English Grammar Tables For Brazilian Students: Present Perfect Tense

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English Grammar Tables for Brazilian students

Present perfect tense Form: have (present) + main verb (past participle) I have seen good films this year. Affirmative form Have you seen good films this year? Interrogative form We have not seen good films this year. Negative form Usos: Expressar aes ou circunstncias que comearam no passado e continuam no presente. Nesse caso, o present perfect tense bastante usado com preposies for e since. (Always, recently, ever, never, already, yet... We have worked at this company for a long time. Expressar aes ou eventos ocorridos no passado e completamente terminados, mas que tenham importncia para o presente. Mary has read to Jim. He is feeling better now. Present perfect progressive tense Form: have (present) + been + main verb + -ing We have been working here since last year. She has been living in Brazil for five years. Uso: Expressar uma ao que comeou no passado e continua at o presente. usado no lugar do present perfect para enfatizar a ideia de continuidade. What have Mike been doing recently? Mike has been teaching English recently. Who have you been working with? I have been working with those ladies. How long have they been listening to music? They have been listening to music for one hour.

English Grammar Tables for Brazilian students

Past perfect tense Form: have (past) + main verb (past participle) We had seen him before he saw us. Had we seen him before he saw us? We had not seen him before he saw us. Uso: Expressar uma ao passada, ocorrida antes de outra ao, tambm passada. My girlfriend and I were on our way to a party last night when our car broke down. It took us about two hours to repair the car and to get to the party. When we got to the party All of our friends had arrived, people had started to dance, they had eaten, they had started to drink, and some of our friends had left. Past perfect progressive tense Form: have (past) + been + main verb + -ing I had been talking to him for hours. Had I been talking to him for hours? I had not been talking to him for hours. Uso: Expressar, de modo enftico, uma ao contnua no passado, ocorrida antes de outra ao, tambm no passado. Diana was happy because she had been dancing with Joe all night. Stacy was better this morning because she had been running in the park for some time. Sarah and her friends had been swimming for a long time before I joined them. My son had been playing with your children for two hours when you came in. How long had you been walking before we met? I had been walking for about twenty minutes before we met.

English Grammar Tables for Brazilian students

Useful expressions: Never mind = dont worry about it Have a good time = Enjoy yourself I take it for granted = I treat it as unimportant Youre driving me crazy = youre getting on my nerves Youre out of line = youre behaving badly Stick around = Stay a little bit more Its up to you = It depends on your decision Im pulling your leg = Im joking Keep your fingers crossed for me = Wish me luck *I was born in September / on September 5th Preposies de lugar e direo Com cidades, estados e pases: He Works in Curitiba. She studies in Texas. He lives in the United States. (The United States is always used with THE) Com endereos incompletes: Betty lives on Madison Avenue. Com endereos completes: Betty lives at 456 Madison Avenue. In= para dentro (Sem complemento) Come in! Entre! Into = para dentro (Com complemento) Come into the room.

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