European Patent Application: Duct Transition Arrangement

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(11) EP 2 433 712 A1
(43) Date of publication:
28.03.2012 Bulletin 2012/13
(21) Application number: 10180065.4
(22) Date of filing: 27.09.2010
(51) Int Cl.:
B03C 3/36
B03C 3/011
(84) Designated Contracting States:
Designated Extension States:
(71) Applicant: Alstom Technology Ltd
5400 Baden (CH)
(72) Inventors:
Hjelmberg, Anders Erik
352 44, Vxj (SE)
Tabikh, Ali Mustapha
352 53, Vxj (SE)
(74) Representative: Jacobsson, Peter
Awapatent AB
stra Storgatan 7
553 21 Jnkping (SE)
(54) Duct transition arrangement
(57) The present disclosure provides a duct transi-
tion arrangement (1) for use in an exhaust gas cleaning
system. The exhaust gas cleaning system comprises an
inlet duct (10), an outlet duct (20), and a transition duct
(30) connecting the inlet duct to the outlet duct. Once so
connected, flue gases flow through the system from the
inlet duct through the transition duct and into the outlet
duct. The transition duct comprises at least one expand-
ed screen (31) for distribution of gas flow through the
transition duct.
EP 2 433 712 A1
Technical field
[0001] The present disclosure relates to a gas cleaning
system, such as a catalytic reduction system or an elec-
trostatic precipitator system, for use in an industrial proc-
ess plant, such as a fossil-fueled power plant or a waste
incineration plant. More particularly, the present disclo-
sure relates to a duct transition arrangement for use in
an exhaust gas cleaning system and a method of using
the same.
[0002] In the combustion of a fuel, such as coal, oil,
peat, waste, etc. in an industrial process plant, such as
a fossil-fuelled power plant, a hot process gas is gener-
ated, such process gas containing, among other compo-
nents, dust particles, sometimes referred to as fly ash,
and nitrogen oxides. The dust particles are often re-
moved from the process gas by means of a dust removal
device, such as an electrostatic precipitator, also called
an ESP, or a fabric filter. An ESP system is described in
US 4,502,872 incorporated herein in its entirety by ref-
[0003] Between an inlet duct and the ESP processing
reactor, a transition duct is arranged. One purpose of the
transition duct is to distribute the process gas for flow
into the ESP since the inlet duct normally has a smaller
cross-sectional area than that of the ESP processing re-
actor. In existing ESP designs, such as in US 4,207,083
incorporated herein in its entirety by reference, the inlet
duct is provided with perforated plates to distribute the
process gas to flow over the complete interior area of the
ESP. Another solution may be to use guide vanes, such
as disclosed in GB346635, to direct and distribute the
flow of incoming process gas. Such arrangements with
perforated plates and/or guide vanes such as
W004067183, need to be tuned after installation and at
start up to deliver an even gas distribution. Further, such
arrangements consist of many small pieces to be man-
ufactured and assembled. Such arrangements are also
expensive due to the special manufacturing require-
ments of the perforated plates, which plates also add
substantial steel weight to the arrangement. During man-
ufacture, the perforated plates are punched and cut such
that a significant amount of material goes to waste. The
outlet from the ESP, from the reactor casing to a duct, is
typically also equipped with similar perforated plates to
achieve a good velocity profile downstream of the ESP.
[0004] Consequently, there is a need for another sim-
pler and more cost-effective transition device for efficient-
ly providing an even velocity distribution and/or particle
distribution in a duct positioned downstream the transi-
tion device.
[0005] The present disclosure provides a duct transi-
tion arrangement that alleviates at least some of the fore
mentioned drawbacks associated with present duct tran-
sition arrangements.
[0006] Such is achieved by providing a duct transition
arrangement for use in a process gas cleaning system.
The process gas cleaning system comprises a transition
duct fluidly connecting an inlet duct of an inlet duct pe-
rimeter to an outlet duct of an outlet duct perimeter that
differs from the inlet duct perimeter such that flue gases
flow from the inlet duct through the fluidly connected tran-
sition duct toward fluidly connected outlet duct. The ar-
rangement is characterized in that the transition duct
comprises at least one expanded screen for distribution
of flue gas flowing through the transition duct.
[0007] A duct transition arrangement as described
above with an expanded screen incorporated therein
may effectively distribute and direct flue gas flow. Further,
tuning requirements of the duct transition arrangement
at start up may be eliminated. The duct transition arrange-
ment as disclosed may reduce manufacturing and instal-
lation costs due to fewer parts, less assembly and less
construction material consumption. Less material may
be used to manufacture an expanded screen than is typ-
ically used to manufacture a perforated plate. The subject
duct transition arrangement may further increase the ro-
bustness of the process gas cleaning system to varia-
tions in upstream conditions with regard to the flow of
flue gas. Such variations may be differences in the flue
gas inlet velocity profile. A stable and even flue gas inlet
velocity profile may be achieved downstream the ex-
panded screen. Such may also lend itself to a duct tran-
sition arrangement of a more compact design in the ex-
haust gas cleaning system. A duct transition arrange-
ment of a more compact design may contribute less
weight and require less construction material in its man-
ufacture for use in the exhaust gas cleaning system. A
duct transition arrangement of a more compact design
may further provide a possibility of integrating the ar-
rangement into a duct bend. The transverse cross-sec-
tional areas of the inlet duct and the outlet duct taken at
similar points perpendicular to their longitudinal expans-
es, may differ in size. For instance, the inlet transverse
cross-sectional area taken perpendicular to a longitudi-
nal expanse of the inlet duct may be smaller than the
outlet transverse cross-sectional area taken perpendic-
ular to a longitudinal expanse of the outlet duct, or vice
verse. The differently sized transverse cross-sectional
areas of the inlet duct and the outlet duct may also differ
in shape. The duct transition arrangement may thereby
be designed as a fluidly connected coupling between the
inlet duct and the outlet duct. The duct transition arrange-
ment may for instance be connected to an inlet duct with
a circular periphery and an outlet duct with a rectangular
or square periphery, or vice verse. The inlet duct and
outlet duct may also be of any other shape, other than
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EP 2 433 712 A1
circular, square or rectangular.
