Declamation English

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The Lost Girl Declamation by dhang

I am a girl, young in heart and in mind I am carefree, I enjoy doing nothing but play,play and play

I seldom go to school but hmp! nobody cares! Instead,you will see me roaming around standing at the nearby canto, or hanging around at the sari-sari store standing beside the jukebox stand One day I asked I asked my mother to teach me how to behave, to live, and appreciate all the beautiful things in life. Would you like to know what she told me? She said " Cant you see, I have to hurry up for my majong session! " So I turned to my father to console me. But what a wonderful word he did tell me " Child, I have to finish my overtime workHeres 500 pesos, go and ask your teacher about that question" Sadly,I attended my class But I heard nothing but the echoing voice of my teacher,torturing me with her words " Hey yo lazy girl! Why waste your time studying those things? When up to now you cant even multiply seven by nine? Go home and dont bother me!!!" I am lostconfusedI dont know what to do with myself Where are my parents to guide me? My teachers to give me inspirations? My friends, when I play? Im lazy and irresponsible. When I try to study, I get punished for not being able to answer. Where nowIm confused Somebody, please help me You say that the world is beautiful, why is it treating me this way? Hear me please! Help me please! Help me I am lost

A Glass of Cold Water Everybody calls me young, beautiful, wonderful. Am I? Look at my hair, my lips, my red rosy cheeks and a pair of blinkering eyes.

I remember, somebody says that I look like my mother that I look like my mother. But that when she was young. Now, I am much lovelier than she is. I'm a mortal Venus. Oops! What time is it? I must get ready for the party! Beep-beep!A-huh! Here they are! Yes, I'm coming! "Child, are you still there?" "Hmp! That's my mama" "Child, are you still there? Will you please get me a glass of cold water?" "Mama, I'm in a hurry!" "Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water." "Mama, please, try to get it on your own." "Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water!" At the party, I danced and danced the whole night. You see, I can't leave the party at once. I have to danced with everybody who proposed to me. At last, the party is over. I'm very tired. Very, very tired. So, I went home to tell mama what happened. "Mama, I'm home! It's very quiet. "Mama, I'm home!" Nobody answers. Where is she? I look for her in the sala, but she's not there. Where is she? A-huh! In the kitchen! I saw my mama, lying down on the floor, dead. With a glass on her hand. I remember, she tried to get it. Oh, God, just for the glass of cold water! Mama! Mama! Oh, Mama!

She stood at the bar of Justice, A creature, wan and wild, In form too small for a woman, In features too old for a child. For a look so worn and pathetic Was stamped on her pale young face, It seemed long years of suffering Must have left that silent trace. Your name, said the judge, as he eyed her with a kindly look, yet keen. Mary Aguirre, if you please, sir. And your age? I am fifteen. Well, Mary, and then from a paper He slowly and gravely read You are charged here I am sorry to say it with stealing three loaves of bread. You took not like an old offender, And I hope that you can show the charge to be false. Now tell me, Are you guilty of this, or not? A passionate burst of weeping Was at first her sole reply; But she dried her tears in a moment, And looked in the judges eyes. I will tell you just how it was, sir My father and mother are dead, And my little brothers and sisters were hungry And asked me for bread. At first, I earned it for them By working hard all day. But somehow the times were hard, sir, and the work all fell away. I could get no more employment, The weather was bitter cold; The young ones cried and shivered So what was I to do, sir? I am guilty, but do not condemn; I took O! was it stealing? The bread to give to them. Every man in the courtroom, Graybeard and thoughless youth Knew, as he looked upon her, That the prisoner spoke the truth, Out from their pockets came kerchiefs, Out from old, faded wallets Treasures hoarded for years.

The judges face was a study, The strangest you ever saw, As he cleared his throat and murmured Something about the law. For one so learned in such matters, So wise in dealing with men He seemed, on a simple question Sorely puzzled just then. No one blamed him, or wondered When at last these words they heard The sentence of this young prisoner is for the present deferred. And no one blamed him or wondered When he went to her and smiled And tenderly left from the courtroom Himself, the guilty child!

I wept, I cried so hard. But this tears cant bring back my sister to life. My being brought here by my conscience. I want to ask forgiveness. But can she still hear? O heart, forgive me for what I have done, please bring peace to mind. Dry leaves were crushed down below. As if to freshen my memories that her life perished because of my selfishness.

