3 (BNW) Architectural Elements

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SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture) ARCHITECTURE CULTURE & HISTORY 2 [ARC 1323] Prerequisite: Architecture Culture & History 2

FINAL REPORT Tutor : Ms Anida Group Members : Wong Roung-Jang Nikki Wong Tyan Mun Goh Kee Woon Vincent Wee 0303368 0303281 0303315 0315167

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Introduction 1.1 Fast Facts Name of Building : The New Victoria Institution Location : Jalan Stadium, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (Beside Stadium Merdeka) Architect of the Building : AC Norman (Arthur Charles Alfred Norman) Size of Victoria Institution : 140m x 90m (Whole Compound) 76m x 57m (Main School Building)

1.2 Contextual Conditions

The New Victoria Institution

1983-Victorian Institution was first establishedsituated at High Street, now known as JalanTunH.S.Lee at the centre of old Kuala Lumpur town. 1929-The current Victorian Institution had proceeded.

Victorian Institution had undergone decades of development. Its surrounding environment grew and altered which representing parallel advancement of Kuala Lumpur. Rare numbers of people for that decades are still living now who can still remember the previous location of school, how its appearance look like or acknowledging the historical events which is related to the previous buildings of Victorian Institution Complex.

Government approved establishment of Victorian Institution to fulfil educational purpose for particular region. Eight acres of land on the left bank of the Klang River were set aside as the location of Victorian Institution establishment.

The map of 1889 indicates a big different of Kuala Lumpur if compared to that of today. Apparently, there are 31 years old townships for particular period. Most Asian population live in the left bank of the Klang River. The proposed site of Victorian Institution is bounded by river and bysouthern part of High Street which linked to the Klang River near a large engineering complex. No brick buildings are located onsite at the particular time. The dotted lines represent dirt roads which had shown that most of the squatters were present there. A police station was located in High Street which facing to the site of the future school, Victorian Institution Complex. There was a street beside the future school; it had been given a name of Station Street. Another side of the river was undeveloped. Most of the Europeans were living there. There was a main road which traversing beside the railway line is called as Gombak Road which now known as Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin. There is no proper railway station as yet. 1893-Construction of Victorian Institution Complexstarted of two buildings, which includes an academic block known as Block 1 and a large bungalow for Headmaster. July 1874-Buildings were ready for occupation. Block 1 had two floors; the ground floor was being constructed with mainly of brick while the timber was largely used for the upper part of the building. The architectural style of Victorian Institution was Gothic architecture. For instances, gothic arches abounded throughout the building- there were two concentric walls of arches on the ground floor. An exceptional spire had been constructed on its roof to allow the performing of natural ventilation into the large upper floor school room. The school fronted High Street, despite of it, its main entrance was particularly being located in position which facingto the north side. A gable was above its entrancewhich was carved with the royal coat of arms and the date of the School's foundation - 1893. Furthermore, there was a long curving porch covered the entrance steps. There are no photographs have been found which in regarding to the Headmaster's Bungalow. Apparently, when referred to the written descriptions by Mr R. J. H Sidney, one of the three headmasters who lived in it, the Bungalow possessed of

large roundverandah and a car porch. The servants' quarters were located behind it as well.

The map of 1895 representedone of the year after the school opened. The Block 1, academic block of Victorian Institution Complex which fronts to the High Street. In contrary, the Headmaster's Bungalow is far away located at the bend of the river. There is a road slice in front of the headmaster's bungalow and cross over the Klang River till to the new Railway Station. There is no school field during the particular period. Gombak Road has been renamed as Damansara Road now. There is a line from the Railway Station actually crosses over the river to Chinatown; further north run along to the present day Jalan Cheng Lock. Moreover, a Police barracks, facing the school, have now been built beside the Police Station. 1899-A newblock of Victorian institution Complex, Block 2, was built beside the first block. Block 2 functioned as academic block as well, which contained six classrooms on the ground floor and teachers' quarters upstairs.Block 1 housed the Infant School while Block 2 was for the Lower School.

1902-Block 3 was added behind Block 2for thoseboys aged and was ready for the Middle School.

