Bridgend College PT 2013 14

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Principals Welcome


A warm welcome to our Part-time prospectus for the 2013/14 academic year . In the current economic climate, many thousands of people are engaging in lifelong learning to support their long term career progression or to develop their personal interests. Whether you wish to up-skill for your next career step or wish to return to learning after some time away from education, Bridgend College is here to support you. Each year, around 12,000 students engage in learning at the College. We know that adult learners have busy lives and have to balance various demands on their time including employment patterns and caring responsibilities. Bridgend College offers a range of study routes to help you reach your goals. In this prospectus, you will find that Bridgend College also offer a range of courses from taster courses to Higher Education programmes. Our Higher Education partners include the University of South Wales and Cardiff Metropolitan University and this partnership brings Higher Education to your local College. The College has invested 11 million in state of the art facilities. Our staff have up to date industry knowledge and in our most recent inspection (May 2009), Bridgend College achieved 10 grade 1s. Our staff are committed to doing the very best for our learners and our communities. Please browse through our prospectus or look at our courses on-line. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our Customer Service team.

Croeso cynnes in prosbectws Rhan-amser ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2013/14. Yn yr hinsawdd economaidd bresennol, mae miloedd lawer o bobl yn cymryd rhan mewn dysgu gydol oes i gefnogi eu datblygiad gyrfa hirdymor neu i ddatblygu eu diddordebau personol. Pun ai ydych yn dymuno cynyddu eich sgiliau ar gyfer y cam nesaf yn eich gyrfa neun dymuno dychwelyd i ddysgu ar l peth amser ymaith o addysg, mae Coleg Penybont yma ich cefnogi. Bob blwyddyn, mae tua 12,000 o fyfyrwyr yn cymryd rhan mewn dysgu yn y Coleg. Gwyddom fod gan ein myfyrwyr fywydau prysur au bod yn gorfod cydbwyso gwahanol alwadau ar eu hamser yn cynnwys patrymau cyflogaeth a chyfrifoldebau gofalu. Mae Coleg Penybont yn cynnig amrywiaeth o lwybrau astudio ich helpu i gyrraedd eich nod. Yn y prosbectws yma, byddwch yn gweld fod Coleg Penybont hefyd yn cynnig amrywiaeth o gyrsiau o rai blasu i raglenni Addysg Uwch. Mae ein partneriaid Addysg Uwch yn cynnwys Prifysgol De Cymru a Phrifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd a dawr bartneriaeth yma ag Addysg Uwch ich Coleg lleol. Maer Coleg wedi buddsoddi 11 miliwn mewn cyfleusterau or math diweddaraf. Mae gan ein staff yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf o ddiwydiant a chafodd Coleg Penybont 10 gradd 1 yn ein harolwg diweddaraf (Mai 2009). Mae gan ein staff ymrwymiad i wneud eu gorau glas dros ein dysgwyr an cymunedau. Gwahoddwn chi i edrych drwy ein prosbectws neu edrych ar ein cyrsiau ar-lein. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, mae croeso i chi gysylltu n tm Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid.


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Mwy o wybodaeth
Gwobrau Blynyddol...........................................................04 Ein Partneriaethau............................................................08 Siart Dilyniant......................................................................09 Engage Training.................................................................10 Sut i wneud Cais/Ymrestru...........................................105 Cefnogaeth i Fyfyrwyr.....................................................111 Profiad Myfyrwyr. ..............................................................115 Amserlen Ymrestru 2013/14........................................119

Annual Awards...................................................................04 Our Partnerships...............................................................06 Progression Chart. .............................................................07 Engage Training.................................................................10 How to Apply / Enrol........................................................104 Student Support...............................................................110 The Student Experience. ................................................114 Enrolment Schedule 2013/14......................................118

Upskill with a course in

Art, Design & Media..........................................................18 Business, Management & Administrative Studies.25 Care & Childhood Studies. ..............................................32 Construction........................................................................37 Education & Training........................................................48 Engineering & Science....................................................53 Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapy..................65 Information Technology...................................................70 Land-based Studies. .........................................................76 Performing Arts. .................................................................85 Skills & General Education.............................................88 Sport. ....................................................................................100 Tourism & Hospitality.....................................................102

Uwchsgilio ar gwrs mewn...

Celf, Dylunio a Chyfryngau..............................................18 Astudiaethau Busnes, Rheoli ac Astudiaethau Gweinyddol. ...............................................25 Astudiaethau Gofal a Phlentyndod...............................32 Adeiladu................................................................................37 Addysg a Hyfforddiant.......................................................48 Peirianneg a Gwyddoniaeth. ...........................................53 Gwallt, Harddwch a Therapi Ategol. .............................65 Technoleg Gwybodaeth. ...................................................70 Astudiaethau Tir-seiliedig...............................................76 Celfyddydau Perfformio...................................................85 Sgiliau ac Addysg Gyffredinol.........................................88 Chwaraeon........................................................................100 Twristiaeth a Lletygarwch.............................................102

Make the most of the opportunity and we look forward to seeing you!

Manteisiwch ir eithaf ar y cyfle - ac edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld!

Simon Pirotte Principal Simon Pirotte Pennaeth



Get into Accounting

Get into Higher Education


Construct your Career



Annual Awards


Annual Awards

During the Spring Term, we celebrate the achievements of our part-time, professional and Higher Education learners. Here are some of the success stories from March 2013.

Gwobrau Blynyddol

Yn ystod Tymor y Gwanwyn rydym yn dathlu llwyddiant ein dysgwyr rhanamser, proffesiynol ac Addysg Uwch. Dyma rai or straeon llwyddiant o fis Mawrth 2013.

Student of the Year: Construction at Technician Level

Student of the Year: Motor Vehicle Studies

Business & Management

Student of the Year: Professional & Management Studies The Tony Dyke Memorial Award

Elizabeth Wooldridge
Having previously worked within the beauty industry, Elizabeth changed direction and achieved the Level 3 Diploma in Construction at our Pencoed Campus.

Stephen Tremlett
Stephen achieved the Level 2 Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance & Repair whilst employed as a Motor Vehicle apprentice. He is continuing his studies with the Level 3 programme.

Julian Hay
Julian displayed a passion for learning and proved to be an inspiring and motivating peer during his studies for MSc Management qualification.

Care, Childhood Studies & Education

Student of the Year: Education

Mathew Sims
Mathew achieved the Certificate of Education whilst studying at our Centre for Higher Education, Queens Road Campus.

Skills & General Education

Student of the Year: Adult Learner

Higher Education
Student of the Year: Higher Education Part-time study

HongThong Jenner
HongThong achieved the Cambridge Skills for Life Listening and Speaking at Entry 1 level and is continuing her studies with the Entry Level 2 qualification.

Sarah Gavermark
Sarah completed the Foundation Degree Learning Support whilst studying at our Centre for Higher Education, Queens Road Campus. She then continued her studies with us and achieved achieved a First Class Honours Degree for the BA Education.


Thinking about Upskilling?

Progression Chart Your Learning Journey

Thinking about Upskilling?

 Have your circumstances recently changed?  Have you thought about a change in direction?  Do you need to re-skill after time away from the workplace?  Would you like to improve your qualifications?  Would you benefit from studying on a professional development programme? Bridgend College has in excess of 12,000 students and offers courses across its five campuses: Bridgend, Pencoed, Maesteg, Queens Road and our Arts Academy in Cardiff. We currently offer over 180 courses, from Pre-Entry to Diploma, Higher Diploma, Degree level and Masters in over 20 vocational areas. Bridgend Campus is home to the majority of class-based programmes along with Engineering, Art, Design & Media, Hospitality and Performing Arts. Our Pencoed Campus includes Land-based, Sport & Public Services in addition to our new state of the art Construction Academy. Our campus at Maesteg provides courses for the local community, whilst Queens Road Campus on Bridgend Industrial Estate is home to a large proportion of our Higher Education (HE) provision. We also provide commercial training to local and national employers through work-based training, modern apprenticeships and assessment programmes. Please contact our corporate business centre, Engage Training, for whats on offer for your organisation. Finally, Bridgend College is the host for Wales leading learndirect centre, offering a range of courses for both business and personal development, available to study on the most flexible of basis.

We understand how the breadth of courses on offer can leave learners unsure of what to study and where. To help you, weve put together a summary of the different levels to help identify where you are, in relation to the highest qualifications you currently hold and the level you may achieve through your studies:

Our Partners

Our University Partnerships The majority of our Higher Education Courses are validated by our partner universities Cardiff Metropolitan University and the University of South Wales (following the recent merger of University of Glamorgan and University of Wales, Newport). Please note, some course details may be subject to change due to this merger .

Level 7: Level 6: Level 5: Level 4: Level 3: Level 2: Level 1:

Master Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas & Certificates  Bachelor Degrees, Graduate Diplomas & Certificates  Foundation Degrees, Higher National Diplomas (HNDs)  Higher National Certificates (HNCs) AS & A2 Levels, National Diplomas, NVQ Level 3  GCSEs (Grades A*-C), First Diplomas, NVQ Level 2  GCSEs (Grades D-F), Introductory Diploma, NVQ Level 1 

Adult Community Learning The Bridgend Adult Community Learning partnership brings together the providers offering community learning across Bridgend County Borough. These are: B  ridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations (BAVO)  Bridgend College B  ridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) W  elsh for Adults (University of South Wales)  Workers Educational Association (WEA)


Meddwl am Uwchsgilio?

Siart Dilyniant Eich Taith Dysgu
Deallwn sut y gall ehangder y cyrsiau sydd ar gael adael dysgwyr yn ansicr beth iw astudio a ble. Ich helpu, rydym wedi paratoi crynodeb or gwahanol lefelau i helpu i ddynodi ller ydych arni, yng nghyswllt y cymwysterau uchaf sydd gennych ar hyn o bryd ar lefel y medrech ei chyflawni drwy eich astudiaethau.

Meddwl am Uwchsgilio?
 Ydich amgylchiadau wedi newid yn ddiweddar? Y  dych chi wedi meddwl am newid cyfeiriad? Y  dych chi angen ailsgilio ar l cyfnod i ffwrdd or gweithle?  Hoffech chi wella eich cymwysterau?  Fyddech chin cael budd o astudio ar raglen datblygu proffesiynol? Mae gan Goleg Penybont fwy na 12,000 o fyfyrwyr ac maen cynnig cyrsiau ar ei bump campws: Penybont, Pencoed, Maesteg, Heol y Frenhines an Hacademi Gelf yng Nghaerdydd. Cynigiwn dros 180 o gyrsiau ar hyn o bryd, o Cyn-Mynediad i Ddiploma, Diploma Uwch, Lefel Gradd a Meistr mewn dros 20 maes galwedigaethol. Campws Penybont yw cartref mwyafrif y rhaglenni seiliedig mewn dosbarth ynghyd Pheirianneg, Celf, Dylunio a Chyfryngau, Lletygarwch a Chelfyddydau Perfformio. Mae Campws Pencoed yn cynnwys Astudiaethau Tir-seiliedig, Chwaraeon a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus yn ogystal ag Academi Adeiladu or math diweddaraf un. Mae ein campws ym Maesteg yn darparu cyrsiau ar gyfer y gymuned leol, ac mae Campws Heol y Frenhines ar Stad Ddiwydiannol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn gartref a chyfran fawr on darpariaeth Addysg Uwch. Rydym hefyd yn darparu hyfforddiant masnachol i gyflogwyr lleol a chenedlaethol drwy hyfforddiant gwaith-seiliedig, prentisiaethau modern a rhaglenni asesu. Cysylltwch n canolfan busnes gorfforaethol, Hyfforddiant Engage, i ganfod beth sydd ar gael ar gyfer eich sefydliad. Yn olaf, mae Coleg Penybont yn gartref prif ganolfan learndirect Cymru, gan gynnig amrywiaeth o gyrsiau ar gyfer datblygu busnes a phersonol, sydd ar gael iw hastudio ar y sail fwyaf hyblyg.

Ein Partneriaid
Ein Partneriauthau Prifysgol Dilysir mwyafrif ein cyrsiau Addysg Uwch gan ein prifysgolion partner Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd a Phrifysgol De Cymru (yn dilyno uno Prifysgol Morgannwg a Phrifysgol Cymru Casnewydd yn ddiweddar). Dylid nodi y gall manylion rhai cyrsiau newid oherwydd yr uno yma.

Lefel 7: Lefel 6: Lefel 5: Lefel 4: Lefel 3: Lefel 2: Lefel 1:

Graddau Meistr, Diplomu a Thystysgrifau l-raddedig  Graddau Baglor, Diplomu a Thystysgrifau Graddedigion  Graddau Sylfaen, Diplomu Cenedlaethol Uwch (HND)  Tystysgrifau Cenedlaethol Uwch (HNC) Safon UG ac A2, Diplomu Cenedlaethol, NVQ Lefel 3  TGAU (Graddau A*-C), Diplomu Cyntaf, NVQ Lefel 2  TGAU (Graddau D-F), Diploma Gyflwyniadol, NVQ Lefel 1 

Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gymuned Mae partneriaeth Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gymuned Peny-bont ar Ogwr yn dod darparwyr ynghyd gan gynnig dysgu cymunedol i oedolion ar draws Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr . Y partneriaid hyn yw: Cymdeithas Mudiadau Gwirfoddol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Coleg Penybont, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion (Prifysgol De Cymru, Sefydliad Addysg y Gweithwyr (WEA).


Engage Training



We meet the training needs of a wide range of different sized businesses, from giants such as Logica, Ford, TATA Steel and South Wales Police to small enterprises such as the York Caf Bar and JJ & Son Deliveries. Engage Training is one of the largest providers of NVQs to the third sector in Wales, with St John Ambulance and the British Heart Foundation examples of our cherished partners. No matter what you require, from SAGE training, First Aid, ECDL and Manual Handling, to bespoke staff development programmes and management consultancy, Engage Training can deliver it! For updates on all our availalbe courses, follow us on Twitter @engagetraining So enjoy discovering Engage Training and start to explore the world of learning at work! Andrew Whitcombe Director of Skills and Business Development

Apprenticeships are a vital part of the Governments plans to build a sustainable and balanced economy. The apprenticeships offered through Engage Training at Bridgend College are an excellent choice for employers who want to equip their staff with the industry skills they need. An apprenticeship is a form of vocational training provided through both on the job and classroom-based training. On the job, an apprentice will work alongside a mentor, learning onsite skills and working towards a work-based qualification at level 2 or level 3. The apprentice will also attend Bridgend College, where they will work towards essential literacy and numeracy skills and complete a technical, knowledge based certificate. Bridgend College currently offers apprenticeship routes in several areas. Agriculture Horticulture Civil Engineering IT Professional / User Construction Landbased Studies Creative Arts Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Motor Vehicle Highways Maintenance Plant Engineering The recent publication of Work Based Learning outcome reports shows that for the third year in a row, Engage Training at Bridgend College has continued to lead the way in the sector of apprenticeships. During the last recorded period of 2011/12 we outperformed the sector by an impressive 8% with an astonishing 94% of our candidates achieving a full apprenticeship. Employers taking on apprentices between the ages 16 24 could be eligible for:  an enhanced wage subsidy of 3,900 over 52 weeks for employers taking on young apprentices aged 16-24 through the Young Recruits Programme, this will also be expanded to include Higher Level Apprenticeships  a one off payment of 500 for small and micro businesses to cover the time and costs they said were a barrier to recruiting apprentices Apprenticeship places are limited and in demand. For further details, please contact: Irene Delday, Email: [email protected] Tel: 01656 302 271

Welcome to a flavour of the programmes which can be brought to you by Engage Training at Bridgend College. We hope this introduction will highlight our diverse range of training services developed to meet your business needs. Our aim is to enhance the capability of your workforce and increase your competitive advantage. If youre an individual seeking to improve your skills, gain employment or improve your chances of promotion, then we are sure that you will find what you need to fulfil your training aspirations. As a business you may not be aware, that in addition to our Bridgend College courses, we also offer a variety of work focused programmes. For example, we can deliver fully funded National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs), in your workplace, at a time and pace to suit you.

Case Study Tata Steel

Bridgend College has gained quite the reputation of training apprentices of Tata Steel over the years. The College began working with the steel giants over fifteen years ago, with the apprenticeship taking on more and more students each year . As part of her apprenticeship with Tata Steel, Lyanne Jones has completed the National Certificate in Electrical / Electronic Engineering and has now progressed to the Higher National Certificate in Engineering (Power). Lyanne was encouraged to apply as a Tata apprentice by the College, and has since become one of its star students. Lyanne said, Getting a place on the apprenticeship at Bridgend College has been one of the best moments of my life so far. I couldnt ask for a better college, the staff, teaching facilities and practical skills I have gained will last me a lifetime.

As part of the apprenticeships offered at Bridgend College, students study key skills, a BTEC National Diploma and NVQs at Level 2 and 3. Bridgend College designs new courses specifically for the businesses it works with, such as cost recovery courses and electrical certifications. Robert Jones, Head of School, Engineering said: This service, whereby we design an apprenticeship around the business needs, allows a company to stay ahead of its competitors, and receive training catered to what they want.




Engage Training



In addition, Engage Training can also offer many other accredited and endorsed courses such as: Assessor / Management Qualifications TAQA Level 3 Assessor Award / Certificate TAQA Level 4 Verifier Award / Certificate ILM Level 7 Award in Executive Management ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring ILM Level 5 NVQ in Management City and Guilds Level 4 NVQ in Business Administration City and Guilds Level 4 NVQ in Advice and Guidance Train the Trainer Health & Safety IOSH Working Safely IOSH Managing Safely IOSH Managing Environmental Responsibilities  NEBOSH Level 2 Award in Occupational Safety & Health  NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health  NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Safety & Health CIEH Level 1 Award Health & Safety in the Workplace CIEH Level 2 Award Health & Safety in the Workplace CIEH Certificate in Environmental Management For further details on short courses, please contact Engage Training: Email: [email protected] or Tel: 01656 763 230

Learning at work
National Vocational Qualifications are a cost and time effective way to learn as you work. Learners gain a nationally recognised qualification based around existing skills and delivered at a time and place to suit them. An NVQ helps build upon existing skills by looking at your job role and focusing on the skills required to effectively carry out that role. NVQs at Engage Training are offered at a variety of levels to suit an individuals needs and a companys requirements. No matter the size or type of a company, Engage Training at Bridgend College can energise your workforce, and thus enhance employee productivity by providing a work-based qualification ... the NVQ. NVQs currently available: Level 1 Award in Hospitality and Catering L  evel 2 Certificate and Diploma in Hospitality and Catering Level 2 Certificate and Diploma in Retail Skills Level 2 Certificate in Team Leading Level 2 Certificate in Warehousing and Storage  Level 2 Diploma in Passenger Carrying Vehicles (PCV) Driving  Level 2 Diploma in Performing Manufacturing Operations Level 2 Performing Engineering Operations Level 2 and Level 3 in ITQ  Level 2 and Level 3 Certificate and Diploma in Business and Administration  Level 2 Certificate and Level 3 Diploma in Customer Service Level 2 and Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care Level 3 Certificate in Advice and Guidance Level 3 in Electrical Installation and Commissioning Level 3 Certificate in Management Level 3 in the Management of Volunteers Level 3 Mechanical Engineering Level 3 Electrical Engineering

Short courses
Engage Training at Bridgend College offers a comprehensive range of short courses which run throughout the year on dates to suit its students. Whether a company is large or small, or requires basic or higher training, there will be a short course available at Engage Training for you. Engage Training works with employees and employers to provide training opportunities that can help develop your workforce. The lecturers and assessors understand the importance of skilled workers and the role they play in maintaining an advantage over competitors. The short courses available at Engage Training include re-training and updating skills, coupled with the constant development of new courses and innovative resources to keep pace with the changing demands of the business world. The advantage of a short course is that Engage Training will tailor the course to a business. Depending on your business needs, an existing course can be recommended or a course tailored specifically for your business. Short Courses: Throughout this prospectus you will find courses delivered in conjunction with Engage Training across many of the college departments including Engineering, Hair & Beauty and Hospitality.

Laura James (left), winner of the Work-based Learner Award at the 2013 Bridgend College Annual Awards evening with Emma Griffiths, NVQ Assessor .



Engage Training



Excelsior Plus is part of a Convergence European Social Fund programme entitled Working Skills for Adults which provides new learning opportunities for employees and volunteers across South Wales. The team of experienced Excelsior Plus NVQ assessors deliver work-based NVQs to a wide variety of private and third sector organisations. Companies we work with include AL Tech UK, Easyway, Highland Services, Morplas, Nottage Joinery, Pencoed Travel, Redwood Environmental Services, Royal Porthcawl Golf Club, The Rest Porthcawl and RW Christopher Crane Hire.

A Shining Success
The Excelsior Plus NVQ initiative is pleased to shine the spotlight on The Rest Porthcawl for their excellent participation in the NVQ programmes provided by Excelsior Plus. The Rest Porthcawl is a convalescent hotel which provides full board accommodation and holidays for mature people, able bodied and disabled alike, in a beautiful setting overlooking Rest Bay in Porthcawl. Over 20 trained staff are employed to provide assistance, activities and entertainment to hotel guests. Staff development is an important part of the organisation and Chris Williamson, General Manager, has been very supportive in giving his staff the opportunity to achieve a variety of NVQs through Excelsior Plus. Chris said, I am pleased that the staff have had the chance to participate in Excelsior Plus and improve their confidence in their job roles. The Excelsior Plus team is delighted to have been able to provide valued qualifications to such a strong group of NVQ candidates at The Rest Porthcawl. For further details on Excelsior Plus, please contact: Liz Plenty, Project Manager Email: [email protected] Tel: 01656 763 235 Mobile: 07850 722099

Be a Success Story
Excelsior Plus is an NVQ initiative that helps the staff and volunteers of small to medium sized businesses, local charities and independent social enterprises gain National Vocational Qualifications while at work. The benefit of the fully-funded Excelsior Plus NVQ initiative is there is no charge to eligible organisations for the NVQ training and assessment provided. There are no fees to pay and assessments are carried out in the workplace on a one-to-one basis with each NVQ candidate for maximum convenience.

I am very pleased I have completed my Level 2 NVQ in Customer Service. I have enjoyed the experience and the chance to do the course.

The Rest Porthcawl

Excelsior Plus NVQ candidates honoured at a Special Recognition Ceremony, St Marys Hotel, Golf & Country Club

Liz Plenty Project Manager, Bridgend College, Alison Kent NVQ Assessor and The Rest NVQ candidates with Chris Williamson (second row, far right)




Engage Training



designed to assist you in making use of your existing and transferable skills to secure the right job for you. Engage is also working closely with work programme providers and delivering employment routes to core welfare to work providers to maximise the number of opportunities available.