[0008] According to one aspect, the at least one ex-
panded screen may be bent or two or more expanded
screens may be combined to form an angle arranged in
the inlet duct and/or the outlet duct of a duct transition
arrangement. Such an angle is formed when one or a
portion of one expanded screen forms a first plane of the
angle and a second or a portion of the first expanded
screen forms a second plane of the angle. Opposed to
the angle point are the free edges of the one or more
expanded screens. Using the expanded screen angle, a
relatively even flue gas velocity distribution may be
achieved with few parts, little assembly and low pressure
drop. Such a duct transition arrangement may be placed
at an inlet or an outlet of an ESP. Strict requirements
regarding even flue gas flow distribution and controlled
flue gas direction of flow for the ESP may thus be met.
If the duct transition arrangement is placed such that the
transverse cross-sectional area of the transition duct tak-
en perpendicular to the longitudinal expanse of the tran-
sition duct, increases in the direction of the flue gas flow,
the angle point may be placed downstream with respect
to the flow of flue gas, from the opposed free edges, i.e.,
to "point" in the direction of or with the flue gas flow. If
the arrangement is placed such that the transverse cross-
sectional area of the transition duct taken perpendicular
to the longitudinal expanse of the transition duct, de-
creases in the direction of the flue gas flow, the angle
point may be placed upstream with respect to the flow of
flue gas, from the opposed free edges, i.e., to "point" in
the opposite direction of or against the flue gas flow.
[0009] According to another aspect, the outlet trans-
verse cross-sectional area may be larger than the inlet
transverse cross-sectional area taken at similar points,
and the angle point of the expanded screen may point in
the direction of or with the flue gas flow. The transition
duct may thereby be placed at an inlet to an ESP reactor
such that the transverse cross-sectional area of the tran-
sition duct may increase in the direction of the flue gas
flow. The angle point formed by the at least one expanded
screen may thereby point in the direction of the flue gas
flow and the increasing transverse cross-sectional area
of the transition duct. The at least one expanded screen
so positioned may provide an effective and even distri-
bution and direction of flue gas flow through an ESP re-
actor inlet. The outlet transverse cross-sectional area be-
ing larger than the inlet transverse cross-sectional area
may substantially be realized in that the outlet transverse
cross-section differs in shape from the inlet transverse
cross-section. For instance, the outlet transverse cross-
section may be rectangular in shape and the inlet trans-
verse cross-section may be circular in shape, or vice
[0010] According to yet another aspect, the outlet duct
transverse cross-sectional area may be smaller than the
inlet transverse cross-sectional area taken at similar
points, and the angle point formed by the at least one
expanded screen may point in the opposite direction of
or against the flue gas flow. The transition duct may there-
by be placed at an outlet of an ESP reactor such that the
transverse cross-sectional area of the transition duct may
decrease in the direction of the flue gas flow. The angle
point formed by the at least one expanded screen may
thereby point in the opposite direction of the flue gas flow
and the decreasing transverse cross-sectional area of
the transition duct. The at least one expanded screen so
positioned may provide an effective and even distribution
and direction of the flue gas flow through an ESP reactor
outlet. The outlet transverse cross-sectional area being
smaller than the inlet transverse cross-sectional area
may substantially be realized in that the outlet cross-sec-
tion differs in shape from the inlet cross-section. For in-
stance, the outlet cross-section may be rectangular or
square in shape and the inlet cross-section may be cir-
cular in shape, or vice verse.
[0011] According to a further aspect, the at least one
expanded screen may comprise one or more expanded
screens folded or combined to form a foursided "pyramid"
formation. A rectangular "base" of such an expanded
screen pyramid may be formed and sized appropriately,
for instance if the inlet duct has a rectangular cross-sec-
tion. The expanded screen pyramid may provide a dis-
tribution and direction of the flue gas flow that is even in
all four directions of the rectangular pyramid form. This
may provide an even distribution and velocity profile
throughout the flowing flue gas affected thereby.
[0012] According to one aspect, the at least one ex-
panded screen may comprise one or more expanded
screens in a "cone" formation. If the inlet duct has a cir-
cular cross-section, a cone formation may be formed and
sized by one or more expanded screens for suitable ac-
commodation of the circular cone "base" within the cir-
cular inlet duct. One expanded screen may be bent to
form a cone with an open base and a pointed top. The
bent expanded screen may be welded, glued or the like
to form and maintain the cone shape. The point of the
expanded screen cone may point in the direction of or in
the opposite direction of the flue gas flow, depending on
the placement of the arrangement.