She was my only sister. Since our childhood, I always believed that I was the favorite of our dad. One night, while I was facing all about to the mirror, with my micro mini, I puffed powder, when I saw Luisas face, reflecting in the mirror. "You cant get out tonight, Lucille." I heard a threatening tone from her. I turned to her, but I cant resist at her sharp stare at me. "And who says so, my dear sister?" "We are to celebrate Mommas death anniversary, you know that dont you?" In a relaxed and condescending voice, I replied "well I dont care. Im going out to party tonight!" Then I heard a knock on the door. I shouted "Help Papa!" for I knew that it was he. I pulled my hair, I tore my dress away as I was attacked by a squad of monstrous creatures. When the door opened the site Papa saw was that Luisa was holding my neck who was trying to make a rescue. But I cried so hard that made Papa grew to the height of anger. He threw Luisa to the corner, where the head of my poor sister was hit at the edge of the chair. I slowly rejoiced for I have made a successful revenge. But when she lifted, I saw a different sparkle in her tearful eyes. "Ha ha ha ha ha!" O my, Luisa, she went out of her mind. I was not able to move, as well as Papa. Both of us were motionless. And before we returned to our senses, Luisa ran to the door and proceeded to the open gate of our house. We followed her calling out her name. "Luisa!" "Sister!" "Luisa" "Sister" "Luisa the Truck!" "Dont cross the road, Luisa, the truck dont Dont DONT!" The next sight I saw was that Luisa was thrown five meters away from the truck. I ran to her and embraced her. Blood was all over her face. In a low but distinct voice she murmured, that made my heart break so much. She said, "Lucille, please be a good girl. I love you. Please be a good girl coz Papa loves you very much." "Luisa? Luisa? Sister sister!!!" From that moment I cried so hard for killing my only sister, who loved and cared for me, even at the last moment of her life. Now can you blame me, for asking God to forgive me? Forgive me dear God, Forgive me!

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Taken for Granted

Christians? Christians? Have you heard that call? Theyre looking for me. Thats definitely me. Youre in doubt and Why? You want me to give you proofs? Oh! Thats very easy. Who told you to doubt that I am a Christian? I am a Christian! How? I went to church. I pray. I have my religion. I read the Bible. I love kids and I am giving them what they want. I sing gospel songs. Now youre telling me that you are in doubt? How dare you to question me? Cant you see? Or Are you blind? I am the true definition of a Christian. Youre so pathetic; you dont have the right to question me that way. What?! You want to ask me more?! Ill think about it for a second. Hmhm Ok! Im sure Ill be able to answer all your questions fluently. Go Ask me. Youre asking me if I go to church every Sunday?! I told you I GO TO CHURCH ahmm b-bu-but not every Sunday. Every other Sunday I guess thats fine with the Lord. Why?! I-I-I have a project every other Sunday. Yes r-r-right, I have a project. The Lord understands that. Liar?! Im not a liar. Im telling you the truth in fact I went to church last three Sundays straight and Oh my Gosh Cris is in the stage hes starting to play the guitar. Ooops I slip! Ok fine. I went to church three times straight without absent b-because of Cris. Hes cute, hes talented. And Im still there for the Lord. Liar? Im not a liar. I am still a Christian. It so happen that I dont have any projects that Sunday. Ahhh! Fake?! Im not a fake Christian; at least I go to church. Dont shout! Ahhh! I said Im not a fake Christian, I-I-I pray every other day. At least I pray. No! I said I am a true Christian I read the Bible. I open it Every time the Pastor is telling me to do so.

Ok stop. Why do we need to argue? I guess I really dont know what Christianity is? Ok! I go to church not because of Christ but because of Chris! Im sleeping every time there is a sermon because I only love the music. I dont read my Bible because I guess thats boring. I sing Jesus, I surrender I draw nearer, I fall down but the truth Im not sincere with that. But I guess my works will be credited in his name. I share my blessings to the poor, i give gifts every Sunday and I have a religion I guess that worksI dont know. Right, Ephesians 2: 8-9 was right. It is not by works that I will be saved because Jesus is the only way. And I am so wrong I dont even mind his sacrifices on the cross. I am supposed to be there because those are my sins. I forgot my purpose here on earth; you know what, hes been good to me. But I always take him for granted. Im doing things not for his glory but for my own. I should live for him because he died for me. Im so ashamed now. But Lord you still forgave me. Youre so good. And you brought me to my knees. Now Im talking and standing in front of you and I dont care if you are going to laugh at me. I care to tell you things that I believe I must tell you. He won everything in me and hes been waiting for you too If you believe you have him, you may now shout what Carman once wrote Jesus is the Champion.

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