This particular block is encompassing of a laboratory and three classrooms. In addition, a gymnasium was constructed beside the Block 3 with a Roman temple design which imitated the tall columns, two at the front and back, and four on each side. 1909-Block 4 was constructed. It is approximately 50 metres across the field behind Block 1. This new block was functioned for the High School students. The particular block consisted of three classrooms on the ground floor. It housed the School Hall on the first floor. 1921-A temporary building was set up to house three more classrooms. Five years later another one-storey building was erected to relieve the pressure for classroom space. 1911-A catastrophe occurred at the Headmaster's Bungalow. During the time when the acting Headmaster was living there coincidentally in the absence of Mr B. E. Shaw who was on overseas leave. One unpredictable evening, an outsider seen as European planter wasthen took an action of

shooting.Headmaster was then staggered down from the veranda and collapsed and died on the driveway. The wife of the acting Headmaster was innocently accused of murder, being judged with the punishment, sentenced to death as the outcome.She was pardoned by the Selangor Sultan after the staff andpupils of the V.I. petitioned the ruler.

The map of 1929 represents a major changed of Victorian Institution. Every building plays important parts of making up the school complex in position and the road that once slice across the present school field is now gone. All land appears to be prettierand much used up if compared to previous condition. March 1929-V.I. move to its new premises in Petaling Hill.

The Headmaster's Bungalow appears to have its own private road running north along the river bank to join Sultan Street. This road is called asJalanSekolah. The school's tennis courts, not shown on the map, are along this road, between the river and the shop houses. The town of Kuala Lumpur shows more built-up areas. The latest version of the Railway Station no longer sends a track across the Klang River.

During the twenties- Cadet Corps and the scouts that remain the boys busy after school. The cadets had their own rifle range in an open space nearby. Wednesdays were reserved for bugle band. The Bugle band will normally displays in front of Block 4. Apart from that, the games are being played were including football, cricket, tennis and hockey. Numerous of clubs were being founded for fulfilling purpose of underpins knowledge among the students in skilling social community. Musical and Dramatic Society was founded during that period and put up several plays that were well received by the population of Kuala Lumpur. In fact the Society even took its plays to other towns like Penang, Ipoh and Singapore. The school organized annual sports were nothing short of a carnival with massed physical drill displays - dumb-bell, wand and club swinging in unison. This event was being displays in the presence of hundreds of parents, which without the mention of public, those who poured in from High Street. The different communities would put up their own tents in the V.I. field.These circumstances would exude the appetizing odours of a hundred and one delicacies. During Empire Day, the twenty-fourth of May each year, every pupil participated in the sports events and almost everyone received a prize. The catastrophe of flood had forced the related department of V.I. complex for being so persistently on requesting the moving to new premises. After years of discussion among the particular affair, ultimately, the government had approved the V.I. Complex for moving it present premises to new premises. The new premises were used to be a Chinese cemetery and golf links as well. 1929-V.I.had moved to the current premises. In the early nineteen thirties, thedemolishing of old Headmaster's Bungalow was allowed in order to enable the Klang River to be diverted and straightened.

The AAM map of 1939had been crudely drawn. The particular map had shown the former V.I. complex had encountered a vastly significant change. There are various kinks which in the Klang River are now gone.The river is being cleaned for hygiene purpose. Apart from that, the particular river becomes much prettierif compared to the previous scene of the river. The appearance of it was what it is like today. There are only three buildings being shown in the complex now which known as the Technical College. Apparently, the artist seems to have missed out Block 4 and the other smaller buildings for some reason, but map had been drawn as the road is segregating Block 1 from Blocks 2 and 3.

The map of 1950, that had been drawn, illustrated aminoradvancement in the former of V.I. complex five years after the war. Besides, the artist has put back the buildings on map of 1950. As it was owing to the buildings was missing from the 1939 map.An extensive road remodelling was being carried out on the southern region of the