[0013] According to another aspect, the at least one
expanded screen may comprise one or more flat screens
extending in a plane or planes substantially perpendicu-
lar to a longitudinal axis of the duct transition arrange-
ment. Thereby, such duct transition arrangement with at
least one expanded screen incorporated therein may ef-
fectively distribute and direct flue gas flow. Further, tuning
requirements of the duct transition arrangement at start
up may be eliminated. The duct transition arrangement
as disclosed may reduce manufacturing and installation
costs due to fewer parts, less assembly and less con-
struction material consumption. Less construction mate-
rial may be used to manufacture an expanded screen
than is typically used to manufacture a perforated plate.
The subject duct transition arrangement may further in-
crease the robustness of the process gas cleaning sys-
tem to variations in upstream conditions with regard to
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EP 2 433 712 A1
the flow of flue gas. Such variations may be differences
in the flue gas inlet velocity profile. A stable and even
flue gas inlet velocity profile may be achieved down-
stream the expanded screen.
[0014] According to a further aspect, the transition duct
arrangement may further comprise an outlet expanded
screen positioned in a plane substantially perpendicular
to that of a longitudinal axis of the duct transition arrange-
ment. Thereby, the flue gas flow may be evenly distrib-
uted by the outlet expanded screen after the flue gas has
already been evenly distributed by the at least one ex-
panded screen. As such, the flue gas may flow into and
through the outlet duct in a direction substantially parallel
to the longitudinal axis of the duct transition arrangement.
With the outlet expanded screen arranged in the transi-
tion duct, additional flue gas directing effect may be
achieved. Further, a skewed velocity profile in the gas
flow may be evened out with less pressure drop. It may
be advantageous with two expanded screens that each
influences the gas flow to a lesser degree with regard to
directing the gas flow, evening the velocity profile, and
the like. It may further be easier to achieve a robust duct
transition arrangement when constructing the duct tran-
sition arrangement with the outlet expanded screen po-
sitioned in the transition duct arrangement.
[0015] According to another aspect, the outlet expand-
ed screen may be arranged at an end of the transition
duct. The outlet expanded screen may be arranged in-
side the transition duct relatively close to the end of the
transition duct that may be fluidly connected to the outlet
[0016] According to yet another aspect, the cross-sec-
tional area or at least a portion of the outlet expanded
screen may be substantially similar in shape to that of
the transition duct periphery where it is to be positioned.
Thereby, the "base" or at least a portion of the outlet
expanded screen may abut substantially the entire pe-
riphery of the transition duct and occupy substantially the
entire transverse cross-section of the transition duct
where positioned. As such, substantially all of the flue
gas flowing through the transition duct may thereby flow
through the outlet expanded screen on route to the outlet
[0017] According to one aspect, the at least one ex-
panded screen may be arranged such that all flue gas
that may flow through the inlet duct may pass through
the at least one expanded screen. The at least one ex-
panded screen may be arranged such that an opening
in the transition duct toward the inlet duct is not complete-
ly covered by the at least one expanded screen. Howev-
er, the at least one expanded screen may be positioned
within the transition duct such that all of the flue gas may
flow through the at least one expanded screen. Thereby,
the distribution and direction of the flue gas flow may be
effectively controlled since all of the flue gas passes
through the at least one expanded screen.
[0018] According to another aspect, the at least one
expanded screen may be made of metal. By using a metal
as the construction material for the at least one expanded
screen, a robust screen may be achieved with a long
working lifetime. Examples of suitable metals for con-
struction of the subject expanded screens are tempered
sheet-metal such as sheet iron e.g. Hardox (SSAB
Svenskt Stal Aktiebolag Corporation, Sweden), or stain-
less materials, especially for use in corrosive environ-
ments. The at least one expanded screen may further be
made of many different plastic deformable materials. The
plastic deformable material may be a kind of rigid plastic,
such as Teflon (E.I. Du Pont De Nemours and Com-
pany Corporation, USA) or polypropylene (PP). Such ma-
terial may mainly be used in an environment that de-
mands special material characteristics such as corrosion
[0019] According to yet another aspect, a reactor duct
arrangement for use in an exhaust gas cleaning system
is provided, comprising a reactor duct in which a reactor
for processing flue gases is positioned, and a reactor
inlet transition duct arrangement for distributing the flow
of flue gas from a reactor inlet duct to the reactor duct.
The reactor inlet transition duct arrangement comprises
a first transition duct, wherein an inlet end of the first
transition duct has a first transverse cross-sectional area,
and an outlet end of the first transition duct has a second
transverse cross-sectional area that is larger than the
first cross-sectional area. The reactor duct arrangement
further comprises a reactor outlet transition duct arrange-
ment for distributing the flow of flue gas from the reactor
duct to a reactor outlet duct. The reactor outlet transition
duct arrangement comprises a second transition duct,
wherein an inlet end of the second transition duct has a
third transverse cross-sectional area, and an outlet end
of the second transition duct has a fourth transverse
cross-sectional area smaller than that of the third trans-
verse cross-sectional area. The first transition duct and
the second transition duct each comprise at least one
expanded screen for distribution of flue gas flow through
the reactor transition duct arrangement.