What else is on offer?

Employability programmes Engage Training can offer a wide range of accessible, user friendly courses designed to help individuals andgroups in seeking, applying for and getting the right job. The programmes offered have been developed by professionals with over 15 years experience and are

Case Study Getting Back to Work

Engage Training and Shaw Trust has teamed up to get people back into work, with great results.
Shaw Trust looked to Engage Training to develop a short course for people who were unemployed. The trainers put together a tailored course which lasted one week and taught the participants valuable employment skills. The course consisted of several modules; including basic health and safety procedures, skills relating to communication, working with others, and how to become more employable. The course was specifically structured to meet retail and warehousing needs and even incorporated interview techniques. Jamie Devine, a trainer at Engage Training based at Bridgend College said We were requested by Shaw Trust to train clients who were ready to prepare for interviews. With this brief in mind, we considered the core skills that were required by the employer and we got to work preparing the course. Some of the participants on the course had different needs and were offered alternative methods of training, such as voice recordings of paper based activities. The 12 participants that took part were set up with interviews for a job with the supermarket chain Morrisons. Following the interviews, three members of the course were offered positions. Chris Scott, Work Choice Coordinator said The training course was tailored perfectly to meet our needs, with some participants gaining work immediately, Jamie continued, The success of the partnership has lead to further courses. I am now three weeks into delivering the course and the results so far are extremely positive. Engage Training offers tailor made training. To find out more, Tel: 01656 763240.

Andrew Whitcombe

Director of Skills and Business Development Email: [email protected] Tel: 01656 763 249 Mobile: 07850 722076

Work-based Learning Manager Email: [email protected] Tel: 01656 763 248 Mobile: 07850 722102

Matthew Williams

Get in touch
We have introduced a new business magazine Engage a quarterly update about what is taking place in the world of local business and how Engage Training can help businesses within the community. As your local business trainer and an education expert, we want to partner with local businesses, to tell you about offers (such as the free NVQs we provide), opportunities you can get involved with (taking on one of our apprentice students) and more. If you would like to receive relevant updates from the College, future issues of Engage or require advice or further information on the opportunities available with Engage Training, please contact Andrew Whitcombe or Matthew Williams.

Engage with us!

Engage Training operates from Morien House, 1C First Floor, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend, CF31 3SH




Art, Design & Media

Advanced Digital Imaging

Course Code: ADP093A Queens Road: EXQ01 Cardiff: EXA01

Art, Design & Media

The Art, Design & Media department is split across our Bridgend and Queens Road campuses with Further Education (FE) programmes at Bridgend and Higher Education (HE) courses at Queens Road.

LOCATION: QUEENS ROAD OR CARDIFF CAMPUS LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks, starting twice a year (September and January, subject to demand) DAYS & TIMES: Queens Road Campus: 6pm - 9pm Cardiff Campus: 5.30pm - 8.30pm FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course gives learners the skills to study Advanced Photoshop techniques using their own digital photography. Basic colour management and output of images to photographic quality also form elements of the course.

Advanced Digital Printing

Course Code: ADP118A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus The Centre for New Media Enterprise at Queens Road benefits from industry standard resources including purpose designed studio/workshop spaces for film recording, sound editing and photographic studio camera work, as well as state of the art digital imaging suites and video editing workstations. Each year, the department hosts a Graduate Show for their higher education students in addition to the end of year Art, Design & Media Exhibition which is an opportunity for friends, family, dignitaries and the general public to view the students work. LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks, starting twice a year (September and January subject to demand) DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 6pm 9pm FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed for those with a good prior knowledge of Photoshop, who would like to learn more about colour and monochrome printing to photographic standards via inkjet printers, onto a wide variety of paper types and surfaces. Colour calibration of computer/printer systems and colour profiles will be an important element of the course.

Advanced Practical Photographic Techniques

Course Code: ADP095A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 20 weeks (starting September) DAYS & TIMES: Mon 6pm 9pm

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course offers progression for learners to study advanced photographic and lighting techniques. The course covers photographic skills and techniques required in location photography, and also studio photography and lighting techniques.

FEES: 192 (There are no exemptions for this course)

Advanced Digital Photography

Course Code: ADP094A Queens Road: EXQ01 Cardiff: EXA01


LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks, starting twice a year (September and January) subject to demand DAYS & TIMES: Queens Road Campus: 6pm - 9pm Cardiff Campus: 5.30pm - 8.30pm FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course gives learners the skills to use Advanced Digital Photographic techniques with their own DSLR camera. Learners will learn how to use all of the features on the camera correctly, file formats including Raw files, how to correctly compose and expose images for a wide variety of subjects, along with correct downloading and printing procedures.

For course enquiries, please email the department: art&[email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]



UPskill 19

Art, Design & Media

Web Designers Tool Kit Advanced
Course Code: ADP209A Queens Road: EXQ01

Web Designers Tool Kit Basic

Course Code: ADP208A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks DAYS & TIMES: 3 hours per week FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to provide learners with a basic understanding of web page and web site production. Learn to evaluate contemporary web pages and plan a web site; learn the basics of HTML and CSS and use Adobe Dreamweaver to produce a web site using simple code.

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks DAYS & TIMES: 3 hours per week FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

Web Designers Tool Kit Standard

Course Code: ADP097A Queens Road: EXQ01

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to create efficient and time-saving web applications. Learn the basic concepts of applications programming; explore the concept of relational databases and build a bespoke database-driven web application. Learn the basics of the PHP programming language; develop transferable skills to enable adoption of other server-side platforms.

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks DAYS & TIMES: 3 hours per week

FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to provide learners with the essential knowledge and skills to produce web sites using standards compliant raw CSS and HTML mark-up language. Learn to plan and mock up contemporary web sites using Adobe Illustrator; code and style web pages in Dreamweaver using CSS and HTML5; create and format graphics in Photoshop. Learn how to develop responsive web sites for Smartphones and Tablet PCs using media queries.

iPad Essentials

Course Code: ADP211A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 4 weeks DAYS & TIMES: 3 hours per week FEES: 48 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learners will learn how to customise and effectively use iPad 2. The course includes a walk through of settings, managing apps, syncing iPad 2 with iTunes, the App Store. Sessions will include using essential apps such as Safari, Mail, Pages, Numbers, GarageBand, Keynote, FaceTime, iMovie and using the iPad 2 camera and video.

An Introduction to Apple Macintosh Computers and OSX

Course Code: ADP196A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed

LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 weeks, 3 hours per week FEES: 27 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course includes: Hardware and software overview, OSX overview Desktop, Menu bar, Apple Menu, the Dock, the Finder, Expose, desktop icons, keyboard layout, function keys, folders, system preferences and customising GUI, pre-installed applications.

Computer Graphics Essentials with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator

Course Code: ADP192A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks, 3 hours per week DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to digitally manipulating and enhancing bitmap images using Adobe Photoshop and creating digital graphics using Adobe Illustrator (6 Weeks Photoshop; 4 weeks Adobe Illustrator).




Art, Design & Media

3D Modelling Essentials with Cinema 4D
Course Code: ADP212A Queens Road: EXQ01

Video Editing Essentials with Final Cut Pro

Course Code: ADP197A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks, 3 hours per week DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to fundamental video editing techniques using Final Cut Pro. The course includes: Video formats, setting Scratch disks, project settings, application windows and layouts, importing/capturing video footage, reviewing footage, in and out points, keyboard short cuts, assemble editing techniques, using transitions, using effects, modifying audio, Titling and Credits generation, output formats.

LOCATION:Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks DAYS & TIMES: 3 hours per week FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to 3D modelling using Maxxon Cinema 4D and includes: navigating the interface, creating 3D shapes, cuboid, sphere, cone, cylinder, render modes such as wireframe and shading, material mapping such as shaders, colours, textures, texture mapping, basic animation, frames and keyframes, lighting and camera placement. Learners will produce several 3D modelled objects.

Intermediate Final Cut Pro

Course Code: ADP195A Queens Road: EXQ01

Intermediate 3D Modelling with Cinema 4D

Course Code: ADP213A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks, 3 hours per week DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Advanced video editing techniques using Final Cut Pro. The course includes: HD video formats, advanced project settings, editing layouts, batch capturing, bins and reels, advanced keyboard short cuts, advanced assemble editing techniques, advanced application of transitions, effects and filters, advanced audio modification, advanced text generation, clip animation, PIP, advanced output formats and exporting.

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks DAYS & TIMES: 3 hours per week FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course includes advanced 3D modelling techniques and animation. Learners will learn advanced techniques in Cinema 4D and will produce several 3D modelled and animated objects.

NEW for 2013 Life Drawing

Course Code: ADP217A Cardiff Campus: EXA01

LOCATION: Cardiff Campus

Desktop Publishing Essentials with Adobe InDesign

Course Code: ADP194A Queens Road: EXQ01

LENGTH OF COURSE: Flexible DAYS & TIMES: 6pm - 8pm (day to be confirmed) FEES: 7.50 per session

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks, 3 hours per week DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to desktop publishing using Adobe inDesign. The course includes: master page and page layout essentials, using layers, using text and graphic frames, essential typography and text manipulation, image placement and modification, using colour, text wrap, screen modes, output formats.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a session for those wishing to improve and develop their life-drawing skills. Sessions begin with warm-up exercises leading to longer varied poses. This is an ideal opportunity to practice drawing from a model in a friendly, accessible and supportive environment. Basic materials are provided but you are welcome to bring your own sketchbook, materials or paper .

Intermediate Adobe InDesign

Course Code: ADP210A Queens Road: EXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road CAMPUS LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks DAYS & TIMES: 3 hours per week

FEES: 121 (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to provide learners with advanced desktop publishing skills. Explore the concepts of digital publishing; learn the basics of digital publishing production and create a digital publication using animated media, interactive buttons and page transitions; learn to publish digital media.




Art, Design & Media


Business, Management & Administrative Studies


Higher Education
Interviews for all Higher Education Art, Design & Media courses will require learners to show examples of relevant work they have undertaken. This work should be prepared in advance of the interview and you will be asked to discuss and present this to the interviewing staff.

Business, Management & Administrative Studies

The majority of our Business & Management courses are delivered at our Queens Road Campus, with the ILEX and Administrative Studies programmes operating from our Bridgend Campus.

BA (Hons) Degree in Photographic Practice

Course Code: ADH059A Queens Road: E4Q01

In partnership with:

LOCATION: Campus to be confirmed LENGTH OF COURSE: Up to 5/6 years (1 day and 1 evening) DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: Year 1: 600* COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to provide learners with the professional and academic development, enabling them to become creative individuals who

are responsive to the needs of the Photographic and Associated Industries. Learners will progress through three levels of study and will be provided with the opportunity to develop a sustained body of commercially viable independent practical work, in conjunction with a body of academic research. On completion of the course, graduates should be able to advance professionally and contribute significantly within the field of Photography.

Courses range from introductory through to HND and Masters level, with a wide range of professional training programmes including CIM Marketing and AAT qualifications.

Foundation Degree in Applied Art & Design

Course Code: ADH062A Queens Road: P4B01

In partnership with:

LOCATION: Bridgend LENGTH OF COURSE: Part time: 3 years DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: Year 1: 600* COURSE DESCRIPTION: This exciting new course provides learners with the professional and academic skills required to be successful individuals within Art and Design Practice and related industries.

Part time learners are required to complete two modules per year . During the first year, learners explore a broad range of Art and Design practice including painting, sculpture, ceramics, product design and creative lens and time-based media through a range of theoretical and practical assignments. As the course progresses, learners develop their 2D or 3D specialisms via negotiated projects and exciting work-based learning opportunities.

HNC Design for Interactive Media

Course Code: ADH058A Queens Road: E1Q01

In partnership with:

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed & Thurs 6pm 9pm FEES: Year 1: 600* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is ideally suited for those people who want to enhance current skills and knowledge in this rapidly changing industry, or those who want to re-train and enter it. It is module-based programme, encompassing both the creative and technical aspects of multimedia. For course enquiries, please email the department: [email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.




Business, Management & Administrative Studies

Higher Education Accounting

Business & Management


Association of Accounting Technicians Level 4 Diploma in Accounting

Course Code: BMH006A PTE: E3Q01 PTD: P3Q01

In partnership with: Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Mon 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 5pm or Mon 1pm - 5pm & 6pm - 9pm or Mon 6pm - 9pm & Wed 5pm - 9pm FEES: 420 plus assessment and professional fees. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an understanding of more advanced financial and cost accounting, and is designed to enable learners to achieve the Level 4 Diploma in Accounting. On successful completion, learners may apply for membership of the Association.

Association of Accounting Technicians Level 2 Certificate in Accounting

Course Code: BMP179A PTE: E3Q01 PTD: P3Q01 PTD/E: P3Q02

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Tues & Thurs 6pm - 9pm or Thurs 9am - 4pm or Thurs 1pm - 4pm and 6pm - 9pm FEES: 272 plus AAT Registration Fee, examination fees and books.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides detailed knowledge of manual and computer based book keeping using Sage software. It is designed to enable learners to achieve competence at QCF Level 2 Accounting and to proceed to Level 3. Learners will be required to purchase textbooks recommended by the session tutors.

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Papers

Course Code: BMP225A Queens Road: P4Q01


FEES: 267 per paper COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learners may study up to 3 papers within the year . The papers are: F4 Corporate and Business Law; F5 Performance Management and F6 Taxation; F7 - Financial Reporting; F8 - Audit & Assurance; F9 - Financial Management and P1 Governance, Risk & Ethics.

Association of Accounting Technicians Level 3 Diploma in Accounting

Course Code: BMP180A PTE: E3Q01 PTD: P3Q01 PTD/E: P3Q02

Sept 2013 (for Dec 2013 exam) Paper F6: 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm Paper F8: 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm Paper P1: 4pm - 6pm (Note, June 2014 exam) Dec 2013 (for June 2014 exam) Paper F4: 10am - 1pm Paper F5: 2pm - 5pm Paper F7: 9am - 12pm Paper F9: 1pm - 4pm

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Mon & Wed 5.30pm - 9pm or Tues 1pm - 4.30pm & 5.30pm - 9pm or Wed 9am - 12.30pm & 1pm - 4.30pm FEES: 527 + AAT Registration Fee, examination fees and books.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides a basic knowledge of financial and cost accounting and is designed to enable learners to achieve competence at Level 3 in Accounting and to proceed to Level 4. Learners will be required to purchase AAT textbooks.




Business, Management & Administrative Studies

Higher Education Law
Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

Higher Education Business Studies

Foundation Degree Business Studies

Course Code: BMH053A PTE: E4Q01 PTD: P4Q01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 3 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Tues 2pm 9pm or Tues & Wed 6pm 9pm FEES: Year 1: 800* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Do you want to get ahead in Business? Need practical and relevant knowledge to help you make your mark? By looking at how businesses work, this Business Studies course will provide you with vital skills for a successful career .

Institute of Legal Executives Level 6 Single Subject Certificate

Course Code: BMP217A P3B01 Employment Law BMP216A P3B01

Accredited by:

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year (one evening per week) DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed at interview FEES: Approx. 342 per module plus membership and other fees (paid directly to ILEX). There are no exemptions for this course.

Foundation Degree Business Studies (Top Up)

Course Code: BMH053A Queens Road: E3Q01

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The ILEX Level 6 Single Subject Certificate enables learners to achieve a recognised national qualification in a niche area of law, legal practice or legal skill. For example, this could support an area of interest or practice, or be part of a larger qualification. Whilst learners may just want to take one or two Level 6 Single Subject Certificates, each is also a step towards achieving the full ILEX Level 6 Professional Higher Diploma in Law and Practice qualification.

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Mon 5pm 9pm FEES: 345

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course builds upon the knowledge and experience gained when completing the HNC Management & Business.


CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in Human Resource Practice

Course Code: BBMP214A Queens Road: P3Q01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus


LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 1pm 7.30pm

Accredited by:

Institute of Legal Executives (C-ILEX) Level 3 Professional Diploma in Law and Practice
Course Code: BMP099A Queens Road: E1B01

FEES: 527 plus CIPD Registration fee (paid direct to CIPD)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to develop a wide range of practical skills in Human Resources. In addition to gaining Associate Membership of the CIPD, learners who successfully complete the year will be eligible to progress to the Intermediate Certificate in Human Resource Management.

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Thurs 5pm - 9pm FEES: Year 1: 278* plus registration and examination fees (to be paid directly to ILEX)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this exciting new syllabus, subject areas include Introduction to Law and Practice; Contract Law, Law of Tort; Criminal Law; Civil Litigation; Conveyancing; Client Care and Legal Research Skills.

Higher Education Management

MSc Leadership & Management

Course Code: BMH034A Queens Road: E4Q01

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LOCATION: Queens Road LENGTH OF COURSE: 3 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Thursday 4pm-9pm FEES: Year 1: 1,210*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This new Masters programme focuses on leadership and management capability, change, learning and sustainability. It will examine leadership theory with opportunity for you to apply them to your own leadership practice and organisation. Organisational leadership themes relating to power, politics, ethics, gender and cross-cultural leadership will also be considered.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Business, Management & Administrative Studies

Administrative Studies
Accredited by:


CIM Introductory Certificate in Marketing

Course Code: BMP098A Queens Road: E3Q01

OCR Text Processing (Business Professional) Award

Course Code: Lvl1: ITP172A Lvl2: ITP173A Lvl3: ITP174A Bridgend: E3B01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Monday 6pm 8pm FEES: 157 plus registration and exam fees (paid directly to the CIM) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification is suitable for those who want to find out more about marketing whether already in a job which involves marketing

or not. It answers the question: What is Marketing? It also aims to develop knowledge and skills for those who are working to support others in basic marketing tasks, and is ideal for those undertaking junior marketing, secretarial or administrative roles; people on the periphery of marketing; event management assistants; personal assistants; non-marketers with some marketing involvement and customer service assistants/call centre employees.

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 6pm 9pm FEES: 150

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Text Processing suite of qualifications develops learners ability to meet the requirements of the modern business environment. The units which make up the qualification are widely recognised by employers as benchmark qualifications in text processing.

NVQs in Business and Administration

Course Code: Lvl1: IITP195A Lvl2: IITP196A Lvl3: IITP197A Bridgend: E3B01

CIM Professional Certificate in Marketing

Course Code: BMP008A Queens Road: E3Q01

Accredited by:

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 6pm 9pm FEES: 206

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tuesday 5pm - 9pm FEES: 420 plus registration and exam fees (paid directly to the CIM)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification offers the practical skills and knowledge to devise and execute tactical marketing activities and gain marketing credibility. It is ideal for junior marketers or for those working in marketing support roles. Modules include Marketing Essentials, Assessing the Marketing Environment, Market Information & Research and Marketing for Stakeholders.
Accredited by:

COURSE DESCRIPTION: These qualifications are designed to support a wide range of job roles within the administrative environment. Learners will achieve mandatory units in Carrying out your Responsibilities and Working Within your Business Environment. Depending upon the level of NVQ that is most suitable, learners will select from a range of option units, which will demonstrate provision of administrative support and how to develop, implement and monitor administrative services and work effectively with colleagues and customers. Learners will be continually assessed throughout the course and present evidence in the form of a portfolio.

Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional Diploma in Marketing

Course Code: BMP200A Queens Road: E3Q01

OCR Level 2 Certificate In Supporting Legal Advice Provision

Course Code: BMP244A Bridgend: P3B01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Weekly, 5pm 9pm FEES: To be confirmed + CIM Membership and assessment fees (to be paid directly to CIM) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification provides the knowledge, skills and ability to do in relation to marketing planning and develops the marketing professional across a range of areas. The qualification

is a hybrid of marketing with a considerable emphasis on management as marketers move from specialist aspects of marketing into either a functional or departmental role. The course is ideal for marketers with operational responsibilities and an eye on management including departmental managers, product/brand managers, marketing managers, account managers, marketing executives and business development managers.

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed afternoon, time to be confirmed FEES: To be confirmed

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The OCR Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Legal Advice Provision is competencebased and provides a flexible route to accreditation for members of the Legal Advice workforce. It is ideal for those learners who are likely to be the first point of contact to clients in the legal advice field. It is designed for those working in a role which entails them determining the initial needs of the client, providing relevant information about the available services and making referral decisions.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.




Care & Childhood Studies


Care & Childhood Studies

The Care & Childhood Studies department offers a range of part-time courses from Introductory through to Foundation Degree level, enabling learners to study around work and/or family commitments.

Care & Childhood Studies


City & Guilds Level 2 Diploma in Health & Social Care

Course Code: CHP084A Queens Road: D3Q01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 6 - 9 months ???????? ????????? The lecturing team is highly qualified and industry experienced, with up-to-date knowledge relating to good practice. The majority of programmes are based at our Queens Road Campus, with some available at Bridgend or Maesteg. DAYS & TIMES: Work-based learning FEES: 367

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is for people wishing to gain a vocational qualification in the field of Care. Learners will need to attend underpinning knowledge sessions in College and will need to complete core units and optional units based on their job description and job role. Assessment will take place in the workplace by College Assessors.

City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care

Course Code: CHP085A Queens Road: D3Q01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Work-based learning FEES: 481

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is for those wishing to gain a vocational qualification in the field of Care. Learners will need to attend underpinning knowledge sessions in College and will need to complete core units and optional units in line with their job role.

Access to HE: Health Professions

Course Code: CHP073A PTE: E1B01 PTD: P1B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 36 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Day: Mon & Fri times to be confirmed (8 hours per week) Evening: Tues & Wed times to be confirmed (8 hours per week) FEES: To be confirmed*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Access courses are designed to encourage adults to return to education. As well as learning about all aspects of health, you will develop the skills needed to progress to university to commence a degree in a health related field such as Nursing or another allied health profession. The graded course is equivalent to three A Levels and is a challenging course, studied over two days a week for two years. Each unit is assessed through assignments or projects including formal presentations. There are no formal examinations; however there are time constrained tests and class-based assessed activities.

