B Tech 2012 v6

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B. Tech.

Operative from January 2013 for the students admitted in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012


(Approved in the 25th Senate Meeting held on 19th December 2012)

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli-15




B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10 B.11 B.12 B.13 B.14 B.15 B.16 B.17 B.18 B.19 B.20 B.21 B.22 B.23 B.24


3 3 3 5 5 5 8 9 11 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16

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B. Tech. Regulations


QUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION 1. Candidates for admission to the first year of the B.Tech. degree programmes shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examination (Academic stream) with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as three of the four subjects of study under Part III or any Examination recognized as equivalent. 2. The selection will be based on the ranking obtained by the candidate in the All India Engineering Entrance Examinations (AIEEE). 3. The Minimum marks required and the age limit as per the criteria prescribed by the admitting authority. 4. The duration of the programme for the Degree of Bachelor of Technology will be four academic years, with two semesters in each year. The duration of each semester will normally be 90 working days. However, a student may complete the programme at a slower pace by taking more time, but not more than eight years.


PROGRAMMES OF STUDY The following are the programmes of study offered 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering Instrumentation and Control Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Production Engineering


STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAMME (a)Every programme will have a curriculum with a syllabi consisting of theory, practical, project work, etc., as given below: (i) General Core Courses 1. Mathematics 2. Basic Sciences 3. Engineering Sciences 4. Humanities Programme core courses Engineering / Technology
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(iii) Elective courses of Engineering / Technology / Management Entrepreneurship / Business Communication and allied fields. (iv) Practice courses 1. Work shop Practice 2. Computer Practice 3. Engineering Graphics 4. Laboratory Practices (v) Project work (b) The curriculum in the first and second semester shall be common for all the B.Tech. programmes. (c) Each course is normally assigned a certain number of credits as follows: 1 credit per lecture period per week 1 credit per tutorial period per week 2 credits per 2 or 3 periods of laboratory practice per week 3 credits for comprehensive viva-voce examination 6 credits for project work

(d) The curriculum for any programme of study will be designed with total credits between 180-185. (e) At least five Elective courses will be offered during VI-VIII semesters. For the entire programme, a student will be permitted to take a maximum of 4 electives from allied and other Department elective courses (global electives). (f) INDUSTRIAL TRAINING The student should undergo industrial training for a minimum period of two months during 1st, 2nd or 3rd year vacation periods and submit a report on the training, to the Head of the Department. (g) NCC/ NSS/ NSO TRAINING NCC/ NSS/ NSO training is compulsory for all the Undergraduate students: 1. The activities will include Practical / field activities / Extension lectures. 2. The activities shall be carried out outside class hours. 3. The student participation shall be for a minimum period of 45 hours per semester during the first year. 4. The activities will be monitored by the respective faculty in charge and the First Year Coordinator. 5. Grades will be awarded on the basis of participation, attendance, performance and behavior. Grades shall be entered in the mark statement as given below : VERY GOOD, GOOD, SATISFACTORY and UNSATISFACTORY

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6. If a student gets an unsatisfactory Grade, he/she has to repeat the above activity in the subsequent years, along with the first year students. 7. The Grades awarded by the Faculty in-charge shall be entered in the 2nd Semester Mark Statement. 8. A student who has not completed the NCC / NSO / NSS requirements in first four Semesters will not be permitted to continue the B.Tech. Programme. B.4 REGISTRATION AND ENROLMENT

