sizing. kVAr Rating = kW [tan 1 tan 2] where kVAr rating is the size of the capacitor needed, kW is the average power drawn, tan 1 is the trigonometric ratio for the present power factor, and tan 2 is the trigonometric ratio for the desired PF. 1 = Existing (Cos-1 PF1) and 2 = Improved (Cos-1 PF2)
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Alternatively the Table 1.2 can be used for capacitor sizing. The figures given in table are the multiplication factors which are to be multiplied with the input power (kW) to give the kVAr of capacitance required to improve present power factor to a new desired power factor. Example: The utility bill shows an average power factor of 0.72 with an average KW of 627. How much kVAr is required to improve the power factor to .95 ? Using formula Cos 1 = 0.72 , tan 1 = 0.963 Cos 2 = 0.95 , tan 2 = 0.329 kVAr required = P ( tan1 - tan2 ) = 627 (0.964 0.329) = 398 kVAr Using table (see Table 1.2) 1) Locate 0.72 (original power factor) in column (1). 2) Read across desired power factor to 0.95 column. We find 0.635 multiplier 3) Multiply 627 (average kW) by 0.635 = 398 kVAr. 4) Install 400 kVAr to improve power factor to 95%. Location of Capacitors The primary purpose of capacitors is to reduce the maximum demand. Additional benefits are derived by capacitor location. The Figure 1.9 indicates typical capacitor locations. Maximum benefit of capacitors is derived by locating them as close as possible to the load. At this location, its kVAr are confined to the smallest possible segment, decreasing the load current. This, in turn, will reduce power losses of the system substantially. Power losses are proportional to the square of the current. When power losses are reduced, voltage at the motor increases; thus, motor performance also increases. Locations C1A, C1B and C1C of Figure 1.9 indicate three different arrangements at the load. Note that in all three locations extra switches are not required, since the capacitor is either switched with the motor starter or the breaker before the starter. Case C1A is recommended for new installation, since the maximum benefit is derived and the size of the motor thermal protector is reduced. In Case C1B, as in Case C1A, the capacitor is enerFigure 1.9: Power Distribution Diagram Illustrating Capacitor Locations gized only when the motor is in operaBureau of Energy Efficiency 12

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tion. Case C1B is recommended in cases where the installation already exists and the thermal protector does not need to be re-sized. In position C1C, the capacitor is permanently connected to the circuit but does not require a separate switch, since capacitor can be disconnected by the breaker before the starter.
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It should be noted that the rating of the capacitor should not be greater than the no-load magnetizing kVAr of the motor. If this condition exists, damaging over voltage or transient torques can occur. This is why most motor manufacturers specify maximum capacitor ratings to be applied to specific motors. The next preference for capacitor locations as illustrated by Figure 1.9 is at locations C2 and C3. In these locations, a breaker or switch will be required. Location C4 requires a high voltage breaker. The advantage of locating capacitors at power centres or feeders is that they can be grouped together. When several motors are running intermittently, the capacitors are permitted to be on line all the time, reducing the total power regardless of load. From energy efficiency point of view, capacitor location at receiving substation only helps the utility in loss reduction. Locating capacitors at tail end will help to reduce loss reduction within the plants distribution network as well and directly benefit the user by reduced consumption. Reduction in the distribution loss % in kWh when tail end power factor is raised from PF1 to a new power factor PF2, will be proportional to

Capacitors for Other Loads The other types of load requiring capacitor application include induction furnaces, induction heaters and arc welding transformers etc. The capacitors are normally supplied with control gear for the application of induction furnaces and induction heating furnaces. The PF of arc furnaces experiences a wide variation over melting cycle as it changes from 0.7 at starting to 0.9 at the end of the cycle. Power factor for welding transformers is corrected by connecting capacitors across the primary winding of the transformers, as the normal PF would be in the range of 0.35. Performance Assessment of Power Factor Capacitors Voltage effects: Ideally capacitor voltage rating is to match the supply voltage. If the supply voltage is lower, the reactive kVAr produced will be the ratio V12 /V22 where V1 is the actual supply voltage, V2 is the rated voltage. On the other hand, if the supply voltage exceeds rated voltage, the life of the capacitor is adversely affected. Material of capacitors: Power factor capacitors are available in various types by dielectric material used as; paper/ polypropylene etc. The watt loss per kVAr as well as life vary with respect to the choice of the dielectric material and hence is a factor to be considered while selection. Connections: Shunt capacitor connections are adopted for almost all industry/ end user applications, while series capacitors are adopted for voltage boosting in distribution networks. Operational performance of capacitors: This can be made by monitoring capacitor charging current vis- a- vis the rated charging current. Capacity of fused elements can be replenished as per requirements. Portable analyzers can be used for measuring kVAr delivered as well as charging current. Capacitors consume 0.2 to 6.0 Watt per kVAr, which is negligible in comparison to benefits.
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Some checks that need to be adopted in use of capacitors are : i) ii) iii) Nameplates can be misleading with respect to ratings. It is good to check by charging currents. Capacitor boxes may contain only insulated compound and insulated terminals with no capacitor elements inside. Capacitors for single phase motor starting and those used for lighting circuits for voltage boost, are not power factor capacitor units and these cannot withstand power system conditions.

1.5 Transformers
A transformer can accept energy at one voltage and deliver it at another voltage. This permits electrical energy to be generated at relatively low voltages and transmitted at high voltages and low currents, thus reducing line losses and voltage drop (see Figure 1.10). Transformers consist of two or more coils that are electrically insulated, but magnetically linked. The primary coil is connected to the power source and the secondary coil connects to the load. The turns ratio is the ratio between the number of turns on the secondary to the turns on the primary (See Figure 1.11). The secondary voltage is equal to the primary voltage Figure 1.10 View of a Transformer times the turns ratio. Ampere-turns are calculated by multiplying the current in the coil times the number of turns. Primary ampere-turns are equal to secondary ampere-turns. Voltage regulation of a transformer is the percent increase in voltage from full load to no load. Types of Transformers Transformers are classified as two categories: power transformers and distribution transformers. Power transformers are used in transmission network of higher voltages, deployed for step-up and step down transformer application (400 kV, 200 kV, 110 kV, 66 kV, 33kV) Distribution transformers are used for lower voltage distribution networks as a means to end user connectivity. (11kV, 6.6 kV, 3.3 kV, 440V, 230V) Rating of Transformer Rating of the transformer is calculated based on the connected load and applying the diversity factor on the connected load, applicable Figure 1.11 to the particular industry and arrive at the kVA rating of the Transformer Coil Transformer. Diversity factor is defined as the ratio of overall maximum demand of the plant to the sum of individual maximum demand of various equipment. Diversity factor varies from industry to industry and depends on various factors such as
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individual loads, load factor and future expansion needs of the plant. Diversity factor will always be less than one. Location of Transformer Location of the transformer is very important as far as distribution loss is concerned. Transformer receives HT voltage from the grid and steps it down to the required voltage. Transformers should be placed close to the load centre, considering other features like optimisation needs for centralised control, operational flexibility etc. This will bring down the distribution loss in cables. Transformer Losses and Efficiency The efficiency varies anywhere between 96 to 99 percent. The efficiency of the transformers not only depends on the design, but also, on the effective operating load. Transformer losses consist of two parts: No-load loss and Load loss 1. No-load loss (also called core loss) is the power consumed to sustain the magnetic field in the transformer's steel core. Core loss occurs whenever the transformer is energized; core loss does not vary with load. Core losses are caused by two factors: hysteresis and eddy current losses. Hysteresis loss is that energy lost by reversing the magnetic field in the core as the magnetizing AC rises and falls and reverses direction. Eddy current loss is a result of induced currents circulating in the core. Load loss (also called copper loss) is associated with full-load current flow in the transformer windings. Copper loss is power lost in the primary and secondary windings of a transformer due to the ohmic resistance of the windings. Copper loss varies with the square of the load current. (P = I2R).


Transformer losses as a percentage of load is given in the Figure 1.12.

Figure 1.12 Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Transformer loss vs %Load 16

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For a given transformer, the manufacturer can supply values for no-load loss, PNO-LOAD, and load loss, PLOAD. The total transformer loss, PTOTAL, at any load level can then be calculated from: PTOTAL = PNO-LOAD + (% Load/100)2 x PLOAD Where transformer loading is known, the actual transformers loss at given load can be computed as:

Voltage Fluctuation Control A control of voltage in a transformer is important due to frequent changes in supply voltage level. Whenever the supply voltage is less than the optimal value, there is a chance of nuisance tripping of voltage sensitive devices. The voltage regulation in transformers is done by altering the voltage transformation ratio with the help of tapping. There are two methods of tap changing facility available: Off-circuit tap changer and On-load tap changer. Off-circuit tap changer It is a device fitted in the transformer, which is used to vary the voltage transformation ratio. Here the voltage levels can be varied only after isolating the primary voltage of the transformer. On load tap changer (OLTC) The voltage levels can be varied without isolating the connected load to the transformer. To minimise the magnetisation losses and to reduce the nuisance tripping of the plant, the main transformer (the transformer that receives supply from the grid) should be provided with On Load Tap Changing facility at design stage. The down stream distribution transformers can be provided with off-circuit tap changer. The On-load gear can be put in auto mode or manually depending on the requirement. OLTC can be arranged for transformers of size 250 kVA onwards. However, the necessity of OLTC below 1000 kVA can be considered after calculating the cost economics. Parallel Operation of Transformers The design of Power Control Centre (PCC) and Motor Control Centre (MCC) of any new plant should have the provision of operating two or more transformers in parallel. Additional switchgears and bus couplers should be provided at design stage. Whenever two transformers are operating in parallel, both should be technically identical in all aspects and more importantly should have the same impedance level. This will minimise the circulating current between transformers. Where the load is fluctuating in nature, it is preferable to have more than one transformer running in parallel, so that the load can be optimised by sharing the load between transformers. The transformers can be operated close to the maximum efficiency range by this operation.
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System Distribution Losses

In an electrical system often the constant no load losses and the variable load losses are to be assessed alongside, over long reference duration, towards energy loss estimation. Identifying and calculating the sum of the individual contributing loss components is a challenging one, requiring extensive experience and knowledge of all the factors impacting the operating efficiencies of each of these components. For example the cable losses in any industrial plant will be up to 6 percent depending on the size and complexity of the distribution system. Note that all of these are current dependent, and can be readily mitigated by any technique that reduces facility current load. Various losses in distribution equipment is given in the Table1.3. In system distribution loss optimization, the various options available include:

Relocating transformers and sub-stations near to load centers Re-routing and re-conductoring such feeders and lines where the losses / voltage drops are higher. Power factor improvement by incorporating capacitors at load end. Optimum loading of transformers in the system. Opting for lower resistance All Aluminum Alloy Conductors (AAAC) in place of conventional Aluminum Cored Steel Reinforced (ACSR) lines Minimizing losses due to weak links in distribution network such as jumpers, loose contacts, old brittle conductors.



% Energy Loss at Full Load Variations Min Max 0.015 3.5 0.02 0.30 1.90 0.0 25 0.15 0.50 0.34 0.40 4.00 9.0 15.0 6.0

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Outdoor circuit breaker (15 to 230 KV) Generators Medium voltage switchgears (5 to 15 KV) Current limiting reactors Transformers Load break switches Medium voltage starters Bus ways less than 430 V Low voltage switchgear Motor control centers Cables Large rectifiers Static variable speed drives Capacitors (Watts / kVAr) 18

0.002 0.019 0.005 0.09 0.40 0.003 0.02 0.05 0.13 0.01 1.00 3.0 6.0 0.50

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1. Electrical System

1.7 Harmonics
In any alternating current network, flow of current depends upon the voltage applied and the impedance (resistance to AC) provided by elements like resistances, reactances of inductive and capacitive nature. As the value of impedance in above devices is constant, they are called linear whereby the voltage and current relation is of linear nature. However in real life situation, various devices like diodes, silicon controlled rectifiers, PWM systems, thyristors, voltage & current chopping saturated core reactors, induction & arc furnaces are also deployed for various requirements and due to their varying impedance characteristic, these NON LINEAR devices cause distortion in voltage and current waveforms which is of increasing concern in recent times. Harmonics occurs as spikes at intervals which are multiples of the mains (supply) frequency and these distort the pure sine wave form of the supply voltage & current. Harmonics are multiples of the fundamental frequency of an electrical power system. If, for example, the fundamental frequency is 50 Hz, then the 5th harmonic is five times that frequency, or 250 Hz. Likewise, the 7th harmonic is seven times the fundamental or 350 Hz, and so on for higher order harmonics. Harmonics can be discussed in terms of current or voltage. A 5th harmonic current is simply a current flowing at 250 Hz on a 50 Hz system. The 5th harmonic current flowing through the system impedance creates a 5th harmonic voltage. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) expresses the amount of harmonics. The following is the formula for calculating the THD for current:

When harmonic currents flow in a power system, they are known as poor power quality or dirty power. Other causes of poor power quality include transients such as voltage spikes, surges, sags, and ringing. Because they repeat every cycle, harmonics are regarded as a steadystate cause of poor power quality. When expressed as a percentage of fundamental voltage THD is given by,

THDvoltage = where V1 is the fundamental frequency voltage and Vn is nth harmonic voltage component. Major Causes Of Harmonics Devices that draw non-sinusoidal currents when a sinusoidal voltage is applied create harmonics. Frequently these are devices that convert AC to DC. Some of these devices are listed below:
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Electronic Switching Power Converters Computers, Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), Solid-state rectifiers Electronic process control equipment, PLCs, etc Electronic lighting ballasts, including light dimmer Reduced voltage motor controllers Arcing Devices Discharge lighting, e.g. Fluorescent, Sodium and Mercury vapor Arc furnaces, Welding equipment, Electrical traction system Ferromagnetic Devices Transformers operating near saturation level Magnetic ballasts (Saturated Iron core) Induction heating equipment, Chokes, Motors Appliances

TV sets, air conditioners, washing machines, microwave ovens Fax machines, photocopiers, printers

These devices use power electronics like SCRs, diodes, and thyristors, which are a growing percentage of the load in industrial power systems. The majority use a 6-pulse converter. Most loads which produce harmonics, do so as a steady-state phenomenon. A snapshot reading of an operating load that is suspected to be non-linear can determine if it is producing harmonics. Normally each load would manifest a specific harmonic spectrum. Many problems can arise from harmonic currents in a power system. Some problems are easy to detect; others exist and persist because harmonics are not suspected. Higher RMS current and voltage in the system are caused by harmonic currents, which can result in any of the problems listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Blinking of Incandescent Lights - Transformer Saturation Capacitor Failure - Harmonic Resonance Circuit Breakers Tripping - Inductive Heating and Overload Conductor Failure - Inductive Heating Electronic Equipment Shutting down - Voltage Distortion Flickering of Fluorescent Lights - Transformer Saturation Fuses Blowing for No Apparent Reason - Inductive Heating and Overload Motor Failures (overheating) - Voltage Drop Neutral Conductor and Terminal Failures - Additive Triplen Currents Electromagnetic Load Failures - Inductive Heating Overheating of Metal Enclosures - Inductive Heating Power Interference on Voice Communication - Harmonic Noise Transformer Failures - Inductive Heating

Overcoming Harmonics Tuned Harmonic filters consisting of a capacitor bank and reactor in series are designed and adopted for suppressing harmonics, by providing low impedance path for harmonic component.
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The Harmonic filters connected suitably near the equipment generating harmonics help to reduce THD to acceptable limits. In present Indian context where no Electro Magnetic Compatibility regulations exist as a application of Harmonic filters is very relevant for industries having diesel power generation sets and co-generation units.

1.8 Analysis of Electrical Power Systems

An analysis of an electrical power system may uncover energy waste, fire hazards, and equipment failure. Facility /energy managers increasingly find that reliability-centered maintenance can save money, energy, and downtime (see Table 1.4).


System Problem Voltage imbalances among the three phases

Common Causes Improper transformer tap settings, single-phase loads not balanced among phases, poor connections, bad conductors, transformer grounds or faults. Improper transformer settings, Incorrect selection of motors.

Possible Effects Motor vibration, premature motor failure A 5% imbalance causes a 40% increase in motor losses. Over-voltages in motors reduce efficiency, power factor and equipment life Increased temperature Produces heat, causes failure at connection site, leads to voltage drops and voltage imbalances Voltage drop and energy waste. May leak to ground or to another phase. Variable energy waste. Reduces current-carrying capacity of wiring, voltage regulation effectiveness, and equipment life. Over-heating of neutral conductors, motors, transformers, switch gear. Voltage drop, low power factors, reduced capacity.

Solutions Balance loads among phases.

Voltage deviations from rated voltages ( too low or high) Poor connections in distribution or at connected loads.

Correct transformer settings, motor ratings and motor input voltages Use Infra Red camera to locate hot-spots and correct.

Loose bus bar connections, loose cable connections, corroded connections, poor crimps, loose or worn contactors Facilities expanding beyond original designs, poor power factors Degradation over time due to extreme temperatures, abrasion, moisture, chemicals Inductive loads such as motors, transformers, and lighting ballasts Non-linear loads, such as most electronic loads. Office-electronics, UPSs, variable frequency drives, high intensity discharge lighting, and electronic and core-coil ballasts.

Undersized conductors. Insulation leakage

Reduce the load by conservation load scheduling. Replace conductors, insulators Add capacitors to counteract reactive loads.

Low Power Factor

Harmonics (nonsinusoidal voltage and/or current wave forms)

Take care with equipment selection and isolate sensitive electronics from noisy circuits.

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1. Electrical System

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name different types of power generation sources. The temperatures encountered in power plant boilers is of the order of a) 8500C b) 3200C c) 1300C d) 1000C What do you understand by the term "Heat Rate"? Explain why power is generated at lower voltage and transmitted at higher voltages. The efficiency of steam based power plant is of the order of a) 28-35% b) 50-60% c) 70-75% d) 90-95% The technical T & D loss in India is estimated to be a) 50% b) 25% c) 17% d) 10% What are the typical billing components of the two-part tariff structure of industrial utility? Define contract demand and billing demand. What are the areas to be looked into for maximum demand reduction in industry? A trivector-meter with half-hour cycle has the following inputs during the maximum demand period: MD Drawn Duration kVA in Minutes 100 10 200 5 50 10 150 5 What is the maximum demand during the half-hour interval? 11. 12. Power factor is the ratio of a) kW/kVA b) kVA/kW c) kVAr/kW d) kVAr/kVA

A 3-phase, 415 V, 100 kW induction motor is drawing 50 kW at a 0.75 PF Calculate the capacitor rating requirements at motor terminals for improving PF to 0.95. Also calculate the reduction in current drawn and kVA reduction, from the point of installation back to the generated side due to the improved PF.


A process plant consumes of 12500 kWh per month at 0.9 Power Factor (PF). What is the percentage reduction in distribution losses per month if PF is improved up to 0.96 at load end? What is the % loss reduction, if an 11 kV supply line is converted into 33 kV supply system for the same length and electrical load application? The efficiency at various stages from power plant to end-use is given below. Efficiency of power generation in a power plant is 30 %. The T & D losses are 23 %. The distribution loss of the plant is 6 %. Equipment end use efficiency is 65 %. What is the overall system efficiency from generation to end-use?

14. 15.

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A unit has a 2 identical 500 kVA transformers each with a no load loss of 840 W and full load copper loss of 5700 watt. The plant load is 400 kVA. Compare the transformer losses when single transformer is operation and when both transformers are in parallel operation. Explain how fluctuations in plant voltage can be overcome. What are Total Harmonic Distortion and its effects on electrical system? What are the equipments / devices contributing to the harmonics? Select the location of installing capacitor bank, which will provide the maximum energy efficiency. a) Main sub-station b) Motor terminals c) Motor control centers d) Distribution board The designed power transformers efficiency is in the range of a) 80 to 90.5 % b) 90 to 95.5 % c) 95 to 99.5 % d) 92.5 to 93.5 % The power factor indicated in the electricity bill is a) Peak day power factor b) Power factor during night c) Average power factor d) Instantaneous power factor

17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22.

1. 2. 3. Technology Menu on Energy Efficiency NPC NPC In-house Case Studies Electrical energy conservation modules of AIP-NPC, Chennai

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Syllabus Electric motors: Types, Losses in induction motors, Motor efficiency, Factors affecting motor performance, Rewinding and motor replacement issues, Energy saving opportunities with energy efficient motors.

2.1 Introduction
Motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy by the interaction between the magnetic fields set up in the stator and rotor windings. Industrial electric motors can be broadly classified as induction motors, direct current motors or synchronous motors. All motor types have the same four operating components: stator (stationary windings), rotor (rotating windings), bearings, and frame (enclosure).

2.2 Motor Types

Induction Motors Induction motors are the most commonly used prime mover for various equipments in industrial applications. In induction motors, the induced magnetic field of the stator winding induces a current in the rotor. This induced rotor current produces a second magnetic field, which tries to oppose the stator magnetic field, and this causes the rotor to rotate. The 3-phase squirrel cage motor is the workhorse of industry; it is rugged and reliable, and is by far the most common motor type used in industry. These motors drive pumps, blowers and fans, compressors, conveyers and production lines. The 3-phase induction motor has three windings each connected to a separate phase of the power supply. Direct-Current Motors Direct-Current motors, as the name implies, use direct-unidirectional, current. Direct current motors are used in special applications- where high torque starting or where smooth acceleration over a broad speed range is required. Synchronous Motors AC power is fed to the stator of the synchronous motor. The rotor is fed by DC from a separate source. The rotor magnetic field locks onto the stator rotating magnetic field and rotates at the same speed. The speed of the rotor is a function of the supply frequency and the number of magnetic poles in the stator. While induction motors rotate with a slip, i.e., rpm is less than the synchronous speed, the synchronous motor rotate with no slip, i.e., the RPM is same as the synchronous speed governed by supply frequency and number of poles. The slip energy is provided by the D.C. excitation power
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Motor Characteristics

Motor Speed The speed of a motor is the number of revolutions in a given time frame, typically revolutions per minute (RPM). The speed of an AC motor depends on the frequency of the input power and the number of poles for which the motor is wound. The synchronous speed in RPM is given by the following equation, where the frequency is in hertz or cycles per second: Synchronous Speed (RPM) = 120 Frequency No. of Poles

Indian motors have synchronous speeds like 3000 / 1500 / 1000 / 750 / 600 / 500 / 375 RPM corresponding to no. of poles being 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 (always even) and given the mains frequency of 50 cycles / sec. The actual speed, with which the motor operates, will be less than the synchronous speed. The difference between synchronous and full load speed is called slip and is measured in percent. It is calculated using this equation: Slip (%) = Synchronous Speed Full Load Rated Speed 100 Synchronous Speed

As per relation stated above, the speed of an AC motor is determined by the number of motor poles and by the input frequency. It can also be seen that theoretically speed of an AC motor can be varied infinitely by changing the frequency. Manufacturer's guidelines should be referred for practical limits to speed variation. With the addition of a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), the speed of the motor can be decreased as well as increased. Power Factor The power factor of the motor is given as: Power Factor = Cos = kW kVA

As the load on the motor comes down, the magnitude of the active current reduces. However, there is no corresponding reduction in the magnetizing current, which is proportional to supply voltage with the result that the motor power factor reduces, with a reduction in applied load. Induction motors, especially those operating below their rated capacity, are the main reason for low power factor in electric systems.

2.4 Motor Efficiency

Two important attributes relating to efficiency of electricity use by A.C. Induction motors are efficiency (), defined as the ratio of the mechanical energy delivered at the rotating shaft to the electrical energy input at its terminals, and power factor (PF). Motors, like other inductive loads, are characterized by power factors less than one. As a result, the total current draw needed to deliver the same real power is higher than for a load characterized by a higher PF. An important effect of operating with a PF less than one is that resistance losses in wiring upstream of the motor will be higher, since these are proportional to the square of the current. Thus, both a high value for and a PF close to unity are desired for efficient overall operation in a plant. Squirrel cage motors are normally more efficient than slip-ring motors, and higher-speed motors are normally more efficient than lower-speed motors. Efficiency is also a function of
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motor temperature. Totally-enclosed, fan-cooled (TEFC) motors are more efficient than screenprotected, drip-proof (SPDP) motors. Also, as with most equipment, motor efficiency increases with the rated capacity. The efficiency of a motor is determined by intrinsic losses that can be reduced only by changes in motor design. Intrinsic losses are of two types: fixed losses - independent of motor load, and variable losses - dependent on load. Fixed losses consist of magnetic core losses and friction and windage losses. Magnetic core losses (sometimes called iron losses) consist of eddy current and hysteresis losses in the stator. They vary with the core material and geometry and with input voltage. Friction and windage losses are caused by friction in the bearings of the motor and aerodynamic losses associated with the ventilation fan and other rotating parts. Variable losses consist of resistance losses in the stator and in the rotor and miscellaneous stray losses. Resistance to current flow in the stator and rotor result in heat generation that is proportional to the resistance of the material and the square of the current (I2R). Stray losses arise from a variety of sources and are difficult to either measure directly or to calculate, but are generally proportional to the square of the rotor current. Part-load performance characteristics of a motor also depend on its design. Both and PF fall to very low levels at low loads. The Figures 2.1 shows the effect of load on power factor and efficiency. It can be seen that power factor drops sharply at part loads. The Figure 2.2 shows the effect of speed on power factor. Field Tests for Determining Efficiency No Load Test: The motor is run at rated voltage and frequency without any shaft load. Input power, current, frequency and voltage are noted. The no load P.F. is quite low and hence low PF wattmeters are required. From the input power, stator I2R losses under no load are subtracted to give the sum of Friction and Windage (F&W) and core losses. To separate core and F &

Figure 2.1 % Load vs. Power factor, Efficiency Bureau of Energy Efficiency 27

Figure 2.2 Speed vs. Power factor

2. Electric Motors

W losses, test is repeated at variable voltages. It is useful to plot no-load input kW versus Voltage; the intercept is Friction & Windage kW loss component. F&W and core losses = No load power (watts) - (No load current)2 Stator resistance Stator and Rotor I2R Losses: The stator winding resistance is directly measured by a bridge or volt amp method. The resistance must be corrected to the operating temperature. For modern motors, the operating temperature is likely to be in the range of 100C to 120C and necessary correction should be made. Correction to 75C may be inaccurate. The correction factor is given as follows : 235 + t2 R2 = , where, t1 = ambient temperature, C & t2 = operating temperature, C. 235 +t1 R1 The rotor resistance can be determined from locked rotor test at reduced frequency, but rotor I R losses are measured from measurement of rotor slip.

Rotor I2R losses = Slip (Stator Input Stator I2R Losses Core Loss) Accurate measurement of slip is possible by stroboscope or non-contact type tachometer. Slip also must be corrected to operating temperature. Stray Load Losses: These losses are difficult to measure with any accuracy. IEEE Standard 112 gives a complicated method, which is rarely used on shop floor. IS and IEC standards take a fixed value as 0.5 % of input. The actual value of stray losses is likely to be more. IEEE 112 specifies values from 0.9 % to 1.8 % (see Table 2.1.)

Motor Rating 1 125 HP 125 500 HP 501 2499 HP 2500 and above

Stray Losses 1.8 % 1.5 % 1.2 % 0.9 %

Pointers for Users: It must be clear that accurate determination of efficiency is very difficult. The same motor tested by different methods and by same methods by different manufacturers can give a difference of 2 %. In view of this, for selecting high efficiency motors, the following can be done: a) When purchasing large number of small motors or a large motor, ask for a detailed test certificate. If possible, try to remain present during the tests; This will add cost. b) See that efficiency values are specified without any tolerance c) Check the actual input current and kW, if replacement is done d) For new motors, keep a record of no load input power and current e) Use values of efficiency for comparison and for confirming; rely on measured inputs for all calculations.
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Estimation of efficiency in the field can be done as follows: a) Measure stator resistance and correct to operating temperature. From rated current value , I2R losses are calculated. b) From rated speed and output, rotor I2R losses are calculated c) From no load test, core and F & W losses are determined for stray loss The method is illustrated by the following example: Example : Motor Specifications Rated power Voltage Current Speed Insulation class Frame Connection No load test Data Voltage, V Current, I Frequency, F Stator phase resistance at 30C No load power, Pnl

= = = = = = =

34 kW/45 HP 415 Volt 57 Amps 1475 rpm F LD 200 L Delta

= = = = =

415 Volts 16.1 Amps 50 Hz 0.264 Ohms 1063.74 Watts

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2. Electric Motors

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2. Electric Motors

2.5 Motor Selection

The primary technical consideration defining the motor choice for any particular application is the torque required by the load, especially the relationship between the maximum torque generated by the motor (break-down torque) and the torque requirements for start-up (locked rotor torque) and during acceleration periods. The duty / load cycle determines the thermal loading on the motor. One consideration with totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) motors is that the cooling may be insufficient when the motor is operated at speeds below its rated value. Ambient operating conditions affect motor choice; special motor designs are available for corrosive or dusty atmospheres, high temperatures, restricted physical space, etc. An estimate of the switching frequency (usually dictated by the process), whether automatic or manually controlled, can help in selecting the appropriate motor for the duty cycle. The demand a motor will place on the balance of the plant electrical system is another consideration - if the load variations are large, for example as a result of frequent starts and stops of large components like compressors, the resulting large voltage drops could be detrimental to other equipment.
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Reliability is of prime importance - in many cases, however, designers and process engineers seeking reliability will grossly oversize equipment, leading to sub-optimal energy performance. Good knowledge of process parameters and a better understanding of the plant power system can aid in reducing oversizing with no loss of reliability. Inventory is another consideration - Many large industries use standard equipment, which can be easily serviced or replaced, thereby reducing the stock of spare parts that must be maintained and minimizing shut-down time. This practice affects the choice of motors that might provide better energy performance in specific applications. Shorter lead times for securing individual motors from suppliers would help reduce the need for this practice. Price is another issue - Many users are first-cost sensitive, leading to the purchase of less expensive motors that may be more costly on a lifecycle basis because of lower efficiency. For example, energy efficient motors or other specially designed motors typically save within a few years an amount of money equal to several times the incremental cost for an energy efficient motor, over a standard-efficiency motor. Few of salient selection issues are given below:


In the selection process, the power drawn at 75 % of loading can be a meaningful indicator of energy efficiency. Reactive power drawn (kVAR) by the motor. Indian Standard 325 for standard motors allows 15 % tolerance on efficiency for motors upto 50 kW rating and 10 % for motors over 50 kW rating. The Indian Standard IS 8789 addresses technical performance of Standard Motors while IS 12615 addresses the efficiency criteria of High Efficiency Motors. Both follow IEC 34-2 test methodology wherein, stray losses are assumed as 0.5 % of input power. By the IEC test method, the losses are understated and if one goes by IEEE test methodology, the motor efficiency values would be further lowered. It would be prudent for buyers to procure motors based on test certificates rather than labeled values. The energy savings by motor replacement can be worked out by the simple relation : kW savings = kW output [ 1/old 1/ new ] where old and new are the existing and proposed motor efficiency values. The cost benefits can be worked out on the basis of premium required for high efficiency vs. worth of annual savings.

Energy-Efficient Motors

Energy-efficient motors (EEM) are the ones in which, design improvements are incorporated specifically to increase operating efficiency over motors of standard design (see Figure 2.3). Design improvements focus on reducing intrinsic motor losses. Improvements include the use of lower-loss silicon steel, a longer core (to increase active material), thicker wires (to reduce resistance), thinner laminations, smaller air gap between stator and rotor, copper instead of aluminum bars in the rotor, superior bearings and a smaller fan, etc. Energy-efficient motors now available in India operate with efficiencies that are typically 3 to 4 percentage points higher than standard motors. In keeping with the stipulations of the BIS, energy-efficient motors are designed to operate without loss in efficiency at loads between 75 % and 100 % of rated capacity. This may result in major benefits in varying load applications. The power factor is about the same or may be higher than for standard motors. Furthermore, energyBureau of Energy Efficiency 32

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Figure 2.3 Standard vs High Efficiency Motors

efficient motors have lower operating temperatures and noise levels, greater ability to accelerate higher-inertia loads, and are less affected by supply voltage fluctuations. Measures adopted for energy efficiency address each loss specifically as under: Stator and Rotor I2R Losses These losses are major losses and typically account for 55% to 60% of the total losses. I2R losses are heating losses resulting from current passing through stator and rotor conductors. I2R losses are the function of a conductor resistance, the square of current. Resistance of conductor is a function of conductor material, length and cross sectional area. The suitable selection of copper conductor size will reduce the resistance. Reducing the motor current is most readily accomplished by decreasing the magnetizing component of current. This involves lowering the operating flux density and possible shortening of air gap. Rotor I2R losses are a function of the rotor conductors (usually aluminium) and the rotor slip. Utilisation of copper conductors will reduce the winding resistance. Motor operation closer to synchronous speed will also reduce rotor I2R losses. Core Losses Core losses are those found in the stator-rotor magnetic steel and are due to hysterisis effect and eddy current effect during 50 Hz magnetization of the core material. These losses are independent of load and account for 20 25 % of the total losses. The hysterisis losses which are a function of flux density, are be reduced by utilizing lowloss grade of silicon steel laminations. The reduction of flux density is achieved by suitable increase in the core length of stator and rotor. Eddy current losses are generated by circulating current within the core steel laminations. These are reduced by using thinner laminations. Friction and Windage Losses Friction and windage losses results from bearing friction, windage and circulating air through the motor and account for 8 12 % of total losses. These losses are independent of load. The
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reduction in heat generated by stator and rotor losses permit the use of smaller fan. The windage losses also reduce with the diameter of fan leading to reduction in windage losses. Stray Load-Losses These losses vary according to square of the load current and are caused by leakage flux induced by load currents in the laminations and account for 4 to 5 % of total losses. These losses are reduced by careful selection of slot numbers, tooth/slot geometry and air gap. Energy efficient motors cover a wide range of ratings and the full load efficiencies are higher by 3 to 7 %. The mounting dimensions are also maintained as per IS1231 to enable easy replacement. As a result of the modifications to improve performance, the costs of energy-efficient motors are higher than those of standard motors. The higher cost will often be paid back rapidly in saved operating costs, particularly in new applications or end-of-life motor replacements. In cases where existing motors have not reached the end of their useful life, the economics will be less clearly positive. Because the favourable economics of energy-efficient motors are based on savings in operating costs, there may be certain cases which are generally economically ill-suited to energyefficient motors. These include highly intermittent duty or special torque applications such as hoists and cranes, traction drives, punch presses, machine tools, and centrifuges. In addition, energy, efficient designs of multi-speed motors are generally not available. Furthermore, energy-efficient motors are not yet available for many special applications, e.g. for flame-proof operation in oil-field or fire pumps or for very low speed applications (below 750 rpm). Also, most energy-efficient motors produced today are designed only for continuous duty cycle operation. Given the tendency of over sizing on the one hand and ground realities like ; voltage, frequency variations, efficacy of rewinding in case of a burnout, on the other hand, benefits of EEM's can be achieved only by careful selection, implementation, operation and maintenance efforts of energy managers. A summary of energy efficiency improvements in EEMs is given in the Table 2.2:

Power Loss Area 1. Iron

Efficiency Improvement Use of thinner gauge, lower loss core steel reduces eddy current losses. Longer core adds more steel to the design, which reduces losses due to lower operating flux densities. Use of more copper and larger conductors increases cross sectional area of stator windings. This lowers resistance (R) of the windings and reduces losses due to current flow (I). Use of larger rotor conductor bars increases size of cross section, lowering conductor resistance (R) and losses due to current flow (I). Use of low loss fan design reduces losses due to air movement. Use of optimized design and strict quality control procedures minimizes stray load losses.

2. Stator I2R

3. Rotor I2R 4. Friction & Windage 5. Stray Load Loss

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2. Electric Motors

2.7 Factors Affecting Energy Efficiency & Minimising Motor Losses in Operation
Power Supply Quality Motor performance is affected considerably by the quality of input power, that is the actual volts and frequency available at motor terminals vis--vis rated values as well as voltage and frequency variations and voltage unbalance across the three phases. Motors in India must comply with standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for tolerance to variations in input power quality. The BIS standards specify that a motor should be capable of delivering its rated output with a voltage variation of +/- 6 % and frequency variation of +/- 3 %. Fluctuations much larger than these are quite common in utility-supplied electricity in India. Voltage fluctuations can have detrimental impacts on motor performance. The general effects of voltage and frequency variation on motor performance are presented in Table 2.3: Voltage unbalance, the condition where the voltages in the three phases are not equal, can be still more detrimental to motor performance and motor life. Unbalance typically occurs as a result of supplying single-phase loads disproportionately from one of the phases. It can also result from the use of different sizes of cables in the distribution system. An example of the effect of voltage unbalance on motor performance is shown in Table 2.4.

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Parameter Unbalance in current (%) .................. Increased temperature rise (C) .................. 0.30 0.4 0

Percent unbalance in voltage* 2.30 17.7 30 5.40 40.0 40

* Percent unbalance in voltage is defined as 100 (Vmax Vavg) / Vavg, Where Vmax and Vavg are the largest and the average of the three phase voltages, respectively.

The options that can be exercised to minimize voltage unbalance include: i) Balancing any single phase loads equally among all the three phases ii) Segregating any single phase loads which disturb the load balance and feed them from a separate line / transformer Motor Loading Measuring Load % Loading of the motor can be estimated by the following relation: % loading = Input power drawn by the motor (kW) at existing load x 100 (Name plate full load kW rating / name plate full load motor efficiency) or % loading = Input power drawn by the motor (kW) at existing load x 100 3 x kV x I Cos

Never assume power factor Loading should not be estimated as the ratio of currents.

