Brain Computer Interface

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Group A Theme of paper: Advances in Biomedical/instrumentation Topic of paper: Braingate Registration id : 324 Name Contact no : Ms.Snehal S.

Mahajan : 9595138231

Abstract Introduction Brain Computer Interface What Is Braingate? Main principle How Braingate works? The Braingate chip Advantages Disadvantages Future Expansion Conclusion References

Braingate was developed by the biotech company Cyberkinetics in 2003 in conjunction with the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University. The device was designed to help those who have lost control of their limbs, or other bodily functions. The computer chip, which is implanted into the brain, monitors brain activity in the patient and converts the intention of the user into computer commands. Currently the chip uses 100 hair-thin electrodes that hear neurons firing in specific areas of the brain. For example, the area that controls arm movement. The activity is translated into electrically charged signals and is then sent and decoded using a program, thus moving the arm. According website, to two the patients Cyberkinetics' have been The Braingate technology is the application interface of brain computer The braintechnology.


computer interface is the origin for Braingate technology. Before going into the details of Braingate system, let us first see brain computer interface technology in brief:


BCI uses brain activity to command, control, actuate and communicate with the world directly through brain integration with peripheral devices and systems. A brain computer interface (BCI), some times called a direct neural interface and is a direct communication pathway between a human or animal brain (and brain cell culture) and an external device.

implanted with the Braingate system.

In one way BCIs,, computer either accept commands from the brain or send signals to it(for example, to restore vision)but not both. Two-way BCIs would allow brains and external devices to exchange information in both directions, but have yet to be successfully implanted in animals or humans. In this definition, the word brain means the brain or nervous system of an organile life form rather than the mind. computer means any processing or computational devices, from simple circuits to silicon chips.

ever they are simulated. The electrical patterns are called brain waves. Neurons act like the wires and gates in a computer. Brain controls motor function. Motor neurons carry a signal from the central nervous system to the muscles, skin and glands of the body, while sensory neurons carry signals from those outer parts of the body to the central nervous system. A technique called

neurofeedback uses connecting sensors on the scalp to translate brain waves in to information a person can learn from. This enables the person learning the

Braingate converts brain activity in to computer commands. A sensor is implanted on the brain, and electrodes are hooked up to wires that travel to a pedestal on the scalp. From there, a fiber optic cable carries that brain activity data to a near by computer. The brain is hardwired with connections, which are made by billions of neurons that make electricity when

gradual adaptation of motor commands which takes place after the execution of one or more movements. The sensors register different frequencies of the signals produced in the brain.These changes in the brain wave patterns indicate whether someone is concentrating or suppressing his impulses, or whether he is relaxed or tense.

movement. Using this system a person can move a cursor on a computer screen by his thoughts, the same way

Fig(a):The overall Braingate system

somebody uses a mouse.

The system has a small chip that will be implanted in the human brain. This chip can analyse brain signals. The main principle behind this system is that with intact brain function, brain signals are functioning normal and can be generated even though they are not sent to the arms and legs. This means that these signals can be read through this chip and translated into functions that a computer can understand. For example a cursor

Fig(b):patient implanted with Braingate chip

speed of the muscles as they stretch and contract as you move other sensors in the skin respond to stretching and


Main principle behind this interface is the bioelectrical activity of nerves and muscles. It is now well established that the human body, which is composed of living tissues, can be considered as a power station generating multiple electrical signals with two internal sources, namely muscles and nerves. We know that brain is the most important part of human body. It controls all the emotions and functions of the human body. The brain is composed of billions of neurons. These neurons work together in complex logic and produce thought and signals that control our bodies. When the neuron fires, or activates, there is a voltage change across the cell, (~100mv) which can be read through a variety of devices. When we want to make a voluntary action, the command generates from the frontal lobe. Muscles in the bodys limbs contain embedded sensors called muscle spindles that measure the length and

pressure. The electrodes do the same work as muscle spindles do. Even if paralysis or disease damages the part of the brain that process movement, the brain still makes neural signals. They are just not being sent to the arms, hands and legs. These small signals are, however, measurable. A neuron depolarizes to generate an impulse; this action causes small changes in the electric field around the neuron. These changes are measured as 0 (no impulse) or 1 (impulse generated) by the electrodes. These Signals are generated on the surface of the brain. These electric signals and are different in By magnitude frequency.

monitoring and analyzing these signals we can understand the working of brain. Now the question arises how the signal analysis is done to implement the exact task set by the thoughts? This is done by classifiers. We know that the brainwave consists of different frequency contents. These frequency contents are grouped into different groups. Each group corresponds to different medical tasks.