For course enquiries, please email the department: care&[email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Care & Childhood Studies

Agored Cymru Counselling Skills and Theory
Course Code: CHP037A PTE: EXQ02 PTD: PXQ02

City & Guilds Level 5 Leadership of Health and Social Care Services
Course Code: CHP087A Queens Road: D3Q01

LOCATION: Queens Roads Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 18 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues or Wed 6pm - 9pm or Wed 9.30am - 12.30pm plus a half hour tutorial FEES: 122

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: Work-based training DAYS & TIMES: Flexible delivery FEES: 755 COURSE DESCRIPTION: There are two courses which can be undertaken depending on your job role. Level 5 Leadership of Health and Social Care services Adults Residential Management: This course is suitable for Care Managers, Deputy Managers and Assistant Managers who work with adults in a residential setting and whose main role is adult care and support, and are wishing to gain a vocational qualification in the field of Care.

Level 5 Leadership of Health and Social Care services - Adults Management: This course is suitable for Care managers, deputy and assistant managers who work with adults in a non-residential setting and whose main role is adult care and support, and wishing to gain a vocational qualification in the field of care. For both routes, learners must be in management positions within the care sector . Learners will be required to study independently as well as attending college and regular tutorial sessions. Learners will need to be assessed in the workplace by college assessors.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a level 3 intermediate course which consists of 3 units with a total credit value of 12. This course follows on from the Basic Approaches to Counselling Skills Course and provides training in the use of Skills as well as Counselling theory.

Childhood Studies

CACHE Level 2 Diploma in Childrens Care, Learning and Development

Course Code: CHP083A PTE: E3Q01 PTD: P3Q01 PTE Maesteg: E3M01

LOCATION: Queens Road or Maesteg Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: Work-based training DAYS & TIMES: Queens Road: Mon 1pm - 4pm or Mon 6pm - 9pm Maesteg Campus: Thurs 6pm - 9pm FEES: 368 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This vocational course is designed for mature candidates who wish to enter the field of childrens care, learning and development.

Candidates will attend college during their first term to gain knowledge and understanding to support their practice. The requirement is for candidates to attend a work placement (as an employee or as a volunteer) for a minimum of 9 hours per week. Candidates will develop a portfolio of evidence consisting of tasks, assignments and work products relating to their practice and the policies and procedures of the setting. This, together with observation of practice within the workplace, will be assessed throughout the course.

City & Guilds Level 5 Leadership for Health and Social Care Advanced Practice
Course Code: CHP088A Queens Road: D3Q01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Work-based training FEES: 755

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This award is suitable for deputy managers, assistant managers or senior practitioners who work in adult services and whose main role is adult care and support. This is the recognised qualification for people who are in these job roles. Independent study is required along with attending college and regular tutorials. Assessment will take place in the workplace by college assessors.

CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Childrens Care, Learning and Development

Course Code: CHP106A Queens Road: D3Q01


LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: Work-based training DAYS & TIMES: Mon 6pm - 9pm FEES: 481 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This vocational course is designed for mature candidates who wish to further their knowledge of childrens care, learning and development. Candidates must be employed in a relevant job role for a minimum of 4 days per week. Voluntary placement will be considered depending on the practical experience received.

Agored Cymru - Basic Approaches to Counselling Skills

Course Code: CHP037A PTE: EXQ01 PTD: PXQ01 PTE Maesteg: EXM02

LOCATION: Queens Road or Maesteg Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 12 weeks plus 4 hours of tutorial sessions over the duration of the course DAYS & TIMES: Queens Road Campus: Wed 9.30am - 12.30pm or Wed 6pm - 9pm Maesteg Campus: Tues 6pm - 9pm FEES: 90

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to counselling skills at level 2 and comprises of 2 units, each earning a credit value of 3. The units include a basic understanding of theory, skills and self awareness.

During the first term learners will attend college to gain knowledge and understanding to support their practice. Throughout the course, learners will develop a portfolio of evidence consisting of tasks, assignments and work products (including curriculum planning, child observations and assessments and risk assessments). This, together with observation of practice within the work place, will be assessed throughout the course.




Care & Childhood Studies




Higher Education
partner of the University of South Wales Certificate in Higher Education (Safeguarding Children and Young People) Bridgend College is a collaborative

Based within our state of the art Construction Academy at Pencoed Campus, courses range from Level 1 through to Foundation Degree level, enabling learners to study part-time around work and/or family commitments.

Course Code: CHH009A Queens Road: PXQ01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 9.30am - 1pm FEES: 697

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is aimed at those whose professional role brings them into contact with

issues relating to the safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The course was originally designed by a multiagency working party and is in line with Safeguarding Children - Working Together under the Children Act 2004 guidelines. The course is suitable for social workers, nursing staff, education welfare officers, police officers, early years workers, foster carers and voluntary sector workers.

Foundation Degree in Early Years Care & Education

Course Code: CHH010A Queens Road: E1Q01

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

???????? ????????? The courses are designed for learners who wish to become skilled in a trade or enter a profession such as Architecture, Surveying or Civil Engineering. The following skill areas are available: Brickwork, Bench Joinery/Site Carpentry, Painting & Decorating, Plumbing. NEBOSH progammes are also offered within this department.

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 3 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Mon 4.30pm 8.30pm FEES: Year 1: 800*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This exciting course is part of a Government initiative to promote the delivery of Foundation Degrees in Further Education Colleges. There is a growing demand for Early Years practitioners with higher level qualifications such as this Foundation Degree. The Wales agenda is embedded within the study of the sector as a whole, recognising the significant changes we are currently experiencing.

Foundation Degree Person Centred Counselling

Course Code: CHH015A Queens Road: P1Q01

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 3 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Thurs 1.15pm - 6pm FEES: Year 1: 400* plus residential costs

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will enable learners to access training in one of the most widely used counselling models in mental health and psychotherapy, which can be used with clients in a range of public and private sector contexts.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


For course enquiries, please email the department: [email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]




HND Building Studies (Top-up)
Course Code: CDH013A Pencoed: P3C01
Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

Construction / Civil Engineering

Level 3 Diploma in Construction

Course Code: CDP101A PTE: E1C01 PTD: P1C01

LOCATION: Pencoed LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year (post HNC) DAYS & TIMES: Wednesday 9am - 4pm FEES: 697 plus approx 80 BTEC Registration Fee

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 33 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Mon 9am 9pm (Day Release) or Mon & Tues 4.30pm 9pm FEES: Year 1: 575*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces learners to a wide range of construction-related knowledge. Activities include classroom-based learning, building and land surveying. Work is assessed via written assignments and participation in practical activities including material testing, surveying and setting out processes.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is aimed at learners wishing to develop their academic study from HNC to HND level. It is designed to enable building technicians to gain a further qualification and broaden their expertise and knowledge. Assessment of learner performance is carried out through coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying, and examinations.

HNC Civil & Construction Engineering

Course Code: CDH016A PTE: E1C01 PTD: P1C01

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

Level 3 Diploma in Civil Engineering

Course Code: CDP100A PTE: E1C01 PTD: P1C01


LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Tues 9am - 7.30pm or Tues & Thurs 4.30pm - 7.30pm FEES: Year 1: 800* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only)

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 33 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Mon 9am 9pm (Day Release) or Mon & Tues 4.30pm 9pm FEES: Year 1: 575*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces learners to a wide range of construction and civil engineering related knowledge. Activities include classroom-based learning, in areas such as Civil Engineering, Structural Design and Mathematics. Work is assessed via written assignments and participation in practical activities including material testing, surveying and setting out processes.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to develop learners understanding of the professional areas within the Civil Engineering profession. Learners develop expertise in specialist areas of the civil engineering industry, including, structures, highways, surveying, municipal engineering and civil engineering management. Assessment of learner performance is carried out through coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying and examinations.

Higher Education

HND Civil & Construction Engineering (Top-up)

Course Code: CDH019A Pencoed: P3C01
Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

HNC Building Studies


LOCATION: Pencoed LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year (post HNC) DAYS & TIMES: Fri 9am - 4pm FEES: 697 plus approx 80 BTEC Registration Fee

Course Code: CDH015A PTE: E1C01 PTD: P1C01

DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Mon 9am - 7.30pm or Mon & Thurs 4.30pm - 7.30pm FEES: Year 1: 800* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is aimed at learners wishing to further their academic qualifications and enhance their career opportunities within construction. Learners develop critical thinking skills and problem solving skills related to construction activities at Higher Education level. Assessment of learner performance is carried out through coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying, and examinations.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is aimed at learners wishing to develop their academic study from HNC to HND level and those seeking a career as a senior technician in civil engineering. Learners develop the engineering and problem solving skills required at Higher Education level. Assessment of learner performance is carried out via coursework assessment, observation of practical activities in surveying and examinations.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


*Please refer to page 104 for more details.




Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

BSc (Hons) Degree Building Studies (Top-up)

Course Code: CDH023A Pencoed: P1C01

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Trowel Occupations (Brickwork)

Course Code: CDP159A Pencoed: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Fri 9am - 4pm FEES: Year 1: 697*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification is aimed at those seeking a career as a Senior Technician within the industry such as Architecture or Quantity Surveying, or as Building Surveyors, Senior Contract Managers or Site Engineers.

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks

DAYS & TIMES: Tues 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a nationally recognised qualification divided into modules and designed for learners currently employed within the construction industry. Learners must be able to produce evidence of a range of work carried out in the workplace to industry occupational standards and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, to successfully complete the qualification.

City & Guilds Basic Construction Skills: Bricklaying

Course Code: CDP071A Pencoed: E3C01

Level 3 Construction Diploma Bricklaying

Course Code: CDP154A Pencoed: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon & Wed 5.30pm - 8.30pm FEES: 408 plus 50 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learners will develop a range of basic brick and block laying skills for entry into the construction industry.

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks

DAYS & TIMES: Tues 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 plus 50 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to further develop skills and knowledge, enabling learners to work to an advanced level in the industry in their chosen craft. It has been specifically developed for delivery in a training environment using simulated conditions, and the test(s) are based on the learner showing what they can do as an individual through the completion of all the requirements of the qualification.

Level 1 Construction Diploma Bricklaying

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 plus 50 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)
Course Code: CDP116A Pencoed: P3C01

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This programme is designed to develop initial skills and knowledge of the Construction Industry, with particular emphasis in their chosen craft. It has been specifically developed for delivery in a training environment using simulated conditions, and the test(s) are based on the learner showing what they can do as an individual through the completion of all the requirements of the qualification.

Level 3 NVQ 3 Diploma Brickwork

Course Code: CDP160A Pencoed: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks

DAYS & TIMES: Day TBC, 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a nationally recognised qualification divided into modules and designed for learners currently employed within the construction industry. Learners must be able to produce evidence of a range of work carried out in the workplace to industry occupational standards and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, to successfully complete the qualification.

Level 2 Construction Diploma - Bricklaying

Course Code: CDP144A Pencoed: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 plus 50 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This programme is designed to develop skills and knowledge, enabling learners to work in the industry in their chosen craft. It has been specifically developed for delivery in a training environment using simulated conditions, and the test(s) are based on the learner showing what they can do as an individual through the completion of all the requirements of the qualification.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.





Level 2 Diploma in Bench Joinery
LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 plus 100 material cost (no exemptions for material cost) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to develop a range of carpentry skills and practical training in readiness for the world of work. Assessment is by assignment, practical projects and internal / external examinations.


Course Code: CDP153A Pencoed: P3C01

Level 2 Diploma in Site Carpentry

Course Code: CDP150A Pencoed: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks

DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 plus 100 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to develop a range of carpentry skills and practical training in readiness for the world of work. Assessment is by assignment, practical projects and internal / external examinations.

Course Code: CDP161A Pencoed: P3C01

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Wood Occupations (Construction) Site carpentry

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a nationally recognised qualification divided into modules and designed for learners currently employed within the construction industry. Learners must be able to produce evidence of a range of work carried out in the workplace to industry occupational standards and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, to successfully complete the qualification.

Course Code: CDP161A Pencoed: P3C02

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Wood Occupations (Construction) Bench Joinery

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a nationally recognised qualification divided into modules and designed for learners currently employed within the construction industry. Learners must be able to produce evidence of a range of work carried out in the workplace to industry occupational standards and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, to successfully complete the qualification.

Course Code: CDP152A Pencoed: P3C01 Course Code: CDP151A Pencoed: P3C01

Level 3 Diploma in Bench Joinery

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 plus 100 material cost (no exemptions for material cost) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to further develop the range of joinery skills and practical training in readiness for the world of work. Assessment is by assignment, practical projects and internal / external examinations.

Level 3 Diploma in Site Carpentry

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 plus 100 material cost (no exemptions for material cost) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to further develop the range of carpentry skills and practical training in readiness for the world of work. Assessment is by assignment, practical projects and internal / external examinations.

Course Code: CDP162A Pencoed: P3C01

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Wood Occupations (Construction) Site carpentry

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a nationally recognised qualification divided into modules and designed for learners currently employed within the construction industry. Learners must be able to produce evidence of a range of work carried out in the workplace to industry occupational standards and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, to successfully complete the qualification.

Course Code: CDP162A Pencoed: P3C02

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Wood Occupations (Construction) Bench Joinery

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am - 7.30pm FEES: 612 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a nationally recognised qualification divided into modules and designed for learners currently employed within the construction industry. Learners must be able to produce evidence of a range of work carried out in the workplace to industry occupational standards and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, to successfully complete the qualification.





Level 3 Diploma in Painting & Decorating
Course Code: CDP148A PTE: E3C01 PTD: P3C01

Painting & Decorating

City & Guilds Basic Construction Skills: Painting & Decorating

Course Code: CDP103A Pencoed: E3C05

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am - 7pm or Tues & Wed 5pm - 8pm FEES: 612 plus 50 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues & Wed 5pm - 8pm FEES: 408 plus 50 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learners will develop practical skills of basic painting and decorating activities, ideal for home maintenance, or as an introduction to progress onto a Diploma level 2/NVQ Level 2.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to further develop skills and knowledge, enabling learners to work to an advanced level in the industry in their chosen craft. It has been specifically developed for delivery in a training environment using simulated conditions, and the test(s) are based on the learner showing what they can do as an individual through the completion of all the requirements of the qualification.

Level 3 NVQ Painting & Decorating

Course Code: CDP164A PTE: E3C01 PTD: P3C01

Course Code: CDP113A PTE: E3C01 PTD: P3C01

Level 1 Diploma in Painting & Decorating

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am - 7pm or Tues & Wed 5pm - 8pm FEES: 612 plus 50 material cost (no exemptions for material cost) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to prepare learners to enter the industry in their chosen craft. It has been specifically developed for delivery in a training environment using simulated conditions, and the test(s) are based on the learner demonstrating their knowledge and skills through the completion of all the requirements of the qualification.

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am 7pm or Tues & Wed 5pm - 8pm FEES: 612

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course covers a full range of advanced painting and decorating skills and knowledge to national standards, required for a NVQ Level 3 qualification.


Level 2 Diploma in Painting & Decorating

Course Code: CDP147A PTE: E3C01 PTD: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am - 7pm or Tues & Wed 5pm - 8pm FEES: 612 plus 50 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to develop skills and knowledge, enabling learners to work in their industry in their chosen craft. It has been specifically developed for delivery in a training environment using simulated conditions, and the test(s) are based on the learner showing what they can do as an individual through the completion of all the requirements of the qualification.

City &Guilds (6035-02) Level 2 Certificate in Plumbing Studies (Domestic)

Course Code: CDP182A PTE: E3C01 PTD: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon & Thurs 5pm - 8pm or Wed & Thurs 5pm - 8pm FEES: 612 plus 150 material cost (no exemptions for material cost)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is the prerequisite for those wishing to obtain an NVQ Level 2 or NVQ 2 Diploma in Plumbing. It contains practical installation skills and underpinning knowledge required for the new plumbing qualifications.

Level 2 NVQ Painting & Decorating

Course Code: CDP163A PTE: E3C01 PTD: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am - 7pm or Tues & Wed 5pm - 8pm FEES: 612

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is the minimum recognised qualification for painters working in the industry. Learners will develop a full range of painting and decorating skills and knowledge to national standards, required for a NVQ Level 2 qualification. This will consist of onsite assessment together with a Health & Safety Test certificate as evidence of under pinning knowledge.






City & Guilds 6189 in Plumbing (NVQ Diploma Levels 2 & 3 in Plumbing)
Course Code: Lvl2: CDP169A P3C01 Lvl3: CDP204A P3C01

The following courses are available as short programmes: NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Safety & Health For further information, please contact Huw Lewis Tel: 01656 302 636 or Email: [email protected]

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus

LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks Level 2 33 weeks Level 3 DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 9am - 8pm FEES: 612 for each year plus 150 site assessment cost (no exemptions for site assessment cost)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is the minimum recognised qualification for plumbers working in the industry and consists of training and assessment in the college combined with performance gathered from assessor observations in the workplace.


The following courses are available as short programmes: Rainwater Harvesting Systems Unvented Hot Water Storage Systems Solar Thermal Systems For further information, please contact Zoe Shields Tel: 01656 302 605 or Email: [email protected] Water Regulations ACS Assessment in Gas Certification Asbestos Awareness Confined Spaces

The following courses are available as short programmes: Appointed Persons Emergency First Aid

Emergency First Aid at Work First Aid at Work How to Deliver an Effective Took Box Talk IOSH Managing Safely Manual Handling Risk Assessments Safe Use of Abrasive Wheels Safe Working at Height Site Managers Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) For further information, please contact Huw Lewis Tel: 01656 302 636 or Email: [email protected]

Course Code: CDP084A PTE: E3C01 PTD: PXCS1

NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 17 weeks: one day per week starting September and again in February 2013 (subject to numbers) or 34 weeks: one evening per week from September . DAYS & TIMES: 17 weeks: Mon or Tues 8.30am 3.30pm 34 weeks: Mon or Wed 6pm 9pm Additional days may be offered subject to enrolment. FEES: Price on application COURSE DESCRIPTION: The NEBOSH National General Certificate is a qualification designed to help those with Health and Safety responsibilities (i.e. Managers, Supervisors and Employee Representatives) to discharge more effectively their organisational duties and functions.

NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Safety & Health

Course Code: CDP085A Pencoed: E3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 38 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 6pm 9pm Additional courses may be provided, subject to demand. FEES: Price on application COURSE DESCRIPTION: The NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Safety and Health is

a qualification designed to help those who have responsibility for giving routine, day-to-day advice on health, safety and welfare in construction work. This programme of study is based on the philosophy that an understanding of health and safety in construction needs to be underpinned by an understanding of the general principles of occupational health and safety that apply to all workplaces.




Education & Training


Education & Training

Our Education and Training programmes are delivered at our Queens Road Campus.

Education & Training

CACHE Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools
Course Code: EDP122A Queens Road: P3Q01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 2pm - 5pm ???????? ????????? The department provides courses from Level 3 through to post-graduate study on a part-time basis for potential and practicing teachers, trainersand teaching assistants, as well as those in support roles working with children and young people with additional learning needs. The aim of the department is to support you to achieve your ambitions and develop excellence in teaching, learning and skills. FEES: 406

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This level 3 course is aimed at learners working in a school setting and wishing to gain a deeper knowledge of issues within a classroom context. It requires learners to complete 2 assignmentbased assessments which require them to link their experiences in practice to reading and lecture input.

Higher Education
Course Code: EDH071A Queens Road: E3Q01

Certificate in Higher Education (SEN)

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks per module Modules can be studied as individual stand alone modules, or 4 modules needed for successful completion of the Cert HE DAYS & TIMES: Wed 5pm 8pm FEES: 300 per module

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is suitable for those working in an educational setting and wishing to extend their knowledge of Special Educational Needs practice. The Certificate in Higher Education will be awarded for successful completion of four modules. It is suitable for staff working in all settings including special schools and primary and secondary age ranges. Each module is accredited at 60 credits at Level 4.

Course Code: EDH061A Queens Road: E3Q01

Graduate Certificate (SEN)

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks per module 2 modules needed for successful completion of the Graduate Certificate DAYS & TIMES: Wed 5pm 8pm FEES: 816

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is suitable for qualified teachers wishing to extend their knowledge of Special Educational Needs practice. The certificate will be awarded for successful completion of two modules focusing on educational entitlement for pupils with SEN and responding to different types of SEN in the classroom. It is suitable for teachers working in all settings including special schools and primary and secondary age ranges. This course is accredited at 60 credits at Level 6.

For course enquiries, please email the department: [email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]



Education & Training

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales Bridgend College is a collaborative BA (Hons) Education with partner of the University of South Wales Linked Named Awards: BA (Hons) Education / Inclusion / Early Years

Graduate Diploma (SEN)

Course Code: EDH061A Queens Road: E3Q02

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks per module 2 modules plus the Graduate Certificate needed for successful completion of the Graduate Diploma DAYS & TIMES: Wed 5pm 8pm FEES: 816

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is suitable for qualified teachers who have already completed the Graduate Certificate and wish to continue to extend their knowledge of Special Educational Needs practice. The diploma will be awarded for successful completion of two modules focusing on specific needs within the classroom. It is suitable for teachers working in all settings including special schools and primary and secondary age ranges. Each module is accredited at 30 credits at Level 6.

Course Code: EDH050A Queens Road: E4Q01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Wed 5pm 8pm Plus individual tutorials for independent study FEES: 816

COURSE DESCRIPTION: There is a growing demand for trained Early Years and Learning Support Practitioners with higher level qualifications. This course is suitable for early years workers and teaching assistants as part of their continuous professional development. The course provides the final degree year following successful completion of a relevant Foundation degree or Level 5 course.

Course Code: EDH047A Queens Road: E1Q01

Foundation Degree in Learning Support (Combined Studies)

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LENGTH OF COURSE: 3 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed 4pm 8pm FEES: Year 1: 800*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: There is a growing demand for trained Learning Support Practitioners with higher level qualifications. This course is designed for those providing learning support across all educational settings (Primary, Secondary, Further Education and Adult Learning).

BA (Hons) Post-Compulsory Education & Training

Course Code: EDH055A Queens Road: E4Q01

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 3 years, 80 credits per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Monday 5.30pm - 8.30pm FEES: Year 1: 920* for 80 credits

Course Code: EDH052A Queens Road: EXQ01

Preparing to Teach (Post-Compulsory Education & Training)

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This programme is designed to further your professional development as a teaching and training practitioner in the post compulsory sector . It attracts suitably qualified teachers and trainers from such diverse fields as further education, nursing, community education, higher education, the fire and police services, private training providers and voluntary and charitable organisations. The course will benefit anyone with an involvement in teaching or training in any field within the vast post compulsory sector, which is currently age 16 and beyond.