Reducing Under-loading Probably the most common practice contributing to sub-optimal motor efficiency is that of under-loading. Under-loading results in lower efficiency and power factor, and higher-than-necessary first cost for the motor and related control equipment. Under-loading is common for several reasons. Original equipment manufacturers tend to use a large safety factor in motors they select. Under-loading of the motor may also occur from under-utilisation of the equipment. For example, machine tool equipment manufacturers provide for a motor rated for the full capacity load of the equipment ex. depth of cut in a lathe machine. The user may need this full capacity rarely, resulting in under-loaded operation most of the time. Another common reason for underloading is selection of a larger motor to enable the output to be maintained at the desired level even when input voltages are abnormally low. Finally, under-loading also results from selecting a large motor for an application requiring high starting torque where a special motor, designed for high torque, would have been suitable. A careful evaluation of the load would determine the capacity of the motor that should be selected. Another aspect to consider is the incremental gain in efficiency achievable by changing the motor. Larger motors have inherently higher rated efficiencies than smaller motors. Therefore, the replacement of motors operating at 60 70 % of capacity or higher is generally not recommended. However, there are no rigid rules governing motor selection; the savings potential needs to be evaluated on a case-to-case basis. When downsizing, it may be preferable to select an energy-efficient motor, the efficiency of which may be higher than that of a standard motor of higher capacity.
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For motors, which consistently operate at loads below 40 % of rated capacity, an inexpensive and effective measure might be to operate in star mode. A change from the standard delta operation to star operation involves re-configuring the wiring of the three phases of power input at the terminal box. Operating in the star mode leads to a voltage reduction by a factor of '3'. Motor is electrically downsized by star mode operation, but performance characteristics as a function of load remain unchanged. Thus, full-load operation in star mode gives higher efficiency and power factor than partial load operation in the delta mode. However, motor operation in the star mode is possible only for applications where the torque-to-speed requirement is lower at reduced load. As speed of the motor reduces in star mode this option may be avoided in case the motor is connected to a production facility whose output is related to the motor speed. For applications with high initial torque and low running torque needs, Del-Star starters are also available in market, which help in load following de-rating of electric motors after initial start-up. Sizing to Variable Load Industrial motors frequently operate under varying load conditions due to process requirements. A common practice in cases where such variable-loads are found is to select a motor based on the highest anticipated load. In many instances, an alternative approach is typically less costly, more efficient, and provides equally satisfactory operation. With this approach, the optimum rating for the motor is selected on the basis of the load duration curve for the particular application. Thus, rather than selecting a motor of high rating that would operate at full capacity for only a short period, a motor would be selected with a rating slightly lower than the peak anticipated load and would operate at overload for a short period of time. Since operating within the thermal capacity of the motor insulation is of greatest concern in a motor operating at higher than its rated load, the motor rating is selected as that which would result in the same temperature rise under continuous full-load operation as the weighted average temperature rise over the actual operating cycle. Under extreme load changes, e.g. frequent starts / stops, or high inertial loads, this method of calculating the motor rating is unsuitable since it would underestimate the heating that would occur. Where loads vary substantially with time, in addition to proper motor sizing, the control strategy employed can have a significant impact on motor electricity use. Traditionally, mechanical means (e.g. throttle valves in piping systems) have been used when lower output is required. More efficient speed control mechanisms include multi-speed motors, eddy-current couplings, fluid couplings, and solid-state electronic variable speed drives. Power Factor Correction As noted earlier, induction motors are characterized by power factors less than unity, leading to lower overall efficiency (and higher overall operating cost) associated with a plant's electrical system. Capacitors connected in parallel (shunted) with the motor are typically used to improve the power factor. The impacts of PF correction include reduced kVA demand (and hence reduced utility demand charges), reduced I2R losses in cables upstream of the capacitor (and hence reduced energy charges), reduced voltage drop in the cables (leading to improved voltage regulation), and an increase in the overall efficiency of the plant electrical system. It should be noted that PF capacitor improves power factor from the point of installation back to the generating side. It means that, if a PF capacitor is installed at the starter terminals of the motor, it won't improve the operating PF of the motor, but the PF from starter terminals to the power generating side will improve, i.e., the benefits of PF would be only on upstream side.
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The size of capacitor required for a particular motor depends upon the no-load reactive kVA (kVAR) drawn by the motor, which can be determined only from no-load testing of the motor. In general, the capacitor is then selected to not exceed 90 % of the no-load kVAR of the motor. (Higher capacitors could result in over-voltages and motor burn-outs). Alternatively, typical power factors of standard motors can provide the basis for conservative estimates of capacitor ratings to use for different size motors. The capacitor rating for power connection by direct connection to induction motors is shown in Table 2.5. From the above table, it may be noted that required capacitive kVAr increases with decrease in speed of the motor, as the magnetizing current requirement of a low speed motor is more in comTABLE 2.5 CAPACITOR RATINGS FOR POWER FACTOR CORRECTION BY DIRECT CONNECTION TO INDUCTION MOTORS

Motor Rating (HP) 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250

Capacitor rating (kVAr) for Motor Speed 3000 2 2 3 3 5 6 7 9 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 45 1500 2 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 22 26 32 45 50 1000 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 12 15 15 20 25 30 35 45 50 750 3 3 5 7 8 9 10 15 18 20 22 26 32 40 50 60 600 3 4 5 7 9 9 10 16 20 22 25 32 35 45 55 65 500 3 4 6 7 10 12 15 20 22 25 30 35 40 50 60 70

parison to the high speed motor for the same HP of the motor. Since a reduction in line current, and associated energy efficiency gains, are reflected backwards from the point of application of the capacitor, the maximum improvement in overall system efficiency is achieved when the capacitor is connected across the motor terminals, as compared to somewhere further upstream in the plant's electrical system. However, economies of scale associated with the cost of capacitors and the labor required to install them will place an economic limit on the lowest desirable capacitor size. Maintenance Inadequate maintenance of motors can significantly increase losses and lead to unreliable operation. For example, improper lubrication can cause increased friction in both the motor and
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associated drive transmission equipment. Resistance losses in the motor, which rise with temperature, would increase. Providing adequate ventilation and keeping motor cooling ducts clean can help dissipate heat to reduce excessive losses. The life of the insulation in the motor would also be longer : for every 10C increase in motor operating temperature over the recommended peak, the time before rewinding would be needed is estimated to be halved A checklist of good maintenance practices to help insure proper motor operation would include:

Inspecting motors regularly for wear in bearings and housings (to reduce frictional losses) and for dirt/dust in motor ventilating ducts (to ensure proper heat dissipation). Checking load conditions to ensure that the motor is not over or under loaded. A change in motor load from the last test indicates a change in the driven load, the cause of which should be understood. Lubricating appropriately. Manufacturers generally give recommendations for how and when to lubricate their motors. Inadequate lubrication can cause problems, as noted above. Overlubrication can also create problems, e.g. excess oil or grease from the motor bearings can enter the motor and saturate the motor insulation, causing premature failure or creating a fire risk. Checking periodically for proper alignment of the motor and the driven equipment. Improper alignment can cause shafts and bearings to wear quickly, resulting in damage to both the motor and the driven equipment. Ensuring that supply wiring and terminal box are properly sized and installed. Inspect regularly the connections at the motor and starter to be sure that they are clean and tight.

Age Most motor cores in India are manufactured from silicon steel or de-carbonized cold-rolled steel, the electrical properties of which do not change measurably with age. However, poor maintenance (inadequate lubrication of bearings, insufficient cleaning of air cooling passages, etc.) can cause a deterioration in motor efficiency over time. Ambient conditions can also have a detrimental effect on motor performance. For example, excessively high temperatures, high dust loading, corrosive atmosphere, and humidity can impair insulation properties; mechanical stresses due to load cycling can lead to misalignment. However, with adequate care, motor performance can be maintained.


Rewinding Effects on Energy Efficiency

It is common practice in industry to rewind burnt-out motors. The population of rewound motors in some industries exceed 50 % of the total population. Careful rewinding can sometimes maintain motor efficiency at previous levels, but in most cases, losses in efficiency result. Rewinding can affect a number of factors that contribute to deteriorated motor efficiency : winding and slot design, winding material, insulation performance, and operating temperature. For example, a common problem occurs when heat is applied to strip old windings : the insulation between laminations can be damaged, thereby increasing eddy current losses. A change in the air gap may affect power factor and output torque. However, if proper measures are taken, motor efficiency can be maintained, and in some cases increased, after rewinding. Efficiency can be improved by changing the winding design, though the power factor could be affected in the process. Using wires of greater cross section, slot size permitting, would reduce stator losses thereby increasing efficiency. However, it is generally recommended that the original design of the motor be preserved during the rewind, unless there are specific, load-related reasons for redesign.
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The impact of rewinding on motor efficiency and power factor can be easily assessed if the no-load losses of a motor are known before and after rewinding. Maintaining documentation of no-load losses and no-load speed from the time of purchase of each motor can facilitate assessing this impact. For example, comparison of no load current and stator resistance per phase of a rewound motor with the original no-load current and stator resistance at the same voltage can be one of the indicators to assess the efficacy of rewinding.

2.9 Speed Control of AC Induction Motors

Traditionally, DC motors have been employed when variable speed capability was desired. By controlling the armature (rotor) voltage and field current of a separately excited DC motor, a wide range of output speeds can be obtained. DC motors are available in a wide range of sizes, but their use is generally restricted to a few low speed, low-to-medium power applications like machine tools and rolling mills because of problems with mechanical commutation at large sizes. Also, they are restricted for use only in clean, non-hazardous areas because of the risk of sparking at the brushes. DC motors are also expensive relative to AC motors. Because of the limitations of DC systems, AC motors are increasingly the focus for variable speed applications. Both AC synchronous and induction motors are suitable for variable speed control. Induction motors are generally more popular, however, because of their ruggedness and lower maintenance requirements. AC induction motors are inexpensive (half or less of the cost of a DC motor) and also provide a high power to weight ratio (about twice that of a DC motor). An induction motor is an asynchronous motor, the speed of which can be varied by changing the supply frequency. The control strategy to be adopted in any particular case will depend on a number of factors including investment cost, load reliability and any special control requirements. Thus, for any particular application, a detailed review of the load characteristics, historical data on process flows, the features required of the speed control system, the electricity tariffs and the investment costs would be a prerequisite to the selection of a speed control system. The characteristics of the load are particularly important. Load refers essentially to the torque output and corresponding speed required. Loads can be broadly classified as either constant power or Constant torque. Constant torque loads are those for which the output power requirement may vary with the speed of operation but the torque does not vary. Conveyors, rotary kilns, and constant-displacement pumps are typical examples of constant torque loads. Variable torque loads are those for which the torque required varies with the speed of operation. Centrifugal pumps and fans are typical examples of variable torque loads (torque varies as the square of the speed). Constant power loads are those for which the torque requirements typically change inversely with speed. Machine tools are a typical example of a constant power load. The largest potential for electricity savings with variable speed drives is generally in variable torque applications, for example centrifugal pumps and fans, where the power requirement changes as the cube of speed. Constant torque loads are also suitable for VSD application. Motor Speed Control Systems Multi-speed motors Motors can be wound such that two speeds, in the ratio of 2:1, can be obtained. Motors can also
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be wound with two separate windings, each giving 2 operating speeds, for a total of four speeds. Multi-speed motors can be designed for applications involving constant torque, variable torque, or for constant output power. Multi-speed motors are suitable for applications, which require limited speed control (two or four fixed speeds instead of continuously variable speed), in which cases they tend to be very economical. They have lower efficiency than single-speed motors Adjustable Frequency AC Drives Adjustable frequency drives are also commonly called inverters. They are available in a range of kW rating from fractional to 750 kW. They are designed to operate standard induction motors. This allows them to be easily added to an existing system. The inverters are often sold separately because the motor may already be in place. If necessary, a motor can be included with the drive or supplied separately. The basic drive consists of the inverter itself which coverts the 50 Hz incoming power to a variable frequency and variable voltage. The variable frequency is the actual requirement, which will control the motor speed. There are three major types of inverters designs available today. These are known as Current Source Inverters (CSI), Variable Voltage Inverters (VVI), and Pulse Width Modulated Inverters (PWM). Direct Current Drives (DC) The DC drive technology is the oldest form of electrical speed control. The drive system consists of a DC motor and a controller. The motor is constructed with armature and field windings. Both of these windings require a DC excitation for motor operation. Usually the field winding is excited with a constant level voltage from the controller. Then, applying a DC voltage from the controller to the armature of the motor will operate the motor. The armature connections are made through a brush and commutator assembly. The speed of the motor is directly proportional to the applied voltage. The controller is a phase controlled bridge rectifier with logic circuits to control the DC voltage delivered to the motor armature. Speed control is achieved by regulating the armature voltage to the motor. Often a tacho generator is included to achieve good speed regulation. The tacho would be mounted on the motor and produces a speed feedback signal that is used within the controller. Wound Rotor AC Motor Drives (Slip Ring Induction Motors) Wound rotor motor drives use a specially constructed motor to accomplish speed control. The motor rotor is constructed with windings which are brought out of the motor through slip rings on the motor shaft. These windings are connected to a controller which places variable resistors in series with the windings. The torque performance of the motor can be controlled using these variable resistors. Wound rotor motors are most common in the range of 300 HP and above.

2.10 Motor Load Survey: Methodology

Large industries have a massive population of LT motors. Load survey of LT motors can be
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taken-up methodically to identify improvement options as illustrated in following case study. i) Sampling Criteria Towards the objective of selecting representative LT motor drives among the motor population, for analysis, the criteria considered are: Utilization factor i.e., hours of operation with preference given to continuously operated drive motors. Sample representative basis, where one drive motor analysis can be reasoned as representative for the population. Ex : Cooling Tower Fans, Air Washer Units, etc. Conservation potential basis, where drive motors with inefficient capacity controls on the machine side, fluctuating load drive systems, etc., are looked into. ii) Measurements Studies on selected LT motors involve measurement of electrical load parameters namely volts, amperes, power factor, kW drawn. Observations on machine side parameters such as speed, load, pressure, temperature, etc., (as relevant) are also taken. Availability of online instruments for routine measurements, availability of tail-end capacitors for PF correction, energy meters for monitoring is also looked into for each case. iii) Analysis Analysis of observations on representative LT motors and connected drives is carried out towards following outputs: Motor load on kW basis and estimated energy consumption. Scope for improving monitoring systems to enable sustenance of a regular in-house Energy Audit function. Scope areas for energy conservation with related cost benefits and source information. The observations are to indicate: % loading on kW, % voltage unbalance if any, voltage, current, frequency, power factor, machine side conditions like load / unload condition, pressure, flow, temperature, damper / throttle operation, whether it is a rewound motor, idle operations, metering provisions, etc. The findings / recommendations may include: Identified motors with less than 50 % loading, 50 75 % loading, 75 100 % loading, over 100 % loading. Identified motors with low voltage / power factor / voltage imbalance for needed improvement measures. Identified motors with machine side losses / inefficiencies like idle operations, throttling / damper operations for avenues like automatic controls / interlocks, variable speed drives, etc. Motor load survey is aimed not only as a measure to identify motor efficiency areas but equally importantly, as a means to check combined efficiency of the motor, driven machine and controller if any. The margins in motor efficiency may be less than 10 % of consumption often, but the load survey would help to bring out savings in driven machines / systems, which can give 30 40 % energy savings.
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1. 2. 3. Name three types of motors in industrial practice. What is the relation between RPM (speed) and frequency of an induction motor? A 4-pole squirrel case induction motor operates with 5 % slip at full load. What is the full load RPM you may expect, if frequency is changed by a V/F control to: (a)40 c/s (b) 45 c/s (c) 35 c/s List the losses in induction motors and their expected percentage out of the total losses. List the factors affecting energy efficiency of electric motors? The power factor of an induction motor a) increases with load b) decreases with load c) remains constant with load d) has no relation to load List factors affecting windage and friction losses while rewinding. What are the factors affecting core losses while rewinding? List methods by which speed control of motor can be achieved. Explain the ways by which efficiencies of energy efficient motors are increased. How does efficiency loss occur in a rewound motor? How do you check the efficacy of rewound motor? A 50 kW induction motor with 86 % present full load efficiency is being considered for replacement by a 89 % efficiency motor. What will be the savings in energy if the motor works for 6000 hours per year and cost of energy is Rs. 4.50 per kWh?

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

1. 2. 3. Technology Menu (NPC) BEE Publications PCRA Publications

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Syllabus Compressed air system: Types of air compressors, Compressor efficiency, Efficient compressor operation, Compressed air system components, Capacity assessment, Leakage test, Factors affecting the performance and efficiency

3.1 Introduction
Air compressors account for significant amount of electricity used in Indian industries. Air compressors are used in a variety of industries to supply process requirements, to operate pneumatic tools and equipment, and to meet instrumentation needs. Only 10 30% of energy reaches the point of end-use, and balance 70 90% of energy of the power of the prime mover being converted to unusable heat energy and to a lesser extent lost in form of friction, misuse and noise.

3.2 Compressor Types

Compressors are broadly classified as: Positive displacement compressor and Dynamic compressor. Positive displacement compressors increase the pressure of the gas by reducing the volume. Positive displacement compressors are further classified as reciprocating and rotary compressors. Dynamic compressors increase the air velocity, which is then converted to increased pressure at the outlet. Dynamic compressors are basically centrifugal compressors and are further classified as radial and axial flow types.
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3. Compressed Air System

The flow and pressure requirements of a given application determine the suitability of a particulars type of compressor.

Positive Displacement Compressors Reciprocating Compressors Reciprocating compressors are the most widely used type for air compression. They are characterized by a flow output that remains nearly constant over a range of discharge pressures. Also, the compressor capacity is directly proportional to the speed. The output, however, is a pulsating one. Reciprocating compressors are available in many configurations, the four most widely used of which are horizontal, vertical, horizontal balance-opposed and tandem. Vertical type reciprocating compressors are used in the capacity range of 50 150 cfm. Horizontal balance opposed compressors are used in the capacity range of 200 5000 cfm in multi-stage design and upto 10,000 cfm in single stage designs. Reciprocating compressors are also available in variety of types:

Lubricated and non-lubricated Single or multiple cylinder


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Water or air-cooled. Single or multi stage

In the case of lubricated machines, oil has to be separated from the discharge air. Non-lubricated compressors are especially useful for providing air for instrumentation and for processes which require oil free discharge. However non-lubricated machines have higher specific power consumption (kW/cfm) as compared to lubricated types. Single cylinder machines are generally air-cooled, while multi-cylinder machines are generally water cooled, although multi-stage air-cooled types are available for machines up to 100 kW. Water-cooled systems are more energy efficient than air-cooled systems. Two stage machines are used for high pressures and are characterized by lower discharge temperature (140 to 160C) compared to single-stage machines (205 to 240C). In some cases, multi-stage machines may have a lower specific power consumption compared to single stage machines operating over the same total pressure differential. Multi-stage machines generally have higher investment costs, particularly for applications with high discharge pressure (above 7 bar) and low capacities (less than 25 cfm). Multi staging has other benefits, such as reduced pressure differential across cylinders, which reduces the load and stress on compressor components such as valves and piston rings. Rotary Compressors Rotary compressors have rotors in place of pistons and give a continuous, pulsation free discharge air. They are directly coupled to the prime mover and require lower starting torque as compared to reciprocating machine. They operate at high speed and generally provide higher throughput than reciprocating compressors. Also they require smaller foundations, vibrate less, and have a lower number of parts - which means less failure rate. Among rotary compressor, the Roots blower (also called as lobe compressor) and screw compressors are among the most widely used. The roots blower is essentially a low-pressure blower and is limited to a discharge pressure of 1 bar in single-stage design and up to 2.2 bar in two stage design. The most common rotary air compressor is the single stage helical or spiral lube oil flooded screw air compressor. These compressors consist of two rotors, within a casing where the rotors compress the air internally. There are no valves. These units are basically oil cooled (with air cooled or water cooled oil coolers) where the oil seals the internal clearances. Since the cooling takes place right inside the compressor, the working parts never experience extreme operating temperatures. The oil has to be separated from discharge air. Because of the simple design and few wearing parts, rotary screw air compressors are easy to maintain, to operate and install. The oil free rotary screw air compressor uses specially designed air ends to compress air without oil in the compression chamber producing true oil free air. These compressors are available as aircooled or water cooled types and provide the same flexibility as oil flooded rotary compressors. There is a wide range of availability in configuration and in pressure and capacity. Dry types deliver oil-free air and are available in sizes up to 20,000 cfm and pressure upto 15 bar. Lubricated types are available in sizes ranging from 100 to 1000 cfm, with discharge pressure up to 10 bar.
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Dynamic Compressors Dynamic compressors are mainly centrifugal compressors and operate on similar principles to centrifugal pump. These compressors have appreciably different characteristics as compared to reciprocating machines. A small change in compression ratio produces a marked change in compressor output and efficiency. Centrifugal machines are better suited for applications requiring very high capacities, typically above 12,000 cfm. The centrifugal air compressor depends on transfer of energy from a rotating impeller to the air. The rotor accomplishes this by changFigure 3.5 Axial Compressor ing the momentum and pressure of the air. This momentum is converted to useful pressure by slowing the air down in a stationary diffuser. The centrifugal air compressor is an oil free compressor by design. The oil-lubricated running gear is separated from the air by shaft seals and atmospheric vents. The centrifugal is a continuous duty compressor, with few moving parts, and is particularly suited to high volume applications, especially where oil free air is required. A single-stage centrifugal machine can provide the same capacity as a multi-stage reciprocating compressor. Machines with either axial or radial flow impellers are available. Axial flow compressors are suitable for higher compression ratios and are generally more efficient than radial compressors. Axial compressors typically are multi-stage machines, while radial machines are usually single-stage designs. The general selection criteria for compressor is given in the Table 3.1


Type of Compressor

Capacity (m3/h) From To 30000

Pressure (bar) From 0.1 To 1

Roots blower compressor single stage Reciprocating Single / Two stage Multi stage Screw Single stage Two stage Centrifugal Bureau of Energy Efficiency


100 100

12000 12000

0.8 12.0

12 700

100 100 600 48

2400 2200 300000

0.8 0.8 0.1

13 24 450

3. Compressed Air System

3.3 Compressor Performance

Capacity of a Compressor Capacity of a compressor is the full rated volume of flow of gas compressed and delivered at conditions of total temperature, total pressure, and composition prevailing at the compressor inlet. It sometimes means actual flow rate, rather than rated volume of flow. This also termed as Free Air Delivery (FAD) i.e. air at atmospheric conditions at any specific location. Because the altitude, barometer, and temperature may vary at different localities and at different times, it follows that this term does not mean air under identical or standard conditions. Compressor Efficiency Definitions Several different measures of compressor efficiency are commonly used: volumetric efficiency, adiabatic efficiency, isothermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency. Adiabatic and isothermal efficiencies are computed as the isothermal or adiabatic power divided by the actual power consumption. The figure obtained indicates the overall efficiency of compressor and drive motor. Isothermal Efficiency

Isothermal power(kW) = P1 x Q1 x loger/36.7 = Absolute intake pressure kg/ cm2 P1 P2 = Absolute delivery pressure kg/ cm2 Q1 = Free air delivered m3/hr. r = Pressure ratio P2/P1 The calculation of isothermal power does not include power needed to overcome friction and generally gives an efficiency that is lower than adiabatic efficiency. The reported value of efficiency is normally the isothermal efficiency. This is an important consideration when selecting compressors based on reported values of efficiency.


x 100

x D2 x L x S x x n 4 D = Cylinder bore, metre L = Cylinder stroke, metre S = Compressor speed rpm = 1 for single acting and 2 for double acting cylinders n = No. of cylinders For practical purposes, the most effective guide in comparing compressor efficiencies is the specific power consumption ie kW/volume flow rate , for different compressors that would provide identical duty. =
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Volumetric Efficiency Compressor Displacement

3. Compressed Air System


Compressed Air System Components

Compressed air systems consist of following major components: Intake air filters, inter-stage coolers, after coolers, air dryers, moisture drain traps, receivers, piping network, filters, regulators and lubricators (see Figure 3.6).

Intake Air Filters: Prevent dust from entering compressor; Dust causes sticking valves, scoured cylinders, excessive wear etc. Inter-stage Coolers: Reduce the temperature of the air before it enters the next stage to reduce the work of compression and increase efficiency. They are normally watercooled. After Coolers: The objective is to remove the moisture in the air by reducing the temperature in a water-cooled heat exchanger. Air-dryers: The remaining traces of moisture after after-cooler are removed using air dryers, as air for instrument and pneumatic equipment has to be relatively free of any moisture. The moisture is removed by using adsorbents like silica gel /activated carbon, or refrigerant dryers, or heat of compression dryers. Moisture Drain Traps: Moisture drain traps are used for removal of moisture in the compressed air. These traps resemble steam traps. Various types of traps used are manual drain cocks, timer based / automatic drain valves etc. Receivers: Air receivers are provided as storage and smoothening pulsating air output reducing pressure variations from the compressor

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3.5 Efficient Operation of Compressed Air Systems

Location of Compressors The location of air compressors and the quality of air drawn by the compressors will have a significant influence on the amount of energy consumed. Compressor performance as a breathing machine improves with cool, clean, dry air at intake. Cool air intake As a thumb rule, "Every 4C rise in inlet air temperature results in a higher energy consumption by 1 % to achieve equivalent output". Hence, cool air intake leads to a more efficient compression (see Table 3.2).


Inlet Temperature (C) 10.0 15.5 21.1 26.6 32.2 37.7 43.3

Relative Air Delivery (%) 102.0 100.0 98.1 96.3 94.1 92.8 91.2

Power Saved (%) + 1.4 Nil 1.3 2.5 4.0 5.0 5.8

It is preferable to draw cool ambient air from outside, as the temperature of air inside the compressor room will be a few degrees higher than the ambient temperature. While extending air intake to the outside of building, care should be taken to minimize excess pressure drop in the suction line, by selecting a bigger diameter duct with minimum number of bends. Dust Free Air Intake Dust in the suction air causes excessive wear of moving parts and results in malfunctioning of the valves due to abrasion. Suitable air filters should be provided at the suction side. Air filters should have high dust separation capacity, low-pressure drops and robust design to avoid frequent cleaning and replacement. See Table 3.3 for effect of pressure drop across air filter on power consumption. Air filters should be selected based on the compressor type and installed as close to the compressor as possible. As a thumb rule "For every 250 mm WC pressure drop increase across at the suction path due to choked filters etc, the compressor power consumption increases by about 2 percent for the same output" Hence, it is advisable to clean inlet air filters at regular intervals to minimize pressure drops. Manometers or differential pressure gauges across filters may be provided for monitoring pressure drops so as to plan filter-cleaning schedules.
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Pressure Drop Across air filter (mmWC) 0 200 400 600 800

Increase in Power Consumption (%) 0 1.6 3.2 4.7 7.0

Dry Air Intake Atmospheric air always contains some amount of water vapour, depending on the relative humidity, being high in wet weather. The moisture level will also be high if air is drawn from a damp area - for example locating compressor close to cooling tower, or dryer exhaust is to be avoided (see Table 3.4)

% Relative Humidity 50 80 100

Kg of water vapour per hour for every 1000 m3/min. of air at 30C 27.60 45.00 68.22

The moisture-carrying capacity of air increases with a rise in temperature and decreases with increase in pressure. Elevation The altitude of a place has a direct impact on the volumetric efficiency of the compressor. The effect of altitude on volumetric efficiency is given in the Table 3.5. It is evident that compressors located at higher altitudes consume more power to achieve a particular delivery pressure than those at sea level, as the compression ratio is higher. Cooling Water Circuit Most of the industrial compressors are water-cooled, wherein the heat of compression is removed by circulating cold water to cylinder heads, inter-coolers and after-coolers. The resulting warm water is cooled in a cooling tower and circulated back to compressors. The compressed air system performance depends upon the effectiveness of inter-coolers, after coolers, which in turn are dependent on cooling water flow and temperature. Further, inadequate cooling water treatment can lead to increase, for example, in total dissolved solids (TDS), which in turn can lead to scale formation in heat exchangers. The scales, not only act as insulators reducing the heat transfer, but also increases the pressure drop in the cooling water pumping system.
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Altitude Meters

Barometric Pressure milli bar* 1013 945 894 840 789 737

Percentage Relative Volumetric Efficiency Compared with Sea Level At 4 bar 100.0 98.7 97.0 95.5 93.9 92.1 At 7 bar 100.0 97.7 95.2 92.7 90.0 87.0

Sea level 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

* 1 milli bar = 1.01972 x 10-3 kg/cm2

Use of treated water or purging a portion of cooling water (blow down) periodically can maintain TDS levels within acceptable limits. It is better to maintain the water pH by addition of chemicals, and avoid microbial growth by addition of fungicides and algaecides. Efficacy of Inter and After Coolers Efficacy is an indicator of heat exchange performance- how well intercoolers and after coolers are performing. Inter-coolers are provided between successive stages of a multi-stage compressor to reduce the work of compression (power requirements) - by reducing the specific volume through cooling the air - apart from moisture separation. Ideally, the temperature of the inlet air at each stage of a multi-stage machine should be the same as it was at the first stage. This is referred to as "perfect cooling" or isothermal compression. The cooling may be imperfect due to reasons described in earlier sections. Hence in actual practice, the inlet air temperatures at subsequent stages are higher than the normal levels resulting in higher power consumption, as a larger volume is handled for the same duty (See Table 3.6).


Details First Stage inlet temperature C Second Stage inlet temperature C Capacity (Nm3/min) Shaft Power (kW) Specific energy consumption (kW/Nm3/min) Percent Change Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Imperfect Cooling 21.1 26.6 15.5 76.3 4.9 + 2.1 53

Perfect Cooling (Base Value) 21.1 21.1 15.6 75.3 4.8 Reference

Chilled Water Cooling 21.1 15.5 15.7 74.2 4.7 - 2.1

3. Compressed Air System

It can be seen from the Table 3.6 that an increase of 5.5C in the inlet air temperature to the second stage results in a 2 % increase in the specific energy consumption. Use of water at lower temperature reduces specific power consumption. However, very low cooling water temperature could result in condensation of moisture in the air, which if not removed would lead to cylinder damage. Similarly, inadequate cooling in after-coolers (due to fouling, scaling etc.), allow warm, humid air into the receiver, which causes more condensation in air receivers and distribution lines, which in consequence, leads to increased corrosion, pressure drops and leakages in piping and end-use equipment. Periodic cleaning and ensuring adequate flow at proper temperature of both inter coolers and after coolers are therefore necessary for sustaining desired performance. Typical cooling water requirement is given in Table 3.7.


Compressor Type

Single-stage Two-stage Single-stage with after-cooler Two-stage with after-cooler

Minimum quantity of Cooling Water required (in litres per minute) for 2.85 m3/min. FAD at 7 bar 3.8 7.6 15.1 18.9

Pressure Settings Compressor operates between pressure ranges called as loading (cut-in) and unloading (cut-out) pressures. For example, a compressor operating between pressure setting of 6 7 kg/cm2 means that the compressor unloads at 7 kg/cm2 and loads at 6 kg/cm2. Loading and unloading is done using a pressure switch. For the same capacity, a compressor consumes more power at higher pressures. They should not be operated above their optimum operating pressures as this not only wastes energy, but also leads to excessive wear, leading to further energy wastage The volumetric efficiency of a compressor is also less at higher delivery pressures.


Pressure Reduction From (bar) 6.8 6.8 To (bar) 6.1 5.5 Single-stage Water-cooled 4 9 54

Power Savings (%) Two-stage Water-cooled 4 11 Two-stage Air-cooled 2.6 6.5

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3. Compressed Air System

Reducing Delivery Pressure: The possibility of lowering (optimising) the delivery pressure settings should be explored by careful study of pressure requirements of various equipment, and the pressure drop in the line between the compressed air generation and utilization points. Typical power savings through pressure reduction is shown in Table 3.8. The pressure switches must be adjusted such that the compressor cuts-in and cuts-out at optimum levels. A reduction in the delivery pressure by 1 bar in a compressor would reduce the power consumption by 6 10 %. Compressor modulation by Optimum Pressure Settings: Very often in an industry, different types, capacities and makes of compressors are connected to a common distribution network. In such situations, proper selection of a right combination of compressors and optimal modulation of different compressors can conserve energy. Where more than one compressor feeds a common header, compressors have to be operated in such a way that the cost of compressed air generation is minimal.

If all compressors are similar, the pressure setting can be adjusted such that only one compressor handles the load variation, whereas the others operate more or less at full load. If compressors are of different sizes, the pressure switch should be set such that only the smallest compressor is allowed to modulate (vary in flow rate). If different types of compressors are operated together, unload power consumptions are significant. The compressor with lowest no load power must be modulated. In general, the compressor with lower part load power consumption should be modulated. Compressors can be graded according to their specific energy consumption, at different pressures and energy efficient ones must be made to meet most of the demand (see Table 3.9).


Pressure bar 1 2 3 4 7 8 10 15 Bureau of Energy Efficiency

No. of Stages 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 55

Specific Power kW/170 m3/hour (kW / 100 cfm) 6.29 9.64 13.04 14.57 18.34 19.16 21.74 26.22

3. Compressed Air System

EXAMPLE Compressor modulation Assessing compressed air system study for a plant section gave following results. Comment on the results?

Compressors on line A, B, C, D, E (all reciprocating type) Trial observation Summary

Compressor Reference A B C D E Measured Capacity CMM (@ 7 kg/ cm2) 13.17 12.32 13.14 12.75 13.65 'On' Load kW 115.30 117.20 108.30 104.30 109.30 'Unload' kW 42.3 51.8 43.3 29.8 39.3 Load Time Min. Full time* Full time* Full time* Full time* 5.88 min. Unload Time Min. Nil Nil Nil Nil 39.12 min.

* Compressors running in load conditions and not getting unloaded during normal operations.

Comments: + 5.88) For a cycle time of 45 minutes (39.12 i) Compressed air generated in m3 = 45 (13.17) + 45 (12.32) + 45 (13.14) + 45 (12.75) + 5.88 (13.65) = 2392.36 m3 ii) Power consumption kWh = 45/60 (115.3) + 45/60 (117.20) + 45 / 60 (108.3) + 45/60 (104.3) + 5.88/60 (109.30) + (39.12) / 60 ) 39.3 = 370.21 kWh / 45 Minutes iii) Compressed air generation actual capacity on line in m3 = 45 [ 13.17 + 12.32 + 13.14 + 12.75 + 13.65 ] = 2926.35 m3 a) The consumption rate of the section connected = 2392.36 / 45 = 53.16 m3/minute b) Compressor air drawal as a % of capacity on line is = [2392.36 / 2926.35 ] 100 = 81.75 % c) Specific power consumption = 370.21 / 2392.36 = 0.155 kW/m3 d) Idle power consumption due to unload operation = 25.62 kWh in every 45 minutes cycle i.e., 34.16 kWh every hour. e) It would be favorable in short term and energy efficient to keep the compressor 'D' in cycling mode on account of lower un-load losses and hence capacity. Speed of the compressor can also be reduced by reducing motor pulley size. f) A suitable smaller capacity compressor can be planned to replace the compressor with highest unload losses. g) An investigation is called for, as to why such a large variation of unload power drawn, exists although all compressors have almost the same rated capacity.
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3. Compressed Air System

Segregating low and high pressure air requirements If the low-pressure air requirement is considerable, it is advisable to generate low pressure and high-pressure air separately, and feed to the respective sections instead of reducing the pressure through pressure reducing valves, which invariably waste energy. Minimum pressure drop in air lines Excess pressure drop due to inadequate pipe sizing, choked filter elements, improperly sized couplings and hoses represent energy wastage. The Table 3.10 illustrates the energy wastage, if the pipes are of smaller diameter. Typical acceptable pressure drop in industrial practice is 0.3 bar in mains header at the farthest point and 0.5 bar in distribution system.


Pipe Nominal Bore (mm) 40 50 65 80 100

Pressure drop (bar) per 100 meters 1.80 0.65 0.22 0.04 0.02

Equivalent power losses (kW) 9.5 3.4 1.2 0.2 0.1

Equivalent lengths of fittings Not only piping, but also fitting are a source of pressure losses. Typical pressure losses for various fitting are given in Table 3.11.


Type of Fitting 15 Gate Valve Tee 90 long bend Elbow Return bend Outlet of tee globe valve 0.11 0.15 0.26 0.46 0.76 20 0.14 0.18 0.37 0.61 1.07 25 0.18 0.24 0.49 0.76 1.37

Nominal Pipe Size in mm 32 40 50 0.27 0.38 0.67 1.07 1.98 0.32 0.46 0.76 1.20 2.44 0.40 0.61 1.07 1.68 3.36

65 0.49 0.76 1.37 1.98 3.96

80 0.64 0.91 1.83 2.60 5.18

100 0.91 1.20 2.44 3.66 7.32

125 1.20 1.52 3.20 4.88 9.45

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3. Compressed Air System

Blowers in place of Compressed Air System Since the compressed air system is already available, plant engineer may be tempted to use compressed air to provide air for low-pressure applications such as agitation, pneumatic conveying or combustion air. Using a blower that is designed for lower pressure operation will cost only a fraction of compressed air generation energy and cost. Capacity Control of Compressors In many installations, the use of air is intermittent. Therefore, some means of controlling the output flow from the compressor is necessary. The type of capacity control chosen has a direct impact on the compressor power consumption. Some control schemes commonly used are discussed below: Automatic On / Off Control: Automatic On /Off control, as its name implies, starts or stops the compressor by means of a pressure activated switch as the air demand varies. This is a very efficient method of controlling the capacity of compressor, where the motor idle-running losses are eliminated, as it completely switches off the motor when the set pressure is reached. This control is suitable for small compressors. Load and Unload: This is a two-step control where compressor is loaded when there is air demand and unloaded when there is no air demand. During unloading, a positive displacement compressor may consume up to 30 % of the full load power, depending upon the type, configuration, operation and maintenance practices. Multi-step Control: Large capacity reciprocating compressors are usually equipped with a multi-step control. In this type of control, unloading is accomplished in a series of steps, (0%, 25 %, 50 %, 75 % & 100 %) varying from full load down to no-load (see Table 3.12).