[0020] Thereby, a reactor duct arrangement may be
provided that effectively distributes and directs a flow of
flue gas into and out from a reactor duct. The expanded
screens may eliminate the need for tuning the arrange-
ment at start up, which together with a reduction in con-
struction material consumption provides a more cost-ef-
fective solution than that of the prior art. The reactor duct
arrangement may also be more robust with regard to var-
iations in upstream conditions in the exhaust gas clean-
ing system and may cause less of a pressure drop than
existing perforated plates.
[0021] According to yet another aspect, a method for
controlling gas flow in an exhaust gas cleaning system
is provided. The method comprises directing gas flow
from an inlet duct of an inlet duct perimeter to an outlet
duct of an outlet duct perimeter that differs from the inlet
duct perimeter, through a transition duct fluidly connect-
ing the inlet duct to the outlet duct using at least one
expanded screen arranged in the transition duct for dis-
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EP 2 433 712 A1
tribution of gas flow through the transition duct.
Brief description of the drawings
[0022] Referring now to the figures, which are exem-
plary embodiments of the present system, wherein like
elements are numbered alike:
Fig. 1 is a schematic side view of a reactor arrange-
ment according to an embodiment of the present dis-
Fig. 2 is a perspective view of a transition duct ac-
cording to an embodiment of the present disclosure;
Fig. 3 is a perspective view of a transition duct ac-
cording to another embodiment of the present dis-
Fig. 4a is a schematic cross-sectional side view of
an inlet duct transition arrangement according to an
embodiment of the present disclosure;
Fig. 4b is a schematic cross-sectional side view of
an outlet duct transition arrangement according to
an embodiment of the present disclosure;
Fig. 5 is a perspective view of an expanded screen
according to an embodiment of the present disclo-
Fig. 6 is a schematic cross-sectional side view of an
inlet duct transition arrangement according to an em-
bodiment of the present disclosure; and
Fig. 7 is a schematic cross-sectional side view of an
inlet duct transition arrangement according to an em-
bodiment of the present disclosure.
Description of Embodiments
[0023] According to Fig. 1, a reactor duct arrangement
100 is illustrated that comprises a reactor inlet duct tran-
sition arrangement 105, a reactor duct 101 and a reactor
outlet duct transition arrangement 106. The reactor duct
101 comprises a reactor 102, such as an ESP reactor
for processing flue gases entering the reactor duct 101
as a flow of flue gas F.
[0024] Flue gas F enters the reactor duct arrangement
100 through a reactor inlet duct 103. The flue gas F flows
into reactor inlet duct 103, through reactor inlet duct tran-
sition arrangement 105 and into reactor duct 101 thereby
passing through reactor 102. After passing through re-
actor 102, the flue gas F flows through reactor outlet duct
transition arrangement 106 and into reactor outlet duct
[0025] The reactor inlet duct 103 defines a first interior
area 103a. The reactor duct 101 defines a second interior
area 101 a that is larger in size than that of the first interior
area 103a. The reactor outlet duct 104 defines a third
interior area 104a that is smaller in size than that of the
second interior area 101 a. The third interior area 104a
may be about the same in size as that of the first interior
area 103a. The reactor inlet duct transition arrangement
105 comprises a first transition duct 30. The first transition
duct 30 comprises at least one expanded screen 31 that
distributes and directs the flow of flue gas F into reactor
duct 101. The first transition duct 30 has a first end 33
fluidly connected to open end 103b of reactor inlet duct
103, and a second end 34 fluidly connected to open end
101 b of reactor duct 101. Thereby, the internal area 30a
of first transition duct 30 increases from first end 33 to
second end 34. Preferably, interior area 30a increases
steadily from first end 33 fluidly connected to reactor inlet
duct 103 toward second end 34 fluidly connected to re-
actor duct 101. At least one expanded screen 31 provides
an even distribution of flue gas F as it flows through the
increasing interior area 30a of first transition duct 30.
[0026] After the flue gas F has flowed past reactor duct
101, and has been processed by reactor 102, the flue
gas F flows into reactor outlet duct transition arrangement
106. The reactor outlet duct transition arrangement 106
comprises a second transition duct 50, which comprises
at least one expanded screen 51 that distributes and di-
rects the flue gas F as it flows into reactor outlet duct
104. The second transition duct 50 has a wide end 54
fluidly connected to open end 101 c of reactor duct 101,
and an open end 55 fluidly connected to open end 104b
of reactor outlet duct 104. Thereby, interior area 50a of
second transition duct 50 decreases from wide end 54
to open end 55. Preferably, interior area 50a of second
transition duct 50 decreases steadily from wide end 54
fluidly connected to reactor duct 101, to open end 55
fluidly connected to reactor outlet duct 104. At least one
expanded screen 51 provides an even distribution of flue
gas F as it flows through the decreasing interior area 50a
of second transition duct 50. Interior areas 30a, 50a of
first transition duct 30 and second transition duct 50 may
increase or decrease with an optimized curve profile that
is not steady or linear.
[0027] Fig. 2 illustrates a transition duct 30 that com-
prises first end 33 adapted to be fluidly connected to inlet
duct 103 of rectangular cross-section. A second end 34
of the transition duct 30 is adapted to be connected to
reactor duct 101. Reactor duct 101 should also have a
rectangular cross-section, but larger in size than that of
inlet duct 103. Within the first end 33, of transition duct
30, an expanded screen 31 is arranged. Expanded
screen 31 comprises four screen sides 31 a-d arranged
in a "pyramid" formation having a point or an apex 35.