LENGTH OF COURSE: 14 weeks (Begins September and January subject to demand) DAYS & TIMES: Tues 6pm 9pm FEES: 140 per module

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is intended for new or intending teachers, trainers or professional people with a training function in the Post-14 Sector (2009 Life-long Learning Sector). Successful completion leads to 10 credits at level 4 in the Credit and Qualification Framework for Wales (CQFW). The course is endorsed by Initial Teacher Training, Life-long Learning Sector (LLUK) in Wales.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Education & Training

Bridgend College is a

Engineering & Science


collaborative partner of the Professional Graduate Certificate in University of South Wales Education (PGCE) / Certificate of Education (CERT ED) in Post Compulsory Education & Training

Course Code: PGCE: EDH052A P1Q01 Cert Ed: EDH070A P1Q01

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed 9am 4pm or Wed 2pm 9pm or Thurs 9.30am 4.30pm FEES: Year 1: 1,780* A part time grant may be available for this course. Prospective learners should apply to their Local Education Authority (LEA). Full information will be provided at interview.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a nationally recognised qualification to work in the post-compulsory sector, broadly, further education, adult and community education, work-based training and development. It will provide a basis for learners to achieve the full professional status of Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills [QTLS] after the required period of professional formation working in the sector . The course will continue to meet the requirements of Health Inspectorate Wales for qualifying professional educators in the NHS.

Engineering & Science

Based at our Bridgend Campus, courses range from Level 1 through to HND level, enabling learners to study part-time around work and/or family commitments.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.

???????? ????????? The courses are designed for learners who wish to gain skills including motor vehicle, electrical or mechanical engineering or laboratory techniques, or enter a profession such as Engineering Management or Chartered Engineering.

For course enquiries, please email the department: [email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]



Engineering & Science

EAL Level 3 Certificate in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Technology
Course Code: ENP247A PTE: E3B01 PTD: P3B01

Electrical & Electronic Engineering

EAL Level 2 Diploma in Electrical Installations

Course Code: ENP310A PTE: E3B01 PTD: P3B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 9am 5pm or Tues 6pm 9pm & Wed 5.30pm 9pm FEES: Day: 530, Evening: 454

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thur 9am 7.30pm or Mon & Thur 5pm 9pm FEES: Day: 530, Evening: 454

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is suitable for learners who want to work as electricians in the building services engineering sector . This qualification does not make learners fully qualified electricians but allows them to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression in the electro-technology sector .

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification develops the skills gained at Level 2 and focuses on practical skills and knowledge. This ensures that when the learner completes the qualification they will have gained practical experience and some expectation of some of the situations that they could face in a job role within the engineering sector . It covers the advanced level knowledge and understanding of electrical and electronic engineering.

EAL Level 2 Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology

Course Code: ENP246A PTE: E3B01 PTE: P3B01

Course Code: ENP278A PTE: E3B01 PTD: P3B01

EAL Level 3 Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Technology

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year, 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 9am 5pm or Mon 6pm 9pm & Wed 5.30pm 9pm FEES: Day: 530; Evening: 454 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification develops the skills and knowledge gained in the Level 3 certificate. This ensures that when the learner completes the qualification, they will have gained practical experience and some expectation of some of the situations that they could face in a job role within the engineering sector . It covers the advanced level knowledge and understanding of electrical and electronic engineering.

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 9am 6pm or Mon 6pm 9pm & Tues 5.30pm 9pm FEES: 502

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification focuses on practical skills and knowledge, and is suitable for learners who wish to progress to become an electrical and/or electronic engineer, who are thinking about engineering as a career but would like some experience of the job role first and those who are new to the industry or looking for a career change or wish to learn new skills.

Course Code: ENP218B Bridgend: P1B01

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed 9am 7.30pm FEES: Year 1: 612* plus text book COURSE DESCRIPTION: This programme has been specifically designed to prepare individuals working or wishing to work in a wide range of world class organisations as a much sought after Electrical or Electronic Technician/Engineer . A Subsidiary Diploma is available on successful completion of Year 1.

Course Code: ENP248A PTE: E1B01 PTD: P1B01

EAL Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electro-technical Systems and Equipment

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Tues 9am 6pm or Mon & Wed 6pm 9pm FEES: Year 1: Day: 476* plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs) (to be confirmed) Year 1: Evening: 454* plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and materials costs) COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will gain the skills and knowledge required to install electro-technical systems and equipment in buildings, structures and the environment. The learner must complete 17 mandatory units to achieve the Level 3 diploma. The course is suitable for those who wish to become a competent electrician, pursue a career in the electro-technical/building services sector and learners undertaking Summit Skills apprenticeship frameworks.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Engineering & Science

Higher Education Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Level 3 Award in Requirements for Electrical Installations (BS7671 2011) 17th Edition Regulations
Course Code: ENP016A Bridgend: EXB01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 12 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues 6pm 9pm FEES: 198 NOTE: Each candidate will require a copy of the 17th Edition BS7671 regulations, the On Site Guide 17th Edition Learner guide and a calculator .

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed for qualified, practicing Electricians working in the Electrical Installation Industry. It forms an essential part of the qualification required to work in this industry. Training will be provided to give these Craftspeople an update of their knowledge of the applicable wiring regulations.

HNC Engineering (Electronics or Electrical Power)

Course Code: ENH062A Electronics: P1B01 Power: P1B04

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Mon 9am 6.30pm FEES: Year 1: 800* plus approx. 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to support a range of Technical and Management careers in Electrical or Electronic Engineering. It is supported by many local employers and is accepted by local HE institutions as an entry qualification to Higher National Diploma (HND) or degree level courses.

Level 3 Award in the Initial Verification and Certification of Electrical Installations

Course Code: ENP304A Bridgend: EXB01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus

LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks (starting September and January, subject to demand) DAYS & TIMES: Tues 6pm 9pm FEES: 198 plus text book

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification is at aimed at practising electricians who have not carried out inspection and testing since qualifying or who require some update of training before going on to other qualifications. The qualification is also suitable for those with limited experience of initial inspection of electrical installations, such as those entering the industry from other engineering disciplines or who have been working in allied trades. This qualification prepares candidates for the initial verification of electrical installation work.

Course Code: ENH062A Bridgend: P1B03

HNC Engineering (Measurement & Control Systems)

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed 9am 6.30pm FEES: Year 1: 800* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration fee (Year 1 only)

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to support a range of Technical and Management careers in Instrumentation and Control Engineering. It is supported by many local employers and is accepted by local HE institutions as an entry qualification to Higher National Diploma (HND) or degree level courses.

Course Code: ENP305A Bridgend: EXB01

Level 3 Award in the Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electrical Installations
LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 12 weeks (starting September and January, subject to demand) DAYS & TIMES: Tues 6pm 9pm FEES: 198 plus text book COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification is at aimed at practising electricians who have not carried out inspection and testing since qualifying or who require some update of training before going on to other qualifications. The qualification is also suitable for those with limited experience of initial inspection of electrical installations, such as those entering the industry from other engineering disciplines or who have been working in allied trades. The qualification prepares candidates for the periodic inspection of electrical installation work.

Course Code: Electronics: ENH024A P1B01 Mech: ENH060A P1B01

HNC/D Building Services Engineering (Electrical & Mechanical Options)

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: HNC: 2 years HND: 1 year (post HNC) DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Thurs 1pm 9pm FEES: Year 1: HNC: 800* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only) HND: 697 plus approx 80 BTEC Registration Fee

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The HNC consists of eight modules including Mathematics, Electrical Design Applications, Lighting Applications, Management & Profiling, Project, Air-Conditioning, Heating, Manual Drawing & CAD and Thermo-fluids. The HND requires a further four modules to include: An Integrated Design Project, Building Management Systems, Energy Options for the Future, Air Conditioning, Heating and Management & Sustainability.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.




Engineering & Science

Level 3 Diploma in Maintenance Engineering Technology
Course Code: ENP256A Bridgend: P1B01

SHORT COURSES Electrical & Electronic Engineering

The following courses are available as short programmes:  City & Guilds 2382-12 Level 3 Requirements for Electrical Installations (BS7671 2011) 17th Edition Regulations  City & Guilds 2377-22 Level 3 Award in the In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment (PAT)  City & Guilds 2394-01 Award in the Initial Inspection, Verification and Certification of Electrical Installations  City & Guilds 2395-01 Award in the Periodic Inspection, Testing and Certification of Electrical Installations  City & Guilds 2377-32 Level 3 Award in the Management Requirements for the Maintenance of Electrical Equipment  Electricity at Work  Basic Motors (AC and DC drives)  Basic Motors (Stepper Motors and Servo Motors)  Small Power and Lighting  Basic / Advanced Electronics  Panel Wiring  Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) For further information, please contact Engage Training Tel: 01656 763 230 or Email: [email protected]

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Thurs 9am 6pm FEES: Year 1: 502 plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification focuses on

practical skills and knowledge which provide practical experience and some expectation of some of the situations that learners could face in a job role within the engineering sector . It covers the advanced level knowledge and understanding of maintenance engineering and has been developed in consultation with colleges, to ensure that it meets the needs of the engineering sector .

Course Code: ENP228A Bridgend: E3B01

City & Guilds 7579-01 Level 2 Award in Computer Aided Design Parametric Modelling (Inventor)
LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues 6pm 9pm FEES: 208 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course has been designed to meet customers needs for more modern, up-to-date and flexible qualifications. The emphasis is on learning by doing and for this reason candidates are required to complete a number of practical assignments along with a Multiple Choice Question test.

Mechanical / Maintenance Engineering

Level 1 NVQ Performing Engineering Operations NEW for 2013

Course Code: ENP273A PTE: E3B01 PTD: P3B01

Course Code: ENP227A Bridgend: E3B01

City & Guilds 7579-03 Level 3 Award in 2D Computer Aided Design (AutoCAD)
LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 6pm 9pm FEES: 208 COURSE DESCRIPTION: It has been designed to meet customers needs for more modern, up-to-date and flexible qualifications. The emphasis is on learning by doing and for this reason candidates are required to complete a number of practical assignments along with a Multiple Choice Question test.

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Friday 9am 4pm or Mon & Wed 6pm 9pm FEES: 378 plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a National Vocational qualification (NVQ). It involves the skills and knowledge needed to do the job, ability to organise work and identify and prevent problems. This qualification covers the fundamentals skills and knowledge common to all engineering practices, including health and safety requirements and communicating engineering information. It offers an extensive choice and flexibility for learners to demonstrate competence in one or more of a broad variety of engineering activities.

Higher Education Mechanical / Maintenance Engineering

Level 3 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Course Code: ENP220A Bridgend: P1B01

Course Code: ENH062A Bridgend: P1B02

HNC Engineering (Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering)

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed 9am 6.30pm FEES: Year 1: 800* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration fee (Year 1 only)

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed 9am 7.30pm FEES: Year 1: 612* plus text book

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This programme has been designed to prepare individuals working or wishing to work in a highly rewarding and interesting career in Mechanical Engineering making full use of Computer Aided Engineering. A Subsidiary Diploma is available on successful completion of Year 1.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course has been designed to support a range of careers at Management and Technician level in Manufacturing and Maintenance areas. It is supported by many local employers and is accepted by local HE institutions as an entry qualification to Higher National Diploma (HND) or degree level courses.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details. 59


Engineering & Science

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

HNC Operations Engineering

Course Code: ENH062A Bridgend: P1B05

ABC Level 3 Diploma in Fabrication & Welding Practice

Course Code: ENP231A Bridgend: P3B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Thurs 9am - 6.30pm FEES: Year 1: 800* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to support a range of Technical and Management careers in Operations Engineering along two pathways: Electrical or Mechanical bias. The HNC is supported by many local employers and is accepted by local HE institutions as an entry qualification to HND or degree level courses.
Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 9am 5pm FEES: 476 plus PPE & material costs (no exemptions for material costs)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides learners with advanced welding skills in gas and electric welding processing, with safe working practices as the prime objective. The programme is in line with BSEN287.

Course Code: ENH065A Bridgend: P3B01

HND Engineering (Top-up)

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: Mon 9am 6.30pm FEES: 697 plus approx 80 BTEC Registration Fee COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a top-up provision intended as a progression for learners who

have completed the Higher National Certificate (HNC) course for the relevant pathway. It is not a stand alone course; students must have completed the HNC course before they can begin the HND. Four Core Modules are common for all pathways and include: Digital Logic and Software Principles, Sustainability and Environmental Issues, Numerical Analysis and Introduction to Quality Assurance.

Practical Welder Training and Approval (Coded Welding Training)

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: Dictated by experience of the individual DAYS & TIMES: To be arranged FEES: Price on application COURSE DESCRIPTION: These courses are designed for individuals who require practical welding certification to International Standards. For example: Welder Approvals; BS 4872; BS EN 287 or ASME IX.

Fabrication & Welding

Course Code: ENP229A PTE: E3B01 PTD: P3B01

SHORT COURSES M  echanical Engineering / AutoCAD / Welding

The following courses are available as short programmes:  Abrasive Wheels (Fixed)  Abrasive Wheels (Portable appliances)  Advanced Hydraulics  Advanced Thick Plate Welding / Fabrication  AutoCAD 2D  Autodesk Inventor Parametric Modelling  Basic Machining  Burning and Welding  CNC Milling / Turning  Engineering Maintenance  Fastenings  Hydraulics  Introduction to MIG / TIG Welding  Introduction to MMA Welding  Lubrication  Pipe Fitting  Pneumatics  Pumps  Thick Plate Welding / Fabrication  Valves and Glands For further information, please contact Engage Training Tel: 01656 763 230 or Email: [email protected]

ABC Level 2 Certificate in Fabrication & Welding Practice

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am 5.30pm or Mon & Tues 6pm 9pm FEES: Day: 476 Evening: 408 plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides learners with basic welding skills in gas and electric welding processing, with safe working practices as the prime objective. The programme is in line with BSEN287.

ABC Level 3 Certificate in Fabrication & Welding Practice

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 9am 5pm or Mon & Tues 6pm 9pm FEES: Day: 476 Evening: 408 plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs)
Course Code: ENP230A PTE: E3B01 PTD: P3B01

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course enables learners to build on their basic welding skills in gas and electric welding processing, with safe working practices as the prime objective. The programme is in line with BSEN287.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.




Engineering & Science

Level 3 Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles
Course Code: ENP254A Bridgend: P1B01

Plant Maintenance

Level 2 Diploma in Plant Maintenance (Construction)

Course Code: ENP236A Bridgend: B1B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Mon 9am 7pm FEES: Year 1: 524* plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs)

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years Block Release DAYS & TIMES: 8 x 1 week blocks throughout each academic year; Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm (Fri 4pm) FEES: Price on application plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The aim of this programme is to provide learners with the underpinning knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to enhance and develop a career, specialising in the repair and maintenance of Construction Plant Equipment in one or more of the following industry sectors; Building, Construction, Civil, Groundwork, Demolition, Materials Handling, Open Cast, Power Access, Power Generation, Steel Manufacturing and Small Tools Hire, etc. Evidence produced can be used to support a NVQ Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship in Plant Maintenance.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The aim of this programme is to provide learners with the underpinning knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to enhance and develop a career, specialising in the repair and maintenance of Heavy Vehicles (Trucks & Buses). Evidence produced can be used to support a NVQ Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair .

Course Code: ENP253A Bridgend: P1B01

Level 2 Diploma in Heavy Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: 8 x 1 week blocks spaced throughout each year; Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm (Fri 4pm) FEES: Price on application plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material cost COURSE DESCRIPTION: The aim of this programme is to provide learners with the underpinning knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to enhance and develop a career, specialising in the repair and maintenance of Heavy Vehicles (Trucks & Buses). Evidence produced can be used to support a NVQ Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship in Heavy Vehicle Maintenance and Repair .

Course Code: ENP243A Bridgend: P1B01

Level 3 Diploma in Plant Maintenance

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years Block Release DAYS & TIMES: 8 x 1 week blocks spaced throughout each academic year; Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm (Fri 4pm) FEES: Price on application plus plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs) COURSE DESCRIPTION: The aim of this programme is to provide learners with the underpinning knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to enhance and develop a career, specialising in the repair and maintenance of Construction Plant Equipment in one or more of the following industry sectors; Building, Construction, Civil, Groundwork, Demolition, Materials Handling, Open Cast, Power Access, Power Generation, Steel Manufacturing and Small Tools Hire, etc. Evidence produced can be used to support a NVQ Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Plant Maintenance.

Level 3 Diploma in Heavy Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles

Course Code: ENP255A Bridgend: P1B01

Motor Vehicle

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: 8 x 1 week blocks spaced throughout each academic year; Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm (Fri 4pm) FEES: Price on application plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs)

Course Code: ENP222A Bridgend: P1B01

Level 2 Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Principles

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Tues 9am 7pm FEES: Year 1: 524* plus PPE and material cost (no exemptions for PPE and material costs) COURSE DESCRIPTION: The aim of this programme is to provide learners with the underpinning knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to enhance and develop a career, specialising in the repair and maintenance of Light Vehicles. Evidence produced can be used to support a NVQ Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair .

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The aim of this programme is to provide learners with the underpinning knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to enhance and develop a career, specialising in the repair and maintenance of Heavy Vehicles (Trucks & Buses). Evidence produced can be used to support a NVQ Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Heavy Vehicle Maintenance and Repair .

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Engineering & Science


Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapy



Level 3 Diploma in Applied Science

Course Code: ENP282A Bridgend: P1B01

Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapy

The department of Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapy is located within our industry standard salon facilities at our Bridgend Campus.

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed 9am 7.30pm FEES: Year 1: 612*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a practical, workrelated course. Twelve units will be studied which focus on the sciences and developing laboratory skills. Learners will learn by completing assignments and projects which are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

Higher Education Science

Course Code: ENH064A Bridgend: P1B01

HNC Environmental & Applied Chemistry

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Thurs 9am 7.30pm FEES: Year 1: 600* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only)

In partnership with:

???????? ????????? Many learners complete a number of courses within the department and often return to update their skills as industry standards develop. Learners enjoy hands on experience in Intuition, the Colleges training salon, with staff who are highly qualified and active practitioners in their field of expertise, including Hairdressing, Beauty Specialist Techniques along with Swedish, Indian Head and Sports Massage.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course has been designed to allow learners to develop an understanding of Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Laboratory Techniques and Analytical Methods. The programme will explain the rationale and principles of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods used in scientific investigation. This qualification is particularly useful for individuals employed in the Manufacturing, Engineering, Scientific and Environmental sectors.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


For course enquiries, please email the department: hair&[email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]



Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapy

Beauty Therapy


City & Guilds NVQ Level 2 Diploma in Hairdressing

Course Code: HBP071A Bridgend: P1B01

VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Specialist Techniques

Course Code: HBP075A Bridgend: P3B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus

LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Wed 1pm 8pm FEES: Year 1: 464*, plus a studio fee of 30 per year Learners will also be required to purchase a training kit and uniform for this course, along with training heads and hair products. You will also need to supply portfolio files.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to develop a broad range of hairdressing skills and includes both theory and practice. Learners are expected to develop a portfolio of work and, ideally, seek to gain salon experience throughout the duration of this course. References may be requested when you apply for this course.

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 36 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9am 8pm

FEES: 612 plus a studio fee of 35 Learners will also be required to purchase a training kit and uniform for this course. Learners who have not already registered with VTCT will need to pay a 16 Lifetime Registration Fee. There will also be optional extra fees for additional modules undertaken within this course such as ear piercing and self tan and a stationary payment for files.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course enables learners to study the basics of beauty therapy practices to a professional level including skincare, makeup and lash and brow treatments, wax depilation, manicure and pedicure. If learners have not previously achieved the Level 3 Diploma in Health, Safety, Security and Employment Standards, it will be integrated into this course and will be assessed via external test papers. References may be requested when you apply for this course.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.

SHORT COURSES Hairdressing

The following courses are available as short programmes:  Continual Professional Development (CPD) for Hairdressing Practitioners  Specialist Awards in Hairdressing For further information, please contact Engage Training Tel: 01656 763 230 or Email: [email protected]

SHORT COURSES Beauty Therapy

The following courses are available as short programmes:  Spray Tanning  Wax Depilation  Certificate in Threading (pre-requisite Level 2 Beauty Therapy qualification) Introduction to Nail Technology For further information, please contact Engage Training Tel: 01656 763 230or Email: engagetraining

Complementary Therapy

VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage

Course Code: HBP077A Bridgend: E3B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 6pm 9pm FEES: 205

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The practical and theoretical skills of body massage are taught to a professional level in conjunction with anatomy and physiology. If learners have not previously achieved the Level 3 Diploma in Health, Safety, Security and Employment Standards, it will be integrated into this course and will be assessed via external test papers. References may be requested, and an interview and medical check will be carried out.

Learners who have not already registered with VTCT will need to pay a 16 Lifetime Registration Fee.




Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapy


VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Indian Head Massage

Course Code: HBP070A Bridgend: EXB01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 15 weeks

DAYS & TIMES: Day to be confirmed, 5.30pm 9pm (Sept Jan) FEES: 127 Learners will also be required to purchase a uniform for this course. Learners who have not already registered with VTCT will need to pay a 16 Lifetime Registration Fee.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learners will study the practical application of Indian Head massage techniques and the supporting theory to a professional level. If learners have not previously achieved the Level 3 Diploma in Health, Safety, Security and Employment Standards, it will be integrated into this course and will be assessed via external test papers. References may be requested when you apply for this course.

Course Code: HBP076A Bridgend: E3B01

VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Sports Massage Therapy

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 5.30pm 8.30pm FEES: 229 Learners will be required to purchase a kit and uniform for this course. Learners who have not already registered with VTCT will need to pay a 16 Lifetime Registration Fee. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is for those who wish to extend their massage skills into the sports setting or for those working in the Sports Industry. If learners have not previously achieved the Level 3 Diploma in Health, Safety, Security and Employment Standards, it will be integrated into this course and will be assessed via external test papers. Learners are required to produce a portfolio of written evidence for this course. First Aid training will also form part of this course. References may be requested when you apply for this course.

SHORT COURSES Complementary Therapy

The following courses are available as short programmes:  Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for Complementary Therapy Practitioners  Hot Stone Therapy (pre-requisite Certificate in Swedish Massage)  Certificate in Swedish Massage  Certificate in Indian Head Massage For further information, please contact Engage Training Tel: 01656 763 230 or Email: [email protected]




Information Technology


Information Technology
Our Information Technology (IT) courses are based at our Bridgend Campus with some programmes also available at Maesteg.

Information Technology
Web Design

Web Design, Creation and Maintenance - Part 1

Course Code: ITP025A Bridgend: EXB01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus ???????? ????????? Courses are designed for learners wishing to gain up-to-date skills skills within the field of Information Technology (IT).