Load % 100 75 50 25 0

Power Consumption as % of full load Power 100 76 77 52 53 27 29 10 12

Throttling Control: The capacity of centrifugal compressors can be controlled using variable inlet guide vanes. However, another efficient way to match compressor output to meet varying load requirements is by speed control (see Table 3.13).
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3. Compressed Air System


System Volume, % 111 100 80 60 40 20 0

Power Input (%) Speed Control 120 100 76 59 55 51 47

Power Input (%) Vane Control 100 81 64 50 46 43

At low volumetric flow (below 40 %), vane control may result in lower power input compared to speed control due to low efficiency of the speed control system. For loads more than 40 %, speed control is recommended. Avoiding Misuse of Compressed Air: Misuse of compressed air for purposes like body cleaning, liquid agitation, floor cleaning, drying, equipment cooling and other similar uses must be discouraged. Wherever possible, lowpressure air from a blower should be substituted for compressed air, for example secondary air for combustion in a boiler / furnace. The following Table 3.14 gives an idea of savings by stopping use of compressed air by choosing alternative methods to perform the same task.

Electric motors can serve more efficiently than air-driven rotary devices, wherever applicable. The Table gives the comparison of pneumatic grinders and electrical grinders.


Tool Pneumatic angle grinder Electric angle grinder Pneumatic jet grinder Electric straight grinder

Wheel dia mm 150 150 35 25

Speed rpm 6000 5700 8600 30000 22900 30500

Air Cons. m3/h 102 m3/h at 6 bar N.A. 32.3 m3/h at 6 bar N.A.

Power kW 10.2 1.95 2.90 3.59 0.18

It may be noted that in some areas use of electric tools are not permitted due to safety constraints, especially places where inflammable vapours are present in the environment. It should always be remembered that safety consideration always override energy conservation.
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3. Compressed Air System

In place of pneumatic hoists, electric hoists can be used. Material conveying applications by blower systems can be replaced preferably by a combination of belt / screw conveyers and bucket elevators. In a paper manufacturing facility, compressed air was used for conveying wood chips. The equivalent power consumption was 77 kW. This method of conveying was replaced by blower system consuming only 7 kW, a saving of 70 kW. This has also been widely applied in cement industry where pneumatic conveying has been replaced by bucket and screw conveyor resulting in significant energy reduction. When moving air really is required for an application, often sources other than compressed air can do the job. For applications like blowing of components, use of compressed air amplifiers (see Figure), blowers or gravity-based systems may be possible. Brushes can sweep away debris from work in progress as effectively as high-pressure air. Blowers can be also used for this purpose. Many applications do not require clean, dry, high-pressure and expensive 6 bar or 7 bar compressed air rather, only moving air is needed to blow away debris, provide cooling, or other functions. In these cases, local air fans or blowers may satisfy the need for moving air much economically. If a " hose pipe is kept open at a 7 bar compressed air line for cleaning for at least 1000 hours / annum, it can cost about Rs. 1.0 lakhs / annum. If absolutely necessary, compressed air should be used only with blow guns to keep the air pressure below 2 bar. For applications, where compressed air is indispensable for cleaning internal crevices of machines etc., installation of a separate cleaning air header with a main isolation valve may be considered. The main valve should be opened only for a few, well-defined time periods during the whole day; no connections for cleaning should be provided from process or equipment air lines. Replacement of pneumatically operated air cylinders by hydraulic power packs can be considered. Vacuum systems are much more efficient than expensive venturi methods, which use expensive compressed air rushing past an orifice to create a vacuum. Mechanical stirrers, conveyers, and low-pressure air will mix materials far more economically than high-pressure compressed air.

Avoiding Air Leaks and Energy Wastage: The major opportunity to save energy is in the prevention of leaks in the compressed air system. Leaks frequently occur at air receivers, relief valves, pipe and hose joints, shut off valves, quick release couplings, tools and equipment. In most cases, they are due to poor maintenance and sometimes, improper installations etc.
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3. Compressed Air System

Air leakages through Different Size Orifices The Table 3.15 gives the amount of free air wasted for different nozzles sizes and pressure.

Gauge Pressure Bar 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.0

0.5 mm 0.06 0.08 0.14 0.25 0.33

1 mm 0.22 0.33 0.58 0.97 1.31

2 mm 0.92 1.33 2.33 3.92 5.19

3 mm 2.1 3.0 5.5 8.8 11.6

5 mm 5.7 8.4 14.6 24.4 32.5

10 mm 22.8 33.6 58.6 97.5 129.0

12.5 mm 35.5 52.5 91.4 152.0 202.0

Cost of Compressed Air Leakage: It may be seen from Table 3.16 that any expenditure on stopping leaks would be paid back through energy saving.

Orifice Size mm 0.8 1.6 3.1 6.4


kW Wasted 0.2 0.8 3.0 12.0

* Cost of air leakage (Rs/Year) 8000 32000 120000 480000

based on Rs. 5 / kWh; 8000 operating hours; air at 7.0 bar

Steps in simple shop-floor method for leak quantification

Shut off compressed air operated equipments (or conduct test when no equipment is using compressed air). Run the compressor to charge the system to set pressure of operation Note the sub-sequent time taken for 'load' and 'unload' cycles of the compressors. For accuracy, take ON & OFF times for 8 10 cycles continuously. Then calculate total 'ON' Time (T) and Total 'OFF' time (t). The system leakage is calculated as:

T t

= =

Time on load in minutes Time on unload in minutes


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3. Compressed Air System

EXAMPLE In the leakage test in a process industry, following results were observed = 35 Compressor capacity (m3/minute) 2 = 6.8 Cut in pressure, kg/cm (g) = 7.5 Cut out pressure, kg/cm2(g) Load kW drawn = 188 kW Unload kW drawn = 54 kW Average 'Load' time, T = 1.5 minutes Average 'Unload' time, t = 10.5 minutes Comment on leakage quantity and avoidable loss of power due to air leakages. ,q 4.375 m3/min Leakage quantity 4.375 x 24 x 60 = 6300 m3/day 188 kW /(35 x 60)m3/hr

0.0895 x 6300 = 564 kWh Leakage Detection by Ultrasonic Leak Detector: Leakage tests are conducted by a Leak Detector having a sensing probe, which senses when there are leakage in compressed air systems at high temperatures-beneath insulated coverings, pipelines, manifolds etc. The leak is detected by ultrasonic vibration. Leak testing is done by observing and locating sources of ultrasonic vibrations created by turbulent flow of gases passing through leaks in pressurized or evacuated systems. Line Moisture Separator and Traps Although, in an ideal system, all cooling and condensing of air should be carried out before the air leaves the receiver, this is not very often achieved in practice. The amount of condensation, which takes place in the lines, depends on the efficiency of moisture extraction before the air leaves the receiver and the temperature in the mains itself. In general, the air main should be given a fall of not less than 1 m in 100 m in the direction of air flow, and the distance between drainage points should not exceed 30m. Drainage points should be provided using equal tees, as it assists in the separation of water. Whenever a branch line is taken off from the mains it should leave at the top so that any water in the main does not fall straight into the plant equipment. Further, the bottom of the falling pipe should also be drained. Compressed Air Filter Although, some water, oil and dirt are removed by the separators and traps in the mains, still some are always left, which are carried over along with compressed air. Moreover, pipe systems
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accumulate scale and other foreign matters, such as small pieces of gasket material, jointing compounds etc. Burnt compressor oil may also be carried over in pipe work, and this, with other contaminants, forms a gummy substance. To remove these, all of which are liable to have harmful effects on pneumatic equipment, the air should be filtered as near as possible to the point of use. Water and oil collected in the filter sump must be drained off; because if the level is allowed to build up, it is forced through the filter element into the very system it is designed to protect. Regulators In many instances, pneumatic operations are to be carried out at a lower pressure than that of the main supply. For these applications, pressure regulators are required to reduce the pressure to the required value and also to ensure that it remains reasonably constant at the usage point. Lubricators Where air is used to drive prime movers, cylinders and valves, they should be fitted with a lubricator. Essentially, a lubricator is a reservoir of oil and has been designed so that when air is flowing, a metered amount of oil is fed in mist form into the air stream. This oil is carried with the motive air, to the point of use to lubricate all moving parts. All lubricators require a certain minimum rate of airflow to induce oil into their stream. It is advisable to install filters, regulators and lubricators as close as possible to the equipment being served. Air Dryers There are certain applications where air must be free from moisture and have a lower dew point. Dew point is the temperature at which moisture condenses. This calls for more sophisticated and expensive methods to lower the dew point of compressed air. Three common types of air dryers used are heat-less (absorption), adsorption and refrigerated dryers. They produce dry air with -10C to -40C dew point, depending on the type of dryers. Refer Table 3.17 for moisture content in air and Table 3.18 for typical pressure dew point and power consumption data for dryers.


Dew point at Atmospheric Pressure C 0 5 10 20 30 40 60

Moisture Content, ppm 3800 2500 1600 685 234 80 6.5

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3. Compressed Air System


Type of Dryer Refrigeration Desiccant regenerative (by compressed air purging) Desiccant regenerative (external or internal heating with electrical or steam heater, reduced or no compressed air purging) Desiccant regenerative (using heated low pressure air, no compressed air loss) Desiccant regenerative (by recovery of heat of compression from compressed air)

Atmospheric Dew Point C 20 20

First Cost Low Low

Operating Cost Low High

Power Cons. For 1000 m3/hr 2.9 kW 20.7 kW




18.0 kW




12.0 kW



Very low

0.8 kW

Air Receivers The air receiver dampens pulsations entering the discharge line from the compressor; serves as a reservoir for sudden or unusually heavy demands in excess of compressor capacity; prevents too frequent loading and unloading (short cycling) of the compressor; and separates moisture and oil vapour, allowing the moisture carried over from the after coolers to precipitate. The air receiver should be generously sized to give a large cooling surface and even out the pulsation in delivered air pressure from reciprocating compressor. Simple formulae often quoted for air receiver size is to take a value equal to one minute's continuous output of the compressor. However, this should be considered indicative of the minimum size of receiver. Another approximation can be to size the receiver volume to be 5% of the rated hourly free air output. Providing an air receiver near the load end, where there is sudden high demand lasting for a short period, would avoid the need to provide extra capacity. Loss of air pressure due to friction The loss of pressure in piping is caused by resistance in pipe fittings and valves, which dissipates energy by producing turbulence. The piping system will be designed for a maximum allowable pressure drop of 5 percent from the compressor to the most distant point of use. Piping layout Where possible the piping system should be arranged as a closed loop or "ring main" to allow for more uniform air distribution to consumption points and to equalize pressure in the piping. Separate services requiring heavy air consumption and at long distances from the compressor unit should be supplied by separate main airlines. Pipes are to be installed parallel with the lines of the building, with main and branch headers sloping down toward a dead end. Traps will be installed in airlines at all low points and dead ends to remove condensed moisture. Automatic moisture traps used for this purpose are effective only when the air has been cooled and the
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3. Compressed Air System

moisture has precipitated. Branch headers from compressed air mains will be taken off at the top to avoid picking up moisture. Capacity Utilisation In many installations, the use of air is intermittent. This means the compressor will be operated on low load or no load condition, which increases the specific power consumption per unit of air generated. Hence, for optimum energy consumption, a proper compressor capacity control should be selected. The nature of the control device depends on the function to be regulated. One of the objectives of a good compressed air management system would be to minimize unloading to the least as unloading consumes up to 30% of full load power. One way of doing this is to use a smaller compressor. Decentralized compressors, as against centralized compressors often serve this purpose better by having the option to switch off when air is not need in a particular section/equipment. If a compressor is oversized and operates at unloading mode for long periods, an economical way will be to suitably change the pulley size of the motor or compressor and reduce the RPM to de-rate the compressor to a lower capacity. With decreasing cost of variable speed drives, it has become a viable option to maintain constant pressure in the system and to avoid unloading operations by varying the speed of the compressor. However, caution should be taken for operations at very low speeds, since it will affect the lubricating system. This can be overcome by providing a separate lube oil system independent of the compressor.

3.6 Compressor Capacity Assessment

Due to ageing of the compressors and inherent inefficiencies in the internal components, the free air delivered may be less than the design value, despite good maintenance practices. Sometimes, other factors such as poor maintenance, fouled heat exchanger and effects of altitude also tend to reduce free air delivery. In order to meet the air demand, the inefficient compressor may have to run for more time, thus consuming more power than actually required. The power wastage depends on the percentage deviation of FAD capacity. For example, a worn out compressor valve can reduce the compressor capacity by as much as 20 percent. A periodic assessment of the FAD capacity of each compressor has to be carried out to check its actual capacity. If the deviations are more than 10 %, corrective measures should be taken to rectify the same. The ideal method of compressor capacity assessment is through a nozzle test wherein a calibrated nozzle is used as a load, to vent out the generated compressed air. Flow is assessed, based on the air temperature, stabilization pressure, orifice constant. etc. Simple method of Capacity Assessment in Shop floor Isolate the compressor along with its individual receiver being taken for test from main compressed air system by tightly closing the isolation valve or blanking it, thus closing the receiver outlet. Open water drain valve and drain out water fully and empty the receiver and the pipe line. Make sure that water trap line is tightly closed once again to start the test. Start the compressor and activate the stopwatch. Note the time taken to attain the normal operational pressure P2 (in the receiver) from initial pressure P1.
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3. Compressed Air System

Calculate the capacity as per the formulae given below : Actual Free air discharge

Where P2 P1 P0 V T = = = = = Final pressure after filling (kg/cm2 a) Initial pressure (kg/cm2a) after bleeding Atmospheric Pressure (kg/cm2 a) Storage volume in m3 which includes receiver, after cooler, and delivery piping Time take to build up pressure to P2 in minutes

The above equation is relevant where the compressed air temperature is same as the ambient air temperature, i.e., perfect isothermal compression. In case the actual compressed air temperature at discharge, say t20C is higher than ambient air temperature say t10C (as is usual case), the FAD is to be corrected by a factor (273 + t1) / (273 + t2). EXAMPLE An instrument air compressor capacity test gave the following results (assume the final compressed air temperature is same as the ambient temperature) - Comment?

7.79 + 0.4974 = 8.287m3

Time taken to build up pressure

4.021 minutes


= 13.12 m3/minute

Capacity shortfall with respect to 14.75 m3/minute rating is 1.63 m3/minute i.e., 11.05%, which indicates compressor performance needs to be investigated further.


Checklist for Energy Efficiency in Compressed Air System

Ensure air intake to compressor is not warm and humid by locating compressors in wellventilated area or by drawing cold air from outside. Every 4C rise in air inlet temperature will increase power consumption by 1 percent.

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3. Compressed Air System

Clean air-inlet filters regularly. Compressor efficiency will be reduced by 2 percent for every 250 mm WC pressure drop across the filter. Keep compressor valves in good condition by removing and inspecting once every six months. Worn-out valves can reduce compressor efficiency by as much as 50 percent. Install manometers across the filter and monitor the pressure drop as a guide to replacement of element. Minimize low-load compressor operation; if air demand is less than 50 percent of compressor capacity, consider change over to a smaller compressor or reduce compressor speed appropriately (by reducing motor pulley size) in case of belt driven compressors. Consider the use of regenerative air dryers, which uses the heat of compressed air to remove moisture. Fouled inter-coolers reduce compressor efficiency and cause more water condensation in air receivers and distribution lines resulting in increased corrosion. Periodic cleaning of intercoolers must be ensured. Compressor free air delivery test (FAD) must be done periodically to check the present operating capacity against its design capacity and corrective steps must be taken if required. If more than one compressor is feeding to a common header, compressors must be operated in such a way that only one small compressor should handle the load variations whereas other compressors will operate at full load. The possibility of heat recovery from hot compressed air to generate hot air or water for process application must be economically analyzed in case of large compressors. Consideration should be given to two-stage or multistage compressor as it consumes less power for the same air output than a single stage compressor. If pressure requirements for processes are widely different (e.g. 3 bar to 7 bar), it is advisable to have two separate compressed air systems. Reduce compressor delivery pressure, wherever possible, to save energy. Provide extra air receivers at points of high cyclic-air demand which permits operation without extra compressor capacity. Retrofit with variable speed drives in big compressors, say over 100 kW, to eliminate the `unloaded' running condition altogether. Keep the minimum possible range between load and unload pressure settings. Automatic timer controlled drain traps wastes compressed air every time the valve opens. So frequency of drainage should be optimized. Check air compressor logs regularly for abnormal readings, especially motor current cooling water flow and temperature, inter-stage and discharge pressures and temperatures and compressor load-cycle. Compressed air leakage of 40 50 percent is not uncommon. Carry out periodic leak tests to estimate the quantity of leakage. Install equipment interlocked solenoid cut-off valves in the air system so that air supply to a machine can be switched off when not in use. Present energy prices justify liberal designs of pipeline sizes to reduce pressure drops. Compressed air piping layout should be made preferably as a ring main to provide desired pressures for all users. A smaller dedicated compressor can be installed at load point, located far off from the central compressor house, instead of supplying air through lengthy pipelines.

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3. Compressed Air System

All pneumatic equipment should be properly lubricated, which will reduce friction, prevent wear of seals and other rubber parts thus preventing energy wastage due to excessive air consumption or leakage. Misuse of compressed air such as for body cleaning, agitation, general floor cleaning, and other similar applications must be discouraged in order to save compressed air and energy. Pneumatic equipment should not be operated above the recommended operating pressure as this not only wastes energy bus can also lead to excessive wear of equipment's components which leads to further energy wastage. Pneumatic transport can be replaced by mechanical system as the former consumed about 8 times more energy. Highest possibility of energy savings is by reducing compressed air use. Pneumatic tools such as drill and grinders consume about 20 times more energy than motor driven tools. Hence they have to be used efficiently. Wherever possible, they should be replaced with electrically operated tools. Where possible welding is a good practice and should be preferred over threaded connections. On account of high pressure drop, ball or plug or gate valves are preferable over globe valves in compressed air lines.

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3. Compressed Air System

1. 2. The efficiency of compressed air system is around a) 80% b) 60% c) 90% d) 10% For instrumentation air needs, which of the following compressors are used: a) Roots blower b) Lubricated screw c) Lubricated reciprocating d) Non-lubricated compressor Which of the following is not a rotary compressor? a) Roots blower b) Screw c) Centrifugal d) Reciprocating Which of the following compressors best meet high volume low pressure requirements? a) Reciprocating b) Screw c) Centrifugal d) Lobe FAD refers to the compressed air discharge a) at ISO stated conditions b) Inlet conditions c) at outlet conditions d) at STP Isothermal efficiency is the ratio of isothermal power to a) Motor power drawn b) isentropic power c) Shaft power d) theoretical power Which of the following parameters are not required for evaluating volumetric efficiency of the compressor? a) Power b) Cylinder bore diameter c) stroke length d) FAD The smoothening of the pulsating output of a reciprocating compressor is helped by a) Receiver b) intercooler c) after cooler d) drain traps Which of the following does not improve compressor performance ? a) cool air intake b) clean air intake c) humid air intake d) lower elevation The leak test results show load time of 5 seconds and unload time of 10 seconds. If the compressor capacity is 100 cfm, then the leakage would be a) 33 cfm b) 50 cfm c) 200 cfm d) 66 cfm In a compressor capacity trial in a plant, following were the observations: Receiver capacity : 10 m3 Initial pressure : 0.2 kg / cm2g Final pressure : 6.0 kg / cm2g Additional hold-up volume : 1.2 m3 Atmospheric pressure : 1.026 kg / cm2A Compressor pump-up time : 4.26 minutes Motor power consumption (avg.) : 98.6 kW Calculate the operational capacity of compressor & specific power consumption (neglect temperature correction)? List the factors that affect energy efficiency in air compressors. What are the methods of capacity control in reciprocating air compressors? Briefly explain shopfloor method of air compressor capacity assessment.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10.


12. 13. 14.

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3. Compressed Air System

15. 16. 17.

What are the effects of moisture on compressed air? Briefly explain the benefits of an air receiver. A reciprocating V belt driven compressor was found to operating during normal factory operation with the following parameters: Load pressure = 6 bar Unload pressure = 8 bar Load time = 3 minutes Unload time = 1.5 minutes Suggest possible energy saving opportunities on a short-term basis.

1. 2. 3. Technology Menu for Energy Efficiency (NPC) PCRA Publications on Compressed Air System NPC Energy Audit Reports

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Syllabus HVAC and Refrigeration System: Vapor compression refrigeration cycle, Refrigerants, Coefficient of performance, Capacity, Factors affecting Refrigeration and Air conditioning system performance and savings opportunities. Vapor absorption refrigeration system: Working principle, Types and comparison with vapor compression system, Saving potential

4.1 Introduction
The Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration system transfers the heat energy from or to the products, or building environment. Energy in form of electricity or heat is used to power mechanical equipment designed to transfer heat from a colder, low-energy level to a warmer, high-energy level. Refrigeration deals with the transfer of heat from a low temperature level at the heat source to a high temperature level at the heat sink by using a low boiling refrigerant. There are several heat transfer loops in refrigeration system as described below:

Figure 4.1

Heat Transfer Loops In Refrigeration System

In the Figure 4.1, thermal energy moves from left to right as it is extracted from the space and expelled into the outdoors through five loops of heat transfer: Indoor air loop. In the leftmost loop, indoor air is driven by the supply air fan through a cooling coil, where it transfers its heat to chilled water. The cool air then cools the building space. Chilled water loop. Driven by the chilled water pump, water returns from the cooling coil to the chillers evaporator to be re-cooled. Refrigerant loop. Using a phase-change refrigerant, the chillers compressor pumps heat from the chilled water to the condenser water. Condenser water loop. Water absorbs heat from the chillers condenser, and the condenser water pump sends it to the cooling tower. Cooling tower loop. The cooling towers fan drives air across an open flow of the hot condenser water, transferring the heat to the outdoors.
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Air-Conditioning Systems Depending on applications, there are several options / combinations, which are available for use as given below: Air Conditioning (for comfort / machine) Split air conditioners Fan coil units in a larger system Air handling units in a larger system Refrigeration Systems (for processes) Small capacity modular units of direct expansion type similar to domestic refrigerators, small capacity refrigeration units. Centralized chilled water plants with chilled water as a secondary coolant for temperature range over 5C typically. They can also be used for ice bank formation. Brine plants, which use brines as lower temperature, secondary coolant, for typically sub zero temperature applications, which come as modular unit capacities as well as large centralized plant capacities. The plant capacities upto 50 TR are usually considered as small capacity, 50 250 TR as medium capacity and over 250 TR as large capacity units. A large industry may have a bank of such units, often with common chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, cooling towers, as an off site utility. The same industry may also have two or three levels of refrigeration & air conditioning such as: Comfort air conditioning (20 25 C) Chilled water system (8 10 C) Brine system (sub-zero applications) Two principle types of refrigeration plants found in industrial use are: Vapour Compression Refrigeration (VCR) and Vapour Absorption Refrigeration (VAR). VCR uses mechanical energy as the driving force for refrigeration, while VAR uses thermal energy as the driving force for refrigeration.


Types of Refrigeration System

Vapour Compression Refrigeration Heat flows naturally from a hot to a colder body. In refrigeration system the opposite must occur i.e. heat flows from a cold to a hotter body. This is achieved by using a substance called a refrigerant, which absorbs heat and hence boils or evaporates at a low pressure to form a gas. This gas is then compressed to a higher pressure, such that it transfers the heat it has gained to ambient air or water and turns back (condenses) into a liquid. In this way heat is absorbed, or removed, from a low temperature source and transferred to a higher temperature source. The refrigeration cycle can be broken down into the following stages (see Figure 4.2): 1 2 Low pressure liquid refrigerant in the evaporator absorbs heat from its surroundings, usually air, water or some other process liquid. During this process it changes its state from a liquid to a gas, and at the evaporator exit is slightly superheated.
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2 3 The superheated vapour enters the compressor where its pressure is raised. There will also be a big increase in temperature, because a proportion of the energy input into the compression process is transferred to the refrigerant. 3 4 The high pressure superheated gas passes from the compressor into the condenser. The initial part of the cooling process (3 - 3a) desuperheats the gas before it is then turned back into liquid (3a - 3b). The cooling for this process is usually achieved by using air or water. A further reduction in temperature happens in the pipe work and liquid receiver (3b - 4), so that the refrigerant liquid is sub-cooled as it enters the expansion device. 4 1 The high-pressure sub-cooled liquid passes through the expansion device, which both reduces its pressure and controls the flow into the evaporator.

Figure 4.2: Schematic of a Basic Vapor Compression Refrigeration System

It can be seen that the condenser has to be capable of rejecting the combined heat inputs of the evaporator and the compressor; i.e. (1 2) + (2 3) has to be the same as (3 4). There is no heat loss or gain through the expansion device. Alternative Refrigerants for Vapour Compression Systems The use of CFCs is now beginning to be phased out due to their damaging impact on the protective tropospheric ozone layer around the earth. The Montreal Protocol of 1987 and the subsequent Copenhagen agreement of 1992 mandate a reduction in the production of ozone depleting Chlorinated Fluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerants in a phased manner, with an eventual stop to all production by the year 1996. In response, the refrigeration industry has developed two alternative refrigerants; one based on Hydrochloro Fluorocarbon (HCFC), and another based on Hydro Fluorocarbon (HFC). The HCFCs have a 2 to 10% ozone depleting potential as compared to CFCs and also, they have an atmospheric lifetime between 2 to 25 years as compared to 100 or more years for CFCs (Brandt, 1992). However, even HCFCs
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are mandated to be phased out by 2005, and only the chlorine free (zero ozone depletion) HFCs would be acceptable. Until now, only one HFC based refrigerant, HFC 134a, has been developed. HCFCs are comparatively simpler to produce and the three refrigerants 22, 123, and 124 have been developed. The use of HFCs and HCFCs results in slightly lower efficiencies as compared to CFCs, but this may change with increasing efforts being made to replace CFCs. Absorption Refrigeration The absorption chiller is a machine, which produces chilled water by using heat such as steam, hot water, gas, oil etc. Chilled water is produced by the principle that liquid (refrigerant), which evaporates at low temperature, absorbs heat from surrounding when it evaporates. Pure water is used as refrigerant and lithium bromide solution is used as absorbent Heat for the vapour absorption refrigeration system can be provided by waste heat extracted from process, diesel generator sets etc. Absorption systems require electricity to run pumps only. Depending on the temperature required and the power cost, it may even be economical to generate heat / steam to operate the absorption system. Description of the absorption refrigeration concept is given below: The refrigerant (water) evaporates at around 4C under the high vacuum condition of 754mmHg in the evaporator. When the refrigerant (water) evaporates, the latent heat of vaporization takes the heat from incoming chilled water. This latent heat of vaporization can cool the chilled water which runs into the heat exchanger tubes in the evaporator by transfer of heat to the refrigerant (water).

In order to keep evaporating, the refrigerant vapor must be discharged from the evaporator and refrigerant (water) must be supplied. The refrigerant vapor is absorbed into lithium bromide solution which is convenient to absorb the refrigerant vapor in the absorber. The heat generated in the absorption process is led out of system by cooling water continually. The absorption also maintains the vacuum inside the evaporator.

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As lithium bromide solution is diluted, the effect to absorb the refrigerant vapor reduces. In order to keep absorption process, the diluted lithium bromide solution must be made concentrated lithium bromide. Absorption chiller is provided with the solution concentrating system by the heating media such as steam, hot water, gas, oil, which performs such function is called generator. The concentrated solution flows into the absorber and absorbs the refrigerant vapor again.

In order to carryout above works continually and to make complete cycle, the following two functions are required. (1) To concentrate and liquefy the evaporated refrigerant vapor, which is generated in the high pressure generator. (2) To supply the condensed water to the evaporator as refrigerant (water) For this function, condenser is installed.

A typical schematic of the absorption refrigeration system is given in the Figure 4.3. Li-Br-water absorption refrigeration systems have a Coefficient of Performance (COP) in the range of 0.65 0.70 and can provide chilled water at 6.7 C with a cooling water temperature of 30C. Systems capable of providing chilled water at 3 C are also available. Ammonia based systems operate at above atmospheric pressures and are capable of low temperature operation (below 0C). Absorption machines of capacities in the range of 101500 tons are available. Although the initial cost of absorption system is higher than compression system, operational cost is much lower-if waste heat is used.
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Figure 4.3

Schematic of Absorption Refrigeration System

Evaporative Cooling There are occasions where air conditioning, which stipulates control of humidity up to 50 % for human comfort or for process, can be replaced by a much cheaper and less energy intensive evaporative cooling. The concept is very simple and is the same as that used in a cooling tower. Air is brought in close contact with water to cool it to a temperature close to the wet bulb temperature. The cool air can be used for comfort or process cooling. The disadvantage is that the air is rich in moisture. Nevertheless, it is an extremely efficient means of cooling at very low cost. Large commercial systems employ cellulose filled pads over which water is sprayed. The temperature can be controlled by controlling the airflow and the water circulation rate. The possibility of evaporative cooling is especially attractive for comfort cooling in dry regions. This principle is practiced in textile industries for certain processes.


Common Refrigerants and Properties

A variety of refrigerants are used in vapor compression systems. The choice of fluid is determined largely by the cooling temperature required. Commonly used refrigerants are in the family of chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFCs, also called Freons): R-11, R-12, R-21, R-22 and R-502. The properties of these refrigerants are summarized in Table 4.1 and the performance of these refrigerants is given in Table 4.2.
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Boiling Point ** (C) -23.82 -29.79 -40.76 -45.40 -33.30

Freezing Point (C) -111.0 -158.0 -160.0 ---77.7

Vapor Pressure * (kPa) 25.73 219.28 354.74 414.30 289.93

Vapor Volume * (m3 / kg) 0.61170 0.07702 0.06513 0.04234 0.41949

Enthalpy * Liquid Vapor (kJ / kg) (kJ / kg) 191.40 190.72 188.55 188.87 808.71 385.43 347.96 400.83 342.31 487.76

R - 11 R - 12 R - 22 R - 502 R-7 (Ammonia)

* At -10C ** At Standard Atmospheric Pressure (101.325 kPa)



Evaporating Press (kPa) 20.4 182.7 295.8 349.6 236.5

Condensing Press (kPa) 125.5 744.6 1192.1 1308.6 1166.5

Pressure Ratio 6.15 4.08 4.03 3.74 4.93

Vapor Enthalpy (kJ / kg) 155.4 116.3 162.8 106.2 103.4


R - 11 R - 12 R - 22 R - 502 R - 717

5.03 4.70 4.66 4.37 4.78

* At -15C Evaporator Temperature, and 30C Condenser Temperature ** COPcarnot = Coefficient of Performance = Temp.Evap. / (Temp.Cond. -TempEvap. )

The choice of refrigerant and the required cooling temperature and load determine the choice of compressor, as well as the design of the condenser, evaporator, and other auxiliaries. Additional factors such as ease of maintenance, physical space requirements and availability of utilities for auxiliaries (water, power, etc.) also influence component selection.

4.4 Compressor Types and Application

For industrial use, open type systems (compressor and motor as separate units) are normally used, though hermetic systems (motor and compressor in a sealed unit) also find service in some low capacity applications. Hermetic systems are used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and other low capacity applications. Industrial applications largely employ reciprocating, centrifugal and, more recently, screw compressors, and scroll compressors. Water-cooled systems are more efficient than air-cooled alternatives because the temperatures produced by refrigerant condensation are lower with water than with air.
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Centrifugal Compressors Centrifugal compressors are the most efficient type (see Figure 4.4) when they are operating near full load. Their efficiency advantage is greatest in large sizes, and they offer considerable economy of scale, so they dominate the market for large chillers. They are able to use a wide range of refrigerants efficiently, so they will probably continue to be the dominant type in large sizes. Centrifugal compressors have a single major moving part - an impeller that compresses the refrigerant gas by Figure 4.4 Centrifugal Compressor centrifugal force. The gas is given kinetic energy as it flows through the impeller. This kinetic energy is not useful in itself, so it must be converted to pressure energy. This is done by allowing the gas to slow down smoothly in a stationary diffuser surrounding the impeller. To minimize efficiency loss at reduced loads, centrifugal compressors typically throttle output with inlet guide vanes located at the inlet to the impeller(s). This method is efficient down to about 50% load, but the efficiency of this method decreases rapidly below 50% load. Older centrifugal machines are not able to reduce load much below 50%. This is because of surge in the impeller. As the flow through the impeller is choked off, the gas does not acquire enough energy to overcome the discharge pressure. Flow drops abruptly at this point, and an oscillation begins as the gas flutters back and forth in the impeller. Efficiency drops abruptly, and the resulting vibration can damage the machine. Many older centrifugal machines deal with low loads by creating a false load on the system, such as by using hot gas bypass. This wastes the portion of the cooling output that is not required. Another approach is to use variable-speed drives in combination with inlet guide vanes. This may allow the compressor to throttle down to about 20% of full load, or less, without false loading. Changing the impeller speed causes a departure from optimum performance, so efficiency still declines badly at low loads. A compressor that uses a variable-speed drive reduces its output in the range between full load and approximately half load by slowing the impeller speed. At lower loads, the impeller cannot be slowed further, because the discharge pressure would become too low to condense the refrigerant. Below the minimum load provided by the variable-speed drive, inlet guide vanes are used to provide further capacity reduction. Reciprocating Compressors The maximum efficiency of reciprocating compressors (see Figure 4.5) is lower than that of centrifugal and screw compressors. Efficiency is reduced by clearance volume (the compressed gas volume that is left at the top of the piston stroke), throttling losses at the intake and discharge valves, abrupt changes in gas flow, and friction. Lower efficiency also results from the smaller sizes of reciprocating units, because motor losses and friction account for a larger fraction of energy input in smaller systems.
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Figure 4.5

Reciprocating Compressor

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Reciprocating compressors suffer less efficiency loss at partial loads than other types, and they may actually have a higher absolute efficiency at low loads than the other types. Smaller reciprocating compressors control output by turning on and off. This eliminates all part-load losses, except for a short period of inefficient operation when the machine starts. Larger multi-cylinder reciprocating compressors commonly reduce output by disabling (unloading) individual cylinders. When the load falls to the point that even one cylinder provides too much capacity, the machine turns off. Several methods of cylinder unloading are used, and they differ in efficiency. The most common is holding open the intake valves of the unloaded cylinders. This eliminates most of the work of compression, but a small amount of power is still wasted in pumping refrigerant gas to-and-fro through the unloaded cylinders. Another method is blocking gas flow to the unloaded cylinders, which is called suction cutoff. Variable-speed drives can be used with reciprocating compressors, eliminating the complications of cylinder unloading. This method is gaining popularity with the drastic reduction in costs of variable speed drives. Screw Compressors Screw compressors, sometimes called helical rotary compressors, compress refrigerant by trapping it in the threads of a rotating screw-shaped rotor (see Figure 4.6). Screw compressors have increasingly taken over from reciprocating compressors of medium sizes and large sizes, and they have even entered the size domain of Figure 4.6 Screw Compressor centrifugal machines. Screw compressors are applicable to refrigerants that have higher condensing pressures, such as HCFC-22 and ammonia. They are especially compact. A variety of methods are used to control the output of screw compressors. There are major efficiency differences among the different methods. The most common is a slide valve that forms a portion of the housing that surrounds the screws. Using a variable-speed drive is another method of capacity control. It is limited to oil-injected compressors, because slowing the speed of a dry compressor would allow excessive internal leakage. There are other methods of reducing capacity, such as suction throttling that are inherently less efficient than the previous two. Scroll Compressors The scroll compressor is an old invention that has finally come to the market. The gas is compressed between two scroll-shaped vanes. One of the vanes is fixed, and the other moves within it. The moving vane does not rotate, but its center revolves with respect to the center of the fixed vane, as shown in Figure 4.7. This motion squeezes the refrigerant gas along a spiral path, from the outside of the vanes toward the center, where the discharge port is located. The compressor has only two moving parts, the moving vane and a shaft with an off-center crank to drive the moving vane. Scroll compressors have only recently become practical, because close machining tolerances are needed to prevent leakage between the vanes, and between the vanes Figure 4.7 Scroll Compressor and the casing. The features of various refrigeration compressors and application criteria are given in the Table 4.3.
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4.5 Selection of a Suitable Refrigeration System

A clear understanding of the cooling load to be met is the first and most important part of designing / selecting the components of a refrigeration system. Important factors to be considered in quantifying the load are the actual cooling need, heat (cool) leaks, and internal heat sources (from all heat generating equipment). Consideration should also be given to process changes and / or changes in ambient conditions that might affect the load in the future. Reducing the load, e.g. through better insulation, maintaining as high a cooling temperature as practical, etc. is the first step toward minimizing electrical power required to meet refrigeration needs. With a quantitative understanding of the required temperatures and the maximum, minimum, and average expected cooling demands, selection of appropriate refrigeration system (single-stage / multi-stage, economized compression, compound / cascade operation, direct cooling / secondary coolants) and equipment (type of refrigerant, compressor, evaporator, condenser, etc.) can be undertaken.

4.6 Performance Assessment of Refrigeration Plants

The cooling effect produced is quantified as tons of refrigeration.(TR). 1 TR of refrigeration = 3024 kCal/hr heat rejected. The refrigeration TR is assessed as TR = Q x Cp x (Ti To) / 3024 Q is mass flow rate of coolant in kg/hr Cp is coolant specific heat in kCal /kg deg C Ti is inlet, temperature of coolant to evaporator (chiller) in C To is outlet temperature of coolant from evaporator (chiller) in C.


The above TR is also called as chiller tonnage.

The specific power consumption kW/TR is a useful indicator of the performance of refrigeration system. By measuring refrigeration duty performed in TR and the kiloWatt inputs, kW/TR is used as a reference energy performance indicator. In a centralized chilled water system, apart from the compressor unit, power is also consumed by the chilled water (secondary) coolant pump as well condenser water (for heat rejection to cooling tower) pump and cooling tower fan in the cooling tower. Effectively, the overall energy consumption would be towards: Compressor kW Chilled water pump kW Condenser water pump kW Cooling tower fan kW, for induced / forced draft towers

The specific power consumption for certain TR output would therefore have to include: Compressor kW/TR Chilled water pump kW/TR Condenser water pump kW/TR Cooling tower fan kW/TR The overall kW/TR is the sum of the above.