(a) Except for the first semester, registration for a semester will be done during a specified week before the end semester examination of the previous semester. Late registration / enrolment will be permitted with a fine of Rs. 250/- up to two weeks from the last date specified for registration. (b) A student will be eligible for enrolment only if he / she has cleared all the dues to the Institute, Hostel, Library and the NCC Unit up to the end of the previous semester, provided he is not debarred for enrolment by a disciplinary action of the Institute. (c) The registration sheet contains the course number, course name, number of credits and category for each course taken in that semester. The student makes the choice of courses in consultation with his Faculty Adviser. (d) The curriculum for any semester, except for the final semester will normally carry credits between 21 and 25. If a student finds his / her load heavy in any semester, or for any other valid reason, he / she may drop courses within three weeks of the commencement of the semester but before commencement of first cycle test with the written approval of his / her Faculty Adviser & Head of the department. B.5 FACULTY ADVISER To help the students in planning their courses of study and to render general advice regarding either the academic programme or any other activity, the Head of the Department concerned, will assign every year, a certain number of students from the first semester to a faculty member who will be called Faculty Adviser. The set of students thus assigned will continue to be under the guidance of this Faculty Adviser till they complete the programme. B.6 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE - TESTS AND EXAMINATIONS

(a) In each theory course and in the theory portion of each theory and practical combined course, the assessment pattern will be as follows: Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. Assessment 1 Cycle test 2nd Cycle test Assignments End semester Examination

Duration 1 hour 1 hour 3 hours

Marks 20 20 10 50

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Assignments shall be in the form of tutorial problems, small projects, quizzes, design problems etc. depending upon the subject content/s. The assignments will cover both the theory and the problems of the portion covered for the cycle test. (b) In each practical course and in the practical portion of each theory and practical combined course, the assessment pattern will be as follows : Assessment Continuous Assessment End semester Examination Marks 75 25

The assessment in laboratory course will be based on supervision of the student's work, their performance in viva-voce examinations and group discussions, the quality of their work as prescribed through laboratory manual and an end- semester test that contains an experiment and/or a written exam. (c) For the theory and practical combined courses, the percentage weightage between theory and practice will be based on the relative credits allotted for the theory (Lecture + Tutorial) and practice of that course. Information regarding the relative credits will be provided in the syllabus book of the respective programmes. (d) For design and drawing subjects, the duration of cycle test/ semester examination may be different from other theory subjects and it will be given in the respective curriculum. (e) Normally both question paper setting and valuation of answer papers for all the examinations shall be carried out by the teacher who has handled the course. However, the Director will have the discretion to appoint any other teacher or external examiner for setting question papers and valuing the answer scripts. (f) The project evaluation for the B.Tech. programme shall be carried out by a Project committee(PC) comprising, the Head of the Department or his/her nominee(Chairman), project coordinator (Professor/Associate Professor) and the project guide/s.

(i) The continuous assessment of the project work is as follows: Internal assessment Preliminary Review Review I Review II Marks 10 20 20 Schedule Two weeks from the commencement of the semester Along with first cycle test Along with second cycle test

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(ii) The mark distribution is as follows: Preliminary review: Identification of topic Description Review I Work progress Presentation Answer to queries Review II Completion of objectives Presentation Answer to queries : 5 marks : 5 marks : 10 marks : 5 marks : 5 marks : 10 marks : 5 marks : 5 marks

(iii)The final project viva voce shall be conducted by the PC along with an external examiner from IITs/IISc/NITs/CSIR Labs/Government Research Laboratories/Government and Government aided Institutions/Public sector undertaking. (iv) The Break-up of marks for the final project viva-voce is as follows: Project report Presentation Viva-Voce : 20 marks (10 marks External + 10 marks PC) : 10 marks (5 marks External + 5 marks PC) : 20 marks (10 marks External + 10 marks PC)

(g) COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION The comprehensive viva voce course normally offered in the 7th semester, shall have two written tests of 25 marks each. The final examination and viva-voce shall have 25 marks each. The examination will be of objective type similar to the GATE examination. A department committee comprising the Head of the Department or his/her nominee and two senior faculty members of the department shall conduct the tests and examinations. The Viva-voce examination will be conducted by a panel of examiners consisting of the department committee and one external expert preferably from the Industry.