Apex 35 of expanded screen 31 is positioned within in-
terior area 30a so as to "point" in a direction toward sec-
ond end 34 of the transition duct 30. Opposite apex 35,
expanded screen 31 has an open bottom base 35a sized
to fit and fixedly attach to the periphery of first end 33 to
allow flue gas F to flow into the interior area 31 e of ex-
panded screen 31. Apex 35 of expanded screen 31 there-
by "points" in the same direction as or with flue gas F
flow through transition duct 30. The free edges 31f-i of
expanded screen 31 are of a length L corresponding with
length L of sides 33a-d of rectangularly shaped first end
33 of transition duct 30.
[0028] The transition duct 40 illustrated in Fig. 3 is
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EP 2 433 712 A1
adapted to be fluidly connected to an inlet duct 103 and
a reactor duct 101, each of circular shaped periphery. A
first end 42 of transition duct 40 is adapted to be fluidly
connected to inlet duct 103. A second end 43 of transition
duct 40 is adapted to be fluidly connected to reactor duct
101. Fixedly attached to first end 42, in interior area 40a
of transition duct 40, is a cone-shaped expanded screen
41. The base 41 a of expanded screen 41 corresponds
in size and shape with that of first end 42 of the transition
duct 40. Opposite base 41 a of cone-shaped expanded
screen 41 is point or apex 41 b that "points" in a direction
toward second end 43 of transition duct 40. The apex 41
b of cone-shaped expanded screen 41 thereby points in
the same direction as or with flue gas F flow through
transition duct 40. Adjacent to second end 43 of transition
duct 40, an outlet expanded screen 44 may be positioned
so as to abut the interior periphery (not shown) of second
end 43. Outlet expanded screen 44 provides further dis-
tribution and direction to flue gas F as it flows through
transition duct 40.
[0029] Fig. 4a illustrates a duct transition arrangement
1 at an inlet to an ESP reactor. The duct transition ar-
rangement 1 has a longitudinal expanse along longitudi-
nal axis X. A first end 11 of inlet duct 10 is fluidly con-
nected to a first end 33 of transition duct 30. A flue gas
F is adapted to flow from inlet duct 10 into transition duct
30. A second end 34 of transition duct 30 is fluidly con-
nected to a first end 21 of an outlet duct 20. The outlet
duct 20 has a larger sized cross-section taken perpen-
dicular to the X axis at first end 21 than that of first end
11 of inlet duct 10, and transition duct 30 functions as a
"connector" between the two differently sized ducts 10,
20. The interior area 30a of transition duct 30 preferably
increases steadily/linearly from inlet duct 10 to outlet duct
20. Within interior area 30a of transition duct 30, an ex-
panded screen 31 is arranged. Expanded screen 31 is
pyramid-shaped comprising four expanded metal screen
sides 31 a-31 d culminating in point or apex 35. Expanded
screen 31 is positioned so apex 35 "points" in the same
direction as or with the direction of flue gas F flow through
transition duct 30. Expanded screen 31 has four free edg-
es 31f-i that form open base 35a. Open base 35a corre-
sponds in shape and size with the periphery of first end
33 of the transition duct 30 for attachment thereto. Apex
35 of expanded screen 31 is positioned on longitudinal
axis X pointing toward outlet duct 20. Open base 35a
allows flue gas F to flow directly into the interior 31 e of
expanded screen 31.
[0030] At second end 34 of transition duct 30 is an
outlet expanded screen 32. Outlet expanded screen 32
comprises one or more portions, such as for example
two parts 32a, 32b, together covering substantially the
whole cross-section taken perpendicular to axis X of tran-
sition duct 30 at second end 34 and abutting the interior
periphery 34a of second end 34.
[0031] The flue gas F flows from inlet duct 10 passes
through expanded screen 31 and is thereby deflected
from its course along longitudinal axis X. When the flue
gas F reaches output expanded screen 32, the flue gas
F is again deflected to achieve flow parallel to longitudinal
axis X. This deflection of flue gas F provides a relatively
even flow distribution over the entire interior area of the
outlet duct. Such an even flue gas F distribution enhances
the performance of the ESP reactor downstream with
regard to flue gas flow of duct transition arrangement 1.
[0032] Fig. 4b illustrates a duct transition arrangement
2 at an outlet of an ESP reactor. The transition duct 50
is arranged between an inlet duct 15 and an outlet duct
25, wherein inlet duct 15 and outlet duct 25, are both
configured to have the same shape, e.g., rectangular,
circular or the like. A first end 54 of transition duct 50 is
fluidly connected to a first end 16 of the inlet duct 15, and
a second end 55 of the transition duct 50 is fluidly con-
nected to a first end 26 of the outlet duct 25. First end 16
of inlet duct 15 has a perimeter significantly larger than
that of first end 26 of outlet duct 25. Accordingly, the
interior area 50a of transition duct 50 decreases steadily/
linearly from first end 54 to second end 55 such that each
are suitably sized for fluid connections with first end 16
and first end 26. Interior areas 30a, 50a of transition ducts
30, 50 may increase or decrease with an optimized curve
profile that is not steady/linear.