The classifiers are used to classify these groups to perform corresponding mental tasks.

Currently the chip uses 100 hair-thin electrodes that sense the electromagnetic signature of neurons firing in specific areas of the brain. For

The four-millimeter square chip is placed on the surface of the motor cortex area of the brain which detect neural electrical activity. The sensor is then connected to a computer via a small wire attached to a pedestal mounted on the skull. The brainwaves are recorded with electrodes, which are placed on the scalp. Electrodes are small plates, which conduct electricity. They provide the electrical contact between the skin and the brainwave recording apparatus by transforming the ionic current on the skin to the electrical current in the wires. To improve the stability of the signal, the outer layer of the skin called stratum corneum should be at least partly removed under the electrode. Electrolyte gel is applied between the electrode and the skin in order to provide good electrical contact.

example, the area that controls arm movement. The activity is translated into electrically charged signals and is then sent and decoded using a program, which can move either a robotic arm or a computer cursor. According to the Cyberkinetics website, two patients have been implanted with the Brain Gate system. The chip is shown in the fig(c). There are a few major problems that must be addressed when developing neural implants. These must be made out of biocompatible material or insulated with biocompatible material that the body wont reject and isolate. One option among the biocompatible materials is Teflon coating that protects the implant from the body.

these store

signals, the



process the signals, onboard memory to signals, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) to stimulate nerves, and software to control the overall experiment. Figure (d) shows a brain chips basic elements. The key requirements

Fig(c):The Brain chip

are that the brain chip be small and lightweight enough to fit inside or onto the animal, have adequate signal fidelity for interacting with the mill volt-level signals characteristic of nerve tissue, and have sufficient processing power to perform experiments of real scientific value.

The Braingate system is based

Fig (d):Basic elements of the chip

For working the Braingate chip requires some basic elements. Neurochips use amplifiers to boost lowvoltage biological signals, analog-todigital converters (ADCs) to digitize





technology to sense, transmit analyze and apply the language of neurons. The Brain Gate Neural Interface System is being designed to one day allow the interface with a computer and / or even faster than, what is possible with the

hands of a person. The Brain Gate System may offer substantial improvement over existing technologies. The brain gate array is also capable of recording electrical data for later analysis. A potential use of this feature would be for a neurologist to study seizure patterns in a patient with epilepsy. Brain gate is currently recruiting patients with a range of neuromuscular and neurodegenerative conditions for pilot clinical trials in United States. It provides better and independent living to those who have lost control of their limbs or other bodily functions. Braingate system enables the patient to employ a personal computer as the gateway to a range of self-directed activities. These activities may extend beyond typical computer

in the environment such as a telephone, lights. a television and

Fig:patient availing braingate system

Connecting to the nervous

system could lead to permanent brain damage, resulting in the loss of feelings or movement, or continual pain. Virus attacks may occur to brain causing ill effects. The U.S. Food and Drug

functions (e.g., communication) to include the control of objects

Administration (FDA) has not

approved the Brain Gate Non Interface System for general use. This investigate can only be used in pre-marketing clinical trials approved by the FDA. Although many are able to control the computer with these systems, such techniques remain dependent on the muscular

If we consider a paralysed person as not normal, the Braingate system can make this paralysed person normal again. So from that perspective

functions and require extensive training.

Braingate is necessary. It is like the Braingate cant work without a human brain and the human brain (from

Cyber kinetics is developing product for robotic control, such as a thoughtcontrolled wheel chair. In the future, the Brain Gate System could be used by those individuals who are in severe condition. Next generation products may be able to provide an individual with the control of the device that allows breathing, bladder and bowel movements.Also this technology will become wireless in near future.






function without the Braingate system. The goal of this development would be able to allow these individuals to one day use their own arms and hands movement. These developments are currently at the research stage and are not available with the existing Brain Gate System. BCIs will have the ability to give people back their vision and hearing. They will also change the way a person looks at the world. Someday these devices might be more common than keyboards. To put in a nutshell,


this technology really means putting thoughts into action.

http:/ http:/ ce/ide/index.shtml http:/ ealth/2004-10-10-braingatecover_x.htm http:/ /10/20/explorers.braingate/ ration/News_Bureau/200405/04-035.html


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