LENGTH OF COURSE: 15 weeks (Begins Sept 2013) DAYS & TIMES: Tues or Wed 6pm 9pm FEES: 126

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a practical course which involves learners in creating websites using HTML and Adobe CS5 Dreamweaver . Learners are introduced to web design principles and concepts to develop skills in creating simple functional websites. Learners should hold a current IT qualification and/or have good IT skills. Learners with proven web design skills will be able to progress to Part 2.

Course Code: ITP243A Bridgend: EXB01

Agored Cymru Web Design, Creation and Maintenance - Pt 2

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus DAYS & TIMES: Wed 6pm 9pm FEES: 205 LENGTH OF COURSE: 15 weeks (Begins Jan 2014) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This practical course involves learners in creating a website using HTML and Adobe CS5 Dreamweaver, Photoshop and other Adobe integrated software applications. It will develop a range of advanced web design skills and theoretical concepts such as SEO, accessibility and copyright infringement. It is aimed at learners with a basic understanding in web design.

Computer Maintenance
Course Code: ITP155A Bridgend: E3B01

A+ Computer Maintenance
LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 6pm 9pm FEES: 436 plus approx 64 exam fee. There are no exemptions for this course. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This certificate is recognised validation of the technical knowledge required by an entry-level Computer Service Technician. The certificate is sponsored by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) and is an opportunity to gain recognition for technical knowledge. It carries maximum weight and credibility in the IT industry worldwide.

For course enquiries, please email the department: it&[email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]



Information Technology

BCS Level 3 Certificate in IT User Skills (ECDL Advanced)
LOCATION: Bridgend Campus
Course Code: ITP179A Bridgend: E1B01

Computer Maintenance: CompTIA Strata Level 1

Course Code: ITP156A Bridgend: E3B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 6pm 8pm FEES: 341 (including exam and text book). There are no exemptions for this course.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is unit based and been developed to address the needs of candidates who are looking to enter the IT industry but may not have decided on their preferred route. It will also suit those who wish to gain an insight into how best to maintain their home PC. On successful completion of this course candidates will be ideally placed to progress onto the A+ IT Technician course. Units offered include: Fundamentals of PC Functionality and Fundamentals of PC Technology. There will be two 60 minute computer based exams at the end of the course.

LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 Years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Monday 6pm 9pm FEES: Year 1: 298*

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This Level 3 course allows learners to demonstrate higher level computer skills, showing employers confidence, competence and efficiency in Word Processing, Database, Presentations, Spreadsheets and Improving Productivity using IT.

Course Code: ITP180A Maesteg: E3M01

BCS Level 3 Award in IT User Skills

LOCATION: Maesteg Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 6pm 9pm FEES: 213 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This Level 3 course allows learners to demonstrate higher level computer skills, showing employers that confidence, competence and efficiency in Word Processing and Spreadsheets.

IT User Skills
Course Code: ITP111A PTE: E3B01 Maesteg: E3M01

BCS Level 1 Award in IT User Skills (ECDL Essentials)

LOCATION: Bridgend or Maesteg Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Bridgend Campus: Thurs 6pm 8pm Maesteg Campus: Wed 6pm 8pm FEES: 172 plus 10 certification fee for Word Processing Level 1 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification is ideal for novice computer users wishing to prove and improve their computing skills for the benefit of themselves and of future employers. Modules include: Security for IT Users, IT User Fundamentals, Using E-mail and the Internet and an additional Word Processing L1 unit.

Course Code: ITP020A Bridgend: E3B01

Cisco CCNA Discovery

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Monday 5pm 9pm FEES: 680 (There are no exemptions for this course) COURSE DESCRIPTION: The CCNA Discovery course has been designed for learners with basic PC usage skills. The course, which is split into 4 modules, enables learners to cover all material necessary to sit Ciscos new entry level qualification, CCNET. The Cisco CCNA Discovery provides foundational networking knowledge, practical experience, opportunities for career exploration and soft-skills development to help learners prepare for entry-level careers in IT and networking.

Course Code: ITP125A PTE: E3B01 PTD: P3B01 Maesteg: E3M01

BCS Level 2 Certificate for IT User Skills (ECDL Extra)

LOCATION: Bridgend or Maesteg Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Bridgend Campus: Monday 6-9pm or Wed 9am 12pm Maesteg Campus: Wed 6pm 9pm FEES: 219 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification is ideal for computer users wishing to prove and improve their computing skills for the benefit of themselves and of future employers. Modules covered include: Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentation and Improving Productivity using IT.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.




Information Technology

Higher Education
learners to gain the skills and hands-on experience needed to design, install, operate and maintain networks in small-to-medium businesses, as well as enterprise and service provider environments. It is designed for learners with advanced problemsolving and analytical skills, such as degree candidates in computing, engineering, maths or science or for working professionals who would like to advance their careers or gain certification.

Cisco CCNA Explorer

Course Code: ITP166A Bridgend: E3B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 4pm 9pm FEES: 849 (There are no exemptions for this course) COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Cisco CCNA Exploration course provides a comprehensive overview of networking and emphasises theoretical concepts and practical application. It also provides opportunities for

HNC Computing
LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed

Course Code: ITH029A Queens Road: P1Q01

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

LOCATION:Queens Road Campus

FEES: Year 1: 600* plus approx 165 BTEC Registration Fee (Year 1 only)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide learners with a good grounding in computing principles, with particular reference to the analysis, design and implementation of Information Systems in a business context. It is a suitable choice for learners seeking a career in Information Technology, looking to improve computing knowledge and skills, or wanting to gain a nationally recognised qualification in the computing field.

Course Code: ITH030A Queens Road: P3Q01

HNC to HND Top-up in Computing

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: 697* plus approx 80 BTEC Registration Fee

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course allows those who have successfully completed the HNC in Information Systems to top up their qualification to a HND in Computing. The course will further develop the learners skills in the areas of computer programming, systems architecture, database development and also through an individual project.

Course Code: ITH026A Queens Road: P1Q01

Foundation Degree in IT Management for Business

LOCATION: Queens Road Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: To be confirmed

In partnership with:

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is mix of management and technology modules with a focus on the use of modern technology in modern businesses. The programme brings together the IT and business management skills required by small and large businesses alike. It focuses on up skilling future decision makers to understand how IT can better be used to drive their business forward, whilst giving them practical insight into how technologies work without being a technology specialist.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.




Land Based


Land Based
Based at our Pencoed Campus, learners benefit from the opportunity of hands-on practical sessions within realistic environments across each career area within the department.

Smallholders Course
LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 12 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Sat 9am 1pm FEES: Price on application COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide the practical training and knowledge necessary to manage a successful smallholding. It will include Market Gardening, Dry Stone Walling, Hedge Laying, Production of sheep, cattle, poultry and pigs, Animal Health and Welfare and Legislation. There is an option to split the course so learners can choose between animal production or horticulture if they do not wish to study both. Flexible learning options available.

The career areas include Agriculture, Animal Care, Veterinary Nursing, Countryside & Environmental Management, Equine and Horticulture. We also offer a wide range of short programmes (formally NPTC) to enable learners to gain additional, industry-specific qualifications.

HNC/D Agriculture
LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 - 4 years DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed FEES: Year 1: 600*

Course Code: AGH039A Queens Road: P1C01

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course develops the academic base of vocational training and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Agricultural industry. Students will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery.


 Smallholders course  Lambing (Practical)  Sheep Handling (Practical)  Calf Handling (Practical)  Keepings Hens at Home

The following courses are available as short programmes:

For further information, please contact Zoe Shields, Tel: 01656 302 605 or Email: [email protected]

For course enquiries, please email the department: [email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Land Based


Animal Care

Agored Cymru Level 2 / 3 Dog Grooming

Course Code: Lvl2: ACP007A Lvl3: ACP010A

The following courses are available as short programmes:  Small Mammal Care  Exotic Animal Care  Canine Studies (includes Canine Care and Canine First Aid)  Canine First Aid  Animal experience days For further information, please contact Zoe Shields, Tel: 01656 302 605 or Email: [email protected]

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 15 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Afternoon and evening sessions are available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Times and days will be confirmed upon application. FEES: 293

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides learners with an introduction to the grooming business on a practical level, gaining skills in canine grooming and styling.

Countryside Management Higher Education

Course Code: ACP038A Pencoed: P1C01

RCVS Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 or 3 years, 36 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: 1 day per week, 9.15am 6pm (day to be confirmed) FEES: Year 1: 480* plus course materials COURSE DESCRIPTION: Candidates need to be employed within a veterinary practice in order to undertake this course. Successful completion of the programme offers the full qualification as a Veterinary Nurse.

Course Code: HNC: AGH048A P1C01 HND: AGH049A P3C01

HNC/D Environmental Conservation Management

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 - 4 years DAYS & TIMES: This modular course allows learners the flexibility to choose sessions from the following: Mon or Tues 9.15am 4.30pm or Tues 3pm 8.30pm or Tues 5pm 8.30pm (example only days may change) FEES: Year 1: 600*

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

Higher Education
Course Code: ACH045A Pencoed: P1C01

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course develops the academic base of vocational development and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the Environmental Management Industry. Learners will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery.

HNC/D Animal Studies

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 - 4 years DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed on application FEES: Year 1: 600*

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course develops the academic base of vocational development and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the animal industry. Learners will gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery to enable them to develop their knowledge and understanding of business and practice within the animal industry.

Course Code: Lvl1: EQP009A EXC01 Lvl2: EQP053A EXC01 Lvl3: EQP026A EXC01

BHS Horse Owners Certificate

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 6pm 8pm FEES: Price on application (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to offer an insight into horse care and training towards the BHS Stages 1 & 2 examination.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Land Based

BHS PTT Certificate in Preliminary Teaching of Horse Riding
LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Wed 9.15am - 1pm FEES: 347 (There are no exemptions for this course) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to offer an insight into and training towards the preliminary teaching examination of the BHS.

BHS Stage 1

Course Code: EQP046A Pencoed: P3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks

DAYS & TIMES: Tues 9.15am - 4.30pm FEES: 410 plus approx 160 exam fee (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course has been designed to give an insight and introduction into the BHS syllabus and to improve candidates knowledge of the various aspects of the Equine Industry. This course includes a Level 1 Work-based Certificate.

Course Code: EQP010A Pencoed: PXC01

Higher Education
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is suitable for those individuals who have already obtained their Stage 1 and wish to progress with further vocational training towards BHS qualifications.
Course Code: EQH002A Pencoed: P1C01

Course Code: EQP048A Pencoed: P3C01

BHS Stage 2

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 20 weeks

HNC/D Equine Studies

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 - 4 years DAYS & TIMES: To be confirmed on application FEES: Year 1: 600*

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 10.30am 3.30pm FEES: 410 plus approx 185 exam fee (There are no exemptions for this course)

Course Code: EQP051A Pencoed: P3C01

BHS Stage 3

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course develops the academic base of vocational development and provides Higher Education training for those seeking a career change or development within the equine industry. Learners will gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised vocational module delivery to enable them to develop their knowledge and understanding of business and practice within the equine industry.

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 20 weeks

DAYS & TIMES: Fri 10.30am 3.30pm FEES: 410 plus approx 230 exam fee (There are no exemptions for this course)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is suitable for those individuals who have already obtained their Stage 2 and wish to progress with further vocational training towards BHS qualifications.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


The following courses are available as short programmes:  BHS Riding and Road Safety  Competition Schooling over Fences  Feeding Horses  BHS Preparation 1& 2  Equine First Aid  Dressage Improvement  Buying a Horse what you should know

BHS Stage 4
LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 20 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Fri 10.30am 3.30pm FEES: 410 plus approx 236 exam fee (There are no exemptions for this course) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is suitable for those individuals who have already obtained their Stage 3 and wish to progress with further vocational training towards BHS qualifications.

For further information, please contact Zoe Shields, Tel: 01656 302 605 or Email: [email protected]




Land Based

Level 3 Diploma in Work-based Horticulture (Sports Turf)
LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 33 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Thurs 9.15am 4.30pm FEES: Year 1: 408* COURSE DESCRIPTION: This qualification is a progression from the Level 2 award. It is intended for those learners employed in a supervisory position. However, learners given support by their employer to carry out some of the supervisory tasks and complete construction and maintenance projects would be accepted.


Course Code: HCP056A Pencoed: P1C01

RHS Level 2 Certificate in Practical Horticulture

Course Code: HCP067A Pencoed: E3C01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 33 weeks

DAYS & TIMES: 6.30pm - 8.30pm (day to be confirmed) FEES: 247

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will suit those wishing to increase their knowledge in horticulture and those with no experience in the subject. Units include soil testing, practical skills in ground preparation for seeding and planting, care and pruning of plants and sustainable garden practice.

Higher Education
Course Code: HCP057A Pencoed: P1C01

NPTC Level 2 Diploma in Horticulture

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 33 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Mon 9.15am 4.30pm FEES: Year 1: 408* COURSE DESCRIPTION: This award is aimed at learners who do not have access to a NVQ course, but wish to either develop the skills learnt from a GNVQ or other qualification, require evidence towards the underpinning knowledge of a NVQ or would like career progression within this sector . The course offers a choice of routes including: Arboriculture, Decorative Horticulture or Sports Turf Management.

Course Code: HCH056A Pencoed: P1C01

HNC/D Horticulture (Landscape Construction & Garden Design)

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 - 4 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: 9.15am 5pm (Day to be confirmed) FEES: Year 1: 600*

Bridgend College is a collaborative partner of the University of South Wales

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course develops the academic base of vocational development and provides Higher Education training for those seeking development within the Landscape and Garden Design Industry. Learners will also gain a sound scientific background as part of the course along with specialised module delivery.

Course Code: HCP055A Pencoed: P1C01

Level 2 Diploma in Work-based Horticulture (Sports Turf)

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years, 33 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Mon 9.15am 4.30pm FEES: Year 1: 408* plus 50 for training manual (Year 1 only), with additional costs for NPTC certificates of competence COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is the standard award for the Sports Turf Industry at craftsman level. Level 2 units are Monitoring and Maintaining Health and Safety; Developing Personal Performance and Maintaining Working Relationships; Establishing Plants Outdoors; Maintaining the Health of Sports Turf; Presenting, Maintaining and Repairing Sports Turf Surfaces for Play; Using and Maintaining Equipment and Machines; and Preparing and Operating a Tractor with Attachments.

SHORT COURSES Horticulture

 Garden Design Day  Beds, Borders and Container Gardening  Horticulture Machinery  Healthy Lawns  Growing Vegetables  Horticulture for Schools  Smallholders course

The following courses are available as short programmes:

For further information, please contact Zoe Shields, Tel: 01656 302 605 or Email: [email protected]

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.


*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Land Based


Performing Arts


SHORT COURSES City & Guilds NPTC Land-based Awards

All Awards in the City & Guilds NPTC Chainsaw Suite Award in All Terrain Vehicle Handling (Quad Bike) Beekeeping Brushcutter/Trimmer (Lantra Award) Dry Stone Walling Hedge Laying Refresher Courses Rough Terrain Telescopic Lift Safe Use of Pesticides PA1 / PA2 Safe Use of Pesticides PA1 / PA6 Safe Use of Pesticides PA6W Safe Use of Pesticides PA2 only Smallholders Course Stock Fencing Tractor Driving Transport of Animals by Road (Short Journey) Wood Chipper (Lantra Award)

A wide range of popular NPTC courses are available as short programmes at our Pencoed Campus. These include:

Performing Arts
Learners benefit from our new multi-purpose lecture theatre based within the department of Performing Arts at Bridgend Campus.

Whilst the space is primarily for the Performing Arts department, the new facility is used for college-wide activities such as student induction, guest speakers and student shows. Staff are highly qualified and industry experienced, with many Performing Arts staff currently working professionally in the industry. This ensures that they bring first hand, up to date knowledge to their teaching and can pass on invaluable advice and support to their learners.

Please note that there are no exemptions from the cost of these courses, however funding may be accessible through outside agencies, please enquire for further details. If there is an NPTC award that you wish to undertake that is not listed above, please contact the Centre and we will do our best to meet your needs. For further information, please visit or contact Zoe Shields, Tel: 01656 302 605 or Email: [email protected]

For course enquiries, please email the department: [email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]



Performing Performing Arts Arts

Edexcel Level 3 Certificate / Subsidiary Diploma in Dance
LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 or 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Tues and Thurs 4.30pm - 6.30pm FEES: Price on application* COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a practical, workrelated course which involves completing projects and assignments which are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. The course involves developing a range of specialist dance skills and knowledge.

Course Code: Cert: PAP087A P3B02 Sub Dip: PAP069A P3B01

Performing Arts
NCFE Level 1 Certificate in Performance Skills Using Music
Course Code: PAP065A Bridgend: E3B01

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Mon 5pm 9pm FEES: 304

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a practical course which focuses on developing performance skills in the music department. It is open to anyone who wishes to develop their existing music skills or who are starting music classes for the first time. All that is needed is energy, enthusiasm and commitment.

Course Code: Cert: PAP084A P3B01 Sub Dip: PAP068A P3B01

Edexcel Level 3 Certificate / Subsidiary Diploma in Music Technology

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 or 2 years, 30 weeks per year DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Tues and Thurs 4.30pm - 6.30pm FEES: Price on application* COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is taught with lectures and demonstrations and through practical work. Practical work concentrates on simple tasks done to high standards and covers a broad aspect of engineering skills including use of microphones, digital audio editing techniques, computer sequencing and includes continual and extensive ear training and assessment.

Course Code: PAP064A Bridgend: E3B01

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Performance Skills Using Music

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues 6pm 9pm FEES: 304 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a practical course, divided into 3 key units with learners regularly performing in local venues. Unit 1: Provides an opportunity to look at specific training and employment opportunities within the Entertainment Industry. Unit 2: Focuses on the development of practical skills in music. Unit 3: Focuses on rehearsal and performance of music material, expert guitar tuition is also available.

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.

Course Code: PAP089A Bridgend: PXB01

Agored Cymru Scriptwriting for Theatre, Radio, Film and TV

LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 10 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues 5pm - 8pm FEES: 121 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learners will have the opportunity to work with professionals in the Welsh film & theatre industry and receive one-to-one mentoring on how to develop their writing. Learners will develop skills in character creation, dialogue, story structure and script format. Scripts can range from 10 min shorts to full-length features, depending on individual needs.




Performing Skills & General Arts Education


Skills & General Education

The courses within this section aim to develop learner skills across a range of areas including Literacy and Numeracy Mathematics, English Language, Skills for Independence & Progression, Sign Language and Welsh.

GCSE English Language

Course Code: GEU015A

A variety of classes are on offer to suit every learner including GCSE Higher and Foundation level, Level 1 & 2 in Literacy. LOCATION: Bridgend, Maesteg or Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Bridgend Campus: Mon 6pm 9pm (E3B01) or Tues 9am 12pm (P3B02) or Wed 1pm 4pm (P3B03) or Wed 6pm 9pm (E3B03) or Thurs 6pm - 9pm (E3B04) Maesteg Campus: Tues 6pm 9pm (E3M01) Pencoed Campus Wed 1pm - 4pm (P3C01) FEES: 206

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are of vital importance in many areas. Different forms of assessment are appropriate to these different skills. Reading and Writing are assessed through controlled assessment and in two externally marked units. Speaking and Listening are assessed in a variety of different situations during the course. Please note: Learners who have previously achieved D grade or above in GCSE English Language and mature learners are invited to apply. Each learner will attend a formal interview which will include an informal online assessment to help guide students to the correct course. Learners who have achieved grades below a D in GCSE English Language are invited to apply for a Level 1 - 2 Certificate in English. The course is designed to assist and develop and develop learners with all aspects of writing, reading, speaking and listening in preparation for GCSE English Language.

Courses are available at our Bridgend, Maesteg and Queens Road Campuses.

For course enquiries, please email the department: [email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]



Performing Skills & General Arts Education

Skills for Life
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The syllabus is split into 4 target areas: Number; Algebra; Shape & Space and Handling Data. All courses will be subject to external examination. All students will be expected to do homework each week. ** The resit class on a Thursday evening is a short course of approximately 7 weeks and is only available to students who completed a GCSE Maths course the previous year and received a Grade D in the summer examination. All students will attend a formal interview which will include an informal online assessment to help guide the students to the correct course. To assist this process please submit a completed application form to Student Services who will contact you directly to arrange an interview which will be on fixed dates throughout the Summer . Evidence of the GCSE Mathematics Grade achieved will be required. Mature students without formal qualifications will be accepted at the discretion of the course tutor .


GCSE Mathematics
Course Code: GEU028A

A variety of Mathematic classes are on offer to suit every learner including GCSE Mathematics Higher and Foundation Level, Level 1 & 2 in Numeracy, Measures, Algebra and Statistics. Entry Level 2 & 3 in Numeracy also available. LOCATION: Bridgend, Pencoed or Maesteg Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Bridgend Campus Tue 6pm 9pm (Found: E3B06 / Higher: E3B02) or Wed 1pm 4pm (Found: P3B04 / Higher: P3B03) or Thurs 6pm 9pm (E3B04) or Fri 10am -1pm (Higher: P3B04 / Found: P3B06) Maesteg Campus Mon 6pm -9pm (E3M01) Pencoed Campus Thurs 1pm 4pm (P3C01) Higher Level RESIT Classes** for November examinations Bridgend Campus Thurs 6pm 9pm (EXB01) FEES: 206

Essential Skills (Free to adults)

Free Essential Skills courses are available for you to brush up your skills in literacy and numeracy from Entry Level 1 through to Level 1/2. Courses are available at both Bridgend and Maesteg Campuses. LOCATION: Bridgend or Maesteg Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: Flexible DAYS & TIMES: Bridgend Campus: Mon 1pm 3pm or 6pm 8pm or Tues 10am 12pm or 1pm 3pm or 6.30pm 8.30pm Wed 10am 12pm or 5pm 7pm or Fri 10am 12pm or 1pm 3pm Maesteg Campus: Mon 9am 12pm or 4pm 7pm or Wed 1pm 3pm (Pre-GCSE Maths) or Thurs 9am 12pm or 1pm 3pm or 4pm 6pm FEES: Free COURSE DESCRIPTION: Why choose these courses? Free Flexible  Delivered in an informal, relaxed and supportive environment Designed to suit your needs Start anytime (except August) Please contact the Essential Skills team for further information: Tel: 01656 302 330 / 302 331 / 302 355 or 302 386

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

There are 7 levels: Pre-Entry Absolute Beginner (Eve Only) Entry 1A False Beginner Entry 1B Elementary Entry 2 Pre-Intermediate Entry 3 Intermediate Level 1 Upper Intermediate Level 2 Advanced LOCATION: Bridgend Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 15 weeks, starting in either September or January DAYS & TIMES: Day classes usually operate from 9.30am 12pm and 1pm 3pm Entry Level: Day learners attend 6.5 hours a week (one and a half days) Level 1& 2: Day learners attend 6 hours a week (one and a half days) Evening classes are usually once a week from 6pm 8pm or 6.30pm 8.30pm FEES: The courses are free for learners from EU countries, for those with indefinite leave to remain if they have lived in the UK for more than 3 years, for asylum seekers and for refugees. Other learners would be required to pay 6 an hour . Learners are expected to pay for text books, which can be bought from the College. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The ESOL Programme provides classes at 7 different levels from Absolute Beginners through to Advanced level. Lessons focus on everyday English and aim to improve the learners skills in all areas - speaking, listening, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar . The main aim is a Cambridge Skills for Life Qualification. For Entry Level classes, there is a Living in the UK/citizenship element. Those studying Entry 1A Day (Semester 1) and evening classes do not take a final exam. Learners have tasks to complete (continual assessment) and if they pass the course learners achieve a certificate (Agored Cymru qualification).