[0033] As possible alternatives, first end 16 of inlet duct
15 and first end 26 of outlet duct 25 need not be config-
ured in the same shape. For example, first end 16 may
be circular and first end 26 may be rectangular. Likewise,
first end 16 may be rectangular and first end 26 may be
circular. Regardless of the shape configurations of first
end 16 and first end 26, first end 54 and second end 55
are configured for fluid connection thereto. The same is
true with regard to first end 33 and second end 34 of
transition duct 30. Regardless of the shape configura-
tions of first end 11 and first end 21, first end 33 and
second end 34 of transition duct 30 are configured for
fluid connection thereto.
[0034] A pyramid-shaped expanded screen 51 is ar-
ranged in interior area 50a of transition duct 50 with point
or apex 53 positioned closer to first end 54 than second
end 55, i.e., "pointing" toward inlet duct 15 or opposite
the direction of or against flue gas F flow. Free edges
51f-i form the "base" of expanded screen 51 and are fix-
edly attached to the interior periphery 55a of second end
55. Flowing flue gas F reaches expanded screen 51 and
passes through expanded screen sides 51 a-d, and is
thus deflected to interior area 51 e of expanded screen
51. At the connection between second end 55 of transi-
tion duct 50 and first end 26 of outlet duct 25, an outlet
expanded screen 52 is arranged. The outlet expanded
screen 52 is arranged to abut the interior periphery 55a
in a plane substantially perpendicular to longitudinal axis
X of duct transition arrangement 2. Flue gas F that has
passed through expanded screen 51 passes through out-
let expanded screen 52 for evenly distributed flow into
outlet duct 25. The flow of flue gas F in outlet duct 25 is
substantially parallel to longitudinal axis X.
[0035] The described duct transition arrangements 1,
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EP 2 433 712 A1
2 would be arranged and function similarly if the at least
one expanded screen 31 were to be configured as a cone
with an open "base".
[0036] Fig. 5 describes an expanded screen 31 for use
in the present disclosure. To create an expanded screen
31, a shearing knife is used to create a pattern of cuts
through the sheet material used to construct screen 31
substantially perpendicular to the plane of the sheet ma-
terial. While creating cuts or after cuts have been created,
the sheet material is stretched, thus deforming both cuts
made by the knife, and the sheet material. The result is
a pattern of angled strands 38 with apertures 39 between
the angled strands 38. In other words, the angled strands
38 of the expanded screen are intermittently angled with
respect to the plane of the sheet material.
[0037] These angled strands 38 give expanded screen
31 desirable flue gas deflection properties as required
for operation as a static mixer. A perforated plate for ex-
ample would not have desirable gas deflection properties
for the subject purpose due to its lack of angled defection
with relatively low pressure drop. To the contrary, ex-
panded screen 31 comprises a plurality of elements E
for angled deflection with relatively low pressure drop.
Each element E is made up of two angled strands 38a
and 38b. One angled strand 38a is angled upwardly from
the plane of the sheet material and the other angled
strand 38b is angled downwardly from the plane of the
sheet material. Together, angled strands 38a and 38b
turn element E into somewhat of a loop with aperture 39
surrounded by angled strands 38a and 38b.
[0038] A pyramid-shaped expanded screen 31 may be
manufactured from one expanded screen that is bent to
form the four sides 31 a-d of the pyramid shape. Alter-
natively, pyramid-shaped expanded screen 31 may be
manufactured by cutting expanded screen into four ap-
propriately shaped parts and combining them to form the
four sides 31 a-d. The four sides 31 a-d may be attached
together by means of welding, gluing or the like. The four
parts may also be attached to each other by means of a
bracing, wherein each part is attached to the bracing as
a frame to form pyramid-shaped expanded screen 31.
[0039] Figure 6 illustrates an alternative duct transition
arrangement 60 according to the invention. In vertical
duct transition arrangement 60, vertical inlet duct 61 de-
fines an interior area 61 a, and has an axis Y of longitu-
dinal expanse that differs from axis Z of longitudinal ex-
panse of outlet duct 62. According to Fig. 6, axis Y of
longitudinal expanse of vertical inlet duct 61 is perpen-
dicular to axis Z of longitudinal expanse of outlet duct 62.
Vertical inlet duct 61 has a smaller cross-sectional area
taken perpendicular to axis Y than that of outlet duct 62
taken perpendicular to axis Z at a similar point. Optionally,
the cross-sectional area of vertical inlet duct 61 could
instead be larger than cross-sectional area of outlet duct
62. In fluidal connection with vertical inlet duct 61 and
outlet duct 62, transition duct 63 is arranged to direct or
channel flue gas F flow from vertical inlet duct 61 into
outlet duct 62. Transition duct 63 thereby deflects the
flow of flue gas F from a vertical direction of flow through
vertical inlet duct 61 to a horizontal direction of flow
through outlet duct 62. Transition duct 63 comprises ex-
panded screen 64 in order to effectively deflect and dis-
tribute the flowing flue gas F into and across the complete
interior area 62a of outlet duct 62. Expanded screen 64
is made of metal. Expanded screen 64 is arranged at an
angle with respect to a plane Q extending through tran-
sition duct 63 perpendicular to axis Z. Hence, plane Q is
parallel with the vertical extension direction of vertical
inlet duct 61 along axis Y. The angle is between 0-45
degrees when the vertical inlet duct 61 has a transverse
cross-sectional area smaller than that of outlet duct 62
taken at a similar point. With a transverse cross-sectional
area of vertical inlet duct 61 more similarly sized to that
of outlet duct 62, an angle closer to 45 degrees is pref-
erable. With a vertical inlet duct 61 having an axis Y per-
pendicular axis Z of outlet duct 62, only one expanded
screen 64 is needed in transition duct 63, although, two
or more expanded screens could also be used in transi-
tion duct 63 if desired.