(h) Re-Test Students who have missed the first or second cycle test can register with the consent of faculty and HOD concerned for the Re-Test examination which shall be conducted soon after the completion of the second cycle test. The students who need to appear for the ReTest should register at the office of the Dean - Academic and the examination shall be conducted by the concerned member of the faculty before the regular semester examinations. The Re-Test examination shall be conducted for 20 marks comprising the syllabus of both
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first and second cycle tests. (i) SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS 1. Students who have failed in the semester examinations with F grade & Z grade and those completed mandatory classes shall take supplementary examinations. Supplementary examinations shall be conducted along with the regular examinations or immediately after the completion of the regular examinations or at the end of each semester (during vacation). 2. Grading and passing minimum marks for supplementary examinations shall be done on par with the immediate regular examinations conducted previously. 3. Students who have got an F grade may also join/register for the regular classes if they wish to undergo a course before taking up the supplementary examination. 4. Students who have more than six F grades at the end of each academic year (odd and even semesters put together) should join the programme after satisfying the requirement ( number of F Grades less than or equal to 6).



(a) CONSTITUTION OF THE CLASS COMMITTEE For all the branches of study during the first semester, a common class committee will be constituted by the Dean (Academic) and for other semesters, separate class committees will be constituted by the respective Heads of Departments, as given below: THE FIRST YEAR CLASS COMMITTEE Chairman: A Professor, preferably not teaching the first year class. Members 1. Course coordinators of each lecture based course. 2. One student member from each section to be nominated by the First Year Coordinator. III TO VIII SEMESTER CLASS COMMITTEES Chairman: One of the senior faculty of the department concerned preferably, not associated with the teaching of that class, to be nominated by the Head of the Department concerned. Members 1. Faculty of all the courses of study 2. Four student members from the class concerned to be nominated by the Head of the Department concerned. (b) FUNCTIONS OF THE CLASS COMMITTEE
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The class committee shall meet thrice during the semester. The first meeting will be held within two weeks from the date of commencement of the semester in which the nature of the cycle tests as well as broad assessment procedure for the different tests and practical courses will be discussed. The second and third meetings will be held two weeks after the first and second cycle tests respectively to meaningfully interact and express opinions and suggestions to improve the effectiveness of teaching - learning process and analyze the performance of the students in the cycle tests. The chairman of the class committee should send the minutes of the class committee meetings to the Dean (Academic) through the Head of the Department, immediately after the class committee meetings.


ELIGIBILITY FOR APPEARING IN SEMESTER EXAMINATION 100% attendance is desirable for a student to appear for the end semester examination in a course of any semester, provided there is no adverse reports regarding his/her conduct by the Head of the Department.

B.8.1. The minimum attendance for appearing for the semester examination is 75% in each subject. Those students, whose attendance falls below 75% but above 50% in a subject, shall attend mandatory classes after the semester examinations of the current session. Only those students who have completed the mandatory classes will be eligible for condonation and be permitted to appear for supplementary examination. A certificate from the concerned faculty member regarding successful completion of mandatory classes by the student has to be sent to the Dean (Academic), for the student to become eligible for appearing for supplementary examination. However the mandatory classes requirement can be relaxed for students for the following reasons. undergoing internship in foreign countries with prior permission, if the internship is approved officially. However, the maximum period of such extension is limited to 10 working days. Participating in the Institute approved extra-curricular activities such as Sports, Games, Cultural meets, Seminar, Workshop, Conference with prior permission. The maximum period for such events is limited to 10 days. Prolonged illness and/or hospitalization and admitted to hospital with appropriate medical certificate with an endorsement from the institute medical officer to the HoD, on the date of rejoining classes after the illness.

B.8.2. Students who have less than 50% of attendance have to rejoin the programme after a year along with the next batch and undergo the courses for which the attendance was less than 50% earlier.