Performing Skills & General Arts Education

Sign Language

Skills for Independence and Progression

LOCATION: Bridgend, Pencoed or Maesteg Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: The daytime classes usually operate from 10am 12pm and 1pm 3pm Bridgend Campus: Monday - Catering Tuesday - Photography Wednesday - Performing Arts Maesteg Campus: Monday - Photography Tuesday - Performing Arts Wednesday - Independence Pencoed Campus: Thursday - Sport and Health FEES: Free COURSE DESCRIPTION: This collection of courses is designed to provide a learning and social experience for adults with learning difficulties in an integrated setting.

ABC Award in British Sign Language Level 1

Course Code: SEP090A Tues: E3B01 Wed PTD: P3B01 Wed PTE: E3B02


LENGTH OF COURSE: 15 or 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: 15 weeks: Mon 5pm - 6.30pm & Wed 1pm - 2.30pm 30 weeks: Tues 5pm - 6.30pm or Wed 6pm - 7.30pm FEES: 118

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will help learners acquire a basic ability to communicate with deaf people. It will also help learners to be more deaf aware. The course consists of 3 modules, all of which must be successfully completed to gain the full Level 1 qualification. Successful completion of Level 1 will enable progression to Level 2 of the ABC Award.

Course Code: SEP106A PTD: P3B01 PTE: E3B01

ABC Award in British Sign Language Level 2

LOCATION: Bridgend CAMPUS LENGTH OF COURSE: 30 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Tues 5pm 6.30pm or Friday 9.30am-11am FEES: 118 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will help learners develop their signed vocabulary and improve their fluency and accuracy of skills. This will enable learners to acquire the ability to communicate with deaf people more confidently. It will also help learners to become more deaf aware. The course consists of 3 modules, all of which must be successfully completed to gain the full Level 2 qualification. Successful completion of Level 2 will enable progression to Level 3 of the ABC Award.




Performing Skills & General Arts Education

Cymraeg i Oedolion
Mae Coleg Penybont, mewn partneriaeth gyda Chanolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Morgannwg, yn darparu amrediad eang o gyrsiau Cymraeg i Oedolion yn ac o amgylch bwrdeistref sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr . Cynigir cyrsiau rhan-amser un ai unwaith neu ddwywaith yr wythnos ym mhrif drefir sir Maesteg, Pencoed a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr, yn ogystal nifer o bentrefi. Am wybodaeth ymrestru, ffoniwch y Ganolfan ar 01443 483600 neu e-bostiwch y Ganolfan ar [email protected] Pris cyrsiau 30 wythnos: Nodwch: Ar gyfer cyrsiau a ddarperiryn uniongyrchol gan Goleg Penybont, bydd cofrestru, ymrestru a thaliad yng Ngholeg Penybont. I gael gwybodaeth ar sut i ymrestru, cysylltwch r Coleg, Ffn: 01656 302297 neu e-bost: [email protected] I bob cwrs arall, bydd ymrestru a thaliadau gyda Chanolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Morgannwg. Am wybodaeth ymrestru, ffoniwch y Ganolfan ar 01443 483600 neu e-bostiwch y Ganolfan ar [email protected]

Welsh for Adults / Cymraeg i Oedolion

Welsh for Adults

Bridgend College, in partnership with the Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre, provides a wide range of Welsh for Adults classes in and around the county borough of Bridgend. Part-time courses are offered either once or twice a week in the countys main towns Maesteg, Pencoed and Bridgend, in addition to a number of villages. For information on how to enrol, please contact the Centre on 01443 483600 or Email: [email protected] Course fees for 30 weeks: Session 1 x 2 hour session per week 2 x 2 hour session per week
All courses begin week of 23 September 2013 BC: Courses provided by Bridgend College All other courses provided by the University of South Wales

Please note: For courses delivered directly by Bridgend College, registration, enrolment and payment will take place via Bridgend College. For information on how to enrol, please contact the College, Tel: 01656 302297 or Email: [email protected] For all other courses, registration, enrolment and payment will take place via Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre. For information on how to enrol, please contact the Centre on 01443 483600 or Email: [email protected]

Session Fee 68 / 28 88 / 38 1 x 2 awr yr wythnos 2 x 2 awr yr wythnos

Mae pob cwrs yn dechrau yn wythnos 23 Medi 2013 BC = Cyrsiau a ddarperir gan Ganolfan Penybont Darperir yr holl gyrsiau eraill gan Brifysgol De Cymru

Fee 68 / 28 88 / 38

Level Entry Parts 1&2 Entry Parts 1&2 Entry Parts 1&2 Entry Parts 1&2 Entry Part 1 Entry Part 1 Entry Part 1 Entry Part 1 Entry Part 1 Entry Part 1 Entry Part 1 Entry Part 1

VENUE Abercynffig Library, Heol y Llyfrau, Bridgend Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Bridgend College Pencoed Campus Westward Community Hall, Cefn Glas, Bridgend Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Bridgend College Pencoed Campus Cynffig Comprehensive School, East Avenue, Bridgend Morien House, Bennett Street, BridgendIndustrial Estate,Bridgend Ogmore Valley Life Centre, Aber Road Pencoed Comprehensive School, Coychurch Road, Bridgend Porthcawl Comprehensive School, Park Avenue Sarn Lifelong Learning Centre, Merefield Close

POSTCODE CF32 9PT CF31 1DF CF35 5LG CF31 4JZ CF31 1DF CF35 5LG CF33 6NP CF31 3SH CF32 7AJ CF35 5LZ CF36 3ES CF32 9SW

DAY 1 Tues Sat Mon Weds Mon Weds Tues Thurs Tues Thurs Mon Mon

DAY 2 Thurs Weds Fri Weds

START 13:00 09:15 19:00 08:00 12:00 09:30 19:00 08:30 13:00 19:00 19:00 09:30

FINISH 15:00 12:30 21:00 10:00 13:00 11:30 21:00 10:30 15:00 21:00 21:00 11:30





Performing Skills & General Arts Education


Welsh for Adults - Table of classes

Level Entry Part 1 Entry Part 1
Welsh For The Family Parts 1&2

VENUE Siop yr Hen Bont, Old Bridge, Bridgend Tondu Tennis and Cricket Club, Bryn Road, Bridgend Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Cefn Glas Infants School, St Winifreds Road Brackla Primary School, Bridgend Coleg Cymunedol y Dderwen, Heol yr Ysgol, Tondu, Bridgend Litchard Junior School Llangeinor Richard Price Centre Maesteg Sports Centre, Nant y Crynwydd (creche available) Nantyffyllon Primary School, Garnwen Terrace, Maesteg Y Centre, John Street, Porthcawl Pencoed Cylch Meithrin (for nursery practicioners) Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Bridgend College Maesteg Campus Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Neuadd Cefn Cribwr Ogmore Valley Life Centre, Aber Road Pencoed Premier Inn Pantrhuthyn Farm Porthcawl Comprehensive School, Park Avenue Sarn Lifelong Learning Centre, Merefield Close Betws Primary School Ysgol Cwm Garw, Hill View, Pontycymer Pencoed Cylch Meithrin (for nursery practicioners) Brackla Primary School, Bridgend Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Abercynffig Library, Heol y Llyfrau, Bridgend Bridgend College Maesteg Campus Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Porthcawl Comprehensive School, Park Avenue

POSTCODE CF31 1JH CF32 9EB CF31 1DF CF33 4LW CF31 4PL CF31 2EZ CF32 9EL CF31 1QB CF32 8PF CF34 9EB CF34 0ET CF36 3AP CF35 6SS CF31 1DF CF34 9SB CF31 1DF CF32 0BD CF32 7AJ CF35 5HY CF36 3ES CF32 9SW CF32 8TB CF32 8LU CF35 6SS CF31 2EZ CF31 1DF CF32 9PT CF34 9SB CF31 1DF CF31 1DF CF36 3ES

DAY 1 Mon Sun Tues Tues Fri Mon Weds Tues Thurs Thurs Thurs Weds Tues Sat Weds Thurs Thurs Tues Sun Mon Weds Weds Thurs Mon Mon Tues Thurs Mon Tues Thurs Mon


START 13:00 18:00

FINISH 21:00 20:00 11:15 21:00 11:30 15:00 21:00 11:30 11:45 11:30 15:00 12:00 21:00 12:30 21:00 21:00 11:30 21:00 20:30 21:00 11:30 15:15 11:30 20:00 11:30 21:00 11:30 14:30 18:00 21:00 21:00


Thurs Weds

18:15 09:15 09:30 13:00 19:00 09:30 09:15 09:30 13:00 10:00 19:00 09:15 19:00 19:00 09:30 19:00 18:30 19:00 09:30 13:15 09:30 18:00

Welsh For The Family Parts 1&2 Corneli Integrated Childrens Centre Welsh For The Family Part 1 Welsh For The Family Part 1 Welsh For The Family Part 1 Welsh For The Family Part 1 Welsh For The Family Part 1 Welsh For The Family Part 1 Welsh For The Family Part 1 Welsh For The Family Part 1 Cymraeg Meithrin 1 Entry Part 2, Foundation Part 1 Entry Part 2 Entry Part 2 Entry Part 2 Entry Part 2 Entry Part 2 Entry Part 2 Entry Part 2 Welsh For The Family Part 2 Welsh For The Family Part 2 Cymraeg Meithrin2 Foundation Parts 1&2 Foundation Parts 1&2 Foundation Part 1 Foundation Part 1 Foundation Part 1 Foundation Part 1 Foundation Part 1

Weds Thurs

09:30 19:00 09:30 12:30 16:00 19:00 19:00




Performing Skills & General Arts Education


Welsh for Adults - Table of classes (cont)

Level Level Foundation Part 2 Foundation Part 2 Foundation Part 2 Foundation Part 2 Foundation Part 2 Intermediate Parts 1&2 Intermediate Part 1 Intermediate Part 1 Intermediate Part 1 Intermediate Part 1 Intermediate Part 1 Intermediate Part 2 Intermediate Part 2 Intermediate Part 2 Intermediate Part 2 Bridge Into Advanced Bridge Into Advanced Bridge Into Advanced Bridge Into Advanced Advanced Part 3 Advanced Part 3 Advanced Part 3 Advanced Part 4 Advanced Conversation Advanced Conversation Proficiency Proficiency VENUE Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Bridgend College Main Campus, Cowbridge Road Bridgend College Pencoed Campus Corneli Integrated Childrens Centre Trinity Methodist & URC, John Street Coleg Penybont, Prif Gampws Coleg Penybont, Prif Gampws Coleg Penybont, Prif Gampws Canolfan Bywyd Cwm Ogwr, Heol Aber Coleg Penybont Campws Maesteg Coleg Penybont Campws Maesteg Canolfan Dysgu Gydol Oes y Sarn, Merefield Close Coleg Penybont, Prif Gampws Coleg Penybont, Prif Gampws Trinity Methodist & URC, John Street Canolfan Bywyd y Pil Coleg Penybont Campws Pen-coed Coleg Penybont, Prif Gampws Porth-cawl Capel y Tabernacl, Fenton Place Canolfan Blant y Corneli Llangeinwyr Canolfan Richard Price Neuadd y Bythol Wyrdd, Stryd yr Angel Coleg Penybont Campws Pen-coed Eglwys y Drindod, John Street Neuadd y Bythol Wyrdd, Stryd yr Angel Coleg Penybont Campws Maesteg Ysgol Gyfun Llangynwyd POSTCODE CF31 1DF CF31 1DF CF35 5LG CF33 4LW CF36 3DT CF31 1DF CF31 1DF CF31 1DF CF32 7AJ CF34 9SB CF34 9SB CF32 9SW CF31 1DF CF31 1DF CF36 3DT CF33 6BS CF35 5LG CF31 1DF CF36 3DW CF33 4LW CF32 8PF CF31 4WB CF35 5LG CF36 3DT CF31 4WB CF34 9SB CF34 9RW DAY 1 Tues Tues Mon Fri Tues Mon Tues Weds Weds Mon Weds Tues Mon Thurs Thurs Fri Tues Mon Mon Thurs Fri Mon Mon Tues Tues Weds Mon Thurs Weds Weds DAY 2 START 18:30 12:30 09:30 09:15 10:00 18:00 18:00 19:00 19:00 09:30 18:00 09:30 09:00 18:30 19:00 09:30 19:00 18:30 18:00 09:15 09:30 10:15 18:15 09:30 08:15 09:30 16:00 FINISH 20:30 11:30 11:30 12:00 11:15 12:15 21:00 11:30 20:00 20:00 21:00 20:30 11:30 11:00 20:30 21:00 13:30 21:00 12:30 20:00 21:00 12:15 11:30 12:15 20:15 10:15 11:30 BRIDGEND COLLEGE





YMCA Qualification

The Sport department at Pencoed Campus offers a YMCA courses along with a HNC programme for those wishing to pursue a career within sports coaching.

The following YMCA qualification recognises the skills, knowledge and competence of an individual to plan, teach and evaluate exercise sessions to adults unsupervised.

YMCA Fitness Instructor Certificate: Gym Instructor

Course Code: SPP046A Pencoed: EXC01

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 24 weeks DAYS & TIMES: Thurs 6pm 9pm FEES: 350

The Department benefits from fantastic facilities including a Sports Hall with climbing wall, rugby and football pitches and a gym, and is supported by a team of highly qualified staff who are active practitioners in their field of expertise.

Higher Education

HNC Sports Development & Coaching

Course Code: SPH033A Pencoed: P1C01

In partnership with:

LOCATION: Pencoed Campus LENGTH OF COURSE: 2 years DAYS & TIMES: Year 1: Tues 9am 4.30pm FEES: Year 1: 600* plus approx 165 Registration Fee (year 1 only)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course aims to develop both theoretical and practical skills and knowledge in the field of Sports Development and Coaching. The course has a strong vocational emphasis focused on training learners for a career in Sport or to progress to a relevant HND.

For course enquiries, please email the department: [email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]

*Please refer to page 104 for more details.



Tourism & Hospitality



Tourism & Hospitality

Based at Bridgend Campus, the Tourism & Hospitality department offers a wide range of short courses, designed for learners to gain qualifications relating to food preparation and food safety.

The following courses are available as short programmes:  Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering  Level 2 & 3 Food Safety in Catering (Refresher)  Level 2 Award in Health & Safety in the Workplace  Level 3 Award in Supervising Food Safety in Catering  Level 4 Award in Managing Food Safety  CIEH Level 2 Award in Environmental Principles & Best Practice  BIIAB Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders  Introduction to Sugar Craft  Intermediate Sugar Craft  Introduction to Breadmaking  Introduction to Seasonal Preservatives  World Host Principles of Customer Service For further information, please contact Engage Training Tel: 01656 763 230 or Email: [email protected]

The department has its own on-site training restaurant Seasons, with teaching staff who are highly qualified and industry experienced.

For course enquiries, please email the department: tourism&[email protected] or Student Services: [email protected]



How to Apply / Enrol


How to Apply / Enrol

To take up a place on a part-time course, we ask you to complete an Application Form and return it to the Student Services Team at one of our campuses: Bridgend, Pencoed, Queens Road or Maesteg. Once your application form has been considered by the Academic Team, you will be advised as to your initial suitability for the course you have applied for . Following this, you may be invited to attend an informal interview. Usually, you will be advised at the end of the interview whether you have been successful in gaining a place on the course. Following on from your interview, the Course Tutor will assist you with the completion of an Enrolment Form. This form confirms our offer to you of a place on your chosen course and of your acceptance of your place. The final stage is to proceed to a college reception with the enrolment form signed by yourself and the tutor, provide confirmation of your identity and (where applicable) pay for the course. The College reserves the right to withdraw a learner from a course, should an enrolment form not be processed and payment made in a timely manner . PLEASE NOTE
Fee exemptions do not apply to all of our part-time courses. Please contact us for details. All students exempt from course fees will be charged an administration fee of 10.00 per course, at the point of enrolment (with the exception of Essential Skills and ESOL courses). Please remember to bring proof of receipt of benefits with you in order to claim exemption from course fees, eg a recent letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) informing you of your entitlement, or a copy of your bank statement showing your payment from the DWP (Note, your bank statement must be dated within the previous 3 months of your enrolment). If you are unable to produce either of these documents, you can take the Exemption from Fees form to the DWP for them to complete and sign. Please note that the course fee includes tuition costs, registration and examination fees, unless otherwise indicated. Course fees are calculated each academic year . Therefore, if your course is for more than one year there will be course fees to pay in each additional year of study. We reserve the right to make further adjustments when there have been changes outside of our control, for example to registration and exam fees. All course prices are correct at the time of printing, please refer online for the very latest course details and financial information.

Sut i Wneud Cais / Ymrestru

I gael mynediad i gwrs rhan-amser, gofynnwn i chi lenwi Ffurflen Gais ai dychwelyd ir Tm Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr yng Nghampws Penybont, Pencoed, Heol y Frenhines neu Faesteg. Unwaith y cafodd eich ffurflen gais ei hystyried gan y Tm Academaidd, byddwch yn cael gwybod os ywn ymddangos fod y cwrs y gwnewch gais amdano yn addas ar eich cyfer . Yn dilyn hyn, medrwch gael gwahoddiad i fynychu cyfweliad anffurfiol. Fel arfer cewch wybod ar ddiwedd y cyfweliad os buoch yn llwyddiannus wrth gael lle ar y cwrs. Yn dilyn eich cyfweliad, bydd Tiwtor y Cwrs yn eich cynorthwyo i lenwi Ffurflen Gofrestru. Maer ffurflen hon yn cadarnhau ein bod yn cynnig lle i chi ar y cwrs y gwnaethoch ei ddewis ach bod yn derbyn. Y cyfan sydd angen i chi wneud wedyn yw galw yn nerbynfa campws Coleg gydar ffurflen ymrestru wedii llofnodi gennych chi ach tiwtor a (llen berthnasol) talu.
^ Maer Coleg yn cadwr hawl i dynnu dysgwr yn o l o gwrs, os na phrosesir ffurflen ymrestru new os na wneir taliad mewn modd amswerol.

Nid yw ein holl gyrsiau yn gymwys am eithriad o ffioedd. Cysylltwch a ni i gael y manylion llawn. Codir ffi gweinyddu o 10 y cwrs adeg ymrestru ar bob myfyriwr sydd wedi eu heithrio rhag ffioedd cwrs (gydag eithriad cyrsiau Sgiliau Hanfodol ac ESOL). Gofynnir i chi hefyd ddod thystiolaeth eich bod yn derbyn budddaliadau gyda chi i hawlio eithriad rhag ffioedd cwrs, ee llythyr diweddar gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau (DWP) yn eich hysbysu am eich hawl, neu gopi och cyfriflen banc yn dangos eich taliad gan DWP. (Nodyn, maen rhaid ir gyfriflen banc fod dyddiad o fewn 3 mis cyn dyddiad ymrestru). Os nad ywr naill nar llall or dogfennau hyn gennych, gallwch fynd r ffurflen Eithrio rhag Ffioedd i DWP iddynt eu llenwi an llofnodi. Gofynnir i chi nodi fod ffioedd cyrsiau yn cynnwys costau hyfforddiant, cofrestru a ffioedd arholi os na nodir fel arall. Caiff ffioedd cwrs eu cyfrif bob blwyddyn academaidd. Felly, os ywch cwrs am fwy nag un flwyddyn, bydd ffioedd cwrs iw talu ym mhob blwyddyn ychwanegol o astudiaeth. Rydym yn cadwr hawl i wneud addasiadau pellach lle bu newidiadau tu hwnt in rheolaeth, er enghraifft i ffioedd cofrestru a ffioedd arholiad. Mae holl brisiau cwrs yn gywir adeg argraffu, edrychwch ar-lein am y manylion diweddaraf un ar gyrsiau a gwybodaeth ariannol.

Course Fees

Ffioedd Cyrsiau Payment of course fees

Payment of course fees may be made by cash, cheque (with guarantee card), or payment card (debit/credit card excluding American Express). Instalment payments are available for fees of 300 or more. Individuals are usually required to pay 50% of the course fee at the time of enrolment, followed by a further two payments via Direct Debit during the academic year . For further information, please contact Bridgend College Student Registry, Tel: 01656 302261. It is Bridgend College policy to refer overdue fees to a debt collection agency. Any charges made by the collection agency will be added to the balance owed by the learner .
*A nominal increase in part-time course fees is applicable each year .