[0040] Figure 7 illustrates a duct transition arrange-
ment 3 at an inlet to an ESP reactor. The duct transition
arrangement 3 has a longitudinal expanse along longi-
tudinal axis X. A first end 71 of inlet duct 70 is fluidly
connected to a first end 63 of transition duct 60. A flue
gas F is adapted to flow from inlet duct 70 into transition
duct 60. A second end 64 of transition duct 60 is fluidly
connected to a first end 81 of an outlet duct 80. The outlet
duct 80 has a larger sized periphery or cross-section tak-
en perpendicular to axis X at first end 81 than that of inlet
duct 70 at first end 71, and transition duct 60 functions
as a "connector" between the two differently sized ducts
70, 80. Within the transition duct 60, an expanded screen
61 is arranged. Expanded screen 60 is relatively planar.
Expanded screen 60 comprises two parts 61 a, 61 b. The
relatively planar expanded screen 60 is arranged sub-
stantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis X. The
two parts 61 a, 61 b have differently directed angled
strands 38 (Fig. 5) to direct the flow of flue gas F in the
transition duct 60. Expanded screen 61 corresponds in
size and shape with the interior periphery of first end 63
of the transition duct 60 for attachment thereto.
[0041] At second end 64 of transition duct 60 is an
outlet expanded screen 62. The outlet expanded screen
62 is substantially planar. Outlet expanded screen 62 is
arranged substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis X. Outlet expanded screen 62 comprises one or
more portions, such as for example two parts 62a, 62b,
together occupying substantially the whole cross-section
taken perpendicular to axis X of transition duct 60 at sec-
ond end 64. The two parts 62a, 62b have differently di-
rected angled strands 38 (Fig. 5) to direct the flow of flue
gas F in the transition duct 60. Outlet expanded screen
62 corresponds in size and shape with the interior pe-
riphery 64a of second end 64 of the transition duct 60 for
attachment thereto.
[0042] The flue gas F flows from inlet duct 70 through
11 12
EP 2 433 712 A1
expanded screen 61 1 and is thereby deflected from its
course along longitudinal axis X. Deflection occurs due
to angled strands 38 of expanded screen 61. When the
flue gas F reaches outlet expanded screen 62, the flue
gas F is again deflected to achieve flow parallel to longi-
tudinal axis X. Deflection occurs due to angled strands
38 of outlet expanded screen 62. This deflection of flue
gas F provides a relatively even flow distribution over the
entire interior area of the outlet duct 80. Such an even
flue gas F distribution enhances the performance of the
ESP reactor downstream with regard to flue gas flow, of
duct transition arrangement 3.
[0043] A duct transition arrangement 3 at an inlet to an
ESP reactor as shown in Figure 7 may similarly be ar-
ranged at an outlet of an ESP reactor.
[0044] According to one embodiment, a method is pro-
vided for controlling gas flow in an exhaust gas cleaning
system by directing gas flow from an inlet duct 10, 15 of
an inlet duct perimeter to an outlet duct 20, 25 of an outlet
duct perimeter that differs from the inlet duct perimeter
through a transition duct 30, 40, 50 fluidly connecting the
inlet duct 10, 15 to the outlet duct 20, 25 using at least
one expanded screen 31, 41, 51, arranged in the transi-
tion duct 30, 40, 50 for distribution of gas flow through
the transition duct 30, 40, 50.
[0045] According to a further embodiment, the method
provides that the at least one expanded screen 31, 41,
51 used for directing gas flow from the inlet duct 10, 15,
through the transition duct 30, 40, 50 to the outlet duct
20, 25 includes an apex 35 arranged to point in the di-
rection of the larger perimetered inlet duct 10, 15 or outlet
duct 20, 25.
[0046] According to another embodiment, the method
provides that the outlet duct perimeter is larger than the
inlet duct perimeter, and apex 35, of the at least one
expanded screen 31, 41, 51 directing flue gas F flow,
points in the same direction as that of the flue gas F flow.
[0047] According to yet another embodiment, the
method provides that the outlet duct perimeter is smaller
than the inlet duct perimeter, and apex 35, of the at least
one expanded screen 31, 41, 51 directing flue gas F flow,
points in a direction opposite the direction of flue gas F
[0048] According to a further embodiment, the method
comprises a further direction of flue gas F flow by an
outlet expanded screen 32, 44, 52, 62 provided in tran-
sition duct 30, 40, 50, 60, and which outlet expanded
screen 32, 44, 52, 62 extends in a plane substantially
perpendicular to a longitudinal axis X of the transition
duct 30, 40, 50, 60.