complex near the Chinese Assembly Hall. A roundabout has been built to release the traffic pressure for particular period. The Technical College remained in High Street. 1954-Technical College was being moved to Jalan Gurney as it new location. The Jalan Gurney is now known asJalanSemarak.There is a newly established High Street School took over the place of old V.I. premises as the selection of residential education selection.The first Headmaster of High Street School was an ex-V.I. teacher who named asMr. H. M. de Souza. 1957-The particular School also moved out to new premises which located atSetapak. The particular School was dropping itself, the Street from its name, called as High School Setapak. The map of 1961 had shown a densely packed post-Merdeka Kuala Lumpur, whichthe buildings sprouting everywhereevident that without the proper urban planning. During the end of an era is approaching, all the remaining former of V.I. buildings are to be demolished except academic Block 1. This project was being carried out at the end of the particular year. The purpose of the proposed action was to allow for the construction of the viaduct spanning the Klang River from the National Mosque to the Chinese Assembly Hall. Furthermore, Station Street has been renamed JalanBalai Polis and its length is truncated considerably as the Police Station premises have been extended into the junction of the street with High Street. High Street has now been renamed as Jalan Bandar. The roundabout at the Chinese Assembly Hall is now known as BulatanMerdeka. Of interest is the road called Old River Road. This can only be a hint as to what the road once was - a watery bend in the river which once coursed alongside the school's Blocks 2 and 3. During the early thirties-It had been filled in; therefore, the river has become a road.

1.3 Architect, Design Ideas & Concept Architect : AC Norman (Arthur Charles Alfred Norman), a senior government architect of Public Works Department (PWD) in Malaysia between 1883 to 1903. He may not be well-known to most Malaysians but his notable buildings before he design the New Victoria Institution in Kuala Lumpur, particularly near Merdeka Square are : Sultan Abdul Samad Building (1894-1897)








Design Ideas and Architectural Styles : Moorish Influence, Neo-Classical and NeoGothic.

Moorish Architectural Style : It has a long building facade with a clock tower in the middle of the building. Besides that, Moorish architectural style also uses Repetitive which can be seen it the buildings windows and doors along the facade of the building and also the side of the building. Neo-Classical Architectural Style : This style is easily seen in the buildings main entrance. The design is similar to Greek and Roman architectural style as it uses Doric Columns at the entrance of the building. In the New Victoria Institution, it only uses the Doric Columns.

Neo-Gothic Architectural Style : This style is only seen on the buildings main clock tower that is placed at the middle top of the building. The clock tower of the building has a Gothic design but it doesnt have the texture of Gothic Architecture. Concept : The concept of the building is to design a building that has architectural values and also historical values. The other 3 minor concepts are Rectangles that is being subtracted and also huge proportions.

! ! ! ! Basic&timeline&of&Victoria&Institutes&Historic&Events:! ! 14!Aug!1893! The!foundation!stone!of!the!old!VI!building!in!High!Street!(presently!Jalan!Bandar)!was!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!laid!by!Mrs.!W.!H.!Treacher.! 28!Jul!1894! Apr!1923! 23!Dec!1923! 01!Sep!1925! VI!was!formally!opened.!The!First!Prize!Giving!was!held.! The!first!issue!of!The!Victorian!was!published.! The!First!Speech!Day!was!held.! The!Government!took!over!the!administration!of!the!school.!

21!Sep!1927! The!DYMM!Sultan!Selangor!laid!the!new!foundation!stone!at!Bukit!Petaling.!This!is!the!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!present!site!of!VI.! 26!Mar!1929! The!official!opening!of!the!present!VI!building!by!British!High!Commisioner!Sir!Hugh!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Clifford!was!held.! 1938! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!The!swimming!pool!(P.W.D.!205)!was!built,!complete!with!a!diving!board!and!shower!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rooms.! 13!Sep!1945! The!surrender!of!the!World!War!II!Japanese!military!forces!in!Malaya!took!place!in!the!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!VI!school!hall.! 1950! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The!first!batch!of!girls!came!to!VI.!The!first!girl!to!be!registered!was!Ms.!Yong!Yan!Yoong.! 1957! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!The!official!opening!of!a!2Wstorey!block!for!Form!Six.!This!block!has!3!laboratory!rooms! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!on!the!ground!floor,!and!4!classrooms!and!a!lecture!hall!on!the!first!floor.!The!hostel! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!building!was!completed!by!the!second!term.! 1962! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!The!206!was!opened.!This!is!the!infamous!boys!toilet!block.!