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The theoretical Coefficient of Performance (Carnot), COPCarnot - a standard measure of refrigeration efficiency of an ideal refrigeration system- depends on two key system temperatures, namely, evaporator temperature Te and condenser temperature Tc with COP being given as: COPCarnot = Te / (Tc - Te) This expression also indicates that higher COPCarnot is achieved with higher evaporator temperature and lower condenser temperature. But COPCarnot is only a ratio of temperatures, and hence does not take into account the type of compressor. Hence the COP normally used in the industry is given by COP = Cooling effect (kW) Power input to compressor (kW)

where the cooling effect is the difference in enthalpy across the evaporator and expressed as kW. The effect of evaporating and condensing temperatures are given in the Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9 below:

Figure 4.8 Effect Of Evaporator Temperature On Chiller COP

Figure 4.9 Effect of Condensing Temperature On Chiller COP

In the field performance assessment, accurate instruments for inlet and outlet chilled water temperature and condenser water temperature measurement are required, preferably with a least count of 0.1C. Flow measurements of chilled water can be made by an ultrasonic flow meter directly or inferred from pump duty parameters. Adequacy check of chilled water is needed often and most units are designed for a typical 0.68 m3/hr per TR (3 gpm/TR) chilled water flow. Condenser water flow measurement can also be made by a non-contact flow meter directly or inferred from pump duty parameters. Adequacy check of condenser water is also needed often, and most units are designed for a typical 0.91 m3/hr per TR (4 gpm / TR) condenser water flow. In case of air conditioning units, the airflow at the Fan Coil Units (FCU) or the Air Handling Units (AHU) can be measured with an anemometer. Dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures are
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measured at the inlet and outlet of AHU or the FCU and the refrigeration load in TR is assessed as ; Q (hin hout) 3024

TR =

Where, Q is the air flow in m3/h hin is density of air kg/m3 is enthalpy of inlet air kCal/kg

is enthalpy of outlet air kCal/kg hout Use of psychometric charts can help to calculate hin and hout from dry bulb, wet bulb temperature values which are, in-turn measured, during trials, by a whirling psychrometer. Power measurements at, compressor, pumps, AHU fans, cooling tower fans can be accomplished by a portable load analyzer. Estimation of air conditioning load is also possible by calculating various heat loads, sensible and latent based on inlet and outlet air parameters, air ingress factors, air flow, no. of people and type of materials stored. An indicative TR load profile for air conditioning is presented as follows: Small office cabins Medium size office i.e., 10 30 people occupancy with central A/C Large multistoried office complexes with central A/C = 0.1 TR /m2 = 0.06 TR/ m2

= 0.04 TR/ m2

Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) Although the kW/ TR can serve as an initial reference, it should not be taken as an absolute since this value is derived from 100% of the equipment's capacity level and is based on design conditions that are considered the most critical. These conditions occur may be, for example, during only 1% of the total time the equipment is in operation throughout the year. Consequently, it is essential to have data that reflects how the equipment operates with partial loads or in conditions that demand less than 100% of its capacity. To overcome this, an average of kW/TR with partial loads ie Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) have to be formulated. The IPLV is the most appropriate reference, although not considered the best, because it only captures four points within the operational cycle: 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%. Furthermore, it assigns the same weight to each value, and most equipment usually operates at between 50 % and 75% of its capacity. This is why it is so important to prepare specific analysis for each case that addresses the four points already mentioned, as well as developing a profile of the heat exchanger's operations during the year.
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Factors Affecting Performance & Energy Efficiency of Refrigeration Plants

Design of Process Heat Exchangers There is a tendency of the process group to operate with high safety margins which influences the compressor suction pressure / evaporator set point. For instance, a process cooling requirement of 15C would need chilled water at a lower temperature, but the range can vary from 6C to say 10C. At 10C chilled water temperature, the refrigerant side temperature has to be lower, say 5C to +5C. The refrigerant temperature, again sets the corresponding suction pressure of refrigerant which decides the inlet duty conditions for work of compression of the refrigerant compressor. Having the optimum / minimum driving force (temperature difference) can, thus, help to achieve highest possible suction pressure at the compressor, thereby leading to less energy requirement. This requires proper sizing of heat transfer areas of process heat exchangers and evaporators as well as rationalizing the temperature requirement to highest possible value. A 1C raise in evaporator temperature can help to save almost 3 % on power consumption. The TR capacity of the same machine will also increase with the evaporator temperature, as given in Table 4.4.


Evaporator Temperature (C) 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -10.0 -20.0

Refrigeration Capacity* (tons) 67.58 56.07 45.98 37.20 23.12

Specific Power Consumption 0.81 0.94 1.08 1.25 1.67

Increase in kW/ton (%) 16.0 33.0 54.0 106.0

* Condenser temperature 40C

Towards rationalizing the heat transfer areas, the heat transfer coefficient on refrigerant side can be considered to range from 1400 2800 watts /m2K. The refrigerant side heat transfer areas provided are of the order of 0.5 Sqm./TR and above in evaporators. Condensers in a refrigeration plant are critical equipment that influence the TR capacity and power consumption demands. Given a refrigerant, the condensing temperature and corresponding condenser pressure, depend upon the heat transfer area provided, effectiveness of heat exchange and the type of cooling chosen. A lower condensing temperature, pressure, in best of combinations would mean that the compressor has to work between a lower pressure differential as the discharge pressure is fixed by design and performance of the condenser. The choices of condensers in practice range from air cooled, air cooled with water
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spray, and heat exchanger cooled. Generously sized shell and tube heat exchangers as condensers, with good cooling tower operations help to operate with low discharge pressure values and the TR capacity of the refrigeration plant also improves. With same refrigerant, R22, a discharge pressure of 15 kg/cm2 with water cooled shell and tube condenser and 20 kg/cm2 with air cooled condenser indicate the kind of additional work of compression duty and almost 30 % additional energy consumption required by the plant. One of the best option at design stage would be to select generously sized (0.65 m2/TR and above) shell and tube condensers with water-cooling as against cheaper alternatives like air cooled condensers or water spray atmospheric condenser units. The effect of condenser temperature on refrigeration plant energy requirements is given in Table 4.5.


Condensing Temperature (C) 26.7 35.0 40.0

Refrigeration Capacity (tons) 31.5 21.4 20.0

Specific Power Consumption 1.17 1.27 1.41

Increase in (kW / TR) kW/TR (%) 8.5 20.5

* Reciprocating compressor using R-22 refrigerant. Evaporator temperature.-10C

Maintenance of Heat Exchanger Surfaces After ensuring procurement, effective maintenance holds the key to optimizing power consumption. Heat transfer can also be improved by ensuring proper separation of the lubricating oil and the refrigerant, timely defrosting of coils, and increasing the velocity of the secondary coolant (air, water, etc.). However, increased velocity results in larger pressure drops in the distribution system and higher power consumption in pumps / fans. Therefore, careful analysis is required to determine the most effective and efficient option. Fouled condenser tubes force the compressor to work harder to attain the desired capacity. For example, a 0.8 mm scale build-up on condenser tubes can increase energy consumption by as much as 35 %. Similarly, fouled evaporators (due to residual lubricating oil or infiltration of air) result in increased power consumption. Equally important is proper selection, sizing, and maintenance of cooling towers. A reduction of 0.55C temperature in water returning from the cooling tower reduces compressor power consumption by 3.0 % (see Table 4.6).
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Evap. Temp (C) 7.2 7.2 1.7 1.7

Cond. Temp (C) 40.5 46.1 40.5 46.1

Refrigeration Capacity* (tons) 17.0 15.6 13.8 12.7

Specific Power Consumption kW/Ton 0.69 0.84 0.82 0.96

Increase in (kW/ton) (%) 20.4 18.3 38.7

Normal Dirty condenser Dirty evaporator Dirty condenser and evaporator

* 15 ton reciprocating compressor based system. The power consumption is lower than that for systems typically available in India. However, the percentage change in power consumption is indicative of the effect of poor maintenance.

Multi-Staging For Efficiency Efficient compressor operation requires that the compression ratio be kept low, to reduce discharge pressure and temperature. For low temperature applications involving high compression ratios, and for wide temperature requirements, it is preferable (due to equipment design limitations) and often economical to employ multi-stage reciprocating machines or centrifugal / screw compressors. Multi-staging systems are of two-types: compound and cascade and are applicable to all types of compressors. With reciprocating or rotary compressors, two-stage compressors are preferable for load temperatures from 20 to 58C, and with centrifugal machines for temperatures around 43C. In multi-stage operation, a first-stage compressor, sized to meet the cooling load, feeds into the suction of a second-stage compressor after inter-cooling of the gas. A part of the high-pressure liquid from the condenser is flashed and used for liquid sub-cooling. The second compressor, therefore, has to meet the load of the evaporator and the flash gas. A single refrigerant is used in the system, and the work of compression is shared equally by the two compressors. Therefore, two compressors with low compression ratios can in combination provide a high compression ratio. For temperatures in the range of 46C to 101C, cascaded systems are preferable. In this system, two separate systems using different refrigerants are connected such that one provides the means of heat rejection to the other. The chief advantage of this system is that a low temperature refrigerant which has a high suction temperature and low specific volume can be selected for the low-stage to meet very low temperature requirements. Matching Capacity to System Load During part-load operation, the evaporator temperature rises and the condenser temperature falls, effectively increasing the COP. But at the same time, deviation from the design operation point and the fact that mechanical losses form a greater proportion of the total power negate the effect of improved COP, resulting in lower part-load efficiency. Therefore, consideration of part-load operation is important, because most refrigeration applications have varying loads. The load may vary due to variations in temperature and process
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cooling needs. Matching refrigeration capacity to the load is a difficult exercise, requiring knowledge of compressor performance, and variations in ambient conditions, and detailed knowledge of the cooling load. Capacity Control and Energy Efficiency The capacity of compressors is controlled in a number of ways. Capacity control of reciprocating compressors through cylinder unloading results in incremental (step-by-step) modulation as against continuous capacity modulation of centrifugal through vane control and screw compressors through sliding valves. Therefore, temperature control requires careful system design. Usually, when using reciprocating compressors in applications with widely varying loads, it is desirable to control the compressor by monitoring the return water (or other secondary coolant) temperature rather than the temperature of the water leaving the chiller. This prevents excessive on-off cycling or unnecessary loading / unloading of the compressor. However, if load fluctuations are not high, the temperature of the water leaving the chiller should be monitored. This has the advantage of preventing operation at very low water temperatures, especially when flow reduces at low loads. The leaving water temperature should be monitored for centrifugal and screw chillers. Capacity regulation through speed control is the most efficient option. However, when employing speed control for reciprocating compressors, it should be ensured that the lubrication system is not affected. In the case of centrifugal compressors, it is usually desirable to restrict speed control to about 50 % of the capacity to prevent surging. Below 50 %, vane control or hot gas bypass can be used for capacity modulation. The efficiency of screw compressors operating at part load is generally higher than either centrifugal compressors or reciprocating compressors, which may make them attractive in situations where part-load operation is common. Screw compressor performance can be optimized by changing the volume ratio. In some cases, this may result in higher full-load efficiencies as compared to reciprocating and centrifugal compressors. Also, the ability of screw compressors to tolerate oil and liquid refrigerant slugs makes them preferred in some situations. Multi-level Refrigeration for Plant Needs The selection of refrigeration systems also depends on the range of temperatures required in the plant. For diverse applications requiring a wide range of temperatures, it is generally more economical to provide several packaged units (several units distributed throughout the plant) instead of one large central plant. Another advantage would be the flexibility and reliability accorded. The selection of packaged units could also be made depending on the distance at which cooling loads need to be met. Packaged units at load centers reduce distribution losses in the system. Despite the advantages of packaged units, central plants generally have lower power consumption since at reduced loads power consumption can reduce significantly due to the large condenser and evaporator surfaces. Many industries use a bank of compressors at a central location to meet the load. Usually the chillers feed into a common header from which branch lines are taken to different locations in the plant. In such situations, operation at part-load requires extreme care. For efficient operation, the cooling load, and the load on each chiller must be monitored closely. It is more efficient to operate a single chiller at full load than to operate two chillers at part-load. The distribution system should be designed such that individual chillers can feed all branch lines. Isolation valves must be provided to ensure that chilled water (or other coolant) does not flow
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through chillers not in operation. Valves should also be provided on branch lines to isolate sections where cooling is not required. This reduces pressure drops in the system and reduces power consumption in the pumping system. Individual compressors should be loaded to their full capacity before operating the second compressor. In some cases it is economical to provide a separate smaller capacity chiller, which can be operated on an on-off control to meet peak demands, with larger chillers meeting the base load. Flow control is also commonly used to meet varying demands. In such cases the savings in pumping at reduced flow should be weighed against the reduced heat transfer in coils due to reduced velocity. In some cases, operation at normal flow rates, with subsequent longer periods of no-load (or shut-off) operation of the compressor, may result in larger savings. Chilled Water Storage Depending on the nature of the load, it is economical to provide a chilled water storage facility with very good cold insulation. Also, the storage facility can be fully filled to meet the process requirements so that chillers need not be operated continuously. This system is usually economical if small variations in temperature are acceptable. This system has the added advantage of allowing the chillers to be operated at periods of low electricity demand to reduce peak demand charges - Low tariffs offered by some electric utilities for operation at night time can also be taken advantage of by using a storage facility. An added benefit is that lower ambient temperature at night lowers condenser temperature and thereby increases the COP. If temperature variations cannot be tolerated, it may not be economical to provide a storage facility since the secondary coolant would have to be stored at a temperature much lower than required to provide for heat gain. The additional cost of cooling to a lower temperature may offset the benefits. The solutions are case specific. For example, in some cases it may be possible to employ large heat exchangers, at a lower cost burden than low temperature chiller operation, to take advantage of the storage facility even when temperature variations are not acceptable. Ice bank system which store ice rather than water are often economical. System Design Features In overall plant design, adoption of good practices improves the energy efficiency significantly. Some areas for consideration are: Design of cooling towers with FRP impellers and film fills, PVC drift eliminators, etc. Use of softened water for condensers in place of raw water. Use of economic insulation thickness on cold lines, heat exchangers, considering cost of heat gains and adopting practices like infrared thermography for monitoring - applicable especially in large chemical / fertilizer / process industry. Adoption of roof coatings / cooling systems, false ceilings / as applicable, to minimize refrigeration load. Adoption of energy efficient heat recovery devices like air to air heat exchangers to pre-cool the fresh air by indirect heat exchange; control of relative humidity through indirect heat exchange rather than use of duct heaters after chilling. Adopting of variable air volume systems; adopting of sun film application for heat reflection; optimizing lighting loads in the air conditioned areas; optimizing number of air changes in the air conditioned areas are few other examples.
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4.8 Energy Saving Opportunities

a) Cold Insulation Insulate all cold lines / vessels using economic insulation thickness to minimize heat gains; and choose appropriate (correct) insulation. b) Building Envelope Optimise air conditioning volumes by measures such as use of false ceiling and segregation of critical areas for air conditioning by air curtains. c) Building Heat Loads Minimisation Minimise the air conditioning loads by measures such as roof cooling, roof painting, efficient lighting, pre-cooling of fresh air by air- to-air heat exchangers, variable volume air system, otpimal thermo-static setting of temperature of air conditioned spaces, sun film applications, etc. e) Process Heat Loads Minimisation Minimize process heat loads in terms of TR capacity as well as refrigeration level, i.e., temperature required, by way of: i) Flow optimization ii) Heat transfer area increase to accept higher temperature coolant iii) Avoiding wastages like heat gains, loss of chilled water, idle flows. iv) Frequent cleaning / de-scaling of all heat exchangers f) At the Refrigeration A/C Plant Area i) ii) iii) iv) v) Ensure regular maintenance of all A/C plant components as per manufacturer guidelines. Ensure adequate quantity of chilled water and cooling water flows, avoid bypass flows by closing valves of idle equipment. Minimize part load operations by matching loads and plant capacity on line; adopt variable speed drives for varying process load. Make efforts to continuously optimize condenser and evaporator parameters for minimizing specific energy consumption and maximizing capacity. Adopt VAR system where economics permit as a non-CFC solution.

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4. HVAC and Refrigeration System

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. List a few types of air conditioning systems in use. 1 TR of refrigeration is a) 50 kCal/hour b) 3024 kCal/hour c) 1000 kCal/hour d) 100 kCal/hour Explain with a sketch the working principle of a vapour compression refrigeration plant Explain the working principle of vapour absorption refrigeration system. Of the following, which has zero ozone depletion potential? a) R11 b) R22 c) HFC 134a d) HCFC22 List a few energy efficiency improvement options in a refrigeration plant. Name different types of compressors used in refrigeration system. Throttling as a means of capacity control applies to Reciprocating compressor b) Screw compressor c) Scroll Compressor d) Centrifugal compressor Explain the phenomenon of surge in a centrifugal compressor. What is the refrigeration load in TR when 15 m3/hr of water is cooled from 21C to 15C? If the compressor motor draws 29 kW, chilled water pump draws 4.6 kW, condenser water pump draws 6.1 kW and Cooling Tower fan draws 2.7 kW, what is overall kW/TR? Explain the term Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV). Explain the impact of condensing and evaporation temperatures on compressor power consumption. Briefly list various energy conservation opportunities in a refrigeration plant.

9. 10.

11. 12. 13.

1. 2. 3. 4. Technology Menu on Energy Efficiency (NPC) ASHRAE Hand Book NPC Case Studies Vendor Information

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Syllabus Fans and blowers: Types, Performance evaluation, Efficient system operation, Flow control strategies and energy conservation opportunities

5.1 Introduction
Fans and blowers provide air for ventilation and industrial process requirements. Fans generate a pressure to move air (or gases) against a resistance caused by ducts, dampers, or other components in a fan system. The fan rotor receives energy from a rotating shaft and transmits it to the air. Difference between Fans, Blowers and Compressors Fans, blowers and compressors are differentiated by the method TABLE 5.1 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN FANS, BLOWER used to move the air, and by the AND COMPRESSOR system pressure they must operate against. As per American Equipment Specific Ratio Pressure rise (mmWg) Society of Mechanical Engineers Fans Up to 1.11 1136 (ASME) the specific ratio - the Blowers 1.11 to 1.20 1136 2066 ratio of the discharge pressure more than 1.20 over the suction pressure is Compressors used for defining the fans, blowers and compressors (see Table 5.1).
Type of fan

5.2 Fan Types

Fan and blower selection depends on the volume flow rate, pressure, type of material handled, space limitations, and efficiency. Fan efficiencies differ from design to design and also by types. Typical ranges of fan efficiencies are given in Table 5.2. Fans fall into two general categories: centrifugal flow and axial flow. In centrifugal flow, airflow changes direction twice - once when entering and second when leaving (forward curved, backward curved or inclined, radial) (see Figure 5.1). In axial flow, air enters and leaves the fan with no change in direction (propeller, tubeaxial, vaneaxial) (see Figure 5.2).
Bureau of Energy Efficiency 93 Centrifugal Fans Airfoil, backward curved/inclined Modified radial Radial Pressure blower Forward curved Axial fan Vane axial Tube axial Propeller

Peak Efficiency Range

7983 7279 6975 5868 6065

7885 6772 4550

5. Fans and Blowers

Figure 5.1 Centrifugal Fan

Figure 5.2 Axial Fan

Centrifugal Fan: Types The major types of centrifugal fan are: radial, forward curved and backward curved (see Figure 5.3). Radial fans are industrial workhorses because of their high static pressures (upto 1400 mm WC) and ability to handle heavily contaminated airstreams. Because of their simple design, radial fans are well suited for high temperatures and medium blade tip speeds. Forward-curved fans are used in clean environments and operate at lower temperatures. They are well suited for low tip speed and high-airflow work - they are best suited for moving large volumes of air against relatively low pressures. Backward-inclined fans are more efficient than forward-curved fans. Backward-inclined fans reach their peak power consumption and then power demand drops off well within their useable airflow range. Backward-inclined fans are known as "non-overloading" because changes in static pressure do not overload the motor.
Paddle Blade (Radial blade) Forward Curved (Multi-Vane) Backward Curved

Figure 5.3 Types of Centrifugal Fans

Axial Flow Fan: Types The major types of axial flow fans are: tube axial, vane axial and propeller (see Figure 5.4.) Tubeaxial fans have a wheel inside a cylindrical housing, with close clearance between blade and housing to improve airflow efficiency. The wheel turn faster than propeller fans, enabling operation under high-pressures 250 400 mm WC. The efficiency is up to 65%.
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Vaneaxial fans are similar to tubeaxials, but with addition of guide vanes that improve efficiency by directing and straightening the flow. As a result, they have a higher static pressure with less dependence on the duct static pressure. Such fans are used generally for pressures upto 500 mmWC. Vaneaxials are typically the most energy-efficient fans available and should be used whenever possible. Propeller fans usually run at low speeds and moderate temperatures. They experience a large change in airflow with small changes in static pressure. They handle large volumes of air at low pressure or free delivery. Propeller fans are often used indoors as exhaust fans. Outdoor applications include air-cooled condensers and cooling towers. Efficiency is low approximately 50% or less. Tube Axial Vane Axial Propeller

Figure 5.4 Types of Axial Fans

The different types of fans, their characteristics and typical applications are given in Table 5.3. Common Blower Types Blowers can achieve much higher pressures than fans, as high as 1.20 kg/cm2. They are also used to produce negative pressures for industrial vacuum systems. Major types are: centrifugal blower and positive-displacement blower. Centrifugal blowers look more like centrifugal pumps than fans. The impeller is typically gear-driven and rotates as fast as 15,000 rpm. In multi-stage blowers, air is accelerated as it passes through each impeller. In single-stage blower, air does not take many turns, and hence it is more efficient. Centrifugal blowers typically operate against pressures of 0.35 to 0.70 kg/cm2, but can achieve higher pressures. One characteristic is that airflow tends to drop drastically as system pressure
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Centrifugal Fans Type Radial Characteristics High pressure, medium flow, efficiency close to tube-axial fans, power increases continuously Medium pressure, high flow, dip in pressure curve, efficiency higher than radial fans, power rises continuously High pressure, high flow, high efficiency, power reduces as flow increases beyond point of highest efficiency Same as backward curved type, highest efficiency Typical Applications Various industrial applications, suitable for dust laden, moist air/gases Low pressure HVAC, packaged units, suitable for clean and dust laden air / gases HVAC, various industrial applications forced draft fans, etc. Same as backward curved, but for clean air applications Type Propeller

Axial-flow Fans Characteristics Low pressure, high flow, low efficiency, peak efficiency close to point of free air delivery (zero static pressure) Medium pressure, high flow, higher efficiency than propeller type, dip in pressure-flow curve before peak pressure point. High pressure, medium flow, dip in pressure-flow curve, use of guide vanes improves efficiencyexhausts Typical Applications Air-circulation, ventilation, exhaust

Forwardcurved blades


HVAC, drying ovens, exhaust systems

Backward curved blades


High pressure applications including HVAC systems,

Airfoil type

increases, which can be a disadvantage in material conveying systems that depend on a steady air volume. Because of this, they are most often used in applications that are not prone to clogging. Positive-displacement blowers have rotors, which "trap" air and push it through housing. Positive-displacement blowers provide a constant volume of air even if the system pressure varies. They are especially suitable for applications prone to clogging, since they can produce enough pressure - typically up to 1.25 kg/cm2 - to blow clogged materials free. They turn much slower than centrifugal blowers (e.g. 3,600 rpm), and are often belt driven to facilitate speed changes.


Fan Performance Evaluation and Efficient System Operation

System Characteristics The term "system resistance" is used when referring to the static pressure. The system resistance is the sum of static pressure losses in the system. The system resistance is a function of the configuration of ducts, pickups, elbows and the pressure drops across equipment-for example backBureau of Energy Efficiency 96

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filter or cyclone. The system resistance varies with the square of the volume of air flowing through the system. For a given volume of air, the fan in a system with narrow ducts and multiple short radius elbows is going to have to work harder to overcome a greater system resistance than it would in a system with larger ducts and a minimum number of long radius turns. Long narrow ducts with many bends and twists will require more energy to pull the air through them. Consequently, for a given fan speed, the fan will be able to pull less air through this system than Figure 5.5 System Characteristics through a short system with no elbows. Thus, the system resistance increases substantially as the volume of air flowing through the system increases; square of air flow. Conversely, resistance decreases as flow decreases. To determine what volume the fan will produce, it is therefore necessary to know the system resistance characteristics. In existing systems, the system resistance can be measured. In systems that have been designed, but not built, the system resistance must be calculated. Typically a system resistance curve (see Figure 5.5) is generated with for various flow rates on the x-axis and the associated resistance on the y-axis. Fan Characteristics Fan characteristics can be represented in form of fan curve(s). The fan curve is a performance curve for the particular fan under a specific set of conditions. The fan curve is a graphical representation of a number of inter-related parameters. Typically a curve will be developed for a given set of conditions usually including: fan volume, system static pressure, fan speed, and brake horsepower required to drive the fan under the stated conditions. Some fan curves will also include an efficiency curve so that a system designer will know where on that curve the fan will be operating under the chosen conditions (see Figure 5.6). In the many curves shown in the Figure, the curve static pressure (SP) vs. flow is especially important. The intersection of the system curve and the static pressure curve defines the operating point. When the system resistance changes, the operating point also changes. Once the operating point is fixed, the power required could be found by following a vertical line that passes through the operating point to an intersection with the power (BHP) curve. A horizontal line drawn through the intersection with the power curve will lead to the required power on the right vertical axis. In the depicted curves, the fan efficiency curve is also presented. System Characteristics and Fan Curves In any fan system, the resistance to air flow (pressure) increases when the flow of air is increased. As mentioned before, it varies as the square of the flow. The pressure required by a system over a range of flows can be determined and a "system performance curve" can be developed (shown as SC) (see Figure 5.7). This system curve can then be plotted on the fan curve to show the fan's actual operating point at "A" where the two curves (N1 and SC1) intersect. This operating point is at air flow Q1 delivered against pressure P1.
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Figure 5.6 Fan Characteristics Curve by Manufacturer

A fan operates along a performance given by the manufacturer for a particular fan speed. (The fan performance chart shows performance curves for a series of fan speeds.) At fan speed N1, the fan will operate along the N1 performance curve as shown in Figure 5.7. The fan's actu-

Figure 5.7 System Curve Bureau of Energy Efficiency 98

5. Fans and Blowers

al operating point on this curve will depend on the system resistance; fan's operating point at "A" is flow (Q1) against pressure (P1). Two methods can be used to reduce air flow from Q1 to Q2: First method is to restrict the air flow by partially closing a damper in the system. This action causes a new system performance curve (SC2) where the required pressure is greater for any given air flow. The fan will now operate at "B" to provide the reduced air flow Q2 against higher pressure P2. Second method to reduce air flow is by reducing the speed from N1 to N2, keeping the damper fully open. The fan would operate at "C" to provide the same Q2 air flow, but at a lower pressure P3. Thus, reducing the fan speed is a much more efficient method to decrease airflow since less power is required and less energy is consumed. Fan Laws The fans operate under a predictable set of laws concerning speed, power and pressure. A change in speed (RPM) of any fan will predictably change the pressure rise and power necessary to operate it at the new RPM.

Where Q flow, SP Static Pressure, kW Power and N speed (RPM)

5.4 Fan Design and Selection Criteria

Precise determination of air-flow and required outlet pressure are most important in proper selection of fan type and size. The air-flow required depends on the process requirements; normally determined from heat transfer rates, or combustion air or flue gas quantity to be handled. System pressure requirement is usually more difficult to compute or predict. Detailed analysis should be carried out to determine pressure drop across the length, bends, contractions and expansions in the ducting system, pressure drop across filters, drop in branch lines, etc. These pressure drops should be added to any fixed pressure required by the process (in the case of ventilation fans there is no fixed pressure requirement). Frequently, a very conservative approach is adopted allocating large safety margins, resulting in over-sized fans which operate at flow rates much below their design values and, consequently, at very poor efficiency.
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Once the system flow and pressure requirements are determined, the fan and impeller type are then selected. For best results, values should be obtained from the manufacturer for specific fans and impellers. The choice of fan type for a given application depends on the magnitudes of required flow and static pressure. For a given fan type, the selection of the appropriate impeller depends additionally on rotational speed. Speed of operation varies with the application. High speed small units are generally more economical because of their higher hydraulic efficiency and relatively low cost. However, at low pressure ratios, large, low-speed units are preferable. Fan Performance and Efficiency Typical static pressures and power requirements for different types of fans are given in the Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8 Fan Static Pressure and Power Requirements for Different Fans

Fan performance characteristics and efficiency differ based on fan and impeller type ( See Figure 5.9). In the case of centrifugal fans, the hubto-tip ratios (ratio of inner-to-outer impeller diameter) the tip angles (angle at which forward or backward curved blades are curved at the blade tip - at the base the blades are always oriented in the direction of flow), and the blade width determine the pressure developed by the fan. Forward curved fans have large hub-totip ratios compared to backward curved fans and produce lower pressure. Radial fans can be made with different heel-to-tip ratios to produce different pressures.
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Figure 5.9 Fan Performance Characteristics Based on Fans/ Impellers 100

5. Fans and Blowers

At both design and off-design points, backward-curved fans provide the most stable operation. Also, the power required by most backward curved fans will decrease at flow higher than design values. A similar effect can be obtained by using inlet guide vanes instead of replacing the impeller with different tip angles. Radial fans are simple in construction and are preferable for high-pressure applications. Forward curved fans, however, are less efficient than backward curved fans and power rises continuously with flow. Thus, they are generally more expensive to operate despite their lower first cost. Among centrifugal fan designs, aerofoil designs provide the highest efficiency (upto 10% higher than backward curved blades), but their use is limited to clean, dust-free air. Axial-flow fans produce lower pressure than centrifugal fans, and exhibit a dip in pressure before reaching the peak pressure point. Axial-flow fans equipped with adjustable / variable pitch blades are also available to meet varying flow requirements. Propeller-type fans are capable of high-flow rates at low pressures. Tube-axial fans have medium pressure, high flow capability and are not equipped with guide vanes. Vane-axial fans are equipped with inlet or outlet guide vanes, and are characterized by high pressure, medium flow-rate capabilities. Performance is also dependant on the fan enclosure and duct design. Spiral housing designs with inducers, diffusers are more efficient as compared to square housings. Density of inlet air is another important consideration, since it affects both volume flow-rate and capacity of the fan to develop pressure. Inlet and outlet conditions (whirl and turbulence created by grills, dampers, etc.) can significantly alter fan performance curves from that provided by the manufacturer (which are developed under controlled conditions). Bends and elbows in the inlet or outlet ducting can change the velocity of air, thereby changing fan characteristics (the pressure drop in these elements is attributed to the system resistance). All these factors, termed as System Effect Factors, should, therefore, be carefully evaluated during fan selection since they would modify the fan performance curve. Centrifugal fans are suitable for low to moderate flow at high pressures, while axial-flow fans are suitable for low to high flows at low pressures. Centrifugal fans are generally more expensive than axial fans. Fan prices vary widely based on the impeller type and the mounting (direct-or-belt-coupled, wall-or-duct-mounted). Among centrifugal fans, aerofoil and backward-curved blade designs tend to be somewhat more expensive than forward-curved blade designs and will typically provide more favourable economics on a lifecycle basis. Reliable cost comparisons are difficult since costs vary with a number of application-specific factors. A careful technical and economic evaluation of available options is important in identifying the fan that will minimize lifecycle costs in any specific application. Safety margin The choice of safety margin also affects the efficient operation of the fan. In all cases where the fan requirement is linked to the process/other equipment, the safety margin is to be decided, based on the discussions with the process equipment supplier. In general, the safety margin can be 5% over the maximum requirement on flow rate. In the case of boilers, the induced draft (ID) fan can be designed with a safety margin of 20% on volume and 30% on head. The forced draft (FD) fans and primary air (PA) fans do not require any safety margins. However, safety margins of 10 % on volume and 20% on pressure are maintained for FD and PA fans.
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Some pointers on fan specification The right specification of the parameters of the fan at the initial stage, is pre-requisite for choosing the appropriate and energy efficient fan. The user should specify following information to fan manufacturer to enable right selection: Design operating point of the fan volume and pressure Normal operating point volume and pressure Maximum continuous rating Low load operation - This is particularly essential for units, which in the initial few years may operate at lower capacities, with plans for upgradation at a later stage. The initial low load and the later higher load operational requirements need to be specified clearly, so that, the manufacturer can supply a fan which can meet both the requirements, with different sizes of impeller. Ambient temperature The ambient temperatures, both the minimum and maximum, are to be specified to the supplier. This affects the choice of the material of construction of the impeller. The maximum temperature of the gas at the fan during upset conditions should be specified to the supplier. This will enable choice of the right material of the required creep strength. Density of gas at different temperatures at fan outlet Composition of the gas This is very important for choosing the material of construction of the fan. Dust concentration and nature of dust The dust concentration and the nature of dust (e.g. bagasse soft dust, coal hard dust) should be clearly specified. The proposed control mechanisms that are going to be used for controlling the fan. The operating frequency varies from plant-to-plant, depending on the source of power supply. Since this has a direct effect on the speed of the fan, the frequency prevailing or being maintained in the plant also needs to be specified to the supplier. Altitude of the plant The choice of speed of the fan can be best left to fan manufacturer. This will enable him to design the fan of the highest possible efficiency. However, if the plant has some preferred speeds on account of any operational need, the same can be communicated to the fan supplier. Installation of Fan The installation of fan and mechanical maintenance of the fan also plays a critical role in the efficiency of the fan. The following clearances (typical values) should be maintained for the efficient operation of the impeller. Impeller Inlet Seal Clearances

Axial overlap 5 to 10 mm for 1 metre plus dia impeller Radial clearance 1 to 2 mm for 1 metre plus dia impeller Back plate clearance 20 to 30 mm for 1 metre plus dia impeller Labyrinth seal clearance 0.5 to 1.5 mm

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5. Fans and Blowers

The inlet damper positioning is also to be checked regularly so that the "full open" and "full close" conditions are satisfied. The fan user should get all the details of the mechanical clearances from the supplier at the time of installation. As these should be strictly adhered to, for efficient operation of the fan, and a checklist should be prepared on these clearances. A check on these clearances should be done after every maintenance, so that efficient operation of the fan is ensured on a continuous basis. System Resistance Change The system resistance has a major role in determining the performance and efficiency of a fan. The system resistance also changes depending on the process. For example, the formation of the coatings / erosion of the lining in the ducts, changes the system resistance marginally. In some cases, the change of equipment (e.g. Replacement of Multi-cyclones with ESP / Installation of low pressure drop cyclones in cement industry) duct modifications, drastically shift the operating point, resulting in lower efficiency. In such cases, to maintain the efficiency as before, the fan has to be changed. Hence, the system resistance has to be periodically checked, more so when modifications are introduced and action taken accordingly, for efficient operation of the fan.

5.5 Flow Control Strategies

Typically, once a fan system is designed and installed, the fan operates at a constant speed. There may be occasions when a speed change is desirable, i.e., when adding a new run of duct that requires an increase in air flow (volume) through the fan. There are also instances when the fan is oversized and flow reductions are required. Various ways to achieve change in flow are: pulley change, damper control, inlet guide vane control, variable speed drive and series and parallel operation of fans. Pulley Change When a fan volume change is required on a permanent basis, and the existing fan can handle the change in capacity, the volume change can be achieved with a speed change. The simplest way to change the speed is with a pulley change. For this, the fan must be driven by a motor through a vbelt system. The fan speed can be increased or decreased with a change in the drive pulley or the driven pulley or in some cases, both pulleys. As shown in the Figure 5.10, a higher sized fan operating with damper control was downsized by reducing the motor (drive) pulley size from 8" to 6". The power reduction was 15 kW.
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11 kW

Figure 5.10 Pulley Change

5. Fans and Blowers

Damper Controls Some fans are designed with damper controls (see Figure 5.11). Dampers can be located at inlet or outlet. Dampers provide a means of changing air volume by adding or removing system resistance. This resistance forces the fan to move up or down along its characteristic curve, generating more or less air without changing fan speed. However, dampers provide a limited amount of adjustment, and they are not particularly energy efficient.

