English Practice 4

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I Add one combination of noun/pronoun plus a verb as an infinitive or gerund in each space: cost / rent information / reserve problem

/ keep task / call plan / take someone / ask idea / study place / stay

Leila was both excited and nervous about the ______ of ______ in Edinburgh during the summer. Her ____ was _____ only two courses at the university because she didnt want to have a _______ ________ up with the lectures and assignments. She had heard that the most convenient __________ _________ was in the student halls of residence, but they hadnt sent her any __________ about _________ a room there. So, her next __________ was __________ and find ____________ ____________ about the kind of accommodation they had and the __________ of __________ one of their rooms during the summer months. II Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentences: 1 I really do regret not to learn to play the piano when I had so many opportunities to learn and practise in school. A B C D 2 When I asked the students to help me move the chairs, some girls volunteered to carry one each for me and some A B boys offered to take the others, but Mark refused me to help at all. C D 3 When were ready to leave the house, my mother always tells us wait while she checks in the kitchen because A B shes afraid to go out without making sure everything is turned off. C D 4 I will never forget to visit Egypt as a child. It was so exciting to stand beside the pyramids. When it was time for A B us to go home, my parents say I cried and begged them not to leave. C D 5 It really is better to ask for help instead of pretending to know how to do something when you are probably not A B C capable to do it at all. D III Complete the text with appropriate forms of the following reporting verbs: ask beg claim explain mention shout talk tell think wonder

I was in the Arctic last summer to photograph foxes, but I had been having no luck. I was on my way home one day when I saw a construction engineer called Malcolm Davidson waving and _____ to me as I drove by. We had met the previous weekend and he _____ some areas further north where I might find foxes. I _____ why he was trying to stop me there. I pulled over and got out to _____ to him. He _____ if I was still looking for foxes. We walked over to what was left of some old rusted cars by the side of the road. I looked down and saw three little foxes asleep beside a broken car door. He _____ me that he would have to catch them all and move them away from there. It was his next construction site, he ______. Im afraid that when we ______ that we are developing or improving an area, we dont always make things better for wild animals. Let me get my camera and take some photos before you do anything, I _______ him. I ran to get my camera. I do hope theyll survive, I _______ to myself. That afternoon I used up all the film Ii had while the young foxes played among the old cars. IV Complete each sentence with an adjective or noun and a that-clause based on one of the direct speech sentences. aware diagnosis I lost my temper. Take the early flight to Glasgow. positive belief Dogs arent allowed here. You will all pass the exam. sorry recommendation You have an ear infection. A perfect life can be achieved.

1 It was our travel agents________________________________. 2 Idealism is the _______________________________________. 3 My doctors_____________________________was___________________. 4 Sarah was quitened down and shes very___________________. 5 Our teacher was______________________________________. 6 The visitor obviously wasnt____________________________. V Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: 1 Mr Baker complained about the noise was predictable, but we assured it wouldnt happen again. 2 The headmaster warned during our meeting some teachers wouldnt like their classrooms had suddenly been changed. 3 They told me about Geoff had said in the meeting, But I thought strange he hadnt mentioned money. 4 The police regarded suspicious the dead womans husband had recently taken out a life insurance policy in her name. 5 The prosecutor showed the jury how could the crime have been committed by Feldman, but he didnt convince that Feldman was guilty. VI Correct the mistakes in the use of modals in this text: A dilemma is a situation in which you have a choice and you are not sure what you should to. I n my dilemma, I had a good job as a secretary for a big company, but I really wanted to become a teacher and I didnt could do that without going to university. If I decided to do that, I knew I will have to quit my job and, as student, I have much less money. I talked about my dilemma with one of the other secretaries and she warned me that I dont should give up such a good job. She said that a young woman supposed to think about getting a husband, not going to university. It really was a dilemma and I couldnt decided what I ought do. But then I talked to my aunt Maria. She told me that she should go to university when she was younger. She decided not to go and she regretted it. She thought that I should to give it a try. She said I didnt should be afraid and that she may can help me pay for things with some money she had saved. That was the end of my dilemma. VII Correct the mistakes in the use of linking verbs in the following text: One Saturday afternoon when my younger sister Mona and I were teenagers, I was becoming ready to go to a party. Mona hadnt been invited. It appeared a big problem for her. She went to be crazy because of it. She found some hair-colouring and she just decided to make blonde her hair, but she didnt do it right and her hair turned into bright orange. It also became orange her face, so she looked like really strange. When my mother saw her, she said Mona looked an orange balloon. After that, Mona got to be very upset and she started screaming with her hands ovr her ears. I just kept to be quiet during all that. My mother eventually calmed her down and we got some darker haircolour to make it look like better.

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