27!Oct!1978! The!Brick!Project!was!started.!This!was!carried!out!by!the!Interactors!of!1978!to!form!an! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!outline!of!the!school!name!with!bricks!on!the!slope!of!the!skating!rink.!It!took!29!days!to! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!complete!and!was!lead!by!the!Club's!Community!Service!Director!Mr.!Fong!CheeKeong.!

& & & & & & & & & & & & &


2.0&Building&Analysis& 2.1!Architectural!Elements& ! Main!Feature!of!the!building!:& The!Clock!Tower&


& & &

& & & The!Clock!Tower!is!big!enough!to!be!visible!at!every!angle!around!the!school!compound.! You!can!view!it!from!the!front,!the!sides!and!also!the!back!of!the!school.! As!shown!in!the!pictures!below&



& & & & & & &

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

& & & Before&and&After&(Contextual&Condition&of&the&building)& The!Baby!Clock!Tower!:! (1929!and!Present)!


! & & & & &

& & & Additional&buildings&were&added&in&the&year&2003! Surau!

! ! Additional!Academic!Block!for!Primary!School!Students!(Added!in!1957)! ! Front!

! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! Back!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! Wall!was!reWpainted!in!2003! Previously!was!white.!Now!the!bottom!half!is!painted!Light!Turquoise.!

! Door!was!also!reWpainted!in!2003! Previously!was!Brown.!Now!it!is!Light!Grey.!

2.0 Building Analysis 2.1 Architectural Elements! 1.#Columns#in#Main#entrance#################################2.#Gate#of#the#Main#Door!

! ! 3.Wall#pattern#########################################################4.Stair#case#design#before#and#after#

# # # # # #

# 5.#Main#Clock#tower####################################################6.#Baby#clock#tower#

2.2 Comparison

Old Victoria Institution

This building is designed by AC. Norman in year 1894 in Jalan Bandar. It was where the original Victoria Institution located.

Victoria Institution, 1929 Clock Tower Comparison Victoria Institution, 1894 Key Element Bell tower at the centre of the school of the Building

Repetition of columns, doors, and windows

Building Pattern

Repetitive patterns at the lower level of the building

Long and symmetrical faade


Short and unsymmetrical facade

Entrance in the middle of the building faade

Main Entrance

Entrance in the middle of the building facade

E shaped plan from top view Neo-Classical Architecture Style and Moorish Architecture Style

Building Plan Building Style

Rectangularshape plan from top view English Cottage Style

! ! ! Conclusion : In conclusion of this building, the New Victoria Institution is considered as one of Malaysias National Heritage Building because of its unique architectural style and also the size of the building. Through research, we have concluded that the New Victoria Institution has brought several architectural styles during the early 20th Century. The architectural styles include Neo-Classical, NeoGothic and Moorish Architectural Style which was influence by European countries during that time. During the 1800-1900s, buildings in Malaysia were big in size but short in height. After the New Victoria Institution was built, it changed the way how Malaysian buildings made their entrances and also windows and doors. Everything started to change in scale and proportion. As you can see in the table above, it is easily understandable that buildings changed from short and unsymmetrical to long and symmetrical.

The way it influence the building designs in Malaysia was the big long faade of the building and also the use of repetitive windows and doors. This design helped make the building look simple and big. Other than that, the proportion of the building also played a big role in building designs during the early 20th century. Buildings started to grow bigger in terms of size and height. Despite several design changes that was done during that time, these architectural styles were already introduced to the world before Malaysias independent day. It has also impacted Malaysia not just socially and economically but also politically during British and Japanese times in Malaysia. Because of this, it has made Malaysia what it is today and the building played a role during the time of change in Malaysia and that is why The New Victoria Institution is considered and a Malaysia Heritage Building. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

References :

http://viweb.freehosting.net/vihist.htm http://benariff.blogspot.com/2009/02/concise-history-of-victoria-institution.html https://web0226sps.1bestarinet.net/cms/content.jsp?id=com.tms.cms.section.Section_840c5ff d-7f000010-3d9478c7-a4be3e9b The V.I. Anthology, Voices from the Golden Age (n/a), Chee Min, Chung. The History of Victoria Institution, (2000), Anonymous.

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