Figure 5.11 Damper change

Inlet Guide Vanes Inlet guide vanes are another mechanism that can be used to meet variable air demand (see Figure 5.12). Guide vanes are curved sections that lay against the inlet of the fan when they are open. When they are closed, they extend out into the air stream. As they are closed, guide vanes pre-swirl the air entering the fan housing. This changes the angle at which the air is presented to the fan blades, which, in turn, changes the characteristics of the fan curve. Guide vanes are energy efficient for modest flow reductions from 100 percent flow to about 80 percent. Below 80 percent flow, energy efficiency drops sharply. Axial-flow fans can be equipped with variable pitch blades, which can be hydraulically or pneumatically conFigure 5.12 Inlet Guide Vanes trolled to change blade pitch, while the fan is at stationary. Variable-pitch blades modify the fan characteristics substantially and thereby provide dramatically higher energy efficiency than the other options discussed thus far. Variable Speed Drives Although, variable speed drives are expensive, they provide almost infinite variability in speed control. Variable speed operation involves reducing the speed of the fan to meet reduced flow requirements. Fan performance can be predicted at different speeds using the fan laws. Since power input to the fan changes as the cube of the flow, this will usually be the most efficient form of capacity control. However, variable speed control may not be economical for systems, which have infrequent flow variations. When considering variable speed drive, the efficiency of the control system (fluid coupling, eddy-current, VFD, etc.) should be accounted for, in the analysis of power consumption. Series and Parallel Operation Parallel operation of fans is another useful form of capacity control. Fans in parallel can be additionally equipped with dampers, variable inlet vanes, variable-pitch blades, or speed controls to provide a high degree of flexibility and reliability. Combining fans in series or parallel can achieve the desired airflow without greatly increasing the system package size or fan diameter. Parallel operation is defined as having
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two or more fans blowing together side by side. The performance of two fans in parallel will result in doubling the volume flow, but only at free delivery. As Figure 5.13 shows, when a system curve is overlaid on the parallel performance curves, the higher the system resistance, the less increase in flow results with parallel fan operation. Thus, this type of application should only be used when the fans can operate in a low resistance almost in a free delivery condition. Series operation can be defined as Figure 5.13 Series and Parallel Operation using multiple fans in a push-pull arrangement. By staging two fans in series, the static pressure capability at a given airflow can be increased, but again, not to double at every flow point, as the above Figure displays. In series operation, the best results are achieved in systems with high resistances. In both series and parallel operation, particularly with multiple fans certain areas of the combined performance curve will be unstable and should be avoided. This instability is unpredictable and is a function of the fan and motor construction and the operating point. Factors to be considered in the selection of flow control methods Comparison of various volume control methods with respect to power consumption (%) required power is shown in Figure 5.14. All methods of capacity control mentioned above have turn-down ratios (ratio of maximumtominimum flow rate) determined by the amount of leakage (slip) through the control elements. For example, even with dampers fully closed, the flow may not be zero due to leakage through the damper. In the case of variable-speed drives the turn-down ratio is limited by the control system. In many cases, the minimum possible flow will be determined by the characteristics of the fan itself. Stable operation of a fan requires that it operate in a region where the system curve has a positive slope and the fan curve has a negative slope. The range of operation and the time duration at each operating point also serves as a guide to selection of the most suitable capacity control system. Outlet damper control due to its simplicity, ease of operation, and low investment cost, is the most prevalent form of capacity control. However, it is the most inefficient of all methods and is best suited for situations where only small, infrequent changes are required (for example, minor process variations due to seasonal changes. The economic advantage of one method over the other is determined by the time duration over which the fan operates at different operating points. The frequency of flow change is another important determinant. For systems requiring frequent flow control, damper adjustment may not be convenient. Indeed, in many plants, dampers are not easily accessible and are left at some intermediate position to avoid frequent control.
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Figure 5.14 Comparison: Various Volume Control Methods


Fan Performance Assessment

The fans are tested for field performance by measurement of flow, head, temperature on the fan side and electrical motor kW input on the motor side. Air flow measurement Static pressure Static pressure is the potential energy put into the system by the fan. It is given up to friction in the ducts and at the duct inlet as it is converted to velocity pressure. At the inlet to the duct, the static pressure produces an area of low pressure (see Figure 5.15). Velocity pressure Velocity pressure is the pressure along the line of the flow that results from the air flowing through the duct. The velocity pressure is used to calculate air velocity. Total pressure Total pressure is the sum of the static and velocity pressure. Velocity pressure and static pressure can change as the air flows though different size ducts, accelerating and decelerating the
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5. Fans and Blowers

velocity. The total pressure stays constant, changing only with friction losses. The illustration that follows shows how the total pressure changes in a system. The fan flow is measured using pitot tube manometer combination, or a flow sensor (differential pressure instrument) or an accurate anemometer. Care needs to be taken regarding number of traverse points, straight length section (to avoid turbulent flow regimes of measurement) up stream and downstream of measurement location. The measurements can be on the suction or discharge side of the fan and preferably both where feasible. Measurement by Pitot tube The Figure 5.16 shows how velocity pressure is Figure 5.15 Static, Total and Velocity Pressure measured using a pitot tube and a manometer. Total pressure is measured using the inner tube of pitot tube and static pressure is measured using the outer tube of pitot tube. When the inner and outer tube ends are connected to a manometer, we get the velocity pressure. For measuring low velocities, it is preferable to use an inclined tube manometer instead of U tube manometer.

Figure 5.16 Velocity Measurement Using Pitot Tube

Measurements and Calculations Velocity pressure/velocity calculation When measuring velocity pressure the duct diameter (or the circumference from which to calculate the diameter) should be measured as well. This will allow us to calculate the velocity and the volume of air in the duct. In most cases, velocity must be measured at several places in the same system.
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The velocity pressure varies across the duct. Friction slows the air near the duct walls, so the velocity is greater in the center of the duct. The velocity is affected by changes in the ducting configuration such as bends and curves. The best place to take measurements is in a section of duct that is straight for at least 35 diameters after any elbows, branch entries or duct size changes To determine the average velocity, it is necessary to take a number of velocity pressure readings across the cross-section of the duct. The velocity should be calculated for each velocity pressure reading, and the average of the velocities should be used. Do not average the velocity pressure; average the velocities. For round ducts over 6 inches diameter, the following locations will give areas of equal concentric area (see Figure 5.17). For best results, one set of readings should be taken in one direction Figure 5.17 Traverse Points for Circular Duct and another set at a 90 angle to the first. For square ducts, the readings can be taken in 16 equally spaced areas. If it is impossible to traverse the duct, an approximate average velocity can be calculated by measuring the velocity pressure in the center of the duct and calculating the velocity. This value is reduced to an approximate average by multiplying by 0 .9. Air density calculation The first calculation is to determine the density of the air. To calculate the velocity and volume from the velocity pressure measurements it is necessary to know the density of the air. The density is dependent on altitude and temperature.

tC temperature of gas/air at site condition Velocity calculation Once the air density and velocity pressure have been established, the velocity can be determined from the equation:

Density of air or gas at test condition,

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Volume calculation The volume in a duct can be calculated for the velocity using the equation: Volumetric flow (Q), m3 /sec = Velocity,V(m / sec) x Area (m2) Fan efficiency Fan manufacturers generally use two ways to mention fan efficiency: mechanical efficiency (sometimes called the total efficiency) and static efficiency. Both measure how well the fan converts horsepower into flow and pressure. The equation for determining mechanical efficiency is: x 100 The static efficiency equation is the same except that the outlet velocity pressure is not added to the fan static pressure x 100 Drive motor kW can be measured by a load analyzer. This kW multiplied by motor efficiency gives the shaft power to the fan.

5.7 Energy Saving Opportunities

Minimizing demand on the fan. 1. Minimising excess air level in combustion systems to reduce FD fan and ID fan load. 2. Minimising air in-leaks in hot flue gas path to reduce ID fan load, especially in case of kilns, boiler plants, furnaces, etc. Cold air in-leaks increase ID fan load tremendously, due to density increase of flue gases and in-fact choke up the capacity of fan, resulting as a bottleneck for boiler / furnace itself. 3. In-leaks / out-leaks in air conditioning systems also have a major impact on energy efficiency and fan power consumption and need to be minimized. The findings of performance assessment trials will automatically indicate potential areas for improvement, which could be one or a more of the following: 1. Change of impeller by a high efficiency impeller along with cone. 2. Change of fan assembly as a whole, by a higher efficiency fan 3. Impeller de-rating (by a smaller dia impeller) 4. Change of metallic / Glass reinforced Plastic (GRP) impeller by the more energy efficient hollow FRP impeller with aerofoil design, in case of axial flow fans, where significant savings have been reported 5. Fan speed reduction by pulley dia modifications for derating 6. Option of two speed motors or variable speed drives for variable duty conditions 7. Option of energy efficient flat belts, or, cogged raw edged V belts, in place of conventional V belt systems, for reducing transmission losses. 8. Adopting inlet guide vanes in place of discharge damper control 9. Minimizing system resistance and pressure drops by improvements in duct system
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5. Fans and Blowers

Case Study 1
VSD Applications Cement plants use a large number of high capacity fans. By using liners on the impellers, which can be replaced when they are eroded by the abrasive particles in the dust-laden air, the plants have been able to switch from radial blades to forward-curved and backward-curved centrifugal fans. This has vastly improved system efficiency without requiring frequent impeller changes. For example, a careful study of the clinker cooler fans at a cement plant showed that the flow was much higher than required and also the old straight blade impeller resulted in low system efficiency. It was decided to replace the impeller with a backward-curved blade and use liners to prevent erosion of the blade. This simple measure resulted in a 53 % reduction in power consumption, which amounted to annual savings of Rs. 2.1 million. Another cement plant found that a large primary air fan which was belt driven through an arrangement of bearings was operating at system efficiency of 23 %. The fan was replaced with a direct coupled fan with a more efficient impeller. Power consumption reduced from 57 kW to 22 kW. Since cement plants use a large number of fans, it is generally possible to integrate the system such that air can be supplied from a common duct in many cases. For example, a study indicated that one of the fans was operated with the damper open to only 5 %. By re-ducting to allow air to be supplied from another duct where flow was being throttled, it was possible to totally eliminate the use of a 55 kW fan. The use of variable-speed drives for capacity control can result in significant power savings. A 25 ton-per-hour capacity boiler was equipped with both an induced-draft and forced-draft fan. Outlet dampers were used to control the airflow. After a study of the airflow pattern, it was decided to install a variable speed drive to control air flow. The average power consumption was reduced by nearly 41 kW resulting in annual savings of Rs. 0.33 million. The investment of Rs. 0.65 million for the variable-speed drive was paid back in under 2 years. The type of variable-speed drive employed also significantly impacts power consumption. Thermal power stations install a hydraulic coupling to control the capacity of the induced-draft fan. It was decided to install a VFD on ID fans in a 200 MW thermal power plant. A comparison of the power consumption of the two fan systems indicated that for similar operating conditions of flow and plant power generation, the unit equipped with the VFD control unit consumed, on average, 4 million units / annum less than the unit equipped with the hydraulic coupling.

Case Study 2
FRP Fans in Cooling Towers / Humidification Plants The fans used for cooling tower applications are usually axial flow fans. Such fans are also commonly used in humidification plants. The conventional fans are made from aluminium / steel. These fans are being replaced in recent times by high efficiency FRP (fibre reinforced plastics) fans. The savings potential is shown below:

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5. Fans and Blowers

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain the difference between fans, blowers and compressors? Which fan you would chose for moving large flows against relatively low pressures a) Radial fan a) Radial fan a) Radial fan b) backward inclined fan b) backward inclined fan b) backward inclined fan c) forward curved fan c) forward curved fan c) forward curved fan c) total pressure d) axial fan d) axial fan d) axial fan If efficiency is the main consideration you would select For heavy dust conditions, which type of fan is ideally suited The system resistance refers to a) static pressure b) velocity pressure System resistance varies as a) square of flow rate b) cube of flow rate of flow rate d) directly with flow rate 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. a) design point b) operating point c) directly proportional to square root d) differential pressure

The intersection of system curve with fan operating curve is called c) selection point d) shut off point Varying the RPM of a fan by 10% varies the pressure by a) 19% b) 29% c) 10% d) does not vary Varying the RPM of a fan by 10% varies the flow by a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) does not vary Varying the RPM of a fan by 10% varies the power by a) 27% b) 37% c) 10% d) does not vary Explain the factors, which can change the system resistance? What are affinity laws as applicable to centrifugal fans? Explain the method of flow measurements using pitot tube?

1. 2. 3. Technology Menu on Energy Efficiency (NPC) SADC Industrial Energy Management Project Energy Audit Reports of NPC

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Syllabus Pumps and Pumping System: Types, Performance evaluation, Efficient system operation, Flow control strategies and energy conservation opportunities

6.1 Pump Types

Pumps come in a variety of sizes for a wide range of applications. They can be classified according to their basic operating principle as dynamic or displacement pumps. Dynamic pumps can be sub-classified as centrifugal and special effect pumps. Displacement pumps can be sub-classified as rotary or reciprocating pumps. In principle, any liquid can be handled by any of the pump designs. Where different pump designs could be used, the centrifugal pump is generally the most economical followed by rotary and reciprocating pumps. Although, positive displacement pumps are generally more efficient than centrifugal pumps, the benefit of higher efficiency tends to be offset by increased maintenance costs. Since, worldwide, centrifugal pumps account for the majority of electricity used by pumps, the focus of this chapter is on centrifugal pump. Centrifugal Pumps A centrifugal pump is of a very simple design. The two main parts of the pump are the impeller and the diffuser. Impeller, which is the only moving part, is attached to a shaft and driven by a motor. Impellers are generally made of bronze, polycarbonate, cast iron, stainless steel as well as other materials. The diffuser (also called as volute) houses the impeller and captures and directs the water off the impeller. Water enters the center (eye) of the impeller and exits the impeller with the help of centrifugal force. As water leaves the eye of the impeller a low-pressure area is created, causing more water to flow into the eye. Atmospheric pressure and centrifugal force cause this to happen. Velocity is developed as the water flows through the impeller spinning at high speed. The water velocity is collected by the diffuser and converted to pressure by specially designed passageways that direct the flow to the discharge of the pump, or to the next impeller should the pump have a multi-stage configuration. The pressure (head) that a pump will develop is in Figure 6.1 Centrifugal pump direct relationship to the impeller diameter, the number of impellers, the size of impeller eye, and shaft speed. Capacity is determined by the exit width of the impeller. The head and capacity are the main factors, which affect the horsepower size of the motor to be used. The more the quantity of water to be pumped, the more energy is required.
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A centrifugal pump is not positive acting; it will not pump the same volume always. The greater the depth of the water, the lesser is the flow from the pump. Also, when it pumps against increasing pressure, the less it will pump. For these reasons it is important to select a centrifugal pump that is designed to do a particular job. Since the pump is a dynamic device, it is convenient to consider the pressure in terms of head i.e. meters of liquid column. The pump generates the same head of liquid whatever the density of the liquid being pumped. The actual contours of the hydraulic passages of the impeller and the casing are extremely important, in order to attain the highest efficiency possible. The standard convention for centrifugal pump is to draw the pump performance curves showing Flow on the horizontal axis and Head generated on the vertical axis. Efficiency, Power & NPSH Required (described later), are conventionally shown on the vertical axis, plotted against Flow, as illustrated in Figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2 Pump Performance Curve

Given the significant amount of electricity attributed to pumping systems, even small improvements in pumping efficiency could yield very significant savings of electricity. The pump is among the most inefficient of the components that comprise a pumping system, including the motor, transmission drive, piping and valves. Hydraulic power, pump shaft power and electrical input power Hydraulic power Ph = Q (m3/s) x Total head, hd - hs (m) x (kg/m3) x g (m/s2) / 1000 Where hd discharge head, hs suction head, density of the fluid, g acceleration due to gravity Pump shaft power Ps = Hydraulic power, Ph / pump efficiency, Pump Electrical input power = Pump shaft power Ps Motor
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6.2 System Characteristics

In a pumping system, the objective, in most cases, is either to transfer a liquid from a source to a required destination, e.g. filling a high level reservoir, or to circulate liquid around a system, e.g. as a means of heat transfer in heat exchanger. A pressure is needed to make the liquid flow at the required rate and this must overcome head 'losses' in the system. Losses are of two types: static and friction head. Static head is simply the difference in height of the supply and destination reservoirs, as in Figure 6.3. In this illustration, flow velocity in the pipe is assumed to be very small. Another example of a system with only static head is pumping into a pressurised vessel with short pipe runs. Static head is independent of flow and graphically would be shown as in Figure 6.4.

Figure 6.3 Static Head

Figure 6.4 Static Head vs. Flow

Friction head (sometimes called dynamic head loss) is the friction loss, on the liquid being moved, in pipes, valves and equipment in the system. Friction tables are universally available for various pipe fittings and valves. These tables show friction loss per 100 feet (or metres) of a specific pipe size at various flow rates. In case of fittings, friction is stated as an equivalent length of pipe of the same size. The friction losses are proportional to the square of the flow rate. A closed loop circulating system without a surface open to atmospheric pressure, would exhibit only friction losses and would have a system friction head loss vs. flow curve as Figure 6.5.

Figure 6.5 Friction Head vs. Flow Bureau of Energy Efficiency 115

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Most systems have a combination of static and friction head and the system curves for two cases are shown in Figures 6.6 and 6.7. The ratio of static to friction head over the operating range influences the benefits achievable from variable speed drives which shall be discussed later.

Figure 6.6 System with High Static Head

Figure 6.7 System with Low Static Head

Static head is a characteristic of the specific installation and reducing this head where this is possible, generally helps both the cost of the installation and the cost of pumping the liquid. Friction head losses must be minimised to reduce pumping cost, but after eliminating unnecessary pipe fittings and length, further reduction in friction head will require larger diameter pipe, which adds to installation cost.


Pump Curves

The performance of a pump can be expressed graphically as head against flow rate. The centrifugal pump has a curve where the head falls gradually with increasing flow. This is called the pump characteristic curve (Head - Flow curve) -see Figure 6.8.

Figure 6.8 Head- Flow Curve Bureau of Energy Efficiency 116

6. Pumps and Pumping System

Pump operating point When a pump is installed in a system the effect can be illustrated graphically by superimposing pump and system curves. The operating point will always be where the two curves intersect. Figure 6.9.

Figure 6.9 Pump Operating Point

If the actual system curve is different in reality to that calculated, the pump will operate at a flow and head different to that expected. For a centrifugal pump, an increasing system resistance will reduce the flow, eventually to zero, but the maximum head is limited as shown. Even so, this condition is only acceptable for a short period without causing problems. An error in the system curve calculation is also likely to lead to a centrifugal pump selection, which is less than optimal for the actual system head losses. Adding safety margins to the calculated system curve to ensure that a sufficiently large pump is selected will generally result in installing an oversized pump, which will operate at an excessive flow rate or in a throttled condition, which increases energy usage and reduces pump life.

6.4 Factors Affecting Pump Performance

Matching Pump and System Head-flow Characteristics Centrifugal pumps are characterized by the relationship between the flow rate (Q) they produce and the pressure (H) at which the flow is delivered. Pump efficiency varies with flow and pressure, and it is highest at one particular flow rate.
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The Figure 6.10 below shows a typical vendor-supplied head-flow curve for a centrifugal pump. Pump head-flow curves are typically given for clear water. The choice of pump for a given application depends largely on how the pump head-flow characteristics match the requirement of the system downstream of the pump.

Figure 6.10 Typical Centrifugal Pump Performance Curve

Effect of over sizing the pump As mentioned earlier, pressure losses to be overcome by the pumps are function of flow the system characteristics are also quantified in the form of head-flow curves. The system curve is basically a plot of system resistance i.e. head to be overcome by the pump versus various flow rates. The system curves change with the physical configuration of the system; for example, the system curves depends upon height or elevation, diameter and length of piping, number and type of fittings and pressure drops across various equipment - say a heat exchanger. A pump is selected based on how well the pump curve and system head-flow curves match. The pump operating point is identified as the point, where the system curve crosses the pump curve when they are superimposed on each other.

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6. Pumps and Pumping System

The Figure 6.11 shows the effect on system curve with throttling.

Figure 6.11 Effect on System Curve with Throttling

In the system under consideration, water has to be first lifted to a height this represents the static head. Then, we make a system curve, considering the friction and pressure drops in the systemthis is shown as the green curve. Suppose, we have estimated our operating conditions as 500 m3/hr flow and 50 m head, we will chose a pump curve which intersects the system curve (Point A) at the pump's best efficiency point (BEP). But, in actual operation, we find that 300 m3/hr is sufficient. The reduction in flow rate has to be effected by a throttle valve. In other words, we are introducing an artificial resistance in the system. Due to this additional resistance, the frictional part of the system curve increases and thus the new system curve will shift to the left -this is shown as the red curve. So the pump has to overcome additional pressure in order to deliver the reduced flow. Now, the new system curve will intersect the pump curve at point B. The revised parameters are 300 m3/hr at 70 m head. The red double arrow line shows the additional pressure drop due to throttling. You may note that the best efficiency point has shifted from 82% to 77% efficiency. So what we want is to actually operate at point C which is 300 m3/hr on the original system curve. The head required at this point is only 42 meters. What we now need is a new pump which will operate with its best efficiency point at C. But there are other simpler options rather than replacing the pump. The speed of the pump can be reduced or the existing impeller can be trimmed (or new lower size impeller). The blue pump curve represents either of these options.

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6. Pumps and Pumping System

Energy loss in throttling Consider a case (see Figure 6.12) where we need to pump 68 m3/hr of water at 47 m head. The pump characteristic curves (AE) for a range of pumps are given in the Figure 6.12.

Figure 6.12 Pump Characteristic Curves

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6. Pumps and Pumping System

6.5 Efficient Pumping System Operation

To understand a pumping system, one must realize that all of its components are interdependent. When examining or designing a pump system, the process demands must first be established and most energy efficiency solution introduced. For example, does the flow rate have to be regulated continuously or in steps? Can on-off batch pumping be used? What are the flow rates needed and how are they distributed in time? The first step to achieve energy efficiency in pumping system is to target the end-use. A plant water balance would establish usage pattern and highlight areas where water consumption can be reduced or optimized. Good water conservation measures, alone, may eliminate the need for some pumps. Once flow requirements are optimized, then the pumping system can be analysed for energy conservation opportunities. Basically this means matching the pump to requirements by adopting proper flow control strategies. Common symptoms that indicate opportunities for energy efficiency in pumps are given in the Table 6.1.


Symptom Throttle valve-controlled systems

Likely Reason Oversized pump

Best Solutions Trim impeller, smaller impeller, variable speed drive, two speed drive, lower rpm Trim impeller, smaller impeller, variable speed drive, two speed drive, lower rpm Install controls

Bypass line (partially or completely) open Multiple parallel pump system with the same number of pumps always operating Constant pump operation in a batch environment High maintenance cost (seals, bearings)

Oversized pump

Pump use not monitored or controlled Wrong system design Pump operated far away from BEP

On-off controls Match pump capacity with system requirement

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6. Pumps and Pumping System

Effect of speed variation As stated above, a centrifugal pump is a dynamic device with the head generated from a rotating impeller. There is therefore a relationship between impeller peripheral velocity and generated head. Peripheral velocity is directly related to shaft rotational speed, for a fixed impeller diameter and so varying the rotational speed has a direct effect on the performance of the pump. All the parameters shown in fig 6.2 will change if the speed is varied and it is important to have an appreciation of how these parameters vary in order to safely control a pump at different speeds. The equations relating rotodynamic pump performance parameters of flow, head and power absorbed, to speed are known as the Affinity Laws:

Where: Q = Flow rate H = Head P = Power absorbed N = Rotating speed Efficiency is essentially independent of speed Flow: Flow is proportional to the speed Q1 / Q2 = N1 / N2 Example: 100 / Q2 = 1750/3500 Q2 = 200 m3/hr Head: Head is proportional to the square of speed H1/H2 = (N12) / (N22) Example: 100 /H2 = 17502 / 35002 H2 = 400 m Power(kW): Power is proportional to the cube of speed kW1 / kW2 = (N13) / (N23) Example: 5/kW2 = 17503 / 35003 kW2 = 40 As can be seen from the above laws, doubling the speed of the centrifugal pump will increase the power consumption by 8 times. Conversely a small reduction in speed will result in drastic reduction in power consumption. This forms the basis for energy conservation in centrifugal pumps with varying flow requirements. The implication of this can be better understood as shown in an example of a centrifugal pump in Figure 6.13 below.
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Figure 6.13 Example of Speed Variation Effecting Centrifugal Pump Performance

Points of equal efficiency on the curves for the 3 different speeds are joined to make the isoefficiency lines, showing that efficiency remains constant over small changes of speed providing the pump continues to operate at the same position related to its best efficiency point (BEP). The affinity laws give a good approximation of how pump performance curves change with speed but in order to obtain the actual performance of the pump in a system, the system curve also has to be taken into account. Effects of impeller diameter change Changing the impeller diameter gives a proportional change in peripheral velocity, so it follows that there are equations, similar to the affinity laws, for the variation of performance with impeller diameter D:

Efficiency varies when the diameter is changed within a particular casing. Note the difference in iso-efficiency lines in Figure 6.14 compared with Figure 6.13. The relationships shown here apply to the case for changing only the diameter of an impeller within a fixed casing geometry, which is a common practice for making small permanent adjustments to the performance of a centrifugal pump. Diameter changes are generally limited to reducing the diameter to about 75% of the maximum, i.e. a head reduction to about 50%. Beyond this, efficiency and NPSH are badly affected. However speed change can be used over a wider range without seriously reducing efficiency. For example reducing the speed by 50% typically results in a reduction of efficiency by 1 or 2 percentage points. The reason for the small loss of efficiency with the lower speed is that
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mechanical losses in seals and bearings, which generally represent <5% of total power, are proportional to speed, rather than speed cubed. It should be noted that if the change in diameter is more than about 5%, the accuracy of the squared and cubic relationships can fall off and for precise calculations, the pump manufacturer's performance curves should be referred to.

Figure 6.14 Example: Impeller Diameter Reduction on Centrifugal Pump Performance

The illustrated curves are typical of most centrifugal pump types. Certain high flow, low head pumps have performance curve shapes somewhat different and have a reduced operating region of flows. This requires additional care in matching the pump to the system, when changing speed and diameter. Pump suction performance (NPSH) Liquid entering the impeller eye turns and is split into separate streams by the leading edges of the impeller vanes, an action which locally drops the pressure below that in the inlet pipe to the pump. If the incoming liquid is at a pressure with insufficient margin above its vapour pressure, then vapour cavities or bubbles appear along the impeller vanes just behind the inlet edges. This phenomenon is known as cavitation and has three undesirable effects: 1) The collapsing cavitation bubbles can erode the vane surface, especially when pumping water-based liquids. 2) Noise and vibration are increased, with possible shortened seal and bearing life. 3) The cavity areas will initially partially choke the impeller passages and reduce the pump performance. In extreme cases, total loss of pump developed head occurs. The value, by which the pressure in the pump suction exceeds the liquid vapour pressure, is expressed as a head of liquid and referred to as Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA). This is a characteristic of the system design. The value of NPSH needed at the pump suction to prevent the pump from cavitating is known as NPSH Required (NPSHR). This is a characteristic of the pump design. The three undesirable effects of cavitation described above begin at different values of NPSHA and generally there will be cavitation erosion before there is a noticeable loss of pump
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head. However for a consistent approach, manufacturers and industry standards, usually define the onset of cavitation as the value of NPSHR when there is a head drop of 3% compared with the head with cavitation free performance. At this point cavitation is present and prolonged operation at this point will usually lead to damage. It is usual therefore to apply a margin bywhich NPSHA should exceed NPSHR. As would be expected, the NPSHR increases as the flow through the pump increases, see fig 6.2. In addition, as flow increases in the suction pipework, friction losses also increase, giving a lower NPSHA at the pump suction, both of which give a greater chance that cavitation will occur. NPSHR also varies approximately with the square of speed in the same way as pump head and conversion of NPSHR from one speed to another can be made using the following equations. QN NPSHR N 2 It should be noted however that at very low speeds there is a minimum NPSHR plateau, NPSHR does not tend to zero at zero speed It is therefore essential to carefully consider NPSH in variable speed pumping.

6.6 Flow Control Strategies

Pump control by varying speed To understand how speed variation changes the duty point, the pump and system curves are over-laid. Two systems are considered, one with only friction loss and another where static head is high in relation to friction head. It will be seen that the benefits are different. In Figure 6.15,

Figure 6.15 Example of the Effect of Pump Speed Change in a System With Only Friction Loss Bureau of Energy Efficiency 125

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reducing speed in the friction loss system moves the intersection point on the system curve along a line of constant efficiency. The operating point of the pump, relative to its best efficiency point, remains constant and the pump continues to operate in its ideal region. The affinity laws are obeyed which means that there is a substantial reduction in power absorbed accompanying the reduction in flow and head, making variable speed the ideal control method for systems with friction loss. In a system where static head is high, as illustrated in Figure 6.16, the operating point for the pump moves relative to the lines of constant pump efficiency when the speed is changed. The reduction in flow is no longer proportional to speed. A small turn down in speed could give a big reduction in flow rate and pump efficiency, which could result in the pump operating in a region where it could be damaged if it ran for an extended period of time even at the lower speed. At the lowest speed illustrated, (1184 rpm), the pump does not generate sufficient head to pump any liquid into the system, i.e. pump efficiency and flow rate are zero and with energy still being input to the liquid, the pump becomes a water heater and damaging temperatures can quickly be reached.

Figure 6.16 Example for the Effect of Pump Speed Change with a System with High Static Head.

The drop in pump efficiency during speed reduction in a system with static head, reduces the economic benefits of variable speed control. There may still be overall benefits but economics should be examined on a case-by-case basis. Usually it is advantageous to select the pump such that the system curve intersects the full speed pump curve to the right of best efficiency, in order that the efficiency will first increase as the speed is reduced and then decrease. This can extend the useful range of variable speed operation in a system with static head. The pump manufacturer should be consulted on the safe operating range of the pump.
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It is relevant to note that flow control by speed regulation is always more efficient than by control valve. In addition to energy savings there could be other benefits of lower speed. The hydraulic forces on the impeller, created by the pressure profile inside the pump casing, reduce approximately with the square of speed. These forces are carried by the pump bearings and so reducing speed increases bearing life. It can be shown that for a centrifugal pump, bearing life is inversely proportional to the 7th power of speed. In addition, vibration and noise are reduced and seal life is increased providing the duty point remains within the allowable operating range. The corollary to this is that small increases in the speed of a pump significantly increase power absorbed, shaft stress and bearing loads. It should be remembered that the pump and motor must be sized for the maximum speed at which the pump set will operate. At higher speed the noise and vibration from both pump and motor will increase, although for small increases the change will be small. If the liquid contains abrasive particles, increasing speed will give a corresponding increase in surface wear in the pump and pipework. The effect on the mechanical seal of the change in seal chamber pressure, should be reviewed with the pump or seal manufacturer, if the speed increase is large. Conventional mechanical seals operate satisfactorily at very low speeds and generally there is no requirement for a minimum speed to be specified, however due to their method of operation, gas seals require a minimum peripheral speed of 5 m/s. Pumps in parallel switched to meet demand Another energy efficient method of flow control, particularly for systems where static head is a high proportion of the total, is to install two or more pumps to operate in parallel. Variation of flow rate is achieved by switching on and off additional pumps to meet demand. The combined pump curve is obtained by adding the flow rates at a specific head. The head/flow rate curves for two and three pumps are shown in Figure 6.17.

Figure 6.17 Typical Head-Flow Curves for Pumps in Parallel

The system curve is usually not affected by the number of pumps that are running. For a system with a combination of static and friction head loss, it can be seen, in Figure 6.18, that
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6. Pumps and Pumping System

the operating point of the pumps on their performance curves moves to a higher head and hence lower flow rate per pump, as more pumps are started. It is also apparent that the flow rate with two pumps running is not double that of a single pump. If the system head were only static, then flow rate would be proportional to the number of pumps operating. It is possible to run pumps of different sizes in parallel provided their closed valve heads are similar. By arranging different combinations of pumps running together, a larger number of different flow rates can be provided into the system. Care must be taken when running pumps in parallel to ensure that the operating point of the pump is controlled within the region deemed as acceptable by the manufacturer. It can be seen from Figure 6.18 that if 1 or 2 pumps were stopped then the remaining pump(s) would operate well out along the curve where NPSH is higher and vibration level increased, giving an increased risk of operating problems.

Figure 6.18 Typical Head-Flow Curves for Pumps in Parallel, With System Curve Illustrated.

Stop/start control In this control method, the flow is controlled by switching pumps on or off. It is necessary to have a storage capacity in the system e.g. a wet well, an elevated tank or an accumulator type pressure vessel. The storage can provide a steady flow to the system with an intermittent operating pump. When the pump runs, it does so at the chosen (presumably optimum) duty point and when it is off, there is no energy consumption. If intermittent flow, stop/start operation and the storage facility are acceptable, this is an effective approach to minimise energy consumption. The stop/start operation causes additional loads on the power transmission components and increased heating in the motor. The frequency of the stop/start cycle should be within the motor design criteria and checked with the pump manufacturer. It may also be used to benefit from "off peak" energy tariffs by arranging the run times during the low tariff periods. To minimise energy consumption with stop start control it is better to pump at as low flow rate as the process permits. This minimises friction losses in the pipe and an appropriately small pump can be installed. For example, pumping at half the flow rate for twice as long can reduce energy consumption to a quarter.
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6. Pumps and Pumping System

Flow control valve With this control method, the pump runs continuously and a valve in the pump discharge line is opened or closed to adjust the flow to the required value.

Figure 6.19 Control of Pump Flow by Changing System Resistance Using a Valve.

To understand how the flow rate is controlled, see Figure 6.19. With the valve fully open, the pump operates at "Flow 1". When the valve is partially closed it introduces an additional friction loss in the system, which is proportional to flow squared. The new system curve cuts the pump curve at "Flow 2", which is the new operating point. The head difference between the two curves is the pressure drop across the valve. It is usual practice with valve control to have the valve 10% shut even at maximum flow. Energy is therefore wasted overcoming the resistance through the valve at all flow conditions. There is some reduction in pump power absorbed at the lower flow rate (see Figure 6.19), but the flow multiplied by the head drop across the valve, is wasted energy. It should also be noted that, while the pump will accommodate changes in its operating point as far as it is able within its performance range, it can be forced to operate high on the curve, where its efficiency is low, and its reliability is affected. Maintenance cost of control valves can be high, particularly on corrosive and solids-containing liquids. Therefore, the lifetime cost could be unnecessarily high. By-pass control With this control approach, the pump runs continuously at the maximum process demand duty, with a permanent by-pass line attached to the outlet. When a lower flow is required the surplus liquid is bypassed and returned to the supply source. An alternative configuration may have a tank supplying a varying process demand, which is kept full by a fixed duty pump running at the peak flow rate. Most of the time the tank overBureau of Energy Efficiency 129

6. Pumps and Pumping System

flows and recycles back to the pump suction. This is even less energy efficient than a control valve because there is no reduction in power consumption with reduced process demand. The small by-pass line sometimes installed to prevent a pump running at zero flow is not a means of flow control, but required for the safe operation of the pump. Fixed Flow reduction Impeller trimming Impeller trimming refers to the process of machining the diameter of an impeller to reduce the energy added to the system fluid. Impeller trimming offers a useful correction to pumps that, through overly conservative design practices or changes in system loads are oversized for their application. Trimming an impeller provides a level of correction below buying a smaller impeller from the pump manufacturer. But in many cases, the next smaller size impeller is too small for the pump load. Also, smaller impellers may not be available for the pump size in question and impeller trimming is the only practical alternative short of replacing the entire pump/motor assembly. (see Figures 6.20 & 6.21 for before and after impeller trimming). Impeller trimming reduces tip speed, which in turn directly lowers the amount of energy imparted to the system fluid and lowers both the flow and pressure generated by the pump. The Affinity Laws, which describe centrifugal pump performance, provide a theoretical relationship between impeller size and pump output (assuming constant pump speed): Where: Q = flow H = head BHP = brake horsepower of the pump motor Subscript 1 = original pump, Subscript 2 = pump after impeller trimming D = Diameter
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Figure 6.20 Before Impeller trimming

Figure 6.21 After Impeller Trimming

6. Pumps and Pumping System

Trimming an impeller changes its operating efficiency, and the non-linearities of the Affinity Laws with respect to impeller machining complicate the prediction of pump performance. Consequently, impeller diameters are rarely reduced below 70 percent of their original size. Meeting variable flow reduction Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) In contrast, pump speed adjustments provide the most efficient means of controlling pump flow. By reducing pump speed, less energy is imparted to the fluid and less energy needs to be throttled or bypassed. There are two primary methods of reducing pump speed: multiple-speed pump motors and variable speed drives (VSDs). Although both directly control pump output, multiple-speed motors and VSDs serve entirely separate applications. Multiple-speed motors contain a different set of windings for each motor speed; consequently, they are more expensive and less efficient than single speed motors. Multiple speed motors also lack subtle speed changing capabilities within discrete speeds. VSDs allow pump speed adjustments over a continuous range, avoiding the need to jump from speed to speed as with multiple-speed pumps. VSDs control pump speeds using several different types of mechanical and electrical systems. Mechanical VSDs include hydraulic clutches, fluid couplings, and adjustable belts and pulleys. Electrical VSDs include eddy current clutches, woundrotor motor controllers, and variable frequency drives (VFDs). VFDs adjust the electrical frequency of the power supplied to a motor to change the motor's rotational speed. VFDs are by far the most popular type of VSD. However, pump speed adjustment is not appropriate for all systems. In applications with high static head, slowing a pump risks inducing vibrations and creating performance problems that are similar to those found when a pump operates against its shutoff head. For Figure 6.22 Effect of VFD systems in which the static head repreBureau of Energy Efficiency 131

6. Pumps and Pumping System

sents a large portion of the total head, caution should be used in deciding whether to use VFDs. Operators should review the performance of VFDs in similar applications and consult VFD manufacturers to avoid the damage that can result when a pump operates too slowly against high static head. For many systems, VFDs offer a means to improve pump operating efficiency despite changes in operating conditions. The effect of slowing pump speed on pump operation is illustrated by the three curves in Figure 6.22. When a VFD slows a pump, its head/flow and brake horsepower (BHP) curves drop down and to the left and its efficiency curve shifts to the left. This efficiency response provides an essential cost advantage; by keeping the operating efficiency as high as possible across variations in the system's flow demand, the energy and maintenance costs of the pump can be significantly reduced. VFDs may offer operating cost reductions by allowing higher pump operating efficiency, but the principal savings derive from the reduction in frictional or bypass flow losses. Using a system perspective to identify areas in which fluid energy is dissipated in non-useful work often reveals opportunities for operating cost reductions. For example, in many systems, increasing flow through bypass lines does not noticeably impact the backpressure on a pump. Consequently, in these applications pump efficiency does not necessarily decline during periods of low flow demand. By analyzing the entire system, however, the energy lost in pushing fluid through bypass lines and across throttle valves can be identified. Another system benefit of VFDs is a soft start capability. During startup, most motors experience in-rush currents that are 5 6 times higher than normal operating currents. This high current fades when the motor spins up to normal speed. VFDs allow the motor to be started with a lower startup current (usually only about 1.5 times the normal operating current). This reduces wear on the motor and its controller.