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Condonation of Attendance: Every student is expected to put in 100% attendance. The minimum attendance requirement is 75%. For cases of casual absenteeism, no condonation of attendance is permissible. If a student has less than 75% attendance, he/she should be assigned W grade in that subject along with P as the attendance code. The percentage of attendance in a subject shall be computed as: (a) For calculation of attendance in normal cases:
Percentage of Attendance Actual no. of classes attended X 100 Total no. of classes held till date of compilation of attendance

This should be 75% for the student to appear for semester examinations. Such cases will not come under the purview of condonation of attendance. (b) For calculation of attendance in case of prolonged illness and/or hospitalization with medical certificate:
Percentage of Attendance Actual no. of classes attended X 100 (Total no. of classes held till date of compilation of attendance No. of classes held during the days of prolonged illness and or hospitalization )

This should be 75% for condonation. Under any case, a student should have more than 50% attendance calculated as per (B.8.2.a) above to be eligible for condonation and for appearing in semester examination.

The percentage of attendance is calculated up to 3 days before the last working day in the respective semester, and the percentage will be indicated by a code number / letter as follows: Attendance Rounded to 91 100 % 85 90 % 84 75 % 74 50 % < 50 % Remarks Very Good Good Marginal Poor Very Poor Code VG G M P VP

B.8.3 The students of VII and VIII semesters have the requirements for attending campus recruitment, projects, extra-curricular activities etc. In view of this, their attendance for the above will be considered as OD.

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WITHDRAWAL FROM EXAMINATION A student may, for valid reasons and on the recommendation of the First Year Coordinator / Head of the Department and with the approval of the Dean (Academic) be permitted to withdraw from appearing for the entire Semester Examination, as one unit. Withdrawal application shall be valid only if it is made before the commencement of the last examination pertaining to the semester. Such withdrawal shall be permitted only once during the entire programme and shall not be construed as an appearance for the eligibility of a student for the award of classification (Rule B.18). If a student falls sick in the middle of the Semester Examinations, he/she can withdraw from one or more subjects on production of valid medical certificate.


TEMPORARY BREAK OF STUDY FROM THE PROGRAMME A student may be permitted by the Dean (Academic) to withdraw from the programme for one year for reasons of ill-health or other valid reasons on the recommendation of Head of the Department. Such a student on rejoining will be governed by the rules under section B.13.


PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS COMMITTEE (PAC) The Performance Analysis Committee will consist of the same members as the class committee but including the Head of the Department and excluding the student members. The meeting of the PAC is to be held within seven days from the last day of the end semester examinations to analyze the performance of the students in all courses of study and finalize the grade ranges for each course and forward the statement of grades to the Dean (Academic) immediately, through the Head of the Department. The PAC, by collective wisdom, should ensure that the clustering / grading / pass-fail decisions have been reasonably balanced. The attendance registers of all the courses along with all the cycle test marks, assignment marks, end-semester marks, grades and grade-ranges entered in the register are also to be sent to the Dean (Academic) immediately through the Head of the Department. The Dean (Academic) shall go through the statement of grades (and the attendance register). In case of any problem that cannot be set right by the Dean (academic), the Chairman (Senate) is authorized to take appropriate action in this regard. The finalized list shall then be conveyed to the Chairperson, PAC. It is proposed that the Chairperson, PAC will then arrange to display a copy of the statement of grades in the departmental notice board. It is expected that the results could be displayed within a day from the date of the finalization of the grades. Finalization of grades for supplementary examinations shall be made by the HOD and the faculty member concerned. The results of which shall also be arranged to be displayed on the department notice board.

