Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 2 English Verses CH 4

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Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The world

In EnglishVerses


The Cosmic Manifestation

Chapter 4: The Process of Creation

Chapter 4

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 2.Chapter 4

Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead !

Chapter 4: The Process of Creation SB 2.4.1

"Suta Said, Realizing what Suka said about soul- realization did he, son of Uttara, sat in Lord Krishnas deep Meditation

SB 2.4.2

Thus , in relation to his body,he thus gave up his deep-rooted and constant possessiveness, in his undisputed kingdom, his wife, his son, his treasury and all his relatives and friends

SB 2.4.3-4
That great soul inquired of this exactly the way you are asking me, oh great sages. Foreseeing death, he renounced his fruitive activity according to the three principles For self-realization by renouncing all of his ritual, material and sense-driven acts and surrendering fully and thus firmly fixing his mind on ,Sri Hari, Lord of Lords

SB 2.4.5
Parikshit said: 'What you said is perfectly right, oh learnt one; untainted, having full hold on knowledge and make the darkness of mind disappear by your discourses on the Lord.

SB 2.4.6

Further, would I like to learn how the Supreme Lord by His personal energies creates this phenomenal world that is a mystery for ages even for the sages renowned

SB 2.4.7
Also tell me how the Lord maintains His energies and ,winds them up again, how He as the all-powerful Absolute arrives at His expansions, involves them and being involved , presents them and causes them to act on and on like waves of the seas

SB 2.4.8
In spite of their endeavors for His sake, even the highly learned dear brahmin, fall short, in explaining the divine, acts of the Lord.

SB 2.4.9
Even though acting through His different incarnations, He is the One Absolute, In different modes, as the material energy or as the many forms he executes.

SB 2.4.10
Kindly clarify these, since you, being as good as the Supreme Lord, Following the vedic oral tradition full realization transcendent "

SB 2.4.11
Suta said: "Upon thus being requested by king Parikshit to describe fully the divinities of Lord Krishna , Suka, readying to reply, started methodically.

SB 2.4.12

My obeisances again to the Munificent Lord who relieves the distress of devotees, and end completely the further sufferings of divine seekers in various stages of salvation ,granting them specific goals of progress SB 2.4.13
Again my obeisances to Him who frees the truthful ones from the distressing controversies of untruth- followers , to Him in the form of pure goodness, granting blessings sought by those in the highest stage of liberated bliss

SB 2.4.14
Unto the great scion of the Yadu dynasty, again my obeisances who, keeping far from mundane wrangling, vanquishes the faithless I bow to Him who is of the same greatness in enjoying the opulences as in enjoying the sky in His own abode vaikuntha of the heavens .

SB 2.4.15 Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the all-auspicious Lord Sri Krishna about whom glorification, remembrances, audience, prayers, hearing and worship can at once cleanse the effects of all sins of the performer,whatever his life-status. SB 2.4.16.
Luminaries who surrender at His lotus feet, giving up all attachments to existence, present or future, realize without difficulty the progress in their heart and the soul towards a liberated spiritual existence. Unto that renowned all-auspiciousness,again n again, my obeisances !

SB 2.4.17.
The great sages, the great performers of charity, the most distinguished ever, the great thinkers, the great mantra chanters and the strict followers will never attain tangible goals when they are not dedicated to Him; I offer my obeisances again n again to Him ,the Absolute, about whom to hear itself is so auspicious.

SB 2.4.18. , huna, of Northern Europe ,Yavana of Greece and the Turks khasa adavaha ,the Mongolian province and more , at once
The people of old Bharata get purified when they take to the shelter at His Lotus feet as the Lords devotees Him, the powerful Lord Vishnu reigning the world I offer my respectful obeisances.

SB 2.4.19.
He is the personification of the Vedas and the soul and Lord of the self-realized ones, , May the Supreme Lord, He who is held in awe by those who in their transcendence are free from all pretension and , Lord S'iva and others always pour on me their grace.

SB 2.4.20.
May He, the Lord of all the devotees, owner of all opulence, the director of all sacrifices, the leader of all living entities, the master of the intelligent ones, the ruler of all the worlds, the supreme head of this universe and the destination and solace among the Yadu kings of the Satvatas, the Andhakas and the Vrishnis, Our Protector for ever!Be merciful with us !.

SB 2.4.21
It is said that thinking each moment of His Lotus feet and as absorbed in it thus, when one follows the rituals , when it purifies and when true knowledge results lighting the ultimate reality of the soul ,and making , as described by the scholars, Him to their liking. Oh Mukunda, my Lord, may Your grace be with me always.

SB 2.4.22
May He who strengthened the Lord of creation Brahma with image of Self in his heart and about his origin and who from the primal age inspired the Goddess of Learning appearing from Brahmas visage may He , the Teacher of Teachers, be pleased to relieve lifes umbrage .

SB 2.4.23
He who lies down within the material creation and empowers all these bodies made of the l elements while He as the Purusha ,the original person, causes all to be subjected to the modes of nature with her sixteen consciousness types, as in elements of earth, water, fire, air, ether, the five organs of action n senses may that Supreme Lord give strength ,purity and holiness to all my statements.

SB 2.4.24
My obeisances unto him, the great expansion of Vasudeva who is the compiler of the Vedic literatures ,as Vyasadeva from whose lotus lips his adherents drank the nectar of veda.

SB 2.4.25
The first created being Brahma, my dear king, did impart, on the request of Narada, from inside Vyasas mind, adept the Vedic knowledge as it was spoken from the Lords heart "


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