Energy Conservation Opportunities in Pumping Systems

Ensure adequate NPSH at site of installation Ensure availability of basic instruments at pumps like pressure gauges, flow meters. Operate pumps near best efficiency point. Modify pumping system and pumps losses to minimize throttling. Adapt to wide load variation with variable speed drives or sequenced control of multiple units. Stop running multiple pumps - add an auto-start for an on-line spare or add a booster pump in the problem area. Use booster pumps for small loads requiring higher pressures. Increase fluid temperature differentials to reduce pumping rates in case of heat exchangers. Repair seals and packing to minimize water loss by dripping. Balance the system to minimize flows and reduce pump power requirements. Avoid pumping head with a free-fall return (gravity); Use siphon effect to advantage: Conduct water balance to minimise water consumption Avoid cooling water re-circulation in DG sets, air compressors, refrigeration systems, cooling towers feed water pumps, condenser pumps and process pumps.

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6. Pumps and Pumping System

In multiple pump operations, carefully combine the operation of pumps to avoid throttling Provide booster pump for few areas of higher head Replace old pumps by energy efficient pumps In the case of over designed pump, provide variable speed drive, or downsize / replace impeller or replace with correct sized pump for efficient operation. Optimise number of stages in multi-stage pump in case of head margins Reduce system resistance by pressure drop assessment and pipe size optimisation

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6. Pumps and Pumping System

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. What is NPSH of a pump and effects of inadequate NPSH? State the affinity laws as applicable to centrifugal pumps? Explain what do you understand by static head and friction head? What are the various methods of pump capacity control normally adopted? Briefly explain with a diagram the energy loss due to throttling in a centrifugal pump. Briefly explain with a sketch the concept of pump head flow characteristics and system resistance. What are the effects of over sizing a pump? If the speed of the pump is doubled, power goes up by a) 2 times b) 6 times c) 8 times d) 4 times How does the pump performance vary with impeller diameter? State the relationship between liquid kW, flow and pressure in a pumping application. Draw a pump curve for parallel operation of pumps (2 nos). Draw a pump curve for series operation of pumps (2 nos). List down few energy conservation opportunities in pumping system.

1. 2. 3. British Pump Manufacturers' Association BEE (EMC) Inputs PCRA Literature

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Syllabus Cooling Tower: Types and performance evaluation, Efficient system operation, Flow control strategies and energy saving opportunities, Assessment of cooling towers

7.1 Introduction
Cooling towers are a very important part of many chemical plants. The primary task of a cooling tower is to reject heat into the atmosphere. They represent a relatively inexpensive and dependable means of removing low-grade heat from cooling water. The make-up water source is used to replenish water lost to evaporation. Hot water from heat exchangers is sent to the cooling tower. The water exits the cooling tower and is sent back to the exchangers or to other units for further cooling. Typical closed loop cooling tower system is shown in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1 Cooling Water System

Cooling Tower Types Cooling towers fall into two main categories: Natural draft and Mechanical draft. Natural draft towers use very large concrete chimneys to introduce air through the media. Due to the large size of these towers, they are generally used for water flow rates above 45,000 m3/hr. These types of towers are used only by utility power stations. Mechanical draft towers utilize large fans to force or suck air through circulated water. The water falls downward over fill surfaces, which help increase the contact time between the water and the air - this helps maximise heat transfer between the two. Cooling rates of Mechanical draft towers depend upon their fan diameter and speed of operation. Since, the mechanical draft cooling towers are much more widely used, the focus is on them in this chapter.
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7. Cooling Tower

Mechanical draft towers Mechanical draft towers are available in the following airflow arrangements: 1. Counter flows induced draft. 2. Counter flow forced draft. 3. Cross flow induced draft. In the counter flow induced draft design, hot water enters at the top, while the air is introduced at the bottom and exits at the top. Both forced and induced draft fans are used. In cross flow induced draft towers, the water enters at the top and passes over the fill. The air, however, is introduced at the side either on one side (single-flow tower) or opposite sides (double-flow tower). An induced draft fan draws the air across the wetted fill and expels it through the top of the structure. The Figure 7.2 illustrates various cooling tower types. Mechanical draft towers are available in a large range of capacities. Normal capacities range from approximately 10 tons, 2.5 m3/hr flow to several thousand tons and m3/hr. Towers can be either factory built or field erected - for example concrete towers are only field erected. Many towers are constructed so that they can be grouped together to achieve the desired capacity. Thus, many cooling towers are assemblies of two or more individual cooling towers or "cells." The number of cells they have, e.g., an eight-cell tower, often refers to such towers. Multiple-cell towers can be lineal, square, or round depending upon the shape of the individual cells and whether the air inlets are located on the sides or bottoms of the cells. Components of Cooling Tower The basic components of an evaporative tower are: Frame and casing, fill, cold water basin, drift eliminators, air inlet, louvers, nozzles and fans. Frame and casing: Most towers have structural frames that support the exterior enclosures (casings), motors, fans, and other components. With some smaller designs, such as some glass fiber units, the casing may essentially be the frame. Fill: Most towers employ fills (made of plastic or wood) to facilitate heat transfer by maximising water and air contact. Fill can either be splash or film type. With splash fill, water falls over successive layers of horizontal splash bars, continuously breaking into smaller droplets, while also wetting the fill surface. Plastic splash fill promotes better heat transfer than the wood splash fill. Film fill consists of thin, closely spaced plastic surfaces over which the water spreads, forming a thin film in contact with the air. These surfaces may be flat, corrugated, honeycombed, or other patterns. The film type of fill is the more efficient and provides same heat transfer in a smaller volume than the splash fill. Cold water basin: The cold water basin, located at or near the bottom of the tower, receives the cooled water that flows down through the tower and fill. The basin usually has a sump or low point for the cold water discharge connection. In many tower designs, the cold water basin is beneath the entire fill.
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7. Cooling Tower

Figure 7.2 Cooling Tower Types

In some forced draft counter flow design, however, the water at the bottom of the fill is channeled to a perimeter trough that functions as the cold water basin. Propeller fans are mounted beneath the fill to blow the air up through the tower. With this design, the tower is mounted on legs, providing easy access to the fans and their motors.

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7. Cooling Tower

Drift eliminators: These capture water droplets entrapped in the air stream that otherwise would be lost to the atmosphere. Air inlet: This is the point of entry for the air entering a tower. The inlet may take up an entire side of a towercross flow design or be located low on the side or the bottom of counter flow designs. Louvers: Generally, cross-flow towers have inlet louvers. The purpose of louvers is to equalize air flow into the fill and retain the water within the tower. Many counter flow tower designs do not require louvers. Nozzles: These provide the water sprays to wet the fill. Uniform water distribution at the top of the fill is essential to achieve proper wetting of the entire fill surface. Nozzles can either be fixed in place and have either round or square spray patterns or can be part of a rotating assembly as found in some circular cross-section towers. Fans: Both axial (propeller type) and centrifugal fans are used in towers. Generally, propeller fans are used in induced draft towers and both propeller and centrifugal fans are found in forced draft towers. Depending upon their size, propeller fans can either be fixed or variable pitch. A fan having non-automatic adjustable pitch blades permits the same fan to be used over a wide range of kW with the fan adjusted to deliver the desired air flow at the lowest power consumption. Automatic variable pitch blades can vary air flow in response to changing load conditions. Tower Materials In the early days of cooling tower manufacture, towers were constructed primarily of wood. Wooden components included the frame, casing, louvers, fill, and often the cold water basin. If the basin was not of wood, it likely was of concrete. Today, tower manufacturers fabricate towers and tower components from a variety of materials. Often several materials are used to enhance corrosion resistance, reduce maintenance, and promote reliability and long service life. Galvanized steel, various grades of stainless steel, glass fiber, and concrete are widely used in tower construction as well as aluminum and various types of plastics for some components. Wood towers are still available, but they have glass fiber rather than wood panels (casing) over the wood framework. The inlet air louvers may be glass fiber, the fill may be plastic, and the cold water basin may be steel. Larger towers sometimes are made of concrete. Many towerscasings and basinsare constructed of galvanized steel or, where a corrosive atmosphere is a problem, stainless steel. Sometimes a galvanized tower has a stainless steel basin. Glass fiber is also widely used for cooling tower casings and basins, giving long life and protection from the harmful effects of many chemicals. Plastics are widely used for fill, including PVC, polypropylene, and other polymers. Treated wood splash fill is still specified for wood towers, but plastic splash fill is also widely used when water conditions mandate the use of splash fill. Film fill, because it offers greater heat transfer efficiency, is the fill of choice for applications where the circulating water is generally free of debris that could plug the fill passageways.
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7. Cooling Tower

Plastics also find wide use as nozzle materials. Many nozzles are being made of PVC, ABS, polypropylene, and glass-filled nylon. Aluminum, glass fiber, and hot-dipped galvanized steel are commonly used fan materials. Centrifugal fans are often fabricated from galvanized steel. Propeller fans are fabricated from galvanized, aluminum, or moulded glass fiber reinforced plastic.

7.2 Cooling Tower Performance

Figure 7.3 Range and Approach

The important parameters, from the point of determining the performance of cooling towers, are: i) ii) "Range" is the difference between the cooling tower water inlet and outlet temperature. (See Figure 7.3). "Approach" is the difference between the cooling tower outlet cold water temperature and ambient wet bulb temperature. Although, both range and approach should be monitored, the 'Approach' is a better indicator of cooling tower performance. (see Figure 7.3). Cooling tower effectiveness (in percentage) is the ratio of range, to the ideal range, i.e., difference between cooling water inlet temperature and ambient wet bulb temperature, or in other words it is = Range / (Range + Approach). Cooling capacity is the heat rejected in kCal/hr or TR, given as product of mass flow rate of water, specific heat and temperature difference. Evaporation loss is the water quantity evaporated for cooling duty and, theoretically, for every 10,00,000 kCal heat rejected, evaporation quantity works out to 1.8 m3. An empirical relation used often is: *Evaporation Loss (m3/hr) = 0.00085 x 1.8 x circulation rate (m3/hr) x (T1-T2) T1-T2 = Temp. difference between inlet and outlet water. *Source: Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook (Page: 12-17)
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iv) v)

7. Cooling Tower

vi) vii)

Cycles of concentration (C.O.C) is the ratio of dissolved solids in circulating water to the dissolved solids in make up water. Blow down losses depend upon cycles of concentration and the evaporation losses and is given by relation: Blow Down = Evaporation Loss / (C.O.C. 1)


Liquid/Gas (L/G) ratio, of a cooling tower is the ratio between the water and the air mass flow rates. Against design values, seasonal variations require adjustment and tuning of water and air flow rates to get the best cooling tower effectiveness through measures like water box loading changes, blade angle adjustments. Thermodynamics also dictate that the heat removed from the water must be equal to the heat absorbed by the surrounding air: L(T1 T2) = G(h2 h1) L h h1 = 2 G T1 T2 where: L/G = liquid to gas mass flow ratio (kg/kg) T1 = hot water temperature (C) T2 = cold water temperature (C) h2 = enthalpy of air-water vapor mixture at exhaust wet-bulb temperature (same units as above) h1 = enthalpy of air-water vapor mixture at inlet wet-bulb temperature (same units as above)

Factors Affecting Cooling Tower Performance Capacity Heat dissipation (in kCal/hour) and circulated flow rate (m3/hr) are not sufficient to understand cooling tower performance. Other factors, which we will see, must be stated along with flow rate m3/hr. For example, a cooling tower sized to cool 4540 m3/hr through a 13.9C range might be larger than a cooling tower to cool 4540 m3/hr through 19.5C range. Range Range is determined not by the cooling tower, but by the process it is serving. The range at the exchanger is determined entirely by the heat load and the water circulation rate through the exchanger and on to the cooling water. Range C = Heat Load in kcals/hour / Water Circulation Rate in LPH Thus, Range is a function of the heat load and the flow circulated through the system.
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7. Cooling Tower

Cooling towers are usually specified to cool a certain flow rate from one temperature to another temperature at a certain wet bulb temperature. For example, the cooling tower might be specified to cool 4540 m3/hr from 48.9C to 32.2C at 26.7C wet bulb temperature. Cold Water Temperature 32.2C Wet Bulb Temperature (26.7C) = Approach (5.5C) As a generalization, the closer the approach to the wet bulb, the more expensive the cooling tower due to increased size. Usually a 2.8C approach to the design wet bulb is the coldest water temperature that cooling tower manufacturers will guarantee. If flow rate, range, approach and wet bulb had to be ranked in the order of their importance in sizing a tower, approach would be first with flow rate closely following the range and wet bulb would be of lesser importance. Heat Load The heat load imposed on a cooling tower is determined by the process being served. The degree of cooling required is controlled by the desired operating temperature level of the process. In most cases, a low operating temperature is desirable to increase process efficiency or to improve the quality or quantity of the product. In some applications (e.g. internal combustion engines), however, high operating temperatures are desirable. The size and cost of the cooling tower is proportional to the heat load. If heat load calculations are low undersized equipment will be purchased. If the calculated load is high, oversize and more costly, equipment will result. Process heat loads may vary considerably depending upon the process involved. Determination of accurate process heat loads can become very complex but proper consideration can produce satisfactory results. On the other hand, air conditioning and refrigeration heat loads can be determined with greater accuracy. Information is available for the heat rejection requirements of various types of power equipment. A sample list is as follows: * Air Compressor Single-stage Single-stage with after cooler Two-stage with intercooler Two-stage with intercooler and after cooler Refrigeration, Compression Refrigeration, Absorption Steam Turbine Condenser Diesel Engine, Four-Cycle, Supercharged Natural Gas Engine, Four-cycle (18 kg/cm2 compression)

* * * * *

129 kCal/kW/hr 862 kCal/kW/hr 518 kCal/kW/hr 862 kCal/kW/hr 63 kCal/min/TR 127 kCal/min/TR 555 kCal/kg of steam 880 kCal/kW/hr 1523 kCal/kW/hr

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7. Cooling Tower

Wet Bulb Temperature Wet bulb temperature is an important factor in performance of evaporative water cooling equipment. It is a controlling factor from the aspect of minimum cold water temperature to which water can be cooled by the evaporative method. Thus, the wet bulb temperature of the air entering the cooling tower determines operating temperature levels throughout the plant, process, or system. Theoretically, a cooling tower will cool water to the entering wet bulb temperature, when operating without a heat load. However, a thermal potential is required to reject heat, so it is not possible to cool water to the entering air wet bulb temperature, when a heat load is applied. The approach obtained is a function of thermal conditions and tower capability. Initial selection of towers with respect to design wet bulb temperature must be made on the basis of conditions existing at the tower site. The temperature selected is generally close to the average maximum wet bulb for the summer months. An important aspect of wet bulb selection is, whether it is specified as ambient or inlet. The ambient wet bulb is the temperature, which exists generally in the cooling tower area, whereas inlet wet bulb is the wet bulb temperature of the air entering the tower. The later can be, and often is, affected by discharge vapours being recirculated into the tower. Recirculation raises the effective wet bulb temperature of the air entering the tower with corresponding increase in the cold water temperature. Since there is no initial knowledge or control over the recirculation factor, the ambient wet bulb should be specified. The cooling tower supplier is required to furnish a tower of sufficient capability to absorb the effects of the increased wet bulb temperature peculiar to his own equipment. It is very important to have the cold water temperature low enough to exchange heat or to condense vapours at the optimum temperature level. By evaluating the cost and size of heat exchangers versus the cost and size of the cooling tower, the quantity and temperature of the cooling tower water can be selected to get the maximum economy for the particular process. The Table 7.1 illustrates the effect of approach on the size and cost of a cooling tower. The towers included were sized to cool 4540 m3/hr through a 16.67C range at a 26.7C design wet bulb. The overall width of all towers is 21.65 meters; the overall height, 15.25 meters, and the pump head, 10.6 m approximately.

TABLE 7.1 APPROACH VS. COOLING TOWER SIZE (4540 m3/hr; 16.67C Range 26.7C Wet Bulb; 10.7 m Pump Head)

Approach C Hot Water C Cold Water C No. of Cells Length of Cells Mts. Overall Length Mts. No. of Fans Fan Diameter Mts. Total Fan kW Bureau of Energy Efficiency

2.77 46.11 29.44 4 10.98 43.9 4 7.32 270 142

3.33 46.66 30 4 8.54 34.15 4 7.32 255

3.88 47.22 30.55 3 10.98 32.93 3 7.32 240

4.44 47.77 31.11 3 9.76 29.27 3 7.32 202.5

5.0 48.3 31.66 3 8.54 25.61 3 7.32 183.8

5.55 48.88 32.22 3 8.54 25.61 3 6.71 183.8

7. Cooling Tower

Approach and Flow Suppose a cooling tower is installed that is 21.65 m wide 36.9 m long 15.24m high, has three 7.32 m diameter fans and each powered by 25 kW motors. The cooling tower cools from 3632 m3/hr water from 46.1C to 29.4C at 26.7C WBT dissipating 60.69 million kCal/hr. The Table 7.2 shows what would happen with additional flow but with the range remaining constant at 16.67C. The heat dissipated varies from 60.69 million kCal/hr to 271.3 million kCal/hr.

TABLE 7.2 FLOW VS. APPROACH FOR A GIVEN TOWER (Tower is 21.65 m 36.9 M; Three 7.32 M Fans; Three 25 kW Motors; 16.7C Range with 26.7C Wet Bulb)

Flow m3/hr 3632 4086 4563 5039 5516 6060.9 7150.5 8736 11590 13620 16276

Approach C 2.78 3.33 3.89 4.45 5.00 5.56 6.67 8.33 11.1 13.9 16.7

Cold Water C 29.40 29.95 30.51 31.07 31.62 32.18 33.29 35.00 37.80 40.56 43.33

Hot Water C 46.11 46.67 47.22 47.78 48.33 48.89 50.00 51.67 54.45 57.22 60.00

Million kCal/hr 60.691 68.318 76.25 84.05 92.17 101.28 119.48 145.63 191.64 226.91 271.32

For meeting the increased heat load, few modifications would be needed to increase the water flow through the tower. However, at higher capacities, the approach would increase. Range, Flow and Heat Load Range is a direct function of the quantity of water circulated and the heat load. Increasing the range as a result of added heat load does require an increase in the tower size. If the cold water temperature is not changed and the range is increased with higher hot water temperature, the driving force between the wet bulb temperature of the air entering the tower and the hot water temperature is increased, the higher level heat is economical to dissipate. If the hot water temperature is left constant and the range is increased by specifying a lower cold water temperature, the tower size would have to be increased considerably. Not only would the range be increased, but the lower cold water temperature would lower the
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approach. The resulting change in both range and approach would require a much larger cooling tower. Approach & Wet Bulb Temperature The design wet bulb temperature is determined by the geographical location. Usually the design wet bulb temperature selected is not exceeded over 5 percent of the time in that area. Wet bulb temperature is a factor in cooling tower selection; the higher the wet bulb temperature, the smaller the tower required to give a specified approach to the wet bulb at a constant range and flow rate. A 4540 m3/hr cooling tower selected for a 16.67C range and a 4.45C approach to 21.11C wet bulb would be larger than a 4540 m3/hr tower selected for a 16.67C range and a 4.45C approach to a 26.67C wet bulb. Air at the higher wet bulb temperature is capable of picking up more heat. Assume that the wet bulb temperature of the air is increased by approximately 11.1C. As air removes heat from the water in the tower, each kg of air entering the tower at 21.1C wet bulb would contain 18.86 kCals and if it were to leave the tower at 33.2C wet bulb it would contain 24.17 kCal per kg of air. In the second case, each kg of air entering the tower at 26.67C wet bulb would contain 24.17 kCals and were to leave at 37.8C wet bulb it would contain 39.67 kCal per kg of air. In going from 21.1C to 32.2C, 12.1 kCal per kg of air is picked up, while 15.5 kCal/kg of air is picked up in going from 26.67C to 37.8C. Fill Media Effects In a cooling tower, hot water is distributed above fill media which flows down and is cooled due to evaporation with the intermixing air. Air draft is achieved with use of fans. Thus some power is consumed in pumping the water to a height above the fill and also by fans creating the draft. An energy efficient or low power consuming cooling tower is to have efficient designs of fill media with appropriate water distribution, drift eliminator, fan, gearbox and motor. Power savings in a cooling tower, with use of efficient fill design, is directly reflected as savings in fan power consumption and pumping head requirement. Function of Fill media in a Cooling Tower Heat exchange between air and water is influenced by surface area of heat exchange, time of heat exchange (interaction) and turbulence in water effecting thoroughness of intermixing. Fill media in a cooling tower is responsible to achieve all of above. Splash and Film Fill Media: As the name indicates, splash fill media generates the required heat exchange area by splashing action of water over fill media and hence breaking into smaller water droplets. Thus, surface of heat exchange is the surface area of the water droplets, which is in contact with air. Film Fill and its Advantages In a film fill, water forms a thin film on either side of fill sheets. Thus area of heat exchange
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is the surface area of the fill sheets, which is in contact with air.

Splash Fill Possible L/G Ratio Effective Heat Exchange Area Fill Height Required Pumping Head Requirement Quantity of Air Required 1.1 1.5 30 45 m2/m3 5 10 m 9 12 m High

Film Fill 1.5 2.0 150 m2/m3 1.2 1.5 m 58m Much low

Low Clog Film Fill 1.4 1.8 85 100 m2/m3 1.5 1.8 m 69m Low

Typical comparison between various fill media is shown in Table 7.3. Due to fewer requirements of air and pumping head, there is a tremendous saving in power with the invention of film fill. Recently, low-clog film fills with higher flute sizes have been developed to handle high turbid waters. For sea water, low clog film fills are considered as the best choice in terms of power saving and performance compared to conventional splash type fills. Choosing a Cooling Tower The counter-flow and cross flows are two basic designs of cooling towers based on the fundamentals of heat exchange. It is well known that counter flow heat exchange is more effective as compared to cross flow or parallel flow heat exchange. Cross-flow cooling towers are provided with splash fill of concrete, wood or perforated PVC. Counter-flow cooling towers are provided with both film fill and splash fill. Typical comparison of Cross flow Spash Fill, Counter Flow Tower with Film Fill and Splash fill is shown in Table 7.4. The power consumption is least in Counter Flow Film Fill folTABLE 7.4 TYPICAL COMPARISON OF CROSS FLOW SPLASH FILL, COUNTER FLOW TOWER WITH FILM FILL AND SPLASH FILL

Number of Towers Water Flow Hot Water Temperature Cold Water Temperature Design Wet Bulb Temperature

: : : : :

2 16000 m3/hr. 41.5C 32.5C 27.6C Counter Flow Splash Fill 5.2 14.4 14.4 6 310 10.9 Cross-Flow Splash Fill 11.0 12.64 5.49 5 330 12.05

Counter Flow Film Fill Fill Height, Meter Plant Area per Cell Number of Cells per Tower Power at Motor Terminal/Tower, kW Static Pumping Head, Meter Bureau of Energy Efficiency 145 1.5 14.4 14.4 6 253 7.2

7. Cooling Tower

lowed by Counter Flow Splash Fill and Cross-Flow Splash Fill.


Efficient System Operation

Cooling Water Treatment Cooling water treatment is mandatory for any cooling tower whether with splash fill or with film type fill for controlling suspended solids, algae growth, etc. With increasing costs of water, efforts to increase Cycles of Concentration (COC), by Cooling Water Treatment would help to reduce make up water requirements significantly. In large industries, power plants, COC improvement is often considered as a key area for water conservation. Drift Loss in the Cooling Towers It is very difficult to ignore drift problem in cooling towers. Now-a-days most of the end user specification calls for 0.02% drift loss. With technological development and processing of PVC, manufacturers have brought large change in the drift eliminator shapes and the possibility of making efficient designs of drift eliminators that enable end user to specify the drift loss requirement to as low as 0.003 0.001%. Cooling Tower Fans The purpose of a cooling tower fan is to move a specified quantity of air through the system, overcoming the system resistance which is defined as the pressure loss. The product of air flow and the pressure loss is air power developed/work done by the fan; this may be also termed as fan output and input kW depends on fan efficiency. The fan efficiency in turn is greatly dependent on the profile of the blade. An aerodynamic profile with optimum twist, taper and higher coefficient of lift to coefficient of drop ratio can provide the fan total efficiency as high as 8592 %. However, this efficiency is drastically affected by the factors such as tip clearance, obstacles to airflow and inlet shape, etc. As the metallic fans are manufactured by adopting either extrusion or casting process it is always difficult to generate the ideal aerodynamic profiles. The FRP blades are normally hand moulded which facilitates the generation of optimum aerodynamic profile to meet specific duty condition more efficiently. Cases reported where replacement of metallic or Glass fibre reinforced plastic fan blades have been replaced by efficient hollow FRP blades, with resultant fan energy savings of the order of 2030% and with simple pay back period of 6 to 7 months. Also, due to lightweight, FRP fans need low starting torque resulting in use of lower HP motors. The lightweight of the fans also increases the life of the gear box, motor and bearing is and allows for easy handling and maintenance. Performance Assessment of Cooling Towers In operational performance assessment, the typical measurements and observations involved are:
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Cooling tower design data and curves to be referred to as the basis. Intake air WBT and DBT at each cell at ground level using a whirling pyschrometer. Exhaust air WBT and DBT at each cell using a whirling psychrometer. CW inlet temperature at risers or top of tower, using accurate mercury in glass or a digital thermometer. CW outlet temperature at full bottom, using accurate mercury in glass or a digital thermometer. Process data on heat exchangers, loads on line or power plant control room readings, as relevant. CW flow measurements, either direct or inferred from pump motor kW and pump head and flow characteristics. CT fan motor amps, volts, kW and blade angle settings TDS of cooling water. Rated cycles of concentration at the site conditions. Observations on nozzle flows, drift eliminators, condition of fills, splash bars, etc.

The findings of one typical trial pertaining to the Cooling Towers of a Thermal Power Plant 3 x 200 MW is given below: Observations * Unit Load 1 & 3 of the Station * Mains Frequency * Inlet Cooling Water Temperature C * Outlet Cooling Water Temperature C * Air Wet Bulb Temperature near Cell C * Air Dry Bulb Temperature near Cell C * Number of CT Cells on line with water flow * Total Measured Cooling Water Flow m3/hr * Measured CT Fan Flow m3/hr Analysis * CT Water Flow/Cell, m3/hr * * CT Fan Air Flow, m3/hr (Avg.)

= = = = = = = = =

398 MW 49.3 44 (Rated 43C) 37.6 (Rated 33C) 29.3 (Rated 27.5C) 40.8C 45 (Total 48) 70426.76 989544

= = = = = = =

CT Fan Air Flow kg/hr (Avg.) @ Density of 1.08 kg/m3 * L/G Ratio of C.T. kg/kg * CT Range * CT Approach * % CT Effectiveness

1565 m3/hr (1565000 kg/hr) (Rated 1875 m3/hr) 989544 m3/hr (Rated 997200 m3/hr) 1068708 kg/hr 1.46 (Rated 1.74 kg/kg) (44 37.6) = 6.4C (37.6 29.3) = 8.3C Range x100 (Range + Approach)

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= = = = = =

Rated % CT Effectiveness

* Cooling Duty Handled/Cell in kCal (i.e., Flow * Temperature Difference in kCal/hr) * Evaporation Losses in m3/hr

= = = = = = = = = =

* *

Percentage Evaporation Loss Blow down requirement for site COC of 2.7

* Make up water requirement/cell in m3/hr

6.4 x100 (6.4 + 8.3) 43.53 100 * (43 33) / (43 27.5) 64.5% 1565 * 6.4 * 103 10016 * 103 kCal/hr (Rated 18750 * 103 kCal/hr) 0.00085 x 1.8 x circulation rate (m3/hr) x (T1-T2) 0.00085 x 1.8 x 1565 x (4437.6) 15.32 m3/hr per cell [15.32/1565]*100 0.97% Evaporation losses/COC-1 15.32/(2.7-1) per cell i.e., 9.01 m3/hr Evaporation Loss + Blow down Loss 15.32 + 9.01 24.33


Cooling water flow per cell is much lower, almost by 16.5%, need to investigate CW pump and system performance for improvements. Increasing CW flow through cell was identified as a key result area for improving performance of cooling towers. Flow stratification in 3 cooling tower cells identified. Algae growth identified in 6 cooling tower cells. Cooling tower fans are of GRP type drawing 36.2 kW average. Replacement by efficient hollow FRP fan blades is recommended.


Flow Control Strategies

Control of tower air flow can be done by varying methods: starting and stopping (On-off) of fans, use of two- or three-speed fan motors, use of automatically adjustable pitch fans, use of variable speed fans. On-off fan operation of single speed fans provides the least effective control. Two-speed fans provide better control with further improvement shown with three speed fans. Automatic adjustable pitch fans and variable-speed fans can provide even closer control of tower cold-

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water temperature. In multi-cell towers, fans in adjacent cells may be running at different speeds or some may be on and others off depending upon the tower load and required water temperature. Depending upon the method of air volume control selected, control strategies can be determined to minimise fan energy while achieving the desired control of the Cold water temperature.

7.5 Energy Saving Opportunities in Cooling Towers

Follow manufacturer's recommended clearances around cooling towers and relocate or modify structures that interfere with the air intake or exhaust. Optimise cooling tower fan blade angle on a seasonal and/or load basis. Correct excessive and/or uneven fan blade tip clearance and poor fan balance. On old counter-flow cooling towers, replace old spray type nozzles with new square spray ABS practically non-clogging nozzles. Replace splash bars with self-extinguishing PVC cellular film fill. Install new nozzles to obtain a more uniform water pattern Periodically clean plugged cooling tower distribution nozzles. Balance flow to cooling tower hot water basins. Cover hot water basins to minimise algae growth that contributes to fouling. Optimise blow down flow rate, as per COC limit. Replace slat type drift eliminators with low pressure drop, self extinguishing, PVC cellular units. Restrict flows through large loads to design values. Segregate high heat loads like furnaces, air compressors, DG sets, and isolate cooling towers for sensitive applications like A/C plants, condensers of captive power plant etc. A 1C cooling water temperature increase may increase A/C compressor kW by 2.7%. A 1C drop in cooling water temperature can give a heat rate saving of 5 kCal/kWh in a thermal power plant. Monitor L/G ratio, CW flow rates w.r.t. design as well as seasonal variations. It would help to increase water load during summer and times when approach is high and increase air flow during monsoon times and when approach is narrow. Monitor approach, effectiveness and cooling capacity for continuous optimisation efforts, as per seasonal variations as well as load side variations. Consider COC improvement measures for water savings. Consider energy efficient FRP blade adoption for fan energy savings. Consider possible improvements on CW pumps w.r.t. efficiency improvement. Control cooling tower fans based on leaving water temperatures especially in case of small units. Optimise process CW flow requirements, to save on pumping energy, cooling load, evaporation losses (directly proportional to circulation rate) and blow down losses. Some typical problems and their trouble shooting for cooling towers are given in Table 7.5.
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Problem / Difficulty Excessive absorbed current / electrical load

Possible Causes 1. Voltage Reduction 2a. Incorrect angle of axial fan blades 2b. Loose belts on centrifugal fans (or speed reducers) 3. Overloading owing to excessive air flow-fill has minimum water loading per m2 of tower section 4. Low ambient air temperature

Remedies/Rectifying Action Check the voltage Adjust the blade angle Check belt tightness Regulate the water flow by means of the valve The motor is cooled proportionately and hence delivers more than name plate power Adjust the nozzle orientation and eliminate any dirt Eliminate any dirt in the top of the fill Replace or realign the eliminators Adjust the water flow-rate by means of the regulating valves. Check for absence of damage to the fill Adjust the make-up valve Equalise the basins of towers operating in parallel Regulated the flow by means of the valves Check the direction of rotation of the fans and/or belt tension (broken belt possible) Check the air descent velocity Install deflectors Clean the nozzles and/or the tubes Wash or replace the item Clean or replace the material (washing with inhibited aqueous sulphuric acid is possible but long, complex and expensive)

Drift/carry-over of water outside the unit

1. Uneven operation of spray nozzles 2. Blockage of the fill pack 3. Defective or displaced droplet eliminators 4. Excessive circulating water flow (possibly owing to too high pumping head)

Loss of water from basins/pans Lack of cooling and hence increase in temperatures owing to increased temperature range

1. Float-valve not at correct level 2. Lack of equalising connections 1. Water flow below the design valve 2. Irregular airflow or lack of air

3a. Recycling of humid discharge air 3b. Intake of hot air from other sources 4a. Blocked spray nozzles (or even blocked spray tubes) 4b. Scaling of joints 5. Scaling of the fill pack

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7. Cooling Tower

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do you understand by the following terms in respect of cooling towers? a) Approach, b) Cooling Duty c) Range d) Cooling Tower Effectiveness Explain with a sketch the different types of cooling towers. What do you mean by the term of Cycles of Concentration and how it is related to cooling tower blow down? Explain the term L/G ratio? CT Observations at an industrial site were * CW Flow : 5000 m3/hr * CW in Temperature : 42C * CW Out Temperature : 36C * Wet Bulb Temperature : 29C What is the Effectiveness of the cooling tower? What is the function of fill media in a cooling tower? List the factors affecting cooling tower performance. List the energy conservation opportunities in a cooling tower system. Explain the difference between evaporation loss and drift loss? What is the Blow-down Loss, if the Cycles of Concentration (COC) is 3.0?

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2. ASHRAE Handbook NPC Case Studies

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Syllabus Lighting System: Light source, Choice of lighting, Luminance requirements, and Energy conservation avenues

8.1 Introduction
Lighting is an essential service in all the industries. The power consumption by the industrial lighting varies between 2 to 10% of the total power depending on the type of industry. Innovation and continuous improvement in the field of lighting, has given rise to tremendous energy saving opportunities in this area. Lighting is an area, which provides a major scope to achieve energy efficiency at the design stage, by incorporation of modern energy efficient lamps, luminaires and gears, apart from good operational practices.

8.2 Basic Terms in Lighting System and Features

Lamps Lamp is equipment, which produces light. The most commonly used lamps are described briefly as follows:

Incandescent lamps: Incandescent lamps produce light by means of a filament heated to incandescence by the flow of electric current through it. The principal parts of an incandescent lamp, also known as GLS (General Lighting Service) lamp include the filament, the bulb, the fill gas and the cap.

Reflector lamps: Reflector lamps are basically incandescent, provided with a high quality internal mirror, which follows exactly the parabolic shape of the lamp. The reflector is resistant to corrosion, thus making the lamp maintenance free and output efficient.

Gas discharge lamps: The light from a gas discharge lamp is produced by the excitation of gas contained in either a tubular or elliptical outer bulb. The most commonly used discharge lamps are as follows: Fluorescent tube lamps (FTL) Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) Mercury Vapour Lamps Sodium Vapour Lamps Metal Halide Lamps

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Luminaire Luminaire is a device that distributes, filters or transforms the light emitted from one or more lamps. The luminaire includes, all the parts necessary for fixing and protecting the lamps, except the lamps themselves. In some cases, luminaires also include the necessary circuit auxiliaries, together with the means for connecting them to the electric supply. The basic physical principles used in optical luminaire are reflection, absorption, transmission and refraction. Control Gear The gears used in the lighting equipment are as follows:

Ballast: A current limiting device, to counter negative resistance characteristics of any discharge lamps. In case of fluorescent lamps, it aids the initial voltage build-up, required for starting.

Ignitors: These are used for starting high intensity Metal Halide and Sodium vapour lamps. Illuminance This is the quotient of the illuminous flux incident on an element of the surface at a point of surface containing the point, by the area of that element. The lighting level produced by a lighting installation is usually qualified by the illuminance produced on a specified plane. In most cases, this plane is the major plane of the tasks in the interior and is commonly called the working plane. The illuminance provided by an installation affects both the performance of the tasks and the appearance of the space. Lux (lx) This is the illuminance produced by a luminous flux of one lumen, uniformly distributed over a surface area of one square metre. One lux is equal to one lumen per square meter. Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) This is the ratio of luminous flux emitted by a lamp to the power consumed by the lamp. It is a reflection of efficiency of energy conversion from electricity to light form. Colour Rendering Index (RI) Is a measure of the degree to which the colours of surfaces illuminated by a given light source confirm to those of the same surfaces under a reference illuminent; suitable allowance having been made for the state of Chromatic adaptation.


Lamp Types and their Features

The Table 8.1 shows the various types of lamp available along with their features.
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Type of Lamp Incandescent

Lumens / Watt Range Avg. 818 14

Color Rendering Index Excellent

Typical Application Homes, restaurants, general lighting, emergency lighting Offices, shops, hospitals, homes Hotels, shops, homes, offices General lighting in factories, garages, car parking, flood lighting Display, flood lighting, stadium exhibition grounds, construction areas General lighting in factories, ware houses, street lighting Roadways, tunnels, canals, street lighting

Typical Life (hours) 1000

Fluorescent Lamps Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) High pressure mercury (HPMV)

4660 4070 4457

50 60 50

Good w.r.t. coating Very good Fair

5000 800010000 5000

Halogen lamps





High pressure sodium (HPSV) SON





Low pressure sodium (LPSV) SOX





8.4 Recommended Illuminance Levels for Various Tasks / Activities / Locations

Recommendations on Illuminance Scale of Illuminance: The minimum illuminance for all non-working interiors, has been mentioned as 20 Lux (as per IS 3646). A factor of approximately 1.5 represents the smallest significant difference in subjective effect of illuminance. Therefore, the following scale of illuminances is recommended. 20305075100150200300500750100015002000, Lux Illuminance ranges: Because circumstances may be significantly different for different interiors used for the same application or for different conditions for the same kind of activity, a range of illuminances is recommended for each type of interior or activity intended of a single value of illuminance. Each range consists of three successive steps of the recommended scale of illuminances. For working interiors the

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middle value (R) of each range represents the recommended service illuminance that would be used unless one or more of the factors mentioned below apply. The higher value (H) of the range should be used at exceptional cases where low reflectances or contrasts are present in the task, errors are costly to rectify, visual work is critical, accuracy or higher productivity is of great importance and the visual capacity of the worker makes it necessary. Similarly, lower value (L) of the range may be used when reflectances or contrasts are unusually high, speed & accuracy is not important and the task is executed only occasionally. Recommended Illumination The following Table gives the recommended illuminance range for different tasks and activities for chemical sector. The values are related to the visual requirements of the task, to user's satisfaction, to practical experience and to the need for cost effective use of energy.(Source IS 3646 (Part I) : 1992). For recommended illumination in other sectors, reader may refer Illuminating Engineers Society Recommendations Handbook/ Chemicals Petroleum, Chemical and Petrochemical works Exterior walkways, platforms, stairs and ladders Exterior pump and valve areas Pump and compressor houses Process plant with remote control Process plant requiring occasional manual intervention Permanently occupied work stations in process plant Control rooms for process plant Pharmaceuticals Manufacturer and Fine chemicals manufacturer Pharmaceutical manufacturer Grinding, granulating, mixing, drying, tableting, s terilising, washing, preparation of solutions, filling, capping, wrapping, hardening Fine chemical manufacturers Exterior walkways, platforms, stairs and ladders Process plant Fine chemical finishing Inspection Soap manufacture General area Automatic processes Control panels Machines
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3050100 50100150 100150200 3050100 50100150 150200300 200300500


3050100 50100150 300500750 300500750 200300500 100200300 200300500 200300500

8. Lighting System

Paint works General Automatic processes Control panels Special batch mixing Colour matching

200300500 150200300 200300500 5007501000 7501001500

8.5 Methodology of Lighting System Energy Efficiency Study

A step-by-step approach for assessing energy efficiency of lighting system is given below: Step1: Inventorise the Lighting System elements, & transformers in the facility as per following typical format (Table 8.2 and 8.3).