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a) The Institute follows relative grading with flexibility given to teachers to decide the mark ranges for grades. All assessment of a course will be done on the basis of marks. b) Teachers can adopt any one of the following methods to decide the clusters (range) of the total marks(cycle tests, assignment and semester examination put together for each student) scored for grading: i. Gap theory ii. Normalized curve iii. z-score c) The passing minimum should be

X X or max , whichever is less Where X is the 2 3 mean of the class and X max is the maximum mark in the class.

d) For B.Tech. Laboratory courses, B.Tech. Project work and Branch specific course (I year), there is no limitation on the number of students falling in a particular grade (especially S and A). However, in general, the S grade is restricted to 15% of the total number of students registered for the course. e) The grading structure adopted by the teacher for the course handled by him/her, is subject to the scrutiny of the PAC and subsequently the Senate. f) Any issues related to Grading will be decided by the Dean (Academic), in consultation with the Chairman of the Senate. i. The Performance Analysis Committee, which shall meet within seven days after the completion of all examinations, shall analyze the relative cumulative performance of students in all examinations (continuous and end-semester) of a course and finalize the letter grade ranges for the course. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points are as follows: Letter S A 9 B 8 C 7 D 6 E 5 F 0 U V W Z - -


Grade (GP) 10

Students scoring less than the passing minimum (as per B.12.c) marks shall be deemed to have failed and be given 'F' grade. The letter grade 'U' indicates prevention from appearing for Semester Examination due to shortage of attendance (50 - 74%), V indicates prevention due to lack of attendance (< 50%), 'W' indicates the authorized withdrawal (Regulation B.9) and Z grade shall be awarded if the student
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absents for the semester/supplementary examination. A student having U grade need not redo the course, but can appear in the supplementary examination in the following semester after attending mandatory classes. However, a student having V grade (i.e. with attendance of < 50 %) shall necessarily redo the course, when it is offered again. The U/V grade once awarded stays in the record of the student and is deleted when he/she completes the course later, indicating also the number of attempts made in that course. The CGPA will be accordingly revised deleting the 'U/V' in the earlier attempts in that course. The grade acquired by the student later will be indicated in the grade card of the appropriate semester. Students with Z grade shall appear for supplementary examination as and when conducted. iii. B.13 A student who earns a minimum of 5 grade points in a course is declared to have successfully completed the course.


a) A student proceeding to the III Semester should satisfy the following condition: To move to the third semester, a student should have earned a minimum of 12 credits in the first semester. Otherwise, the student has to join only in the first year. However, after satisfying this stipulated condition such students will be permitted to rejoin the Institute at the beginning of the third Semester in a latter year along with the regular students. b) Students who have more than six F grades at the end of each academic year (odd and even semesters put together) should join the programme only after satisfying the requirement ( number of F Grades should be less than or equal to 6). c) A student who is permitted to discontinue may rejoin the course at the appropriate semester only along with the regular students at the time of normal commencement of that semester. d) A student who discontinues and rejoins shall be governed by the rules, regulations, courses of study and syllabus in force, at the time of his/her rejoining the course. B.14 REVALUATION OF ANSWER PAPERS Students can look at the valued answer scripts of the semester/supplementary examinations (not laboratory examinations) and can get it retotalled/revalued by the faculty concerned and can change the grades, if necessary. The teacher may re-examine the case and forward a revised grade, to the Dean (Academic) through the Head of the Department and the Chairman, performance analysis committee, if such a necessity arises. However, if there is any genuine grievance in the valuation of an examination answer script(s), which is not settled by the Faculty in charge of the subject / Head of the Department, the following procedure may be adopted. The student can send a letter to the Dean (Academic) without revealing his identity, clearly mentioning the subject, date of examination, name of the teacher and the nature of the grievance. The Dean (Academic)
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after verifying the genuiness of the grievance can recommend to the Chairman of the Senate for appropriate remedial measures. The entire revaluation process has to be completed within four weeks from the date of publication of results or 2 weeks after reopening of the institution, whichever is later. Any request by the students after this period will not be considered.