[0049] While the invention has been described with ref-
erence to various exemplary embodiments, it will be un-
derstood by those skilled in the art that various changes
may be made and equivalents may be substituted for
features thereof without departing from the spirit and
scope of the invention. In addition, many modifications
may be made to adapt a particular situation or material
to the teachings of the invention without departing from
the essential scope thereof. Therefore, it is intended that
the invention not be limited to the particular embodiment
disclosed as the best mode contemplated for carrying
out this invention, but that the invention will include all
embodiments falling within the scope of the appended
1. A duct transition arrangement (1; 2) for use in an
exhaust gas cleaning system, comprising:
a transition duct (30; 40; 50) fluidly connecting
an inlet duct (10; 15) of an inlet duct perimeter
to an outlet duct (20; 25) of an outlet duct perim-
eter that differs from the inlet duct perimeter
such that flue gases flow from the inlet duct (10;
15) through the transition duct (30; 40; 50) and
into the outlet duct (20; 25),
characterized in that the transition duct (30;
40; 50) comprises at least one expanded screen
(31; 41; 51) for distribution of gas flow through
the transition duct (30; 40; 50).
2. Duct transition arrangement (1; 2) according to claim
1, wherein the at least one expanded screen (31; 41;
51) includes an apex (35) arranged to point in the
direction of the larger perimetered inlet duct (10; 15)
or outlet duct (20; 25).
3. Duct transition arrangement (1) according to claim
2, wherein the outlet duct perimeter is larger than
the inlet duct perimeter and apex (35) points in the
same direction as that of flue gas (F) flow.
4. Duct transition arrangement (2) according to claim
2, wherein the outlet duct perimeter is smaller than
the inlet duct perimeter, and apex (53) points in a
direction opposite the direction of flue gas (F) flow.
5. Duct transition arrangement (1; 2) according to any
of the preceding claims, wherein the at least one
expanded screen (31; 51) comprises four expanded
screen sides (31 a-31 d) in a pyramid shape.
6. Duct transition arrangement according to any of the
claims 1-4, wherein the at least one expanded
screen (41) comprises one or more expanded
screens in a cone shape.
7. Duct transition arrangement (3) according to claim
1, wherein the at least one expanded screen (61)
comprises one or more flat screens extending in a
plane substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal
axis (X) of duct transition arrangement (3).
8. Duct transition arrangement (1; 2) according to any
13 14
EP 2 433 712 A1
of the claims 1-7, wherein the transition duct (30; 40;
50; 60) further comprises an outlet expanded screen
(32; 44; 52; 62) extending in a plane substantially
perpendicular to a longitudinal axis (X) of duct tran-
sition arrangement (1; 2; 3).
9. Duct transition arrangement (1; 2) according to claim
8, wherein the outlet expanded screen (32; 44; 52;
62) is arranged at an end (34; 43; 55; 64) of the tran-
sition duct (30; 40; 50; 60) fluidly connected to outlet
duct (20; 25; 80).
10. Duct transition arrangement (1; 2; 3) according to
claim 8 or 9, wherein the outlet expanded screen
(32; 44; 52; 62) substantially covers the outlet duct
(20; 25; 80).
11. Duct transition arrangement (1; 2; 3) according to
any of the preceding claims, wherein the at least one
expanded screen (31; 41; 51; 61) is arranged such
that substantially all flue gas (F) flowing through inlet
duct (10; 15; 70) may pass through at least one ex-
panded screen (31; 41; 51; 61).
12. Duct transition arrangement (1; 2; 3) according to
any of the preceding claims, wherein the at least one
expanded screen (31; 41; 51; 61) is made of metal.
13. A reactor duct arrangement (100) for use in an ex-
haust gas cleaning system, comprising
a reactor duct (101) in which a reactor (102) for
processing gases is positioned,
a reactor inlet transition duct arrangement (105) for
distributing gas flow from a reactor inlet duct (103)
of an inlet duct perimeter to the reactor duct (101) of
a reactor duct perimeter that is larger than the inlet
duct perimeter, the reactor inlet transition duct ar-
rangement (105) comprising a first transition duct
(30) in fluid connection with the reactor inlet duct and
the reactor duct, and
a reactor outlet transition duct arrangement (106) for
distributing the gas flow from the reactor duct to a
reactor outlet duct (104) of an outlet duct perimeter
that is smaller than the reactor duct perimeter, the
reactor outlet transition duct arrangement (106)
comprising a second transition duct (50),
characterized in that the first transition duct (30)
and the second transition (50) duct each comprises
at least one expanded screen (107; 108) for distri-
bution of gas flow (F) through the reactor duct ar-
14. Method for controlling gas flow in an exhaust gas
cleaning system by directing gas flow from an inlet
duct (10; 15) of an inlet duct perimeter to an outlet
duct (20; 25) of an outlet duct perimeter that differs
from the inlet duct perimeter through a transition duct
(30; 40; 50) fluidly connecting the inlet duct (10; 15)
to the outlet duct (20; 25) using at least one expanded
screen (31; 41; 51) arranged in the transition duct
(30; 40; 50) for distribution of gas flow through the
transition duct.
15. Method according to claim 14, wherein the at least
one expanded screen (31; 41; 51) used for directing
gas flow from the inlet duct (10; 15), through the tran-
sition duct (30; 40; 50) to the outlet duct (20; 25)
includes an apex (35) arranged to point in the direc-
tion of the larger perimetered inlet duct or outlet duct.
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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the readers convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.
Patent documents cited in the description
US 4502872 A [0002]
US 4207083 A [0003]
GB 346635 A [0003]
WO 04067183 A [0003]

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