S. No.

Plant Location

Lighting Device & Ballast Type

Rating in Watts Lamp & Ballast

Population Numbers

No. of hours / Day


S. No.

Plant Location

Lighting Transformer Rating (kVA)

Numbers Installed

Meter Provisions Available Volts / Amps / kW / Energy

In case of distribution boards (instead of transformers) being available, fuse ratings may be inventorised along the above pattern in place of transformer kVA. Step2: With the aid of a lux meter, measure and document the lux levels at various plant locations at working level, as daytime lux and night time lux values alongside the number of lamps "ON" during measurement.
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Step3: With the aid of portable load analyzer, measure and document the voltage, current, power factor and power consumption at various input points, namely the distribution boards or the lighting voltage transformers at the same as that of the lighting level audit. Step4: Compare the measured lux values with standard values as reference and identify locations as under lit and over lit areas. Step5: Collect and Analyse the failure rates of lamps, ballasts and the actual life expectancy levels from the past data. Step6: Based on careful assessment and evaluation, bring out improvement options, which could include : i) ii) Maximise sunlight use through use of transparent roof sheets, north light roof, etc. Examine scope for replacements of lamps by more energy efficient lamps, with due consideration to luminiare, color rendering index, lux level as well as expected life comparison. Replace conventional magnetic ballasts by more energy efficient ballasts, with due consideration to life and power factor apart from watt loss. Select interior colours for light reflection. Modify layout for optimum lighting. Providing individual / group controls for lighting for energy efficiency such as: a. On / off type voltage regulation type (for illuminance control) b. Group control switches / units c. Occupancy sensors d. Photocell controls e. Timer operated controls f. Pager operated controls g. Computerized lighting control programs Install input voltage regulators / controllers for energy efficiency as well as longer life expectancy for lamps where higher voltages, fluctuations are expected. Replace energy efficient displays like LED's in place of lamp type displays in control panels / instrumentation areas, etc.

iii) iv) v) vi)

vii) viii)


Case Examples

Energy Efficient Replacement Options The lamp efficacy is the ratio of light output in lumens to power input to lamps in watts. Over the years development in lamp technology has led to improvements in efficacy of lamps. However, the low efficacy lamps, such as incandescent bulbs, still constitute a major share of the lighting load. High efficacy gas discharge lamps suitable for different types of applications offer appreciable scope for energy conservation. Typical energy efficient replacement options, along with the per cent energy saving, are given in Table8.4.
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8. Lighting System

Lamp type Sector Existing Domestic/Commercial Industry GLS GLS GLS TL HPMV HPMV 100 W 13 W 200 W 40 W 250 W 400 W Proposed *CFL *CFL Blended TLD HPSV HPSV 25 W 9W 160 W 36 W 150 W 250 W

Power saving Watts 75 4 40 4 100 150 % 75 31 20 10 37 35


* Wattages of CFL includes energy consumption in ballasts.

Energy Saving Potential in Street Lighting The energy saving potential, in typical cases of replacement of inefficient lamps with efficient lamps in street lighting is given in the Table 8.5


Existing lamp Type GLS GLS TL HPMV HPMV HPMV W 200 300 2 X 40 125 250 400 Life 1000 1000 5000 5000 5000 5000

Replaced units Type ML ML TL HPSV HPSV HPSV W 160 250 2 X 36 70 150 250 Life 5000 5000 5000 12000 12000 12000

Saving W 40 50 8 25 100 150 % 7 17 6 44 40 38

8.7 Some Good Practices in Lighting

Installation of energy efficient fluorescent lamps in place of "Conventional" fluorescent lamps. Energy efficient lamps are based on the highly sophisticated tri-phosphor fluorescent powder technology. They offer excellent colour rendering properties in addition to the very high luminous efficacy. Installation of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL's) in place of incandescent lamps. Compact fluorescent lamps are generally considered best for replacement of lower wattage incandescent lamps. These lamps have efficacy ranging from 55 to 65 lumens/Watt. The average rated lamp life is 10,000 hours, which is 10 times longer than that of a normal incandescent
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lamps. CFL's are highly suitable for places such as Living rooms, Hotel lounges, Bars, Restaurants, Pathways, Building entrances, Corridors, etc. Installation of metal halide lamps in place of mercury / sodium vapour lamps. Metal halide lamps provide high color rendering index when compared with mercury & sodium vapour lamps. These lamps offer efficient white light. Hence, metal halide is the choice for colour critical applications where, higher illumination levels are required. These lamps are highly suitable for applications such as assembly line, inspection areas, painting shops, etc. It is recommended to install metal halide lamps where colour rendering is more critical. Installation of High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) lamps for applications where colour rendering is not critical. High pressure sodium vapour (HPSV) lamps offer more efficacy. But the colour rendering property of HPSV is very low. Hence, it is recommended to install HPSV lamps for applications such street lighting, yard lighting, etc. Installation of LED panel indicator lamps in place of filament lamps. Panel indicator lamps are used widely in industries for monitoring, fault indication, signaling, etc. Conventionally filament lamps are used for the purpose, which has got the following disadvantages: High energy consumption (15 W/lamp) Failure of lamps is high (Operating life less than 1,000 hours) Very sensitive to the voltage fluctuations Recently, the conventional filament lamps are being replaced with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The LEDs have the following merits over the filament lamps. Lesser power consumption (Less than 1 W/lamp) Withstand high voltage fluctuation in the power supply. Longer operating life (more than 1,00,000 hours) It is recommended to install LEDs for panel indicator lamps at the design stage. Light distribution Energy efficiency cannot be obtained by mere selection of more efficient lamps alone. Efficient luminaires along with the lamp of high efficacy achieve the optimum efficiency. Mirror-optic luminaires with a high output ratio and bat-wing light distribution can save energy. For achieving better efficiency, luminaires that are having light distribution characteristics appropriate for the task interior should be selected. The luminaires fitted with a lamp should ensure that discomfort glare and veiling reflections are minimised. Installation of suitable luminaires, depends upon the height - Low, Medium & High Bay. Luminaires for high intensity discharge lamp are classified as follows: Low bay, for heights less than 5 metres. Medium bay, for heights between 5 7 metres. High bay, for heights greater than 7 metres.
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System layout and fixing of the luminaires play a major role in achieving energy efficiency. This also varies from application to application. Hence, fixing the luminaires at optimum height and usage of mirror optic luminaries leads to energy efficiency. Light Control The simplest and the most widely used form of controlling a lighting installation is "On-Off" switch. The initial investment for this set up is extremely low, but the resulting operational costs may be high. This does not provide the flexibility to control the lighting, where it is not required. Hence, a flexible lighting system has to be provided, which will offer switch-off or reduction in lighting level, when not needed. The following light control systems can be adopted at design stage:

Grouping of lighting system, to provide greater flexibility in lighting control Grouping of lighting system, which can be controlled manually or by timer control. Installation of microprocessor based controllers Another modern method is usage of microprocessor / infrared controlled dimming or switching circuits. The lighting control can be obtained by using logic units located in the ceiling, which can take pre-programme commands and activate specified lighting circuits. Advanced lighting control system uses movement detectors or lighting sensors, to feed signals to the controllers.

Optimum usage of daylighting Whenever the orientation of a building permits, day lighting can be used in combination with electric lighting. This should not introduce glare or a severe imbalance of brightness in visual environment. Usage of day lighting (in offices/air conditioned halls) will have to be very limited, because the air conditioning load will increase on account of the increased solar heat dissipation into the area. In many cases, a switching method, to enable reduction of electric light in the window zones during certain hours, has to be designed.

Installation of "exclusive" transformer for lighting In most of the industries, lighting load varies between 2 to 10%. Most of the problems faced by the lighting equipment and the "gears" is due to the "voltage" fluctuations. Hence, the lighting equipment has to be isolated from the power feeders. This provides a better voltage regulation for the lighting. This will reduce the voltage related problems, which in turn increases the efficiency of the lighting system.

Installation of servo stabilizer for lighting feeder Wherever, installation of exclusive transformer for lighting is not economically attractive, servo stabilizer can be installed for the lighting feeders. This will provide stabilized voltage for the lighting equipment. The performance of "gears" such as chokes, ballasts, will also improved due to the stabilized voltage. This set up also provides, the option to optimise the voltage level fed to the lighting feeder. In many plants, during the non-peaking hours, the voltage levels are on the higher side. During this period, voltage can be optimised, without any significant drop in the illumination level.
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8. Lighting System

Installation of high frequency (HF) electronic ballasts in place of conventional ballasts New high frequency (2832 kHz) electronic ballasts have the following advantages over the traditional magnetic ballasts: Energy savings up to 35% Less heat dissipation, which reduces the air conditioning load

Lights instantly Improved power factor Operates in low voltage load Less in weight Increases the life of lamp

The advantage of HF electronic ballasts, out weigh the initial investment (higher costs when compared with conventional ballast). In the past the failure rate of electronic ballast in Indian Industries was high. Recently, many manufacturers have improved the design of the ballast leading to drastic improvement in their reliability. The life of the electronic ballast is high especially when, used in a lighting circuit fitted with a automatic voltage stabiliser. The Table 8.6 gives the type of luminaire, gear and controls used in different areas of industry.


Location Plant

Source HID/FTL

Luminaire Industrial rail reflector: High bay Medium bay Low bay FTL/CFL Flood light Street light luminaire

Gear Conventional/low loss electronic ballast Electronic/low loss Suitable Suitable

Controls Manual/electronic

Office Yard Road peripheral


Manual/auto Manual Manual

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8. Lighting System

1. 2. What are the types of commonly used lamps? What do the following terms mean? Illuminance Luminous efficacy Luminaire Control gear Colour rendering index What is the function of ballast in a lighting system? Rate the following with respect to their luminous efficacy GLS lamp FTL CFL HPSV LPSV Rate the following with respect to colour rendering index GLS lamp HPSV lamp Metal halide lamps LPSV lamp Briefly describe the methodology of lighting energy audit in an industrial facility? List the energy savings opportunities in industrial lighting systems. Explain how electronic ballast saves energy? A CFL can replace a) FTL b) GLS c) HPMV d) HPSV

3. 4.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Explain briefly about various lighting controls available?

1. NPC Experiences

Bureau of Energy Efficiency


Syllabus Diesel Generating system: Factors affecting selection, Energy performance assessment of diesel conservation avenues

9.1 Introduction
Diesel engine is the prime mover, which drives an alternator to produce electrical energy. In the diesel engine, air is drawn into the cylinder and is compressed to a high ratio (14:1 to 25:1). During this compression, the air is heated to a temperature of 700900C. A metered quantity of diesel fuel is then injected into the cylinder, which ignites spontaneously because of the high temperature. Hence, the diesel engine is also known as compression ignition (CI) engine. DG set can be classified according to cycle type as: two stroke and four stroke. However, the bulk of IC engines use the four stroke cycle. Let us look at the principle of operation of the four-stroke diesel engine. Four Stroke - Diesel Engine The 4 stroke operations in a diesel engine are: induction stroke, compression stroke, ignition and power stroke and exhaust stroke. 1st : 2nd : 3rd : 4th : Induction stroke - while the inlet valve is open, the descending piston draws in fresh air. Compression stroke - while the valves are closed, the air is compressed to a pressure of up to 25 bar. Ignition and power stroke - fuel is injected, while the valves are closed (fuel injection actually starts at the end of the previous stroke), the fuel ignites spontaneously and the piston is forced downwards by the combustion gases. Exhaust stroke - the exhaust valve is open and the rising piston discharges the spent gases from the cylinder.

Figure 9.1 Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Schematic Diagram of Four-Stroke Diesel Engine 165

9. DG Set System

Since power is developed during only one stroke, the single cylinder four-stroke engine has a low degree of uniformity. Smoother running is obtained with multi cylinder engines because the cranks are staggered in relation to one another on the crankshaft. There are many variations of engine configuration, for example. 4 or 6 cylinder, in-line, horizontally opposed, vee or radial configurations. DG Set as a System A diesel generating set should be considered as a system since its successful operation depends on the well-matched performance of the components, namely: a) The diesel engine and its accessories. b) The AC Generator. c) The control systems and switchgear. d) The foundation and power house civil works. e) The connected load with its own components like heating, motor drives, lighting etc. It is necessary to select the components with highest efficiency and operate them at their optimum efficiency levels to conserve energy in this system.

Fig 9.2

DG Set System

Selection Considerations To make a decision on the type of engine, which is most suitable for a specific application, several factors need to be considered. The two most important factors are: power and speed of the engine. The power requirement is determined by the maximum load. The engine power rating should be 10 20 % more than the power demand by the end use. This prevents overloading the machine by absorbing extra load during starting of motors or switching of some types of lighting systems or when wear and tear on the equipment pushes up its power consumption. Speed is measured at the output shaft and given in revolutions per minute (RPM). An engine will operate over a range of speeds, with diesel engines typically running at lower
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9. DG Set System

speeds (1300 3000 RPM). There will be an optimum speed at which fuel efficiency will be greatest. Engines should be run as closely as possible to their rated speed to avoid poor efficiency and to prevent build up of engine deposits due to incomplete combustion - which will lead to higher maintenance and running costs. To determine the speed requirement of an engine, one has to again look at the requirement of the load. For some applications, the speed of the engine is not critical, but for other applications such as a generator, it is important to get a good speed match. If a good match can be obtained, direct coupling of engine and generator is possible; if not, then some form of gearing will be necessary - a gearbox or belt system, which will add to the cost and reduce the efficiency. There are various other factors that have to be considered, when choosing an engine for a given application. These include the following: cooling system, abnormal environmental conditions (dust, dirt, etc.), fuel quality, speed governing (fixed or variable speed), poor maintenance, control system, starting equipment, drive type, ambient temperature, altitude, humidity, etc. Suppliers or manufacturers literature will specify the required information when purchasing an engine. The efficiency of an engine depends on various factors, for example, load factor (percentage of full load), engine size, and engine type. Diesel Generator Captive Power Plants Diesel engine power plants are most frequently used in small power (captive non-utility) systems. The main reason for their extensive use is the higher efficiency of the diesel engines compared with gas turbines and small steam turbines in the output range considered. In applications requiring low captive power, without much requirement of process steam, the ideal method of power generation would be by installing diesel generator plants. The fuels burnt in diesel engines range from light distillates to residual fuel oils. Most frequently used diesel engine sizes are between the range 4 to 15 MW. For continuous operation, low speed diesel engine is more cost-effective than high speed diesel engine. Advantages of adopting Diesel Power Plants are:

Low installation cost Short delivery periods and installation period Higher efficiency (as high as 43 45 %) More efficient plant performance under part loads Suitable for different type of fuels such as low sulphur heavy stock and heavy fuel oil in case of large capacities. Minimum cooling water requirements, Adopted with air cooled heat exchanger in areas where water is not available Short start up time

A brief comparison of different types of captive power plants (combined gas turbine and steam turbine, conventional steam plant and diesel engine power plant) is given in Table 9.1. It can be seen from the Table that captive diesel plant wins over the other two in terms of thermal efficiency, capital cost, space requirements, auxiliary power consumption, plant load factor etc.
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9. DG Set System

Description Thermal Efficiency Initial Investment of Installed Capacity Space requirement Construction time Project period Auxiliary Power Consumption Plant Load Factor Start up time from cold

Units % Rs./kW

Combined GT & ST 40 46 8,500 10,000 125 % (Approx.)

Conventional Steam Plant 33 36 15,000 18,000 250 % (Approx.) 42 48 52 60 8 10 5000 6000 120 180

Diesel Engine Power Plants 43 45 7,500 9,000 100 % (Approx.) 12 15 12 1.3 - 2.1 7200 7500 15 20

Months Months % kWh/kW Minutes

24 30 30 36 24 6000 7000 About 10

Diesel Engine Power Plant Developments The diesel engine developments have been steady and impressive. The specific fuel consumption has come down from a value of 220 g/kWh in the 1970s to a value around 160 g/kWh in present times. Slow speed diesel engine, with its flat fuel consumption curve over a wide load range (50%100%), compares very favourably over other prime movers such as medium speed diesel engine, steam turbines and gas turbines. With the arrival of modern, high efficiency turbochargers, it is possible to use an exhaust gas driven turbine generator to further increase the engine rated output. The net result lower fuel consumption per kWh and further increase in overall thermal efficiency. The diesel engine is able to burn the poorest quality fuel oils, unlike gas turbine, which is able to do so with only costly fuel treatment equipment. Figure 9.3 Turbocharger Slow speed dual fuel engines are now available using high-pressure gas injection, which gives the same thermal efficiency and power output as a regular fuel oil engine.


Selection and Installation Factors

Sizing of a Genset: a) If the DG set is required for 100% standby, then the entire connected load in HP / kVA should be added. After finding out the diversity factor, the correct capacity of a DG set can be found out.
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9. DG Set System

Example : Connected Load Diversity Factor (Demand / connected load) Max. Demand % Loading Set rating At 0.8 PF, rating b)

= = = = = =

650 kW 0.54 650 x 0.54 = 350 kW 70 350/0.7 = 500 kW 625 kVA

For an existing installation, record the current, voltage and power factors (kWh / kVAh) reading at the main bus-bar of the system at every half-an-hour interval for a period of 23 days and during this period the factory should be having its normal operations. The non-essential loads should be switched off to find the realistic current taken for running essential equipment. This will give a fair idea about the current taken from which the rating of the set can be calculated. For existing installation: kVA kVA Rating where Load factor = 3 V I = kVA / Load Factor = Average kVA / Maximum kVA


For a new installation, an approximate method of estimating the capacity of a DG set is to add full load currents of all the proposed loads to be run in DG set. Then, applying a diversity factor depending on the industry, process involved and guidelines obtained from other similar units, correct capacity can be arrived at.

High Speed Engine or Slow/Medium Speed Engine The normal accepted definition of high speed engine is 1500 rpm. The high speed sets have been developed in India, whereas the slow speed engines of higher capacities are often imported. The other features and comparison between high and medium / slow speed engines are mentioned below: Factor Break mean effective pressure - therefore wear and tear and consumption of spares Weight to power ratio- therefore sturdiness and life Space Type of use Period between overhauls* Direct operating cost (includes lubricating oils, filters etc.
* Typical recommendations from manufacturers

Slow speed engine Low More High Continuous use 8000 hours Less

High speed engine High Less Less Intermittent use 3200 High

Keeping the above factors and available capacities of DG set in mind, the cost of economics for both the engines should be worked out before arriving at a decision.
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9. DG Set System

Capacity Combinations From the point of view of space, operation, maintenance and initial capital investment, it is certainly economical to go in for one large DG set than two or more DG sets in parallel. Two or more DG sets running in parallel can be a advantage as only the short-fall in powerdepending upon the extent of power cut prevailing - needs to filled up. Also, flexibility of operation is increased since one DG set can be stopped, while the other DG set is generating at least 50% of the power requirement. Another advantage is that one DG set can become 100% standby during lean and low power-cut periods. Air Cooling Vs. Water Cooling The general feeling has been that a water cooled DG set is better than an air cooled set, as most users are worried about the overheating of engines during summer months. This is to some extent is true and precautions have to be taken to ensure that the cooling water temperature does not exceed the prescribed limits. However, from performance and maintenance point of view, water and air cooled sets are equally good except that proper care should be taken to ensure cross ventilation so that as much cool air as possible is circulated through the radiator to keep its cooling water temperature within limits. While, it may be possible to have air cooled engines in the lower capacities, it will be necessary to go in for water cooled engines in larger capacities to ensure that the engine does not get over-heated during summer months. Safety Features It is advisable to have short circuit, over load and earth fault protection on all the DG sets. However, in case of smaller capacity DG sets, this may become uneconomical. Hence, it is strongly recommended to install a circuit protection. Other safety equipment like high temperature, low lube oil pressure cut-outs should be provided, so that in the event of any of these abnormalities, the engine would stop and prevent damage. It is also essential to provide reverse power relay when DG sets are to run in parallel to avoid back feeding from one alternator to another. Parallel Operation with Grid Running the DG set in parallel with the mains from the supply undertakings can be done in consultation with concerned electricity authorities. However, some supply undertakings ask the consumer to give an undertaking that the DG set will not be run in parallel with their supply. The reasons stated are that the grid is an infinite bus and paralleling a small capacity DG set would involve operational risks despite normal protections like reverse power relay, voltage and frequency relays. Maximum Single Load on DG Set The starting current of squirrel cage induction motors is as much as six times the rated current for a few seconds with direct-on-line starters. In practice, it has been found that the starting current value should not exceed 200 % of the full load capacity of the alternator. The voltage and frequency throughout the motor starting interval recovers and reaches rated values usually much before the motor has picked up full speed.
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9. DG Set System

In general, the HP of the largest motor that can be started with direct on line starting is about 50 % of the kVA rating of the generating set. On the other hand, the capacity of the induction motor can be increased, if the type of starting is changed over to star delta or to auto transformer starter, and with this starting the HP of the largest motor can be upto 75 % of the kVA of Genset. Unbalanced Load Effects It is always recommended to have the load as much balanced as possible, since unbalanced loads can cause heating of the alternator, which may result in unbalanced output voltages. The maximum unbalanced load between phases should not exceed 10 % of the capacity of the generating sets. Neutral Earthing The electricity rules clearly specify that two independent earths to the body and neutral should be provided to give adequate protection to the equipment in case of an earth fault, and also to drain away any leakage of potential from the equipment to the earth for safe working. Site Condition Effects on Performance Derating Site condition with respect to altitude, intake temperature and cooling water temperature derate diesel engine output as shown in following Tables: 9.2 and 9.3.


Correction Factors For Engine Output Altitude Correction Altitude Meters over MSL 610 915 1220 1525 1830 2130 2450 2750 3050 3660 4270 4880 Bureau of Energy Efficiency Non Super Charged 0.980 0.935 0.895 0.855 0.820 0.780 0.745 0.712 0.680 0.612 0.550 0.494 Super Charged 0.980 0.950 0.915 0.882 0.850 0.820 0.790 0.765 0.740 0.685 0.630 0.580 171 Temperature Correction Intake C 32 35 38 41 43 46 49 52 54 Correction Factor 1.000 0.986 0.974 0.962 0.950 0.937 0.925 0.913 0.900

9. DG Set System

Water Temperature C 25 30 35 40

Flow % 100 125 166 166

Derating % 0 3 5 8


Operational Factors

Load Pattern & DG Set Capacity The average load can be easily assessed by logging the current drawn at the main switchboard on an average day. The 'over load' has a different meaning when referred to the D.G. set. Overloads, which appear insignificant and harmless on electricity board supply, may become detrimental to a D.G.set, and hence overload on D.G.set should be carefully analysed. Diesel engines are designed for 10% overload for 1 hour in every 12 hours of operation. The A.C. generators are designed to meet 50% overload for 15 seconds as specified by standards. The D.G.set/s selection should be such that the overloads are within the above specified limits. It would be ideal to connect steady loads on DG set to ensure good performance. Alongside alternator loading, the engine loading in terms of kW or BHP, needs to be maintained above 50%. Ideally, the engine and alternator loading conditions are both to be achieved towards high efficiency. Engine manufacturers offer curves indicating % Engine Loading vs fuel Consumption in grams/BHP. Optimal engine loading corresponding to best operating point is desirable for energy efficiency. Alternators are sized for kVA rating with highest efficiency attainable at a loading of around 70% and more. Manufacturers curves can be referred to for best efficiency point and corresponding kW and kVA loading values. Sequencing of Loads The captive diesel generating set has certain limits in handling the transient loads. This applies to both kW (as reflected on the engine) and kVA (as reflected on the generator). In this context, the base load that exists before the application of transient load brings down the transient load handling capability, and in case of A.C. generators, it increases the transient voltage dip. Hence, great care is required in sequencing the load on D.G.set/s. It is advisable to start the load with highest transient kVA first followed by other loads in the descending order of the starting kVA. This will lead to optimum sizing and better utilisation of transient load handling capacity of D.G.set. Load Pattern In many cases, the load will not be constant throughout the day. If there is substantial variation in load, then consideration should be given for parallel operation of D.G.sets. In such a situation, additional D.G. set(s) are to be switched on when load increases. The typical case may be
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an establishment demanding substantially different powers in first, second and third shifts. By parallel operation, D.G. sets can be run at optimum operating points or near about, for optimum fuel consumption and additionally, flexibility is built into the system. This scheme can be also be applied where loads can be segregated as critical and non-critical loads to provide standby power to critical load in the captive power system. Load Characteristics Some of the load characteristics influence efficient use of D.G.set. These characteristics are entirely load dependent and cannot be controlled by the D.G.set. The extent of detrimental influence of these characteristics can be reduced in several cases. Power Factor: The load power factor is entirely dependent on the load. The A.C. generator is designed for the power factor of 0.8 lag as specified by standards. Lower power factor demands higher excitation currents and results in increased losses. Over sizing A.C. generators for operation at lower power factors results in lower operating efficiency and higher costs. The economical alternative is to provide power factor improvement capacitors. Unbalanced Load: Unbalanced loads on A.C. generator leads to unbalanced set of voltages and additional heating in A.C. generator. When other connected loads like motor loads are fed with unbalanced set of voltages additional losses occur in the motors as well. Hence, the load on the A.C. generators should be balanced as far as possible. Where single phase loads are predominant, consideration should be given for procuring single phase A.C. generator. Transient Loading: On many occasions to contain transient voltage dip arising due to transient load application, a specially designed generator may have to be selected. Many times an unstandard combination of engine and A.C. generator may have to be procured. Such a combination ensures that the prime mover is not unnecessarily over sized which adds to capital cost and running cost. Special Loads: Special loads like rectifier / thyristor loads, welding loads, furnace loads need an application check. The manufacturer of diesel engine and AC generator should be consulted for proper recommendation so that desired utilisation of DG set is achieved without any problem. In certain cases of loads, which are sensitive to voltage, frequency regulation, voltage wave form, consideration should be given to segregate the loads, and feed it by a dedicated power supply which usually assumes the form of DG motor driven generator set. Such an alternative ensures that special design of AC generator is restricted to that portion of the load which requires high purity rather than increasing the price of the D.G.set by specially designed AC generator for complete load.

Waste Heat Recovery in DG Sets A typical energy balance in a DG set indicates following break-up:
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9. DG Set System

Input Outputs

: :

100% 35% 4% 33% 24% 4%

Thermal Energy Electrical Output Alternator Losses Stack Loss through Flue Gases Coolant Losses Radiation Losses

Among these, stack losses through flue gases or the exhaust flue gas losses on account of existing flue gas temperature of 350C to 550C, constitute the major area of concern towards operational economy. It would be realistic to assess the Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) potential in relation to quantity, temperature margin, in kcals/Hour as: Potential WHR = (kWh Output/Hour) x (8 kg Gases / kWh Output) x 0.25 kcal/kgC x (tg 180C)

Where, tg is the gas temperature after Turbocharger, (the criteria being that limiting exit gas temperature cannot be less than 180C, to avoid acid dew point corrosion), 0.25 being the specific heat of flue gases and kWh output being the actual average unit generation from the set per hour. For a 1100 KVA set, at 800 KW loading, and with 480C exhaust gas temperature, the waste heat potential works out to: 800 kWh x 8 kg gas generation / kWh output x 0.25 kCal/kgC x (480 180), i.e., 4,80,000 kCal/hr While the above method yields only the potential for heat recovery, the actual realisable potential depends upon various factors and if applied judiciously, a well configured waste heat recovery system can tremendously boost the economics of captive DG power generation. The factors affecting Waste Heat Recovery from flue Gases are: a) b) c) * DG Set loading, temperature of exhaust gases Hours of operation and Back pressure on the DG set Consistent DG set loading (to over 60% of rating) would ensure a reasonable exit flue gas quantity and temperature. Fluctuations and gross under loading of DG set results in erratic flue gas quantity and temperature profile at entry to heat recovery unit, thereby leading to possible cold end corrosion and other problems.

100% Load 90% Load 70% Load 60% Load

11.84 kgs/Sec 10.80 kgs/Sec 9.08 kgs/Sec 7.50 kgs/Sec

370C 350C 330C 325C

If the normal load is 60%, the flue gas parameters for waste heat recovery unit would be 320C inlet temperature, 180C outlet temperature and 27180 kgs/Hour gas flow. At 90% loading, however, values would be 355C and 32,400 kgs/Hour, respectively Bureau of Energy Efficiency 174

9. DG Set System

Number of hours of operation of the DG Set has an influence on the thermal performance of waste heat Recovery unit. With continuous DG Set operations, cost benefits are favourable. Back pressure in the gas path caused by additional pressure drop in waste heat recovery unit is another key factor. Generally, the maximum back pressure allowed is around 250300 mmWC and the heat recovery unit should have a pressure drop lower than that. Choice of convective waste heat recovery systems with adequate heat transfer area are known to provide reliable service.

The configuration of heat recovery system and the choice of steam parameters can be judiciously selected with reference to the specific industry (site) requirements. Much good work has taken place in Indian Industry regarding waste heat recovery and one interesting configuration, deployed is installation of waste heat boiler in flue gas path along with a vapour absorption chiller, to produce 8C chilled water working on steam from waste heat. The favourable incentives offered by Government of India for energy efficient equipment and technologies (100% depreciation at the end of first year), make the waste heat recovery option. Payback period is only about 2 years

9.4 Energy Performance Assessment of DG Sets

Routine energy efficiency assessment of DG sets on shopfloor involves following typical steps: 1) Ensure reliability of all instruments used for trial. 2) Collect technical literature, characteristics, and specifications of the plant. 3) Conduct a 2 hour trial on the DG set, ensuring a steady load, wherein the following measurements are logged at 15 minutes intervals. a) Fuel consumption (by dip level or by flow meter) b) Amps, volts, PF, kW, kWh c) Intake air temperature, Relative Humidity (RH) d) Intake cooling water temperature e) Cylinder-wise exhaust temperature (as an indication of engine loading) f) Turbocharger RPM (as an indication of loading on engine) g) Charge air pressure (as an indication of engine loading) h) Cooling water temperature before and after charge air cooler (as an indication of cooler performance) i) Stack gas temperature before and after turbocharger (as an indication of turbocharger performance) 4) The fuel oil/diesel analysis is referred to from an oil company data. 5) Analysis: The trial data is to be analysed with respect to: a) Average alternator loading. b) Average engine loading. c) Percentage loading on alternator. d) Percentage loading on engine. e) Specific power generation kWh/liter. f) Comments on Turbocharger performance based on RPM and gas temperature difference. g) Comments on charge air cooler performance.
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h) Comments on load distribution among various cylinders (based on exhaust temperature, the temperature to be 5% of mean and high/low values indicate disturbed condition). i) Comments on housekeeping issues like drip leakages, insulation, vibrations, etc. A format as shown in the Table 9.5 is useful for monitoring the performance


DG Set No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Electricity Generating Capacity (Site), kW 480 480 292 200 200 200 292 292 292 292 292 292 400 400 880 400 400 880 800 800 880 920

Derated Electricity Generating Capacity, kW 300 300 230 160 160 160 230 230 230 230 230 230 320 320 750 320 320 750 640 640 750 800


Average Load as % of Derated Capacity 89 110 84 89 106

Specific Fuel Cons. Lit/kWh 0.335 0.334 0.356 0.325 0.338

Specific Lube Oil Cons. Lit/kWh 0.007 0.024 0.006 0.003 0.003

79 81 94 88 76 69 75 65 85 70 80 78 74 91 96 77

0.339 0.362 0.342 0.335 0.335 0.353 0.334 0.349 0.318 0.335 0.337 0.345 0.324 0.290 0.307 0.297

0.006 0.005 0.003 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.004 0.007 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002

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9. DG Set System

9.5 Energy Saving Measures for DG Sets

a) Ensure steady load conditions on the DG set, and provide cold, dust free air at intake (use of air washers for large sets, in case of dry, hot weather, can be considered). b) Improve air filtration. c) Ensure fuel oil storage, handling and preparation as per manufacturers' guidelines/oil company data. d) Consider fuel oil additives in case they benefit fuel oil properties for DG set usage. e) Calibrate fuel injection pumps frequently. f) Ensure compliance with maintenance checklist. g) Ensure steady load conditions, avoiding fluctuations, imbalance in phases, harmonic loads. h) In case of a base load operation, consider waste heat recovery system adoption for steam generation or refrigeration chiller unit incorporation. Even the Jacket Cooling Water is amenable for heat recovery, vapour absorption system adoption. i) In terms of fuel cost economy, consider partial use of biomass gas for generation. Ensure tar removal from the gas for improving availability of the engine in the long run. j) Consider parallel operation among the DG sets for improved loading and fuel economy thereof. k) Carryout regular field trials to monitor DG set performance, and maintenance planning as per requirements.

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9. DG Set System

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Explain the principle of a four stroke diesel engine. The efficiency of a Genset ranges between: a) 20 25% (b) 0 20% (c) 40 45% (d) 60 70% What are the components of a DG Set System? List briefly the salient developments in DG Plants. Connected load of a plant is 1200 kW and Diversity factor is 1.8. What is the desirable set rating with respect to 0.8 PF and the set load factor of 75%? What is the effect of altitude and intake air temperature on DG set output? What is the function of turbo charger in DG set? Draw a typical energy balance of a DG Set. How do you assess waste heat recovery potential in a DG set? What are the factors affecting waste heat recovery from DG sets? What is the role of an energy manager/auditor for energy efficiency in DG plants of an industrial unit? List the energy savings opportunities in an industrial DG set plant.

1. 2. 3. Proceedings of National Workshop on Efficient Captive Power Generation with Industrial DG Sets NPC Case Studies Wartsila-NSD Literature

Bureau of Energy Efficiency



Syllabus Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical Systems: Maximum demand controllers, Automatic power factor controllers, Energy efficient motors, Soft starters with energy saver, Variable speed drives, Energy efficient transformers, Electronic ballast, Occupancy sensors, Energy efficient lighting controls, Energy saving potential of each technology.

10.1. Maximum Demand Controllers

High-tension (HT) consumers have to pay a maximum demand charge in addition to the usual charge for the number of units consumed. This charge is usually based on the highest amount of power used during some period (say 30 minutes) during the metering month. The maximum demand charge often represents a large proportion of the total bill and may be based on only one isolated 30 minute episode of high power use. Considerable savings can be realised by monitoring power use and turning off or reducing non-essential loads during such periods of high power use. Maximum Demand Controller (See Figure10.1) is a device designed to meet the need of industries conscious of the value of load management. Alarm is sounded when demand approaches a preset value. If corrective action is not taken, the controller switches off non-essential loads in a logical sequence. This sequence is predetermined by the user and is programmed jointly by the user and the supplier of the device. The plant equipments selected for the load management are stopped Figure 10.1 Maximum Demand Controller and restarted as per the desired load profile. Demand control scheme is implemented by using suitable control contactors. Audio and visual annunciations could also be used.
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10. Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical System

10.2 Automatic Power Factor Controllers

Various types of automatic power factor controls are available with relay / microprocessor logic. Two of the most common controls are: Voltage Control and kVAr Control Voltage Control Voltage alone can be used as a source of intelligence when the switched capacitors are applied at point where the circuit voltage decreases as circuit load increases. Generally, where they are applied the voltage should decrease as circuit load increases and the drop in voltage should be around 4 5 % with increasing load. Voltage is the most common type of intelligence used in substation applications, when maintaining a particular voltage is of prime importance. This type of control is independent of load cycle. During light load time and low source voltage, this may give leading PF at the substation, which is to be taken note of. KILOVAR Control Kilovar sensitive controls (see Figure 10.2) are used at locations where the voltage level is closely regulated and not available as a control variable. The capacitors can be switched to respond to a decreasing power factor as a result of change in system loading. This type of control can also be used to avoid penalty on low power factor by adding capacitors in steps as the system power factor begins to lag behind the desired value. Kilovar control requires two inputs - current and voltage from the incoming feeder, which are fed to the PF correction mechanism, either the microprocessor or the relay.