If you are under the age of 19 years on the 1st August 2013 and have finished your compulsory school education you will not be charged course fees for parttime further education courses. This applies to home and EU students. You may also be exempt from course fees if you are: In receipt of JSA / Income Support  Dependent upon a person in receipt of JSA / Income Support  In receipt of incapacity benefit / Employment and Support Allowance  Dependent upon a person in receipt of incapacity benefit/ Employment Support Allowance  In receipt of Pensions Credit (Guarantee Credit only)  Dependent upon a person in receipt of Pensions Credit (Guarantee Credit only)

Os ydych dan 19 oed ar 1 Awst 2013 ac wedi gorffen eich addysg ysgol orfodol, ni fydd yn rhaid i chi dalu ffioedd cwrs ar gyfer cyrsiau addysg bellach rhan-amser . Mae hyn yn wir ar gyfer myfyrwyr cartref ar Undeb Ewropeaidd. Medrwch hefyd gael eich eithrio rhag gorfod talu ffioedd cyrsiau os ydych yn: Derbyn Lwfans Chwilio am Swydd/Cymhorthdal  Dibynnu ar berson syn derbyn Lwfans Chwilio am Swydd/Cymhorthdal Incwm  Derbyn budd-dal anallu/Lwfans Cyflogaeth a Chefnogaeth  Dibynnu ar berson syn derbyn budd-dal anallu/ Lwfans Cyflogaeth a Chefnogaeth Derbyn Credyd Pensiwn (Gwarant Credyd yn unig)  Dibynnu ar berson syn derbyn Credyd Pensiwn (Credyd Gwarant yn unig)

Talu Ffioedd Cyrsiau

Medrir talu am ffioedd cwrs gydag arian parod, siec (gyda cherdyn gwarant), neu gerdyn talu (cerdyn debyd/ credyd ac eithrio American Express). Medrir talu drwy randaliadau ar gyfer ffioedd o 300 neu fwy. Maen ofynnol i unigolion dalu 50% o ffir cwrs adeg cofrestru, gyda dau daliad arall i ddilyn drwy Ddebyd Uniongyrchol yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd. I gael gwybodaeth bellach, cysylltwch Chofrestrfa Myfyrwyr Coleg Penybont ar Ffn: 01656 302261. Polisi Coleg Penybont yw cyfeirio ffioedd gorddyledus i asiantaeth casglu dyledion. Caiff unrhyw gostau a wneir gan yr asiantaeth gasglu eu hychwanegu at y balans syn ddyledus gan y myfyriwr neur cyflogwr neu noddwr .
*Mae cynnydd bychan mewn ffioedd cwrs rhan-amser yn weithredol bob blwyddyn.




How to Apply / Enrol

An example is given below. Fees 559 Duration Amount to Pay 15 Admin Fee 177 353 559 Amount of Refund 544 367 191 None

Employer Sponsorship

If your workplace is paying your course fees, please ensure that your employer has completed the Colleges Letter of Authority Form authorising his/ her sponsorship. Please bring this form with you when you enrol. This form can be obtained from either our Bridgend Campus, Tel: 01656 302302 or Pencoed Campus, Tel: 01656 302600. The learner is ultimately responsible for their fees. In the event that their employer or other sponsor does not pay the fees, the learner will be responsible for any amounts outstanding. It is Bridgend College policy to refer overdue fees to a debt collection agency. Any charges made by the collection agency will be added to the balance owed by the learners employer or sponsor or in the event that the employer/sponsor does not pay, the learner themselves.

Nawdd gan Gyflogwr

Rhoddir enghraifft islaw. Ffioedd 559 Cyfnod Swm iw Dalu 15 Ffi Weinyddol 177 353 559 Swm yr Addaliad 544 367 191 Dim

First Four Weeks Up to end of First Term Up to end of Second Term Up to end of Third Term

Os ywch gweithle yn talu am eich ffioedd cwrs, gofynnir i chi sicrhau fod eich cyflogydd wedi llenwi Ffurflen Llythyr Awdurdod y Coleg yn awdurdodi ei nawdd. Gofynnir i chi ddod r ffurflen hon gyda chi pan fyddwch yn ymrestru. Medrir cael y ffurflen hon un ai o Gampws Penybont ar Ffn: 01656 302302 neu Gampws Pencoed ar Ffn: 01656 302600. Y dysgwr syn gyfrifol am eu ffioedd yn y pen draw. Os nad yw eu cyflogwr neu noddwr arall yn talur ffioedd, bydd y dysgwr yn gyfrifol am unrhyw symiau syn dal i fod yn ddyledus. Polisi Coleg Penybont yw cyfeirio ffioedd gorddyledus i asiantaeth casglu dyledion. Caiff unrhyw gostau a wneir gan yr asiantaeth gasglu eu hychwanegu at y balans syn ddyledus gan y myfyriwr neur cyflogwr neu noddwr neu os nad ywr cyflogydd/noddwr yn talu, y dysgwyr eu hunain.

Pedair wythnos gyntaf Hyd at ddiwedd y Tymor Cyntaf Hyd at ddiwedd yr Ail Dymor Hyd at ddiwedd y Trydydd Tymor

Refund policy for Further Education Course Fees 2013/14

Higher Education Course Fees If you are studying a Higher Education course (a university level programme, franchised from one of our partner Higher Education partners) all course fee refunds are in line with the policy of the Higher Education institution from which the course is franchised.

Further Education Course Fees  A refund of fees will only be considered by the College if a bona fide reason is given for the withdrawal from the course (e.g. medical grounds, moving away etc.). Refund applications will be subject to approval by the Principal.  Refunds will only be processed within the academic year to which they apply.  There will be no refund to students unless the appropriate application form has been completed.  In the case of a student suspending their studies no refund will be given, however, a credit for those studies will be considered, on a case by case basis.  Where a student withdraws from a course within four weeks of its commencement, a full refund will be made. (In such cases, there will be an administrative charge of 15 deducted from the refund).  Where a student has paid the full fees and withdraws from the course, refunds will be assessed on a termly basis.

Confidentiality for Employer Sponsored Students

Polisi Ad-dalu Ffioedd Cyrsiau Addysg Bellach 2013/14

Ffioedd Cyrsiau Addysg Bellach  Dim ond os rhoddir rheswm bona fide am adael y cwrs (e.e. seiliau meddygol, symud i ffwrdd ac ati) y bydd y Coleg yn ystyried ad-dalu ffioedd. Maen rhaid i geisiadau am ad-daliadau gael eu cymeradwyo gan Bennaeth y Coleg.  Dim ond o fewn y flwyddyn academaidd y cyfeiriant atynt y caiff ad-daliadau eu prosesu.  Ni wneir unrhyw ad-daliadau i fyfyrwyr os na chafodd y ffurflen gais briodol ei llenwi.  Ni wneir ad-daliadau i fyfyrwyr syr gohirio eu hastudiaethau, fodd bynnag ystyrir credyd ar gyfer yr astudiaethau hynny ar sail achos unigol.  Gwneir ad-daliad llawn lle mae myfyrwyr yn gadael cwrs o fewn pedair wythnos oi ddechrau. (Mewn achosion or fath, tynnir tl gweinyddol o 15 or addaliad). L  le mae myfyriwr wedi talur ffioedd llawn ac yn gadael y cwrs, caiff ad-daliadau eu hasesu ar sail tymor .

Ffioedd Cyrsiau Addysg Uwch Os ydych yn astudio am gwrs Addysg Uwch (rhaglen lefel prifysgol, ar ffransais gan un on partneriaid Addysg Uwch), mae holl ad-daliadau cyrsiau Addysg Uwch yn cydymffurfio gyda pholisir sefydliad Addysg Uwch y maer cwrs ar ffransais ganddo.

Bridgend College has a policy of sharing information in respect of academic progress, attendance and issues of unacceptable behaviour with employers that sponsor students on a part-time course of study.

Cyfrinachedd ar gyfer Myfyrwyr a Noddir gan Gyflogwyr

Examinations External Candidates

If a student/candidate wishes to use Bridgend College to sit an examination in a subject that they are not enrolled on/not studying with us at the College, the following fees will apply: 50 external centre fee plus all relevant awarding organisation costs. Please note, we only offer external candidate facilities for certain awarding organisations, further information can be obtained from the Bridgend College Examination Officer Tel: 01656 302437.

Mae gan Goleg Penybont bolisi o rannu gwybodaeth yng nghyswllt cynnydd academaidd, mynychiad a materion o ymddygiad annerbyniol gyda chyflogwyr syn noddi myfyrwyr ar gwrs astudiaeth.

Arholiadau Ymgeiswyr Allanol

Os yw myfyriwr/ymgeisydd yn dymuno sefyll arholiad mewn pwnc nad ydynt wedi cofrestru ar ei gyfer yn y Coleg, bydd y ffioedd dilynol yn weithredol: 50 ffi canolfan allanol ynghyd holl gostau perthnasol y bwrdd arholi. Dylid nodi mai dim ond ar gyfer rhai byrddau arholi y cynigiwn gyfleusterau ymgeiswyr allanol. Medrir cael gwybodaeth bellach gan Swyddog Arholir Coleg ar 01656 302437.




Unique Learner Number

The ULN is a personal 10 digit number which will remain with individual learners throughout life, in a similar way to your National Insurance (NI) number . It is used by qualification awarding organisations to verify registration on a qualification.

You are required to bring one of the following forms of identification with you:  Birth Certificate  Passport  Drivers License (full or provisional)  Bank Card / Credit Card  National Insurance (NI) Card Please note that under no circumstances will any photocopies of the above documents, be accepted.

Rhif Dysgu Unigryw

Maer Rhif yn rif personol 10 digid fydd gan ddysgwyr unigol drwy gydol eu hoes, mewn modd tebyg ich rhif Yswiriant Gwladol (NI). Fei defnyddir gan sefydliadau dyfarnu cymwysterau i wirio cofrestru ar gymhwyster .

Mae angen i chi ddod ag un or dulliau dilynol o adnabyddiaeth gyda chi:  Tystysgrif geni  Pasport  Trwydded gyrru (llawn neu ddarpariaethol)  Cerbyn Banc/Cerdyn Credyd  Cerdyn Yswiriant Gwladol Dylid nodi na dderbynnir llungopau or dogfennau uchod mewn unrhyw amgylchiadau.

Learner Verification

Dilysu Dysgwyr

When you enrol on your course, you will require a Unique Learner Number (ULN). If its your first time with us, a ULN will be created, if youve studied with us or another learning provider previously, well be able to advise you of your ULN. One other important document you need to remember, is an item of personal identification. In order to be officially enrolled at Bridgend College, we need to verify your identification.

Pan ymrestrwch ar gwrs, byddwch angen Rhif Dysgu Unigryw. Os mai dymach tro cyntaf gyda ni, caiff Rhif ei greu. os ydych wedi astudio gyda ni neu ddarparydd dysgu arall or blaen, byddwn yn medru dweud wrthych beth yw eich Rhif. Un ddogfen bwysig arall sydd angen i chi ei chofio yw eitem o adnabyddiaeth bersonol. Er mwyn ymrestrun swyddogol yng Ngholeg Penybont, bydd angen i ni ddilysu eich adnabyddiaeth.




Student Support


Student Support
Customer Services Teams
At both our Bridgend and Pencoed campuses, you will find a dedicated Customer Services team, to support you through your application and to provide advice on many aspects of studying at College. Were also open longer than ever beforeextended opening hours have been introduced at both Bridgend and Pencoed campuses. Bridgend Campus: Mondays and Wednesdays until 6.30pm Pencoed Campus: Tuesdays and Thursdays until 6.30pm Check us out online before popping in for a chat Your ALG will be administrated by the Student Loans Company. Processing of application forms can take up to six weeks, so it is advisable to apply as soon as possible. Financial Contingency Fund To be eligible for an award, you will need to undertake at least 275 contact hours during the 2013/2014 academic year and you must have a household income under 18,370. (If you are unsure of your contact hours, please ask your Course Tutor .) The Fund may be able to help students in difficult circumstances, who might otherwise be prevented from undertaking their course. Part-time Further Education students studying at any of the College campuses may apply for assistance. Application forms are available from Customer Services, and the completed forms must be returned by the 4th October 2013. Applications can be received on a termly basis.

Cefnogaeth i Fyfyrwyr
Timau Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid
Yng nghampws Penybont a hefyd yng nghampws Pencoed, mae tm arbenni g Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid ich cefnogi drwy eich cais ac i roi cyngor ar lawer o agweddau o astudio yn y Coleg. Rydym hefyd ar agor yn hwy nag erioed or blaen ... cyflwynwyd oriau agor estynedig yng nghampysau Penybont a Phencoed. Campws Penybont: Dyddiau Llun a dyddiau Mercher hyd 6.30pm Campws Pencoed: Dyddiau Mawrth a dyddiau Iau hyd 6.30pm Gwiriwch ni ar-lein cyn galw heibio am sgwrs Penybont a Champws Pencoed. Gweinyddir eich Grant Dysgur Cynulliad gan y Cwmni Benthyciadau Myfyrwyr . Gall gymryd hyd at chwe wythnos i brosesu ffurflenni cais, felly fech cynghorir i wneud cais cyn gynted ag sydd modd. Cronfa Ariannol wrth Gefn I fod yn gymwys am ddyfarniad, bydd angen i chi wneud o leiaf 275 awr gyswllt yn ystod blwyddyn academaidd 2013/2014 ac maen rhaid i chi fod ag incwm aelwyd dan 18,370. (Os ydych yn ansicr och oriau cyswllt, holwch eich Tiwtor Cwrs os gwelwch yn dda). Efallai y gall Cronfa Ariannol wrth Gefn Coleg Penybont helpu myfyrwyr mewn amgylchiadau anodd a fedrai fel arall gael eu rhwystro rhag dilyn eu cwrs. Gall myfyrwyr Addysg Bellach rhan-amser syn astudio yn unrhyw un o gampysaur Coleg wneud cais am gymorth or fath. Mae ffurflenni cais ar gael gan Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr, a rhaid dychwelyd y ffurflenni wediu cwblhau at Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr erbyn 4 Hydref 2013. Gellir derbyn ceisiadau ar sail tymor .


Gofal Plant

Parents of young children wishing to continue their education need the reassurance that their child is being cared for in a happy and secure environment. The Bridgend College Day Nursery provides this safe haven for children to play, learn, eat and sleep. Its a Day Nursery for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. During school holidays (except Christmas), there is also a playscheme, which caters for children aged 3-13 years. For further information, please contact: Michelle Morgan Moody, Tel: 01656 302241 email: [email protected] or visit:

Higher Education Grant

Part-time students on Higher Education courses which are 50% or more of an equivalent full-time course can apply for means-tested support towards their fee and course costs. In 2013/14, the fee grant will be linked to how intensive your course is, and there will be 3 different rates of fee grant, up to a maximum of 1,125. You can also apply for course-related costs worth up to 1,155. For further information on financial support, please visit:

Mae rhieni plant ifanc syn dymuno parhau u haddysg angen y sicrwydd fod eu plentyn yn derbyn gofal mewn amgylchedd hapus a diogel. Mae Meithrinfa Ddydd Coleg Penybont yn darparur hafan ddiogel hon i blant ar gyfer chwarae, dysgu, bwyta a chysgu. Maen feithrinfa ddydd ar gyfer plant rhwng 6 wythnos a 5 oed, ac yn ystod gwyliau ysgol (heblawr Nadolig) maent hefyd yn cynnal Cynllun Chwarae syn darparu ar gyfer plant 3 13 oed. I gael gwybodaeth bellach cysylltwch : Michelle Morgan Moody, Ffn: 01656 302241 e-bost: [email protected] neu

Grant Addysg Uwch

Gall myfyrwyr rhan-amser ar gyrsiau Addysg Uwch sydd 50% neu fwy o gwrs cyfwerth llawn-amser wneud cais am gefnogaeth at eu costau ffi a chwrs. Yn 2013/14, caiff y grant ffi ei gysylltu i pa mor ddwys ywr cwrs, a bydd 3 gwahanol gyfradd o grant ffi, hyd at uchafswm o 1,125. Medrwch hefyd wneud cais am gostau cysylltiedig chwrs yn werth hyd at 1,155. I gael gwybodaeth bellach ar gymorth ariannol, ymwelwch

Financial Assistance

Student Learning Support

Assembly Learning Grants (ALGs) Full-time and Part-time Further Education students who are 19 years old and over on the 31st August 2013, can apply for an Assembly Learning Grant. To be eligible for an award, you will need to undertake at least 275 contact hours during the 2013/14 academic year and you must have a household income under 18,370. (If you are unsure of your contact hours, please ask your Course Tutor). ALG forms are available from the Customer Services teams at our Bridgend and Pencoed Campuses.

Learning support is available for all learners ranging from literacy and numeracy to study skills.If you feel that you would like to take up this option, please contact either your Course Tutor or Rayne Rayne Williams, Essential Skills Manager, Tel: 01656 302595.

Cymorth Ariannol
Grantiau Dysgur Cynulliad Gall myfyrwyr amser-llawn a rhan-amser Addysg Bellach syn 19 oed a throsodd ar 31 Awst 2013 wneud cais am Grant Dysgur Cynulliad. I fod yn gymwys am grant, bydd angen i chi ddilyn o leiaf 275 awr gyswllt yn ystod blwyddyn academaidd 2013/2014 ac maen rhaid i chi gael incwm aelwyd dan 18,370. (Gofynnwch ich Tiwtor Cwrs os gwelwch yn dda os ydych yn ansicr am eich oriau cyswllt). Mae ffurflenni Grantiau Dysgur Cynulliad ar gael gan y Timau Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr yng Nghampws

Cefnogaeth Dysgu i Fyfyrwyr

Mae cefnogaeth dysgu ar gael i bob myfyriwr, yn cynnwys llythrennedd a rhifedd megis sillafu, trefnu ac ysgrifennu prosiectau a defnyddio data. Os teimlwch y byddech yn hoffi dilyn yr opsiwn yma, cysylltwch ch Tiwtor Cwrs neu eich Tiwtor Cwrs neun uniongyrchol gyda Rayne Williams, Rheolwr Sgiliau Hanfodol, Ffn: 01656 302595.




Student Support

Student Personal Support Cefnogaeth i Fyfyrwyr gydag Anghenion Ychwanegol Cefnogaeth Bersonol i Fyfyrwyr

Support for Students with Additional Needs

The Specialist Support Centre At Bridgend College we have a dedicated Specialist Support Centre which offers help and support for any student who has any Additional Needs or Disability. The Centre offers an initial assessment of your needs, with the appropriate ongoing support, guidance or Assistive Technology where needed. All staff are qualified in their specialist areas to ensure a first class service is on offer to any student who needs this additional help. The services on offer comprise of:  Dyslexia Support  Deaf Support and British Sign Language Interpreters  Assistive Technology service  Classroom Support  Sight Loss Service  DSA (Disabled Student Allowance) Assessment Service for HE students Assistive Technology available:  Magnification devices  Spelling aids  Specialist input devices  Dictaphones  Communication aids  Literacy support software These services are offered to ensure all students are able to realise their full learning potential. To make an appointment, please contact: Dawn Jones, Specialist Support Administrator Tel: 01656 302417 Email: [email protected] or Lesley Hayter, Specialist Support Assessor Tel: 01656 302438 Email: [email protected] For further information, please email us: [email protected] Find us on the College website:

Student Welfare In the life of every student there comes a time when some advice and extra support is welcome to perhaps solve a problem that is not going away, or to get some advice so you can make the best decision for yourself. Across all Bridgend College Campuses students can make an appointment to meet with a Student Wellbeing & Safeguarding Officer . At the Bridgend and Pencoed Campuses students can also drop in to one of the Student Wellbeing Centres. The Student Wellbeing & Safeguarding Officers work together as part of the Student Support Services Team to make sure there is always someone available to listen and give the support that is most appropriate. We know our part time students have busy lives with various commitments; therefore the Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding Officers can be flexible and arrange appointments to suit each individual student; or provide support using alternative media including telephone/ text or email. Support and advice can be provided for many other issues e.g. housing, finances, personal and relationship issues and alcohol and substance misuse to name a few. We are committed to supporting students to enable them to reach their full potential. Safeguarding Bridgend College has a duty to ensure that procedures are in place to safeguard all students. If you are concerned that either you or a fellow student is suffering from or is at risk of suffering from harm, please contact the Student Wellbeing and Safeguarding Officers. Visit the team at: Bridgend Campus Student Wellbeing Centre, 2nd Floor A Block Pencoed Campus Student Wellbeing Centre, Room OH0: 12. Contact us Email: [email protected] or telephone/text the Student Wellbeing & Safeguarding Officers on 078 005 980 90 or 079 737 167 94

Y Ganolfan Cefnogaeth Arbenigol Mae gennym Ganolfan Cefnogaeth Arbenigol neilltuol yng Ngholeg Penybont syn cynnig help a chefnogaeth i unrhyw fyfyriwr sydd ag unrhyw anghenion ychwanegol neu anabledd. Maer Ganolfan yn cynnig asesiad dechreuol och anghenion, gyda chefnogaeth barhaus, arweiniad neu dechnoleg gymhorthol addas lle mae angen hynny. Maer holl staff chymwysterau yn eu meysydd arbenigol i sicrhau y cynigir gwasanaeth or radd flaenaf i unrhyw fyfyriwr sydd angen yr help ychwanegol hwn. Maer gwasanaethau a gynigir yn cynnwys:  Cymorth Dyslecsia  Cymorth ir Byddar a Dehonglwyr Iaith Arwyddion Prydain  Gwasanaeth Technoleg Gymhorthol  Cefnogaeth Ystafell Ddosbarth  Gwasanaeth Colli Golwg G  wasanaeth Asesu Lwfans Myfyrwyr Anabl ar gyfer myfyrwyr Addysg Uwch Y Dechnoleg Gymhorthol sydd ar gael: Dyfeisiau chwyddiad Cymhorthion sillafu Dyfeisiau mewnbwn arbenigol Peiriannau dictaffon Cymhorthion cyfathrebu Meddalwedd cefnogi llythrennedd Cynigir y gwasanaethau hyn i sicrhau y gall pob myfyriwr gyflawni eu potensial dysgu llawn. I wneud apwyntiad, cysylltwch Dawn Jones, Gweinyddydd Cefnogaeth Arbenigol Ffn: 01656 302417 E-bost: [email protected] neu Lesley Hayter, Asesydd Cefnogaeth Arbenigol Ffn: 01656 302438 E-bost: [email protected] I gael gwybodaeth bellach, e-bost: [email protected] Rydym ar wefan y Coleg:

Lles Myfyrwyr Ym mywyd pob myfyriwr daw amser pan y croesewir cyngor a chefnogaeth ychwanegol i efallai ddatrys problem nad ywn mynd ymaith, neu i gael cyngor fel y medrwch wneud y penderfyniad gorau drosoch eich hun. Gall myfyrwyr ym mhob campws Coleg Penybont wneud apwyntiad i gwrdd Swyddog Lles a Diogelu Myfyrwyr . Gall myfyrwyr yng Nghampws Penbont a Champws Pencoed hefyd alw heibio un on Canolfannau Lles Myfyrwyr . Maer Swyddogion Lles Myfyrwyr yn cydweithio fel rhan or Tm Gwasanaeth Cefnogaeth Myfyrwyr i wneud yn sicr fod bob amser rywun ar gael i wrando a rhoir gefnogaeth fwyaf addas. Gwyddom fod gan ein myfyrwyr rhan-amser fywydau prysur gyda gwahanol ymrwymiadau, felly gall y Swyddogion Lles a Diogelu Myfyrwyr wneud trefniadau hyblyg syn gweddu pob myfyriwr unigol neu roi cefnogaeth yn defnyddio cyfryngau eraill yn cynnwys y ffn/testun neu e-bost. Gellir rhoi cefnogaeth a chyngor ar laewr o faterion e.e. llety, cyllid, materion personol a pherthynas a chamddefnyddio alcohol a sylweddau i enwi ond rhai. Mae gennym ymrwymiad i gefnogi myfyrwyr iw galluogi i gyrraedd eu potensial llawn. Diogelu Mae gan Goleg Penybont ddyletswydd i sicrhau fod gweithdrefnau ar waith i ddiogelu pob myfyriwr . Os ydych yn pryderu eich bod chi neu gyd-fyfyfriwr yn dioddef o neu mewn risg o anaf, cysylltwch r Swyddogion Lles a Diogelu Myfyrwyr . Ymwelwch r tm yn Campws Penybont - Canolfan Lles Myfyrwyr, 2il Lawr Bloc A Campws Pencoed - Canolfan Lles Myfyrwyr, Ystafell OH0:12 Cysylltu Ni E-bost: [email protected] neu ffonmio/testun ir Swyddogion lles a Diogelu Myfyrwyr ar 0768 005 980 90 neu 0797 737 167 94




Student Support

The Student Experience Undeb Myfyrwyr Profiad Myfyrwyr

Students Union

All part time students automatically become members of Bridgend Colleges Students Union. The College is proud to have been awarded the NUS Wales Further Education Student Union of the Year Award 2011-2012. The Union is run by students for students and makes sure your College experience is the best it can be. There will be many ways for you to participate with the College Students Union; for further information please access the Student Union page on MOODLE. All our students are eligible to buy Student Union Cards (NUS Extra Cards) available to purchase. These entitle you to discounts at many of the top leading UK retailers including Top Shop, New Look, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Odeon, Ticket master and Amazon to name a few. Visit: Legally, the College must make it clear that students do not have to participate in Student Union activities, and the College will ensure that students who do not wish to join are not educationally disadvantaged.