B.15 COURSE REPETITION A student earned V grade in a core course has to repeat it compulsorily when the course is offered in a subsequent semester. A student securing F or W grade in an elective course, may change the elective course or repeat it if he so desires to get a successful grade. A course successfully completed cannot be repeated. B.16 GRADE CARDS

a) After the results are declared, Grade Cards will be issued to each student which will contain the list of courses for that semester and the grades obtained by the student. b) The Grade Point Average (GPA) for each semester will be calculated only for those students who have passed all the subjects of that semester. Similarly Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) upto any semester will be calculated only for those students who have passed all the subjects up to that semester. GPA is the ratio of the sum of the products of the number of credits of a course (Ci) and the grade points scored in that course (GPi), taken for all the courses, to the sum of the number of credits of all the courses (n) in the semester.

where n is the number of courses in that semester. c) On successful completion of the programme, the CGPA will be calculated as follows:

where Ci is the credit and GPi is the grade point obtained by the student and N is the total number of courses for the entire programme.



After successful completion of the programme, degree will be awarded as per the following classifications based on the CGPA. 1. Students who successfully complete the programme within eight consecutive semesters getting a CGPA of 8.5 and above, passing all the courses in the first appearance will be
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declared to have passed in first class with distinction. For this purpose, withdrawal from examination (vide regulation B.9) and authorized break of study (vide regulation B.10) will not be counted. Students who get a CGPA of 6.5 and above, but below 8.5 and who complete the course within 9 semesters plus authorized break, (vide regulation B.10) will be declared to have passed in first class. Students who get a CGPA of below 6.5 and who complete the course within the maximum prescribed period after joining the Institute will be declared to have passed in second class.

B.18 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF GRADES A student should have appeared for the semester examination in any particular subject (mere appearance for the continuous assessment tests is not sufficient) to be eligible for the award of the grade in the subject. At the end of the programme, all successful students (vide regulation B.19) will be furnished with a consolidated statement of grades which will contain the following particulars: 1. Grades in the subjects of all the semesters 2. CGPA 3. Classification (First class with Distinction / First class / Second class (vide regulation B.17) B.19 ELIGIBILITY FOR THE DEGREE

A student shall be eligible for the award of the degree of the Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) only if the student: 1. has undergone the prescribed programme of study by earning the minimum total number of credits specified in the curriculum of the relevant programme of study within a maximum duration of 8 years. 2. has no dues to the Institution, Library, Hostels, etc. 3. has no disciplinary action pending against him/her. B.20 ATTENDANCE, DISCIPLINARY & GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE

This Committee is constituted for the smooth functioning of the various autonomous Under-graduate Programmes of the Institute and it consists of the following members: Dean (Academic) Convener Dean (Students) Member Respective Head of the Department / First Year Coordinator Member This Committee will be looking into 1. The matters relating to condonation of attendance shortages of students. 2. All grievances and disciplinary problems of the students relating to malpractices in tests and end-semester examinations etc. The Committee will meet as and when necessary and send the recommendations to the Senate for consideration / ratification / approval.
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RAGGING Ragging is a Criminal and Non-bailable offence, punished by dismissal from the Institute, fine of Rs 10,000/- and imprisonment upto two years.


DRESS CODE Boys : All the boy students should come with formal dress to the class rooms & computer labs, preferably full pant and shirt. Wearing T-shirts and other informal dresses in the class rooms is strictly prohibited. Girls : All the girl students should come with formal dress to the class rooms & computer labs, in saree or churidhar with dupatta. Wearing T-shirts and other informal dresses in the class rooms & labs are strictly prohibited.


REVISION OF REGULATIONS AND CURRICULUM The Senate may from time to time revise, amend or alter the regulations, courses of study and syllabus as and when found necessary. Any other relevant rules needing urgent revisions can be framed and implemented by the Director/Chairman of the Senate and ratified in the subsequent Senate meeting. In case of difference of opinion regarding the interpretation of any of the regulations, the decision of the chairman of the Senate shall be final.


POWER TO MODIFY Notwithstanding all that has been stated above, the Senate has the right to modify any of the above rules and regulations from time to time.

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