Figure 10.2

Automatic Power Factor Control Relay It controls the power factor of the installation by giving signals to switch on or off power factor correction capacitors. Relay is the brain of control circuit and needs contactors of appropriate rating for switching on/off the capacitors. There is a built-in power factor transducer, which measures the power factor of the installation and converts it to a DC voltage of appropriate polarity. This is compared with a reference voltage, which can be set by means of a knob calibrated in terms of power factor.
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10. Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical System

When the power factor falls below setting, the capacitors are switched on in sequence. The relays are provided with First in First out (FIFO) and First in Last Out (FILO) sequence. The capacitors controlled by the relay must be of the same rating and they are switched on/off in linear sequence. To prevent over correction hunting, a dead band is provided. This setting determines the range of phase angle over which the relay does not respond; only when the PF goes beyond this range, the relay acts. When the load is low, the effect of the capacitors is more pronounced and may lead to hunting. Under current blocking (low current cut out) shuts off the relay, switching off all capacitors one by one in sequence, when load current is below setting. Special timing sequences ensure that capacitors are fully discharged before they are switched in. This avoids dangerous over voltage transient. The solid state indicating lamps (LEDS) display various functions that the operator should know and also and indicate each capacitor switching stage. Intelligent Power Factor Controller (IPFC) This controller determines the rating of capacitance connected in each step during the first hour of its operation and stores them in memory. Based on this measurement, the IPFC switches on the most appropriate steps, thus eliminating the hunting problems normally associated with capacitor switching.

10.3 Energy Efficient Motors

Minimising Watts Loss in Motors Improvements in motor efficiency can be achieved without compromising motor performance - at higher cost - within the limits of existing design and manufacturing technology. From the Table 10.1, it can be seen that any improvement in motor efficiency must result from reducing the Watts losses. In terms of the existing state of electric motor technology, a reduction in watts losses can be achieved in various ways. All of these changes to reduce motor losses are possible with existing motor design and manufacturing technology. Figure 10.3 Energy Efficient Motor They would, however, require additional materials and/or the use of higher quality materials and improved manufacturing processes resulting in increased motor cost. Simply Stated: REDUCED LOSSES = IMPROVED EFFICIENCY

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10. Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical System


Watts Loss Area 1. Iron

Efficiency Improvement Use of thinner gauge, lower loss core steel reduces eddy current losses. Longer core adds more steel to the design, which reduces losses due to lower operating flux densities. Use of more copper and larger conductors increases cross sectional area of stator windings. This lowers resistance (R) of the windings and reduces losses due to current flow (I). Use of larger rotor conductor bars increases size of cross section, lowering conductor resistance (R) and losses due to current flow (I). Use of low loss fan design reduces losses due to air movement. Use of optimised design and strict quality control procedures minimizes stray load losses.

2. Stator I2 R

3. Rotor I2 R 4. Friction & Windage 5. Stray Load Loss

Thus energy-efficient electric motors reduce energy losses through improved design, better materials, and improved manufacturing techniques. Replacing a motor may be justifiable solely on the electricity cost savings derived from an energy-efficient replacement. This is true if the motor runs continuously, power rates are high, the motor is oversized for the application, or its nominal efficiency has been reduced by damage or previous rewinds. Efficiency comparison for standard and high efficiency motors is shown in Figure 10.4 Technical aspects of Energy Efficient Motors

Figure 10.4 Efficiency Range for Standard and High Efficiency Motors

Energy-efficient motors last longer, and may require less maintenance. At lower temperatures, bearing grease lasts longer; required time between re-greasing increases. Lower temperatures translate to long lasting insulation. Generally, motor life doubles for each 10C reduction in operating temperature. Select energy-efficient motors with a 1.15 service factor, and design for operation at 85% of the rated motor load. Electrical power problems, especially poor incoming power quality can affect the operation of energy-efficient motors.
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Speed control is crucial in some applications. In polyphase induction motors, slip is a measure of motor winding losses. The lower the slip, the higher the efficiency. Less slippage in energy efficient motors results in speeds about 1% faster than in standard counterparts. Starting torque for efficient motors may be lower than for standard motors. Facility managers should be careful when applying efficient motors to high torque applications.

10.4 Soft Starter

When starting, AC Induction motor develops more torque than is required at full speed. This stress is transferred to the mechanical transmission system resulting in excessive wear and premature failure of chains, belts, gears, mechanical seals, etc. Additionally, rapid acceleration also has a massive impact on electricity supply charges with high inrush currents drawing +600% of the normal run current. The use of Star Delta only provides a partial solution to the problem. Should the motor slow down during the transition period, Figure 10.5 Soft Starter the high peaks can be repeated and can even exceed direct on line current. Soft starter (see Figure 10.5) provides a reliable and economical solution to these problems by delivering a controlled release of power to the motor, thereby providing smooth, stepless acceleration and deceleration. Motor life will be extended as damage to windings and bearings is reduced. Soft Start & Soft Stop is built into 3 phase units, providing controlled starting and stopping with a selection of ramp times and current limit settings to suit all applications (see Figure 10.6).

Figure 10.6 Soft Starter: Starting current, Stress profile during starting

Advantages of Soft Start Less mechanical stress Improved power factor. Lower maximum demand. Less mechanical maintenance

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10. Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical System

10.5 Variable Speed Drives

Speed Control of Induction Motors Induction motor is the workhorse of the industry. It is cheap rugged and provides high power to weight ratio. On account of high cost-implications and limitations of D.C. System, induction motors are preferred for variable speed application, the speed of which can be varied by changing the supply frequency. The speed can also be varied through a number of other means, including, varying the input voltage, varying the resistance of the rotor circuit, using multi speed windings, using Scherbius or Kramer drives, using mechanical means such as gears and pulleys and eddy-current or fluid coupling, or by using rotary or static voltage and frequency converters. Variable Frequency Drive The VFD operates on a simple principle. The rotational speed of an AC induction motor depends on the number of poles in that stator and the frequency of the applied AC power. Although the number of poles in an induction motor cannot be altered easily, variable speed can be achieved through a variation in frequency. The VFD rectifies standard 50 cycle AC line power to DC, then synthesizes the DC to a variable frequency AC output. Motors connected to VFD provide variable speed mechanical output with high efficiency. These devices are capable of up to a 9:1 speed reduction ratio (11 percent of full speed), and a 3:1 speed increase (300 percent of full speed). In recent years, the technology of AC variable frequency drives (VFD) has evolved into highly sophisticated digital microprocessor control, along with high switching frequency IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bi Polar Transistors) power devices. This has led to significantly advanced capabilities from the ease of programmability to expanded diagnostics. The two most significant benefits from the evolution in technology have been that of cost and reliability, in addition to the significant reduction in physical size. Variable Torque Vs. Constant Torque Variable speed drives, and the loads that are applied to, can generally be divided into two groups: constant torque and variable torque. The energy savings potential of variable torque applications is much greater than that of constant torque applications. Constant torque loads include vibrating conveyors, punch presses, rock crushers, machine tools, and other applications where the drive follows a constant V/Hz ratio. Variable torque loads include centrifugal pumps and fans, which make up the majority of HVAC applications. Why Variable Torque Loads Offer Greatest Energy Savings In variable torque applications, the torque required varies with the square of the speed, and the horsepower required varies with the cube of the speed, resulting in a large reduction of horsepower for even a small reduction in speed. The motor will consume only 25% as much energy at 50% speed than it will at 100% speed. This is referred to as the Affinity Laws, which define the relationships between speed, flow, torque, and horsepower. The following laws illustrates these relationships: Flow is proportional to speed Head is proportional to (speed)2
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Torque is proportional to (speed)2 Power is proportional to (speed)3 Tighter process control with variable speed drives No other AC motor control method compares to variable speed drives when it comes to accurate process control. Full-voltage (across the line) starters can only run the motor at full speed, and soft starts and reduced voltage soft starters can only gradually ramp the motor up to full speed, and back down to shutdown. Variable speed drives, on the other hand, can be programmed to run the motor at a precise speed, to stop at a precise position, or to apply a specific amount of torque. In fact, modern AC variable speed drives are very close to the DC drive in terms of fast torque response and speed accuracy. However, AC motors are much more reliable and affordable than DC motors, making them far more prevalent. Most drives used in the field utilize Volts/Hertz type control, which means they provide open-loop operation. These drives are unable to retrieve feedback from the process, but are sufficient for the majority of variable speed drive applications. Many open-loop variable speed drives do offer slip compensation though, which enables the drive to measure its output current and estimate the difference in actual speed and the set point (the programmed input value). The drive will then automatically adjust itself towards the set point based on this estimation. Most variable torque drives have Proportional Integral Differential (PID) capability for fan and pump applications, which allows the drive to hold the set point based on actual feedback from the process, rather than relying on estimation. A transducer or transmitter is used to detect process variables such as pressure levels, liquid flow rate, air flow rate, or liquid level. Then the signal is sent to a PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers), which communicates the feedback from the process to the drive. The variable speed drive uses this continual feedback to adjust itself to hold the set point. High levels of accuracy for other applications can also be achieved through drives that offer closed-loop operation. Closed-loop operation can be accomplished with either a field-oriented vector drive, or a sensor less vector drive. The field-oriented vector drive obtains process feedback from an encoder, which measures and transmits to the drive the speed and/or rate of the process, such as a conveyor, machine tool, or extruder. The drive then adjusts itself accordingly to sustain the programmed speed, rate, torque, and/or position. Extended equipment life and reduced maintenance Single-speed starting methods start motors abruptly, subjecting the motor to a high starting torque and to current surges that are up to 10 times the full-load current. Variable speed drives, on the other hand, gradually ramp the motor up to operating speed to lessen mechanical and electrical stress, reducing maintenance and repair costs, and extending the life of the motor and the driven equipment. Soft starts, or reduced-voltage soft starters (RVSS), are also able to step a motor up gradually, but drives can be programmed to ramp up the motor much more gradually and smoothly, and can operate the motor at less than full speed to decrease wear and tear. Variable speed drives can also run a motor in specialized patterns to further minimise mechanical and electriBureau of Energy Efficiency 185

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cal stress. For example, an S-curve pattern can be applied to a conveyor application for smoother control, which reduces the backlash that can occur when a conveyor is accelerating or decelerating. Typical full-load efficiencies are 95% and higher. High power units are still more efficient. The efficiency of VSDs generally decreases with speed but since the torque requirement also decreases with speed for many VSD applications, the absolute loss is often not very significant. The power factor of a VSD drops drastically with speed, but at low power requirement the absolute kVAr requirement is low, so the loss is also generally not significant. In a suitable operating environment, frequency controllers are relatively reliable and need little maintenance. A disadvantage of static converters is the generation of harmonics in the supply, which reduces motor efficiency and reduces motor output - in some cases it may necessitate using a motor with a higher rating. Eddy Current Drives This method employs an eddy-current clutch to vary the output speed. The clutch consists of a primary member coupled to the shaft of the motor and a freely revolving secondary member coupled to the load shaft. The secondary member is separately excited using a DC field winding. The motor starts with the load at rest and a DC excitation is provided to the secondary member, which induces eddy-currents in the primary member. The interaction of the fluxes produced by the two currents gives rise to a torque at the Figure 10.7 Eddy Current Drive load shaft. By varying the DC excitation the output speed can be varied to match the load requirements. The major disadvantage of this system is relatively poor efficiency particularly at low speeds. (see Figure 10.7) Slip Power Recovery Systems Slip power recovery is a more efficient alternative speed control mechanism for use with slipring motors. In essence, a slip power recovery system varies the rotor voltage to control speed, but instead of dissipating power through resistors, the excess power is collected from the slip rings and returned as mechanical power to the shaft or as electrical power back to the supply line. Because of the relatively sophisticated equipment needed, slip power recovery tends to be economical only in relatively high power applications and where the motor speed range is 1:5 or less. Fluid Coupling Fluid coupling is one way of applying varying speeds to the driven equipment, without changing the speed of the motor. Construction Fluid couplings (see Figure 10.8) work on the hydrodynamic principle. Inside every fluid coupling are two basic elements the impeller and the runner and together they conBureau of Energy Efficiency 186

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stitute the working circuit. One can imagine the impeller as a centrifugal pump and the runner as a turbine. The impeller and the rotor are bowl shaped and have large number of radial vanes. They are suitably enclosed in a casing, facing each other with an air gap. The impeller is connected to the prime mover while the rotor has a shaft bolted to it. This shaft is further connected to the driven equipment through a suitable arrangement. Thin mineral oil of low viscosity and goodlubricating qualities is filled in the fluid coupling from the filling plug provided on its body. A fusible plug is provided on the fluid coupling which blows off and drains out oil from the coupling in case of sustained overloading. Operating Principle There is no mechanical inter-connection between Figure 10.8 Fluid Coupling the impeller and the rotor and the power is transmitted by virtue of the fluid filled in the coupling. When the impeller is rotated by the prime mover, the fluid flows out radially and then axially under the action of centrifugal force. It then crosses the air gap to the runner and is directed towards the bowl axis and back to the impeller. To enable the fluid to flow from impeller to rotor it is essential that there is difference in head between the two and thus it is essential that there is difference in RPM known as slip between the two. Slip is an important and inherent characteristic of a fluid coupling resulting in several desired advantages. As the slip increases, more and more fluid can be transferred. However when the rotor is at a stand still, maximum fluid is transmitted from impeller to rotor and maximum torque is transmitted from the coupling. This maximum torque is the limiting torque. The fluid coupling also acts as a torque limiter. Characteristics Fluid coupling has a centrifugal characteristic during starting thus enabling no-load start up of prime mover, which is of great importance. The slipping characteristic of fluid coupling provides a wide range of choice of power transmission characteristics. By varying the quantity of oil filled in the fluid coupling, the normal torque transmitting capacity can be varied. The maximum torque or limiting torque of the fluid coupling can also be set to a pre-determined safe value by adjusting the oil filling. The fluid coupling has the same characteristics in both directions of rotation.

10.6 Energy Efficient Transformers

Most energy loss in dry-type transformers occurs through heat or vibration from the core. The new high-efficiency transformers minimise these losses. The conventional transformer is made up of a silicon alloyed iron (grain oriented) core. The iron loss of any transformer depends on
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the type of core used in the transformer. However the latest technology is to use amorphous material - a metallic glass alloy for the core (see Figure 10.9). The expected reduction in energy loss over conventional (Si Fe core) transformers is roughly around 70%, which is quite significant. By using an amorphous core- with unique physical and magnetic properties- these new type of transformers have increased efficiencies even at low loads 98.5% efficiency at 35% load. Electrical distribution transformers made with amorphous metal cores provide excellent opportunity to conserve energy right from the installation. Though these transformers are a little costlier than conventional iron core transformers, the overall benefit towards energy savings will compensate for the higher initial investment. At present amorphous metal core transformers are available up to 1600 kVA.
Figure 10.9 1600 kVA Amorphous Core Transformer

10.7 Electronic Ballast

Role of Ballast In an electric circuit the ballast acts as a stabilizer. Fluorescent lamp is an electric discharge lamp. The two electrodes are separated inside a tube with no apparent connection between them. When sufficient voltage is impressed on these electrodes, electrons are driven from one electrode and attracted to the other. The current flow takes place through an atmosphere of lowpressure mercury vapour. Since the fluorescent lamps cannot produce light by direct connection to the power source, they need an ancillary circuit and device to get started and remain illuminated. The auxillary circuit housed in a casing is known as ballast. Conventional Vs Electronic Ballasts The conventional ballasts make use of the kick caused by sudden physical disruption of current in an inductive circuit to produce the high voltage required for starting the lamp and then rely on reactive voltage drop in the ballast to reduce the voltage applied across the lamp. On account of the mechanical switch (starter) and low resistance of filament when cold the uncontrolled filament current, generally tend to go beyond the limits specified by Indian standard specifications. With high values of current and flux densities the operational losses and temperature rise are on the higher side in conventional choke.
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The high frequency electronic ballast overcomes the above drawbacks. The basic functions of electronic ballast are: 1. To ignite the lamp 2. To stabilize the gas discharge 3. To supply the power to the lamp The electronic ballasts (see Figure 10.10) make use of modern power semi-conductor devices for their operation. The circuit components form a tuned circuit to deliver power to the lamp at a high resonant frequency (in the vicinity of 25 kHz) and voltage is regulated through an inbuilt feedback mechanism. It is now well established that the fluorescent lamp efficiency in the kHz range is higher than those attainable at low frequencies. At lower frequencies (50 or 60 Hz) the electron density in the lamp is proportional to the instantaneous value of the current because the ionisation state in the tube is able to follow the Figure 10.10 Electronic Ballast instantaneous variations in the current. At higher frequencies (kHz range), the ionisation state cannot follow the instantaneous variations of the current and hence the ionisation density is approximately a constant, proportional to the RMS (Root Mean Square) value of the current. Another significant benefit resulting from this phenomenon is the absence of stroboscopic effect, thereby significantly improving the quality of light output. One of largest advantages of an electronic ballast is the enormous energy savings it provides. This is achieved in two ways. The first is its amazingly low internal core loss, quite unlike old fashioned magnetic ballasts. And second is increased light output due to the excitation of the lamp phosphors with high frequency. If the period of frequency of excitation is smaller than the light retention time constant for the gas in the lamp, the gas will stay ionized and, therefore, produce light continuously. This phenomenon along with continued persistence of the phosphors at high frequency will improve light output from 812 percent. This is possible only with high frequency electronic ballast.

10.8 Energy Efficient Lighting Controls

Occupancy Sensors Occupancy-linked control can be achieved using infra-red, acoustic, ultrasonic or microwave sensors, which detect either movement or noise in room spaces. These sensors switch lighting on when occupancy is detected, and off again after a set time period, when no occupancy movement detected. They are designed to override manual switches and to prevent a situation where lighting is left on in unoccupied spaces. With this type of system it is important to incorporate a built-in time delay, since occupants often remain still or quiet for short periods and do not appreciate being plunged into darkness if not constantly moving around.
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Timed Based Control Timed-turnoff switches are the least expensive type of automatic lighting control. In some cases, their low cost and ease of installation makes it desirable to use them where more efficient controls would be too expensive (see Figure 10.11). Types and Features The oldest and most common type of timed-turnoff switch is the "dial timer," a spring-wound mechanical timer that is set by twisting the knob to the desired time. Typical units of this type are vulnerable to damage because the shaft is weak and the knob is not securely attached to the shaft. Some spring-wound units make an annoying ticking sound as they operate. Newer types of timed-turnoff switches are completely electronic and Figure 10.11 Timed Turnoff Switch silent. Electronic switches can be made much more rugged than the spring-wound dial timer. These units typically have a spring-loaded toggle switch that turns on the circuit for a preset time interval. Some electronic models provide a choice of time intervals, which you select by adjusting a knob located behind the faceplate. Most models allow occupants to turn off the lights manually. Some models allow occupants to keep the lights on, overriding the timer. Timed-turnoff switches are available with a wide range of time spans. The choice of time span is a compromise. Shorter time spans waste less energy but increase the probability that the lights will turn off while someone is in the space. Dial timers allow the occupant to set the time span, but this is not likely to be done with a view toward optimising efficiency. For most applications, the best choice is an electronic unit that allows the engineering staff to set a fixed time interval behind the cover plate. Daylight Linked Control Photoelectric cells can be used either simply to switch lighting on and off, or for dimming. They may be mounted either externally or internally. It is however important to incorporate time delays into the control system to avoid repeated rapid switching caused, for example, by fast moving clouds. By using an internally mounted photoelectric dimming control system, it is possible to ensure that the sum of daylight and electric lighting always reaches the design level by sensing the total light in the controlled area and adjusting the output of the electric lighting accordingly. If daylight alone is able to meet the design requirements, then the electric lighting can be turned off. The energy saving potential of dimming control is greater than a simple photoelectric switching system. Dimming control is also more likely to be acceptable to room occupants. Localized Switching Localized switching should be used in applications which contain large spaces. Local switches give individual occupants control over their visual environment and also facilitate energy savings. By using localized switching it is possible to turn off artificial lighting in specific areas, while still operating it in other areas where it is required, a situation which is impossible if the lighting for an entire space is controlled from a single switch.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Explain how maximum demand control works. Explain the principle of automatic power factor controller . What are the advantages of energy efficient motors? What are the precautions to be taken in the case of energy efficient motor application ? Explain the working of a soft starter and its advantage over other conventional starters. Explain why centrifugal machines offers the greatest savings when used with Variable Speed Drives. Hydrodynamic principle for speed control is used in a) DC drives b) Fluid coupling c) Pulse width modulation d) Eddy Current Drive Typical loss in conventional magnetic chokes for a 40 W FTL is of the order of a) 8 Watts b) 14 Watts c) 20 Watts d) 6 Watts Which method uses infrared, acoustic, ultrasonic or microwave sensors for lighting control? a) Time-based control b) Daylight-linked control c) Occupancy-linked control d) Localized switching Slip Power Recovery system is used in a) All kinds of motors b) Synchronous motors d) None of the above c) Slip - Ring Induction motor


1. 2. Energy Management Supply and Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, 2002 Dr. Clive Beggs. Handbook of Energy Engineering, The Fairmont Press, INC. Albert Thumann & Paul Mehta.

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Electricity Optimise the tariff structure with utility supplier Schedule your operations to maintain a high load factor Shift loads to off-peak times if possible. Minimise maximum demand by tripping loads through a demand controller Stagger start-up times for equipment with large starting currents to minimize load peaking. Use standby electric generation equipment for on-peak high load periods. Correct power factor to at least 0.90 under rated load conditions. Relocate transformers close to main loads. Set transformer taps to optimum settings. Disconnect primary power to transformers that do not serve any active loads Consider on-site electric generation or cogeneration. Export power to grid if you have any surplus in your captive generation Check utility electric meter with your own meter. Shut off unnecessary computers, printers, and copiers at night.

Motors Properly size to the load for optimum efficiency. (High efficiency motors offer of 4 5% higher efficiency than standard motors) Use energy-efficient motors where economical. Use synchronous motors to improve power factor. Check alignment. Provide proper ventilation (For every 10C increase in motor operating temperature over recommended peak, the motor life is estimated to be halved) Check for under-voltage and over-voltage conditions. Balance the three-phase power supply. (An Imbalanced voltage can reduce 3 5% in motor input power) Demand efficiency restoration after motor rewinding. (If rewinding is not done properly, the efficiency can be reduced by 5 8%)

Drives Use variable-speed drives for large variable loads. Use high-efficiency gear sets. Use precision alignment. Check belt tension regularly. Eliminate variable-pitch pulleys. Use flat belts as alternatives to v-belts.

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Use synthetic lubricants for large gearboxes. Eliminate eddy current couplings. Shut them off when not needed.

Fans Use smooth, well-rounded air inlet cones for fan air intakes. Avoid poor flow distribution at the fan inlet. Minimize fan inlet and outlet obstructions. Clean screens, filters, and fan blades regularly. Use aerofoil-shaped fan blades. Minimize fan speed. Use low-slip or flat belts. Check belt tension regularly. Eliminate variable pitch pulleys. Use variable speed drives for large variable fan loads. Use energy-efficient motors for continuous or near-continuous operation Eliminate leaks in ductwork. Minimise bends in ductwork Turn fans off when not needed.

Blowers Use smooth, well-rounded air inlet ducts or cones for air intakes. Minimize blower inlet and outlet obstructions. Clean screens and filters regularly. Minimize blower speed. Use low-slip or no-slip belts. Check belt tension regularly. Eliminate variable pitch pulleys. Use variable speed drives for large variable blower loads. Use energy-efficient motors for continuous or near-continuous operation. Eliminate ductwork leaks. Turn blowers off when they are not needed.

Pumps Operate pumping near best efficiency point. Modify pumping to minimize throttling. Adapt to wide load variation with variable speed drives or sequenced control of smaller units. Stop running both pumps -- add an auto-start for an on-line spare or add a booster pump in the problem area. Use booster pumps for small loads requiring higher pressures. Increase fluid temperature differentials to reduce pumping rates. Repair seals and packing to minimize water waste.

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Balance the system to minimize flows and reduce pump power requirements. Use siphon effect to advantage: don't waste pumping head with a free-fall (gravity) return.

Compressors Consider variable speed drive for variable load on positive displacement compressors. Use a synthetic lubricant if the compressor manufacturer permits it. Be sure lubricating oil temperature is not too high (oil degradation and lowered viscosity) and not too low (condensation contamination). Change the oil filter regularly. Periodically inspect compressor intercoolers for proper functioning. Use waste heat from a very large compressor to power an absorption chiller or preheat process or utility feeds. Establish a compressor efficiency-maintenance program. Start with an energy audit and follow-up, then make a compressor efficiency-maintenance program a part of your continuous energy management program.

Compressed air Install a control system to coordinate multiple air compressors. Study part-load characteristics and cycling costs to determine the most-efficient mode for operating multiple air compressors. Avoid over sizing -- match the connected load. Load up modulation-controlled air compressors. (They use almost as much power at partial load as at full load.) Turn off the back-up air compressor until it is needed. Reduce air compressor discharge pressure to the lowest acceptable setting. (Reduction of 1 kg/cm2 air pressure (8 kg/cm2 to 7 kg/cm2) would result in 9% input power savings. This will also reduce compressed air leakage rates by 10%) Use the highest reasonable dryer dew point settings. Turn off refrigerated and heated air dryers when the air compressors are off. Use a control system to minimize heatless desiccant dryer purging. Minimize purges, leaks, excessive pressure drops, and condensation accumulation. (Compressed air leak from 1 mm hole size at 7 kg/cm2 pressure would mean power loss equivalent to 0.5 kW) Use drain controls instead of continuous air bleeds through the drains. Consider engine-driven or steam-driven air compression to reduce electrical demand charges. Replace standard v-belts with high-efficiency flat belts as the old v-belts wear out. Use a small air compressor when major production load is off. Take air compressor intake air from the coolest (but not air conditioned) location. (Every 5C reduction in intake air temperature would result in 1% reduction in compressor power consumption) Use an air-cooled aftercooler to heat building makeup air in winter. Be sure that heat exchangers are not fouled (e.g. -- with oil).

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Be sure that air/oil separators are not fouled. Monitor pressure drops across suction and discharge filters and clean or replace filters promptly upon alarm. Use a properly sized compressed air storage receiver. Minimize disposal costs by using lubricant that is fully demulsible and an effective oilwater separator. Consider alternatives to compressed air such as blowers for cooling, hydraulic rather than air cylinders, electric rather than air actuators, and electronic rather than pneumatic controls. Use nozzles or venturi-type devices rather than blowing with open compressed air lines. Check for leaking drain valves on compressed air filter/regulator sets. Certain rubber-type valves may leak continuously after they age and crack. In dusty environments, control packaging lines with high-intensity photocell units instead of standard units with continuous air purging of lenses and reflectors. Establish a compressed air efficiency-maintenance program. Start with an energy audit and follow-up, then make a compressed air efficiency-maintenance program a part of your continuous energy management program.

Chillers Increase the chilled water temperature set point if possible. Use the lowest temperature condenser water available that the chiller can handle. (Reducing condensing temperature by 5.5C, results in a 20 25% decrease in compressor power consumption) Increase the evaporator temperature (5.5C increase in evaporator temperature reduces compressor power consumption by 20 25%) Clean heat exchangers when fouled. (1 mm scale build-up on condenser tubes can increase energy consumption by 40%) Optimize condenser water flow rate and refrigerated water flow rate. Replace old chillers or compressors with new higher-efficiency models. Use water-cooled rather than air-cooled chiller condensers. Use energy-efficient motors for continuous or near-continuous operation. Specify appropriate fouling factors for condensers. Do not overcharge oil. Install a control system to coordinate multiple chillers. Study part-load characteristics and cycling costs to determine the most-efficient mode for operating multiple chillers. Run the chillers with the lowest operating costs to serve base load. Avoid oversizing -- match the connected load. Isolate off-line chillers and cooling towers. Establish a chiller efficiency-maintenance program. Start with an energy audit and followup, then make a chiller efficiency-maintenance program a part of your continuous energy management program.

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Checklist & Tips for Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities

HVAC (Heating / Ventilation / Air Conditioning) Tune up the HVAC control system. Consider installing a building automation system (BAS) or energy management system (EMS) or restoring an out-of-service one. Balance the system to minimize flows and reduce blower/fan/pump power requirements. Eliminate or reduce reheat whenever possible. Use appropriate HVAC thermostat setback. Use morning pre-cooling in summer and pre-heating in winter (i.e. -- before electrical peak hours). Use building thermal lag to minimize HVAC equipment operating time. In winter during unoccupied periods, allow temperatures to fall as low as possible without freezing water lines or damaging stored materials. In summer during unoccupied periods, allow temperatures to rise as high as possible without damaging stored materials. Improve control and utilization of outside air. Use air-to-air heat exchangers to reduce energy requirements for heating and cooling of outside air. Reduce HVAC system operating hours (e.g. -- night, weekend). Optimize ventilation. Ventilate only when necessary. To allow some areas to be shut down when unoccupied, install dedicated HVAC systems on continuous loads (e.g. -- computer rooms). Provide dedicated outside air supply to kitchens, cleaning rooms, combustion equipment, etc. to avoid excessive exhausting of conditioned air. Use evaporative cooling in dry climates. Reduce humidification or dehumidification during unoccupied periods. Use atomization rather than steam for humidification where possible. Clean HVAC unit coils periodically and comb mashed fins. Upgrade filter banks to reduce pressure drop and thus lower fan power requirements. Check HVAC filters on a schedule (at least monthly) and clean/change if appropriate. Check pneumatic controls air compressors for proper operation, cycling, and maintenance. Isolate air conditioned loading dock areas and cool storage areas using high-speed doors or clear PVC strip curtains. Install ceiling fans to minimize thermal stratification in high-bay areas. Relocate air diffusers to optimum heights in areas with high ceilings. Consider reducing ceiling heights. Eliminate obstructions in front of radiators, baseboard heaters, etc. Check reflectors on infrared heaters for cleanliness and proper beam direction. Use professionally-designed industrial ventilation hoods for dust and vapor control. Use local infrared heat for personnel rather than heating the entire area. Use spot cooling and heating (e.g. -- use ceiling fans for personnel rather than cooling the entire area). Purchase only high-efficiency models for HVAC window units. Put HVAC window units on timer control. Don't oversize cooling units. (Oversized units will "short cycle" which results in poor humidity control.)

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Checklist & Tips for Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities

Install multi-fueling capability and run with the cheapest fuel available at the time. Consider dedicated make-up air for exhaust hoods. (Why exhaust the air conditioning or heat if you don't need to?) Minimize HVAC fan speeds. Consider desiccant drying of outside air to reduce cooling requirements in humid climates. Consider ground source heat pumps. Seal leaky HVAC ductwork. Seal all leaks around coils. Repair loose or damaged flexible connections (including those under air handling units). Eliminate simultaneous heating and cooling during seasonal transition periods. Zone HVAC air and water systems to minimize energy use. Inspect, clean, lubricate, and adjust damper blades and linkages. Establish an HVAC efficiency-maintenance program. Start with an energy audit and follow-up, then make an HVAC efficiency-maintenance program a part of your continuous energy management program.

Refrigeration Use water-cooled condensers rather than air-cooled condensers. Challenge the need for refrigeration, particularly for old batch processes. Avoid oversizing -- match the connected load. Consider gas-powered refrigeration equipment to minimize electrical demand charges. Use "free cooling" to allow chiller shutdown in cold weather. Use refrigerated water loads in series if possible. Convert firewater or other tanks to thermal storage. Don't assume that the old way is still the best -- particularly for energy-intensive low temperature systems. Correct inappropriate brine or glycol concentration that adversely affects heat transfer and/or pumping energy. If it sweats, insulate it, but if it is corroding, replace it first. Make adjustments to minimize hot gas bypass operation. Inspect moisture/liquid indicators. Consider change of refrigerant type if it will improve efficiency. Check for correct refrigerant charge level. Inspect the purge for air and water leaks. Establish a refrigeration efficiency-maintenance program. Start with an energy audit and follow-up, then make a refrigeration efficiency-maintenance program a part of your continuous energy management program.

Cooling towers Control cooling tower fans based on leaving water temperatures. Control to the optimum water temperature as determined from cooling tower and chiller performance data. Use two-speed or variable-speed drives for cooling tower fan control if the fans are few. Stage the cooling tower fans with on-off control if there are many.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Checklist & Tips for Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities

Turn off unnecessary cooling tower fans when loads are reduced. Cover hot water basins (to minimize algae growth that contributes to fouling). Balance flow to cooling tower hot water basins. Periodically clean plugged cooling tower water distribution nozzles. Install new nozzles to obtain a more-uniform water pattern. Replace splash bars with self-extinguishing PVC cellular-film fill. On old counterflow cooling towers, replace old spray-type nozzles with new square-spray ABS practically-non-clogging nozzles. Replace slat-type drift eliminators with high-efficiency, low-pressure-drop, self-extinguishing, PVC cellular units. If possible, follow manufacturer's recommended clearances around cooling towers and relocate or modify structures, signs, fences, dumpsters, etc. that interfere with air intake or exhaust. Optimize cooling tower fan blade angle on a seasonal and/or load basis. Correct excessive and/or uneven fan blade tip clearance and poor fan balance. Use a velocity pressure recovery fan ring. Divert clean air-conditioned building exhaust to the cooling tower during hot weather. Re-line leaking cooling tower cold water basins. Check water overflow pipes for proper operating level. Optimize chemical use. Consider side stream water treatment. Restrict flows through large loads to design values. Shut off loads that are not in service. Take blowdown water from the return water header. Optimize blowdown flow rate. Automate blowdown to minimize it. Send blowdown to other uses (Remember, the blowdown does not have to be removed at the cooling tower. It can be removed anywhere in the piping system.) Implement a cooling tower winterization plan to minimize ice build-up. Install interlocks to prevent fan operation when there is no water flow. Establish a cooling tower efficiency-maintenance program. Start with an energy audit and follow-up, then make a cooling tower efficiency-maintenance program a part of your continuous energy management program.

Lighting Reduce excessive illumination levels to standard levels using switching, delamping, etc. (Know the electrical effects before doing delamping.) Aggressively control lighting with clock timers, delay timers, photocells, and/or occupancy sensors. Install efficient alternatives to incandescent lighting, mercury vapor lighting, etc. Efficiency (lumens/watt) of various technologies range from best to worst approximately as follows: low pressure sodium, high pressure sodium, metal halide, fluorescent, mercury vapor, incandescent. Select ballasts and lamps carefully with high power factor and long-term efficiency in mind.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Checklist & Tips for Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities

Upgrade obsolete fluorescent systems to Compact fluorescents and electronic ballasts Consider lowering the fixtures to enable using less of them. Consider daylighting, skylights, etc. Consider painting the walls a lighter color and using less lighting fixtures or lower wattages. Use task lighting and reduce background illumination. Re-evaluate exterior lighting strategy, type, and control. Control it aggressively. Change exit signs from incandescent to LED.

DG sets Optimise loading Use waste heat to generate steam/hot water /power an absorption chiller or preheat process or utility feeds. Use jacket and head cooling water for process needs Clean air filters regularly Insulate exhaust pipes to reduce DG set room temperatures Use cheaper heavy fuel oil for capacities more than 1MW

Buildings Seal exterior cracks/openings/gaps with caulk, gasketing, weatherstripping, etc. Consider new thermal doors, thermal windows, roofing insulation, etc. Install windbreaks near exterior doors. Replace single-pane glass with insulating glass. Consider covering some window and skylight areas with insulated wall panels inside the building. If visibility is not required but light is required, consider replacing exterior windows with insulated glass block. Consider tinted glass, reflective glass, coatings, awnings, overhangs, draperies, blinds, and shades for sunlit exterior windows. Use landscaping to advantage. Add vestibules or revolving doors to primary exterior personnel doors. Consider automatic doors, air curtains, strip doors, etc. at high-traffic passages between conditioned and non-conditioned spaces. Use self-closing doors if possible. Use intermediate doors in stairways and vertical passages to minimize building stack effect. Use dock seals at shipping and receiving doors. Bring cleaning personnel in during the working day or as soon after as possible to minimize lighting and HVAC costs.

Water & Wastewater Recycle water, particularly for uses with less-critical quality requirements. Recycle water, especially if sewer costs are based on water consumption. Balance closed systems to minimize flows and reduce pump power requirements. Eliminate once-through cooling with water. Use the least expensive type of water that will satisfy the requirement.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Checklist & Tips for Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities

Fix water leaks. Test for underground water leaks. (It's easy to do over a holiday shutdown.) Check water overflow pipes for proper operating level. Automate blowdown to minimize it. Provide proper tools for wash down -- especially self-closing nozzles. Install efficient irrigation. Reduce flows at water sampling stations. Eliminate continuous overflow at water tanks. Promptly repair leaking toilets and faucets. Use water restrictors on faucets, showers, etc. Use self-closing type faucets in restrooms. Use the lowest possible hot water temperature. Do not use a heating system hot water boiler to provide service hot water during the cooling season -- install a smaller, more-efficient system for the cooling season service hot water. If water must be heated electrically, consider accumulation in a large insulated storage tank to minimize heating at on-peak electric rates. Use multiple, distributed, small water heaters to minimize thermal losses in large piping systems. Use freeze protection valves rather than manual bleeding of lines. Consider leased and mobile water treatment systems, especially for deionized water. Seal sumps to prevent seepage inward from necessitating extra sump pump operation. Install pretreatment to reduce TOC and BOD surcharges. Verify the water meter readings. (You'd be amazed how long a meter reading can be estimated after the meter breaks or the meter pit fills with water!) Verify the sewer flows if the sewer bills are based on them

Miscellaneous Meter any unmetered utilities. Know what is normal efficient use. Track down causes of deviations. Shut down spare, idling, or unneeded equipment. Make sure that all of the utilities to redundant areas are turned off -- including utilities like compressed air and cooling water. Install automatic control to efficiently coordinate multiple air compressors, chillers, cooling tower cells, boilers, etc. Renegotiate utilities contracts to reflect current loads and variations. Consider buying utilities from neighbors, particularly to handle peaks. Leased space often has low-bid inefficient equipment. Consider upgrades if your lease will continue for several more years. Adjust fluid temperatures within acceptable limits to minimize undesirable heat transfer in long pipelines. Minimize use of flow bypasses and minimize bypass flow rates. Provide restriction orifices in purges (nitrogen, steam, etc.). Eliminate unnecessary flow measurement orifices. Consider alternatives to high pressure drops across valves. Turn off winter heat tracing that is on in summer.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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