Library and Learning Resource Centre (LRC) To support your study, a range of learning materials and research facilities are provided at our Bridgend, Pencoed and Queens Road campuses. These include reference books / e-books relating to your course, periodicals, magazines, and a suite of open access computers to assist you with your research on the internet. Staff can set you up with a free WiFi account so that you are able to access the internet with your own devices. You will find the LRC a useful place to visit. Bridgend Campus: The LRC is situated on the ground floor of G Block. The first floor is home to our award winning learndirect team and our learning areas for Essential Skills and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). The latest LRC news, events and changes to opening times can be found on the front page of our virtual learning environment (Moodle). You will require a college username and password to access this site, visit: Opening Times (Term Time): Monday Thursday 8.30 am 7.45pm Friday 8.30am 4pm Pencoed Campus: The Library / LRC is situated on the first floor of B Block, above the student refectory. Opening Times (Term Time Only): Monday & Wednesday 8.30am - 5.00pm Tuesday & Thursday 8.30am - 7.00pm Friday 8.30am - 4.15pm Queens Road Campus: Monday to Thursday 2pm and 3pm - 7.30pm Friday 8.30am - 4pm Bridgend and Queens Road facilities are also available throughout the holidays. For summer opening times, please contact the staff at Bridgend, Tel: 01656 302346/234 or Queens Road, Tel: 01656 303815.

Mae pob myfyriwr rhan-amser yn awtomatig yn dod yn aelodau o Undeb Myfyrwyr Coleg Penybont. Maer Coleg yn falch i fod wedi ennill Gwobr Undeb Myfyrwyr Addysg Bellach y Flwyddyn NUS Cymru 2011-2012. Caiff yr undeb ei rhedeg gan fyfyrwyr ar gyfer myfyrwyr ac maen gwneud yn sicr fod eich profiad Coleg y gorau y gall fod. Bydd llawer o ffyrdd i chi gymryd rhan yn Undeb Myfyrwyr y Coleg; i gael mwy o wybodaeth edrychwch ar dudalen Undeb Myfyrwyr ar MOODLE. Maen holl fyfyrwyr yn gymwys i brynu Cardiau Undeb Myfyrwyr (cardiau NUS Extra) sydd ar gael iw prynu. Maer rhain yn rhoi hawl i chi gael disgownt yn llawer o brif fanwerthwyr Prydain yn cynnwys - Top Shop, New Look, Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, Odeon, Ticketmaster ac Amazon ymhlith eraill. Edrychwch ar: Yn gyfreithiol, maen rhaid ir Coleg ei gwneud yn glir nad ywn rhaid i fyfyrwyr gymryd rhan yng ngweithgareddau Undeb y Myfyrwyr a bydd y Coleg yn sicrhau nad yw myfyrwyr nad ydynt yn dymuno cymryd rhan o dan anfantais addysgol.

Canolfan Adnoddau Dysgu ar Llyfrgell I gefnogi eich astudiaeth, mae amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau dysgu a chyfleusterau ymchwil ar gael yng nghampws Penybont, Pencoed a Heol y Frenhines. Maent yn cynnwys cyfeirlyfrau yn ymwneud ch cwrs, cyfnodolion a chylchgronau, a chyfrifiaduron mynediad agored ich cynorthwyo gydach ymchwil ar y rhyngrwyd. Gall staff drefnu cyfrif WiFi am ddim i chi fel y medrwch gael mynediad ir rhyngrwyd gydach dyfeisiau eich hunan. Bydd y Ganolfan Adnoddau Dysgu yn lle defnyddiol i chi ymweld ag ef. Campws Penybont: Maer Llyfrgell Canolfan Adnoddau Dysgu ar lawr daear Bloc G. Maer llawr cyntaf yn gartref in tm Learndirect an hardaloedd dysgu ar gyfer Sgiliau Hanfodol ac ESOL (Saesneg i Siaradwyr Ieithoedd Eraill). Mae newyddion diweddaraf, digwyddiadau a newidiaddau i amserau agor y Canolfannau Adnoddau Dysgu ar gael ar dudalen flaen ein rhith amgylchedd dysgu (Moodle). Byddwch angen enw defnyddiwr a chyfrinair y coleg i gael mynediad ir safle, ewch i: Oriau Agor (Yn ystod y tymor): Llun Iau 8.30am 7.45pm Gwener 8.30am 4pm Campws Pencoed: Maer Llyfrgell/Canolfan Adnoddau Dysgu ar lawr cyntaf Bloc B, uwchben ffreutur y myfyrwyr . Oriau Agor (Yn ystod y tymor yn unig): Llun a Mercher 8.30am 5pm Mawrth a Iau 8.30am 7pm Gwener 8.30am 4.15pm Campws Heol y Frenhines: Llun i Iau 11am 7.30pm Gwener 9am 4pm Mae cyfleusterau Penybont a Heol y Frenhines hefyd ar gael drwy gydol y gwyliau. Ar gyfer amserau agor yr haf, cysylltwch r staff yng nghampws Penybont, Ffn: 01656 302346//234 neu Heol y Frenhines, Ffn: 01656 303815.

Student Academic Representatives (StARS)

The College prides itself on listening to the needs of the students and the feedback provided from the student cohort. At the start of your studies, your course will be asked to elect a Student Academic Representative (StAR) to be the Voice of the class for the year, making sure that any student concerns are addressed promptly. All StARs receive training and support and are required at certain times of the year to Check-in sharing feedback with tutors, Schools of Study and Student Union. By electing to become a StAR (Student Academic Representative) each individual is able to develop an excellent set of competencies such as leadership skills, problem solving and listening skills. This is rewarded with a certificate at the end of the academic year to add to your portfolio in recognition of the work and commitments undertaken.

Cynrychiolwyr Academaidd Myfyrwyr

Maer Coleg yn ymfalchio ar wrando ar anghenion ei fyfyrwyr ar adborth a gaiff gan y garfan myfyrwyr . Ar ddechrau eich astudiaethau, gofynnir ich cwrs ethol Cynrychiolydd Academaidd Myfyrwyr i fod yn llais y dosbarth am y flwyddyn, gan sicrhau y caiff unrhyw bryderon sydd gan fyfyrwyr eu trafod yn brydlon. Maer holl gynrychiolwyr yn derbyn hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth ac mae angen iddynt ar rai adegau or flwyddyn i rannu adborth gyda thiwtoriaid, ysgolion astudiaeth ac Undeb y Myfyrwyr . Drwy ddewis dod yn gynrycholydd, gall pob unigolyn ddatblygu set ardderchog o alluoedd megis sgiliau arweinyddiaeth, datrys problem a gwrando. Rhoddir tystysgrif am hyn ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn academaidd i ychwanegu at eich portffolio i gydnabod y gwaith ar ymrwymiadau a wnaethpwyd.




Student Support

course at College or perhaps attend a lecture at a certain time of day or evening. Wherever possible, please access our campuses by public transport or via sustainable transport such as on foot, bicycle or through car sharing. Parking @ Bridgend Campus For those students arriving by car, there are over 400 car parking spaces available. Access to the student car park is through a set of automatic barriers. A student car parking permit can be requested. Parking @ Pencoed Campus Both students and staff have access to the rear car park at this campus. There are currently no automatic barriers in Pencoed and no car parking permits are in operation at the present time. Parking @ Queens Road Campus Both students and staff have access to car park spaces at the front and side of the main campus building. There are currently no automatic barriers in Queens Road and no car parking permits are in operation at the present time. Parking @ Maesteg Campus There is limited parking at Maesteg, however the site is very well situated with convenient public transport and access on foot from the town centre. Ffreuturau Pun ai ydych eisiau prynu dishgled gyflym o de neu eistedd lawr am rywbeth mwy sylweddol iw fwyta rhwng gorffen gwaith a dechrau ar eich darlith min nos, maen ffreuturau myfyrwyr yn cynnig dewis o brydau poeth drwy gydol y dydd a snaciau hyd amser cau. Yn newydd yng Nghampws Penybont, mae Costa Coffee yn cynnig lluniaeth ysgafn yn cynnwys baguettes, brechdannau wediu tostio a theisennau. Mae gennym hefyd siop yng Nghampws Penybont syn darparu amrywiaeth o eitemau siop: brechdannau parod i fynd, iogwrt, diodydd oer a phoeth, melysion, creision, cylchgronau, papurau newydd a chardiau cyfarch. Rydym hefyd yn cyflenwi eitemau craidd angen brys a deunyddiau ysgrifennu. Bydd amrywiaeth o nwyddau gyda brand Coleg Penybont, yn cynnwys dillad, ar gael iw prynu o fis Medi 2012. Ffreutur Campws Penybont Ar lawr daear Bloc A. Oriau agor (yn ystod y tymor): Llun - Iau 8.30am - 7.45pm Gwener 8.30am - 3pm Costa Coffee Campws Penybont Llun Iau 8.15am 4.30pm Gwener 8.15am 2pm Siop Campws Penybont Llun - Iau 8.30am - 4.30pm Gwener 8.30am - 2.30pm Ffreutur Campws Pencoed Ar lawr daear Bloc B. Oriau agor (yn ystod y tymor): Llun - Iau 8.30am 8pm Gwener 8.30am 3pm Ffreutur Campws Heol y Frenhines Oriau agor (yn ystod y tymor) Llun Iau 8.30am 6pm Gwener 8.30am 2pm Campws Maesteg Mae darpariaeth gyfyngedig drwy beiriannau gwerthu yn y safle. Teithio a Pharcio Anogwn ein holl fyfyrwyr i deithio ir Coleg drwy ddefnyddio dulliau gwyrdd, cyfeillgar ir amgylchedd. Fodd bynnag, sylweddolwn y gall hyn fod yn anghyfleus mewn rhai achosion neu effeithio ar allu myfyriwr i ddilyn cwrs yn y Coleg neu efallai fynychu darlith ar amser neilltuol or dydd neur nos.

Refectories Whether you are looking to purchase a quick cup of tea or sit down for something more substantial to eat, in between finishing work and beginning your evening lecture, our student refectories offer a range of hot meals throughout the day and snacks through until closing time. New at Bridgend Campus, Costa Coffee offers light refreshments including baguettes, toasties and cakes. We also have a shop at Bridgend Campus which provides a range of shop items: grab and go sandwiches, yoghurts, chilled and hot beverages, confectionary, crisps, magazines, newspapers and greetings cards. We also supply core distress items and stationery. A range of Bridgend College branded merchandise, including clothing, will also be available for purchase from September 2012. Refectory @ Bridgend Campus Situated on the ground floor of A Block. Opening Times (Term Time): Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 7.45pm Friday 8.30am - 3pm Costa Coffee @ Bridgend Campus Monday - Thursday 8.15am - 4.30pm Friday 8.15am 2pm Shop @ Bridgend Campus Monday Thursday 8.30am 4.30pm Friday 8.30am 2.30pm Refectory @ Pencoed Campus Situated on the ground floor of B Block. Opening Times (Term Time): Monday Thursday 8.30am 8pm Friday 8.30am 3pm Refectory @ Queens Road Campus Opening Times (Term Time): Monday Thursday 8.30am 6pm Friday 8.30am 2pm Maesteg Campus Please be advised that limited provision is via vending services at this site. Travel and Parking We encourage all of our students to travel to College by green, environmentally friendly means. However, we recognise that in some instances, this may be inconvenient or impact on a students ability to take up a

Lle bynnag syn bosibl, gofynnir i fyfyrwyr gyrraedd ein campysau ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus neu drwy drafnidiaeth gynaliadwy megis ar droed, beic neu drwy rannu car . Parcio yng Nghampws Penybont Ar gyfer y myfyrwyr hynny syn dod mewn car, mae dros 400 o ofodau parcio ar gael. Mae mynediad i faes parcior myfyrwyr drwy glwydi awtomatig. Medrir gofyn am docyn parcio car myfyriwr a bydd ar gael gydach cerdyn adnabod myfyrwyr . Parcio yng Nghampws Pencoed Mae gan fyfyrwyr a staff fynediad ir maes parcio yng nghefn y campws. Nid oes clwydi awtomatig ym Mhencoed ar hyn o bryd ac nid oes systemau tocynnau parcio yn cael eu gweithredu. Parcio yng Nghampws Heol y Frenhines Mae gofodau parcio ar gyfer myfyrwyr a staff o flaen ac wrth ochr prif adeilad y campws. Nid oes clwydi awtomatig yn Heol y Frenhines ar hyn o bryd ac nid oes system tocynnau parcio yn cael eu gweithredu. Parcio yng Nghampws Maesteg Nifer gyfyngedig o leoedd parcio sydd ar gael ar y campws, fodd bynnag maer safle mewn man cyfleus iawn gyda thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus gyfleus a mynediad ar droed o ganol y dref.

No Smoking Policy
All campuses of Bridgend College are no smoking zones. Advice & Guidance Events 2013 We hold several Open Day/Evening events throughout the year in November, March, June and August and below are our forthcoming events. To find out more about our events, please visit where you can also register for our next open day. Our open day events are your opportunity to discuss courses, view our facilities and meet the staff. Friday 16th August: 10.00am 2.00pm Higher Education Open Day Bridgend and Pencoed Campuses Friday 23rd August: 10.00am 2.00pm School Leavers Open Day Bridgend and Pencoed Campuses

Polisi Dim Ysmygu

Mae pob un o gampysau Coleg Penybont yn barthau dim ysmygu. Digwyddiadau Cyngor ac Arweiniad 2013 Cynhaliwn nifer o ddigwyddiadau Diwrnod/Noswaith Agored drwy gydol y flwyddyn ym misoedd Tachwedd, Mawrth, Mehefin ac Awst ac islaw maer digwyddiadau sydd gennym ar y gweill. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am ein digwyddiadau, ewch i dyddiauagored lle medrwch hefyd gofrestru ar gyfer ein diwrnod agored nesaf. Mae ein digwyddiadau diwrnod agored yn gyfle i chi drafod cyrsiau, gweld ein cyfleusterau a chwrdd r staff. Gwener 16 Awst: 10.00am 2.00pm Diwrnod Agored Addysg Uwch Campysau Penybont a Phencoed Gwener 23 Awst: 10.00am 2.00pm Diwrnod Agored Ymadawyr Ysgol Campysau Penybont a Phencoed




Student Support

Final Enrolment - 2013/14 Bridgend and Pencoed campuses Monday 2nd September 4pm 7pm Tuesday 3rd September 4pm 7pm Some courses may also begin in January and April 2014. Higher Education Enrolment All Higher Education students who have been interviewed and accepted onto a course will be contacted with a date and time to come in and complete the enrolment process. Amserlen Cofrestru 2013/14 Mae llawer on cyrsiau yn boblogaidd iawn. I wneud ^ r eich bod yn cael lle ar eich dewis o gwrs, fech yn siw cynghorwn i gofrestru ar yr amser cynharaf posibl. Gallwch ymrestru o 19 Mehefin ymlaen ar gyfer ein holl gyrsiau rhan-amser syn cychwyn ym Medi 2013. Mae gan rai cyrsiau ddyddiad dechrau canol-blwyddyn hefyd gweler yr wybodaeth am gyrsiau unigol. Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, cysylltwch n timau Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid yn y campws perthnasol: Campws Penybont, Tel: 01656 302 337 Campws Pencoed, Tel: 01656 302 600 Part-time Term Dates 2013 2014 Half Term Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2013 Monday 24th February Friday 28th February 2014 Monday 26th May Friday 30th May 2014 Term Ends Friday 20th December 2013 Thursday 17th April 2014 Friday 4th July 2014 Tymor Hydref Gwanwyn Haf Tymor yn Dechrau Llun 16 Medi 2013 (myfyrwyr rhan-amser) Llun 6 Ionawr 2014 Mawrth 6 Mai 2014 Hanner Tymor Llun 28 Hydref 2010 Gwener 1 Tachwedd 2013 Llun 24 Chwefror Gwener 28 Chwefror 2014 Llun 26 Mai Gwener 30 Mai 2014 Tymor yn Gorffen Gwener 20 Rhagfyr 2013 Gwener 17 Ebrill 2014 Gwener 4 Gorffennaf 2014 Ymrestru Terfynol - 2013/14 Campws Penybont Pencoed: Llun 2 Med Mawrth 3 Medi

Enrolment Schedule 2013/14 Many of our courses are extremely popular . In order to ensure that you obtain a place on the course of your choice, we advise you to enrol at the earliest possible time. Enrolment of all of our part-time courses commencing in September 2013 is possible from 19th June onwards. Some courses also have a mid-year start date please see individual course information. If you have any query, please contact our Customer Services teams at the appropriate campus: Bridgend Campus, Tel: 01656 302 337 Pencoed Campus, Tel: 01656 302 600 Part-time Term Dates 2013 2014 Term Autumn Spring Summer Term Begins Monday 16th September 2013 (Part-time students) Monday 6th January 2014 Tuesday 6th May 2014

4pm 7pm 4pm 7pm

Gall rhai cyrsiau hefyd ddechrau yn Ionawr ac Ebrill 2014. Ymrestru Addysg Uwch Cysylltir ag ymgeiswyr Addysg Uwch a gafodd eu cyfweld au derbyn ar gwrs gyda dyddiad ac amser i alw mewn a chwblhaur broses ymrestru.

Please note that some Higher Education courses may commence before Monday 16th September . All students are advised to check with their course tutor or by contacting Customer Services.

Dylid nodi y gall rhai cyrsiau Addysg Uwch ddechrau cyn dydd Llun 16 Medi. Cynghorir pob myfyriwr i wirio gydau tiwtor cwrs neu drwy gysylltu Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid.

Contact us

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn:

If you require any additional information regarding our courses or about the application and enrolment process, please contact our Student Services Teams in the first instance: Bridgend Campus Tel: 01656 302 302 or Email: [email protected] Available during term time and holiday periods, Monday and Wednesday from 8.30am 6.30pm, Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30am 5.00pm and Friday from 8.30am 4.30pm. Pencoed Campus Tel: 01656 302 600 or Email: [email protected] Available during term time and holiday periods, Monday and Wednesday from 8.30am 5.00pm, Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30am 6.30pm and Friday from 8.30am 4.30pm.

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Os hoffech unrhyw wybodaeth ychwanegol am ein cyrsiau neu am y broses gais ac ymrestru, cysylltwch n Tm Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr yn y lle cyntaf os gwelwch yn dda. Campws Penybont, Ffn: 01656 302 302 neu E-bost: [email protected] Ar gael yn ystod y tymor a chyfnodau gwyliau, Llun a Mercher o 8.30am 6.30pm, Mawrth a Iau o 8.30am 5.00pm a Gwener o 8.30am 4.30pm. Campws Pencoed, Ffn: 01656 302 600 neu E-bost: [email protected] Ar gael yn ystod y tymor a chyfnodau gwyliau, Llun a Mercher o 8.30am 5.00pm, Mawrth a Iau o 8.30am 6.30pm a Gwener o 8.30am 4.30pm.

Edited by Sue Hughes, Bridgend College Photography supplied by David Lewis, Glyn Evans and Mark Royal


Golygydd Sue Hughes, Bridgend College Ffotograffiaeth gan David Lewis, Glyn Evans a Mark Royal


The information provided in this prospectus is correct at the time of publishing. However, course programmes are subject to continuing development and Bridgend College reserves the right to amend course details or cancel a course before or after a candidates admission where, for example, there is insufficient demand. As much notice as possible will be given of such changes. We ask that students appreciate that the prospectus is produced in advance of courses commencing and to please refer to our website for the most up to date information. To receive a Welsh language, Braille, large print or audio format of this publication, please contact the Marketing Team, Tel: 01656 302490 / 338 / 382.


Maer wybodaeth yn y prosbectws hwn yn gywir adeg ei chyhoeddi. Fodd bynnag, mae rhaglenni cyrsiau yn cael eu datblygun barhaus ac mae Coleg Penybont yn cadwr hawl i newid manylion cyrsiau neu ganslo cwrs cyn neu ar l derbyn myfyriwr lle, er enghraifft, nad oes galw digonol. Rhoddir cymaint o hysbysiad ag sydd modd o newidiadau or fath. Gofynnwn i fyfyrwyr werthfawrogi y caiff y prosbectws ei gynhyrchu cyn dechrau cyrsiau ac i gyfeirio at ein gwefan i gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf. I dderbyn y cyhoeddiad mewn Braille, print bras neu sain, cysylltwch r Tm Marchnata, Ffn: 01656 302490 / 338 / 382.




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The outstanding college committed to your success Y coleg rhagorol gydag ymrywiad ich llwyddiant

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